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### Instruction:
What is the daily horoscope for virgo today?
### Response:
| Friends and colleagues - and even people you don't know so well - will be much more important to your morale than close partners, so this will be a time to mix widely and make new contacts. Remember, you never know which one of the people you meet now will be important to you in later years. |
### Instruction:
What is the daily horoscope for libra today?
### Response:
| Your latest lunar alignments are challenging you to make the most of your professional skills and experience, perhaps working with hopes which are still some way from realisation. Romantic trends are due to blossom around the middle of the week under the wonderful influence of Mars and Venus. |
### Instruction:
What is the daily horoscope for scorpio today?
### Response:
| Nothing less than the best will do, and failure to live up to high standards could result in a confrontation. Your salvation lies in maintaining friendly contacts with all who are on your side, especially people with whom you have developed a romantic connection! This is no time to compromise your principles. |
### Instruction:
What is the daily horoscope for saggitarius today?
### Response:
| Financial affairs are still on your mind, more so even than in past weeks and months, if that is possible. Domestic spending seems to figure highly in your plans and there is no reason why you should not push ahead with confidence. Your romantic possibilities continue to benefit from Venus' helpful presence, so that's good news. |
### Instruction:
What is the daily horoscope for capricorn today?
### Response:
| Thanks to Mercury's sparkling position, this looks like an excellent time to extend invitations to people with whom you have been hoping to co-operate. Obviously, social and romantic affairs will be much on your mind, but equally important will be team-work in a hobby or leisure activity. You'll achieve so much more if you seek genuine help. |
### Instruction:
What is the daily horoscope for aquarius today?
### Response:
| The best feature of the current astrological picture is that other people will be ready to hear what you have to say. However, there will be times when reason gives way and sheer passion rules the day. At such times, you must take a laid-back approach and compromise if need be. |
### Instruction:
What is the daily horoscope for aries today?
### Response:
| At last, an expansion of choice is creating the need for more discussion, and you may be doing some hard thinking today. A recent muddle must be ironed out before you can afford to relax, but that might take another couple of weeks, at the minimum. |
### Instruction:
What is the daily horoscope for taurus today?
### Response:
| The Moon offers you a significant level of emotional support today. This is a time to concentrate on what you can do to make your life more meaningful, to find ways to make your daily routine more tolerable. A business opportunity will also be revealed. |
### Instruction:
What is the daily horoscope for gemini today?
### Response:
| It does seem almost inevitable that one way or another you will have to concede that someone else may have been right all along, galling as this may be. In any event, your planetary patterns will quickly restore your good humour, encouraging a new-found confidence. |
### Instruction:
What is the daily horoscope for cancer today?
### Response:
| Now that Venus is beginning to shed its calming rays over your intimate affairs you can afford to feel protected. yet don't be surprised if, in the process, it shows up certain corners of your life you had forgotten about or tried to ignore. Time for a romantic adventure, perhaps? |
### Instruction:
What is the daily horoscope for leo today?
### Response:
| There is only one major planetary alignment which need concern you at the moment, and that involves Mars and Mercury. These planets are perfectly poised to administer a social tonic and give your morale a general boost, just what you need at the moment. |
### Instruction:
What is the daily horoscope for virgo today?
### Response:
| Seldom have you experienced a period which is at once so decisive yet has the potential to be so utterly confusing. Should you go or stay, begin or end a series of involvements that have become your whole life? Be patient and gradually the answers will work themselves out. |
### Instruction:
What is the daily horoscope for libra today?
### Response:
| Belligerent Mars is stirring up your ambitions, indicating that this is really not a restful time for you, yet neither is it beyond you to take great strides forward. Other people will arrive bearing fresh responsibilities for you, and you'll also be searching out new business opportunities for yourself. |
### Instruction:
What is the daily horoscope for scorpio today?
### Response:
| There is a cynical side to the Scorpionic nature: what is the point, you may ask, in struggling on when so little seems to be gained? Yet with the planets rapidly assuming a profoundly benevolent relationship to your sign, there is little doubt that events are now starting to move your way. |
### Instruction:
What is the daily horoscope for saggitarius today?
