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an exercise in cynicism every bit as ugly as the shabby digital photography and muddy sound . | 0 | very negative |
traffics in the kind of prechewed racial clichés that have already been through the corporate stand-up-comedy mill . | 2 | neutral |
very solid , very watchable first feature for director peter sheridan | 3 | positive |
illiterate , often inert sci-fi action thriller . | 1 | negative |
paul bettany is good at being the ultra-violent gangster wannabe , but the movie is certainly not number 1 . | 1 | negative |
a long-winded and stagy session of romantic contrivances that never really gels like the shrewd feminist fairy tale it could have been . | 1 | negative |
the impulses that produced this project ... are commendable , but the results are uneven . | 2 | neutral |
it 's a flashy , star-splashed reduction . | 2 | neutral |
its lack of quality earns it a place alongside those other two recent dumas botch-jobs , the man in the iron mask and the musketeer . | 1 | negative |
in its chicken heart , crush goes to absurd lengths to duck the very issues it raises . | 1 | negative |
despite its old-hat set-up and predictable plot , empire still has enough moments to keep it entertaining . | 3 | positive |
the screenplay comes across , rather unintentionally , as hip-hop scooby-doo . | 2 | neutral |
it 's clotted with heavy-handed symbolism , dime-store psychology and endless scenic shots that make 105 minutes seem twice as long . | 0 | very negative |
the filmmakers want nothing else than to show us a good time , and in their cheap , b movie way , they succeed . | 3 | positive |
i just did n't care as much for the story . | 1 | negative |
shanghai ghetto should be applauded for finding a new angle on a tireless story , but you might want to think twice before booking passage . | 2 | neutral |
bears is even worse than i imagined a movie ever could be . | 0 | very negative |
most of the action setups are incoherent . | 1 | negative |
this 90-minute postmodern voyage was more diverting and thought-provoking than i 'd expected it to be . | 3 | positive |
much of the lady and the duke is about quiet , decisive moments between members of the cultural elite as they determine how to proceed as the world implodes . | 3 | positive |
sit through this one , and you wo n't need a magic watch to stop time ; your dvd player will do it for you . | 1 | negative |
what little atmosphere is generated by the shadowy lighting , macabre sets , and endless rain is offset by the sheer ugliness of everything else . | 0 | very negative |
preaches to two completely different choirs at the same time , which is a pretty amazing accomplishment . | 4 | very positive |
i did go back and check out the last 10 minutes , but these were more repulsive than the first 30 or 40 minutes . | 0 | very negative |
shanghai ghetto may not be as dramatic as roman polanski 's the pianist , but its compassionate spirit soars every bit as high . | 4 | very positive |
the real charm of this trifle is the deadpan comic face of its star , jean reno , who resembles sly stallone in a hot sake half-sleep . | 2 | neutral |
resourceful and ingenious entertainment . | 4 | very positive |
bearable . | 2 | neutral |
the result is solemn and horrifying , yet strangely detached . | 1 | negative |
visually fascinating ... an often intense character study about fathers and sons , loyalty and duty . | 3 | positive |
a shoddy male hip hop fantasy filled with guns , expensive cars , lots of naked women and rocawear clothing . | 1 | negative |
a masterpiece four years in the making . | 4 | very positive |
`` austin powers in goldmember '' has the right stuff for silly summer entertainment and has enough laughs to sustain interest to the end . | 4 | very positive |
the movie will reach far beyond its core demographic . | 4 | very positive |
an uneven look into a grim future that does n't come close to the level of intelligence and visual splendour that can be seen in other films based on philip k. dick stories . | 1 | negative |
needs more impressionistic cinematography and exhilarating point-of-view shots and fewer slow-motion ` grandeur ' shots and quick-cut edits that often detract from the athleticism . | 1 | negative |
an imaginative comedy\/thriller . | 3 | positive |
when your leading ladies are a couple of screen-eating dominatrixes like goldie hawn and susan sarandon at their raunchy best , even hokum goes down easily . | 3 | positive |
i do n't even care that there 's no plot in this antonio banderas-lucy liu faceoff . | 2 | neutral |
that jack nicholson makes this man so watchable is a tribute not only to his craft , but to his legend . | 4 | very positive |
filmmakers who can deftly change moods are treasures and even marvels . | 4 | very positive |
you might be shocked to discover that seinfeld 's real life is boring . | 2 | neutral |
the movie is almost completely lacking in suspense , surprise and consistent emotional conviction . | 0 | very negative |
a good thriller . | 3 | positive |
a non-mystery mystery . | 1 | negative |
like vardalos and corbett , who play their roles with vibrant charm , the film , directed by joel zwick , is heartfelt and hilarious in ways you ca n't fake . | 4 | very positive |
a lot of talent is wasted in this crass , low-wattage endeavor . | 0 | very negative |
like the tuck family themselves , this movie just goes on and on and on and on | 0 | very negative |
paxton 's uneven directorial debut fails to unlock the full potential of what is in many ways a fresh and dramatically substantial spin on the genre . | 2 | neutral |
there are problems with this film that even 3 oscar winners ca n't overcome , but it 's a nice girl-buddy movie once it gets rock-n-rolling . | 2 | neutral |
