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lazy , miserable and smug . | 0 | very negative |
the tenderness of the piece is still intact . | 4 | very positive |
thankfully , the film , which skirts that rapidly deteriorating line between fantasy and reality ... takes a tongue-in-cheek attitude even as it pushes the croc hunter agenda . | 2 | neutral |
a bravura exercise in emptiness . | 1 | negative |
follows the original film virtually scene for scene and yet manages to bleed it almost completely dry of humor , verve and fun . | 1 | negative |
perry 's good and his is an interesting character , but `` serving sara '' has n't much more to serve than silly fluff . | 1 | negative |
while not quite a comedy , the film tackles its relatively serious subject with an open mind and considerable good cheer , and is never less than engaging . | 2 | neutral |
but what 's nice is that there 's a casual intelligence that permeates the script . | 4 | very positive |
i had to look away - this was god awful . | 0 | very negative |
it 's fun , but it 's a real howler . | 3 | positive |
-lrb- a -rrb- rare movie that makes us re-assess the basis for our lives and evaluate what is truly ours in a world of meaningless activity . | 2 | neutral |
although disney follows its standard formula in this animated adventure , it feels more forced than usual . | 1 | negative |
it 's funny , as the old saying goes , because it 's true . | 3 | positive |
unofficially , national lampoon 's van wilder is son of animal house . | 2 | neutral |
-lrb- the digital effects -rrb- reminded me of terry gilliam 's rudimentary old monty python cartoons , in which he would cut out figures from drawings and photographs and paste them together . | 2 | neutral |
there are n't many conclusive answers in the film , but there is an interesting story of pointed personalities , courage , tragedy and the little guys vs. the big guys . | 3 | positive |
by turns pretentious , fascinating , ludicrous , provocative and vainglorious . | 3 | positive |
this is more a case of ` sacre bleu ! ' | 2 | neutral |
a thriller with an edge -- which is to say that it does n't follow the stale , standard , connect-the-dots storyline which has become commonplace in movies that explore the seamy underbelly of the criminal world . | 3 | positive |
with its hint of an awkward hitchcockian theme in tact , harmon 's daunting narrative promotes a reasonable landscape of conflict and pathos to support the scattershot terrorizing tone | 2 | neutral |
paul bettany is cool . | 3 | positive |
when in doubt , the film ratchets up the stirring soundtrack , throws in a fish-out-of-water gag and lets the cliched dialogue rip . | 2 | neutral |
if you liked such movies as notting hill , four weddings and a funeral , bridget jones ' diary or high fidelity , then you wo n't want to miss about a boy . | 4 | very positive |
if any of them list this ` credit ' on their resumes in the future , that 'll be much funnier than anything in the film ... | 1 | negative |
rock 's stand-up magic wanes . | 1 | negative |
cox creates a fluid and mesmerizing sequence of images to match the words of nijinsky 's diaries . | 3 | positive |
the movie has no respect for laws , political correctness or common decency , but it displays something more important : respect for its flawed , crazy people . | 2 | neutral |
it 's a bad action movie because there 's no rooting interest and the spectacle is grotesque and boring . | 0 | very negative |
best described as i know what you did last winter . | 2 | neutral |
give credit to everyone from robinson down to the key grip that this bold move works . | 4 | very positive |
a timid , soggy near miss . | 1 | negative |
with dickens ' words and writer-director douglas mcgrath 's even-toned direction , a ripping good yarn is told . | 4 | very positive |
a mechanical action-comedy whose seeming purpose is to market the charismatic jackie chan to even younger audiences . | 0 | very negative |
occasionally funny , always very colorful and enjoyably overblown in the traditional almodóvar style . | 4 | very positive |
if you have n't seen the film lately , you may be surprised at the variety of tones in spielberg 's work . | 3 | positive |
this new movie version of the alexandre dumas classic is the stuff of high romance , brought off with considerable wit . | 3 | positive |
happily , some things are immune to the folly of changing taste and attitude . | 3 | positive |
with its paint fights , motorized scooter chases and dewy-eyed sentiment , it 's a pretty listless collection of kid-movie clichés . | 1 | negative |
like mike is a slight and uninventive movie : like the exalted michael jordan referred to in the title , many can aspire but none can equal . | 1 | negative |
the only young people who possibly will enjoy it are infants ... who might be distracted by the movie 's quick movements and sounds . | 1 | negative |
a uniquely sensual metaphorical dramatization of sexual obsession that spends a bit too much time on its fairly ludicrous plot . | 3 | positive |
eight legged freaks falls flat as a spoof . | 1 | negative |
an infuriating film . | 0 | very negative |
the way coppola professes his love for movies -- both colorful pop junk and the classics that unequivocally qualify as art -- is giddily entertaining . | 4 | very positive |
mark pellington 's latest pop thriller is as kooky and overeager as it is spooky and subtly in love with myth . | 3 | positive |
a film that suffers because of its many excesses . | 1 | negative |
a compelling , gut-clutching piece of advocacy cinema that carries you along in a torrent of emotion as it explores the awful complications of one terrifying day . | 4 | very positive |
more mature than fatal attraction , more complete than indecent proposal and more relevant than 9 1\/2 weeks , unfaithful is at once intimate and universal cinema . | 4 | very positive |
-lrb- `` take care of my cat '' -rrb- is an honestly nice little film that takes us on an examination of young adult life in urban south korea through the hearts and minds of the five principals . | 3 | positive |
a distinctly minor effort that will be seen to better advantage on cable , especially considering its barely feature-length running time of one hour . | 1 | negative |
a surprisingly flat retread , hobbled by half-baked setups and sluggish pacing . | 0 | very negative |
