58 values
El aire era fétido, la habitación estaba patas arriba.
The air was fetid, the room a shambles.
Naravno, onda su ušli u klopku.
Then of course, it goes into the entrapment device.
So với thế kỷ trước, tuổi thọ trung bình đã tăng gấp đôi.
Over the past century, average lifespan has more than doubled.
Anybody who dismisses the thought of a nuclear weapon being used by a terrorist is kidding themselves.
اما بگذارید پیشنهاد چهارمی بدهم: ریاضیات.
But let me suggest a fourth one: mathematics.
Но отпадъците е трябвало да отидат някъде и те имали отговорности като граждани.
But it had to go somewhere and they had responsibilities as citizens.
И мы тратим 35,000 долларов в год, в среднем, на содержание заключенного в тюрьме, а объединение школ тратит 500 долларов в год на питание одного ребёнка.
And we spend 35,000 dollars on average a year keeping a prisoner in prison, and school districts spend 500 dollars a year feeding a child.
Wir arbeiteten mit Honeybee Robotics. Das ist das Gehirn.
We worked with, by the way, Honeybee Robotics. This is the brain.
W czasie gdy ich poznaliśmy, mieliśmy zwyczaj pytania par, czy mają swoje stare zdjęcia ślubne.
Now, by the time we met Joe and Roseanne, we'd gotten in the habit of asking couples if they had an old wedding photograph.
Până acum am reuşit să localizăm unde în creier sunt aceste tulburări și am reuşit să intervenim în circuitele din creier să le activăm sau dezactivăm.
So what we've been able to do is to pinpoint where these disturbances are in the brain, and we've been able to intervene within these circuits in the brain to either turn them up or turn them down.
Brezžična tehnologija, razvita za mobilne naprave, je z manjšimi prilagoditvami povsem ustrezna rešitev.
The wireless technologies developed for mobile devices, with some minor modifications, are completely suitable to solve this.
و هذا يعني أننا جزء من الحل.
But that means we are all also part of its solution.
Apakah pemilu menghasilkan pemerintahan yang sah dan bertanggung jawab?
Does an election produce an accountable and legitimate government?
Neka od mojih istraživanja su pokazala da, kada date ljudima 10 ili više mogućnosti za izbor, oni će donositi lošije odluke, bilo da se radi o zdravlju, investicijama, ili drugim bitnim oblastima.
A number of my studies have shown that when you give people 10 or more options when they're making a choice, they make poorer decisions, whether it be health care, investment, other critical areas.
Questo è uno di quei casi, perché non c'è violenza dalla sua parte. In quella di mio padre invece sì.
This was one of these cases, because she has no violence in her background, but my father did.
Беше наречена "" балонът "" от пресата.
It was dubbed "" the bubble "" by the press.
Тому є дві причини.
There are two reasons.
Chcem ešte povedať, že toto aplikujem na veľa problémov vo svete, meniac mieru nedokončenia školy u detí, bojujúc so závislosťami, zlepšujúc zdravie tínejdžerov. liečiac časovými metaforami posttraumatický stres — so zázračnými vyliečeniami — propagujúc udržateľnosť rozvoja a ochranu, redukujúc psychickú rehabilitáciu pri 50 percentných výpadkoch, meniac motiváciu samovražedných teroristov, a ovplyvňujúc rodinné konflikty z rozporov vo vnímaní času.
I just want to say that we are applying this to many world problems: changing the drop-out rates of school kids, combating addictions, enhancing teen health, curing vets' PTSD with time metaphors — getting miracle cures — promoting sustainability and conservation, reducing physical rehabilitation where there is a 50-percent drop out rate, altering appeals to suicidal terrorists, and modifying family conflicts as time-zone clashes.
Ви спитаєте мене: чи можна використати це, щоб розпізнати емоції політиків?
And you may ask: Can we use this also to reveal politicians' emotions?
Ben de antropoloji okumaya başladım.
So I started studying anthropology.
Scrivevo di politica, economia e finanza e avrei potuto scegliere di specializzarmi in ognuno di questi campi,
I wrote about politics, economics and corporate affairs, and I could have chosen to specialize in any of those fields.
Pour finir, je voudrais vous raconter deux histoires à propos de comment les mères enseignent à leur enfants le monde avant même qu 'ils ne naissent.
To conclude, I want to tell you two stories about how mothers teach their children about the world even before they're born.
Het bestuur moest lokaal zijn want er bestond geen nationaal beschikbare informatie want reizen was zo beperkt.
