dict |
"query": "How was SSC CGL Tier 2 exam?",
"pos": [
"What is your review of the SSC CGL tier 2 2016 exam?"
"neg": [
"What is the expected cutoff for SSC CGL tier 1 2015? When will the tier 2 exam be?",
"How should I give mock tests for SSC CGL 2017 tier 1 & 2?",
"When will be SSC CGL 2017 tier 1 exam?",
"How can I prepare for the SSC CGL Exam in 2017?",
"How should I prepare for SSC CGL (Tier 1 and Tier 2) 2016?",
"What is the best strategy to prepare for tier 2 ssc cgl exams?",
"Where will be the exam centre of the SSC CGL Tier 2 2016 for the North Eastern region?",
"I scored 104 in SSC CGL 2016 Tier-1. Is it good enough to clear the exam given that I belong to General category ?",
"How can I get previous year papers for SSC CGL tier 2?",
"How do I score 350+ marks in SSC CGL 2016 (Tier 2) examination?",
"How do I prepare for SSC CGL Tier 2 examination to get 350+ marks?",
"What will be the date of SSC CGL 2016 tier 1 exam?",
"Which is the best online Test Series for SSC CGL 2016?",
"How should I prepare for SSC CGL exam from now?",
"What could be the cut-off for SSC CGL Tier 1 2016?",
"Is it possible to clear SSC CGL 2016 tier 2 in one month? My tier 1 score is 130.",
"How can I crack the SSC CGL exam in 2017?",
"I have cleared SSC CGL Tier 1 exam. How should I prepare to get up to 350 marks in Tier 2?",
"How should I prepare for SSC CGL exam?",
"What will be the cut off for SSC CGL tier 1 2016?",
"What is the expected cut off for the SSC CGL Tier 1 2016?",
"Do SSC CGL exam held every year?",
"When will the result for SSC CGL Tier 1 2016 be declared?",
"What are the best books for SSC CGL Tier 2 paper 3 & 4 for beginners for 2016's exam (for AAO & SI)?",
"How do I prepare for the SSC CGL exam?",
"What is the best way to study General studies paper for SSC CGL 2016 exam?",
"Is Tier 3 compulsory in SSC CGL 2016?",
"Did you find errors in some answers responses in SSC CGL tier-1 2016?",
"When will SSC CGL 2016 Tier 1 result be declared?",
"What is the expected cut off for SSC CGL 2016 tier 1 for general category? (owing to the easy question paper this year)"
} |
"query": "Is vacuum energy infinite? If it is, how and why? Is it dark energy?",
"pos": [
"Will we get more and more dark energy and vacuum energy as universe expands? Will this happen forever?"
"neg": [
"Are dark matter and dark energy: energy?",
"What is dark energy in space?",
"What is dark matter and dark energy?",
"Does dark energy have a force?",
"What is space? What is dark energy?",
"Can energy/matter be created/destroyed?",
"If space expands, it releases stored up gravitational potential energy, which converts into the intrinsic energy that fills the newly created volume?",
"Can energy be created?",
"Were space time and dimensions created by energy at the big bang? Can energy create all and nonexistent things (e.g other universes…)?",
"Is it true that energy actually can be created and/or destroyed?",
"I don't think the Big Bang could have contained all the energy in the universe. Has this view even been considered?",
"Since light doesn't have rest mass but has energy, so if huge amount of light is accumulated at a point in space, will it warp space-time?",
"As space expands, it releases stored up gravitational potential energy, which converts into the intrinsic energy that fills the newly created volume?",
"Since the expansion of space redshifts photons (making them less energized) where does the energy go?",
"What is dark matter and dark energy in simple words?",
"Is what is thought to be the density of the dark matter actually the state of displacement of the dark matter?",
"Why is the pressure of dark-energy negative?",
"How does Emergent Gravity theory get rid of dark matter?",
"Energy can neither be created nor destroyed. So where does energy crisis come from?",
"Is it true that matter/energy actually can be created and/or destroyed?",
"If a black hole continuously absorbs energy, is its temperature and entropy increasing?",
"Does matter and antimatter exist in a same dimension or different ones? If different ones, would the new energy caused by their mixing add new energy amounts to our universe thus violating the entropy law?",
"If energy can neither be created nor be destroyed, then who created energy?",
"Is the total energy in the universe quantifiable?"
} |
"query": "Where can you get a Scooby Doo dog coll?",
"pos": [
"Can you get a Scooby Doo collar for your dog?"
"neg": [
"Can a human wear a regular dog collar?",
"What are the best dog collars?",
"How can you use a shock collar on a puppy safely?",
"What isthe best collar and leash for a 4 month old labrador?",
"What do you do for a cross eyed puppy?",
"What is a dog whistle good for?",
"Can you give a dog an antacid like Tums?",
"How can you obtain the pedigree for a Boston Terrier/Puggle mix?",
"Why do dogs wear neck collars?",
"How do I teach a puppy to chew its own toy and not people's clothes?",
"What is the cutest thing you've ever seen a dog do?",
"Philosophy of Everyday Life: If you are a dog lover then why do you tie your dog and put a dog collar on it?",
"What does a Husky/chocolate Lab mix dog look like?",
"Can I tie neck belt for 5 weeks old german shepherd puppy? So that I can just attach an extension and take him out for round.",
"Why would an adult human wear a dog collar 24/7?",
"How can you obtain the pedigree for a Beagle/Australian Shepherd mix?",
"Can you get a service dog for cyclothymia?",
"How do I get a dog?",
"Are neck collars uncomfortable to dogs?",
"What is the temperament of a Boston Terrier/Blue Heeler mix?",
"What do Shih Tzu/Bulldog mix dogs look like?",
"Where can I buy a Husky/German Shepherd dog?",
"How do you breed a Rottweiler/German Shepherd mix?",
"Do shock collars work on dogs?",
"What do you call a German Shepherd/Pit Bull mix?",
"What is the temperament of a bulldog and beagle mix?",
"How can I make my dog a companion dog?",
"What would make a puppy clingy?",
"How do you pick the best dog to get as a pet?",
"Can you have a wolf dog?"
} |
"query": "How do you treat poison ivy in your mouth? What are some risks?",
"pos": [
"How do you treat poison ivy blisters on your mouth?"
"neg": [
"How do you treat a tiny blister on the tongue?",
"How do you get rid of a mouth blister?",
"How should I treat a burn blister on the lip?",
"How do you get rid of a blood blister in the mouth?",
"How do you treat a blister on your eardrum?",
"How can I treat blisters on my fingers?",
"How should I treat a burn blister?",
"How do you tell if you have poison ivy or bug bites?",
"How can I treat a popped burn blister?",
"How do you treat a blood blister?",
"How do you treat blisters on the finger?",
"How do you treat allergy rashes caused by bleach?",
"How can I treat bug bites on my lips?",
"How do burn blisters get popped by themselves?",
"I get small blisters in the back of my mouth, mostly after eating. Is it normal? Can I do something to prevent it? (See details)",
"How do you pop a burn blister?",
"Do you pop a blister from a burn?",
"Can I pop a fever blister?",
"How do you treat allergies caused by bleach?",
"Is popping a burn blister safe?",
"How should I pop a burn blister?",
"How do you get rid of blisters on the foot",
"How can you treat a blood blister on chest?",
"How do you get rid of ringworms with bleach?",
"How do I care for a burn blister that has just popped?",
"Can a large number of bee stings change your reaction to Poison Ivy?",
"What can I do if a fever blister pops?",
"How can I avoid getting itchy small blisters on my fingers?",
"What causes white blisters inside your lip?",
"How do you get rid of tiny itchy blisters on feet?"
} |
"query": "How close are we (as a nation) to starting a nuclear war?",
"pos": [
"How close are we from WW3/Nuclear war?"
"neg": [
"How could World War III occur, transpire, and conclude without any nuclear bombs seeing use?",
"What are the chances of ww3 after Trump being elected as the 45th POTUS?",
"What do you think is the chance that sometime in the 21st century there will be another major war (similar in scope to World War I and II)?",
"What is the future of war?",
"Is there any solid evidence of a nuclear war in 2024 BC?",
"What war is next?",
"How safe would the Southern Hemisphere be if a Nuclear War broke out between Russia and the United States?",
"When did WW1 begin and end?",
"Should there be a Third World War?",
"How likely is an India-Pakistan nuclear war?",
"At with point the conflicts that lead to WWI escalated in such manner that a full war as inevitable?",
"How likely is a nuclear war with Russia in the next few years?",
"What will be the battle formation in World War III? Assuming a full-fledged nuclear blast, which nation will be the last man standing?",
"What will happen if the Nazis started WW2 after creating nuclear weapons?",
"How did WW1 begin and end?",
"Are we heading towards another cold war?",
"Is World War Three really going to happen soon? I have been stressing about it for over a week and I am really scared.",
"Could America and north Korea start WW3?",
"Is a \"limited\" nuclear war between the US and Russia a possibility or would too many nukes be unleashed for humans to survive?",
"Ww2 main cause?",
"Will south China sea be the start of WW3?",
"Based on the recent threats and issues regarding the US, Russia and China, is World War 3 near?",
"Will a major war breakout in the next 30 years?",
"Will A world war happen during my lifetime (12 years old from Canada)?",
"Is the aftermath of a nuclear war exaggerated? What would it truly look like?",
"What if WW II would happen again in the modern days?",
"If the stalemate in the Western Front continued in WWI, how long would each nation last?",
"How close were the Israelis to using nuclear weapons in the yom kippur war?",
"When 2nd world war came to end?",
"What happened during WW2?"
} |
"query": "What's the best plan to lose weight?",
"pos": [
"I'm overweight. How can I begin to lose weight?"
"neg": [
"I'm 13 and I'm 115 lb and I hate it, every time I look in the mirror I feel sick, anyone got any advice on how to lose weight, I'm so desperate…?",
"I'm 5'2 and 130 pounds. I've dealt with body issues all my life and tried losing weight the past month with no changes. What can I do?",
"I am a 20-year-old man with a weight of 110 kg and a height of 5' 9\". I want to lose weight. How long will it take me?",
"I am a 24 year old weighing 59 kgs with a height of 152 cms. I want lose 8 kgs of my weight in 2 months. How should I do this?",
"I'm Female (27). 5 feet. I weigh 87 kilos and want to loose weight.My target is 60 kg in 1 year. Can anyone who lost weight can help with planning?",
"How can I find out whether I'm overweight?"
} |
"query": "How do I get more views on my answers in Quora?",
"pos": [
"How do I get more views on my answer?"
"neg": [
"How do I get more views on my blog?",
"Why were my stats answer views 577,000 when my profile answer total was showing 541,000 views?",
"If I write an anonymous answer, will the views of that be added to my profile? Can I see this answer in future on my profile?",
"Do I get views for a anonymous question?",
"How can I get more views on YouTube?",
"Has Quora stopped increasing answer views since 3 pm today? Why all answers are showing only 1 view inspite of having 4-8 upvotes?",
"Why do my (new) answers seem to only have 1 view even if there are multiple upvotes?",
"How do I get more views in YouTube?",
"How do I get more views on a Facebook video?",
"How does Quora detect No. of views?",
"On the Quora website, which computer programming related question has had the most views, before anyone decided to answer it, and how many views did the question have?",
"Why does Quora sometimes display negative answer views?",
"What are views on ISKCON?",
"I have an answer on Quora that has 4 upvotes and only 1 view. How is that possible?",
"How do some have the new view count on Instagram and others don't?",
"What is difference between opinion and views?",
"How can I get more views on my Instagram videos?",
"How can I get many views on YouTube?",
"Why doesn't Quora show a popup graph of views (like the Stats graph) for an individual answer when you hover over number of views under the author?",
"How can this be possible? 1 view and 21 upvotes?",
"What are some ways to get many views on YouTube?",
"If one member view a Quora article twice, does that count in two views?",
"How can I increase the views of a video?",
"How can I increase view for this YouTube video?",
"What are your views on this?",
"What are some ways to remove Viewster?",
"How many views would be considered a lot in Quora for a 30 day period? I've just been here a month.",
"How does it affect my view stats if my question is merged?",
"How do people develop nihilistic views?",
"How can I see who the views on my Facebook videos?"
} |
"query": "Should I learn Mandarin or Japanese?",
"pos": [
"Should I learn Mandarin Chinese or Japanese first?"
"neg": [
"Should I learn Japanese, Mandarin or Korean?",
"Should I learn Mandarin or Cantonese?",
"Should I learn Mandarin and Cantonese at the same time?",
"Should mandarin speakers be required to learn chinese?",
"Why should I learn Chinese?",
"Why should one learn Chinese?",
"How do I learn Mandarin Chinese well?",
"What should I do to learn Chinese?",
"Is it best to learn basic Cantonese or Mandarin before going to Hong Kong?",
"I want learn Chinese?",
"Does anyone recommend learning Cantonese and Mandarin at the same time?",
"Should I learn Japanese or Korean?",
"How to learn Chinese well?",
"How can I learn Chinese?",
"How long does it take to learn Mandarin Chinese?",
"What are the pros and cons of learning Mandarin and Cantonese at the same time?",
"What do you think of learning Chinese? Is English more difficult than Chinese?",
"Which language is easiest to learn: Chinese, Japanese, or Korean?",
"When working in Mainland China as a foreigner, how do you learn Mandarin, is Pinyin enough?",
"How can I learn Mandarin?",
"How can I learn Chinese language?",
"Is it wrong for an overseas Chinese to not want to learn Chinese Mandarin language?",
"How hard is it to learn Mandarin?",
"How can I learn the Chinese language?",
"How long would it take me learn Chinese if I am a normal student?",
"Is mandarin hard to learn?",
"How do I learn Chinese fast?",
"If I have a basic understanding of Chinese Mandarin, what is the best way to try to learn Cantonese in the least amount of time?",
"What's the easiest way to learn chinese?",
"How do I learn English well as a Chinese student?"
} |
"query": "What are the resolutions you are going to take for the upcoming New year 2017?",
"pos": [
"What is your New Year resolution?"
"neg": [
"What can the best New Year resolutions for students?",
"What are your New Year's Resolutions for your career?",
"What are some of your best New Year's resolutions for 2014?",
"What are some funny new years resolutions?",
"What's your New Year's Resolution for 2015?",
"What are some of the craziest new year resolutions?",
"Do New Years' resolutions work?",
"What are your New Year's resolutions for 2015? How was 2014 for you?",
"What are some of your New Year's resolutions for 2015?",
"Do New Years' resolutions work? Why or why not?",
"Why don't New Year's resolutions work?",
"Why don't New Year's resolutions ever work?",
"Will Quora Members make New Year's resolutions for 2012, and if so what do they resolve for the coming year? If not, why not?",
"What are PhD students' 2016 new year resolutions?",
"New Year's Resolutions: What would the world be like in 30 years if everyone in the world actually stuck to their New Year's resolution every year?",
"How did celebrating the new year start?",
"How did you celebrate the new year in your country?",
"How do Americans celebrate New year?",
"How do Americans celebrate the New Year?",
"How was your year 2016 ? What did you learn about yourself?",
"What are you most thankful for this year?",
"When did the tradition of celebrating the new year start?",
"Was New Year Eve 2016 a memorable one?",
"What is the best thing happened to you this year?",
"When was the tradition of celebrating new year started?",
"How can I enjoy new year all alone at Goa?",
"What do you think of Chinese new year?",
"What do you think about Chinese New Year?",
"How was the year 2014 for you?",
"How did the year 2014 go for you?"
} |
"query": "What's the difference between computer engineering and computer science?",
"pos": [
"What is the diffrence between computer science and computer engineering?"
"neg": [
"What is the difference between engineering in computer science and information technology?",
"What is the difference between computer science and electrical and computer engineering?",
"What is the difference between computer science engineering and information technology engineering?",
"What are the differences between Computer Science Engineering and Information Technology Engineering?",
"What is the difference between computer science, computer science and engineering, information technology, and computer engineering?",
"What are the differences between Computer Science Engineering and Information Technology?",
"What is difference between computer science engineering and information technology?",
"What's the difference between Computer Engineering, Computer Technology, and Computer Science and Engineering?",
"What is the difference between computer science, computer engineering, and software engineering?",
"What is the difference between computer science and electrical engineering?",
"What's the difference between computer science, computer engineering, and software engineering?",
"What is the difference between computer engineer, computer science and information technology?",
"What is the difference between IT and computer science engineering?",
"What is the difference between computer science engineering and information technology? What is better?",
"What is the difference between computer science and information science?",
"What are the differences between Computer Science and Information Technology?",
"What is the difference between Information Technology and Computer Science?",
"What is the difference between Computer Science,Computer engineering and Electrcial and computer engineering?",
"What are the differences between Computer Science and Computational Science?",
"What is the relation between software engineering and computer science?",
"What is the relationship between computer science and physics?",
"Is computer science an engineering discipline? If so, why is it not called computer science engineering?",
"What is computer science (system engineering)?",
"What is the difference between a Masters in Computer Science and Information Technology?",
"What is computer science?",
"What is the difference between computer engineering & software engineering?",
"Computer Science or Computing? What’s the difference between the two?",
"What is computer science about?",
"Is computer science engineering is only about software?",
"What are different fields in computer science and which is better?"
} |
"query": "What is ultimate purpose of life?",
"pos": [
"What is the purpose of your life?"
"neg": [
"Do we truly have any purpose in life? Or do we create a purpose to make ourselves feel significant in the very vast world, or to make ourselves feel that our existence in the vast world is required?",
"I am trying to find a meaning to life, to give a purpose to my life. Is there any book that can help me find my answer, or at least give me the tools?",
"What should I do if I feel like my life lacks purpose?"
} |
"query": "What is follow on in cricket?",
"pos": [
"How is follow on is decided in test cricket?"
"neg": [
"What are the rules which are specific to Test Cricket alone?",
"What rules are to be followed while giving a LBW decision in a cricket match?",
"How does the Duckworth-Lewis method actually determine the future of a cricket match?",
"Cricket (sport): How does the Duckworth Lewis (d/l) method work?",
"Should we place Test Cricket under the Endangered Species list or is there any solution to this?",
"What are tactics which should be used to win a cricket match?",
"Which is the best Test cricket match played ever?",
"Should we place Test Cricket under the \"Endangered Species\" list, or is there any solution to this?",
"Is Indian cricket team the best in Test cricket?",
"IPL diminishing test cricket in india?",
"In T20 Cricket all rules favour the batsmen, why, for example can't a bowler bowl down leg side and let the batsmen figure out a strategy?",
"How do play a cricket selection?",
"Which law is use in swing of cricket ball?",
"What is procedure of betting in cricket?",
"Should any cricket team that is touring India always insist on using spin?",
"What is the selection process in cricket to be a part of the Ranji team?",
"Which law is used in the swing of cricket?",
"Cricket is a game or a sport?",
"Should Indian cricketers stop playing in the IPL and instead play county cricket to improve their test cricket skills?",
"How do I calculate D/L method in cricket?",
"How is the Indian cricket team selected? Is there any particular procedure?",
"In T20 Cricket why can't a ball be bowled down leg side and force the batsmen figure out a scoring strategy rather than penalising the bowler?",
"Should cricket be an olympic sport?",
"A cricket team comes for batting and they get all out in the first 9 balls without even attempting for runs. Which batsman will remain not out?",
"Is there any diffrence between white ball and red ball (test) in cricket?",
"Which is the best cricket match prediction site?",
"What are the ways of preparation to play 1st division cricket after 17?",
"When there is no attempt to hit the ball in cricket and the ball goes to the boundary without touching the batsman will it be 4 byes or dead ball?",
"Cricket: In t20 cricket history, how many matches have taken place where a single six was not hit?",
"Which is the best cricket match?"
