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701 | daddit | Based on the username and the random image, I would say Obama has activated his Russian cyber ops attack with a secret message in this thread. |
702 | daddit | Dude I'm an advocate of /r/childfree too but jfc calm down... You realize you are telling an actual little girl that she should die right? Like a real human... Don't be a douchebag. Ninja Edit: Wow looking at your post history... what the fuck is wrong with you? |
703 | daddit | Something is very wrong with you. |
704 | daddit | [removed] |
705 | daddit | That is such a significant and sensible post that i feel overbaffled. Thank you, i guess. |
706 | daddit | [removed] |
707 | daddit | Damn spot on! |
708 | daddit | I'm not actually mean enough to say it to OP but if she probably wouldn't even remember it, but for the annual cancer parties ... then yeah time to move on. |
709 | daddit | They're worth it to some people for whatever reason... and this girl is so young she probably doesn't know she's being exploited for worthless internet points |
710 | daddit | I'm not. Again I don't really know this sub I just saw it on /r/all. So hey more power to you guys! We need more positivity in 2017. |
711 | daddit | [deleted] |
712 | daddit | [removed] |
713 | daddit | Damn how do you remember that |
714 | daddit | Jesus how do you remember that? |
715 | daddit | I’m very impressed you remember that |
716 | daddit | It's a YouTube clickbot account. They post random stuff around reddit, in the hope of driving views to their videos. Report them to the sub mods if you see them. |
717 | daddit | [deleted] |
718 | daddit | [deleted] |
719 | daddit | my thoughts are with you as you work through this dark time in your life. |
720 | daddit | How would she not remember the ordeal of surviving cancer and all the treatments involved? It isn't as if she was a young toddler in the first cancer free image. She looks to be around 5-6. Plenty old enough to have memories of it that will stay with her for life. |
721 | daddit | She will need regular doctor checkups for the rest of her life, cancer have a very real chance of comming back even after you have beaten it. I am pretty sure those checkups does more to remind of it than any picture taken. |
722 | daddit | Ever step back and think that somethings just don't need to be said? This is one of those times. Take your autism elsewhere. |
723 | daddit | Those are not the only two options, lol. |
724 | daddit | You sick fuck Go to hell |
725 | daddit | A user created a month ago, with the username "activationeagle", posted a Russian snow eater video. I think we should post this comment in /r/conspiracy |
726 | daddit | report them to the mods haha Reddit (as a company) loves bots; any kind of bot. Fake voting bots, fake posting bots. They hate users but the bots listen. |
727 | daddit | You shouldn't be complaining about wastes of space and resources, after all, here you are, racist douche. Edit: for anyone interested in what he deleted, said something along the lines of: "I hope you go to a n***** neighborhood and get your iPhone stolen." The ***** is not what he said for the record. I censored it ofc. |
728 | daddit | Lol go outside xd |
729 | daddit | I think it does need to be said when this thread is full of people fawning over how how wonderful these photos are when they actually represent a father exploiting his daughters illness every year for internet popularity. There is nothing inspirational here, it's cheap and it's callous. edit: Also, please don't be ableist |
730 | daddit | [deleted] |
731 | daddit | You're giving the guy what he wants lol. |
732 | daddit | The site admins and the mods are two different beasts. Mods generally listen, admins generally don't give a fuck. |
733 | daddit | Your failure to put yourself in this father's shoes is quiet disgusting. No father that has gone through that, to see their young child go through these painful treatments not knowing if their child will even make it to that first picture would **EVER** exploit their child for some points on a website. This is sickening. |
734 | daddit | I'm a pathologist, so this is kind of my day to day work, and your comment has a few inaccuracies. It's reductive to say that solitary tumors are just excised and then cancer risk goes to the population level. Many people are genetically predisposed to the first tumor, and are predisposed to more tumors in the future. Similarly many tumors are associated with genetic syndromes like MEN 1 and 2. Early biopsies can seed tumor into different locations (this isn't metastasis, but iatrogenic spread). You also ignore the fact that some solitary tumors aren't excised, but instead tackled with chemo radiation. Recurrence can happen, though it isn't guaranteed, and if recurrence did occur it wouldn't be related to micro mets. For metastatic disease, the cancer often does 'recur', but there are tumors that will show complete response (often juvenile) and wont recur. Then their are leukemic malignancies that don't even vaguely fit into your 'benign solitary vs. fatal metastatic' framework. These malignancies are multi focal, but complete treatment response is not uncommonly achieved through a combination of chemotherapy and autologous or allogenic stem cell transplants. Personally, I'd say it's a good rule of thumb not to use a layman's understanding in medicine to shit on a child's cancer prognosis. You also use 'in situ' very oddly. |
