1 value
-1.016 cm to the right of socks(4, 0, 3)
[ 4.01, 0, 3 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
-0.34 mm behind remote(-4, 3, 2)
[ -4, 3, 2 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
between book(0, 5, 0) and television(5, -2, -1)
[ 2.5, 1.5, -0.5 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
0.403 m underneath bottle(4, -5, -1)
[ 4, -5, -1.403 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
between lamp(-2, -4, 3) and globe(5, -3, 4)
[ 1.5, -3.5, 3.5 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
between socks(4, -1, -1) and sunglasses(-2, -4, 5)
[ 1, -2.5, 2 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
-1.595 m in front of book(-3, -3, 5)
[ -3, -4.595, 5 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
-1.486 m to the right of globe(2, 5, 0)
[ 3.486, 5, 0 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
between chair(4, -5, 0) and sunglasses(-5, 5, -5)
[ -0.5, 0, -2.5 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
-4.546 cm underneath headphones(-2, 5, 2)
[ -2, 5, 2.045 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
-3.074 m behind apple(-2, -2, 2)
[ -2, 1.074, 2 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
5.499 cm in front of pillow(-2, 2, -1)
[ -2, 2.055, -1 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
4.178 m in front of watch(4, -5, 1)
[ 4, -0.822, 1 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
-3.341 cm next to headphones(-1, -1, 0)
[ -0.967, -1, 0 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
between glasses(5, 1, 5) and bicycle(-3, 0, 0)
[ 1, 0.5, 2.5 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
4.025 mm underneath pillow(3, -1, -4)
[ 3, -1, -4.004 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
between globe(-3, 1, 2) and socks(-3, -2, -3)
[ -3, -0.5, -0.5 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
-2.301 m behind sunglasses(3, 5, 0)
[ 3, 7.301, 0 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
between screw(-5, -2, 3) and calendar(2, -2, -4)
[ -1.5, -2, -0.5 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
2.564 cm in front of keyboard(-4, -5, -4)
[ -4, -4.974, -4 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
-0.625 mm to the right of shoes(3, -2, 3)
[ 3.001, -2, 3 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
-2.617 m to the left of phone(-4, -3, 2)
[ -6.617, -3, 2 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
2.044 m to the left of television(0, -1, -5)
[ 2.044, -1, -5 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
between headphones(-4, 4, 3) and backpack(5, 2, 2)
[ 0.5, 3, 2.5 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
-4.064 cm in front of umbrella(2, 0, -5)
[ 2, -0.041, -5 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
5.735 mm to the left of umbrella(-4, -5, 1)
[ -3.994, -5, 1 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
3.922 m in front of lamp(-5, -1, 0)
[ -5, 2.922, 0 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
2.998 m to the left of laptop(1, -2, 1)
[ 3.998, -2, 1 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
3.454 mm to the right of apple(-1, 0, 2)
[ -1.003, 0, 2 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
5.089 cm to the left of hat(5, 3, 2)
[ 5.051, 3, 2 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
1.33 cm to the left of sunglasses(2, -3, 0)
[ 2.013, -3, 0 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
between watch(1, -2, -1) and glasses(0, -3, -3)
[ 0.5, -2.5, -2 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
0.474 mm behind globe(-4, -2, -4)
[ -4, -2, -4 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
between basketball(5, 1, -5) and headphones(1, -4, -4)
[ 3, -1.5, -4.5 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
between bottle(3, 3, -5) and guitar(-5, -4, -3)
[ -1, -0.5, -4 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
0.563 cm on top of headphones(2, -2, 2)
[ 2, -2, 2.006 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
between bottle(-5, -5, 3) and pillow(-4, -5, -4)
[ -4.5, -5, -0.5 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
between wallet(1, 4, -1) and scarf(4, 5, -1)
[ 2.5, 4.5, -1 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
-2.49 cm to the left of bicycle(-3, -4, -3)
[ -3.025, -4, -3 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
5.386 cm next to apple(1, 2, 2)
[ 1.054, 2, 2 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
between calendar(-3, 3, -2) and guitar(2, 3, 1)
[ -0.5, 3, -0.5 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
between globe(3, 2, 0) and laptop(-3, 4, 4)
[ 0, 3, 2 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
-1.652 mm behind globe(0, -1, 0)
[ 0, -0.998, 0 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
1.983 cm next to pillow(-2, -5, 5)
[ -1.98, -5, 5 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
2.661 m underneath keyboard(-2, 3, 4)
[ -2, 3, 1.339 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
3.611 cm to the right of basketball(-2, -4, -2)
[ -2.036, -4, -2 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
2.543 m to the right of umbrella(-5, -2, 1)
[ -7.543, -2, 1 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
-0.34 m to the left of wallet(3, 2, -1)
[ 2.66, 2, -1 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
-4.2 m to the left of car(-2, -4, -1)
[ -6.2, -4, -1 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
-2.026 mm to the right of backpack(1, -2, 0)