while puerile men dominate the story , the women shine . | 2 | neutral |
an extremely unpleasant film . | 0 | very negative |
bursting through the constraints of its source , this is one adapted - from-television movie that actually looks as if it belongs on the big screen . | 4 | very positive |
the symbols float like butterflies and the spinning styx sting like bees . | 2 | neutral |
a work that lacks both a purpose and a strong pulse . | 0 | very negative |
birot is a competent enough filmmaker , but her story has nothing fresh or very exciting about it . | 1 | negative |
since the movie is based on a nicholas sparks best seller , you know death is lurking around the corner , just waiting to spoil things . | 2 | neutral |
scotland , pa. is a strangely drab romp . | 0 | very negative |
easier to respect than enthuse over , andersson 's rigorous personal vision is not only distanced but distancing . | 2 | neutral |
there 's no point in extracting the bare bones of byatt 's plot for purposes of bland hollywood romance . | 1 | negative |
a thoroughly entertaining comedy that uses grant 's own twist of acidity to prevent itself from succumbing to its own bathos . | 4 | very positive |
the actors are appealing , but elysian fields is idiotic and absurdly sentimental . | 2 | neutral |
star trek : nemesis meekly goes where nearly every star trek movie has gone before . | 2 | neutral |
hailed as a clever exercise in neo-hitchcockianism , this clever and very satisfying picture is more accurately chabrolian . | 4 | very positive |
mostly honest , this somber picture reveals itself slowly , intelligently , artfully . | 4 | very positive |
daring and beautifully made . | 4 | very positive |
is now stretched to barely feature length , with a little more attention paid to the animation . | 2 | neutral |
though the aboriginal aspect lends the ending an extraordinary poignancy , and the story itself could be played out in any working class community in the nation . | 3 | positive |
the respective charms of sandra bullock and hugh grant have worn threadbare . | 2 | neutral |
do n't expect any surprises in this checklist of teamwork cliches ... | 0 | very negative |
but the performances of pacino , williams , and swank keep the viewer wide-awake all the way through . | 4 | very positive |
the problem is that it is one that allows him to churn out one mediocre movie after another . | 0 | very negative |
and i 've decided to leave a light on every night from now on . | 2 | neutral |
only at the prospect of beck 's next project . | 2 | neutral |
director chris eyre is going through the paces again with his usual high melodramatic style of filmmaking . | 2 | neutral |
a handsome but unfulfilling suspense drama more suited to a quiet evening on pbs than a night out at an amc . | 1 | negative |
dragonfly has no atmosphere , no tension -- nothing but costner , flailing away . | 0 | very negative |
vaguely interesting , but it 's just too too much . | 1 | negative |
a minor film with major pleasures from portuguese master manoel de oliviera ... | 4 | very positive |
it 's difficult to feel anything much while watching this movie , beyond mild disturbance or detached pleasure at the acting . | 1 | negative |
leaks treacle from every pore . | 1 | negative |
contrived , awkward and filled with unintended laughs , the film shows signs that someone other than the director got into the editing room and tried to improve things by making the movie go faster . | 0 | very negative |
my wife is an actress has its moments in looking at the comic effects of jealousy . | 4 | very positive |
assayas ' ambitious , sometimes beautiful adaptation of jacques chardonne 's novel . | 3 | positive |
run for your lives ! | 0 | very negative |
an odd drama set in the world of lingerie models and bar dancers in the midwest that held my interest precisely because it did n't try to . | 4 | very positive |
` it 's better to go in knowing full well what 's going to happen , but willing to let the earnestness of its execution and skill of its cast take you down a familiar road with a few twists . | 3 | positive |
like the best 60 minutes exposé , the film -lrb- at 80 minutes -rrb- is actually quite entertaining . | 4 | very positive |
does n't offer much besides glib soullessness , raunchy language and a series of brutal set pieces ... that raise the bar on stylized screen violence . | 1 | negative |
lux , now in her eighties , does a great combination act as narrator , jewish grandmother and subject -- taking us through a film that is part biography , part entertainment and part history . | 4 | very positive |
... the plot weaves us into a complex web . | 3 | positive |
this movie feel more like a non-stop cry for attention , than an attempt at any kind of satisfying entertainment . | 0 | very negative |
you have no affinity for most of the characters . | 0 | very negative |
you really have to salute writer-director haneke -lrb- he adapted elfriede jelinek 's novel -rrb- for making a film that is n't nearly as graphic but much more powerful , brutally shocking and difficult to watch . | 2 | neutral |
anyone else seen this before ? | 2 | neutral |
what will , most likely , turn out to be the most repellent movie of 2002 . | 0 | very negative |
... the story is far-flung , illogical , and plain stupid . | 0 | very negative |
passionate , irrational , long-suffering but cruel as a tarantula , helga figures prominently in this movie , and helps keep the proceedings as funny for grown-ups as for rugrats . | 3 | positive |
wallace seems less like he 's been burning to tell a war story than he 's been itching to somehow tack one together | 2 | neutral |
the dramatic crisis does n't always succeed in its quest to be taken seriously , but huppert 's volatile performance makes for a riveting movie experience . | 2 | neutral |
Subsets and Splits