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601 | daddit | [removed] |
602 | daddit | [deleted] |
603 | daddit | Saw your comment, sorted by controversial, got upset. |
604 | daddit | Honestly I see maybe one or two bad comments that are hugely downvoted. Most of the comments are quite wholesome! |
605 | daddit | Well. I too wondered about the wisdom of celebrating this anniversary, whether it wouldn't be better for the child to let it go. But then I have no idea how this comes about. Nor have I ever dealt with cancer or have a loved one that did, let alone my child. Maybe the kid never thinks about it except once a year. Maybe she initiated the pics. Maybe [insert a million other reasons]. Ultimately, OP is in far better position to make this judgment than any of us. Having been on the receiving end of vicious judgement regarding parenting from internet strangers, I never want to be part of such a mob. |
606 | daddit | It's because this post is now the 2nd most upvoted in the history of this subreddit, which makes it prominent on /r/all, which means it attracts the trolls in droves. |
607 | daddit | Totes le cancer omg so cancerous! |
608 | daddit | I can't say why but it makes me happy to see how long her hair is now. |
609 | daddit | These posts may stop one day when we gain technology that prevents cancer and the likes |
610 | daddit | 182 years |
611 | daddit | Agreed - that hair is stunning! Congrats OP xx |
612 | daddit | Does chemotherapy have any long term effects on the quality of your hair or why was this worth pointing out? |
613 | daddit | I understand the sentiment, but the ugly reality is that cancer never really goes away. There's always the possibility it can make a comeback. It's a enemy that once you've encountered you need to always keep in your sight, your whole life. That's why people who've had it or know people who had it do these reminders. If it ever comes back (God forbid) this girl and the people who support her will be stronger for knowing she beat it once and can do it again, rather than falling apart all over again. |
614 | daddit | It depends. From the perspective of fish she gonna eat throughout her life this thing is not good at all. |
615 | daddit | Every year. And if you don't like it, you can bugger off. |
616 | daddit | 80 years cancer free |
617 | daddit | Why let your child move on when you can periodically remind them every year by making them pose for sympathy on the internet! |
618 | daddit | Yeah, I don't like these kind of posts, specially on this subreddit, it feels wrong |
619 | daddit | It depends really. 'Cancer' is a broad term that can cover solitary well encapsulated tumors, to sprawling infiltrative tumors, to tumors that primarily exist in the blood and marrow. Even if a well encapsulated tumor is excised completely, the patient could have a genetic predisposition to malignancy (check out 'two hit hypothesis'). Blood cancers can be really difficult to completely eradicate, but some respond incredibly well, and are sometimes treated like a chronic illness instead of a life threatening emergency. This crowd is also often able to get marrow transplantation that can eliminate the source of the defective blood cells. Infiltrative / metastatic disease is the most dire, and treatment is often aimed at extending life instead of going for a cure. There are still cases/ specific tumors where complete therapeutic response can be achieved. That's all to say, it's complicated and highly dependent on tumor type, progression, therapy, and genetics. |
620 | daddit | You do realize that after being cancer free, she will have to go to the oncologist for the remainder of her life to be checked up on right? So the whole "getting checked for cancer regularly" is a reminder she will have anyway, and hopefully for a very long time. |
621 | daddit | Daddy needs his likes |
622 | daddit | This is posted on /r/daddit. We like to share things about our kids. Feel free to block it from your feed if this upsets you. |
623 | daddit | Grumpy butt |
624 | daddit | Such a badass. |
625 | daddit | dude, this isn't on /r/pics, daddit is the perfect subreddit for him to post this in. |
626 | daddit | I'm sure she's proud of these photos. Fuck off. |
627 | daddit | You do understand that cancer often comes back right? |
628 | daddit | What the hell dude. Find something to be proud of and post it, (like this person obviously has, as they should be), and maybe you can get your fantasy internet points too. Instead of bagging on a guy whose probably scared every passing year of that cancer coming back and him losing his daughter. He is proud of his kid beating cancer and wanting to share the joy with others. |