} |
"query": "What are some amazing Android apps most people don't know about?",
"pos": [
"What are some Android apps which are amazingly productive but unknown to most people?"
"neg": [
"What's the most productive Android app you have used?",
"Useful apps Android?",
"Which are some of the apps that an Android user must have?",
"What are the best apps for androids?",
"What are the top 10 Android apps helpful to Java programmers?",
"How profitable are Android applications?",
"What apps should I certainly have on my Android phone?",
"What are some good Android app ideas (no games)?",
"What good app ideas are out there for an android app?",
"What is the top 3 of the best android apps for you guys?",
"What are good ideas for Android apps to be made for a new developer?",
"Do many businesses use Android apps?",
"What are the most useful apps? Why?",
"What are the most interesting games for Android?",
"What are the best ideas for Android app?",
"What Android apps should I develop?",
"What are some of the most useful apps available on the App Store?",
"What Android app would you like to be developed?",
"What are all the possible apps for Android 5.0?",
"What kind of android apps should I make as a beginner?",
"What are the top 10 android apps for 5 years old?",
"What are some of the most useful apps available on App Store?",
"What is the most useful app that you have downloaded on your phone and why?",
"What are some interesting things about Android development?",
"What are most innovative Android apps of 2015?",
"Which is the best application for Android to do list?",
"What is the best Android application in your opinion?",
"What would be a good idea for an Android app?",
"Which are some useful apps for android on Google play store?",
"Where can I find Android apps?"
} |
"query": "Is it possible to get out of the friend zone?",
"pos": [
"How do I get out of the friend zone?"
"neg": [
"How do I know if I'm in the friend zone?",
"How is it being friendzoned?",
"How do I know if I am in the friend-zone with a girl?",
"Getting stuck in friend zone? Can I still get her back as boyfriend by patiently waiting ? She said she don’t have chemistry. What can I do.",
"What is the easiest way to friendzone a girl?",
"How do girls friend-zone guys?",
"My friend never wants to hang out. Is there any way I can fix this or have I lost my friend?",
"Do girls get friendzoned?",
"How do you know when you are going into the friendzone?",
"How do I get rid of an unwanted friend?",
"I have a 3 friend group and they always hang out and don't invite me. The only time we hang out is if I invite them. I feel left out. What do I do?",
"What is being friendzoned?",
"How do I come out to my friends?",
"How do you know if you are in the friendzone?",
"How do I tell my friend we can't be friends anymore?",
"What is the best way to get out of a relationship with someone who has borderline personality disorder?",
"Is it okay to not hang out with friends?",
"How do you cope with having no friends?",
"What are some of your worst friendzone experiences?",
"What will you do if you have no friends around you?",
"What should you do if you have no friends?",
"How do I see recently added friends?",
"What should I do if I have no friends?",
"What do you do when you have no friends?",
"How do I cope with having no friends at all?",
"What do you do if you don't have any friends?",
"Why can't I get the friends I want?",
"How can I become your friend?",
"How do I let go of a best friend?",
"How do I hide myself from friend's friendlist on fb?"
} |
"query": "What are the must travel places in India?",
"pos": [
"What are the Best places to travel in India?"
"neg": [
"What are the best places to travel outside India?",
"Which is the best place to live in India?",
"Which are the cheapest places in India to travel?",
"Where are the best place to work in India?",
"Which is the best place to work in India?",
"Which is the best place for hiking in india?",
"What is the best place in India to work?",
"Which is the best adventurous place to visit in India with your boyfriend?",
"Which are the 5 best places to visit in North-east India?",
"What is the best place to travel?",
"What are the best places to visit in South India ?",
"What are the best places to visit in South India?",
"What are some amazing places to visit in South India?",
"What are the best places to move in India with the onset of climate change?",
"I hail from Delhi. What are places that I can visit in India that will boost my interest as a traveller?",
"Where is the best place to travel?",
"Which are the best place to Holiday in India?",
"Which place is the best to travel?",
"What are the best places to visit in Rajasthan, India?",
"Which places I should not visit in India as a Indian?",
"Which is the best place to travel around the world?",
"What are the best places for a bike road trip in India?",
"What is the best destination to travel in asia?",
"Which are the best places for traveling in the world?",
"What are the best places to visit in Maharashtra, India?",
"Which is the best place in India to travel in January?",
"What are some best places for a solo trip in India for someone who is finding peace?",
"Which is the best place to roam in Mumbai other that marine drives and Gateway of India?",
"What are the interesting tourist places in South India to be visited and drive in?",
"What are some good ways to travel from India to the USA by sea?"
} |
"query": "Where can I get good free stuff to study cyber security?",
"pos": [
"What are some good and free sources I can use to teach myself cyber security?"
"neg": [
"What course should I study to become cyber security expert in India?",
"What are the best undergraduate computer science program for focus in cyber-security/hacking?",
"Which cyber security course is easy and job oriented for me as a mechanical engineer student?",
"How can I learn ethical hacking on my own? What sources should I use?",
"Where can I get a course in cyber security in India?",
"How can I learn ethical hacking online?",
"Where can you learn ethical hacking online?",
"From where I can LEARN Ethical Hacking?",
"What are some must-known programming languages for Cyber-Security?",
"What are the best cyber security courses in Israel?",
"How do I learn the basics of ethical hacking through online? What are the good certificate courses related with ethical hacking?",
"How do I learn ethical hacking, for free of course?",
"Can I learn ethical hacking online without guidance?",
"Where can you learn ethical hacking?",
"How do I learn ethical hacking in online?",
"How do I learn ethical hacking and what is pentesting?",
"How I learn ethical hacking?",
"What are the best ways to learn ethical hacking?",
"Which are the good training institutes for Cyber Security in Pune?",
"Does any university offer an online course in cyber security/ethical hacking?",
"How can I use the deep web to learn hacking?",
"What are some exciting or challenging research topics for a PhD in the areas of cyber security or internet privacy?",
"How can one learn ethical hacking?",
"How do you get started in cybersecurity?",
"What are some good IRC channels where I can talk to experienced computer security researchers or hackers?",
"What is the version of Linux do cyber security professionals use?",
"How do I learn Ethical hacking as a beginner?",
"I want to get into the cybersecurity and ethical hacking where do I start?",
"What are the certification courses for ethical hacking?",
"Cybersecurity must be open and replaceable?"
} |
"query": "What is the origin of the word 'mayday'?",
"pos": [
"What is the origin of the word \"Mayday\" to call for help?"
"neg": [
"What does Mayday Mayday Mayday mean?",
"What is the origin of the word o'clock?",
"What's the origin of the word o'clock?",
"How did the phrase \"heydey\" originate?",
"What does the phrase \"time to time\" mean?",
"What is the English word for “mayka”",
"What does this phrase mean: \"But can they do it on a cold rainy night in Stoke\"?",
"What is the meaning of the slang term \"going postal\"? Where did the term come from?",
"What is the origin of the slang word \"shorty\"?",
"What does \"dog day\" mean?",
"What is the meaning of the word \"wanton\"?",
"What does one mean by \"might as well create an international incident\"?",
"What is the definition of the word \"hello\"?",
"What's the origin of the phrase, \"toodle-pip?\" and is it time it was resurrected?",
"What is the etymology of \"black Friday\"?",
"What is the origin and meaning of the phrase \"heads will roll\"?",
"When did the word \"hey\" begin to be used as a greeting similar to \"hi\"?",
"Why is night called night and day called day?",
"What is the meaning of the term time?",
"Why do pilots say Mayday in emergencies?",
"What does the name \"Teah\" mean?",
"What does it mean to \"call the ball\"?",
"What is the etymology of the word construction?",
"What is the origin of the term \"cold, hard cash\"?",
"What does the French word \"pourquoi\" mean in English?",
"Why don't Americans use the word fortnight?",
"What is the etymology of the word 'etymology'?",
"Where did the phrase \"oh my word\" originate?",
"What is a phrase?",
"What are slang words for \"yes\"?"
} |
"query": "Where can I get affordable coworking space in Bangalore?",
"pos": [
"Where is the best coworking culture in Bangalore?"
"neg": [
"Is coworking popular in Bangalore?",
"Where is the best coworking space in Indiranagar, Bangalore?",
"What are the best coworking space in Bangalore Indiranagar?",
"Which is the best place to see in Bangalore?",
"Which is the best restaurant in Bangalore?",
"What are some of the best restaurants in Bangalore?",
"Which are the best places in Bangalore to visit?",
"Which are the best residential areas in Bangalore?",
"What are the best places to visit in Bangalore?",
"Which is the best Destination for Ecotourism in Bangalore?",
"What is the best area to live in Bangalore?",
"What are some really fun places to visit in Bangalore?",
"What are some of the best/famous places to eat in Bangalore?",
"Which are the best eat outs in Bangalore?",
"Which are the best hotels in Bangalore?",
"Which is the best hotel in bangalore?",
"What are the best art galleries in Bangalore?",
"Where can I find a marketing job in bangalore?",
"What is the best place to buy beef in Bangalore?",
"Which are the best part-time jobs to do in Bangalore?",
"What are good furniture shops in bangalore?",
"What are some of the best places for couples in Bangalore?",
"What are some awesome places to visit in Bangalore for Couple?",
"Which is the best consultancy for jobs in bangalore?",
"What are some of the best vegetarian restaurants in Bangalore?",
"What are the best places to meet new people in Bangalore?",
"Which building has the best architecture in Bangalore?",
"Which is the best job consultancy in Bangalore?",
"What are the best places to stay in Bangalore?",
"What are some good Vegetarian restaurants in Bangalore?"
} |
"query": "Which countries can you build your home without planning permission?",
"pos": [
"Is there anywhere you can build a house without permission?"
"neg": [
"How do I build a house?",
"How can I build a house easier?",
"How can I own my own house with no job and no money?",
"How do I build a home?",
"What is the full procedure to build a house in India?",
"Is it possible for me to build my own prefabricated home all by myself?",
"How do you build homes?",
"How can I build a good house in 500 square feet?",
"How much does it cost to build your own house?",
"Is it possible to insulate a house from inside ?",
"How can I build a house in the woods?",
"What is the cheapest way to buy a building plot and building a house?",
"How do I build a multistorey house?",
"Which type of bricks should be used for constructing an own house?",
"Is it possible to get a basement built under a house that has already been built?",
"How can I insulate a house from inside?",
"Without establish credit what's the 1st step to buying a house with a Bank & owning a house and renting it out at the same time ?",
"I can I get a house plan?",
"What are some tips for building a house in the woods?",
"What are some of the coolest houses built?",
"What is the best way to build tree houses?",
"Is it possible to construct a building without foundation and floating it on the air with the magnetic field?",
"What should I do if someone is interrupting will building a toilet on public land infront of my house and not letting us to built it?",
"How would you start decorating an empty room if you can't afford to do it all at once?",
"How do I rent a house?",
"How do I prevent lizards, spiders and cockroaches from entering a new built home?",
"Why are houses in India not built of steel and assembled, unlike other Western methods of building construction?",
"What are some good idea for small houses?",
"What should I know before buying a house?",
"How do I find a no restriction house in Bangalore?"
} |
"query": "Why is Ruby on Rails called Ruby on Rails?",
"pos": [
"How did they come up with the name Ruby on Rails?"
"neg": [
"What is Ruby on Rails?",
"Where Ruby On Rails is used?",
"What is the scope for Ruby on Rails?",
"What are Ruby and \"Ruby and Rails\"?",
"What you couldn't do with Ruby on Rails?",
"Is Ruby on Rails dead?",
"What should I do in Ruby on Rails?",
"What is Rails?",
"Which successful startups are using Ruby on Rails?",
"Is Ruby used for something more than Ruby On Rails?",
"What are the pros and cons of Ruby on Rails?",
"What is Ruby famous for?",
"What is the best Ruby on Rails book?",
"What is the best way to learn Rails if you already have some knowledge of Ruby?",
"Which is the best part about learning Ruby on Rails?",
"What are the gems every Ruby on Rails developer should know?",
"What's should I learn along side Ruby on Rails?",
"What is the hardest part about learning Ruby on Rails?",
"Should I really learn Ruby on Rails?",
"What is the difference among symbols, hashes, strings, etc. on Ruby on Rails?",
"What's the best way for a beginner to start learning Ruby on Rails?",
"What does this Ruby code do?",
"How long would it take to learn Ruby on Rails?",
"How does one know when to use HTML/CSS or Ruby on Rails?",
"Is it necessary to learn Ruby before jumping into Ruby on Rails?",
"What is the best curriculum for teaching beginning young adults Ruby on Rails?",
"How do I use ruby gems in ruby on rails app?",
"Which product based Indian startups are using Ruby on Rails?",
"What are the differences between Java and Ruby on Rails?",
"What is the Ruby code for registration?"
} |
"query": "Relation between phase & line voltage?",
"pos": [
"What is the relation between phase and line voltage?"
"neg": [
"What is the relationship between power and voltage?",
"What exactly is voltage?",
"What is the relationship between voltage and power?",
"What is voltage?",
"What is the relation between voltage and frequency in power system?",
"What is the difference between voltage and current?",
"What is the difference between voltage and current?",
"What is the relation between voltage and frequency in electrical power system?",
"What is the difference between voltage and field?",
"What is the relationship between frequency and voltage in power systems?",
"How can we differentiate voltage and current?",
"What is difference between line to line voltage and line to neutral voltage?",
"What's the difference between voltage drop and terminal voltage?",
"What do you mean by voltage regulation?",
"What is the difference between current and voltage harmonics?",
"What is voltage regulation?",
"What is voltage regulation formula?",
"What is operating voltage?",
"What is the rated voltage?",
"What is meant by voltage regulation?",
"What is breakdown voltage?",
"What's the mean of current move against voltage?",
"How do I calculate phase to phase voltage on 1000 volts?",
"How do I calculate voltage?",
"What is the reason that 33/11kv is a line voltage?",
"What is relationship of resistance current and voltage?",
"What is the value of voltage V1 in the circuit ?",
"How can you determine the range of electric voltage?",
"What is volt & voltage?",
"What key differences exist between two and three phase electric power?"
} |
"query": "Psychology of Everyday Life: What are some things that make Indians happy?",
"pos": [
"What are the few things that make Indians happy?"
"neg": [
"What makes you happy about India?",
"What makes Indian parents happy?",
"What are some little things that make you happy?",
"What makes you happy about India.?",
"What are some things that make Indians sad?",
"What are the things which make you happy?",
"What are some small things that makes you happy?",
"What is the most important thing that make us happy?",
"What makes an Indian father happy?",
"What are things that make Indians sad?",
"What are small things that make you happy?",
"Which are the simplest things that make you happy?",
"What are the little things in daily life that make someone happy?",
"What are few things that Indians shouldn't be proud of?",
"What are the things that make Indian sad?",
"What are the lame things some Indians do to appear cool?",
"Psychology of Everyday Life: What are some little things that make people happy?",
"Which things makes you happy?",
"What are some things that make Indians angry?",
"What things make Indians sad?",
"What is it that makes you proud of India?",
"What are the things that make you happy in your life?",
"What are the three most important things for you to be happy?",
"What are the few things that instantaneously make you happy?",
"What makes people happy the most?",
"What is a small thing that makes you happy?",
"India: What are things that make Indians sad?",
"What makes us happy?",
"What can make me happy?",
"What makes someone happy?"
} |
"query": "How can I upload my profile picture in Quora?",
"pos": [
"How do I add a profile picture to my Quora account?"
"neg": [
"How do I get a profile picture to my Yahoo mail account?",
"How do I get my instagram profile picture to show up on my profile tab?",
"My Gmail profile picture is not changing. What should I do to change it?",
"How do I change my profile picture on snapchat?",
"How can I change the profile picture of my Google account on android?",
"What is a profile photo in modeling?",
"How could I get a profile picture URL based on the Facebook user id?",
"What is your profile picture of?",
"How do I add a URL to my Instagram profile?",
"How do I make a video profile?",
"How do you remove your Gmail Profile picture?",
"How do I change my profile photo on Snapchat?",
"How can I make a Quora account?",
"Why is my profile picture on Facebook missing?",
"Is there a way to get a user's full profile picture through the Twitter API?",
"How often should you change your Facebook profile picture?",
"On Snapchat can you upload a picture as your profile pic?",
"Why can't I see someone's profile picture on Facebook?",
"How do I make it so people can only view but not like my Facebook profile pic?",
"Can I set a GIF image as a profile pic on WhatsApp, Facebook and Instagram?",
"What are some of the best profile pictures ever?",
"What can best represent you in profile picture other than your face or your logo?",
"How do I add a photograph as icon for a broadcast group in WhatsApp?",
"What is the best combination of profile picture and cover photo you have seen on Facebook?",
"How do I convert a Facebook Page into a profile page?",
"How do I change or add new topics to my profile after the registration?",
"I can't find the Highlights section in my Quora profile. How do I bring it back on my page?",
"How can we connect our Quora profile with an HTML file?",
"When I use the Instagram website, how do I view photos that other people have been tagged in on their profile?",
"How can I add name on my photos?"
} |
"query": "Why do some people hate the USA?",
"pos": [
"Why many people hate USA ?"
"neg": [
"Why do Latin American countries hate the USA?",
"Why do people hate?",
"Why do Americans seemingly hate their poor people?",
"Why do so many people hate you?",
"What countries hate each other?",
"Why do most Americans hate Canada?",
"Why do people hate people?",
"Why do you hate people?",
"Why do Americans hate Russia so much?",
"Why do people hate India?",
"As a foreigner, what things do you dislike about America, or American people?",
"Why do we as humans hate?",
"Why do some people hate India?",
"Why are humans so hating?",
"Which countries hate each other?",
"Why does the United States hate Russia?",
"Why do Americans hate Russia?",
"Why do so many countries hate Israel?",
"Why do humans hate?",
"Why do people hate you?",
"Why do many Americans seem to blame/hate Muslims in the US?",
"Why are Americans so ignorant about other countries?",
"Why do people hate New York?",
"Why do I hate people?",
"Why do so many people hate Manchester United?",
"Why do you hate people, but like individuals?",
"Why do we end up hating people?",
"Why do some people hate New York?",
"Why do Americans hate illegal immigrants?",
"What do you dislike about your country?"
} |
"query": "Why are people afraid of change?",
"pos": [
"Why are people afraid of Change ?"
"neg": [
"How do I handle fear of change?",
"How do I handle the fear of change?",
"Why do people change?",
"Why do people change?",
"Why are people so afraid",
"Why do people fear?",
"Do people change and why?",
"Why are some people afraid to think?",
"Do people change?",
"Why am I afraid of people?",
"Why are people afraid of success?",
"Will people never really change?",
"Why do people fear immigration?",
"Why does people have fears?",
"Why are some people more afraid than others?",
"Why are people afraid of dying?",
"Why does people change their behaviour?",
"Why are people afraid of dying? Is it the pain or the change?",
"Why are we afraid of failure?",
"Why don't people try to change their terrible lives?",
"Why are most people afraid of the unknown?",
"Why some people are afraid of success?",
"Why are some people scared to be successful?",
"Are people afraid of the truth or do they just not care?",
"How can I overcome my fear of change? I have a job waiting in another country, I cancelled my flight because I was scared of change.",
"How do you make people want to change?",
"Why am I afraid of people leaving me?",
"Why do I fear life?",
"Everybody knows that just turning off fear isn't a good idea. Some people say that we should control it. What do they mean and how does this help?",
"What will happen to people who don't make the right changes in their life?"
