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### Instruction: What is the daily horoscope for leo today? ### Response:
Relationships are entering a brief frustrating phase, but you must give partners the time and space they need to come to an accommodation worked out by themselves, free from unwanted pressures. If you trust them now, then they will stick by you in the future.
### Instruction: What is the daily horoscope for virgo today? ### Response:
The last thing you want to do now is force colleagues and associates into agreements or compromises against their will. If you know what's good for you, you will allow partners to have their say. I know you think you're right. And you probably are!
### Instruction: What is the daily horoscope for libra today? ### Response:
The prognostication for a successful outcome of domestic affairs is good, even though frustration and a feeling of being pitted against immovable objects are coming close to spoiling the atmosphere. Don't use a partner's lack of support as an excuse not to succeed - or even to have a go in the first place.
### Instruction: What is the daily horoscope for scorpio today? ### Response:
There honestly seems to be little chance of reaching an amicable agreement with relatives or people you live with. You may also be finding it difficult to make up your mind on a personal matter. The reason, though, may be that this is not yet the right time to settle outstanding questions - you need to wait until circumstances have changed.
### Instruction: What is the daily horoscope for saggitarius today? ### Response:
It's difficult to establish what is really happening in your chart at the moment. This is partly because it's unclear whether current events are prompted by other people or are the result, direct or indirect, of your own past behaviour and indiscretions.
### Instruction: What is the daily horoscope for capricorn today? ### Response:
You are moving from a period which seems to have been rather depressing to one which is emotionally inspiring. However, much depends on how far your actions and aspirations are rooted in what is realistically possible. If you're still following an unfulfillable fantasy, then time is running out.
### Instruction: What is the daily horoscope for aquarius today? ### Response:
Mercury is causing some problems. It's thrown a spanner in the works, causing a number of plans to come unstuck. One word of warning is that the effects may not be felt for months, or even years, to come. So don't attempt to finalise any personal agreement now - at least not until you've heard next week's inspiring news.
### Instruction: What is the daily horoscope for aries today? ### Response:
No doubt you are busy with professional cares and concerns, and the signs suggest that you will continue to be so for some time yet. What motivates you is a desire to be respected by your peers. It's not good enough to make demands though, you actually have to come up with the goods.
### Instruction: What is the daily horoscope for taurus today? ### Response:
As far as romance is concerned, you can expect your mood to improve now that Venus is moving into a benevolent aspect to your sign. Your feelings may be drawn towards general romantic hopes as much as to a particular person. But I have a feeling that when the bill comes, you may pay much more than is really necessary.
### Instruction: What is the daily horoscope for gemini today? ### Response:
You may be dreaming of wealth and riches, but while this is a positive period for conjuring up money-making schemes, it may not be the best time to put them into practice, at least not without expert advice. Unless, that is, you're completing a property deal.
### Instruction: What is the daily horoscope for cancer today? ### Response:
For a very long time many of you have been drawn towards artistic activities. Some of you have yet to feel this pull but, when it comes, you must go along with it as otherwise you will squander your talents. It could be the best way to focus your secret spiritual and mystical energies.
### Instruction: What is the daily horoscope for leo today? ### Response:
The best advice that can be offered at the moment is to be as down-to-earth as you can, given that a great many of your current planetary patterns are emanating from practical regions of your chart. The better you grasp the details at work, the closer you'll come to achieving a long-standing ambition.
### Instruction: What is the daily horoscope for virgo today? ### Response:
Current planetary influences are encouraging you to let go of reality and float off into a dream world. This is not the easiest thing to achieve but, if you've no pressing commitments, you could consider livening your life up a little. You never know - you could discover a whole new social scene.
### Instruction: What is the daily horoscope for libra today? ### Response:
You don't need telling that it's not all plain sailing at the moment, yet it is only a matter of time before you begin to see the reward for all your wonderfully splendid selfless hard work and effort. And while you're at it, don't worry about rumours. They're just that - rumours.