629 | daddit | >its disgusting to me that you're milking your daughter's cancer for internet attention What if maybe, just maybe, he is proud of his daughter and wants to share his happiness. Cancer is so draining. Treatment can be more so. The fatigue, the pain, the worry, the humiliation, the fear, the blame... fuck, man. Honestly, I was going to try and explain this all to you but fuck you. I can't even imagine what this dad went through with his daughter and all you can do is shit on his happiness because you can't believe he would just want to share his happiness and her strength with people. |
630 | daddit | What the fuck is wrong with you? |
631 | daddit | I'm sure she realizes that with her yearly (maybe more frequently) check up at the dr. She looks proud in these photos. |
632 | daddit | It's balanced out by downvotes for still acting like a child. |
633 | daddit | Make a post. I'll upvote it for you. |
634 | daddit | You're disgusting |
635 | daddit | Lmfao |
636 | daddit | You sick motherfucker. Assholes like you stop people from sharing inspirational and motivational posts like these. |
637 | daddit | Thanks for sharing. |
638 | daddit | I would hope not in the daddit subreddit. |
639 | daddit | 2 years off Reddit and this is your grand return. What a pitiful life you must have. Go get some fresh air and make some friends. |
640 | daddit | Hey everybody look at this super cool dudes edgelord throwaway account where he makes awesome jokes like "hope she dies of cancer" about a little girl. So cool. I bet his life is in a really good place and he isn't dealing with some negative influence in his life pathetically because he is weak or anything like that. |
641 | daddit | When all you got in your life is talking shit and trolling on the Internet. I feel pity but at the same time sadness for people like you, man. Reevaluate your life, seriously. |
642 | daddit | You're right, this is r/daddit. We're all dads here and we endorse each others' achievements. If you don't like it, GTFO. |
643 | daddit | You are a waste of life. She sure isn't:) |
644 | daddit | I really hope you learn wishing for people to die of cancer and calling them slurs is wrong. |
645 | daddit | Jesus. |
646 | daddit | aw how hard did daddy have to beat you that he left you with no conscience? |
647 | daddit | You are a pathetic excuse for a human being. I hope, no I pray that you never have to deal with what this little girl has been through. No matter how big of piece of shit you are, no one should have to go through what she has. She is 10X more strong than you ever will be. |
648 | daddit | [deleted] |
649 | daddit | This isn't 4chan either. |
650 | daddit | no |
651 | daddit | We need to celebrate these stories more. Remission happens all the time, but it's the sad story that gets the social media campaign. |
652 | daddit | Thanks |
653 | daddit | What? |
654 | daddit | I don't know what I was expecting. People can be truly awful. I hope OPs kid lives a long and awesome life with cancer nowhere to be found. She's absolutely adorable. |
655 | daddit | There were probably 20 comments when I posted that and 5 or so of them were terrible. |
656 | daddit | You can try sorting by controversial. But be careful, you may get cancer from it. |
657 | daddit | Dude. Round it to 185 at least. |
658 | daddit | She looks fantastic compared to three years ago when she was recovering from chemo, and her hair is the most noticeable change. |
659 | daddit | If the hair keeps growing in each pic I'd be interested in seeing that for 80 more years! |
660 | daddit | She probably has to go to the doctor every year to make sure the cancer hasn't returned--which is how she knows she's cancer free. She'll have to be reminded of it for the rest of her life, and she should be damn proud she beat it. It's not like you just go into remission and forget you ever had it. |
661 | daddit | And it's often every 6 months (my nans was) falling roughly on the anniversary of when you were found clear and one in the middle. This is probably a good reminder technique |
662 | daddit | > You do realize that after being cancer free, she will have to go to the oncologist for the remainder of her life to be checked up on right? I realize this better than 99.9% of people including, I would hope, you. People act differently around cancer patients and seeing the doctor yearly is one thing, having to participate in Daddy's yearly reminder to the world is another and frankly I would have been pissed if my parents did this shit to me. But hey, what would someone who's been there know about it? |
663 | daddit | [removed] |
664 | daddit | You are given a new lifeline why would you spend your time wondering about that? You are probably leaving a "butt kissing idiotic comment" just for upvotes considering the number of imbecile downvoting anything around here and your r/nocontext comment **BUT** try to bring something positive to the conversation. |