} |
"query": "Can the existence of time machine is possible?",
"pos": [
"Why making a Time Machine is Impossible?"
"neg": [
"What is Time Machine?",
"Who invented the time machine?",
"You get to use a time machine only once. What would you do?",
"If you were given a time machine with only a one time use, what would you like to do?",
"Why was time created?",
"How do I use time effectively?",
"Why does nobody have time?",
"How do I use time more efficiently?",
"What would you do if you own a time travel machine?",
"In physics, why is there no negative time?",
"How can we utilize time effectively?",
"What is the best way to use time effectively?",
"How would human life be different nowadays if human was/will never invented the concept of time?",
"Time (physics): If all the clocks in the world stopped working for a few days, would we be able to regain the exact time in seconds, minutes and hours?",
"Is time a vector? Why or why not?",
"How do I make time go by faster?",
"Why is there no time when traveling at the speed of light?",
"Is time a vector?",
"If you had a time machine that you could only use for a single one way trip, would you go to the past or the future?",
"Is time an invention or a discovery?",
"What would the world be like without the concept of time?",
"Is time a human creation for the purpose of measurement or is time an actual physical property of the universe?",
"Are there any simple explanations of what IS time?",
"Is time a vector quantity? Why or why not?",
"Who, why, and when was time created?",
"What is Time paradox?",
"Why is time not real?",
"According to science, how did time begin?",
"Is it possible to reverse time?",
"How do I make time go faster at boring times?"
} |
"query": "What is the best way to avoid procrastination?",
"pos": [
"I have the habit of procrastination. is there any possible way I can completely avoid it?"
"neg": [
"What is the best way to avoid procrastinating on the internet?",
"How can I get rid of procrastination once and for all? It has made a lot of damage to my life. It has lasted over 15 years.",
"How can I stop procrastinating on Quora?",
"What is procrastination?",
"Am I a procrastinator if I procrastinate procrastination?",
"Do you ever procrastinate procrastinating?",
"Could there be a biological reason for chronic procrastination?",
"How did you overcome procrastination as a teenager?",
"Is there is some sort of anti procrastination drug?",
"Why do people procrastinate?",
"What does procrastinate means?",
"What does \"Procrastinating procrastination\" mean?",
"Is it ever okay to be lazy?",
"Why do I always feel lazy?",
"Is there any correlation between procrastination and depression?",
"Do people with depression often have issues with procrastination? If so, why?",
"I'm destroying my life due to laziness, fear and lack of to overcome these problem?",
"Is it okay to be lazy?"
} |
"query": "How do I get a boyfriend for age 13?",
"pos": [
"How can I get a boyfriend at age 13?"
"neg": [
"How do I get a boyfriend?",
"How do I get a boyfriend?",
"What age is good to get a boyfriend?",
"How do l get a boyfriend?",
"Where can I get a boyfriend?",
"What is a good age to have a boyfriend?",
"How do I get a guy?",
"How can I get my boyfriend a girlfriend?",
"How do you get a guy to be your boyfriend?",
"Will I ever get a boyfriend?",
"How does a girl get a boyfriend?",
"How do I get a hot boyfriend?",
"Is it good to have a boyfriend at an early age?",
"How do I be a boyfriend?",
"How can I become your boyfriend?",
"How do I get a girlfriend? I'm 15 male and never had one before.",
"I am a 17-year-old male, and I have never been in a relationship, no matter how hard I try. I am in year 12. What can I do to get a girlfriend?",
"Why can't I get a boyfriend?",
"How can I get an iitian boyfriend?",
"I want a boyfriend what should I do?",
"How does a boy get a girl?",
"I want a boyfriend. What should I do?",
"What should I do as a 15 year old guy?",
"What should I do at the age of 14?",
"Will I ever get a boyfriend in college?",
"I want to find my first boyfriend at 26 years old. Is that okay?",
"How do I get a boyfriend that doesn't want to have sex?",
"I'm a 27-year-old boy without a girlfriend. How do I get one?",
"I am 20 year old guy how can I get my first love?",
"How can I get married at 16?"
} |
"query": "What is the Sahara, and how do the average temperatures there compare to the ones in the Great Basin Desert?",
"pos": [
"What is the Sahara, and how do the average temperatures there compare to the ones in the Simpson Desert?"
"neg": [
"How is the human life in the Sahara Desert?",
"What are some interesting facts about the Sahara desert?",
"Why did it just snow in the Sahara desert?",
"What kind of houses are built in the Sahara Desert? What is it like living in them?",
"What is some interesting & fun facts about Sahara Desert?",
"What are some foods in the Sahara desert?",
"Can the Sahara become arable land?",
"If the sahara was under the sea, why is the sand not salty, where did the salt go?",
"How can the Sahara be protected?",
"Why don't/can't we put solar panels in the Sahara Desert as a source of electricity?",
"How does the air temperature at a given altitude vary by latitude? Is the air at 39,000ft colder over the Arctic than over the Sahara desert?",
"What went wrong with Sahara group?",
"Wouldn't it be necessary to not only built a \"green wall' where Sahara-Sahel borders but also in the northern portions of the Sahara?",
"What's Africa really like?",
"What is thermal equator?",
"What are Moroccans like, and how does their culture compare to Mauritania's?",
"How much does Jeep Wrangler Sahara 2016 weigh without the hard top?",
"What countries does the Equator go through?",
"What is the gravity at the equator?",
"What are Moroccans like, and how does their culture compare to Ghana's?",
"Why is the Equator called the Equator?",
"When is summer and winter at or near the equator?",
"When does the equator gets sunlight at 90-degree angles to its surface?",
"What is it like to live in Africa?",
"What is it like to live in Morocco?",
"What are Moroccans like, and how does their culture compare to Zambia's?",
"Is the equator hotter than the poles because it's spinning \"faster\"?",
"What are Moroccans like, and how does their culture compare to Kenya's?",
"What are Moroccans like, and how does their culture compare to South Sudan's?",
"How cold can the Gobi Desert get, and how do its average temperatures compare to the ones in the Syrian Desert?"
} |
"query": "What drinks can I get to pass drug test for meth?",
"pos": [
"Can you pass a urine test for meth with Suragel?"
"neg": [
"Will .2 grams of meth show up in a urine test 99 hours after consumed?",
"Is Meth really that bad?",
"Why did methamphetamine show up on my drug test?",
"Is modafinil considered methamphetamine? Would it show up on a drug test?",
"Is it possible to test +ve for Methamphetamine &/or Amphetamines through inhalation of 2nd-hand fumes from Crystal Meth smokers and, convicted even?",
"Are concerta and meth test the same?",
"Is Dioxsyn pharmaceutical meth?",
"Is it safe to take methamphetamine whilst on Escitalopram? ",
"Are Adderall and meth the same?",
"When was meth legal?",
"What does meth cost?",
"Taking meth through the rectal, is it a better high?",
"Does long term drug use (meth) take sex drive away?",
"How do I dilute meth in my pee?",
"How do you dilute meth in your body?",
"How do I clean meth in 2-3 days of use?",
"Do cranberry supplements help flush meth out of your system?",
"How much does meth cost?",
"Would you trust Meth users and/or are “Meth users mean and selfish” ?",
"How much is a dub of meth?",
"How long will it take for meth to get out of my system if I'm 6'0, 155 lb and 17 years old?",
"Is wet crystal meth not as good as dried out?",
"How is meth and crystal meth different according to science?",
"What amount of hits can you smoke of meth so not noticeable and how often?",
"Is Methylphenidate a methamphetamine?",
"How is meth cooked?",
"What is it like to be intoxicated with methamphetamine?",
"Greasy looking methamphetamines?",
"Does meth get excreted out from our sweat?",
"How long does it take you recover mentally from meth addiction?"
} |
"query": "How dangerous are poisonous animals in New Zealand?",
"pos": [
"What venomous species are found in New Zealand?"
"neg": [
"What are the venomous spiders of Minnesota?",
"Are there snakes in New Zealand? If so, which species are native to that region?",
"Which venomous spiders are in California?",
"Which snake has most dangerous venom?",
"Are all spiders venomous?",
"Why are some spiders venomous?",
"Is it true that there are not any snakes in New Zealand?",
"What kind of insect is this and is it venomous?",
"What evolutionary path led to snakes having venom?",
"What are some untraceable poisons?",
"How do I identify poisonous and non poisonous snakes in India?",
"Animal Identification: Can you identify this large flat green spider of the Phillipines?",
"How is the nursery web spider poisonous?",
"What is the most dangerous snake for humans in the world?",
"What are the untraceable poison?",
"How poisonous are tarantulas to humans?",
"Is the white spider poisonous, and how does it compare and contrast to the dolomedes spider?",
"Is the white spider poisonous, and how does it compare and contrast to the pirate spider?",
"What is the most endangered species?",
"What's the difference between venom and poison?",
"What is the difference between poison and venom?",
"How did snakes evolve to have venom?",
"Are red-tailed lizards poisonous?",
"What are some of the most endangered species we know of?",
"What are the endangered species in the Chaparral biome?",
"What are endangered species?",
"Are there freshwater puffer fish and are they poisonous as well?",
"Which are fatal poisons?",
"What is the world deadliest snake?",
"What are some examples of exotic and endangered species in the taiga biome?"
} |
"query": "What will happen if India and Pakistan gets into war and who will win?",
"pos": [
"What will be the effect of possible war between India and Pakistan on Indian Stock market?"
"neg": [
"What will be the effects of an India-Pakistan war on the China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC)?",
"What will be the effects of the India-Pakistan war on CPEC China-Pakistan economic corridor?",
"How many wars has India and Pakistan fought?",
"Would India be able to win a full scale two-front war against China and Pakistan along with insurgents?",
"Is there a possibility of a war between USA and China in future, if USA makes India it's biggest manufacturing/trading partner? Will it affect India?",
"What will happen if Pakistan and China declare a joint war with India?",
"If a nuclear war happens between India and Pakistan. Will Russia support India or it will act as a neutral state?",
"Is Pakistan really preparing for WAR with neighbor country India?",
"Will China support Pakistan if war breaks out between India and Pakistan?",
"Is India able to defeat China and Pakistan together if there is a war?",
"Are China & Pakistan preparing to declare a war against India? What will happen if they do?",
"Can China and Pakistan together defeat India in a full-fledged war?",
"What are the main causes and factors behind the India and Pakistan's conflict (on and off) over Jammu & Kashmir?",
"What were the main effects of the Indo-Pakistani War of 1965?",
"If there is an India vs Pakistan war, will China support Pakistan?",
"What were the long-term effects of the Indo-Pakistani War of 1971?",
"What will happen in today's scenario if India gets attacked by Pakistan and China at the same time?",
"If a war between India and China happens will India be able to win?",
"Will Russia support India or China, if Pakistan and China start a war against India?"
} |
"query": "Where can I find angel investors for an invention?",
"pos": [
"I want angel investors for my website. Where and how do I approach them?"
"neg": [
"Who are notable angel investors in Singapore?",
"Who are the notable angel investors in Singapore?",
"I am a early stage first time founder who wants to angel invest in a startup in my accelerator programs cohort. I do not have a salary yet nor is my net worth > $1m. Can I invest?",
"What are the legal measures that are need to be taken when dealing with an Angel Investor?",
"Can I get an angel investor for my $60,000 contract with the government. I have no capital . Project cost is approximately $40,000 including taxes.",
"Do you know an angel-backed company who wants to improve their investor reporting?",
"As an angel investor, how do I go about raising my own $50M-$100M seed stage focused fund in a few years?",
"What's the difference between an incubator and an angel investor?",
"What are some tips for a beginner investors?",
"How should you approach giving a price (aka \"ask\") to seed stage investors?",
"How many investors did Pinterest reach out to before they got Angel funding?",
"How is your experience using to find jobs?",
"What should i do to be investor?",
"Do investors or VCs fund when it's just an idea stage? If yes, then how should one approach them and name such VCs or investors?",
"I am looking for investors to fund a lucrative business. Where could I find real, genuine and international investors? Would Quora be the best platform?",
"How can I approach venture capitalists for research funding?",
"What are investors looking for in game studios?"
} |
"query": "What is the purpose of life according to YOU?",
"pos": [
"Why is the purpose of life to \"be happy?\""
"neg": [
"Do we truly have any purpose in life? Or do we create a purpose to make ourselves feel significant in the very vast world, or to make ourselves feel that our existence in the vast world is required?",
"Is happiness the goal of life?",
"What is the purpose of a woman in a man's life?",
"What should I do if I feel like my life lacks purpose?",
"Is happiness the ultimate goal of life?",
"Why does everyone want to live an exceptional life?",
"No matter how happy and content I feel, life has, in fact, no purpose or meaning other than to reproduce. So what is the point in doing anything?",
"What is your purpose?",
"Does everything have a purpose?",
"I have completely lost sense of purpose in life. I don't enjoy anything I do. I live with my family then also Why?",
"Why are we here on earth? What's the purpose?",
"Why is it important to have goals in life?",
"Does our existence in this world have a purpose?"
} |
"query": "What are some weird questions you have come across in quora?",
"pos": [
"What is the weirdest question you have come across on Quora?"
"neg": [
"What is the weirdest thing?",
"What is the weirdest thing that you have?",
"What is the weirdest thing you've ever been told?",
"What is the weirdest thing about you?",
"What is the weirdest question you have ever been asked in an interview?",
"What's the most weird/stupid question you've asked anonymously?",
"What is the weirdest thing you seen?",
"What is the weirdest thing you are into?",
"What would be the answer to this weird question?",
"What is the weirdest thing you have ever seen?",
"What is the weirdest thing you collect?",
"What is the weirdest thing you've seen on Wikipedia?",
"What is weird?",
"What is the weirdest thing somebody has said to you?",
"What is something really weird about you?",
"What is the weirdest thing you searched on the Internet?",
"What is the weirdest thing you've ever done?",
"What's the weirdest thing you have ever touched?",
"What is the weirdest thing that you did?",
"What is the weirdest thing you have ever done?",
"What weird questions have you been asked in an interview?",
"What is the weirdest thing in space?",
"What is the strangest thing anyone has said to you?",
"What is the strangest thing you own?",
"What are the weirdest questions asked in TISS interview?",
"Which is the strangest question you have ever been asked in an interview?",
"What is the weirdest website you have seen?",
"What is the most tricky question ever asked?",
"What is the weirdest thing about you? Are you proud of it?",
"What is the strangest thing that you have ever experienced?"
} |
"query": "What is the best time to study, day or night ?",
"pos": [
"What is the best time to study?"
"neg": [
"What is the best time for studying in the afternoon?",
"Which is the best time to study physics +1 class?",
"How do you manage time between work and study?",
"When is the best time to study foreign languages?",
"What are the best times to study, read, research, write and so on, for mental clarity and/or creativity, in a 24-hour day (from the time you wake up)?",
"How do I manage to study for more than 10 hours a day?",
"How do I study at least 3 hours at a day?",
"How can I study around 10 hours a day? I waste too much time. Any suggestions? I don't want social life anymore. Seriously",
"Which is best time for exercise?",
"How do I study for longer hours?",
"How it feels to study hard?",
"How do study 6 hours in a day?",
"What is the best time to work out? Why?",
"How can we manage time between study and relationship and balance both equally?",
"Which is the best time to do exersise?",
"I work in an MNC from 9AM to 7PM. I have applied for post graduation (distant). How do I manage time to study?",
"What is the best time for exercise?",
"Is it good to study till late night?",
"What is the best time to exercise?",
"When is the best time to run?",
"What is the best way to mange your time as a computer science major?",
"Which is better either to study at late night or to study at early morning?",
"When is the best time to workout?",
"What time is it best to exercise?",
"How should I study for my 1st sem (From Apj Aktu or UPTU) exams when less than 1 month is left?",
"What is the best time to be in a relationship?",
"I go to 8 hours of school and 3 hours of coaching for JEE (5 days a week). How do I manage time to self study?",
"How can I study a lot of things within 2 weeks?",
"How should I manage time in 1st Year MBBS to study everything that I study in uni everyday?",
"Why should I study hard?"
} |
"query": "How does first time sex feel like?",
"pos": [
"How does having sex feel for the first time?"
"neg": [
"What does it feel like to see a girl orgasm for the first time?",
"How does it feel to see someone having sex?",
"What did it feel like to fall in love for the first time?",
"What does having sex feels like for a women?",
"What is it like to kiss for the first time?",
"What was it like being kissed for the first time?",
"What does it feel like for a women to have sex?",
"Why is first-time sex sometimes painful for a girl?",
"How did you feel on your first date?",
"How do woman feel about kissing on the first date if there is a connection?",
"How does a woman feel after sex?",
"Why would you have sex on the first date?",
"What does having sex with a vagina feel like?",
"What is the best position for first time sex?",
"How was your first sex experience as an Indian?",
"How long does the average person wait to have sex for the first time?",
"What does it feel like to be inside a vagina when having sex as a man?",
"Adult Dating and Relationships: Girls, how does it feel like the first time you undressed for a guy? Guys,how does it feel when you see a girl naked for the first time?",
"How does sex feel to a girl?",
"How do male or female feel after having sex? I am 24 and I never had sex",
"How did you feel when you travelled in an airplane for the first time?",
"How was your experience being in the relationship for the first time?",
"How a women feels during sex?",
"What does the physical act of sexual intercourse feel like, and if I don't get to experience this did I miss out on a lot?",
"What does it feel like for a female to have vaginal intercourse?",
"What does sex feel like for a woman?",
"How was your first sex experience as an Indian teen?",
"What feelings do women experience when they hold a cock in their hand for the first time?",
"What are some ' first time' interesting experiences?",
"What does sex feel like for women?"
} |
"query": "Whom should one follow on Quora? And why?",
"pos": [
"Who are some of the smart people to follow on Quora?"
"neg": [
"Why would people follow me on Quora?",
"Is there a way to find out how many people who you follow on Quora follow you back?",
"Why should I follow you on Quora?",
"Why should I follow Quora?",
"Why should I follow someone on Quora?",
"Why do some people on Quora do not follow anyone?",
"Who are the most followed Quora users from each country?",
"Who are the most relevant daily Quora users?",
"Who is the first user of Quora?",
"Who are some relatively underappreciated Quora writers who deserve more followers?",
"Who are the most prolific Quora users?",
"Who and where are the majority of Quora users based?",
"Are there any Quora Top-Writers who are theists?",
"Adam D'Angelo: What do you think of Quora users from INDIA?",
"Are there any arrogant people on Quora?",
"Who is Quora User?",
"Why are people following me on Quora?",
"Who is the most politically correct Quora user?",
"Why do most of the people I follow follow me back . Is this a trend on Quora?",
"Who is the most well known and the most famous Quora user?",
"How do I follow people anonymously on Quora?",
"What are all people doing on Quora? Go work",
"Who is your favorite Quora follower?",
"Who are the Quora users with the most followers from each country?",
"How many people just love being on Quora?",
"Is there a single stupid egotist here in Quora who's been followed by a sizable count of members but has never bothered to follow any of them?",
"Do you like Quora?",
"Is it a good idea to follow people whose political opinions you strongly disagree with on Quora?",
"Who are some of smartest people alive today?",
"How does Twitter suggest other people who to follow?"