### Instruction: What is the daily horoscope for scorpio today? ### Response:
The answer to social irritations lies in teamwork and genuine compromise, but don't let others take you for a ride. If the direction at work is unclear you must consider all the options as carefully as possible. You have to narrow down the choices until there are just two left.
### Instruction: What is the daily horoscope for saggitarius today? ### Response:
You're in a gambling mood and a small flutter won't hurt. However, if any important deals are on the stocks it's essential to seek a second opinion. The issues are too great for any one person to handle - even you! And, however enthusiastic you are, you must carry partners along with you.
### Instruction: What is the daily horoscope for capricorn today? ### Response:
Whatever you're planning at work or at home, you must start making preparations now, that is, if you haven't done so already. As soon as you begin any new venture, unexpected complications will inevitably surface. But you'll turn the tables in about ten days.
### Instruction: What is the daily horoscope for aquarius today? ### Response:
The Moon's position is benevolent, so make use of your abundant advantages. Start early if you want to get the best out of inspired plans and proposals. Be aware, though, that people around you could be in a touchy mood, and that a chance remark might trigger an argument.
### Instruction: What is the daily horoscope for aries today? ### Response:
Why do you rush around so much? You will probably find that you may get as much done if you slowed down a little, especially now that the planets as a whole are in a relaxed mood. The trouble now is that Mars, your planetary ruler, is tending to make you obsessed with detail. But try putting your feet up for a change.
### Instruction: What is the daily horoscope for taurus today? ### Response:
Why, you may wonder, do you have to spend so much time explaining all the pros and cons to people who never seem to listen? Perhaps it's because Mercury is currently in such a dastardly and mischievous relationship with your sign. Or, maybe, it's just that you expect too much of other people!
### Instruction: What is the daily horoscope for gemini today? ### Response:
You know what they say - you can't live by bread alone. You can do no better than to sacrifice your own interests and help other people out for a change. Hopefully associates will now concede that you are indeed a caring and generous person. And about time too!
### Instruction: What is the daily horoscope for cancer today? ### Response:
For some time now you seem to have encountered a series of setbacks and disappointments. Yet, with any luck, recent efforts are at long last beginning to bear fruit. Never fear - the end is in sight. There's one other factor to consider, and that's the extent to which you worry about nothing!
### Instruction: What is the daily horoscope for leo today? ### Response:
Your planets are benevolent, but you can't always stay positive. On the other hand, please do remember that there's a light at the end of the tunnel, no matter how fed up you become with your burdens and obligations. Don't be too proud to ask for help and assistance. It could be given much more willingly than you expect.
### Instruction: What is the daily horoscope for virgo today? ### Response:
Just because affairs in a number of areas are going so well, that is no cause for complacency. You are indeed at a turning-point, one from which you can be sure that all your interests will benefit. Passions are rising, so keep a steady nerve and stay cool.
### Instruction: What is the daily horoscope for libra today? ### Response:
You seem to fall apart when your emotional life becomes too complicated, and this, it must be said, is a problem you will have to learn to face up to. The fact that domestic pressures may be all too real doesn't excuse you. But then you are also tending to turn small molehills into major mountains at the moment.
### Instruction: What is the daily horoscope for scorpio today? ### Response:
You'll face awkward issues head-on this week, and you won't be afraid to put forward your own ideas with clarity and vigour. You deserve to be heard, all the more so because they are so incredibly fascinating. If you're not getting your point across, put yourself in a partner's place and see how it feels.
### Instruction: What is the daily horoscope for saggitarius today? ### Response:
Seldom have you experienced such a potentially decisive period in matters relating not only to money but also to the ways in which you value yourself. If you believe in your own talents then material reward will follow. You will also share in a partner's good fortune at some time over the next ten days.
### Instruction: What is the daily horoscope for capricorn today? ### Response:
A plethora of planets influencing your sign is a reasonable explanation for why you are under so much pressure. Why not accept that the present period is hardly relaxed and use your time to launch the next phase of your life? By the way, children have some of the best ideas at the moment, so listen well.
