We Found What We Were Looking For
We Found What We Were Looking For As told by Bert Tallman I fondly remember my life as a young boy on the Blood Reserve, a Native community that is part of the Blackfoot Nation in Alberta, Canada. We lived not far from the Canadian Rockies and beautiful Lake Louise. I COME from a family of seven boys and two girls. My brothers and sisters and I were often at my grandmother’s home. She worked hard and taught us the traditional way of life practiced by many generations of Blackfoot people before us. We learned how to gather wild berries, prepare traditional foods, and plant a garden. My grandfather and my father used to take me hunting and fishing. We hunted elk, deer, and moose for food and for their skins. Our parents were hard workers and did their best to provide a good home for us. My life on the reserve was enjoyable. Everything changed, however, when my grandmother died in 1963. As a five-year-old boy, I was confused by this event. Nothing I heard brought me any real comfort. Even at that young age, I asked myself, ‘If there is a Creator, where is he? Why do people die?’ Sometimes I would begin to whimper in frustration. When my parents asked me what was wrong, I simply told them I had an ache of some sort. Contact With White People Before my grandmother died, we had little contact with white people. Whenever we did see them, I would hear comments such as: “He is just another evil, greedy white man, devoid of emotion. They are not real people.” I was warned that very few white people are genuine and that they could not be trusted. Although I was curious about meeting them, I remained cautious because white people in our area often made fun of us and made disparaging remarks. Soon after my grandmother passed away, my parents began to abuse alcohol, making those years some of the saddest of my life. When I was eight years old, two Mormons began to visit our home. They seemed to be good people. My parents agreed with their proposal that I participate in a placement program. The program, as I understood it, was to change Native children by having them live with white people. Evidently, because of their circumstances, my parents thought it was best for me to stay with another family. I was shocked and disappointed, for I had heard my parents say that white people could not be trusted. I didn’t want to go, and I tried to get out of it. Finally, I agreed when my parents assured me that my older brother would come along. However, when we arrived in Vancouver, British Columbia, my brother and I were separated, and I was taken some 60 miles [100 km] away! I was devastated. Although the family that hosted me were good people, it was a traumatic experience, and I was terrified. I returned home about ten months later. Back Home With My Parents Even though the situation at home had not changed much, I was glad to be back. When I was about 12 years old, my parents quit using alcohol. That was a relief, but I already had a negative lifestyle of my own, since I had begun experimenting with drugs and alcohol. My parents encouraged me to take up alternative activities, including rodeo, something I really enjoyed. Rodeo riding was not for the fainthearted. I learned to ride wild bucking bulls for a minimum of eight seconds without being thrown off, while holding on with just one hand to a rope looped around the bull’s belly. When I was a teenager, tribal elders introduced me to Native religion. I took a real interest in it, since I had little respect for the so-called white man’s religions. I reasoned that Blackfoot customs seemed to promote the kindness and justice that were missing from many “Christian” religions. I was comfortable among Native people, enjoying the humor and closeness that existed among families and friends. About this time, I also learned about the injustices that Native people had experienced for centuries. I was told that the white man had spread disease among us and eradicated our primary means of life, the buffalo. In fact, Colonel R. I. Dodge, of the U.S. Army, is reported to have said: “Kill every buffalo you can. Every buffalo dead is an Indian gone.” This attitude, I learned, demoralized the Blackfoot people and led to a feeling of helplessness. Furthermore, some government leaders, along with their religious allies, had made determined efforts to assimilate and transform the Native people, whom they viewed as savages. They believed that everything about the Native people needed to change​—including their culture, beliefs, behavior, and language—​in order for them to adapt to the white man’s ways. In Canada, some Native children were abused at religious residential schools. Others turned to substance abuse, violence, and suicide​—problems that persist on reserves even to this day. To escape these problems, some Natives decided to abandon Blackfoot culture. They chose to speak English to their children rather than the Blackfoot language, and they tried to adopt some of the white man’s ways. Instead of being accepted, however, many were ridiculed, not only by some in the white population but also by other Native people, who called them “apple Indians”​—red on the outside but white on the inside. It was sad to see Native people suffer in so many ways. I longed to see better conditions for the people on our reserve and others across Canada and the United States. I Longed for Answers As a teenager, I thought that I could never be accepted. My feelings of inferiority often turned into resentment. I even developed a hatred for white people. However, my parents and aunt cautioned me about harboring negative feelings of hate and revenge; instead, they encouraged me to show forgiveness and love and to overlook those who were prejudiced. I later learned that this advice was consistent with Bible principles. In addition, I still longed to find the answers to the questions that had plagued me as a child. I also began to wonder why we are on the earth and why injustice continues. Living for only a short time and then dying did not make sense to me. I was confused. Whenever Jehovah’s Witnesses came to our home, I was sent to the door. I always respected them because they did not seem to be prejudiced. Although I found it difficult to formulate my questions in the right way, we always had interesting conversations. I recall one visit from John Brewster and Harry Callihoo, a Blackfoot Witness. We had a long discussion as we walked through the prairie grass. I obtained a book and read about half of it before it somehow got lost. I Became a Rodeo Rider I asked older ones on my reserve for advice. While I appreciated their well-thought-out counsel, I never received satisfactory answers to the questions I had about life. When I was about 16 years old, I left home and became absorbed in rodeo riding competitions. The parties I attended after rodeos usually featured overdrinking and drug abuse. My conscience plagued me because I knew such conduct was wrong and sensed that God did not approve of my lifestyle. I often prayed to the Creator for help to do what is right and to find answers to the questions that still bothered me. In 1978, while I was in Calgary, I met a young Native woman named Rose. She was part Blackfoot and part Cree. We shared similar interests, and I could communicate openly and freely with her. We fell in love and were married in 1979. Our family grew to include our daughter Carma and our son, Jared. Rose has proved to be a loyal, supportive wife and a good mother. One day when my family and I were visiting my older brother, I found a book eninputd You Can Live Forever in Paradise on Earth.a What I read intrigued me and seemed very reasonable. But just as I felt that I was beginning to understand the Bible’s message, I came to a part of the book where pages had been torn out. Rose and I made a determined effort to locate the missing pages, but without success. Even so, I continued to pray for help. A Visit to the Priest In the spring of 1984, Rose gave birth to our third child, our beautiful daughter Kayla. Only two months later, however, Kayla died from a congenital heart disease. We were devastated, and I did not know how to comfort Rose. She convinced me to go with her to the Catholic priest on our reserve to find comfort and answers to our questions. We asked him why our little girl had to die and where she had gone. He told us that God took Kayla because he needed another angel. I thought, ‘Why would God need to take our daughter to be an angel if he is the Almighty Creator? What good would a helpless baby be?’ The priest never opened the Bible. We left feeling empty. Prayer Was Our Mainstay One Monday morning in late November 1984, I lingered in prayer, desperately begging God to help me to be a better person, to make sense of what was going on, and to understand the purpose of life. That very morning, Diana Bellemy and Karen Scott, two of Jehovah’s Witnesses, knocked at the door. They were very sincere and kind and were eager to present their message. I listened, accepted a Bible and the book eninputd Survival Into a New Earth,b and agreed to have Diana return with her husband, Darryl, later that week. Only after they left did it occur to me that this must have been the answer to my prayer. I was so excited that I eagerly paced back and forth in the house, waiting for Rose to return from work so I could tell her what had happened. To my surprise, Rose revealed that she too had been praying the night before, and she had asked God to help her to find the right religion. That Friday, we had our first Bible study. We later learned that the day Karen and Diana visited us, they had been unable to find the houses where they intended to preach. Nevertheless, when they saw our house, they felt motivated to call on us. Answers to My Questions​—At Last! Our family and friends were puzzled and initially gave us the cold shoulder when we started to study the Bible. Then they pressured us by saying that we were throwing our lives away and not using our talents and abilities to the full. However, we resolved not to turn our backs on our newfound Friend, our Creator, Jehovah. After all, we had found something precious​—the awesome truths and sacred secrets in God’s Word, the Bible. (Matthew 13:52) Both Rose and I were baptized as Jehovah’s Witnesses in December 1985. Our relatives now have great respect for Jehovah’s Witnesses, as they have seen positive changes in our lives since our baptism. Yes, I found what I was looking for! The Bible answers important questions simply and logically. I was satisfied when I learned the purpose of life, why we die, and God’s promise that we can be reunited with our daughter Kayla to see her grow up in perfect surroundings. (John 5:28, 29; Revelation 21:4) In time, I also learned that we should not abuse our bodies, show disrespect for life, or stir up competition. (Galatians 5:26) It was a difficult decision, but I chose to leave bull riding and the rodeo in order to please God. Accurate knowledge from the Bible has freed us from superstitions that plague many Native people, such as belief that a visiting owl or a howling dog can lead to the death of a family member. We no longer fear that invisible spirits in animate creatures or inanimate objects will harm us. (Psalm 56:4; John 8:32) We now appreciate Jehovah’s marvelous creations. I have friends of many nationalities whom I call my brothers and sisters, and they accept us as equals and fellow servants of God. (Acts 10:34, 35) Many of them are putting forth effort to learn about our Native culture and beliefs and to speak the Blackfoot language so that they can effectively share the Bible’s message in an appealing way. Our family lives on the Blood Reserve, in southern Alberta, where we have a small ranch. We still enjoy Native culture​—including our traditional foods, music, and dance. We do not actively participate in traditional social dances, sometimes called powwows, but we enjoy watching them when appropriate. I have also tried to teach our children about their heritage and some of the Blackfoot language. Many Native people are known for the wonderful qualities of kindness, humility, and loving concern for family and friends. They are also known for showing hospitality and having respect for other people, including those from different backgrounds. I still appreciate and admire these things. Our greatest happiness comes from using our time and resources to help others learn about and love Jehovah. Our son, Jared, serves as a volunteer at the branch office of Jehovah’s Witnesses near Toronto. I have the privilege of serving as an elder in our local Fort Macleod Congregation, and Rose, Carma, and I are all regular pioneers, or full-time evangelizers. It is a joy to preach in our native Blackfoot language. It is heartwarming to see others respond to the truth about the Creator and his purposes. The Bible says about Jehovah: “If you search for him, he will let himself be found by you.” (1 Chronicles 28:9) I am grateful that he has fulfilled his promise by helping me, as well as my family, to find what we were looking for. [Footnotes] a Published by Jehovah’s Witnesses. Now out of print. b Published by Jehovah’s Witnesses. Now out of print. [Blurb on page 13] ‘If there is a Creator, where is he? Why do people die?’ [Blurb on page 16] ‘Many Native people are known for the qualities of kindness and humility’ [Picture on page 12] My grandmother taught me traditional Blackfoot culture [Picture on page 15] I became completely absorbed in rodeo [Picture on page 15] The special tract “You Can Trust the Creator” is available in the Blackfoot language and others [Picture on page 15] I now have the joy of sharing Bible knowledge with others [Picture on page 15] Today, with my family
Paradise Restored (pm) 1972
Chapter 3 The Remedy for Those with Disappointed Hopes 1. It was still what date, and Jehovah raised up Haggai to help the Jews to see the connection between what two things? IT IS still Elul 1, or the first day of the sixth lunar month, in the second year of the reign of Darius I, the king of the Persian Empire. That would be about the middle of the month of August of the year 520 B.C.E., according to our calendar of today. (Haggai 1:1) By means of his prophet Haggai, Jehovah was calling attention to the ways of his repurchased people whom he had restored to their homeland after it had lain desolate for seventy years. (2 Chronicles 36:17-21) Jehovah was urging them to give heartfelt consideration to the unusual ways in which things were happening to them. Then they would be able to see the connection between their having all their hard work on the land prove to be so unrewarding and their letting the house of Jehovah’s worship lie waste, although they were taking good care of themselves as to housing conditions.​—Haggai 1:2-6. 2. Basically, what kind of issue was it for those Jews, and so who could prescribe the right remedy, and how did the prescription begin? 2 Was the reason for the Jews to fare so badly after being back on their homeland for seventeen years basically a religious one? If it was, then Jehovah was the One who could unerringly point out to them that reason and also prescribe the remedy. He was not pleased at their being so concerned about their material welfare and their neglecting his house of worship. So, after putting up with this unbalanced attitude of theirs for so long a time, he said to them by means of the prophet Haggai: “This is what Jehovah of armies has said, ‘Set your hearts upon your ways.’ ‘Go up to the mountain, and you must bring in lumber. And build the house, that I may take pleasure in it and I may be glorified,’ Jehovah has said.” Then to point out what was really responsible for their disappointing results from such hard work, he had Haggai prophesy further: 3. Who claimed to be responsible for their bad economic plight? 3 “‘There was a looking for much, but here there was just a little; and you have brought it into the house, and I blew upon it​—for what reason?’ is the utterance of Jehovah of armies. ‘By reason of my house that is waste, while you are on the run, each one in behalf of his own house. Therefore over you the heavens kept back their dew, and the earth itself kept back its yield. And I kept calling for dryness upon the earth, and upon the mountains, and upon the grain, and upon the new wine, and upon the oil, and upon what the ground would bring forth, and upon earthling man, and upon domestic animal, and upon all the toil of the hands.’”​—Haggai 1:7-11. 4. Despite the imperial ban, what action did Jehovah prescribe for the Jews to take, and what decisive question did this pose for the Jews? 4 When those foregoing words were declared, the unconstitutional ban that was laid by the late King Artaxerxes of Persia upon the building of Jehovah’s temple at Jerusalem was still in effect. Yet Jehovah of armies, speaking through Haggai, told the hard-faring Jews to get materials and “build the house, that I may take pleasure in it and I may be glorified.” (Haggai 1:8) The question at issue now became, Which is to be obeyed​—Jehovah’s will or the imperial ban, the will of a now dead misinformed man? Whose order is to be carried out​—that of the living Most High God, the Great Theocrat, or that of a dead Persian emperor? If they did as the later Christian apostles did, “obey God as ruler rather than men,” they would arouse the objections and opposition of those who favored the ban, but they would gain the approval of God. (Acts 5:29) They were already pleasing those pagan oppositionists but were displeasing God. So, now, were they willing to stir up the displeasure of their pagan adversaries and thereby win the good pleasure of Jehovah of armies? 5. What could the adversaries and opposers not control, and what could they not remove in behalf of the Jews? 5 Those pagan adversaries could not control the weather of the land of Judah. Not even the whole Persian Empire could do so. They could not cause the heavens to produce the needed dew in the dry season of the year. They could not cause the earth to render its yield, so that the Jewish tillers of the soil not only sowed much and looked for much but also brought in much. Or, conversely, those imperial Persians and the neighboring adversaries of the Jews could not remove, during the ordinarily wet season, the dryness that came upon the earth, upon the grain, upon the new wine, upon the oil, upon all other produce of the ground, nor the dryness that came upon man, domestic animal and what men toiled for with their hands. But Jehovah of armies could do so, for those adverse things were from him in expression of his displeasure. 6. For that reason, whom should the Jews fear, but how were they not showing that fear? 6 Unlike those Israelites referred to in Jeremiah 5:24, the repatriated Jews should not fear the wrath of the Persian Empire but should say: “Let us, now, fear Jehovah our God, the One who is giving the downpour and the autumn rain and the spring rain in its season, the One who guards even the prescribed weeks of the harvest for us.” (Jeremiah 10:10-13) Such fear of Jehovah they could not show by merely running to their own private houses so as to get as quickly as possible into their own cozy homes while at the same time letting the house of worship of their God lie waste. The house of so great a Personage as Jehovah of armies, the Great Theocrat, ought to be put first. Fear of man ought not to deter them from building it, that he might take pleasure in it and be glorified. 7, 8. (a) Why did Jehovah tell the Jews to bring in lumber for the house? (b) Why was such a material house not necessary, and yet fitting, for Jehovah? 7 That was the remedy for their having such disappointing conditions in a material and spiritual sense​—namely, obey God as ruler rather than man and go ahead and build God’s house of worship. Let them go up to the forest-clad mountain and fell trees and bring in lumber for building the all-important house. Not that God’s temple was to be built all of wood. But the stones of the former demolished temple were lying there at the site, and wood for paneling and other needs was the material most required to be prepared. Not as though Jehovah of armies needed an earthly material house as a home in which to dwell among the well-housed Jews. He already had his dwelling place not made with human hands, in the holy heavens, and this stone and wood temple on Mount Moriah at Jerusalem was just a representation of a future spiritual temple, a true house of worship of the Most High God. It was just as Solomon the temple builder said: 8 “But will God truly dwell upon the earth? Look! The heavens, yes, the heaven of the heavens, themselves cannot contain you; how much less, then, this house that I have built!”​—1 Kings 8:27. 9. (a) Hence, how would God reside in that house? (b) By worshiping at such a temple, what would the Jews renew, with what results to themselves? 9 Hence God would dwell in the rebuilt temple at Jerusalem, not personally, but only by his spirit, his holy invisible active force, and by turning his face or attention to that temple. He would sanctify it or make it a holy house, and it would be the center of religious worship for the whole nation. There sacrifices for individuals or for the whole nation would be offered on the one authorized altar, and it would be the place to which the nation would assemble during its three annual festivals and on the Day of Atonement for the whole nation. There the high priest Joshua the son of Jehozadak and all the underpriests could officiate in behalf of the people. Thus the nation of Israel could maintain renewed relationship with their Theocratic Ruler, Jehovah, and keep in good condition spiritually. Jehovah would be glorified by the rebuilding of the temple upon which His name would be placed, and he would make his good pleasure known by pouring down blessings upon them, blessings spiritual and material. OBEYING GOD AS RULER? OR MAN? 10, 11. To whom was Haggai’s opening prophecy addressed, and the action that followed showed that what decision had been made? 10 The prophet Haggai’s opening message was directed specially “to Zerubbabel the son of Shealtiel, the governor of Judah, and to Joshua the son of Jehozadak the high priest.” (Haggai 1:1) This made it obligatory upon them to take the lead and set the right example for the whole nation. However, those two men, the governor and the high priest, knew what to expect from the adversaries if they resumed the building of the temple at Jerusalem. What does history show that they did​—obey Jehovah of armies as Ruler or man? They put spiritual interests first and obeyed God. Haggai reports: 11 “And Zerubbabel the son of Shealtiel, and Joshua the son of Jehozadak the high priest, and all the remaining ones of the people began to listen to the voice of Jehovah their God, and to the words of Haggai the prophet, as Jehovah their God had sent him; and the people began to fear because of Jehovah.”​—Haggai 1:12. 12. The people appreciated the sender of Haggai to be whom, and what fear did they overcome? 12 By the message that the prophet proclaimed to them on that day of the sixth new moon of the year, the people knew where this courageous Haggai stood on the issue of obeying God or man. They realized that Jehovah had sent Haggai, and that is why they listened to him as the conveyor of Jehovah’s message of the hour. Openheartedly they considered what he had to say, although it was in the nature of a reproof. They got the point of God’s line of reasoning with them. They appreciated their failure, their delinquency. They had good cause for fearing before Jehovah. It was the Commander in Chief of heavenly armies who was speaking through his prophet Haggai, and their fear of this Jehovah of armies overwhelmed any fear of men or even of the Persian Empire. Still they need encouragement, and Haggai was now used to give it to them: 13. What encouraging message did Haggai then give the people? 13 “And Haggai the messenger of Jehovah went on to say to the people according to the messenger’s commission from Jehovah, saying: ‘I am with you people,’ is the utterance of Jehovah.”​—Haggai 1:13. 14. In view of all the adversaries, what did this message mean to the temple builders, and what rule stated later by Jesus Christ would they be following by proceeding to build? 14 What more encouraging message could those God-fearing Jews get than that? The neighboring adversaries might have the whole Persian Empire on their side, but the repurchased Israelites, by a course of obedience, had Jehovah of armies on their side. Jehovah was not going to be displeased by their going ahead and rebuilding his temple. To paraphrase the rule laid down by Jesus Christ more than five hundred and fifty years later, the things belonging to Caesar (or the emperor) needed to be rendered to Caesar, but the things belonging to God must likewise be paid to God, and His things come first. (Matthew 22:21) For acting according to that rule, they would have Jehovah with them. That guaranteed success in building the temple. 15. Why did more than three weeks now pass before the people entered in and did work in Jehovah’s house? 15 Confident now in their Almighty God, the nation addressed itself to the main project for which they had taken the long trek back from Babylon to their sacred homeland. Three weeks and more passed, not because of any fearful postponing of operations, but for the sake of organizing matters for a proper start. They were all strongly stirred with God’s spirit or invisible active force, and it acted as a driving force inside them. Came the twenty-fourth day of that lunar month of Elul, and what? Haggai, you were there; tell us. “And Jehovah proceeded to rouse up the spirit of Zerubbabel the son of Shealtiel, the governor of Judah, and the spirit of Joshua the son of Jehozadak the high priest, and the spirit of all the remaining ones of the people; and they began to enter in and to do the work in the house of Jehovah of armies their God. It was on the twenty-fourth day of the sixth month in the second year of Darius the king.”​—Haggai 1:14, 15. 16. Before Haggai began prophesying, into what attitude had the Jews slumped, but now what were they stirred up to do? 16 Before Haggai’s prophecy on the first day of the sixth month that year, Governor Zerubbabel and High Priest Joshua and the repatriated remnant of the Jewish people had lost the urge, the inclination, the sense of urgency, the zeal and enthusiasm for rebuilding Jehovah’s temple. They had succumbed to the opposition and interference of their adversaries and were saying to themselves: “The time has not come, the time of the house of Jehovah, for it to be built.” (Haggai 1:2) But now, due to Haggai’s message from their God, they began to see matters differently. So the Commander in Chief, Jehovah of armies, stirred up the spirit of them all. After necessary organizing and preparing, they got down to their most important work in the land of Judah, doing the preliminaries to all the actual construction work on the temple of their God. The time is dated: it was on Elul 24 of the second year of Darius I, the king of Persia. This was toward the middle of September of the year 520 B.C.E. It was the time of the year for the dews to begin forming on the vegetation after the midsummer dry season. 17. What did such preliminary work include, and why did the Jews not care whether the adversaries noticed their work? 17 Doubtless Jehovah of armies was pleased to see this advance work launched. There was lumber to be cut and sawed for beams and paneling; there must have been some quarrying of stone. And debris would have to be cleared off the historical location of the temple that had long ago been purchased by King David in the eleventh century before our Common Era. (2 Samuel 24:18-25; 1 Chronicles 21:18 to 22:19; 2 Chronicles 3:1) Such debris may have been the accumulation of years. Whether the neighboring pagan adversaries of the Jews took note of this preliminary activity, we do not know. But even if they did, the busy Jews did not care. They knew that they had the approval of their God and that they were doing his work, and that the invincible Jehovah of armies was on their side. Nevertheless, heavy opposition was bound to arise from the enemy quarter. How successful would it be this time? We shall see. HISTORICAL PARALLEL 18. Has there been a modern-day parallel of that, and to whose writings do we here resort? 18 Is there any historical parallel of this in modern times that lifts this ancient event out of the realm of purely dead history? We have reason to believe that there is. A Jewish writer of the first century of our Common Era, a Pharisee of the tribe of Benjamin and named Saul of Tarsus in Asia Minor, took a look back at the ancient history of his people and then wrote down his observations. To whom did he write? He sent his letter to imperial Rome in Italy, but not to any so-called “Bishop of Rome, Successor to the Prince of the Apostles, Vicar of Christ.” Not at all. At that time Christendom with such a religious dignitary had not yet got started, but had to wait for Emperor Constantine the Great of the fourth century to start it. Saul of Tarsus, who had now become an apostle of Jesus Christ and was called Paul, wrote his letter to the congregation of primitive Christians in Rome and discussed much of the inspired Hebrew Scriptures. 19. What Paul wrote in Romans 15:4 includes what prophetic book? 19 In what is now listed as Romans, chapter fifteen, verse four, Paul wrote: “For all the things that were written aforetime were written for our instruction, that through our endurance and through the comfort from the Scriptures we might have hope.” (Romans 1:1-7) Those Scriptures included Haggai. 20. According to 1 Corinthians 10:6-11, why may we look for typical value in the record of Haggai? 20 The apostle Paul also wrote a couple of letters to the Christian congregation in Corinth in the Roman province of Achaia, and in his first letter, chapter ten, he tells about events in ancient Jewish life and says: “Now these things became our examples [types, Greek], for us not to be persons desiring injurious things, even as they desired them. . . . Now these things went on befalling them as examples [typically, Greek], and they were written for a warning to us upon whom the ends of the systems of things have arrived.” (1 Corinthians 10:6-11) It is reasonable to expect, then, that the events related by the prophet Haggai are also of a typical or exemplary value. In fact, in an inspired letter to the Hebrews the apostle Paul quotes from Haggai and makes an application of it, not to the unchristianized Hebrews, but to the natural circumcised Hebrews who had accepted Jesus Christ as the long-promised Messiah. (Haggai 2:6; Hebrews 12:25-29) So we today may look for typical values in the record of Haggai. A SPIRITUAL ISRAEL BECOMES INVOLVED 21. In Revelation 11:1-4, how does the apostle John describe a typical temple revealed to him? 21 Haggai was used in connection with the rebuilding of the typical temple of Jehovah at Jerusalem in the days of Governor Zerubbabel and High Priest Joshua (Jesus, Greek). The last surviving Christian apostle, John the son of Zebedee of Galilee, was exiled by the Roman Empire to the penal Isle of Patmos and had a series of inspired visions there. In one of these visions he saw a typical temple, concerning which he writes: “And a reed like a rod was given me as he said: ‘Get up and measure the temple sanctuary of God and the altar and those worshiping in it. But as for the courtyard that is outside the temple sanctuary, cast it clear out and do not measure it, because it has been given to the nations, and they will trample the holy city underfoot for forty-two months. And I will cause my two witnesses to prophesy a thousand two hundred and sixty days dressed in sackcloth.’”​—Revelation 11:1-4. 22. (a) What kind of witnesses were those “two witnesses”? (b) Upon what was John relying now for relationship with Jehovah? 22 In this case these symbolic “two witnesses” of the God of the temple would be Christian witnesses of the Most High God, for the apostle John was being shown things that were yet to come to pass, not things of past Jewish history. (Revelation 1:1-6) The apostle John classed himself as one of the Christian witnesses. (Revelation 1:9; 19:9, 10) At the time of this Revelation to John, the rebuilt temple at Jerusalem in the Roman province of Judea had been destroyed along with the holy city back in the year 70 of our Common Era, just as the Messiah, Jesus Christ, had predicted. (Matthew 24:1-22; Mark 13:1-20; Luke 21:5-24) Because of becoming a disciple of the Messiah, whom the Jewish nation had rejected, John had parted company with the unbelieving natural Israelites. He no longer depended on his being an Israelite by birth as a basis for relationship with Jehovah of armies. He depended on his being a spiritual Israelite, one begotten by the spirit of God, for having relationship with Jehovah of armies. John was now a ‘Jew on the inside.’ His circumcision was “that of the heart by spirit.”​—Romans 2:29. 23. To what “Israel” did John now belong, and at what temple did he worship Jehovah? 23 Spiritually, therefore, the apostle John was a “new creation.” (2 Corinthians 5:17) This is the thing that counts with God, according to what the apostle Paul wrote in Galatians 6:14-16, saying: “Never may it occur that I should boast, except in the torture stake of our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom the world has been impaled to me and I to the world. For neither is circumcision anything nor is uncircumcision, but a new creation is something. And all those who will walk orderly by this rule of conduct, upon them be peace and mercy, even upon the Israel of God.” The apostle John was one of that spiritual “Israel of God.” As such, he did not need to have a temple of stone and wood at Jerusalem in order to worship Jehovah of armies. As a spiritual Israelite, he worshiped Jehovah God at His great spiritual temple, the one that had been typified by the material, earthly temple that had stood in Jerusalem. (Hebrews 9:23-26; 8:1, 2) Just think if we had to have a material temple at Jerusalem in which to worship Jehovah God. Where would we be? But we can worship at the spiritual temple where John did. 24. So, who were those symbolic “two witnesses,” when were they trampled upon by the nations, and how did they prophesy in sackcloth? 24 So, in the Revelation to John, those who are spoken of by God as “my two witnesses” are spiritual Israelites, dedicated, baptized followers of the Messiah whom John followed, namely, Jesus Christ. As worshipers of Jehovah of armies, as it were, in the courtyard of his spiritual temple, they were trampled underfoot by the Gentile nations “for forty-two months.” This was during World War I of the years 1914-1918. During that time these symbolic “two witnesses” prophesied in sackcloth, in the sense that the message they publicly proclaimed was a mournful one. It foretold the coming destruction, the violent death, of all the Gentile nations now that the “times of the Gentiles” had ended in early fall of the year 1914. (Luke 21:24) Like gloomy-looking prophets, dressed in the mournful garb of sackcloth, they prophesied for one thousand two hundred and sixty days during the first world war. (Revelation 11:1-3) What happened to them then, as foreseen by the apostle John? 25. According to John’s vision, what happened to them after they had finished their testifying? 25 “And when they have finished their witnessing, the wild beast that ascends out of the abyss will make war with them and conquer them and kill them. And their corpses will be on the broad way of the great city which is in a spiritual sense called Sodom and Egypt, where their Lord was also impaled.”​—Revelation 11:7, 8. 26. How was that prophetic picture fulfilled during World War I? 26 That wild beast out of the abyss is later shown to symbolize the world organization of politics now millenniums old. In the spring of the year 1918, before World War I was over, this beastly political organization took advantage of war conditions to ban literature on the Bible as used by the “two witnesses” class and imprisoned dedicated Christians who were foremost in publishing it. Thus the free public work of the symbolic “two witnesses” was killed; and as far as public witnessing for Jehovah’s theocratic government is concerned, they were like dead bodies lying in the streets of Christendom, exposed to shame and religious persecution. 27. At that time they were like the Israelites in what condition, but why did this not last long for these “witnesses”? 27 At that time those dedicated, baptized Christian worshipers at the spiritual temple of Jehovah of armies were like those natural Israelites exiled in Babylon from 607 to 537 B.C.E. But the prophetic vision in Revelation forevisioned that that condition would not last long with these symbolic “two witnesses”​—as it were, only “for three and a half days.” What then? Were their corpses buried? No! They were revived. “And after the three and a half days spirit of life from God entered into them, and they stood upon their feet, and great fear fell upon those beholding them.” (Revelation 11:9-11) So, too, these persecuted Christian “prophets” concerning God’s newborn Messianic kingdom were not buried forever in Christendom nor in all the rest of Babylon the Great, the world empire of false religion. In the spring of the year 1919 “spirit of life from God entered into them, and they stood upon their feet,” making a reappearance publicly as the commissioned witnesses for God’s kingdom of His Messiah. Like the Israelite remnant of Haggai’s day, who were brought back from Babylon to Jerusalem and Judah, they reoccupied their right spiritual estate. 28. Like the repatriated Jews in Haggai’s day, what was it now the time for these liberated “witnesses” to do? 28 At that time, although officers and headquarters members of the Watch Tower Bible & Tract Society were released from prison, bans were still on literature published by this Society and formerly distributed internationally by the dedicated, baptized Christian Bible students. However, as in the ancient case of the Israelites repatriated to their homeland, the public worship of Jehovah of armies at his spiritual temple needed to be revived, built up. Service at his spiritual temple needed to be given first place in their liberated spiritual estate. Materialistic opportunities of the postwar period were not to be given priority ahead of God’s worship and Kingdom service. Fear of men had to be dispelled and complete trust and confidence to be reposed in the Great Theocrat, Jehovah of armies. Time of mourning over previous wartime persecutions, hardships and captivity was now past. In their restored spiritual estate of right relationship with Jehovah of armies, they had entered into a festival time for spiritual rejoicing and of praise and thanksgiving to their great Liberator, Jehovah. 29. It was the time for whom in a modern-day style, and how did the voice of such one begin to be heard, as in the Watch Tower issue of May 15, 1919? 29 It was the time for a modern-day Haggai, inasmuch as the name Haggai means “Festive; Festal,” or, if Haggai is just the shortened form for Haggiah, it means “Festival [Hhag] of Yah,” that is to say, “Festival of Jehovah.” At this appropriate time a voice like that of Haggai, “the messenger of Jehovah,” began to be heard. Let us note this message that was published on page 150 of the May 15, 1919, issue of The Watch Tower and Herald of Christ’s Presence. This message was in column 2 and under the subheading eninputd “Seasons of Refreshing.” It read: All the Lord’s apostles pointed to the second coming of the Lord and mark it as a day of blessing for mankind. St. Paul referring to that time said: “God hath appointed a day in which he will judge the world in righteousness.” (Acts 17:31) The Apostle Peter describes it as a time of refreshing, when restitution blessings should be offered to all mankind, which blessings God foretold through the mouth of all his holy prophets. All the prophets from Samuel to Malachi foretold the coming of that day and St. Paul distinctly informs us that all these things were written aforetime for the benefit of those who are living in the very time in which we now find ourselves. (Romans 15:4) Jesus, in his great prophecy, foretold the falling away of the clergy and the teaching of false doctrines. He foretold the troublesome condition we now see upon the earth, and then showed that his kingdom alone would bring the desired blessings to the people. The prophet said: “He will shake all nations and [then] the desire of all nations shall come.” (Haggai 2:7) The shaking process is on now. War, revolution, etc., constitute the shaking. “Then [at that time] Michael will stand up, the great prince that standeth for the children of thy people.”​—Daniel 12:1. What a wonderful opportunity the clergy are missing by not heeding the Word of the Lord and telling the people now how they can have their desire​—peace, happiness, plenty, liberty and life everlasting. Instead of doing that, many of them engage in the persecution of humbler Christians who once were members of their flock and who are striving in their feeble way to announce the incoming of Messiah’s kingdom. Jesus foretold that such would be another evidence of the setting up of the new order.​—Luke 21:12, 13. A MODERN-DAY HAGGAI 30. In the postwar period, who did give an encouraging message like that of Haggai, and why had God spared them through the experiences of World War I? 30 The religious clergy of Christendom failed to give such a stimulating message like that of ancient Haggai. But thousands of dedicated, baptized Christian readers of the Watch Tower magazine did respond, now that they had survived the trialsome period of World War I and had been reinstated in their rightful spiritual estate on earth by Jehovah of armies. They were helped to realize something very consequential. What? That, if they engrossed themselves in the opportunities that the postwar period opened up for them to attain material prosperity, they would suffer spiritually. They would bring upon themselves Jehovah’s disfavor. They began to appreciate that they had not been preserved through the trials and persecutions of the world war period just to enter into the material comforts of life and settle down with the world under the protection of the proposed League of Nations for world peace and security. To the contrary, Jehovah had mercifully spared them that they might give first attention to His worship and service at his spiritual temple. He meant for them to bear witness to the Messianic kingdom as mankind’s only hope, and not to the League of Nations. 31, 32. (a) How may there have been some uncertainty and timidity, as in Haggai’s day, as indicated in the Watch Tower issue of August 1, 1919? (b) But what special encouragement was also given therein? 31 As in the days of the prophet Haggai during the second year of the Persian king Darius I, there may have been some uncertainty and timidity about going ahead in Jehovah’s public service. Then in the Watch Tower issue of August 1, 1919, there appeared the first part of the leading article “Blessed Are the Fearless.” This article had as its theme text Luke 12:32 (Authorized Version), which reads: “Fear not, little flock; for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom.” What made the matter all the more electrifying was the appearance in that same magazine issue of the full-page article eninputd “General Convention: Cedar Point, Lake Erie.” It was to be a week-long assembly. Among other things this announcement on page 235 said: 32 “It has been the custom of the Society [the Watch Tower Bible & Tract Society] to hold one general convention each year. Last year [1918] we missed this, because of conditions prevailing at that time. Notwithstanding the local conventions held during the present year, it is seemingly pleasing to the Lord that the International Bible Students Association have one general convention, affording opportunity for the friends to attend from all parts of the United States and Canada. . . . It is expected that this will be the largest and most helpful general convention that has been held for many years. It will afford opportunity for discussion and preparation for the future great work that is before us.” 33. What further encouraging message was given in the next following issue of The Watch Tower? 33 In the next following magazine issue (that of August 15, 1919) came Part II of the article “Blessed Are the Fearless.” The second last paragraph of this said: This little band of Christians are fighting the greatest fight of all times. There will never be another like it. The great God of the universe has arranged it; the great Redeemer, the King of kings and Lord of lords, is the Captain and Leader of this little band. We know that he is absolutely certain of victory, and we therefore know that after being called and chosen to run in this race, if we continue faithful, fearless, prompted by love in our actions, serving him at every possible opportunity loyally to the end, we shall ultimately stand victors with him and hear the approval of the Father, “Well done, good and faithful servants.” Let us then fear not, for “the eternal God is our refuge and underneath are the everlasting arms.” 34. (a) What effect did that message have upon the anointed remnant? (b) How was the eight-day convention at Cedar Point, Ohio, like a “festival of Jehovah”? 34 This had the same heartening, stirring effect as if the prophet Haggai were saying to this dedicated, baptized remnant of spiritual Israelites: “‘I am with you people,’ is the utterance of Jehovah.” (Haggai 1:13) Cedar Point, Ohio, on Lake Erie, being near the border between Canada and the United States, about 6,000 of the remnant from both countries flocked to the eight-day-long convention at that recreation resort on the lake. They rejoiced together as at a “festival of Jehovah.” They eagerly listened to the many Bible talks given by able speakers. They learned of the special feature of the work ahead of them and responded to this information joyfully. On Saturday afternoon, September 6, afternoon a baptismal talk over 200 symbolized their dedication of themselves to Jehovah God by immersion in Lake Erie. On Sunday after about 7,000 heard the public lecture, “The Hope for Distressed Humanity,” as delivered by the Watch Tower Society’s president who had been released from unjust imprisonment the previous March 26, 1919. God’s Messianic kingdom was that hope, not the League of Nations. 35. How far-reaching was the effect of that first postwar general convention, and this was like what in Haggai’s day? 35 The effect of that first postwar general convention was felt around the earth by the dedicated, baptized, anointed remnant of Jehovah God. Fearless of man, they zealously addressed themselves to the spiritual work that the Great Theocrat had set before them. It was like on that twenty-fourth day of the sixth month (Elul) of the second year of Darius I of Persia, when Jehovah roused up the spirit of Governor Zerubbabel, High Priest Joshua, and the remnant of the Jewish people there in Judah. Putting earthly material interests in a secondary place, the remnant of anointed Christians applied themselves to the service of Jehovah of armies at his temple. Of course, this was all under the invisible direction of the Greater Zerubbabel and the Greater High Priest Joshua, namely, the Lord Jesus Christ who had entered upon his Messianic reign as King-Priest like the ancient Priest Melchizedek, king of Salem. (Psalm 110:1-4; Acts 2:34-36; Hebrews 5:5, 6; 7:1-22; Haggai 1:14, 15) The enemies were bound to observe this activity of the remnant. 36. How did this correspond with the experience of the “two witnesses” after they stood up alive again on their feet, and so what took place with the modern-day “two witnesses”? 36 It was just as in the case of the symbolic “two witnesses” of Jehovah, who were revived after lying dead three and a half days on the broad way of the “great city.” After those “two witnesses” stood upon their feet, to the great dismay of their enemies, what followed? “And they heard a loud voice out of heaven say to them: ‘Come on up here.’ And they went up into heaven in the cloud, and their enemies beheld them.” (Revelation 11:7-12)a Those symbolic “two witnesses” thus became heavenly witnesses of Jehovah God the Almighty. True to that vision, the faithful remnant of the anointed witnesses of Jehovah responded to his call, back there in 1919 C.E., and entered fearlessly upon his temple service. This separated them from war-guilty Christendom and her League of Nations, and elevated them heaven-high above their religious enemies so that the level of their spiritual ministry is far higher than that of Christendom’s clergy. They are ministers and witnesses of the Most High God. [Footnotes] a See Chapter 19, eninputd “Death and Resurrection of the ‘Two Witnesses,’” on pages 259-282, of the book “Then Is Finished the Mystery of God,” published in 1969.
Who Is Jehovah?
Who Is Jehovah? The Bible’s answer Jehovah is the true God of the Bible, the Creator of all things. (Revelation 4:​11) The prophets Abraham and Moses worshipped him, as did Jesus. (Genesis 24:27; Exodus 15:1, 2; John 20:17) He is the God, not just of one people, but of “all the earth.”​—Psalm 47:2. Jehovah is God’s unique name as revealed in the Bible. (Exodus 3:​15; Psalm 83:18) It comes from a Hebrew verb that means “to become,” and a number of scholars suggest that the name means “He Causes to Become.” This definition well fits Jehovah’s role as the Creator and the Fulfiller of his purpose. (Isaiah 55:10, 11) The Bible also helps us to know the Person behind the name Jehovah, especially his dominant quality of love.—Exodus 34:5-7; Luke 6:35; 1 John 4:8. The name Jehovah is an English translation of the Hebrew name for God​—the four letters יהוה (YHWH), known as the Tetragrammaton. The exact pronunciation of the divine name in ancient Hebrew is not known. However, the form “Jehovah” has a long history in the English language, first appearing in William Tyndale’s Bible translation of 1530.a Why is the pronunciation of God’s name in ancient Hebrew unknown? Ancient Hebrew was written without vowels, using only consonants. The Hebrew-speaking reader could easily provide the appropriate vowels. However, after the Hebrew Scriptures (“Old Testament”) were completed, some Jews adopted the superstitious belief that it was wrong to utter God’s personal name. When they read aloud a scripture that contained God’s name, they substituted expressions such as “Lord” or “God.” As centuries passed, this superstition spread and the ancient pronunciation was eventually lost.b Some feel that the divine name was pronounced “Yahweh,” while others suggest different possibilities. A Dead Sea Scroll containing a portion of Leviticus in Greek transliterates the name Iao. Early Greek writers also suggest the pronunciations Iae, I·a·beʹ, and I·a·ou·eʹ, but none of these can be proved to be the pronunciation used in ancient Hebrew.c Misconceptions about God’s name in the Bible Misconception: Translations that use “Jehovah” have added this name. Fact: The Hebrew word for God’s name in the form of the Tetragrammaton appears some 7,000 times in the Bible.d Most translations arbitrarily remove God’s name and replace it with a input such as “Lord.” Misconception: Almighty God does not need a unique name. Fact: God himself inspired Bible writers to use his name thousands of times, and he directs those who worship him to use his name. (Isaiah 42:8; Joel 2:​32; Malachi 3:​16; Romans 10:13) In fact, God condemned false prophets who tried to make people forget his name.​—Jeremiah 23:27. Misconception: Following the tradition of the Jews, God’s name should be removed from the Bible. Fact: It is true that some Jewish scribes refused to pronounce the divine name. However, they did not remove it from their copies of the Bible. In any case, God does not want us to follow human traditions that deviate from his commandments.​—Matthew 15:​1-3. Misconception: The divine name should not be used in the Bible because it is not known exactly how to pronounce it in Hebrew. Fact: This line of reasoning assumes that God expects people who speak different languages to pronounce his name identically. However, the Bible indicates that God’s worshippers in the past who spoke different languages pronounced proper names differently. Consider, for example, the Israelite judge Joshua. First-century Christians who spoke Hebrew would have pronounced his name Yehoh·shuʹaʽ, while those who spoke Greek would have said I·e·sousʹ. The Bible records the Greek translation of Joshua’s Hebrew name, showing that Christians followed the sensible course of using the form of proper names common in their language.​—Acts 7:​45; Hebrews 4:8. The same principle can be applied to translating the divine name. Far more important than the exact pronunciation chosen is that God’s name be given its rightful place in the Bible. a Tyndale used the form “Iehouah” in his translation of the first five books of the Bible. Over time, the English language changed, and the spelling of the divine name was modernized. For example, in 1612, Henry Ainsworth used the form “Iehovah” throughout his translation of the book of Psalms. When he revised that translation in 1639, he used the form “Jehovah.” Likewise, the translators of the American Standard Version of the Bible, published in 1901, used the form “Jehovah” where the divine name appeared in the Hebrew text. b The New Catholic Encyclopedia, Second Edition, Volume 14, pages 883-​884, says: “Sometime after the end of the Exile, the name Yahweh began to be considered with special reverence, and the practice arose of substituting for it the word ADONAI or ELOHIM.” c For more information, see appendix A4, “The Divine Name in the Hebrew Scriptures,” in the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures. d See the Theological Lexicon of the Old Testament, Volume 2, pages 523-​524.
Happiness (hp) 1980
Chapter 14 Wickedness​—Why Does God Permit It? IF A friend of yours were robbed, raped or murdered and the criminal let go free, would you not feel frustration, hurt and anger? Such crimes and injustices are just a small reflection of what has befallen mankind. 2 History is a long record of brutal wars, crushing poverty, crime and oppression. As a result, some persons have come to doubt the very existence of God. We know that there is convincing evidence that the Creator exists. (Hebrews 3:4; Romans 1:20) But there is wickedness too. For this reason, even many who believe in God wonder, ‘Does he really care about us?’ They ask, ‘If God does care, why has he permitted wickedness for so long?’ 3 Philosophers and clergymen have often dealt with this matter, but have no satisfying answers. What does God himself say? GOD ANSWERS: ‘I DO CARE’ 4 Based on our experience, we can appreciate the Hebrew prophet Habakkuk’s reaction to violence and injustice. He lived at a time when the Jews had fallen into many bad practices, which sorely troubled Habakkuk and moved him to ask God: “Why do you make me look at injustice? Why do you tolerate wrong? Destruction and violence are before me; there is strife, and conflict abounds. Therefore the law is paralyzed, and justice never prevails. The wicked hem in the righteous, so that justice is perverted.”​—Habakkuk 1:3, 4, New International Version. Though convinced of Jehovah’s righteousness, Habakkuk was distressed by the violence and injustice among his people. Also, at that time the Babylonians were on the rampage, terrorizing and despoiling other nations. It seemed that wickedness prevailed everywhere. The prophet Habakkuk wondered why God, who could see it, seemed to do nothing.​—Habakkuk 1:13. 5 In a vision Jehovah assured Habakkuk that the seeming prosperity of the wicked was only temporary. God not only saw what was occurring, but also cared. He had an “appointed time” for meting out divine justice. Even if humans thought that this was delaying, Habakkuk was assured, “It will without fail come true. It will not be late.”​—Habakkuk 2:3. 6 Further showing God’s care, he alerted Habakkuk to a challenge facing humans in the meantime. Jehovah said: “But as for the righteous one, by his faithfulness he will keep living.” (Habakkuk 2:4) Would Habakkuk meet the challenge, doing what was right and moral despite what those around him did? He needed to display faith that God would handle matters properly in his “appointed time.” 7 History tells us what happened. When the time arrived, God acted to end violence and injustice on the part of the Jews. The land was conquered and many of the people were taken captive. Later, God had an accounting with Babylon. As Jehovah foretold through his prophets, the Medes and the Persians under Cyrus defeated the seemingly all-powerful Babylonian Empire.​—Jeremiah 51:11, 12; Isaiah 45:1; Daniel 5:22-31. 8 This small-scale illustration shows that our Creator does not close his eyes to wickedness. He is aware of it and he does care. (Compare Genesis 18:20, 21; 19:13.) That being so, why has God allowed wickedness to continue until now? To understand the Bible’s logical explanation, we need to go back to when human troubles began. UNIVERSAL ISSUES ARISE 9 As recounted in Genesis chapter three, the Devil questioned Eve about her obeying God’s command not to eat from a specially designated tree. Eve answered that disobedience would bring the sentence of death. But Satan replied: “You positively will not die. For God knows that in the very day of your eating from it your eyes are bound to be opened and you are bound to be like God, knowing good and bad.”​—Genesis 3:1-5. Satan here brought up challenges or issues that involved all of God’s creatures, men and angels. 10 For one thing the Devil challenged God’s honesty. Reflect on the implications of this. If God were not truthful in this matter, could he be trusted in anything else? Would his creatures on earth or in heaven always have to be suspicious about what God said? We know today how suspicious persons are of politicians who govern through the use of lies.​—Compare Psalm 5:9. 11 Satan’s claim that God is deceitful and withholds things that are good for his creatures also raised the issue, Does God deserve to rule? The question of the rightfulness of God’s way of ruling involved all the universe. 12 Additionally, Satan was contending that humans can get along without God, that they can and should rule themselves. The question was put before men and angels, Can humans successfully govern their affairs independent of God? 13 Those serious moral issues demanded complete settlement. The way in which God chose to do that clearly shows his wisdom and his interest in our welfare, both now and in the future. God allowed time to pass, during which all intelligent creatures could see the evidence. To appreciate this, consider how you would act if someone publicly claimed that you were not a good family member, that you lied and exercised authority through instilling fear. An insecure person might loudly protest or even fight the accuser. But secure in the knowledge that the charge was false, you could dispel questions simply by allowing time for all to observe your ways and the fine results in your family.​—Matthew 12:33. 14 What evidence has time revealed on the issues raised in Eden? As God forewarned, human disobedience has resulted in death, preceded by sickness and old age. So God was not dishonest in his warning, and there was no basis in this for challenging the rightfulness of his rulership. There is also proof that man cannot set his own standards, ruling himself independently of God. No form of human government has been able to prevent wars, corruption, oppression, crime and injustice. This confirms what the Bible says: “To earthling man his way does not belong. It does not belong to man who is walking even to direct his steps.” (Jeremiah 10:23) Further, time has proved that men cannot end suffering; rather, that they often cause it. 15 The suffering is felt by sincere persons who are willing to accept God’s rulership and standards. With them in mind, God is going to act against those carrying on wickedness, even as he did on the small scale mentioned in the book of Habakkuk. Jehovah will eliminate all in heaven and on earth who are responsible for wickedness and suffering. Just as God told Habakkuk, there is an “appointed time” for this. We can be sure that “it will without fail come true. It will not be late.”​—Habakkuk 2:3. BENEFITING FROM THE TIME ALLOWED 16 As to God’s permitting evil, many persons think only about man’s suffering. They fail to appreciate the important issues that are being settled. Also, they may overlook the benefits that they can receive because God has allowed time for the settlement.​—2 Peter 3:9. 17 The time God has allowed for settling these matters has been sufficiently long for us to be born. Whatever pleasures we have enjoyed, it is because of God’s time allowance. Further, we have been given the opportunity to prove our love for and loyalty to God. As a challenge, Satan argued that no human would prove faithful to God, not even one of whom God could say, “There is no one like him in the earth, a man blameless and upright, fearing God and turning aside from bad.” We see this from the Bible book of Job, chapters 1 and 2. Concerning the upright man Job, the Devil said: “Is it for nothing that Job has feared God?” Satan claimed that Job did it for selfish reasons, because God gave him prosperity, but that if Job were to lose that he would curse God. (Job 1:7-12) Could Satan turn all men away from God? 18 God let Satan bring many troubles on Job. Job lost his wealth. His children were killed. He was struck with a loathsome disease. Though not knowing that Satan was making him the object of special attack, Job remained faithful to God. (Job 27:5) He was sure that Jehovah would not forget him and that the Creator would even resurrect him if he died. (Job 14:13-15) Jehovah never abandons his loyal ones. In time he stepped in and undid the damage that Satan had caused. Job’s health was restored. He came to have 10 more beautiful children, together with great prosperity and a long life. You may read the encouraging details in Job 42:10-17. 19 This account also helps us to see why God has permitted wickedness. In this way it was proved that some humans would love God despite life’s problems and be loyal to him under any test. We do well to ask ourselves, ‘Is that how we have reacted despite suffering? Is it how we want to be, thus helping to answer the challenge Satan raised?’ (Proverbs 27:11) The book of Job also gives us reason to be confident that God can undo any suffering that humans face while wickedness is being permitted.​—Compare 2 Corinthians 4:16, 17. 20 As God observed and approved of Job and Habakkuk, He is now taking note of humans who are loyal to him in the face of evil conditions, and he will not fail to reward them.​—Malachi 3:16-18. DO YOU WANT TO LIVE WHEN WICKEDNESS IS GONE? 21 The Bible assures us that God purposes to restore the earth to a paradise condition, such as Adam and Eve enjoyed before being disloyal. (Luke 23:43; Revelation 21:4, 5) Then there will be complete fulfillment of Bible promises such as: “The wicked will disappear; you may look for them, but you won’t find them; but the humble [or, meek] will possess the land and enjoy prosperity and peace.”​—Psalm 37:10, 11, Good News Bible; Proverbs 24:1, 20. 22 Many persons complain about evil and suffering, even blaming God for these. But do they truly want the elimination of wickedness, or just of its penalties? Much of his suffering man brings upon himself; he reaps what he sows. (Galatians 6:7; Proverbs 19:3) Immorality produces venereal disease, abortions, divorces. Smoking leads to lung cancer. Drunkenness and drug abuse damage the liver and the brain. Breaking traffic laws causes fatal accidents. Do those who say, ‘Why does God permit wickedness? When will he stop it?’ really want God to do so? If he did so right now, by preventing these practices, many would complain that he was restricting them. 23 Hence, God’s allowing wickedness lets us show where we stand, what is in our hearts. God told Habakkuk: “As for the righteous one, by his faithfulness he will keep living.” That requires cultivating a hatred for what God shows to be bad or evil. (Habakkuk 2:4; Psalm 97:10) Living that way may make us unpopular with some neighbors and associates. (1 Peter 4:3-5) Job and Habakkuk were willing to be different so as to be loyal to God and have his approval. And millions of Jehovah’s Witnesses today are likewise proving that it can be done and are enjoying richer, more outputed lives. 24 Persons who are following this course are adding to the evidence that Satan is a gross liar. They are proving that humans can be faithful to God, confident of the rightfulness and righteousness of his way of rule. God, in turn, knows that such persons can be entrusted with caring for the paradise to be restored on earth. Life then will be so delightful that the sorrows and evils of the past will not come to mind. They will be forgotten just as we have forgotten the pain and sorrow we felt years ago when, as children, we may have scraped a knee.​—Isaiah 65:17; John 16:21. 25 That is a delightful prospect and it helps us to see that God’s permission of wickedness is just a brief interlude in the outworking of his eternal purpose. The legal, moral issues giving rise to it will be settled for all time. 26 But even understanding why God has permitted wickedness, we rightly want to know: When will it end? When is the “appointed time” for God to end wickedness earth wide? Let us now see. [Study Questions] Why is it reasonable to examine what the Bible says about wickedness? (1-3) What can we learn from Habakkuk on this matter? (4-8) How did universally vital issues arise in Eden? What were they? (9-12) In what way were the issues to be settled? (13-15) How are we involved in another issue that needs settlement? (16-20) What prospect does the Bible hold out? Meaning what for us? (21-23) How can we lastingly benefit from God’s having permitted wickedness? (24-26) [Box on page 131] Dr. W. R. Inge, who was dean of St. Paul’s Cathedral, London, some years ago said: “All my life I have struggled to find the purpose of living. I have tried to answer three problems which always seemed to me to be fundamental: the problem of eternity; the problem of human personality; and the problem of evil. I have failed. I have solved none of them.” [Picture on page 137] Suffering did not turn Job against God; he endured and was blessed
Proclaimers (jv) 1993
Chapter 19 Growing Together in Love WHEN writing to fellow Christians, the apostles of Jesus Christ pointed out the need for individuals to grow not only in accurate knowledge but also in love. The basis for this was the love shown by God himself and the self-sacrificing love of Christ, in whose footsteps they endeavored to walk. (John 13:34, 35; Eph. 4:15, 16; 5:1, 2; Phil. 1:9; 1 John 4:7-10) They were a brotherhood, and when they helped one another, the bonds of love became even stronger. When famine gave rise to economic hardship for the brothers in Judea, Christians in Syria and in Greece shared their possessions in order to assist them. (Acts 11:27-30; Rom. 15:26) When some were persecuted, the suffering experienced was keenly felt by other Christians, and these sought to render aid.—1 Cor. 12:26; Heb. 13:3. Of course, all humans have the capacity to love, and others besides Christians engage in acts of humanitarian kindness. But people in the Roman world recognized that the love shown by Christians was different. Tertullian, who had been a jurist in Rome, quoted the remarks of people of the Roman world regarding Christians, saying: “‘Look,’ they say, ‘how they love one another . . . and how they are ready to die for each other.’” (Apology, XXXIX, 7) John Hurst, in his History of the Christian Church (Volume I, page 146), relates that people in ancient Carthage and Alexandria, during periods of pestilence, drove away from their presence those who were afflicted and stripped from the bodies of the dying anything that might be of value. In contrast, he reports, Christians in these places shared their possessions, nursed the sick, and buried the dead. Do Jehovah’s Witnesses in modern times engage in works that demonstrate such concern for the well-being of others? If so, are these performed by only a few scattered individuals, or does the organization as a whole encourage and support such efforts? Loving Help in Local Congregations Among Jehovah’s Witnesses, care for orphans and widows in the congregation, as well as for any faithful ones who experience severe adversity, is viewed as part of their worship. (Jas. 1:27; 2:15-17; 1 John 3:17, 18) Secular governments generally make provision for hospitals, housing for the elderly, and welfare arrangements for unemployed people in the community at large, and Jehovah’s Witnesses support those arrangements by conscientiously paying their taxes. However, recognizing that only God’s Kingdom can lastingly solve the problems of humankind, Jehovah’s Witnesses devote themselves and their resources primarily to teaching others about that. This is a vital service that no human government provides. In the more than 69,000 congregations of Jehovah’s Witnesses worldwide, special needs that arise because of advanced age and infirmity of individuals are usually cared for on a personal basis. As shown at 1 Timothy 5:4, 8, the responsibility rests primarily upon each Christian to care for his own household. Children, grandchildren, or other close relatives display Christian love by providing assistance to elderly and infirm ones according to their needs. Congregations of Jehovah’s Witnesses do not weaken this sense of responsibility by taking over family obligations. However, if there are no close family members, or if those who have the responsibility simply cannot carry the load by themselves, others in the congregation lovingly come to their aid. Where necessary, the congregation as a whole may make provision for some assistance to a needy brother or sister who has a long record of faithful service.—1 Tim. 5:3-10. Attention to these needs is not left to chance. At sessions of the Kingdom Ministry School, which the elders have attended repeatedly since 1959, their obligation before God in this regard as shepherds of the flock has frequently been given special consideration. (Heb. 13:1, 16) It is not that they were unaware of this need before then. In 1911, for example, material relief was provided by the Oldham Congregation in Lancashire, England, to those among them who were facing severe economic problems. However, since then the global organization has grown, the number experiencing severe problems has increased, and Jehovah’s Witnesses have become increasingly aware of what the Bible shows they should do in such situations. Especially in recent years, the responsibilities of each Christian toward those among them with special needs—the elderly, the infirm, single-parent families, and those in economic difficulty—have been discussed by all the congregations at their meetings.a The concern that individual Witnesses show for others goes far beyond saying, “Keep warm and well fed.” They demonstrate loving personal interest. (Jas. 2:15, 16) Consider a few examples. When a young Swedish woman, one of Jehovah’s Witnesses, contracted meningitis while visiting Greece in 1986, she also experienced what it means to have Christian brothers and sisters in many lands. Her father in Sweden was notified. He immediately got in touch with an elder in the local congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Sweden and, through him, with a Witness in Greece. Until she was able to return to Sweden three weeks later, the young Witness’s new friends in Greece never left her unattended. Likewise, when an elderly Witness, a widower, in Wallaceburg, Ontario, Canada, needed assistance, a family that he had aided spiritually showed their appreciation by making him part of the family. A few years later when they moved to Barry’s Bay, he went with them. He lived with them and was lovingly cared for by them for 19 years, until he died in 1990. In New York City, a Witness couple cared for an elderly man who was attending meetings at their Kingdom Hall, doing so for some 15 years, until he died in 1986. When he had a stroke, they looked after his shopping, cleaning, cooking, and laundry. They treated him as though he were their own father. Needs of other kinds also are given loving attention. A Witness couple in the United States had sold their home and moved to Montana to help a congregation there. In time, however, serious health problems developed, the brother was laid off from work, and their finances were depleted. How would they manage? The brother prayed to Jehovah for help. As he finished praying, a fellow Witness knocked on the door. Together they went out for a cup of coffee. When the brother returned, he found the kitchen counter stacked with groceries. With the groceries was an envelope containing funds and a note that read: “From your brothers and sisters, who love you very much.” The congregation had realized their need, and they had all shared in filling it. Deeply moved by their love, he and his wife could not help giving way to tears and thanking Jehovah, whose example of love motivates his servants. The generous concern that Jehovah’s Witnesses show for those among them who fall into need has come to be widely known. At times, impostors have taken advantage of it. So the Witnesses have had to learn to be cautious, while not stifling their desire to help worthy ones. When War Leaves People Destitute In many parts of the earth, people have been left destitute as a result of war. Relief organizations endeavor to provide help, but this machinery often works slowly. Jehovah’s Witnesses do not take the view that the work done by such agencies relieves them of responsibility toward their Christian brothers in these areas. When they know that their brothers are in need, they do not ‘shut the door of their tender compassions’ upon such ones but promptly do what they can to bring relief to them.—1 John 3:17, 18. During World War II, even within countries hard-pressed by shortages, Witnesses in the countryside who still had food supplies shared these with less fortunate brothers in the cities. In the Netherlands this was done at great risk because of harsh restrictions imposed by the Nazis. When on such a relief mission on one occasion, Gerrit Böhmermann was leading a group of brothers on transport bikes that were loaded with food covered with tarpaulins. Suddenly they came upon a checkpoint in the city of Alkmaar. “There was no choice but to trust fully in Jehovah,” said Gerrit. Without slowing down much, he called out loudly to the officer: “Wo ist Amsterdam?” (Which way to Amsterdam?) The officer stepped aside and pointed ahead as he yelled: “Geradeaus!” (Straight ahead!) “Danke schön!” (Thank you!) was Gerrit’s response as the entire fleet of transport bikes went through at full speed while an astonished crowd watched. On another occasion, Witnesses succeeded in bringing a whole boatload of potatoes to their brothers in Amsterdam. Right within the concentration camps in Europe, this spirit was shown by Jehovah’s Witnesses. While incarcerated in a camp near Amersfoort, in the Netherlands, a 17-year-old lost weight until he became a walking skeleton. But in later years, he never forgot that after they had been forced to exercise in the pouring rain till midnight and then were deprived of food, a Witness from another part of the camp managed to get to him and press a piece of bread into his hand. And in the Mauthausen concentration camp in Austria, a Witness whose assignment required that he go from one section of the camp to another often risked his life by taking food that Witnesses had saved from their meager rations to other Witnesses who were being more severely deprived. Following the war Jehovah’s Witnesses who emerged from German prisons and concentration camps had nothing but the prison garb on their backs. The property of many not in prison had been devastated. Food, clothing, and fuel were in short supply throughout much of Europe. Jehovah’s Witnesses in these lands quickly organized congregation meetings and began to help others spiritually by sharing with them the good news of God’s Kingdom. But they themselves needed help in other ways. Many of them were so weak from hunger that they often fainted during the meetings. Here was a situation that the Witnesses had not faced before on such a large scale. However, the very month that the war officially ended in the Pacific area, Jehovah’s Witnesses held a special convention in Cleveland, Ohio, at which they discussed what needed to be done to provide relief for their Christian brothers in war-torn lands and how to go about it. The heartwarming discourse “His Unspeakable Gift,” delivered by F. W. Franz, presented Scriptural counsel that fully met the needs of the situation.b Within a few weeks, as soon as any travel in the area was permitted, N. H. Knorr, president of the Watch Tower Society, and M. G. Henschel were on their way to Europe to see the conditions firsthand. Even before they departed on that trip, relief arrangements were being put into operation. Early shipments went out from Switzerland and Sweden. More followed from Canada, the United States, and other lands. Although the number of Witnesses in the lands that were in a position to provide such help then numbered only about 85,000, they undertook to send clothing and food to fellow Witnesses in Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, China, Czechoslovakia, Denmark, England, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, the Philippines, Poland, and Romania. That was not a onetime effort. Relief shipments continued for two and a half years. Between January 1946 and August 1948, they dispatched 1,056,247 pounds [479,114 kg] of clothing, 124,110 pairs of shoes, and 718,873 pounds [ 326,081 kg] of food as gifts to fellow Witnesses. None of the funds were siphoned off for administrative expenses. The sorting and packing was done by unpaid volunteers. Funds contributed were all used to help the people for whom they were intended. Of course, the need for relief to refugees and to others left destitute by war did not end back there in the 1940’s. There have been hundreds of wars since 1945. And the same loving concern has continued to be shown by Jehovah’s Witnesses. This was done during and after the Biafran war in Nigeria, from 1967 to 1970. Similar aid was provided in Mozambique during the 1980’s. In Liberia too, there was famine as a result of the war that began in 1989. As people fled, the Watch Tower compound in Monrovia was packed with hundreds of refugees. Whatever food was available there, as well as water from the well, was shared with both Witnesses and non-Witness neighbors. Then, as soon as circumstances permitted, further relief supplies came from Witnesses in Sierra Leone and Côte d’Ivoire in West Africa, the Netherlands and Italy in Europe, and the United States. Again, in 1990, after war in Lebanon had left sections of Beirut looking as if an earthquake had struck, elders among Jehovah’s Witnesses organized an emergency relief committee to give needed help to the brothers. They did not have to call for volunteers; each day many offered their help. During a period of great political and economic upheaval in Europe, Jehovah’s Witnesses in Austria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, and Yugoslavia sent more than 70 tons of needed items to their Christian brothers in Romania in 1990. This was followed by more relief missions into Eastern Europe. The Governing Body asked the Watch Tower Society’s branch office in Denmark to organize relief for needy Witnesses in Ukraine. Congregations were notified and were eager to share. On December 18, 1991, five trucks and two vans driven by Witness volunteers arrived at Lviv with 22 tons of supplies—an expression of loving concern for their Christian brothers. Continuing into 1992, shipments also arrived from the Witnesses in Austria—over 100 tons of food and clothing. More supplies were dispatched from the Witnesses in the Netherlands—first 26 tons of food, next a convoy of 11 trucks containing clothing, then more food to cope with the ongoing need. The recipients were grateful to God and looked to him for wisdom in using what had been provided. They united in prayer before unloading the trucks and again when the job was done. Other large relief shipments were sent by Witnesses in Italy, Finland, Sweden, and Switzerland. At the time that all of this was going on, turbulent conditions among the republics that formerly made up Yugoslavia gave rise to need there. Supplies of food, clothing, and medication were also dispatched to that area. Meanwhile, Witnesses in the cities there opened their homes to care for those whose dwellings had been destroyed. Sometimes those who desperately need help are in remote places, and their situation is not widely known. That was true of 35 families of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Guatemala. Their villages had been invaded by warring factions. When they were finally able to return in 1989, they needed help to rebuild. To supplement assistance made available by the government to repatriates, the Watch Tower Society’s branch office formed an emergency committee to assist these Witness families, and some 500 other Witnesses from 50 congregations volunteered to help with the rebuilding. There are other situations that also bring people into dire need through no fault of their own. Earthquakes, hurricanes, and floods are frequent occurrences. On an average, it is said, the world is hit by more than 25 major disasters each year. When Natural Forces Go on a Rampage When major emergencies affecting Jehovah’s Witnesses arise because of disasters, immediate steps are taken to provide needed assistance. Local elders have learned that when confronted with such situations, they should put forth earnest effort to get in touch with each one in the congregation. The branch office of the Watch Tower Society that supervises the Kingdom work in that area promptly checks on the situation and then reports to the world headquarters. Where more help is needed than can be provided locally, carefully coordinated arrangements are made, at times even on an international scale. The objective is not to try to raise the living standard of those affected but to help them to have the necessities of life to which they were accustomed. Simply a report of the disaster on television is enough to move many Witnesses to phone responsible elders in the area to offer their services or to provide money or materials. Others may send funds to the branch office or to the world headquarters to be used for relief purposes. They know that help is needed, and they want to share. Where there is greater need, the Watch Tower Society may notify the brothers in a limited area so that they can help as they are able. A relief committee is formed in order to coordinate the handling of matters in the disaster area. Thus, when most of Managua, Nicaragua, was devastated by a powerful earthquake in December 1972, overseers of the congregations of Jehovah’s Witnesses in that area met within hours to coordinate their efforts. An immediate check was made as to the welfare of each Witness in the city. That same day relief supplies began to arrive from nearby congregations; then they quickly came from Costa Rica, Honduras, and El Salvador. Fourteen relief distribution points were set up around the outskirts of Managua. Money and supplies from Witnesses in many parts of the world were channeled into Nicaragua through the Watch Tower Society’s international headquarters. Food and other supplies (including candles, matches, and soap) were dispensed according to the size of each household, a seven-day supply being given to each family. At the peak of operations, some 5,000 persons—Witnesses, their families, and relatives with whom they were staying—were being fed. The relief operations continued for ten months. Upon seeing what was being done, government agencies and the Red Cross also made food, tents, and other supplies available. In 1986, when volcanic eruptions forced the evacuation of 10,000 people from the island of Izu-Oshima, near the coast of Japan, boats carrying the refugees were met by Jehovah’s Witnesses who searched diligently to locate their spiritual brothers. Said one of the evacuees: “When we left Oshima, we ourselves did not know where we were going.” Everything had happened so quickly. “As we got off the ship, however, we spotted a sign saying, ‘Jehovah’s Witnesses.’ . . . Tears welled up in my wife’s eyes as she was overcome by relief at finding our brothers there to meet us at the pier.” After observing how the evacuee Witnesses were cared for, not only at their arrival but also thereafter, even people who had formerly ostracized them said: “You did a good thing in sticking with that religion.” Every effort is made by the Witnesses to get help into disaster areas just as quickly as possible. In 1970, when Peru was struck by one of the most devastating earthquakes in its history, emergency relief funds were promptly dispatched from the world headquarters in New York, and 15 tons of clothing followed. Even before that shipment arrived, however, Witnesses had driven a caravan of vehicles with relief supplies into the area where cities and villages had been destroyed, doing so within hours after the roads were opened. Progressively in the days and weeks that followed, they provided needed help, both material and spiritual, to the various groups high in the Andes. And, in 1980, when parts of Italy were rocked by a severe earthquake during the evening of November 23, the first truckload of supplies dispatched by the Witnesses arrived in the stricken area the very next day. They immediately set up their own kitchen, from which food cooked by the sisters was distributed each day. An observer of relief efforts on one Caribbean island remarked: “The Witnesses worked faster than the government.” Perhaps this is true at times, but Jehovah’s Witnesses definitely appreciate the help of officials who facilitate their efforts to reach such disaster areas quickly. During a period of famine in Angola in 1990, it was learned that Witnesses there were in dire need of food and clothing. Reaching them could be a problem, however, because there had been a ban on Jehovah’s Witnesses in that country for many years. Nevertheless, their Christian brothers in South Africa loaded a truck with 25 tons of relief supplies. En route, they visited the consulate of Angola and were granted permission to cross the border. In order to reach the brothers, they had to pass through 30 military roadblocks, and where a bridge had been blown up, they had to cross a river at flood stage on the temporary structure that had been erected in its place. In spite of all of this, the entire shipment was delivered safely. In times of disaster, more is done than simply shipping relief supplies to the area. When explosions and fire devastated an area in a suburb of Mexico City in 1984, Witnesses quickly arrived to provide help. But many of the Witnesses in the area could not be accounted for, so the elders organized a systematic search to locate each one. Some had dispersed to other localities. Nevertheless, the elders persisted until they located all of them. Assistance was given according to what was needed. In the case of a sister who had lost her husband and a son, that involved caring for funeral arrangements and then providing full support, materially and spiritually, for the sister and her remaining children. Frequently, much more is needed than medical supplies, a few meals, and some clothing. In 1989 a storm destroyed the homes of 117 Witnesses in Guadeloupe and severely damaged the homes of 300 others. Jehovah’s Witnesses in Martinique quickly came to their aid; then the Witnesses in France shipped over 100 tons of building materials as a gift to help them. On the island of St. Croix, when a Witness who had lost her home told workmates that fellow Witnesses were coming from Puerto Rico to help, they said: “They will not do anything for you. You are black, not Spanish like them.” What a surprise for those workmates when she soon had a completely new house! Following an earthquake in Costa Rica in 1991, local Witnesses and international volunteers joined forces to help fellow Witnesses in the disaster area. Expecting nothing in return, they rebuilt 31 homes and 5 Kingdom Halls and repaired others. Observers stated: ‘Other groups talk love; you show it.’ The efficiency with which relief efforts have been carried out by Jehovah’s Witnesses has often amazed onlookers. In California, U.S.A., in 1986, a levee on the Yuba River broke and floodwaters forced tens of thousands of people to leave their homes. Christian elders in the area got in touch with the headquarters in New York, and a relief committee was formed. As soon as the water began to subside, hundreds of volunteers were ready to work. Before secular relief agencies had been able to get under way, homes of the Witnesses were already being refurbished. Why were they able to move so quickly? A principal factor was the willingness of the Witnesses to volunteer immediately without pay, as well as their donating the materials needed. Another factor was that they were experienced in organizing and working together, since they do this regularly in order to operate their conventions and to build new Kingdom Halls. Yet another vital factor is that they have given much thought to what the Bible means when it says, “Have intense love for one another.”—1 Pet. 4:8. The contributions that are made to meet such needs frequently come from individuals who have very little themselves. As their accompanying letters often say: ‘The gift is small, but our whole heart goes out to our sisters and brothers.’ ‘I wish I could send more, but what Jehovah has allowed me to have I wish to share.’ Like the first-century Christians in Macedonia, they earnestly beg for the privilege of having a share in providing essentials of life for those who have come into need. (2 Cor. 8:1-4) When over 200,000 Koreans were left homeless as a result of flooding in 1984, Jehovah’s Witnesses in the Republic of Korea responded so generously that the branch office had to make it known that no more help was needed. Observers can readily see that something more than a feeling of responsibility or general humanitarianism motivates the Witnesses. They truly love their Christian brothers and sisters. In addition to caring for physical needs, Jehovah’s Witnesses give special attention to the spiritual needs of their brothers in disaster areas. Arrangements are made just as quickly as possible for congregation meetings to resume. In Greece, in 1986, this required setting up a large tent outside the city of Kalamata to use as a Kingdom Hall, and smaller ones at various locations for midweek Congregation Book Studies. Similarly, after the physical needs of survivors of the devastating mud slide at Armero, Colombia, in 1985, had been cared for, the remaining funds were used to construct new Kingdom Halls for three congregations in the area. Even while such reconstruction work is under way, Jehovah’s Witnesses continue to comfort others with the satisfying answers that God’s Word gives to their questions about the purpose of life, the reason for disasters and death, and the hope for the future. The relief efforts of the Witnesses are not meant to care for the physical needs of everyone in the disaster area. In accord with Galatians 6:10, these are intended primarily for ‘those related to them in the faith.’ At the same time, they gladly assist others as they are able. They have done this, for example, when providing food for earthquake victims in Italy. In the United States, when helping flood and storm victims, they have also cleaned and repaired the homes of distraught neighbors of Witnesses. When asked why they would perform such acts of kindness for a stranger, they simply reply that they love their neighbors. (Matt. 22:39) Following a devastating hurricane in southern Florida, U.S.A., in 1992, the well-organized relief program of the Witnesses was so well-known that some business establishments and individuals who were not Witnesses and who wanted to make significant donations of relief supplies turned these over to the Witnesses. They knew that their gift would not be simply left in a stockpile, nor would it be used for profit, but it would truly benefit the hurricane victims, both Witnesses and non-Witnesses. Their willingness to help non-Witnesses in time of disaster was so greatly appreciated in Davao del Norte, in the Philippines, that town officials passed a resolution saying so. However, not everyone loves true Christians. Frequently, they are the objects of vicious persecution. This situation, too, brings a generous outpouring of loving support for fellow Christians. In the Face of Vicious Persecution The apostle Paul compared the Christian congregation to the human body and said: “Its members should have the same care for one another. And if one member suffers, all the other members suffer with it.” (1 Cor. 12:25, 26) That is how Jehovah’s Witnesses react when they hear reports about the persecution of their Christian brothers. In Germany during the Nazi era, the government took harsh repressive measures against Jehovah’s Witnesses. There were only some 20,000 Witnesses in Germany at the time, a relatively small band despised by Hitler. United action was needed. On October 7, 1934, every congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses throughout Germany met secretly, prayed together, and sent a letter to the government stating their determination to continue to serve Jehovah. Then many of those in attendance fearlessly went out to witness to their neighbors about Jehovah’s name and Kingdom. On the same day, Jehovah’s Witnesses throughout the rest of the earth also met in their congregations and, after united prayer, sent cablegrams to the Hitler government in support of their Christian brothers. In 1948, after the clergy-inspired persecution of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Greece was laid bare, the president of Greece and various ministers of government received thousands of letters from Jehovah’s Witnesses in behalf of their Christian brothers. These came from the Philippines, Australia, North and South America, and other areas. When Awake! magazine exposed the inquisitional methods being employed against the Witnesses in Spain in 1961, letters of protest deluged the authorities there. Officials were shocked to find that people around the world knew exactly what they were doing, and as a result, even though the persecution continued, some of the police began to deal with the Witnesses with greater restraint. In various African lands too, officials have heard from Witnesses in many other parts of the world when they learned of cruel treatment being meted out to their Christian brothers and sisters there. If no favorable response is forthcoming from the government, the persecuted Witnesses are not forgotten. Because of persisting in religious persecution for many years, some governments have repeatedly been deluged with letters of appeal and protest. That was true of Argentina. On one occasion in 1959, the secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cults took one of our brothers to a room where there were several bookcases filled with letters that had poured in from all over the world. He was amazed that someone as far away as Fiji would write appealing for freedom of worship in Argentina. In certain instances increased freedom has been granted when rulers realized that people worldwide knew what they were doing and that there were many who really cared. That was true in Liberia in 1963. Outrageous treatment had been meted out by government soldiers to convention delegates at Gbarnga. The president of Liberia was deluged with letters of protest from around the world, and the U.S. State Department intervened because a U.S. citizen was involved. Finally, President Tubman wired the Watch Tower Society’s headquarters expressing willingness to receive a delegation of Jehovah’s Witnesses to discuss matters. Two of the delegates—Milton Henschel and John Charuk—had been at Gbarnga. Mr. Tubman acknowledged that what had occurred was “an outrage” and said: “I am sorry this thing happened.” Following that interview, an Executive Order was issued notifying “all people throughout the country, that Jehovah’s Witnesses shall have the right and privilege of free access to any part of the country to carry on their missionary work and religious worship without molestation from anyone. They shall have the protection of the law both of their person and their property and the right to freely worship God according to the dictates of their consciences, observing in the meantime the laws of the Republic by showing respect to the national flag when it is being hoisted or lowered at ceremonies by standing at attention.” But it was not required that they salute, in violation of their Christian conscience. However, as of 1992, no such official pronouncement had yet been forthcoming in Malawi, though violence against the Witnesses there had subsided to a considerable extent. Jehovah’s Witnesses there have been the victims of some of the most vicious religious persecution in African history. One wave of such persecution swept the country in 1967; another began early in the 1970’s. Tens of thousands of letters were written in their behalf from all parts of the world. Phone calls were made. Cablegrams were sent. On humanitarian grounds many prominent people of the world were moved to speak out. So extreme was the brutality that some 19,000 of Jehovah’s Witnesses and their children fled across the border to Zambia in 1972. The nearby Witness congregations in Zambia quickly gathered food and blankets for their brothers. Money and supplies donated by Jehovah’s Witnesses all over the world poured into Watch Tower branch offices and were channeled to the refugees by the headquarters office in New York. More than enough came in to care for all the needs of the refugees in the camp at Sinda Misale. As news spread through the camp of the arrival of trucks bearing food, clothing, and tarpaulins to provide covering, the Malawian brothers could not help giving way to tears of joy because of this evidence of the love of their Christian brothers. When any of their number are held in detention, fellow Witnesses do not forsake them, not even when personal risk is involved. During the ban in Argentina, when a group of Witnesses were detained for 45 hours, four other Witnesses brought food and clothing for them, only to be imprisoned themselves. In 1989 the wife of a circuit overseer in Burundi, upon learning of the plight of her Christian brothers, tried to take food to the prison for them. But she herself was arrested and held hostage for two weeks, because the police were trying to get their hands on her husband. Along with whatever they can do in all these ways, love for their Christian brothers moves Jehovah’s Witnesses to raise their voices in prayer to God in their behalf. They do not pray that God put an immediate stop to wars and food shortages, because Jesus Christ foretold such things for our time. (Matt. 24:7) Nor do they pray for God to prevent all persecution, because the Bible clearly states that true Christians will be persecuted. (John 15:20; 2 Tim. 3:12) But they do earnestly petition that their Christian brothers and sisters be strengthened to stand firm in faith in the face of whatever hardship comes upon them. (Compare Colossians 4:12.) The record testifying to their spiritual strength gives abundant evidence that such prayers have been answered. [Footnotes] a See The Watchtower, September 15, 1980, pages 21-6; October 15, 1986, pages 10-21; June 1, 1987, pages 4-18; July 15, 1988, pages 21-3; March 1, 1990, pages 20-2. b See The Watchtower, December 1, 1945, pages 355-63. [Blurb on page 305] Attention to cases of special need not left to chance [Blurb on page 307] Help that results from loving personal concern [Blurb on page 308] Coming to grips with massive needs for relief [Blurb on page 312] A systematic search to locate each Witness in the disaster area [Blurb on page 315] Doing good to non-Witnesses too [Blurb on page 317] Tears of joy because of the love shown by their Christian brothers [Box on page 309] “You Really Love One Another” After watching Witness volunteers in war-torn Lebanon completely restore the badly damaged home of one of their Christian sisters, her neighbors felt impelled to ask: “Where does this love come from? What kind of people are you?” And a Muslim woman, watching as the home of a Witness was being cleaned and repaired, declared: “You really love one another. Yours is the right religion.” [Box on page 316] True Brothers and Sisters Regarding Cuban Witness refugees in Fort Chaffee, Arkansas, the “Arkansas Gazette” said: “They were the very first to be relocated into new homes because their American ‘brothers and sisters’—fellow Jehovah’s Witnesses—sought them out. . . . When Witnesses call their spiritual counterparts in any land ‘brothers and sisters,’ they really mean it.”—Issue of April 19, 1981. [Pictures on page 306] After World War II, they shipped food and clothing to fellow Witnesses in need in 18 lands United States Switzerland [Pictures on page 310] In 1990, Witnesses in nearby lands united their efforts to help fellow believers in Romania [Pictures on page 311] Witnesses who survived an earthquake in Peru built their own refuge city and helped one another Relief supplies brought by other Witnesses (below) were among the first to reach the area [Pictures on page 313] Relief efforts often include providing materials and volunteers to help fellow Witnesses rebuild their homes Guatemala Panama Mexico [Picture on page 314] Witness relief efforts include spiritual upbuilding. Both in Kalamata, Greece, and outside the city, tents were quickly set up for meetings
“My Follower” (cf) 2022
input Page/​Publishers’ Page “Come Be My Follower” This publication is not for sale. It is provided as part of a worldwide Bible educational work supported by voluntary donations. To make a donation, please visit Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture quotations are from the modern-language New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures. December 2022 Printing English (cf-E) © 2007, 2022 WATCH TOWER BIBLE AND TRACT SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA
Sing Praises (ssb) 1984
Song 30 “Zealous for Fine Works” (Titus 2:14) 1. For fine works we ever must be zealous As we preach the Kingdom news worldwide. Well we know Jehovah’s name is Jealous. In his house we ever will abide. 2. May our love reflect a deep sincereness As our Christian brothers we now serve. In the face of Armageddon’s nearness, From such service may we never swerve. 3. Zeal for God should mark our ev’ry action. Faith, hope, love, these truly play their part. Such wholeheartedness brings satisfaction, Just like fire that burns within the heart. 4. Steadfast e’er through trial and tribulation, Let us keep our love from growing cold. Burning zeal for God’s own vindication Spurs us onward, serving him whole-souled.