} |
"query": "How can I write an essay efficiently?",
"pos": [
"How do I write an essay in English?"
"neg": [
"What is an essay?",
"What is essay?",
"What Should I Do With My AP English essay Mark?",
"What Should I Do About my AP English essay Mark?",
"How do I write a 750 words essay about me, my past, present and future?",
"What is the structure of an essay?",
"How do you write a 500 word essay about war?",
"Can one paragraph constitute an essay?",
"What is a descriptive essay?",
"How do I write an article for a magazine?",
"What is a good example of a 500 word essay?",
"What is an argumentative essay?",
"How can I write an argumentative essay on immigration?",
"I have to write an essay about Joe Lang Kershaw. I need a thesis statement and some information to finish my essay. How did he help people?",
"How do you write a diary in English?",
"What is the structure of a personal essay?",
"How do I find a good custom essay writing service?",
"How write best essay in UPSC?",
"What are the best custom essay writing service that can be used for academic task?",
"How can I write a 1,800 word essay about world peace?",
"My English is great (2nd language)! Going back to law, public speaking and essay writing are priorities. How can I make it better?",
"What is familiar essay?",
"How can I write an article for children?",
"Essays without subheadings?",
"How can I write an essay about integrity?",
"How do I know have written 250 words in an essay?",
"Can one paragraph ccnstitute an essay?",
"What is an essay on water?",
"How should I write my interview assignment?",
"What are essays without subheadings?"
} |
"query": "How can I stop masturbation?",
"pos": [
"How can one stop masturbation?"
"neg": [
"I try to control masturbation, but when I do it for over 2 weeks, it often results in nightfall. What are the pros and cons of this?",
"How do I increase the pleasure of masturbation?",
"What are some innovative ways of masturbation for a guy?",
"How do you maximize pleasure while masturbating?",
"How long do you have to wait to masturbate again with pleasure?",
"Is it normal to masturbate this way?",
"How often should one masturbate?",
"Masturbation: What are good ways to last longer?",
"If masturbation was healthy, at what age could you start masturbating?",
"Is it okay to masturbate regularly?",
"Did you stop masturbating when you gained a sexual partner?",
"Are masturbation normal?",
"Are there any bad side effects of masturbation (if a person only masturbates once a day)?",
"Is masturbating without ejaculating harmful?",
"How much time does it take for a male to ejaculate during masturbation?",
"Is it good to masturbate?",
"Is masturbation okay for girls?",
"Does masturbation leads to any harmful affects?",
"How often should I masturbate?",
"Is masturbation safe for a day?",
"Can masturbating reduce weight?",
"How was your first masturbation experience?",
"Is masturbation once a day good?",
"Is masturbating wrong?",
"How does daily masturbation effects?",
"Why masturbation is addictive?"
} |
"query": "Can I find or track my lost mobile device using the phone number?",
"pos": [
"How can one track a mobile number location?"
"neg": [
"What is the best app for mobile number tracking?",
"What is mobile number?",
"Is there a way to tell if a US number is a mobile number?",
"How can I find the exact mobile number if I know the last four digits of that mobile number?",
"Which computer software do phone companies use to track phone and serial number details?",
"How do I get get information about a mobile number in India?",
"How do I track my wife's cellphone GPS without loading an app on it?",
"What is the best way to find a cell phone number by a person's name?",
"What is the cheapest device for getting GPS coordinates of a location?",
"What mobile operator provides a fancy mobile and my own choice number at a cheap price?",
"How could I find the location on map of my Android phone only using their email and internet?",
"How do big companies (or small ones) actually track location data? (So specifically what is the mechanism through which servers track the locations data from mobile phones?",
"Second number of mobile number does not start with?",
"Where can I check phone number availability?",
"Is it possible to track someone remotely through GPS on his phone without his knowledge and without installing any software on his phone?",
"How can I get a Simple Mobile account number?"
} |
"query": "How do I get rid of a cold immediately?",
"pos": [
"What would be the fastest way to get rid of a cold?"
"neg": [
"What are some favorite effective cold remedies?",
"Is it possible to catch a cold?",
"What's the best way to warm up on a cold day?",
"Symptom Relief: What are some favorite effective cold remedies?",
"How cold is too cold to walk outside?",
"How often should a person catch a cold in 1 year?",
"What are the best natural solutions to cold or flu?",
"Does 7-Up really cure the common cold?",
"Does cold air kill germs?",
"How we feel cold by a cold wind without evaporation?",
"Is there a way to get electrical energy from cold?",
"How do I warm up on cold nights?",
"How long does it take for a freezer to get cold enough for its proper usage?",
"How can ice help on a cold sore?",
"Why does taking medicine not reduce common cold?",
"What are the best ways to exercise outdoors in the winter?",
"How can ice help with a cold sore?",
"Does cold air kill germs? Why or why not?",
"How can I enjoy a cold shower in winter?",
"How will an allergy medicine help with a cold?",
"How does not keeping warm in a cold weather cause a common cold?",
"How should you take a cold shower? How old should it be? How long?",
"How cold should cold showers be?",
"What is the incubation period for the common cold?",
"How can the incubation period of a common cold be calculated?",
"Can you get two colds at once? If not why not?",
"Can you get sick just from being cold, such as going out in cold without a jacket? Or do you need to actually catch a virus or somehow be infected?",
"How can taking a cold shower help you lose weight?",
"How can one get rid of acne as quickly as possible?",
"What is the best way to get rid of pimples?"
} |
"query": "When was America Great?",
"pos": [
"When exactly was America great?"
"neg": [
"How great is America?",
"What is a Great America?",
"What was America like?",
"Which decade was the best for the United States of America? Why?",
"Is America the best country in the world?",
"Why do some Americans think America has to be the best in the world?",
"Why is America the best country in the world?",
"Was India a great country?",
"When was the best time in modern history for your country?",
"What are some of the greatest achievements of the United States of America?",
"Why does America think they're the best country in the world?",
"How did Americans feel about America?",
"How did the United States of America become a developed country?",
"Is the US the greatest country in the world?",
"Who invented America & when?",
"What was America called before it was called America?",
"How did the United States become the country it is today--in terms of land/territory?",
"Has the United States of America ever been in a golden age?",
"Who invented America?",
"Who discovered America?",
"How did America became such a rich and powerful country in the first place?",
"How many countries had USA invaded in its history?",
"Who was the all time best President of the United States of America?",
"How does the rest of the world see America?",
"What led to America's economic success?",
"Why might some people believe that the US is the greatest country in the world?",
"Under what Presidents did we have a great economy, no wars, good education, low poverty, low crime, good foreign relations and most Americans happy?",
"What are things that America does well?",
"How can I make the case for the United States being the greatest country on earth?",
"Under what Presidents did we have a great economy, no wars, good education, low poverty, low crime, good foreign relations and most Americans happy? ."
} |
"query": "How did you meet your life partner?",
"pos": [
"How did you meet your lover now?"
"neg": [
"Where did you meet your best friend?",
"How did you meet your best friend?",
"How did you first meet your best friend?",
"How can I get lover?",
"So when do we meet?",
"Have you ever met a fellow Quoran?",
"Have you met someone from Quora, in person?",
"How did you fell in love with him/her?",
"How do I find my spouse on meetme?",
"Has anyone met his/her doppelganger?",
"What do you do when you see your husband mistress at another hotel?",
"If you met yourself, would you like you?",
"Did you instantly know you were going to marry the person you did when you met them?",
"What is the past tense of meet?",
"How shall I find my life partner?",
"How do you find your love?",
"How do I make my lover talk to me?",
"Who is Pedro Pascal dating?",
"Is it possible to meet your soulmate online?",
"Have you met Charles Bukowski?",
"How do I meet Hrithik Roshan?",
"I have had two failed marriages. I've been alone for two years. How do I meet someone else? I'm scared.",
"Where can I meet the right guy?",
"What is the past participle of meet?",
"How do you get over someone you've never met, but were intimate with?",
"How did you propose to your love after a long lasting friendship?",
"Who is the most interesting person you met?",
"How is it to meet John Cena?",
"How do I meet guys to date?",
"We’ve been dating seriously for 1 yr. He & his parents are very close but have seen me only in photos. How can I talk to him about meeting them?"
} |
"query": "Who will win the US presidential elections 2016: Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump?",
"pos": [
"Who will win this presidential elections 2016?"
"neg": [
"Who will win the 2020 presidential election and why?",
"Who can win the 2019 elections as of now?",
"Which candidate in the 2016 U.S. presidential election do you support?",
"Who will win the next 2019 general elections in India?",
"Will you vote (or not) in the 2016 US presidential election? Why?",
"Who will win the next 2019 general elections in India and why?",
"Who are you voting for in the 2016 US Presidential Election, and why?",
"Can presidential candidates vote?",
"Is there really a chance for a third-party Candidate to win the election in 2016?",
"To those outside of America: If the current US presidential election candidates (Obama Vs. Romney) were running in your country who would you vote for and who do you think would win?",
"Who is going to be the first candidate to declare for the 2016 presidential election?",
"Who votes in the Democratic and Republican Party primaries to determine presidential candidates in the USA?",
"How well could third party candidates do in the upcoming (2016) U.S. presidential elections?",
"Who are the top candidates for US presidential election in 2020?",
"Which Party Will Win UP Assembly election in 2017?",
"Who will win the Uttarakhand elections 2017?",
"Who will win 2019 elections in India?",
"What percentage of votes in the 2016 U.S. Presidential race will go to third party candidates?",
"If all 43 U.S. Presidents were to run for office in 2016, who would win? Also, who would be best suited to deal with the current issues?",
"Can you tell who is going to run for President by seeing how actively they campaign for people during the previous midterm elections?",
"Hypothetical Scenarios: Who would win the US election - Barack Obama (2008) vs Donald Trump (2016)?",
"Who do you think BJP will put as a candidate for the presidential election in India 2017?",
"If all the previous U.S. presidents were alive and running for office in 2012, who would win?",
"Who will win in the BMC elections 2017, SS, BJP, Congress, MNS, or AAP?",
"What Hogwarts houses would each of the 2016 presidential candidates fit in?",
"Who will win 2019 Lok sabha elections?",
"What happens if both presidential candidates get 269 votes? (USA)?",
"What are the main goals, pros, and cons of each major 2016 presidential candidate?",
"Should I vote in the 2016 US presidential election?",
"Who will win Gujarat Assembly Election?"
} |
"query": "How does your height increase?",
"pos": [
"Does swimming increase your height in twenties?"
"neg": [
"I'm a 23 year old boy with 58 kgs weight and my height is 168 cms. Do I still have a chance to increase my height? If yes, what food habits should I follow?",
"Is there a way to decrease your height?",
"How do you measure your height?",
"I am male, 17 years, 6′ 2″ and 84 kg. Is it okay? How can I stop my height growth?",
"Does height really matter for women?",
"I am an eighteen year old Indian male with a height of 5'6 and a weight of 54 kg. Am I too short? What are some tips to increase my height?",
"What is the average 14 year old height?",
"Is my height okay as an 18 year old boy? I'm 5'8-5'9? Also, will I grow more??",
"Above Average Height: How does it feel to be a 6'2\" tall teen?",
"I'm a 16 years old girl. My height is 4.10 ft and my period started when I was 11. can I still grow my height to 5.2?",
"How can I measure my height online?"
} |
"query": "Which book is better for NEET?",
"pos": [
"Which book should I read for clearing NEET?"
"neg": [
"Which book should I refer for NEET biology 2017?",
"Which books are best for neet and AIIMS?",
"Which books and study material is best for neet and AIIMS?",
"Which biology book I should be referring for NEET 2018?",
"Can anyone beat Neet exam only by studying NCERT books?",
"How can I prepare for NEET?",
"How should I make notes for NEET?",
"How do I study for neet mds?",
"How do I prepare for NEET?",
"How was NEET II paper?",
"How do I have to learn while preparing for NEET?",
"Is there any subject-wise cutoff in the NEET 2017?",
"How can you prepare easily for NEET?",
"How easy is it to clear NEET PG 2017?",
"What is the cut off mark for neet?",
"How should I prepare for my NEET (Chemistry)?",
"How do I prepare for NEET 2017?I have already took a test series of Allen and I am studying it thoroughly.",
"What is cutoff of neet 2013?",
"What should be my preparation for NEET 2017?",
"How should I prepare for NEET-2017 in 6 months? Which reference books I need to refer apart from my coaching material?",
"How do I make notes for NEET for revision?",
"Which is the best book to study chemistry for the NEET & AIIMS entrance exams?",
"How do I prepare for chemistry for NEET 2016?",
"What is the key to learn anything present in NCERT for NEET?",
"Is it enough to study NCERT (biology) for NEET 2016?",
"How can I study effectively for NEET 2018?",
"What are important tips to crack NEET?",
"What is the syllabus for NEET 2 examination?",
"How do I prepare for NEET MDS?",
"How should I plan for NEET?"
} |
"query": "Do you really think democracy is the best of all forms of government?",
"pos": [
"Why is democracy the best form of government?"
"neg": [
"Is democracy the best form of government for the USA?",
"What is democracy?",
"What is democracy?",
"What is a democracy?",
"What is the true definition of democracy?",
"What is definition of democracy?",
"What is a democracy? What are some different forms?",
"How can a society give a better use to democracy today?",
"What are the best alternatives to democracy?",
"What are some good factors about democracy?",
"In what ways dictatorship better than democracy?",
"What is economic democracy?",
"What is an Established democracy?",
"What are some different forms of democracy?",
"How can we have a Direct Democracy system?",
"What are the pitfalls of representative democracy?",
"What is the best political system?",
"What are the tenets of democracy?",
"What is government politics?",
"What are the disdvantages of democratic government?",
"What is an economic democracy?",
"What factors turn a democracy into dictatorship?",
"What are the functions of democracy? What are examples of a democracy?",
"How can democracy be improved?",
"What is a democratic dictatorship?",
"What is the difference between liberal democracy and just democracy?",
"Why do people think America is a democracy?",
"How does a republic compare to a democracy?",
"How many countries in the world have democratic form of government?",
"What is the most democratic country in the world and why?"
} |
"query": "How can I overcome my depression and my fears?",
"pos": [
"What should someone do to overcome anxiety?"
"neg": [
"Can anxiety kill you?",
"How can I overcome anxiety and (rare) panic attacks without therapy (or medication?)",
"How do I overcome my anxiety in restaurants?",
"How should I overcome anxiety before prelims examination 2016?",
"What are some ways to manage anxiety as a student?",
"How do I overcome stress anxiety before exams?",
"How do you deal with anxiety in college?",
"How do I overcome this anxiety of dying?",
"How do I get over my anxiety and start with work?",
"How do I overcome my emotions?",
"How can anxiety cause you to be stressed and unstressed very quickly? How damaging is the medication for this condition?"
} |
"query": "What's the worst thing someone has done to you?",
"pos": [
"What is the worst thing that someone has done to you and how do you feel about it now?"
"neg": [
"What is the worst thing you have done to someone?",
"What is the worst thing you have ever done to someone besides yourself?",
"What is the worst thing that you have done?",
"What is the worst thing you have done?",
"What is the best thing that has happened to you for being worst?",
"What is the worst thing you have done on your life?",
"What is the worst thing you have done in your life?",
"What's the worst thing you have ever done to some one?",
"What is the worst thing you could do to someone?",
"What is the worst thing you've ever done to another human being?",
"What is the worst thing you did to yourself?",
"What is the worst thing about yourself, that has lead to your best experiences in life?",
"What's the worst thing you've ever done to another human being?",
"What's the worst thing you've ever done to yourself?",
"What's the worst thing that you've done that has worked out for you?",
"What is the worst thing that you did in your life?",
"What's the worst thing you ever done in your life?",
"What is the best thing about yourself, that has lead to your worst experiences in life?",
"What is the worst thing you've ever done?",
"What is the WORST thing that ever happened to you for doing something good or nice?",
"What is the most horrible thing you have ever done?",
"What is the worst thing you have done and how did you overcome it and the feelings of guilt and regret ?",
"What is the worst thing you've done lately?",
"What's the worst thing you've ever done?",
"What's the worst thing you can do to someone?",
"What's the worst thing you've willingly done?",
"What are the best thing and the worst thing you ever did in your life?",
"What is the worst thing you ever did in your relationship?",
"What is the most terrible thing you have ever done?",
"What is the worst thing you did in a relationship?"
} |
"query": "What's the best course on learning how to make money online?",
"pos": [
"What are the best courses on making money online?"
"neg": [
"Which site is better for making money online?",
"What are the best survey websites for making money online?",
"What are ways for an underage person to make money online?",
"How can I make money online? I know HTML/CSS and Javascript. I have a laptop and a 100 dollars. What new skills should I learn as well?",
"What are the best ways of making money online by working 1-2 hour daily?",
"What are different ways to make online money in India?",
"Is making money online real?",
"How do I earn money online with investment?",
"What are the ways to make online money in india?",
"How can I make money online as a 13 year old?",
"How do I make $5,000 or more a month online?",
"What are some good and short term online courses to do?",
"Why is making money online is difficult?",
"How does online websites earn money?",
"How do I sell something online & make money?",
"What is the way to make money online monthly that can be started on small scale without any investment?",
"How much are you earning online?",
"How do online shopping websites earn money?",
"How do you earn small amounts of cash online in September 2016?",
"How can I make money online as a 13-year-old in India?",
"What are the best ways of making money online by working 1-2 hour daily in India?",
"What's the easiest way to make money online from India?",
"What are the best online courses to learn for free?",
"How can I make money online in India?",
"What are some online jobs that pay well?",
"What are the best websites that give online certified courses?",
"How do you earn cash online in September 2016?",
"What is the easiest way to make money online for a 14 year old?",
"How do I make $5,000/month online?",
"Where are the best places to earn certifications in marketing online?"
} |
"query": "What was the best day of your life? (Excluding family things like births)",
"pos": [
"What is the Best Day of your life till date?"
"neg": [
"How is your day going?",
"What would be a blissful day?",
"What is your favourite hour of the day? And why?",
"How was your day? What did you do today?",
"How can I make my today's day the most memorable day of my life (It's my birthday today)?",
"What is the best time of day to have sex?",
"What is the best time of the day to learn or study?",
"Philosophy of Everyday Life: What's your average day like?",
"What constitutes a day?",
"Is the day following your birthday the most gloomy day of your life?",
"What is the best time of day to go on a walk?",
"What was the happiest day of the life?",
"What is your average day like and what do you do?",
"Have a good day?",
"What is the best time of day for workout and exercise?",
"How was your day today? What have you been recently been thinking about?",
"If today were your last day, would you be completely satisfied with your life?",
"How would you spend your day if you got to know it is your last day?",
"Which day can be the first day and last day of any century?",
"What will you do if this is your last day of your life?",
"What is the best way to start your day?",
"What will you do in the last day of your life?",
"What is a list of things I should do every day to make my life better?",
"Which is the best time of the day to have fruits and which of them?",
"How I spend my day?",
"What are your favorite things to do on your day off?",
"What is a typical day for a writer?",
"How would you spend the day if you got to know that it is your last day?",
"If you knew today was your last day on Earth, how would you spend it and why?",
"What inspires your day?"