### Instruction: What is the daily horoscope for aquarius today? ### Response:
There are almost certain to be major confrontations this week, but they could be behind the scenes and very few people will be aware that anything has gone amiss. Stick to the facts where possible, especially when talking to relations; they are unlikely to accept vague explanations.
### Instruction: What is the daily horoscope for aries today? ### Response:
The general tone of the planets this week is optimistic, if sometimes argumentative, and there's absolutely no point in being down in the dumps. One piece of useful advice is to start getting fit now - if you're not already, that is! Romantic conditions continue to be favourable, though you seem to be just a little secretive.
### Instruction: What is the daily horoscope for taurus today? ### Response:
Venus is now sparkling away in a distant but vital part of your chart, emphasising the role that close personal relationships have to play in all aspects of your life. Love and appreciation are vital to your well-being. How pleasant it must be to realise that the stars are smiling on you. Indeed, you may even lose yourself in your feelings.
### Instruction: What is the daily horoscope for gemini today? ### Response:
There are strong indications that you'll be hearing from loved ones overseas before long. Those of you who are unattached and planning an unscheduled break could be in for a surprise romance. The Sun's tough alignments will stiffen your resolve and a new friend could encourage you to pursue an ambition to the bitter end.
### Instruction: What is the daily horoscope for cancer today? ### Response:
The planets continue to pry and probe into your innermost secrets. However, the general tenor of life is now more relaxed and assured and you'll soon be ready for anything. Foreign climes beckon, and a distant possibility could become a firm path to personal or professional happiness.
### Instruction: What is the daily horoscope for leo today? ### Response:
Leo is a sign with a reputation for being self-interested. There's nothing wrong in having a healthy ego, but over the next few weeks you may have to put your own feelings and interests in second place. Optimism is one of your strong points this week. It's also a fine time for determination and confidence.
### Instruction: What is the daily horoscope for virgo today? ### Response:
Mercury is rapidly approaching a new alignment with the Sun, but their meeting will not happen this week. This means that you have a little time left to consider your options before committing yourself to a special partnership. This is a perfect time to raise your sights to higher things.
### Instruction: What is the daily horoscope for libra today? ### Response:
Although some of you are rushed off your feet, you should realise that domestic chores and family responsibilities can be made enjoyable. All that is required is a gentle shift of attitude. Realise that financial matters are about to improve, and plan accordingly.
### Instruction: What is the daily horoscope for scorpio today? ### Response:
The entry of a single planet, Venus, into new sectors of your solar chart, is all that is required to bring a friendly gloss to your family relationships. Indeed, a spot of domestic entertaining would not come amiss. Close friends will share in your happiness towards the end of the week.
### Instruction: What is the daily horoscope for saggitarius today? ### Response:
Venus is a powerful influence for good, offering you support if you're arranging meetings, holding discussions or about to attend an interview. You'll have no trouble persuading people that you are right. All Sagittarians are now in an excellent position to do well, although you may need just one more push.
### Instruction: What is the daily horoscope for capricorn today? ### Response:
This is a profitable period, one when the way forward financially is to team up with other people. You may have an idea that you can make some money which requires expert advice or, perhaps, an extra pair of hands. On the whole, this is a satisfactory week, one in which to make the most of yourself.
### Instruction: What is the daily horoscope for aquarius today? ### Response:
Venus is a magical influence, bringing self-confidence and social assurance. You are right to expect your fair share of love and affection but should remember that it is often nobler to give than to receive. Your best single day could be Thursday, when, for once, people will accept your bright ideas.
### Instruction: What is the daily horoscope for aries today? ### Response:
Your priority now ought to be to apply a new broom to social affairs and also to anything at work that requires collaboration. There is still precious little that you can do to settle a financial question but, then, is it really important? Perhaps it's not as pressing as people think.
### Instruction: What is the daily horoscope for taurus today? ### Response:
Over the next few days disturbing planetary aspects will fade, allowing you to bring personal relationships back to earth. Partners still have a few tricks left, but it should all be water off a duck's back to you. By which I mean that you shouldn't really worry about trivial problems and minor insults.
