58 values
Iar ele sunt diferite.
And they're different.
C'est devenu une politique de « discrimination positive », comme nous l'appelons maintenant.
It became a policy of "" positive discrimination, "" we call it now.
ทอม ริดลีย ์: ดังนั ้ น ความหวัง คือสร ้ างเวอร ์ ชั ่ นใช ้ ที ่ บ ้ าน แล ้ วผมสามารถการออกกําลังระบบทางไกล ที ่ นักกายภาพบําบัดที ่ คลีนิคสามารถ เห ็ นว ่ าผมทําอย ่ างไงและทําอะไร
TR: And then the hope is to get it so it's a home version and I can do my exercise remotely, and the therapist at the clinic can see how I'm doing and stuff like that.
CA: Skulle inte vissa aktivister säga att detta är en del av konspirationen?
CA: Wouldn't some activists say that this is actually part of the conspiracy?
Auditoriya: Dözümlülük oyunda çox vacib faktordur, deşiklər arasını yerimək də onun ölçüsü.
Audience: The endurance element is a very important part of the game, walking all those holes.
[Alaveteli.org] によって私達は情報公開に関するデータベースを公開し議論ができます
And Alaveteli.com is a way for us to have an open database for Freedom of Information applications, and speak with each other.
Итак, что он показывает. Посмотрите, пожалуйста, на график в верхнем правом углу, он показывает фактическую максимальную скорость выдоха Джули, это жёлтый столбик.
So what it shows — if you want to focus on that top graph in the right-hand corner — it shows Julie's actual peak expiratory flow rate in the yellow bar.
A nagymamám kémikus volt. A Banting Institute-ban dolgozott Torontóban, és 44 éves volt, mikor gyomorrákban meghalt. Soha nem találkoztam a nagymamámmal, de örököltem a nevét, egy az egyben, Éva Vértes, és szeretem azt hinni, hogy a tudomány iránti szenvedélyét is.
My grandmother was a chemist. She worked at the Banting Institute in Toronto, and at 44 she died of stomach cancer. I never met my grandmother, but I carry on her name — her exact name, Eva Vertes — and I like to think I carry on her scientific passion, too.
انه بالتأكيد سيساعد.
It's sure to help.
脚手架还没有拆除 , 如果是大照片你还可以看到前景中的电子垃圾从中你可以判断出他们的职业 , 一群拾荒者
The scaffolding is still on, and this is an e-waste area, and if you looked in the foreground on the big print, you'd see that the industry — their industry — they're all recycling.
เกือบจะเท ่ ากับประชากรของเยอรมันนี
That's almost the size of Germany.
Бид ямар онол гаргаж байгаагаас үл хамаарч огторгуй жам ёсоороо байж л байна.
It's going to work the same damn way no matter what theories we have about the cosmos.
Mes suteikėme jai galimybę lankyti pamokas.
We gave her the opportunity to come to the class.
Локаворите вземали храна, добита в радиус от 100 мили.
The locavores used to get food taken in a radius of 100 miles.
İkincisi, bu bir mecburiyet, New York Times 'dan alıntı yapmamalısınız.
Secondly, it's imperative that you do not cite The New York Times.
És az emberekkel való foglalkozás során majdnem mindig ez az a rugalmasság, amire szükség van.
And in interactions with people, almost all the time, it is this kind of flexibility that is required.
Dere vil aldri tilintetgjøre basiller.
You will never annihilate the germs.
Благословене су. "" Тако су оне виделе ствари.
It's been blessed. "" That was their perception.
Razlika između umjetnosti i znanosti također nije konstruktivno nasuprot dekonstruktivnog, zar ne? Mnogo ljudi misli kako su dekonstruktivne.
The difference between arts and sciences is also not constructive versus deconstructive, right? A lot of people think of the sciences as deconstructive.
וליד אותם מים בליבות היו Deinococcus radiodurans (מין של בקטריות עמידות בקרינה), עושות שחיית-גב, שהכרומוזומים שלהן מתפרקים כל יום, שש, שבע פעמים, מאחות אותם בחזרה, וכך חיות בקרינה החזקה פי-200 מזו שיכולה להרוג אותנו.
And sitting next to that water in the cores was this little Deinococcus radiodurans, doing a backstroke, having its chromosomes blown apart every day, six, seven times, restitching them, living in about 200 times the radiation that would kill you.
Bu açıklamayı CNN 'de, Larry King Lıve programında altı buçuk yıl önce yaptı.
She did this on the "" Larry King Live "" show on CNN six and a half years ago.
Imat ću ogroman utjecaj na svijet. "" Ima sam tolike ideje, a tijekom otprilike dva mjeseca, primijetio sam da oko 10: 00 svakog jutra imam snažnu potrebu udarati glavom kroz monitor računala.
