58 values
Ујак се напије, не користи кондом. Врати се на почетак. "" (смех) Опет, образовање, забава у разреду.
Uncle gets drunk, doesn't use condom. Come back, start again. "" (Laughter) Again, education, class entertainment.
(Smijeh) Ali te iste godine kad sam bila u Londonu, prije 16 godina, shvatila sam nešto o sebi što je bilo jedinstveno, i to je promijenilo sve.
(Laughter) But that same year I was in London, 16 years ago, I realized something about myself that actually was somewhat unique, and that changed everything.
Kui sa oled matemaatik, siis saad sellest aru, sest Marston oli matemaatik, kes oli arvutite instituudis hoidmise vastu.
If you're a mathematician, you get that, because Marston was a mathematician who objected to the computer being there.
Ze leven in 3D, waar geen energieverschil is tussen deze kant, die kant, die kant of die kant.
They live in a three-dimensional world where there is no difference in energy between going this way, that way, that way or that way.
האדמה מרעילה את המזון שלנו.
The earth is poisoning our foods.
אנו אלה שיוצקים את עצמנו לתוכן.
We're the ones that pour ourselves into it.
Докато бях там, се сприятелих с един човек на име Пиер Омидяр, който е тук днес. Пиер, извинявай... това е една снимка от старите времена.
And while I was there, I made friends with a fellow named Pierre Omidyar, who is here today. And Pierre, I apologize for this. This is a photo from the old days.
Tutaj mamy pierwszy mechanizm "" przeciągnij aby odblokować "".
Here is the first ever slide-to-unlock.
(Râsete) Și apoi?
(Laughter) But then what?
Това са култури, идентични култури, от цервикални ракови клетки.
This is cultures, identical cultures, of cervical cancer cells.
Spytała "" Dlaczego to tak ważne? "". Odpowiedziałam: "" Nie jest gwiazdą filmową, ani celebrytką, ani ekspertem i sama Gayla przyznałaby, że nie jest świętą.
And she said, "" Why? What's the big deal? "" I said, "" She's not a movie star, and she's not a celebrity, and she's not an expert, and Gayla's the first person who'd say she's not a saint.
Мы можем это сделать за приемлемую цену.
We can do it at an affordable cost.
Они взбирались всю ночь по этой отвесной скале.
They climbed all night long on that sheer cliff.
Now Italian police, when this trade started, had just two boats which could go at the same speed.
Не е битно колку смотано или одлично изгледаат, вие не можете да го копирате скулптурниот дизајн.
It doesn't matter how wacky they look or how cool they look, you cannot copyright the sculptural design.
Voglio dire, è stata un'innovazione incredibile.
I mean, it was incredible innovation.
Toen ik dit lange tijd gedaan had en het Media Lab het stokje doorgaf, dacht ik: "" Misschien wordt het tijd dat ik een project doe,
And after doing this for a long time, and the Media Lab passing the baton on, I thought, "" Well, maybe it's time for me to do a project.
Đó là điều làm tôi thấy thích thú.
So that's getting me excited.
อย ่ างแรก ปลายแหลมบนนาโนแพทช ์ ผ ่ านผิวหนังหนาๆ ชั ้ นนอกลงไป และวัคซีนก ็ ถูกปล ่ อยออกมาอย ่ างรวดเร ็ ว ในเพียงไม ่ ถึงนาที
So firstly, the projections on the Nanopatch breach through the tough outer layer and the vaccine is very quickly released — within less than a minute, in fact.
پدرم بیماری آلزایمر داره.
My dad has Alzheimer's disease.
Et c 'est vraiment à ce moment-là que le projet "" Solar Impulse "" a commencé à cogiter dans ma tête.
And this is when the project Solar Impulse really started to turn in my head.
O humor também era.
And so was humor.
Việc liên kết qui mô lớn cực kì hiếm trên hành tinh này.
Large-scale cooperation is extremely rare on this planet.
أود أن أعود هناك و أشاركه مع حكومة كيريباتي ، المتمركزة في تاراوا ، في مجموعة الجزر الغربية.
I'd like to go back and share it with the government of Kiribati, who are over in Tarawa, the westernmost group.
Alors aujourd'hui, j'aimerais vous parler du lien entre le théâtre et la technologie.
So today, I would like to talk to you about the relationship between theater and technology.
Toda mogoče ni naključje, da nekateri naši nabolj kreativni umi, ne uspejo pustiti teh vrst strahov za seboj ko odrastejo.