### Instruction: What is the daily horoscope for gemini today? ### Response:
If you grumble or complain about working conditions, or about colleagues' behaviour, you will do no more than waste your time. Every precious moment should be spent completing your own tasks and achieving your personal ambitions. And then there's your private life to think about!
### Instruction: What is the daily horoscope for cancer today? ### Response:
What you experience now could bring the culmination of a long series of disputes, and you may do your bit by pointing out the ethical dimension. In other words, what is right is right for all, not just for a few selfish individuals. The only problem is in getting everyone to agree.
### Instruction: What is the daily horoscope for leo today? ### Response:
At least everything is now open and above board. There can be few people who do not have at least some idea of what has been going on, and probably everyone has an opinion as to what should be done. You can always slip away and let them slug it out!
### Instruction: What is the daily horoscope for virgo today? ### Response:
You have every right to be full of yourself, but remember one thing today: you really must give partners a fair hearing. It's not just a question of listening - you should actually hear and understand what their wise words really mean. And if there's anything that's not clear, ask them to say it again!
### Instruction: What is the daily horoscope for libra today? ### Response:
For the fourth day running everything hangs on money. Questions like what you can afford, or indeed, what you should buy, will dominate your actions. The fact that such issues are so emotionally-loaded makes the answers rather difficult and somewhat elusive.
### Instruction: What is the daily horoscope for scorpio today? ### Response:
What you learn or discover in a strange or totally unexpected way will enable you to settle quite a number of scores. You must concentrate on improvements in relationships with children and younger relations for, as you know well enough, the future lies with them.
### Instruction: What is the daily horoscope for saggitarius today? ### Response:
What really matters is that after all the emotional dramas and upsets, you will realise the importance of putting home and family happiness above all else. You may still, though, be troubled by secret worries. Perhaps it's time to talk to someone you can trust.
### Instruction: What is the daily horoscope for capricorn today? ### Response:
Partners may be less uptight and more willing to listen today. Teamwork, social and group activities seem to be incredibly competitive at the moment, with people increasingly divided into winners and losers. Yet it's not coming top that matters, but doing your best.
### Instruction: What is the daily horoscope for aquarius today? ### Response:
You will soon decide to bring one cycle to a close and finally sever costly ties. The important consideration at work is to acquire responsibilities which enable you to serve your community, to feel that you're doing your best for the whole planet.
### Instruction: What is the daily horoscope for aries today? ### Response:
Social pressures still seem to be very intense and the associated costs may rise. In fact, differences over money could be a source of friction between friends, and an avoidable one at that. Hopefully, tension will drop this evening, permitting brief relaxation.
### Instruction: What is the daily horoscope for taurus today? ### Response:
Words that have been left unsaid for far too long can be ignored no longer. You can now gain a great deal from making fresh proposals and taking on additional responsibilities. What you need is respect, and with the right moves that's precisely what you'll get.
### Instruction: What is the daily horoscope for gemini today? ### Response:
Look far afield for inspiration and don't waste any time. Other people have much to offer, but the ultimate inspiration should come from you and you alone. This means that you really don't need to accept any advice that doesn't suit you. Just make sure you have a good explanation ready.
### Instruction: What is the daily horoscope for cancer today? ### Response:
Financial risks should be avoided, partly because there is a great deal yet to be explained. In relationships, you must pay some attention to your physical needs and well-being. In love, passions are still running high, and there'll be moments when you're walking an emotional tightrope.
### Instruction: What is the daily horoscope for leo today? ### Response:
Keep your options open and do everything in your power to ease existing tensions in close, personal relationships. Do try to be constructive, and attempt to free yourself from faded romantic memories. And, one other thing - tell someone close how you really feel about them.
### Instruction: What is the daily horoscope for virgo today? ### Response:
Although it may not meet all your needs or expectations, an agreement made now should prove lasting and durable. Your best move is almost certainly to anticipate every single little thing that could go wrong, and make sure that such problems are accounted for.