### Response:
| The parts of your chart linked to material prosperity are still active and your business affairs seem to be growing ever more complex. What a tangled web you weave when you try! Now you must find your way out of any confusion, and reestablish some sort of certainty. |
### Instruction:
What is the daily horoscope for capricorn today?
### Response:
| Whatever your day-to-day concerns, I must periodically remind you that the passage which you are now going through will be one of the most remarkable phases of your life. It is therefore necessary to make the most of everything, repeat everything, that comes your way. |
### Instruction:
What is the daily horoscope for aquarius today?
### Response:
| For many reasons, not least of which is a build-up of planets in personal regions of your horoscope, this is a time of year which appeals to your Aquarian spirit, yet it does seem that you are going to be busier than you would like, and much more preoccupied with routine tasks and chores than usual. |
### Instruction:
What is the daily horoscope for aries today?
### Response:
| It is difficult to be specific about Ariens' fortunes at present. Some of you are still in a phase of considerable upheaval, others are relishing the prospect of increasing stability. If you do still have deep questions about a relationship, don't sweep them under the carpet, but don't jump to rash conclusions, either. |
### Instruction:
What is the daily horoscope for taurus today?
### Response:
| Now that Venus is playing such a direct role in your personal choices, you have entered a period in your life when you may abandon your former secrecy. Put aside your reluctance to discuss intimate personal ambitions with people who are closely involved. In future, you must deal with the plain facts. |
### Instruction:
What is the daily horoscope for gemini today?
### Response:
| You have good cause to hope that long-running financial questions are about to face some sort of resolution. In fact, any settlement reached now must, by definition, be temporary and but a stage on the path to the final denouement. It could all be linked to a major new ambition. |
### Instruction:
What is the daily horoscope for cancer today?
### Response:
| The planets are playing out a drama in your sign which can only be described as profoundly mythological. This means that in your partnerships both now and in the near future you will be faced with a choice of two distinct roles to play, leader or follower: will you give the orders or obey them? You'll know soon enough. |
### Instruction:
What is the daily horoscope for leo today?
### Response:
| Why is it that you are so deeply conditioned into imagining that you deserve a good, long rest? If this is what you think, you had better deal as resolutely as possible with any and every problem, however trivial, which comes up today, especially if you can throw money at them. |
### Instruction:
What is the daily horoscope for virgo today?
### Response:
| In the past, you have often imagined that when other people came to their senses everything would be straightened out. Now you may have to face the fact that colleagues will persist in their independent ideas for a long time to come. It's all to do with the Moon, which means that you can successfully solve such problems. |
### Instruction:
What is the daily horoscope for libra today?
### Response:
| Everything about this time of year is symbolised by Mercury, a rich planet and one which has been responsible for making your ideas flow so vividly. Just remember that organisation and self-discipline are virtues to be cultivated if your high-minded plans are to be implemented. |
### Instruction:
What is the daily horoscope for scorpio today?
### Response:
| Apart from the fact that this is an ideal time to travel, the astrological message is simple and straightforward. You must give free rein to the side of your nature which lives according to ideals and deeply-held beliefs, and try to establish a personal meaning to life. |
### Instruction:
What is the daily horoscope for saggitarius today?
### Response:
| It is perhaps surprising to other people that you often undervalue yourself, regarding your own great gifts as of little consequence. The sooner you realise such self-effacing attitudes are nonsense, the better. Family pressures begin to build up, but your fantasies could show the way forward. |
### Instruction:
What is the daily horoscope for capricorn today?
### Response:
| Under one particular planetary formation you have begun to wonder if others really care about you. Yet even if they don't admit it, people genuinely do appreciate all the sacrifices you have made. They'll tell you soon, so wait for the right time for the right words to come. |
### Instruction:
What is the daily horoscope for aquarius today?
### Response:
| A curious aspect to Mercury indicates that there may be misunderstandings or friction over exactly who is responsible for final arrangements. My estimate is that any disputes should be quickly resolved, but it may be necessary to put your money where your mouth is! |
### Instruction:
What is the daily horoscope for aries today?