But maybe it's no coincidence that some of our most creative minds fail to leave these kinds of fears behind as adults.
Para hacerlo, decidimos diseñar un paradigma experimental.
So to prove it, we decided to design an experimental paradigm.
არა მხოლოდ პრინციპების სწავლით, არამედ თქვენ ეფლობოდით მასში ისე, რომ ის რეალობა ხდებოდა.
Not just by learning principles, you got in it and you did it so often that it became real.
Yine teknoloji ile başlayalım.
Let's start with technology.
اما بدترین قسمت درد خودبخودی که در تمام مدت شبانه روز وجود داشت نبود
But the worst part was, not the spontaneous pain that was there 24 hours a day.
The gap has been growing ever since.
إن الحجر يكبرها وذلك لأنه غير عضوي.
The stone is bigger than her because stone is an organic.
Я обговорював ці факти з Саймоном Бароном-Коеном, професором психопатології розвитку в Кембріджському університеті.
Now I discussed this with Professor Simon Baron-Cohen who's the professor of developmental psychopathology at Cambridge.
Pitala sam se da li su ove varijable jednake u raznim slučajevima, i ako jesu, koje lekcije možemo izvući za vođenje konstruktivnog konflikta u Palestini, Izraelu i šire.
I wondered whether these variables held across cases, and if they did, what lessons we could glean for waging constructive conflict, in Palestine, Israel and elsewhere.
Първо, ще определени образованието като фундаментално човешко право, в рамките на което всеки по света, имащ възможността и мотивацията, ще може да получи уменията, от които има нужда, за да подобри своя живот. този на семейството и на тяхната общност.
First it would establish education as a fundamental human right, where anyone around the world with the ability and the motivation could get the skills that they need to make a better life for themselves, their families and their communities.
Erősítenem kell a hitüket.
And I also have to build their faith.
Au o meserie, ceea ce-i face mai puțin dependenți de ajutorul extern.
They have a skill, which makes them much less dependent on foreign aid.
Mẹ vợ tôi tôi sống sót khỏi bệnh ung thư. Bị ung thư thật chán.
My mother-in-law is a cancer survivor. Cancer sucks.
Publiczność: Listopad. AB: Listopad, którego?
November what?
Και φυσικά είπα ναι, για πολλούς λόγους.
And of course I said yes, for several reasons.
我們來看第二個例子 : 維基百科。
Example number two: Wikipedia.
Nous essayons de construire un gouvernement plus génial pour le peuple, par le peuple, aujourd'hui.
We are essentially trying to build a more awesome government, for the people, by the people, today.
There's something a little bit noisy around it.
Kialakul egy elképzelésem, hogy milyen lehet az ember, mit szerethet, mi lehet a foglalkozása, s a többi.
So I get a basic idea as to what you might be about, what you might like, what you might do as a profession, etc., etc.
"" Може би думите могат да направят образа, без да се случва нищо друго.
"" Maybe the words can make the image without anything else happening.
These days, you can do a similar thing, it just looks a bit cooler.
Me gusta de describirlo como algo así como un profesor de matemáticas.
And the way I like to describe it is it's kind of like a math professor.
U jednom trenutku tokom braka, on kaže da je pio 54 piva dnevno.
At some point in their marriage, he says he consumed 54 beers in one day.
Het was moeilijk voor te stellen dat die link zou leiden naar praktisch elk document dat je je kon voorstellen.
What was difficult was to get them to imagine: so, imagine that that link could have gone to virtually any document you could imagine.
Elektrina je prúdenie elektrónov v materiáli.
So, electricity is the flow of electrons inside a material.
Možda ne možemo da uradimo neke stvari.
Maybe we can't do some things.
Un film spune o poveste.
A film tells a story.
스테이크를 먹은 후에는 맥주를 마셔야겠지요.
So, with the steak, you might drink a beer.
И отсюда возникают вопросы, например, это компилятор? Это подпрограмма?
So, you know, that leads to questions like, is this a compiler? Is this a sub-routine?
เป ็ นไปได ้ ไหมว ่ า... แหม คําถามนี ้ ทําร ้ ายจิตใจมาก เป ็ นคําถามที ่ นิโคลัส นีโกรปอนติถามผม ว ่ า เป ็ นไปได ้ ไหมว ่ า เรากําลังมุ ่ งหน ้ าไปสู ่ อนาคตที ่ การ "" รู ้ "" เป ็ นเรื ่ องล ้ าสมัย?
Could it be — a devastating question, a question that was framed for me by Nicholas Negroponte — could it be that we are heading towards or maybe in a future where knowing is obsolete?