I'm going to have big impact on the world. "" I had all these ideas. And within about two months, I noticed at about 10am every morning I had this strange urge to want to slam my head through the monitor of my computer.
Velkou nápovědou, kterou máme, je skutečnost, že vesmír se mění v čase.
One big clue we have is that the universe is changing with time.
Et ce sont des enfants qui se plantent dans le système public.
And these are children who are flunking out of public school.
Ahora, este es Donald Trump.
Now, that is Donald Trump.
Οι οικονομίες στον αναπτυγμένο κόσμο πορεύτηκαν σε κάτι πολύ κοντά στην πλήρη απασχόληση.
Our economies in the developed world have coasted along on something pretty close to full employment.
Сейчас слишком раннее время для лекции по высшей математике, поэтому я принес с собой несколько картинок, чтобы показать, как это работает.
It's too early in the morning for a lecture on calculus, so I brought some images to just describe how that works.
Há uma câmera.
There's a camera.
Каждый раз я приходила, выполняла тест и засыпала.
So I would come in and take the test and I fell asleep in each one.
יש לנו יותר מידע.
You have more information.
Я хочу сказать — (Смех) если я прилежная ученица Дарвина, то я должна думать, что этому есть причина.
I mean — (Laughter) if I'm a good Darwinist, I've got to believe there's a reason for that.
Ve bu problem, — isterseniz buna ayrıcalığın tehlikeleri deyin- bizi, sanırım, kollektif dikkatsizliğin köklerine daha da yaklaştırır.
And this problem — call it the "" perils of privilege "" — brings us closer, I think, to the root of our collective recklessness.
Благодарение на дяволски хитрата му система за криптиране, тези 20 или 30 хиляди (не знаем точно колко) сайта, работещи там е невероятно трудно да бъдат закрити.
And because of this fiendishly clever encryption system, the 20 or 30 — we don't know exactly — thousand sites that operate there are incredibly difficult to shut down.
심지어 제 그림에서 보여지는 것은 제가 이러한 바브리 마스지드 같은 역사적 사건을 다시 상기시켜 그 일들의 감정적인 유산만을 뽑아내서 저만의 삶을 이미지화 시키는 겁니다.
Even in my gallery shows, I try and revisit historic events like Babri Masjid, distill only its emotional residue and image my own life.
No queríamos que los estudiantes memorizaran las fórmulas; queríamos cambiar su manera de mirar el mundo.
We didn't want students to memorize the formulas; we wanted to change the way they looked at the world.
Diede una descrizione molto elegante della forza forte e della forza debole.
And it gave a very beautiful description of the strong force and of the weak force.
Há uma área que são os oceanos, os recifes de corais.
There is an area that is the oceans, coral reefs.
Louise Leakey talked yesterday about how we're the only one in this branch left.
샌구 델: 역할이 있다고 생각합니다.
Sangu Delle: I think there is a role.
ואחד הדברים עליהם חשבתי לאחרונה הוא מה שווה להשקיע בו?
And one of the things that I've been thinking about recently is what is worth while.
از نیمی از آنان خواستیم برای ما پیش بینی کنند ارزش های آنها در عرض ۱۰ سال آینده چقدر تغییر خواهد کرد ، و از سایرین خواستیم بگویند ارزش هایشان در عرض ۱۰ سال گذشته چقدر تغییر کرده است.
We asked half of them to predict for us how much their values would change in the next 10 years, and the others to tell us how much their values had changed in the last 10 years.
Dieser nächste Teil ist eigentlich eine Art, Raum und Rhythmus zu verstehen. mit dem offensichtlichen Bezug zu den Beinen. Aber es geht auch um Zeit, wo die Füsse waren, wo die Bälle waren.
So this next part is really a way of understanding space and rhythm, with the obvious reference to the feet, but it's also time — where the feet were, where the balls were.
Коли я був малим, любив малювати, і найталановитішим художником, якого я знав, була моя мама, але вона мала залежність від героїну.
When I was a kid, I loved to draw, and the most talented artist I knew was my mother, but my mother was addicted to heroin.
Saya akan meninggalkan anda dengan sesuatu yang saya sebut ucapan berkat pembuat roti.
I'll leave you with what I call the baker's blessing.
Šta je sa kasnim 1940-im, kad je automobil postao veoma popularan i kad smo iznenada dobili pokretne spavaće sobe?
What about the late 1940s, when the automobile became very popular and we suddenly had rolling bedrooms?
그리고 이것은 지구에서 일어나고 있을 뿐만 아니라 우주 다른 곳에서도 분명히 일어나고 있는 무언가에 대해 우리가 새롭게 생각해보게 합니다.