### Response:
| Now you must pay attention to relatives and anyone you live with, otherwise problems that can easily be settled will blow up when you least expect it. Domestic friction can only be resolved by facing the facts, never by resorting to a fantasy of what might have been. |
### Instruction:
What is the daily horoscope for taurus today?
### Response:
| The day's planets are definitely on your side, yet in a roundabout manner. When good luck comes your way it won't be obvious, but concealed and disguised. It's up to you to stay alert for new opportunities, and to notice when close friends and colleagues present you with chances that you might once have overlooked. |
### Instruction:
What is the daily horoscope for gemini today?
### Response:
| Mars and Venus are now exerting a special influence over your finances. Therefore, check all bills, invoices and receipts. This is just the time when carelessness could result in mistakes slipping through unnoticed, and the last thing you want is to pay out more than you need. |
### Instruction:
What is the daily horoscope for cancer today?
### Response:
| Now that Venus is softening the atmosphere, the news in general should be good, especially if partners are feeling more conciliatory. One thing to watch, though, is that in the rush to get matters arranged at home, you don't tread on people's toes. |
### Instruction:
What is the daily horoscope for leo today?
### Response:
| You should be fully in sympathy with those around you who seem intent on enjoying themselves in a thoroughly traditional manner. You are now able to appreciate Venus' soothing presence and you're increasingly engaged in a positive quest for inner peace and fulfilment. |
### Instruction:
What is the daily horoscope for virgo today?
### Response:
| At exactly the right time, the planets have seen fit to adopt a classically sociable posture. You really must make an effort to mix as widely as possible, even if you find it difficult to push yourself forward. You're probably right to wait and see how the financial situation pans out. |
### Instruction:
What is the daily horoscope for libra today?
### Response:
| Professional ambitions certainly do seem to be reaching a critical stage. You may even decide it is time to read the riot act and reassert your control. Somewhere along the line, though, you may cut certain ties and restore a degree of personal independence. |
### Instruction:
What is the daily horoscope for scorpio today?
### Response:
| Because Venus and Mercury are sitting on the dividing lines of the crucial sectors of your chart, it is frankly unclear whether you will choose to implement certain fundamental changes of plan, or merely raise them for discussion. You can soon, though, rely on improving circumstances. |
### Instruction:
What is the daily horoscope for saggitarius today?
### Response:
| As personal affairs appear to be going well, this may seem to be exactly the wrong time to start worrying about financial problems and possibilities, but this is just what you will be doing over the coming days. Perhaps you have just spent more than you could afford. |
### Instruction:
What is the daily horoscope for capricorn today?
### Response:
| Purely as a result of cumulative pressures, you may be tempted to throw caution to the wind and push through as many changes as you think necessary. Partnerships, though, will be in a state of rapidly escalating complexity, but partly because your imagination is expanding with great speed. |
### Instruction:
What is the daily horoscope for aquarius today?
### Response:
| Modern astrologers talk a great deal about the 'inner world' of dreams and imagination. It is time to remind you that, with so many planets in the unconscious part of your horoscope, you ignore this mysterious realm at the expense of the quality of your entire life. |
### Instruction:
What is the daily horoscope for aries today?
### Response:
| When we consider what you are truly capable of and what really suits you, we must say that some of your energy and activities may have been misdirected. If past attitudes no longer seem to serve you as well as they should, you must rethink certain fundamental goals. |
### Instruction:
What is the daily horoscope for taurus today?
### Response:
| If financial affairs are still of concern, do put your own point of view across with energy and vigour, but please don't be hurt or upset if others don't share your opinions. It's right and proper that they should adopt an alternative point of view. |
### Instruction:
What is the daily horoscope for gemini today?
### Response:
| Thanks to Mercury's continuing supportive presence, news from abroad or involving long-term goals, should at last be to your liking. As far as personal problems are concerned, seek help from friends who have been in the same situation as you in the past. |
### Instruction:
What is the daily horoscope for cancer today?