735 | daddit | Oh. Well TIL and with that probably owe an apology to the Mods. Sorry Mods (this time), grouped you in with the wrong beast. |
736 | daddit | But that's exactly what he's doing and you're right, it is sickening. |
737 | daddit | [deleted] |
738 | daddit | See you're continuing to miss the entire point of not only the post but my comment as well. This father is certainly not exploiting their daughter for internet points, because if you had the ability to realize what this father went through, you'd know that it is one of the most difficult things to do in life. Like I said, seeing your daughter go through these painful treatments is incredibly difficult, and no sum of internet points would be the reason to exploit it. What you're failing to see is a proud father that is over the moon that his little girl was able to go through this painful process with such strength and is able to say she is cancer-free for [over] three years now. The only sickening part is people like you who think the only reason a proud father is posting about their incredibly strong daughter must be to get some internet points. |
739 | daddit | No you are quite simply wrong, and if I come across as demeaning that's because I don't have any respect for the asshole you appear to be. If my words sound like jargon, then you clearly have a limited knowledge basis. I highly doubt you have a background in science. Eh, I'm not going to bother arguing with a flat-earther who gets off on demeaning cancer survivors. Hope you have a shitty day! |
740 | daddit | So... was it planned or an oops baby?^congratulations |
741 | daddit | Congrat-u-freaking-lations man! My wife and I thought we were devastated that it took us about a year to get pregnant. I can't imagine what you both went through. I feel children like yours are extra loved and never taken for granted due to all the horrible that it took to get something so amazing. Give your boy an extra hug from all of us here! |
742 | daddit | Our son was IVF too. Congrats. Save the receipt. (just kidding, I am happy for you) |
743 | daddit | Congrats just proves there can be hope. So what was the winning combination? What caused it to be so difficult to get pregnant if you don't mind me asking |
744 | daddit | We're watching over little boy, born 25+1 week. He's had a rough start and we can only try and enjoy hour for hour, hoping they'll turn into days, months and maybe years. It's horrible to deal with the uncertainty. Will he be with us in an hour? Tomorrow? Next week? Will he be healthy? _Can_ he be healthy?... We're talking about the how hard it might be for us to gather enough courage to get a second child. This is gut wrenching! How hard will it be to get trough whats hopefully nine months of pregnancy, fearing pre-eclampsia and uterus failure. Because the only thing we _know_ in the middle of all this is that we want children. Plural. Thanks for helping by being so strong. It helps us stay strong too! You guys are fighters! AND CONGRATULATIONS!!! :D |
745 | daddit | Just a friendly reminder to avoid being rude. I understand some people don't agree with IVF. Some people don't agree with adopting. Some people don't agree with the idea of children at all. But this subs is by and for dads. Have supportive, or at least civil, discussion or avoid commenting, please. Edit: this thread is locked. Too many reports and rude people. This is what happens when we get to /r/all. We're working on addressing this. |
746 | daddit | Congratulations! He's beautiful! Kids are the best thing in the world. Very happy for you both! |
747 | daddit | Beautiful! Congrats!! |
748 | daddit | Welcome Lincoln. :-) |
749 | daddit | Jesus, I bet you guys just had ALL the feels going on that day. Congrats! |
750 | daddit | BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
751 | daddit | Awesome persistence. And congrats: a baby LITERALLY worth his birth-weight in gold. |
752 | daddit | I hope my husband is this strong. I got no tubes and it's gonna be round after round of IVF at 15K / pop. I know she must have gone through emotional hell and I think this is the most inspiring, beautiful, emotionally gut wrenching photo IVE seen because my hubs and I are still too scared to even start this journey. You are the man! |
753 | daddit | Congrats, I'm glad to share my birthday with a miracle. |
754 | daddit | Congrats! Ignore the nasty people in here. |
755 | daddit | Congratulations! What a cutie! |
756 | daddit | Wow! Congratulations! |
757 | daddit | [removed] |
758 | daddit | [removed] |
759 | daddit | Congratulations! That's a heck of a journey y'all went through. |
760 | daddit | Congratulations. You have a wonderful time ahead of you. |
761 | daddit | What a precious baby boy. Congrats to you both- you did it!!! |
762 | daddit | Gah! So cute. Congratulations on the most precious gift of your life. I never knew how much I was capable of loving until my two boys were born. :swoon: |
763 | daddit | Congrats. You clearly will love your son very much. Very happy for you. |
764 | daddit | Oooh I could just squeeze him :) |
765 | daddit | Congratulations! |
766 | daddit | Congratulations! |
767 | daddit | Can't imagine going through all that. We got incredibly lucky and ivf worked the 1st time for us but it was the most stressful thing ever. So happy for you and your wife! Enjoy the ride! |
768 | daddit | The utmost congratulations to you and your family. |
769 | daddit | Health, happiness and wealth to your beautiful little one. |