Мы поставили цель: найти в близлежащей реке Фрейзер бактерии, которые могут разлагать вредный пластификатор под названием фталат.
We aimed to find bacteria from our local Fraser River that can degrade a harmful plasticizer called phthalates.
I kao što mnogi od vas znaju, ovaj virus je bio neprimetan, nije bio primećen tri ili četiri meseca otkad je počeo.
And as many of you know, this virus went undetected, it evaded detection for three or four months when it began.
17cm vihma sadas maha väga väikesel perioodil.
Seven inches of rain fell over a very short period.
Então era uma necessidade.
So it was a necessity.
He claimed that because black people have lower lung capacity than whites, forced labor was good for them.
V mojom okolí je veľa ľudí, ktorým mentori pomohli.
There's all sorts of people in my communities that I see have been helped out by mentors.
en hopelijk krijg je dan een finale, wat betekent dat je naar het volgende stadium gaat.
And then, hopefully, you get a final, signaling to move on to the next stage.
Hiện tại, những kẻ đó dừng ở đèn đỏ, đợi cho đèn xanh sáng lên và khi đèn xanh, họ hét lớn, "" Biến về đất nước của mày đi! "" Đã có lúc, họ thật sự bước ra khỏi xe và tỏ thái độ vào mặt bạn.
Now, these people will be at a stoplight, they'll wait for the light to turn green and when it does, they yell, "" Go back to your own country! "" Now back in the day, they would've actually gotten out of their cars and hated you to your face.
ان الطيور تملك في الحقيقة ذيول بدائية
Birds have basically rudimentary tails.
Եվ այսպես անցավ մի քանի տարի, եւ այդ ժամանակ մենք սկսեցինք իրականացնել « Hell Creek » նախագիծը:
So a few years went by, and then we started the Hell Creek Project.
Een deel van het signaalsysteem van spel heeft te maken met de stem, gezicht, lichaam, gebaren.
So part of the signaling system of play has to do with vocal, facial, body, gestural.
Life without emotion would really not be life.
- 会場 ( 笑 ) 最近はハリウッドのゲーム業界に働きかけてライセンスを供与し合うだけでなく実際に協働作業させようと務めてきました
(Laughter) Then the last game I did was based on trying to get the video game industry and Hollywood to actually work together on something — instead of licensing from each other, to actually work.
Tetap tidak berhasil.
This didn't work.
Paul? Vamos lá, levante-se.
Paul? Come on, stand up.
Dimitri: Nào, Milo. Cậu biết là các bậc cha mẹ là như thế mà.
Dimitri: Come on, Milo. You know what parents are like.
آیا واقعا این ضروریست ؟ "" حالا باید من رو ببینید.
Is it really necessary? "" Well now you should see me.
Het enige wat ontbreekt, is toegang tot bronnen. Ze hebben soms niet eens een leerboek of een goed leerplan.
The only thing that they don't have is access to resources. They don't even have a textbook sometimes, and they don't even have a proper curriculum.
This is about figuring out how to help her.
ဒါတွေကို ပြန ် ယူလာပြီး တပ ် ကြတယ ် ။
They would bring them back and mount them.
Conducono indagini tutto il tempo.
They conduct surveys all the time.
緊張と圧縮生命の2つの力が 1つの素材に現れます
Tension and compression, the two forces of life, manifested in a single material.
< ridoj > Aspektas freneze, sed tio reiras al la temo pri tio ke imago kreas realon.
(Laughter) Sounds crazy. But this goes back to that theme about your imagination creating a reality.
Αυτοί οι αριθμοί λοιπόν είναι εκείνοι που υποδηλώνουν την τραχύτητα τέτοιων επιφανειών.
So these numbers are the numbers which denote the roughness of these surfaces.
Permiteți-mi să revin în prezent, acum când sunt puțin stângist — Sunt cu siguranță stângaci, deci măcar scriu cu stânga — Și mă întreb, oare putem noi cei de stânga să ne așteptăm să construim această ecologie a libertății, acum într-o lume în care știm ce influențe extraordinar de puternice îi sunt împotrivă, în care până și personalități ale stângii ca acesta susțin și promovează acte legislative care ar interzice efectiv cerința de acces liber la cercetări finanțate din bani publici?
Let me come back to now, now when I'm a little leftist — I'm certainly left-handed, so at least a lefty — And I wonder, can we on the Left expect to build this ecology of freedom, now, in a world where we know the extraordinarily powerful influences against it, where even icons of the Left like this entertain and push bills that would effectively ban the requirement of open access for government-funded research?