### Response:
| Being a sensitive and emotional person, you sometimes feel as if life is slipping out of your control. Yet, if you make the most of your many skills and talents, there is no reason at all why you should imagine this to be the case. By next week your lost confidence will be restored. |
### Instruction:
What is the daily horoscope for leo today?
### Response:
| Pressure for change at home may have abated, and you may feel that now is not the time to risk an open disagreement. Instead, you should take the initiative and see to it that everybody approves your positive aspirations. That's the best way to share in partners' good fortune. |
### Instruction:
What is the daily horoscope for virgo today?
### Response:
| Although events are generally moving your way, the fact that you seem to have so many routine chores heaping up is purely due to your own failure to keep ahead in the past. Analysing the problems may be a way of avoiding taking firm practical action. |
### Instruction:
What is the daily horoscope for libra today?
### Response:
| The Moon, in association with other planets, reminds you that social and partnership issues still have to be dealt with in spite of recent developments. Even though this might be the last thing on your mind at present, you really do have to redouble your efforts. |
### Instruction:
What is the daily horoscope for scorpio today?
### Response:
| Financially you have been reaping the full benefit of Jupiter's helpful patterns, marginal though this may be, and you must still be on the crest of a wave. This is an ideal note on which to enter the next phase of your existence, especially if you're hatching a creative scheme. |
### Instruction:
What is the daily horoscope for saggitarius today?
### Response:
| Financial negotiations may have gone well, but it now looks as if final decisions may be altered or adjusted next week, through no fault of your own. As a general rule you should settle bills when you are prosperous rather than waiting until your resources are drained. |
### Instruction:
What is the daily horoscope for capricorn today?
### Response:
| Mars is still playing a powerful role in your personal relationships, so partners will be in a demanding mood, and unexpected changes of behaviour on their part will keep you on your toes. It's probably best to take a pragmatic view and lower your expectations rather than being over-critical. |
### Instruction:
What is the daily horoscope for aquarius today?
### Response:
| By now you should be well on the way to returning a sense of personal meaning to your affairs. Both personally fulfilling creative matters and romantic relationships should be doing well. In addition to which, your financial prospects are improving. |
### Instruction:
What is the daily horoscope for aries today?
### Response:
| You now realise that there is no way back, even if you are at loggerheads over private and domestic matters. Relatives will eventually realise why you had to make certain decisions, even if these were unpopular. In the meantime, persuade a partner it is really worth cooperating with you. |
### Instruction:
What is the daily horoscope for taurus today?
### Response:
| After passing through a phase in which you have put your ideas across with great vigour, you are moving towards a more conciliatory period. In future you will seduce people into agreeing with you by using your delightful, irresistible, poetic charm. |
### Instruction:
What is the daily horoscope for gemini today?
### Response:
| This week offers your last chance to put into action a wide-ranging reassessment of your plans and interests. It looks very much as if the outcome will probably exceed your wildest expectations. But, first, you have to resolve a long-standing domestic drama. |
### Instruction:
What is the daily horoscope for cancer today?
### Response:
| Although broadly speaking you are in the right, you must be aware that partners and close friends feel they have an axe to grind and may not agree to your proposals, especially where money is concerned. The negotiations must continue, at least until next week. |
### Instruction:
What is the daily horoscope for leo today?
### Response:
| Don't feel obliged to spend too much time going over old ground, much as you might need to concentrate on establishing a firm base for current operations. But please do listen to the still, small voice of your conscience. And do seize generous gestures when they're offered. |
### Instruction:
What is the daily horoscope for virgo today?
### Response:
| Gradually you are shifting away from a concern with the specifics of your professional ambitions towards a feeling that it is not the details which matter, but the degree to which you derive personal satisfaction from your general direction. Your real path is an inner one. |
### Instruction:
What is the daily horoscope for libra today?
### Response:
| There's little doubt that your underlying situation has improved in recent months. Right now your biggest flaw is over-confidence, brought on by Mars' active location. In fact, it is best to face up to your doubts instead of sweeping them under the carpet. |
### Instruction:
What is the daily horoscope for scorpio today?
