58 values
Estava esperando pelo sinal sonoro do pedestre e, assim que ele soou, eu estava pronto para começar a atravessar a rua, quando, de repente, minha mão direita foi agarrada por esse cara, e ele puxou o meu braço, e me puxou para a faixa de pedestre e atravessou a rua me puxando, e falando em mandarim.
I was waiting for an audible pedestrian signal, and as it went off, I was just about to step out into the street, when all of a sudden, my right hand was just gripped by this guy, and he yanked my arm and pulled me out into the crosswalk and was dragging me out across the street, speaking to me in Mandarin.
(سخنران): قطعا وقتی تعداد زیادی گربه می بیند ممکن است فکر کند که همه چیز شبیه گربه است.
FFL: So of course, when it sees too many cats, it thinks everything might look like a cat.
(Lachen) Die ist eine große Erdnuss. Da Einstein ein Vogel ist, interessieren sie Dinge, die fliegenden können.
(Laughter) That is one big peanut. Since Einstein is a bird, she's very interested in things that fly.
El fallo fue 7 a 2.
Seven to two, they ruled.
Millennia oude gletsjers en zee-ijs zijn momenteel binnen decennia aan het verdwijnen.
Glaciers and sea ice that have been with us for millennia are now disappearing in a matter of decades.
A měli tato očekávání, protože činitelské metafory naznačují úmyslný čin žijící věci, která se snaží dosáhnout určitého cíle.
And they had those expectations because agent metaphors imply the deliberate action of a living thing pursuing a goal.
저건 공상 과학이 아니에요.
That's not science fiction.
Estás creando un nuevo tipo de suministro de servicio eléctrico.
You're kind of building a new type of distributed utility.
보고 계신 구조는 미토콘드리아입니다. 이는 박테리아만큼 작습니다.
The structures you see are mitochondria that are the size of bacteria.
ذلك عندما تبدأ الغرس في الطفل بــ "" أنت شيء خاص ، أنت مختلف من أي طفلٍ آخر في العالم.
That's when you start to imprint on the child that "" you are special, you are different from every other child in the world.
אילו היה לך המידע הנכון, היית עושה את הדבר הנכון. לבסוף, אתם רוצים להיות הסוכן המטפח.
If you had the right information, you would have done the right thing. "" (Laughter) Lastly, you want to be the nurturing agent.
Конечно стоит подождать, если любишь конфетку.
Of course it pays, if you like marshmallows, to wait.
Imagjinoni sesi ne te ardhmen duke mare probiotike te programuar do te mund te identifikohen dhe trajtohen tumoret, ose dhe semundje te tjera.
Altogether, imagine in the future taking a programmed probiotic that could detect and treat cancer, or even other diseases.
Новая Южная Африка очень захватывающая страна.
Well, the new South Africa is a very exciting country.
Например, древнегреческий миф, объясняющий смену времен года.
Consider the ancient Greek myth explaining seasons.
"Sjećaš li se pacijenta kojeg si vidio s upaljenim grlom?"
"Do you remember that patient you saw with the sore throat?"
(웃음) 그래서 전 다른 종류의 모자들도 만들어봤어요
(Laughter) So I make other hats as well.
Δουλεύω με έναν νέο προγραμματιστή κινουμένων σχεδίων που λέγεται Νικ Ντίμερ, και αυτό είναι μια επίδειξη που έκανε για μένα, τμήμα ενός μεγαλύτερου προγράμματος που ίσως να ενδιαφέρει μερικούς από σας.
I'm working with a young computer-animator documentarian named Nick Deamer, and this is a little demo that he's done for me, part of a larger project some of you may be interested in.
ไม ่ จําเป ็ นต ้ องชนะนะครับ แค ่ ทําคะแนนให ้ ได ้ ดี
You don't necessarily have to win, but you must do extremely well.
Quhet Paraorchestra.
It's called Paraorchestra.
He kytkivät Harvardin opiskelijoita sähköshokkilaitteeseen.
What they did was they hooked up Harvard undergraduates to an electric shock machine.
Ils montent des plates-formes juste comme pour cette estrade.
These raised up platforms just like this stage.
인도에서는 몬순 비가 올 때 번식을 합니다.
What's happening is they are breeding in the monsoon rains here.
Ştiţi, Cameron Sinclair a spus ieri, "" Cum determin pe toată lumea să colaboreze la design şi să contruiască global locuinţe pentru umanitate? "" Şi dacă aţi văzut-o pe Amy Smith, ea vorbeşte despre cum faci studenţii de la MIT să lucreze în comunităţi în Haiti.