You had to have local control because there was no nationally-available information because travel was so restricted.
Với 5.000 sinh viên vào năm 2016, mô hình này là bền vững về phương diện tài chính.
With 5,000 students in 2016, this model is financially sustainable.
Avea un mic membru rezidual pe o parte.
He's got a small residual limb on one side.
لا, لا, لا, صه. يجب أن نمضي سريعا.
No, no, no, shush. We've got to go quickly.
Comment me regarderiez vous ?
How would you look at me?
我可以讓你一隻耳朵聽見一個喇叭的聲音 , 另一隻耳朵聽到另一個喇叭的聲音。這才是真正的立體聲。
I can put it so that one ear hears one speaker, the other ear hears the other. That's true binaural sound.
بنابراین ، ما هر هفته کلی شکایت دریافت میکنیم — بنابراین ، ما هر هفته کلی شکایت دریافت میکنیم — یکی از شکایتهایی که معمولا از ما میکنند اسم برنامه "" قفس بینهایت میمون "" ، است که یکی از شکایتهایی که معمولا از ما میکنند اسم برنامه "" قفس بینهایت میمون "" ، است که از ایده به دام انداختن حیوانات و آزمایش کردن روی اونها ، حمایت میکنه.
So therefore, we get a lot of complaints every single week — complaints including one we get very often, which is to say the very title, "" Infinite Monkey Cage, "" celebrates the idea of vivisection.
Şartlı erişim: insanları içeriye davet edebilirsiniz ancak onlar kurallara uygun oynamak zorundalar.
Conditional access: You can invite people in, but they have to be able to play by the rules.
¿Qué? ¿Eso hicimos? ¿En serio? ¿Alguien hace eso?
What? Did we do this? Really? Does anyone do this?
C'est du marketing.
It's marketing.
Và những sự khác biệt có thể về mặt sinh học, vật lý, chức năng, chính trị, văn hóa, kinh tế xã hội.
And those differences can be biological, physical, functional, political, cultural, socioeconomic.
Saya putri ayah saya, saya banyak membaca, menulis, dan berpikir tentang kesehatan global.
I'm my father's daughter. I read, I write, I think about global health a lot.
전세계적으로 이런 것들이 공격받고 있습니다.
These things are under attack around the world.
Από ηλικία ενός ως και πέντε, τα κορίτσια έχουν ένα ποσοστό θνησιμότητας 50 τοις εκατό μεγαλύτερο από τα αγόρια, σε όλη την Ινδία.
From one to five, girls die at a 50 percent higher mortality rate than boys, in all of India.
Pensábamos que la familia ya estaría allí.
We thought our family would already be there.
那个挺好玩的。 ” 我就跑去乐高专卖店 ,
That stuff's cool. "" Walked into the Lego store.
De omvang van de misdaad groeit.
You see, you can now commit more crime as well.
Они взяли кредиты и засеяли почву.
So they took out loans and planted.
Danke schön.
Thank you.
Ce que nous voudrions donc vraiment faire, c'est nous protéger contre les dangers de l'optimisme, mais en même temps garder espoir, et bénéficier des nombreux fruits de l'optimisme.
So what we would really like to do, is we would like to protect ourselves from the dangers of optimism, but at the same time remain hopeful, benefiting from the many fruits of optimism.
Más téren azonban elmarad tőlünk.
But in other cases they may be lower.
熱帶地方的營業成本低 , 因為那裡很濕 , 螞蟻很容易在外面走來走去。
Operating costs are low in the tropics, because it's very humid, and it's easy for the ants to be outside walking around.
住在非洲就像是住在邊陲地帶這不單是比喻 , 也是事實如果你想想 2008 年前的通訊品質
Living in Africa is to be on the edge, metaphorically, and quite literally when you think about connectivity before 2008.
Αν εκπαιδευόμαστε ως ηγέτες απλά και μόνο να διαχειριζόμαστε ό, τι μπορούμε να μετρήσουμε, και το μόνο που μπορούμε να μετρήσουμε είναι το υλικό στη ζωή, χάνουμε ένα σωρό πράγματα στο πάνω μέρος της πυραμίδας.
If we're taught as leaders to just manage what we can measure, and all we can measure is the tangible in life, we're missing a whole lot of things at the top of the pyramid.
Στα ταξίδια του είδους μας για να βρούμε ένα νέο σπίτι κάτω από έναν νέο ήλιο, είναι πιο πιθανό να περάσουμε τον περισσότερο χρόνο στο ίδιο το ταξίδι, στο διάστημα, σε ένα σκάφος, σε ένα ερμητικά κλειστό κουτάκι που πετάει πιθανών για πολλές γενιές.