} |
"query": "Which is the best laptop to buy under 30k in India?",
"pos": [
"What is the best laptop under 30k?"
"neg": [
"Which is the best phone under 30k?",
"Which are the best smartphones under 30k?",
"Which is the best smartphone under 3000 INR?",
"What is the best laptop around 35k?",
"Which is the best smartphone under ₹30000?",
"What is best phone to buy in the range of Rs.25000-30000?",
"What is the best DSLR under 30k?",
"Which is the best laptop for around 35k?",
"Which is the best smartphone Rs30000 till date?",
"Which is the best laptop to buy under 22k?",
"Which is the best laptop to buy under 40K?",
"Which is best laptop under 40k?",
"Which one is best laptop under 40k?",
"Which is the best earphone under Rs 3000?",
"Which are the best laptops under 40k?",
"What are the best laptops under 25k?",
"What are the best laptops below 40k?",
"Which is best laptop below 40k?",
"I want to invest 300000 rupee what is the best business for me?",
"What are some good earphones under Rs 3000?",
"What are the best earphones under $30?",
"What are the best earphones within Rs 3000?",
"What is the best laptop under €600?",
"What is the best LED TV under 30k in India?",
"Which laptop will best for an engineering student under the range of 40k?",
"Which is the best earphone with mic under ₹300?",
"Which is the best phone to buy under rs25000?",
"How do I get best laptop @40K?",
"What is the best laptop under 45k?",
"What are the best assets to invest in as a beginner with only $3000?"
} |
"query": "How can I improve my visual-spatial skills?",
"pos": [
"What are the best ways to improve spatial skills?"
"neg": [
"What is the best way to study geography?",
"What are 10 most important skills that an experienced land surveyor should possess?",
"How could degree programs in geography prepare students better for careers?",
"How does Google manage spatial data?",
"How do I study geography online?",
"How can I work for National Geographic?",
"What is the best way to study geography and economics?",
"How do I develop better people skills?",
"What are the least useful courses that people typically take for a degree in geography?",
"How can I score good marks in geography honours in Calcutta university?",
"What is Spatial interaction?",
"Which is the best university to do an MA in geography?",
"What is the best way to improve your chess skills?",
"How can I get better people skills?",
"What is a geographical indicator?",
"What are the jobs that are marketable with a bachelor of arts degree in geography?",
"How do geographers use the five themes of geography and what is their purpose?",
"How can you improve your ability to learn?",
"How do I improve my convincing and influencing skills?",
"Is it possible to give the location of a place with position vectors instead of latitudes and longitudes?",
"Who offers the best topography course in NYC?",
"What should be done to improve social skills?",
"How do I improve my English vocabulary&speaking skills, I am student from a Deemed university B.Tech 3rd year&next year I should attend for placements?",
"What is the fastest way to improve the marks at school?",
"Where can I get best qualities outdoor tiles in Sydney?",
"What is the best way to improve the educational system?",
"What are the skills a good CA should possess, apart from academics, articleship and communication skills?",
"What is the typical career path for someone who becomes a professor in geography?",
"What are good skills to have?",
"How can I improve teaching skills?"
} |
"query": "Richard Muller - Could you recommend some books on quantum physics?",
"pos": [
"What books should I read to learn more about quantum physics?"
"neg": [
"What are some good books to read about Physics?",
"What is the best recommended books about physics?",
"What are the best books for an aspiring theoretical physicist?",
"What can one learn about Quantum Mechanics in 10 minutes?",
"How much do we actually know about quantum physics?",
"What are great books on Physics?",
"What are the best books in physics?",
"What is the best book on quantum mechanics published in 2015?",
"Which are the best books for theory in physics?",
"What are the prerequisite mathematical knowledge before learning quantum mechanics?",
"What are some good books to read about physics for a layman?",
"Which is the best popular science book for particle physics?",
"What's the best physics books you have ever read?",
"What are the best college textbooks in physics?",
"What online video courses should I watch to perfectly understand the mathematics I need to understand elementary quantum physics?",
"Which are the top ten best books on Physics?",
"What calculus book should i use in a undergraduate physics course?",
"How would you explain quantum mechanics to a 12 year old?",
"What is the best book for theory explanation for physics?",
"How can you explain quantum mechanics to a 12 year old?",
"How can one learn about physics?",
"How will you describe quantum mechanics to a 10 year old?",
"What is the basic of quantum physics?",
"Which book is the best book to understand the concepts of physics for class11th?",
"Which book series is best for UPTU: Quantum or Decode for first year?",
"How is quantum physics different from classical physics?",
"Which book is better for physics- Fundamentals of Physics by Halliday, Resnick and Walker;Physics by Resnick, Halliday and Krane or Feynman Lectures in physics?",
"What's the best way to learn physics?",
"If I'm interested in quantum computing, should I major in Computer Science or Physics?",
"What is the best way to learn physics?"
} |
"query": "Does the earth make a sound when it rotates and revolves?",
"pos": [
"Does earth make sounds when it rotate or revolve?"
"neg": [
"From where is the earth getting energy to rotate and revolve?",
"What would happen if Earth reversed its rotation rapidly?",
"Can we feel Earth's rotation from a flying airplane?",
"What would happen if Earth started to rotate in the opposite direction?",
"What makes Earth to rotate on its axis?",
"What if the earth begin to rotate in the opposite direction of its orbit?",
"What would happen if the Earth's rotation suddenly changed its direction?",
"What will happen if the earth stops rotating?",
"What causes the Earth to rotate on its axis?",
"Why does the earth rotate on its axis?",
"Why do earth rotate in only one direction?",
"What would happen if the Earth suddenly spun twice as fast?",
"What happens when the Earth stops rotating in its orbit?",
"What causes earth to rotate it about its own axis?",
"What will happen if somehow the earth stopped rotating and revolving at the same time?",
"What would happen to us humans if the earth suddenly stopped spinning?",
"What happens if you travel at the same speed as the earth rotates but in the opposite direction?",
"If the Earth is is spinning at 1,675 km/hour, then why does one rotation take so long?",
"On which axis does the Earth rotate?",
"What would happen if the Earth rotation suddenly stop?",
"Why is earth's rotation slowing down?",
"Is the Earth's rotation speed slowly decreasing?",
"What would happen if the earth's rotation slowed down?",
"If earth starts rotating the reverse manner, i.e clockwise, do we have to measure the time in anti-clockwise direction?",
"Through resonance, sound energy can be converted to mechanical energy. I heard the Earth emits a very loud sound in frequencies we can't hear. Can the sound of the Earth be harnessed for energy?",
"What would happen if earth stopped rotating?",
"What will happen if the earth starts rotating vertically on its axis?",
"What would happen if the Earth stopped rotating?",
"What would happen if the Earth stopped rotating?",
"Other than the Sun and Moon rising in the East and setting in the West, what is the evidence that the Earth rotates?"
} |
"query": "Which one is better among KMC Manipal and KMC Mangalore?",
"pos": [
"What is the difference between KMC Manipal and KMC Mangalore?"
"neg": [
"With a rank of 1600 in kmc (provisional merit list) can I get into kmc, manipal?",
"Why has Mangalore developed faster than Hubli-Dharwad?",
"Should Mangalore become the capital of Karnataka?",
"How are Vmax and Km related?",
"Is Mangalore a peaceful or violent place?",
"Which is a better Manipal University: Jaipur or Manipal, Mangalore?",
"Which is a better option MKCG in berhampur or KGMC manipal?",
"What is the difference between anime and manga?",
"Is Mangalore developing faster than Hubli-Dharwad?",
"Why do people from Kozhikode prefer Mangalore for education despite having IIM and NIT?",
"What are the differences between Myanmar and Thailand?",
"What is the first day at KMC, Manipal like?",
"Is spending almost around 50 lakhs for MBBS in KMC, Manipal/ Mangalore really worth it? What about MD after that?",
"Can Mangalore be considered a posh city?",
"What are the similarities and differences between Thailand and Myanmar?",
"What are some uses for Vmax and Km?",
"Difference between MLA and mlc?",
"What is the difference between \"watashi wa\", \"boku wa\" and \"ore wa\" in japanese?",
"What is the difference between Raghuram Rajan and Urjit Patel?",
"What are the difference Between Rohingya and Kamein people of Myanmar?",
"What is the difference between bhajan and kirtan? Or are they same?",
"What are the main differences between Cloud Foundry and Heroku?",
"Is Mangalore developing faster than Mysore ?",
"What's the difference between MVC vs MVVM?",
"Which is better for btech, BK BIRLA OR JECRC?",
"What is the difference between CC and BCC?",
"What is the follow up mission to Mangalyaan?",
"What is BNBR in simple terms?",
"What is the difference between zamindari, ryotwari and mahalwari system?",
"How do I cluster coordinates by regions using a kml file?"
} |
"query": "How do I export vegetables to abroad?",
"pos": [
"How do I export vegetables?"
"neg": [
"Vegetable export from India?",
"How do I export onions to canada?",
"How do I export vegetables to Dubai from India?",
"How do I export?",
"How I export vegetable dubai to india?",
"How do I do export?",
"How do we produce food?",
"What is the healthiest way to cook vegetables?",
"How do I start an import export business of spices?",
"What is the best substitute for vegetables?",
"How can you make vegetable samosa?",
"What could be a simple but effective marketing strategy to sell our vegetable produces?",
"What's the easiest vegetable to grow indoors?",
"What is vegetable?",
"How do I export onion from india to london?",
"What are things which I can export from india?",
"What are vegetable cuttings?",
"What are good products to export from India?",
"How do you grow tomatoes?",
"How can I start a fruit & vegetable distribution business?",
"How can I incorporate more veggies into my diet?",
"What is the best thing to export from India?",
"How can I grow vegetable in sub-zero temperatures?",
"How do I make healthy salad?",
"How do I grow wild onions in my lawn?",
"Which agriculture products can be exported from india?",
"What are the best things to export from india to different countries and what is the procedure?",
"How can I get the technology for converting food into fertilizer?",
"What can I substitute for vegetable oil?",
"What shall I do in order to setup a supply chain for vegetable marketing in West Bengal? I want to start from scratch."
} |
"query": "Why are AP tests multiple choice?",
"pos": [
"Why are Ap test multiple choice?"
"neg": [
"What effect do AP Test Scores have on college admissions?",
"What do AP classes do?",
"Is the AP Calculus AB test hard?",
"What are the advantages and disadvantages of taking AP biology?",
"What is an AP class?",
"Should students be forced to take AP classes?",
"Is a 5 on an AP test considered 90% and higher?",
"How important are AP scores in college admissions?",
"What is the best way to study for AP class?",
"Are AP classes really worth it?",
"Do AP exams cost money?",
"Which AP or CLEP test should I take for my college application to TEFL?",
"1,1,1… is it AP?",
"Can I take AP tests if I haven't taken AP courses?",
"How do I study for AP?",
"What is the easiest way to study for a AP history test?",
"Are AP courses important for the college application?",
"Are AP classes in 9th grade hard?",
"What is the benefit of taking an ap exam without taking the course?",
"Are standardized tests eliminators?",
"Use of ap in daily life?",
"Is the AP calculus AB class very hard?",
"Will not taking AP tests hurt my chances of getting into a UC?",
"Which AP Calculus course is harder, AB or BC? Why?",
"Should I bother taking the SAT US History exam if I already got a 5 on the AP test?",
"Should I take AP classes next year?",
"What are the best study hacks for AP Exams and AP Classes?",
"Should Advanced Placement (AP) classes be used by selective colleges and universities as a significant factor in admission decisions?",
"Can I take an AP exam without taking the class?",
"Why does a company test the candidate in English by asking the synonyms of words, which are not used that frequently?"
} |
"query": "What is the best civil engineering company for a job?",
"pos": [
"What are the best companies to get if you are a civil engineer?"
"neg": [
"What is the highest paid job for civil engineer?",
"Which is highest paid job in civil engineering?",
"Which is the highest paid job in civil engineering field?",
"What is the best job for a civil engineer in India?",
"What is the scope of civil engineering jobs in core companies for a fresher?",
"What do civil engineers need?",
"How much you earn as a civil engineer?",
"Where is the best school to earn a Master's in Civil Engineering?",
"Which are the best field in civil engineering in USA?",
"What's a good civil engineer?",
"How do I get a job in civil engineering?",
"How much do you get paid as a civil engineer?",
"What are the requirements for being a civil engineer?",
"What are the things to be known as civil engineer?",
"Where do civil engineering technicians work?",
"What is the salary of civil engineer?",
"How can I apply for civil engineering jobs?",
"What are some of the innovative jobs for civil engineering graduate?",
"What is the average salary of a civil engineer?",
"How do I get a civil engineering job in the USA?",
"How I got job civil engineer?",
"What are the possible government jobs after completion of a B.Tech in civil engineering?",
"What are the career options after civil engineering B.E?",
"What are the government job options other then IES after doing a B.Tech in civil engineering?",
"Which is the best institute for an MTech in civil engineering?",
"Why do you choose civil engineering?",
"Which is the best app for civil engineering?",
"How do you get a civil engineering degree?",
"What are the softwares required for a civil engineer?",
"What are some of the best companies to work at as a software engineer in Virginia?"
} |
"query": "How do I recover a hacked Instagram?",
"pos": [
"How can I hack my Instagram?"
"neg": [
"Someone hacked my Instagram account using some type of software. How do I block them?",
"What are some lesser known Instagram tips and hacks?",
"What are the best Instagram hack tools that have no survey?",
"How do I unblock my Instagram?",
"My Instagram got hacked, but I still can get in, but my pictures are gone and my bio got erased. What should I do?",
"What do I do if I can't log into my Instagram because I temporarily disabled it?",
"How do I unblock myself from someone's Instagram?",
"How can I fix my Instagram account?",
"Can I deactivate Instagram?",
"I had a 2.3k account on Instagram and I've been hacked. The hacker changed the email, the password and the name. What can I do?",
"How can I ask Instagram to deactivate an account?",
"When I go to log in to Instagram, it says I've violated legal terms, which I haven't. Can anyone tell me how to fix this?",
"Instagram (product): How do I reactivate my Instagram after it has been Temporarily Disabled?",
"How can I get my Instagram code?",
"How do I log other devices out of my instagram?",
"How can you disable an instagram account?",
"How can I recover the message in Instagram?",
"Is it possible to reset my Instagram suggestions?",
"My Instagram won't let me log in. What should I do?",
"Can I recover up my instagram messages?",
"How do I contact Instagram?",
"How do I get Instagram to stop asking me for my security code.?",
"Does instagram notify its users if their account is hacked?",
"How do I block someone on Instagram?",
"My Instagram account has been locked and it tells be to contact Instagram. How do I do that?",
"What should I do if Instagram is asking me for a security code and they didn't send me any text messages?",
"How do I enable my (disabled) Instagram account?",
"Why Instagram block me temporary?",
"How can I hide my Instagram account?",
"How do I delete a message on Instagram?"
} |
"query": "How do I learn machine learning?",
"pos": [
"How can I learn machine learning better?"
"neg": [
"Should I learn machine learning?",
"How do I do research in machine learning?",
"How do I learn machine learning as a programmer?",
"How can I know whether I will be interested in machine learning?",
"I want to learn Machine Learning, from where I should start so that I can learn ML (and mathematics) in 3 months?",
"What are some good books for machine learning?",
"Where can machine learning not be applied?",
"What are the best books in machine learning?",
"Who are the top machine learning (ML) experts?",
"Which is best book for machine learning?",
"Which are the best books for machine learning?",
"What are some of the best machine learning algorithms, considering efficiency, ease of implementation etc.?",
"How do I learn mathematics for machine learning?",
"Which machine learning book is best for a beginner who intends to do research in reinforcement learning later?",
"How can I do research in machine learning and neuroscience?",
"Does it necessary to have very strong mathematics base to learn machine learning?",
"How is machine learning implemented at Quora?",
"What is machine learning in layman's terms?",
"Which is the best website/MOOC/Book to learn machine learning through R for data science?",
"What are the mathematical pre-requisites for studying machine learning?",
"What is the best way for me to learn how an artificial neural network works?",
"What are the best books and resources for learning machine learning as a developer ?",
"What is a better course to start Learning Machine Learning on Coursera, the one by Pedro Domingos or Andrew NG?",
"Areas in machine learning research?",
"What are the fastest machine learning algorithms?",
"Machine Learning: Is it the end of the training set/testing set paradigm?\"",
"Do I need a PhD to do machine learning research or cool machine learning jobs?",
"I am an iOS developer and had Bachelors degree in Mathematics. Should I learn Machine Learning?",
"What is machine learning algorithm?",
"How are neural networks different from 'supervised machine learning'?"
} |
"query": "Is the law of attraction real?",
"pos": [
"How does law of attraction work? Is it real?"
"neg": [
"Why do people believe in the law of attraction?",
"How many of you believe in law of attraction?",
"How does the universe and quantum physics play a role in the law of attraction? What is the hard science behind it ?",
"What daily routine is recommended for law of attraction?",
"If law of attraction works then why was I unable to attract the person I loved?",
"Why is physical attraction so important in a relationship?",
"Do atheists believe in the \"law of attraction\"?",
"New to law of attraction, how do I attract a certain someone that I shared a brief connection with?",
"How important is physical attraction for a marriage?",
"What is love and what is attraction?",
"What is difference between true love and attraction?",
"Is it healthy to use law of attraction to get an ex back?",
"Attraction (interpersonal): What does it feel like to be unattractive and desired by none?",
"Is love just an attraction?",
"How am I get rid of physical attraction?",
"Is love just an attraction, or is it more than that?",
"What is the nature and law?",
"What is an example of the law of interaction?",
"What are the main different between love and attraction? and How to identify love and attraction?",
"How much does attractivness matters in life?",
"What causes attraction only to a specific gender?",
"What is the law of interaction? What are some examples of it?",
"What is evidence law?",
"What is law of evidence?",
"Fatal Attraction Relationships: have you ever had a relationship that got dangerous, and are you willing to relate your story?",
"How common is it for therapists to develop an attraction to (or even fall in love with) their clients?",
"If I believe in the concept of law of attraction… Will my astrology still affect my life?",
"Is love at first sight real? Which romantic movie explains it well and does justice to this term?",
"Is love an illusion?",
"What role does law play in society?"
} |
"query": "Which is the best institute in Mumbai from where a fresher can learn financial modeling?",
"pos": [
"Which the best place in Mumbai to learn Financial Modelling?"
"neg": [
"WHICH IS best place in mumbai?",
"Which are the best institute to learn programming in mumbai?",
"What is the best place to learn Japanese in Mumbai?",
"Which is the best place in mumbai?",
"What are the best places to learn a foreign language in Mumbai?",
"Which is the best place to visit in Mumbai?",
"What is the best place in mumbai?",
"What is the best project for investment in Mumbai?",
"What is the best place to work in Mumbai?",
"Which institute is best for Financial Modelling course in Delhi?",
"Which are the best places to visit in Mumbai?",
"What are some places worth visiting in Mumbai on budget?",
"What is the best digital marketing course in Mumbai?",
"What are the best places to visit in Mumbai?",
"What's the best digital marketing course in mumbai?",
"How do I get a job as an Financial Analyst in Mumbai?",
"What is the best way to learn to do financial modelling?",
"What are the best places to go out in Mumbai?",
"Where is best place to live in Mumbai?",
"What are good places in Mumbai?",
"How do I learn financial modelling?",
"Mumbai: What are some of the best places to read books in Mumbai?",
"What are the best places to visit in and around Mumbai?",
"Which is the best place to live in Mumbai?",
"What is the best place to stay in Mumbai?",
"What are some good places to learn programming languages and their applications in Mumbai?",
"What are some great places to visit in Mumbai?",
"Which are the best overseas education consultants in Mumbai?",
"If I need a distance education in mumbai, then which university I should go and why?",
"What is the best area to live in Mumbai?"
