1 value
5.287 cm in front of scarf(1, -2, -5)
[ 1, -1.947, -5 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
5.768 cm to the left of hat(-3, 5, 3)
[ -2.942, 5, 3 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
between screw(0, -5, -3) and phone(0, -2, 5)
[ 0, -3.5, 1 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
1.828 mm behind socks(2, -1, 1)
[ 2, -1.002, 1 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
3.406 cm behind glasses(-4, 0, -3)
[ -4, -0.034, -3 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
2.58 cm next to globe(-1, 1, -4)
[ -1.026, 1, -4 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
1.77 mm behind watch(5, -2, 3)
[ 5, -2.002, 3 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
3.903 cm to the left of sunglasses(5, 1, 5)
[ 5.039, 1, 5 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
-3.476 m to the right of socks(2, 1, -1)
[ 5.476, 1, -1 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
0.095 mm underneath screw(1, -3, -1)
[ 1, -3, -1 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
-1.067 mm behind phone(-1, 2, -5)
[ -1, 2.001, -5 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
-4.208 m behind hat(-4, -5, 4)
[ -4, -0.792, 4 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
4.22 mm in front of guitar(3, 5, 1)
[ 3, 5.004, 1 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
-2.453 cm underneath backpack(-2, -5, 4)
[ -2, -5, 4.025 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
1.018 cm to the right of headphones(-2, 3, -4)
[ -2.01, 3, -4 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
-2.833 m to the left of wallet(2, 1, 3)
[ -0.833, 1, 3 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
4.903 cm to the right of glasses(1, 2, -3)
[ 0.951, 2, -3 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
-1.031 mm to the left of bottle(-1, 4, 5)
[ -1.001, 4, 5 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
-0.126 cm behind basketball(-2, 4, 5)
[ -2, 4.001, 5 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
-0.273 m underneath bottle(2, 4, 3)
[ 2, 4, 3.273 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
3.821 mm behind glasses(-3, 2, -5)
[ -3, 1.996, -5 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
-4.839 m to the left of wallet(2, 3, 3)
[ -2.839, 3, 3 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
between book(-5, -4, 0) and car(-5, -3, -2)
[ -5, -3.5, -1 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
-1.041 m behind television(-1, -4, 3)
[ -1, -2.959, 3 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
-1.504 cm behind umbrella(-3, 2, 0)
[ -3, 2.015, 0 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
between car(5, 3, 0) and socks(0, -5, -1)
[ 2.5, -1, -0.5 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
between book(0, -2, 2) and umbrella(-4, 1, 2)
[ -2, -0.5, 2 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
between basketball(-2, 2, -4) and scarf(3, 4, 1)
[ 0.5, 3, -1.5 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
between pillow(-2, 4, 5) and bicycle(0, 5, 4)
[ -1, 4.5, 4.5 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
0.884 cm to the left of hat(2, -1, -4)
[ 2.009, -1, -4 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
between book(1, 4, 3) and glasses(-3, 5, -3)
[ -1, 4.5, 0 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
3.394 mm underneath backpack(-3, -2, -2)
[ -3, -2, -2.003 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
-2.788 m underneath car(5, -1, -5)
[ 5, -1, -2.212 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
1.559 mm to the left of book(-4, -4, 3)
[ -3.998, -4, 3 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
0.323 mm underneath socks(0, -1, -4)
[ 0, -1, -4 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
1.275 mm to the left of television(-5, -1, -5)
[ -4.999, -1, -5 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
1.954 mm behind pillow(-2, 5, -4)
[ -2, 4.998, -4 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
between scarf(-4, 3, -2) and wallet(3, -3, 2)
[ -0.5, 0, 0 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
-2.572 m underneath basketball(-5, -1, 0)
[ -5, -1, 2.572 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
-1.881 mm next to scarf(-4, -3, 0)
[ -4.002, -3, 0 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
between bottle(-2, 0, -4) and screw(-4, -4, 2)
[ -3, -2, -1 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
between television(-1, -4, 3) and socks(1, 5, -5)
[ 0, 0.5, -1 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
-1.026 mm underneath pillow(-1, 5, -1)
[ -1, 5, -0.999 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
-2.591 m next to apple(-4, 0, 2)
[ -1.409, 0, 2 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
between phone(4, -4, -3) and sunglasses(1, 2, -2)
[ 2.5, -1, -2.5 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
-0.985 m next to hat(-2, -4, -4)
[ -2.985, -4, -4 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
-2.159 mm underneath backpack(2, -2, 1)
[ 2, -2, 1.002 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
-4.125 cm to the left of bicycle(-1, 1, 2)
[ -1.041, 1, 2 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
4.975 mm to the left of bicycle(5, 2, -2)
[ 5.005, 2, -2 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
between wallet(0, -4, -4) and sunglasses(1, 3, 3)