### Response:
| After a period of frenetic financial activity, it is beginning to look as if normality is about to return. But you must be cautious about such things lest you suddenly drop your guard and blunder into a bad deal. It may be another two weeks before the confusion clears. |
### Instruction:
What is the daily horoscope for saggitarius today?
### Response:
| You're not normally that interested in playing emotional games or getting involved in tangled situations, mainly because you are much too busy for such time-wasting fripperies. However, you will soon have cause to take a close look at your own motives. |
### Instruction:
What is the daily horoscope for capricorn today?
### Response:
| Your business sense is usually fair and honest, largely thanks to the location of the diplomatic sign, Libra, in your chart, and any financial skills you've picked up have been reinforced by your good qualities. Even so, events during the next few days may make you aware of the need to organise your resources more profitably. |
### Instruction:
What is the daily horoscope for aquarius today?
### Response:
| At a time like this, you are subject to rapidly changing moods. Focus on domestic improvements and family relationships, but don't let other people take your decisions for you or attempt emotional blackmail, especially not where your own money is concerned. |
### Instruction:
What is the daily horoscope for aries today?
### Response:
| At times like these it is increasingly necessary to remind you just how important are your home and family. However, if you fuss and worry too much you will ruin your own enjoyment as well as other people's. But if you're organising social get-togethers early this week, pull out the stops. |
### Instruction:
What is the daily horoscope for taurus today?
### Response:
| The Taurean is a placid creature but, reluctant as you are to confess your real feelings, when the celestial spheres are impacting on your financial affairs, as they are today, you must make a point of being absolutely and totally honest, direct and straightforward. |
### Instruction:
What is the daily horoscope for gemini today?
### Response:
| You were born an intellectual Gemini, so isn't it about time you started using your vivid imagination and mental abilities to the full? Get your act together, stop prevaricating and make up your mind. The more you develop your intuition, the better you'll do at work. |
### Instruction:
What is the daily horoscope for cancer today?
### Response:
| If you begin to feel irritated over others' lack of support, it is only because you are under such pressure and have come to expect so much. Realise that other people can only contribute in relation to their time, skill and experience. It is futile to expect more. |
### Instruction:
What is the daily horoscope for leo today?
### Response:
| It is because you were born under the creative sign of Leo that you have such a strange and vivid imagination. Yet, now it is other planets in other signs which are driving you to implement your vision of the future at any cost. In particular, you're about to discover your business aptitude. |
### Instruction:
What is the daily horoscope for virgo today?
### Response:
| Professionally speaking, the pace of events is picking up. Do not sit by while others take the lead. Now is the time to shed your passive image and show that you have as much initiative as any of your friends or colleagues. Waste no time. Seize the day! |
### Instruction:
What is the daily horoscope for libra today?
### Response:
| A challenge from Mars lends you added vigour. There is therefore no reason to feel trapped by a relationship which has lost its sparkle or by colleagues who have failed to recognise your true worth. Break free from repressive circumstances and attitudes. |
### Instruction:
What is the daily horoscope for scorpio today?
### Response:
| There is no doubt about your ability to get important projects off the ground, and every chance that your efforts will be rewarded. You can expect a reasonable degree of success, but perhaps not the triumphal victory parade you've been dreaming about. |
### Instruction:
What is the daily horoscope for saggitarius today?
### Response:
| Time is on your side, and it would be foolish to rush into any financial commitments until present planetary influences have abated. You must be sure that other people will keep their side of the bargain, otherwise you will probably decide to drop out before you get in any deeper. |
### Instruction:
What is the daily horoscope for capricorn today?
### Response:
| It is other people's deep-rooted emotional insecurity which makes them unable to accept what you say and do at face value. This has been the cause of so many arguments and disputes in past years, yet now you may act to break the cycle perhaps forever. |
### Instruction:
What is the daily horoscope for aquarius today?
### Response:
| Continuing supportive aspects from Jupiter signify that this is the ideal time to lay all your cards on the table. Just one word of advice, though; ensure that you don't overplay your hand. You do not want to overreach yourself, especially not at this stage. |
### Instruction:
What is the daily horoscope for aries today?