} |
"query": "What is like to be raised by an Indian mother?",
"pos": [
"What is it like to be raised by an Indian Mother?"
"neg": [
"What's it like being raised by a Japanese mother?",
"What is it like to grow up in a middle class Indian Family?",
"What is the experience of working mothers in India with kids under 5 years of age?",
"What is it like to be brought up in a family of a troubled Indian farmer?",
"What do Indian parents want?",
"What is it like to adopt a child in India?",
"What is it like to be an Indian woman?",
"What is it like to have an Indian sister?",
"What is it like to be raised by an Australian father?",
"What makes Indian parents happy?",
"Do gen-Y Indians intend to raise their children differently from how they were raised by their parents?",
"What is it like to be born in a Brahmin family in India?",
"How is PregBuddy simplifying lives of Indian moms-to-be?",
"How can I make my mother (Indian) happy and ever smiling?",
"How does it feel to born in a general category family in India?",
"How does it feel to be a mother?",
"What are some baby names for an Indian girl?",
"What's the average height of an Indian woman?",
"What is it like to have a girl child in India?",
"What are the pros and cons of raising kids in America for Indian American parents?",
"What are the biggest misconceptions that Indian parents have about their children (kid/teen/young adult)?",
"What is Parent Act? Explain it in Indian context with Indian case laws?",
"Are Indian family relationships being affected by the Western culture?",
"What is it like to be born in a Dalit family in India?",
"How does it feel not to have mother?",
"Are traditional Indian parents more strict about their sons doing well academically or marrying the girl of their choice?",
"How does it feel to be an Indian?",
"How it is like being a girl child in India?",
"What is a good mother like?",
"What are the names which can be given to an Indian baby girl child of a brahmin family?"
} |
"query": "How harmful could it be for my dog to eat an Orbit gum?",
"pos": [
"Is it OK if dogs eat gum?"
"neg": [
"Can dogs eat grape jelly? Why or why not?",
"Can dogs eat grapes?",
"Is it okay for dogs to eat peanut butter?",
"Is chocolate really bad for dogs? Why or why not?",
"Is it safe for dogs to eat peanuts?",
"Why do dogs like chocolate?",
"Is it safe for dogs to eat eggplant?",
"Why do dogs seem to crave chocolate?",
"Why do some dogs love chewing ice?",
"Do dogs enjoy the taste of food?",
"Is it healthy for dogs to eat peanut butter?",
"My dog ate white chocolate, should I worry?",
"Why can't dogs have chocolate?",
"Is it okay to chew gum all day?",
"Is Kibbles and Bits bad for dogs? Why?",
"What happens to gum when you swallow it?",
"Why do dogs lick their butts?",
"Is it safe for dogs to eat butter?",
"What happens if you swallow chewing gum?",
"How can I prevent having white pus in my gums?",
"Can dogs eat chili? What should I do if my dog eats some?",
"How safe is it for dogs to eat cantaloupe?",
"Should I brush my dog's teeth if they're big teeth?",
"Why is chocolate dangerous to dogs?",
"Can dogs eat peanut butter? Are there any risks involved?",
"Why do dogs chew their toys on people?",
"Can puppies eat peanut butter? Why or why not?",
"Can dogs eat carrot cake? Why or why not?",
"Is it safe for dogs to eat ice?",
"How bad is it to feed dogs peanuts?"
} |
"query": "How do I recover photos from Moto e3 power after hard reset?",
"pos": [
"How do I recover photos on Android after factory reset?"
"neg": [
"How can I recover the photos on a Samsung Galaxy S6?",
"How do I recover deleted photo from a Samsung Galaxy S6 after factory reset?",
"How do I recover deleted photos from a Samsung Galaxy S6?",
"How can I recover deleted photos from a Samsung Galaxy S6?",
"How do I recover deleted photos from Samsung Galaxy S6 on Verizon with android 5.1.1?",
"How can I recover my hidden photos deleted by Clean Master in my Android phone?",
"How do I recover deleted photos on Samsung note 4?",
"How do I recover lost photos and videos from a Samsung Galaxy?",
"How do I prevent the recovering of deleted photos in my Android phone?",
"How do I recover deleted photos from my Galaxy S5?",
"How do I recover deleted photos from a Samsung Galaxy S6/S5/S4/Note?",
"How do I recover deleted photos from NQ Vault app for Android?",
"I used to put my photos in the photo vault of AppLock but I decided to reset my phone. The factory reset wiped data + cache and Dalvik cache. After that, I restored all my apps, including AppLock, but my photos in the vault were gone. How do I recover them?",
"Can I recover all the images and videos which are deleted one year before in my Android phone?",
"How do I recover my lost photos deleted by valut apps in android phone?",
"How can I recover my photos?",
"How do I back up my photos on Samsung Galaxy s5?",
"How do I recover photos from Photo Locker app?",
"How do I find deleted photos on my Samsung Galaxy s6?",
"How can I recover Android data of a broken phone?",
"How do I recover my photos?",
"How can I recover deleted photos from app lock new version?",
"Clean Master, the Android app, deleted some of my important pictures when I tapped the \"clean the junk\" option. What are some methods to retrieve the pictures?",
"How do I recover lost photos and videos from app lock vault in Samsung Galaxy s6?",
"How can I recover the images, videos and files I accidentally deleted from the internal memory of my phone?",
"What are some recovery apps for Android to restore deleted data?",
"How do I factory reset an Android phone?",
"How do you do a factory reset on an Android?",
"Retrieve deleted photos from Galaxy note 2?",
"How can I restore Contacts in Android phone after Factory Reset?"
} |
"query": "What's the unit for viscosity?",
"pos": [
"What is the unit of viscosity?"
"neg": [
"What is meaning of viscosity?",
"How can viscosity be measured?",
"What do you mean by viscosity?",
"What are some examples of high viscosity?",
"What is difference between kinematic viscosity and dynamic viscosity?",
"How is viscosity measured in oil?",
"What is the literal understanding of dynamic and kinematic viscosity?",
"What is relation between momentum diffusivity and viscosity?",
"What are some examples of a low viscosity liquid?",
"What is viscous fluid?",
"How is viscosity the diffusion of momentum?",
"What is the difference between dynamic and kinematic viscosity?",
"What is the effect of pressure and temperature on viscosity?",
"What is viscose fabric?",
"Is there any relation between the gravity and viscosity?",
"What are some examples of liquids that have a high viscosity?",
"What is the visceral membrane?",
"What is viscose clothing?",
"What are some examples of liquids with low viscosity?",
"How is viscosity-gravity constant (VGC) determined?",
"What does viscose fabric feel like?",
"How is viscosity-gravity constant (VGC) used?",
"Why does viscosity of liquids decrease with temperature?",
"How is the word 'viscous' used in a sentence?",
"What are the visceral membranes?",
"How is viscose rayon made?",
"Which is the least viscous fluid?",
"What is the difference between Polyester and Viscose?",
"Why does viscosity decrease for liquids but increase for gasses when the temperature is increased?",
"Why does the viscosity of liquids decrease with increasing temperature, while that of gases increases with increasing temperature?"
} |
"query": "What is the salary of IIT teachers?",
"pos": [
"What is the salary of an IIT professor?"
"neg": [
"What is the average salary of a maths professor at IIT?",
"How much do the professors/lecturers at IIMs earn?",
"What will be the salary of an assistant professor (IIT) after the 7th pay/commission?",
"Who is the best professor at IIT?",
"How is the life of IIT professors?",
"How much do IIM Professors, Associate Professors and Assistant Professors get paid?",
"What is the current average starting salary for an IIT graduate in dollars?",
"Who is the best professor of IITs?",
"What salary a student from IIT gets as a start at Quora?",
"How much does an IIM graduate earn in 5 years?",
"What is one’s salary after doing MTech from IIT?",
"Can a PhD holder from other than IIT get into IIT as a professor?",
"Who is the richest professor in any of the IITs?",
"What is salary of a private college professor?",
"What is the average annual salary of a college professor in 2014?",
"What is the highest salary offered to a B.Tech in mechanical engineering from IIT?",
"How much does a fresh assistant professor earn in institutes such as IISER, NISER, and IISC?",
"What is the average salary of IIT Bombay?",
"What should I do to become a professor at IIT?",
"How can one become a professor in IIT?",
"How do you become a professor in IIT?",
"What is the salary for penn state professors?",
"How much do IIM graduates earn 10 years after graduating?",
"What is the highest salary paid to M.Tech mechanical engineers in the IITs?",
"Why IIM graduates are paid so much?",
"What is the IDC, IIT Bombay salary package compared to other departments of IIT?",
"If I do a B.Tech from any private institute in cse and an M.Tech cse from any IIT, then what will my salary and future scope be? I",
"What is the salary of professors in india?",
"What is the average salary of a IIM Calcutta graduate?",
"Why are the professors(not everyone) of IITs so bad?"
} |
"query": "Why isn't Bhutan a part of India?",
"pos": [
"Is bhutan part of india?"
"neg": [
"Where is Bhutan?",
"What is Bhutan?",
"Is Bhutan culturally closer to China or India?",
"What does Bhutanese people think of India?",
"What do the Bhutanese people think of India?",
"What do the people of Bhutan think about India?",
"Whether Tibet is part of India, if not then why?",
"How can Indian migrate to Bhutan?",
"How can I travel to bhutan?",
"Tibet is part of which country?",
"Why isn't Tibet part of India?",
"What people think about Bhutan?",
"What's it like to visit Eastern Bhutan?",
"Is Indian currency accepted in Bhutan?",
"Was Tibet ever a part of India?",
"Is India really a part of Asia?",
"When will Tibet be part of India?",
"How many districts are there in Assam now?",
"Was Tibet a part of free India?",
"Where is Mongolia?",
"What is Mongolia?",
"Where is Mongolia located? Is it considered a developing country, and why?",
"What should I do when I travel to bhutan?",
"What is the relationship between Mongolia and Tibet?",
"Is India considered to be a part of Asia?",
"What are the major stereotypes people have about Bhutan and to what extent are they true?",
"Can an Indian citizen travel to Bhutan without a passport?",
"What are some unusual aspects about politics and government in Bhutan?",
"Is mongolia developed?",
"Why hasn't China invaded Nepal and Bhutan yet?"
} |
"query": "When was Quora established?",
"pos": [
"How did Quora started out?"
"neg": [
"What made you start using Quora?",
"How did you get involved with Quora?",
"When did you join Quora?",
"When did you join Quora?",
"Who created Quora?",
"How did Indeed get its start?",
"How long was the development cycle for the initial launch of Quora?",
"How did join Quora?",
"How did you join Quora?",
"Who made Quora app?",
"When & Why did you join Quora?",
"What has recently happened to Quora?",
"When will Quora launch?",
"Was Quora down?",
"Who has used Quora?",
"What made you to join Quora?",
"How many people were using Quora the first month?",
"What kind of startup can I build using Quora itself?",
"What has Quora been doing recently?",
"Why did you join Quora?",
"Who has invented Quora?",
"What made you want to join Quora?",
"How have schools used Quora?",
"Why did I join Quora?",
"Who create Quora?",
"Who are the founders of Quora?",
"When do people use Quora?",
"Robert Frost: What brought you to Quora?",
"When and why did you join Quora's community?",
"How did the concept of God started?"
} |
"query": "How can I start learning (practising) competitive programming?",
"pos": [
"For a very first beginner what are ways to start with competitive programming?"
"neg": [
"For almost about a year I've practicing Competitive Programming and I love it. This time I would like to do something more real. How do I get started with more sophisticated programming and build projects?",
"How do I begin a programming career?",
"What is the best way to start a programming career?",
"Where should I start programming?",
"Where do I start in programming?",
"From where should I start programming?",
"From where should we start programming?",
"Should I quit competitive programming?",
"What is the first programming languange to learn for a total beginner?",
"I want to start getting into computer programming and game development. Where can I start?",
"What should my first step towards learning programming be?",
"How is competitive programming different from real-life programming?",
"How do I start programming a game?",
"What is a best way for a beginner to start coding?",
"Should I prepare for GATE or learn competitive programming?",
"Is competitive programming enough for getting a job?",
"What is the best way for a beginner to learn programming?",
"Start learning programming from scratch or starting with \"Scratch\"?",
"Will competitive programming be enough for a job?",
"Before I start to learn programming what should I learn first?",
"I am a statistian and I want to learn programming.. with what and how shoul I start? N.B: I know nothing abt programming",
"I want to teach myself programming, where do I start?",
"How did you learn programming when you were a complete beginner?",
"How do I start game development for",
"How should I start learning programming at the age of 18?",
"Which probably would be a better programming language to start up being a beginner?",
"Where should I start if I want to learn Computer Programming?",
"How and when did you start programming?",
"How do I start to learn programming from scratch?",
"What is a good way to start trading?"
} |
"query": "How can I stop my dog from chewing my shoes?",
"pos": [
"How do I stop my Chihuahua from biting my shoes?"
"neg": [
"My 2 months old female golden retriever puppy bites a lot. It doesn't look like play biting. She bites very furiously. Even when we are walking through her she follows us and tries to bite us very hard. What do I have to do to stop my puppy from biting?",
"Why does my dog lick the couch? How can I stop it?",
"How do I get my dog to stop eating grass?",
"How do I get my dog to stop eating poop?",
"At what age do puppies stop biting?",
"Why is my dog limping and licking his paw?",
"How do I brush my dog's teeth?",
"How do I stop shoes from squeaking?",
"Why do my dogs keep chewing wood?",
"What are the pros and cons of removing a dog's dew claws?",
"How can I stop my shoes from squeaking?",
"What is the best way to brush my dog's teeth?",
"How do you stop a puppy from barking all night?",
"How can I stop my dog from humping my leg?",
"What is the reason why my dog keeps licking the floor?",
"How do you stop a 10-month puppy from barking all night?",
"How can I prevent my dog from licking herself constantly?",
"How do you clean a dog's teeth?",
"How harmful could it be for my dog to eat an Orbit gum?",
"How do I stop my dog from throwing up and shaking?",
"What will happen if puppy bites me and there was scratch?",
"What are the best ways to stop a dog from barking?",
"My Chorkie won't stop scratching, licking and hair falling out?",
"How do I prevent my shoes from stinking?",
"My dog is not able to stand on his hind legs. What can I do to help?",
"What do I do if my dog ate some brownies?",
"Why does my dog sometimes randomly picks an object and start growling when I walk near by?",
"What are the reasons why my dog keeps licking the carpet?",
"How do I stop my dog from throwing up?",
"Should I brush my dog's teeth if they're big teeth?"
} |
"query": "Can Tamil Nadu get freedom from India?",
"pos": [
"Can Tamil Nadu exit from India?"
"neg": [
"Is there a chance of BJP ruling Tamil Nadu after Jayalalitha's death?",
"How do we develop Tamil Nadu?",
"Who will win Tamil Nadu elections 2016?",
"Does the death of Jayalalitha give BJP a chance to rise politically in Tamil Nadu?",
"Can chennai become the capital of India?",
"Does Tamil Nadu still need Dravidian parties to rule the state?",
"What will be the effect on Tamil Nadu after Jayalalitha's arrest?",
"Which is the best college in Tamil Nadu?",
"Are there only 39.5% Tamils in Tamil Nadu while Telugu people are about 41%?",
"Who will become the Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu from the election in 2016?",
"How is Madras University for the non-Tamil students. Can the students from outside Tamil Nadu study here?",
"Future of kerala?",
"How can I get job offers abroad in Tamil Nadu?",
"How will the death of Jayalalithaa affect Tamil Nadu ?",
"When and why was the MLC dissolved in Tamil Nadu?",
"How well tamil nadu political parties got benefited from the anti hindi agitation that happened in tamil nadu in the past?",
"Is it safe to go to Tamil Nadu from Karnataka for a trip with Karnataka registered number after carvery water incident?",
"Which is the better place to live: Tamil Nadu or Kerala?",
"Is BJP trying to replace AIADMK and Dravidian politics in Tamil Nadu?",
"Can Chennai become the capital city of India?",
"Is Seeman rising in Tamil Nadu?",
"Whether the transport between Tamil Nadu and Karnataka is normal now? If not how to reach Bengalore from Coimbatore.",
"Can a Tamil Nadu student apply for colleges in Telangana?",
"What are the steps taken by Jayalalitha in Tamil Nadu development?",
"How can a youth party win Tamil Nadu elections 2016?",
"What do people from Kerala think of the people of Tamil Nadu (Tamilians)?",
"What is the prefecture of origin of the country that is India and state that is Tamil Nadu?",
"What is Tamil?",
"What Happen to Tamil Nadu CM MS Jayalalitha?",
"Which Tamil movie has the most unpredictable ending?"
} |
"query": "What are some questions for a Program manager interview?",
"pos": [
"What are program manager interview questions?"
"neg": [
"What are the interview questions for a product manager intern position?",
"What are some interview questions for a product manager intern position?",
"What are the interview questions?",
"What are interview questions in for production engineers?",
"How is a product manager interview?",
"What are some good interview questions on Linux System Programming?",
"What are frequently asked questions in product manager interviews?",
"What is the interview questions for production engineering?",
"What are the interview questions for a business analyst?",
"What is the interview question?",
"What are some of the basic business analyst interview questions?",
"What questions can be expected at an interview for an internship in operations?",
"What are some of the basic business analyst interview questions and answers?",
"What are some software testing interview questions and answers?",
"What do program managers do?",
"Interviewing for a product manager?",
"What is the best way to conduct a software system design interview question and evaluate a candidate's skills?",
"What are frequently asked technical questions in product manager interviews?",
"What questions should a job candidate ask the interviewer?",
"What are some SQL interview questions for a business analyst?",
"What are good Python interview questions?",
"What are the best programming interview questions you've ever asked or been asked?",
"Which are the frequently asked interview questions for Java/J2EE?",
"What is the Bloomberg on-site software engineer interview like for non-CS majors?",
"What are some important technical interview questions?",
"What are good interview questions on Spring Boot?",
"What are the questions asked in the interview?",
"Interview puzzle?",
"What are the interview questions for civil engineer?",
"What is the hardest programming interview question that you have been asked?"
} |
"query": "What are the best painless ways to die?",
"pos": [
"What’s the easiest most painless way to die?"
"neg": [
"What is the best way to avoid death?",
"What’s the best way to kill yourself that (a) leaves the least amount of blood to clean up and (b) is the least painful?",
"How do you commit suicide?",
"How do you take yourself close to death without actually dying?",
"What is the sexiest way to kill someone?",
"How do I kill myself least painfully?",
"How should I die without commiting suicide?",
"What's a good way to kill yourself?",
"What is a way to commit suicide and not damaging your organs so that they can be donated?",
"What is the quickest way to kill someone?",
"I want to commit suicide. Is there any way to make it look like a natural death?",
"How do I kill myself without hurting my family?",
"What is the one thing you'd like to do before dying?",
"What is the best way to avoid pain?",
"How do I avoid death?"