665 | daddit | [removed] |
666 | daddit | sure, make a self post. dont hand write a sign and force her to hold it so you can garner likes on facebook |
667 | daddit | Look, I'm as happy as anyone that this girl is healthy, but blatantly milking her for internet points is kind of dumb. Or maybe that's what this sub is for. I don't know, I'd never heard of it until i saw this on /r/all. |
668 | daddit | Yay! |
669 | daddit | XD |
670 | daddit | How is this motivational? |
671 | daddit | [removed] |
672 | daddit | [removed] |
673 | daddit | [removed] |
674 | daddit | What did they say? |
675 | daddit | [removed] |
676 | daddit | [removed] |
677 | daddit | Yes? Edit: no dadjokes on /r/daddit? |
678 | daddit | [removed] |
679 | daddit | What just happened? |
680 | daddit | [deleted] |
681 | daddit | So, basically no. |
682 | daddit | Sucks that you had cancer. Obviously though OP's daughter is smiling, and maybe, just maybe, you're taking your anger out on things that you have no real reason to. She is not you. How you think she feels is irrelevant. |
683 | daddit | [deleted] |
684 | daddit | It's not like he is posting daily updates on it.. Is probably after a yearly check up to see if it's back and a quick photo and move on with life. |
685 | daddit | kid's just sad, probably sits at home alone all day watching anime and playing video games. It's a sad life and I hope he can recover soon. |
686 | daddit | She doesn't look forced. She looks *happy*. You're assumptions on what OP is forcing on his daughter could be as wrong as mine but she doesn't appear to be forced. OP posted this in parenting subreddit, about his daughter. OP is clearly proud of her and happy. Why is that not good enough? Why shit on his parade? On a *parenting* subreddit. And responding to your point about the self post... Self posts get karma. What would be the difference? Out of all the things to be negative about on Reddit I don't see why this was worth putting negative energy into. You are not superior in your assumptions by putting OP down. You are just acting like a dick. |
687 | daddit | He's not milking out karma. Jesus, people need to stop thinking that some internet points would be worth anything. This dad is bragging with his daughter, he is happy and wants to show. Don't you have a daughter? You'd just want to show everyone how happy you are for her. |
688 | daddit | I don't like seeing these posts on /r/pics, but this sub is perfect for them. Maybe you aren't a dad, but its the kind of post this community appreciates. We're here to share the victories of child rearing. |
689 | daddit | People who are going through a similar situation could find this very motivating |
690 | daddit | /u/USER /u/USER please ban this pedo off reddit |
691 | daddit | Oh sweetie no. You have way too big of an opinion of your importance in this world. One day. You'll look back. Realize you wished death on a child to try and look edgy on some long gone website. You'll realize how shitty that was to do. You'll have known people who have gone through cancer. Probably lost a few loved ones to it. And then, you'll regret being this person. Until then. Enjoy your misery. Enjoy your anger. Enjoy your solitude. I wish you growth and happiness in the new year. |
692 | daddit | No but I would argue anybody who would blind themselves from what they are saying when they are telling a fathers cancer survivor daughter to die of cancer must be struggling. Edit: Don't try to trick yourself you aren't some cartoon character, you are just a sad sad person who can't handle their shit. |
693 | daddit | This is a 5-year-old comment, but IIRC it was something along the lines of "this isn't Facebook". |
694 | daddit | Well she is cancer free since 2013 and many many years will hopefully follow. But people like you who make fun of it are the worst. I would never ever wish someone cancer not even you. I simply hope that u get help as you seem like a pile of trash as a human being. Happy new year 'faggot'. |
695 | daddit | What kind of mission is that? |
696 | daddit | If your username was Jesus you probably still wouldn't have gotten away with it |
697 | daddit | "Dadjokes" |
698 | daddit | Bahaha you feel tough huh? Sit in front of your computer and call people faggots to get your jollies off? Pathetic man. Reddit is used by people for different reasons but you keep using it to look at tranny anal sex porn. Happy fapping buddy!! |
699 | daddit | Snow eater in Russia |
700 | daddit | No idea. Account is 30 days old and has never posted any sort of link or comment except this one. |
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