How Moths Fool Bats
How Moths Fool Bats Bats enjoy a meal of moths and use their sonar equipment to catch them. But a moth’s detection system is a highly sophisticated warning device that gives moths time to fly for cover. Bats locate moths by sending out ultrasonic chirps and the echoes tell them whether a moth is in reach or not. This device works well up to about ten feet, but beyond that, the echo grows too faint for the bat to make good use of it. On the other hand, the moth can hear the bat’s chirp about 75 feet away. So whenever the moth picks up the bat’s signal, it flies away from the sound’s source and out of the bat’s reach. But within ten feet the moth has to do some quick maneuvering. Sometimes it dives for the ground. At times it simply folds its wings and drops. At other times it may use dive power, or it may spiral down. Some moths taste bad to bats. These bad-tasting moths let out a strong clicking sound in flight. Hearing this “click,” the bat stops its pursuit at once. The good-tasting moths, however, will disguise themselves by sending an ultrasonic “click” to confuse the bat. The frustrated bat will not give chase. But what the bat does not know is that among the loudest “clickers” are the tastiest moths.
Jesus—The Way (jy) 2015
Table of outputs PAGE CHAPTER SECTION 1​—LEADING UP TO JESUS’ MINISTRY 10 1 Two Messages From God 12 2 Jesus Is Honored Before His Birth 14 3 Someone to Prepare the Way Is Born 16 4 Mary​—Pregnant But Not Married 18 5 Jesus’ Birth​—Where and When? 20 6 The Child Who Was Promised 22 7 Astrologers Visit Jesus 24 8 They Escape From a Wicked Ruler 26 9 Growing Up in Nazareth 28 10 Jesus’ Family Travels to Jerusalem 30 11 John the Baptist Prepares the Way SECTION 2​—THE BEGINNING OF JESUS’ MINISTRY 34 12 Jesus Gets Baptized 36 13 Learn From the Way Jesus Faced Temptations 38 14 Jesus Begins to Make Disciples 40 15 Performing His First Miracle 42 16 Jesus Shows Zeal for True Worship 44 17 He Teaches Nicodemus at Night 46 18 Jesus Increases as John Decreases 48 19 Teaching a Samaritan Woman SECTION 3​—JESUS’ GREAT MINISTRY IN GALILEE 54 20 Second Miracle While in Cana 56 21 At the Synagogue in Nazareth 58 22 Four Disciples Will Be Fishers of Men 60 23 Jesus Performs Great Works in Capernaum 62 24 Expanding His Ministry in Galilee 64 25 Compassionately Curing a Leper 66 26 “Your Sins Are Forgiven” 68 27 Matthew Is Called 70 28 Why Do Jesus’ Disciples Not Fast? 72 29 Can One Do Good Works on the Sabbath? 74 30 Jesus’ Relationship With His Father 76 31 Plucking Grain on the Sabbath 78 32 What Is Lawful on the Sabbath? 80 33 Fulfilling Isaiah’s Prophecy 82 34 Jesus Chooses Twelve Apostles 84 35 The Famous Sermon on the Mount 92 36 A Centurion Shows Great Faith 94 37 Jesus Resurrects a Widow’s Son 96 38 John Wants to Hear From Jesus 98 39 Woe to an Unresponsive Generation 100 40 A Lesson in Forgiveness 102 41 Miracles​—By Whose Power? 104 42 Jesus Rebukes the Pharisees 106 43 Illustrations About the Kingdom 112 44 Jesus Silences a Storm at Sea 114 45 Power Over Many Demons 116 46 Healed by Touching Jesus’ Garment 118 47 A Young Girl Lives Again! 120 48 Performing Miracles, But Rejected Even in Nazareth 122 49 Preaching in Galilee and Training the Apostles 124 50 Prepared to Preach Despite Persecution 126 51 Murder During a Birthday Party 128 52 Feeding Thousands With a Few Loaves and Fish 130 53 A Ruler Who Can Control the Elements 132 54 Jesus​—“The Bread of Life” 134 55 Jesus’ Words Shock Many 136 56 What Really Defiles a Person? 138 57 Jesus Cures a Girl and a Deaf Man 140 58 He Multiplies Loaves and Warns About Leaven 142 59 Who Is the Son of Man? 144 60 The Transfiguration​—A View of Christ in Glory 146 61 Jesus Heals a Demon-Possessed Boy 148 62 An Important Lesson in Humility 150 63 Jesus Offers Counsel About Stumbling and Sin 152 64 The Need to Forgive 154 65 Teaching While Traveling to Jerusalem SECTION 4​—JESUS’ LATER MINISTRY IN JUDEA 158 66 In Jerusalem for the Festival of Tabernacles 160 67 “Never Has Any Man Spoken Like This” 162 68 “The Light of the World”​—The Son of God 164 69 Their Father​—Abraham or the Devil? 166 70 Jesus Heals a Man Born Blind 168 71 Pharisees Confront the Man Who Was Blind 170 72 Jesus Sends 70 Disciples to Preach 172 73 A Samaritan Proves to Be a Real Neighbor 174 74 Lessons About Hospitality and Prayer 176 75 Jesus Reveals the Source of Happiness 178 76 Dining With a Pharisee 180 77 Jesus Gives Counsel About Riches 182 78 Keep Ready, Faithful Steward! 184 79 Why Destruction Is Ahead 186 80 The Fine Shepherd and the Sheepfolds 188 81 One With the Father, But Not God SECTION 5​—JESUS’ LATER MINISTRY EAST OF THE JORDAN 192 82 Jesus’ Ministry in Perea 194 83 Invitations to a Meal​—Whom Does God Invite? 196 84 Discipleship​—How Serious? 198 85 Rejoicing Over the Sinner Who Repents 200 86 The Son Who Was Lost Returns 204 87 Plan Ahead​—Use Practical Wisdom 206 88 A Change for the Rich Man and for Lazarus 210 89 Teaching in Perea on the Way to Judea 212 90 “The Resurrection and the Life” 214 91 Lazarus Is Resurrected 216 92 Ten Lepers Healed​—One Shows Gratitude 218 93 The Son of Man Will Be Revealed 220 94 Two Great Needs​—Prayer and Humility 222 95 Teaching About Divorce and Love for Children 224 96 Jesus Answers a Rich Young Ruler 226 97 Illustration of the Workers in the Vineyard 228 98 The Apostles Again Seek Prominence 230 99 Jesus Heals Blind Men and Helps Zacchaeus 232 100 His Illustration of Ten Minas SECTION 6​—JESUS’ FINAL MINISTRY 236 101 A Meal at Simon’s House in Bethany 238 102 The King Enters Jerusalem on a Colt 240 103 The Temple Cleansed Again 242 104 The Jews Hear God’s Voice​—Will They Show Faith? 244 105 A Fig Tree Is Used to Teach a Lesson About Faith 246 106 Two Illustrations About Vineyards 248 107 A King Calls Those Invited to a Marriage Feast 250 108 Jesus Thwarts Attempts to Entrap Him 252 109 Denouncing Religious Opposers 254 110 Jesus’ Final Day at the Temple 256 111 The Apostles Ask for a Sign 260 112 A Lesson in Vigilance​—The Virgins 262 113 A Lesson in Diligence​—The Talents 264 114 Christ in Power Judges the Sheep and the Goats 266 115 Jesus’ Final Passover Approaches 268 116 Teaching Humility at the Last Passover 270 117 The Lord’s Evening Meal 272 118 A Dispute Over Greatness 274 119 Jesus​—The Way, the Truth, the Life 276 120 Bearing Fruit as Branches and Being Jesus’ Friends 278 121 “Take Courage! I Have Conquered the World” 280 122 Jesus’ Concluding Prayer in the Upper Room 282 123 Praying When Deeply Grieved 284 124 Christ Is Betrayed and Arrested 286 125 Jesus Is Taken to Annas, Then to Caiaphas 288 126 Denials at the House of Caiaphas 290 127 Tried by the Sanhedrin, Then On to Pilate 292 128 Found Innocent by Both Pilate and Herod 294 129 Pilate Proclaims: “Look! The Man!” 296 130 Jesus Is Handed Over and Led Away to Die 298 131 An Innocent King Suffers on the Stake 300 132 “Certainly This Man Was God’s Son” 302 133 Jesus’ Body Is Prepared and Buried 304 134 An Empty Tomb​—Jesus Is Alive! 306 135 The Resurrected Jesus Appears to Many 308 136 On the Shore of the Sea of Galilee 310 137 Hundreds See Him Prior to Pentecost 312 138 Christ at God’s Right Hand 314 139 Jesus Brings Paradise and Finishes His Assignment
BIBLE VERSES EXPLAINED 2 Timothy 1:7—“God Has Not Given Us a Spirit of Fear”
BIBLE VERSES EXPLAINED 2 Timothy 1:7—“God Has Not Given Us a Spirit of Fear” “For God did not give us a spirit of cowardice, but one of power and of love and of soundness of mind.”—2 Timothy 1:7, New World Translation. “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.”—2 Timothy 1:7, New King James Version. Meaning of 2 Timothy 1:7 God can help a person courageously do what is right. God does not want anyone to succumb to “cowardice”—an unhealthy fear that can hold a person back from doing things that please Him. Consider the three God-given qualities mentioned in this verse that help to dispel fear or cowardice. “Power.” Christians have been able to serve God courageously in the face of many dangerous enemies and situations. They have not shrunk back in fear. (2 Corinthians 11:23-27) How is this accomplished? The apostle Paul put it this way: “For all things I have the strength through the one who gives me power.” (Philippians 4:13) God can give his worshippers “power beyond what is normal” to rise above any challenge.—2 Corinthians 4:7. “Love.” Deep love for God helps a Christian to stand up courageously for what is right. Likewise, love for fellow humans motivates a Christian to put the needs of others ahead of his own, even when he is facing opposition or danger.—John 13:34; 15:13. “Soundness of mind.” In the Bible, soundness of mind generally refers to a Christian’s ability to make wise Bible-based decisions. Someone with soundness of mind is able to remain sensible and reasonable even when facing difficulties. He can make decisions that reflect God’s thinking, knowing that his relationship with God is more important than the opinions of others. Context of 2 Timothy 1:7 The Bible book of Second Timothy was written by the apostle Paul as a letter to his dear friend and fellow worker Timothy. In this letter, Paul warmly encouraged the younger man Timothy to continue working hard in the ministry. (2 Timothy 1:1, 2) Timothy may have been somewhat shy and timid, which could have held him back in his activities with the Christian congregation. (1 Timothy 4:12) But Paul reminded Timothy that he had received a gift—a special assignment of service in the congregation. He urged Timothy not to hesitate when exercising his authority as a congregation overseer, when preaching the good news, and when enduring adversity for the sake of his faith.—2 Timothy 1:​6-8. Although these words were originally written to Timothy, they assure all those who want to serve God today that He will supply the help they need to do so successfully, no matter the challenge. Read 2 Timothy chapter 1 along with explanatory footnotes and cross-references.
Victims of Hatred Everywhere
Victims of Hatred Everywhere The human family is afflicted by a pandemic of hatred. News and social media increasingly speak of hate speech, hate mail, cyberhate, and hate crimes. Consider, too, the countless acts of prejudice, stereotyping, ridicule, insults, threats, and vandalism. Victims of dehumanization and hatred are everywhere! This magazine shows how the cycle of hatred can be broken. This is no mere fantasy. It is a real, lasting transformation that is already taking place worldwide.
What Is God’s View of Alcohol?
What Is God’s View of Alcohol? OUR Creator, who wants what is best for us, does not prohibit the moderate use of alcohol.a On the contrary, he has given man “wine to make him happy, olive oil to make him cheerful, and bread to give him strength.” (Psalm 104:15, Today’s English Version) On one occasion, Jesus Christ contributed to the enjoyment of a wedding by turning water into “the best wine.”​—John 2:3-10, New Jerusalem Bible. It stands to reason that the Creator knows precisely how alcohol affects the function of the body and the brain. Through the pages of the Bible, our heavenly Father ‘teaches us to benefit ourselves,’ and he strongly cautions us against the abuse of strong drink. (Isaiah 48:17) Notice these frank warnings: “Do not be getting drunk with wine, in which there is debauchery.” (Ephesians 5:18) “Drunkards . . . will never inherit the kingdom of God.” (1 Corinthians 6:9-11, Jerusalem Bible) God’s Word condemns “getting drunk, wild parties, and things similar to these.”​—Galatians 5:19-21, Byington. Let us now consider some of the dangers of drinking too much alcohol. Dangers of Overdrinking While alcohol can do some good, it contains potent ingredients that alter how the mind and body function. Overuse of alcohol can cause any of the following problems: Heavy drinking impairs the drinker’s judgment, so that he ‘will not be able to think clearly.’ (Proverbs 23:33, TEV) Allen, the heavy drinker mentioned in the preceding article, explains: “Alcoholism is not just a disease of the body; it’s a disease of one’s thinking and attitudes. You block out the hurt that it causes other people.” Drinking too much alcohol can also result in lowered inhibitions. The Scriptures warn: “Wine and sweet wine are what take away good motive.” (Hosea 4:11) How so? Under the deceptive influence of alcohol, thoughts and desires that we normally suppress can begin to seem quite acceptable​—if not inviting. Our resolve to stick to what is right can be weakened. Alcohol can undermine our moral defenses, resulting in spiritual disaster. John, for example, had argued with his wife and had stormed off to the bar. He had already had a few drinks to calm down when a woman approached him. After a few more drinks, John left with her and committed adultery. Afterward, John deeply regretted doing something he would never have contemplated had his inhibitions not been lowered by alcohol. Drinking too much alcohol can result in uncontrolled speech and actions. “Who is always in trouble? Who argues and fights?” asks the Bible. “Everyone who stays up late, having just one more drink.” (Proverbs 23:29, 30, Contemporary English Version) Overdrinking can make you “feel as if you were out on the ocean, seasick, swinging high up in the rigging of a tossing ship.” (Proverbs 23:34, TEV) A man who has overindulged can wake up “bruised all over, without even remembering how it all happened.”​—Proverbs 23:35, CEV. Overdrinking can damage physical health. “In the end [alcohol] bites like a snake and poisons like a viper.” (Proverbs 23:32, New International Version) Medical science has confirmed the wisdom of that ancient proverb. Alcohol in large quantities is a potentially lethal toxin that can lead to various cancers, alcoholic hepatitis, cirrhosis of the liver, pancreatitis, low blood sugar in diabetics, fetal alcohol syndrome, stroke, or heart failure​—to name but a few consequences. And even one instance of overdrinking or bingeing can result in coma or in death. The most serious consequences of overindulgence, though, are not described in medical textbooks. The greatest danger. Even though a person may not get drunk, immoderate drinking poses spiritual dangers. The Bible plainly says: “Woe to those who are getting up early in the morning that they may seek just intoxicating liquor, who are lingering till late in the evening darkness so that wine itself inflames them!” Why? Isaiah explains the spiritual consequences of immoderate drinking: “The activity of Jehovah they do not look at, and the work of his hands they have not seen.”​—Isaiah 5:11, 12. God’s Word advises us not “to be among heavy drinkers of wine.” (Proverbs 23:20) Aged women are cautioned not to be “enslaved to a lot of wine.” (Titus 2:3) Why not? Slowly​—often imperceptibly—​people start consuming a little more alcohol with increasing frequency. Eventually, the drinker may “lie awake asking, ‘When will morning come, so I can drink some more?’” (Proverbs 23:35, CEV) Drinkers cross a perilous threshold when they crave an eye-opener, a drink in the morning to recover from the previous night’s excesses. The Bible warns that those who engage in “excesses with wine, revelries, drinking matches . . . will render an account to the one ready to judge those living and those dead.” (1 Peter 4:3, 5) And regarding the crucial times in which we live, Jesus warned: “Pay attention to yourselves that your hearts never become weighed down with overeating and heavy drinking and anxieties of life, and suddenly [Jehovah’s] day be instantly upon you as a snare.”​—Luke 21:34, 35. What, though, can immoderate drinkers do to prevent becoming ‘weighed down with heavy drinking’? [Footnote] a In this article, “alcohol” and “drink” refer broadly to beer, wine, and other spirits. [Pictures on page 4, 5] Overuse of alcohol can lead to many problems
United in Worship (uw) 1983
Chapter 1 Unity in Worship​—What Should It Mean for You? 1, 2. (a) On what basis is true unity of worship being brought about in our day? (b) How does the Bible describe what is taking place? AROUND the globe there is a thrilling movement toward unity of worship. It is drawing together people of all nations and tribes and languages. Their unity is not a result of any compromising of beliefs. It is not being achieved by their refraining from criticizing life-styles that are in conflict with God’s Word. Then what accounts for it? The fact that people of every background are coming to know Jehovah as the only true God and are willingly bringing their lives into harmony with his righteous ways.​—Compare Revelation 15:3, 4. 2 This is in fulfillment of a prophecy that was recorded some 2,700 years ago by the prophet Micah. With reference to “the final part of the days,” he wrote: “Many nations will certainly go and say: ‘Come, you people, and let us go up to the mountain of Jehovah and to the house of the God of Jacob; and he will instruct us about his ways, and we will walk in his paths.’” (Mic. 4:1, 2)a Do you see that taking place? 3, 4. (a) How is it true that “nations” are turning to Jehovah? (b) What questions should we ask ourselves? 3 No entire “nations” are presenting themselves at Jehovah’s spiritual house for worship. But individuals out of such nations are doing so. As they learn about the loving purpose and the appealing personality of Jehovah God, their hearts are deeply moved. Humbly they seek to find out what God requires of them. Their prayer is like that of David, a man of faith who said: “Teach me to do your will, for you are my God.”​—Ps. 143:10. 4 Do you see yourself among that vast crowd of worshipers of Jehovah? Does your response to the instruction received give evidence that you truly appreciate that Jehovah is its source? To what extent are you ‘walking in his paths’? How It Is Achieved 5. (a) To what extent will unity of worship eventually be achieved? (b) Why is it urgent to become a worshiper of Jehovah now, and how can we help others to do this? 5 Jehovah’s purpose is for all intelligent creation to be united in worship​—none being misled by falsehood, none groping because of failure to find the real meaning of life. How we long for the day when all who live will bless the only true God! (Ps. 103:19-22) But before that can be, Jehovah must purge his creation of those who spurn his loving kingship and who insist on spoiling life for others. Mercifully he gives advance notice of what he will do. People everywhere have opportunity to change their course. Thus in our own day this urgent appeal is being made worldwide: “Fear God and give him glory, because the hour of the judgment by him has arrived, and so worship the One who made the heaven and the earth and sea and fountains of waters.” (Rev. 14:6, 7) Have you accepted that invitation? If so, it is now your privilege to work with Jehovah’s organization to help others to do so. 6. After learning basic teachings of the Bible, what further progress should we earnestly endeavor to make? 6 It is not God’s purpose to bring into his organization people who simply say they believe in Jehovah and that they want to live in Paradise but who at the same time continue to pursue their own selfish interests. He wants people to come to an “accurate knowledge of his will,” and this should be reflected in their lives. (Col. 1:9, 10) After appreciative persons learn the fundamental teachings of the Bible, they want to press on to Christian maturity. Their desire is to get to know Jehovah intimately, to broaden and deepen their understanding of his Word, and to apply it more fully in their lives. They seek to be like their heavenly Father, reflecting his qualities and viewing matters as he does. This moves them to search out ways to share as fully as possible in the work that he is having done in the earth in our day. Is that what you are doing?​—Eph. 5:1; Heb. 5:12–6:3; 1 Tim. 4:15. 7. In what ways is true unity possible now, and how is it achieved? 7 The Bible shows that those who serve Jehovah are to be a united people. (Eph. 4:1-3) This unity is to exist now, even though we live in a divided world and are still struggling with our own imperfections. Jesus earnestly prayed that his disciples would all be one, enjoying true unity. What would this mean? That first of all they would have a good relationship with Jehovah and his Son. Also that they would be united with one another. (John 17:20, 21) This is now being achieved as they apply the instruction received at Jehovah’s “house.” What Factors Contribute to Unity? 8. (a) What do we develop when we personally use the Bible to reason out answers to questions that affect us? (b) By answering the questions listed above, analyze the factors contributing to Christian unity. 8 Some of the key factors contributing to this unity are numbered below. As you answer the questions that follow these, give thought to how each one affects your own relationship with Jehovah and with fellow Christians. Reasoning on these points in the light of the scriptures cited will contribute to your development of God-oriented thinking ability and discernment, which are qualities that all of us need. (Prov. 5:1, 2; Phil. 1:9-11) So consider these factors one at a time: (1) We all worship Jehovah and acknowledge his right to set the standard as to good and bad. How would Jehovah view it if we deliberately ignored his counsel on a matter that seemed minor to us? (Luke 16:10; compare Malachi 1:6-8.) Are others affected if we do not always obey Jehovah’s commands? (Compare Romans 5:12; Joshua 7:20-26; 1 Kings 14:16.) (2) Wherever we are in the world, we have God’s Word to guide us. When we make decisions, what danger is there in simply doing what we “feel” is right? (Jer. 17:9; Prov. 14:12) If we do not know what counsel the Bible gives on a certain matter, what should we do? (Prov. 2:3-5) (3) We all benefit from the same spiritual feeding program. What conditions exist among those who do not appreciate Jehovah’s arrangements for spiritual feeding? (Compare Isaiah 1:3; 9:16; 65:14.) (4) Jesus Christ, and no human, is our Leader and the one through whom we all approach Jehovah in worship. Do any of us have valid reason to believe that as persons we are superior to others? (Rom. 3:23, 24; 12:3; Matt. 23:8-10) (5) No matter where we live, we look to God’s Kingdom as the only hope for humankind. How does this safeguard us against divisive influences? (Matt. 6:9, 10; Mic. 4:3) (6) Holy spirit produces in worshipers of Jehovah qualities that are vital to Christian unity. How do we open the way for God’s spirit to produce its fruitage in us? (Ps. 1:2; Prov. 22:4; Rev. 3:6; Acts 5:32) How does our having the fruits of the spirit influence our relationship with Jehovah? With our brothers? (Gal. 5:22, 23) (7) All of us have the responsibility to preach the good news of God’s Kingdom. How does our being busy sharing in this preaching activity with fellow Christians influence how we feel about them? (Compare Colossians 4:7, 11.) 9. What is the effect when we really apply these truths in our lives? 9 Acknowledging these facts is one thing. Living in harmony with them requires much more. But when we do so, we are drawn close to Jehovah. Our association with fellow believers also becomes a source of refreshment. As Psalm 133:1 says: “Look! How good and how pleasant it is for brothers to dwell together in unity!” Have not you personally experienced how refreshing it can be to get away from the world, with all its selfishness, and to be present at meetings with others who truly love Jehovah? Avoid Divisive Influences 10. Why do we need to be careful to avoid an independent spirit? 10 So as not to mar that precious unity, we must avoid divisive influences. One of the foremost among these is the spirit of independence. Jehovah helps us to avoid it by unmasking its originator, Satan the Devil. He is the one who deceived Eve into thinking that it would be to her advantage to ignore what God had said and to make her own decisions. Adam joined her in that rebellious course. The result was calamity for them and for us. (Gen. 2:16, 17; 3:1-6, 17-19) We are living in a world that is saturated with that independent spirit, so it should not surprise us if we need to curb that spirit in ourselves. Lovingly Jehovah helps us to do so by counsel through his organization. 11. What will show whether we are sincerely preparing for life in God’s righteous New Order? 11 Through that organization we have learned of Jehovah’s grand promise to replace the present environment with new heavens and a new earth in which “righteousness is to dwell.” (2 Pet. 3:13) We thrill at the prospect that soon this wicked world will be gone and the earth will be transformed into a Paradise. But does our own life pattern show that we are sincerely preparing for life in a world where righteousness will be the prevailing practice? The Bible plainly tells us: “Do not be loving either the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him.” (1 John 2:15) It is true that there are many things about the world that none of us like. But do we dislike mainly those aspects of the world that infringe on our own immediate enjoyment of life? Or do we also shun its spirit​—its independent attitude, its excessive concern for self? Are we genuinely making it a practice to listen to Jehovah and to obey him from our heart, despite any contrary inclinations of the flesh? Our entire life course​—no matter where we are, no matter what we are doing—​should give evidence that our thinking and our motives are God oriented.​—Prov. 3:5, 6. 12. (a) Why is it important to seize the opportunity now to learn Jehovah’s ways and to follow them in our lives? (b) What do the scriptures cited in the paragraph mean to us personally? 12 When Jehovah’s appointed time comes to destroy this wicked system of things and all who love its ways, he will not delay. He is not going to postpone that time or change his standards so as to accommodate those who are still trying to cling to the world, those who are only halfhearted about learning God’s will and doing it. Now is the time for action! (Luke 13:23, 24; 17:32; 21:34-36) How heartwarming it is, therefore, to see the “great crowd” of persons who are taking hold of this precious opportunity, eagerly seeking the instruction that Jehovah provides through his loving organization and then unitedly walking in his paths! [Footnotes] a Scripture quotations in this book are from the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures, 1981 edition. Review Discussion ● What is Jehovah’s purpose as to worship? ● After having learned basic Bible teachings, what further progress should we earnestly seek to make? ● What can we individually do, so that the unifying factors that we have discussed will influence our lives as they should? [Full-page picture on page 4]
Do Jehovah’s Witnesses Have a Paid Clergy?
Do Jehovah’s Witnesses Have a Paid Clergy? Following the model of first-century Christianity, Jehovah’s Witnesses have no clergy-laity division. All baptized Witnesses are ordained ministers and share in the preaching and teaching work. Witnesses are organized into congregations of about 100 believers. Spiritually mature men in each congregation serve as “older men,” or elders. (Titus 1:5) They do so without being paid for their services.
From Our Readers
From Our Readers Mountains​—Vital for Life on Earth (March 22, 2005) Visiting the Grand Tetons was one of the most awe-inspiring events of my life. But reading about how vital mountains are amazed me. I now have a much greater appreciation for the mountains on our earth and for the wonderful Creator who designed them. J. G., United States When I see the beauty of Jehovah’s creation, I do not have words to describe how I feel. In spite of human aggression and contamination of the environment, one can still appreciate and enjoy the mountains. I find joy in telling others what will come about in the near future, as promised at Psalm 72:16. R. C., United States Young People Ask . . . Why Should I Do Manual Labor? (March 22, 2005) I work at a painting company run by my father, but someone told me that in this type of work, you do not need to use your head. The article, however, pointed out that Jesus and Paul worked with their hands. Now I am encouraged to do my work with even more enthusiasm. I want to try hard so that I can use this skill for Assembly Hall and Kingdom Hall construction. M. Y., Japan This article really encouraged me! It reminded me once again that our main purpose in life is to serve Jehovah God and that the vocation I choose should be in line with this purpose. That wonderful article moved me to improve in taking the initiative to do what is needed around the home. More important, the article helped me to get Jehovah’s viewpoint on manual labor. Y. K., Russia Life​—An Amazing Assembly of Chains (January 22, 2005) I am 15 years old. In my biology class at school, we are studying a topic called energy metabolism. When I took this magazine to school, my biology teacher used the article to conduct the class, showing the drawings it contained. After class everyone expressed a desire to have this magazine. It is clear from this article just how much wisdom Jehovah possesses. He is without question deserving of praise. I cannot wait for the time when every living thing will praise Jehovah! Y. B., Russia “If People Only Knew!” (January 8, 2005) I am 17 years old, and I have often considered moving to an area where there is a greater need for Kingdom publishers. David’s example strengthened my determination to move to such a territory right after graduation from school. Please continue publishing such encouraging examples. Young people my age need constant encouragement to move forward in the preaching activity. K. O., Poland I am 20 years old, and I was moved to tears as I read this article. I thought, ‘If I were to die while still young, I would not want to have any regrets because I put off serving Jehovah to the best of my ability!’ My goal is to become a full-time evangelizer soon. I am going to frame this article and hang it on the wall so that I never forget the feeling I had when I read it. Thank you for publishing such wonderful experiences. N. N., Japan
Teach Us (bhs) 2015
outputs PAGE CHAPTER 3 What Is God’s Purpose for Us? 8 1. Who Is God? 19 2. The Bible​—A Book From God 29 3. What Is God’s Purpose for Humans? 40 4. Who Is Jesus Christ? 52 5. The Ransom​—God’s Greatest Gift 62 6. Where Do We Go When We Die? 71 7. There Will Be a Resurrection! 83 8. What Is God’s Kingdom? 94 9. Is the End of the World Near? 105 10. The Truth About the Angels 116 11. Why So Much Suffering? 124 12. How Can You Become God’s Friend? 135 13. Respect the Gift of Life 145 14. Your Family Can Be Happy 154 15. The Right Way to Worship God 164 16. Choose to Worship God 174 17. The Privilege of Prayer 185 18. Should I Dedicate My Life to God and Be Baptized? 197 19. Stay Close to Jehovah 207 Endnotes
Environmental Problems—What God’s Kingdom Will Do
TheCrimsonMonkey/E+ via Getty Images Environmental Problems—What God’s Kingdom Will Do “The climate emergency is frazzling people, cities and ecosystems. Powerful storms, lent greater ferocity by the changing climate, are destroying homes and livelihoods across the world. Ocean ecosystems are warming, threatening mass species [die-off].”—Inger Andersen, under-secretary-general of the United Nations and executive director of the UN Environment Programme, July 25, 2023. Will governments be able to come together to address these global issues? Are they capable of providing lasting solutions? The Bible speaks of a government that can and will solve all the earth’s environmental problems. It says that “the God of heaven will set up a kingdom,” a government to administer all of earth’s affairs. (Daniel 2:44) Under that world government, people “will not cause any harm or any ruin” to one another or to the earth.—Isaiah 11:9. What is God’s Kingdom? During September 2023, Jehovah’s Witnesses participated in a global campaign to let people know what the Bible says about this important topic. We invite you to read an issue of the Watchtower magazine eninputd “What Is God’s Kingdom?” Discover answers to questions such as: Who Is the King of God’s Kingdom? When Will God’s Kingdom Rule the Earth? What Will God’s Kingdom Accomplish?
Revelation Climax (re) 1988
Chapter 43 The Resplendent City Vision 16​—Revelation 21:9–22:5 Subject: A description of New Jerusalem Time of fulfillment: After the great tribulation and the abyssing of Satan 1, 2. (a) Where does an angel take John to see New Jerusalem, and what contrast do we here note? (b) Why is this the grand Revelation climax? AN ANGEL had taken John into a wilderness to show him Babylon the Great. Now one of the same angelic group conducts John to a lofty mountain. What a contrast he sees! Here is no unclean, immoral city like the Babylonish harlot, but New Jerusalem​—pure, spiritual, holy—​and it is descending from heaven itself.​—Revelation 17:1, 5. 2 Even earthly Jerusalem never had a glory such as this. John tells us: “And there came one of the seven angels who had the seven bowls which were full of the seven last plagues, and he spoke with me and said: ‘Come here, I will show you the bride, the Lamb’s wife.’ So he carried me away in the power of the spirit to a great and lofty mountain, and he showed me the holy city Jerusalem coming down out of heaven from God and having the glory of God.” (Revelation 21:9-11a) From the vantage point of that towering mountain, John surveys the beauteous city in all its lovely detail. Men of faith have been in eager expectation of its coming ever since mankind’s fall into sin and death. At last it is here! (Romans 8:19; 1 Corinthians 15:22, 23; Hebrews 11:39, 40) It is the magnificent spiritual city, composed of 144,000 loyal integrity keepers, resplendent in its holiness and reflecting the very glory of Jehovah. Here is the grand Revelation climax! 3. How does John describe the beauty of New Jerusalem? 3 New Jerusalem is breathtaking in its beauty: “Its radiance was like a most precious stone, as a jasper stone shining crystal-clear. It had a great and lofty wall and had twelve gates, and at the gates twelve angels, and names were inscribed which are those of the twelve tribes of the sons of Israel. On the east were three gates, and on the north three gates, and on the south three gates, and on the west three gates. The wall of the city also had twelve foundation stones, and on them the twelve names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb.” (Revelation 21:11b-14) How fitting that the first impression John records is of glowing brightness! Radiant as a new bride, New Jerusalem makes a fitting consort for Christ. It positively glows, as is proper for a creation of “the Father of the celestial lights.”​—James 1:17. 4. What indicates that New Jerusalem is not the fleshly nation of Israel? 4 On its 12 gates, there are inscribed the names of the 12 tribes of Israel. Therefore, this symbolic city is made up of the 144,000, who were sealed “out of every tribe of the sons of Israel.” (Revelation 7:4-8) In harmony with this, the foundation stones have on them the names of the 12 apostles of the Lamb. Yes, New Jerusalem is not the fleshly nation of Israel founded on the 12 sons of Jacob. It is the spiritual Israel, founded on “the apostles and prophets.”​—Ephesians 2:20. 5. What is denoted by New Jerusalem’s “great and lofty wall” and by the fact that angels are posted at each entrance? 5 The symbolic city has a huge wall. In ancient times, city walls were built for security to keep out enemies. New Jerusalem’s “great and lofty wall” shows that she is spiritually secure. No enemy of righteousness, no one unclean or dishonest, will ever be able to gain entrance. (Revelation 21:27) But for those allowed in, entering this beauteous city is like entering Paradise. (Revelation 2:7) After Adam’s expulsion, cherubs were posted in front of the original Paradise to keep out unclean humans. (Genesis 3:24) Similarly, angels are posted at each entrance of the holy city Jerusalem to ensure the spiritual security of the city. Indeed, throughout the last days, angels have been guarding the congregation of anointed Christians, which becomes New Jerusalem, from Babylonish contamination.​—Matthew 13:41. Measuring the City 6. (a) How does John describe the measuring of the city, and what does this measuring indicate? (b) What may explain that the measure used was “according to a man’s measure, at the same time an angel’s”? (See footnote.) 6 John continues his account: “Now the one who was speaking with me was holding as a measure a golden reed, that he might measure the city and its gates and its wall. And the city lies foursquare, and its length is as great as its breadth. And he measured the city with the reed, twelve thousand furlongs; its length and breadth and height are equal. Also, he measured its wall, one hundred and forty-four cubits, according to a man’s measure, at the same time an angel’s.” (Revelation 21:15-17) When the temple sanctuary was measured, this guaranteed the fulfillment of Jehovah’s purposes with regard to it. (Revelation 11:1) Now, the angel’s measuring New Jerusalem shows how unchangeable Jehovah’s purposes are with regard to this glorious city.a 7. What is remarkable about the city’s measurements? 7 What a remarkable city this is! A perfect cube 12,000 furlongs (about 1,380 miles) [2,220 km]) in perimeter, surrounded by a wall 144 cubits, or 210 feet [64 m], in height. No literal city could ever have such measurements. It would cover a territory about 14 times as large as modern Israel, and it would tower almost 350 miles [560 km] into outer space! Revelation was given in signs. So, what do these measurements tell us about heavenly New Jerusalem? 8. What is denoted by (a) the city’s 144-cubit-high walls? (b) the city’s 12,000-furlong measurement? (c) the city’s being a perfect cube in shape? 8 The 144-cubit-high walls remind us that the city is made up of 144,000 spiritually adopted sons of God. The figure 12 that appears in the 12,000-furlong measurement of the city​—with the length, breadth, and height being equal—​is used figuratively in organizational settings in Bible prophecy. Hence, New Jerusalem is a superbly designed organizational arrangement for accomplishing God’s eternal purpose. New Jerusalem, together with the King Jesus Christ, is Jehovah’s Kingdom organization. Then there is the shape of the city: a perfect cube. In Solomon’s temple, the Most Holy, containing a symbolic representation of Jehovah’s presence, was a perfect cube. (1 Kings 6:19, 20) How fitting, then, that New Jerusalem, illuminated by the glory of Jehovah himself, is seen as a perfect, large-scale cube! All its measurements are perfectly balanced. It is a city without irregularities or defects.​—Revelation 21:22. Precious Building Materials 9. How does John describe the building materials of the city? 9 John continues his description: “Now the structure of its wall was jasper, and the city was pure gold like clear glass. The foundations of the city’s wall were adorned with every sort of precious stone: the first foundation was jasper, the second sapphire, the third chalcedony, the fourth emerald, the fifth sardonyx, the sixth sardius, the seventh chrysolite, the eighth beryl, the ninth topaz, the tenth chrysoprase, the eleventh hyacinth, the twelfth amethyst. Also, the twelve gates were twelve pearls; each one of the gates was made of one pearl. And the broad way of the city was pure gold, as transparent glass.”​—Revelation 21:18-21. 10. What is denoted by the fact that the city is constructed of jasper, gold, and “every sort of precious stone”? 10 The city’s construction is truly resplendent. Instead of mundane, earthly building materials like clay or stone, we read of jasper, refined gold, and “every sort of precious stone.” How fittingly these portray celestial building materials! Nothing could be more magnificent. The ancient ark of the covenant was overlaid with pure gold, and in the Bible this element often represents things that are good and valuable. (Exodus 25:11; Proverbs 25:11; Isaiah 60:6, 17) But the entire New Jerusalem, and even its broad way, are constructed of “pure gold like clear glass,” portraying a beauty and intrinsic value that stagger the imagination. 11. What ensures that those who make up New Jerusalem will be aglow with the highest excellence of spiritual purity? 11 No human smelter could produce gold of such purity. But Jehovah is the Master Refiner. He sits “as a refiner and cleanser of silver,” and he refines the individual, faithful members of spiritual Israel “like gold and like silver,” removing from them all impurities. Only individuals who have truly been refined and cleansed will finally make up New Jerusalem, and in this way Jehovah builds the city with living building materials that are aglow with the highest excellence of spiritual purity.​—Malachi 3:3, 4. 12. What is signified by the fact that (a) the city’s foundations are adorned with 12 precious gems? (b) the city’s gates are pearls? 12 Even the city’s foundations are beautiful, being adorned with 12 precious gems. This calls to mind the ancient Jewish high priest, who on ceremonial days wore an ephod studded with 12 different precious stones somewhat similar to the ones described here. (Exodus 28:15-21) Surely this is no coincidence! Rather, it emphasizes the priestly function of New Jerusalem, of which Jesus, the great High Priest, is the “lamp.” (Revelation 20:6; 21:23; Hebrews 8:1) Also, it is through New Jerusalem that the benefits of Jesus’ high-priestly ministry are channeled to mankind. (Revelation 22:1, 2) The city’s 12 gates, each being a pearl of great beauty, call to mind Jesus’ illustration that likened the Kingdom to a pearl of high value. All who enter through those gates will have shown true appreciation for spiritual values.​—Matthew 13:45, 46; compare Job 28:12, 17, 18. A City of Light 13. What does John next say regarding New Jerusalem, and why does the city not need any literal temple? 13 In Solomon’s time, Jerusalem was dominated by a temple built at the city’s highest elevation on Mount Moriah to the north. But what of New Jerusalem? John says: “And I did not see a temple in it, for Jehovah God the Almighty is its temple, also the Lamb is. And the city has no need of the sun nor of the moon to shine upon it, for the glory of God lighted it up, and its lamp was the Lamb.” (Revelation 21:22, 23) In truth, there is no need to construct a literal temple here. The ancient Jewish temple was just a pattern, and the reality of that pattern, the great spiritual temple, has existed since Jehovah anointed Jesus as High Priest in 29 C.E. (Matthew 3:16, 17; Hebrews 9:11, 12, 23, 24) A temple also presupposes a priestly class offering sacrifices to Jehovah on behalf of the people. But all those who are part of New Jerusalem are priests. (Revelation 20:6) And the great sacrifice, Jesus’ perfect human life, has been offered once for all time. (Hebrews 9:27, 28) Moreover, Jehovah is personally accessible to everyone living in the city. 14. (a) Why does New Jerusalem not need the sun and the moon to shine on it? (b) What did Isaiah’s prophecy foretell concerning Jehovah’s universal organization, and how is New Jerusalem involved in this? 14 When Jehovah’s glory passed by Moses on Mount Sinai, it caused Moses’ face to shine so brightly that he had to cover it from his fellow Israelites. (Exodus 34:4-7, 29, 30, 33) Can you imagine, then, the brightness of a city that is permanently lighted up with Jehovah’s glory? Such a city could have no nighttime. It would have no need of a literal sun or moon. It would be eternally shedding light. (Compare 1 Timothy 6:16.) New Jerusalem is bathed in that kind of radiant brilliance. Indeed, this bride and its Bridegroom King become the capital of Jehovah’s universal organization​—his “woman,” “the Jerusalem above”—​concerning which Isaiah prophesied: “For you the sun will no more prove to be a light by day, and for brightness the moon itself will no more give you light. And Jehovah must become to you an indefinitely lasting light, and your God your beauty. No more will your sun set, nor will your moon go on the wane; for Jehovah himself will become for you an indefinitely lasting light, and the days of your mourning will have come to completion.”​—Isaiah 60:1, 19, 20; Galatians 4:26. A Light for the Nations 15. What words of Revelation about New Jerusalem are similar to Isaiah’s prophecy? 15 This same prophecy also foretold: “And nations will certainly go to your light, and kings to the brightness of your shining forth.” (Isaiah 60:3) Revelation shows that these words would include New Jerusalem: “And the nations will walk by means of its light, and the kings of the earth will bring their glory into it. And its gates will not be closed at all by day, for night will not exist there. And they will bring the glory and the honor of the nations into it.”​—Revelation 21:24-26. 16. Who are “the nations” that will walk by means of the light of New Jerusalem? 16 Who are these “nations” walking by means of the light of New Jerusalem? They are people, once a part of the nations of this wicked world, who respond to the light shed through this glorious heavenly city. Foremost among them are the great crowd, who have already come out of “all nations and tribes and peoples and tongues” and who worship God day and night in company with the John class. (Revelation 7:9, 15) After New Jerusalem comes down from heaven and Jesus uses the keys of death and of Hades to resurrect the dead, they will be joined by millions more, originally from “the nations,” who come to love Jehovah and his Son, the Lamblike Husband of New Jerusalem.​—Revelation 1:18. 17. Who are “the kings of the earth” who “bring their glory” into New Jerusalem? 17 Who, then, are “the kings of the earth” who “bring their glory into it”? They are not the literal kings of the earth as a group, for they go down to destruction fighting against God’s Kingdom at Armageddon. (Revelation 16:14, 16; 19:17, 18) Could the kings be some high-ranking ones of the nations who become a part of the great crowd, or are they resurrected kings who submit to God’s Kingdom in the new world? (Matthew 12:42) Hardly, because for the most part, the glory of such kings was worldly and has long since faded. “The kings of the earth,” then, who bring their glory into New Jerusalem must be the 144,000, who are “bought . . . out of every tribe and tongue and people and nation” to rule as kings with the Lamb, Jesus Christ. (Revelation 5:9, 10; 22:5) They bring their God-given glory into the city to add to its radiance. 18. (a) Who will be excluded from New Jerusalem? (b) Who only will be allowed to enter the city? 18 John continues: “But anything not sacred and anyone that carries on a disgusting thing and a lie will in no way enter into it; only those written in the Lamb’s scroll of life will.” (Revelation 21:27) Nothing tainted by Satan’s system of things can be a part of New Jerusalem. Even though its gates are permanently open, no one who “carries on a disgusting thing and a lie” will be allowed to enter. There will be no apostates in that city nor any members of Babylon the Great. And if any try to desecrate the city by corrupting its future members while they are still on earth, their efforts are brought to nothing. (Matthew 13:41-43) Only “those written in the Lamb’s scroll of life,” the 144,000, will finally enter into New Jerusalem.b​—Revelation 13:8; Daniel 12:3. The River of Water of Life 19. (a) How does John describe New Jerusalem as channeling blessings to humankind? (b) When does the “river of water of life” flow, and how do we know? 19 The resplendent New Jerusalem will channel grand blessings to humankind on earth. This is what John next learns: “And he showed me a river of water of life, clear as crystal, flowing out from the throne of God and of the Lamb down the middle of its broad way.” (Revelation 22:1, 2a) When does this “river” flow? Since it flows “out from the throne of God and of the Lamb,” it could only be after the Lord’s day began in 1914. That was the time for the event heralded by the blowing of the seventh trumpet and the grand announcement: “Now have come to pass the salvation and the power and the kingdom of our God and the authority of his Christ.” (Revelation 11:15; 12:10) During the time of the end, the spirit and the bride have been inviting rightly disposed ones to take life’s water free. Water from this river will continue to be available to such ones right up to the end of this system of things and, thereafter, on into the new world, when New Jerusalem ‘comes down out of heaven from God.’​—Revelation 21:2. 20. What indicates that a measure of water of life is already available? 20 This is not the first time that life-giving water has been offered to mankind. When he was on earth, Jesus spoke of water that imparted everlasting life. (John 4:10-14; 7:37, 38) Further, John is about to hear the loving invitation: “The spirit and the bride keep on saying: ‘Come!’ And let anyone hearing say: ‘Come!’ And let anyone thirsting come; let anyone that wishes take life’s water free.” (Revelation 22:17) This invitation is being sounded even now, indicating that a measure of water of life is already available. But in the new world, those waters will flow from God’s throne and through New Jerusalem as a veritable river. 21. What is represented by the “river of water of life,” and how does Ezekiel’s vision of this river help us to know? 21 What is this “river of water of life”? Literal water is a vital element for life. Without food a man can survive for a number of weeks, but without water he will die in about one week. Water is also a cleansing agent and vital for health. Thus, the water of life must represent something essential for the life and health of mankind. The prophet Ezekiel was also granted a vision of this “river of water of life,” and in his vision, the river flowed out from the temple and down into the Dead Sea. Then, miracle of miracles! That lifeless, chemically saturated body of water was converted into freshwater teeming with fish! (Ezekiel 47:1-12) Yes, the visionary river brings back to life something that was previously dead, confirming that the river of water of life pictures God’s provision through Jesus Christ for restoring perfect human life to the “dead” human race. This river is “clear as crystal,” showing the purity and holiness of God’s provisions. It is not like the bloodstained, death-dealing “waters” of Christendom.​—Revelation 8:10, 11. 22. (a) Where does the river originate, and why is this appropriate? (b) What is involved in the water of life, and what does this symbolic river include? 22 The river originates at “the throne of God and of the Lamb.” This is appropriate, since the basis of Jehovah’s life-giving provisions is the ransom sacrifice, and this was provided because Jehovah “loved the world so much that he gave his only-begotten Son, in order that everyone exercising faith in him might not be destroyed but have everlasting life.” (John 3:16) The water of life also involves God’s Word, which is spoken of as water in the Bible. (Ephesians 5:26) However, the river of water of life includes not only the truth but also every other provision of Jehovah, based on Jesus’ sacrifice, for recovering obedient humans from sin and death and granting them everlasting life.​—John 1:29; 1 John 2:1, 2. 23. (a) Why is it fitting that the river of water of life flows through the middle of the broad way of New Jerusalem? (b) What divine promise to Abraham will be fulfilled when the water of life flows abundantly? 23 During the Thousand Year Reign, the benefits of the ransom are applied fully through the priesthood of Jesus and his 144,000 underpriests. Fittingly, then, the river of water of life flows through the middle of the broad way of New Jerusalem. This is composed of spiritual Israel, which along with Jesus makes up the true seed of Abraham. (Galatians 3:16, 29) Therefore, when the water of life flows in abundance through the middle of the broad way of the symbolic city, “all nations of the earth” will have full opportunity to bless themselves by means of Abraham’s seed. Jehovah’s promise to Abraham will be completely fulfilled.​—Genesis 22:17, 18. Trees of Life 24. What does John now see on both sides of the river of water of life, and what do they picture? 24 In Ezekiel’s vision, the river even became a torrent, and the prophet saw growing on both sides of it all kinds of fruit-bearing trees. (Ezekiel 47:12) But what does John see? This: “And on this side of the river and on that side there were trees of life producing twelve crops of fruit, yielding their fruits each month. And the leaves of the trees were for the curing of the nations.” (Revelation 22:2b) These “trees of life” must also picture part of Jehovah’s provision for giving eternal life to obedient mankind. 25. What bounteous provision does Jehovah make for responsive humans in the global Paradise? 25 What bounteous provision Jehovah makes for responsive humans! Not only may they partake of those refreshing waters but they may pluck from those trees a continuing variety of sustaining fruits. Oh, if only our original parents had been satisfied with a similar “desirable” provision in Eden’s Paradise! (Genesis 2:9) But now a global Paradise is here, and Jehovah even makes provision through the leaves of those symbolic trees for “the curing of the nations.”c Far superior to any medicine, herbal or otherwise, that is dispensed today, the soothing application of those symbolic leaves will raise believing mankind to spiritual and bodily perfection. 26. What may the trees of life include, and why? 26 Those trees, well watered by the river, may include the 144,000 members of the Lamb’s wife. While on earth these also drink of God’s provision for life through Jesus Christ. Interestingly, these spirit-begotten brothers of Jesus are prophetically called “big trees of righteousness.” (Isaiah 61:1-3; Revelation 21:6) They have already produced much spiritual fruitage to Jehovah’s praise. (Matthew 21:43) And during the Thousand Year Reign, they will have a part in dispensing the ransom provisions that will serve for “the curing of the nations” from sin and death.​—Compare 1 John 1:7. No More Night 27. What further blessings does John mention for those privileged to enter into New Jerusalem, and why is it said that “no more will there be any curse”? 27 Entry into New Jerusalem​—surely, there could be no more wondrous privilege! Just think​—those once lowly, imperfect humans will follow Jesus into heaven to become part of such a glorious arrangement! (John 14:2) John gives some idea of the blessings to be enjoyed by these, saying: “And no more will there be any curse. But the throne of God and of the Lamb will be in the city, and his slaves will render him sacred service; and they will see his face, and his name will be on their foreheads.” (Revelation 22:3, 4) When the Israelite priesthood became corrupt, it suffered Jehovah’s curse. (Malachi 2:2) Jerusalem’s faithless “house” was pronounced abandoned by Jesus. (Matthew 23:37-39) But in New Jerusalem, “no more will there be any curse.” (Compare Zechariah 14:11.) All its inhabitants have been tested in the fire of trials here on earth, and having gained the victory, they will have ‘put on incorruption and immortality.’ In their case, Jehovah knows, just as he knew with Jesus, that they will never fall away. (1 Corinthians 15:53, 57) Further, “the throne of God and of the Lamb” will be there, making the city’s position secure for all eternity. 28. Why do members of New Jerusalem have God’s name written on their forehead, and what thrilling prospect lies before them? 28 Like John himself, all future members of that celestial city are “slaves” of God. As such, they have God’s name prominently written on their forehead, identifying him as their Owner. (Revelation 1:1; 3:12) They will count it an inestimable privilege to render him sacred service as part of New Jerusalem. While Jesus was on earth, he made a thrilling promise to such prospective rulers, saying: “Happy are the pure in heart, since they will see God.” (Matthew 5:8) How happy these slaves will be actually to behold and worship Jehovah in person! 29. Why does John say of heavenly New Jerusalem that “night will be no more”? 29 John continues: “Also, night will be no more, and they have no need of lamplight nor do they have sunlight, because Jehovah God will shed light upon them.” (Revelation 22:5a) Ancient Jerusalem, like any other city on earth, relied on the sun for light by day and on moonlight and artificial light by night. But in heavenly New Jerusalem, such lighting will be unnecessary. The city will be illuminated by Jehovah himself. “Night” may also be used in a figurative sense, referring to adversity or separation from Jehovah. (Micah 3:6; John 9:4; Romans 13:11, 12) There could never be that kind of night in the glorious, radiant presence of the almighty God. 30. How does John conclude the magnificent vision, and of what does Revelation assure us? 30 John closes out this magnificent vision by saying of these slaves of God: “And they will rule as kings forever and ever.” (Revelation 22:5b) True, at the end of the thousand years, the benefits of the ransom will have been applied to completion, and Jesus will present a perfected human race to his Father. (1 Corinthians 15:25-28) What Jehovah has in mind for Jesus and the 144,000 after that, we do not know. But Revelation assures us that their privileged sacred service to Jehovah will continue into all eternity. Revelation’s Happy Climax 31. (a) What culmination is marked by the vision of New Jerusalem? (b) What does New Jerusalem accomplish for other faithful ones of mankind? 31 The realization of this vision of New Jerusalem, the Lamb’s bride, is the happy climax to which Revelation points, and fittingly so. All of John’s first-century fellow Christians to whom the book was initially addressed looked forward to entering into that city as immortal spirit corulers with Jesus Christ. The remnant of anointed Christians still alive today on earth have the same hope. Thus Revelation moves on to its grand climax, as the completed bride is united with the Lamb. Next, by means of New Jerusalem, the benefits of Jesus’ ransom sacrifice will be applied to mankind, so that eventually all faithful ones will enter into everlasting life. In this way the bride, New Jerusalem, as a loyal helpmeet to her Bridegroom King, will share in building up for eternity a righteous new earth​—all to the glory of our Sovereign Lord Jehovah.​—Matthew 20:28; John 10:10, 16; Romans 16:27. 32, 33. What have we learned from Revelation, and what should be our heartfelt response? 32 What joy we feel, then, as we draw to the close of our consideration of the book of Revelation! We have seen the final efforts of Satan and his seed utterly frustrated and Jehovah’s righteous judgments carried out to completion. Babylon the Great must go out of existence forever, to be followed by all other hopelessly corrupt elements of Satan’s world. Satan himself and his demons will be abyssed and later destroyed. New Jerusalem will rule with Christ from the heavens as the resurrection and judgment proceed, and perfected mankind will finally come to enjoy everlasting life in the Paradise earth. How vividly Revelation portrays all these things! How it strengthens our determination to ‘declare this everlasting good news as glad tidings to every nation and tribe and tongue and people’ on earth today! (Revelation 14:6, 7) Are you expending yourself to the full in this great work? 33 With our hearts so full of gratitude, let us give attention to the concluding words of Revelation. [Footnotes] a The fact that the measure used was “according to a man’s measure, at the same time an angel’s” may have to do with the fact that the city is made up of the 144,000, who originally were human but who become spirit creatures among the angels. b Note that “the Lamb’s scroll of life” contains only the names of the 144,000 of spiritual Israel. Thus it differs from “the scroll of life” that includes those who receive life on earth.​—Revelation 20:12. c Notice that the expression “the nations” often refers to those who do not belong to spiritual Israel. (Revelation 7:9; 15:4; 20:3; 21:24, 26) The use of the expression here does not suggest that mankind will continue to be organized into separate national groups during the Thousand Year Reign.
Creator (ct) 1998
Chapter Nine A Great Teacher Shows Us the Creator More Clearly THE people of first-century Palestine “were in expectation.” Of what? Of the “Christ,” or “Messiah,” foretold by God’s prophets centuries before. The people were confident that the Bible was written under God’s direction and that it contained foregleams of the future. One such, in the book of Daniel, pointed to the Messiah’s arriving in the early part of their century.—Luke 3:15; Daniel 9:24-26. They needed to be cautious, though, for self-made messiahs would arise. (Matthew 24:5) Jewish historian Josephus mentions some: Theudas, who led his followers to the Jordan River and claimed that its waters would be parted; a man from Egypt who led people to the Mount of Olives, asserting that Jerusalem’s wall would fall at his command; and an impostor in Governor Festus’ time who promised rest from troubles.—Compare Acts 5:36; 21:38. In contrast to such deluded followers, a group who came to be called “Christians” recognized Jesus of Nazareth to be a great teacher and the true Messiah. (Acts 11:26; Mark 10:47) Jesus was no impostor messiah; he had solid credentials, as is amply confirmed in the four historical books called the Gospels.a For example, the Jews knew that the Messiah would be born in Bethlehem, would be in the line of David, and would perform wonderful works. Jesus fulfilled all of that, as is borne out by testimony even from opposers. Yes, Jesus met the qualifications of the Biblical Messiah.—Matthew 2:3-6; 22:41-45; John 7:31, 42. Crowds of people who met Jesus, observed his outstanding works, heard his unique words of wisdom, and recognized his foresight became convinced that he was the Messiah. Over the course of his ministry (29-33 C.E.), evidence supporting his Messiahship mounted. In fact, he proved to be more than the Messiah. A disciple acquainted with the facts concluded that “Jesus is the Christ the Son of God.”b—John 20:31. Because Jesus had such a close relationship with God, he could explain and reveal what our Creator is like. (Luke 10:22; John 1:18) Jesus testified that his closeness to his Father began in heaven, where he worked with God in bringing into being all other things, animate and inanimate.—John 3:13; 6:38; 8:23, 42; 13:3; Colossians 1:15, 16. The Bible reports that the Son was transferred from the spirit realm and “came to be in the likeness of men.” (Philippians 2:5-8) Such an event is not normal, but is it possible? Scientists confirm that a natural element, such as uranium, can be transformed into another; they even calculate the results when mass is transformed into energy (E=mc2). So why should we doubt when the Bible says that a spirit creature was transformed so as to live as a human? To illustrate it another way, think of what some physicians accomplish with in vitro fertilization. A life that begins in a “test tube” is transferred into a woman and is later born as a babe. In the case of Jesus, the Bible assures us that by the “power of the Most High,” his life was transferred into a virgin named Mary. She was of the line of David, so Jesus could be the permanent heir of the Messianic Kingdom promised to David.—Luke 1:26-38; 3:23-38; Matthew 1:23. On the basis of his intimate relationship with and likeness to the Creator, Jesus said: “He that has seen me has seen the Father also.” (John 14:9) He also said: “Who the Father is, no one knows but the Son, and he to whom the Son is willing to reveal him.” (Luke 10:22) Hence, as we learn what Jesus taught and did on earth, we can see the Creator’s personality more clearly. Let us consider this, using the experiences of men and women who had dealings with Jesus. A Samaritan Woman “This is not perhaps the Christ, is it?” wondered a Samaritan woman after conversing with Jesus for a while. (John 4:29) She even urged others from the nearby town of Sychar to meet Jesus. What was it that moved her to accept Jesus as the Messiah? This woman met Jesus as he rested from walking all morning over dusty roads in the hills of Samaria. Although tired, Jesus spoke with her. Observing her keen spiritual interest, Jesus shared profound truths centering on the need to “worship the Father with spirit and truth.” In time he revealed that he was really the Christ, a fact that he had not yet confessed in public.—John 4:3-26. This Samaritan woman found her encounter with Jesus very meaningful. Her earlier religious activities centered on worship at Mount Gerizim and were based on just the first five books of the Bible. The Jews shunned Samaritans, many of whom descended from a mix between the ten tribes of Israel and other peoples. How different it was with Jesus! He willingly taught this Samaritan, even though he was commissioned to go to “the lost sheep of the house of Israel.” (Matthew 15:24) Here Jesus reflected Jehovah’s willingness to accept sincere people of all nations. (1 Kings 8:41-43) Yes, both Jesus and Jehovah are above the narrow-minded religious hostility that permeates the world today. Our knowing this should draw us to the Creator and his Son. There is another lesson we can draw from Jesus’ willingness to teach this woman. She was then living with a man who was not her husband. (John 4:16-19) Yet, Jesus did not let this prevent him from speaking to her. You can understand that she must have appreciated being treated with dignity. And her experience was not unique. When some Jewish leaders (Pharisees) criticized Jesus for dining with repentant sinners, he said: “Persons in health do not need a physician, but the ailing do. Go, then, and learn what this means, ‘I want mercy, and not sacrifice.’ For I came to call, not righteous people, but sinners.” (Matthew 9:10-13) Jesus extended assistance to people groaning under the burden of their sins—their violations of God’s laws or standards. How heartwarming it is to learn that God and his Son will help those who have problems that result from their past conduct!—Matthew 11:28-30.c Let us not overlook that on this occasion in Samaria, Jesus spoke kindly and helpfully to a woman. Why is this significant? Back then Jewish men were taught that in the street they should avoid speaking to women, even to their own wives. Jewish Rabbis did not consider women able to take in deep spiritual instruction but regarded them as “of a light mind.” Some said: “Better that the words of the law should be burned than deliver[ed] to women.” Jesus’ disciples had grown up in such a climate; so when they returned, they “began to wonder because he was speaking with a woman.” (John 4:27) This account—one of many—illustrates that Jesus was in the image of his Father, who created and assigned honor to both male and female.—Genesis 2:18. Afterward the Samaritan woman convinced her fellow townspeople to listen to Jesus. Many examined the facts and became believers, saying: “We know that this man is for a certainty the savior of the world.” (John 4:39-42) Since we are part of “the world” of mankind, Jesus is vital to our future too. A Fisherman’s View Now let us take a look at Jesus through the eyes of two intimate associates—Peter and then John. These common fishermen were among his first followers. (Matthew 4:13-22; John 1:35-42) The Pharisees viewed them as “men unlettered and ordinary,” part of the people of the land (ʽam-ha·ʼaʹrets), who were looked down on because they were not schooled as rabbis. (Acts 4:13; John 7:49) Many such people, who were “toiling and loaded down” under the yoke of religious traditionalists, longed for spiritual enlightenment. Professor Charles Guignebert of the Sorbonne commented that “their hearts belonged wholly to Jahweh [Jehovah].” Jesus did not turn his back on those humble ones in favor of the wealthy or influential. Rather, he revealed the Father to them through his teachings and dealings.—Matthew 11:25-28. Peter experienced Jesus’ caring attitude firsthand. Soon after he joined Jesus in the ministry, Peter’s mother-in-law fell sick with fever. Coming to Peter’s house, Jesus took her by the hand, and the fever left! We may not know the exact process of this cure, just as physicians today cannot fully explain how some cures occur, but the fever left this woman. More important than knowing his method of healing is appreciating that by curing the sick and afflicted, Jesus evidenced his pity for them. He truly wanted to help people, and so does his Father. (Mark 1:29-31, 40-43; 6:34) From his experience with Jesus, Peter could see that the Creator values each person as worthy of care.—1 Peter 5:7. At a later time, Jesus was in the Court of the Women at Jerusalem’s temple. He observed people putting contributions into the treasury chests. Rich people put in many coins. Paying keen attention, Jesus saw a poor widow drop in two coins of very little value. Jesus told Peter, John, and the others: “Truly I say to you that this poor widow dropped in more than all those dropping money into the treasury chests; for they all dropped in out of their surplus, but she, out of her want, dropped in all of what she had.”—Mark 12:41-44. You can see that Jesus looked for the good in people and that he appreciated each one’s efforts. What do you think was the effect on Peter and the other apostles? Perceiving from Jesus’ example what Jehovah is like, Peter later quoted a psalm: “The eyes of Jehovah are upon the righteous ones, and his ears are toward their supplication.” (1 Peter 3:12; Psalm 34:15, 16) Are you not attracted to a Creator and his Son who want to find good in you and will listen to your pleas? After some two years of association with Jesus, Peter was sure that Jesus was the Messiah. Once, Jesus asked his disciples: “Who are men saying that I am?” He got various answers. He then asked them: “You, though, who do you say I am?” Peter confidently replied: “You are the Christ.” You might find strange what Jesus did next. He “strictly charged them not to tell anyone” about that. (Mark 8:27-30; 9:30; Matthew 12:16) Why would he say that? Jesus was available in their midst, so he did not want people to reach conclusions based on mere hearsay. That is logical, is it not? (John 10:24-26) The point is, our Creator likewise wants us to find out about him through our own investigation of solid evidence. He expects us to have convictions based on facts.—Acts 17:27. As you might imagine, some of Jesus’ countrymen did not accept him, despite ample evidence that he had the Creator’s support. Many, being preoccupied with their position or with political goals, did not find this sincere but humble Messiah to their liking. As his ministry drew to a close, Jesus said: “Jerusalem, the killer of the prophets and stoner of those sent forth to her,—how often I wanted to gather your children together . . . But you people did not want it. Look! Your house is abandoned to you.” (Matthew 23:37, 38) This changed situation for that nation marked a significant step in the realization of God’s purpose for blessing all nations. Soon thereafter Peter and three other apostles heard Jesus give a detailed prophecy about “the conclusion of the system of things.”d What Jesus foretold had an initial fulfillment during the Roman attack on and destruction of Jerusalem in 66-70 C.E. History bears out that what Jesus predicted did occur. Peter witnessed many of the very things that Jesus foretold, and this is reflected in 1 and 2 Peter, two books that Peter wrote.—1 Peter 1:13; 4:7; 5:7, 8; 2 Peter 3:1-3, 11, 12. During his ministry Jesus had patiently extended kindness to the Jews around him. But he did not shrink from condemning wickedness. This helped Peter, and it should help us, to understand our Creator more fully. As he saw other things fulfilling Jesus’ prophecy, Peter wrote that Christians should keep “close in mind the presence of the day of Jehovah.” Peter also said: “Jehovah is not slow respecting his promise, as some people consider slowness, but he is patient with you because he does not desire any to be destroyed but desires all to attain to repentance.” Then Peter offered words of encouragement about ‘new heavens and a new earth in which righteousness will dwell.’ (2 Peter 3:3-13) Do we, as did Peter, appreciate God’s qualities mirrored in Jesus, and do we manifest trust in his promises for the future? Why Did Jesus Die? On his last night with the apostles, Jesus shared a special meal with them. At such a meal, a Jewish host would show hospitality by washing the feet of guests, who might have walked over dusty roads in sandals. No one offered to do this for Jesus, however. So he humbly rose, took a towel and a basin, and started to wash the apostles’ feet. When Peter’s turn came, he was ashamed to accept this service from Jesus. Peter said: “You will certainly never wash my feet.” “Unless I wash you,” Jesus responded, “you have no part with me.” He knew that he was soon to die, so Jesus added: “If I, although Lord and Teacher, washed your feet, you also ought to wash the feet of one another. For I set the pattern for you, that, just as I did to you, you should do also.”—John 13:5-17. Decades later Peter urged Christians to imitate Jesus, not in a foot-washing ritual, but in humbly serving others rather than “lording it over” them. Peter also realized that Jesus’ example proved that “God opposes the haughty ones, but he gives undeserved kindness to the humble ones.” What a lesson about the Creator! (1 Peter 5:1-5; Psalm 18:35) Yet, Peter learned more. After that final meal, Judas Iscariot, who was an apostle but became a thief, led a band of armed men to arrest Jesus. As they did so, Peter reacted. He drew a sword and wounded a man in the mob. Jesus corrected Peter: “Return your sword to its place, for all those who take the sword will perish by the sword.” Then, as Peter looked on, Jesus touched the man, healing him. (Matthew 26:47-52; Luke 22:49-51) Clearly, Jesus lived up to his teaching to “continue to love your enemies” in imitation of his Father, who “makes his sun rise upon wicked people and good and makes it rain upon righteous people and unrighteous.”—Matthew 5:44, 45. During the course of that stressful night, Jesus was given a hasty hearing by the Jewish high court. He was falsely accused of blasphemy, taken to the Roman Governor, and then unjustly turned over to be executed. Jews and Romans ridiculed him. He was brutally abused and was finally impaled. Much of that mistreatment fulfilled prophecies written centuries earlier. Even soldiers observing Jesus on the torture stake admitted: “Certainly this was God’s Son.”—Matthew 26:57–27:54; John 18:12–19:37. Those developments must have caused Peter and others to ask, ‘Why did the Christ have to die?’ It was only later that they understood. For one thing, those events fulfilled the prophecy in Isaiah chapter 53, which showed that the Christ would make liberation available not for the Jews only but for all mankind. Peter wrote: “He himself bore our sins in his own body upon the stake, in order that we might be done with sins and live to righteousness. And ‘by his stripes you were healed.’” (1 Peter 2:21-25) Peter grasped the sense of a truth that Jesus had presented: “The Son of man came, not to be ministered to, but to minister and to give his soul a ransom in exchange for many.” (Matthew 20:28) Yes, Jesus had to lay down his right to life as a perfect human so as to repurchase mankind from the sinful state inherited from Adam. That is a basic Bible teaching—the ransom. What does the ransom involve? You might think of it this way: Suppose you had a computer but one of its electronic files was corrupted by an error (or virus) that someone had planted in an otherwise perfect program. That illustrates the effect of what Adam did when he deliberately disobeyed God, or sinned. Let us continue the illustration. Whatever copies you might make of the corrupted electronic file would be affected. However, all need not be lost. With a special program, you could detect and purge the corrupting error from your files and computer. Comparably, mankind has received a “virus,” sin, from Adam and Eve, and we need outside help to wipe it out. (Romans 5:12) According to the Bible, God provided for this cleansing through Jesus’ death. It is a loving provision from which we can benefit.—1 Corinthians 15:22. Appreciating what Jesus did moved Peter to “live the remainder of his time in the flesh, no more for the desires of men, but for God’s will.” For Peter as well as for us, this would mean avoiding corrupt habits and immoral life-styles. Others may try to make problems for the person who strives to do “God’s will.” Nevertheless, he will find that his life becomes richer, more meaningful. (1 Peter 4:1-3, 7-10, 15, 16) That was so with Peter, and it can be with us as we ‘commend our souls, or lives, to a faithful Creator while doing good.’—1 Peter 4:19. A Disciple Who Recognized Love The apostle John was another disciple who closely associated with Jesus and who, therefore, can help us understand the Creator more fully. John wrote a Gospel and also three letters (1, 2, and 3 John). In one letter, he offered us this insight: “We know that the Son of God has come, and he has given us intellectual capacity that we may gain the knowledge of the true one [the Creator]. And we are in union with the true one, by means of his Son Jesus Christ. This is the true God and life everlasting.”—1 John 5:20. John’s gaining knowledge of “the true one” involved employing “intellectual capacity.” What did John discern about the Creator’s qualities? “God is love,” John wrote, “and he that remains in love remains in union with God.” Why could John be sure of that? “The love is in this respect, not that we have loved God, but that he loved us and sent forth his Son” to offer the ransom sacrifice for us. (1 John 4:10, 16) As was Peter, John also was touched by God’s love shown in sending his Son to die in our behalf. John, having been very close to him, could appreciate Jesus’ emotions. An incident in Bethany, near Jerusalem, deeply impressed John. Having received a report that his friend Lazarus was very sick, Jesus traveled to Bethany. By the time that he and the apostles arrived, Lazarus had been dead at least four days. John knew that the Creator, the Source of human life, was backing Jesus. So could Jesus resurrect Lazarus? (Luke 7:11-17; 8:41, 42, 49-56) Jesus said to Lazarus’ sister Martha: “Your brother will rise.”—John 11:1-23. Then John saw another of Lazarus’ sisters, Mary, coming to meet Jesus. How did Jesus react? He “groaned in the spirit and became troubled.” To describe Jesus’ reaction, John used a Greek word (rendered “groaned” in English) that had the sense of deep emotions wrung from the heart. John could see that Jesus was “troubled,” or had inward commotion, great sorrow. Jesus was not indifferent or aloof. He “gave way to tears.” (John 11:30-37) Clearly, Jesus had deep and tender feelings, which helped John to appreciate the Creator’s feelings, and it should help us similarly. John knew that Jesus’ emotions were instructioned to positive acts because he heard Jesus cry out: “Lazarus, come on out!” And it happened. Lazarus came to life and came out of the tomb. What joy that must have brought to his sisters and the other onlookers! Many then put faith in Jesus. His enemies could not deny that he had performed this resurrection, but when the news of it spread, they “took counsel to kill Lazarus” as well as Jesus.—John 11:43; 12:9-11. The Bible describes Jesus as ‘the exact representation of the Creator’s very being.’ (Hebrews 1:3) Thus, Jesus’ ministry provides ample proof of his own and his Father’s intense desire to undo the ravages of sickness and death. And this extends beyond the few resurrections recorded in the Bible. In fact, John was present to hear Jesus say: “The hour is coming in which all those in the memorial tombs will hear [the Son’s] voice and come out.” (John 5:28, 29) Note that instead of the common word for grave, John here used a word rendered “memorial tombs.” Why? God’s memory is involved. Certainly the Creator of the vast universe can remember every detail of each of our dead loved ones, including traits both inherent and acquired. (Compare Isaiah 40:26.) And it is not just that he can remember. Both he and his Son want to do so. Regarding the wonderful prospect of the resurrection, faithful Job said of God: “If an able-bodied man dies can he live again? . . . You [Jehovah] will call, and I myself shall answer you. For the work of your hands you will have a yearning.” (Job 14:14, 15; Mark 1:40-42) What a wonderful Creator we have, worthy of our worship! Resurrected Jesus—Key to Meaningful Life The beloved disciple John observed Jesus closely until His death. More than that, John recorded the greatest resurrection that ever took place, an event that lays a firm foundation for our having a permanent and meaningful life. Enemies of Jesus had him executed, nailed to a stake as a common criminal. Onlookers—including religious leaders—mocked him as he suffered for hours. Despite being in agony on the stake, Jesus saw his own mother and said to her about John: “Woman, see! Your son!” By then Mary must have been a widow, and her other children were not yet disciples.e Hence, Jesus entrusted the care of his aging mother to his disciple John. This again reflected the thinking of the Creator, who encouraged caring for widows and orphans.—John 7:5; 19:12-30; Mark 15:16-39; James 1:27. But once he was dead, how could Jesus carry out his role as the “seed” through whom “all nations of the earth will certainly bless themselves”? (Genesis 22:18) With his death, on that April afternoon in 33 C.E., Jesus laid down his life as the basis for the ransom. His sensitive Father must have been pained by the agony his innocent Son went through. Yet in this way, provision was made for the ransom price needed to free mankind from the bondage to sin and death. (John 3:16; 1 John 1:7) The stage was set for a grand finale. Because Jesus Christ plays a central role in the outworking of God’s purposes, he had to come back to life. That was what occurred, and John witnessed it. Early on the third day after Jesus’ death and burial, some disciples went to the tomb. It was empty. That bewildered them until Jesus appeared to various ones. Mary Magdalene reported, “I have seen the Lord!” The disciples did not accept her testimony. Later the disciples gathered in a locked room and Jesus appeared again, even conversing with them. Within days, over 500 men and women became eyewitnesses that Jesus was indeed alive. People of that time who might be skeptical could interview these credible witnesses and verify their testimony. The Christians could be certain that Jesus had been resurrected and was alive as a spirit creature like the Creator. The evidence of this was so abundant and reliable that many faced death rather than deny that Jesus had been resurrected.—John 20:1-29; Luke 24:46-48; 1 Corinthians 15:3-8.f The apostle John also suffered persecution for bearing testimony about Jesus’ resurrection. (Revelation 1:9) But when in penal exile, he received an unusual reward. Jesus gave him a series of visions that show the Creator to us more clearly and reveal what the future will bring. You will find this in the book of Revelation, which uses many symbolisms. Jesus Christ is here depicted as a victorious King who will soon complete the conquest of his enemies. Those enemies include death (an enemy of us all) and the corrupted spirit creature named Satan.—Revelation 6:1, 2; 12:7-9; 19:19–20:3, 13, 14. Near the end of his apocalyptic message, John had a vision of the time when earth will become a paradise. A voice described conditions to prevail then: “God himself will be with [mankind]. And he will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. The former things have passed away.” (Revelation 21:3, 4) In the outworking of God’s purpose, the promise that God made to Abraham will be fulfilled.—Genesis 12:3; 18:18. Life then will be “real life,” comparable to what lay before Adam when he was created. (1 Timothy 6:19) No longer will mankind grope to find their Creator and to understand their relationship with him. However, you may well ask, ‘When will that come about? And why is it that our caring Creator permits evil and suffering to exist down to this time?’ Let us next consider those questions. [Footnotes] a Matthew, Mark, and John were eyewitnesses. Luke made a scholarly study of documents and firsthand testimony. The Gospels manifest the earmarks of honest, accurate, and trustworthy records.—See A Book for All People, pages 16-17, published by Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc. b The Koran says: “His name will be Christ Jesus, the son of Mary, held in honour in this world and the Hereafter.” (Sura 3:45) As a human, Jesus was Mary’s son. But what father was responsible? The Koran notes: “The similitude of Jesus before God is as that of Adam.” (Sura 3:59) The Holy Scriptures speak of Adam as a “son of God.” (Luke 3:23, 38) Neither Adam nor Jesus had a human father; neither resulted from sexual relations with a woman. Accordingly, as Adam was a son of God, so was Jesus. c Jesus’ attitude matches Jehovah’s, as described in Psalm 103 and at Isaiah 1:18-20. d We can read that prophecy in Matthew chapter 24, Mark chapter 13, and Luke chapter 21. e At least two of them later became disciples and wrote letters of encouragement found in the Bible, James and Jude. f A ranking Roman officer heard Peter’s eyewitness testimony: “You know the subject that was talked about throughout the whole of Judea . . . God raised this One up on the third day and granted him to become manifest . . . He ordered us to preach to the people and to give a thorough witness that this is the One decreed by God to be judge of the living and the dead.”—Acts 2:32; 3:15; 10:34-42. [Box on page 150] You may enjoy comparing the parallel accounts of Jesus’ healing Peter’s mother-in-law. (Matthew 8:14-17; Mark 1:29-31; Luke 4:38, 39) Physician Luke included the medical detail that she had “a high fever.” What enabled Jesus to cure her and others? Luke admitted that “Jehovah’s power was there for [Jesus] to do healing.”—Luke 5:17; 6:19; 9:43. [Box on page 152] The Greatest Sermon Ever Hindu leader Mohandas Gandhi is quoted as saying that by following its teachings, “we shall have solved the problems . . . of the whole world.” Noted anthropologist Ashley Montagu wrote that the modern findings about the psychological importance of love are only “a validation” of this sermon. These men were referring to Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount. Gandhi also said that “the teaching of the Sermon was meant for each and every one of us.” Professor Hans Dieter Betz recently noted: “The influences exerted by the Sermon on the Mount generally far transcend the borderlines of Judaism and Christianity, or even Western culture.” He added that this sermon has “a peculiarly universalistic appeal.” Why not read this relatively short but fascinating discourse? You will find it in Matthew chapters 5 to 7 and at Luke 6:20-49. Here are some highlights that we can reap from this greatest sermon: How to be happy—Matthew 5:3-12; Luke 6:20-23. How to maintain self-respect—Matthew 5:14-16, 37; 6:2-4, 16-18; Luke 6:43-45. How to improve relations with others—Matthew 5:22-26, 38-48; 7:1-5, 12; Luke 6:27-38, 41, 42. How to lessen marital problems—Matthew 5:27-32. How to cope with anxiety—Matthew 6:25-34. How to recognize religious fraud—Matthew 6:5-8, 16-18; 7:15-23. How to find the meaning of life—Matthew 6:9-13, 19-24, 33; 7:7-11, 13, 14, 24-27; Luke 6:46-49. [Box on page 159] Man of Action Jesus Christ was not a passive recluse. He was a decisive man of action. He traveled “to the villages in a circuit, teaching,” helping people who were “skinned and thrown about like sheep without a shepherd.” (Mark 6:6; Matthew 9:36; Luke 8:1) Unlike many rich religious leaders now, Jesus did not accumulate wealth; he had “nowhere to lay down his head.”—Matthew 8:20. While Jesus focused his effort on spiritual healing and feeding, he did not ignore people’s physical needs. He cured the sick, the disabled, and the demon-possessed. (Mark 1:32-34) On two occasions he fed thousands of his eager listeners because he felt pity for them. (Mark 6:35-44; 8:1-8) His motive for performing miracles was his concern for people.—Mark 1:40-42. Jesus acted decisively as he rid the temple of greedy merchants. Those observing him recalled the words of a psalmist: “The zeal for your house will eat me up.” (John 2:14-17) He did not spare his words when condemning hypocritical religious leaders. (Matthew 23:1-39) Neither did he cave in to pressure from politically important men.—Matthew 26:59-64; John 18:33-37. You will be thrilled when reading of Jesus’ dynamic ministry. Many who do so for the first time start with Mark’s short yet lively account of this man of action. [Box on page 164] Jesus Moved Them to Act In the book of Acts, we can find a historical record of how Peter, John, and others bore witness about Jesus’ resurrection. A large part of the book relates events involving an intelligent student of law named Saul, or Paul, who had violently opposed Christianity. The resurrected Jesus appeared to him. (Acts 9:1-16) Having indisputable proof that Jesus was alive in heaven, Paul thereafter witnessed zealously about this fact to Jews and non-Jews, including philosophers and rulers. It is impressive to read what he said to such educated, influential men.—Acts 17:1-3, 16-34; 26:1-29. Over some decades, Paul wrote many books of the so-called New Testament, or the Christian Greek Scriptures. Most Bibles contain a table of outputs, or list of books. Paul wrote 14 of them, from Romans through Hebrews. These provided deep truths and wise guidance for Christians back then. They are even more valuable to us, who lack direct access to the apostles and other witnesses of Jesus’ teachings, works, and resurrection. You will find that Paul’s writings can help you in your family life, in your dealings with fellow workers and neighbors, and in your directing your life so that it has real meaning and brings you satisfaction. [Picture on page 146] Scientists perform in vitro fertilization. The Creator transferred his Son’s life to become a human [Picture on page 148] Many who heard Jesus and saw how he dealt with humans came to know his Father better [Picture on page 154] Jesus washed the apostles’ feet, setting a pattern of humility that the Creator appreciates [Picture on page 157] A computer error (or virus) can be purged from the system; mankind needs Jesus’ ransom in order to be rid of inherited imperfection [Picture on page 163] Eyewitnesses saw that Jesus was put into a tomb (like this one) and was raised to life on the third day
“Young People Ask” Articles in Awake!