You know, Cameron Sinclair yesterday said, "" How do I get everyone to collaborate on design globally to do housing for humanity? "" And if you've seen Amy Smith, she talks about how you get students at MIT to work with communities in Haiti.
ووجدنا في هذه العينة أصل مشترك لسلسلة الحمض النووي خاصته مع الموجود في "" النيدرثيلس "" من 640 الف عام خلت
And we found that this individual shared a common origin for his DNA sequences with Neanderthals around 640,000 years ago.
Og hvis du tror det ganske enkelt er fordi vi ikke er interessert vil du ta feil.
And if you think it's simply because we are not interested, you would be wrong.
Co to oznacza? Jeśli spojrzycie na dyskusję dotyczącą rozwiązania problemów fiskalnych, to jako naród nie jesteśmy podzieleni w tej znaczącej sprawie.
And so what this tells me is, when you look at the discussion of how to resolve our fiscal problems, we are not a nation that's powerfully divided on the major, major issue.
זה נקרא מערכת בריאות — מערכת בה רופאים נותנים פתרונות לשיפור הבריאות, ולא רק לנהל מחלה.
It's called healthcare — a system where doctors can prescribe solutions to improve health, not just manage disease.
Avevamo perso tutto.
We had lost everything.
(Risate) (Applausi) Lo farò con voi.
(Laughter) (Applause) I'll do it with you.
با این توانمندسازی ، مسوولیت کامل محقق می شود.
With that empowerment comes complete responsibility.
Để trả lời câu hỏi này chúng tôi đã thực hiện một nghiên cứu ở khu vực Boston nơi chúng tôi đặt ba biện pháp can thiệp trong nhà người dân trong vài tuần.
To explore that question, we did a study in the Boston area where we put one of three interventions in people's homes for a period of several weeks.
Nu mi-ar plăcea.
Girl 4: I wouldn't like it.
Probabilmente nessuno, penso che siamo tutti darwinisti.
Probably none. I think we're all Darwinians.
הגוף עובד ע "" י יצירת פקודה מוטורית במוח, שעוברת במורד חוט השדרה, דרך העצבים אל קצוות הגוף.
Well the body works by starting a motor command in your brain, going down your spinal cord, out the nerves and to your periphery.
تصور کنید که چنین جهانی چگونه خواهد بود ؟
What might that world look like?
Aber vielleicht ist das etwas zu offensichtlich.
But maybe that's a little too obvious.
그녀는 이 세상에서 바로 지금 일어나는 것에 대해 염려하죠.
She's concerned about what's happening in this world right now.
到了起跳的时候会出现一道绿光接着跳伞专家会喊 , ” 开始。 “第一个人跳下去了 , 你只需排着队。你就像木头一样靠在门边
And then when it's time to go, a green light goes and the jumpmaster goes, "" Go. "" The first guy goes, and you're just in line, and you just kind of lumber to the door.
Αυτό είναι λίγο περίεργο.
Now this seems a bit strange.
أؤلئك الفتية يملكون من الصفات والسلوك مالايصدق.
These kids have attitudes that you just can't believe.
But what she was doing was actually making a model of a mathematical structure, that many mathematicians had thought it was actually impossible to model.
Používajú pritom zákony fyziky a chémie, ale mohli by používať aj biológiu.
They do this using principles of physics and chemistry, but they could also be using biology.
هيذر ، وبدأت التحرّي ووجدَتْ مئات من الرسائل وصور متبادلة ورسائل غرامية
Heather, she goes digging, and she finds hundreds of messages, and photos exchanged and desires expressed.
어려운 일이기도 하죠.
It's not easy.
Han havde det rigtig skidt.
He was suffering.
細胞外基質實際是一個可以固定細胞的網架結搆 , 給你的組織提供支撐 , 同樣也為細胞提供容身之所。
So now, the ECM is actually this mesh that holds the cells in place, provides structure for your tissues, but it also gives the cells a home.
Ognuno di noi è cosciente.
Each of us is conscious.
เราจะต ้ องเป ็ นผู ้ ที ่ อ ่ านแผนที ่ เก ่ งมาก ๆ
So we've got to become a really good mapper to do this.
Ona bir tedavi önerdiler, fakat bir süre sonra kendini hala daha iyi hissetmiyordu; Bu yüzden doktorlar birkaç test daha yapmaya karar verdiler.
They recommended that she do some therapy, but after a while she wasn't feeling better, so the doctors decided to do further tests.