In our species' journey to find a new home under a new sun, we are more likely than not going to be spending much time in the journey itself, in space, on a ship, a hermetic flying can, possibly for many generations.
Det kommer att bero på huruvida de är rika eller fattiga.
It's going to depend if they're wealthy or impoverished.
وقد كان المتسلقون أثناء ذلك على الحافة أعلى مما نحن عليه ب 2000 قدم وكانوا معرضين تماماً لتلك العوامل الجوية
And the climbers up on the ridge were that much higher, 2,000 feet higher, and completely exposed to the elements.
Again, we can't know, but we can be pretty sure that some form of symbolic communication must have been involved.
Ten tweede is het nieuwe machinetijdperk exponentieel.
Secondly, the new machine age is exponential.
真主的圣像是什么 ?
What is the imagery of God?
Давайте залишимо ілюзії.
Let's be under no illusions.
In Wirklichkeit ist der Versuch vom Basiswissen zu der eigentlichen Anwendung zu kommen mehr so:
In reality, trying to go from fundamental knowledge to its application is more like this.
לא רק זה, הריסוס והכריתה של עצי הצַפצָפָה והלִבנֶה על מנת לפנות דרך לעצי האורן והאשוח שהיו בעלי ערך מסחרי יותר היו מזעזעים.
Not only that, the spraying and hacking of the aspens and birches to make way for the more commercially valuable planted pines and firs was astounding.
¿Por qué, cuando muera, no deberían tener ellos su oportunidad conmigo?
Why, when I die, should they not have their turn with me?
Ez egy gyönyörű pillanat.
This is a beautiful moment.
Ιδού το τελικό χάμπουργκερ.
Here's the final hamburger.
Pueden pasarse a otro grupo si no les gusta su grupo, etc.
You can walk across to another group, if you don't like your group, etc.
Det kanske de kan.
Maybe they can.
Выбирая изучение стрекоз, вы предпочтёте изучать прекрасных ярких особей, как та красная стрекоза. Или очень редкие виды на гране исчезновения.
If you're going to study dragonflies, you want to study those really bright beautiful ones, like that red one. Or the really rare ones, the endemic endangered ones.
E 'stato difficile, ci siamo rivolti alle alte sfere del comando, convicerli che questa era la cosa giusta da fare, e riuscire a farlo con mezzi elettronici.
It was sensitive, we had to go up the chain of command, convince them that this was the right thing to do and do all of this on electronic medium.
בערך 16,000 מיני נמטודות התגלו ואובחנו על-ידי מדענים, יכולים להיות עוד מאות אלפים, ואולי מיליונים שטרם התגלו.
About 16,000 species of nematode worms have been discovered and diagnosed by scientists; there could be hundreds of thousands of them, even millions, still unknown.
Este estudio demuestra que la mayor rentabilidad del aceite de palma se consigue en suelo degradado.
The study shows that the highest net present value for palm oil is on land that's been degraded.
Well, menurut saya ini merupakan contoh terbaru dari fenomena yang bisa kita sebut "" crowd-accelerated innovation. "" (kerumunan yang memacu inovasi)
Well, I think it's the latest iteration of a phenomenon we can call "crowd-accelerated innovation."
Zulke aantallen maken het lastig om je aandacht erbij te houden.
The numbers just make you want to zone out.
上空1000kmから 50cmの目標物をとらえ続けなくてはなりません秒速7kmで飛行中にですこれはとても高度なことです
You have to stay focused on a 50-centimeter target from over 600 miles away while moving at more than seven kilometers a second, which requires an awesome degree of complexity.
Для этого используется первоначальный измеритель параметров.
For that, we use an initial measurement unit.
Želim da razgovaram sa vama o strahu.
I want to talk to you about fear.
(Applaus) Dank je.
(Applause) Thank you.
Le croirez-vous, au bout d'une dizaine de paragraphes ?
Would you believe about a dozen paragraphs?
Prisimenu moterį vardu Ayla Nattles.
I think of this woman named Islan Nettles.
ES: Kao prvo, odričete se svojih prava.
ES: Well, so the first thing is, you're giving up your rights.
那意謂著僅管公司有培訓計畫、遠距、評估、訓練 , 所有的這些事 , 半數以上的公司都沒能培養足夠的領袖。
That means that despite corporate training programs, off-sites, assessments, coaching, all of these things, more than half the companies had failed to grow enough great leaders.