770 | daddit | Jesus man, you earned it! I'd say you can now rest easy but there will be no rest... |
771 | daddit | Awesome, congratulations! |
772 | daddit | Congratulations! |
773 | daddit | Congratulations. We were through somewhat the same in 2005-2009. Thirteen attempts in all ... on top of a medical mistreatment that made the natural way impossible in the first place. It's worth it when it succeeds. |
774 | daddit | Congratulations! We struggled with very mild infertility, so I can only image what it was like to go through all of that. All the best! |
775 | daddit | Amazing man! I'm so happy for you. Cherish every moment. My daughter is 1 month old today and it will blow you away how fast they grow. I wish you and your family the best of luck. |
776 | daddit | What a joy! Congratulations. Clearly, this little guy was meant to be with you. May your lives together be full of wonder and merriment. <3 |
777 | daddit | [removed] |
778 | daddit | "So when are you having a 2nd?" -- I hope you go off on people when they ask this. Congrats. Totally worth it. Also when they grow up and say "you don't love me" you can show them what you went through for them. |
779 | daddit | Congratulations!!! |
780 | daddit | Congratulations! :) |
781 | daddit | Congratulations, buddy! That's a hell of a journey and glad you're content. Now begins a more exciting one. Best of luck with the wee lad. |
782 | daddit | Congratulations to the both of you. It's too easy to take for granted that I became a dad without medical help and yet I know so many people who really wanted children but couldn't have any. Hope all goes well for you. |
783 | daddit | Zero winning combination. The irony of some of the rude comments here is that NONE of those medical procedures led to this child. He was conceived naturally and spontaneously. I'm convinced the years of procedures eventually corrected some kind of inbalance or physical condition but the doctors literally have no explanation for us. |
784 | daddit | I cannot for the life of me fathom why this got downvoted. Best of luck to you & your little one. |
785 | daddit | it is when the only indication of pregnancy is through chemical level changes in the the mother's blood. too early to detect a fetus through ultrasound and too early to listen for a heartbeat. and there is no visible baby bump yet, either. |
786 | daddit | You haven't looked into the realities of adoption, have you? It's very difficult, expensive, and often ends with no child. Private domestic infant adoption costs $30k-$40k and there are many more potential parents who want to adopt than babies to go around. Many people wait for years and are never chosen. Foster-to-adopt usually rules out adopting an infant. In my state, the waiting children (children available for adoption) under 3 years old are all nursing home bound due to severe physical and/or mental disabilities. The waiting children who are physically healthy are usually over 12 or in large sibling groups wanting to be adopted together. Every social worker I've talked to has said that if you want to foster a child, do so but don't expect to adopt that child, my state has a 90% reunification rate with bio parents/family members. International adoption is also expensive $40k-$50k, the children are usually 3 years old+ and there are very real concerns about child trafficking or other human rights concerns. I know it's easy to think I'm overstating the problem, but feel free to do your own research into it. |
787 | daddit | There are lots of things that are easier to quit and move on from that I'd let a stranger tell me I "should" do. My wife and my personal decision to have a biological child is not one of those things for me and its just that simple. Not offended...i've heard far more stupid and insensitive things from ignorant people throughout this process and I laughed those off, as well! |
788 | daddit | [removed] |
789 | daddit | [removed] |
790 | daddit | Did you sub just to say this or are you a lurker? I'm genuinely interested. This is your only post on this sub from what I can see. |
791 | daddit | Thanks for keeping positive. Unfortunately, if comments like many that are starting to come in keep up, I'll be locking this thread. |
792 | daddit | Good for you! Never give up! |
793 | daddit | Honestly? It would for me. I love my husband so much that from the moment I laid eyes on him I wanted his baby. I want a human that is 50% of us. I want to see my old, weird Asian-y Hawaiian husband in the face of a weird, white like me baby with likely red hair. I don't know if this is a troll but to me - totally worth it to look at half your soul mate and raise that wonderful combo that is your creation. I meannn, the fuck? It's a biological need to procreate. Are we willing to adopt? Yes, duh. Is it worth it to try everything to create a human that's half the love of your life? Yes! Duh! |
794 | daddit | [removed] |
795 | daddit | [removed] |
796 | daddit | [removed] |
797 | daddit | [deleted] |
798 | daddit | You seem like the sort of person who is in love with romantic ideas and I'll never be able to change your mind on the idea, so I won't try to. I should tell you that unfortunately it's incredibly unlikely for your child to have red hair because of its recessive nature |
799 | daddit | [deleted] |
800 | daddit | Lol. That's funny. I mean who cares this much about looks. Just you sound a little obsessed, but hey I'm just here from /r/all |
Subsets and Splits