“Young People Ask” Articles in Awake! Use the instructions below to find hundreds of “Young People Ask” articles published in the Awake! magazine between 1982 and 2012. The articles are organized by topic. Published Between 1982 and 1985 Published Between 1986 and 2012
Happy Life (hl) 2013
How Can You Have a Happy Life?
Proclaimers (jv) 1993
Chapter 14 “They Are No Part of the World” MODERN-DAY religion is, for the most part, very much a part of the world, so it shares in the world’s celebrations and reflects its nationalistic spirit. Its clergy often acknowledge that fact, and many of them like it that way. In sharp contrast, Jesus said of his true followers: “They are no part of the world, just as I am no part of the world.”—John 17:16. What does the record show as to Jehovah’s Witnesses in this regard? Have they given convincing evidence that they are no part of the world? Attitude Toward Their Fellowmen The early Bible Students were well aware that true Christians would be no part of the world. The Watch Tower explained that because Christ’s anointed followers were sanctified and begotten by holy spirit so that they might share in the heavenly Kingdom, they were by this act of God set apart from the world. Additionally, it pointed out that they were under obligation to shun the spirit of the world—its aims, ambitions, and hopes, as well as its selfish ways.—1 John 2:15-17. Did this affect the attitude of the Bible Students toward people who did not share their beliefs? It certainly did not make them recluses. But those who truly applied what they were learning from the Scriptures did not seek the fellowship of worldly people in such a way as to share their manner of life. The Watch Tower pointed God’s servants to the Bible counsel to “work what is good toward all.” It also counseled that when persecuted they should endeavor to avoid vengeful feelings and, instead, as Jesus had said, should ‘love their enemies.’ (Gal. 6:10; Matt. 5:44-48) Especially did it urge them to seek to share with others the precious truth regarding God’s provision for salvation. Understandably, their doing these things would cause them to be viewed by the world as different. But being no part of the world involves more—much more. Separate and Distinct From Babylon the Great To be no part of the world, they had to be no part of religious systems that were deeply involved in the affairs of the world and that had absorbed doctrines and customs from ancient Babylon, the longtime enemy of true worship. (Jer. 50:29) When the first world war erupted, the Bible Students had for decades been exposing the pagan roots of such doctrines of Christendom as the Trinity, immortality of the human soul, and hellfire. They had also laid bare the churches’ record of trying to manipulate governments for their own selfish ends. Because of Christendom’s doctrines and practices, the Bible Students had identified it with “Babylon the Great.” (Rev. 18:2) They pointed out that it mixed truth with error, lukewarm Christianity with outright worldliness, and that the Biblical designation “Babylon” (meaning, “Confusion”) well described that condition. They urged lovers of God to get out of “Babylon.” (Rev. 18:4) To that end, late in December 1917 and early in 1918, they distributed 10,000,000 copies of the issue of The Bible Students Monthly that featured the subject “The Fall of Babylon,” which was a hard-hitting exposé of Christendom. This, in turn, resulted in bitter animosity from the clergy, who exploited wartime hysteria in an endeavor to crush the work of Jehovah’s Witnesses. Of necessity, getting out of Babylon the Great involved withdrawing from membership in organizations that advocated her false doctrines. The Bible Students did that, although for many years they viewed as Christian brothers those individuals in the churches who professed full consecration and faith in the ransom. Nevertheless, not only did the Bible Students write letters of withdrawal from Christendom’s churches but, when possible, some would read theirs aloud at church meetings where it was in order for members to speak up. If this was not possible, they might send a copy of their letter of withdrawal—a kindly one containing an appropriate witness—to every member of the congregation. Were they also making sure that they did not take along with them any of the ungodly customs and practices of those organizations? What was the situation in the period leading up to World War I? Should Religion Mix in Politics? In the political arena, rulers of many of the leading nations, because of their connections with a Catholic or a Protestant church, had long claimed to rule ‘by divine right,’ as representatives of the Kingdom of God and by God’s special favor. The church gave its blessing to the government; in turn, the government gave its support to the church. Did the Bible Students also indulge in this? Instead of imitating the churches of Christendom, they sought to learn from the teachings and example of Jesus Christ and his apostles. What did their study of the Bible show them? Early Watch Tower publications reveal that they were aware that when Jesus was questioned by the Roman governor Pontius Pilate, he stated: “My kingdom is no part of this world.” In response to a question as to Jesus’ role, he told the governor: “For this I have been born, and for this I have come into the world, that I should bear witness to the truth.” (John 18:36, 37) The Bible Students knew that Jesus stuck unwaveringly to that assignment. When the Devil offered him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory, he refused. When the people wanted to make him king, he withdrew. (Matt. 4:8-10; John 6:15) The Bible Students did not sidestep the fact that Jesus referred to the Devil as “the ruler of the world” and said that the Devil ‘had no hold on him.’ (John 14:30) They could see that Jesus did not seek involvement for himself or his followers in Rome’s political system but that he was fully occupied with declaring “the good news of the kingdom of God.”—Luke 4:43. Did their believing these things recorded in God’s Word encourage disrespect for government authority? Not at all. Instead, it helped them to understand why the problems facing rulers are so overwhelming, why there is so much lawlessness, and why government programs to improve the lot of the people are often frustrated. Their belief caused them to be patient in the face of hardship, because they had confidence that God would in his due time bring lasting relief by means of his Kingdom. At that time they understood that “the higher powers,” referred to at Romans 13:1-7 (KJ), were the secular rulers. In accord with that, they urged respect for government officials. In discussing Romans 13:7, C. T. Russell, in the book The New Creation (published in 1904), stated that true Christians “would naturally be the most sincere in their recognition of the great of this world, and most obedient to the laws and the requirements of law, except where these would be found in conflict with the heavenly demands and commands. Few if any earthly rulers in our day will find fault with the recognition of a supreme Creator and a supreme allegiance to his commands. Hence, [true Christians] should be found amongst the most law-abiding of the present time—not agitators, not quarrelsome, not fault-finders.” As Christians, the Bible Students knew that the work to which they should be devoting themselves was the preaching of the Kingdom of God. And, as stated in the first volume of Studies in the Scriptures, “if this is faithfully done, there will be no time nor disposition to dabble in the politics of present governments.” In this respect they were, to a considerable extent, like those early Christians described by Augustus Neander in the book The History of the Christian Religion and Church, During the Three First Centuries: “The Christians stood aloof and distinct from the state, . . . and Christianity seemed able to influence civil life only in that manner which, it must be confessed, is the purest, by practically endeavouring to instil more and more of holy feeling into the citizens of the state.” When the World Went to War Around the globe the events of World War I severely tested the claims of those who professed to be Christians. It was the most ghastly war fought down to that time; nearly the entire world population was involved in one way or another. Pope Benedict XV, in spite of Vatican sympathies for the Central Powers, endeavored to maintain an appearance of neutrality. However, within each nation the clergy, Catholic and Protestant, maintained no such neutral stance. Regarding the situation in the United States, Dr. Ray Abrams, in his book Preachers Present Arms, wrote: “The churches assumed a unity of purpose hitherto unknown in religious annals. . . . The leaders lost no time in getting thoroughly organized on a war-time basis. Within twenty-four hours after the declaration of war, the Federal Council of the Churches of Christ in America laid plans for the fullest cooperation. . . . The Roman Catholic Church, organized for similar service under the National Catholic War Council, directed by fourteen archbishops and with Cardinal Gibbons as president, demonstrated an equal devotion to the cause. . . . Many of the churches went much further than they were asked. They became recruiting stations for the enlistment of troops.” What did the Bible Students do? Although they endeavored to do what they felt was pleasing to God, their position was not always one of strict neutrality. What they did was influenced by the belief, shared in common with other professed Christians, that “the higher powers” were “ordained of God,” according to the wording of the King James Version. (Rom. 13:1) Thus, in accord with a proclamation of the president of the United States, The Watch Tower urged the Bible Students to join in observing May 30, 1918, as a day of prayer and supplication in connection with the outcome of the world war.a During the war years, the circumstances into which individual Bible Students were thrust varied. The way they dealt with these situations also varied. Feeling obligated to obey “the powers that be,” as they referred to the secular rulers, some went into the trenches at the front with guns and bayonets. But having in mind the scripture, “Thou shalt not kill,” they would fire their weapons into the air or try simply to knock the weapon from the hands of an opponent. (Ex. 20:13, KJ) A few, such as Remigio Cuminetti, in Italy, refused to put on a military uniform. The Italian government at that time made no allowance for anyone who for reasons of conscience would not take up arms. He stood trial five times and was confined in prisons and a mental institution, but his faith and determination remained unshaken. In England some who applied for exemption were assigned to work of national importance or to a noncombatant corps. Others, such as Pryce Hughes, adopted a position of strict neutrality, regardless of the consequences to them personally. At least at that point, the overall record of the Bible Students was not quite like that of the early Christians described in The Rise of Christianity, by E. W. Barnes, who reported: “A careful review of all the information available goes to show that, until the time of Marcus Aurelius [Roman emperor from 161 to 180 C.E.], no Christian became a soldier; and no soldier, after becoming a Christian, remained in military service.” But then, at the end of World War I, another situation arose that called on religious groups to show where their loyalties were. A Political Expression of God’s Kingdom? A peace treaty, including the Covenant of the League of Nations, was signed in Versailles, France, on June 28, 1919. Even before that peace treaty was signed, the Federal Council of the Churches of Christ in America went on record as proclaiming that the League would be “the political expression of the Kingdom of God on earth.” And the U.S. Senate received an avalanche of mail from religious groups urging it to ratify the Covenant of the League of Nations. Jehovah’s Witnesses did not jump on the bandwagon. Even before the peace treaty was confirmed (in October), J. F. Rutherford gave a discourse at Cedar Point, Ohio, on September 7, 1919, in which he showed that not the League of Nations but the Kingdom set up by God himself is the only hope for distressed humanity. While acknowledging that a human alliance to improve conditions could accomplish much good, those Bible Students were not turning their backs on God’s own Kingdom in exchange for a political expedient set up by politicians and blessed by the clergy. Instead, they undertook the work of giving a global witness concerning the Kingdom that God had placed in the hands of Jesus Christ. (Rev. 11:15; 12:10) In The Watch Tower of July 1, 1920, it was explained that this was the work that Jesus had foretold at Matthew 24:14. Once again, following World War II, Christians were faced with a similar issue. This time, it involved the United Nations, successor to the League. While World War II was still under way, in 1942, Jehovah’s Witnesses had already discerned from the Bible, at Revelation 17:8, that the world peace organization would rise again, also that it would fail to bring lasting peace. This was explained by N. H. Knorr, then president of the Watch Tower Society, in the convention discourse “Peace—Can It Last?” Boldly Jehovah’s Witnesses proclaimed that view of the developing world situation. On the other hand, Catholic, Protestant, and Jewish leaders actually shared in the deliberations in San Francisco in 1945 during which the UN Charter was drafted. To observers of these developments, it was plain who wanted to be “a friend of the world” and who was endeavoring to be “no part of the world,” as Jesus had said would be true of his disciples.—Jas. 4:4; John 17:14. A Record of Christian Neutrality Though Jehovah’s Witnesses quickly discerned some issues that involve a Christian’s relationship to the world, other matters required more time. However, as World War II gathered momentum in Europe, a significant article in The Watchtower of November 1, 1939, helped them to appreciate the meaning of Christian neutrality. Followers of Jesus Christ, the article stated, are obligated before God to be wholly devoted to him and his Kingdom, the Theocracy. Their prayers should be for God’s Kingdom, not for the world. (Matt. 6:10, 33) In the light of what Jesus Christ disclosed as to the identity of the invisible ruler of the world (John 12:31; 14:30), the article reasoned, how could a person who is devoted to God’s Kingdom favor one side or the other in a conflict between factions of the world? Had not Jesus said of his followers: “They are no part of the world, just as I am no part of the world”? (John 17:16) This position of Christian neutrality was not one that the world in general would understand. But would Jehovah’s Witnesses really live up to it? Their neutrality was put to a grueling test during World War II, outstandingly in Germany. Historian Brian Dunn stated: ‘Jehovah’s Witnesses were incompatible with Nazism. Most important of the Nazi objections to them was their political neutrality. This meant that no believer would bear arms, hold office, take part in public festivals, or make any sign of allegiance.’ (The Churches’ Response to the Holocaust, 1986) In A History of Christianity, Paul Johnson added: “Many were sentenced to death for refusing military service . . . or they ended in Dachau or lunatic asylums.” How many Witnesses in Germany were imprisoned? Jehovah’s Witnesses in Germany later reported that 6,262 of them had been arrested and 2,074 of that number had been put into concentration camps. Secular writers usually opt for higher figures. In Britain, where both men and women were regimented, the law provided for exemption; but this was refused to Jehovah’s Witnesses by many tribunals, and judges imposed on them prison-sentence time exceeding 600 years in total. In the United States, hundreds of Jehovah’s Witnesses as Christian ministers were exempted from military service. Over 4,000 others, denied the exemption provided by the Selective Service Act, were arrested and imprisoned for terms that ranged up to five years. In every country on earth, Jehovah’s Witnesses held to the same position of Christian neutrality. However, the test of the genuineness of their neutrality did not cease with the end of the war. Although the crisis of 1939-45 was past, other conflicts came; and even during times of relative peace, many nations chose to maintain compulsory military service. Jehovah’s Witnesses, as Christian ministers, continued to face imprisonment where they were not granted exemption. In 1949, when John Tsukaris and George Orphanidis would not take up arms against their fellowmen, the Greek government ordered their execution. The treatment (of various kinds) meted out to Jehovah’s Witnesses in Greece was repeatedly so harsh that in time the Council of Europe (Human Rights Committee) endeavored to use its influence in their behalf, but as a result of pressure from the Greek Orthodox Church, down till 1992 their urgings had, with few exceptions, been circumvented. However, some governments found it distasteful to continue punishing Jehovah’s Witnesses for their conscientious religious beliefs. As of the 1990’s, in a few countries, such as Sweden, Finland, Poland, the Netherlands, and Argentina, the government was not pressing active Witnesses to engage in military service or in alternative compulsory national service, though each case was carefully examined. In one place after another, Jehovah’s Witnesses have had to face situations that challenged their Christian neutrality. Governments in power in Latin America, Africa, the Middle East, Northern Ireland, and elsewhere have met with violent opposition from revolutionary forces. As a result, both the governments and opposition forces have pressured Jehovah’s Witnesses for active support. But Jehovah’s Witnesses have maintained complete neutrality. Some have been cruelly beaten, even executed, because of the stand taken. Often, though, the genuine Christian neutrality of Jehovah’s Witnesses has won the respect of officers on both sides, and the Witnesses are permitted to proceed unmolested in their work of telling others the good news about Jehovah’s Kingdom. In the 1960’s and the 1970’s, the Witnesses’ neutrality underwent brutal tests in connection with the demand that all citizens of Malawi buy a card signifying membership in the ruling political party. Jehovah’s Witnesses saw it as contrary to their Christian beliefs to share in this. As a result, they were subjected to persecution that was unprecedented in its sadistic cruelty. Tens of thousands were forced to flee the country, and many were in time forcibly repatriated to face further brutality. Although violently persecuted, Jehovah’s Witnesses have not reacted in a spirit of rebellion. Their beliefs do not endanger any government under which they live. In contrast, the World Council of Churches has helped to finance revolutions, and Catholic priests have backed guerrilla forces. But if one of Jehovah’s Witnesses were to engage in subversive activity, it would amount to renouncing his faith. It is true that Jehovah’s Witnesses believe that all human governments will be removed by God’s Kingdom. This is what the Bible states at Daniel 2:44. But, as the Witnesses point out, instead of saying that humans would set up that Kingdom, the scripture declares that “the God of heaven will set up a kingdom.” Likewise, they explain, the scripture does not say that humans are authorized by God to clear the way for that Kingdom by removing human rulerships. Jehovah’s Witnesses recognize that the work of true Christians is to preach and to teach. (Matt. 24:14; 28:19, 20) In harmony with their respect for God’s Word, the record shows that none of them have ever attempted to overthrow a government of any kind anywhere in the world, nor have they ever plotted to harm a public official. The Italian newspaper La Stampa said regarding Jehovah’s Witnesses: “They are the most loyal citizens anyone could wish for: they do not dodge taxes or seek to evade inconvenient laws for their own profit.” Nevertheless, because of recognizing the seriousness of the matter in the eyes of God, each one of them is firmly determined to remain “no part of the world.”—John 15:19; Jas. 4:4. When National Emblems Became Objects of Devotion With the rise of Adolf Hitler to power in Germany, a wave of patriotic hysteria swept the world. In order to regiment the people, participation in patriotic ceremonies was made compulsory. In Germany everyone was required to give a prescribed salute and cry out, “Heil Hitler!” This was a lauding of Hitler as savior; it was meant to convey the idea that all the hopes of the people were centered on his leadership. But Jehovah’s Witnesses could not join in such sentiments. They knew that their worship must go only to Jehovah and that He had raised up Jesus Christ as mankind’s Savior.—Luke 4:8; 1 John 4:14. Even before Hitler became dictator in Germany, Jehovah’s Witnesses, in the booklet The Kingdom, the Hope of the World (published in 1931), reviewed the Scriptural example of the prophet Daniel’s three courageous Hebrew companions in Babylon. When ordered by the king to bow before an image at the playing of certain music, those faithful Hebrews had refused to compromise, and Jehovah had made plain his approval by delivering them. (Dan. 3:1-26) The booklet pointed out that patriotic ceremonies confronted Jehovah’s Witnesses in modern times with a similar challenge to their faithfulness. Gradually, agitation for compulsory patriotic ceremonies spread beyond Germany. On June 3, 1935, at a convention in Washington, D.C., when J. F. Rutherford was asked to comment on flag saluting in the schools, he emphasized the matter of faithfulness to God. A few months later, when eight-year-old Carleton B. Nichols, Jr., of Lynn, Massachusetts, declined to salute the American flag and join in singing a patriotic song, it was reported in newspapers across the country. To explain the matter, Brother Rutherford gave a radio discourse on October 6 on the subject “Saluting a Flag,” in which he said: “To many persons the saluting of the flag is merely a formalism and has little or no significance. To those who sincerely consider it from the Scriptural standpoint, it means much. “The flag representatively stands for the visible ruling powers. To attempt by law to compel a citizen or child of a citizen to salute any object or thing, or to sing so-called ‘patriotic songs’, is entirely unfair and wrong. Laws are made and enforced to prevent the commission of overt acts that result in injury to another, and are not made for the purpose of compelling a person to violate his conscience, and particularly when that conscience is directed in harmony with Jehovah God’s Word. “The refusal to salute the flag, and to stand mute, as this boy did, could injure no one. If one sincerely believes that God’s commandment is against the saluting of flags, then to compel that person to salute a flag contrary to the Word of God, and contrary to his conscience, works a great injury to that person. The State has no right by law or otherwise to work injury to the people.” Further explanation of the reasons for the position taken by Jehovah’s Witnesses was provided in the booklet Loyalty, published also in 1935. Attention was directed to such scriptures as the following: Exodus 20:3-7, which commanded that worship go only to Jehovah and that God’s servants were not to make or bow before any image or likeness of anything in heaven or on earth; Luke 20:25, where Jesus Christ directed that not only should Caesar’s things be paid back to Caesar but what belongs to God must be rendered to Him; and Acts 5:29, where the apostles firmly stated, “We must obey God as ruler rather than men.” In the United States, the propriety of compelling anyone to salute a flag was submitted to the courts. On June 14, 1943, the U.S. Supreme Court reversed its own former decision and, in the case of West Virginia State Board of Education v. Barnette, ruled that compulsory flag saluting was inconsistent with the guarantee of freedom set out in the nation’s own constitution.b The issue involving nationalistic ceremonies has by no means been limited to Germany and the United States. In North and South America, Europe, Africa, and Asia, Jehovah’s Witnesses have been cruelly persecuted because of their nonparticipation, even though they stand respectfully during flag-salute or similar ceremonies. Children have been beaten; many have been expelled from school. Numerous court cases have been fought. Observers have felt impelled to acknowledge, however, that in this, as in other matters, Jehovah’s Witnesses have proved to be like the early Christians. Yet, as stated in the book The American Character: “To the overwhelming majority . . . the objections of the Witnesses were as unintelligible as the objections of the Christians [in the Roman Empire] to making a formal sacrifice to the Divine Emperor were to Trajan and Pliny.” This was to be expected, since Jehovah’s Witnesses, like the early Christians, viewed matters not as the world does but according to Bible principles. Their Position Clearly Stated After Jehovah’s Witnesses had endured grueling tests of their Christian neutrality for many years, The Watchtower of November 1, 1979, reaffirmed their position. It also explained what accounted for the action taken by individual Witnesses when it said: “As a result of diligent study of God’s Word, these young Christians were able to make a decision. No one else made this decision for them. They were able to make it individually, on the basis of each one’s Bible-trained conscience. Their decision was to refrain from acts of hatred and violence against their fellowmen of other nations. Yes, they believed in, and wanted to share in, the fulfillment of Isaiah’s well-known prophecy: ‘They will have to beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning shears. Nation will not lift up sword against nation, neither will they learn war anymore.’ (Isa. 2:4) These young men of all nations did just that.” During the years that their adherence to Christian neutrality was being put to the test, reexamination of what the Bible says, at Romans 13:1-7, about “the superior authorities” led to a clearer statement of the Witnesses’ relationship to secular governments. This was published in the Watchtower issues of November 1, November 15, and December 1, 1962, and was reaffirmed in the issue of November 1, 1990. Those articles emphasized the position of Jehovah God as “the Supreme One,” while also pointing out that secular rulers are “superior authorities” only in relation to other humans and in the sphere of activity in which God permits them to function in the present system of things. The articles showed the need for true Christians conscientiously to honor such secular rulers and to render obedience to them in all matters that do not conflict with God’s law and their Bible-trained conscience.—Dan. 7:18; Matt. 22:21; Acts 5:29; Rom. 13:5. Firm adherence to these Bible standards by Jehovah’s Witnesses has earned them a reputation for separateness from the world that reminds people of the early Christians. When the World Had Its Holidays When Jehovah’s Witnesses cast aside religious teachings that had pagan roots, they also quit sharing in many customs that were similarly tainted. But for a time, certain holidays were not given the careful scrutiny that they needed. One of these was Christmas. This holiday was celebrated yearly even by members of the Watch Tower Society’s headquarters staff at the Bethel Home in Brooklyn, New York. For many years they had been aware that December 25 was not the correct date, but they reasoned that the date had long been popularly associated with the birth of the Savior and that doing good for others was proper on any day. However, after further investigation of the subject, the members of the Society’s headquarters staff, as well as the staffs at the Society’s branch offices in England and in Switzerland, decided to stop sharing in Christmas festivities, so no Christmas celebration was held there after 1926. R. H. Barber, a member of the headquarters staff who made a thorough investigation of the origin of Christmas customs and the fruitage that these were yielding, presented the results in a radio broadcast. That information was also published in The Golden Age of December 12, 1928. It was a thorough exposé of the God-dishonoring roots of Christmas. Since then, the pagan roots of Christmas customs have become general public knowledge, but few people make changes in their way of life as a result. On the other hand, Jehovah’s Witnesses were willing to make needed changes in order to be more acceptable as servants of Jehovah. When shown that celebrating the birth of Jesus had actually become of greater interest to people than the ransom provided by his death; that the revelry of the holiday and the spirit in which many gifts were given did not honor God; that the magi whose gift-giving was being imitated were actually demon-inspired astrologers; that parents set an example for their children in lying by what they told them about Santa Claus; that “St. Nicholas” (Santa Claus) was admittedly another name for the Devil himself; and that such festivals were, as acknowledged by Cardinal Newman in his Essay on the Development of Christian Doctrine, “the very instruments and appendages of demon-worship” the church had adopted—when made aware of these things, Jehovah’s Witnesses promptly and permanently stopped having any part in Christmas celebrations. Jehovah’s Witnesses have good times with their families and friends. But they do not participate in holidays and celebrations that are instructioned with pagan gods (as is true of such holidays as Easter, New Year’s Day, May Day, and Mother’s Day). (2 Cor. 6:14-17) Like the early Christians,c they do not even celebrate birthdays. They also respectfully refrain from sharing in national holidays that memorialize political or military events and refrain from giving worshipful honor to national heroes. Why? Because Jehovah’s Witnesses are no part of the world. Helping Their Fellowman Reverence toward the gods was at the heart of the social and cultural life of the Roman Empire. Since Christians abstained from sharing in anything tainted by the pagan gods, the people viewed Christianity as an affront to their way of life; and according to the historian Tacitus, Christians were said to be haters of mankind. Conveying a similar feeling, Minucius Felix, in his writings, quotes a Roman as saying to a Christian acquaintance: “You do not attend the shows; you take no part in the processions . . . abhor the sacred games.” The populace of the ancient Roman world little understood the Christians. Similarly today, Jehovah’s Witnesses are not understood by many in the world. People may admire the high moral standards of the Witnesses but feel that the Witnesses should share with the world around them in its activities and get involved in helping to make the world a better place. However, those who get to know Jehovah’s Witnesses firsthand learn that there is a Biblical reason for everything they do. Far from shutting themselves off from the rest of mankind, Jehovah’s Witnesses devote their lives to helping their fellowmen in the way that Jesus Christ set the example. They assist people to learn how to cope successfully with the problems of life now by acquainting them with the Creator and the guidelines for life that are set out in his inspired Word. They freely share with their neighbors Bible truths that can transform a person’s entire outlook on life. At the core of their belief is the realization that “the world is passing away,” that soon God will intervene to bring the present wicked system to an end, and that a glorious future awaits those who remain no part of the world and put their full faith in the Kingdom of God.—1 John 2:17. [Footnotes] a The Watch Tower, June 1, 1918, p. 174. b For further details, see Chapter 30, “Defending and Legally Establishing the Good News.” c The History of the Christian Religion and Church, During the Three First Centuries, by Augustus Neander, p. 190. [Blurb on page 188] Not recluses, yet not sharing the world’s manner of life [Blurb on page 189] They withdrew from Christendom’s churches [Blurb on page 190] “Christians stood aloof and distinct from the state” [Blurb on page 194] Christian neutrality put to the test [Blurb on page 198] ‘No one else made the decision for them’ [Blurb on page 199] Why they quit celebrating Christmas [Box on page 195] No Threat to Any Government ◆ When writing about the treatment of Jehovah’s Witnesses in a Latin American land, an editorial in the Omaha, Nebraska, U.S.A., “World-Herald” said: “It takes a bigoted and paranoid imagination to believe that the Jehovah’s Witnesses pose any kind of threat to any political regime; they are as non-subversive and peace-loving as a religious body can be, and ask only to be left alone to pursue their faith in their own way.” ◆ “Il Corriere di Trieste,” an Italian newspaper, stated: “Jehovah’s Witnesses should be admired for their firmness and coherence. Contrary to other religions, their oneness as a people prevents them from praying to the same God, in the name of the same Christ, to bless two opposing sides of a conflict, or from mixing politics with religion to serve the interests of Heads of State or political parties. Last but not least, they are ready to face death rather than violate . . . the commandment THOU SHALT NOT KILL!” ◆ After Jehovah’s Witnesses had endured a 40-year ban in Czechoslovakia, the newspaper “Nová Svoboda” said, in 1990: “The faith of Jehovah’s Witnesses prohibits the use of weapons against humans, and those who refused basic military service and didn’t get to work in the coal mines went to prison, even for four years. Just from this it is obvious that they have tremendous moral strength. We could use such unselfish people even in the highest political functions—but we are never going to get them there. . . . Of course, they recognize governmental authorities but believe that only God’s Kingdom is capable of solving all human problems. But watch it—they are not fanatics. They are people who are absorbed in humanity.” [Box/Pictures on page 200, 201] Practices That Have Been Abandoned This Christmas celebration at Brooklyn Bethel in 1926 was their last. The Bible Students gradually came to appreciate that neither the origin of this holiday nor the practices associated with it honored God For years, Bible Students wore a cross and crown as a badge of identification, and this symbol was on the front cover of the “Watch Tower” from 1891 to 1931. But in 1928 it was emphasized that not a decorative symbol but one’s activity as a witness showed he was a Christian. In 1936 it was pointed out that the evidence indicates that Christ died on a stake, not a two-beamed cross In their “Daily Manna” book, Bible Students kept a list of birthdays. But after they quit celebrating Christmas and when they realized that birthday celebrations were giving undue honor to creatures (one reason that early Christians never celebrated birthdays), the Bible Students quit this practice too For some 35 years, Pastor Russell thought that the Great Pyramid of Gizeh was God’s stone witness, corroborating Biblical time periods. (Isa. 19:19) But Jehovah’s Witnesses have abandoned the idea that an Egyptian pyramid has anything to do with true worship. (See “Watchtower” issues of November 15 and December 1, 1928) [Picture on page 189] Ten million copies were distributed [Pictures on page 191] Some went into the trenches with guns, but others, including A. P. Hughes of England and R. Cuminetti of Italy, refused such involvement [Pictures on page 193] Jehovah’s Witnesses refused to endorse the League of Nations or the UN as being from God but advocated only God’s Kingdom through Christ [Picture on page 197] Carleton and Flora Nichols. When their son refrained from saluting the flag, this became national news
Organized (od) 2019
Organized to Do Jehovah’s Will
BIBLE VERSES EXPLAINED 1 Peter 5:6, 7—“Humble Yourselves Under the Mighty Hand of God, . . . Casting All Your Care Upon Him”
BIBLE VERSES EXPLAINED 1 Peter 5:6, 7—“Humble Yourselves Under the Mighty Hand of God, . . . Casting All Your Care Upon Him” “Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God, so that he may exalt you in due time, while you throw all your anxiety on him, because he cares for you.”—1 Peter 5:6, 7, New World Translation. “Humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time, casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you.”—1 Peter 5:6, 7, New King James Version. Meaning of 1 Peter 5:6, 7 With these words, the apostle Peter assures Christians that they can confidently pray to God about their problems and concerns. God favors those who are humble, and he will richly reward them. “Humble yourselves . . . under the mighty hand of God.” In the Bible, God’s hand often refers to his power to save and to protect. (Exodus 3:19; Deuteronomy 26:8; Ezra 8:22) Christians humble themselves under God’s hand when they rely on him. They acknowledge their limitations and recognize that they cannot overcome trials on their own. (Proverbs 3:5, 6; Philippians 4:13) They are confident that God has the power to act in their behalf at the right time and in the best possible way.—Isaiah 41:10. “So that he may exalt you in due time.” Those who patiently endure trials can be confident that God will ultimately exalt, or reward, them. He will not let his worshippers be tested endlessly or beyond what they can bear. (1 Corinthians 10:13) On the contrary, if they keep doing what is good, God will definitely reward them “in due time.”—Galatians 6:9. “While you throw all your anxiety on him, because he cares for you.” Christians can throw, or cast, all their anxieties on God by humbly praying to him. One reference work explains: “The verb to cast signifies the act of exerting effort to fling something away from ourselves. It describes a deliberate act.” Once a Christian has thrown his anxieties on God, he can lessen his worry and experience what the Bible calls “the peace of God.” (Philippians 4:6, 7) He can be sure that God wants to help him because he knows that God cares for him and can use His abundant power to sustain him.—⁠Psalm 37:5; 55:22. Context of 1 Peter 5:6, 7 Chapter 5 concludes the first letter that the apostle Peter wrote to Christians. (1 Peter 1:1) Christ’s followers then, just as now, faced various trials that tested their faith and could have made them anxious. (1 Peter 1:6, 7) Aware of their hardships, Peter wrote a warm and encouraging letter in about 62-64 C.E.—1 Peter 5:12. Peter closes his letter with an encouraging reminder for those who face trials because of their faith. If they remain humble and rely on God, they can be confident that God will help them to stand firm. (1 Peter 5:5-10) Peter’s words can likewise encourage Christians who are persecuted today. Read 1 Peter chapter 5 in the study edition of the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures. This easy-to-read Bible contains audio recordings, explanatory notes, cross-references, pictures, videos, and maps. Watch this short video to see an overview of the book of 1 Peter.
WAS IT DESIGNED? The Honeycomb
WAS IT DESIGNED? The Honeycomb HONEYBEES (Apis mellifera) construct their honeycombs with wax secreted from glands found on the underside of their abdomen. The honeycomb is regarded as an engineering marvel. Why? Consider: For centuries, mathematicians suspected that partitions in the shape of hexagons were better than equilateral triangles or squares​—or any other shape—​for maximizing space with the least amount of building material. But they could not fully explain why. In 1999, Professor Thomas C. Hales provided mathematical proof for the advantage of what he termed “honeycomb conjecture.” He demonstrated that regular hexagons are the best way to divide a space into equal parts with minimal structural support. By using hexagonal cells, bees can make the best use of all the space available to them, produce a light but sturdy honeycomb with a minimum amount of wax, and store the maximum amount of honey in a given space. Not surprisingly, the honeycomb has been described as “an architectural masterpiece.” Today, scientists mimic the bees’ honeycomb to create structures that are both resilient and space efficient. Aircraft engineers, for example, use panels patterned after the honeycomb to build planes that are stronger and lighter and thus use less fuel. What do you think? Did the superior structure of the honeycomb come about by evolution? Or was it designed?
Young People Ask, Volume 1 (yp1) 2011
Inside Cover To Our Dear Young People, Your heavenly Father, Jehovah God, loves you very much. He wants you to be happy. ‘But is it really possible to be happy today?’ you may wonder. The question is a good one. After all, our lives are far from trouble-free. It seems that challenges arise every day that could rob us of our joy. Ah, but our loving Father has come to the rescue! His Word provides the guidance we need in order to navigate the rough seas of life. Although the Bible was written a long time ago, its counsel is just as practical today as it was when it was first written.​—Psalm 119:98, 99; 2 Timothy 3:16, 17. We have had this publication prepared because we love you. We want you to be happy and to get the best out of life. To that end, we encourage you not only to read this publication from cover to cover but also to refer to it often as problems arise. One of the objectives of this book is to promote better communication between you and your parents. We hope that you will read or even study portions of it together. Take advantage of your parents’ wisdom and experience! With every good wish, Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses
YOUNG PEOPLE ASK Is This Person Right for Me?
YOUNG PEOPLE ASK Is This Person Right for Me? Have you found someone who might be a good marriage partner? If so, how can you tell if that person is right for you? It’s vital that you look beyond superficial traits. After all, the cutest girl may not be trustworthy or the most popular boy may not be morally upright. You want someone you’ll be comfortable with​—someone who truly fits your personality and your goals.​—Genesis 2:18; Matthew 19:​4-6. Looking Beyond the Surface Look at your friend objectively. Be careful, though! You might be inclined to see only what you want to see. So take your time. Try to perceive your friend’s true nature. Many who date don’t look beyond the surface. Instead, they quickly point to the things they have in common: “We like the same music.” “We enjoy the same activities.” “We agree on everything!” However, you need to look beyond superficial traits. You need to discern “the secret person of the heart.” (1 Peter 3:4; Ephesians 3:16) Rather than focus on how much you agree on things, it might be more revealing to note what happens when you disagree. For example, consider the following: How does this person handle conflict​—by insisting on his or her way, perhaps giving in to “fits of anger” or “abusive speech”? (Galatians 5:​19, 20; Colossians 3:8) Or does this person show reasonableness​—a willingness to yield for the sake of peace when no issue of right or wrong is at stake?​—James 3:17. Is the person manipulative, possessive, or jealous? Does he or she demand to know your every move? “I hear of dating couples who fight because one person can’t stand that the other hasn’t constantly ‘checked in,’” says Nicole. “I think that’s a bad sign.”​—1 Corinthians 13:4. How is that one viewed by others? You may want to talk to those who have known this person for some time, such as mature ones in the congregation. That way you will know if he or she is “well reported on.”​—Acts 16:​1, 2.
YOUNG PEOPLE ASK How Can I Succeed at Distance Learning?
YOUNG PEOPLE ASK How Can I Succeed at Distance Learning? Many students are now getting their education in a different kind of “classroom”—their home. If that’s true of you, how can you make the best of it? Here are some suggestions.a Five tips to help you succeed What your peers say Five tips to help you succeed Plan your routine. Try to maintain a regular schedule, just as you would if you were at school. Set aside specific times for schoolwork, chores, and other important matters. You can adjust your schedule as needed. Bible principle: “Let all things take place . . . in an orderly manner.”—1 Corinthians 14:40, footnote. “Treat your day as if you were at school. You have to get things done at a certain time.”—Katie. To think about: Why is it a good idea to write down your schedule and put it where you will easily see it? Cultivate self-discipline. Part of growing up is realizing that sometimes you have to tackle the work at hand—even when you aren’t motivated. Don’t procrastinate! Bible principle: “Be industrious, do not loiter at your business.”—Romans 12:11, footnote. “The biggest challenge is self-discipline. It’s easy to make excuses and say, ‘I’ll do my schoolwork later.’ Then you don’t do it later, and you end up getting behind.”—Alexandra. To think about: How can doing your schoolwork in the same place and at the same time each day increase your self-discipline? Create a study space. Have on hand all the materials you need. Make your learning environment comfortable, but not cozy. You’re there to work, not to snooze! If you can’t have a dedicated area for your schoolwork, maybe the kitchen or a bedroom could be set aside as your study space during your school period. Bible principle: “The plans of the diligent surely lead to success.”—Proverbs 21:5. “Put away the basketball and the video games, silence your phone, and put the guitar in its case. An environment free from distractions is essential.”—Elizabeth. To think about: What adjustments could you make so that your study area is set up for learning? Learn to focus. Concentrate on the subject at hand, and don’t multitask. If you try to do several things at once, you’re more likely to make mistakes and take longer to complete your work. Bible principle: “[Make] the best use of your time.”—Ephesians 5:16. “Staying focused was impossible when I had my phone next to me. I wasted a lot of time doing unproductive things.”—Olivia. To think about: Could you gradually increase the amount of time you can focus on one assignment? Take breaks. Go for a walk, ride your bike, or exercise. A hobby too can refresh you. “But get your work done first,” says the book School Power. “Free time feels freer when you don’t have unfinished business.” Bible principle: “Better is a handful of rest than two handfuls of hard work and chasing after the wind.”—Ecclesiastes 4:6. “In school you usually can learn to play a musical instrument or take an art class. I didn’t realize how much I missed those things until they were gone. It’s good to supplement your schooling with a creative hobby.”—Taylor. To think about: What kind of breaks will help you resume your schoolwork with a clear mind? a There are many kinds of distance-learning arrangements. Use the suggestions in this article that apply to your situation. What your peers say “Take small but frequent breaks. It can be a struggle to sit down for hours, so getting up often makes it easier to pay attention and keep a good attitude.”—Jacob. “If you aren’t self-motivated, you won’t get anything done. Set daily goals for what you need to accomplish. That way it’s easier for you to complete your assignments.”—Juliana. Review: How can I succeed at distance learning? Plan your routine. If a schedule hasn’t been set for you, create one and then stick to it. Cultivate self-discipline. Learn to tackle the work at hand—even when you don’t feel motivated. Create a study space. Make your learning environment comfortable, but not cozy. Remove anything that will disrupt your concentration. Learn to focus. Concentrate on the subject at hand, and don’t try to multitask. Take breaks. Physical activity or a hobby can refresh you.
God’s Kingdom Has Approached (ka) 1973
Chapter 9 The Post-Millennial Test of All Mankind 1. At the end of the millennial Judgment Day, what is the final requirement for restored mankind, and so what will the Deputy Judge Jesus Christ do with them? AT THE end of the thousand-year-long Judgment Day the righteously judged human family stands perfect before its Judge and Liberator, Jesus Christ. But not yet are they adjudged worthy of eternal life on the Paradisaic earth. They must yet face the Supreme Court of the universe, that of the Most High God, Jehovah the Sovereign Lord. In harmony with this final requirement the Deputy Judge Jesus Christ must hand the human race, now capable of perfect righteousness, over to his God and Father for Him to render his decision toward all those who, under test, will prove worthy or unworthy of the priceless gift of eternal life in peace and happiness. Despite their perfection they are yet mortal. 2. By then what will have happened to Adamic death, and hence what will Jehovah determine regarding individuals of mankind? 2 The dying condition that had attached to mankind because of the sin of their first human father Adam in Eden has now been undone, destroyed, just as if hurled into the “lake of fire” to its own death. (Revelation 20:14, 15) However, will mankind, now liberated from Adamic death and imperfection, do anything of its own accord, willfully, to deserve eternal death under Jehovah’s judgment? Which individuals will prove worthy of “second death”? This is what the Supreme Judge Jehovah must determine as Final Arbiter. 3. According to 1 Corinthians 15:24-28, what transfer of things takes place? 3 Now applies what the apostle Paul foretold in 1 Corinthians 15:24-28: “Next, the end, when he hands over the kingdom to his God and Father, when he has brought to nothing all government and all authority and power. For he must rule as king until God has put all enemies under his feet. As the last enemy, death is to be brought to nothing. For God ‘subjected all things under his feet.’ But when he says that ‘all things have been subjected,’ it is evident that it is with the exception of the one [Jehovah God] who subjected all things to him. But when all things will have been subjected to him, then the Son himself will also subject himself to the One who subjected all things to him, that God may be all things to everyone.”​—NW; Ro. 4. What questions must the Sovereign Lord Jehovah now determine toward perfected mankind, and by what means will he do so? 4 As a result of the Son’s handing over the kingdom to his God and Father, the kingdom becomes the property of Jehovah God. There thus remains no subsidiary kingdom between the Sovereign Lord Jehovah and mankind. How, now, will mankind react to God’s direct Kingship over them? Will they all declare themselves his loyal subjects to all eternity? Will they all determine personally that He is their choice as God forever? This declaring of a person righteous on his own account and conferring upon him the right to everlasting life is a serious thing, that calls for unswerving loyalty on the part of the recipient of such a precious right. How will God determine whose name should stand on the “book of life”? It will be by a test of heart allegiance and integrity, as in the case of the patriarch Job of the land of Uz. 5. How will the test then made of perfected mankind correspond with that of Job, and for the purpose of proving what? 5 For a thousand years now under the kingdom of the Son of God mankind has enjoyed the undeserved kindness of God and they find themselves in a beauteous planetary paradise. As in the case of Job, the question is, Do they love and worship God only for all the good that he has done for them or because of what He is in himself, the one living and true God and the Rightful Sovereign of the universe? In the case of Job, his integrity toward Jehovah God was tested by permitting the Devil Satan to harass him short of taking his life away. So now, by permitting Satan the Devil to put restored mankind to the test to the extent that God Almighty permits, perfected mankind can be tested and proved as to individual integrity to God in a perfect sense. Such a test would call for Satan and his demons to be loosed from their thousand years of imprisonment in the abyss. This is what will take place. 6. How does Revelation 20:7-10 describe what will happen at the end of the millennial reign of Christ? 6 What takes place after the end of the millennial reign of Jesus Christ and his 144,000 royal associates, Revelation 20:7-10 tells us, in these words: “Now as soon as the thousand years have been ended, Satan will be let loose out of his prison, and he will go out to mislead those nations in the four corners of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them together for the war. The number of these is as the sand of the sea. And they advanced over the breadth of the earth and encircled the camp of the holy ones and the beloved city. But fire came down out of heaven and devoured them. And the Devil who was misleading them was hurled into the lake of fire and sulphur, where both the wild beast and the false prophet already were; and they will be tormented day and night forever and ever.” 7. When loosed, why will Satan and his demons be confident respecting perfected mankind, and what will again be the point in dispute? 7 The loosing of Satan and his demons from the abyss means letting them come again into the vicinity of the earth where they can exercise an invisible control over those of mankind who succumb to them. Satan the Devil will be confident of himself, in spite of the mental, moral, spiritual, physical perfection of mankind. True, he did fail in the case of the patriarch Job, but he did succeed more than twenty-four centuries earlier in the case of Adam and Eve in spite of their human perfection in Eden. In both cases, however, the point in dispute was the same, namely, the rightful sovereignty of Jehovah God, which requires absolute obedience of human creatures to God’s laws and prohibitions. 8. (a) How is it here shown that the issue forced upon all mankind is that of universal sovereignty? (b) Who are the “holy ones,” and what is the “beloved city”? 8 That the same issue is forced upon all mankind after the end of the thousand years is shown by the fact that those who are now misled by Satan and his demons advance over the earth and encircle the “camp of the holy ones and the beloved city.” Yes, there will be “holy ones” on the earth then. These are encircled by Satan and his earthly hordes because they refuse to be misled by Satan and his demons. Such “holy ones” are those of restored mankind who keep their integrity to God under this all-deciding test. They are like in a war camp under attack by enemy warriors. The “holy ones” are put as separate from “the beloved city.” They are not in it but are in the “camp.” Evidently, then, this “city” is not any city constructed on earth as a global capital. This must be the city that is spoken of by the glorified Jesus Christ to his followers, in Revelation 3:12, and that he calls “the city of my God, the new Jerusalem which descends out of heaven from my God.” 9. To whom is the city “beloved,” and how does it descend out of heaven from God? 9 This “city” is one “beloved” by God and also by the “holy ones.” The 144,000 joint heirs of Jesus Christ have written upon them the name of this “new Jerusalem.” It is not on earth like some material city, but is a heavenly city that descends by extending its influence and authority to the inhabitants of the earth. 10. Is the unloosed Satan able to get at the “beloved city” direct, and so what is the purpose of his attack upon it? 10 This “city” is not disorganized and demolished at the end of the thousand years of its rule over mankind, but its good, righteous effects still remain on earth with the “holy ones.” By making war upon this “beloved city” Satan the Devil aims at undoing all this good that the New Jerusalem has wrought. He does not want these benefits to remain with mankind forever. Being restrained to the earth’s vicinity, with no place for him any longer up in heaven out of which he and his demons have been cast, he cannot get directly at the “beloved city” up there. So he wars against it to the extent of trying to bring to nothing all the righteousness that it has established on the earth. 11. (a) How will the “war” then be carried on? (b) How is, not God’s almightiness, but the rightness of his universal sovereignty, shown to be the issue? 11 It is hardly to be expected that this “war” will be carried on with the scientific weapons such as the nuclear bombs and other implements of warfare of this twentieth century. The inhabitants of the earth during the millennium will not have stockpiled such weapons or have learned such war anymore. (Isaiah 2:2-4) It will not be a warfare of military might of that sort. Deceit, misleading propaganda, appeals to selfishness in disloyalty to the Universal Sovereign could be mighty weapons with which to overcome people. That the issue will be over the rightfulness of Jehovah’s universal sovereignty rather than God’s almightiness is shown in that Satan’s being imprisoned a thousand years in the abyss and now being released proves God’s superior might in comparison with the power of Satan the Devil. Still a rebel himself against Jehovah’s sovereignty, he is intent on making mankind rebels likewise. EXTENT OF THE POST-MILLENNIAL REBELLION 12. What is indicated by the fact that those whom Satan misleads are said to be “as the sand of the sea”? 12 The number of those whom Satan and his demons succeed in misleading on the prime issue is said to be “as the sand of the sea,” that is to say, appearing to be numberless. (Revelation 20:8) This by no means signifies the vast majority of mankind. For instance, the combined armies that warred against Judge Joshua were said to be as numerous as the grains of sand of the seashore. (Joshua 11:4) The camels of the enemies who invaded the land of Israel in the days of Gideon the son of Joash were said to be “without number, as numerous as the grains of sand that are on the seashore.” (Judges 7:12) So, too, those who will be misled by Satan are an indefinite number, how many of them not being foretold, but enough of them to make an impression as of a large crowd. So Satan the Devil has only limited success. 13. Is the appearing on the Paradise earth of “those nations in the four corners of the earth, Gog and Magog,” by a resurrection? 13 Those whom Satan succeeds in misleading are spoken of as “those nations in the four corners of the earth, Gog and Magog.” Their appearing on the Paradise earth is not by a resurrection of the dead including the “unrighteous” ones, but is as a result of Satan’s misleading an unpredicted number of restored mankind. 14. In what sense, then, can they be called “nations,” and in what way can they be said to be “in the four corners of the earth”? 14 During the millennial Judgment Day there have been no national divisions of mankind, nor has the judgment of the people been influenced by any national extractions. The fact that these who are misled by the loosed Satan are called “nations” indicates that, like Satan, they refuse to recognize Jehovah’s universal sovereignty and that they choose to establish an earthly sovereignty of their own, like a national sovereignty. They may not have a united sovereignty over them, but, because of division among themselves, they may have group sovereignties. However that may be, they are all united in being against Jehovah’s sovereignty. Their being called “those nations in the four corners of the earth” suggests that they are far away from the “beloved city.” Hence, in their attitude toward sovereignty, the misled ones have moved far away from sovereignty by Jehovah God. Jehovah God does not become “all things to everyone” in their case. 15, 16. (a) In what ways are those misled nationalistic ones like “Gog and Magog” as respects timing of matters and the object of attack? (b) How are those misled ones also like Gog in being maneuvered by Jehovah into making their attack? 15 These misled nationalistic ones are called “Gog and Magog” quite appropriately. In the case of the original “Gog of the land of Magog,” as foretold in Ezekiel’s prophecy, he made a final attack upon the worshipers of Jehovah God. He did so after these worshipers had been restored to their proper earthly estate and their land had become like the “garden of Eden.” (Ezekiel 36:35) They were dwelling as in “open rural country” and “having no disturbance, dwelling in security, all of them dwelling without wall” and not having “even bar and doors.” (Ezekiel 38:11) Also, the people of the “land of Magog” backed their head chieftain in making this attack upon the seemingly defenseless worshipers of Jehovah. But Gog comes to the attack from far off really because, as Jehovah says: “I shall certainly turn you around and put hooks in your jaws and bring you forth with all your military force, . . . In the final part of the years you will come to the land of people brought back.”​—Ezekiel 38:4-8. 16 Those misled by Satan the Devil after the millennial Judgment Day is over will follow this invisible chieftain who has just been released by Jehovah God from the abyss for the very purpose of letting him make an attack upon restored mankind. In being let loose from the abyss Satan the Devil and his demons are allowed to invade the vicinity of the earth again and be in close contact with mankind on the Paradise earth now like the Garden of Eden. So in making his attack, the released Satan the Devil is as if being led along by hooks in his jaws under the maneuvering of Jehovah. And the ones on earth who are now misled by Satan the Devil are, like him, led along as by hooks in their jaws to make this attack upon the “camp of the holy ones and the beloved city.” (Revelation 20:7-9) So the names of Gog and Magog can fittingly be appropriated and applied to these misled nationalistic ones of mankind who assail and try to despoil those who loyally adhere to the universal sovereignty of Jehovah God. 17, 18. (a) Do these misled ones have ability to attack the “beloved city” directly, and how are they obliged to make the attack? (b) At the end of Christ’s millennial reign, what action are his princely sons on earth obliged to take, and with what purpose in view? 17 These misled ones of mankind, being mere humans on the earth, can no more directly assault the heavenly New Jerusalem than their invisible leader, Satan the Devil, can do so. But they can get into contact with those on earth who have faithfully represented the heavenly Messianic government, namely, the “princes in all the earth.” These being appointed to be such princes by the King of the New Jerusalem, the Eternal Father Jesus Christ, they have served as the visible princely representatives of the “beloved city.” And when, at the end of his millennial reign, the kingly Son of God “hands over the kingdom to his God and Father,” these princely sons on earth must take corresponding action. They must imitate the Son of God who will “subject himself to the One who subjected all things to him,” the heavenly Father. 18 Hence these princely “sons” of the Eternal Father Jesus Christ rightly imitate him and subject themselves to his God and Father as the rightful Exerciser of universal sovereignty. Instead of proudly rebelling against what their changed situation calls for, they act Christlike and subject themselves to Jehovah’s universal sovereignty. The ones misled by Satan the Devil attack them with arguments and pressures to dissuade the visible earthly representatives of the “beloved city,” but these decidedly refuse to do so. They maintain their integrity to the Most High God and loyally cleave to his rightful sovereignty over all the earth and all the universe. They unhesitatingly choose to let Jehovah God be “all things to everyone” in their own case.​—1 Corinthians 15:24-28. DISPOSAL OF “GOG AND MAGOG” AND THEIR MISLEADER 19. Under attack by the misled ones, how do the loyal ones display, not only faith in God, but also integrity toward his universal sovereignty? 19 In this “war” for which Satan the Devil has gathered his misled ones on earth together, the “camp of the holy ones” and the earthly representatives of the “beloved city” do not fight back with fleshly weapons. They, of course, cannot kill off Satan the Devil and his demon angels, whom they cannot see or reach. But even though they can see on earth the misled ones who make up “Gog and Magog,” the loyal choosers of Jehovah’s universal sovereignty do not kill off the misled ones, in such a way acting as executioners of the misled ones. Choosing the side of Jehovah God, they let him make expression of his universal sovereignty and prove it to the misled disloyal ones. They let the battle be Jehovah’s and so do not assume to act as His executional forces and fight with lethal weapons. This displays, not only faith on their part, but also perfect integrity toward Jehovah God and his universal sovereignty. Let Him himself save them and destroy the disloyal ones! Trustfully they stand still and see the “salvation of Jehovah” in their behalf.​—2 Chronicles 20:15-17. 20. (a) Under divine protection, what will the loyal ones be privileged to see? (b) What does this divine action signify for the disloyal ones? 20 Lodging “under the very shadow of the Almighty One,” those who keep allegiance to Jehovah’s universal sovereignty will, only with their eyes, “look on and see the retribution itself of the wicked ones.” (Psalm 91:1, 8) They will behold the fulfillment of what was foretold in Revelation 20:9 regarding the post-millennial “Gog and Magog”: “And they advanced over the breadth of the earth and encircled the camp of the holy ones and the beloved city. But fire came down out of heaven and devoured them.” These disloyal ones of mankind get a baptism of fire, which means their everlasting destruction. God does not justify them or declare them righteous and enter their names on the “book of life.” (Romans 8:33) This is no abuse of Jehovah’s universal sovereignty but is a rightful expression of it toward his enemies. 21. (a) How long was Satan to be loosed from the abyss, and has its purpose now been served? (b) What would returning him to the abyss mean? 21 However, the eternal destruction of these lawless haters of what is good does not remove Satan the Devil and his demon angels from the vicinity of the earth. He has now been let loose from the abyss long enough. God’s purpose in letting him loose has been served in full; there is no further reason for letting him and his demons on the loose any longer. We remember that it is written respecting his being hurled into the abyss for a thousand years: “After these things he must be let loose for a little while.” (Revelation 20:3) The “little while,” in which Satan the Devil has tried to mislead as many of restored mankind as he can into thinking that Jehovah is exercising his sovereignty over the earth in a wrongful, arrogant way, is now up. What now? Are Satan and his demons hurled back into the abyss? To do so would imply that they were to be let loose again, just as Jesus Christ himself was let loose from the abyss, and the “wild beast” upon which Babylon the Great rides ascended out of the abyss.​—Romans 10:7; Revelation 9:1-3; 17:8; compare Revelation 11:7. 22, 23. (a) How has Satan’s accusation with reference to man been answered, and in whose favor has the long controversy been settled? (b) What now befalls Satan and his demons? 22 The chaining and imprisoning of Satan the Devil and his demons in the abyss was a temporary torment for them. Is the torment of restraint again to be temporary for them, or for all time? What happens to them after they have seen the ones whom they have misled on earth punished with fiery destruction? The Devil has now had answered the accusation that he has all along made, that men on earth serve Jehovah God merely for what they can get out of him, and that no man will remain loyal to Jehovah out of pure love for him, even under wicked temptation by Satan the Devil. Those men and women of integrity who remain alive on earth after the fiery annihilation of the disloyal ones stand as a living answer to the Devil, proving his accusation to be false and that he is a liar. The controversy of seven millenniums of time has ended in favor of the God of truth, and so there is no reason for letting Satan the Devil and his demons live on any longer. God’s patience toward them is now at its end. For these reasons he does not return these rebel angels to the abyss. So what befalls them? 23 “And the Devil who was misleading them was hurled into the lake of fire and sulphur, where both the wild beast and the false prophet already were; and they will be tormented day and night forever and ever.”​—Revelation 20:10. 24, 25. (a) Being hurled into the lake of fire symbolizes what for Satan and his demons? (b) Why is this another kind of death? 24 The torment of Satan the Devil in the lake of fire and sulphur signifies the same for him and his demons as it does for the symbolic wild beast and the false prophet. And what is that? Destruction forever and ever. (Revelation 19:20) Satan the Devil and his demons will no more live again than that symbolic wild beast and false prophet will live again. Their names are not written on any divine “book of life.” Life is life, whether spent in pleasure or in suffering pain. So their being plunged into the symbolic “lake of fire and sulphur” does not mean their being preserved in life in order to suffer conscious torment in their bodies and minds. 25 That symbolic “lake” does not symbolize what is called “a living death.” It symbolizes another kind of death, different from that suffered by all mankind through birth inheritance from the sinful Adam and Eve and which apparently was the first form of death to enter the realm of creation, among creatures in God’s image. Such inherited death proved to be temporary, it being turned into a ‘sleep of death’ by the resurrection that results from the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.​—1 Corinthians 15:20-22. 26. Why is this different kind of death fittingly called “the second death,” and the humans that suffer it do not have their names written where? 26 The death symbolized by the “lake of fire and sulphur” is different from the death inherited by mankind from Adam in that it is not like a sleep terminated by an awakening but is a total destruction, an endless death. Death received from Adam as an inheritance was the ‘first death.’ This different kind of death as symbolized by the “lake of fire and sulphur” is therefore fittingly called “the second death.” This is what it stands for in the case of those humans on earth who enter into the thousand-year Judgment Day and who later do not get their names written in God’s “book of life.” The inspired Scriptures give the significance of the “lake of fire” for such ones unworthy of everlasting life, saying: “And death and Haʹdes were hurled into the lake of fire. This means the second death, the lake of fire. Furthermore, whoever was not found written in the book of life was hurled into the lake of fire.”​—Revelation 20:14, 15. 27, 28. (a) Why is it possible for Satan and his demons to suffer the “second” death? (b) What, then, does their being tormented in the lake of fire forever mean? 27 This divine explanation of what the “lake of fire” symbolizes is borne witness to a second time, a few verses later, where we read: “Anyone conquering will inherit these things, and I shall be his God and he will be my son. But as for the cowards and those without faith and those who are disgusting in their filth and murderers and fornicators and those practicing spiritism and idolaters and all the liars, their portion will be in the lake that burns with fire and sulphur. This means the second death.” (Revelation 21:7, 8) All such references to the “lake of fire” being so close together, in the same context in Revelation, chapters 19-21, then what the “lake of fire” means for those humans not found written on the “book of life” it means also for Satan the Devil and his demons. It means “the second death.” It does not mean necessarily dying a second time, but dying the second kind of death that the Bible speaks about, and that is an endless death. 28 Accordingly, Satan and his demons can die this kind of death, even though they have never died before. There was not a bit of life in the first kind of death that came in by the sin of the first man. Likewise there is not even a spark of life in the “second death” that is the everlasting punishment for those who willfully disobey God, even ruining their perfection in order to do so. By all Scriptural rules, then, the torment of Satan and his demons in the lake of fire and sulphur forever and ever means their being brought to nothing, their being made nonexistent, their being blotted out of spirit life forever. As a result, God will have a demon-free universe, with demons never being allowed to appear again. COMING TO LIFE AFTER THE MILLENNIUM ENDS 29. God’s permitting the camp of the holy ones and also the princely representatives of the beloved city to survive signifies that he has taken what action toward them? 29 What a glorious eternity, therefore, awaits mankind! Look! Jehovah God permits the “camp of the holy ones” and the princely representatives on earth of the “beloved city” to survive the destruction of “Gog and Magog” and of Satan the Devil and his demons! What does this mean but that God has written their names on the “book of life” or has let their names stand written on the “book of life”? This means that He has declared them righteous, justified them, because of their maintaining their integrity to him, thus joining in with the Son of God, Jesus Christ, and the 144,000 joint heirs in vindicating the universal sovereignty of the Most High God, the Creator of all things good. Their being declared righteous by Jehovah God signifies that he has bestowed upon them the right to everlasting life in their Paradise home. 30. (a) To whom will these who successfully pass the final test be ever indebted, and where will they stand forever? (b) When will they really “live”? 30 It was the heavenly King, Priest and Judge, Jesus Christ, who, by his loving dealings with mankind during the thousand years, brought the willing and obedient ones up to this perfect righteousness in the flesh. If he had not done so by the end of the thousand years, then he would have been hesitant to turn them over to the final test by the Supreme Judge, Jehovah God. Why? Because he would have known that, lacking perfect righteousness, they could never undergo the divine test with success and gain eternal life. So, in complete righteousness and sinlessness in the flesh they stand in the earthly courtyards of Jehovah’s “true tent” or temple as his worshipers. There they keep standing forever by passing the divine test with irreproachable integrity and unswerving allegiance to the Sovereign Lord Jehovah. Forever they remain indebted to the Son of God, Jesus Christ, who lovingly lifted them up to this perfect righteousness as evidence of the completed work of their Ransomer and Savior, the Lord Jesus. So at that time they really live! 31. Thus by the end of the thousand years of Christ’s reign, to what do the “rest of the dead” attain, and what happens to the Adamic death? 31 In the light of that fact we can appreciate the correctness of that parenthetical statement in Revelation 20:5: “(The rest of the dead did not come to life until the thousand years were ended.)” If they had not had the preliminary work of the thousand years performed upon them by Jesus Christ and his 144,000 joint heirs who participated in the “first resurrection,” this state of perfect life would not have been the portion of the “rest of the dead” at the close of the thousand years. It is really by then that ‘death (as inherited from Adam) gave up the dead that were in it and that death was hurled into the lake of fire so as to suffer “second death” or extinction.’ (Revelation 20:13, 14) Then it becomes true, as foretold in 1 Corinthians 15:25, 26: “He must rule as king until God has put all enemies under his feet. As the last enemy, death is to be brought to nothing.” 32. How will Revelation 21:3, 4 then be fully true? 32 Then, with reference to the death inherited from the sinful Adam, it will be fully true: “And God himself will be with them. And he will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. The former things have passed away.”​—Revelation 21:3, 4. 33. (a) How will those attaining to that abundance of life prove worthy of having their lives prolonged forever? (b) How will they then appreciate in themselves the truth of Romans 6:23? 33 Will all those who have come to life in this perfect sense by the end of the thousand years choose to prolong that abundant life forever? They can do so by proving themselves worthy to receive the right to everlasting life from the Great Source of all life, Jehovah God. For passing the thoroughgoing test of their whole-souled integrity to Him, the faithful and loyal ones are rewarded with that precious right to have their lives protected and prolonged to all eternity in happiness. Thus they will realize in their own selves that “the gift God gives is everlasting life by Christ Jesus our Lord.” (Romans 6:23) If it had not been for God’s use of his beloved only-begotten Son, this would not have been possible for the human family. 34, 35. (a) What is our hope concerning the “great crowd” who already before the “great tribulation” were serving white-robed in Jehovah’s spiritual temple? (b) What feelings of the sons of Korah toward Jehovah’s courtyards will even the “unrighteous” resurrected ones be enabled to develop? 34 How soul-satisfying it will then be to worship and serve the God whose name is Jehovah in the earthly courtyards of his spiritual temple! Already at the beginning of the glorious millennium it was true of the “great crowd” of survivors of the “great tribulation” that “they have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb. That is why they are before the throne of God; and they are rendering him sacred service day and night in his temple.” (Revelation 7:9, 14, 15) It is hoped that the members of this clean-robed “great crowd” will abide in those courtyards of God’s spiritual temple clear through the thousand years and the test of absolute integrity to the Sovereign Lord Jehovah after the millennium is ended. Those who are raised from their graves during the millennium will be brought to the earthly courtyards of Jehovah’s spiritual temple to take up his worship and service there. By entering with proper appreciation into Jehovah’s service there, even the resurrected “unrighteous” ones will feel as did the sons of the Levite Korah: 35 “For a day in your courtyards is better than a thousand elsewhere. I have chosen to stand at the threshold in the house of my God rather than to move around in the tents of wickedness. For Jehovah God is a sun and a shield; favor and glory are what he gives. Jehovah himself will not hold back anything good from those walking in faultlessness.”​—Psalm 84: superscription, 10, 11. 36. What appreciation of God’s temple as expressed by David will those who are determined to keep integrity cultivate? 36 The ones who are determined to maintain wholehearted integrity to the one living and true God will cultivate the appreciation of spiritual things that David expressed, when he said: “One thing I have asked from Jehovah​—it is what I shall look for, that I may dwell in the house of Jehovah all the days of my life, to behold the pleasantness of Jehovah and to look with appreciation upon his temple.”​—Psalm 27: superscription, 4. 37, 38. (a) To what natural state will Jehovah’s “footstool” eventually be brought? (b) Will inhabitants of his “footstool” enjoy only a natural paradise, and in what way will they respond to the call of the last of the Psalms? 37 All the earth will then be a place of worship of its wondrous Creator. It is his “footstool,” whereas the heavens are his “throne.” (Isaiah 66:1) His heavenly throne is glorious; his earthly footstool will be made glorious as a suitable place for his feet. Everywhere on earth it will be paradisaic, like the Garden of Eden, like the Garden of Jehovah. (Genesis 2:8; 13:10) It will be a place of delight and joy, for it will be a place of life in unmixed happiness for all his worshipers who no longer “fall short of the glory of God.” They will have all the godly qualities in beauteous bloom and enjoy the fullness of sweet relationship with God, so that they will find themselves in a spiritual Paradise as well as an earthly Paradise. What a soul-stirring cause all this for praising the Grand Creator and Provider of all this unspeakable goodness! With melodious voices and all their musical skills that they have developed they will gratefully praise Him. They will forever join the heavenly throngs in responding to the enthusiastic call of the last one of the inspired Psalms: 38 “Praise Jah, you people! Praise God in his holy place. Praise him in the expanse of his strength. Praise him for his works of mightiness. Praise him according to the abundance of his greatness. Praise him with the blowing of the horn. Praise him with the stringed instrument and the harp. Praise him with the tambourine and the circle dance. Praise him with strings and the pipe. Praise him with the cymbals of melodious sound. Praise him with the clashing cymbals. Every breathing thing​—let it praise Jah. Praise Jah, you people!”​—Psalm 150:1-6.