### Instruction: What is the daily horoscope for libra today? ### Response:
You are now in danger of creating a completely wrong and inaccurate impression, perhaps because you don't value yourself, or a particular relationship, as highly as you should. Be kind to lovers who don't see the world in the way you do. Oh, and listen to older relations. They may have the best advice!
### Instruction: What is the daily horoscope for scorpio today? ### Response:
The world still looks tense, but it's very difficult to see exactly where celestial lightning will strike next. There seems to be a tiny emotional matter outstanding, so deal with it before it takes on a life of its own. Plus, keep away from troublesome, time-wasting types.
### Instruction: What is the daily horoscope for saggitarius today? ### Response:
Rumours and suspicions are rife, but you've got to distinguish between fact and fantasy. Don't fall into the trap of imagining that other people are out to undermine you. And, for your part, stamp on all unjust and unfair suggestions before they go any further.
### Instruction: What is the daily horoscope for capricorn today? ### Response:
On no account allow friends to steal your thunder. The fact is that financial matters, from major transactions to small purchases, may go wrong. The simple remedy is to take everything at the right pace, and see that you are fully insured and up-to-date with the latest figures.
### Instruction: What is the daily horoscope for aquarius today? ### Response:
It is impossible to see who will start arguments or cause friction today, although professional Aquarians do seem to be most at risk. Bend over backwards to give other people the benefit of the doubt. What's more, people you live with will see that you're ready to compromise on a personal matter.
### Instruction: What is the daily horoscope for aries today? ### Response:
The Sun and Pluto have teamed up in a rather splendid alignment, but if you think that you can sit around while financial matters sort themselves out, you are making a big mistake. Don't take risks, and don't toy with someone else's emotions.
### Instruction: What is the daily horoscope for taurus today? ### Response:
Partners really must be taken seriously if you are not to blunder into something rather more than you bargained for. Never make the cardinal error of belittling any friend, colleague or associate, especially if you happen to be in their debt!
### Instruction: What is the daily horoscope for gemini today? ### Response:
One area of your chart which deserves mention today represents your physical well-being. It looks as if emotional tension could leave you feeling worn out, but sensible, organised relaxation will go a long way to help. Pamper yourself!
### Instruction: What is the daily horoscope for cancer today? ### Response:
Tomorrow's stars raise the prospect of wild and costly financial risks. The reason this needs to be mentioned today is so that you can resist any seductive blandishments or offers coming your way over the next twenty-four hours - at least until you're aware of the hidden pitfalls.
### Instruction: What is the daily horoscope for leo today? ### Response:
A very powerful theme in your solar chart concerns a possible move of home or equivalent domestic upheaval. The best way to retain control is to set the pace at every turn. Once you start reacting to events after they happen, you will quickly lose your way.
### Instruction: What is the daily horoscope for virgo today? ### Response:
There's a possible problem at work, perhaps involving a misunderstanding and almost certainly connected to a person of intense passions. Somebody you're involved with will also make a demand for total truth and commitment. Be careful, and say only what you mean.
### Instruction: What is the daily horoscope for libra today? ### Response:
There is a sense in which you keep coming back to the same financial problems and worries, just like a cracked record. Yet rather than dwelling on hopes, fears and other illusions, you may actually do something about it. All you need is sufficient determination.
### Instruction: What is the daily horoscope for scorpio today? ### Response:
It so happens that today's planetary picture offers you the chance to triumph once and for all. You could even be propelled headlong into a remarkable twelve-month period of optimism and opportunity. Any way in which you can put your cares behind you will be well worth the effort.
### Instruction: What is the daily horoscope for saggitarius today? ### Response:
Mercury represents your brilliant thoughts and best ideas, and its current helpful presence reveals your ability to control everyone and everything set up in opposition to you. You may be able to banish rivals with no more than a few well-chosen words.