Ştim că designul nu va rezolva toate problemele lumii.
Now, we know design won't solve all the world's problems.
Ve işte bu yüzden büyümenin durması merkezi konumdaki konudur ve kendimizi hazırlamamız gereken olaydır.
And that's why the end of growth is the central issue and the event that we need to get ready for.
C'était des mots qui pouvaient vous faire tuer.
These were words that could get you killed.
And that person's job, as well as an entire fleet of professionals like that person, is going to find that their jobs are radically changed or actually completely eliminated.
Wir werden in unbekannte Gebiete vordringen.
We'll go into areas we have no knowledge of.
이것은 진화의 다음 단계입니다.
This is the next step in the evolution.
Također mora biti dovoljno detaljno.
It also has to be sufficiently detailed.
اگر من در مورد موضوعی با خودم کشمکش داشته باشم و تصمیم به انجام کار صحیح بگیرم چه فرقی می کند ، چون نسخه های بیشماری از من وجود دارد که آنها هم در حال انجام کار صحیح هستند و همینطور نسخه های بیشمار دیگری هم هستند که کار نادرست را انجام می دهند.
If I really struggle morally and agonize and I decide to do the right thing, what difference does it make, because there are an infinite number of versions of me also doing the right thing and an infinite number doing the wrong thing.
Y así, en cualquier momento, en cualquier página de la Web, ciertamente, uno pude preguntarse ¿qué piensa la comunidad de la blogósfera de esta página?
And so at any given time, on any given page on the Web, actually, you can say, what does the weblog community think about this page?
그래서 오늘 주제는 자기초월에 대한 것입니다.
My Talk today is about self-transcendence.
나무 1입방미터는 1톤의 이산화탄소를 저장할 것입니다.
One cubic meter of wood will store one tonne of carbon dioxide.
Todos nos movemos más a o menos de la misma manera.
We all move the same way pretty much.
Ricordate quando vi ho mostrato questi pezzi di un puzzle?
Do you recall when I showed you these puzzle pieces?
一个是 , 即便你采用同一类燃料然后在发电厂发电并用它来给汽车充电 , 这仍会好很多。
One is that, even if you take the same source fuel and produce power at the power plant and use it to charge electric cars, you're still better off.
És itt bevezetek valamit, a síkot betöltő folyó kanyarulatok halmazát.
And so here I introduce something, the set of rivers of a plane-filling curve.
Tiu scipovo estu uzata, aplikata, kaj montrata al la ekstera mondo - tiuj scipovo kaj kompetentoj havas praktikan utilon, eĉ hodiaŭ.
It needs to be used, needs to be applied, needs to be shown to the world outside — that these knowledge and skills are relevant even today.
وە هەرئەو منداڵانەن کە نەخۆش دەکەون
And those are the same kids who are going to be getting sick.
We zien allerlei soorten implantaten verschijnen, medicijnen die ons wakker houden.
We're going to have all kinds of implants, drugs that force us to stay awake all the time.
Jak všichni víte, mnoho z nás si to nemyslí.
Well, as you all know, not many of us believe we do.
U rana vremena, tih sto milijardi galaksija je bilo stješnjeno u ovoliki prostor.
At early times, those hundred billion galaxies were squeezed into a region about this big — literally — at early times.
Ale to, co zaměstnává představivost každého člověka - nebo alespoň mnoha lidí - je to, že z původního velkého třesku nějak vznikl ten krásný svět, ve kterém dnes žijeme.
But somehow what strikes everybody's imagination — or lots of people's imagination — somehow from that original Big Bang we have this beautiful world that we live in today.
ဒါတွေကို ကျွန ် တော ့ မနောထဲမှာ အရှိအတိုင ် းပုံဖော ် နိုင ် ပြီး ဒါကို အသုံးပြု ၊ စမ ် းသပ ် ၊ ပြီးတော ့ မွမ ် းမံတယ ် ။
I could picture them as real in my mind, and there I run it, test it and improve it.
La nube de abuelas se sienta en Internet.
The Granny Cloud sits on the Internet.
חיים רבים מדי כבר שלובים בחיינו, יותר מדי הזדמנויות לצער, יותר מדי אירועי-עבר לא-מוסברים.
Too many lives in our lives already, too many chances for sorrow, too many unaccounted-for pasts.
Нашественикът привлича вниманието на войниците на предните линии на имунната система.
The invader draws the attention of the immune system's front-line troops.