Jehovah’s Witnesses (jt) 2000
Who Are They? IT IS the desire of Jehovah’s Witnesses that you become better acquainted with them. You may have met them as neighbors and fellow employees or in other daily affairs of life. You may have seen them on the street, offering their magazines to passersby. Or you may have spoken briefly with them at your door. Actually, Jehovah’s Witnesses are interested in you and your welfare. They want to be your friends and to tell you more about themselves, their beliefs, their organization, and how they feel about people and the world in which all of us live. To accomplish this, they have prepared this brochure for you. In most ways Jehovah’s Witnesses are like everyone else. They have normal problems—economic, physical, emotional. They make mistakes at times, for they are not perfect, inspired, or infallible. But they try to learn from their experiences and diligently study the Bible to make needed corrections. They have made a dedication to God to do his will, and they apply themselves to fulfill this dedication. In all their activities they seek guidance from God’s Word and his holy spirit. It is of vital importance to them that their beliefs be based on the Bible and not on mere human speculations or religious creeds. They feel as did the apostle Paul when he expressed himself under inspiration: “Let God be found true, though every man be found a liar.” (Romans 3:4, New World Translationa) When it comes to teachings offered as Biblical truth, the Witnesses strongly endorse the course followed by the Beroeans when they heard the apostle Paul preach: “They received the word with the greatest eagerness of mind, carefully examining the Scriptures daily as to whether these things were so.” (Acts 17:11) Jehovah’s Witnesses believe that all religious teachings should be subjected to this test of agreement with the inspired Scriptures, whether the teaching is offered by them or by someone else. They invite you—urge you—to do this in your discussions with them. From this it is apparent that Jehovah’s Witnesses believe in the Bible as the Word of God. They consider its 66 books to be inspired and historically accurate. What is commonly called the New Testament they refer to as the Christian Greek Scriptures, and the Old Testament they call the Hebrew Scriptures. They rely on both of these, the Greek and the Hebrew Scriptures, and take them literally except where the expressions or settings obviously indicate that they are figurative or symbolic. They understand that many of the prophecies of the Bible have been fulfilled, others are in the course of fulfillment, and still others await fulfillment. THEIR NAME Jehovah’s Witnesses? Yes, that is the way they refer to themselves. It is a descriptive name, indicating that they bear witness concerning Jehovah, his Godship, and his purposes. “God,” “Lord,” and “Creator”—like “President,” “King,” and “General”—are inputs and may be applied to several different personages. But “Jehovah” is a personal name and refers to the almighty God and Creator of the universe. This is shown at Psalm 83:18, according to the King James version of the Bible: “That men may know that thou, whose name alone is JEHOVAH, art the most high over all the earth.” The name Jehovah (or Yahweh, as the Roman Catholic Jerusalem Bible and some scholars prefer) appears almost 7,000 times in the original Hebrew Scriptures. Most Bibles do not show it as such but substitute “God” or “Lord” for it. However, even in these Bibles, a person can usually tell where the original Hebrew text uses Jehovah because in those places the substituted words are written in large and small capitals, thus: GOD, LORD. Several modern translations do use either the name Jehovah or the name Yahweh. Hence, the New World Translation reads at Isaiah 42:8, “I am Jehovah. That is my name.” The Scriptural account that Jehovah’s Witnesses draw on for their name is in the 43rd chapter of Isaiah. There the world scene is viewed as a courtroom drama: The gods of the nations are invited to bring forth their witnesses to prove their claimed cases of righteousness or to hear the witnesses for Jehovah’s side and acknowledge the truth. Jehovah there declares to his people: “Ye are my witnesses, saith Jehovah, and my servant whom I have chosen; that ye may know and believe me, and understand that I am he: before me there was no God formed, neither shall there be after me. I, even I, am Jehovah; and besides me there is no saviour.”—Isaiah 43:10, 11, American Standard Version. Jehovah God had witnesses on earth during the thousands of years before Jesus was born. After Hebrews chapter 11 lists some of those men of faith, Hebrews 12:1 says: “So, then, because we have so great a cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us also put off every weight and the sin that easily entangles us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us.” Jesus said before Pontius Pilate: “For this I have been born, and for this I have come into the world, that I should bear witness to the truth.” He is called “the faithful and true witness.” (John 18:37; Revelation 3:14) Jesus told his disciples: “You will receive power when the holy spirit arrives upon you, and you will be witnesses of me both in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria and to the most distant part of the earth.”—Acts 1:8. Hence, some 6,000,000 persons today who are telling the good news of Jehovah’s Kingdom by Christ Jesus in over 230 lands feel that they properly refer to themselves as Jehovah’s Witnesses. [Footnote] a Bible quotations in this brochure are from this translation, unless otherwise stated. [Blurb on page 4] They are dedicated to God to do his will [Blurb on page 4] They believe the Bible is God’s Word [Blurb on page 5] The name as related to a courtroom drama [Blurb on page 5] Some 6,000,000 Witnesses in over 230 lands [Picture on page 3] They are interested in you [Picture on page 4] God’s personal name in ancient Hebrew
Truth (tr) 1981
Chapter 16 Popular Customs That Displease God 1. By seeking to please God, do we gain or lose? WE HAVE everything worth while to gain and nothing of true value to lose by seeking to please God in all things. To him the psalmist says: “You will cause me to know the path of life. Rejoicing to satisfaction is with your face; there is pleasantness at your right hand forever.” (Psalm 16:11 [15:11, Dy]) However, Satan the Devil tries to turn persons away from true worship and direct them into ways that displease Jehovah God. One of the means he uses to accomplish this is the practice of popular customs that go contrary to Bible teachings. 2. What determines whether a popular custom is wrong? 2 Not all popular customs are wrong. But they are displeasing to God if they are rooted in false religion or if they are in some other way in conflict with Bible principles. (Matthew 15:6) Interestingly, most of the popular customs that have survived till today are of a religious nature. Since we have already seen that worldly religion has turned aside from the Bible’s standard of pure worship, it should not surprise us to find that many of their customs are based on pagan religious practices. 3. (a) What warning did Jehovah give his people against pagan religious customs? (b) How can we be helped to apply the counsel found at Romans 12:2 3 In warning the Israelites against the religious customs of the surrounding nations, Jehovah told his people that they should “not learn the way of the nations at all.” (Jeremiah 10:2) This was a loving warning, because those pagan customs were based on falsehood, misrepresenting God and his purpose. Often those customs had a bad effect on the morals of those practicing them. For a like reason the Bible counsels us today: “Quit being fashioned after this system of things, but be transformed by making your mind over, that you may prove to yourselves the good and acceptable and perfect will of God.” (Romans 12:2) A sincere desire to please Jehovah God will help us to do so. THE USE OF THE CROSS 4. What does The Catholic Encyclopedia admit about the cross? 4 Many churchgoers wear a cross, or have a crucifix in the home, and crosses are found in many church buildings. But did you know that the cross actually has a pagan origin? The facts show that, rather than being the exclusive symbol of Christianity, the cross was in use centuries before the birth of Christ. This is admitted by The Catholic Encyclopedia (1908 edition, Vol. IV, page 517): “The sign of the cross represented in its simplest form by a crossing of two lines at right angles, greatly antedates, in both the East and the West, the introduction of Christianity. It goes back to a very remote period of human civilization.” 5. What does the book The Ancient Church say about the pagan origin of the cross? 5 Showing the pagan religious origin of the cross, the book The Ancient Church by clergyman W. D. Killen says (1859 edition, page 316): “From the most remote antiquity the cross was venerated in Egypt and Syria; it was held in equal honour by the Buddhists of the East; . . . about the commencement of our era, the pagans were wont to make the sign of a cross upon the forehead in the celebration of some of their sacred mysteries.” 6. Where did the cross have its origin, and of what god was it a symbol? 6 And, further showing its connection with Babylonish religion, W. E. Vine, in An Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words (Vol. 1, page 256), says that the cross “had its origin in ancient Chaldea [Babylon], and was used as the symbol of the god Tammuz (being in the shape of the mystic Tau [or T], the initial of his name).” 7. (a) According to the Bible book of Acts, was Jesus put to death on a two-beamed cross? (b) How do ancient Greek writers use the word that is translated “cross” in some Bible versions? 7 But was not Jesus put to death on a two-beamed cross? The Bible indicates that he was not. At Acts 5:30 and Ac 10:39, in both Catholic and Protestant Bible translations, we are told that Jesus died on a “tree.” The word “tree” here translates the Greek word xylon (or xulon). Concerning this word and the word stauros, translated “cross” in some versions, The Companion Bible says on page 186 in the “Appendixes”: “Homer [ancient Greek poet] uses the word stauros of an ordinary pole or stake, or a single piece of timber. And this is the meaning and usage of the word throughout the Greek classics. It never means two pieces of timber placed across one another at any angle, but always of one piece alone. Hence the use of the word xulon [or xylon, meaning a timber] in connection with the manner of our Lord’s death, . . . The evidence is thus complete, that the Lord was put to death upon an upright stake, and not on two pieces of timber placed at any angle.” 8. When did the use of the cross begin among professed Christians? And why did they adopt a pagan sign? 8 Showing how and when such use of the cross began among professed Christians, W. E. Vine, in his book, says: “By the middle of the 3rd century A.D. the churches had either departed from, or had [made a distorted imitation of], certain doctrines of the Christian faith. In order to increase the prestige of the apostate ecclesiastical system pagans were received into the churches apart from regeneration by faith, and were permitted largely to retain their pagan signs and symbols. Hence the Tau or T, . . . with the cross-piece lowered, was adopted to stand for the cross of Christ.”​—Vol. 1, page 256. 9. (a) Is it normal to cherish an instrument used to murder a loved one? (b) If one has been using a cross, what decision must he make? What will help in making the right decision? 9 It is not normal to cherish and adore the instrument used to murder someone we love. Who would think of kissing the revolver that had been used to murder a loved one, or of wearing it around one’s neck? This being so, and the cross being proved to be a pagan religious symbol, persons who have worn such an object or had crucifixes in their homes, thinking that this honored God and his Son Jesus Christ, are faced with an important decision. Will they continue to use them? Will they even keep them? Love of the truth and the desire to please God in all things will help in making the right decision.​—Deuteronomy 7:26. RELIGIOUS IMAGES AND PICTURES 10. (a) How far back does the use of religious images, shrines and pictures date? (b) In this connection, what questions deserve our consideration? 10 Ever since the time of ancient Egypt and Babylon, the use of religious images, shrines and pictures in the home has been popular. These have been cherished by persons who believed that they would bring safety and blessing to their homes. But is Jehovah pleased with this practice? Does he approve of those who look to material objects of devotion instead of putting full trust in him, the true and living God? 11. (a) Did God allow the ancient Israelites to use religious images as aids to devotion? (b) Why did the early Christians also avoid the use of images? 11 Showing his displeasure with religious images as aids to devotion, God gave his law to the Israelites forbidding their use. Moreover, he warned them against desiring the gold and silver on images they found among pagan peoples. (Exodus 20:4, 5; Deuteronomy 7:25) Did God’s attitude change with the introduction of Christianity? No, for the Bible shows that Christians likewise avoided the use of images. (Acts 17:29) Following the apostle John’s counsel to “guard yourselves from idols,” they walked “by faith, not by sight.” They put their complete trust in the invisible God.​—1 John 5:21; 2 Corinthians 5:7. 12. How did images of Christ get started? So, did early Christians have images of Jesus’ mother? 12 Secular history agrees with this. As M’Clintock and Strong’s Cyclopœdia (Vol. IV, page 503) tells us: “Images were unknown in the worship of the primitive Christians.” Since the early Christians kept their homes free from religious images, where did images of Christ get started? The book The History of the Christian Religion and Church, During the Three First Centuries (by Dr. Augustus Neander) (Second edition, 1848, page 183) tells us: “Heathens, who, like Alexander Severus [Roman emperor of the third century C.E.], saw something Divine in Christ, and sects, which mixed heathenism and Christianity together, were the first who made use of images of Christ.” Since no images of Christ were used by the early Christians, it is evident also that they had no images of Mary, Jesus’ mother. 13. (a) What determines whether a statue or picture displeases God? (b) What is the origin of the halo or “nimbus”? 13 Does this mean that it is wrong to have any art object, such as pictures or statues, in the home? No, for there is a difference between mere objects of art and objects of religious devotion. What is it that determines whether a statue or picture is displeasing to God? This: is it reverenced or worshiped, perhaps candles or food being placed before it, as in some countries? Does it misrepresent the Bible? Or does it portray pagan symbols? You may have noticed that some pictures of Jesus Christ have a circle of light around his head. This is called a halo or nimbus. If you look up “nimbus” in an encyclopedia, you will learn that it was used by ancient Egyptians, Greeks and Romans in their pagan religious art. The halo can be traced back to Babylonian sun-worship, and it appears with representations of gods of Babylon. 14. What did faithful servants of God in the past do when they found such false religious items in their midst? 14 Do we have guidance from the past as to what we should do if we find such religious images and pictures in our midst? Well, what did faithful Jacob do when he found false gods among the members of his household? He got rid of them. (Genesis 35:2-4) And what did young King Josiah do as a result of starting to search for the true God? He cleaned the graven images out of Judah, breaking them to pieces. (2 Chronicles 34:3, 4)a What fine examples of zeal in giving glory to Jehovah God!​—Psalm 115:1-8, 18 [113:1-8, 18, second set of numbers, Dy]. HONORING HUMANS AND INSTITUTIONS 15. (a) Are holidays that give worshipful honors to creatures pleasing to God? (b) Holidays in memory of the “spirits of the dead” are based on what false doctrine? So, what is the truth about All Souls’ Day? 15 In many places it is the custom to set aside days to honor “saints,” or famous persons, dead or alive. Is this pleasing to God? The Bible warns against giving worshipful honors to creatures, so holidays that tend in that direction are not in harmony with God’s will. (Acts 10:25, 26; 14:11-15; Romans 1:25; Revelation 19:10) Further, holidays in memory of the “spirits of the dead” are actually based on the false doctrine of the immortality of the human soul. So it should not surprise us to read, in the Encyclopœdia Britannica (1946 edition, Vol. 1, page 666), that “certain popular beliefs connected with All Souls’ Day are of pagan origin.” Persons who love the way of the truth are careful to avoid such celebrations. 16. (a) What is wrong with holidays or celebrations that honor nations or worldly institutions? (b) How do the Scriptures show what course Christians should take? 16 Other holidays or celebrations honor and exalt nations or worldly institutions. The wrong custom here is giving credit to such organizations for benefits that really should be credited to God, or crediting such institutions with the power to save and protect in a way that actually only God can do. (Jeremiah 17:5-7) So, participants in these celebrations play false to God. True Christians will be guided by the principle that they are to be “no part of the world.” (John 15:19) Rather than imitate the world, they will “quit being fashioned after this system of things.”​—Romans 12:2. 17. (a) At a birthday celebration, who is exalted as the center of attention? (b) Who are the only persons whose birthday celebrations are reported in the Bible? (c) How did the early Christians view birthday celebrations? 17 Some customs that may seem quite innocent lead in the same direction as the practices mentioned above. Thus, while the celebration of birthdays may seem of little consequence, they exalt the creature, making him the center of attention rather than the Creator. We should note, too, that the only two birthday celebrations mentioned in the Bible are those of Egypt’s Pharaoh and Herod Antipas, rulers who followed false religion. (Genesis 40:20-22; Matthew 14:6-10) And what of the early Christians? Historian Neander says: “The notion of a birthday festival was far from the ideas of the Christians of this period in general.” (Page 190) They shunned birthday celebrations as of pagan origin. Those who earnestly seek to please God wisely avoid customs that exalt any creature or that have their origin with false religion.​—John 5:44. EASTER AND CHRISTMAS 18. (a) Did the early Christians celebrate Easter? (b) What is the origin of Easter’s popular customs? (c) Does the Easter celebration find any support at all in the Bible? 18 Easter is Christendom’s chief religious holiday, said to be held in memory of Christ’s being raised from the dead. But did Christ give a command to celebrate his resurrection? No, he did not. History books tell us that Easter was not celebrated by early Christians and that it is based on ancient pagan practices. The Encyclopœdia Britannica says: “There is no indication of the observance of the Easter festival in the New Testament. . . . The sanctity of special times was an idea absent from the minds of the first Christians.”b Dr. Alexander Hislop says of Easter customs: “The popular observances that still attend the period of its celebration amply confirm the testimony of history as to its Babylonian character. The hot cross buns of Good Friday, and the dyed eggs of Pasch or Easter Sunday, figured in the Chaldean [Babylonian] rites just as they do now.”c The word “Easter” that appears once in the King James Bible at Acts 12:4 is a wrong translation for the word “passover.”d “Easter” appears nowhere in the Catholic Douay Bible. Christendom’s chief holiday, Easter, therefore finds no support at all in the Bible. It is of pagan origin, and therefore displeasing to God. 19. (a) Was Christmas celebrated by the earliest Christians? (b) What memorial did Jesus instruct his followers to keep? 19 What about Christmas? By checking reference works in a public library, you will find that it was unknown among the earliest Christians. Jesus instructed his followers to observe a memorial of his death, not of his birth. (1 Corinthians 11:24-26) Says The Catholic Encyclopedia: “Christmas was not among the earliest festivals of the church. . . . The first evidence of the feast is from Egypt.”e 20. (a) How do the facts show that Jesus could not have been born in the cold of winter? (b) When was the date December 25 chosen, and why that date? 20 What, then, of the date December 25, celebrated by many as the birthday of Christ? It could not have been the date of Jesus’ birth. The Bible shows that at the time shepherds were still in the fields at night. As the Encyclopœdia Britannica (1907, Vol. V, p. 611) acknowledges, they would not have been there in the cold, rainy season of winter. (Luke 2:8-12) As for the origin of the date, The World Book Encyclopedia says: “In A.D. 354, Bishop Liberius of Rome ordered the people to celebrate on December 25. He probably chose this date because the people of Rome already observed it as the Feast of Saturn, celebrating the birthday of the sun.”f 21. What do the facts of history show as to the origin of most of the Christmas customs? 21 Since the date of Christmas is of pagan origin, it should not seem strange that the customs of Christmas are also of pagan origin. Thus the Encyclopœdia of Religion and Ethics tells us: “Most of the Christmas customs now prevailing . . . are not genuine Christian customs, but heathen customs which have been absorbed or tolerated by the Church. . . . The Saturnalia in Rome provided the model for most of the merry customs of the Christmas time.”g Also, The Encyclopedia Americana points out that among the customs borrowed from the pagan Roman feast of Saturnalia was “the giving of gifts.”h 22. (a) How should Galatians 5:9 influence our attitude toward Christmas? (b) For what sound reasons do true Christians shun the celebration? 22 There is no escaping it: Christmas is of pagan origin. Knowing this, we should pay attention to the apostle Paul’s warning against mixing the true and the false. He says that even “a little leaven ferments the whole lump.” (Galatians 5:9) He reproved some of the early Christians for observing days that had been kept under the law of Moses but that God had canceled for Christians. (Galatians 4:10, 11) How much more important it is for true Christians today to shun a celebration that was never authorized by God, that stems from pagan Babylon, and that falsely bears the name of Christ! FINER THAN PAGAN CELEBRATIONS 23. What do true Christians have that is finer than the once-a-year “Christmas spirit”? 23 True Christians have something finer than pagan celebrations. They have the “fruitage of the spirit,” which is “love, joy, peace, long-suffering, kindness, goodness, faith, mildness, self-control.” (Galatians 5:22, 23) This fruitage produces a generosity that is much more beautiful and genuine than the “Christmas spirit” that blooms just once a year. God’s spirit produces kindness and unselfishness that can plainly be seen every day of the year. This prompts Christians to give, not with the hope of repayment or because they are pressured into it, but out of genuine Christian love.​—Luke 6:35, 36; Acts 20:35. 24. (a) When do real Christians give gifts and have good times together? (b) How is this better than what the world does? 24 Real Christians can give gifts and have good times together throughout the year. (Luke 6:38) Parents do not have to wait for birthdays or for Christmas, but they can bring gifts to their children at various times during the year. This makes for many happy occasions instead of one or two. Further, the children know that it is their parents who are giving them the gifts, doing so out of love for them. This helps to cement the bond of love between parents and children. Moreover, children are not encouraged to be unthankful to man or God, because of thinking that they are eninputd to receive gifts on certain days.​—Colossians 3:14. 25. Learning the truth about popular customs frees us from what, and with what goal in view? 25 Learning the truth about the pagan origins of popular customs can have a marvelous liberating effect. No longer do we feel obligated to follow practices that have proved to be a burden, financially and otherwise, to people of the world. And, most important, our knowing the truth frees us to pursue the course that is pleasing to Jehovah, so that we may find everlasting life in his righteous new system.​—John 8:32; Romans 6:21, 22. [Footnotes] a 2 Paralipomenon 34:3, 4, Dy. b The Encyclopœdia Britannica, 1910, Vol. VIII, p. 828. c The Two Babylons, pp. 107, 108. d See modern Bible translations of Acts 12:4 or The Westminster Dictionary of the Bible, p. 145. e The Catholic Encyclopedia, 1908, Vol. III, p. 724. f The World Book Encyclopedia, 1966, Vol. 3, p. 416. g Encyclopœdia of Religion and Ethics, by James Hastings, Vol. III, pp. 608, 609. h The Encyclopedia Americana, 1956, Vol. VI, p. 622.
Purple Triangles Guide (brfi) 2023
IMPRISONMENT 1 Preceding Lichtenburg and Ravensbrück, Moringen (near Göttingen) was one of the early concentration camps for women (1933-1937). Nearly half of the known women at Moringen were Jehovah’s Witnesses. Maßregelvollzugszentrum Niedersachsen Moringen 2 Among the Moringen inmates was 32-year-old Katharina Thoenes. The director isolated her and her fellow Witnesses from the others and enforced a correspondence, parcel, and money ban “because the women refused to do sewing for the winter relief work.” LAV NRW R, RW 0058 Nr. 8433, Erkennungsdienstliches Foto Katharina Thoenes 3 Because he refused to pledge allegiance to the fuehrer, 18-year-old Jonathan Stark was taken to the youth concentration camp of Moringen in 1944.​—(On November 1, 1944, he was hanged as a conscientious objector in Sachsenhausen.) 4 In May 1939, shortly before the camp’s dissolution, more than 40 percent of the female prisoners in Lichtenburg were Jehovah’s Witnesses. Landesamt für Denkmalpflege Sachsen 5 Erna Ludolph and many other female Witnesses were taken to Ravensbrück in May 1939, in order to help construct a new concentration camp there. 6 At Ravensbrück, the women had to work under the severest circumstances.​—(Taken from an SS-propaganda photo album.) Both: Mahn- und Gedenkstätte Ravensbrück DÖW, Vienna, Austria 7 Therese Schreiber was among the many Austrian Witnesses whom the Nazis carried off to Ravensbrück and other concentration camps. Later, a court in Vienna sentenced her because underground she had duplicated The Watchtower, a magazine of Jehovah’s Witnesses. 8 Charlotte Müller and Ilse Unterdörfer were moved from Lichtenburg to Ravensbrück camp. Both had been active in their faith despite the ban. 9 The camp inmates with the purple triangle became known as reliable and trustworthy workers. This card allowed Charlotte Müller (as from 1942) to serve as a housekeeper for an SS family close to the camp. 10 In 1944, a small group of Ukrainian girls at Ravensbrück camp, among them Alekseyevna Yarosh, became familiar with the teachings of Jehovah’s Witnesses and soon joined them. 11 Even under the extreme conditions of camp life, the Witnesses looked for opportunities to talk to each other about their faith and, at the risk of their lives, to read Bible literature.​—(The modern painting, displayed at the Ravensbrück Memorial Museum, is based on an eye-witness report.) 12 Sachsenhausen concentration camp (1936-1945), north of Berlin. In pre-war years, about 5 to 10 percent of all held captive in the camps were Jehovah’s Witnesses. When new Witnesses arrived, they were immediately taken to the “penal labor unit,” where the hardest and dirtiest work had to be done for 10 to 12 hours a day, including Sundays. 13 The Bible Students (Jehovah’s Witnesses) constituted a separate category of prisoners, and were stigmatized with a purple triangle. Their firm stand exposed them to special cruelty by the SS guards and the kapos (inmates serving as overseers), and the Witnesses were at their mercy. Chart: Kennzeichentafel Dachau, ITS Archive, Arolsen Archives 14 As one of many punishments, the prisoner was tied and beaten on the naked backside with iron rods. 15 Regardless of the weather, the prisoners often had to stand lined up for hours at the roll-call squares (here at Sachsenhausen). On September 15, 1939, at this very place, the SS had conscientious objector August Dickmann executed in the presence of the entire camp. akg-images/​Alamy Stock Photo 16 The camp inmates could be punished for trivial offenses, for example, by hanging them on a stake, the so-called tree hanging, an extremely painful measure. Taken at Buchenwald camp shortly after liberation 17 In addition to the degrading conditions, the camps were extremely overloaded. Jehovah’s Witnesses were permitted to share barracks with their fellow believers for a time, but because they held religious meetings, the SS later separated them. However, since they then preached more to other inmates, the SS put the Witnesses together again. Commented an observer: “One cannot escape the impression that, psychologically speaking, the SS were never quite equal to the challenge offered them by Jehovah’s Witnesses.”​—Eugen Kogon. Taken at Buchenwald camp shortly after liberation 18 As a result of their poor diet, many died or suffered from malnutrition and diseases, such as hunger-related typhus. 19 Special furnaces were used to get rid of the countless dead bodies. Taken at Buchenwald camp shortly after liberation 20 At Buchenwald concentration camp (1937-1945), located near Weimar, and at other camps, from 1938 onward the SS isolated Jehovah’s Witnesses in special barracks behind barbed wire, not allowing them to write letters for nine months. During the following three and a half years (at Buchenwald​—where the Witnesses made up the greatest number of prisoners in the “penal labor unit”—​even until the end of the war), they were not allowed to write to their relatives more than 25 words once a month. 21 The following text was stamped or printed on the camp stationery: “The prisoner remains, as before, a stubborn Bible Student and refuses to reject the Bible Students’ false teachings. For this reason the usual privileges of correspondence have been denied him.” 22 The SS would often present to the Witnesses a declaration. By signing this and renouncing their faith, the Witnesses could have been set free. Yet, few signed it. 23 At the risk of his life, Wilhelm Töllner gave Bible talks at Buchenwald. 24 The Mauthausen concentration camp in Austria (1938-1945). On September 27, 1939, 145 prisoners wearing the purple triangle arrived from the Dachau camp. Some were forced to do hard labor at the notorious quarry with its stairs of death. Left: United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, courtesy of National Archives and Records Administration, College Park. Right: DÖW, Vienna, Austria DÖW, Vienna, Austria 25 August Kraft from Vienna, who for a time had organized the underground work of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Austria, was arrested on May 25, 1939. He died at Mauthausen in February 1940. 26 The Gestapo hunted for Albert Wandres (left) for three years. The Special Court in Frankfurt am Main sentenced him to five years of detention. Also, Martin Pötzinger (right) from Munich had been very active in the underground work. Despite hunger, both men had to perform hard physical labor at Dachau and Mauthausen; both survived. 27 Hans Gärtner, a hairdresser from Zwingenberg, did not survive his detention at Mauthausen and Dachau. In his home town, a street bears his name today. 28 More than 1,000,000 people died at Auschwitz, most of them because they were Jews. Auschwitz was one of the biggest concentration, labor, and extermination camp complexes (from June 1940 until January 27, 1945) Roma (Gypsies), Poles, Jehovah’s Witnesses, and others died as well. Left: Archiwum Państwȯwego Muzeum w Oświęcimiu. Right: Shawshots/​Alamy Stock Photo 29 In 1942, Russian Aleksej Nepotschatov was tattooed with the number 154888 at Auschwitz. Because he was a prisoner of war, he barely escaped being murdered. At Buchenwald camp, he met German Witnesses and accepted their faith. 30 Gestapo photos taken of Jan Otrebski, a Polish Witness who received prison numbers at three camps: Auschwitz (no. 63609), Gusen (no. 13449), and Mauthausen (no. 31208). Archiwum Państwȯwego Muzeum w Oświęcimiu 31 Elsa Abt from Danzig was arrested in May 1942, and her apartment was sealed by the police. She entrusted her two-year-old daughter to a family in the same apartment building. Together with 11 other Witnesses, Elsa was taken to Auschwitz-Birkenau and her husband, Harald, was taken to Buchenwald. In January 1945, she experienced the evacuation transports from camp to camp: to Groß-Rosen, Mauthausen, Bergen-Belsen, and Dora-Nordhausen, where she was freed.​—(Harald is on the left in the inset.) Prisoner Card: Häftlingspersonalbogen Theodor Sponsel, Buchenwald,​ITS Digital Archive, Arolsen Archives 32 Camp bureaucracy meticulously kept account of all inmates. After the dissolution of the Niederhagen concentration camp (1939-1943; for some time the camp was under the jurisdiction of the Sachsenhausen camp), a “remaining labor group,” consisting almost entirely of Jehovah’s Witnesses, stayed at Wewelsburg. Theodor Sponsel was one of them.​—(Group picture taken shortly after liberation in 1945.) 33 Max Hollweg recalls how the SS tried to work 26 conscientious objectors to death (1942). They did not succeed because other Witnesses secretly gave them food and support. 34 Despite the ban and until his imprisonment, Georg Klohe secretly produced sound records with Bible-based talks (1934-1936). In 1944, while at Wewelsburg camp, he managed to have a cello built for himself. The SS conceded because Jehovah’s Witnesses had no prospect of being released. However, the musical instrument never came to be used in a prisoners’ orchestra, and Georg Klohe played it only occasionally after work. 35 Simone Arnold’s parents, Emma and Adolphe Arnold, from the Alsace (France) adhered to their faith and were both imprisoned. (Simone is in the center in the photograph.) In 1942, Adolphe Arnold was sent to Dachau camp. Once a month, while still free, his wife Emma mailed him a cake with three hidden slips of paper containing Watchtower articles. Adolphe memorized the texts. When liberated, he was able to take home three of these slips of paper hidden in his jacket. 36 In January 1936, Leopold Engleitner from Austria was arrested for the first time. Between October 1939 and July 1943, he was sent to the camps at Buchenwald, Wewelsburg, and Ravensbrück. One time, he was so severely beaten on the head that he sustained painful long-term injuries. Even after his unexpected release from the concentration camp in 1943, Engleitner was not completely free, since he had to work as a forced laborer. However, in 1945 he was able to leave the area and avoid being drafted into the army. 37 Margarete Unterner (Alsace) refused to support the Reichs Work Service, and in 1942, she was imprisoned in Saverne and later at Schirmeck-Vorbruck camp. Her husband, Marcel, refused to join the German army and was sent to the military prison in Berlin-Tegel. On account of a severe nerve disorder, he was released. 38 Despite the ban, Johanna and Johann Degen held Christian meetings at their house in Lorsch. As a result, in 1936, Johann was sentenced to two years in Darmstadt prison. When his time was up, in October 1938, he was transferred to a concentration camp (Dachau). In January 1941, he died from hunger-related typhoid at Mauthausen camp. 39 At his job in the quarries near Zwingenberg, Adam Heim helped persecuted citizens. He was denounced and sentenced by the Special Court in Darmstadt. There followed time in prison and at Dachau camp.​—(Later he died in a motorcycle accident.) 40 Horst Schmidt (Emmy Zehden’s foster child) carried Watchtower publications as a courier from Berlin as far as Danzig. After his arrest, he was sentenced to death in 1944. From Brandenburg-Görden, fettered and awaiting his execution, he was freed on April 27, 1945. 41 For their faith, 12 members of the Kusserow family from Lippspringe were sent to various prisons, penitentiaries, concentration camps, and Nazi reform schools. Two sons were executed as conscientious objectors.
Determined to Learn
Determined to Learn During a time when there was a scarcity of copies of the book The Truth That Leads to Eternal Life, a witness of Jehovah in Ohio began studying the Bible with her neighbor. The Witness had only her copy of the Truth book to use. So she would lend the book to this interested neighbor in order for her to prepare her lessons. This went on for some time. Finally the neighbor borrowed the book for several days. When the Witness came to her home to conduct the study, she was amazed to find that this woman had hand copied much of the Truth book along with the questions so she could have her own book to study until copies would once again be available. Truly, she was determined to learn God’s truth.
Are Jehovah’s Witnesses a Cult?
Are Jehovah’s Witnesses a Cult? No, Jehovah’s Witnesses are not a cult. Rather, we are Christians who do our best to follow the example set by Jesus Christ and to live by his teachings. What is a cult? The term “cult” means different things to different people. However, consider two common perceptions regarding cults and why those perceptions don’t apply to us. Some think of a cult as being a new or unorthodox religion. Jehovah’s Witnesses have not invented a new religion. On the contrary, we pattern our worship after that of the first-century Christians, whose example and teachings were recorded in the Bible. (2 Timothy 3:​16, 17) We believe that the Holy Scriptures should be the authority on what is orthodox in matters of worship. Some think of a cult as being a dangerous religious sect with a human leader. Jehovah’s Witnesses do not look to any human as their leader. Rather, we adhere to the standard that Jesus set for his followers when he stated: “Your Leader is one, the Christ.”​—Matthew 23:10. Far from being a dangerous cult, Jehovah’s Witnesses practice a religion that benefits themselves and others in the community. For example, our ministry has helped many people to overcome harmful addictions, such as the abuse of drugs and alcohol. In addition, we conduct literacy classes around the world, helping thousands learn to read and write. And we are actively involved in disaster relief. We work hard to have a positive impact on others, just as Jesus commanded his followers to do.​—Matthew 5:​13-​16.
What Does the Bible Say About Easter?
What Does the Bible Say About Easter? The Bible’s answer The celebration of Easter is not based on the Bible. If you look into its history, though, you will see the true meaning of Easter—it is a tradition based on ancient fertility rites. Consider the following. Name: The Encyclopædia Britannica says: “The English name Easter is of uncertain origin; the Anglo-Saxon priest Venerable Bede in the 8th century derived it from the Anglo-Saxon spring goddess Eostre.” Others instruction it to Astarte, the Phoenician fertility goddess who had the Babylonian counterpart Ishtar. Hares, rabbits: These are symbols of fertility “handed down from the ancient ceremonial and symbolism of European and Middle Eastern pagan spring festivals.”​—Encyclopædia Britannica. Eggs: According to Funk & Wagnalls Standard Dictionary of Folklore, Mythology and Legend, the hunt for Easter eggs, supposedly brought by the Easter rabbit, “is not mere child’s play, but the vestige of a fertility rite.” Some cultures believed that the decorated Easter egg “could magically bring happiness, prosperity, health, and protection.”—Traditional Festivals. New Easter outfit: “It was considered discourteous and therefore bad luck to greet the Scandinavian goddess of Spring, or Eastre, in anything but fresh garb.”—The Giant Book of Superstitions. Sunrise services: These have been instructioned to rites of ancient sun worshippers “performed at the vernal equinox welcoming the sun and its great power to bring new life to all growing things.”—Celebrations—The Complete Book of American Holidays. The American Book of Days well describes the origin of Easter: “There is no doubt that the Church in its early days adopted the old pagan customs and gave a Christian meaning to them.” The Bible warns against worshipping God by following traditions or customs that displease him. (Mark 7:6-8) Second Corinthians 6:17 states: “‘Separate yourselves,’ says Jehovah, ‘and quit touching the unclean thing.’” Easter is a pagan holiday that those who want to please God will avoid.
YOUNG PEOPLE ASK Is Oral Sex Really Sex?
YOUNG PEOPLE ASK Is Oral Sex Really Sex? According to a U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report, about half of all interview respondents from age 15 to 19 have engaged in oral sex. “If you talk to teens [about oral sex] they’ll tell you it’s not a big deal,” says Sharlene Azam, the author of the book Oral Sex Is the New Goodnight Kiss. “In fact, they don’t consider it sex.” What do you think? What are the facts? Why does it matter? What do you think? Answer the following questions yes or no. Can a girl get pregnant as a result of giving oral sex? Yes No Does oral sex have any health risks? Yes No Is oral sex really sex? Yes No What are the facts? Compare your answers with those that follow. Can a girl get pregnant as a result of giving oral sex? Answer: No. That is one reason why many people conclude​—wrongly​—that oral sex is harmless. Does oral sex have any health risks? Answer: Yes. A person who engages in oral sex can contract hepatitis (A or B), genital warts, gonorrhea, herpes, HIV, and syphilis. Is oral sex really sex? Answer: Yes. Any conduct involving the genitals of another person​—including intercourse, oral sex, anal sex, and masturbating another person​—constitutes sex. Why does it matter? Consider several scriptures in the Bible that relate to the topic of oral sex. The Bible says: “This is the will of God, that you should . . . abstain from sexual immorality.”​—1 Thessalonians 4:​3. The original-​language word translated “sexual immorality” refers to all forms of intimate conduct outside of marriage, including intercourse, oral sex, anal sex, and masturbating another person. A person who engages in sexual immorality can reap serious consequences, the most tragic of which is a damaged friendship with God.​—1 Peter 3:12. The Bible says: “Whoever practices sexual immorality is sinning against his own body.”​—1 Corinthians 6:18. Oral sex can have harmful physical and spiritual consequences. It can also take an emotional toll. “Feeling used, regretful, or vulnerable is not unique to vaginal sex,” says the book Talking Sex With Your Kids. “All of the bad emotions someone might experience from having intercourse in the wrong situation can be experienced from having any type of sex in the wrong situation. Sex is sex.” The Bible says: “I, Jehovah, am your God, the One teaching you to benefit yourself.”​—Isaiah 48:​17. Do you believe that God’s laws regarding sex really benefit you? Or do you think that they restrict you? To help you answer those questions, think of a busy highway with posted speed limits, traffic signals, and stop signs. Do you view those signs and signals as a restriction or as a protection? What would happen if you​—and other drivers​—ignored them? Traffic laws restrict your freedom, but they protect you. Similarly, God’s laws place restrictions on you, but they safeguard you It is similar with God’s standards. If you ignore them, you are sure to reap what you sow. (Galatians 6:7) “The more you abandon your beliefs and values and engage in activities you don’t feel right about, the less you’ll respect yourself,” says the book Sex Smart. In contrast, if you live in accord with God’s standards, you will show true moral character. More than that, you will maintain a clean conscience.​—1 Peter 3:16.
Revelation Climax (re) 1988
Chapter 23 The Second Woe​—Armies of Cavalry 1. Despite clergy efforts to stamp out the locusts, what has happened, and what does the coming of two more woes indicate? FROM 1919 onward, the symbolic locusts’ invasion of Christendom has caused the clergy much discomfort. They have tried to stamp out the locusts, but these have kept coming on stronger than ever. (Revelation 9:7) And that is not all! John writes: “The one woe is past. Look! Two more woes are coming after these things.” (Revelation 9:12) Further tormenting plagues are in store for Christendom. 2. (a) What happens when the sixth angel blows his trumpet? (b) What does the “one voice out of the horns of the golden altar” represent? (c) Why are four angels mentioned? 2 What is the source of the second woe? John writes: “And the sixth angel blew his trumpet. And I heard one voice out of the horns of the golden altar that is before God say to the sixth angel, who had the trumpet: ‘Untie the four angels that are bound at the great river Euphrates.’” (Revelation 9:13, 14) The angels’ release is in answer to the voice that comes from the horns of the golden altar. This is the golden incense altar, and twice previously the incense of the golden bowls from this altar has been associated with the prayers of the holy ones. (Revelation 5:8; 8:3, 4) Therefore, this one voice represents the united prayers of the holy ones on earth. They petition that they themselves be delivered for further energetic service as Jehovah’s “messengers,” this being the basic meaning of the Greek word here translated “angels.” Why are there four angels? This symbolic number seems to indicate that they would be so organized as to cover the earth in its entirety.​—Revelation 7:1; 20:8. 3. How had the four angels been “bound at the great river Euphrates”? 3 How had those angels been “bound at the great river Euphrates”? The river Euphrates in ancient times was the northeastern border of the land that Jehovah promised to Abraham. (Genesis 15:18; Deuteronomy 11:24) Apparently, the angels had been restrained at the border of their God-given land, or earthly realm of activity, held back from entering fully into the service that Jehovah had prepared for them. The Euphrates was also prominently associated with the city of Babylon, and after the fall of Jerusalem in 607 B.C.E., fleshly Israelites spent 70 years there in captivity, “bound at the great river Euphrates.” (Psalm 137:1) The year 1919 found the spiritual Israelites bound in a similar restraint, disconsolate and asking Jehovah for guidance. 4. What commission do the four angels have, and how has it been accomplished? 4 Happily, John can report: “And the four angels were untied, who have been prepared for the hour and day and month and year, to kill a third of the men.” (Revelation 9:15) Jehovah is a precise Timekeeper. He has a timetable and is keeping to it. Hence, these messengers are released exactly on schedule and in time to accomplish what they have to do. Imagine their joy on coming forth from bondage in 1919, ready for work! They have a commission not only to torment but finally “to kill a third of the men.” This is related to the plagues heralded by the first four trumpet blasts, which afflicted a third of the earth, the sea, the creatures in the sea, the fountains and rivers, and the heavenly light sources. (Revelation 8:7-12) The four angels go further. They “kill,” exposing to a completion Christendom’s spiritually dead condition. Trumpeted pronouncements, made from 1922 onward and continuing to the present time, have accomplished this. 5. With regard to Christendom, how was the sound of the sixth trumpet blast echoed in 1927? 5 Remember, the heavenly angel has just sounded the sixth trumpet. Responding thereto, the sixth of the series of Bible Students’ annual international conventions was held in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. The program there on Sunday, July 24, 1927, was aired through a chain of 53 radio stations, the most extensive broadcast network up to that time. That spoken message went out to an audience of possibly many millions. First, a forceful resolution exposed Christendom as spiritually dead and extended the invitation: “In this hour of perplexity Jehovah God bids the peoples to abandon and for ever forsake ‘Christendom’ or ‘organized Christianity’ and to turn completely away from it . . . ; [let] the peoples give their heart’s devotion and allegiance wholly to Jehovah God and to his King and kingdom.” “Freedom for the Peoples” was the input of the public talk that followed. J. F. Rutherford delivered this in his usual dynamic style, appropriate to “the fire and the smoke and the sulphur” that John next observes in vision. 6. How does John describe the armies of cavalry that he next sees? 6 “And the number of the armies of cavalry was two myriads of myriads: I heard the number of them. And this is how I saw the horses in the vision, and those seated on them: they had fire-red and hyacinth-blue and sulphur-yellow breastplates; and the heads of the horses were as heads of lions, and out of their mouths fire and smoke and sulphur issued forth. By these three plagues a third of the men were killed, from the fire and the smoke and the sulphur which issued forth from their mouths.”​—Revelation 9:16-18. 7, 8. (a) Under whose guiding direction does the cavalry thunder forth? (b) In what ways is the cavalry similar to the locusts that preceded it? 7 Apparently, this cavalry thunders forth under the guiding direction of the four angels. What a fearsome spectacle! Imagine your reaction if you were to be the target of such a cavalry charge! Its very appearance would strike terror into your heart. Did you notice, though, how similar this cavalry is to the locusts that preceded it? The locusts were like horses; in the cavalry there are horses. Both, then, are involved in theocratic warfare. (Proverbs 21:31) The locusts had teeth like those of lions; the horses of the cavalry have heads like those of lions. Both are therefore tied in with the courageous Lion of the tribe of Judah, Jesus Christ, who is their Leader, Commander, and Exemplar.​—Revelation 5:5; Proverbs 28:1. 8 Both the locusts and the cavalry share in Jehovah’s work of judgment. The locusts emerged from smoke that portended woe and destructive fire for Christendom; from the mouths of the horses, there issue forth fire, smoke, and sulfur. The locusts had breastplates of iron, signifying that their hearts were protected by unbending devotion to righteousness; the cavalry wear breastplates colored red, blue, and yellow, reflecting the fire, smoke, and sulfur of the lethal judgment messages that gush from the mouths of the horses. (Compare Genesis 19:24, 28; Luke 17:29, 30.) The locusts had tails like scorpions for tormenting; the horses have tails like serpents for killing! It seems that what was started by the locusts is to be pursued by the cavalry with greater intensity to a completion. 9. What does the cavalry symbolize? 9 So, what does this cavalry symbolize? Just as the anointed John class started the trumpetlike proclamation of Jehovah’s judgment of divine vengeance against Christendom, with authority to ‘sting and hurt,’ so we would expect the same living group to be used in the ‘killing,’ that is, in making known that Christendom and its clergy are completely dead spiritually, cast off by Jehovah and ready for “the fiery furnace” of everlasting destruction. Indeed, all of Babylon the Great must perish. (Revelation 9:5, 10; 18:2, 8; Matthew 13:41-43) Preliminary to her destruction, however, the John class uses “the sword of the spirit, that is, God’s word,” in exposing Christendom’s deathlike condition. The four angels and the riders of the horses give direction to this figurative killing of “a third of the men.” (Ephesians 6:17; Revelation 9:15, 18) This indicates proper organization and theocratic direction under the oversight of the Lord Jesus Christ as the awesome band of Kingdom proclaimers charges forth to the battle. Two Myriads of Myriads 10. In what sense are there two myriads of myriads of cavalry? 10 How can there be two myriads of myriads of this cavalry? A myriad is literally 10,000. So two myriads of myriads would come to 200 million.a Happily, there are now millions of Kingdom proclaimers, but their number is far short of hundreds of millions! Remember, though, Moses’ words at Numbers 10:36: “Do return, O Jehovah, to the myriads of thousands of Israel.” (Compare Genesis 24:60.) That would mean, literally, ‘Do return to the tens of millions of Israel.’ Israel, however, numbered only about two to three million in Moses’ day. What, then, was Moses saying? No doubt he had in mind that the Israelites should be unnumbered as “the stars of the heavens and like the grains of sand that are on the seashore,” rather than be counted. (Genesis 22:17; 1 Chronicles 27:23) So he used the word for “myriad” to indicate a large but unspecified number. Thus, The New English Bible renders this verse: “Rest, LORD of the countless thousands of Israel.” This agrees with a second definition of the word for “myriad” found in Greek and Hebrew dictionaries: “an innumerable multitude,” a “multitude.”​—The New Thayer’s Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament; Gesenius’ A Hebrew and English Lexicon of the Old Testament, translated by Edward Robinson. 11. For the John class to become myriads even in a symbolic sense, what would be needed? 11 Nevertheless, those of the John class still remaining on earth number fewer than 10,000​—less than one literal myriad. How could they be likened to countless thousands of cavalry? To become myriads even in a symbolic sense, would they not need reinforcements? That is what they have needed, and by Jehovah’s undeserved kindness, that is what they have received! From where have these come? 12, 13. What historical developments from 1918 to 1935 indicated the source of the reinforcements? 12 From 1918 to 1922, the John class began to hold out to distressed humanity the happy prospect that “millions now living will never die.” In 1923 it was also made known that the sheep of Matthew 25:31-34 would inherit life on earth under God’s Kingdom. A similar hope was held out in the booklet Freedom for the Peoples, released at the international convention in 1927. In the early 1930’s the upright Jehonadab class and the ‘men sighing and groaning’ over Christendom’s sorry spiritual condition were shown to be identical with the symbolic sheep having earthly life prospects. (Ezekiel 9:4; 2 Kings 10:15, 16) Directing such ones to the modern-day “cities of refuge,” The Watchtower of August 15, 1934, stated: “Those of the Jonadab class have heard the sound of God’s trumpet and have heeded the warning by fleeing to God’s organization and associating with God’s people, and there they must abide.”​—Numbers 35:6. 13 In 1935 those of this Jonadab class were specially invited to attend the convention of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Washington, D.C., U.S.A. There, on Friday, May 31, J. F. Rutherford gave his famous talk “The Great Multitude,” in which he clearly showed that this group of Revelation 7:9 (King James Version) was the same as the sheep of Matthew 25:33​—a dedicated group with earthly hopes. As a harbinger of things to come, at that convention 840 new Witnesses were baptized, most of them being of the great crowd.b 14. Would the great crowd have a part in the symbolic cavalry charge, and what resolve was expressed in 1963? 14 Has this great crowd had a part in the cavalry charge that got under way in 1922 and that received particular emphasis at the Toronto convention in 1927? Under the direction of the four angels, the anointed John class, it certainly has! At the world-circling “Everlasting Good News” Assembly of 1963, it joined with the John class in a rousing resolution. This declared that the world “faces an earthquake of world trouble the like of which it has never known, and all its political institutions and its modern religious Babylon will be shaken to bits.” The resolve was expressed that “we will continue to declare to all peoples without partiality the ‘everlasting good news’ concerning God’s Messianic kingdom and concerning his judgments, which are like plagues to his enemies but which will be executed for the liberation of all persons who desire to worship God the Creator acceptably with spirit and with truth.” This resolution was adopted enthusiastically at 24 assemblies around the globe by a grand total of 454,977 conventioners, of whom well over 95 percent were of the great crowd. 15. (a) In 2005 the great crowd made up what percent of the workforce that Jehovah is using in the field? (b) How does Jesus’ prayer at John 17:20, 21 express the unity of the great crowd with the John class? 15 The great crowd has continued to declare its unqualified unity with the John class in pouring out the plagues on Christendom. In 2005 this great crowd made up more than 99.8 percent of the workforce that Jehovah is using in the field. Its members are wholeheartedly in accord with the John class, concerning whom Jesus prayed at John 17:20, 21: “I make request, not concerning these only, but also concerning those putting faith in me through their word; in order that they may all be one, just as you, Father, are in union with me and I am in union with you, that they also may be in union with us, in order that the world may believe that you sent me forth.” As the anointed John class takes the lead under Jesus, the zealous great crowd shares with them in the most devastating cavalry charge of all human history!c 16. (a) How does John describe the mouths and tails of the symbolic horses? (b) How have the mouths of Jehovah’s people been prepared for service? (c) What corresponds to the fact that “their tails are like serpents”? 16 That cavalry needs equipment for the warfare. And how wonderfully Jehovah has provided this! John describes it: “For the authority of the horses is in their mouths and in their tails; for their tails are like serpents and have heads, and with these they do harm.” (Revelation 9:19) Jehovah has ordained his dedicated, baptized ministers for this service. Through the Theocratic Ministry School and other congregation meetings and schools, he has taught them how to preach the word, so that they are able to speak authoritatively with “the tongue of the taught ones.” He has put his words in their mouths and sent them forth to make known his judgments “publicly and from house to house.” (2 Timothy 4:2; Isaiah 50:4; 61:2; Jeremiah 1:9, 10; Acts 20:20) The John class and the great crowd have left behind a stinging message, corresponding to “tails,” in the thousands of millions of Bibles, books, brochures, and magazines distributed over the years. To their opponents, who are advised of the coming “harm” from Jehovah, these armies of cavalry truly seem like two myriads of myriads.​—Compare Joel 2:4-6. 17. Do Jehovah’s Witnesses have any part in the cavalry charge in lands where literature cannot be distributed because the work is banned? Explain. 17 A most zealous division of this cavalry is made up of brothers in lands where the work of Jehovah’s Witnesses is under ban. Like sheep amidst wolves, these have to be “cautious as serpents and yet innocent as doves.” In obedience to Jehovah, they cannot stop speaking about the things they have seen and heard. (Matthew 10:16; Acts 4:19, 20; 5:28, 29, 32) Since they have little or no printed material to distribute publicly, must we conclude that they have no share in the cavalry charge? Not at all! They have their mouths and authority from Jehovah to use them to express Bible truth. This they do, informally and persuasively, establishing studies in the Bible and “bringing the many to righteousness.” (Daniel 12:3) Though they may not sting with their tails in the sense of leaving behind hard-hitting literature, symbolic fire, smoke, and sulfur issue from their mouths as they witness tactfully and with discretion concerning Jehovah’s approaching day of vindication. 18. In how many languages and to what number has this cavalry distributed the plaguing message in printed form? 18 In other places, the Kingdom literature continues to expose Christendom’s Babylonish doctrines and ways, bringing her deserved harm in a figurative way. By using updated printing methods, this numerous cavalry in the 68 years before 2005 was able to distribute, in upwards of 450 of earth’s languages, billions of Bibles, books, magazines, and brochures​—many times more than a literal two myriads of myriads. What a sting those tails have inflicted! 19, 20. (a) Though the specific target of the plaguing messages has been Christendom, how have some in lands far beyond Christendom responded? (b) How does John describe the reaction of the people in general? 19 Jehovah purposed that this plaguing message should “kill a third of the men.” Hence, its specific target has been Christendom. But it has reached lands far beyond Christendom, including many where the hypocrisy of Christendom’s religions is well known. Have the people of these lands drawn closer to Jehovah as a result of seeing the plaguing of this corrupt religious organization? Many have! There has been a ready response among meek and lovable people who live in areas outside Christendom’s immediate sphere of influence. But as for the people in general, John describes their reaction: “But the rest of the men who were not killed by these plagues did not repent of the works of their hands, so that they should not worship the demons and the idols of gold and silver and copper and stone and wood, which can neither see nor hear nor walk; and they did not repent of their murders nor of their spiritistic practices nor of their fornication nor of their thefts.” (Revelation 9:20, 21) There will be no world conversion of such unrepentant ones. All who persist in their wicked ways will have to face adverse judgment from Jehovah in the great day of his vindication. But “everyone who calls on the name of Jehovah will get away safe.”​—Joel 2:32; Psalm 145:20; Acts 2:20, 21. 20 What we have just discussed is part of the second woe. There is more to come before this woe runs its course, as we shall see in the chapters that follow. [Footnotes] a Commentary on Revelation, by Henry Barclay Swete, notes regarding the number “two myriads of myriads”: “These vast numbers forbid us to seek a literal fulfilment, and the description which follows supports this conclusion.” b See the preceding pages 119-26; also Vindication, Book Three, published in 1932 by Jehovah’s Witnesses, pages 83-4. c Unlike the locusts, the armies of cavalry seen by John did not wear “what seemed to be crowns like gold.” (Revelation 9:7) This harmonizes with the fact that the great crowd, which today makes up the larger part of the cavalry, does not hope to reign in God’s heavenly Kingdom. [Picture on page 149] The blowing of the sixth trumpet introduces the second woe [Pictures on page 150, 151] The four angels direct the greatest cavalry charge in history [Pictures on page 153] The innumerable cavalry has distributed countless millions of Bible-based publications [Pictures on page 154] The rest of the men did not repent
This Life (ts) 1974
Chapter 19 Billions Now Dead Will Soon Live Again THE Kingdom administration in the hands of Jesus Christ and his 144,000 associate rulers will indeed bestow grand blessings upon the survivors of the “great tribulation.” At that time the damaging effects of Adam’s plunging himself and his unborn offspring into sin will not be recalled in such a way as to be mentally and emotionally painful. The inspired words of the prophet Isaiah promise: “The former things will not be called to mind, neither will they come up into the heart.”​—Isaiah 65:17. For that to be the case, the pain and sorrow resulting from the death-dealing effects of sin must be completely undone. This would include raising to life billions of people now dead. Why? Well, if you were to survive the “great tribulation,” would you be truly happy knowing that dear friends and relatives who had died in years past were still deprived of life and its blessings? Would this not bring pain of heart and mind to you? To remove any possibility of such pain, the dead must be raised. Only if they can be restored to life and be assisted to attain perfection in body and mind will the damaging effects of sin be fully erased. The Holy Scriptures assure us that the dead in general will live again. They will be given the opportunity to have more than the short lifespan that ended at their death. Jehovah God has empowered his Son Jesus Christ to resurrect them. (John 5:26-28) Jesus’ being empowered to raise the dead agrees with the fact that he is prophetically referred to in the Bible as the “Eternal Father.” (Isaiah 9:6) By raising to life those sleeping in death, Jesus becomes their Father.​—Compare Psalm 45:16. BASIS FOR BELIEF For one who accepts the existence of God, there should be no problem in having a firm belief in the resurrection. Is it not reasonable that the One who originally started off human life is also wise enough to restore life to the dead, to re-create dead humans? Jehovah God has personally promised that the dead will live again. He has also performed powerful works that strengthen one’s confidence in this promise. Jehovah God empowered some of his faithful servants actually to raise the dead. At Zarephath, not far from the eastern shore of the Mediterranean Sea, Elijah the prophet resurrected the only son of a widow. (1 Kings 17:21-23) His successor Elisha raised the only son of a prominent, hospitable woman at Shunem, in the northern part of Israel. (2 Kings 4:8, 32-37) Jesus Christ resurrected the daughter of Jairus, a presiding officer of a synagogue near the Sea of Galilee; the only son of a widow at Nain, to the southwest of the Sea of Galilee; and his dear friend Lazarus, who had been dead four days and was buried not far from Jerusalem. (Mark 5:22, 35, 41-43; Luke 7:11-17; John 11:38-45) At Joppa, on the Mediterranean coast, the apostle Peter raised Dorcas (Tabitha) from the dead. (Acts 9:36-42) And the apostle Paul, on a stopover in the Roman province of Asia, resurrected Eutychus after he had tumbled to his death from a third-story window.​—Acts 20:7-12. The most remarkable resurrection was that of Jesus Christ himself. This well-attested historical event provides the strongest proof for there being a resurrection. That is what the apostle Paul pointed out to those assembled at the Areopagus in Athens, Greece: “[God] purposes to judge the inhabited earth in righteousness by a man whom he has appointed, and he has furnished a guarantee to all men in that he has resurrected him from the dead.”​—Acts 17:31. Jesus’ resurrection was a fact established beyond a shadow of doubt. There were far more than two or three witnesses who could testify to it. Why, on one occasion the resurrected Jesus Christ appeared to upward of five hundred disciples. So well confirmed was his resurrection that the apostle Paul could say that denial of the resurrection meant denial of Christian faith as a whole. He wrote: “If, indeed, there is no resurrection of the dead, neither has Christ been raised up. But if Christ has not been raised up, our preaching is certainly in vain, and our faith is in vain. Moreover, we are also found false witnesses of God, because we have borne witness against God that he raised up the Christ, but whom he did not raise up if the dead are really not to be raised up.”​—1 Corinthians 15:13-15. Early Christians, like the apostle Paul, knew for a certainty that Jesus had been raised from the dead. So powerful was their conviction of being rewarded in the resurrection that they were willing to face severe persecution, even death itself. RESURRECTION TO SPIRIT LIFE The resurrection of Jesus Christ shows that raising the dead does not mean bringing back to life the identical body. Jesus was raised, not to human life, but to spirit life. With reference to this, the apostle Peter wrote: “Why, even Christ died once for all time concerning sins, a righteous person for unrighteous ones, that he might lead you to God, he being put to death in the flesh, but being made alive in the spirit.” (1 Peter 3:18) At his resurrection Jesus received a body, not of flesh and blood, but one suitable for heavenly life.​—1 Corinthians 15:40, 50. That spirit body was, of course, invisible to human eyes. Hence, for his disciples to see him after his resurrection, Jesus had to take on flesh. It should be noted that Jesus was not buried with clothing but was wrapped up in fine linen bandages. After his resurrection the bandages remained in the tomb. So, just as Jesus had to materialize clothing, he also took on flesh to make himself visible to his disciples. (Luke 23:53; John 19:40; 20:6, 7) Strange? No, this was exactly what angels had done prior to this time when they appeared to humans. The fact that Jesus materialized a body of flesh explains why his disciples did not always recognize him at first and why he could appear and disappear suddenly.​—Luke 24:15-31; John 20:13-16, 20. Only the 144,000 joint heirs who are associated with Jesus Christ in rulership will experience a resurrection like his. Discussing that resurrection to spirit life, the Bible tells us: “What you sow is not made alive unless first it dies; and as for what you sow, you sow, not the body that will develop, but a bare grain, it may be, of wheat or any one of the rest; but God gives it a body just as it has pleased him, and to each of the seeds its own body. . . . “So also is the resurrection of the dead. It is sown in corruption, it is raised up in incorruption. It is sown in dishonor, it is raised up in glory. It is sown in weakness, it is raised up in power. It is sown a physical body, it is raised up a spiritual body. If there is a physical body, there is also a spiritual one. It is even so written: ‘The first man Adam became a living soul.’ The last Adam became a life-giving spirit. Nevertheless, the first is, not that which is spiritual, but that which is physical, afterward that which is spiritual. The first man is out of the earth and made of dust; the second man is out of heaven. As the one made of dust is, so those made of dust are also; and as the heavenly one is, so those who are heavenly are also. And just as we have borne the image of the one made of dust, we shall bear also the image of the heavenly one.”​—1 Corinthians 15:36-49. RESURRECTION TO LIFE ON EARTH But what of those who, unlike Jesus Christ and his 144,000 fellow rulers, will be resurrected to earthly life? Since they have ‘returned to the dust,’ will God have to reassemble all the atoms that once formed their bodies so that their bodies are identical in every respect to what they were at the moment of death? No, that simply could not be. Why not? First of all, because this would mean that they would be brought back to life in a condition on the verge of death. Persons resurrected in the past were not brought back in the identical sickly condition that preceded their death. Though not perfect at the time of their resurrection, they had a whole, reasonably sound body. Moreover, it would not be reasonable to insist that precisely the same atoms be regathered to form their restored body. After death, and through the process of decay, the human body is converted into other organic chemicals. These may be absorbed by plants, and people may eat these plants or their fruit. Thus the atomic elements making up the deceased person can eventually come to be in other people. Obviously, at the time of the resurrection the identical atoms cannot be reassembled in every person brought back from the dead. What, then, does resurrection mean for the individual? It means his being brought back to life as the same person. And what makes an individual the person he is? Is it the chemical substance making up his body? No, inasmuch as the molecules in the body are regularly being replaced. What really distinguishes him from other people, then, is his general physical appearance, his voice, his personality, his experiences, mental growth and memory. So when Jehovah God, by means of his Son Jesus Christ, raises a person from the dead, he evidently will provide that person with a body having the same traits as previously. The resurrected person will have the same memory that he had acquired during his lifetime and he will have the full awareness of that memory. The person will be able to identify himself, and those who knew him will also be able to do so. ‘But if a person is thus re-created,’ someone may say, ‘is he really the same person? Is he not just a copy?’ No, for this reasoning overlooks the fact earlier mentioned that even in life our bodies are constantly undergoing change. About seven years ago the molecules making up our bodies were different from the molecules forming them today. We even differ in appearance as the years go by. Yet, do we not have the same fingerprints? Are we not the same persons? Most certainly. Those to whom the resurrection seems almost unbelievable should reflect on a similarly marvelous process that takes place at the time of human conception. The tiny cell that is formed by the uniting of the sperm and the egg has within it the potential for becoming a person different from any other person that has ever lived. Within this cell there are the factors that direct the building of the individual and the forming of the basic personality he inherits from his parents. Then, of course, his life experiences thereafter add to that personality. Similar to what happens at the time of conception, at the time of the resurrection or re-creation the deceased person will have his personality and life record restored to him, every cell of his body being impressed with the characteristics that make him different from all other persons. And his heart, mind and body will have impressed within them the added qualities, traits and abilities that he developed during his former lifetime. Regarding the Creator, the inspired psalmist noted: “Your eyes saw even the embryo of me, and in your book all its parts were down in writing, as regards the days when they were formed and there was not yet one among them.” (Psalm 139:16) Accordingly, as soon as the genetic combinations are formed at the time of conception, Jehovah God is capable of perceiving and having a record of a child’s basic traits. So it is wholly logical that he is capable of having an accurate record by which to re-create one who has died. We can have confidence in Jehovah’s perfect memory. Why, even imperfect humans, by means of videotape, can preserve and construct visible and audible reproductions of persons. Far greater is God’s ability to keep such records, for he calls all the numberless stars by name!​—Psalm 147:4. It can be seen, therefore, that resurrection or re-creation is possible because the deceased individual lives in God’s memory. Because of his perfect memory of life patterns and his purpose to resurrect the dead, Jehovah God could count deceased men of faith like Abraham, Isaac and Jacob as being alive. That is what Jesus Christ called to the attention of unbelieving Sadducees, saying: “That the dead are raised up even Moses disclosed, in the account about the thornbush, when he calls Jehovah ‘the God of Abraham and God of Isaac and God of Jacob.’ He is a God, not of the dead, but of the living, for they are all living to him.”​—Luke 20:37, 38. There is indeed ample basis for believing in the resurrection or re-creation. True, some may reject the idea. But would you be better off to close your eyes and mind to the evidence and refuse to believe in the resurrection? Would it make it easier for you to lose a dear relative or friend in death? Would you be better prepared to face the grim prospect of your own death? Knowing that this life is not all there is frees one from the fear of having it cut off prematurely by violent means. This fear has been exploited by Satan the Devil in holding people in slavery, maneuvering them through his earthly agents to do his bidding. (Matthew 10:28; Hebrews 2:14) Afraid of the possibility of being executed, many have failed to follow the dictates of their conscience and have committed dastardly crimes against humanity, as was done in the concentration camps of Nazi Germany. The person with strong faith in the resurrection, however, is strengthened in his determination to do what is right even if that might mean death for him. To him the life that he will enjoy upon being raised from the dead is far more precious than a few years of life now. He does not want to jeopardize his opportunity to gain everlasting life for what, by comparison, could hardly be called a lengthening of his life. He is like the men of ancient times of whom the Bible book of Hebrews reports: “[They] were tortured because they would not accept release by some ransom [some compromise of what is right], in order that they might attain a better resurrection.”​—Hebrews 11:35. Certainly those who have confidence in God’s promise to raise the dead are far better off than those who do not have the resurrection hope. They can look to the future without fear. Biblical evidence shows that this system will soon come to its end, within this generation, and be replaced by a righteous administration in the hands of Jesus Christ and his associate rulers. That is why billions now dead will soon live again and begin to benefit from Kingdom rule. How grand it will be for the “tribulation” survivors to welcome back the dead! Think of the joy of once again being able to have the encouraging companionship of dear friends and beloved relatives, to hear their familiar voices and to see them in good health. What effect should this have on you? Should it not prompt you to thank God for the marvelous resurrection hope? Should not your gratitude move you to do all that you can to learn about him and then to serve him faithfully? [Picture on page 172] Is it not possible for the one who makes a baby grow in its mother’s womb also to resurrect the dead?
UN Youth Initiatives—How Successful?
UN Youth Initiatives—How Successful? ABOUT 15 years ago, the UN proclaimed the year 1985 International Youth Year. In addition, some four years ago, the UN adopted the World Programme of Action for Youth to the Year 2000 and Beyond. These initiatives, it was hoped, would help to reduce problems and increase opportunities for the world’s more than one billion young people. Did these programs make a difference? No doubt in some areas they did. Choices, a magazine published by the United Nations Development Programme, gives some examples: In Thailand more than half of preschool children were malnourished in 1982. Less than ten years later, however, moderate and severe malnutrition had been almost eliminated. In the country of Oman, there were only three schools in 1970 and only 900 boys attended. But in 1994, nearly 500,000 children in that country went to school, and 49 percent of them were girls. Without a doubt, those are success stories. However, the UN publication United Nations Action for Youth notes that especially in the developing world, progress is overshadowed by persistent problems related to education, employment, and poverty, and these are just a few of the areas that the World Programme aims to improve. Many developing countries, for instance, will not meet the goal of primary education for all children by the year 2000. Parents in these countries often cannot send their children to school because schools are not available or are not affordable. As a consequence, notes United Nations Action for Youth, “the number of illiterate people will continue to grow.” Illiteracy, in turn, contributes to unemployment, and unemployment leads to a wide range of social ills, such as “low self-esteem, marginalization,” the waste of youthful talents, and extreme poverty. And although poverty strikes young and old alike, young people are particularly vulnerable. The same UN source concludes that despite all efforts, “hunger and malnutrition remain among the most serious and intractable threats to humanity.” Though well-intended programs and hardworking professionals are making some difference, they are unable to remove the causes of society’s ills. More is needed to accomplish that. As the book Mensenrechten en de noodzaak van wereldbestuur (Human Rights and the Necessity of World Governance) states, the world’s problems will be solved only ‘if a world government comes about that is in a position to take enforceable measures.’ It is not surprising, then, that Christians—young and old alike—look forward to God’s incoming Kingdom, the world government that Jesus told his followers to pray for. (Daniel 2:44; Matthew 6:9, 10) That government will truly make a difference! [Picture on page 31] Education is a fundamental right and need of all children [Credit Line] WHO photo by J. Mohr [Picture Credit Lines on page 31] FAO photo/F. Mattioli Logo: UN photo
Will God Forgive Me?
Will God Forgive Me? The Bible’s answer Yes, God will forgive your sins if you take the proper steps. The Bible says that God is “ready to forgive” and that he “will forgive in a large way.” (Nehemiah 9:​17; Psalm 86:5; Isaiah 55:7) When he forgives us, he does so completely. Our sins are “blotted out,” or erased. (Acts 3:​19) God also forgives permanently, for he says: “I will no longer remember their sin.” (Jeremiah 31:34) Once he forgives, he does not rehash our sins in order to accuse us or to punish us again and again. However, God’s forgiveness is not based on weakness or sentimentality. He never bends his righteous standards. For this reason, he refuses to forgive some sins.​—Joshua 24:19, 20. Steps to gain God’s forgiveness Acknowledge your sin as a violation of God’s standards. While others may have been hurt by what you did, you must first recognize that your sin is an offense against God.​—Psalm 51:​1, 4; Acts 24:16. Confess to God in prayer.​—Psalm 32:5; 1 John 1:9. Feel a deep sorrow for your sin. This “sadness in a godly way” leads to repentance, or a change of heart. (2 Corinthians 7:​10) It includes regret over the wrong steps that led to the sin.​—Matthew 5:​27, 28. Change your course of action, that is, “turn around.” (Acts 3:​19) This could mean that you avoid repeating a single wrong action or practice, or it could mean that you may have to change your whole way of thinking and acting.​—Ephesians 4:​23, 24. Take steps to right the wrong or to repair the damage done. (Matthew 5:​23, 24; 2 Corinthians 7:​11) Apologize to those who suffered because of what you did or failed to do, and make restitution to the extent possible.​—Luke 19:​7-​10. Ask God in prayer for forgiveness on the basis of the ransom of Jesus. (Ephesians 1:7) For your prayer to be answered, you must forgive those who have sinned against you.​—Matthew 6:​14, 15. If your sin is serious, speak to someone who is qualified to provide the spiritual help you need and who can pray in your behalf.​—James 5:​14-​16. Misconceptions about gaining God’s forgiveness “I have sinned too much to be forgiven.” God forgave David of adultery and murder As long as we follow the steps that God sets out in the Bible, we will be forgiven, since his capacity to forgive is greater than our sins. He can forgive serious sins as well as those that have been repeated many times.​—Isaiah 1:​18. For example, King David of Israel was forgiven of adultery and murder. (2 Samuel 12:​7-​13) The apostle Paul, who felt that he had been the world’s worst sinner, was also forgiven. (1 Timothy 1:​15, 16) Even the first-century Jews whom God held responsible for killing Jesus, the Messiah, were forgiven if they changed their ways.​—Acts 3:​15, 19. “If I confess to a priest or a minister, my sins are absolved.” No human is now authorized to forgive a fellow human for sins against God. Although confessing to another person can help a sinner to recover, only God can forgive sins.​—Ephesians 4:​32; 1 John 1:​7, 9. If that is so, then what did Jesus mean when he told the apostles: “If you forgive the sins of anyone, they are forgiven; if you retain those of anyone, they are retained”? (John 20:23) He was describing a unique authority that he would give to the apostles when they received the holy spirit.​—John 20:22. As promised, the apostles received this gift when the holy spirit was poured out in 33 C.E. (Acts 2:​1-4) The apostle Peter used this authority when judging the disciples Ananias and Sapphira. Peter miraculously knew about their deceptive scheme, and his judgment indicated that their sin would not be forgiven.​—Acts 5:​1-​11. That miraculous gift of the holy spirit, like other gifts such as healing and speaking in tongues, ceased after the death of the apostles. (1 Corinthians 13:​8-​10) Thus, no human today can absolve another person of sin.
World Without War (wi) 1992
outputs 3 Will There Ever Be a World Without War? 3 The Bible​—Inspired by God? 11 What Is God’s Purpose for Mankind? 19 Knowing the True God​—What Does It Mean? 24 Who Will Lead the Nations to Peace? 31 A World Without War​—You Can See It
YOUNG PEOPLE ASK How Can the Bible Help Me?—Part 3: Get the Most From Your Bible Reading
YOUNG PEOPLE ASK How Can the Bible Help Me?—Part 3: Get the Most From Your Bible Reading When you look inside the Bible, you will notice a lot of text. Don’t be overwhelmed by that! Instead, think of the Bible as a fully stocked buffet table. You can’t eat everything you see. But you can select enough for a satisfying meal. To benefit fully from a Bible “meal,” you need to concentrate on what you read. This article will help you do that. In this article Why concentrate on what you read in the Bible? How can you benefit fully from Bible reading? What your peers say Why concentrate on what you read in the Bible? The more you put into your Bible reading, the more you will get out of it. Think of this comparison: You can dip a tea bag in hot water briefly and get some flavor. But you will get more if you let it steep for a while. It’s similar with Bible reading. Instead of dipping in and out quickly, let your mind and heart dwell on the material. That is what the writer of Psalm 119 did. Regarding God’s law, he said: “I ponder over it all day long.”—Psalm 119:97. Of course, that doesn’t mean that you literally need to devote an entire day to reading and thinking about the Bible. Here’s the point: The psalmist took time to think about God’s Word. Doing so helped him to make good decisions.—Psalm 119:98-100. “My mother once told me, ‘You have seven days in a week, and during that week you do many things for yourself. Why not give some time to Jehovah? It’s only fair!’”—Melanie. When you think about Bible principles, you’ll be better able to make good decisions—for example, when you are choosing friends or when you are confronted with temptation to do something wrong. How can you benefit fully from Bible reading? Make a plan. “Establish a routine for Bible reading,” suggests a teenager named Julia. “Know what you will read, when you will read, and where you will read.” Tip: Start with a brief session—perhaps 10 or 15 minutes—and then see if you can gradually increase that time. Create the right environment. “Find a quiet place,” suggests a young woman named Gianna. “Also, let others in your family know about your Bible reading schedule so that they won’t interrupt you.” If you are using an electronic device, turn off all notifications. You could even try using a printed Bible. In fact, research shows that reading from a printed publication can improve your comprehension. In contrast, it can be harder to focus deeply when you read from a screen. “I find reading on a screen to be distracting. My device gets notifications or the battery is low or the Internet goes down. With a printed book, all I need to worry about is having enough light.”—Elena. Tip: Try reading aloud softly to yourself. (Joshua 1:8) Researchers say that doing so can help you recall the information. Pray first. Ask Jehovah to help you to understand, remember, and benefit from the portion of the Bible you intend to read.—James 1:5. To act in harmony with your prayer, dig deeply into the account you’re reading. How could you do that? If you’re using the JW Library app or reading the Bible online, you can click on a verse to find additional research and articles about it. Ask questions. For example: ‘What does this account tell me about Jehovah? Does it highlight a quality of his that I can imitate?’ (Ephesians 5:1) ‘What lesson do I learn from this account that I can apply in my life?’ (Psalm 119:105) ‘Can I use what I have read to help others in some way?’—Romans 1:11. Also ask yourself, ‘How does what I have read relate to the theme of the Bible?’ That question is especially important. Why? Because everything in the Bible—from Genesis to Revelation—relates in some way to a central theme: How Jehovah will sanctify his name by means of his heavenly Kingdom and prove that he has the right to rule and that his way of ruling is best. What your peers say “If you like history, study time lines or archaeology of the nations in the Bible. If you enjoy learning about personalities, study people like David. There’s something for everyone. You just have to think of what you would like to explore.”—Judah. “As I read a Bible account, I like to analyze each character—good or bad—and ask, ‘What happened to this person? What attitude did he or she display, and what were the results?’ Then I ask myself, ‘How can this account benefit me?’”—Mackenzie. “I try to research the context of a Bible account. For example, when was it written? Who wrote it, and what is the overall purpose of that Bible book? Many accounts can be applied to our day, but digging deeper allows me to appreciate the impact of the account in its original setting.”—Elle. “When I’m reading the Bible, I imagine that I will have to explain the material to someone. How could I help that person understand it? How would I illustrate the main point? Thinking about the answers to those questions helps me understand better what I read. As the saying goes, ‘The best way to learn is to teach.’”—Owen. Review: How can you get the most from your Bible reading? Make a plan. Know what you will read, when you will read, and where you will read. Create the right environment. Find a quiet place. Turn off notifications on your devices to reduce distractions. Pray first. Ask Jehovah to help you to understand, remember, and benefit from the portion of the Bible you will read. Ask questions. Perhaps most important, ask yourself how what you have read relates to the theme of the Bible.
Reasoning (rs) 1989
Birthday Definition: The day of one’s birth or the anniversary of that day. In some places the anniversary of one’s birth, especially that of a child, is celebrated with a party and the giving of gifts. Not a Biblical practice. Do Bible references to birthday celebrations put them in a favorable light? The Bible makes only two references to such celebrations: Gen. 40:20-22: “Now on the third day it turned out to be Pharaoh’s birthday, and he proceeded to make a feast . . . Accordingly he returned the chief of the cupbearers to his post of cupbearer . . . But the chief of the bakers he hung up.” Matt. 14:6-10: “When Herod’s birthday was being celebrated the daughter of Herodias danced at it and pleased Herod so much that he promised with an oath to give her whatever she asked. Then she, under her mother’s coaching, said: ‘Give me here upon a platter the head of John the Baptist.’ . . . He sent and had John beheaded in the prison.” Everything that is in the Bible is there for a reason. (2 Tim. 3:16, 17) Jehovah’s Witnesses take note that God’s Word reports unfavorably about birthday celebrations and so shun these. How did early Christians and Jews of Bible times view birthday celebrations? “The notion of a birthday festival was far from the ideas of the Christians of this period in general.”—The History of the Christian Religion and Church, During the Three First Centuries (New York, 1848), Augustus Neander (translated by Henry John Rose), p. 190. “The later Hebrews looked on the celebration of birthdays as a part of idolatrous worship, a view which would be abundantly confirmed by what they saw of the common observances associated with these days.”—The Imperial Bible-Dictionary (London, 1874), edited by Patrick Fairbairn, Vol. I, p. 225. What is the origin of popular customs associated with birthday celebrations? “The various customs with which people today celebrate their birthdays have a long history. Their origins lie in the realm of magic and religion. The customs of offering congratulations, presenting gifts and celebrating—complete with lighted candles—in ancient times were meant to protect the birthday celebrant from the demons and to ensure his security for the coming year. . . . Down to the fourth century Christianity rejected the birthday celebration as a pagan custom.”—Schwäbische Zeitung (magazine supplement Zeit und Welt), April 3/4, 1981, p. 4. “The Greeks believed that everyone had a protective spirit or daemon who attended his birth and watched over him in life. This spirit had a mystic relation with the god on whose birthday the individual was born. The Romans also subscribed to this idea. . . . This notion was carried down in human belief and is reflected in the guardian angel, the fairy godmother and the patron saint. . . . The custom of lighted candles on the cakes started with the Greeks. . . . Honey cakes round as the moon and lit with tapers were placed on the temple altars of [Artemis]. . . . Birthday candles, in folk belief, are endowed with special magic for granting wishes. . . . Lighted tapers and sacrificial fires have had a special mystic significance ever since man first set up altars to his gods. The birthday candles are thus an honor and tribute to the birthday child and bring good fortune. . . . Birthday greetings and wishes for happiness are an intrinsic part of this holiday. . . . Originally the idea was rooted in magic. . . . Birthday greetings have power for good or ill because one is closer to the spirit world on this day.”—The Lore of Birthdays (New York, 1952), Ralph and Adelin Linton, pp. 8, 18-20. Wholesome gatherings of family and friends at other times to eat, drink, and rejoice are not objectionable Eccl. 3:12, 13: “There is nothing better for them than to rejoice and to do good during one’s life; and also that every man should eat and indeed drink and see good for all his hard work. It is the gift of God.” See also 1 Corinthians 10:31.
Why Does God Offer Humans the Gift of Everlasting Life?
Our Readers Ask . . . Why Does God Offer Humans the Gift of Everlasting Life? ▪ The Bible says that God holds out to us the opportunity to obtain “everlasting life.” (John 6:40) What, though, motivates him to offer such a prospect? Is it simply a matter of justice? Justice involves treating people according to what is fair and right. Do we really deserve life? No. The Bible says: “There is no man righteous in the earth that keeps doing good and does not sin.” (Ecclesiastes 7:20) Sin carries a penalty. God warned the first man, Adam, that in the day he sinned he would positively die. (Genesis 2:17) Later, the apostle Paul was inspired to write: “The wages sin pays is death.” (Romans 6:23) So if all descendants of Adam justly deserve death, why does God offer the possibility of endless life? The offer of everlasting life is “a free gift.” It is an expression of the greatness and expansiveness of God’s love and undeserved kindness. The Bible says: “All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and it is as a free gift that they are being declared righteous by his undeserved kindness through the release by the ransom paid by Christ Jesus.”​—Romans 3:23, 24. Though we all deserve to die, God chooses to give everlasting life to those who love him. Is that unfair? The Bible says: “What shall we say, then? Is there injustice with God? Never may that become so! For he says to Moses: ‘I will have mercy upon whomever I do have mercy, and I will show compassion to whomever I do show compassion.’ . . . Who, then, really are you to be answering back to God?”​—Romans 9:14-20. In some areas of the world, a high government official or judge can pardon a criminal who is serving a severe sentence. If the criminal willingly conforms to punitive orders and exhibits changes in his attitude and behavior, a judge or president may choose to pardon him by lessening his sentence or totally forgiving his sentence. This action may well be an expression of undeserved kindness. In a similar manner, Jehovah can choose not to demand of all sinners the punishment they deserve. Rather, motivated by love, he can grant everlasting life to those who love him and conform to his standards. The Bible says: “God is not partial, but in every nation the man that fears him and works righteousness is acceptable to him.”​—Acts 10:34, 35. Jehovah’s greatest act of love in our behalf was his sending his Son to suffer and die for us. Jesus said of his Father: “God loved the world so much that he gave his only-begotten Son, in order that everyone exercising faith in him might not be destroyed but have everlasting life.”​—John 3:16. All those who do come to love Jehovah and do his will are equally acceptable to God, whatever their background. Thus, the hope of everlasting life is primarily an expression of undeserved kindness, an act of superlative love on God’s part. [Blurb on page 29] It is primarily an expression of undeserved kindness, an act of superlative love
ILLUSTRATED BIBLE STORIES Joseph in the Land of Egypt
ILLUSTRATED BIBLE STORIES Joseph in the Land of Egypt Read about Joseph, who became a slave in Egypt but never stopped worshipping God. Read the illustrated story online or from a printed PDF. Download 1234
Purple Triangles Guide (brfi) 2023
UNDERGROUND 1 Many Witnesses, such as Max and Konrad Franke, practiced their faith in spite of persecution, some duplicating Watch Tower literature underground. Konrad was taken to the camps at Osthofen (1933), Sachsenburg (1934), and Sachsenhausen (1936-1945), whereas his father, Max, was in Sachsenburg (1934) and Buchenwald (as from 1935). 2 Maria Hombach served as an underground courier. In February 1940, she was sentenced to three and a half years of prison, which she spent in solitary confinement. The judiciary set her free in 1943 after her Catholic parents pleaded for clemency. She discreetly continued her Witness activities until 1945. 3 Part of the book Jehovah (1934) from the German underground work, reduced photographically to the size of a matchbox. 4 On December 12, 1936, Jehovah’s Witnesses distributed a printed resolution all over Germany, protesting the persecution. On June 20, 1937, the “Open Letter” followed, containing more details.