### Response:
| Money will be of increasing importance over the next few weeks. The simple reason is that it will become blindingly obvious that you won't be able to afford some of your plans unless you boost your income. Secret romances are signified by Venus' changing position, but only because passions could be over-heating! |
### Instruction:
What is the daily horoscope for taurus today?
### Response:
| Now that Venus, planet of love, is moving into new and romantic regions, you must make friendship and social life your priority. It seems inevitable that a special new person will be walking into your life. Magnetic Mars only reinforces this lively message, but could also significantly raise the financial stakes. |
### Instruction:
What is the daily horoscope for gemini today?
### Response:
| Geminians who have professional ambitions will now find it much easier to get along with people at work. All of you will soon discover that you receive much wider appreciation for your achievements. Mercury's curious motion rather suggests that you'll meet occasional delays and broken arrangements, though possibly in a good cause. |
### Instruction:
What is the daily horoscope for cancer today?
### Response:
| You will soon be faced with an important personal choice. You may even be encouraged to take a major risk. However, you must move cautiously, otherwise you may make a loss or run up a large debt. Be aware that most people are liable to be in a rather unpredictable mood, and that a close partner could need careful handling. |
### Instruction:
What is the daily horoscope for leo today?
### Response:
| Mercury encourages you to be even more obstinate than usual, mainly because there are times when you're convinced that you're right. There is nothing wrong in this. After all, why should you compromise with people whose knowledge and understanding are so much less than yours? You will sense a vital financial opportunity towards the end of the week. |
### Instruction:
What is the daily horoscope for virgo today?
### Response:
| Your material well-being needs a little extra attention. You could even be running up additional expenses. Yet this is all part of life's annual cycle, so no doubt you'll cope as well as usual. Social trends are set to sparkle after Thursday, and the generally optimistic and colourful influences continue to create a general sense of hope. |
### Instruction:
What is the daily horoscope for libra today?
### Response:
| The week's major planetary movements favour your interests, whether at work or at home. However, you may be knocked off balance by a feeling that all is not right moneywise. Watch out for confusion and misunderstandings midweek; as long as you avoid too many complications, you should steer clear of emotional chaos. |
### Instruction:
What is the daily horoscope for scorpio today?
### Response:
| Some of the planets are in contradictory mode, others are at peace. So while there are people around you who may be in an argumentative frame of mind, others will be on your side. In a positive sense, this may be a good time to get something off your chest. Venus brings excellent developments in all intimate affairs. |
### Instruction:
What is the daily horoscope for saggitarius today?
### Response:
| Family and domestic concerns become steadily more important, so it's clear that you should press ahead with decorations and repairs at home. The auspices are also fine for family entertaining, so bring relations together. At work, see to it that your better ideas and plans are perfectly understood and supported. |
### Instruction:
What is the daily horoscope for capricorn today?
### Response:
| The Moon makes some of its most intriguing alignments on Wednesday and Thursday, so it stands to reason that these could therefore be the best times for family occasions. Watch out for hidden financial costs. It is difficult to see that there is anything that can genuinely harm your personal interests at the moment. |
### Instruction:
What is the daily horoscope for aquarius today?
### Response:
| The risk this week is of clashes with colleagues at work or people in authority. Such arguments may flare up without warning, so be prepared and ready to do your best to restore a good feeling. The best opportunities, both personally and professionally, come later in the week, so save your fire. |
### Instruction:
What is the daily horoscope for aries today?
### Response:
| Two very unnerving planetary aspects are set to continue, and your best strategy is to realise that other people cannot always be relied upon. Once you understand this, you'll stop expecting them to achieve the impossible. Be more realistic, just for a change! |
### Instruction:
What is the daily horoscope for taurus today?
### Response:
| Close partners really are so terribly difficult to fathom, for some mysterious reason. Why, you ask, should they persist in making what is so very simple, so terribly complicated? Just accept that their view of reality is different from yours and leave them to it! |
### Instruction:
What is the daily horoscope for gemini today?