[ 0.5, -0.5, -0.5 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
between pillow(-1, 2, -5) and socks(-3, 5, 0)
[ -2, 3.5, -2.5 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
5.865 m behind umbrella(-4, -2, 4)
[ -4, -7.865, 4 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
4.468 m on top of camera(-2, 2, 0)
[ -2, 2, 4.468 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
2.251 m on top of remote(1, -2, 3)
[ 1, -2, 5.251 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
4.682 cm on top of sunglasses(-3, -4, -4)
[ -3, -4, -3.953 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
between car(-2, -5, 3) and pen(-2, -4, -3)
[ -2, -4.5, 0 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
4.821 m to the right of calendar(2, -3, -4)
[ -2.821, -3, -4 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
-4.825 mm on top of socks(2, -2, -2)
[ 2, -2, -2.005 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
4.424 m underneath camera(-4, 1, -4)
[ -4, 1, -8.424 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
between backpack(1, -4, -1) and phone(-5, 4, -5)
[ -2, 0, -3 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
5.945 m in front of guitar(-5, -2, 0)
[ -5, 3.945, 0 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
1.842 m behind screw(0, -5, -5)
[ 0, -6.842, -5 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
5.899 mm in front of bicycle(2, 3, -5)
[ 2, 3.006, -5 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
0.715 mm behind basketball(-1, 1, -3)
[ -1, 0.999, -3 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
0.237 cm next to watch(4, 2, 3)
[ 4.002, 2, 3 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
4.687 m to the left of globe(-4, -5, 3)
[ 0.687, -5, 3 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
5.627 m next to screw(1, 3, 3)
[ -4.627, 3, 3 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
between laptop(3, 2, 2) and apple(0, -5, -3)
[ 1.5, -1.5, -0.5 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
4.087 cm to the left of book(-5, -2, 1)
[ -4.959, -2, 1 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
-1.422 m to the right of apple(2, 3, -1)
[ 3.422, 3, -1 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
1.668 m next to wallet(-2, -5, -2)
[ -0.332, -5, -2 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
-1.979 mm in front of car(-2, -4, 5)
[ -2, -4.002, 5 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
-2.52 mm in front of pen(-4, 3, -3)
[ -4, 2.997, -3 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
1.356 cm underneath phone(0, -1, 5)
[ 0, -1, 4.986 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
-0.204 m behind chair(-1, -3, 2)
[ -1, -2.796, 2 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
1.63 cm underneath socks(-5, 3, 0)
[ -5, 3, -0.016 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
3.935 cm to the right of car(3, -5, -3)
[ 2.961, -5, -3 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
2.955 mm underneath shoes(-4, -2, -3)
[ -4, -2, -3.003 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
1.685 mm to the right of remote(3, -1, 2)
[ 2.998, -1, 2 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
between sunglasses(-1, -3, -1) and car(1, -3, -1)
[ 0, -3, -1 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
0.163 m in front of camera(-4, 4, -2)
[ -4, 4.163, -2 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
between apple(-1, -4, 5) and laptop(-3, -5, 5)
[ -2, -4.5, 5 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
between lamp(5, -3, -2) and screw(-1, 3, 3)
[ 2, 0, 0.5 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
1.829 m behind television(-2, 3, 0)
[ -2, 1.171, 0 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
1.24 m next to bottle(1, 0, 3)
[ -0.24, 0, 3 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
-3.384 m next to phone(-4, -1, 0)
[ -7.384, -1, 0 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
4.482 mm behind bottle(4, -2, 3)
[ 4, -2.004, 3 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
-0.617 m to the left of remote(-5, -2, 4)
[ -5.617, -2, 4 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
between sunglasses(2, 2, -1) and book(-1, 5, 3)
[ 0.5, 3.5, 1 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
between laptop(-2, 5, -5) and umbrella(3, -3, -4)
[ 0.5, 1, -4.5 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
between umbrella(2, -1, 2) and glasses(1, -5, -2)
[ 1.5, -3, 0 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
-0.42 cm underneath guitar(5, 2, -4)
[ 5, 2, -3.996 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
0.153 cm next to chair(-4, 4, -4)
[ -4.002, 4, -4 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
2.316 mm in front of guitar(-5, 4, -5)
[ -5, 4.002, -5 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
-4.002 m to the left of bottle(5, 5, 1)
[ 0.998, 5, 1 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
5.583 m underneath screw(-3, -1, -3)
[ -3, -1, -8.583 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
-4.788 cm in front of pen(3, 4, 5)
[ 3, 3.952, 5 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
3.96 cm underneath apple(4, 2, -4)
[ 4, 2, -4.04 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
-0.743 mm behind hat(-5, 0, 3)
[ -5, 0.001, 3 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
5.878 cm next to guitar(-5, 0, -4)
[ -4.941, 0, -4 ]
Calculate the coordinates.