And it gives us a new way of thinking about not only what's going on on our planet, but what might be going on elsewhere in the cosmos.
Идея проста: вы берёте фильмы, получившие награды Киноакадемии, сжимаете каждый из них до минуты и соединяете вместе.
Really simple idea: you take every Academy Award Best Picture, you speed it up to one minute each and string them all together.
偶尔的 , 他们会难过因为他们心爱的孩子会有如此大的变化以至于都不能认出他们来了。
And occasionally they suffer intense grief reactions because the child they've grown to love has changed so dramatically and they don't recognize them.
Да, колим. Да, такъв е животът.
Yes, we slaughter, you know. Yes, that's life.
Aber wenn etwas in tausenden von Laboren überall auf der Welt machbar ist, was es sein wird mit den neuen Technologien, wenn es eine große Anzahl an Menschen gibt, die sie als nützlich empfinden, was bereits so ist, und wenn man diese so gut wie nicht kontrollieren kann, dann ist die Frage nicht mehr, ob das alles passieren wird, sondern wann und wo es passieren wird.
But when something is feasible in thousands of laboratories all over the world, which is going to be the case with these technologies, when there are large numbers of people who see them as beneficial, which is already the case, and when they're almost impossible to police, it's not a question of if this is going to happen, it's when and where and how it's going to happen.
mengajarkan mereka untuk masa depan. Jadi tingkat ketidakpastiannya, saya pikir,
And yet we're meant to be educating them for it.
Nós limpamos essas áreas de praia mostradas aqui.
We cleaned up the swaths of beach shown.
병원에서는, 새로운 의학 장비를 위해서; 거리에서는 교통 통제를 위해서.
In hospitals, for new medical instruments; in streets for traffic control.
Sono contento di averlo superato. Non ci torneremo.
I'm glad I'm past that. We're not going to go into that.
Автомобили имат предни светлини със светодиоди, задни светлини базирани на светодиоди, и колите могат да комуникират една с друга и да се предотвратяват инциденти, като те обменят информация.
Cars have LED-based headlights, LED-based back lights, and cars can communicate with each other and prevent accidents in the way that they exchange information.
The hate mail I get is unbelievable.
( 掌聲 )
וניתן לגלות ניוטרינו באמצעות הסימן שהם משאירים כאשר הם פוגעים במולקולות מים.
And neutrinos you can detect by the signature they leave when they hit water molecules.
Ich begann mich besser zu fühlen.
I began to feel a bit better.
이것은 우리가 살아가면서 정말로 그리워 하는 것들에 대한 아이디어라고 할 수 있습니다.
So it's just this idea of what we really miss in life.
Ovo su moji unosi.
So these are some of my sample logs.
Und daher geht es nicht darum, "" das ist wundervoll "" oder "" wir erleben eine Verwandlung von einer Nur-Institution zu einem Nur-Kooperativen-Rahmen. "" Es wird sehr viel komplizierter.
And so the point here is not, "" This is wonderful, "" or "" We're going to see a transition from only institutions to only cooperative framework. "" It's going to be much more complicated than that.
می توانیم تمامی شبکیه را ببینیم.
We can see all parts of the retina.
Изведнъж, ефективният обсег за комуникация се променя от хиляда километра до 10 км.
All of a sudden, the effective range of communication goes from a thousand kilometers to 10 kilometers.
Thank you.
Többet kellene-e ezzel foglalkoznom?
Is that something I should do more of?
Jag vet inte vilka de är.
I don't know who the people in your life are.
Auf der y-Achse, der senkrechten Achse, steht, wie groß sie wirklich waren.
Along the y-axis, the vertical axis, is how tall they actually were.
組織では ― これはある意味皮肉めいているのですが ― 組織の求人において能力を優先順位に据えていると公言してもより多くの男性を雇い多くの給料を男性に支払う傾向にあったからですそれは明らかに能力とは男性的な特性だからです
And in organizations — and this is kind of ironic — in organizations that talk about merit being their primary value-driver in terms of who they hire, they were more likely to hire dudes and more likely to pay the guys more because apparently merit is a masculine quality.
This is very serious.
Я захожу, сгорая от нетерпения обсудить это, и говорю: « Кто может рассказать суть и объяснить, почему это так круто? » Тишина.
And so I'm so excited to discuss this with them, and I come in and I say, "" Can somebody please explain the main ideas and why this is so cool? "" There's silence.
Само че геномиксът е леща в биологията през прозорецът на редицата от бази в човешкия геном.
Except genomics is a lens on biology through the window of the sequence of bases in the human genome.
Eu realmente acho que este número é conservador.
I really think that the number is conservative.
De vannak más, személyesebb okok is arra, hogy törődjünk a méhekkel.
So there's other, maybe more personal reasons, to care about bees.