(Applausi) CA: Fantastico.
(Applause) CA: That's cool.
(Tepuk tangan) Jadi, itu sebuah ceramah yang sangat mengagumkan.
(Applause) So, that was, fair to say, an astonishing talk.
Aber ich hatte auch Großväter, die in Flüchtlingslagern starben.
But I also had grandfathers who died in refugee camps.
Qu'est-ce qu'elle fait ?
What does it do?
Но всё же лучше выбираться из города поскорее.
But basically, you've got to get out of town as quickly as possible.
Uczy nas, jak być lepszymi lekarkami i lepszymi ludźmi, jak pracować godzinami przy stole operacyjnym. 300 pacjentów na dzień, 10, 20 operacji, a do tego trzeba zarządzać obozem - to właśnie w ten sposób nas uczy.
She shows us, trains us how to do and how to be better [people] and how to do long hours in surgery — 300 patients per day, 10, 20 surgeries, and still you have to manage the camp — that's how she trains us.
Європа також не була спокійною.
Europe was not spared either.
Jeho skĺznutie do kriminality bolo postupné.
His slide into criminality was incremental.
So people continue to flee into neighboring countries, and we build refugee camps for them in the desert.
Но в Индонезия открих една интересна история.
But there was one interesting anecdote that I found in Indonesia.
Thank you.
В наших планах развития стандартизация этой технологии.
The way forward for us is now to standardize this technology.
Կարող եք գտնել նման բաներ ամենուր, բավական է իմանալ, ինչպես փնտրել դրանք:
You can find these kinds of things wherever you look, once you learn how to look for them.
Ali u sređenoj verziji, jasno se vidi da to žena izgorela od sunca igra odbojku.
But in the tidied up version, it's plain to see that it's a sunburnt woman playing volleyball.
Die Garnelen fressen den Phytoplankton.
The shrimp eat the phytoplankton.
I onda sam im rekla: "" Želim biti učiteljica. "" Stvarno su ostali, ono, "" Što? Zašto?
And then I told them, "" I want to be a teacher. "" And boy, they were like, "" What? Why?
Ex — beeindruckend. Danke.
Impressive. Thank you.
Dok ste polako shvaćali kako posegnuti za njima i držati ih, kako ih podignuti i pomicati okolo, vi ste u stvari učili kako razmišljati i rješavati probleme, tako što ste shvaćali i manipulirali prostornim odnosima.
As you figured out how to reach out and grasp, pick them up and move them around, you were actually learning how to think and solve problems by understanding and manipulating spatial relationships.
(Risos) Vin un Aston Martin esta mañá.
(Laughter) I saw an Aston Martin this morning.
Opferlos. Fleisch aus dem Reagenzglas.
It's victimless. It's meat from a test tube.
En ese tren, los vagones pueden separarse dinámicamente mientras uno se mueve. y se convierten en buses exprés sin conductores que se mueven en una red secundaria de carreteras.
In this train, wagons can detach dynamically while you're moving and become express, driverless buses that move on a secondary road network.
Jest tam lejek, część anteny, lampa i klucz do zegarków.
There is a funnel, an aerial part, a lamp and clockwork key on the ark.
Една висока смъртност, разбира се, ще се породи при просто отхвърляне на тези терапии, в полза на това да продължим да имаме по много деца.
A high death rate will, of course, arise from simply rejecting these therapies, in favor of carrying on having a lot of kids.
Daran sind wir gewöhnt.
We're very used to this.
Niko. U redu, to je zapravo dobro.
No one. OK, that's good actually.
Bunların tamamını kendi adına da yapmadı.
And he didn't do all of this in his own name either.
你可以看到有一只猫头鹰 , 一只马 , 一只驴 , 一只公鸡 , 一只牛 , 和一只羊 , 然后 , 格温 , 我们有一些花俏的的艺术专用马克笔 , 像这样的彩色 , 你可以看见这里的字吗 ?
You can see we have an owl, we have a horse, a donkey, a rooster, an ox, and a sheep, and then here, Gwen, we have some fancy art store markers, colors like, can you see that word right there?
我必須告訴大家, 目前大力資助非洲大陸的人, 以女性居多
And I want to say that some of the best people to invest in on the continent are the women.
방글라데시는 저 구석으로 올라갑니다. 1990년대에는 끔찍한 HIV가 유행합니다.
They move up into that corner.
یک جنبه دیگر از این ترس وجود دارد.
There's another side to this fear.