Isaiah’s Prophecy II (ip-2) 2001
Chapter Nine Jehovah Teaches Us for Our Good Isaiah 48:1-22 1. How do wise ones respond to Jehovah’s words? WHEN Jehovah speaks, those who are wise listen with great respect and respond to his words. Everything that Jehovah says is for our benefit, and he is keenly interested in our welfare. For example, how heartwarming it is to consider the way Jehovah addressed his ancient covenant people: “O if only you would actually pay attention to my commandments!” (Isaiah 48:18) The proven value of God’s teachings should move us to listen to him and follow his guidance. The record of fulfilled prophecy dispels any doubt about Jehovah’s determination to fulfill his promises. 2. For whom were the words of Isaiah 48 recorded, and who else can benefit from them? 2 The words of the 48th chapter of the book of Isaiah were evidently written for the sake of the Jews who would be exiles in Babylon. Further, these words contain a message that Christians today cannot ignore. In Isaiah chapter 47, the Bible foretold the fall of Babylon. Now Jehovah describes what he has in mind for the Jewish exiles in that city. Jehovah is grieved by the hypocrisy of his chosen people and their stubborn disbelief in his promises. Still, he wants to instruct them for their good. He foresees a period of refinement leading to the restoration of a faithful remnant to their homeland. 3. What was wrong with Judah’s worship? 3 How far Jehovah’s people have deviated from pure worship! Isaiah’s opening words are sobering: “Hear this, O house of Jacob, you who are calling yourselves by the name of Israel and who have come forth from the very waters of Judah, you who are swearing by the name of Jehovah and who make mention even of the God of Israel, not in truth and not in righteousness. For they have called themselves as being from the holy city, and upon the God of Israel they have supported themselves, Jehovah of armies being his name.” (Isaiah 48:1, 2) How hypocritical! “Swearing by the name of Jehovah” is clearly no more than using God’s name in a formalistic way. (Zephaniah 1:5) Before their exile in Babylon, the Jews worshiped Jehovah at “the holy city,” Jerusalem. But their worship was insincere. Their hearts were far removed from God, and their acts of worship were “not in truth and not in righteousness.” They did not have the faith of the patriarchs.​—Malachi 3:7. 4. What kind of worship is pleasing to Jehovah? 4 Jehovah’s words remind us that worship should not be perfunctory. It must be heartfelt. Mere token service​—perhaps performed just to please or impress others—​does not constitute “deeds of godly devotion.” (2 Peter 3:11) A person’s calling himself a Christian does not in itself make his worship acceptable to God. (2 Timothy 3:5) Recognizing that Jehovah exists is vital, but it is only a beginning. Jehovah wants worship that is whole-souled and motivated by deep love and appreciation.​—Colossians 3:23. Foretelling New Things 5. What are some of “the first things” foretold by Jehovah? 5 Perhaps those Jews in Babylon need to have their memories refreshed. Hence, Jehovah once again reminds them that he is the God of true prophecy: “The first things I have told even from that time, and out of my own mouth they went forth, and I kept making them heard. Suddenly I acted, and the things proceeded to come in.” (Isaiah 48:3) “The first things” are things that God has already accomplished, such as liberating the Israelites from Egypt and giving them the Promised Land as an inheritance. (Genesis 13:14, 15; 15:13, 14) Such predictions go out from God’s mouth; they are of divine origin. God causes men to hear his decrees, and what they hear should move them to be obedient. (Deuteronomy 28:15) He acts suddenly to perform what he has foretold. The fact that Jehovah is the Almighty ensures that his purpose is fulfilled.​—Joshua 21:45; 23:14. 6. To what extent have the Jews become “stubborn and rebellious”? 6 Jehovah’s people have become “stubborn and rebellious.” (Psalm 78:8) He frankly tells them: “You are hard and . . . your neck is an iron sinew and your forehead is copper.” (Isaiah 48:4) Like metals, the Jews are hard to bend​—unyielding. That is one reason why Jehovah reveals things before they occur. Otherwise, his people will say of the things Jehovah has done: “My own idol has done them, and my own carved image and my own molten image have commanded them.” (Isaiah 48:5) Will what Jehovah is now saying have any effect on the unfaithful Jews? God says to them: “You have heard. Behold it all. As for you people, will you not tell it? I have made you hear new things from the present time, even things kept in reserve, that you have not known. At the present time they must be created, and not from that time, even things that before today you have not heard, that you may not say, ‘Look! I have already known them.’”​—Isaiah 48:6, 7. 7. What will the exiled Jews have to admit, and what can they expect? 7 Long in advance Isaiah recorded the prediction about the fall of Babylon. Now as exiles in Babylon, the Jews are prophetically commanded to contemplate the fulfillment of the prediction. Can they deny that Jehovah is the God of fulfilled prophecy? And since the inhabitants of Judah have seen and heard that Jehovah is a God of truth, must they not also declare this truth to others? Jehovah’s revealed word foretells new things that have not yet come to pass, such as Cyrus’ conquest of Babylon and the release of the Jews. (Isaiah 48:14-16) Such startling events seemingly come out of nowhere. No one could have foreseen them merely by considering the developing world conditions. They arrive as though created out of nothing. Who causes these events? Since Jehovah foretells them some 200 years in advance, the answer is obvious. 8. What new things do Christians today hope for, and why do they have complete confidence in Jehovah’s prophetic word? 8 Moreover, Jehovah carries out his word according to his own timetable. Fulfilled prophecies prove his Godship not only to the Jews in ancient times but also to Christians today. The record of numerous prophecies that were fulfilled in the past​—“the first things”—​is an assurance that the new things promised by Jehovah​—the coming “great tribulation,” the survival of “a great crowd” through that tribulation, the “new earth,” and much more—​will come to pass. (Revelation 7:9, 14, 15; 21:4, 5; 2 Peter 3:13) That assurance motivates righthearted ones today to speak about him zealously. They share the feelings of the psalmist, who said: “I have told the good news of righteousness in the big congregation. Look! My lips I do not restrain.”​—Psalm 40:9. Jehovah Exercises Self-Control 9. How has the nation of Israel been a “transgressor from the belly”? 9 The Jews’ disbelieving response to Jehovah’s prophecies has prevented them from heeding his warnings. That is why he goes on to say to them: “Moreover, you have not heard, neither have you known, nor from that time on has your ear been opened. For I well know that without fail you kept dealing treacherously, and a ‘transgressor from the belly’ you have been called.” (Isaiah 48:8) Judah’s ear has been shut to Jehovah’s glad tidings. (Isaiah 29:10) The way God’s covenant people have acted shows the nation to be a “transgressor from the belly.” From its birth and for its entire history, the nation of Israel has built up a record of rebellion. Transgression and treachery are inveterate faults of the people, not mere occasional sins.​—Psalm 95:10; Malachi 2:11. 10. Why will Jehovah restrain himself? 10 Is all hope lost? No. Even though Judah has been rebellious and treacherous, Jehovah is always true and faithful. For the honor of his own great name, he will limit the outpouring of his wrath. He says: “For the sake of my name I shall check my anger, and for my praise I shall restrain myself toward you that there may be no cutting you off.” (Isaiah 48:9) What a contrast! Jehovah’s people, both Israel and Judah, have been unfaithful to him. But Jehovah will sanctify his name, acting in a way to bring praise and honor to it. For this reason, he will not cut off his chosen people.​—Joel 2:13, 14. 11. Why will God not allow his people to be utterly destroyed? 11 Righthearted individuals among the exiled Jews are awakened by God’s reprimand and become determined to heed his teachings. To such ones the following declaration is most reassuring: “Look! I have refined you, but not in the form of silver. I have made choice of you in the smelting furnace of affliction. For my own sake, for my own sake I shall act, for how could one let oneself be profaned? And to no one else shall I give my own glory.” (Isaiah 48:10, 11) The trialsome ordeals​—as in the “furnace of affliction”—​that Jehovah has allowed to come upon his people have tested and refined them, revealing what is in their hearts. Something similar happened centuries earlier when Moses said to their ancestors: “Jehovah your God made you walk these forty years in the wilderness, in order to humble you, to put you to the test so as to know what was in your heart.” (Deuteronomy 8:2) Despite their rebellious attitude, Jehovah did not destroy the nation at that time, and he will not utterly destroy the nation now. Thus his name and honor will be upheld. If his people were to perish at the hands of the Babylonians, he would be untrue to his covenant and his name would be profaned. It would appear that the God of Israel is powerless to save his people.​—Ezekiel 20:9. 12. How were true Christians refined during the first world war? 12 In modern times too, Jehovah’s people have needed refining. Back in the early days of the 20th century, many of the small group of Bible Students served God out of a sincere desire to please him, but some had wrong motives, such as a desire for prominence. Before that small group could spearhead the worldwide preaching of the good news prophesied for the time of the end, they would need to be cleansed. (Matthew 24:14) The prophet Malachi prophesied that just such a refining work would be accomplished in connection with Jehovah’s coming to his temple. (Malachi 3:1-4) His words were fulfilled in 1918. True Christians had gone through a period of fiery testing in the heat of the first world war and that testing culminated in the imprisonment of Joseph F. Rutherford, then president of the Watch Tower Society, and some of its leading officers. Those sincere Christians benefited from the refining process. They came out of World War I more determined than ever to serve their great God in whatever way he indicated. 13. How have Jehovah’s people responded to persecution in the years since the first world war? 13 Since those days, Jehovah’s Witnesses have time and again faced the most vicious forms of persecution. This has not made them doubt the word of their Creator. Rather, they have taken note of the words of the apostle Peter to persecuted Christians of his day: “You have been grieved by various trials, in order that the tested quality of your faith . . . may be found a cause for praise and glory and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ.” (1 Peter 1:6, 7) Fiery persecution does not destroy the integrity of true Christians. Instead, it reveals the purity of their motives. It adds to their faith a tested quality and shows the depth of their devotion and love.​—Proverbs 17:3. ‘I Am the First, I Am the Last’ 14. (a) In what way is Jehovah “the first” and “the last”? (b) What mighty works did Jehovah accomplish by means of his “hand”? 14 Now Jehovah warmly appeals to his covenant people: “Listen to me, O Jacob, and you Israel my called one. I am the same One. I am the first. Moreover, I am the last. Moreover, my own hand laid the foundation of the earth, and my own right hand extended out the heavens. I am calling to them, that they may keep standing together.” (Isaiah 48:12, 13) Unlike man, God is eternal and does not change. (Malachi 3:6) In Revelation, Jehovah declares: “I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end.” (Revelation 22:13) Before Jehovah there was no almighty God and after him there will be none. He is the Supreme and Eternal One, the Creator. His “hand”​—his applied power—​established the earth and stretched out the starry heavens. (Job 38:4; Psalm 102:25) When he calls his creations, they stand ready to serve him.​—Psalm 147:4. 15. In what way and to what end has Jehovah “loved” Cyrus? 15 A solemn invitation is addressed to both Jews and non-Jews: “Be collected together, all you people, and hear. Who among them has told these things? Jehovah himself has loved him. He will do what is his delight upon Babylon, and his own arm will be upon the Chaldeans. I​—I myself have spoken. Moreover, I have called him. I have brought him in, and there will be a making of his way successful.” (Isaiah 48:14, 15) Jehovah alone is all-powerful and able to foretell events accurately. None among “them,” the worthless idols, is able to tell these things. Jehovah, not the idols, has “loved him,” Cyrus​—that is, Jehovah has chosen him for a specific purpose. (Isaiah 41:2; 44:28; 45:1, 13; 46:11) He has foreseen Cyrus’ appearance on the world stage and has singled him out as the future conqueror of Babylon. 16, 17. (a) Why can it be said that God has not given his predictions in secrecy? (b) How has Jehovah publicized his purposes today? 16 In an inviting tone, Jehovah continues: “Come near to me, you people. Hear this. From the start I have spoken in no place of concealment at all. From the time of its occurring I have been there.” (Isaiah 48:16a) Predictions from Jehovah have not been given in secrecy or made known only to a few initiates. Jehovah’s prophets were forthright speakers on behalf of God. (Isaiah 61:1) They publicly declared the will of God. For example, events connected with Cyrus were not new to God or unforeseen by him. Some 200 years in advance, God openly foretold them through Isaiah. 17 In the same way today, Jehovah is not secretive about his purposes. Millions of people in hundreds of lands and islands of the sea proclaim from house to house, on the streets, and wherever else they can the warning of the coming end of this system of things and the good news of blessings to come under God’s Kingdom. Truly, Jehovah is a God who communicates his purposes. “Pay Attention to My Commandments!” 18. What is Jehovah’s desire for his people? 18 Empowered by Jehovah’s spirit, the prophet declares: “The Sovereign Lord Jehovah himself has sent me, even his spirit. This is what Jehovah has said, your Repurchaser, the Holy One of Israel: ‘I, Jehovah, am your God, the One teaching you to benefit yourself, the One causing you to tread in the way in which you should walk.’” (Isaiah 48:16b, 17) This loving expression of Jehovah’s care should reassure the nation of Israel that God is going to deliver them from Babylon. He is their Repurchaser. (Isaiah 54:5) Jehovah’s heartfelt desire is that the Israelites restore their relationship with him and pay attention to his commandments. True worship is based upon obeying divine instructions. The Israelites are unable to walk in the right way unless they are taught ‘the way in which to walk.’ 19. What heartfelt appeal does Jehovah make? 19 Jehovah’s desire that his people avoid calamity and enjoy life is beautifully expressed: “O if only you would actually pay attention to my commandments! Then your peace would become just like a river, and your righteousness like the waves of the sea.” (Isaiah 48:18) What a heartfelt appeal from the almighty Creator! (Deuteronomy 5:29; Psalm 81:13) Instead of going into captivity, the Israelites can enjoy peace that will be as bountiful as the water flowing in a river. (Psalm 119:165) Their deeds of righteousness can be as innumerable as the waves of the sea. (Amos 5:24) As the one really interested in them, Jehovah appeals to the Israelites, lovingly showing them the way in which they should walk. Oh, if only they will listen! 20. (a) What is God’s desire for Israel despite their rebelliousness? (b) What do we learn about Jehovah from his dealings with his people? (See box on page 133.) 20 What blessings would come if Israel would repent? Jehovah says: “Your offspring would become just like the sand, and the descendants from your inward parts like the grains of it. One’s name would not be cut off or be annihilated from before me.” (Isaiah 48:19) Jehovah reminds the people of his promise that Abraham’s seed would become many, “like the stars of the heavens and like the grains of sand that are on the seashore.” (Genesis 22:17; 32:12) However, these descendants of Abraham have been rebellious, and they do not have the right to receive the fulfillment of the promise. Really, their record has been so bad that by Jehovah’s own Law, they deserve to have their name as a nation cut off. (Deuteronomy 28:45) Still, Jehovah does not desire the annihilation of his people, and he does not want to forsake them utterly. 21. What blessings can we experience today if we seek Jehovah’s instruction? 21 The principles embodied in this powerful passage apply to Jehovah’s worshipers today. Jehovah is the Source of life, and he knows better than anyone how we should use our lives. (Psalm 36:9) He has given us guidelines, not to rob us of enjoyment, but to benefit us. True Christians respond by seeking to be instructed by Jehovah. (Micah 4:2) His directives protect our spirituality and our relationship with him, and they shield us from Satan’s corrupting influence. When we appreciate the principles behind God’s laws, we see that Jehovah teaches us for our good. We realize that “his commandments are not burdensome.” And we will not be cut off.​—1 John 2:17; 5:3. ‘Go Forth Out of Babylon!’ 22. What are faithful Jews urged to do, and what assurances are they given? 22 When Babylon falls, will any Jews manifest the right heart condition? Will they take advantage of God’s deliverance, return to their homeland, and restore pure worship? Yes. Jehovah’s next words show his confidence that this will happen. “Go forth, you people, out of Babylon! Run away from the Chaldeans. Tell forth even with the sound of a joyful cry, cause this to be heard. Make it to go forth to the extremity of the earth. Say: ‘Jehovah has repurchased his servant Jacob. And they did not get thirsty when he was making them walk even through devastated places. Water out of the rock he caused to flow forth for them, and he proceeded to split a rock that the water might stream forth.’” (Isaiah 48:20, 21) Jehovah’s people are prophetically urged to depart from Babylon without delay. (Jeremiah 50:8) Their redemption must be made known to the very ends of the earth. (Jeremiah 31:10) After the Exodus from Egypt, Jehovah provided for the needs of his people as they walked through the desert lands. Similarly, he will provide for his people as they make their way home from Babylon.​—Deuteronomy 8:15, 16. 23. Who will not enjoy God-given peace? 23 There is another vital principle that the Jews must bear in mind regarding Jehovah’s saving deeds. The righteously inclined may suffer because of their sins, but they will not be destroyed. It is different, though, for the unrighteous. “‘There is no peace,’ Jehovah has said, ‘for the wicked ones.’” (Isaiah 48:22) Unrepentant sinners will not receive the peace that God has reserved for those who love him. Acts of salvation are not intended for the stubbornly wicked or the unbelieving. Such acts are only for those who have faith. (Titus 1:15, 16; Revelation 22:14, 15) Peace from God is not the possession of the wicked. 24. What brought rejoicing to God’s people in modern times? 24 In 537 B.C.E., the opportunity to leave Babylon brought great joy to faithful Israelites. In 1919 the release of God’s people from Babylonish captivity led to rejoicing on their part. (Revelation 11:11, 12) They were filled with hope, and they seized the opportunity to expand their activity. True, it required courage for that little band of Christians to take advantage of the new possibilities of preaching in a hostile world. But with Jehovah’s help, they got down to the work of preaching the good news. History testifies that Jehovah blessed them. 25. Why is it important to pay close attention to God’s righteous decrees? 25 This part of Isaiah’s prophecy stresses that Jehovah teaches us for our good. It is very important to pay close attention to God’s righteous decrees. (Revelation 15:2-4) If we remind ourselves of God’s wisdom and love, it will help us to conform to what Jehovah says is right. All his commands are for our benefit.​—Isaiah 48:17, 18. [Box/​Pictures on page 133] Almighty God Restrains Himself “I shall check my anger . . . I shall restrain myself,” Jehovah told the apostate Israelites. (Isaiah 48:9) Such statements help us see that God sets a perfect example in never abusing power. It is true that no one has greater power than God. That is why we refer to him as the all-powerful One, the omnipotent One. He rightly applies the input “Almighty” to himself. (Genesis 17:1) Not only does he have unlimited strength but he has all authority because of his position as the Sovereign Lord of the universe, which he created. That is why no one can presume to check his hand or say to him, “What have you been doing?”​—Daniel 4:35. God is slow to anger, however, even when there is a need to express his power against his enemies. (Nahum 1:3) Jehovah can ‘check his anger’ and is correctly described as being “slow to anger” because love​—not anger—​is his dominant quality. His anger, when expressed, is always righteous, always justified, always controlled.​—Exodus 34:6; 1 John 4:8. Why does Jehovah act this way? Because he balances his almighty power perfectly with his three other cardinal attributes​—wisdom, justice, and love. His use of power is always consistent with these other qualities. [Picture on page 122] Isaiah’s message of restoration provides a ray of hope for faithful Jews in exile [Pictures on page 124] The Jews had a tendency to attribute Jehovah’s acts to idols 1. Ishtar 2. A glazed brick frieze from Babylon’s Processional Way 3. Dragon symbol of Marduk [Picture on page 127] A “furnace of affliction” can reveal whether or not our motives for serving Jehovah are pure [Pictures on page 128] True Christians have faced the most vicious forms of persecution
Happiness (hp) 1980
Chapter 13 Communicating with the Spirit Realm “THE compulsion to communicate runs deep.” With that statement, the book Machines began a chapter on the radio. By radio we can communicate with persons around the globe or even hear from astronauts in outer space. 2 Radio communication is now an accepted part of life. But many persons ignore or misunderstand a more important type of communication​—with the spirit realm. SPEAKING TO THE CREATOR 3 Centuries before radio was invented, King David wrote: “To my sayings do give ear, O Jehovah . . . Do pay attention to the sound of my cry for help, O my King and my God, because to you I pray.”​—Psalm 5:1, 2. Does it not seem reasonable that the highest intelligence in the universe can “give ear” to what we say in prayer if he desires to do so? And is it not sensible for us to seek help from God, who can give us the very best guidance?​—Psalm 65:2. 4 A transmitter and a receiver are necessary in radio communication. But what do we need in order to contact Jehovah in prayer? The first requirement is faith. “He that approaches God must believe that he is and that he becomes the rewarder of those earnestly seeking him” (Hebrews 11:6) Also, a person must be attuned to God’s moral standards and ways. Otherwise God will no more listen to him than an upright person would listen to a radio program that he viewed as morally repugnant.​—1 John 3:22; Isaiah 1:15. 5 Jehovah does not have a rigid format for acceptable prayers. Whether you pray out loud or silently, he can “hear.” You can pray when standing, seated, kneeling or lying in bed. (1 Samuel 1:12, 13; 1 Kings 8:54) No special words or religious language are needed. More important are sincerity and a humble spirit. Note how Jesus illustrated this at Luke 18:10-14. 6 Individually, we can approach Jehovah in prayer at any time. However, he also welcomes united prayers, such as from a congregation of Christians. By their listening to the prayers at the congregation meetings some who never prayed before have learned how to employ this vital communication. Family groups, too, can and should pray together. One opportunity is at mealtimes, following Jesus’ example in thanking God for the food that he made available.​—Mark 8:6. 7 You may know of persons who have prayed but who complain that they get no answer. Why? Christ told his followers: “If you ask the Father for anything he will give it to you in my name.” Jesus Christ, and no other person, is the way of approach to God. Might the problem be a failure to appreciate this? (John 16:23; 14:6) Also, what did Jesus mean by “anything”? The apostle John shows that it is “anything” that is ‘in accord with Jehovah’s will.’ We would hardly expect a righteous God to accept prayers for wrong, immoral or greedy ends. (1 John 5:14) Yet many pray for instant wealth or power over others. It is no wonder, then, that God does not respond to such prayers. Requests for our valid personal needs should come after matters such as God’s will being done on earth.​—Matthew 6:9-11. 8 Prayer affords opportunities for us to talk to God as to a loving father, to express our joys, our troubles and needs. If you have not been doing that regularly, do not put it off. Your having a trusting relationship with God and being able to communicate with him at any time will give you much peace of mind and bring happiness. You can unburden yourself, being sure of his interest in you.​—Psalm 86:1-6; Philippians 4:6, 7. RESPONSE FROM THE SPIRIT REALM 9 One of the main subjects of prayer should be our need for wisdom and guidance from God. (Psalm 27:11; 119:34-36; James 1:5) In what manner will God respond? In ancient times, he occasionally gave verbal messages, speaking through angels or human prophets. But the apostle Paul says that God has now “spoken to us by means of a Son,” whose teachings and life pattern are set out in the Bible. (Hebrews 1:1, 2; 2:1-3; John 20:31) So, rather than expecting God to speak to us personally, we should seek help through the means he has chosen to use, the Bible. With this in mind, we should follow up prayers for guidance by diligently studying his Word. (Proverbs 2:1-5) Added help is available through devoted Christians who regularly meet to study and discuss the Bible.​—2 Timothy 2:1, 2. 10 In answer to our prayers, God can also aid us personally through his spirit. With this, he helps Christians to understand his Word and apply it. (John 16:7-13) David prayed: “Teach me to do your will . . . Your spirit is good; may it lead me in the land of uprightness.”​—Psalm 143:10. ARE THERE EVIL PERSONS IN THE SPIRIT REALM? 11 Not only does the Bible assure us that Jehovah, his Son and angels exist in the spirit realm, and that we may communicate with God by prayer. Just as reliably the Scriptures show that there are intelligent spirit persons who are now very wicked, specifically Satan and his demons. 12 Some persons feel that “the Devil” is just a carry-over from an old superstition or myth. Others think that when the Bible mentions “Satan” it is referring simply to a principle of evil. 13 However, Matthew 4:1-11 tells us of a time when Satan offered three very specific temptations to Jesus. Certainly, the Satan here referred to was no evil principle within Jesus, for the Son of God is free of evil and sin. (Hebrews 7:26; 1:8, 9) No, Satan is a real person. This is also borne out by the account at Job 1:6-12, which tells of Satan’s appearing before Jehovah. 14 But what of Satan’s origin? We know that Jehovah is the Creator of all things and that “perfect is his activity.” (Deuteronomy 32:4; Revelation 4:11) Hence, is it not logical that Satan must at one time have been an upright spirit person created by Jehovah along with other angels? How, then, did he become corrupt? James 1:14, 15 gives us a clue: “Each one is tried by being drawn out and enticed by his own desire. Then the desire, when it has become fertile, gives birth to sin.” 15 From what has occurred among men, we know that even someone in a trusted position might see how he could misuse a situation in order to get more power. It appears that this is what occurred with one of God’s angels. Being a free moral agent, this spirit creature chose a bad course, perhaps believing that he could become like God, with humans following him. What happened is evidently comparable to the experience of a king of Tyre, as related at Ezekiel 28:1-19. This man had been in a favored position relative to ancient Israel, but he became puffed up with pride, leading to his downfall. Similarly, pride led to the ruin of the one who made himself Satan, a resister of God. 16 An understanding of Satan’s existence sheds light on the events in the garden of Eden that resulted in our being imperfect, sinners, subject to sickness and death. With his above-human intelligence, Satan used a serpent to communicate a lying, fatal proposition to Eve. (Genesis 3:1-5) Accordingly, Revelation 12:9 calls Satan “the original serpent.” And Jesus said this one did not “stand fast in the truth,” but became “the father of the lie” and a “manslayer.”​—John 8:44. 17 Satan is not the only spirit creature who rebelled. The history in Genesis 6:1-3 explains that in Noah’s day some angels​—perhaps stimulated by Satan’s rebellion—​took on human bodies so as to have sexual pleasure with women. This was unnatural and corrupt. (Jude 6, 7) When God wiped out the wickedness on earth by a global flood, these disobedient angels returned to the spirit realm, but now on Satan’s side, as demons. (2 Peter 2:4, 5) The well-known Greek and Roman mythologies about gods that moved back and forth between heaven and earth may be distortions of the facts about the disobedient angels as reported in the Bible. WICKED INFLUENCE FROM THE SPIRIT REALM 18 The wicked spirits are not interested in our welfare but are bent on deceiving and misleading humans, turning them away from God. The apostle Paul called Satan “the god of this system of things” who “has blinded the minds of the unbelievers” so that they might not learn the “good news” about Christ. (2 Corinthians 4:4) He has been quite successful in this. 19 One tactic that he has used is by encouraging the view that there is no Devil or Satan. He is like a criminal who spreads the idea that a crime syndicate does not exist, thus lulling persons into a false security. Another tactic is reflected in the horrible deeds committed by religious zealots​—crusades, inquisitions, the blessing of warfare. These have caused many sensitive persons to turn away from Jehovah God, mistakenly thinking that the churches represent him. 20 Recall, too, that the apostle Paul said that Satan is “the god of this system of things.” Some persons scoff at the idea that Satan is maneuvering the nations. But when Satan offered Christ authority over the nations, Jesus did not deny that the Devil has power over the political kingdoms. (Luke 4:5-8) And does it not seem that there is some evil force behind world affairs today? With this in mind, read what Revelation 12:9, 12 says about Satan’s efforts. AVOIDING CONTACT WITH WICKED SPIRITS 21 Scientists have done research on what is known as ESP (extrasensory perception). This includes phenomena such as a person’s knowing others’ thoughts, describing events or objects that he could never have seen or learned of, and using ‘mind over matter’ to influence such things as the fall of dice. The psychic researchers have tried to exclude the possibility of trickery, yet they cannot explain these superhuman feats. Might what the Scriptures say be the explanation? 22 Satan and the demons can directly affect humans and their affairs. For example, a girl in ancient Philippi, in Greece, was able to make predictions. How? The historical record says that “a spirit, a demon of divination,” influenced the girl’s utterances. The apostle Paul helped her to get free from the demon.​—Acts 16:16-18. 23 Because the demons are real and powerful, God’s Word repeatedly warns against involvement with them. It condemns the use of spells (as in black magic or voodoo), the consulting of mediums or a person’s trying to contact the dead. (Deuteronomy 18:10-12; Leviticus 20:6, 27; Galatians 5:19-21) Those warnings are still timely. You may have observed the widespread interest in psychic phenomena and the occult. Many films and novels have featured ‘the spirits’ or man’s efforts to exorcise, or cast out, demons. The use of Ouija boards or astrology for guidance is common. 24 Communication with wicked spirits is dangerous. Reports indicate that once the demons gain influence over a person, they can do much harm​—physically, mentally and emotionally. (Compare Matthew 8:28-33.) They have harassed persons, making noises at night, causing objects to move about, fondling sex organs and causing illness. Their “voices” have even driven persons to insanity, murder or suicide. 25 Of course, some “strange” occurrences may result from physical problems, such as disturbances of body chemistry, which may affect the mind and the senses. But it would be foolish simply to dismiss the existence of Satan and the demons. Do not underestimate the seriousness of the Bible’s warning about them. 26 If a person is being harassed by the demons, is there any way to get relief? God is not now using humans to heal the sick, cast out demons or raise the dead, as he used the apostles. But he will help someone break free from “the authority of Satan.” (Acts 26:18; Ephesians 6:12) It is necessary to turn to Jehovah in prayer, using his name and earnestly seeking his help. (Proverbs 18:10) Also, one must resist demonic suggestions, as did Jesus, ceasing spiritistic practices and needless fellowship with those pursuing demonism.​—Matthew 4:1-11; 2 Corinthians 6:14-17. 27 Additionally, reports show that the demons often keep in contact with a human through an object, so it is important to get rid of items formerly used in spiritism (charms, crystal balls, and so forth). The Bible tells us that some who had practiced magical arts in ancient Ephesus did that.​—Acts 19:18-20. 28 Yet there is no need to be in constant dread of wicked spirits. Rather, the Bible urges us to clothe ourselves with spiritual armor: “Stand firm, therefore, with your loins girded about with TRUTH, and having on the breastplate of RIGHTEOUSNESS, and with your feet shod with the equipment of the GOOD NEWS OF PEACE. Above all things, take up the large shield of FAITH, with which you will be able to quench all the wicked one’s burning missiles. Also, accept the helmet of SALVATION, and the sword of the spirit, that is, GOD’S WORD, while . . . you carry on PRAYER on every occasion.”​—Ephesians 6:14-18. As God’s Word here shows, an excellent safeguard against unwanted communication with wicked spirits is regular communication with Jehovah through prayer. The Bible fittingly says: “Subject yourselves, therefore, to God; but oppose the Devil, and he will flee from you.”​—James 4:7. [Study Questions] Why should we be interested in communicating with the Creator? (1-3) What is needed for acceptable prayers? (1 Peter 3:12) (4, 5) What can we learn from the Bible about the nature of our prayers? (6-8) How can we receive communication from God? (9, 10) How can we know that Satan exists? And what is his origin? (11-15) How does our knowing of Satan and the demons aid us? (16, 17) In what way have wicked spirits affected humans? (2 Corinthians 11:13-15) (18-20) What practices can involve a person with wicked spirits? (21-23) How can you protect yourself from harmful communication with the spirit realm? (24-28) [Picture on page 123] Daily we can communicate with God through prayer
School Guidebook (sg) 1992
Study 17 How to Write Letters 1, 2. What good purposes can letters accomplish? 1 In the early Christian congregation letters were put to good use in a number of ways. They were a means of keeping in touch with congregations. (Phil. 1:1) They were used to encourage those who had taken on special responsibilities. (2 Tim. 1:1, 2, 6) Letters upbuilt those who had recently become believers or who were faced with hardship. (1 Thess. 1:1-7; 3:1-7) And the early Christians used letters to keep in touch with those who had become close to them in the service of the Lord.—3 John 1, 14. 2 Theocratic ministers of today also have many reasons for writing letters, and these letters can accomplish much good. Business letters may be necessary at times. Public officials may have to be written to with regard to the Kingdom work. Tenants who live in exclusive apartment buildings, as well as those who live in isolated places, often can be contacted with the “good news” only by means of letters. Some publishers in your congregation may have moved away, or relatives may live at a considerable distance, and you may wish to show your loving concern for them by writing a letter. Also, there are times when you send a letter to express thanks or condolence. 3. To be worthy of our ministry, what should characterize our letters? 3 Our letters should be worthy of our God-given ministry. They should be friendly, tactful and show loving consideration for those who read them. They should be positive and upbuilding, rather than negative and expressing a spirit of complaint, which tears down faith and depresses the reader. “Love builds up,” says God’s Word. (1 Cor. 8:1) Consider, too, the overall appearance and impression the letter will give. For the sake of neatness, it helps to have a fairly uniform margin around the sides and bottom of the letter. Smudges do not give a good impression. Also, good spelling and sentence structure deserve attention. However, if you are not skilled at these, do not let it discourage you from writing to friends. Warmth, interest and enthusiasm usually more than make up for errors in spelling and sentence structure. But spelling can be improved by using a dictionary, and sentence structure can improve as we note how others put words and phrases together. With these points in mind, let us now take a closer look at the various types of letters we may have occasion to write in connection with our ministry. 4. Outline the proper form for a business letter. 4 Business letters. When you write a business letter, it is advisable to put your name, address and the date at the top of the letter. This is called the heading and it appears on the right side of the paper. (In letters to the Watch Tower Society, the heading should also have the name of the sender’s congregation, if it deals with congregation matters.) The “inside address” is on the left side of the paper but slightly lower than the heading. Here you provide the name and address of the firm or person to whom you are writing. Next in order comes the salutation. When writing to firms or individuals not connected with Jehovah’s witnesses, salutations such as “Dear Sir,” “Gentlemen,” “Dear Mr.——” and the like are appropriate. When writing to the Society and others who are Jehovah’s witnesses, it is customary to use salutations such as “Dear Brothers” or “Dear Brother——.” Finally there is a concluding phrase such as “Sincerely yours” or “Yours very truly.” When writing to those within Jehovah’s organization concluding phrases such as “Your brother” or “Your fellow servant” are appropriate. This begins halfway across the page and is followed by a comma. Immediately below, sign your name. When the letter is written to the Society in behalf of a congregation or a circuit, the writer might also show his office, such as “Presiding Overseer” or “Circuit Overseer,” immediately under his signature. 5, 6. What should be attended to first in the letter, and what usually helps to bring a favorable response? 5 At the very beginning of your letter, state its purpose. Then the receiver will immediately learn why you are writing. If the letter is following up on previous correspondence, it would be good to mention that previous letter and the specific topic with which it dealt. And when the correspondence is with a large organization having many departments, it is also helpful to indicate any identifying symbols appearing on the last letter you received from the organization. As for the body of the letter, you will find that good results come from using a separate paragraph for each specific matter or line of thought. This helps to make the various points in your letter stand out distinctly and often results in better service. If the letter is part business and part informal, it is best to attend to business matters first. 6 Brevity of expression is always valuable in letter writing, yet the information you want to convey must be clear and complete. But if unnecessary words or repetitious thoughts are pruned out, your letter will be more effective. It helps to make the purpose of your letter plain if you leave out material that does not have a bearing upon your subject. Also, a sincere expression of appreciation for the effort of others is usually fitting. Even with a business letter detailing some difficulty, the response is usually better when you use some such expression as, “I do appreciate very much what you are doing (or may be able to do) for me in this particular matter.” 7-9. What might be said in a letter that is intended to give a witness? 7 To give a witness. Letter writing has also proved valuable in preaching the Kingdom message. In some areas there are large apartments or residence hotels that cannot be worked freely, but we can write letters to the occupants. Then, too, some persons repeatedly are not found at home in the house-to-house work, but they do pick up their mail. And, for a publisher who is confined to his home, writing letters to these people may be the only way he has of sharing the Kingdom message with others. 8 When writing a letter to give a witness concerning God’s kingdom, it is good to introduce yourself first. You may also want to state why you are writing instead of making a personal visit. It will impress the recipient as to your earnestness. Then set out what you wanted to tell him personally if you could have visited. It is not difficult to do if you apply the principles that you have been learning in the ministry school. You may use a Scripture presentation from a recent copy of Our Kingdom Ministry or put in your own words a portion out of a recent issue of The Watchtower or Awake! or the book You Can Live Forever in Paradise on Earth. You might also enclose a tract, magazine or booklet and encourage the person to read it. Explain why this information is so important. As you do in the house-to-house work, you might suggest that he look up the scriptures in his own Bible. Then, with a view to your cultivating interest that may have been aroused, tell him how to get in touch with you and invite him to do so. Clearly give your name and address so that if he wishes to thank you or to subscribe for The Watchtower or Awake!, he will know where to write. 9 On the outside of the envelope, always show your own return address. Check to be sure that you have used sufficient postage, especially if you have enclosed literature. If the postage is not adequate, the householder may be charged for the amount due, and this may detract from your effort to give a good witness. 10, 11. Why are letters to family members and friends beneficial, and what might they include? 10 To family members and close friends. In daily life we give our time and attention to those activities we consider most important. But do we take time to keep in touch with loving relatives and close friends by mail? Parents deeply appreciate letters from their children, and children benefit from letters written by their parents. The interchange of “conversation” by means of letters does much to keep the family members together, even when physically far apart. Your friends and relatives would surely be upbuilt by receiving some evidence of your well-being, a cheerful, newsy letter from your pen or typewriter. Do you doubt it? Then just think of your own experience. Few things are so delightfully received as a fine letter. There is usually a pleasurable excitement about it. It makes you happy that someone has thought of you, does it not? Remember, the outstanding quality of Christians is that they love one another; and one way to show this is by keeping in touch even when far apart. 11 But what will you write about? Do you enjoy interesting experiences? Those that bring you pleasure will usually be enjoyed by others. It may be a personal experience you had in the ministry, or an experience you heard from others. (But it is not wise to pass on items that have a note of doubtful reliability about them.) At times you may wish to reminisce about pleasant experiences that you shared with the one to whom you are writing. This draws friends together. You can also write about new things that you have learned. And what about the things you personally have been doing of late, perhaps the places you have visited? Such items are always of interest to friends. Is the one to whom you are writing ill? Provide some note of encouragement. Show concern and express hope for his early recovery. You might also mention something of special interest that happened at a meeting in the congregation, something that was encouraging and that will help to brighten the day for the one who is ill. And in connection with things to write, if you have difficulty remembering details of what happened recently or what you were thinking about, why not jot things down on a memo pad when they come to mind? Then when you sit down to write, the information will be readily available. 12, 13. How might our letters encourage others in the way of the truth? 12 Also in connection with what to write, could you think of anything of more value than encouraging the one receiving the letter in the way of the truth? Perhaps someone with whom you used to study the Bible has moved to another town. If you write a letter expressing your personal interest and giving encouragement, might this not help to keep alive his interest in the truth? Then, too, think how parents feel when a son or daughter away from home writes and expresses appreciation for the parents’ faithfulness to Jehovah over the years and for bringing up the children to appreciate Jehovah’s ways. Also, what of those who have moved out to areas where the need for Witnesses is especially great, or who have taken up assignments in the missionary work or in Bethel homes? What an encouragement it is for them to receive letters that commend them for their faithful service to Jehovah! (Judg. 11:40) And they will appreciate it if you include in your letters items that tell what is happening in the congregation where they used to be. 13 Add to the quality of your letters by not focusing all the attention on yourself. Show interest in the one to whom you are writing by including questions about his well-being, his plans, how matters turned out about which he wrote earlier, friends that you have in common, and the progress of those with whom he is studying the Bible. Such interest in the other person has a wholesome, upbuilding effect and it stimulates a further interchange of news. 14, 15. What can be done to make the conclusion to your letter meaningful? 14 When you finish with the body of your letter, how will you bring it to a close? Meaningful conclusions are surely desirable. If we only say, “I must close now as I have run out of space,” it does not reflect well on the writer. Why not think of something more meaningful? The apostle Paul used a variety of interesting ways to conclude his letters. For example: “The undeserved kindness of our Lord Jesus Christ be with the spirit you show, brothers.” (Gal. 6:18; 2 Cor. 13:14) The apostle John concluded one of his letters in this way: “May you have peace. The friends send you their greetings. Give my greetings to the friends by name.” (3 John 14) Use a conclusion in keeping with the general subject of your letter and appropriate to your relationship with the individual. 15 Letter writing is not difficult if you observe the things happening around you from day to day. Much is going on in fulfillment of Bible prophecy. This old system of things, including its religious element, is rapidly deteriorating. Yet, Jehovah’s work prospers wonderfully because of his blessing on it. Your brothers delight in hearing news of theocratic expansion in your area. No matter who you are, there are other persons who would be happy to receive in a letter your warm, personal expressions of interest. And showing this concern for others is really part of our ministry, for our brotherly love should not cease just because we are separated by distance. Indeed, it can be enhanced by writing a letter.
Examining the Scriptures—2021 2020
February Monday, February 1 [Jehovah] loves . . . justice.​—Ps. 33:5. “Justice,” as used in the Bible, basically means to do what God considers to be right and to do so without partiality. Consider how Jesus’ actions revealed his sense of justice. In his day, the Jewish religious leaders hated non-Jews, despised common Jews, and disrespected women. Jesus, however, was fair and impartial in dealing with all. He accepted non-Jews who approached him in faith. (Matt. 8:5-10, 13) He preached without prejudice to all, rich and poor. (Matt. 11:5; Luke 19:2, 9) He was never harsh or abusive in his treatment of women. On the contrary, he was respectful and kind to women, including those whom others viewed with scorn. (Luke 7:37-39, 44-50) We can imitate Jesus by dealing impartially with others and preaching to all who are willing to listen​—regardless of their social or religious background. Christian men follow his example by treating women with respect. w19.05 2 ¶1; 5 ¶15-17 Tuesday, February 2 We became gentle in your midst, as when a nursing mother tenderly cares for her own children.​—1 Thess. 2:7. Loyal elders today can likewise use tender, gentle words as they offer Scriptural comfort to those in need. Are elders the only ones who can give comfort to victims of abuse? No. All of us have a responsibility to “keep comforting one another.” (1 Thess. 4:18) Mature Christian sisters can be especially encouraging to sisters in need of comfort. Fittingly, Jehovah God likened himself to a mother who comforts her son. (Isa. 66:13) The Bible includes examples of women who provided comfort to those in distress. (Job 42:11) How delighted Jehovah is to see Christian women today offering comfort to fellow sisters who struggle with emotional pain! In some cases, an elder or two may discreetly ask a mature sister if she is in a position to help a suffering sister in that way. Of course, we are careful not to pry into matters that a fellow Christian prefers to keep private.​—1 Thess. 4:11. w19.05 16-17 ¶10-12 Wednesday, February 3 On the testimony of two or three witnesses every matter may be established.​—Matt. 18:16. Before the elders take judicial action, why are at least two witnesses required? This requirement is part of the Bible’s high standard of justice. When there is no confession of wrongdoing, two witnesses are required to establish the accusation and authorize the elders to take judicial action. (Deut. 19:15; 1 Tim. 5:19) If the individual denies the accusation, the elders consider the testimony of witnesses. If at least two people​—the one making the accusation and someone else—​can confirm the charge, a judicial committee is formed. The absence of a second witness does not mean that the one making the accusation is untruthful. Even if a charge of wrongdoing cannot be established by two witnesses, the elders recognize that a serious sin may have been committed. The elders provide ongoing support to any individuals who may have been hurt and remain alert to protect the congregation from potential danger.​—Acts 20:28. w19.05 11 ¶15-16 Thursday, February 4 Ponder over these things . . . , so that your advancement may be plainly seen by all people.​—1 Tim. 4:15. It is important for children to be taught how to study. They need to learn how to prepare for congregation meetings, for example, or how to do research on an issue that has arisen at school. (Heb. 5:14) If they spend some time on study projects at home, they will be better equipped to focus on the material presented at congregation meetings, assemblies, and conventions. Of course, the length of each study period will depend on the age and temperament of the children. Our Bible students also need to learn how to study. When they are new, we are happy to see them simply underline the answers in preparation for their Bible study or for congregation meetings. But we do need to teach our Bible students how to do research and how to do meaningful study on their own. In that way, when problems arise, they will know how to get practical advice for themselves by doing research in our publications. w19.05 26 ¶2; 28 ¶10-11 Friday, February 5 We are overturning reasonings and every lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God.​—2 Cor. 10:5. Satan is determined to change our thinking. He uses every type of reasoning to counteract the influence of the truth of God’s Word. Satan continues to ask the same question he asked Eve in the garden of Eden: “Did God really say that . . . ?” (Gen. 3:1) In the world under Satan’s control, we often hear challenging questions, such as these: ‘Does God really not approve of same-sex marriage? Does God really not want you to celebrate Christmas and birthdays? Does your God really expect you to refuse a blood transfusion? Does a loving God really expect you to avoid association with disfellowshipped loved ones?’ We need to be convinced of our beliefs. If we leave challenging questions unanswered in our minds, they can become serious doubts. Those doubts could eventually distort our thinking and destroy our faith. w19.06 12-13 ¶15-17 Saturday, February 6 All of you have unity of mind, fellow feeling, brotherly affection, tender compassion, and humility.​—1 Pet. 3:8. Jehovah loves us deeply. (John 3:16) We want to imitate our loving Father. So we try to show “fellow feeling, brotherly affection, [and] tender compassion” to all but especially to those who are “related to us in the faith.” (Gal. 6:10) When members of our spiritual family face stressful challenges, we want to help them. How can we console someone whose marriage mate has died? An important first step is to speak to him or her, even though you may feel awkward or unsure of what to say. Paula, whose husband died suddenly, says: “I understand that death makes people uncomfortable. They worry that what they say might come out wrong. But worse than hearing something awkward is hearing nothing at all.” A grieving person probably does not expect us to say something profound. Paula says: “I appreciated it when friends would simply say, ‘I’m sorry for your loss.’” w19.06 20 ¶1; 23 ¶14 Sunday, February 7 Jehovah, give attention to their threats, and grant to your slaves to keep speaking your word with all boldness.​—Acts 4:29. If our work is banned, the elders will arrange for you to attend meetings in a way that will not attract unwanted attention. They may direct you to meet in small groups and may change the meeting times and locations frequently. Regarding the preaching work, circumstances will vary from one location to another. But we love Jehovah and enjoy telling others about his Kingdom, so we will find a way to preach. (Luke 8:1) Commenting on Jehovah’s Witnesses in the former Soviet Union, historian Emily B. Baran said: “When the state told believers that they could not evangelize their faith to others, Witnesses chatted [with] their neighbors, coworkers, and friends. When these actions landed them in labor camps, Witnesses sought out converts among their fellow prisoners.” Despite the ban, our brothers there did not stop preaching. May you have that same determination! w19.07 11 ¶12-13 Monday, February 8 Make disciples of people of all the nations.​—Matt. 28:19. How can we help nonreligious people to learn to love God and become disciples of Christ? We must recognize that a person’s reaction to our message may depend on where he was raised. For example, people with a European background may not respond the same way as may those who come from Asia. Why? In Europe, many know something about the Bible and are familiar with the idea that God created all things. But in Asia, the majority of people know little or nothing about the Bible, and they may not believe in a Creator. So be positive. Every year, there are nonreligious people who become Jehovah’s Witnesses. Many already had high moral standards and felt disgusted by religious hypocrisy. Others had low moral standards and many had bad habits that they needed to abandon. With Jehovah’s help, we can be sure that we will find those who are “rightly disposed for everlasting life.”​—Acts 13:48; 1 Tim. 2:3, 4. w19.07 20-21 ¶3-4 Tuesday, February 9 We do not give up.​—2 Cor. 4:16. Whether our hope is everlasting life in heaven or on a paradise earth, we must keep pressing on toward that goal. No matter what our circumstances, we must not look at the things behind; nor should we let anything hinder our progress. (Phil. 3:16) The fulfillment of our expectations may seem to be delayed, or our physical strength may be declining. We may have endured hardship and persecution for many years. Whatever the case, “do not be anxious over anything.” Rather, let your petitions and supplications be made known to God, and he will give you a peace that is beyond your imagination. (Phil. 4:6, 7) Like a runner who exerts himself as he races down the homestretch, may we stay fully focused on the goal of finishing the race for life. To the extent that our strength and circumstances allow, may we exert ourselves and progress eagerly toward the wonderful things ahead. w19.08 7 ¶16-17 Wednesday, February 10 Weep with those who weep.​—Rom. 12:15. We may find it hard to know what to say to someone who is overcome by grief. Sometimes our tears say more than our words. When Jesus’ friend Lazarus died, Mary, Martha, and others wept for their beloved brother and friend. Four days later when Jesus arrived, he too “gave way to tears,” even though he knew that he was about to resurrect Lazarus. (John 11:17, 33-35) Jesus’ tears reflected the feelings of his Father. They also confirmed Jesus’ love for the family, which no doubt comforted Mary and Martha. Similarly, when our brothers sense our love and concern, they know that they are not alone but are surrounded by caring and supportive friends. Sometimes we must simply be a good listener. Allow your brother to pour out his heart, and do not be offended by “wild talk.” (Job 6:2, 3) He may be under added emotional stress because of pressure from relatives who are not Witnesses. So pray with him. Beg the “Hearer of prayer” to give him strength and clarity of mind.​—Ps. 65:2. w19.04 18-19 ¶18-19 Thursday, February 11 Pour out your hearts before him.​—Ps. 62:8. Whether we serve in the field or at Bethel, we can develop deep affection for people and even for the place where we serve. If for any reason we have to leave, our heart feels torn. We miss those who stay behind, and we worry about them, especially if we had to leave because of persecution. (Matt. 10:23; 2 Cor. 11:28, 29) Further, taking up a new assignment​—or even returning home—​often means experiencing culture shock. Some who get a change of assignment may suddenly face unexpected financial challenges. They may feel uncertain, insecure, and discouraged. What can help? Stay close to Jehovah. (Jas. 4:8) How can we do that? By trusting in him as the “Hearer of prayer.” (Ps. 65:2) Jehovah can do “more than superabundantly beyond all the things we ask or conceive.” (Eph. 3:20) He does not limit himself to what we specifically ask for in our prayers. He may do the unexpected, beyond anything that we could ever think of, to solve our problems. w19.08 21 ¶5-6 Friday, February 12 They gathered them together to . . . Armageddon.​—Rev. 16:16. Some people apply the word “Armageddon” to a nuclear war or an environmental disaster. In contrast, the Bible says that Armageddon involves good news, a cause for happiness! (Rev. 1:3) The war of Armageddon will not destroy but save mankind! How so? By ending human rule. That war will save mankind by removing the wicked and preserving the righteous. And it will save mankind by protecting our planet from ruin. (Rev. 11:18) The word “Armageddon” appears just once in the Scriptures, and it comes from a Hebrew term that means “Mountain of Megiddo.” (Rev. 16:16; ftn.) Megiddo was a city in ancient Israel. (Josh. 17:11) But Armageddon does not refer to any literal place on earth. Strictly speaking, it refers to the situation to which “the kings of the entire inhabited earth” are gathered in opposition to Jehovah.​—Rev. 16:14. w19.09 8 ¶1-3 Saturday, February 13 She had not been able to get a cure from anyone.​—Luke 8:43. The woman desperately needed help. She had gone to many physicians, hoping to find relief. After 12 years of misery, she still had not been healed. According to the Law, she was unclean. (Lev. 15:25) Then she heard that Jesus could cure those who were suffering, so she went to find him. When she found him, she touched the fringe of his outer garment, and immediately she was cured! But Jesus did more than heal her body​—he restored her dignity. For example, when talking with her, he used the warm yet respectful term “daughter.” How truly refreshed, or energized, that woman must have felt! (Luke 8:44-48) Notice that the woman went to Jesus. She took the initiative. The same is true today​—we must make the effort to “come to” Jesus. At present, Jesus will not miraculously cure the physical sicknesses of those who “come to” him. But he still extends the invitation: “Come to me, . . . and I will refresh you.”​—Matt. 11:28. w19.09 20 ¶2-3 Sunday, February 14 I saw . . . a great crowd . . . out of all nations and tribes and peoples and tongues.​—Rev. 7:9. The prophet Zechariah had earlier foretold something similar. He wrote: “In those days ten men out of all the languages of the nations will take hold, yes, they will take firm hold of the robe of a Jew, saying: ‘We want to go with you, for we have heard that God is with you people.’” (Zech. 8:23) Jehovah’s Witnesses realize that for people of all languages to be gathered, the good news must be preached in many languages. We are now carrying out the greatest translation effort in history in hundreds of languages. Clearly, Jehovah is performing a modern-day miracle​—gathering a great crowd from all nations. Thanks to the availability of spiritual food in more and more languages, this diverse group is united in worship. And the Witnesses are well-known for their zealous preaching and their brotherly love. How faith-strengthening that is!​—Matt. 24:14; John 13:35. w19.09 30-31 ¶16-17 Monday, February 15 There will be great tribulation such as has not occurred since the world’s beginning until now, no, nor will occur again.​—Matt. 24:21. During the great tribulation, people will be shocked as they see everything that they once thought to be so stable in the world begin to fail. They will be in “anguish,” fearing for their very lives as they enter the darkest period of human existence. (Zeph. 1:14, 15) At that time, life will likely get more difficult even for Jehovah’s people. Because we remain no part of the world, we may suffer some hardships. We may have to go without certain necessities. “The faithful and discreet slave” has been preparing us to stay faithful through the great tribulation. (Matt. 24:45) This has been done in many ways, but consider one example: our timely convention programs for the years 2016-2018. Through those programs, we have been encouraged to strengthen the qualities that we need as we near Jehovah’s day. w19.10 14 ¶2; 16 ¶10; 17 ¶12 Tuesday, February 16 You cannot be partaking of “the table of Jehovah” and the table of demons.​—1 Cor. 10:21. Once we swallow food, automatic processes take over and the nutrients in the food eventually become part of our bodies. A good diet can make us healthier; a poor diet will make us unhealthy. The results may not become evident overnight, but they will become evident in time. Similarly, when we choose our entertainment, we have control over what we put into our mind. After that, automatic processes take over and our mind and heart are affected. Good entertainment can refresh us; unwholesome entertainment will harm us. (Jas. 1:14, 15) The effects of bad entertainment may not be immediately evident, but they will eventually become obvious. That is why the Bible warns us: “Whatever a person is sowing, this he will also reap; because the one sowing with a view to his flesh will reap corruption from his flesh.” (Gal. 6:7, 8) How important it is for us to reject all entertainment that promotes things that Jehovah hates!​—Ps. 97:10. w19.10 30 ¶12-14 Wednesday, February 17 Become imitators of God, as beloved children, and go on walking in love.​—Eph. 5:1, 2. Jehovah proved his love for us by giving his Son as a ransom in our behalf. (John 3:16) How can we imitate Jehovah’s love? We view each of our brothers and sisters as valuable and precious, and we gladly welcome back “a lost sheep” who returns to Jehovah. (Ps. 119:176; Luke 15:7, 10) We prove that we love our brothers and sisters by giving of ourselves, such as by helping them in times of need. (1 John 3:17) Jesus commanded his followers to show self-sacrificing love. (John 13:34, 35) Jesus’ commandment is new because it calls for a kind of love that was not required under the Law that God gave Israel: Love fellow believers as Jesus loved you. That requires a self-sacrificing love. We are to love our brothers and sisters even more than we love ourselves. We must love them to the point of being willing to give up our life for them, as Jesus did for us. w19.05 4 ¶11-13 Thursday, February 18 Keep on asking, and it will be given you; keep on seeking, and you will find; keep on knocking, and it will be opened to you.​—Luke 11:9. To receive the help of holy spirit, we must pray for it with persistence. (Luke 11:13) Jesus’ illustration at Luke 11:5-9 helps us to see why Jehovah will give us holy spirit. The man in the illustration wanted to be a good host. He felt compelled to serve food to his late-night visitor but had nothing to offer him. Jesus said that the neighbor responded because of the man’s bold persistence in asking for bread. What was Jesus’ point? If an imperfect human is willing to help a persistent neighbor, how much more so will our kind heavenly Father help those who persistently ask him for holy spirit! Therefore, we can pray with confidence that Jehovah will respond to our urgent request for holy spirit. (Ps. 10:17; 66:19) We can be sure that in spite of Satan’s relentless efforts to defeat us, we will be victorious. w19.11 13 ¶17-19 Friday, February 19 Come . . . into an isolated place and rest up a little.​—Mark 6:31. Jesus knew that at times he and the apostles needed some rest. However, many people back then and many today can be likened to the rich man in Jesus’ illustration. That man convinced himself: “Take it easy, eat, drink, enjoy yourself.” (Luke 12:19; 2 Tim. 3:4) He set his heart on rest and pleasures. In contrast, Jesus and the apostles did not center their lives on pleasing themselves. Today, we try to imitate Jesus by using the time we have off from work not only to rest but also to do good by witnessing to others and attending Christian meetings. In fact, to us, disciple-making and meeting attendance are so important that we make every effort to engage regularly in those sacred activities. (Heb. 10:24, 25) Even when we are on vacation, we keep to our regular spiritual routine of attending meetings wherever we are, and we look for opportunities to have conversations with those whom we meet.​—2 Tim. 4:2. w19.12 7 ¶16-17 Saturday, February 20 Complete what you started to do.​—2 Cor. 8:11. Jehovah allows us to choose our course in life. He teaches us how to make good choices, and he helps us to succeed when we make decisions that please him. (Ps. 119:173) The more we apply the wisdom found in God’s Word, the better we become at making good decisions. (Heb. 5:14) Even when we make a wise decision, however, we may struggle to complete what we started. Consider some examples: A young brother decides to read the entire Bible. He does well for a few weeks but then stops for some reason. A sister decides to serve as a regular pioneer but keeps pushing back the date when she will begin. A body of elders makes a unanimous decision to be more involved in shepherding those in the congregation but after many months has not acted on it. These situations differ, but they have something in common. Those decisions were not fully implemented. w19.11 26 ¶1-2 Sunday, February 21 The plans of the diligent surely lead to success.​—Prov. 21:5. Jesus likened our time to “the days of Noah,” and there is no doubt that we are living in “critical times hard to deal with.” (Matt. 24:37; 2 Tim. 3:1) With that reality in mind, some couples have concluded that they would like to postpone having children so that they can devote more time to sharing in the Christian ministry. When deciding whether to have children and how many children to have, wise couples “calculate the expense.” (Luke 14:28, 29) Experienced parents confirm that raising children not only costs money but also costs time and energy. Thus, it is important for a couple to consider such questions as: ‘Would both of us have to work to supply the family’s basic needs? Do we agree on what our “basic needs” are? If we both would have to work, who would look after our children? Who would influence their thinking and actions?’ Couples who calmly discuss those questions take to heart the words of today’s text. w19.12 23-24 ¶6-7 Monday, February 22 These are my fellow workers for the Kingdom of God, and they have become a source of great comfort to me.​—Col. 4:11. The apostle Paul faced one life-threatening situation after another. (2 Cor. 11:23-28) He also had to endure “a thorn in the flesh,” possibly some sort of health problem. (2 Cor. 12:7) And he had to cope with disappointment when Demas, his onetime fellow worker, abandoned him “because [Demas] loved the present system of things.” (2 Tim. 4:10) Paul was a courageous spirit-anointed Christian who unselfishly helped others, but at times even he felt discouraged. (Rom. 9:1, 2) Paul received the comfort and support he needed. How? Jehovah certainly used His holy spirit to strengthen him. (2 Cor. 4:7; Phil. 4:13) Jehovah also comforted him through fellow Christians. Paul described some of his fellow workers as “a source of great comfort.” (Col. 4:11) Among the ones he mentioned by name were Aristarchus, Tychicus, and Mark. They strengthened Paul, helping him to endure. w20.01 8 ¶2-3 Tuesday, February 23 He has enlightened the eyes of your heart.​—Eph. 1:18. Jesus indicated that it is impossible to explain exactly to someone who has not been anointed how it feels to be “born again,” or to be “born from the spirit.” (John 3:3-8) What change in thinking takes place when Christians are anointed? Before Jehovah anointed these Christians, they treasured the hope of living forever on earth. They looked forward with great eagerness to the time when Jehovah would remove all wickedness and make the earth a paradise. Perhaps they imagined themselves welcoming back a family member or a friend who had died. But after they were anointed, they started to think differently. Why is that? They did not become dissatisfied with that earthly hope. They did not change their mind because of emotional stress or turmoil. They did not suddenly feel that they would find living forever on earth to be boring. Instead, Jehovah used his holy spirit to change the way that they think and the hope that they cherish. w20.01 22 ¶9-11 Wednesday, February 24 Let every person be in subjection to the superior authorities.​—Rom. 13:1. Under the Law that God gave Israel, appointed men handled not only spiritual matters but also civil and criminal cases. But under “the law of the Christ,” the elders’ role is to handle the spiritual aspects of the wrongdoing. (Gal. 6:2) They recognize that the secular authorities have the God-given responsibility to handle civil and criminal cases. That includes the authority to impose such penalties as fines or imprisonments. (Rom. 13:2-4) How do elders handle the spiritual aspects of serious wrongdoing? They use the Scriptures to weigh matters and make decisions. They keep in mind that love is the foundation of the law of the Christ. Love moves the elders to consider: What needs to be done to help any in the congregation who have been victims of the wrongdoing? Regarding the wrongdoer, love moves the elders to consider: Is he repentant? Can we help him to regain his spiritual health? w19.05 7 ¶23-24 Thursday, February 25 I live because of the Father.​—John 6:57. Jesus acknowledged that his Father was the Source and Sustainer of his life when he stated the above. Jesus completely trusted in his Father, and Jehovah supplied his physical needs. Most important, Jehovah cared for Jesus spiritually. (Matt. 4:4) Jehovah also provides for our spiritual needs. Through his Word, he has revealed the truth about himself, his purpose, the meaning of life, and the future. He showed us personal attention when we first learned the truth, using our parents or another teacher to help us come to know him. And we continue to receive kind assistance from loving congregation elders and other mature brothers and sisters. In addition, Jehovah instructs us through our congregation meetings, where we learn alongside our spiritual family. In these and other ways, Jehovah shows his fatherly interest in all of us.​—Ps. 32:8. w20.02 3 ¶8; 5 ¶13 Friday, February 26 Pursue the things making for peace and the things that build one another up.​—Rom. 14:19. Peace cannot survive if envy is allowed to thrive. We need to weed out envy from our own heart and avoid planting feelings of envy in others. What specifically can we do to help others fight envy, and how can we promote peace? Our attitude and actions can have a big influence on others. The world wants us to make a “showy display” of the things we own. (1 John 2:16) But that attitude promotes envy. We can avoid nurturing envy in others if we choose not to talk constantly about the things we own or plan to buy. Another way we can avoid promoting envy is by being modest about the privileges we have in the congregation. If we draw attention to the privileges that we have, we create fertile ground in which envy can grow. By contrast, when we show genuine personal interest in others and acknowledge the good that they do, we help them feel output and we promote unity and peace in the congregation. w20.02 18 ¶15-16 Saturday, February 27 His invisible qualities are clearly seen from the world’s creation onward, because they are perceived by the things made.​—Rom. 1:20. You can learn about Jehovah through his creation. (Rev. 4:11) Meditate on the wisdom evident in the designs of plants and animals. Learn a little about the wonderful way your body is made. (Ps. 139:14) And think about the power that Jehovah packed into our sun, realizing that it is just one of billions of stars. (Isa. 40:26) As you do, your respect for Jehovah will deepen. However, knowing that Jehovah is wise and powerful is only part of the foundation of your relationship with him. To build a strong love for Jehovah, you need to know more about him. You need to be convinced that Jehovah cares for you personally. Remember that “if you search for him, he will let himself be found by you.” (1 Chron. 28:9) Jehovah says, “I have drawn you to me.” (Jer. 31:3) The more you appreciate all that Jehovah has done for you, the deeper your love for him will be. w20.03 4 ¶6-7 Sunday, February 28 Since we have this ministry . . . , we do not give up.​—2 Cor. 4:1. The apostle Paul set a good example in making the ministry the most important activity in his life. When he was in Corinth during his second missionary journey, he was low on funds and had to spend some time making tents. He worked at this trade to support himself in the ministry so that he could declare the good news to the Corinthians “without cost” to them. (2 Cor. 11:7) Although Paul had to do some secular work, he continued to give priority to the ministry, and he preached on every Sabbath. After his circumstances improved, Paul was able to give more attention to preaching. He “began to be intensely occupied with the word, witnessing to the Jews to prove that Jesus is the Christ.” (Acts 18:3-5; 2 Cor. 11:9) Later, when he was under house arrest in Rome for two years, Paul witnessed to visitors and wrote letters. (Acts 28:16, 30, 31) Paul was determined not to allow anything to interfere with his ministry. w19.04 4 ¶9
Introduction WHERE CAN WE FIND SOUND GUIDANCE ON LIVING A HAPPY LIFE? The Bible says: “Happy are those who are blameless in their way.”​—Psalm 119:1. These seven articles discuss sound, time-tested principles that contribute in a big way to happiness.
THE WAY OF HAPPINESS Learn More HAVE YOU EVER WONDERED: How can my family be happy? How can I make good friends and also be a good friend? What hope is there for my dead loved ones? Will suffering ever end? Will humans eventually destroy the earth? Do all religions lead to the true God? YOU CAN FIND THE ANSWERS TO THESE AND OTHER QUESTIONS Visit the website, which is available in more than 900 languages. There you can find helpful information on a broad range of topics. You can enjoy videos about people from a variety of backgrounds who found the way of happiness and never looked back! Some had even been drug addicts or prison inmates. Others are highly educated professionals, including scientists. At you will be able to access or download a variety of Bibles and a wide array of other publications​—all at no cost. The many inputs include the following: Your Family Can Be Happy Lasting Peace and Happiness​—How to Find Them Good News From God!
YOUNG PEOPLE ASK Do Manners Really Matter?
YOUNG PEOPLE ASK Do Manners Really Matter? ‘People don’t open the door for me; why should I do it for them?’ ‘Aren’t there more important things to worry about than saying “please,” “thank you,” and “excuse me”?’ ‘I don’t need to show manners to my siblings. We’re family.’ Do any of those statements sound like something you would say? If so, you could be missing out on the benefits of showing good manners! What you should know about manners How to improve What your peers say What you should know about manners Good manners can improve the following three areas of your life: Your reputation. How you treat people makes an impression, for good or for bad. If you are mannerly, people will likely view you as mature and responsible​—and they’ll treat you accordingly! If you are rude, however, people will conclude that you are interested only in yourself, and you could end up being bypassed for employment and other opportunities. As the Bible says, “the cruel person brings disgrace on himself.”​—Proverbs 11:17; footnote. Your social life. The Bible says: “Clothe yourselves with love, for it is a perfect bond of union.” (Colossians 3:​14) That is certainly true when it comes to friendship. People are drawn to those who are mannerly and who treat them well. After all, who would want to be in the company of someone who is rude or obnoxious? The way people treat you. “If you are always polite,” says a young woman named Jennifer, “over time, you may see improvement in the way even the most consistently rude people respond to you.” Of course, if you are rude, you may get the opposite response. The Bible says: “With the measure that you are measuring out, they will measure out to you.”​—Matthew 7:2. The bottom line: Social interaction is a part of daily life. How you handle it can affect how people view you and treat you. Put simply, your manners really matter! How to improve Take a ‘manners inventory.’ Ask yourself such questions as: ‘Do I address adults respectfully? How often do I say “please,” “thank you,” or “excuse me”? Am I distracted when talking with others​—perhaps even reading and responding to text messages? Do I treat my parents and siblings with respect, or do I take liberties just because “they’re family”?’ The Bible says: “In showing honor to one another, take the lead.”​—Romans 12:10. Set goals. Write down three areas in which you could improve. For example, 15-year-old Allison says that she needs “to be a good listener rather than a good talker.” David, 19, says he needs to work on not texting while with family or friends. “It’s disrespectful,” he says. “I’m basically telling them that I would rather talk to someone else than talk to them.” Edward, 17, says that he needs to stop interrupting others as they speak. And Jennifer, quoted earlier, has resolved to work on her manners with elderly ones. “I used to say a quick ‘hello’ and then find a reason to move on to my young friends,” she says. “But now I’ve really made an effort to get to know them. It has helped me to improve my manners a lot!” The Bible says: “Look out not only for your own interests, but also for the interests of others.”​—Philippians 2:4. Monitor your progress. For a month, track your speech or conduct in the areas in which you want to improve. At the end of the month, ask yourself: ‘How has my being mannerly made me a better person? In what areas do I still need to improve?’ Set new goals accordingly. The Bible says: “Just as you want men to do to you, do the same way to them.”​—Luke 6:31. Did you know? What is considered mannerly in one land could be considered rude in another. For example, in Japan it is customary for people to remove their shoes before entering a home. In other lands, that gesture might be considered impolite. What manners are expected where you live? WHAT YOUR PEERS SAY Selena “When you show good manners, that’s usually the first thing people notice​—and appreciate. You’ll also feel good about yourself because you know that you are doing the right thing.” Megan “If you’re unmannerly, people won’t take you seriously. But if you act considerately, people will treat you with the same respect that you show to them.”
YOUNG PEOPLE ASK What Should I Know About Texting?
YOUNG PEOPLE ASK What Should I Know About Texting? :-) Used wisely, texting can be a great way to stay in touch. :-( Used carelessly, it can ruin your friendships​—and your reputation. This article will tell you what you need to know about Whom you text What you text When you text Also in this article: Texting tips Texting quiz Whom you text Many teenagers consider texting to be an indispensable way to communicate. Texting allows you to keep in touch with anyone and everyone on your contact list​—that is, unless your parents object. “My dad doesn’t like it when my sister and I talk to boys. If we do, it has to be on the landline phone, in the living room, and with others present.”​—Lenore. What you should know: If you give out your number to just anyone, you can get into trouble. “If you aren’t careful about who knows your number, you’re bound to receive messages or pictures you don’t want.”​—Scott. “If you regularly text a member of the opposite sex, you can get emotionally attached to that person very quickly.”​—Steven. The Bible says: “Shrewd is the one that has seen the calamity and proceeds to conceal himself.” (Proverbs 22:3) By taking a few precautions, you can spare yourself a lot of grief. True story: “A boy and I were friends, and we texted a lot. I reasoned that we were just really close. I didn’t think that was a problem until he told me that he had developed romantic feelings for me. Looking back, I realize that I shouldn’t have hung out with him​—and texted him​—as much as I did.”​—Melinda. Consider: How, do you think, would Melinda’s friendship with the boy be affected by his revelation? Rewrite the script! What could Melinda have done differently so that she and the boy could have remained just friends and nothing more? What you text Text messages are so easy to send​—and fun to receive​—that it’s easy to forget that people may read between the lines. What you should know: Words conveyed via texting can be misinterpreted. “With texting you can’t sense emotions and tone of voice​—even with emoticons or text symbols. It can cause misunderstandings.”​—Briana. “I know girls who have ruined their reputations and are known to be flirts because of what they have sent in a text to boys.”​—Laura. The Bible says: “Good people think before they answer.” (Proverbs 15:​28, Good News Translation) The lesson? Reread your message before you hit “Send”! When you text By using common sense, you can develop your own rules of texting​—texting etiquette, as some call it. What you should know: If you don’t watch your texting manners, you’ll come off as rude and repel friends rather than attract them. “It’s easy to forget texting etiquette. I find myself in a conversation with someone or at the dinner table, and yet I’m texting at the same time.”​—Allison. “It’s dangerous to be texting and driving. If you take your eyes off the road, you risk getting into an accident.”​—Anne. The Bible says: “For everything there is an appointed time, . . . a time to keep quiet and a time to speak.” (Ecclesiastes 3:1, 7) That applies to texting just as much as it does to talking! Texting tips Whom you text ;-) Obey your parents’ guidelines.​—Colossians 3:20. ;-) Be selective about whom you give your number to. When you politely refuse to share private information​—including your cell-phone number​—you develop a skill that you’ll need as an adult. ;-) Don’t become overly familiar by sending flirtatious text messages. If romantic feelings grow, you’re only inviting frustration and heartache. “I’ve built up a good record with my parents regarding the use of my cell phone, so they trust me to make wise decisions about whose number I will put in my contact list.”​—Briana. What you text ;-) Before you start to type your message, ask yourself, ‘Is texting the right way to communicate in this situation?’ It might be better to make a phone call or wait to speak in person. ;-) Don’t text anything you wouldn’t say in person. “If it shouldn’t be said out loud, it shouldn’t be sent by text,” says 23-year-old Sarah. “If someone sends you provocative pictures, tell your parents. It will serve as a protection and will also build your parents’ trust in you.”​—Sirvan. When you text ;-) Decide in advance when your phone will be off-limits. “I don’t have my cell phone with me at the dinner table or while studying,” says a girl named Olivia. “I turn it off during Christian meetings so that I’m not tempted to look at it.” ;-) Be considerate. (Philippians 2:4) Don’t text while you’re trying to carry on a face-to-face conversation with someone. “I’ve set rules for myself, such as not texting people when I’m in a group of friends unless it’s necessary. I also don’t give out my number to people I’m not already close to.”​—Janelly. Texting quiz Scenario 1 You’ve been dating for six months, but you now realize that the person just isn’t right for you. Which would be the better text message to send to the person? “We’re through.” “We need to talk. When can we get together?” Correct answer: B. Unless circumstances make it inadvisable, it’s best to discuss in person the serious matter of breaking up.​—Luke 6:31. Scenario 2 You receive a text message that contains a lewd photo of a schoolmate. What is your best option? Delete the photo immediately. Forward the photo to all your friends. Correct answer: A. “Sexting” degrades everyone involved. Refuse to be any part of it!​—Ephesians 5:3, 4. Scenario 3 You’re at the dinner table with your family and a familiar tone alerts you that you just received a text message. What is your best option? Check the incoming message and assume that your family will excuse the interruption. Wait until after dinner to check your message. Correct answer: B. The text message can wait. Put family first.​—Philippians 1:10.