Бир је то разговор између две жене.
It was a conversation between two women.
Organizacja może głęboko wpływać na ludzką naturę.
Forms of organization can have a profound impact on human nature.
Als we een atmosfeer binnen moeten komen, moeten we ook parachutes testen.
If we are doing entry, we have to do tests of parachutes.
Việc sản xuất xe đặt nền móng cho việc phanh gấp.
Car production ground to a screeching halt.
Lijkt het groen en vriendelijk?
Does it seem green and friendly?
Esto refuta esa idea popular de que si eres la persona más inteligente en la sala, estás en la habitación equivocada.
That disproves that popular notion that if you're the smartest person in the room, you're in the wrong room.
Hádám, že si vy, stejně jako já, užíváte pohled na tančící baletku.
You all, I guess, like me, enjoy watching a ballet dancer dance.
Multe așezări încep să-și dezvolte propriile companii energetice, deținute de comunitate, unde comunitatea poate investi bani în ea înșăși pentru a pune în practică infrastructura pentru energie regenerabilă de care avem nevoie.
A lot of places now are starting to set up their own energy companies, community-owned energy companies, where the community can invest money into itself, to start putting in place the kind of renewable energy infrastructure that we need.
Et je pense que oui.
And I believe there is.
بنابراین به سراغ کتابچه راهنمای تلفن رفتیم و پیدا کردیم ما در دفترچه تلفن به دنبال ریتا کریل گشتیم و دو تا آدرس مختلف رو در آوردیم و این ما رو به نقشه گوگل برد که در آنجا ما یک خانه را پیدا کردیم
So we went to the white pages, and we found, we looked through the Rita Krills in the phonebook, and we looked through a couple of different addresses, and that took us to Google Maps, where we found a house.
(צחוק) אבל הטכנולוגיות משתפרות, ואנחנו מתחילים באמת לאחד את מקורות הניווט האלה.
(Laughter) But the technologies are getting better, and we're starting to really kind of crowdsource this navigation.
Y les están ofreciendo a sus creadores un 30% de la venta final de una manera mucho más emprendedora. Así que es un modelo diferente.
And they're offering their creators 30 percent of the back end, in a much more entrepreneurial manner. So, it's a different model.
Algumas pessoas destruíam metade da folha de papel, de tal forma que sobrava alguma evidência.
Some people shredded half the sheet of paper, so there was some evidence left.
Він запросив мене і спитав: "" Ти можеш підготувати для мене 150 бабусь? "" Я сказав, "" Ні, пане президенте, не можу.
So he summoned me and said, "" Can you train me 150 grandmothers? "" I said, "" I can't, Mr. President.
Dit is cis-3-hexenol. Ik heb de afgelopen 3 jaar in een sneltempo chemie moeten leren. Een heel dure chemieles van de middelbare school.
This is cis-3-hexene-1-ol. And I had to learn chemistry on the fly in the last three years. A very expensive high school chemistry education.
Mos ta bejme kete gje.
Let's not do that.
A piros pontok a már azonosított fehérjéket jelölik.
Each of the red dots are where a protein has actually been identified.
(tije de țelină sau salată înghețată rupte) (Râsete) Să produci sunetele potrivite nu e atât de ușor ca un drum la supermarket la raionul de legume.
(Breaking frozen lettuce or celery) (Laughter) Making the right sounds is not always as easy as a trip to the supermarket and going to the vegetable section.
세번째 프로젝트는 지역 환경과 관련된 것으로서
And the third kind of project: something for the local environment.
És így is fogalmaz.
And he actually says it that way.
เธอเป ็ นแม ่ บ ้ าน แต ่ เธอและดิฉันไม ่ ได ้ ออกไปนอกบ ้ านและทําอะไรแบบผู ้ หญิงๆด ้ วยกันหรอกนะคะ และเธอก ็ ไม ่ ได ้ ซื ้ อพวกชุดสีชมพูให ้ ดิฉันด ้ วย
She was a homemaker, but she and I didn't go out and do girlie things together, and she didn't buy me pink outfits.
В такому разі очікувався широкий вияв міжнародної співучасті для допомоги цим країнам, які мали чимало проблем і турбот в той час.
And in doing so, the expectation would be that there would be a huge outpouring of international assistance to help these countries which were in so much trouble and concern at that time.
Foi uma cena horrível.
It was a gruesome scene.
So we went back to molecular biology and started studying different bacteria, and what we've found now is that in fact, bacteria are multilingual.
캘레드 새에드는 2010년 6월에 살해당했습니다.
Khaled Saeed was killed in June 2010.
S manapság van egyfajta evangelikus pesszimizmus körülöttünk.
And today we have a kind of evangelical pessimism all around us.