in the end , ted bundy 's only justification is the director 's common but unexplored fascination with the frustrated maniac ; there 's no larger point , and little social context . | 2 | neutral |
it 's fitting that a movie as artificial and soulless as the country bears owes its genesis to an animatronic display at disneyland . | 0 | very negative |
in the wrong hands , i.e. peploe 's , it 's simply unbearable | 1 | negative |
director-writer bille august ... depicts this relationship with economical grace , letting his superb actors convey martin 's deterioration and barbara 's sadness -- and , occasionally , anger . | 2 | neutral |
the ring just left me cold and wet like i was out in the seattle drizzle without rainwear . | 0 | very negative |
long on twinkly-eyed close-ups and short on shame . | 1 | negative |
take any 12-year-old boy to see this picture , and he 'll be your slave for a year . | 3 | positive |
rather less than the sum of its underventilated père-fils confrontations . | 1 | negative |
a thoroughly awful movie -- dumb , narratively chaotic , visually sloppy ... a weird amalgam of ` the thing ' and a geriatric ` scream . ' | 0 | very negative |
a decidedly mixed bag . | 2 | neutral |
no number of fantastic sets , extras , costumes and spectacular locales can disguise the emptiness at the center of the story . | 1 | negative |
wang xiaoshuai directs this intricately structured and well-realized drama that presents a fascinating glimpse of urban life and the class warfare that embroils two young men . | 3 | positive |
rich in shadowy metaphor and as sharp as a samurai sword , jiang wen 's devils on the doorstep is a wartime farce in the alternately comic and gut-wrenching style of joseph heller or kurt vonnegut . | 4 | very positive |
the characters , cast in impossibly contrived situations , are totally estranged from reality . | 1 | negative |
... a ho-hum affair , always watchable yet hardly memorable . | 2 | neutral |
it 's not just the vampires that are damned in queen of the damned -- the viewers will feel they suffer the same fate . | 0 | very negative |
tully is worth a look for its true-to-life characters , its sensitive acting , its unadorned view of rural life and the subtle direction of first-timer hilary birmingham . | 4 | very positive |
about the only thing to give the movie points for is bravado -- to take an entirely stale concept and push it through the audience 's meat grinder one more time . | 0 | very negative |
overburdened with complicated plotting and banal dialogue | 1 | negative |
though avary has done his best to make something out of ellis ' nothing novel , in the end , his rules is barely worth following . | 1 | negative |
with elements cribbed from lang 's metropolis , welles ' kane , and eisenstein 's potemkin , the true wonder of rintarô 's metropolis is the number of lasting images all its own . | 2 | neutral |
it 's the movie equivalent of a sweaty old guy in a rain coat shopping for cheap porn . | 2 | neutral |
fierce , glaring and unforgettable . | 3 | positive |
if you thought tom hanks was just an ordinary big-screen star , wait until you 've seen him eight stories tall . | 2 | neutral |
cinematic poetry showcases the city 's old-world charm before machines change nearly everything . | 3 | positive |
as shaky as the plot is , kaufman 's script is still memorable for some great one-liners . | 3 | positive |
a true pleasure . | 3 | positive |
a cautionary tale about the grandiosity of a college student who sees himself as impervious to a fall . | 2 | neutral |
what goes on for the 110 minutes of `` panic room '' is a battle of witlessness between a not-so-bright mother and daughter and an even less capable trio of criminals . | 1 | negative |
it 's a setup so easy it borders on facile , but keeping the film from cheap-shot mediocrity is its crack cast . | 3 | positive |
you 'll laugh at either the obviousness of it all or its stupidity or maybe even its inventiveness , but the point is , you 'll laugh . | 2 | neutral |
automatically pegs itself for the straight-to-video sci-fi rental shelf . | 0 | very negative |
despite the pyrotechnics , narc is strictly by the book . | 2 | neutral |
does little more than play an innocuous game of fill-in - the-blanks with a tragic past . | 1 | negative |
if you 're the kind of parent who enjoys intentionally introducing your kids to films which will cause loads of irreparable damage that years and years of costly analysis could never fix , i have just one word for you - -- decasia | 0 | very negative |
the film 's heady yet far from impenetrable theory suggests that russians take comfort in their closed-off nationalist reality . | 2 | neutral |
too bad none of it is funny . | 0 | very negative |
both exuberantly romantic and serenely melancholy , what time is it there ? | 3 | positive |
quitting delivers a sucker-punch , and its impact is all the greater beause director zhang 's last film , the cuddly shower , was a non-threatening multi-character piece centered around a public bath house . | 2 | neutral |
the movie is amateurish , but it 's a minor treat . | 3 | positive |
director oliver parker labors so hard to whip life into the importance of being earnest that he probably pulled a muscle or two . | 2 | neutral |
a real story about real people living their lives concerned about the future of an elderly , mentally handicapped family member . | 3 | positive |
the movie does its best to work us over , with second helpings of love , romance , tragedy , false dawns , real dawns , comic relief , two separate crises during marriage ceremonies , and the lush scenery of the cotswolds . | 3 | positive |
a rote exercise in both animation and storytelling . | 1 | negative |
the movie is loaded with good intentions , but in his zeal to squeeze the action and our emotions into the all-too-familiar dramatic arc of the holocaust escape story , minac drains his movie of all individuality . | 1 | negative |
roman polanski 's autobiographical gesture at redemption is better than ` shindler 's list ' - it is more than merely a holocaust movie . | 3 | positive |
the only thing `` swept away '' is the one hour and thirty-three minutes spent watching this waste of time . | 0 | very negative |
we started to wonder if ... some unpaid intern had just typed ` chris rock , ' ` anthony hopkins ' and ` terrorists ' into some univac-like script machine . | 0 | very negative |
a thriller without a lot of thrills . | 0 | very negative |
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