### Response:
| You may look to family members for support - and expect to get it! You must work hard to achieve your aims and boost your income. By all accounts you have a flare for business, but in this, and in relationships, you're moving towards a high risk strategy. Play to win! |
### Instruction:
What is the daily horoscope for cancer today?
### Response:
| From now on, probably for up to ten weeks, you will be going over old ground. Yet, nothing repeats itself exactly, and you will still be carving out the future, even though it doesn't always feel like it. There may be some frustration as a result, but use the opportunity to do now what you failed to get right first time around. |
### Instruction:
What is the daily horoscope for leo today?
### Response:
| Family members or people you live with still seem to insist on raking over the past. Just why they should be so reluctant to let go may be a mystery to you, but they have their reasons. You have to give other people time to catch up, so be patient - at least for now. |
### Instruction:
What is the daily horoscope for virgo today?
### Response:
| If you have said your piece, that's fine. However, there may be more to say before the air is well and truly cleared, so start laying down the law. The only people who will be surprised will be those who have always misjudged you. And perhaps that's about time! |
### Instruction:
What is the daily horoscope for libra today?
### Response:
| You've got one last chance to reach your targets, so don't squander it. Your business arrangements still seem a little complex, but you could be making a mountain out of a very ordinary molehill. The best thing you can do today is pamper yourself. You deserve it! |
### Instruction:
What is the daily horoscope for scorpio today?
### Response:
| It's very important to discover just how things reached their current state, even if it means going back over memories that are half-forgotten, or even completely buried in the past. Somehow the truth will out. The sooner you get your story ready, the better! |
### Instruction:
What is the daily horoscope for saggitarius today?
### Response:
| Some things are so utterly obvious, others so terribly obscure. The best advice is probably to tackle financial matters and spending plans first, then the emotional issues. You need to deal with details but don't dig too deep, for you may not like what you find! |
### Instruction:
What is the daily horoscope for capricorn today?
### Response:
| The whole mood of the times is still pregnant with romantic possibilities and emotional power. You need change and variety, and without these things you may blame the people you're with for holding you back. Mind you, perhaps you're equally responsible! |
### Instruction:
What is the daily horoscope for aquarius today?
### Response:
| You may be slightly bemused by the way professional plans have developed, for there seems to be little rhyme or reason behind a number of recent events. Much the same goes for your romantic life. Give up trying to make sense of the world and enjoy it instead! |
### Instruction:
What is the daily horoscope for aries today?
### Response:
| Both the professional and business regions of your chart are looking profoundly unstable. The only certain consequence is that where there is change, there lies opportunity. Seize it while you can, for the same offer might not come round again, at least not until your desires have altered. |
### Instruction:
What is the daily horoscope for taurus today?
### Response:
| Your mind and emotions are buzzing with energy. Life is full of potential for endings, but also for new beginnings. Sometimes this will be difficult, sometimes easy. Do yourself a favour and look at the underlying purpose of even apparently chance events. |
### Instruction:
What is the daily horoscope for gemini today?
### Response:
| Intensity in relationships will be matched by a sense of insecurity and anticipation in finances. Psychologists have long noted the connections between money and desire, and you will be trying to balance your need for emotional stimulation with your longing for material security. |
### Instruction:
What is the daily horoscope for cancer today?
### Response:
| This doesn't look like a good moment for compromise. This isn't to say that you shouldn't try, but that your efforts will probably fall on stony ground. It's far better to state your case as honestly as you can, and give others a fair hearing. |
### Instruction:
What is the daily horoscope for leo today?
### Response:
| Watch out at work - and in all dealings with people in authority. Such ambitious and pompous people are likely to be increasingly irrational, even though they imagine they are being incredibly reasonable. Don't rise to provocation, for you'll be walking straight into a trap. |
### Instruction:
What is the daily horoscope for virgo today?
### Response:
| It is time to dredge your psychological and emotional depths for every single forgotten talent and creative gift. There have been few moments as good as this for creative self-expression, so indulge yourself while you can. And don't let routine duties stand in your way. |
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