} |
"query": "How would earth be different if there's no moon?",
"pos": [
"Would there be life on the Earth without the moon?"
"neg": [
"Could the moon have a moon?",
"When will the moon won't be longer a satellite of the earth?",
"Can a moon of a planet have its own moon?",
"What are the chances of humankind colonising the moon?",
"Is it possible to go on moon?",
"How can I go to the moon without anyone knowing?",
"Why hasn't anyone landed on the Moon in over 40 years?",
"Is the Moon a planet?",
"Can a satellite be put in orbit around the moon and stay there for at least a few decades? Or would Earth's influence drag it away over time?",
"Is Moon essential for Earth?",
"Were is the moon?",
"Why doesn’t humanity go to the Moon again?",
"What would happen if the moon was teleported to the surface of the earth in the middle of the ocean?",
"Will the Moon ever stop drifting away from Earth?",
"When do you think that we will have a permanent base on the Moon?",
"What would happen if earth was a moon of jupiter?",
"How soon can we live on the moon?",
"What are the advantages of having a moon around Earth?",
"When was the last time someone was on the moon, and why?",
"What would happen if our Moon was replaced with Jupiter?",
"Are there times/places in the world where the moon does not rise or set?",
"Is the Moon really a moon?",
"Why don't we have a base on the moon?",
"What would happen if both the moon and sun just disappeared?",
"Is there a base on the moon?",
"What would happen if the Moon was blue?",
"How can it be possible (in terms of coincidences) that the moon always has the same side faced towards earth?",
"Would you enjoy to travel to the Moon?",
"Does our Moon have moons of its own?",
"Is moon a satellite or a planet?"
} |
"query": "Is a third world war coming?",
"pos": [
"Are we near World War 3?"
"neg": [
"What is the future of war?",
"Is the war in Afghanistan nearly over?",
"How did World War 1 come to an end?",
"Did the U.S. enter World War II too late?",
"Is war likely in the South China sea?",
"Is the United States on the verge of a race war?",
"What are the odds of war between the US and China before 2024?"
} |
"query": "Is student loan forgiveness fair?",
"pos": [
"Is student loan forgiveness fair to those who repaid their loan?"
"neg": [
"How does student loan forgiveness work?",
"What is student loan forgiveness?",
"What are some disadvantages of student loan forgiveness program?",
"Is a student loan debt amnesty or forgiveness program feasible?",
"Is there any benefit to paying off $180k in student loans that have defaulted?",
"I have over $500,000 student loan as a new dentist living in Reno Nevada. What do you propose to find student loan forgiveness?",
"How did you pay off your student loans?",
"You talked about forgiving student debts, so are you asking students to not to pay debts? How are you going to handle who already paid theirs?",
"Do US universities provide loans to international students which cover full tuition fee (undergrad) and can be repaid after job?",
"What would happen if every US student defaulted on their loan?",
"How did you pay off student loans fast?",
"Do any companies pay off the student loan debt of their employees in exchange for a minimum number of years working for the company?",
"What about people who already are drowning in student debt?",
"What is the best way to payoff student loan?",
"How can I pay off my student loan online?",
"Does the government benefit from student loans?",
"How do I eliminate my student loan debt?",
"What would happen if I don't repay my education loan?",
"Does the existence of credit scores influence good repayment behavior?",
"How does the existence of credit scores influence good repayment behavior?",
"What are the best student loans to get?",
"What will happen if I did not pay educational loan?",
"Should I sell my house to pay off my student debt?",
"What will happen if I don't pay my educational loan?",
"Can I get the education loan including reimbursement of fee already paid during the middle of my course?",
"How do I pay my student loans off faster?",
"Can international students get loans?",
"Does the KIIT have a loan facility for students who need help paying their semester fees?",
"Is there any point to going to college if you have to take out a fair amount of student loans?",
"Is Educational loan for one time payment or per year by bank?"
} |
"query": "Why and how do we get déjà vu?",
"pos": [
"How do Déjà Vus happen?"
"neg": [
"What are some deja vu stories?",
"Do you think deja vu has anything to do with God?",
"Have you ever felt the opposite of déjà vu?",
"I am 23 years old. I have been getting deja vu sensations for a long time but recently they have started coming too often. What should I do?",
"Do you think deja vu has anything to do with God already having our life planned out?",
"Have you ever seen something that has given you a sense of deja vu? Could it be a past life flashback? Like an old LP or song or a place?",
"How bad is the physics in the film \"Deja Vu\"?",
"What is the creepiest dejavu experience that you ever had?",
"What sounds impossible but has happened?",
"What happens when transit Rahu travels over your Natal Rahu?",
"What does a vulva look like?",
"What happens if you can't ejaculate?",
"How do things go viral on Quora?",
"What's happend to Quora?",
"Cause of mirage effect?",
"What if one morning you wake up and realise Quora has disappeared from your life? I mean **poof* *blast* gone?",
"Could Virtual Reality affect epilepsy and if so, why?",
"Is it possible, to make bad thing to disappear?",
"During the original Star Wars, what exactly happens when Obi-Wan disappears as Vader swings his sword through his body?",
"What are side effects of vigara? First time users concern?",
"How do I overcome the vomit sensation while travelling?",
"What do you feel at the moment of ejaculation?",
"What is the impact of the placebo effect?",
"What is a mirage? How does it happen?",
"What happens if you don't ejaculate?",
"Does anyone in Quora have any real ghost experiences?",
"Is Ouija board dangerous?",
"What has happened to Quora?",
"Is the Ouija board really dangerous?",
"Can NORAD be hacked?"
} |
"query": "What is the best time to start preparation for GRE?",
"pos": [
"When is the best time to start preparing for the GRE?"
"neg": [
"How do I prepare for GRE in a month?",
"Is one month enough for GRE preparation?",
"Is it possible to prepare for the GRE in one month? If yes, how?",
"What is the best time to take the GRE if I want to apply for fall 2016?",
"What is the correct time to write GRE, I am in 8th semester with arrears?",
"How can I prepare for GRE in 30 days?",
"I am gonna take my GRE in another 1 month and 10 days. How do I start planning and what are some good books to study with?",
"What is the best time to take the GRE exam if I want to apply to school for spring 2015?",
"Are 15 days enough to prepare for the GRE?",
"I am a computer engineering student from India and am thinking of studying abroad. I still have 2 years in my graduation, but it have been said by many people that this would be the best time to start preparing for further planning for post graduation. Is it right to start preparing for the GRE now?",
"What is the best time to give the GRE if I want to apply for fall 2016?",
"How do I prepare for GRE in 25 Days?",
"Can I complete preparation for GRE in 2 months?",
"How many months before should I register to take the GRE test?",
"How do I prepare for GRE in 40 days?",
"What is the best time to start preparing for a law entrance exam?",
"How do I prepare for GRE in 20 days?",
"How do I prepare for the GRE in 2 months? Can anyone suggest books?",
"How can I prepare for GRE in 20 days?",
"Is it worth my time or a good idea to take a GRE test without preparation in order to see how much progress I need to make?",
"What is the right time to appear for the GRE if I want to get 2017 fall admission?",
"Is it too late to start preparing for the JEE Mains 2016 if I start right now?",
"What is the right time to appear for the GRE if I want to get 2018 fall admission?",
"I am planning to take up GRE exam in six months. My English isn't that great. How should I start my preparation?",
"What is the ideal time to start preparing for CAT 2016?",
"What is the ideal time to give GRE and TOEFL tests to apply for US graduate school admissions in fall 2016?",
"How many times can I reschedule GRE exam date?",
"Is three months sufficient to prepare for the GRE?",
"What is the ideal time for starting my preparation for the CAT 2015?",
"If applications deadline is on 1st of Nov, when is the best time to apply before the deadline?"
} |
"query": "How is the life in North Korea?",
"pos": [
"How is life really like in North Korea?"
"neg": [
"What does it feel like to be a common North Korean citizen?",
"What is it like to live in Seoul?",
"What do you know about north Korea?",
"How do south koreans feel toward north Korea?",
"What is the relationship like between North Korea and Japan?",
"What all do we know about north Korea?",
"What is North Korea?",
"What is life like for Korean otakus in South Korea?",
"What is the relationship between China and North Korea like?",
"Why did North Korea become what it is now?",
"What does North Korea do right?",
"What is the craziest story about North Korea?",
"What is the story behind seperation of north korea and south korea?",
"Has anyone ever moved to North Korea?",
"What is life like for Otakus in South Korea?",
"How do we know so much about North Korea?",
"Why is North Korea so different from the rest of the world?",
"South Korea: What is it like to live in rural Jeolla-do?",
"Why North Korea is different with rest of the world?",
"What perceptions do North Koreans have of the outside world?",
"What is the reason for Korea split into North and South?",
"What is the relationship between North Korea and Japan?",
"What is the dark side of living in South Korea?",
"What are the mind blowing facts about North Korea?",
"Is it possible to live in North Korea for a foreigner? How?",
"Why do some Indians love North Korea?",
"Is North Korea the best Korea?",
"What are some mind-blowing facts about North Korea?",
"What do North Koreans think about South Korea or what does the regime induce them to believe?",
"What are some mind blowing facts about North Korea?"
} |
"query": "What should I study for LIC AAO interview?",
"pos": [
"What could be the questions asked in LIC AAO interview?"
"neg": [
"What questions are asked in the UPSC interview?",
"What are the questions asked in UPSC ‘CMS’ interview?",
"What type of questions are asked in UPSC CSE interviews?",
"What are the questions asked in the interview of afmc?",
"What types of questions are asked in UPSC interview?",
"What type of questions are asked in a UPSC interview?",
"What are the questions asked in the interview?",
"What are the questions asked in interviews?",
"What are the most frequently asked questions in an UPSC CSE interview?",
"What are the civil engineering interview questions?",
"What are some unusual interview questions asked in IIM, IIT, IAS and all the other premier institutes? What are the best answers to these questions?",
"What are general questions asked for in an interview",
"What are some interview questions being asked by a fresher of civil engineering?",
"What are the basic questions asked in interview?",
"What are the interview questions for civil engineer?",
"What are questions for civil engineer in an interview?",
"What type of questions are asked for personal interview in NICMAR?",
"What are the interview questions?",
"What are the questions asked by an interviewer in technical interview?",
"What are some of the QA interview questions?",
"What are the common questions asked in interviews?",
"Which are the CAE interview questions?",
"What are the common questions asked during interviews?",
"What are the questions asked in IIM interview?",
"What are the questions asked in campus interviews to a civil engineer?",
"What is the salary of LIC AAO?",
"What type of questions are asked in UPSC exams?",
"What are some interview questions for civil engineering freshers?",
"What were the questions they asked you in an IBPS interview?",
"What are the questions asked in hostel interview for jamia millia islamia?"
} |
"query": "What should I gift my boyfriend for Christmas?",
"pos": [
"What can I gift my boyfriend for Christmas?"
"neg": [
"What do I gift my boyfriend for his birthday?",
"What can I gift my boyfriend on his birthday?",
"What should I gift my boyfriend on his birthday?",
"What are some good birthday gift ideas for my boyfriend?",
"What can I gift my husband on his birthday?",
"What should I get my dad for Christmas?",
"What should I gift to my girlfriend for Christmas?",
"What are the best gifts for a boyfriend on his Birthday?",
"What should I gift my husband on his birthday?",
"What do I gift a male friend on his birthday?",
"What should I get for Christmas?",
"What should I get my boyfriend for his birthday?",
"What should I get for my boyfriend's birthday?",
"What are the best gifts for Christmas?",
"What is a good present to get your Dad for Christmas?",
"What present should I give to my girlfriend during Christmas?",
"What is a good Christmas gift for a 10-year-old boy in the U.S.?",
"What is the best Christmas gift?",
"What gift should I give to my husband on his birthday?",
"What shall I gift a 13 year old boy for his birthday?",
"What is the most thoughtful gift to give a boy for secrete Santa?",
"What can I do for my boyfriend's birthday?",
"What is the best Christmas gift for you?",
"What is the best book to gift to my boyfriend?",
"What is a good Christmas gift for my cat?",
"What should I gift a 12 year old boy on his birthday?",
"What is the best Christmas gift for a friend?",
"What's the best birthday gift for my husband?",
"What is the best book to gift my boyfriend for his birthday?",
"I want to get my friend some ridiculous gifts for his birthday. What are your suggestions?"
} |
"query": "What should I study for LIC AAO interview?",
"pos": [
"What are some LIC AAO interview experiences?"
"neg": [
"What is the salary of LIC AAO?",
"How was your UPSC civil services interview experience ?",
"What is the salary and perks of an LIC AAO during training and after training?",
"What are some tips on making it through the job interview process at EMC Insurance Group?",
"How is the experience of working in AAI?",
"How was your experience with FCI Management trainee interview?",
"What is the interview like at LCBO?",
"Which books are best for preparation of LIC AAO?",
"What are some SSB interview experiences?",
"How do you ace job interviews?",
"What are some tips on making it through the job interview process at PMC-Sierra?",
"What are some tips on making it through the job interview process at EMC?",
"What is the typical civil engineer interview like?",
"Can you share your interview experience?",
"What is the interview process at bpo?",
"How was your interview experience at IIM - B and C?",
"How should one prepare for a Linde Group interview?",
"How many people get called for personal interview for MICA CCC?",
"Can you share your first interview experience?",
"What is the most inspiring story about IAS interviews?",
"How was your IIM interview experience?",
"Preparation guide to appeared jcb hr interview PDF?",
"What is your interview experience at SIMS, Pune?",
"Which is better to join LIC AAO or SBI PO?",
"Can someone share their interview experience with me?",
"How do I perform well in an interview of IAS?",
"What are the procedures in any interview?",
"What are some tips on making it through the job interview process at Alliance Data Systems?",
"What are some tips on making it through the job interview process at Abaxis?",
"What are some tips on making it through the job interview process at Civeo?"
} |
"query": "How do I get a guy?",
"pos": [
"How do I get a guy or get over him?"
"neg": [
"How can I get over a girl?",
"How do I get over a girl?",
"How do you get over a girl?",
"What should i do get over a girl?",
"How do I get over a girl who I really like but she likes someone else?",
"How do you get a guy to be your boyfriend?",
"How do I become more ok with being a guy?",
"How do I get this guy to take me out on a date?",
"How do I get a guy to love me?",
"How do I become good enough for a guy?",
"How do I get a guy I like to think about me?",
"How do I make a guy fall for me?",
"How do you get a guy to take you seriously?",
"When I see someone talking about programming, I get upset because I don't know if that guy is better than me. How can I get over this?",
"Why do I have so much trouble with guys?",
"Why is it so hard for me to get over a relationship that was never going to work out in the first place?",
"I am trying to get over this girl but I’m physically attracted to her. Would it be okay to jerk off to her even though I want to get over her ?",
"How do I deal with a clingy boyfriend?",
"I can't get over my ex.I see him daily at school. He hadn't moved on though. What should I do?"
} |
"query": "What was the significance of the battle of Somme, and how did this battle compare and contrast to the Battle of Riyadh?",
"pos": [
"What was the significance of the battle of Somme, and how did this battle compare and contrast to the Battle of Rutterdam?"
"neg": [
"What is the significance of the Battle of Ortona?",
"What is the significance of The Battle of Gettysberg?",
"What impact did Battle of Dunkirk make in WWII?",
"What were the greatest battles in Roman military history?",
"What are some of the famous battles in history in which relatively smaller armies were successful against large armies?",
"What is the significance of the Battle of Vimy Ridge?",
"Where did the Battle of Dunkirk start? What impact did it cause in WWII?",
"How would history be different if the Germans had won the Battle of Stalingrad?",
"How brutal was medieval combat?",
"What battles, prior to World War One, did most to affect the course of human history?",
"How were maces used in battle?",
"What is the historical importance of the Battle of the Bulge?",
"What were the causes of the Battle of Dunkirk?",
"What exactly happened during the Battle of Dewar that was fought by Rajputs?",
"What is the biggest battle ever fought?",
"Why is the battle of Gettysburg significant?",
"What is the importance behind the battle at Vimy Ridge? How did this event affect the outcome of the war?",
"Was there at any point skirmishes between Allied soldiers and Soviet soldiers, during the campaign in Germany? By mistake or otherwise?",
"What was the most important battle of the Civil War?",
"What is the importance of the Battle of Gettysburg?",
"What triggered the Battle of Dunkirk?",
"Were medieval battles as brutal as in the movies?",
"How different would the war in the eastern front developed if the German army had won the battle of Kursk in 1943?",
"Why was the Battle of Wounded Knee fought?",
"What was the most important battle in the U.S. Civil War?",
"What were the ten most brutal battles fought in history?",
"What is the Battle of Verdun related to the World War 1?",
"What happened during the Battle of Gettysburg?",
"Why was the Battle of Verdun important in World War I?",
"Why was the Battle of Wounded Knee fought? Who won the war?"
} |
"query": "How do you start learning physics?",
"pos": [
"How can I start learning physics by myself?"
"neg": [
"How can you make physics easy to learn?",
"What can make Physics easy to learn?",
"What are the best books for a beginner to learn physics?",
"What are the best ways to learn physics online?",
"How can I start writing my own physics paper?",
"What is a good book for me to learn basic physics?",
"How do I become a good physics teacher?",
"How do I make physics easy?",
"How can I make physics easy?",
"How can I become genius in physics?",
"I am finding physics very hard I am like learn all except physics even for JEE (impossible) what should I do now to get interest and study physics?",
"I’m 17 years old high school student. How do I start with studying quantum physics?",
"What are the life lessons we could learn from physics?",
"How do you start learning chemistry by yourself?",
"What is the best way to self-study AP Physics 2?",
"How does one begin research in theoretical physics?",
"How should someone start learning Computer Science?",
"Is it possible to learn high school physics in a week?",
"What should I read to start learning about quantum mechanics?",
"How can one become a genius in physics?",
"Why should I study physics?",
"How do I get start learning astrophysics?",
"Where did Einstein learn Physics?",
"How should one not study physics?",
"Do we have to be good at math to understand physics?",
"What should an aspiring 13-year-old physicist learn?",
"What basic maths and physics concepts need to study special theory of relativity oneself for a beginner?",
"Is there a particular way physics should be?",
"When will I use physics in my life?",
"How do I start IIT JAM Physics Preparation from the first year of Physics? I mean the books, online resources and study plan?"
} |
"query": "What is QI group?",
"pos": [
"What is the QI Group?"
"neg": [
"Is it advisable to join QI group which is into network marketing?",
"What is a fundamental group? How can it be found?",
"What is",
"What is a fundamental group?",
"In what way is the Ismaili sect different from the other Shia groups?",
"What is a functional group?",
"What are the applications of Group Theory?",
"What exactly is the group anonymous and how does one join?",
"What are the best QI episodes?",
"What are the blood groups?",
"Do the Sistemics group in Quantico really exist?",
"What is the concept of Qigong?",
"How do people behave in groups?",
"What is functional group?",
"What groups are similar to the Avett Brothers?",
"What is an organization?",
"What is organization?",
"What is a cluster?",
"What are the levels of organization? How are they described?",
"If a group of 3 people is called a trio, what is a group of 4 called?",
"What are some of the most famous groups of four?",
"What are the family roots of the Mir family clan?",
"Who are group A and B gazatted officer?",
"Is every topological space also a group?",
"What is the holding structure of naver group?",
"What are the pros and cons of group communications and personal communication?",
"What is the direction of qibla in America?",
"What kind of people xi is in personal?",
"What are some characteristics of groups of living things?",
"Is there any FTM group here?"