### Instruction: What is the daily horoscope for capricorn today? ### Response:
Business pressures are mild today, but liable to blow up before much longer. In general I'd advise caution but, in specific situations, you must use your own judgment. It may be better to make plans in secret, away from others' intrusive gaze. That way you'll avoid unnecessary criticism.
### Instruction: What is the daily horoscope for aquarius today? ### Response:
Little by little life is moving your way, and you may assert your independence and stand up for your rights. However, authority figures, from employers to the law, are liable to be swept by intense emotions at unpredictable moments, so watch out!
### Instruction: What is the daily horoscope for aries today? ### Response:
No Arien has any excuse to be anything other than completely businesslike today. The fact is that most planetary patterns are stirring up chaos, and unless you keep your feet firmly on the ground, events will take on a dynamic of their own. Hang on tight!
### Instruction: What is the daily horoscope for taurus today? ### Response:
Be content with whatever is going well and looking fortunate. The last thing to do now is challenge partners on their own ground, as you will almost certainly stir up a hornets' nest of resentment and frustration. You'll probably spend more energy than you need keeping other people sweet.
### Instruction: What is the daily horoscope for gemini today? ### Response:
There's an intensity in the air, and a brooding, emotional cloud is looming on the horizon. You should be sheltered from the worst, but must take care at work - and in every single activity that you have come to take for granted. Complacency can be your biggest weakness.
### Instruction: What is the daily horoscope for cancer today? ### Response:
According to every current indication, passion is still increasing: you are likely to be gripped by sudden enthusiasm one moment, but find yourself down in the dumps the next. The way to cheer yourself up is to always look on the bright side. After all, every cloud has a silver lining.
### Instruction: What is the daily horoscope for leo today? ### Response:
If you imagine that you can achieve what you want personally or professionally and still gloss over fundamental questions, you are sadly mistaken. Banana skins lie in wait for all those who fail to deal with difficult questions. A little extra effort now, should prevent a major headache down the road.
### Instruction: What is the daily horoscope for virgo today? ### Response:
Planets which indicate a maximum chance for arguments also offer an unparalleled opportunity to get to the truth. Don't shy away from facts, or even theories, which challenge your current preconceptions. And don't let family members pull the wool over your eyes.
### Instruction: What is the daily horoscope for libra today? ### Response:
Venus, planet of love and affection, is a great help. After all, this great celestial body doubles both as the planet of friendship and as your personal ruler. You'll need a lot of goodwill to get through to family members, though. Hopefully they'll see the light before much longer.
### Instruction: What is the daily horoscope for scorpio today? ### Response:
The general planetary situation is tough, uncompromising and ruthless. It is a serious question as to whether you will be pushing yourself to the limit or making unreasonable demands on other people. However, one particular difficulty may actually turn out to be a major benefit.
### Instruction: What is the daily horoscope for saggitarius today? ### Response:
Suspicions and doubts may easily be dealt with through a little careful thought. There is almost no branch of human activity which will not benefit from a little of your famous commonsense. But will other people listen? Probably not - but that's their problem!
### Instruction: What is the daily horoscope for capricorn today? ### Response:
Venus, planet of love, is now challenging Mars, planet of energy and aggression. A bout of personal friction will show you the way out of a current dilemma, so pin people down with formal commitments and undertakings. And try to get any agreements in writing!
### Instruction: What is the daily horoscope for aquarius today? ### Response:
Any minute now, full-scale war is likely to break out at work. Do yourself a favour and keep your head down unless, that is, you know that you can win. For your part, you must be able to exercise authority wisely. It's all a matter of setting a sensible example.
### Instruction: What is the daily horoscope for aries today? ### Response:
No Monday morning moans, please. Jupiter's generous and optimistic relationship over your houses of work and creativity is reinforced by Uranus' generally surprising movements. The long-term prospects for you, and for partners, are therefore excellent.
### Instruction: What is the daily horoscope for taurus today? ### Response:
Nothing is absolutely black or white, and an ethical or moral question may be raised very soon. It is not necessary to sacrifice your interests; neither should you expect anyone else to do so. Overseas travel may beckon, but you may be content to dream.