Їм вдається відмовити Північну Америку від використання машин, що є великим внеском.
They're actually managing to talk North Americans out of driving cars, which is a pretty great thing.
Una vez adentro, le pregunté a mis compañeras si ellas también tenían la misma experiencia que yo, de palabras saltando de un lado a otro.
Back inside, I asked my classmates if they were having the same experience of words jumping around our cases as I was.
Pa onda je tu najelegantnija moguća stvarnost.
Then there's the most elegant possible reality.
Esta é a escala. A linha vermelha obviamente é metade do caminho até o polo.
That's the scale. The red line is obviously halfway to the pole.
But only if I get permission from my dad.
Truk pickup di kanan atas ini akan berpindah ke jalur kiri karena jalan di depannya ditutup, sehingga truk harus berpindah.
So here the pickup truck in top right is about to make a left lane change because the road in front of it is closed, so it needs to get out of the way.
זהו מענק הקרקע בחצי התחתון של השקופית.
That's the land grant on the bottom half of the slide.
Можно сбросить на город атомную бомбу, и 30 лет спустя он живёт.
You could drop an atom bomb on a city, and 30 years later it's surviving.
لا تهتموا لهؤلاء الذين يقولون أنهم يدخرون قليلا جدا.
Take out those who say they save too little.
Намирането на източника става все по-важно - намирането на добър източник - повечето журналисти влизат в Туитър.
And finding the source becomes more and more important — finding the good source — and Twitter is where most journalists now go.
Szerintem ezt mi is meg tudjuk csinálni Cambridge-ben. ” Cambridge-be vitte, és elkezdték a vállalkozást - két nő - a másik alapító Robin Chase volt.
I think we can do that in Cambridge, "" brought it to Cambridge and they started — two women — Robin Chase being the other person who started it.
عندما تضع نفسك في موقف هؤلاء الناس ، أشياء مثل حقيقة أن هذا يجب أن يكون قادرا على الطيّ وأن يتركب على دراجة ، أصبح ذا صلة أكثر من كيفية شكلها. الطريقة التي ينتج بها ، لا بد من إنتاجها مع طرق التصنيع الأصلية والمواد الأصلية.
When you put yourself in the position of these people, things like the fact that this has to be able to fold up and fit on a bicycle, become much more relevant than the form of it. The way it's produced, it has to be produced with indigenous manufacturing methods and indigenous materials.
Mūsų stipriausi alpinistai, Todas Burlesonas (Todd Burleson) ir Pytas Atansas (Pete Athans), nusprendė kopti gelbėti kitų, nors ir siautė baisi audra.
Our two strongest climbers, Todd Burleson and Pete Athans, decided to go up to try to rescue who they could even though there was a ferocious storm going.
אמון הוא מושג בלתי נתפס. ולמרות זאת אנו תלויים בו כדי לנהל מהלך חיים תקין.
Trust is an elusive concept, and yet we depend on it for our lives to function.
Amikor nagy ünnepséget rendez Perszepoliszban, odarendeli az agyaghengert, és az agyaghenger, amit kölcsönad a British Museum, Teheránba utazik, hogy része legyen a Pahlavi-dinasztia nagy ünnepségeinek.
When he has his great celebrations in Persepolis, he summons the cylinder and the cylinder is lent by the British Museum, goes to Tehran, and is part of those great celebrations of the Pahlavi dynasty.
Acesta este pinul de Monterey, care are mici săculeţi de aer pentru ca polenul să fie purtat şi mai departe.
This is the Monterey Pine, which has little air sacks to make the pollen carry even further.
E non podes publicar escusas "". Tiña a boca seca, quizais non tanto como agora, pero tiña a boca moi, moi seca.
And you can't publish excuses. "" So I had such dry mouth — probably not as bad as now — but I had such, such dry mouth.
Нам нужны другие числа для сравнения, которые связаны с другими данными, чтобы мы могли видеть полную картину, и это нам поможет изменить наше представление о реальности.
We need relative figures that are connected to other data so that we can see a fuller picture, and then that can lead to us changing our perspective.
In questo senso, la pelle è un materiale di "" transizione "", l'inizio di un'industria di bioproduzione di massa.
In this sense, leather is a gateway material, a beginning for the mainstream biofabrication industry.
Má to delší návratnosti než "" moutaintop removal "", ale větrná energie se skutečně vyplácí pořád.
It's a longer payback than mountaintop removal, but the wind energy actually pays back forever.