Examining the Scriptures—2023 2022
April Saturday, April 1 God loved the world so much that he gave his only-begotten Son.​—John 3:16. Jesus showed great love by willingly giving his life for us. (John 15:13) We can never repay Jehovah and Jesus for the love they have shown us. But we can show our thankfulness by how we live our life each day. (Col. 3:15) The anointed treasure the ransom, which makes their wonderful hope possible. (Matt. 20:28) Because of their faith in Christ’s sacrifice, Jehovah has declared them righteous and has adopted them as his children. (Rom. 5:1; 8:15-17, 23) The other sheep too are thankful for the ransom. On the basis of their faith in Christ’s shed blood, they have a clean standing before God and have the hope of coming “out of the great tribulation.” (Rev. 7:13-15) Both groups show their gratitude for the ransom by being present at the Memorial each year. w22.01 23 ¶14-15 Memorial Bible reading: (Daytime events: Nisan 10) Matthew 21:18, 19; 21:12, 13; John 12:20-50 Sunday, April 2 Christ purchased us.​—Gal. 3:13. Jesus was distressed by the charge that was the basis for his execution. He was falsely accused of being a blasphemer​—someone who had no respect for God or for God’s name. (Matt. 26:64-66) That charge tormented Jesus so much that he hoped his Father would spare him this humiliation. (Matt. 26:38, 39, 42) Jesus had to be hung on a stake to free the Jews from a special curse. (Gal. 3:10) They had agreed to observe God’s Law but had fallen far short of keeping it. As a result, this curse was in addition to their condemnation as offspring of sinful Adam. (Rom. 5:12) God’s Law stated that a man who committed a sin deserving of death should be executed. Afterward, his dead body may be hung on a stake. (Deut. 21:22, 23; 27:26) So by being hung on a stake, Jesus made it possible for the very nation that rejected him to benefit from his sacrifice. w21.04 16 ¶5-6 Memorial Bible reading: (Daytime events: Nisan 11) Matthew 21:33-41; 22:15-22; 23:1-12; 24:1-3 Monday, April 3 I surrender my life.​—John 10:17. Imagine what the last day of Jesus’ earthly life was like. Roman soldiers beat him mercilessly. (Matt. 26:52-54; John 18:3; 19:1) They use a whip that rips strips of flesh from his body. Later, they load a heavy beam on his lacerated back. Jesus begins to drag the stake to the place of execution, but soon a bystander is conscripted to carry it for him. (Matt. 27:32) When Jesus arrives at the place where he will die, his executioners nail his hands and his feet to the stake. The weight of Jesus’ body tears at the nail wounds. His friends grieve and his mother weeps, but the Jewish rulers mock Jesus. (Luke 23:32-38; John 19:25) One agonizing hour follows another. His heart and lungs become strained, and his breathing becomes more difficult. With his dying breath, he utters one last triumphant prayer. He then bows his head and surrenders his life. (Mark 15:37; Luke 23:46; John 10:18; 19:30) It was truly a slow, painful, humiliating way to die! w21.04 16 ¶4 Memorial Bible reading: (Daytime events: Nisan 12) Matthew 26:1-5, 14-16; Luke 22:1-6 MEMORIAL DATEAfter SundownTuesday, April 4 Keep doing this in remembrance of me.​—Luke 22:19. Jesus spoke to his 11 faithful apostles about two covenants, or agreements​—the new covenant and the Kingdom covenant. (Luke 22:20, 28-30) These covenants opened up the way for those apostles and a limited number of others to become kings and priests in heaven. (Rev. 5:10; 14:1) Only the anointed remnant, who are in these two covenants, may partake of the bread and the wine at the Memorial. Jehovah has given them a remarkable hope​—to enjoy immortal and incorruptible life in heaven, to serve alongside the glorified Jesus Christ and the rest of the 144,000 and, above all, to be in the very presence of Jehovah God! (1 Cor. 15:51-53; 1 John 3:2) The anointed recognize that they must remain faithful until their death.​—2 Tim. 4:7, 8. w22.01 21 ¶4-5 Memorial Bible reading: (Daytime events: Nisan 13) Matthew 26:17-19; Luke 22:7-13 (Events after sunset: Nisan 14) Matthew 26:20-56 Wednesday, April 5 You will be with me in Paradise.​—Luke 23:43. Two criminals were being executed alongside Jesus. (Luke 23:40, 41) One of them turned to Jesus and said: “Remember me when you get into your Kingdom.” (Luke 23:42) Knowing that his Father is merciful, Jesus spoke words that gave hope to this dying criminal. (Ps. 103:8; Heb. 1:3) Jehovah is eager to forgive us and to show us mercy if we are truly sorry for the bad things we have done and we exercise faith that we can obtain forgiveness of our sins through the shed blood of Jesus Christ. (1 John 1:7) Some may find it difficult to believe that Jehovah could ever forgive them. If you feel that way at times, consider this: Shortly before he died, Jesus made an expression of mercy to the condemned criminal who was just beginning to show faith. So how much more would Jehovah show mercy to his faithful worshippers!​—Ps. 51:1; 1 John 2:1, 2. w21.04 9 ¶5-6 Memorial Bible reading: (Daytime events: Nisan 14) Matthew 27:1, 2, 27-37 Thursday, April 6 Jesus said: “It has been accomplished!”​—John 19:30. By maintaining his integrity till he died, Jesus accomplished a number of things. First, he proved Satan a liar. Jesus showed that a perfect human could keep perfect integrity in spite of all that Satan could do. Second, Jesus gave his life as a ransom. His sacrificial death made it possible for imperfect humans to have a righteous standing with God, and it gave them the prospect of living forever. Third, Jesus upheld the righteousness of Jehovah’s sovereignty and cleared his Father’s name of reproach. May we live each day as if it were our last chance to maintain our integrity! Then, even if we should face death, we would be able to say, “Jehovah, I have done my best to keep my integrity, to prove Satan a liar, and to vindicate your name and your sovereignty!” w21.04 12 ¶13-14 Memorial Bible reading: (Daytime events: Nisan 15) Matthew 27:62-66 (Events after sunset: Nisan 16) Matthew 28:2-4 Friday, April 7 This is my Son, the beloved, whom I have approved. Listen to him.​—Matt. 17:5. After being falsely accused and being judged guilty of a crime he did not commit, Jesus is mocked, cruelly tortured, and then nailed to a torture stake. Nails pierce his hands and feet. Every breath he takes, every word he speaks, is painful. But he must speak​—he has important things to say. What powerful lessons we can learn from Jesus’ final words! We are reminded of the need to forgive others and to trust that Jehovah will forgive us. We are privileged to have a wonderful spiritual family of brothers and sisters who are ready to help us. But when we need help, we must take the initiative to ask for it. We know that Jehovah will help us endure any trial that comes upon us. And we see the importance of living each day as if it were our last day to prove our integrity, confident that our life is safe in Jehovah’s hands. w21.04 8 ¶1; 13 ¶17 Memorial Bible reading: (Daytime events: Nisan 16) Matthew 28:1, 5-15 Saturday, April 8 This means everlasting life, their coming to know you, the only true God, and the one whom you sent, Jesus Christ.​—John 17:3. Following Jesus’ footsteps leads to everlasting life. When a rich young man asked what he needed to do to gain everlasting life, Jesus replied: “Come be my follower.” (Matt. 19:16-21) To some Jews who did not believe that he was the Christ, Jesus said: “My sheep . . . follow me. I give them everlasting life.” (John 10:24-29) We exercise faith in Jesus by acting on what he taught both by word and by example. If we do that, we will stay on the road to everlasting life. (Matt. 7:14) Before we can follow Jesus’ footsteps closely, we must come to know him. “Coming to know” Jesus is an ongoing process. We must become better and better acquainted with him​—learning about his qualities, his thinking, and his standards. No matter how long we have been in the truth, we must keep working at coming to know Jehovah and his Son. w21.04 4 ¶9-10 Sunday, April 9 Formerly I was a blasphemer and a persecutor.​—1 Tim. 1:13. There must have been times when the apostle Paul was tormented by his past. He referred to himself as the “foremost” sinner, and no wonder! (1 Tim. 1:15) Before coming to a knowledge of the truth, Paul relentlessly pursued Christians in one city after another, putting some in prison and voting for the execution of others. (Acts 26:10, 11) Can you imagine how Paul would have felt on meeting a young Christian whose parents had been executed with his approval? Paul regretted his mistakes, but he knew he could not change the past. He accepted that Christ had died for him, and he confidently wrote: “By God’s undeserved kindness I am what I am.” (1 Cor. 15:3, 10) What is the lesson for us? Accept that Christ died for you and paved the way for you to enter into a warm, personal relationship with Jehovah. (Acts 3:19) What counts with God is what we do now and in the future, not the mistakes we made in the past.​—Isa. 1:18. w21.04 23 ¶11 Monday, April 10 Test the inspired statements to see whether they originate with God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world.​—1 John 4:1. Although many Jews in Jesus’ day did not expect that the Messiah would need to die, notice what had been prophesied in the Scriptures: “He poured out his life even to death and was counted among the transgressors; he carried the sin of many people, and he interceded for the transgressors.” (Isa. 53:12) So the Jews had no reason to be stumbled when Jesus was executed as a sinner. Today, we can avoid being stumbled by learning the facts. In his Sermon on the Mount, Jesus warned his listeners that some would “lyingly say every sort of wicked thing against” them. (Matt. 5:11) The source of these lies is Satan. He influences opposers to spread malicious slander about those who love the truth. (Rev. 12:9, 10) We must reject the lies told by our opponents. Never should we allow such lies to intimidate us or to undermine our faith. w21.05 11 ¶14; 12 ¶16 Tuesday, April 11 Have no fear; you are worth more than many sparrows.​—Matt. 10:31. Help your Bible student to trust in Jehovah. Jesus assured his disciples that Jehovah would help them because He loved them. (Matt. 10:19, 20, 29, 30) Remind your student that Jehovah will help him too. You can help him to rely on Jehovah by praying with him about his goals. “My teacher often mentioned my goals in his prayers,” says Franciszek, who lives in Poland. “When I saw how Jehovah answered my teacher’s prayers, I quickly started to pray. I felt Jehovah’s help when I needed to have days off from my new job to attend the meetings and the convention.” Jehovah cares deeply about our Bible students. He appreciates how hard Christian teachers work to help people draw closer to him, and he loves them for it. (Isa. 52:7) If you are not currently conducting a Bible study, you can still help Bible students to progress toward baptism by accompanying other publishers on their studies. w21.06 7 ¶17-18 Wednesday, April 12 His delight is in the law of Jehovah, and he reads His law in an undertone day and night.​—Ps. 1:2. We can show that we appreciate the privilege of having God’s Word by reading it regularly. We cannot afford to leave personal study to chance, doing it when we feel that we have the time. By sticking to a regular routine of study, we can keep our faith strong. Unlike “the wise and intellectual ones” of this world, we have solid faith based on God’s Word. (Matt. 11:25, 26) As a result of our study of that sacred volume, we know why conditions on earth are deteriorating and what Jehovah is going to do about it. So let us be determined to strengthen our faith and to help as many as possible to have faith in our Creator. (1 Tim. 2:3, 4) And let us continue to look forward to the time when all alive on earth will echo the words of Revelation 4:11: “You are worthy, Jehovah our God, to receive the glory . . . because you created all things.” w21.08 19 ¶18-20 Thursday, April 13 In brotherly love have tender affection for one another.​—Rom. 12:10. As shepherds, elders are responsible for giving counsel when it is needed. They should strive to give counsel that is both practical and motivating and that will “make the heart rejoice.” (Prov. 27:9) Elders love their brothers and sisters. At times, they show that love by counseling someone who is heading down a wrong path. (Gal. 6:1) Before speaking to the person, though, an elder might consider some of the facets of love that the apostle Paul mentioned. “Love is patient and kind. . . . It bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.” (1 Cor. 13:4, 7) Meditating on those Bible verses will help the elder to examine his motives for giving the counsel and to approach his brother with the proper attitude. If the one receiving the counsel can sense that the elder cares about him, he will be more likely to accept the counsel. w22.02 14 ¶3; 15 ¶5 Friday, April 14 They rebelled and grieved his holy spirit.​—Isa. 63:10. Jehovah created his spirit and human children perfect, without any flaws. But then the rebel angelic son Satan (meaning “Resister”) turned the perfect humans, Adam and Eve, against Jehovah. Other angels and humans joined in the rebellion. (Jude 6) Jehovah rightly felt betrayed. Still, he has endured, and he will keep on enduring until the time comes to put an end to all rebels. That will bring blessed relief to his loyal ones, who along with him are enduring evil in this system of things! Satan accused Jehovah’s upright servant Job, saying in effect that all of Jehovah’s faithful worshippers serve God for selfish reasons. (Job 1:8-11; 2:3-5) The Devil has kept up his accusations to this day. (Rev. 12:10) We can do our part to prove that there is no truth to Satan’s lies by enduring our trials and remaining loyal to Jehovah out of love for Him. w21.07 9 ¶7-8 Saturday, April 15 Remove your evil deeds from my sight; stop doing bad.​—Isa. 1:16. The apostle Paul used a powerful word picture to teach us just how serious we must be about changing our lifestyle. He wrote that we must nail our old personality “to the stake.” (Rom. 6:6) In other words, we want to follow Christ’s example. We need to kill off attitudes and practices that Jehovah hates. Only if we take these steps will we gain a clean conscience and have the prospect of enjoying everlasting life. (John 17:3; 1 Pet. 3:21) Jehovah will not change his standards to suit us. Instead, we need to change who we are and conform to his standards. (Isa. 1:17, 18; 55:9) Even after you get baptized, you will need to continue to fight fleshly desires. Pray for Jehovah’s help, and rely on his spirit, not on your own strength. (Gal. 5:22; Phil. 4:6) We must be determined if we are to strip off the old personality and keep it off. w22.03 6 ¶15-17 Sunday, April 16 [Jehovah] will sustain you.​—Ps. 55:22. Jehovah promises that he will provide us with food, clothing, and shelter if we seek his Kingdom first and live by his righteous standards. (Matt. 6:33) With that in mind, we avoid thinking that the material things this world offers will bring us security and lasting happiness. We know that the only way we can gain real peace of mind is by doing Jehovah’s will. (Phil. 4:6, 7) Even if we can afford to buy many things, we must consider whether we really have the time or the energy to use and care for them. Might we become too attached to our possessions? Remember that God expects us to be productive members of his family. That means we should not allow ourselves to be distracted. We certainly do not want to be like the man who turned down the opportunity to serve Jehovah as well as the potential to be adopted as one of his sons​—all because he was attached to a few earthly possessions!​—Mark 10:17-22. w21.08 6 ¶17 Monday, April 17 Make a defense before everyone.​—1 Pet. 3:15. As you study the Scriptures, you will note that a distinct personality emerges​—one that harmonizes with the qualities reflected in creation. These qualities clearly belong to a real Person and are not a product of someone’s imagination. (Ex. 34:6, 7; Ps. 145:8, 9) As you come to know Jehovah better and better, your faith in him will grow, your love for him will deepen, and your friendship with him will become stronger. Share your faith in God with others. But what if someone you witness to raises a question about the existence of God and you are unsure of how to reply? Try to find a Scriptural answer to the question in one of our publications, and then share it with the individual. You can also ask an experienced fellow Witness for help. Whether the unbeliever accepts answers from the Bible or not, you will benefit from having done the research. Your faith will grow stronger. w21.08 18 ¶14-15 Tuesday, April 18 I did not hold back from telling you.​—Acts 20:20. We do not need to give up all comforts in order to please Jehovah. (Eccl. 5:19, 20) However, if we were to hold back from doing more in God’s service just to avoid making personal sacrifices, we could make the same mistake as the man in Jesus’ illustration who created a comfortable life for himself but ignored God. (Luke 12:16-21) When we face challenges, we prayerfully do our best to use our thinking ability to come up with a plan of action. (Prov. 3:21) Jehovah blesses us in many ways. We can show how much we appreciate those blessings by doing all we can to bring him praise. (Heb. 13:15) That may include expanding our ministry, putting us in line for additional blessings. Each day, let us look for ways to “taste and see that Jehovah is good.” (Ps. 34:8) Then we will be like Jesus, who said: “My food is to do the will of him who sent me and to finish his work.”​—John 4:34. w21.08 30-31 ¶16-19 Wednesday, April 19 Pride is before a crash, and a haughty spirit before stumbling.​—Prov. 16:18. Satan wants us to develop an unbalanced sense of pride. He knows that if we allow improper pride to dominate us, we will become like him and lose out on gaining everlasting life. Accordingly, the apostle Paul warned that a person might “get puffed up with pride and fall into the judgment passed on the Devil.” (1 Tim. 3:6, 7) That could happen to any one of us, whether we are new in the truth or we have been serving Jehovah for many years. Pride is a form of selfishness. Satan tries to get us to be selfish, to focus more on ourselves than on Jehovah, especially when we face a challenge. For example, have you been falsely accused? Or have you been treated unjustly? Satan would love to see you blame Jehovah or your brothers. And the Devil wants you to think that the only remedy is to do things your own way rather than to follow the guidance Jehovah gives you in his Word.​—Eccl. 7:16, 20. w21.06 15 ¶4-5 Thursday, April 20 “Be strong, all you people of the land,” declares Jehovah, “and work. For I am with you,” declares Jehovah of armies.​—Hag. 2:4. The prophet Haggai received an important commission from Jehovah. Haggai had likely been among those who in 537 B.C.E. returned to Jerusalem from exile in Babylon. Soon after they arrived at their destination, those faithful worshippers laid the foundation of Jehovah’s house, or temple. (Ezra 3:8, 10) But before long, a sad situation developed. They got discouraged and stopped working on the project because of opposition. (Ezra 4:4; Hag. 1:1, 2) So in 520 B.C.E., Jehovah commissioned Haggai to rekindle their zeal and motivate them to complete the temple. (Ezra 6:14, 15) Haggai’s message was designed to build faith in Jehovah. The expression “Jehovah of armies” must have been reassuring. Jehovah has a vast army of angelic warriors under his command, so the Jews needed to rely on him to succeed. w21.09 15 ¶4-5 Friday, April 21 By this all will know that you are my disciples​—if you have love among yourselves.​—John 13:35. Today, Jehovah’s Witnesses enjoy a loving unity on a global scale. Like no other organization, our close-knit brotherhood rises above national, racial, and social boundaries. We see evidence of genuine love at our meetings, assemblies, and conventions. That evidence strengthens our conviction that our form of worship is the one approved by Jehovah. (John 13:34) The Scriptures urge us to “have intense love for one another.” (1 Pet. 4:8) One way we show such love is by forgiving one another and putting up with one another’s imperfections. We also look for opportunities to be generous and hospitable to all in the congregation, even to those who may have offended us. (Col. 3:12-14) Such a loving bond is truly the foremost identifying mark of true Christians. w21.10 22 ¶13-14 Saturday, April 22 The one who loves [his son] disciplines him diligently.​—Prov. 13:24. Can getting disfellowshipped help an unrepentant sinner change his course? It can. Many who have fallen into serious sin have found that the firm action the elders took gave them the very jolt they needed to come to their senses, change their course of action, and return to Jehovah’s warm embrace. (Heb. 12:5, 6) Consider an illustration. A shepherd notices that one of his sheep is ailing. He knows that treating this particular illness requires that he isolate the sick sheep from the rest of the flock. However, sheep are social creatures. They long to be with the flock, and they may become agitated when kept apart. Does this mean, though, that the shepherd is being harsh or cruel in choosing this treatment? Of course not. He knows that if he allows the sick sheep to mingle with the rest of the flock, the illness will spread. By isolating the sick one, he protects the whole flock. w21.10 10 ¶9-10 Sunday, April 23 Let your light shine before men, so that they may see your fine works and give glory to your Father who is in the heavens.​—Matt. 5:16. It is a great privilege to belong to a loving international family. We want as many as possible to join us in worshipping our God. With this in mind, we should be careful never to do anything that would reflect badly on Jehovah’s people or on our heavenly Father. We try to conduct ourselves in a way that will attract people to the good news. At times, some may belittle us or even persecute us because we obey our heavenly Father. What if we feel intimidated when speaking to others about our beliefs? We can count on Jehovah and his Son to come to our aid. Jesus reassured his disciples that they did not have to worry about how to speak or what to say. Why not? “What you are to speak will be given you in that hour,” explained Jesus, “for the ones speaking are not just you, but it is the spirit of your Father that speaks by you.”​—Matt. 10:19, 20. w21.09 24 ¶17-18 Monday, April 24 I will say to Jehovah: “You are my refuge and my stronghold.”​—Ps. 91:2. Moses used a similar word picture about a refuge. (Ps. 90:1, ftn.) Moreover, toward the end of his life, Moses called attention to a heartwarming detail. He wrote: “God is a refuge from ancient times, his everlasting arms are beneath you.” (Deut. 33:27) What does the phrase “his everlasting arms are beneath you” tell us about Jehovah? When Jehovah is our Refuge, we feel secure. Still, there may be days when we are down and struggle to get up. At such times, what will Jehovah do for us? (Ps. 136:23) He will put his arms beneath us, gently lift us up, and help us to get back on our feet. (Ps. 28:9; 94:18) Knowing that we can always count on God’s support helps us to remember that we are blessed in two ways. First, we have a secure place of refuge no matter where we live. Second, our loving heavenly Father deeply cares for us. w21.11 6 ¶15-16 Tuesday, April 25 You have been distressed by various trials.​—1 Pet. 1:6. Jesus knew that injustice would challenge the faith of his disciples. To help them deal with it, he gave an illustration that is recorded in the book of Luke. Jesus told the story of a widow who kept crying out to an unrighteous judge for justice. She was confident that her persistence would pay off. Eventually, the judge responded to her pleas. The application? Jehovah is not unjust. So Jesus said: “Certainly, then, will not God cause justice to be done for his chosen ones who cry out to him day and night?” (Luke 18:1-8) Then Jesus added: “When the Son of man arrives, will he really find this faith on the earth?” When we suffer injustice, we need to prove by our patience and perseverance that we have strong faith like that of the widow. With such faith, we can be confident that sooner or later Jehovah will act in our behalf. We also need to believe in the power of prayer. w21.11 23 ¶12; 24 ¶14 Wednesday, April 26 How can a young man keep his path clean? By keeping on guard according to your word.​—Ps. 119:9. Young ones, do you sometimes feel that Jehovah’s standards are too restrictive? This is what Satan wants you to think. He would like you to focus on what those who are traveling on the spacious road are doing, on the good time they seem to be having. He may use what your peers at school are doing or what you see on the Internet to make you feel that you are missing out on all the fun. Satan wants you to think that Jehovah’s standards are keeping you from enjoying life to the full. But remember this: Satan does not want those who are traveling on his road to see what awaits them at the end of the journey. (Matt. 7:13, 14) Jehovah, on the other hand, has given you a clear picture of what he has in store for those who stay on the road to life.​—Ps. 37:29; Isa. 35:5, 6; 65:21-23. w21.12 23 ¶6-7 Thursday, April 27 Forgive your brother from your heart.​—Matt. 18:35. We know that we should forgive; that is the right thing to do. But we may still struggle to do so. The apostle Peter may have felt that way at times. (Matt. 18:21, 22) What can help? First, meditate on how much Jehovah has forgiven you. (Matt. 18:32, 33) We do not deserve his forgiveness, but he offers it freely. (Ps. 103:8-10) At the same time, “we are also under obligation to love one another.” So forgiveness is not optional. We owe it to our brothers and sisters to forgive them. (1 John 4:11) Second, meditate on what happens when we forgive. We may help the person who has wronged us, unify the congregation, protect our friendship with Jehovah, and remove a burden from our shoulders. (2 Cor. 2:7; Col. 3:14) Finally, pray to the One who asks us to forgive. Do not allow Satan to disrupt the peace you enjoy with your fellow worshippers. (Eph. 4:26, 27) We need Jehovah’s help if we are to avoid falling into Satan’s trap. w21.06 22 ¶11; 23 ¶14 Friday, April 28 You will be king over Israel.​—1 Sam. 23:17. David was running for his life. Saul, the powerful king of Israel, was determined to put him to death. When David needed provisions, he stopped at the city of Nob, where he made a modest request for five loaves of bread. (1 Sam. 21:1, 3) Later, he and his men found refuge in a cave. (1 Sam. 22:1) How did David come to be in this situation? Saul was insanely jealous of David’s popularity and military victories. Saul also knew that his own disobedience had led to Jehovah’s rejecting him as king of Israel and that Jehovah had selected David for the throne. (1 Sam. 23:16, 17) Still, as king of Israel, Saul had a large army and many supporters, so David had to flee for his life. Did Saul really think that he could fight against God’s expressed purpose for David? (Isa. 55:11) The Bible does not say, but we can be sure of one thing: Saul was putting himself in a dangerous position. Those who fight against God always lose! w22.01 2 ¶1-2 Saturday, April 29 Nicodemus . . . came to him in the night.​—John 3:1, 2. Jesus worked hard in the ministry. He showed his love for people by continuing to teach them at every opportunity. (Luke 19:47, 48) What moved him to do so? Jesus felt compassion for them. At times, so many wanted to hear Jesus’ words that he and his disciples “were not able even to eat a meal.” (Mark 3:20) He also made himself available at night​—a time that was more convenient for one of his listeners. The majority of those who initially listened to Jesus did not become his disciples. But all who heard him received a thorough witness. Today we want to give everyone the opportunity to hear the good news. (Acts 10:42) To accomplish this, we may need to adjust our approach to the ministry. Rather than stick to a schedule that is convenient for us, we should be willing to adjust our schedule to preach when we are more likely to meet people. If we do, we can be sure that Jehovah will be pleased. w22.01 17 ¶13-14 Sunday, April 30 Man has dominated man to his harm.​—Eccl. 8:9. Today many find it hard to trust anyone in authority. They have observed that the legal and the political systems tend to favor the wealthy and the powerful and to deny justice to the poor. In addition, the conduct of certain religious leaders leaves much to be desired, which has caused some people to lose confidence in God. So when a person agrees to study the Bible with us, we face the challenge of helping him to build trust in Jehovah and trust in His earthly representatives. Of course, Bible students are not the only ones who need to learn to trust in Jehovah and to trust in his organization. Even those of us who have been in the truth for many years must never lose sight of the fact that Jehovah’s way of doing things is always best. At times, situations arise that may test our confidence in that regard. w22.02 2 ¶1-2
Great Teacher (te) 1971
Chapter 2 A Letter from God TELL me, which book do you like best of all?⁠— Some children would pick one that tells about animals. Others would choose a book with lots of pictures in it. It can be fun to read those books. But the best books in all the world are the ones that tell us the truth about God. And one of those books is more precious than all the others. Do you know which one it is?⁠— The Bible. Why is the Bible so important?⁠— Because it came from God. It tells us about him and about the good things that he will do for us. And it shows us what we should do in order to please him. It is like a letter from God. Now, God could have written the whole Bible in heaven and then given it to man. But he didn’t. The ideas came from God. But he used his servants on earth to do most of the writing. How did he do that?⁠— An example can help us to understand. When people hear a voice on the radio it is from someone far away. They cannot see him, but they can hear what he says, can’t they? Men can even go all the way to the moon in their spaceships, and they can send messages back to the earth from there. Did you know that?⁠— If men can do that, can God send messages from heaven?⁠— Of course he can! And he did it long before men had radio and television. Moses was one man to whom God spoke. Moses could not see God, but he could hear the voice. Millions of people were there when this happened. They saw it when God caused a whole mountain to shake, and there was thunder and lightning. They heard it when a voice came from heaven. They knew that God had spoken. God spoke to Moses again later on, and Moses wrote down the things that God said. What he wrote is in the Bible.​—Exodus 19:3-20:21. It was not only Moses that wrote. God used about forty men to write parts of the Bible. They wrote down things that God was going to do in the future. How did they know those things before they even happened?⁠— God had talked to them. By the time that Jesus, the Great Teacher, was on earth, a big part of the Bible had been written. Now, remember, the Great Teacher had been in heaven. He knew what God had done. Did he believe that the Bible was from God?⁠— Yes, he did. When Jesus talked to people about the works of God, he read from the Bible. Sometimes he told them from memory what it said. Jesus also brought us more information from God. He said: ‘The very things I heard from God I am speaking in the world.’ Jesus had heard many things from God because he had lived with God. And where can we read those things that Jesus said?⁠— In the Bible. It was all written down for us to read.​—John 8:26. Of course, when God used men to write, they wrote in the language that they used every day. So part of the Bible was written in Hebrew, some in Aramaic, and quite a bit in Greek. Most people today do not know how to read those languages. Do you?⁠— That is why the Bible has been copied into other languages. Today there are parts of the Bible in over one thousand four hundred languages. Just think of that! The Bible is God’s letter to people everywhere. So it has to be in many languages. But no matter how many times it has been copied, the message is from God. What the Bible says is important for us. It was written a long time ago. But it tells about things that are happening today. And it tells us what God is going to do in the near future. What it says is exciting! It gives us a wonderful hope. The Bible also tells us how God wants us to live. It tells us what is right and what is wrong. You need to know this and so do I. It tells us about people who did bad things, and what happened to them. So we can avoid the trouble they had. It also tells us about people who did right, and the good results that came to them. It was all written down for our good. But to get the most out of the Bible, we need to know the answer to a question. The question is this: “Who gave us the Bible?” What would you say?⁠— Yes, all of it is from God. But some people do not listen to what God says in the Bible. They just live the way they want to. Do you think that is right?⁠— Do you think that anyone knows more than God does?⁠— The way to show that we are really wise is to listen to God. And then we ought to do what he says. So we need to take time to read the Bible together. When we get a letter from someone that we love very much, we read it again and again. It is precious to us. That is the way the Bible should be to us, because it is a letter from the One who loves us most. It is a letter from God. (Take a few more minutes now and read these scriptures that show that the Bible truly is God’s Word, written for our benefit: 2 Timothy 3:16, 17; 2 Peter 1:20, 21; Romans 15:4.)
School Guidebook (sg) 1992
Study 26 Use of Repetition and Gestures 1-3. Why is repetition an essential teaching technique? 1 Your purpose in talking should be to impart information that your audience will remember and be able to use. If they forget it, the benefit is lost. One of the principal means by which you can help them to fix in mind what you say is to repeat the points that are most important. It has fittingly been said that repetition is the mother of retention. Repetition is one of the essential teaching techniques. You have already learned its value in connection with your use of scriptures. But “Repetition for emphasis” is listed separately on your Speech Counsel slip because it applies to other parts of your talk too. 2 To assist you to become proficient in using repetition for emphasis, we are going to view the matter from two different aspects. Each concerns a different means of repetition; each has a different purpose in view. A repetition of main points serves as a memory aid. A repetition of points not understood assists understanding. 3 Not only delivery but also preparation is vital in considering this quality. You need to determine in advance which ideas call for repetition and when it would be best to repeat them. 4-6. Describe how the “progressive” summary and the “concluding” summary can be used to repeat main points. 4 Repetition of main points. A repetition of main points is frequently accomplished by some type of summary. We will discuss two outstanding types, calling them “progressive” summary and “concluding” summary. 5 The progressive summary consists of reviewing the essentials of each main point as it is considered, drawing into each successive summary the essentials of the main points that have preceded it. In this way the thread of the talk is constantly being drawn tighter. 6 At the end of the talk, a concluding summary, whether used with progressive summaries or not, draws everything together and the whole talk can be reviewed in a few brief statements. Occasionally it will assist to mention the exact number of points that are going to be reviewed. This is a further memory aid. 7-10. How can summary-type repetition of points be interestingly developed? 7 A summary need not be a dry repetition or restatement of points or ideas. It can be accomplished in a variety of ways: by illustration, by the use of a scripture, by approaching the matter from a different viewpoint, by comparisons or contrasts, by drawing parallels, by using synonyms or questions. To demonstrate, a very practical summary of a public talk might be a short, five-minute portion, employing the basic Scripture texts and major arguments of the talk. Here is the entire talk in capsule form, something almost everyone can carry away and use. 8 The summary type of repetition is particularly helpful in connection with talks involving reason and logic, and the time lapse between the discussion and the brief review helps in embedding the thoughts more deeply in the minds of the audience. However, it is not always necessary to summarize a point. It can often simply be restated later as an effective basis for another point that is to be developed. 9 Another way that main points can be repeated is by outlining them in the introduction of the talk, then by following with an extensive development of these points in the body. This repetition further embeds the thoughts in the mind. 10 By becoming acquainted with these different ways of repeating main points, much can be done to make a talk interesting and enjoyable as well as making it easier to remember. 11-14. What key factors are involved in repeating points not understood? 11 Repetition of points not understood. Whether to repeat a point for understanding depends almost entirely upon your audience. If it is an essential point and it would not be clear to them without having the opportunity to hear it stated more than once, you must reconsider it in some way or you will arrive at the conclusion of your talk unaccompanied by your audience. On the other hand, needless repetition, that which is not employed for emphasis, will make the talk wordy and uninteresting. 12 Keep your audience in mind in preparing the talk. It should enable you somewhat to anticipate the particular problems your audience might have. Prepare to repeat such ideas in some way so that they can be seen from different viewpoints. 13 How can you know if you are not being understood? Look at your audience. Observe facial expressions or, if talking to one or two persons, ask questions. 14 But note this well: Repeating the same words will not always accomplish your purpose. There is more to teaching than that. If your audience did not understand you the first time, merely saying the same words over again may not be enough to make you better understood. What can you do about it? You must become adaptable. It might call for impromptu additions to your talk. Your learning to cope with the needs of the audience will determine to a great extent your effectiveness as a teacher. ********** 15-18. How can one learn to use descriptive gestures? 15 Gestures, too, add emphasis to what you say, and they often reinforce the meaning of the spoken word. In this way they supplement and vitalize the ideas. Practically no one talks without some form of gesturing. So, if you do not gesture on the platform, your audience will know you are not at ease. But when you gesture naturally, the audience will not think of you; they will think of what you are saying. Gestures aid you by animating you, stirring up your feelings and thus enlivening your presentation. They should not be taken from some book. You never studied how to smile or laugh or be indignant, so it is not necessary to copy someone else’s gestures, and the more naturally and spontaneously they come the better. Facial expressions go hand in hand with gesturing in giving feeling to the spoken word. 16 Gestures fall into two general classifications as to their nature: descriptive and emphatic. 17 Descriptive gestures. Descriptive gestures express action or show dimension and location. These are the easiest to learn. So, if you have a problem with gesturing on the platform, try simple, descriptive gestures first. 18 When you are working on this quality in the school, do not be output with just one or two gestures. Try to gesture often throughout the talk. In order to do this, look for words that show direction, distance, size, area, speed, location, contrast, relative positions or comparison. If necessary, mark these words in some way in your notes, in order to remind you to gesture at that point. Continue this practice, even though you receive a “G” the first time. After a few talks you will find that you no longer need to mark your gestures or think of them in advance and you will gesture naturally. 19, 20. Emphatic gestures serve what purpose? 19 Emphatic gestures. Emphatic gestures express feeling and conviction. They punctuate, vitalize and reinforce ideas. Therefore emphatic gestures are essential. But, beware! Emphatic gestures are usually the kind that become mannerisms. To prevent this, avoid repetitious gestures. 20 If your problem is mannerisms in gesturing, limit yourself solely to descriptive gestures for a time. Once you have become adept in gestures of this type, emphatic gestures should become a matter of course. As you gain experience and become more at ease on the platform, your emphatic gestures will express your inner feelings naturally, demonstrating your conviction and sincerity. They will add meaning to your speech.
Sing Praises (ssb) 1984
Song 172 Keep On Seeking First the Kingdom (Matthew 6:33) 1. Something dear to God Jehovah, Bringing him such keen delight, Is his Kingdom by Christ Jesus, Which will set all matters right. Prophets saw by faith that Kingdom And to hope of it held true. And today our Leader, Jesus, Urges us the same to do. (Chorus) 2. What a favor have God’s servants In that Kingdom work to share! Since we’re granted that fine service, Let us give it greatest care. Why be anxious for tomorrow Lest we hunger, lest we thirst? For our God will make provision If we seek his Kingdom first. (Chorus) 3. Soon this system will be ending; Then God’s new one will arise. And all men will praise Jehovah; Earth will be a paradise. Let’s proclaim the Kingdom good news, Help the sheeplike ones to see That their hope is in Jehovah And in his Theocracy. (CHORUS) Keep on seeking first the Kingdom And Jehovah’s righteousness. Put first his own vindication, And serve him in faithfulness.
Who Is the Archangel Michael?
Who Is the Archangel Michael? The Bible’s answer Michael, referred to by some religions as “Saint Michael,” is evidently a name given to Jesus before and after his life on earth.a Michael disputed with Satan after the death of Moses and helped an angel deliver God’s message to the prophet Daniel. (Daniel 10:13, 21; Jude 9) Michael lives up to the meaning of his name​—“Who Is Like God?”​—by defending God’s rulership and fighting God’s enemies.​—Daniel 12:1; Revelation 12:7. Consider why it is reasonable to conclude that Jesus is the archangel Michael. Michael is “the archangel.” (Jude 9) The input “archangel,” meaning “chief of the angels,” appears in only two Bible verses. In both cases, the word is singular, suggesting that only one angel bears that input. One of those verses states that the resurrected Lord Jesus “will descend from heaven with a commanding call, with an archangel’s voice.” (1 Thessalonians 4:​16) Jesus has “an archangel’s voice” because he is the archangel, Michael. Michael commands an angelic army. “Michael and his angels battled with the dragon,” Satan. (Revelation 12:7) Michael has great authority in the spirit realm, for he is called “one of the foremost princes” and “the great prince.” (Daniel 10:13, 21; 12:1) These inputs designate Michael as “the commander-in-chief of the angelic forces,” as New Testament scholar David E. Aune puts it. The Bible mentions only one other name of someone having authority over an army of angels. It describes “the revelation of the Lord Jesus from heaven with his powerful angels in a flaming fire, as he brings vengeance.” (2 Thessalonians 1:​7, 8; Matthew 16:27) Jesus “went to heaven, and angels and authorities and powers were made subject to him.” (1 Peter 3:​21, 22) It would not make sense for God to set up Jesus and Michael as rival commanders of the holy angels. Rather, it is more reasonable to conclude that both names, Jesus and Michael, refer to the same person. Michael “will stand up” during an unprecedented “time of distress.” (Daniel 12:1) In the book of Daniel, the expression “stand up” is often used to refer to a king who rises up to take special action. (Daniel 11:​2-4, 21) Jesus Christ, identified as “The Word of God,” will take special action as the “King of kings” to strike down all of God’s enemies and protect God’s people. (Revelation 19:11-​16) He will do so during a time of “great tribulation such as has not occurred since the world’s beginning.”​—Matthew 24:21, 42. a The Bible refers to other persons by multiple names, including Jacob (also called Israel), Peter (also called Simon), and Thaddaeus (also called Judas).​—Genesis 49:​1, 2; Matthew 10:​2, 3; Mark 3:​18; Acts 1:​13.
YOUNG PEOPLE ASK How Can I Deal With My Mistakes?
YOUNG PEOPLE ASK How Can I Deal With My Mistakes? What would you do? Three reasons to admit your mistakes How to learn from your mistakes What would you do? Read what happened to Karina, and imagine that it’s happening to you. What would you do in her situation? Karina: “I was driving too fast on my way to school, and a policeman pulled me over and gave me a ticket. I was so upset! I told Mom, and she told me that I’d have to tell Dad​—which I did not want to do.” What would you do? Option A: Keep it quiet, and hope that Dad never finds out. Option B: Tell Dad exactly what happened. You could be tempted to select Option A. After all, maybe your mom will just assume that you went to your dad and confessed. But there are good reasons for you to come clean about your mistakes​—whether they involve a traffic ticket or anything else. Three reasons to admit your mistakes 1. Because it’s the right thing to do. Describing the standard for Christians, the Bible says: “We wish to conduct ourselves honestly in all things.”​—Hebrews 13:18. “I have worked really hard to be honest and to take responsibility for my actions​—and to own up to a mistake as soon as I make one.”​—Alexis. 2. Because people are more likely to forgive those who admit their mistakes. The Bible says: “The one covering over his transgressions will not succeed, but whoever confesses and abandons them will be shown mercy.”​—Proverbs 28:13. “It takes courage to admit a mistake, but that’s how you gain peoples’ trust. They see that you’re honest. By admitting a mistake, you turn something bad into something good.”​—Richard. 3. Most important, because it pleases Jehovah God. The Bible says: “Jehovah detests a devious person, but His close friendship is with the upright.”​—Proverbs 3:​32. “After I made a serious mistake, I began to realize that I needed to come forward and admit it. There was no way Jehovah could bless me if I wasn’t doing things his way.”​—Rachel. So how did Karina handle her mistake? She tried to keep the speeding ticket a secret from her dad. But she couldn’t keep it hidden forever. “About a year later,” Karina says, “my dad was looking at our insurance records and he noticed a speeding ticket under my name. I got in so much trouble​—even my mom was angry that I hadn’t done what she told me to do!” Lesson learned: Karina says: “Keeping mistakes a secret only makes things worse. You still pay for them later on!” How to learn from your mistakes Everyone makes mistakes. (Romans 3:​23; 1 John 1:8) And as we have seen, it is a sign of humility and maturity to own up to them​—and to do so right away. The next step is to learn from your mistakes. Unfortunately, some young people miss out on that opportunity! They might feel the way a teenager named Priscilla once did. She says: “I used to get overly discouraged about my mistakes. I had a low opinion of myself, so my mistakes seemed like a gigantic burden that I couldn’t carry. I would get overwhelmed and think of myself as a hopeless case.” Do you feel that way at times? If so, remember this: Dwelling on past mistakes is like staring in the rearview mirror while driving a car. Focusing on the past will only leave you feeling worthless and make you powerless to face the challenges ahead. Instead, why not take a more balanced view? “Look back at your mistakes, and learn from them so that you don’t repeat them. But don’t dwell on them so much that they pull you down.”​—Elliot. “I try to view mistakes as a learning experience by taking away from each mistake a lesson that will help me to be a better person and handle the situation differently the next time. That’s a better position to take anyway because it allows you to grow.”​—Vera. WHAT YOUR PEERS SAY “Some people get very upset about their mistakes, while others just don’t care. It’s best to be somewhere in the middle​—to care about your mistakes but just enough to learn from them and not repeat them.”​—Connor. “When runners fall, they let go of their pride and use their strength to get up. That’s what you need to do when you make a mistake. When you learn from your mistakes and use your strength to recover from them, you become a better person.”​—Dami. “It’s best to recall your mistakes in a constructive way. Take the lesson you learned, and use it to avoid repeating the mistake. But don’t let the memory hang over you like a dark cloud. Accept the lesson and move on.”​—Zipporah.
Great Teacher (te) 1971
Chapter 44 “You Will Be with Me in Paradise” DO YOU like animals?⁠— Would you like to be able to play with a lion? Or would you like to have a bear for a pet?⁠— The time is coming when you will be able to do that. Get your Bible and let’s read about it together. The scripture is in the book of Isaiah, chapter 11, verse 6. It says: “And the wolf will actually reside for a while with the male lamb, and with the kid the leopard itself will lie down, and the calf and the maned young lion and the well-fed animal all together; and a mere little boy will be leader over them.” What would happen today if a wolf could get at a lamb?⁠— It would eat it up, wouldn’t it? And what would happen if a leopard were with a little goat?⁠— That little goat would become dinner for the leopard. But the Bible says that is going to change. God is going to make those animals eat straw, instead of eating one another. When the animals are all friendly, it will be fun to have a lion for a pet, won’t it?⁠— That is going to happen in Paradise. Do you know what Paradise is?⁠— A Paradise is a beautiful garden or park. It is a place of peace and pleasure. God gave the first man, Adam, and his wife a Paradise in which to live. It was called the Garden of Eden. There were animals in that garden. But none of them hurt the others. There were also trees with lots of delicious fruit on them. And there was a river. It was a wonderful place to live. But Adam and Eve lost that Paradise. They disobeyed God, so they could not live in Paradise anymore. There is no Garden of Eden now. So, what chance do we have to live in Paradise?⁠— Well, before he died on the torture stake, the Great Teacher talked about a new Paradise. A man had just said to him: “Jesus, remember me when you get into your kingdom.” Jesus answered: “Truly I tell you today, You will be with me in Paradise.”​—Luke 23:42, 43. Jesus did not say that they were going to be in Paradise that very same day. Both of them died and were buried on that day. But Jesus was talking about what would happen after he ‘got into his kingdom.’ Then there will be a Paradise again. The new Paradise will last forever. Where will that Paradise be?⁠— The first Paradise was right here on earth, wasn’t it? So the new Paradise will be here on earth too. That is why Jesus taught us to pray for God’s will to be done on earth. When that time comes, the whole earth will become a Paradise. In Paradise there will be big changes made. The air will be clean and fresh and good to breathe. Water in the rivers will be clear and good. The land will grow plenty of food so that no one goes hungry. The whole earth will become like a park. It will be alive with birds and animals, trees and flowers of every kind. But the biggest changes will be in the people. It is people who make a mess of the earth, isn’t it?⁠— Some of them live in messy homes. And they throw trash everywhere they go. But Paradise won’t be like that. It will be a clean and pleasant place to live. So, if we want to live in Paradise, wouldn’t you say that now is the time to learn to keep things neat and clean?⁠— That’s one way to show that we really want the earth to be a Paradise, isn’t it?⁠— People will change in other ways too. Paradise will be a place of peace. But not everyone today is peaceful. Some people scream at others. They hit and hurt other people. They act just like wild animals. They need to learn to live in peace. In Paradise, they “will not do any harm or cause any ruin.”​—Isaiah 11:9. Are you always peaceful with others?⁠— If we are going to live in Paradise, we need to learn to be peaceful, don’t we?⁠— It will be a wonderful thing to live in Paradise. God promises that he will do marvelous things for us then. Open your Bible to Revelation chapter 21, verses 3 and 4, and let’s read what it says: “Look! The tent of God is with mankind, and he will reside with them, and they will be his peoples. And God himself will be with them. And he will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be any more. The former things have passed away.” Just think about that! God will watch over us. We will never have to cry because we are unhappy. No one will have pain because he is sick. And no one will have to die. That is what it will be like in Paradise. Do you really want to live in Paradise?⁠— I do. What we do every day now has an effect on whether we will be there. If we want to live in Paradise, now is the time to prepare for it. (This earth will last forever and God will make it a wonderful place to live. Read more about this at Psalms 104:5 [103:5, Dy]; Ps 37:10, 11 [36:10, 11, Dy]; Proverbs 2:21, 22; Isaiah 35:5, 6; Micah 4:3, 4.)
Worship God (wt) 2002
Chapter One Unity of Worship in Our Time​—What Does It Mean? 1, 2. (a) What thrilling movement is taking place in our time? (b) What marvelous hope do honesthearted people have? AROUND the globe there is a thrilling movement toward unity of worship. It is bringing together millions of people of all nations, tribes, and languages. More are being gathered each year. These are identified in the Bible as “witnesses” of Jehovah and are called “a great crowd.” They render God “sacred service day and night.” (Isaiah 43:10-12; Revelation 7:9-15) Why do they do this? Because they have come to know Jehovah as the only true God. This motivates them to bring their lives into harmony with his righteous ways. Also, they have learned that we are living in “the last days” of this present wicked world, that God will soon destroy it, and that he will replace it with his paradisaic new world.​—2 Timothy 3:1-5, 13; 2 Peter 3:10-13. 2 God’s Word promises: “Just a little while longer, and the wicked one will be no more . . . But the meek ones themselves will possess the earth, and they will indeed find their exquisite delight in the abundance of peace.” (Psalm 37:10, 11) “The righteous themselves will possess the earth, and they will reside forever upon it.” (Psalm 37:29) “[God] will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. The former things have passed away.”​—Revelation 21:4. 3. How is true unity of worship being brought about? 3 Those who are now being unified in true worship make up the first residents of that new world. They have learned what God’s will is and are doing it to the best of their ability. Showing the importance of this, Jesus said: “This means everlasting life, their taking in knowledge of you, the only true God, and of the one whom you sent forth, Jesus Christ.” (John 17:3) The apostle John wrote: “The world is passing away and so is its desire, but he that does the will of God remains forever.”​—1 John 2:17. What It Really Means 4. (a) What does the gathering of so many in united worship in our time really mean? (b) How does the Bible describe this ingathering? 4 What does the gathering of so many to united worship in our time really mean? It is clear evidence that we are very near to the end of this wicked world, with God’s new world to begin right after that. We are eyewitnesses of the fulfillment of Bible prophecies that foretold this momentous ingathering. One such prophecy states: “It must occur in the final part of the days [these last days] that the mountain of the house of Jehovah [his elevated true worship] will become firmly established above the top of the mountains [above any other type of worship], . . . and to it peoples must stream. And many nations will certainly go and say: ‘Come, you people, and let us go up to the mountain of Jehovah and to the house of the God of Jacob; and he will instruct us about his ways, and we will walk in his paths.’”​—Micah 4:1, 2; Psalm 37:34. 5, 6. (a) How is it true that nations are turning to Jehovah? (b) What questions should we ask ourselves? 5 While entire nations are not presenting themselves at Jehovah’s spiritual house for worship, millions of individuals out of all nations are doing so. As they learn about the loving purpose and the appealing personality of Jehovah God, their hearts are deeply moved. They humbly seek to find out what God requires of them. Their prayer is like that of the psalmist who said: “Teach me to do your will, for you are my God.”​—Psalm 143:10. 6 Do you see yourself among the great crowd of people whom Jehovah is now bringing together in unified worship? Does your response to the instruction you have received from his Word show that you truly appreciate that Jehovah is its Source? To what extent will you “walk in his paths”? How It Is Achieved 7. (a) To what extent will unity of worship eventually be achieved? (b) Why is it urgent to become a worshiper of Jehovah now, and how can we help others to do that? 7 Jehovah’s purpose is for all intelligent creation to be united in true worship. How we long for the day when all who live will worship the only true God! (Psalm 103:19-22) But before that can be, Jehovah must eliminate all who refuse to do his righteous will. Mercifully, he gives advance notice of what he will do, so that people everywhere can have the opportunity to change their course. (Isaiah 55:6, 7) Thus, in our day “to every nation and tribe and tongue and people,” this urgent appeal is being made: “Fear God and give him glory, because the hour of the judgment by him has arrived, and so worship the One who made the heaven and the earth and sea and fountains of waters.” (Revelation 14:6, 7) Have you accepted that invitation? If so, it is your privilege to invite yet others to know and worship the true God. 8. After learning basic Bible teachings, what further progress should we earnestly endeavor to make? 8 It is not Jehovah’s purpose to be worshiped by people who say that they believe in him but who then continue to pursue their own interests. God wants people to come to an “accurate knowledge of his will” and reflect this in their lives. (Colossians 1:9, 10) Thus, appreciative people who learn the basic teachings of the Bible want to press on to Christian maturity. Their desire is to get to know Jehovah more intimately, to broaden and deepen their understanding of his Word, and to apply it more fully in their lives. They seek to reflect the qualities of our heavenly Father and to view matters as he does. This moves them to search out ways to share in the lifesaving work that he is having done in the earth in our day. Is that also your desire?​—Mark 13:10; Hebrews 5:12–6:3. 9. In what ways is true unity possible now? 9 The Bible shows that those who serve Jehovah must be a united people. (Ephesians 4:1-3) This unity is to exist now, even though we live in a divided world and are still struggling with our own imperfections. Jesus earnestly prayed that all his disciples be one, enjoying true unity. What would this mean? First, that they would have a good relationship with Jehovah and his Son. Second, that they would be united with one another. (John 17:20, 21) To that end, the Christian congregation serves as the organization through which Jehovah instructs his people. What Factors Contribute to Unity? 10. (a) What do we develop when we personally use the Bible to reason out answers to questions that affect us? (b) Analyze the factors contributing to Christian unity by answering the questions listed in this paragraph. 10 Seven key factors that contribute to unity of worship are noted below. As you answer the accompanying questions, give thought to how each point affects your relationship with Jehovah and with fellow Christians. Reasoning on these points and looking up the scriptures cited but not quoted will contribute to your development of godly wisdom, thinking ability, and discernment​—qualities all of us need. (Proverbs 5:1, 2; Philippians 1:9-11) Consider these factors one at a time. (1) We acknowledge Jehovah’s right to set the standard as to good and bad. “Trust in Jehovah with all your heart and do not lean upon your own understanding. In all your ways take notice of him, and he himself will make your paths straight.”​—Proverbs 3:5, 6. Why should we seek Jehovah’s counsel and guidance when making decisions? (Psalm 146:3-5; Isaiah 48:17) (2) We have God’s Word to guide us. “When you received God’s word, which you heard from us, you accepted it, not as the word of men, but, just as it truthfully is, as the word of God, which is also at work in you believers.”​—1 Thessalonians 2:13. What danger is there in simply doing what we “feel” is right? (Proverbs 14:12; Jeremiah 10:23, 24; 17:9) If we do not know what counsel the Bible gives on a certain matter, what should we do? (Proverbs 2:3-5; 2 Timothy 3:16, 17) (3) We all benefit from the same spiritual feeding program. “All your sons will be persons taught by Jehovah.” (Isaiah 54:13) “Let us consider one another to incite to love and fine works, not forsaking the gathering of ourselves together, as some have the custom, but encouraging one another, and all the more so as you behold the day [of destruction] drawing near.”​—Hebrews 10:24, 25. What benefits come to those who take full advantage of Jehovah’s arrangements for spiritual feeding? (Isaiah 65:13, 14) (4) Jesus Christ, and no human, is our Leader. “Do not you be called Rabbi, for one is your teacher, whereas all you are brothers. Moreover, do not call anyone your father on earth, for one is your Father, the heavenly One. Neither be called ‘leaders,’ for your Leader is one, the Christ.”​—Matthew 23:8-10. Should any of us believe that we are superior to others? (Romans 3:23, 24; 12:3) (5) We look to God’s Kingdom government as the only hope for humankind. “You must pray, then, this way: ‘Our Father in the heavens, let your name be sanctified. Let your kingdom come. Let your will take place, as in heaven, also upon earth.’ Keep on, then, seeking first the kingdom and his righteousness.”​—Matthew 6:9, 10, 33. How does “seeking first the kingdom” help safeguard our unity? (Micah 4:3; 1 John 3:10-12) (6) Holy spirit produces in worshipers of Jehovah qualities that are vital to Christian unity. “The fruitage of the spirit is love, joy, peace, long-suffering, kindness, goodness, faith, mildness, self-control.”​—Galatians 5:22, 23. What must we do in order for God’s spirit to produce its fruitage in us? (Acts 5:32) How does having God’s spirit influence our relationship with fellow Christians? (John 13:35; 1 John 4:8, 20, 21) (7) All of God’s true worshipers share in preaching the good news of his Kingdom. “This good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations; and then the end will come.”​—Matthew 24:14. What should motivate us to want to have a full share in this preaching activity? (Matthew 22:37-39; Romans 10:10) 11. When we apply Bible truths in our lives, what is the effect? 11 Unitedly worshiping Jehovah draws us closer to him and enables us to enjoy refreshing association with fellow believers. Psalm 133:1 says: “Look! How good and how pleasant it is for brothers to dwell together in unity!” How refreshing it is to get away from the world with all its selfishness, immorality, and violence and to congregate with those who truly love Jehovah and obey his laws! Avoid Divisive Influences 12. Why do we need to avoid an independent spirit? 12 So as not to mar our precious global unity, we must avoid divisive influences. One of these is the spirit of independence from God and his laws. Jehovah helps us to avoid it by unmasking its originator, Satan the Devil. (2 Corinthians 4:4; Revelation 12:9) Satan is the one who influenced Adam and Eve to ignore what God had said and to make decisions contrary to God’s will. The result was calamity for them and for us. (Genesis 3:1-6, 17-19) This world is saturated with the spirit of independence from God and his laws. So we need to curb that spirit in ourselves. 13. What will show whether we are sincerely preparing for life in God’s righteous new world? 13 For example, consider Jehovah’s thrilling promise to replace the present wicked world with new heavens and a new earth in which “righteousness is to dwell.” (2 Peter 3:13) Should that not move us to begin preparing to live at that time when righteousness will prevail? This means heeding the Bible’s plain counsel: “Do not be loving either the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him.” (1 John 2:15) Hence, we shun this world’s spirit​—its independent attitude, its excessive concern for self, its immorality and violence. We make it a practice to listen to Jehovah and to obey him from our heart, despite any contrary inclinations of the imperfect flesh. Our entire life course gives evidence that our thinking and our motives are oriented to doing God’s will.​—Psalm 40:8. 14. (a) Why is it important to seize the opportunity now to learn Jehovah’s ways and to follow them in our lives? (b) What do the scriptures cited in the paragraph mean to us personally? 14 When the appointed time comes for Jehovah to destroy this wicked system of things and all who prefer its ways, he will not delay. He is not going to postpone that time or change his standards to accommodate those who are still trying to cling to the world while halfheartedly learning God’s will and doing it. Now is the time for action! (Luke 13:23, 24; 17:32; 21:34-36) How heartwarming it is, therefore, to see the great crowd taking hold of this precious opportunity, eagerly seeking the instruction that Jehovah provides through his Word and organization and unitedly walking in his paths toward the new world! And the more we learn about Jehovah, the more we will love him and want to serve him. Review Discussion • What is Jehovah’s purpose as to worship? • After we have learned basic Bible teachings, what further progress should we earnestly seek to make? • What can we individually do to be in unity with other worshipers of Jehovah? [Picture on page 4] ‘The meek ones will possess the earth and find their exquisite delight in the abundance of peace’
Reasoning (rs) 1989
Jews Definition: As commonly used today, the term refers to people of Hebrew descent and others who have been converted to Judaism. The Bible also draws attention to the fact that there are Christians who are Jews spiritually and who make up “the Israel of God.” Are the natural Jews today God’s chosen people? That is the belief of many Jews. Says the Encyclopaedia Judaica (Jerusalem, 1971, Vol. 5, col. 498): “CHOSEN PEOPLE, a common designation for the people of Israel, expressing the idea that the people of Israel stands in a special and unique relationship to the universal deity. This idea has been a central one throughout the history of Jewish thought.”—See Deuteronomy 7:6-8; Exodus 19:5. Many in Christendom hold similar views. The “Religion” section of the Atlanta Journal and Constitution (January 22, 1983, p. 5-B) reported: “Contrary to the churches’ centuries-old teachings that God had ‘cast off his people Israel’ and replaced them with a ‘new Israel,’ he [Paul M. Van Buren, theologian at Temple University in Philadelphia] says churches now affirm that ‘the covenant between God and the Jewish people is eternal. This amazing reversal has been made by Protestants and Catholics, on both sides of the Atlantic.’” The New York Times (February 6, 1983, p. 42) added: “‘There is a fascination on the part of the evangelical right with Israel and a belief that everything Israel does must be supported, because God is on Israel’s side,’ said Timothy Smith, a professor of theology at Johns Hopkins University and a Wesleyan evangelical.” Some in Christendom expect the conversion and ultimate salvation of all natural Israel. Others take the view that there has always been an inseparable bond between God and Israel, so they reason that it is only the Gentiles who are to be reconciled through Christ. Consider: Following the Babylonian exile, when Israel was restored to its land, the people were to restore true worship in their God-given land. One of the first projects undertaken was the rebuilding of Jehovah’s temple in Jerusalem. However, since the destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans in 70 C.E., the temple has never been rebuilt. Instead, in the former temple area stands an Islamic shrine. If the Jews, who say they are under the Mosaic Law, were today in Jerusalem as God’s chosen people, would not the temple devoted to his worship have been rebuilt? Matt. 21:42, 43: “Jesus said to them [the chief priests and the older men of the Jews in Jerusalem]: ‘Did you never read in the Scriptures, “The stone that the builders rejected is the one that has become the chief cornerstone. From Jehovah this has come to be, and it is marvelous in our eyes”? This is why I say to you, The kingdom of God will be taken from you and be given to a nation producing its fruits.’” Matt. 23:37, 38: “Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the killer of the prophets and stoner of those sent forth to her,—how often I wanted to gather your children together, the way a hen gathers her chicks together under her wings! But you people did not want it. Look! Your house is abandoned to you.” Does God’s covenant with Abraham give assurance that the Jews continue to be the chosen people of God? Gal. 3:27-29: “All of you who were baptized into Christ have put on Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor freeman, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one person in union with Christ Jesus. Moreover, if you belong to Christ, you are really Abraham’s seed, heirs with reference to a promise.” (So, from God’s standpoint, it is no longer natural descent from Abraham that determines who are Abraham’s seed.) Will all the Jews be converted to faith in Christ and attain to eternal salvation? Rom. 11:25, 26: “I do not want you, brothers, to be ignorant of this sacred secret, in order for you not to be discreet in your own eyes: that a dulling of sensibilities has happened in part to Israel until the full number of people of the nations has come in, and in this manner [“this is how,” TEV; “thus,” CC, By; Greek, houʹtos] all Israel will be saved.” (Notice that the saving of “all Israel” is accomplished, not by conversion of all the Jews, but by the ‘coming in’ of people from Gentile nations. Some translators render verse 26: “And then after this the rest of Israel will be saved.” But A Manual Greek Lexicon of the New Testament [Edinburgh, 1937, G. Abbott-Smith, p. 329] defines houʹtos as meaning “in this way, so, thus.”) To arrive at a correct understanding of what is recorded at Romans 11:25, 26, we should also take into account these earlier statements in Romans: “He is not a Jew who is one on the outside, nor is circumcision that which is on the outside upon the flesh. But he is a Jew who is one on the inside, and his circumcision is that of the heart by spirit, and not by a written code.” (2:28, 29) “Not all who spring from Israel are really ‘Israel.’”—9:6. Is it necessary for Jews to put faith in Jesus Christ in order to be saved? Isaiah 53:1-12 foretold the death of the Messiah ‘to bear the sins of many and to make intercession for the transgressors.’ Daniel 9:24-27 connected the coming of the Messiah and his death with ‘making an end of sin and forgiving iniquity.’ (JP) Both passages show that the Jews were in need of such intercession and forgiveness. Could they expect to reject the Messiah and have the approval of the One who sent him? Acts 4:11, 12: “[Regarding Jesus Christ, the apostle Peter was moved by holy spirit to say to the Jewish rulers and older men in Jerusalem:] This is ‘the stone that was treated by you builders as of no account that has become the head of the corner.’ Furthermore, there is no salvation in anyone else, for there is not another name under heaven that has been given among men by which we must get saved.” (Although the nation of natural Israel no longer enjoys special divine favor, the way is open to individual Jews, as it is to people of all nations, to benefit from the salvation that is made possible through Jesus the Messiah.) Are the events taking place in Israel today in fulfillment of Bible prophecy? Ezek. 37:21, 22, JP: “Thus saith the Lord GOD: Behold, I will take the children of Israel from among the nations, whither they are gone, and will gather them on every side, and bring them into their own land; and I will make them one nation in the land, upon the mountains of Israel, and one king shall be king to them all.” (Israel today is not a nation under a king of the royal line of David. Theirs is a republic.) Isa. 2:2-4, JP: “It shall come to pass in the end of days, that the mountain of the LORD’S house shall be established as the top of the mountains, and shall be exalted above the hills; and all nations shall flow unto it. And many peoples shall go and say: ‘Come ye, and let us go up to the mountain of the LORD, to the house of the God of Jacob; and He will teach us of His ways, and we will walk in His paths.’ . . . And they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning-hooks; nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more.” (In Jerusalem today, where the temple was formerly located there is no “house of the God of Jacob,” but, instead, an Islamic shrine. And there is no move on the part of Israel or its neighbors to “beat their swords into plowshares.” They depend for survival on military preparedness.) Isa. 35:1, 2, JP: “The wilderness and the parched land shall be glad; and the desert shall rejoice, and blossom as the rose. It shall blossom abundantly, and rejoice, even with joy and singing; the glory of Lebanon shall be given unto it, the excellency of Carmel and Sharon; they shall see the glory of the LORD, the excellency of our God.” (Remarkable reforestation and irrigation projects have been successfully undertaken in Israel. But its leaders do not give credit to the Lord God. As a former premier, David Ben-Gurion, said: “Israel is determined . . . to conquer the desert and make it flourish by the power of science and the pioneering spirit, and to transform the country into a bastion of democracy.”) Zech. 8:23, JP: “In those days it shall come to pass, that ten men shall take hold, out of all the languages of the nations, shall even take hold of the skirt of him that is a Jew, saying: We will go with you, for we have heard that God is with you.” (To what God does the prophecy refer? In the Hebrew language his name [יהוה, commonly translated Jehovah] appears over 130 times in this one book of the Holy Scriptures. Today when someone uses that name, do people conclude that the person must be a Jew? No; for many centuries, superstition has caused the Jewish people as a whole to refrain from ever uttering God’s personal name. The upsurge of religious interest concerning natural Israel today does not fit this prophecy.) How, then, are events in modern-day Israel to be viewed? Merely as part of global developments foretold in the Bible. These include war, lawlessness, cooling off of love for God, and the love of money.—Matt. 24:7, 12; 2 Tim. 3:1-5. Among whom do the prophecies about restoration of Israel have fulfillment today? Gal. 6:15, 16: “Neither is circumcision anything nor is uncircumcision, but a new creation is something. And all those who will walk orderly by this rule of conduct, upon them be peace and mercy, even upon the Israel of God.” (So “the Israel of God” is no longer determined on the basis of conforming to the requirement laid upon Abraham for all the males of his household to be circumcised. Rather, as stated at Galatians 3:26-29, those who belong to Christ and who are spirit-begotten sons of God “are really Abraham’s seed.”) Jer. 31:31-34: “‘Look! There are days coming,’ is the utterance of Jehovah, ‘and I will conclude with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah a new covenant . . . And they will no more teach each one his companion and each one his brother, saying, “Know Jehovah!” for they will all of them know me, from the least one of them even to the greatest one of them,’ is the utterance of Jehovah.” (That new covenant was made, not with the nation of natural Israel, but with the loyal followers of Jesus Christ to whom hope of heavenly life was being extended. When instituting the Memorial of his death, Jesus gave them a cup of wine and said: “This cup means the new covenant by virtue of my blood.” [1 Cor. 11:25]) Rev. 7:4: “I heard the number of those who were sealed, a hundred and forty-four thousand, sealed out of every tribe of the sons of Israel.” (But in the verses that follow, mention is made of “the tribe of Levi” and “the tribe of Joseph.” These were not included in lists of the 12 tribes of natural Israel. Interestingly, while it is said that people would be “sealed out of every tribe,” the tribes of Dan and Ephraim are not mentioned. [Compare Numbers 1:4-16.] Reference must here be made to the spiritual Israel of God, to those whom Revelation 14:1-3 shows will share with Christ in his heavenly Kingdom.) Heb. 12:22: “You have approached a Mount Zion and a city of the living God, heavenly Jerusalem, and myriads of angels.” (Thus it is not to earthly Jerusalem but to “heavenly Jerusalem” that true Christians look for fulfillment of the promises of God.)
Family Life (fl) 1978
Chapter 7 Having Children—A Responsibility and a Reward 1-4. (a) What are some of the amazing features about the development of a baby in the womb? (b) How does a knowledge of these things help you to appreciate Psalm 127:3? GIVING BIRTH to children is a prospect that is both thrilling and sobering. It is an everyday occurrence among humankind, true. Yet each birth is the result of amazingly intricate processes. When we understand something about these we can better appreciate why the inspired psalmist was moved to say: “Look! Sons are an inheritance from Jehovah; the fruitage of the belly is a reward.” (Psalm 127:3) Consider what happens. 2 A sperm cell from a man unites with an egg cell in a woman. The two cells become one, and the one starts to divide. It becomes two, the two become four, the four become eight, until eventually this one cell has become, in a grown person, an estimated 60,000,000,000,000 cells! At first the new cells were all the same, then they began changing into different kinds—bone cells, muscle cells, nerve cells, liver cells, eye cells, skin cells, and so on and on. 3 Some of the mysteries of reproduction and differentiation have been uncovered, but many remain. What makes the original cell start to divide? As the dividing continues, what makes the cells start changing into many different kinds? What makes these different kinds group together in special shapes, sizes and functions, to become a liver, a nose, a little toe? These changes start taking place at preset times. What controls the timetables? Also, this growing embryo in the mother’s womb is a body with a genetic makeup different from hers. Normally her body rejects foreign tissues, such as skin grafts or organ transplants from other persons. Why doesn’t it reject this genetically foreign embryo, instead of nourishing it for some 280 days? 4 All these amazing activities take place on schedule because Jehovah God programmed them into the one cell formed by the sperm and the egg. The psalmist indicates this when saying to the Creator: “Your eyes saw even the embryo of me, and in your book all its parts were down in writing, as regards the days when they were formed and there was not yet one among them.”—Psalm 139:16. DEVELOPMENT AND BIRTH 5-8. Between the fourth week of pregnancy and the birth of a baby, what are some of the things that happen in the womb? 5 The embryo develops rapidly. By the fourth week it has a brain, a nervous system, and a circulatory system with a heart pumping blood through already placed vessels. Blood is manufactured by the yolk sac for six weeks; then the liver takes over this function, which is finally assumed by the bone marrow. In the fifth week arms and legs begin to form; in three more weeks fingers and toes appear. By the seventh week major muscle groups, along with eyes, ears, nose and mouth, have formed. 6 “My bones,” the psalmist continues, speaking to Jehovah God, “were not hidden from you when I was made in secret.” (Psalm 139:15) In the ninth week cartilage is turning into bone as the skeleton is formed, and the developing baby is now called a fetus instead of an embryo. “You yourself produced my kidneys.” (Psalm 139:13) The divine processes governing this occur in the fourth month and the kidneys now filter the blood. 7 By this time the developing baby moves and twists about, curls its fingers or its toes when the palm of its hand or the sole of its foot feels a tickling sensation. It grips things with finger and thumb, and sucks its thumb and thereby exercises muscles later to be used for feeding at its mother’s breasts. It hiccups, and the mother feels it jump. By the sixth month many organs are virtually complete. The nostrils have opened, eyebrows have appeared, soon the eyes will open, and ears will function so that even in the womb the infant can be startled by loud noises. 8 At 40 weeks, labor starts. The mother’s uterine muscles contract and the baby is on its way out into the world. In the process its head is often pressed out of shape, but, since its skull bones have not yet fused together, after delivery the head resumes its normal shape. Up until now the mother has done everything for the baby: provided oxygen, food, protection, warmth and also for the removal of wastes. Now the baby must go to work for itself, quickly, or it will die. 9. For a baby to live outside the womb, what changes must take place quickly? 9 It must start breathing in order for the lungs to put oxygen into the blood. But to do this another drastic conversion must take place instantaneously: the pathway of the circulating blood must change! While the fetus was in the womb, there was a hole in the wall of its heart. That wall separated the right and left chambers and kept much of the baby’s blood from ever going toward the lungs. Of the blood that did, a large vessel made most of it bypass the lungs. In the womb, only about 10 percent of the blood went through the lungs; after birth all of it must do so, and immediately! To accomplish this, within seconds after birth the big vessel that bypassed the lungs constricts and the blood that went through it now goes to the lungs. Meanwhile the hole in the wall of the heart closes, and all the blood pumped from the right side of the heart now goes to the lungs to be oxygenated. The baby breathes, the blood is oxygenated, dramatic changes have been made and the baby lives! As the inspired psalmist so beautifully sums it up: “You kept me screened off in the belly of my mother. I shall laud you because in a fear-inspiring way I am wonderfully made.”—Psalm 139:13, 14. 10. Considering the amazing development of a baby in the womb, how should parents feel about their children? 10 With what gratitude married couples should view this gift from Jehovah! The power to produce a human creature, a child who is a part of both but different from either! Truly, “an inheritance from Jehovah”! CARING FOR THE “INHERITANCE” 11. What questions should those who are thinking about starting a family ask themselves, and why? 11 It was more than morality that caused Jehovah God to establish the law that sex relations were to be limited to married couples. He also had in mind the arrival of children. A child needs both a father and a mother who love each other and who will love and cherish their offspring. The newborn child needs the warmth and security of a home, with a father and mother who want him and who will provide the environment needed for his growth and personality development. A husband and wife who are considering having a baby should ask themselves: Do we want a baby? Can we provide for its needs—not just physically, but emotionally and spiritually? Will we train it properly, set the right examples for it to follow? Are we willing to accept the responsibilities parenthood brings, accept the sacrifices involved? As children it may have seemed to us that our parents tied us down, but when we become parents we find what a time-consuming project rearing children really is. Yet with the responsibility of parenthood can come great joys. 12-14. Once a woman is pregnant, how can she contribute toward the development of a healthy baby by (a) her diet? (b) what she does about alcohol, tobacco, drugs? (c) controlling her emotions? 12 The decision has been made—whether by parents or by biological circumstances. You, the wife, are pregnant. Your care for this “inheritance from Jehovah” starts. Some things you must eat, and others you must avoid or limit. Foods rich in irona are important, for in the womb the baby is storing up enough iron to last it for six months after its birth. You need more milk (cheese is also good) to supply the calcium your baby needs for building bones. And a balanced carbohydrate intakeb will help to avoid excessive weight increase. True, you may be eating for two of you, but one of you is very, very tiny! 13 Other factors may or may not need to be considered, depending on the way you live. Alcoholic drinks send alcohol to the fetus, so caution is needed, as an excess could produce mental and physical retardation. Some babies have been born drunk because their mothers were heavy drinkers. Smoking puts nicotine into the bloodstream of the fetus, and also causes carbon monoxide to replace oxygen in its blood. Thus, the infant’s prospects for normal health may be irreparably damaged even before it is born. Spontaneous abortion and stillborn babies are much more frequent among women who smoke. Addictive drugs taken by the mother can cause the baby to be born an addict, and some nonaddictive drugs taken medicinally may also prove dangerous, possibly crippling the baby. Even the excessive drinking of coffee is suspected of causing some damage. 14 Additionally, emotional stress in the mother can change her hormone output and make the fetus overly active, thereby causing the newborn child to be restless and irritable. The growing baby may be ‘screened off in the belly of its mother,’ but it would be a mistake to think that it is totally cut off from the world around it. Through the mother it can be affected; she is its only connecting instruction with the outside world, and that puts her primarily “in the driver’s seat” as to whether the effect is good or bad. The way she cares for herself and how she reacts to circumstances will make the difference. It goes without saying that in this she needs the cooperation of those around her, and especially the love and care of her husband.—Compare 1 Samuel 4:19. DECISIONS YOU MUST MAKE 15, 16. What decisions may need to be made about the place and manner of childbirth? 15 Will you have your baby in a hospital or at home? In some cases there may be little choice. In many areas hospitals may not even be available. In other areas having a baby at home may be a rarity and may present risks due to lack of experienced help, such as that of a midwife. Wherever possible, it is always good to be examined during pregnancy by a doctor, to know whether you can expect a normal delivery or one accompanied by complications. 16 Will you have your baby under anesthesia or by natural childbirth? You and your husband must decide, after weighing advantages and disadvantages. Natural childbirth may involve the husband in the momentous event. The baby is immediately put with its mother. Some believe that these are advantages to be seriously considered, if examinations indicate that the birth will be without complications. Some researchers contend that babies born under the more peaceful conditions of natural childbirth have fewer emotional problems and psychosomatic illnesses. 17-19. What has research revealed about the advisability of a baby’s being with the mother as soon as possible after birth? 17 The magazine Psychology Today, December 1977 issue, states: “Psychologists have known for decades that the first year of a baby’s life can have an enduring impact on his later mental and physical development. It now appears that the baby’s first day—perhaps even his first 60 minutes—is just as crucial. The emotional bond that the mother forms toward the child, and the kind of care she begins to give him, are particularly important after delivery. Recent studies also demonstrate that the first hours may have a lot to do with shaping the mother’s attitude toward the child, the strength of her commitment to him, and her capacity for mothering.” 18 If the mother does not have general anesthesia during the birth, the baby will be alert, have its eyes open, look around, follow movements, turn toward human voices, and be especially aware of the higher-pitched female voice. Eye contact between mother and child can be quickly established. This seems to be important, and in some studies mothers reported that once their baby looked at them they felt much closer to it. Body contact, skin to skin, of mother and baby right after birth is considered advantageous to both. 19 Researchers claim that the problems of babies treated by medical centers can sometimes be traced to the first few hours of life. Comparisons made between children given the standard hospital treatment at birth and others immediately put with their mothers indicate that after one month the babies delivered by natural childbirth were doing better. “Even more striking,” Psychology Today states, “at five years of age, the children of extended-contact mothers had significantly higher IQ’s [evidence of intelligence] and more advanced scores on language tests than children who were treated according to standard hospital procedure.” 20. To make a wise decision on these matters, what else must be kept in mind? 20 In all of this, however, circumstances must be seriously weighed. We should not lose from view the fact that our first human parents left us a legacy of imperfection. This inevitably robs “natural birth” today of some of its naturalness, and our inherited defects can cause complications. (Genesis 3:16; 35:16-19; 38:27-29) Let your decisions be governed by your personal circumstances and what you believe to be wisest in your case, whether this matches the “ideal” birth others may aim at or does not. 21, 22. What are some benefits of breast-feeding? 21 Will you breast-feed your baby? There are many advantages to both you and your baby. Mother’s milk is the perfect food for infants. It is easy to digest, and it protects against infection, intestinal disorders and respiratory problems. For the first few days the breasts secrete colostrum, a yellowish fluid especially good for infants because (1) it is low in fats and carbohydrates and hence easier to digest, (2) it is richer in immunity factors than the mother’s milk that will come in a few days, and (3) it has a slightly laxative effect that helps clear out the cells, mucus and bile that collected in the infant’s bowels before birth. 22 Breast-feeding benefits the mother. It reduces bleeding in the mother because the baby’s sucking stimulates the uterus to contract. The sucking also stimulates the breasts to produce more milk, and mothers who feared they could not produce enough milk discover that there is no shortage. Regular breast-feeding in some cases postpones the resumption of ovulation and the menstrual cycle, and to that extent tends to be a natural contraceptive. The American Cancer Society says that “mothers who breast feed show less cases of cancer of the breast.” Breast-feeding also benefits the family budget! CHILD DEVELOPMENT—HOW WILL YOU AIM THE ARROW? 23. What principles about child training are implied at Psalm 127:4, 5? 23 “Like arrows in the hand of a warrior, so are the children of one’s youth. How happy is the man whose quiver is filled with them!” (Psalm 127:4, 5, An American Translation) The value of an arrow is determined by how well it is aimed as it leaves the bow. An arrow must be aimed with care and skill so that it will hit the target. In like manner, it is vital that, as parents, you wisely and prayerfully ponder on the kind of start in life you will give to your child. Will he or she on leaving your care become a balanced and mature adult, respected by others and an honor to God? 24. (a) What kind of home environment should parents strive to make for their children? (b) Why is this important? 24 Decisions should be made before the baby’s arrival as to its care and training. The parents basically are the firstborn baby’s whole world. What will that world be like? Will it show that the parents have taken to heart this counsel from God’s Word: “Let all malicious bitterness and anger and wrath and screaming and abusive speech be taken away from you along with all badness. But become kind to one another, tenderly compassionate, freely forgiving one another just as God also by Christ freely forgave you”? (Ephesians 4:31, 32) Whatever the homelife is, it will be reflected in the infant child. Strive to make your baby’s world one of peace and security, of warmth and love. The baby that is cherished will absorb these qualities and they will shape its emotions accordingly. Your feelings will be sensed, your examples followed. The genetic laws of our Creator made marvelous provisions for the baby’s development in the womb; how will you shape it outside the womb? So much depends on the home conditions you provide. This, as much as the genes, determines what kind of adult the baby will become. “Train up a boy according to the way for him; even when he grows old he will not turn aside from it.”—Proverbs 22:6. 25, 26. Why is it reasonable for parents to give much time and attention to their children? 25 Neither man nor woman can produce a single blade of grass, but together they can produce another human, one of infinite complexity and different from any other person on the earth! An amazing accomplishment, so amazing that it is hard to believe that so many today fail to appreciate the sacredness of the responsibility that goes with it! People will plant flowers, water them, fertilize them, keep them free of weeds—all to get a beautiful garden. Should we not take far more time and exert more effort to make children become beautiful? 26 A married couple have a right to have children. Their children have a corresponding right to have parents, not just in name but in fact. A Christian dedicated to God may spend much time and energy in sharing Bible knowledge in the hope of making one disciple, and yet not always succeed. Should not Christian parents spend even more time to ‘bring up their own children in the discipline and mental-regulating of Jehovah’? (Ephesians 6:4) If they rear one child to be a fine servant of the Giver of life, Jehovah God, is that not cause for great rejoicing? Then, indeed, their having given birth to that son or daughter will prove to be richly rewarded.—Proverbs 23:24, 25. 27. In guiding the development of a child, why should the child’s own personality be considered? 27 Psalm 128:3 likens children to olive plants: “Your wife will be like a fruit-bearing vine in the innermost parts of your house. Your sons will be like slips of olive trees all around your table.” Trees may be shaped in different ways by training them. Some are made to grow flat against a wall. Others spread out low over the ground. Some are even made small and stunted by trimming their roots and cramping them, as in the case of a bonsai. An old saying emphasizes how early training will also shape a child: “The way the twig is bent is the way the tree will grow.” A sense of balance is needed here. On the one hand, the child needs guiding so that it will conform to righteous standards. At the same time it should not be expected to conform to some preconceived ideal the parents have as to the exact personality it should display. You cannot make an olive tree bear figs. Train your child in right ways but do not force it into a predetermined mold that will not allow its distinctive personality and inherited gifts to find normal expression. Give yourself time to come to know this child you have produced. Then, as with a tender young tree, give your child guidance that is strong enough to protect and support it in a right direction, yet gentle enough not to cramp the child’s development to its full capacity for good. A REWARD FROM JEHOVAH 28. How can we benefit from what Genesis 33:5, 13, 14 says about Jacob’s concern for his children? 28 Jacob of ancient times showed his concern for the care of his children. When a journey was proposed, the pace of which might have been too much for them, Jacob said to the one making the proposal: “My lord is aware that the children are delicate and sheep and cattle that are giving suck are in my charge, and should they drive them too quickly for one day, then the whole flock will certainly die. Let my lord, please, pass on ahead of his servant, but may I myself continue the journey at my leisure according to the pace of the livestock that is before me and according to the pace of the children.” When meeting his brother, Esau, earlier he was asked, “Who are these with you?” Jacob’s response was, “The children with whom God has favored your servant.” (Genesis 33:5, 13, 14) Parents today should not only show merciful consideration to their children as Jacob did, but also view them as he did—as a favor from Jehovah. Of course, before getting married, a man should weigh seriously whether he can support a wife and children. The Bible counsels: “First put all in order out of doors and make everything ready on the land; then establish your house and home.” (Proverbs 24:27, New English Bible) In harmony with this practical advice, a man should make preparations for marriage and family life beforehand. Then, even an unplanned pregnancy will be greeted with joy and not dreaded as a financial burden. 29. Why should the matter of having children be given serious advance consideration? 29 The matter of having children clearly merits being considered very seriously, not only as regards the firstborn but also for any thereafter. Are parents finding it difficult to feed, care for and train the children they already have? Then for their Creator as well as the quality of love should certainly move them to ponder what self-control they can exercise to slow down further increase in the family. 30. (a) Why can we say that a child really belongs to God? (b) How should this affect the viewpoint of parents? 30 Really, whose child is it? Yours, in one sense. But, in another sense, the child belongs to the Creator. You are entrusted with its care, just as your parents were entrusted with your care as a child. But you were not actually your parents’ property to be treated in just any way they might please; nor is your child your property in that sense. Parents cannot direct or control the moment of conception nor the development of the child in the womb. They cannot even see or fully understand the marvelous processes involved. (Psalm 139:13, 15; Ecclesiastes 11:5) If some physical imperfection causes a miscarriage or a stillbirth, they cannot bring the dead child to life. Thus, we need to recognize humbly that God is the Life-Giver of us all, and we all belong to him: “To Jehovah belong the earth and that which fills it, the productive land and those dwelling in it.”—Psalm 24:1. 31, 32. (a) What responsibility before God do parents have? (b) What results from caring properly for that responsibility? 31 You are responsible for the children you bring into the world and also accountable to the Creator as to how you rear them. He created the earth, purposed that it be inhabited, and equipped our first human parents with procreative power to accomplish that purpose. Their defection from him placed them on the side of the Adversary who challenged God’s rightful exercise of his sovereignty over his family of creatures in heaven and on earth. By training your children to grow up as persons of integrity to their Creator, you and your family can prove that Adversary false and Jehovah God true. As Proverbs 27:11 states: “Be wise, my son, and make my heart rejoice, that I may make a reply to him that is taunting me.” 32 Fulfilling your obligation to your children, together with your responsibility to God, can bring you a sense of true accomplishment in life. You will be able to join in wholehearted appreciation of the saying of Psalm 127:3: “The fruitage of the belly is a reward.” [Footnotes] a Such as meats, green and yellow vegetables. b Involving starchy foods and those with considerable sugar output. [Picture on page 93] Closeness now avoids generation gap later
A New Member of the Governing Body
Kenneth E. Cook, Jr., and his wife, Jamie A New Member of the Governing Body ON Wednesday morning, January 24, 2018, the United States and Canada Bethel families enjoyed hearing a special announcement: Brother Kenneth Cook, Jr., had been added to the Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses. Brother Cook was born and raised in south-central Pennsylvania, U.S.A. He learned the truth from a classmate just prior to graduating from high school and was baptized on June 7, 1980. He began full-time service as a regular pioneer on September 1, 1982. After pioneering for two years, he was invited to Bethel, beginning his Bethel service at Wallkill, New York, on October 12, 1984. For the next 25 years, Brother Cook served in various assignments in both the Printery and the Bethel Office. He married his wife, Jamie, in 1996, and she joined him in Bethel service at Wallkill. In December 2009, Brother and Sister Cook were transferred to the Watchtower Educational Center at Patterson, New York, where Brother Cook was assigned to work with the Writing Correspondence Department. In April 2016, after a brief return to the Wallkill facility, Brother and Sister Cook were transferred to Brooklyn, New York. Five months later, they relocated to world headquarters in Warwick, New York. In January 2017, Brother Cook was appointed to serve as a helper to the Writing Committee of the Governing Body. The Governing Body now consists of eight anointed brothers: K. E. Cook, Jr.; S. F. Herd; G. W. Jackson; M. S. Lett; G. Lösch; A. Morris III; D. M. Sanderson; D. H. Splane
Young People Ask, Volume 2 (yp2) 2008
Role Model​—The Three Hebrews Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah stand on the plain of Dura, near Babylon. All around them people bow to the ground before a giant image. Despite pressure from their peers and threats from the king, these young men remain resolute. Respectfully but firmly they tell Nebuchadnezzar that their decision to serve Jehovah is not negotiable.​—Daniel 1:6; 3:17, 18. These men were youths when exiled to Babylon. Their faithfulness while young​—refusing to eat foods that may have been forbidden by God’s Law—​prepared them to face difficult challenges later in life. (Daniel 1:6-20) They knew from experience that obeying Jehovah was the wise course. Are you similarly resolved to stick to God’s standards despite pressure from your peers? If while you’re young you learn to obey Jehovah in what might seem to be small matters, you will be better prepared to remain faithful when you face big challenges later in life.​—Proverbs 3:5, 6; Luke 16:10.