### Instruction: What is the daily horoscope for gemini today? ### Response:
Every year at around this time Mercury, your planetary ruler and hence a natural ally, swings into a dramatic relationship to your sign. In fact, I think you'll start to sit up and take notice of everything that you've spent the last eleven months ignoring!
### Instruction: What is the daily horoscope for cancer today? ### Response:
Sometimes it's impossible to figure out what makes people tick, and it is difficult to gauge whether partners will be totally confused, or utterly inspired. Probably this is something you can only assess for yourself, although you should avoid hasty judgments.
### Instruction: What is the daily horoscope for leo today? ### Response:
The Moon is making waves in areas of your chart concerned with work, so you should have few difficulties tackling the real world. Romantic considerations may have to take second place, just for now. Mind you, there's always time to tell someone how you feel about them.
### Instruction: What is the daily horoscope for virgo today? ### Response:
Business, work and pleasure combine, by virtue of the Moon's sensible presence. Yet you must be aware that behind every simple statement lies a hidden and complicated meaning, and other people may be chronically incapable of saying what they think.
### Instruction: What is the daily horoscope for libra today? ### Response:
A succession of helpful, harmonious planetary alignments could set you up for some very prosperous financial decisions. At the very least you should keep a sharp eye open for rare bargains. Your attitude to cash, though, is shaped by deep emotional forces.
### Instruction: What is the daily horoscope for scorpio today? ### Response:
The Sun is creating friction in a number of areas of your chart which are intimately connected to your deepest desires. You have to remember, at times like these, that not everyone is on your wave-length. Neither will partners necessarily appreciate your sense of humour!
### Instruction: What is the daily horoscope for saggitarius today? ### Response:
It may be hard for friends and colleagues born under the other eleven signs to admit, but you're right! However, don't take things too far, for there are elements in the current situation which could surprise even you. The last thing you want to do is stir up feelings which are best left alone.
### Instruction: What is the daily horoscope for capricorn today? ### Response:
You're on an emotional roller-coaster today, in a mild sort of a way. If your mood changes from hour to hour, try to make sure that your circumstances can be altered to suit. In legal matters take the longest-term view possible, and don't agree to anything without expert advice.
### Instruction: What is the daily horoscope for aquarius today? ### Response:
Your hidden, hermit-like qualities may make an appearance today, and I doubt if you will welcome friends who try to be over-familiar. Anyone who tries to extract your secrets should be shown the door. I'm sure there's a very good reason for your privacy!
### Instruction: What is the daily horoscope for aries today? ### Response:
Venus, planet of love, is shifting its position. And that's a fair enough indication that working relationships will become increasingly important. You know that efficiency is of the essence, and that there is absolutely no excuse for letting down people who have come to rely on you. And for some good news, Mercury will help you make the right decisions.
### Instruction: What is the daily horoscope for taurus today? ### Response:
Continue with your plans, dealing with difficulties as they arise. Keep an eye on Venus, if you wish to discover more about your romantic possibilities. This wonderful planet's residency in an intense region of your chart is the most perfect indication that a close relationship is destined to thrive.
### Instruction: What is the daily horoscope for gemini today? ### Response:
Romantically and emotionally you are on the up, and you must get things moving while so many decisive influences are going your way. Every aspect of your home life will benefit from your clever and delightful personality. You can see that this is a time to be positive and optimistic.
### Instruction: What is the daily horoscope for cancer today? ### Response:
Mercury, the planet which represents your mind, is making it necessary for you to get all your affairs in order sooner rather than later. Hold discussions, share your ideas and arrange any important interviews. People will be open to whatever you propose, so invite partners to join you in teamwork.
### Instruction: What is the daily horoscope for leo today? ### Response:
Workwise, it's still a question of following through decisions already taken and continuing with your routine. This may not be terribly exciting, but at least you are putting down firm foundations for the future, a commendable exercise which will attract admiration and respect from people in authority.