58 values
MIslim da kada bismo svi to činili, djeca bi i dalje bila dobro kao i njihovi roditelji, možda čak i bolje.
I think if we all did that, the kids would still be all right, and so would their parents, possibly in both cases even better.
حدسم درست بود. همه ی ما اینو تجربه کردیم ، مگه نه ؟
Yeah, thought so. So we ’ ve all seen it, haven ’ t we?
現在 , 作為一個講道士 , 我的工作就是佈道和說教 , 但我亦應該以身作則。
Now, as a preacher, I got a job. I got to preach the stuff, but I got to do it too.
בשבילי, הגזע נראה לעין. אבל בשבילך, הגזע נסתר. את לא רואה את זה. "" ואז היא אמרה משהו ממש מפחיד.
To me, race is visible. But to you, race is invisible. You don't see it. "" And then she said something really startling.
It's unbelievable.
不過這確實讓我開始思考一些事情 , 於是 , 我們開始製造太陽能飛機 , 因為我們覺得太陽能對於我國以及全世界將會變得很重要 , 我們不希望政府提供的那筆小額資金減少 , 政府一直想減少資助金額 ,
But that sure started me thinking about various things, and immediately, we began making a solar-powered plane because we felt solar power was going to be so important for the country and the world, we didn't want the small funding in the government to be decreased, which is what the government was trying to do with it.
Έχουν χρησιμοποιηθεί πάνω από 150 συμπτώματα για τη διάγνωση του PMS, και θα σας αναφέρω ορισμένα.
Over 150 different symptoms have been used to diagnose PMS, and here are just a few of those.
ماذا عن التقدم في السن ؟
How about getting older?
Então isso é o que ele constriui.
So this is what he built.
Questo è il tema del mio discorso di oggi.
This is the theme of my talk today.
Pod pancerzem kraby mają skomplikowany układ, zwany aparatem żującym, który pozwala mielić pokarm na różne sposoby.
Crabs have this complicated structure under their carapace called the gastric mill that grinds their food in a variety of different ways.
Precisamos chegar a isso.
We have to get to this.
Voici certains de mes exemples favoris : pour les transports, Carpooling.com. Il existe depuis dix ans, trois millions et demi de personnes s'y sont inscrites, et un million de trajets sont partagés en voiture chaque jour.
Some of my favorite examples: in transportation, Carpooling.com. Ten years old, three and a half million people have joined up, and a million rides are shared every day.
Bunlar yan yana çok uyumlular.
Those are juxtaposed very nicely together.
Y es un ejemplo de vida y trabajo en común.
And it's an example of living and working together.
Αλλά όταν την πήραμε στα χέρια μας, έχουμε όλων των επιπέδων δραστηριότητα τώρα, όλα τα οφέλη από αυτό. Ο ιδιωτικός τομέας πρέπει να το κάνει.
But when we got it, now you have all the level of activity, all the benefit from it. Private sector has to do it.
And it's time for our mathematics curriculum to change from analog to digital, from the more classical, continuous mathematics, to the more modern, discrete mathematics — the mathematics of uncertainty, of randomness, of data — that being probability and statistics.
The doublet makes me think of a coverlet on the vast bed.
A esta altura tiene, una muy buena cobertura de cualquier cosa que uno encuentre en una biblioteca de referencia típica y demás.
It's got, by now, pretty good coverage of everything you might find in a standard reference library.
مرحبا ؟
Jednom kad identificiramo da netko ima slabi vid, sljedeći veliki izazov jest otkriti zašto, a da bismo to mogli, potreban nam je pristup unutrašnjosti oka.
Once we've discovered somebody has low vision, the next big challenge is to work out why, and to be able to do that, we need to have access to the inside of the eye.
І ось я взяв від роботів, але люди рухають їх правою рукою синусоидально назад і вперед.
And here I've taken away the robots, but basically people move with their right arm sinusoidally back and forward.
둘 중 하나가 다른 하나보다 우선되야 된다는 생각은 근본적으로 틀립니다.
And the idea that one of them should actually have priority over the other is fundamentally wrong.
On doit l'admettre, et on ne peut pas l'écarter, même avec les meilleures intentions.
That must be acknowledged, and they can't be swept aside, even with the best of intents.
Și trebuie să îi înțelegem ca parte a naturii. Și, într-un fel, chiar sunt.
And we will have to understand those as nature, and in a way, they are.
( 观众笑声 ) 你们也会注意到所有这些图片都是Beverly从顶角拍的 — — 顺便说一句 , 是干燥的顶角。 ( 观众笑声 )
(Laughter) You will notice also that all of these images here are taken from the top angle by Beverly — the dry top angle, by the way. (Laughter)
但我要指出 , 這個中間的列單確是完整的 , 它列出那些可以算作是損害的種類的東西 , 即新陳代謝的副作用 , 其最終將導致病變 , 或可能導致病變。
But I would like to claim to you that this list in the middle is actually complete — this is the list of types of thing that qualify as damage, side effects of metabolism that cause pathology in the end, or that might cause pathology.
اما تعدادی لحظات واقعا شاد هم در زندگیم داشتم فکر کنم بروشور کنفرانس اشاره می کرد "لحظاتی که نفس می کشید" من یه لیست درست کن خوبی هستم ، همه را لیست کردم (خنده حضار)
However, I did have a number of real moments of happiness in my life — of, you know, I think what the conference brochure refers to as "" moments that take your breath away. "" And since I'm a big list maker, I actually listed them all. (Laughter)
Il mondo era incantato.
The world was mesmerized.