Examining the Scriptures—2022 2021
June Wednesday, June 1 We were determined to impart to you, not only the good news of God but also our very selves.​—1 Thess. 2:8. Teachers must show genuine, personal interest in their students. View them as your future spiritual brothers or sisters. It is not easy for them to give up friends in the world and to make all the necessary changes to serve Jehovah. Effective Bible teachers introduce their students to others in the congregation who can have a good influence on them. The students can then enjoy associating with God’s people, who can give them spiritual and emotional support. We want each student to feel that he belongs in the congregation and is part of our spiritual family. We want him to be drawn to our warm and loving Christian brotherhood. Then it will be easier for him to stop having close association with people who do not help him to love Jehovah. (Prov. 13:20) If his former associates reject him, he will know that he can find true friends in Jehovah’s organization.​—Mark 10:29, 30; 1 Pet. 4:4. w20.10 17 ¶10-11 Thursday, June 2 All authority has been given me in heaven and on the earth.​—Matt. 28:18. We must be friends with Jesus if we are to have a good relationship with Jehovah. Why is that true? Consider just two reasons. First, Jesus told his disciples: “The Father himself has affection for you, because you have had affection for me.” (John 16:27) He also said: “No one comes to the Father except through me.” (John 14:6) Trying to be Jehovah’s friend without building a close bond with Jesus is like trying to enter a building without using the door. Jesus used a similar illustration when he described himself as “the door for the sheep.” (John 10:7) A second reason is that Jesus perfectly reflected his Father’s qualities. He said to his disciples: “Whoever has seen me has seen the Father also.” (John 14:9) So an important way that we come to know Jehovah is by studying the life of Jesus. As we learn about Jesus, our affection for him will grow. And as our friendship with Jesus grows, our love for his Father will deepen. w20.04 21-22 ¶5-6 Friday, June 3 I take pleasure in weaknesses, . . . for when I am weak, then I am powerful.​—2 Cor. 12:10. Are you lying in a bed or sitting in a wheelchair? Do you have weak knees or poor eyesight? If so, can you run along with those who are young and healthy? You certainly can! Many older and infirm ones are running on the road to life. They cannot do this work in their own power. Instead, they draw on Jehovah’s strength by listening to Christian meetings over a telephone tie-line or watching meetings through video streaming. And they engage in the disciple-making work by witnessing to doctors, nurses, and relatives. Never let discouragement over your physical limitations convince you that you are too weak to run on the road to life. Jehovah loves you for your faith in him and your record of endurance. You need his help now more than ever, and he will not abandon you. (Ps. 9:10) Instead, he will draw even closer to you. w20.04 29 ¶16-17 Saturday, June 4 I do all things for the sake of the good news, in order to share it with others.​—1 Cor. 9:23. What subjects might you discuss with a religious person? Try to find common ground. He may worship only one God, he may recognize Jesus as the Savior of humankind, or he may believe that we are living in a time of wickedness that will soon end. Based on beliefs you have in common, present the Bible’s message in a way that is appealing to that person. Keep in mind that people may not believe everything that their religion teaches. So even after you discern a person’s religion, try to find out what he personally believes. A missionary brother notes that some people say that they believe in the Trinity, but they may not actually believe that the Father, the Son, and the holy spirit are one God. “Knowing that makes it much easier to find common ground with the person,” he says. So try to find out what people really believe. Then, like the apostle Paul, you can “become all things to people of all sorts.”​—1 Cor. 9:19-22. w20.04 10 ¶9-10 Sunday, June 5 During that time your people will escape, everyone who is found written down in the book.​—Dan. 12:1. We can face the future with confidence because both Daniel and John confirm that those who serve Jehovah and Jesus will survive this unparalleled time of distress. Daniel says that the survivors will have their names “written down in the book.” How do we get our names in that book? We must give clear evidence that we have faith in Jesus, the Lamb of God. (John 1:29) We need to get baptized in symbol of our dedication to God. (1 Pet. 3:21) And we must show our support for God’s Kingdom by doing what we can to help others learn about Jehovah. Now is the time to build trust in Jehovah and his organization of loyal servants. Now is the time to support God’s Kingdom. If we do, we will be saved when the king of the north and the king of the south are destroyed by God’s Kingdom. w20.05 16 ¶18-19 Monday, June 6 O Jehovah, your name endures forever.​—Ps. 135:13. Adam and Eve knew Jehovah’s name, as well as vital truths about the One bearing that name. They knew him as the Creator, the One who gave them life, their lovely Paradise home, and a perfect mate. (Gen. 1:26-28; 2:18) However, would they continue to use their perfect minds to meditate on all that Jehovah had done for them? Would they keep building up their love and appreciation for the Person represented by that name? The answers became clear when God’s enemy tested them. Using a serpent as his mouthpiece, Satan asked Eve a question: “Did God really say that you must not eat from every tree of the garden?” (Gen. 2:16, 17; 3:1) That question contained a subtle lie that was like hidden poison. What God had actually said was that they could eat from every tree, with one exception. (Gen. 2:9) Satan made it seem as if God were not generous. Eve may have wondered, ‘Is God withholding something good?’ w20.06 3-4 ¶8-9 Tuesday, June 7 Continue putting up with one another and forgiving one another freely.​—Col. 3:13. Some of Jehovah’s servants have felt hurt by a fellow believer. The apostle Paul recognized that at times we might have a valid “cause for complaint against” a brother or a sister. We may even have been treated unjustly. If we are not careful, we could become resentful. Bitterness may eventually cause a person to drift away from Jehovah’s people. Pablo, a brother in South America, was falsely accused of wrongdoing and, as a result, lost a privilege of service in the congregation. How did he react? “I got angry,” says Pablo, “and I gradually drifted away from the congregation.” Or a guilty conscience may torment a person who has broken God’s law in the past, making him feel unworthy of God’s love. Even if he was repentant and was shown mercy, he might feel that he is no longer good enough to be one of God’s people. How do you feel about brothers and sisters who face situations like those just discussed? w20.06 19 ¶6-7 Wednesday, June 8 The shrewd one sees the danger and conceals himself.​—Prov. 22:3. We must learn to recognize situations that could harm us and then act to avoid the danger. (Heb. 5:14) For instance, we need to choose our recreation and entertainment wisely. Television shows and movies often portray immoral conduct. Such conduct offends God and will inevitably bring about harm. Accordingly, we avoid entertainment that could gradually undermine our love for God. (Eph. 5:5, 6) We must also discern the danger of false information spread by apostates, as they try to raise doubts about our brothers and Jehovah’s organization. (1 Tim. 4:1, 7; 2 Tim. 2:16) Such misinformation could undermine our faith. We must avoid being fooled by this propaganda. Why? Because these types of stories are spread “by men who are corrupted in mind and deprived of the truth.” Their goal is to start “arguments and debates.” (1 Tim. 6:4, 5) They want us to believe their slander and develop wicked suspicions about our brothers. w20.09 29 ¶13, 15 Thursday, June 9 [Seek], not [your] own advantage, but that of the other person.​—1 Cor. 10:24. A husband and a wife should treat each other with love and respect. (Eph. 5:33) The Bible teaches us to focus on giving rather than on receiving. (Acts 20:35) What quality will help a married couple to show love and respect? The answer is humility. Humility has helped many Christian couples find greater happiness in their marriage. For example, a husband named Steven says: “If you are a team, you will work together, especially when there are problems. Instead of thinking ‘what is best for me?’ you will think ‘what is best for us?’” His wife, Stephanie, feels similarly. “Nobody wants to live with an opponent,” she says. “When a conflict arises, we identify the problem. We then pray, do research, and talk it out. We attack the problem, not each other.” Husbands and wives truly benefit when they do not think more of themselves than is necessary. w20.07 3-4 ¶5-6 Friday, June 10 I was making greater progress in Judaism than many of my own age in my nation.​—Gal. 1:14. Do not rely on your own strength or abilities when serving Jehovah. The apostle Paul was well-educated​—he was taught by one of the most respected Jewish leaders of his day, a man named Gamaliel. (Acts 5:34; 22:3) And at one point, Paul had some influence in the Jewish community. (Acts 26:4) But Paul did not rely on himself. Paul gladly gave up the things that made him powerful by the world’s standards. (Phil. 3:8; ftn.) Paul paid a price for becoming a follower of Christ. He was hated by his own nation. (Acts 23:12-14) And he was beaten and imprisoned by his fellow citizens, the Romans. (Acts 16:19-24, 37) In addition, Paul became painfully aware of his own limitations. (Rom. 7:21-25) But rather than allow his opponents or his own shortcomings to cripple him, he took “pleasure in weaknesses.” Why? Because it was when he was weak that he saw God’s power at work in his life.​—2 Cor. 4:7; 12:10. w20.07 16 ¶7-8 Saturday, June 11 Whoever exercises faith in me . . . will do works greater than these.​—John 14:12. The work of Kingdom preaching deserves our careful attention today. Jesus foretold that this work would expand in scope and continue long after his death. Following his resurrection, Jesus gave some of his disciples a miraculous catch of fish. He used that occasion to confirm that their assignment to be fishers of men was more important than any other endeavor. (John 21:15-17) Just before Jesus ascended to heaven, he informed his disciples that the witnessing work he had started would expand far beyond the borders of Israel. (Acts 1:6-8) Years later, Jesus gave a vision to the apostle John to show him what would take place “in the Lord’s day.” In it John saw this awe-inspiring event: Under angelic direction, “everlasting good news” was being preached to “every nation and tribe and tongue and people.” (Rev. 1:10; 14:6) Clearly, Jehovah’s will for us today is to share in this grand witnessing work until it is finished. w20.09 9 ¶5 Sunday, June 12 By faith Abraham, when he was tested, as good as offered up Isaac.​—Heb. 11:17. Abraham’s family life was difficult. His beloved wife, Sarah, could not have children. For decades they had to deal with that bitter disappointment. Eventually, Sarah gave her servant girl, Hagar, to Abraham so that she could bear children for Abraham and Sarah. But when Hagar became pregnant with Ishmael, she began to despise Sarah. The situation became so difficult that Sarah chased Hagar away from home. (Gen. 16:1-6) Sarah finally became pregnant and gave Abraham a son whom he named Isaac. Abraham loved both of his sons, Ishmael and Isaac. But because of the bad way that Ishmael treated Isaac, Abraham was forced to send Ishmael and Hagar away. (Gen. 21:9-14) Later, Jehovah asked Abraham to offer Isaac as a sacrifice. (Gen. 22:1, 2; Heb. 11:17-19) In both cases, Abraham had to trust that Jehovah would eventually make things turn out well for his sons. w20.08 4 ¶9-10 Monday, June 13 Put on the new personality that was created according to God’s will in true righteousness and loyalty.​—Eph. 4:24. Imagine the joy that those who are resurrected will feel as they strip off their old personality and live according to God’s righteous standards. Those who make these changes will experience a resurrection of life. On the other hand, those who rebel against God will not be allowed to disrupt the peace of Paradise. (Isa. 65:20; John 5:28, 29) Under Kingdom rule, all of God’s people will experience the truthfulness of what Proverbs 10:22 says: “It is the blessing of Jehovah that makes one rich, and He adds no pain with it.” With Jehovah’s spirit at work on them, God’s people will become spiritually rich, that is, they will become more and more like Christ and will grow toward perfection. (John 13:15-17; Eph. 4:23) Each day they will become stronger, better people. What a joy life will be then!​—Job 33:25. w20.08 17 ¶11-12 Tuesday, June 14 Make it your aim . . . to mind your own business.​—1 Thess. 4:11. We do well to keep in mind that some single Christians have made it a personal goal to remain unmarried. Other single Christians would like to marry, but they simply have not found the right person. Still others may have lost their mate in death. In any case, should those in the congregation feel the need to ask single Christians why they are not married or to offer to help them find a mate? If help is not requested, how might such offers make our single brothers and sisters feel? (1 Tim. 5:13) Our single brothers and sisters will be grateful if we value them based on their fine qualities and not on their marital status. Instead of feeling sorry for them, we do well to appreciate their faithfulness. As a result, our single brothers and sisters will never feel that we are saying to them: “I do not need you.” (1 Cor. 12:21) Instead, they will know that we respect them and value their place in the congregation. w20.08 29 ¶10, 14 Wednesday, June 15 [Christ] appeared to more than 500 brothers at one time.​—1 Cor. 15:6. Later, Jesus appeared to the apostle Paul himself. (1 Cor. 15:8) Paul (Saul) was on his way to Damascus when he heard the voice of the resurrected Jesus and saw a vision of him in heavenly glory. (Acts 9:3-5) Paul’s experience added to the evidence that Jesus’ resurrection was not a myth. (Acts 26:12-15) Paul’s testimony would be especially noteworthy to some because he at one time persecuted Christians. Once he became convinced that Jesus had been raised up, Paul labored to convince others of this truth. He endured beatings, imprisonment, and shipwreck as he spread the truth that Jesus had died but was alive again. (1 Cor. 15:9-11; 2 Cor. 11:23-27) Paul was so sure that Jesus had been raised from the dead that he was willing to die defending his belief. Does this early testimony not convince you that Jesus was raised from the dead? And does it not strengthen your belief in the resurrection? w20.12 3 ¶8-10 Thursday, June 16 If you search for [Jehovah], he will let himself be found by you.​—2 Chron. 15:2. We might ask ourselves, ‘Do I regularly attend congregation meetings?’ When we attend the meetings provided by Jehovah’s organization, we receive true spiritual refreshment along with upbuilding association. (Matt. 11:28) We might also ask ourselves, ‘Do I have good personal study habits?’ If you live with your family, do you set aside time every week for family worship? Or if you live alone, do you still set aside time just as if you were part of a family? Also, do you share as fully as possible in the preaching and disciple-making work? Why should we ask those questions? The Bible tells us that Jehovah examines our thoughts and what is in our hearts, so we should do the same. (1 Chron. 28:9) If we see that we need to make some changes in our goals, attitude, or thinking, we should ask Jehovah to help us make those changes. Now is the time to prepare ourselves for the tests that lie ahead. w20.09 19 ¶19-20 Friday, June 17 Not one of you who does not say good-bye to all his belongings can be my disciple.​—Luke 14:33. Jesus illustrated the cost of becoming his disciple. He spoke about someone wanting to build a tower and about a king wanting to march into war. Jesus said that the builder must “first sit down and calculate the expense” to complete the tower and that the king must “first sit down and take counsel” to see whether his troops can accomplish what they intend to do. (Luke 14:27-32) Likewise, Jesus knew that a person who wants to become his disciple should analyze very carefully what it means to follow him. For that reason, we need to encourage prospective disciples to study with us every week. As the teacher, you need to prepare well for each Bible study session. With your student in mind, meditate in advance on how to present the information simply and clearly so that your student can easily understand and apply it.​—Neh. 8:8; Prov. 15:28a. w20.10 7 ¶5; 8 ¶7 Saturday, June 18 Go, therefore, and make disciples . . . , teaching them to observe all the things I have commanded you.​—Matt. 28:19, 20. Jesus’ instructions are clear. We must teach people the things that he commanded. However, we should not overlook an important detail. Jesus did not say: ‘Teach them all the things I have commanded you.’ Instead, he said: Teach them “to observe all the things I have commanded you.” To apply that specific instruction when teaching a Bible student, we need to be not only teachers but also guides. (Acts 8:31) To “observe” a command means to obey it. When we study the Bible with others, we teach them what God requires of us. But we must do more. We must teach our Bible students to apply in their daily life what they learn. (John 14:15; 1 John 2:3) By example, we can show our students how they can apply basic Scriptural principles at school, at work, or during recreation. In the presence of our students, we can pray to Jehovah that the holy spirit guide them.​—John 16:13. w20.11 2-3 ¶3-5 Sunday, June 19 “Not by a military force, nor by power, but by my spirit,” says Jehovah of armies.​—Zech. 4:6. Jesus’ disciples faced challenges. For example, copies of the Scriptures were few. There were no study aids such as we have today. And the disciples had to preach to people who spoke many different languages. In spite of all those challenges, those zealous disciples did the seemingly impossible​—within just a few decades, they had preached the good news “in all creation under heaven.” (Col. 1:6, 23) In modern times, Jehovah continues to direct and empower his people. The direction, of course, comes largely through God’s spirit-inspired Word. There we find a record of Jesus’ ministry and his command that his followers continue the work he started. (Matt. 28:19, 20) Jehovah is impartial; he foretold that the good news would be declared “to every nation and tribe and tongue and people.” (Rev. 14:6, 7) He wants the Kingdom message to be available to all. w20.10 21 ¶6-8 Monday, June 20 You save those who are humble, but your eyes are against the haughty.​—2 Sam. 22:28. King David was a man who loved “the law of Jehovah.” (Ps. 1:1-3) David knew that Jehovah saves those who are humble but opposes the haughty. So David allowed God’s law to adjust his thinking. He wrote: “I will praise Jehovah, who has given me advice. Even during the night, my innermost thoughts correct me.” (Ps. 16:7) If we are humble, we will allow God’s Word to correct our wrong thinking before we act on those thoughts. God’s Word will be like a voice that tells us: “This is the way. Walk in it.” It will warn us when we are straying from the path​—to the left or to the right. (Isa. 30:21) By listening to Jehovah, we will benefit ourselves in a number of ways. (Isa. 48:17) For instance, we will avoid the embarrassment of having to be corrected by someone else. And we will draw closer to Jehovah because we recognize that he is treating us like a beloved child.​—Heb. 12:7. w20.11 20 ¶6-7 Tuesday, June 21 When they heard of a resurrection of the dead, some began to scoff.​—Acts 17:32. Such thinking may have affected some in Corinth. (1 Cor. 15:12) Also, others may have thought of the resurrection in a figurative sense, meaning that a person was once “dead” in sin but had become “alive” as a Christian. Whatever their reason, denying the resurrection meant that their faith was in vain. If God did not resurrect Jesus, no ransom was paid and all remained in sin. So those who rejected the resurrection had no valid hope. (1 Cor. 15:13-19; Heb. 9:12, 14) The apostle Paul had firsthand knowledge that “Christ [had] been raised from the dead.” That resurrection was superior to the resurrection of those who had earlier been brought back to life on earth​—only to die again. Paul said that Jesus was “the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep in death.” He was the first person to be raised to life as a spirit being and the first one from mankind to ascend to heaven.​—1 Cor. 15:20; Acts 26:23; 1 Pet. 3:18, 22. w20.12 5 ¶11-12 Wednesday, June 22 They would deliver to them for observance the decrees that had been decided on by the apostles and the elders.​—Acts 16:4. In the first century, the governing body in Jerusalem worked unitedly to maintain order and peace among God’s people. (Acts 2:42) For example, when the issue of circumcision came to a head about 49 C.E., the governing body, under the direction of holy spirit, considered the matter. If the congregation had remained divided over this issue, the preaching work would have been hindered. Even though they were Jewish, the apostles and older men were not influenced by Jewish tradition or by those strongly promoting it. Rather, they looked to God’s Word and spirit for guidance. (Acts 15:1, 2, 5-20, 28) The result? Jehovah blessed their decision, peace and unity prevailed, and the preaching work moved ahead. (Acts 15:30, 31; 16:5) In modern times, Jehovah’s organization has also worked to maintain order and peace among Jehovah’s people. w20.10 22-23 ¶11-12 Thursday, June 23 My son Solomon [is] the one whom God has chosen.​—1 Chron. 29:1. Because of the limitations of age, health, or other factors, we may not be eligible to receive a certain theocratic assignment. In that connection, we can learn from the example of King David. When told that he had not been chosen to build God’s temple​—something that David had dearly hoped to do—​he gave full support to the one whom God had selected for the assignment. David even contributed generously toward the project. What an outstanding example to follow! (2 Sam. 7:12, 13; 1 Chron. 29:3-5) Because of health problems, Hugues, a brother in France, stopped serving as an elder, and he could not even care for simple tasks around the home. He writes: “At first, I felt worthless and deeply discouraged. But in time, I saw the importance of accepting my limitations, and I found joy in serving Jehovah within those limits. Like Gideon and his three hundred men​—all of whom were tired—​I will keep up the fight!”​—Judg. 8:4. w20.12 25 ¶14-15 Friday, June 24 Continue loving one another.​—1 John 4:7. In his account of Jesus’ life, the apostle John uses the words “love” and “loved” more often than the other three Gospel writers combined. His inspired writings reveal that love must influence everything a Christian does. (1 John 4:10, 11) However, it took time for John to learn that lesson. When John was a young man, he did not always show love. For example, on one occasion, Jesus and his disciples were traveling to Jerusalem through Samaria. A certain Samaritan village refused to show them hospitality. John proposed calling down fire from heaven and destroying all the inhabitants of the village! (Luke 9:52-56) On another occasion, John and his brother James apparently coaxed their mother into asking Jesus to give them prominent positions alongside him in the Kingdom. When the other apostles found out what James and John had done, they were furious! (Matt. 20:20, 21, 24) Nevertheless, despite all of John’s flaws, Jesus loved him.​—John 21:7. w21.01 8-9 ¶3-4 Saturday, June 25 The Christ did not please himself.​—Rom. 15:3. Jehovah makes decisions that are in the best interests of others. For example, he decided to create life, not to benefit himself, but to share with us the joy of living. No one could have forced him to give his Son to cover our sins. He willingly decided to make that sacrifice for our benefit. Jesus too made decisions that primarily benefited others. For example, he decided to forgo his own need for rest in order to teach a crowd of people. (Mark 6:31-34) A good family head knows that one of the most difficult things he must do is make wise decisions for his family, and he takes that responsibility seriously. He tries to avoid making decisions that are arbitrary or that are based purely on emotion. Instead, he allows Jehovah to train him. (Prov. 2:6, 7) That way, he will think of benefiting others, not himself. (Phil. 2:4) If a husband strives to follow the example set by Jehovah and Jesus, he will be a good family head. w21.02 7 ¶19-21 Sunday, June 26 Asa did what was good and right in the eyes of Jehovah his God.​—2 Chron. 14:2. As a young man, King Asa was humble and courageous. For example, when he succeeded his father, Abijah, he launched a campaign against idolatry. He also “told Judah to search for Jehovah the God of their forefathers and to observe the Law and the commandment.” (2 Chron. 14:1-7) And when Zerah the Ethiopian invaded Judah with 1,000,000 soldiers, Asa wisely turned to Jehovah for help, saying: “O Jehovah, it does not matter to you whether those you help are many or have no power. Help us, O Jehovah our God, for we are relying on you.” This beautiful expression shows how much confidence Asa had in Jehovah’s ability to save him and his people. Asa trusted in his heavenly Father, and “Jehovah defeated the Ethiopians.” (2 Chron. 14:8-12) You would no doubt agree that facing an army of 1,000,000 soldiers was a huge challenge, and it was one that Asa met successfully. w21.03 5 ¶12-13 Monday, June 27 Have tender affection for one another.​—Rom. 12:10. The Bible contains accounts of imperfect humans who showed tender affection. Consider the example of Jonathan and David. The Bible says: “Jonathan and David became bound together in close friendship, and Jonathan began to love him as himself.” (1 Sam. 18:1) David was anointed to succeed Saul as king. After that, Saul became resentful of David and tried to kill him. But Saul’s son Jonathan did not join his father in this murderous campaign against David. Jonathan and David promised to remain friends and always to support each other. (1 Sam. 20:42) The tender affection between Jonathan and David is all the more remarkable when we consider some factors that could have prevented them from becoming friends. For example, Jonathan was some 30 years older than David. Jonathan could have concluded that he had nothing in common with this much younger and less experienced man. Yet, Jonathan did not view or treat David as an inferior. w21.01 21-22 ¶6-7 Tuesday, June 28 Consider it all joy, my brothers, when you meet with various trials.​—Jas. 1:2. Jesus promised his followers that they would be genuinely happy. He also warned those who love him that they would face trials. (Matt. 10:22, 23; Luke 6:20-23) We find joy in being disciples of Christ. But how do we feel about the possibility of being opposed by our family, persecuted by the government, or pressured to do what is wrong by our workmates or schoolmates? Understandably, such possibilities can make us feel anxious. People do not normally view persecution as a reason to feel joyful. Yet, that is exactly what God’s Word tells us to do. For example, the disciple James wrote that instead of feeling overwhelmed, we should consider it a joy when we go through trials. (Jas. 1:2, 12) And Jesus said that we should be happy even when we are persecuted. (Matt. 5:11) Jehovah inspired James to write to Christians to give them practical advice that would help them remain joyful even when facing trials. w21.02 26 ¶1-2; 27 ¶5 Wednesday, June 29 [Turn] away from the empty speeches that violate what is holy.​—1 Tim. 6:20. Some of Timothy’s contemporaries failed to appreciate their privilege of being fellow workers with God. These included Demas, Phygelus, Hermogenes, Hymenaeus, Alexander, and Philetus. (1 Tim. 1:19, 20; 2 Tim. 1:15; 2:16-18; 4:10) Apparently, all these people were once spiritually strong, but they lost their sense of what was truly valuable. How does Satan try to make us give up the treasures that Jehovah has entrusted us with? Note some of Satan’s tactics. He uses entertainment and the media to promote values, thinking, and behavior that he hopes will cause us to loosen our grip on the truth. He attempts to intimidate us through peer pressure or persecution so that we will stop preaching. And he tries to entice us to listen to “the falsely called ‘knowledge’” of apostates so that we will abandon the truth. If we are not careful, we could gradually lose our grip on the truth.​—1 Tim. 6:21. w20.09 27 ¶6-8 Thursday, June 30 Jehovah will hear my request for favor; Jehovah will accept my prayer.​—Ps. 6:9. Has a friend or a family member betrayed your trust? If so, you would benefit by reviewing the account of King David’s son Absalom. (2 Sam. 15:5-14, 31; 18:6-14) With the account in mind, tell Jehovah how you are feeling about the way you have been mistreated. (Ps. 6:6-8) Next, imagine how David must have felt as all of this was happening to him. He loved Absalom and trusted Ahithophel. Yet, both of these close companions betrayed him. They hurt him deeply and even tried to kill him. David could have lost faith in his other friends, suspecting that they too had joined Absalom. He might have thought only of himself and have wanted to flee the country alone. Or he could just have given up in despair. Instead, he prayed to Jehovah for help. He also asked his friends to help him. And he acted quickly to implement the decisions he made. He continued to trust in Jehovah and to trust his friends. w21.03 15 ¶7-8; 17 ¶10-11
HOW YOUR DONATIONS ARE USED Literature Carts “for a Witness to All the Nations”
HOW YOUR DONATIONS ARE USED Literature Carts “for a Witness to All the Nations” APRIL 1, 2023 For over ten years, literature carts have been an eye-catching part of our ministry. Worldwide, the carts are easily recognized. Their design is not only distinctive but also practical. You may well agree with Asenata, a sister in Poland, who says: “The carts have a simple, modest design, yet are aesthetically pleasing. They are easy to set up and move.” Have you ever wondered how the carts were designed and made? An Effective Design In 2001, with Governing Body approval, our brothers and sisters in France began testing different methods of public witnessing, including the use of carts. They tried several designs. For example, they adapted luggage and grocery trolleys to advertise and store literature. Eventually, the France branch chose a standard design, which publishers used for many years. Early literature cart, France, 2005 The brothers in France were delighted with the results of their public witnessing initiative. So in 2011, the Governing Body approved a pilot program of public witnessing in New York City, U.S.A., using carts and tables. The pioneers involved in the program soon realized that the carts had many advantages, including their mobility. The pioneers also offered practical suggestions on how to improve the design of the carts. The early handmade wooden carts were quite heavy, making it hard to take them up and down steps. So they were redesigned to be lighter, but not so light that they would topple in the wind. The new design also incorporated larger and more shock-absorbent wheels, which helped on rough terrain. Additionally, a small box was added for storing extra literature. The pilot program was a success! So in 2012, the Governing Body approved the use of literature carts worldwide. Arrangements were made with a manufacturer to mass-produce them using lightweight yet durable materials. Over the years, minor refinements were made to the carts. For example, in 2015, a rain cover with a clear plastic front was added. Dina, who lives in the country of Georgia, appreciates this feature. She says, “The cart has its own ‘raincoat’ to protect the publications.” In 2017, magnetic posters were made available in some languages. Tomasz, a brother in Poland, says: “It took a lot of work to change the previous adhesive posters. The magnetic ones were a brilliant solution.” In 2019, still further changes were made both to the materials and to the manufacturing of the carts to make them even more durable. The Production of Literature Carts Literature carts are made by a single manufacturer and distributed globally. Currently, one cart costs $43 U.S., excluding shipping and other costs. To date, more than $16 million U.S. has been spent on carts, and over 420,000 have been shipped to congregations worldwide. To make the best use of donated funds, literature carts are ordered in bulk. Additionally, congregations can now order spare parts and make repairs on the carts instead of replacing them. Using Carts to Give a Witness Publishers around the world enjoy using literature carts. Martina, from Ghana, says: “In most avenues of our ministry, we approach people. What I like about cart witnessing is that people approach us. Even passersby can get a witness.” In another African country, a man approached a cart and obtained publications in his language. He came back a week later and said: “I read all the literature. The information is very important. I am going to share it with my family in my village,” which was some 500 kilometers (311 mi) away. Two months later, he returned and said: “The people in my village read all the literature, and they were very happy with the information. They want to become Jehovah’s Witnesses. But they have questions. For example, they understand that to be baptized, they have to be immersed in water. However, we don’t have a river near our village. Do we have to come here to be baptized?” The publishers put this man in contact with a pioneer who speaks his language. Since then, the two have been enjoying regular discussions. It is exciting to see literature carts being used to preach “in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations.” (Matthew 24:14) How are the manufacturing costs covered? By donations to the worldwide work, many of which are made via Thank you for your generosity.
“All Scripture” (si) 1990
Bible Book Number 5​—Deuteronomy Writer: Moses Place Written: Plains of Moab Writing Completed: 1473 B.C.E. Time Covered: 2 months (1473 B.C.E.) 1. What questions may be asked in connection with Israel’s entry into the Promised Land? THE book of Deuteronomy contains a dynamic message for Jehovah’s people. After wandering in the wilderness for 40 years, the sons of Israel now stood on the threshold of the Land of Promise. What lay ahead of them? What were the peculiar problems that they would face on the other side of the Jordan? What would Moses finally have to say to the nation? We may also ask, Why is it beneficial for us today to know the answers to these questions? 2. In what outstanding way is Deuteronomy important? 2 The answers are to be found in the words that Moses spoke and that he recorded in the fifth book of the Bible, Deuteronomy. Though it restates much from the earlier books, Deuteronomy is important in its own outstanding way. Why so? It adds emphasis to the divine message, being provided at a time in the history of Jehovah’s people when they really needed dynamic leadership and positive direction. They were about to enter the Promised Land under a new leader. They needed encouragement to go forward, and at the same time they needed divine warning to enable them to take the right course leading to Jehovah’s blessing. 3. What does Moses emphasize throughout Deuteronomy, and why is this important to us today? 3 In accord with the need, Moses was moved mightily by Jehovah’s spirit to make a forthright appeal to Israel to be obedient and faithful. Throughout the entire book, he emphasizes that Jehovah is the Most High God, who exacts exclusive devotion and who desires his people to ‘love him with all their heart and all their soul and all their vital force.’ He is “the God of gods and the Lord of lords, the God great, mighty and fear-inspiring, who treats none with partiality nor accepts a bribe.” He tolerates no rivalry. To obey him means life, to disobey, death. Jehovah’s instruction, as given in Deuteronomy, was just the preparation and counsel that Israel needed for the momentous tasks that lay ahead of them. It is also the kind of admonition we need today so that we may keep walking in the fear of Jehovah, sanctifying his name in the midst of a corrupt world.​—Deut. 5:9, 10; 6:4-6; 10:12-22. 4. What is the meaning of the name Deuteronomy, and what is the purpose of the book? 4 The name Deuteronomy comes from the input in the Greek Septuagint translation, Deu·te·ro·noʹmi·on, which combines deuʹte·ros, meaning “second,” with noʹmos, meaning “law.” It therefore means “Second Law; Repetition of the Law.” This comes from the Greek rendering of the Hebrew phrase in Deuteronomy 17:18, mish·nehʹ hat·toh·rahʹ, correctly rendered ‘copy of the law.’ Despite the meaning of the name Deuteronomy, however, this Bible book is not a second law nor a mere repetition of the Law. Instead, it is an explanation of the Law, exhorting Israel to love and obey Jehovah in the Promised Land that they would soon be entering.​—1:5. 5. What proves that Moses was the writer of Deuteronomy? 5 This being the fifth roll, or volume, of the Pentateuch, the writer must have been the same as for the preceding four books, namely, Moses. The opening statement identifies Deuteronomy as “the words that Moses spoke to all Israel,” and later expressions, such as “Moses wrote this law” and “Moses wrote this song,” clearly prove his writership. His name appears nearly 40 times in the book, usually as authority for the statements made. The first person, referring to Moses, is used predominantly throughout. The closing verses were added after Moses’ death, most likely by Joshua or by Eleazar the high priest.​—1:1; 31:9, 22, 24-26. 6. (a) What time period is covered by Deuteronomy? (b) By when was the book practically complete? 6 When did the events of Deuteronomy take place? At the outset, the book itself states that “in the fortieth year, in the eleventh month, on the first of the month, Moses spoke to the sons of Israel.” On completion of the record in Deuteronomy, the book of Joshua takes up the account three days before the crossing of the Jordan, which was “on the tenth of the first month.” (Deut. 1:3; Josh. 1:11; 4:19) This leaves a period of two months and one week for the events of Deuteronomy. However, 30 days of this nine-week period were spent mourning the death of Moses. (Deut. 34:8) This means that practically all the events of Deuteronomy must have occurred in the 11th month of the 40th year. By the close of that month, the writing of the book must also have been practically complete, with Moses’ death coming early in the 12th month of the 40th year, or early in 1473 B.C.E. 7. What shows that Deuteronomy is authentic? 7 The proofs already submitted for the authenticity of the first four books of the Pentateuch hold also for Deuteronomy, the fifth book. It is also one of the four books in the Hebrew Scriptures most often cited in the Christian Greek Scriptures, the others being Genesis, Psalms, and Isaiah. There are 83 of these citations, and only six of the books in the Christian Greek Scriptures omit alluding to Deuteronomy.a 8. What conclusive testimony by Jesus bears out the authenticity of Deuteronomy? 8 Jesus himself gives the strongest testimony in support of Deuteronomy. At the outset of his ministry, he was three times tempted by the Devil, and three times he came back with the answer, “It is written.” Written where? Why, in the book of Deuteronomy (8:3; 6:16, 13), which Jesus quoted as his inspired authority: “Man must live, not on bread alone, but on every utterance coming forth through Jehovah’s mouth.” “You must not put Jehovah your God to the test.” “It is Jehovah your God you must worship, and it is to him alone you must render sacred service.” (Matt. 4:1-11) Later, when the Pharisees came testing him with regard to God’s commandments, Jesus quoted in reply “the greatest and first commandment” from Deuteronomy 6:5. (Matt. 22:37, 38; Mark 12:30; Luke 10:27) Jesus’ testimony conclusively stamps Deuteronomy as authentic. 9. What external evidence vindicates Deuteronomy? 9 Moreover, the events and statements in the book fit exactly the historical situation and surroundings. The references to Egypt, Canaan, Amalek, Ammon, Moab, and Edom are faithful to the times, and place-names are accurately stated.b Archaeology continues to bring to light proof upon proof as to the integrity of Moses’ writings. Henry H. Halley writes: “Archaeology has been speaking so loudly of late that it is causing a decided reaction toward the conservative view [that Moses wrote the Pentateuch]. The theory that writing was unknown in Moses’ day is absolutely exploded. And every year there are being dug up in Egypt, Palestine and Mesopotamia, evidences, both in inscriptions and earth layers, that the narratives of the [Hebrew Scriptures] are true historical records. And ‘scholarship’ is coming to have decidedly more respect for the tradition of Mosaic authorship.”c Thus, even external evidence supports Deuteronomy, as well as the rest of the Pentateuch, as being a genuine, authentic record made by God’s prophet Moses. outputS OF DEUTERONOMY 10. Of what is Deuteronomy composed? 10 The book is mainly composed of a series of discourses that Moses delivered to the sons of Israel on the Plains of Moab opposite Jericho. The first of these concludes in chapter 4, the second runs to the end of chapter 26, the third continues through chapter 28, and another discourse extends to the end of chapter 30. Then, after Moses makes final arrangements in view of his approaching death, including the commissioning of Joshua as his successor, he records a most beautiful song to Jehovah’s praise, followed by a blessing on the tribes of Israel. 11. How does Moses introduce his first discourse? 11 Moses’ first discourse (1:1–4:49). This provides a historical introduction to what follows. Moses first reviews Jehovah’s faithful dealings with His people. Moses is telling them to go in and take possession of the land promised to their forefathers Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. He recounts how Jehovah coordinated the activity of this theocratic community at the outset of the wilderness trek by having him, Moses, select wise, discreet, and experienced men to act as chiefs of thousands, of hundreds, of fifties, and of tens. There was splendid organization, watched over by Jehovah, as Israel “went marching through all that great and fear-inspiring wilderness.”​—1:19. 12. What events surrounding the initial spying out of Canaan does he next recall? 12 Moses now recalls their sin of rebellion when they heard the report of the spies returning from Canaan and complained that Jehovah hated them because, they charged, He had brought them up out of Egypt only to abandon them to the Amorites. For their lack of faith, Jehovah told that evil generation that none of them, except Caleb and Joshua, would see the good land. At this they again behaved rebelliously, getting all heated up and making their own independent assault on the enemy, only to have the Amorites chase them like a swarm of bees and scatter them. 13. On what basis did Moses assure Joshua of victory? 13 They traveled in the wilderness down toward the Red Sea, and during 38 years, all the generation of the men of war died off. Jehovah then commanded them to cross over and take possession of the land north of the Arnon, saying: “This day I shall start to put the dread of you and the fear of you before the peoples beneath all the heavens, who will hear the report about you; and they will indeed be agitated and have pains like those of childbirth because of you.” (2:25) Sihon and his land fell to the Israelites, and then Og’s kingdom was occupied. Moses assured Joshua that Jehovah would fight for Israel in the same way in overcoming all the kingdoms. Moses then asked God if he himself might by any means pass over to the good land beyond the Jordan, but Jehovah continued to refuse this, telling him to commission, encourage, and strengthen Joshua. 14. What emphasis does Moses place on God’s Law and on exclusive devotion? 14 Moses now lays great emphasis on God’s Law, warning against adding to or taking away from His commandments. Disobedience will bring disaster: “Only watch out for yourself and take good care of your soul, that you may not forget the things that your eyes have seen and that they may not depart from your heart all the days of your life; and you must make them known to your sons and to your grandsons.” (4:9) They saw no form when Jehovah stated the Ten Words to them under fearsome circumstances in Horeb. It will be ruination to them if they now turn to idolatry and image worship, for, as Moses says, “Jehovah your God is a consuming fire, a God exacting exclusive devotion.” (4:24) He it was who had loved their forefathers and had chosen them. There is no other God in the heavens above or on the earth beneath. Obey Him, Moses exhorts, “that you may lengthen your days on the soil that Jehovah your God is giving you, always.”​—4:40. 15. What arrangement for cities of refuge is made east of the Jordan? 15 After concluding this powerful speech, Moses proceeds to set apart Bezer, Ramoth, and Golan as cities of refuge to the east of the Jordan. 16. What does Moses’ second discourse stress? 16 Moses’ second discourse (5:1–26:19). This is a call to Israel to hear Jehovah, who spoke with them face-to-face at Sinai. Note how Moses restates the Law with some necessary adjustments, thus adapting it for their new life across the Jordan. It is no mere recounting of regulations and ordinances. Every word shows that the heart of Moses is full of zeal and devotion to his God. He speaks for the welfare of the nation. Obedience to the Law is stressed throughout​—obedience from a loving heart, not by compulsion. 17. How must Israel reciprocate the love that Jehovah has shown them? 17 First, Moses repeats the Ten Words, the Ten Commandments, and tells Israel to obey them, not turning to the right or to the left, that they may lengthen their days in the land and that they may become very many. “Listen, O Israel: Jehovah our God is one Jehovah.” (6:4) Heart, soul, and vital force must be given to loving Him, and Israel must teach their sons and tell them of the great signs and miracles that Jehovah performed in Egypt. There are to be no marriage alliances with the idolatrous Canaanites. Jehovah has chosen Israel to become his special property, not because they are populous, but because he loves them and will keep the sworn statement he made with their forefathers. Israel must shun the snare of demon religion, destroy the images out of the land, and hold to Jehovah, truly “a great and fear-inspiring God.”​—7:21. 18. Against what does Moses exhort the Israelites to guard themselves? 18 Jehovah humbled them for 40 years in the wilderness, teaching them that man lives, not by manna or bread, but by every expression of Jehovah’s mouth. During all those years of correction, their clothing did not wear out, nor did their feet become swollen. Now they are about to enter a land of wealth and plenty! However, they must guard against the snares of materialism and self-righteousness and remember that Jehovah is ‘the giver of power to make wealth’ and the dispossessor of the wicked nations. (8:18) Moses then recounts occasions when Israel provoked God. They must remember how Jehovah’s anger blazed against them in the wilderness, with plague and fire and slaughter! They must remember their ruinous worship of the golden calf, which resulted in Jehovah’s hot anger and the remaking of the tablets of the Law! (Ex. 32:1-10, 35; 17:2-7; Num. 11:1-3, 31-35; 14:2-38) Surely they must now serve and cling to Jehovah, who has loved them for their fathers’ sakes and had constituted them “like the stars of the heavens for multitude.”​—Deut. 10:22. 19. What choice is clearly stated, and what laws are outlined for the nation? 19 Israel must keep “the whole commandment,” and they must without fail obey Jehovah, loving him as their God and serving him with all their heart and all their soul. (11:8, 13) Jehovah will back them up and reward them if they obey him. However, they must apply themselves and diligently teach their sons. The choice before Israel is clearly stated: Obedience leads to blessing, disobedience to malediction. They must not “walk after other gods.” (11:26-28) Moses then outlines specific laws affecting Israel as they move in to take possession of the Land of Promise. There are (1) laws touching religion and worship; (2) laws relating to administration of justice, government, and war; and (3) laws regulating the private and social life of the people. 20. What points highlight the laws concerning worship? 20 (1) Religion and worship (12:1–16:17). When the Israelites enter the land, every vestige of false religion​—its high places, altars, pillars, sacred poles, and images—​must be absolutely destroyed. Israel must worship only in the place where Jehovah their God chooses to put his name, and there they must rejoice in him, all of them. Regulations on the eating of meat and sacrifices include repeated reminders that they must not eat blood. “Simply be firmly resolved not to eat the blood . . . You must not eat it, in order that it may go well with you and your sons after you, because you will do what is right in Jehovah’s eyes.” (12:16, 23-25, 27; 15:23) Moses now launches into an outspoken condemnation of idolatry. Israel must not even inquire into the ways of false religion. If a prophet is proved to be false, he must be put to death, and apostates​—even one’s dear relative or friend, yes, even entire cities—​must likewise be devoted to destruction. Next come regulations on clean and unclean food, the payment of tenths, and the care of the Levites. The interests of debtors, the poor, and bond slaves are to be lovingly protected. Finally, Moses reviews the annual festivals as times to thank Jehovah for his blessing: “Three times in the year every male of yours should appear before Jehovah your God in the place that he will choose: in the festival of the unfermented cakes and in the festival of weeks and in the festival of booths, and none should appear before Jehovah empty-handed.”​—16:16. 21. What laws are given relating to justice, and what important prophecy does Moses utter? 21 (2) Justice, government, and war (16:18–20:20). First of all, Moses gives the laws affecting judges and officers. Justice is the important thing, bribes and perverted judgment being hateful to Jehovah. The procedures in establishing evidence and handling legal cases are outlined. “At the mouth of two witnesses or of three witnesses the one dying should be put to death.” (17:6) Laws are stated concerning kings. Provision is made for the priests and Levites. Spiritism is outlawed as “detestable to Jehovah.” (18:12) Looking far into the future, Moses declares: “A prophet from your own midst, from your brothers, like me, is what Jehovah your God will raise up for you​—to him you people should listen.” (18:15-19) However, a false prophet must die. This section closes with laws concerning cities of refuge and the avenging of blood, as well as qualifications for military exemptions and the rules of war. 22. Laws governing what private and social matters are discussed? 22 (3) Private and social life (21:1–26:19). Laws touching the everyday life of the Israelites are set forth on such matters as a person found slain, marriage to captive women, the right of the firstborn, a rebellious son, the hanging of a criminal on a stake, evidence of virginity, sex crimes, castration, illegitimate sons, treatment of foreigners, sanitation, payment of interest and vows, divorce, kidnapping, loans, wages, and harvest gleanings. The limit for beating a man is to be 40 strokes. A bull must not be muzzled while threshing. The procedure for brother-in-law marriage is outlined. Accurate weights must be used, for injustice is detestable to Jehovah. 23. What does Moses show will result when God’s people obey His commandments? 23 Before concluding this fervent discourse, Moses recalls how Amalek struck the weary Israelites from the rear as they fled from Egypt, and Moses commands Israel to “wipe out the mention of Amalek from under the heavens.” (25:19) When they enter into the land, they must offer the firstfruits of the soil with rejoicing, and they must also offer the tithes with the thankful prayer to Jehovah: “Do look down from your holy dwelling, the heavens, and bless your people Israel and the soil that you have given us, just as you swore to our forefathers, the land flowing with milk and honey.” (26:15) If they carry out these commandments with all their heart and soul, Jehovah, on his part, will ‘put them high above all the other nations that he has made, resulting in praise and reputation and beauty, while they prove themselves a people holy to Jehovah their God, just as he has promised.’​—26:19. 24. What blessings and cursings does the third discourse set before Israel? 24 Moses’ third discourse (27:1–28:68). In this the older men of Israel and the priests are associated with Moses as he recites at length Jehovah’s curses for disobedience and the blessings for faithfulness. Dire warnings are given concerning the fearful results of unfaithfulness. If Israel as his holy people keep listening to the voice of Jehovah their God, they will enjoy wonderful blessings, and all the peoples of the earth will see that Jehovah’s name is called upon them. However, if they fail in this, Jehovah will send upon them “the curse, confusion and rebuke.” (28:20) They will be stricken by loathsome disease, by drought, and by famine; their enemies will pursue and enslave them, and they will be scattered and annihilated out of the land. These curses, and more, will come upon them if they “will not take care to carry out all the words of this law that are written in this book so as to fear this glorious and fear-inspiring name, even Jehovah, [their] God.”​—28:58. 25. (a) What covenant does Jehovah now conclude with Israel? (b) What choice does Moses place before the people? 25 Moses’ fourth discourse (29:1–30:20). Jehovah now concludes a covenant with Israel at Moab. This incorporates the Law, as restated and explained by Moses, that will guide Israel as they enter the Land of Promise. The solemn oath accompanying the covenant drives home the nation’s responsibilities. Finally, Moses calls the heavens and the earth to witness as he places before the people life and death, the blessing and the malediction, and exhorts: “You must choose life in order that you may keep alive, you and your offspring, by loving Jehovah your God, by listening to his voice and by sticking to him; for he is your life and the length of your days, that you may dwell upon the ground that Jehovah swore to your forefathers Abraham, Isaac and Jacob to give to them.”​—30:19, 20. 26. What final arrangements does Moses make before his death? 26 Commissioning of Joshua, and Moses’ song (31:1–32:47). Chapter 31 relates how, after writing the Law and giving instructions concerning the regular public reading of it, Moses commissions Joshua, telling him to be courageous and strong, and then how Moses prepares a memorial song and completes the writing of the words of the Law and arranges for it to be placed at the side of the ark of the covenant of Jehovah. After that, Moses speaks the words of the song to all the congregation as a final exhortation. 27. What powerful message is contained in Moses’ song? 27 How appreciatively does Moses’ song open, identifying the refreshing Source of his instruction! “My instruction will drip as the rain, my saying will trickle as the dew, as gentle rains upon grass and as copious showers upon vegetation. For I shall declare the name of Jehovah.” Yes, attribute greatness to “our God,” “the Rock.” (32:2-4) Make known his perfect activity, his just ways, and his faithfulness, righteousness, and uprightness. It was shameful that Israel acted ruinously, though Jehovah encircled them in an empty, howling desert, safeguarding them as the pupil of his eye and hovering over them as an eagle over its fledglings. He made his people fat, calling them Jeshurun, “Upright One,” but they incited him to jealousy with strange gods and became “sons in whom there is no faithfulness.” (32:20) Vengeance and retribution are Jehovah’s. He puts to death and makes alive. When he sharpens his glittering sword and his hand takes hold on judgment, he will indeed pay back vengeance to his adversaries. What confidence this should inspire in his people! As the song says in climax, it is a time to “be glad, you nations, with his people.” (32:43) What worldly poet could ever approach the exalted beauty, power, and depth of meaning of this song to Jehovah? 28. How is Jehovah exalted in Moses’ final blessing? 28 Moses’ final blessing (32:48–34:12). Moses is now given final instructions concerning his death, but he is not yet through with his theocratic service. First, he must bless Israel, and in doing this, he again extols Jehovah, the King in Jeshurun, as beaming forth with his holy myriads. By name the tribes receive individual blessings, and then Moses praises Jehovah as the eminent One: “A hiding place is the God of ancient time, and underneath are the indefinitely lasting arms.” (33:27) From a heart brimming with appreciation, he then speaks his final words to the nation: “Happy you are, O Israel! Who is there like you, a people enjoying salvation in Jehovah?”​—33:29. 29. In what ways was Moses outstanding? 29 After viewing the Land of Promise from Mount Nebo, Moses dies, and Jehovah buries him in Moab, his tomb being unknown and unhonored to this day. He lived to be 120 years of age, but “his eye had not grown dim, and his vital strength had not fled.” Jehovah had used him to perform great signs and miracles, and as the final chapter reports, there had not yet “risen up a prophet in Israel like Moses, whom Jehovah knew face to face.”​—34:7, 10. WHY BENEFICIAL 30. How does Deuteronomy provide a fitting conclusion to the Pentateuch? 30 As the concluding book of the Pentateuch, Deuteronomy ties together all that has gone before in declaring and sanctifying the great name of Jehovah God. He alone is God, exacting exclusive devotion and tolerating no rivalry by demon gods of false religious worship. In this day, all Christians must give earnest attention to the great principles underlying God’s law and obey him so that they will be free of his curse as he sharpens his glittering sword for execution of vengeance on his adversaries. His greatest and first commandment must become the guidepost in their lives: “You must love Jehovah your God with all your heart and all your soul and all your vital force.”​—6:5. 31. How do other inspired scriptures draw on Deuteronomy in enriching appreciation for God’s purposes? 31 The rest of the Scriptures frequently refer to Deuteronomy to enrich appreciation for the divine purposes. In addition to his quotations in answering the Tempter, Jesus made many other references. (Deut. 5:16​—Matt. 15:4; Deut. 17:6​—Matt. 18:16 and John 8:17) These continue into Revelation, where the glorified Jesus finally warns against adding to or taking away from the scroll of Jehovah’s prophecy. (Deut. 4:2​—Rev. 22:18) Peter quotes from Deuteronomy in clinching his powerful argument that Jesus is the Christ and the Prophet greater than Moses whom Jehovah promised to raise up in Israel. (Deut. 18:15-19​—Acts 3:22, 23) Paul quotes from it with reference to rewards for workers, thorough investigation at the mouth of witnesses, and the instruction of children.​—Deut. 25:4​—1 Cor. 9:8-10 and; 1 Tim. 5:17, 18; Deut. 13:14 and De 19:15​—1 Tim. 5:19 and; 2 Cor. 13:1; Deut. 5:16​—Eph. 6:2, 3. 32. In what respect are Joshua, Gideon, and the prophets fine examples for us? 32 Not only the writers of the Christian Scriptures but also God’s servants of pre-Christian times drew instruction and encouragement from Deuteronomy. We do well to follow their example. Consider the implicit obedience of Moses’ successor, Joshua, in devoting conquered cities to destruction during the invasion of Canaan, taking no spoil as did Achan. (Deut. 20:15-18 and De 21:23​—Josh. 8:24-27, 29) Gideon’s elimination of those “afraid and trembling” from his army was in obedience to the Law. (Deut. 20:1-9​—Judg. 7:1-11) It was out of faithfulness to the law of Jehovah that the prophets in Israel and Judah spoke boldly and courageously in condemnation of backsliding nations. Amos provides an excellent example of this. (Deut. 24:12-15​—Amos 2:6-8) Indeed, there are literally hundreds of examples tying Deuteronomy in with the rest of God’s Word, thus showing that it is an integral and beneficial part of the harmonious whole. 33. (a) How does Deuteronomy breathe praise to Jehovah? (b) What does the accompanying table show as to the worldly nations’ recognition of principles of God’s law? 33 The very essence of Deuteronomy breathes praise to the Sovereign God, Jehovah. It stresses throughout: ‘Worship Jehovah; render him exclusive devotion.’ Though the Law is no longer binding upon Christians, its underlying principles have not been abrogated. (Gal. 3:19) How much true Christians can learn from this dynamic book of God’s law, with its progressive teaching, candor, and simplicity of presentation! Why, even the nations of the world have recognized the excellence of Jehovah’s supreme law, writing many of the regulations of Deuteronomy into their own lawbooks. The accompanying table gives interesting examples of laws that they have drawn on or applied in principle. 34. What connection is there between this “Repetition of the Law” and God’s Kingdom? 34 Moreover, this explanation of the Law points to and heightens appreciation of God’s Kingdom. How so? While on earth the King-Designate, Jesus Christ, was thoroughly acquainted with the book and applied it, as his skillful references to it show. In spreading his Kingdom rule over all the earth, he will govern according to the right principles of this same “law,” and all who come to bless themselves in him as the Kingdom “seed” will have to obey these principles. (Gen. 22:18; Deut. 7:12-14) It is beneficial and advantageous to start obeying them now. Far from being out-of-date, this 3,500-year-old “law” speaks to us today in dynamic tones, and it will keep on speaking right on into the new world under God’s Kingdom. May Jehovah’s name continue to be sanctified among his people in the application of all the beneficial instruction of the Pentateuch, which so gloriously reaches its climax in Deuteronomy​—certainly an inspired and inspiring part of “all Scripture”! [Footnotes] a See the list of “Quotations from the Old Testament” in The New Testament in Original Greek, by B. F. Westcott and F. J. A. Hort, 1956, pages 601-18. b Deuteronomy 3:9, footnote. c Halley’s Bible Handbook, 1988, Henry H. Halley, page 56. [Chart on page 41] SOME LEGAL PRECEDENTS IN DEUTERONOMYd I. Personal and family laws Chapters and Verses A. Personal relations 1. Parents and children 5:16 2. Marriage relations 22:30; 27:20, 22, 23 3. Laws of divorce 22:13-19, 28, 29 B. Property rights 22:1-4  II. Constitutional laws A. Qualifications and duties 17:14-20 of the king B. Military regulations 1. Exemptions from military 20:1, 5-7; 24:5 service 2. Minor officers 20:9 III. The judiciary A. Duties of judges 16:18, 20 B. Supreme court of appeal 17:8-11  IV. Criminal laws A. Crimes against the state 1. Bribery, perverting justice 16:19, 20 2. Perjury 5:20 B. Crimes against morality 1. Adultery 5:18; 22:22-24 2. Unlawful marriage 22:30; 27:20, 22, 23 C. Crimes against the person 1. Murder and assault 5:17; 27:24 2. Rape and seduction 22:25-29  V. Humane laws A. Kindness toward animals 25:4; 22:6, 7 B. Consideration for the 24:6, 10-18 unfortunate C. Building safety code 22:8 D. Treatment of dependent 15:12-15; 21:10-14; classes, including slaves 27:18, 19 and captives E. Philanthropic provisions 14:28, 29; 15:1-11; for the needy 16:11, 12; 24:19-22 [Footnotes] d Israel’s Laws and Legal Precedents, 1907, C. F. Kent, pages vii through xviii; see also Insight on the Scriptures, Vol. 2, pages 214-20.
Honesty Is Practical
Honesty Is Practical “Bread gained by falsehood is pleasurable to a man, but afterward his mouth will be filled with gravel.”​—Proverbs 20:17. IS IT necessary to resort to dishonest practices to succeed in business? The answer is no. In fact, dishonesty is frequently self-defeating. Why? Because of what has been called “the integrity edge.” Integrity generates trust, an essential ingredient for long-term success. The Value of Trust Your reputation for honesty affects your success​—whether you are aware of it or not. The experience of Franz, who was quoted in the preceding article, bears this out. “When I first started working for my employers,” he says, “they subjected my honesty and integrity to a series of tests without my knowledge. As I later came to know, I passed. As a result, I have been entrusted with more responsibility and freedom and the owners have rewarded me for my honesty. I know that there are other people who could do my job better than I can and who are certainly cleverer than I am. However, I think my job has been secure because of the trust my employers have in me.” Avoid Unwise Risks David, a businessman quoted in the preceding article, observes: “As I watched individuals bend the rules to gain a short-term advantage, I thought to myself, ‘Sometimes the invoice is delayed, but it will always arrive.’ In other words, dishonest activity will eventually bring problems in one way or another. We turned down many questionable business opportunities. Many of the companies participating in these activities later disappeared, and some individuals were prosecuted. Our company avoided such tragedies.” While establishing a cattle ranch in southeast Africa, Ken could have been tempted to bribe officials to expedite imports and help him to avoid paying duty. He says: “Many other ranchers gave in to this common practice. Because we did things honestly, it took ten years to get our ranch running. Was it worth it? Yes! Those paying bribes were continually harassed afterward by corrupt officials wanting additional payments.” Coping With Economic Challenges When a struggling business faces potential failure, the pressure to resort to dishonesty is great. However, such circumstances can also reveal the value of an honest reputation. Consider the example of Bill, whose construction business failed during the downturn in the housing industry in the United States. He relates: “A number of our large customers went out of business owing us hundreds of thousands of dollars. When things began to look hopeless, I approached a competitor to see if they would hire any of us. Within 48 hours of the meeting, they offered to hire me and most of my employees. I was told that my reputation for good service and honesty was well-known.” All the people whose experiences are related above are Jehovah’s Witnesses. Their business standards, like all other aspects of their lives, are based on the Bible. As you can see, rather than hindering their business success, their honesty has brought them practical benefits. Yet, there will always be situations in which dishonesty appears to offer advantages. Are financial rewards the sole measure of success? [Blurb on page 6] Your reputation for honesty affects your success​—whether you are aware of it or not [Picture on page 7] “I was told that my reputation for good service and honesty was well-known.”​—Bill, United States
Greatest Man (gt) 1991
Chapter 16 Zeal for Jehovah’s Worship JESUS’ half brothers​—Mary’s other sons—​are James, Joseph, Simon, and Judas. Before these all travel with Jesus and his disciples to Capernaum, a city near the Sea of Galilee, perhaps they stop at their home in Nazareth so that the family can pack the things they will need. But why does Jesus go to Capernaum rather than carry on his ministry in Cana, in Nazareth, or in some other place in the hills of Galilee? For one thing, Capernaum is more prominently situated and is evidently a larger city. Also, most of Jesus’ newly acquired disciples live in or near Capernaum, so they will not have to leave their homes to receive training from him. During his stay in Capernaum, Jesus performs marvelous works, as he himself testifies some months later. But soon Jesus and his companions are on the road again. It is spring, and they are on their way to Jerusalem to attend the Passover of 30 C.E. While there, his disciples see something about Jesus that they have perhaps not seen before. According to God’s Law, Israelites are required to make animal sacrifices. So, for their convenience, merchants in Jerusalem sell animals or birds for this purpose. But they are selling right inside the temple, and they are cheating the people by charging them too much. Filled with indignation, Jesus makes a whip of ropes and drives the sellers out. He pours out the coins of the money changers and overturns their tables. “Take these things away from here!” he cries out to those selling the doves. “Stop making the house of my Father a house of merchandise!” When Jesus’ disciples see this, they remember the prophecy about God’s Son: “The zeal for your house will eat me up.” But the Jews ask: “What sign have you to show us, since you are doing these things?” Jesus answers: “Break down this temple, and in three days I will raise it up.” The Jews assume that Jesus is talking about the literal temple, and so they ask: “This temple was built in forty-six years, and will you raise it up in three days?” However, Jesus is talking about the temple of his body. And three years later, his disciples remember this saying of his when he is raised from the dead. John 2:12-22; Matthew 13:55; Luke 4:23. ▪ After the wedding in Cana, to what places does Jesus travel? ▪ Why is Jesus indignant, and what does he do? ▪ What do Jesus’ disciples recall on seeing his actions? ▪ What does Jesus say about “this temple,” and what does he mean?
Water That Leads to Life
Water That Leads to Life Jesus had been traveling through Samaria, north of Jerusalem. He was tired and thirsty. As he sat by a well, he asked a Samaritan woman to draw up water for him. She was shocked that a Jew would ask her for water, since in the first century, there was little love between Jews and Samaritans. The perplexed woman asked Jesus: “How is it that you, despite being a Jew, ask me for a drink, when I am a Samaritan woman?” Jesus answered: “If you had known the free gift of God and who it is that says to you, ‘Give me a drink,’ you would have asked him, and he would have given you living water.” Jesus further explained to her: “Everyone drinking from this water will get thirsty again. Whoever drinks from the water that I will give him will never get thirsty at all, but the water that I will give him will become in him a fountain of water bubbling up to impart everlasting life.”​—John 4:1-15. To what water did Jesus refer? THE Bible calls the Creator, Jehovah God, “the source of living water.” (Jeremiah 2:13) Life is a gift from God, and our existence depends upon availing ourselves of the water he provides, both in a physical sense and a spiritual sense. There has never been more of a need for spiritual guidance than there is today. Indeed, it could be said that a spiritual drought plagues our planet. People thirst for answers to such questions as: Where are the dead? Is there hope of ever being reunited with them? Why does God permit suffering? Will the future bring relief from war, crime, famine, and sickness? Jehovah’s Witnesses believe that satisfying answers to these questions can be found in the refreshing “waters” of God’s Word, the Bible. When Jesus spoke to the Samaritan woman at the well, as described earlier, he alluded to the life-giving waters of truth that we can find flowing from God’s Word. Jehovah’s Witnesses invite you to taste the pure waters of truth. This invitation is expressed in the last book of the Bible: “Let anyone thirsting come; let anyone that wishes take life’s water free.”​—Revelation 22:17. To learn more about how God’s Kingdom will benefit mankind, contact Jehovah’s Witnesses at the nearest Kingdom Hall or write to the appropriate address listed on page 5 of this magazine. You may also consult the Web site [Box on page 8, 9] HAS RELIGION QUENCHED MAN’S THIRST? Simply going to church or claiming to be religious does not bring a person into contact with refreshing waters of truth. The fact is, many of today’s mainstream religions have added to man’s problems rather than solved them. Consider one example: In times of war, Catholics have killed Catholics, Protestants have killed Protestants​—with both sides imploring God for victory! Added to that are numerous reports of church scandals involving clergymen who have embezzled funds or sexually abused minors. Truly, the waters dispensed by most religions are polluted. (Revelation 17:4-6; 18:1-5) The situation is as described in the Bible at Titus 1:16: “They publicly declare they know God, but they disown him by their works.” For the most part, religion has done little to quench man’s thirst in these times of spiritual drought. [Box/​Picture on page 9] In 19 chapters, the 224-page publication What Does the Bible Really Teach? explains the Bible’s answers to such basic questions as: “What is God’s purpose for the earth?” “Where are the dead?” “Are we living in ‘the last days’?” “Why does God allow suffering?” [Picture on page 9] You can find the ‘waters of truth’ at your local Kingdom Hall
Greatest Man (gt) 1991
Chapter 128 Jesus Is Alive! WHEN the women find Jesus’ tomb empty, Mary Magdalene runs off to tell Peter and John. However, the other women evidently remain at the tomb. Soon, an angel appears and invites them inside. Here the women see yet another angel, and one of the angels says to them: “Do not you be fearful, for I know you are looking for Jesus who was impaled. He is not here, for he was raised up, as he said. Come, see the place where he was lying. And go quickly and tell his disciples that he was raised up from the dead.” So with fear and great joy, these women also run off. By this time, Mary has found Peter and John, and she reports to them: “They have taken away the Lord out of the memorial tomb, and we do not know where they have laid him.” Immediately the two apostles take off running. John is fleeter of foot​—evidently being younger—​and he reaches the tomb first. By this time the women have left, so no one is around. Stooping down, John peers into the tomb and sees the bandages, but he remains outside. When Peter arrives, he does not hesitate but goes right on in. He sees the bandages lying there and also the cloth used to wrap Jesus’ head. It is rolled up in one place. John now also enters the tomb, and he believes Mary’s report. But neither Peter nor John grasps that Jesus has been raised up, even though He had often told them that He would be. Puzzled, the two return home, but Mary, who has come back to the tomb, remains. In the meantime, the other women are hurrying to tell the disciples that Jesus has been resurrected, as the angels commanded them to do. While they are running along as fast as they can, Jesus meets them and says: “Good day!” Falling at his feet, they do obeisance to him. Then Jesus says: “Have no fear! Go, report to my brothers, that they may go off into Galilee; and there they will see me.” Earlier, when the earthquake occurred and the angels appeared, the soldiers on guard were stunned and became as dead men. Upon recovering, they immediately went into the city and told the chief priests what had happened. After consulting with the “older men” of the Jews, the decision was made to try to hush up the matter by bribing the soldiers. They were instructed: “Say, ‘His disciples came in the night and stole him while we were sleeping.’” Since Roman soldiers may be punished with death for falling asleep at their posts, the priests promised: “If this [report of your falling asleep] gets to the governor’s ears, we will persuade him and will set you free from worry.” Since the size of the bribe was sufficiently large, the soldiers did as they were instructed. As a result, the false report about the theft of Jesus’ body became widely spread among the Jews. Mary Magdalene, who remains behind at the tomb, is overcome by grief. Where could Jesus be? Stooping forward to look into the tomb, she sees the two angels in white, who have reappeared! One is sitting at the head and the other at the foot of where Jesus’ body had been lying. “Woman, why are you weeping?” they ask. “They have taken my Lord away,” Mary answers, “and I do not know where they have laid him.” Then she turns around and sees someone who repeats the question: “Woman, why are you weeping?” And this one also asks: “Whom are you looking for?” Imagining this person to be the caretaker of the garden in which the tomb is situated, she says to him: “Sir, if you have carried him off, tell me where you have laid him, and I will take him away.” “Mary!” the person says. And immediately she knows, by the familiar way he speaks to her, that it is Jesus. “Rab·boʹni!” (meaning “Teacher!”) she exclaims. And with unbounded joy, she grabs hold of him. But Jesus says: “Stop clinging to me. For I have not yet ascended to the Father. But be on your way to my brothers and say to them, ‘I am ascending to my Father and your Father and to my God and your God.’” Mary now runs to where the apostles and fellow disciples have gathered. She adds her account to the report that the other women have already given about seeing the resurrected Jesus. Yet, these men, who did not believe the first women, apparently do not believe Mary either. Matthew 28:3-15; Mark 16:5-8; Luke 24:4-12; John 20:2-18. ▪ After finding the tomb empty, what does Mary Magdalene do, and what experience do the other women have? ▪ How do Peter and John react at finding the tomb empty? ▪ What do the other women encounter on their way to report Jesus’ resurrection to the disciples? ▪ What had happened to the soldier guard, and what was the response to their report to the priests? ▪ What happens when Mary Magdalene is alone at the tomb, and what is the response of the disciples to the reports of the women?