} |
"query": "What do you love most about your city or town?",
"pos": [
"What do you love the most about your city?"
"neg": [
"What is your favorite city in the world and why?",
"What are your personal favorite cities in the world and why?",
"What is your favorite city to visit and why?",
"What do you think is the most beautiful city?",
"What makes your U.S. city so great?",
"What city do you live in?",
"In what city do you live?",
"What is your hometown or city famous for?",
"What's the greatest city in the world?",
"What's the best city in the world?",
"What are the most beautiful cities you have been to, and why?",
"What is the greatest, most beautiful city in the world?",
"Which major city have you moved to? What are the pros and cons of living there?",
"What is the most beautiful city in the world?",
"What are the pros and cons of living in your city?",
"Where is the most beautiful city in the world?",
"Which city do you come from?",
"What is the biggest city?",
"In your opinion which city in the world is similar to NYC?",
"What makes you feel happy in your city and also in general?",
"Which is the best city in the world?",
"What do you love most about London?",
"Which is the best city in the world to live in? Why?",
"What are the most architecturally beautiful cities?",
"What makes a city great?",
"Which is the most beautiful city in world?",
"Which city in the world is the most beautiful to live in?",
"What is the most populated city in the world?",
"Which is the best city to live?",
"What makes people fall in love with New York City?"
} |
"query": "Is Hillary Clinton crazy enough to start a nuclear war with Russia?",
"pos": [
"Would Hillary Clinton start World War III / War with Russia?"
"neg": [
"Why does Hillary Clinton say that Russia is the U.S.'s adversary? Has Russia been aggressive to the U.S. or any of its NATO allies?",
"What do Russian people make of Hillary Clinton?",
"Is Russia really planning on starting a war with America?",
"Now that Hillary Clinton is blaming Russians for brainwashing voters into voting against her, when will she be considered senile?",
"Could Russia have prevented WWI?",
"What if Russia invaded the U.S.A?",
"What would happen if Russia and the EU declared war on each other?",
"What would a conventional war between the US and Russia look like?",
"What is Hillary Clinton foreign policy plan for Iran?",
"What would happen if Russia suddenly attacked Ukraine?",
"Will the USA go to war with Russia using nuclear weapons?",
"How do Russians feel about Hillary Clinton?",
"Could the recent incidents between the USA and Russia lead to war?",
"What do you think: will the US and Russia go to war?",
"Will Russia and U.S. go to war?",
"What would happen if Russia and China went to war with each other?",
"Is the US starting a war with China and Russia?",
"What would the Republican Party do if Hillary Clinton wins the Presidential election?",
"What would a war between the EU and Russia look like?",
"What would happen if NATO invaded Russia?",
"If the US and Russia become friends and declare war against the entire world, can they win?",
"Russia is apparently preparing for war with the United States. Is this very likely in the immediate future?",
"Will you cooperate with Russia in order to fight terrorism?",
"Why would Russia prefer Trump over Clinton as president?",
"What would happen if all of the superpower countries attacked Russia? Would they be able to win?",
"If the US and Russia entered a nuclear war against each other, what other countries would be likely targets from either side?",
"In a war between the US and Russia today, with no nuclear weapons, who would win?",
"What would have happened if Hitler had taken Moscow during WW2?",
"Would Mexico support Poland if Russia invaded her again?",
"Perhaps I'm wrong, but Russia seems to take disinformation and propaganda to a far higher level than the US, fully integrating it into war planning. Am I missing something?"
} |
"query": "How do I know if I'm ready to settle down?",
"pos": [
"When does one know it's time to settle down, if ever?"
"neg": [
"When do you know when it's time to break up with someone?",
"How do you know it’s time to let someone go?",
"Is it ever too late?",
"When is it the right time to let someone go?",
"How do you know when its time to give up on a long term relationship?",
"When is the right time to quit?",
"What's a break down of the time to speak/ answer, etc?",
"When is the right time to let someone go?",
"What is that one moment for which you're still waiting for?",
"Do you understand where \"settling\" comes from now?",
"What if it's too late?",
"When is it time to say goodbye?",
"When is time to end a relationship?",
"How do I know it's time to quit a job?",
"How do you know that it is the 'final' break up and you have to move on?",
"Is there time when you’re dead?",
"When is it actually late to say - \"it's never too late to start\"?",
"How long do you wait for someone you love before you decide to move on?",
"Does time end?",
"When does time end?",
"Do men fall in love? Or do men just \"settle?\"",
"What's the time just now?",
"How do you know when you've done the right thing?",
"Will time end?",
"Have you ever been in a situation that after a breakup you act like a queen during the day and can’t wait for the evening just to sit and cry?",
"How do you tell if you're going to get laid off?",
"I always hear people say relationships lasted so long back in the day because they fixed things when they argued. But how do you know if you should fix things or just let it go?",
"How do you know when a relationship is ending?",
"How do I know whether the time is right to quit my job?",
"How do you know if you are wasting your time?"
} |
"query": "Are there any records of lions in the 600 - 1,000 pound range, if so where are the records?",
"pos": [
"Do any records exist of African lions at 600 upto 1,000 pounds?"
"neg": [
"What is the size difference between Asiatic lions & African lions?",
"Are there wild tigers in Africa?",
"Why are lions classified as mammals?",
"Why are there no tigers in Africa?",
"Why have Europeans been using the image of lion for centuries and millenia but not other African animals like elephant or giraffe?",
"Why are lions at the top of the food chain?",
"Can lions fight gorillas?",
"How good are lions and tigers at climbing?",
"What are some natural obligations of lions?",
"How much does Jeep Wrangler Sahara 2016 weigh without the hard top?",
"Do north africans have sub saharan DNA?",
"How long does a gorilla live in the wild?",
"Why are lions known as \"king of the beasts\"?",
"Who is the richest African?",
"Can the African leopard be domesticated?",
"Does racism exist in south Africa?",
"What are some of the most interesting facts about lions and tigers?",
"How many countries are there in Africa?",
"What links to Freemasonry do the Lions Club have? Are Lions associated with Masons?",
"How did monkeys get to South America from Africa or Asia?",
"Why do humans hunt lions?",
"Can Sub Saharan Africans grow beards?",
"Why are native sub-Saharan Africans black?",
"How much black money is recovered till now?",
"For every £1 or $1 that is raised for Charity to help Africa - how much ends up in the hands of those that need it?",
"Is it true a gorilla would win a fight against a lion?",
"How many African countries produce cars?",
"How do tigers survive in the wild?",
"Are nubians black Africans?",
"How did Africans get protein?"
} |
"query": "Is it easier for a US citizenship holder studying in India to get a seat in Medical school after 2 PU, than an Indian without a citizenship?",
"pos": [
"How does a person with US citizenship, studying in India, get into Medical School in the US?"
"neg": [
"How can I get to medical school in America with a BS in biology, very low GPA, 2.5, and more than 500 hrs of clinical experience?",
"How can I get a post graduate medical residency in the USA after an MBBS from India?",
"Is it possible to get a job in US after completing MS (biomedical) in Germany?",
"I want to do medicine i.e. study MBBS in the USA. I am now studying in 11th grade. What are the steps which I have to follow to get a seat in a medical reputed US university?",
"Has anyone from India transferred to a US University?",
"How much money and time would it take to become a doctor in india and how much in the US if an indian wants?",
"What is it like to live in the United States as a student coming from India?",
"How long does one have to study to become a doctor in the US?",
"What is the scope of Pharm.D. in the US after completion of the course in India?",
"What is current scenario of medical education in India?",
"Can you get into medical school without an undergraduate degree?",
"What exactly does an Indian student need to get into any Ivy League college for post-graduate or any equivalent degree in medical sciences?",
"How does studying in the US differ from studying in India? Is it too hard to do my MS in computer science in the US?",
"How long do USA medical students have to study before they become doctors?",
"Can a ug degree from india related to sciences take me to study pre med in usa?",
"Can a foreigner studying in india get a job?",
"How do I get into a medical school in Switzerland?",
"Is it possible for Indian students to get a job in USA after completing a master’s from U.K.?",
"I'm in non-med grade 11 right now and I really want to go to the US for higher studies. How and what should I do?",
"How strict will the immigration laws be made in US and will it affect an Indian student attempting to go for his Master's?",
"What are the difficulties faced by an Indian graduate doing his residency in US?",
"What US college/can I attend (as an international student)?",
"What is it like to be an Indian student and get your US Visa rejected?",
"Is it true that in order to get admission to usa after mbbs in india, ur medical college should be aiims only or u enter only on the basis of usmle? Basically does being from a good medical college in india guarantee you admission in usa or canada or some other country after mbbs or does it help?",
"What are my chances of landing job in the US if I have completed Information Technology Engineering course in India and now wants to move to the US?",
"What are the different career options after med - school and there scope in the US?",
"Can a medical graduate ( indian citizen) from russian university may apply for masters in hospital management in india without giving mci exam?",
"How hard is it to obtain American citizenship and work professionally in the USA as a Muslim?",
"Can I work in the US on a student visa?",
"Can international student find a job in the US after finishing his/her master program?"
} |
"query": "What does is mean to be a manipulative person?",
"pos": [
"What are the features of cunning, selfish, manipulative person?"
"neg": [
"What are the best ways of dealing with a manipulative person?",
"How do you deal with a manipulative person?",
"Why are people with authenticity, conscience, kindness and selflessness (traits highly prized by society) easy targets for manipulators?",
"Psychopaths, who is the most difficult type of person for you to manipulate?",
"How do you tell whether or not someone is manipulative?",
"What are some examples of selfishness?",
"What makes a person selfish or selfless?",
"Is it desirable to be cunning?",
"What are the most manipulative techniques used to charm someone?",
"What is selfishness?",
"Why are some manipulators aggressive and in some cases, predatory and/or deadly?",
"Is selfishness a vice or a virtue?",
"What makes people selfish?",
"What makes a person have a passive personality?",
"How do I know about someone's selfishness?",
"Is selfishness a virtue?",
"Is there a name for people who exploit certain people for their information or even personality, in order to impress others of their knowledge or kindness by pretending to be the people who they use?",
"How do I deal with a manipulative guy?",
"What is meant by having a hedonistic personality and what are some examples of this beahviour?",
"What are some characteristics of someone who is worldly?",
"What is a narcissistic sociopath?",
"What are traits of a narcissist?",
"How do you deal with a manipulative liar?",
"Charisma: What makes someone charismatic?",
"Are people intrinsically selfish or selfless?",
"What is the most selfish act you have ever witnessed?",
"Are more small-minded and egocentric and perhaps also manipulative people more likely to think they are \"omniscient\"?",
"Are most people selfish?",
"Can virtues delete envy? Can an apparently knowledgeable hardworking charismatic person be jealous? Can envy be widespread, even transmediatically?",
"What is the difference between being a narcissist and just a plain selfish and self centred all-around jerk?"
} |
"query": "What happens after we die?",
"pos": [
"What will happen after we die? Does nothing happen?"
"neg": [
"What happens just before you die?",
"If we die and come back to life how will we know?",
"What if everyone died?",
"Do we go to heaven or hell after death or are we reborn?",
"If we are all going to die eventually. What's the point?",
"What will happen if all the flies die?",
"What happens when your family dies?",
"What will come after democracy?",
"What is it like to die soon?",
"What should we do when everything does not happen as expected?",
"Why do we live if we are going to die?",
"Do we live to die?",
"What happens after blood donation?",
"What will happen when the Queen dies?",
"What happens when you die in a dream?",
"What happens when brain cells die?",
"What will happen if Hillary and Donald Trump dies before the election?",
"When Queen Elizabeth dies, what will happen?",
"If the universe lasts forever, will we eventually obtain consciousness once again after death?",
"What is the point of living if we are going to die and not remember anything?",
"What happens if you die in a dream?",
"What will happen when the earth gets destroyed?",
"Why will I die?",
"What should I do before I die?"
} |
"query": "What is a fun board game to play with only 2 players?",
"pos": [
"What are the most balanced and interesting board games for 2 players?"
"neg": [
"What are some great but not-so-well-known board games?",
"What are some interesting board games for adults?",
"What are some good strategy board games?",
"What are some great board games that are not well known?",
"Which is the best boardgame today?",
"What are some fun board games for adults?",
"What are good board games for large groups of adults?",
"What are some good adult board games?",
"Are there any card games more complicated and strategically analytical than Go (the board game)?",
"What is the most popular board game that is not Monopoly?",
"What is your favourite board game?",
"What are some popular adult board games?",
"What is your favorite board game and why?",
"What is your favorite board game?",
"What are some fun 2 player cards games that are easy to learn?",
"What algorithm is best for two player games?",
"What is a good strategy for Risk (the board game)?",
"What are the best three-player card games?",
"What are the best 2 player plus games for the Wii?",
"What are some fun games to play on an 8x8 Checkerboard besides chess / checkers?",
"What's your favorite boardgame?",
"What are some of the best text based games?",
"What are some good board/card games available in India for the 18+ age group?",
"What competitive card games are similar to Yomi but are less \"thinky\" and cerebral and emphasise intuition and reading one's opponent?",
"What are some fun bar games?",
"What are some examples of board or card games that were historically popular but are no longer played now?",
"Which is the best game ever?",
"What are some of the best strategy games out there?",
"What are the best books on game design fundamentals?",
"What are the best text-based (adventure) games?"
} |
"query": "How do I detect the methanal levels in the air?",
"pos": [
"How do you detect the methane levels in the air?"
"neg": [
"What is the chemical formula of methane?",
"What's the chemical formula of Methane?",
"How can the heat of combustion of methane be calculated?",
"What is the molecular geometry of methane?",
"How do carbon monoxide detectors detect gas?",
"Does carbon monoxide detector detect gas?",
"How Coal Bed Methane Process Works?",
"Will a carbon monoxide detector detect gas? If so, how?",
"How do we measure temperature of gas?",
"Which has more heating value methane or propane?",
"Is there any way, in which we can separate nitrogen from exhaust gases?",
"Is there a simple experiment I can do at home to show that atmospheric CO2 absorbs heat?",
"How is gas dissolved in water?",
"What are some test examples for unsaturated hydrocarbons?",
"What are the gas elements at room temperature?",
"Most of our atmosphere is nitrogen which is a non-flammable gas. How is it burnt inside the chamber in diesel engine?",
"Which gas is used in Air Conditioners of today?",
"How is nitrogen in the atmosphere important?",
"How can you determine the pH level of sulfuric acid?",
"Which gas is readily soluble in water at room temperature?",
"What gases are dissolved in liquids? What are some examples?",
"What are gases released after burning human body completely?",
"Why''kolbe's method'' is not used to prepare methane?",
"Why does the series start with methane, in the alkanes?",
"What methods can one use to measure air pollution?",
"What is the difference between gas and air?",
"How can we absorb dangerous polluting gases like SO2, NO2 etc. and decompose them to useful substances ?",
"What instruments should I use to measure the air pollution in my house?",
"What is the refractive index of h2s gas in mid-infrared range?",
".what chemical should be used for the detection of carbon monoxide?"
} |
"query": "What are some of the good sites to learn javascript?",
"pos": [
"What are some good resources for beginner to start learning JavaScript?"
"neg": [
"What are your favorite tools for front-end JavaScript development?",
"Which is the best Javascript Framework for beginners?",
"As a beginner in web development, should I learn ECMAScript 6 or plain JavaScript?",
"I've finished learning HTML, CSS, and JavaScript basic. What should I learn now?",
"Do I need to learn Java before Javascript?",
"How do I learn JavaScript to the level of being able to build something like express.js?",
"Can I learn everything there is to know about Javascript from Codecademy? Are there some better alternatives?",
"What is a good server to start a JavaScript-based application on?",
"I don't know JavaScript. Will it prohibit my Node.js learning? Or should I start with JavaScript first?",
"How much HTML and CSS do I need to know before beginning to learn JavaScript?",
"What is the solution to JavaScript Quick Start Guide, Lesson 14 Question 6?",
"Codecademy: What is the solution to JavaScript Quick Start Guide, Lesson 6 Question 5?",
"Codecademy: What is the solution to JavaScript Quick Start Guide, Lesson 1 Question 4?",
"Codecademy: What is the solution to JavaScript Quick Start Guide, Lesson 4 Question 7?",
"Codecademy: What is the solution to JavaScript Quick Start Guide, Lesson 5 Question 3?",
"Where should we start for machine learning as a beginner?",
"Codecademy: What is the solution to JavaScript Quick Start Guide, Lesson 4 Question 6?",
"What is the best way to learn JavaScript graphics?",
"Do I need to know JavaScript in order to learn jQuery?",
"How does a total beginner start to learn machine learning?",
"I am a complete beginner in programming, can I use as my first learning tool?",
"I am a complete beginner in programming, can I use as my first learning tool?",
"Should I learn Java before I learn Javascript?",
"I've finished learning HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. What should I learn now?",
"What do I start with for learning machine learning?",
"What is the solution to JavaScript Quick Start Guide, Lesson 3 Question 6?",
"How do I start learning to code? Also,which programming language is recommended for beginners?",
"What is best approach for learning about client-side and server-side JavaScript scripting and other web development tools? Via free webhosting service or my own web server?",
"Codecademy: What is the solution to JavaScript Quick Start Guide, Lesson 3 Question 3?",
"Which should I learn first: JavaScript or HTML/CSS?"
} |
"query": "Is smoking bad for you? Why or why not?",
"pos": [
"Why is smoking bad for your lungs?"
"neg": [
"What are advantages and disadvantages of smoking?",
"What are the advantages of smoking? What are the disadvantages?",
"Is smoking a whole cigarette as harmful as taking a few puffs?",
"Does Marijuana cause cancer or lung problems like any other thing you smoke?",
"What are the benefits of smoking?",
"What possible causes of lung cancer are there besides smoking?",
"Why does my throat hurt after smoking?",
"What are some great cause and effect topics about smoking?",
"I have been smoking regularly for 3 years. I recently moved to Australia and now have difficulty smoking. I have a blocked nose, irritable throat, and spitting reflex. I'd been on one smoke a day for the last two years. Now my intake is 9-10 a day. I'm 25. Smoking shouldn't be this bad for me right?",
"What's worse smoking cigarettes or vaping?",
"What is smoke?",
"Where do your lungs deal with all the dust and harmful particles you breathe in a lifetime?",
"Why do I feel hyperactive after I smoke a cigarette?",
"What is the effect if I smoke a puff of cigarette a day?",
"Does marijuana increase risk of lung cancer, similar to cigarettes?",
"How often should one smoke to get Lung cancer due to smoking?",
"Why does smoking make you lose weight?",
"Is smoking a half burned cigarette more harmful?",
"What are some great cause and effect topics about smoking cigarettes?",
"What is the most common reason people start smoking?",
"Why do people smoke cigarettes even though they know it could kill them?",
"What is a smoking deal?",
"What is smoking like?",
"How harmful is it to smoke 1 cigarette a day?",
"Does natural tobacco have nicotine?",
"How harmful is smoking one cigarette, if I don't smoke another one?",
"Other than cigarettes, what are the other uses for tobacco?",
"What is the effect if I smoke half a cigarette a day?",
"Why am I experiencing shortness of breath after quitting smoking?",
"Why does one have to continuously spit mucus after quitting smoking?"
} |
Subsets and Splits