Tiahnuc sa viac ako milión rokov, tradícia pästných klinov je tá najdlhšia umelecká tradícia v ľudských a ranných ľudských dejinách.
Stretching over a million years, the hand axe tradition is the longest artistic tradition in human and proto-human history.
Vă mulțumesc!
Thanks very much.
И всяка година ги караме да започнат компания, или продукт, или услуга, които могат да повлияят положително на живота на един милиард души в рамките на едно десетилетие.
And every year we ask them to start a company or a product or a service that can affect positively the lives of a billion people within a decade.
ระดับน ้ ําทะเลกําลังสูงขึ ้ น และคิริบาติ เช ่ นเดียวกับ 42 ประเทศอื ่ นๆในโลก จะจมอยู ่ ใต ้ น ้ ําในอีก 50 ถึง 100 ปี เนื ่ องมาจากความเปลี ่ ยนแปลงทางสภาพอากาศ และการเพิ ่ มขึ ้ นของระดับน ้ ําทะเลจากการขยายตัวของอุณหภูมิที ่ เกี ่ ยวข ้ อง และการละลายของน ้ ําจืดลงสู ่ มหาสมุทร
Sea levels are rising, and Kiribati, along with 42 other nations in the world, will be under water within 50 to 100 years due to climate change and the associated sea-level rise from thermal expansion and the melting of freshwater into the ocean.
Este prima mașină electrică produsă în masă, prima mașină electrică cu zero emisii de pe piață.
It's the first mass-volume electric car, zero-emission electric car in the market.
Isto significa que você pode reunir muitos e muitos dados ao redor de uma hipótese ou de uma posição, e isto irá fortalecê-la, mas não a provará conclusivamente.
What this means is you can gather more and more data around a hypothesis or a positioning, and it will strengthen it, but it will not conclusively prove it.
มันเหมือนกันข ้ อมูลจริงที ่ เราได ้ รับ ทั ้ งข ้ อมูลสุขภาพและข ้ อมูลเกี ่ ยวกับเรื ่ องยา และมันฟังดูสมบูรณ ์ แบบมากๆ
So it's exactly the way we get health information and pharmaceutical information, and it just sounds perfect.
PM: So you are plugged in.
有一天 , 你一如既往地过着你的生活你正准备参加一个派对你正在送孩子上学你正在去看牙医的路上。
One day you're living your ordinary life, you're planning to go to a party, you're taking your children to school, you're making a dentist appointment.
အင ် ္ ဂလိပ ် ဘာသာစကားဟာ အခြားဘာသာ စကားတွေကို တိုက ် စားသွားမဲ ့
Is English a tsunami, washing away other languages?
Quelle ingéniosité devrions-nous déployer?
How clever would we have to be?
Ispostavlja se da Europska Unija, plus onih devet država, pokrivaju oko dvije trećine svjetskog ulova ribe.
Turns out, European Union plus nine countries covers about two thirds of the world's fish catch.
عندما غيرنا البيئة تغير السلوك
When we changed the environment, the behavior changed.
Разхождах е по улиците на Амстердам и осъзнах, разбирате ли, че голямата история от Амстердам не е какво има в дизайнерските магазини, а какво има навън, по улиците, и може би е самообяснително, но един град, който не е бил превзет от модернизма, който е запазил своя тип архитектура и характер и където велосипедът играе важна роля за начина, по който хората се придвижват, където правата на пешеходците са защитени.
I was walking around on the streets of Amsterdam and I recognized, you know, the big story from Amsterdam isn't what's in the design stores, it's what's out on the streets, and maybe it's self-explanatory, but a city that hasn't been taken over by modernism, that's preserved its kind of architecture and character, and where the bicycle plays an important part of the way in which people get around and where pedestrian rights are protected.
Mam więc jedno przesłanie – zawarte jest ono w mojej książce, w tym co mówił Armstrong i co mówili inni – to są wspólnoty.
So, I think the message I take, from what I read from the book, from what Armstrong said, and from all these people, is that these are neighborhoods.
Ze tonen mannen en vrouwen en hoe we zijn.... niet hoe we eruitzien, maar hoe we werkelijk zijn.
They are about men and women and the way we are — not the way we look, but the way we are.
تلك فكرة جميلة
That's a lovely idea.
Nous avons beaucoup entendu parler de ce qu'ils peuvent et ne peuvent pas faire.
We've heard a lot about what they can and can't do.
Това е по-късната част, при която мускулите му ще се движат, а той ще пристъпва сам.
This is the posterior part, where his muscles are going to be moving, and he's going to be pacing himself.