[ 1.002, -2, 0 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
-3.422 mm on top of phone(4, 1, 4)
[ 4, 1, 3.997 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
between watch(-4, -4, 5) and glasses(-3, -4, -2)
[ -3.5, -4, 1.5 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
-1.773 m next to laptop(-5, -3, -1)
[ -6.773, -3, -1 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
-4.597 cm behind lamp(-3, -4, 1)
[ -3, -3.954, 1 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
-3.735 m underneath umbrella(3, -5, -1)
[ 3, -5, 2.735 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
-2.867 cm next to calendar(-2, -5, -5)
[ -1.971, -5, -5 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
-4.532 cm on top of chair(2, -3, 2)
[ 2, -3, 1.955 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
5.348 m to the right of socks(5, 5, -5)
[ -0.348, 5, -5 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
-1.682 mm underneath globe(-2, -1, -5)
[ -2, -1, -4.998 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
-4.627 mm to the left of backpack(-3, 0, -1)
[ -3.005, 0, -1 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
-3.731 m in front of shoes(-2, -4, -1)
[ -2, -7.731, -1 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
-2.391 m on top of bottle(-1, 5, 2)
[ -1, 5, -0.391 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
3.336 mm on top of pen(-2, 4, -1)
[ -2, 4, -0.997 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
2.98 m next to chair(-2, 4, -4)
[ 0.98, 4, -4 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
-1.596 m to the right of umbrella(-4, 2, -4)
[ -2.404, 2, -4 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
-4.85 mm on top of car(3, -3, 0)
[ 3, -3, -0.005 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
between headphones(-3, -5, 0) and shoes(-4, -4, -4)
[ -3.5, -4.5, -2 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
-1.983 mm behind laptop(2, -3, 3)
[ 2, -2.998, 3 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
5.829 cm to the left of hat(-2, 3, 4)
[ -1.942, 3, 4 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
4.764 mm underneath globe(0, -1, 5)
[ 0, -1, 4.995 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
3.13 m on top of pen(-4, 0, -3)
[ -4, 0, 0.13 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
-4.14 mm to the right of wallet(5, 4, 0)
[ 5.004, 4, 0 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
1.824 m on top of screw(4, -5, 2)
[ 4, -5, 3.824 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
4.985 mm to the left of keyboard(5, -3, 4)
[ 5.005, -3, 4 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
3.482 mm next to guitar(-2, 4, -5)
[ -2.003, 4, -5 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
-1.075 m underneath basketball(-5, 0, 5)
[ -5, 0, 6.075 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
-3.068 m underneath pen(0, 2, -1)
[ 0, 2, 2.068 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
4.809 m on top of pen(0, 2, -4)
[ 0, 2, 0.809 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
between socks(-2, 0, 1) and phone(-3, -4, -3)
[ -2.5, -2, -1 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
-0.052 cm on top of lamp(-2, 0, -4)
[ -2, 0, -4.001 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
3.531 cm on top of screw(-3, 2, 4)
[ -3, 2, 4.035 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
-0.442 cm to the right of glasses(-1, 0, 3)
[ -0.996, 0, 3 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
4.216 m in front of globe(-4, 0, 0)
[ -4, 4.216, 0 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
-1.928 mm underneath keyboard(-5, -5, 2)
[ -5, -5, 2.002 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
2.484 mm next to car(2, 3, -4)
[ 2.002, 3, -4 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
between bicycle(-4, -3, -5) and bottle(-4, -5, -2)
[ -4, -4, -3.5 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
-4.448 mm in front of wallet(-3, 1, 1)
[ -3, 0.996, 1 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
-3.813 mm next to laptop(1, -3, -4)
[ 0.996, -3, -4 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
-0.812 cm on top of globe(1, -2, 0)
[ 1, -2, -0.008 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
5.903 mm on top of car(-3, -1, 5)
[ -3, -1, 5.006 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
between keyboard(-2, 1, 0) and pillow(5, 1, -5)
[ 1.5, 1, -2.5 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
0.237 cm on top of glasses(2, 5, 2)
[ 2, 5, 2.002 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
-4.575 cm to the right of screw(-3, 2, 4)
[ -2.954, 2, 4 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
-4.282 m underneath sunglasses(3, -5, -4)
[ 3, -5, 0.282 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
between calendar(-4, -4, 4) and keyboard(-3, 3, 5)
[ -3.5, -0.5, 4.5 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
between laptop(3, 2, -2) and shoes(-5, -3, 1)
[ -1, -0.5, -0.5 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
between glasses(0, 0, 5) and globe(3, 5, 0)
[ 1.5, 2.5, 2.5 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
between television(3, -1, 4) and wallet(-4, 3, 3)
[ -0.5, 1, 3.5 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
-1.326 m next to screw(-1, -3, -5)
[ -2.326, -3, -5 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
-4.502 m to the right of apple(5, -1, -1)
[ 9.502, -1, -1 ]
Calculate the coordinates.