Isaiah’s Prophecy II (ip-2) 2001
Chapter Seventeen Foreigners Gathered to God’s House of Prayer Isaiah 56:1-12 1, 2. What thrilling announcement was made in 1935, and of what was this a part? ON FRIDAY, May 31, 1935, Joseph F. Rutherford addressed a convention crowd in Washington, D.C. He discussed the identity of the “great crowd,” or “great multitude,” seen in vision by the apostle John. At the climax of Brother Rutherford’s talk, he asked: “Will all those who have the hope of living forever on the earth please stand?” According to one of those attending, “over half of the audience stood.” Then the speaker said: “Behold! The great multitude!” Another who was present recalls: “There was at first a hush, then a gladsome cry, and the cheering was loud and long.”​—Revelation 7:9; King James Version. 2 That was an outstanding moment in the ongoing fulfillment of a prophecy written down some 2,700 years earlier and appearing in our Bibles as Isaiah chapter 56. As with many other prophecies in Isaiah, this one contains both comforting promises and stern warnings. In the first application, it is addressed to God’s covenant people of Isaiah’s own day, but its fulfillment extends over the centuries to our day. What Salvation Requires 3. If the Jews seek salvation from God, what must they do? 3 Isaiah chapter 56 begins with admonition to the Jews. However, all true worshipers should take heed of what the prophet writes. We read: “This is what Jehovah has said: ‘Keep justice, you people, and do what is righteous. For my salvation is at hand to come in, and my righteousness to be revealed. Happy is the mortal man that does this, and the son of mankind that lays hold of it, keeping the sabbath in order not to profane it, and keeping his hand in order not to do any kind of badness.’” (Isaiah 56:1, 2) The inhabitants of Judah who seek salvation from God must obey the Mosaic Law, observing justice and leading righteous lives. Why? Because Jehovah himself is righteous. Those who pursue righteousness enjoy the happiness that comes from having Jehovah’s favor.​—Psalm 144:15b. 4. Why is Sabbath observance of importance in Israel? 4 The prophecy highlights Sabbath observance because the Sabbath is an important feature of the Mosaic Law. Indeed, one of the reasons why the inhabitants of Judah eventually go into exile is their neglect of the Sabbath. (Leviticus 26:34, 35; 2 Chronicles 36:20, 21) The Sabbath is a sign of the special relationship Jehovah has with the Jews, and those who observe the Sabbath show that they value that relationship. (Exodus 31:13) Further, observing the Sabbath would remind Isaiah’s contemporaries that Jehovah is the Creator. Such observance would also bring to mind his mercies toward them. (Exodus 20:8-11; Deuteronomy 5:12-15) Finally, keeping the Sabbath would provide a regular, structured arrangement for worshiping Jehovah. Resting once a week from their regular work would give the inhabitants of Judah opportunity for prayer, study, and meditation. 5. In principle, how can Christians apply the counsel to keep the Sabbath? 5 What, though, of Christians? Does the encouragement to observe the Sabbath apply to them? Not directly, since Christians are not under the Law and are therefore not required to observe the Sabbath. (Colossians 2:16, 17) Still, the apostle Paul explained that there is “a sabbath resting” for faithful Christians. This “sabbath resting” involves having faith in Jesus’ ransom sacrifice for salvation and ceasing to rely on works alone. (Hebrews 4:6-10) Hence, the words of Isaiah’s prophecy regarding the Sabbath remind Jehovah’s servants today of the vital need to have faith in God’s arrangement for salvation. It is also a fine reminder of the need to cultivate a close relationship with Jehovah and to pursue a course of regular, consistent worship. Comfort for the Foreigner and the Eunuch 6. What two groups now receive attention? 6 Jehovah now addresses two groups who want to serve him but who under the Mosaic Law are disqualified from coming into the Jewish congregation. We read: “Let not the foreigner that has joined himself to Jehovah say, ‘Without doubt Jehovah will divide me off from his people.’ Neither let the eunuch say, ‘Look! I am a dry tree.’” (Isaiah 56:3) The foreigner’s fear is that he will be cut off from Israel. The eunuch’s concern is that he will never have children to preserve his name. Both groups should take courage. Before we see why, let us consider what standing they have under the Law in relation to the nation of Israel. 7. What limits does the Law put on foreigners in Israel? 7 Uncircumcised foreigners are excluded from sharing in worship with Israel. For example, they are not allowed to partake of the Passover. (Exodus 12:43) Foreigners who do not flagrantly break the laws of the land enjoy justice and hospitality, but they have no permanent ties with the nation. Of course, some fully embrace the Law, and as a sign of this, the men get circumcised. Then they are proselytes, privileged to worship in the courtyard of Jehovah’s house and considered a part of the congregation of Israel. (Leviticus 17:10-14; 20:2; 24:22) However, even proselytes are not full participants in Jehovah’s covenant with Israel, and they have no land inheritance in the Promised Land. Other foreigners may turn to the temple in prayer, and evidently they may offer sacrifices through the priesthood as long as the sacrifices conform to the Law. (Leviticus 22:25; 1 Kings 8:41-43) But Israelites are not to associate closely with them. Eunuchs Receive a Name to Time Indefinite 8. (a) Under the Law, how were eunuchs viewed? (b) How were eunuchs used in pagan nations, and to what can the term “eunuch” sometimes refer? 8 Eunuchs, even if they are born of Jewish parents, are denied full membership of the nation of Israel.a (Deuteronomy 23:1) Among some pagan nations of Bible times, eunuchs had a special place and it was the custom to castrate some of the children taken captive in war. Eunuchs were appointed as officials in the royal courts. A eunuch might be a “guardian of the women,” a “guardian of the concubines,” or an attendant of the queen. (Esther 2:3, 12-15; 4:4-6, 9) There is no evidence that the Israelites followed such practices or that eunuchs were specially sought out for employment in the service of Israelite kings.b 9. What consoling words does Jehovah address to physical eunuchs? 9 In addition to being able to share in only a limited way in the worship of the true God, physical eunuchs in Israel suffer the great humiliation of being unable to father children to carry on their family name. How comforting, then, are the next words of the prophecy! We read: “This is what Jehovah has said to the eunuchs that keep my sabbaths and that have chosen what I have delighted in and that are laying hold of my covenant: ‘I will even give to them in my house and within my walls a monument and a name, something better than sons and daughters. A name to time indefinite I shall give them, one that will not be cut off.’”​—Isaiah 56:4, 5. 10. When did the situation of eunuchs change, and what privilege has been open to them since then? 10 Yes, the time will come when being even a physical eunuch will no longer be an impediment to being fully accepted as Jehovah’s servant. If obedient, eunuchs will have “a monument,” or a place, in Jehovah’s house and a name, better than sons and daughters. When does this happen? Not until after the death of Jesus Christ. At that time the old Law covenant was replaced by the new covenant, and fleshly Israel was replaced by “the Israel of God.” (Galatians 6:16) Since then, all of those exercising faith have been able to render acceptable worship to God. Fleshly distinctions and physical condition no longer count. Those who endure faithfully, whatever their physical state, will have “a name to time indefinite . . . one that will not be cut off.” Jehovah will not forget them. Their names will be written in his “book of remembrance,” and in God’s due time, they will receive life everlasting.​—Malachi 3:16; Proverbs 22:1; 1 John 2:17. Foreigners Worship With God’s People 11. To receive blessings, what are foreigners encouraged to do? 11 What, though, of the foreigners? The prophecy now returns to these, and Jehovah has words of great comfort for them. Isaiah writes: “The foreigners that have joined themselves to Jehovah to minister to him and to love the name of Jehovah, in order to become servants to him, all those keeping the sabbath in order not to profane it and laying hold of my covenant, I will also bring them to my holy mountain and make them rejoice inside my house of prayer. Their whole burnt offerings and their sacrifices will be for acceptance upon my altar. For my own house will be called even a house of prayer for all the peoples.”​—Isaiah 56:6, 7. 12. What was the understanding once held regarding Jesus’ prophecy of the “other sheep”? 12 In our time “the foreigners” have made their appearance gradually. Before the first world war, it was understood that a greater number of individuals would receive salvation than the number of those with the hope of ruling in heaven with Jesus​—the ones we recognize today as the Israel of God. Bible students were aware of Jesus’ words recorded at John 10:16: “I have other sheep, which are not of this fold; those also I must bring, and they will listen to my voice, and they will become one flock, one shepherd.” These “other sheep” were understood to be an earthly class. But most Bible Students believed that the other sheep would make their appearance during the Millennial Reign of Jesus Christ. 13. Why was it reasoned that the sheep of Matthew chapter 25 must appear during the concluding days of this system of things? 13 Eventually, progress was made in the understanding of a related scripture that speaks of sheep. In Matthew chapter 25, there is a record of Jesus’ parable of the sheep and the goats. According to that parable, the sheep receive everlasting life because they support Jesus’ brothers. Hence, they are a class separate and distinct from the anointed brothers of Christ. In 1923, during a convention in Los Angeles, California, U.S.A., it was explained that those sheep must make their appearance, not during the Millennium, but during the concluding days of this system of things. Why? Because Jesus gave the parable as part of his answer to the question: “When will these things be, and what will be the sign of your presence and of the conclusion of the system of things?”​—Matthew 24:3. 14, 15. How was progress made in understanding the position of the other sheep in the time of the end? 14 During the 1920’s, some individuals who were associated with the Bible Students came to feel that Jehovah’s spirit was not witnessing to them that they had a heavenly calling. Yet, they were zealous servants of the Most High God. In 1931 the position of these was better understood when the book Vindication was published. As part of a verse-by-verse discussion of the Bible book of Ezekiel, Vindication explained the vision of “the man” with the writer’s inkhorn. (Ezekiel 9:1-11) This “man” is seen going through Jerusalem and marking the foreheads of those sighing and crying over the abominations being committed there. “The man” represents Jesus’ brothers, the remnant of anointed Christians alive on earth during the time of judgment of antitypical Jerusalem, Christendom. Those marked are the other sheep living during that time. In the vision they are spared when Jehovah’s executioners bring vengeance on that apostate city. 15 In 1932 a deeper understanding of the prophetic drama of King Jehu of Israel and Jehonadab, a non-Israelite supporter, indicated how these other sheep act in support of Christ’s anointed brothers​—just as Jehonadab went along and supported Jehu in his destruction of Baal worship. Finally, in 1935 the other sheep living during the time of the end of this system of things were recognized as being the great crowd seen in vision by the apostle John. This was first explained at the aforementioned convention in Washington, D.C., when Joseph F. Rutherford pointed to those with an earthly hope as “the great multitude.” 16. What privileges and responsibilities do “the foreigners” enjoy? 16 Thus it was gradually seen that “the foreigners” have a large part to play in Jehovah’s purposes during these last days. They come to the Israel of God in order to worship Jehovah. (Zechariah 8:23) With that spiritual nation, they offer acceptable sacrifices to God and enter into the sabbath resting. (Hebrews 13:15, 16) Moreover, they worship at God’s spiritual temple, which, like the temple at Jerusalem, is “a house of prayer for all the nations.” (Mark 11:17) They exercise faith in the ransom sacrifice of Jesus Christ, ‘washing their robes and making them white in the blood of the Lamb.’ And they serve Jehovah constantly, “rendering him sacred service day and night.”​—Revelation 7:14, 15. 17. How do the modern-day foreigners lay hold of the new covenant? 17 These modern-day foreigners lay hold of the new covenant in the sense that by associating with the Israel of God, they enjoy benefits and blessings that come through the new covenant. While they are not participants in that covenant, they submit wholeheartedly to the laws associated with it. Thus Jehovah’s law is within their hearts, and they come to know Jehovah as their heavenly Father and the supreme Sovereign.​—Jeremiah 31:33, 34; Matthew 6:9; John 17:3. 18. What gathering work is being accomplished during the time of the end? 18 Isaiah’s prophecy continues: “The utterance of the Sovereign Lord Jehovah, who is collecting together the dispersed ones of Israel, is: ‘I shall collect together to him others besides those already collected together of his.’” (Isaiah 56:8) During the time of the end, Jehovah has collected “the dispersed ones of Israel,” those of the anointed remnant. In addition, he is collecting others, those of the great crowd. Together they worship in peace and harmony under the oversight of Jehovah and his enthroned King, Christ Jesus. Because of their loyalty to Jehovah’s government by Christ, the Fine Shepherd has made them into a united, joyful flock. Blind Watchmen, Voiceless Dogs 19. What invitation is extended to the wild animals of field and forest? 19 The foregoing warm, upbuilding words are followed by a striking, almost shocking, contrast. Jehovah is prepared to act with mercy toward foreigners and eunuchs. But many who claim to be members of God’s congregation are condemned and are in line for judgment. More than that, they are not even deserving of a decent burial and are fit only to be devoured by ravenous beasts. Thus, we read: “All you wild animals of the open field, come to eat, all you wild animals in the forest.” (Isaiah 56:9) What are these wild animals going to feast on? The prophecy will explain. In doing so, it may remind us of the fate awaiting those who oppose God at the coming war of Armageddon, whose slain bodies are left for the birds of heaven to devour.​—Revelation 19:17, 18. 20, 21. What failings make the religious leaders useless as spiritual guides? 20 The prophecy continues: “His watchmen are blind. None of them have taken note. All of them are speechless dogs; they are not able to bark, panting, lying down, loving to slumber. They are even dogs strong in soulful desire; they have known no satisfaction. They are also shepherds that have not known how to understand. They have all of them turned to their own way, each one for his unjust gain from his own border: ‘Come, men! Let me take some wine; and let us drink intoxicating liquor to the limit. And tomorrow will certainly turn out just as today, great in a very much larger way.’”​—Isaiah 56:10-12. 21 The religious leaders of Judah profess to worship Jehovah. They claim to be “his watchmen.” But they are spiritually blind, voiceless, and sleepy. If they cannot keep on the watch and sound the warning of danger, what good are they? Such religious watchmen are without understanding, in no position to give spiritual direction to sheeplike people. Moreover, they are corrupt. They have insatiable selfish desires. Instead of following Jehovah’s direction, they seek their own way, pursue unjust gain, overindulge in intoxicating liquor, and encourage others to do the same. So oblivious are they of God’s impending judgment that they tell people that things will be fine. 22. How are the religious leaders of Jesus’ day like those of ancient Judah? 22 Earlier in his prophecy, Isaiah used similar imagery to describe the unfaithful religious leaders of Judah​—spiritually drunk, drowsy, and lacking in understanding. They burdened the people with traditions of men, spoke religious lies, and trusted in Assyria for help rather than looking to God. (2 Kings 16:5-9; Isaiah 29:1, 9-14) They have clearly learned nothing. Sadly, the same sort of leaders were present in the first century. Instead of embracing the good news brought to them by God’s own Son, they rejected Jesus and conspired to have him put to death. Jesus frankly called them “blind guides,” adding that if “a blind man guides a blind man, both will fall into a pit.”​—Matthew 15:14. Watchmen of Today 23. What prophecy of Peter regarding religious leaders has been fulfilled? 23 The apostle Peter warned that false teachers would also rise up to mislead Christians. He wrote: “There also came to be false prophets among the people [of Israel], as there will also be false teachers among you. These very ones will quietly bring in destructive sects and will disown even the owner that bought them, bringing speedy destruction upon themselves.” (2 Peter 2:1) What has been the result of the false teachings and sectarianism of such false teachers? Christendom, whose religious leaders today pray for God’s blessing on their political friends and then promise a bright future. Christendom’s religious leaders have proved to be blind, voiceless, and asleep with regard to spiritual things. 24. What unity exists between spiritual Israel and the foreigners? 24 However, Jehovah is bringing millions of foreigners to worship with the last ones of the Israel of God in his great spiritual house of prayer. These foreigners, although from many nations, races, and languages, are at unity with one another and with the Israel of God. They are convinced that salvation can come only from Jehovah God through Jesus Christ. Motivated by love for Jehovah, they join Christ’s anointed brothers in giving voice to their faith. And they are deeply comforted by the words of the inspired apostle who wrote: “If you publicly declare that ‘word in your own mouth,’ that Jesus is Lord, and exercise faith in your heart that God raised him up from the dead, you will be saved.”​—Romans 10:9. [Footnotes] a The term “eunuch” also came to refer to a court official, without reference to sexual mutilation. Since the Ethiopian baptized by Philip appears to have been a proselyte​—he was baptized before the way was opened to uncircumcised non-Jews—​he must have been a eunuch in this sense.​—Acts 8:27-39. b Ebed-melech, who came to Jeremiah’s aid and who had direct access to King Zedekiah, is called a eunuch. This would appear to have reference to his being a court official rather than his being physically mutilated.​—Jeremiah 38:7-13. [Picture on page 250] The Sabbath would provide opportunity for prayer, study, and meditation [Pictures on page 256] The position of the other sheep was clearly explained at a convention in Washington, D.C., in 1935 (baptism pictured below, program right) [Picture on page 259] The wild animals are invited to come to feast [Pictures on page 261] The foreigners and the Israel of God are at unity with one another
MILTIADIS STAVROU | LIFE STORY “We Have Felt Jehovah’s Care and Direction”
MILTIADIS STAVROU | LIFE STORY “We Have Felt Jehovah’s Care and Direction” When I was about 13, like most youths my age, I enjoyed watching the few cars that would pass by on my street in Tripoli, Lebanon. One especially caught my eye—a beautiful red American car owned by a Syrian man. You can imagine my surprise when the priest of our local Orthodox Church told us to stone this car because the owner was one of Jehovah’s Witnesses! We told the priest that we might harm the driver. He answered: “Kill him. Use my robe to wipe his blood off your hands!” Although I was very proud of my Greek Orthodox background, those angry words later moved me to quit the church. In retrospect, I realize that this situation helped me to discover the truth about Jehovah. Discovering the Truth About Jehovah When I was growing up, the port city of Tripoli was bustling with people from different cultures, languages, and religions. Each family was proud of its roots, and my family was no exception. My older brothers and I joined a group called Soldiers of the Faith,a who opposed Jehovah’s Witnesses. We had never met any Witnesses, but our priest said that they were a gang that was against the Greek Orthodox Church and that their leader was Jehovah. Our priest repeatedly told us that we should attack the Witnesses whenever we met them. Although I did not know it, three of my brothers had met Jehovah’s Witnesses. But instead of resorting to violence toward them, my brothers agreed to study the Bible with them to prove them wrong. One evening, I came home and found our living room full of Witnesses having a Bible discussion with my family and a few neighbors. I was upset! How could my siblings betray the Orthodox faith? I was about to leave when a neighbor, who was a well-known dentist and also a Witness, told me to sit down and listen. A family friend was reading aloud Psalm 83:18 from my own Bible. At that moment, I realized that our priest had lied to us. Jehovah was not a gang leader—he was the only true God! Soon after my baptism I wanted to know more about Jehovah, so I started attending the Bible study in our home, which was conducted by Brother Michel Aboud. One day, a friend who was present raised a question that had intrigued me ever since I was a little boy. He asked, “Tell us, who created God?” Brother Aboud drew our attention to a cat lying on a couch. He explained that cats are incapable of understanding the words and reasoning of humans. Similarly, we are incapable of understanding many things about God. That simple illustration helped me appreciate why there are certain aspects of Jehovah’s nature that I could not fully understand. Not long afterward, I dedicated my life to Jehovah God and got baptized in 1946 at the age of 15. Pioneering Gives My Life Direction In 1948, I joined my brother Hanna in his photography business. His shop was located next to a paint shop owned by a brother named Najib Salem.b Najib was a fearless evangelizer, and he continued as such until his death at 100 years of age. When I accompanied him to preach in villages, I could see that he was courageous despite opposition. Also, it seemed that he could start a conversation about the Bible with anyone, regardless of their religion. His zealous example had a lasting influence on me. Najib Salem (back row, right) had a lasting influence on me One day, while at work, we were visited by Mary Shaayah, a Lebanese sister from the United States. In addition to being a busy mother, she was also a zealous pioneer. That visit proved to be a turning point in my life. Mary spent more than two hours sharing preaching experiences with us. Before she left, Mary looked at me and said: “Milto, since you are single, why don’t you pioneer?” I objected, saying that I needed to earn a living. Then she asked me: “How long have I been here with you this morning?” I answered: “About two hours.” Mary said: “I haven’t seen you do much work during this time. If you preached for about that amount of time each day, you could be a pioneer. Just try it for one year and then decide whether to continue or not.” Although men in my culture would not readily take advice from a woman, her suggestion sounded reasonable to me. Two months later, in January 1952, I started in the pioneer service. About 18 months later, I received an invitation to attend the 22nd class of Gilead School. Family and friends bade farewell as I left for Gilead School in 1953 After graduating, I was assigned to the Middle East. Less than a year later, I married Doris Wood, a cheerful fellow missionary from England who was also serving in the Middle East. Sharing Bible Truth in Syria Shortly after our wedding, Doris and I were assigned to Aleppo, Syria. Since our preaching activity was under ban there, we met most of those with whom we studied the Bible through referrals. One day, we called on a lady who had shown interest in the Bible. Trembling with fear, she opened the door and told us: “Be careful! The police came just now. They wanted to know where you are living.” Clearly, the secret police knew where we conducted Bible studies. We called the brothers who supervised the work in the Middle East, and they advised us to leave the country as quickly as possible. Even though we were sad to leave our Bible students behind, we felt Jehovah’s loving protection. Experiencing Jehovah’s Guidance in Iraq In 1955, we were reassigned to Baghdad, Iraq. Although we could preach discreetly to all people in Iraq, we focused our efforts on individuals from a Christian background. With fellow missionaries in Iraq We also tried to engage in friendly conversations with Muslims at the market or in the streets. Doris would often share thoughts her listeners might enjoy. For example, she would say: “My father used to say that we will all stand before our Maker.” (Romans 14:12) Then she would add: “This thought has always helped me in my life. What do you think about it?” We enjoyed serving in Baghdad for nearly three years, helping local brothers to organize the preaching work discreetly. We used our missionary home to hold meetings in the Arabic language. What a joy it was to welcome sincere individuals from the Assyrian community, an ethnic group that is made up mainly of nominal Christians. When they saw for themselves the love and unity that prevailed at our meetings, they realized that we were genuine disciples of Jesus.—John 13:35. We held meetings at our missionary home in Baghdad Among those who responded quickly to our message of peace was Nicolas Aziz, a gentle and humble family man from Armenian and Assyrian roots. Nicolas and his wife, Helen, quickly accepted what the Bible teaches about Jehovah and his Son, Jesus—that they are two distinct beings. (1 Corinthians 8:5, 6) I still remember the day when Nicolas and 20 others were baptized in the Euphrates River. Sensing Jehovah’s Helping Hand in Iran 1958, in Iran Some time after the coup d’état that led to the death of Iraq’s King Faisal II on July 14, 1958, we were deported to Iran. There we cautiously continued our ministry among foreigners for about six months. Just before leaving Tehran, the capital of Iran, I was taken to a police station for questioning. This made me realize that we were under police surveillance. After the interrogation, I contacted Doris and told her that the police were watching us. We agreed that, for our safety, I should not return home and we would not stay together until our imminent departure from the country. Doris found a safe place to stay until we could meet at the airport. But how would she get there undetected? Doris prayed to Jehovah about the matter. Suddenly, heavy rain poured down, causing everyone to find shelter, including the police. The streets were now empty, allowing Doris to move freely. Doris says, “That flood was a true miracle!” After leaving Iran, we were reassigned to another territory, where we preached to people from various ethnic and religious backgrounds. By 1961, we were in circuit work, visiting fellow believers in different parts of the Middle East. Witnessing Jehovah’s Spirit at Work I had many opportunities to see the unifying power of God’s holy spirit in our ministry in the Middle East. I still remember the lively conversations I had as I studied the Bible with two Palestinians, Eddy and Nicolas. They both enjoyed attending our meetings, but they quickly stopped their Bible study because of their strong political views. I prayed that Jehovah would open their hearts. When they realized that God would solve the problems, not just of the Palestinians but of all mankind, they resumed their study. (Isaiah 2:4) They rid themselves of their national pride and got baptized. Nicolas later became a zealous circuit overseer. As we traveled from one country to another, Doris and I were impressed by the faithfulness of our brothers, whatever the circumstances. Since they had so much to endure, I resolved to be a source of comfort during my visits as a circuit overseer. (Romans 1:11, 12) To achieve this goal, I have always endeavored to see myself on the same level as my brothers and sisters. (1 Corinthians 9:22) I found great satisfaction in giving encouragement to fellow believers who needed support. What a thrill it has been to watch many of those with whom we studied the Bible become faithful servants of Jehovah. A few moved abroad with their families to escape armed conflicts in their country. But they have become a blessing to those serving in the Arabic-speaking field in Australia, Canada, Europe, and the United States. In recent years, some of their grown-up children have returned to the Middle East to serve where there is a greater need for courageous evangelizers. What a joy for Doris and me to be surrounded by so many spiritual children and grandchildren! Leaning on Jehovah Forever Throughout our life, we have felt Jehovah’s care and direction in many ways. I am so grateful that he helped me get rid of the prejudice and national pride I had developed as a young man. The training I received from bold and impartial fellow believers prepared me to share Bible truth with individuals from different backgrounds. As we traveled from one country to another, Doris and I faced many challenges and uncertainties. But this taught us to rely exclusively on Jehovah God and not on ourselves.—Psalm 16:8. When I think back over the many decades I have served Jehovah, I realize that I owe so much to my heavenly Father. I agree with my dear Doris, who often says that nothing should stop our exclusive devotion to Jehovah, not even the threat of death! We will always be grateful to Jehovah for allowing us to share in spreading a peaceful message in the Middle East. (Psalm 46:8, 9) We look to the future with confidence, knowing that Jehovah continues to direct and protect all those leaning on him.—Isaiah 26:3. a For more information about this group, see the 1980 Yearbook of Jehovah’s Witnesses, pages 186-188. b Najib Salem’s life story was published in the September 1, 2001, issue of The Watchtower, pages 22-26.
Scriptures for Christian Living (scl) 2023
Peace What shows that Jehovah values peace? 1Co 14:33; Jas 3:17 How can we strive for greater peace? Ps 119:165; Isa 48:17, 18; Ro 12:17-21; Php 4:6-9 See also Joh 16:33; Eph 6:14, 15; Col 3:15 Relevant Bible account(s): Ge 32:9-21; 33:1-4​—Jacob goes to great lengths to make peace with his brother, Esau Mt 5:23-26​—Jesus explains the importance and the benefits of making peace
Table of outputs
Table of outputs January 8, 2004 Understanding Mood Disorders Worldwide, depression and bipolar disorder afflict millions of men and women. How can sufferers be helped? 3 Tormented Minds 4 Living With a Mood Disorder 8 Hope for Sufferers 12 How Others Can Help 18 Repair Your Car Safely 22 Facing the Challenges of a Unique Territory 25 Thriving in the Midst of Adversity 28 Watching the World 30 From Our Readers 31 Your Skin​—A “City Wall” 32 ‘Brief but Packed With Information’ A Visit to Japan’s Hot Springs 14 Millions have visited Japan’s volcanically heated springs. Why are they so popular? Will Diplomacy Bring World Peace? 26 Why do men’s efforts at negotiation repeatedly fail?
Examining the Scriptures—2022 2021
September Thursday, September 1 After that I will pour out my spirit on every sort of flesh.​—Joel 2:28. Peter used slightly different wording when quoting Joel’s prophecy. (Acts 2:16, 17) Instead of beginning the quotation with the words “after that,” Peter said: “And in the last days”​—in this context, the last days of the Jewish system of things—​God’s spirit would be poured out “on every sort of flesh.” This indicates that considerable time had passed before Joel’s prophecy was fulfilled. It was after that remarkable outpouring of God’s spirit in the first century that the preaching work began to go forward to the greatest extent. By the time the apostle Paul wrote his letter to the Colossians, about 61 C.E., he could describe the good news as being preached “in all creation under heaven.” (Col. 1:23) In Paul’s day, “all creation” meant the world as it was then known. With the help of Jehovah’s powerful holy spirit, the preaching work has expanded much more in our day​—“to the ends of the earth”!​—Acts 13:47. w20.04 6-7 ¶15-16 Friday, September 2 I myself will search for my sheep, and I will care for them.​—Ezek. 34:11. Jehovah loves each one of us, including any sheep who have strayed from his flock. (Matt. 18:12-14) God promised that he would search for his lost sheep and help them to regain their spiritual health. And he outlined specific steps that he would take​—steps that a typical Israelite shepherd would take if a sheep went missing. (Ezek. 34:12-16) First, the shepherd would search for the sheep, which could require much time and effort. Then, once he located the stray, the shepherd would bring it back to the flock. Further, if the sheep was injured or starving, the shepherd would lovingly support the weak animal, binding its wounds, carrying it, and feeding it. Elders, the shepherds of “the flock of God,” need to take these same steps to help any who have strayed from the congregation. (1 Pet. 5:2, 3) The elders search for them, help them to return to the flock, and show them love by providing the necessary spiritual support. w20.06 20 ¶10 Saturday, September 3 The fields . . . are white for harvesting.​—John 4:35. Did Jesus view the fields as being ripe for harvesting because he expected that most people would follow him? Not at all. The Scriptures had foretold that relatively few would put faith in him. (John 12:37, 38) And Jesus had the miraculous ability to read hearts. (Matt. 9:4) Still, he focused on those few who would believe, and he zealously preached to everyone. How much more so should we, who cannot read hearts, resist the tendency to judge a territory or an individual! Instead, see people’s potential. Remember what Jesus said to his disciples. The fields are white, that is, they are ready to be harvested. People can change and become disciples of Christ. Jehovah views these potential disciples as “precious things.” (Hag. 2:7) If we see people as Jehovah and Jesus do, we will learn about their backgrounds and interests. We will view them, not as strangers, but as potential brothers and sisters. w20.04 13 ¶18-19 Sunday, September 4 I have called you friends, because I have made known to you all the things I have heard from my Father.​—John 15:15. God’s Word clearly teaches that we must have and maintain love for Jesus in order to please Jehovah. One thing we can do to become a friend of Jesus is to get to know him. We can do this by reading the Bible books of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. As we meditate on the Bible accounts of Jesus’ life, we come to love and respect Jesus because of the kind way he dealt with people. For instance, even though he was their Master, he did not treat his disciples as slaves. Instead, he revealed his inner thoughts and feelings to them. Jesus shared their pain and cried with them. (John 11:32-36) Even his opposers acknowledged that he was a friend of those who responded to his message. (Matt. 11:19) When we imitate Jesus in the way that he dealt with his disciples, our relationships with others improve, we feel more output and happy, and our appreciation for Christ grows. w20.04 22 ¶9-10 Monday, September 5 The king of the south will prepare himself for the war with an exceedingly large and mighty army.​—Dan. 11:25. By 1870, Britain had become the largest empire on earth, and it had the most powerful military force. That empire was pictured as a small horn that vanquished three other horns​—France, Spain, and the Netherlands. (Dan. 7:7, 8) And it filled the role of the king of the south well into World War I. During this same time, the United States of America had become the dominant economic power and was forming a close partnership with Britain. During World War I, the United States and Britain were welded into a powerful military alliance. At that time, Britain and its former colony became the Anglo-American World Power. As Daniel foretold, this king had amassed “an exceedingly large and mighty army.” Throughout the last days, the Anglo-American alliance has been the king of the south. w20.05 4 ¶7-8 Tuesday, September 6 To the place from which the streams flow, there they return.​—Eccl. 1:7. Water in liquid form exists on earth because our planet is located at the perfect distance from the sun. If it were just a little closer, all the water would boil off, leaving a hot, lifeless rock. If the earth were just a little farther from the sun, all the water would freeze, turning the earth into a giant ball of ice. Because Jehovah placed the earth at this ideal location, the earth’s water cycle can sustain life. The sun heats water in the oceans and on the earth’s surface and evaporates the water to form clouds. Each year, the sun evaporates nearly 120,000 cubic miles (500,000 cu km) of water. This water stays in the atmosphere for about ten days before falling as rain or snow. The water eventually makes its way back to the oceans or other bodies of water, and the cycle is repeated. This efficient, sustainable cycle proves that Jehovah is both wise and powerful.​—Job 36:27, 28. w20.05 22 ¶6 Wednesday, September 7 You will receive power when the holy spirit comes upon you.​—Acts 1:8. Jesus urged us to keep praying for holy spirit. (Luke 11:9, 13) By means of his spirit, Jehovah gives us power​—even “power beyond what is normal.” (2 Cor. 4:7) With the help of God’s spirit, we can endure any trial we may be facing. Holy spirit can also help us handle our assignments in God’s service and can enhance our talents and abilities. We can honestly attribute the good results of our efforts, not to ourselves, but to the help of God’s spirit. We can show that we value God’s holy spirit by praying that it will help us detect any wrong thoughts or desires in our heart. (Ps. 139:23, 24) If we make such a request, Jehovah, through his spirit, can make us aware of wrong thinking or inclinations. Then we should pray for God’s spirit to give us the strength to resist such a thought or desire. Thus we will show that we are determined to avoid doing anything that would cause Jehovah to stop helping us with his holy spirit.​—Eph. 4:30. w20.05 28-29 ¶10-12 Thursday, September 8 I have made your name known to them.​—John 17:26. When we defend Jehovah’s name, we follow the example of Jesus Christ. Jesus made his Father’s name known not only by using that name but also by defending Jehovah’s reputation. For example, he contradicted the Pharisees, who in various ways painted Jehovah as harsh, demanding, distant, and merciless. Jesus helped people to see his Father as being reasonable, patient, loving, and forgiving. He also helped people to see Jehovah by the way he perfectly imitated his Father’s qualities in his daily life. (John 14:9) Like Jesus, we can share what we know about Jehovah, teaching people what a loving and kind God He is. As we do so, we overturn lies and slander about Jehovah. We sanctify Jehovah’s name, making it holy in the minds and hearts of people. With our words and actions, we show people what Jehovah is truly like. We vindicate that name by helping to free people from the misconceptions they may have about it. w20.06 6 ¶17-18 Friday, September 9 Let us not become egotistical, stirring up competition with one another, envying one another.​—Gal. 5:26. Social media can be used for a good purpose​—for example, to keep in touch with family and friends. Have you observed, though, that some of the material that people post on social media is designed to promote the people themselves? “Look at me” seems to be the message they want to convey. Some even post rude and obscene comments on their own photos or about the photos that others post. This too is contrary to the humility and fellow feeling that Christians are encouraged to cultivate. (1 Pet. 3:8) If you use social media, ask yourself: ‘Might the comments, photos, or videos that I post give others the impression that I am bragging? Could I make others feel jealous?’ Christians do not feel the need for promoting themselves. They follow the Bible’s admonition found in today’s text. Humility will help us avoid getting caught up in the world’s spirit of self-promotion.​—1 John 2:16. w20.07 6 ¶14-15 Saturday, September 10 Formerly I was a blasphemer and a persecutor and an insolent man. Nevertheless, I was shown mercy because I acted in ignorance.​—1 Tim. 1:13. Before the apostle Paul became a disciple of Christ, he was an insolent young man who persecuted Jesus’ followers. (Acts 7:58) Jesus himself stopped Paul, then known as Saul, from terrorizing the Christian congregation. Jesus spoke to Paul from heaven and struck him blind. To recover his sight, Paul was forced to seek help from the very people he had been persecuting. He humbly accepted assistance from a disciple named Ananias who restored Paul’s sight. (Acts 9:3-9, 17, 18) Paul later became a prominent member of the Christian congregation, but he never forgot the lesson Jesus taught him on the road to Damascus. Paul remained humble, and he willingly accepted the help of his brothers and sisters. He acknowledged that they were “a strengthening aid” to him.​—Col. 4:10, 11, ftn. w20.07 18-19 ¶16-17 Sunday, September 11 Your Father has approved of giving you the Kingdom.​—Luke 12:32. Even though Jehovah is almighty, he delegates authority to others. For instance, he appointed Jesus to be King of the Kingdom, and He will give a measure of authority to the 144,000 humans who become corulers with Jesus. Of course, Jehovah trained Jesus to be King and High Priest. (Heb. 5:8, 9) He also trains Jesus’ corulers, but he does not give them this assignment and then step in to manage every detail of the work. Instead, he trusts that they will do his will. (Rev. 5:10) If our heavenly Father​—who does not need help from anyone—​delegates authority to others, how much more so should we do the same! For instance, are you a family head or an elder in the congregation? Follow Jehovah’s example by delegating tasks to others and then resisting the urge to micromanage them. When you imitate Jehovah, not only will you get the work done but you will also train others and boost their confidence.​—Isa. 41:10. w20.08 9 ¶5-6 Monday, September 12 The Son of man came to seek and to save what was lost.​—Luke 19:10. How does Jehovah want us to feel about his lost sheep? Jesus provides the pattern for us. He knew that all of Jehovah’s sheep are precious in God’s eyes, so Jesus did all he could to help “the lost sheep of the house of Israel” return to Jehovah. (Matt. 15:24) As the fine shepherd, Jesus also did his utmost to avoid losing any of Jehovah’s sheep. (John 6:39) The apostle Paul urged the elders of the congregation in Ephesus to imitate Jesus’ example. “You must assist those who are weak and must keep in mind the words of the Lord Jesus, when he himself said: ‘There is more happiness in giving than there is in receiving.’” (Acts 20:17, 35) Clearly, elders today have a special responsibility in this regard. “When I think of how much Jehovah cares for his lost sheep, I feel motivated to do all I can to help them,” explains Salvador, an elder in Spain. “I am convinced that Jehovah wants me to care for them.” w20.06 23 ¶15-16 Tuesday, September 13 The former things have passed away.​—Rev. 21:4. Jehovah will patiently wait until the end of the thousand years before he expects us to be perfect. Until that time, Jehovah is willing to overlook our sins. Surely, then, we have reason to look for the good in others and to be patient with them. Jesus and the angels were joyful when the earth was first created. But imagine how happy they will be to see the earth full of perfect people, who love and serve Jehovah. Imagine the joy that those who were brought from the earth to heaven to rule with Christ will feel as they see mankind benefiting from their work. (Rev. 4:4, 9-11; 5:9, 10) And imagine living when tears of joy replace tears of pain, when sickness, sorrow, and death are gone forever. Until then, be determined to imitate your loving, wise, and patient Father. If you do, you will maintain your joy, no matter what trials you face. (Jas. 1:2-4) How thankful we can be for Jehovah’s promise that “there is going to be a resurrection”!​—Acts 24:15. w20.08 19 ¶18-19 Wednesday, September 14 This good news of the Kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth.​—Matt. 24:14. The Bible is a loving gift from God. Our heavenly Father inspired men to write it because he cares greatly for his earthly children. By means of the Bible, Jehovah answers the most important questions we could ask, such as: Where did we come from? What is the purpose of life? And what does the future hold? Jehovah wants all his children to learn the answers to those questions, so throughout the centuries he has moved men to translate the Bible into many languages. Today, the whole Bible or portions of it are available in over 3,000 languages! The Bible is the most widely translated and distributed book in history. We can prove that we appreciate the Bible by reading it each day, meditating on what it teaches, and doing our best to apply what we learn. In addition, we show our gratitude to God by doing all we can to share its message with as many people as possible.​—Ps. 1:1-3; Matt. 28:19, 20. w20.05 24-25 ¶15-16 Thursday, September 15 The word of Jehovah has been the cause of insults and jeering all day long.​—Jer. 20:8. The prophet Jeremiah was assigned a territory that was extremely difficult. He became so discouraged at one point that he felt like giving up. But he did not. Why not? “The word of Jehovah” was like a fire inside Jeremiah, and he could not hold it in! (Jer. 20:9) The same is true of us when we fill our mind and heart with God’s Word. That is an added reason for us to study the Bible daily and meditate on it. As a result, our joy can continue to increase, and our ministry may become more productive. (Jer. 15:16) So when you feel discouraged, supplicate Jehovah for his support. He will help you to deal with your imperfections, weaknesses, or illness. He will help you to keep a balanced view of assignments of service. And he will help you to have a positive view of your ministry. Moreover, pour out your concerns to your heavenly Father. With his help, you can win the fight against discouragement. w20.12 27 ¶20-21 Friday, September 16 Appeal to . . . older women as mothers, to younger women as sisters, with all chasteness.​—1 Tim. 5:1, 2. For some sisters, the meetings are their main opportunity to be with fellow worshippers. So we want to use those occasions to welcome them, speak with them, and let them see our concern for them. Like Jesus, we can make time to socialize with sisters. (Luke 10:38-42) Perhaps we can invite them over for a simple meal or for some recreation. When we do, we want to keep the conversation upbuilding. (Rom. 1:11, 12) Elders do well to keep Jesus’ attitude in mind. He knew that singleness could be challenging for some, but he made it clear that neither getting married nor having children is the key to lasting happiness. (Luke 11:27, 28) Rather, permanent happiness comes from putting Jehovah’s service first. (Matt. 19:12) Elders especially need to treat Christian women as their spiritual sisters and mothers. Elders do well to make time before or after meetings to talk with the sisters. w20.09 21-22 ¶7-9 Saturday, September 17 The farmer keeps waiting for the precious fruit . . . You too exercise patience.​—Jas. 5:7, 8. In Israel, the farmer planted his seeds after the early rain in the fall and reaped the grain after the late rain in the spring. (Mark 4:28) May we wisely imitate the farmer’s patience. However, this may not be easy. Imperfect humans tend to want immediate results from their efforts. Yet, if we want our garden to produce, we must give it constant attention​—digging, planting, weeding, and watering. The disciple-making work also requires continuous effort. It takes time for us to root out weeds of prejudice and indifference in those whom we teach. Our patience will help us to avoid becoming discouraged when we encounter difficulties. When we do receive some positive response, we must still be patient. We cannot force a Bible student to grow in faith. At times, even Jesus’ disciples were slow to grasp the meaning of what he taught. (John 14:9) Let us remember that we may plant and water, but God makes it grow.​—1 Cor. 3:6. w20.09 11 ¶10-11 Sunday, September 18 I will praise Jehovah with all my heart in the assembled group of upright ones and in the congregation.​—Ps. 111:1. All of us want our students to progress to baptism. One important way we can help them is by encouraging them to attend congregation meetings. Often students who attend meetings right away make the fastest progress. Some teachers explain to their students that they will receive half of their Bible education from the study and the other half from the meetings. Read Hebrews 10:24, 25 with your student, and explain to him the benefits that he will receive if he comes to the meetings. Enthusiastically share something you learned at a recent meeting. That is more motivating than just inviting the student to attend. What your student experiences at his first meeting will far exceed anything he ever experienced at any other type of religious gathering. (1 Cor. 14:24, 25) He will meet others whose good example he can imitate and who will help him progress to baptism. w20.10 10-11 ¶14-15 Monday, September 19 What instructor is like [God]?​—Job 36:22. God’s spirit will help you to make practical application of what you read and study in God’s Word. Pray as did the psalmist: “Instruct me, O Jehovah, about your way. I will walk in your truth. Unify my heart to fear your name.” (Ps. 86:11) So continue to take in the spiritual food that Jehovah provides through his Word and his organization. Of course, your goal is not just to gain knowledge. You want to impress the truth on your heart and apply it in your life. Jehovah’s spirit can help you to do that. You also want to encourage your brothers and sisters. (Heb. 10:24, 25) Why? Because they are your spiritual family. Pray for God’s spirit to help you to give heartfelt comments at Christian meetings and to do your very best when you have a part on the program. In these ways you show Jehovah and his Son that you love their precious “sheep.” (John 21:15-17) So listen to your Grand Instructor by taking full advantage of the spiritual banquet he provides. w20.10 24-25 ¶15-17 Tuesday, September 20 They all abandoned him and fled.​—Mark 14:50. How did Jesus treat his apostles when they were temporarily in a weakened condition? Shortly after his resurrection, Jesus told some of his followers: “Have no fear! Go, report to my brothers [that I was raised].” (Matt. 28:10a) Jesus did not give up on his apostles. Even though they had abandoned him, he still called them “my brothers.” Like Jehovah, Jesus was merciful and forgiving. (2 Ki. 13:23) Likewise, we have deep concern for those who have stopped sharing in the ministry. They are our brothers and sisters, and we love them! We still remember the labors of love that those fellow believers performed in the past​—some perhaps for decades. (Heb. 6:10) We truly miss them! (Luke 15:4-7) So encourage inactive ones to attend the congregation meetings. And when an inactive one arrives at the Kingdom Hall, we should take the initiative by warmly welcoming him. w20.11 6 ¶14-17 Wednesday, September 21 Do not go beyond the things that are written.​—1 Cor. 4:6. James and John along with their mother approached Jesus and asked for a privilege that was beyond Jesus’ authority to give. Without hesitating, Jesus stated that only his heavenly Father could decide who would sit at Jesus’ right hand and at his left in the Kingdom. (Matt. 20:20-23) Jesus showed that he respected his limitations. He was modest. He never went beyond what Jehovah commanded him to do. (John 12:49) How can we imitate Jesus’ fine example? We imitate Jesus’ example of modesty by applying the Bible’s counsel found in today’s text. So when asked for advice, we never want to promote our own opinion or simply say the first thing that comes to our mind. Rather, we should direct attention to the counsel found in the Bible and in our Bible-based publications. In this way, we acknowledge our limitations. With modesty, we give credit to the “righteous decrees” of the Almighty.​—Rev. 15:3, 4. w20.08 11-12 ¶14-15 Thursday, September 22 Do not be overly righteous, nor show yourself excessively wise. Why should you bring ruin to yourself?​—Eccl. 7:16. If you ever feel that you need to give counsel to a friend, what points should you keep in mind? Before you approach your friend, ask yourself, ‘Am I being “overly righteous”?’ An overly righteous person judges others, not by Jehovah’s standards, but by his own, and he is probably not very merciful. If after examining yourself you still see the need to speak to your friend, clearly identify the problem and use viewpoint questions to help your friend to recognize his mistake. Make sure that what you say is based on the Scriptures, remembering that your friend is accountable, not to you, but to Jehovah. (Rom. 14:10) Rely on the wisdom found in God’s Word, and when counseling someone, imitate Jesus’ compassion. (Prov. 3:5; Matt. 12:20) Why? Because Jehovah will deal with us in the same way that we deal with others.​—Jas. 2:13. w20.11 21 ¶13 Friday, September 23 Stop judging by the outward appearance, but judge with righteous judgment.​—John 7:24. Would you like people to judge you based on the color of your skin, the shape of your face, or the size of your body? Likely, you would not. How comforting it is to know, then, that Jehovah does not judge us by what human eyes can see! For example, when Samuel looked at the sons of Jesse, he did not see what Jehovah saw. Jehovah had told Samuel that one of Jesse’s sons would become king of Israel. But which one? When Samuel saw Jesse’s oldest son, Eliab, he said: “Surely here before Jehovah stands his anointed one.” Eliab looked like a king. “But Jehovah said to Samuel: ‘Do not pay attention to his appearance and how tall he is, for I have rejected him.’” The lesson? Jehovah continued: “Man sees what appears to the eyes, but Jehovah sees into the heart.” (1 Sam. 16:1, 6, 7) We do well to imitate Jehovah when dealing with our brothers and sisters. w20.04 14 ¶1; 15 ¶3 Saturday, September 24 Lift up your eyes and view the fields, that they are white for harvesting.​—John 4:35. Jesus had been traveling through fields, likely of young green barley. (John 4:3-6) This crop would be ready to be harvested in about four months’ time. Jesus said something that must have sounded unusual: “Lift up your eyes and view the fields, that they are white for harvesting.” (John 4:35, 36) What did he mean? Jesus was apparently referring to a figurative harvest of people. Consider what had just happened. Although Jews usually had no dealings with Samaritans, Jesus had preached to a Samaritan woman​—and she had listened! In fact, while Jesus was speaking about fields that were “white for harvesting,” a crowd of Samaritans who had heard about Jesus from the woman were on their way to learn more from him. (John 4:9, 39-42) One Bible commentary says about this account: “The eagerness of the people . . . showed that they were like grain ready for harvesting.” w20.04 8 ¶1-2 Sunday, September 25 Let us consider one another so as to incite to love and fine works.​—Heb. 10:24. Our meetings help us improve our battle skills, so to speak, by equipping us for the ministry. For example, we learn to use the tools in our Teaching Toolbox effectively. So prepare well for congregation meetings. During the meeting, listen carefully. After the meeting, apply the training you received. By doing such things, you will become “a fine soldier of Christ Jesus.” (2 Tim. 2:3) We also have the support of myriads of powerful angels. Think of what just one angel can do! (Isa. 37:36) Now consider what a mighty army of angels would be able to accomplish. No man or demon is equal to Jehovah’s powerful fighting force. It has been said that one faithful Witness plus Jehovah equals the majority. (Judg. 6:16) How true that is! Keep those thoughts in mind when you feel intimidated by something a workmate, a schoolmate, or an unbelieving relative says or does. Remember, you are not alone in this fight. You are following Jehovah’s direction. w21.03 29 ¶13-14 Monday, September 26 If the dead are not to be raised up, “let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we are to die.”​—1 Cor. 15:32. The apostle Paul may have been quoting Isaiah 22:13, which refers to the attitude of the Israelites. Instead of drawing close to God, they pursued a life of pleasure. Basically, the attitude of those Israelites was “here today, gone tomorrow,” a view common even today. Clearly, the fact that Jehovah can resurrect the dead should affect our choice of associates. The brothers in Corinth needed to guard against associating with those who denied the resurrection. There is a lesson for us today: No good can come from choosing as regular associates those who have a live-for-the-moment outlook. Being with such ones can ruin a true Christian’s viewpoint and habits. In fact, it might lead him to have a lifestyle that includes what God hates​—sin. Thus, Paul strongly urged: “Come to your senses in a righteous way and do not practice sin.”​—1 Cor. 15:33, 34. w20.12 9 ¶3, 5-6 Tuesday, September 27 The head of every man is the Christ; in turn, the head of a woman is the man; in turn, the head of the Christ is God.​—1 Cor. 11:3. This verse describes the way in which Jehovah has organized his universal family. Headship involves two key elements​—authority and accountability. Jehovah is “the head,” or the ultimate authority, and all his children, both angelic and human, are accountable to him. (Rom. 14:10; Eph. 3:14, 15) Jehovah has given Jesus authority over the congregation, but Jesus is accountable to Jehovah for the way he treats us. (1 Cor. 15:27) Jehovah has also given a husband authority over his wife and children. How can he learn to be a good family head? He must first understand what Jehovah requires of him. He also needs to know why Jehovah established headship and, specifically, how he can imitate the example set by Jehovah and Jesus. Why is this so important? Because Jehovah has given family heads a measure of authority, and he expects them to use it well.​—Luke 12:48b. w21.02 2 ¶1-3 Wednesday, September 28 I, Jehovah, am your God, the One teaching you to benefit yourself.​—Isa. 48:17. We do well to imitate Jehovah regarding the things he chooses to forget. For example, Jehovah has a perfect memory, but if we are repentant, he chooses to forgive and forget the mistakes we make. (Ps. 25:7; 130:3, 4) And he wants us to do the same for others when they are sorry for mistakes they make that hurt us. (Matt. 6:14; Luke 17:3, 4) We can show appreciation for the marvelous gift of our brain by using it to honor the One who gave it to us. Some choose to use their brain for selfish purposes​—to set their own standards of right and wrong. But because Jehovah created us, it is only reasonable to expect that his standards are better than any standards we could set for ourselves. (Rom. 12:1, 2) When we live by his standards, our life is peaceful. (Isa. 48:18) And we gain a clear purpose for living​—to bring honor to our Creator and Father and make him proud of us.​—Prov. 27:11. w20.05 23-24 ¶13-14 Thursday, September 29 Have tender affection for one another.​—Rom. 12:10. How can we cultivate tender affection for our brothers and sisters today? When we get to know fellow believers better, we may find it easier to understand them and to develop tender affection for them. Age and background need not be a barrier. Remember, Jonathan was about 30 years older than David; yet he developed a close friendship with him. Could you take an interest in someone who is older​—or younger—​than you? By doing so, you can show that you “have love for the whole association of brothers.” (1 Pet. 2:17) Does having tender affection for fellow believers mean that we will feel equally close to everyone in the congregation? No, that would not be realistic. It is not necessarily wrong to be drawn more to some than to others because of having similar interests. Jesus referred to all his apostles as “friends,” but he had a special affection for John. (John 13:23; 15:15; 20:2) However, Jesus did not show favoritism to John.​—Mark 10:35-40. w21.01 23 ¶12-13 Friday, September 30 You seem to be more given to the fear of the deities than others are.​—Acts 17:22. The apostle Paul did not present his message to the Gentiles in Athens in the same way that he presented it to the Jews in the synagogue. He carefully observed his surroundings and took note of people’s religious customs. (Acts 17:23) Next, Paul searched for common ground between their form of worship and the truth in the Scriptures. So Paul was willing to adapt his approach. He told the Athenians that his message came from the “Unknown God,” whom they had been trying to worship. Although the Gentiles were not familiar with the Scriptures, Paul did not give up on them. Instead, he viewed them as being like grain that is ripe for harvesting, and he adjusted his presentation of the good news. Like Paul, be observant. Look for signs that indicate what beliefs people in your territory have. How has the householder decorated his home or vehicle? Does his name, dress, grooming, or even his vocabulary indicate what his religion is? w20.04 9-10 ¶7-8
Sing Praises (ssb) 1984
Song 102 The Resurrection Joy (Revelation 20:13) 1. Lazarus lay sleeping In a cold stone grave. How his sisters mourned him! None there him could save. If his friend Christ Jesus Had but come before, That good man would not have Passed through Hades’ door. At the grave Christ Jesus Then did give a shout, Calling to the dead one: ‘Lazarus, come out!’ Though wrapped up in graveclothes, Laz’rus did obey. O what great rejoicing Filled his friends that day! 2. Those who hoped in Jesus Thought release was nigh, So they felt dejected When he had to die. Sadly, friends of Jesus Laid him in a tomb. How their hearts and spirits Were immersed in gloom! But the gates of Hades Could not God defy. In three days God raised him, Seated him on high. With joy his disciples Him they saw and heard. Keys of death and Hades On him are conferred. 3. Adam’s sin in Eden Brought death on our race; But return of dead ones Shall through Christ take place. Those in death and Hades Will hear his own voice And come forth in due time In life to rejoice. Before God’s great white throne They’ll be judged aright By the deeds committed In the Kingdom’s light. Those whose names are written In God’s book of life Will live on his new earth Ever free from strife.
Magnetism—Powerful Servant of Man
Magnetism​—Powerful Servant of Man MAGNETISM​—what would life in this modern age be like without it? Why, it brings us the electricity that warms our homes, lights our roadways, cooks our foods, and does many chores for us daily! We could not enjoy fine music on a radio, watch a television program, or even pick up a telephone and call a friend, if it were not for magnetism. Associated with this extraordinary force is something the Chinese called “The Stone That Licks Up Iron.” Sailors gave it the name lodestone, meaning “the stone that leads.” We call it a magnet, a name derived from the ore magnetite, which was plentiful in Magnesia, a district in Asia Minor. Regardless of the name, however, the mysterious power within the lodestone made it as precious as gold. Kings were fascinated by it. Sailors would navigate the oceans by means of a small sliver of it. Pagans thought that the gods sent the stone to guide them. But in spite of all the attention given to it, no one in the ancient world could have foreseen the tremendous potential of the force we call magnetism. Today it is easy to obtain a magnet. Although the ore magnetite is not commonly available, man-made magnets of great power can be purchased for a small price. Many a child has amused itself for hours playing with a couple of small magnets. For that matter, magnets are so plentiful today that they often go unnoticed. But just what is magnetism? How does it affect us? What is the source of its mysterious power? Let’s take a closer look at this powerful servant of man. Characteristics of Magnetism A few experiments with two bar-shaped magnets will help us to see some fundamentals of magnetism. Lay a piece of paper over the first magnet and sprinkle some iron filings (such as those from a nail) onto the paper. Tapping the paper a few times with your finger will cause these filings to form a strange pattern. Notice that all the small pieces of iron assemble themselves in lines that seem to loop out of one end of the magnet and into the other. Here we are observing just a small part of the magnetic field. These invisible lines of magnetic force actually surround the magnet completely, in all directions. The areas on each end of the magnet where all these lines converge are called the poles. Every magnet has two poles that cannot be separated from each other. If we were to cut our bar magnet in half, the result would not be two half-magnets, each possessing one pole. Rather, we would have two complete magnets, each having two poles, as did the original magnet. Now that we have traced the magnetic field and identified the two poles of the magnet, let’s observe another very interesting property of magnetism. Tie a string around the middle of the magnet and suspend it in the air. You will notice that one end of the magnet will swing around until it points to the north. Move it away and it will always swing back to the north. The pole of the magnet that points to the north is called the north-seeking pole, and the one that points to the south, the south-seeking pole. This property of magnetism is the basis for the compass. But what causes this phenomenon? To find out, we will need to use the second magnet. On each magnet let’s mark the pole pointing north with an N, and the one pointing south with an S. Now take one magnet in each hand and move the N of one magnet near the S of the other. What happens? There seems to be an invisible force that pulls them together. But reverse the position of one of the magnets, putting the N’s or the S’s together, and the force now seems to push them apart. This demonstrates an unchangeable law of magnetism, namely, opposite poles always attract, whereas like poles always repel. This is why one end of a magnet always swings to the north. The earth itself has a magnetic field, just as the bar magnet does. This field extends far out into space and converges at each of the earth’s poles. So, a magnet’s north-seeking pole will always be attracted by the North Pole of “magnet earth,” while being repelled by the South Pole. Probably the most familiar characteristic of magnetism is its ability to attract metals. Not all metals are drawn to a magnet, however. Brass, aluminum, gold and silver are not attracted to a magnet, whereas iron, steel, nickel, cobalt, chromium and other metals are attracted, though in varying degrees. Interestingly, the attractive power of a magnet is the same at both of its poles. Hence, an iron nail, for example, will be attracted just as strongly by either end of our bar magnet. Our look at these basic characteristics of magnetism leaves us with very important questions yet to be answered. What is the source of this power? Yes, just what causes magnetism? And why are not all metals magnetic? Finding the Cause of Magnetism To answer the foregoing questions, we will have to examine the basic building block of matter, the atom. It consists of a tightly packed nucleus made up of protons and neutrons, with varying numbers of electrons circling around it, much as the planets of our solar system orbit the sun. This movement of electrons actually results in a minute magnetic force within the atom. Most electrons are paired in such a way that their magnetic fields cancel each other. When all the electrons in an atom are paired, the net magnetic field is zero. Metals composed of such kind of atoms are nonmagnetic. But if the atom has unpaired electrons, it has a net magnetic moment, as the scientists call it. The strength of this magnetic moment determines how the atoms line up in the solid metal. In most metals, the agitation of the atoms at ordinary temperatures is great enough to overcome the magnetic forces, and the atomic magnets are disarranged, in random directions. The net resultant of the magnetic fields of a large number of atoms averages out to zero. However, magnetism can be induced in such metals when they are placed in another magnetic field. Chromium is such a metal. The force of the magnetic field causes the atoms to turn into a parallel alignment. But as soon as it is removed from the field, thermal agitation again prevails, and this destroys the alignment. The chromium loses its magnetism. Metals like this, which do not retain magnetism, are called paramagnetic. By contrast, in some metals, including iron, cobalt, and nickel, the individual atoms have much stronger magnetic moments. They are so strong that when atoms are crystallizing out of a melt, one atom feels the influence of its neighbor, and clusters of atoms align themselves with their magnetic axes parallel. Each such group actually becomes a small magnet. However, these clusters are microscopic in size and they are randomly oriented in a fresh casting. Thus an ordinary iron nail, for example, is not a magnet. But if a piece of iron is placed in a magnetic field, the groups that happen to be in line with the field tend to grow at the expense of neighboring groups, by pulling adjacent atoms into line with them. This action is enhanced if the metal is heated, or stressed as by drawing. The alignment formed in this way persists when the iron is removed from the field. Thus the metal has become a permanent magnet. Such metals, which can be permanently magnetized, are called ferromagnetic. The iron atoms in magnetite were so aligned, apparently by the earth’s magnetic field when the ore was crystallizing. The larger the groups are that are aligned with the field, and the smaller the ones that are randomly oriented, the more powerful will be the resultant permanent magnet. Scientists have learned that by applying heat or stress on the metal while it is within a powerful magnetic field, the maximum number of atomic groupings can be permanently aligned. In this way, permanent magnets of great strength can be produced economically. Celestial Magnetism As mentioned earlier, the earth itself is one large magnet. What causes this globe’s magnetic field? Some have thought that it was caused by the naturally magnetic ores within the earth. In other words, they have considered the earth to be a giant permanent magnet. But in more recent times it has been learned that the very high interior temperature of the earth rules out that possibility. Today the most commonly accepted explanation is that our globe’s magnetic field results from electric currents in the earth’s core, in some way related to the revolution of the earth on its axis. There is evidence also that other planets are magnetic. Jupiter, in particular, has a field much stronger than the earth’s. And the sun itself has an extremely powerful magnetic field. Even the Milky Way, the galaxy that includes our sun and some hundred billion other stars, gives evidence of having a magnetic field. The role of the earth’s magnetic field in protecting life is just being brought to light by scientists. An example of this can be seen in connection with the violent magnetic storms on the surface of our sun (known as “sunspots”). The gigantic regions of concentrated magnetic fields in the hot solar atmosphere actually cover areas larger than the earth, and have magnetic fields that are over a thousand times stronger than that of our globe. The sun continually sprays into space streams of electrically charged particles, which are called the “solar wind.” This wind would be devastating to earthly life, but our magnetic field traps the solar particles out in space before they even reach the atmosphere. It bends their paths into spirals around the lines of magnetic force and funnels them into the atmosphere in the north and south polar regions. Even so, when there is a severe magnetic storm on the sun, we can expect shortly afterward a geomagnetic storm that disrupts radio transmission, radar, and even power distribution. It also produces the grand ‘fireworks displays’ that are called the aurora borealis and aurora australis, the “northern lights” and “southern lights.” The earth’s magnetic field also helps to protect us from the most damaging cosmic rays by diverting them to the polar latitudes. We probably do not yet fully realize in how many ways this magnetic “cushion” serves to our benefit. But it is becoming evident that the magnetism of our planet plays a key role in protecting life. Electricity and Magnetism Magnetism’s ability to serve mankind especially lies in its relationship to electricity. Remember that the minute electrical current within the atom causes magnetism in the first place. In fact, magnetism and electricity are so closely related that each one causes the other. How is this so? Electricity flowing through a wire causes that wire to become magnetized. No, the wire will not attract other metals because the magnetic field surrounds the wire in a circular pattern, having no definite poles. But if the wire is coiled like thread on a spool, the magnetic field around each coil amplifies that of its neighbor, resulting in one large magnetic field. The more numerous the loops or coils of wire, the stronger the magnet produced. This magnet can be turned on and off simply by turning on and off the electricity flowing through it. If there is no electrical current, there is no magnetic field. This type of magnet is called an electromagnet. A simple example of an electromagnet in action is the common doorbell. When you push the button, electricity flows through an electromagnet, attracting a hinged piece of metal to it. In its movement toward the electromagnet, the metal strikes a chime. When you release the button, the electromagnet releases the metal, and as it springs back to its original position, it strikes another chime, resulting in the familiar “ding-dong.” In this, and sometimes in more complex ways, magnets and electromagnets are at the heart of most electrical appliances. Electric motors are based on the electromagnet. To state it simply, electromagnets arranged in a circle are turned on and off at precisely timed intervals, and the attractive/​repulsive properties of the magnets set an armature spinning within the circle. Thus electric motors of varying strengths do many chores for us, from turning the hands on our clocks to speeding heavy commuter trains to their destinations. Switches, relays, solenoids, meters, gauges, and so many other instruments of the electrical industry are based on this simple relationship between electricity and magnetism. Why, magnetism permits the sound of your voice to be transmitted over telephone wires to your loved ones, and then allows you to hear their voices in reply! Electromagnets within the speakers of your radio, television or stereo set convert electrical impulses into sound, reproducing the original with amazing fidelity. Yes, magnetism allows you to make a tape recording of your son’s first words, or your daughter’s first violin solo, and to relive those precious moments years later. It is a beam of electrons focused precisely by magnetic fields that produces the picture on your television set. This same focusing of electron beams by magnetism allows scientists to peer into the world of the infinitesimally small by means of electron microscopes. Electricity’s relationship to magnetism works in a converse way as well. The generators that produce electricity depend on magnetism. Powerful permanent magnets are arranged in a circle, and turbines driven by steam or water cause coils of wire to rotate through these powerful magnetic fields. This movement of the wire causes an electrical current to flow in the wire. Then this current is transformed to a suitable voltage and passed on to our homes. It would not be an overstatement to say that the entire electrical industry would not exist today if it were not for that powerful servant of man that we call magnetism. Great Potential There are many things yet to be learned about magnetism, and the more scientists learn about this power, the more uses they find for it. For example, a new technology called magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) promises to make the generating of electricity even more economical than it is today. Most major cities now use steam turbines to run their generators, and fossil fuels such as coal are burned to produce the steam. By means of MHD, though, it would be possible to produce electricity, not only in the generator, but also in the smokestack. How? Well, when the hot gases resulting from burning coal are channeled through a magnetic field, an electric current is produced. This revolutionary new system can convert the energy from coal into electricity, doing so with greater efficiency than any other system makes possible. Some researchers say that the increase in electricity produced from a ton of coal by means of MHD is as much as 50 percent. MHD also has been proposed as a method of extracting power from certain types of atomic reactors. In the field of transportation, progress is being made in developing trains that “fly” above special tracks by means of “magnetic levitation.” Electromagnets placed on the train and in the track bed cause the train to float about a foot above the guideways, and then to be propelled forward at remarkable speeds. Tests in Germany and Japan indicate that such trains will move passengers at speeds of up to 190 miles (306 kilometers) per hour. High-speed transportation systems based on magnetic levitation have both economic and environmental advantages over other systems. For example, there are no moving parts to wear out, smaller amounts of energy are consumed, and they are nonpolluting and silent in operation. Man is just beginning to ‘scratch the surface’ in his quest for more uses of magnetism. Increased knowledge of such dynamic power within our universe may well cause us to reflect on the might of Jehovah God, the Creator of such forces. He is ‘abundant in dynamic energy and vigorous in power,’ and has originated magnetism​—that powerful servant of man!​—Ps. 147:5; Isa. 40:26. [Pictures on page 19] In nonmagnetized metals, small atomic groups are arranged with their magnetic poles situated at random When magnetized, atomic groups realign themselves so that they lie parallel to one another [Pictures on page 20] The magnetic field around a wire with electricity flowing in it is shaped like a doughnut and has no definite poles When the wire is coiled, electrical current within it will produce an electromagnet with definite magnetic poles [Picture on page 21] High-speed trains that “fly” above special tracks by means of “magnetic levitation” are being developed
Do Jehovah’s Witnesses Believe in the Old Testament?
Do Jehovah’s Witnesses Believe in the Old Testament? Yes. Jehovah’s Witnesses believe that the entire Bible is “inspired of God and beneficial.” (2 Timothy 3:​16) That includes both the Old Testament and the New Testament, as they are commonly called. Generally, Jehovah’s Witnesses refer to these sections of the Bible as the Hebrew Scriptures and the Christian Greek Scriptures. In this way, we avoid giving the impression that some parts of the Bible are outdated or irrelevant. Why do Christians need both the Old Testament and the New Testament? Under divine inspiration, the Christian apostle Paul wrote: “All the things that were written aforetime were written for our instruction.” (Romans 15:4) Thus, there is valuable information for us in the Hebrew Scriptures. Among other things, they provide relevant history and practical advice. Relevant history. The Hebrew Scriptures include a detailed record of creation and mankind’s fall into sin. Without that information, we would lack satisfying answers to such questions as: Where did we come from? Why do humans die? (Genesis 2:7, 17) Moreover, the Hebrew Scriptures record Jehovah God’s dealings with people who experienced joys and challenges similar to our own.​—James 5:​17. Practical advice. The Bible books of Proverbs and Ecclesiastes, which are part of the Hebrew Scriptures, contain timeless wisdom for living. They offer advice on how to enjoy happy family life (Proverbs 15:17), how to have a balanced view of work (Proverbs 10:4; Ecclesiastes 4:6), and how young people can get the best out of their youth (Ecclesiastes 11:9–​12:1). Furthermore, we can benefit from studying the Mosaic Law as recorded in the Torah (the first five books of the Bible). Although that Law is not binding on Christians, it does contain valuable principles that can help us to lead a happy life.​—Leviticus 19:18; Deuteronomy 6:​5-7.
Worldwide Security (ws) 1986
Chapter 9 God’s Covenant With His “Friend” Already Beneficial to Millions 1, 2. (a) What friendly relationship has already begun working out for the benefit of millions? (b) Why was Abraham able to become God’s friend? MORE than 1,950 years ago a true friend of all mankind said: “No one has love greater than this, that someone should surrender his soul in behalf of his friends.” (John 15:13) The speaker, Jesus, was a descendant of a man who was called the friend of the most outstanding One in all the universe, Jehovah God. This friendly relationship, lopsided though it might seem, has already begun working out for the benefit of millions. 2 Who was the man of ancient times who won so much for us because of his friendship with God? He was Abraham, a descendant of the man Shem, who was one of the survivors of the global Flood of Noah’s day. Abraham entered into a relationship with God, displaying the qualities of a true friend. Moved by love and faith, Abraham acted in harmony with the will of God, and for this reason the Bible writer James states: “The scripture was fulfilled which says: ‘Abraham put faith in Jehovah, and it was counted to him as righteousness,’ and he came to be called ‘Jehovah’s friend.’”​—James 2:23. 3, 4. (a) What illustrates how highly Jehovah evaluated the faith and confidence that Abraham put in him? (b) With what words did Jehovah bring his statement in Isaiah 41:8 to a grand climax? 3 That man of faith and action was from the city of Ur of the Chaldeans, and he was the first to be called a Hebrew. (Genesis 14:13) This designation came to be applied to his descendants of the nation of Israel. (Philippians 3:5) In view of his making Abraham his friend, Jehovah God also took him into some of His intimate matters. This is indicated by what is written in Genesis 18:17-19. 4 That illustrates how highly Jehovah God evaluated the faith and confidence that Abraham put in him, resulting in unquestioning obedience on the part of Abraham. So without embarrassment or apology, Jehovah climaxed his statement to the nation of Israel by saying: “But you, O Israel, are my servant, you, O Jacob, whom I have chosen, the seed of Abraham my friend.”​—Isaiah 41:8. The Abrahamic Covenant Goes Into Effect 5, 6. (a) What covenant did Jehovah make with his friend Abraham? (b) In the face of what contrary circumstances did God make a promise to his friend concerning a “seed”? 5 The extent to which one’s bond with a loving friend will lead one is exemplified in the fact that the Sovereign of the universe, Jehovah, made a covenant with this mere man, Abraham. At Genesis 15:18 we read: “On that day Jehovah concluded with Abram [Abraham] a covenant, saying: ‘To your seed I will give this land, from the river of Egypt to the great river, the river Euphrates.’” 6 The Euphrates was the river that Abraham and his household crossed to enter the Promised Land. At the time of the crossing, Abraham was childless, although he had then reached the age of 75, and his wife was past the age of childbearing. (Genesis 12:1-5) Yet, in the face of such contrary circumstances, God said to obedient Abraham: “Look up, please, to the heavens and count the stars, if you are possibly able to count them. . . . So your seed will become.”​—Genesis 15:2-5. 7. (a) What is this covenant called? (b) In what year did it go into effect and with what event in Abraham’s life? (c) How many years was that before the Law covenant was made with the nation of Israel? 7 The covenant that Jehovah made with his “friend” we call the Abrahamic covenant. That covenant went into effect in 1943 B.C.E. when Abraham complied with God’s covenant requirements and crossed the Euphrates on his way to the Promised Land. In that year Jehovah God came under obligation to bless childless Abraham with “seed.” The Law that belonged to the covenant made with the nation of Israel at Mount Sinai came into being 430 years later, in 1513 B.C.E.​—Genesis 12:1-7; Exodus 24:3-8. Law Covenant Added to the Abrahamic Covenant 8. (a) What was the purpose of the Law covenant? (b) Did the Law covenant invalidate the Abrahamic covenant? 8 By that time, Abraham’s descendants through his son Isaac had become a free people. The nation of Israel had been delivered from Egypt and had been led to Mount Sinai in Arabia. Through Moses as the mediator, they had there been taken into the Law covenant with Jehovah God. Since those Israelites were already the natural descendants of Jehovah’s “friend,” Abraham, what really was the purpose of such a Law covenant? It was to serve as a protection to Jehovah’s chosen people. The Law covenant did not cancel the Abrahamic covenant, even though it did show up the nation of Israel as guilty of transgressions in the light of God’s perfect law.​—Galatians 3:19-23. 9, 10. (a) How did Abraham’s descendants generally feel about the “seed” by means of which all nations would bless themselves? (b) Has their thinking proved to be sound? 9 Figuratively speaking, the Israelites became the “sons” of that Law covenant. They felt that because they were the natural descendants of Abraham, they automatically became the “seed” by means of which all the nations would bless themselves. Has this proved to be the case? No! Today, almost 3,500 years later, we do see the independent secular Republic of Israel, but it is fighting for its life amid many hostile nations. 10 So one’s becoming a proselyte Jew today with the idea of thus becoming part of Abraham’s “seed” for the blessing of all the rest of mankind is not the way of Jehovah God. What, then, has taken place? 11. How did the apostle Paul explain what happened to the natural descendants of Abraham? 11 The apostle Paul explains the matter for us, saying: “It is written that Abraham acquired two sons, one by the servant girl [Hagar] and one by the free woman [Sarah]; but the one by the servant girl was actually born in the manner of flesh, the other by the free woman through a promise. These things stand as a symbolic drama; for these women mean two covenants, the one from Mount Sinai, which brings forth children for slavery, and which is Hagar. Now this Hagar means Sinai, a mountain in Arabia, and she corresponds with the Jerusalem today, for she is in slavery with her children. But the Jerusalem above is free, and she is our mother.”​—Galatians 4:22-26. 12. To whom did the servant girl Hagar correspond? 12 The Jerusalem to which the servant girl Hagar corresponded was earthly, being occupied by fleshly Jews. In the days of Jesus Christ, it was the capital of the nation of Israel and was under the Law covenant. (Matthew 23:37, 38) While the Law covenant mediated by Moses was still in force, natural Israel was the visible part of Jehovah’s organization. Thus it could be pictured by a woman, by Hagar the servant girl of Sarah. True Sons of the Abrahamic Covenant 13. (a) What corresponded to Abraham’s wife, Sarah? (b) Why can “the Jerusalem above” be called “free”? 13 On the other hand, “the Jerusalem above” was Jehovah’s invisible heavenly organization. Correspondingly, it could be pictured by a woman, by Sarah, the true wife of Abraham. The Law covenant was not made with this organization, so “the Jerusalem above” was free, like Sarah of old. This is the organization that produces the promised “seed,” and that is why the apostle Paul could call it “our mother.” 14. Does the Abrahamic covenant apply to “the Jerusalem above,” and what can the spirit-begotten disciples of Jesus Christ therefore be called? 14 Really, then, the Abrahamic covenant applies to her as the symbolic wife of the Greater Abraham, yes, to Jehovah’s universal organization up there in the heavens. It follows that the spirit-begotten disciples of Jesus Christ are, like the apostle Paul, the sons, or children, of the Abrahamic covenant. Paul goes on to reason that way, saying: 15. What did the apostle Paul say at Galatians 4:27-31 with regard to “the children” of the Abrahamic covenant? 15 “For it is written: ‘Be glad, you barren woman who does not give birth; break out and cry aloud, you woman who does not have childbirth pains; for the children of the desolate woman are more numerous than those of her who has the husband.’ Now we, brothers, are children belonging to the promise the same as Isaac was. But just as then the one born in the manner of flesh began persecuting the one born in the manner of spirit, so also now. Nevertheless, what does the Scripture say? ‘Drive out the servant girl and her son, for by no means shall the son of the servant girl be an heir with the son of the free woman.’ Wherefore, brothers, we are children, not of a servant girl, but of the free woman.”​—Galatians 4:27-31; Isaiah 54:1. 16. What did the symbolic drama of ancient times foretell with regard to the Law covenant, this leaving what to remain? 16 Thus that symbolic drama of ancient times foretold that Jehovah God, the Greater Abraham, would set aside the Law covenant that would be made with Israel at Mount Sinai. In this way the addition (the Law covenant) to the Abrahamic covenant would be subtracted, or taken away, leaving just the Abrahamic covenant with its promise of a “seed” by means of which all the families of the earth would bless themselves. 17. (a) How long was the Law covenant to continue? (b) Why was Jesus Christ the principal descendant of Abraham? (c) Jesus’ becoming God’s Chief Agent for blessing all the families of the earth depended upon what? 17 So the added Law covenant was to continue until the promised “seed” arrived, and this proved to be Jesus Christ. By a divine miracle, he became a fleshly descendant of Abraham. He became the principal descendant of that patriarch. He not only was Abraham’s fleshly descendant but was the Son of God, and hence a perfect human, one who remained “loyal, guileless, undefiled, separated from the sinners.” (Hebrews 7:26) However, his becoming God’s Chief Agent for blessing all the families of the earth depended upon the sacrificing of his perfect human life and the applying of the value of this in behalf of all mankind. By such self-sacrifice, he would serve as Jehovah’s great High Priest, offering up a sacrifice that met all the divine requirements. Law Covenant Nailed to Jesus’ Torture Stake 18. (a) To whom were the benefits of the ransom sacrifice to be presented first, and why? (b) What did Jesus become? 18 The benefits of this ransom sacrifice would be presented first in behalf of the Jewish nation, of which Jesus had become a member by his miraculous birth through the virgin Mary. This was vitally necessary, for the Jews were under a double condemnation to death. How so? First, they were the offspring of the sinner Adam, and second, they had, because of their imperfection, become accursed by failing to live up to the Law covenant with God. However, Jesus became a curse for them. By being impaled upon a torture stake till dead, he was able to lift the curse from “the lost sheep of the house of Israel.” In 33 C.E., the Law covenant was nailed to Jesus’ torture stake, and the Jewish sheepfold under that temporary Law covenant was shut down, abolished.​—Matthew 15:24; Galatians 3:10-13; Colossians 2:14. 19. (a) What new sheepfold had to be opened, and what was it to contain? (b) Those brought into the new sheepfold therefore become what? 19 So a new sheepfold had to be opened up to accommodate the spiritual sheep of the resurrected Fine Shepherd, Jesus Christ. The self-sacrificing Fine Shepherd is also the symbolic door to this new sheepfold. (John 10:7) Those brought into this new sheepfold under the Fine Shepherd become the spirit-begotten sons of the Greater Abraham and thus part of His “seed.” (Romans 2:28, 29) True to this fact, during these last days a remnant of that spiritual “seed” has been serving as a blessing to increasing millions of people in more than 200 lands. [Picture on page 80, 81] The Mosaic Law covenant made at Mount Sinai came to an end when it was nailed to the torture stake with Jesus
Mankind’s Search for God (sh) 1990
Chapter 2 Religion​—How Did It Begin? 1, 2. What has been observed regarding antiquity and variety in religion? THE history of religion is as old as the history of man himself. That is what archaeologists and anthropologists tell us. Even among the most “primitive,” that is to say, undeveloped, civilizations, there is found evidence of worship of some form. In fact The New Encyclopædia Britannica says that “as far as scholars have discovered, there has never existed any people, anywhere, at any time, who were not in some sense religious.” 2 Besides its antiquity, religion also exists in great variety. The headhunters in the jungles of Borneo, the Eskimos in the frozen Arctic, the nomads in the Sahara Desert, the urban dwellers in the great metropolises of the world​—every people and every nation on earth has its god or gods and its way of worship. The diversity in religion is truly staggering. 3. What questions about world religions need to be considered? 3 Logically, questions come to mind. From where did all these religions come? Since there are marked differences as well as similarities among them, did they start independently, or could they have developed from one source? In fact we might ask: Why did religion begin at all? And how? The answers to these questions are of vital importance to all who are interested in finding the truth about religion and religious beliefs. Question of Origin 4. What do we know about the founders of many religions? 4 When it comes to the question of origin, people of different religions think of names such as Muḥammad, the Buddha, Confucius, and Jesus. In almost every religion, we can find a central figure to whom credit is given for establishing the ‘true faith.’ Some of these were iconoclastic reformers. Others were moralistic philosophers. Still others were selfless folk heroes. Many of them have left behind writings or sayings that formed the basis of a new religion. In time what they said and did was elaborated, embellished, and given a mystic aura. Some of these leaders were even deified. 5, 6. How did many religions originate? 5 Even though these individuals are considered founders of the major religions that we are familiar with, it must be noted that they did not actually originate religion. In most cases, their teachings grew out of existing religious ideas, even though most of these founders claimed divine inspiration as their source. Or they changed and modified existing religious systems that had become unsatisfactory in one way or another. 6 For example, as accurately as history can tell us, the Buddha had been a prince who was appalled by the suffering and deplorable conditions he found surrounding him in a society dominated by Hinduism. Buddhism was the result of his search for a solution to life’s agonizing problems. Similarly, Muḥammad was highly disturbed by the idolatry and immorality he saw in the religious practices around him. He later claimed to have received special revelations from God, which formed the Qurʼān and became the basis of a new religious movement, Islām. Protestantism grew out of Catholicism as a result of the Reformation that began in the early 16th century, when Martin Luther protested the sale of indulgences by the Catholic church at that time. 7. What question regarding religion still needs to be answered? 7 Thus, as far as the religions now in existence are concerned, there is no lack of information regarding their origin and development, their founders, their sacred writings, and so on. But what about the religions that existed before them? And the ones even before those? If we go back far enough in history, we will sooner or later be confronted with the question: How did religion begin? Clearly, to find the answer to that question, we must look beyond the confines of the individual religions. Many Theories 8. For centuries, what was the attitude of people toward religion? 8 The study of the origin and development of religion is a comparatively new field. For centuries, people more or less accepted the religious tradition into which they were born and in which they were brought up. Most of them were satisfied with the explanations handed down to them by their forefathers, feeling that their religion was the truth. There was seldom any reason to question anything, nor the need to investigate how, when, or why things got started. In fact, for centuries, with limited means of travel and communication, few people were even aware of other religious systems. 9. Since the 19th century, what attempts have been made to discover how and why religion began? 9 During the 19th century, however, the picture began to change. The theory of evolution was sweeping through intellectual circles. That, along with the advent of scientific inquiry, caused many to question established systems, including religion. Recognizing the limitations of looking for clues within existing religion, some scholars turned to the remains of early civilizations or to the remote corners of the world where people still lived in primitive societies. They tried to apply to these the methods of psychology, sociology, anthropology, and so forth, hoping to discover a clue as to how religion began and why. 10. What was the outcome of the investigations into the origin of religion? 10 What was the outcome? Suddenly, there burst upon the scene many theories​—as many as there were investigators, it seemed—​with each investigator contradicting the other, and each endeavoring to outdo the other in daring and originality. Some of these researchers arrived at important conclusions; the work of others has simply been forgotten. It is both educational and enlightening for us to get a glimpse of the results of this research. It will help us to gain a better understanding of the religious attitudes among people we meet. 11. Explain the theory of animism. 11 A theory, commonly called animism, was proposed by the English anthropologist Edward Tylor (1832-1917). He suggested that experiences such as dreams, visions, hallucinations, and the lifelessness of corpses caused primitive people to conclude that the body is inhabited by a soul (Latin, anima). According to this theory, since they frequently dreamed about their deceased loved ones, they assumed that a soul continued living after death, that it left the body and dwelt in trees, rocks, rivers, and so on. Eventually, the dead and the objects the souls were said to inhabit came to be worshiped as gods. And thus, said Tylor, religion was born. 12. Explain the theory of animatism. 12 Another English anthropologist, R. R. Marett (1866-1943), proposed a refinement of animism, which he called animatism. After studying the beliefs of the Melanesians of the Pacific islands and the natives of Africa and America, Marett concluded that instead of having the notion of a personal soul, primitive people believed there was an impersonal force or supernatural power that animated everything; that belief evoked emotions of awe and fear in man, which became the basis for his primitive religion. To Marett, religion was mainly man’s emotional response to the unknown. His favorite statement was that religion was “not so much thought out as danced out.” 13. What theory of religion did James Frazer propose? 13 In 1890 a Scottish expert in ancient folklore, James Frazer (1854-1941), published the influential book The Golden Bough, in which he argued that religion grew out of magic. According to Frazer, man first tried to control his own life and his environment by imitating what he saw happening in nature. For example, he thought that he could invoke rain by sprinkling water on the ground to the accompaniment of thunderlike drumbeats or that he could cause his enemy harm by sticking pins in an effigy. This led to the use of rituals, spells, and magical objects in many areas of life. When these did not work as expected, he then turned to placating and beseeching the help of the supernatural powers, instead of trying to control them. The rituals and incantations became sacrifices and prayers, and thus religion began. In Frazer’s words, religion is “a propitiation or conciliation of powers superior to man.” 14. How did Sigmund Freud explain the origin of religion? 14 Even the noted Austrian psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud (1856-1939), in his book Totem and Taboo, tried to explain the origin of religion. True to his profession, Freud explained that the earliest religion grew out of what he called a father-figure neurosis. He theorized that, as was true with wild horses and cattle, in primitive society the father dominated the clan. The sons, who both hated and admired the father, rebelled and killed the father. To acquire the father’s power, Freud claimed, ‘these cannibalistic savages ate their victim.’ Later, out of remorse, they invented rites and rituals to atone for their action. In Freud’s theory, the father figure became God, the rites and rituals became the earliest religion, and the eating of the slain father became the tradition of communion practiced in many religions. 15. What has happened to most of the proposed theories on the origin of religion? 15 Numerous other theories that are attempts to explain the origin of religion could be cited. Most of them, however, have been forgotten, and none of them have really stood out as more credible or acceptable than the others. Why? Simply because there was never any historical evidence or proof that these theories were true. They were purely products of some investigator’s imagination or conjecture, soon to be replaced by the next one that came along. A Faulty Foundation 16. Why have years of investigation failed to provide the explanation of how religion began? 16 After years of struggling with the issue, many have now come to the conclusion that it is most unlikely that there will be any breakthrough in finding the answer to the question of how religion began. First of all, this is because bones and remains of ancient peoples do not tell us how those people thought, what they feared, or why they worshiped. Any conclusions drawn from these artifacts are educated guesses at best. Second, the religious practices of today’s so-called primitive people, such as the Australian Aborigines, are not necessarily a reliable gauge for measuring what people of ancient times did or thought. No one knows for sure if or how their culture changed over the centuries. 17. (a) What do modern historians of religions know? (b) What appears to be the main concern when analyzing religion? 17 Because of all the uncertainties, the book World Religions​—From Ancient History to the Present concludes that “the modern historian of religions knows that it is impossible to reach the origins of religion.” Regarding the historians’ efforts, however, the book makes this observation: “In the past too many theorists were concerned not simply to describe or explain religion but to explain it away, feeling that if the early forms were shown to be based upon illusions then the later and higher religions might be undermined.” 18. (a) Why have the many investigators been unsuccessful in explaining the origin of religion? (b) What, apparently, were the true intentions of “scientific” investigators of religion? 18 In that last comment lies the clue as to why various “scientific” investigators of the origin of religion have not come up with any tenable explanations. Logic tells us that a correct conclusion can be deduced only from a correct premise. If one starts off with a faulty premise, it is unlikely that one will reach a sound conclusion. The repeated failure of the “scientific” investigators to come up with a reasonable explanation casts serious doubts on the premise upon which they based their views. By following their preconceived notion, in their efforts to ‘explain religion away’ they have attempted to explain God away. 19. What is a basic principle behind successful scientific investigations? Please illustrate. 19 The situation can be compared to the many ways astronomers prior to the 16th century tried to explain the movement of the planets. There were many theories, but none of them were really satisfactory. Why? Because they were based upon the assumption that the earth was the center of the universe around which the stars and planets revolved. Real progress was not made until scientists​—and the Catholic Church—​were willing to accept the fact that the earth was not the center of the universe but revolved around the sun, the center of the solar system. The failure of the many theories to explain the facts led open-minded individuals, not to try to come up with new theories, but to reexamine the premise of their investigations. And that led to success. 20. (a) What was the erroneous premise underlying the “scientific” investigation of religion’s origin? (b) To what fundamental need did Voltaire refer? 20 The same principle can be applied to the investigation of the origin of religion. Because of the rise of atheism and the widespread acceptance of the theory of evolution, many people have taken for granted that God does not exist. Based on this assumption, they feel that the explanation for the existence of religion is to be found in man himself​—in his thought processes, his needs, his fears, his “neuroses.” Voltaire stated, “If God did not exist, it would be necessary to invent him”; so they argue that man has invented God.​—See box, page 28. 21. What logical conclusion can we draw from the failure of the many theories on the origin of religion? 21 Since the many theories have failed to provide a truly satisfying answer, is it not time now to reexamine the premise upon which these investigations were based? Instead of laboring fruitlessly in the same rut, would it not be logical to look elsewhere for the answer? If we are willing to be open-minded, we will agree that to do so is both reasonable and scientific. And we have just such an example to help us see the logic behind this course. An Ancient Inquiry 22. How did the Athenians’ many theories about their gods affect their way of worship? 22 In the first century of our Common Era, Athens, Greece, was a prominent center of learning. Among the Athenians, however, there were many different schools of thought, such as the Epicureans and the Stoics, each with its own idea about the gods. Based on these various ideas, many deities were venerated, and different ways of worship developed. As a result, the city was full of man-made idols and temples.​—Acts 17:16. 23. What totally different view about God did the apostle Paul present to the Athenians? 23 In about the year 50 C.E., the Christian apostle Paul visited Athens and presented to the Athenians a totally different point of view. He told them: “The God that made the world and all the things in it, being, as this One is, Lord of heaven and earth, does not dwell in handmade temples, neither is he attended to by human hands as if he needed anything, because he himself gives to all persons life and breath and all things.”​—Acts 17:24, 25. 24. In effect, what was Paul telling the Athenians about true worship? 24 In other words, Paul was telling the Athenians that the true God, who “made the world and all the things in it,” is not a fabrication of man’s imagination, nor is he served by ways that man might devise. True religion is not just a one-sided effort by man to try to fill a certain psychological need or quell a certain fear. Rather, since the true God is the Creator, who gave man thinking ability and power of reason, it is only logical that He would provide a way for man to come into a satisfying relationship with Him. That, according to Paul, was exactly what God did. “He made out of one man every nation of men, to dwell upon the entire surface of the earth, . . . for them to seek God, if they might grope for him and really find him, although, in fact, he is not far off from each one of us.”​—Acts 17:26, 27. 25. Explain the key point of Paul’s argument about mankind’s origin. 25 Notice Paul’s key point: God “made out of one man every nation of men.” Even though today there are many nations of men, living all over the earth, scientists know that, indeed, all mankind is of the same stock. This concept is of great significance because when we speak of all mankind’s being of the same stock, it means much more than their being related just biologically and genetically. They are related in other areas as well. 26. What is known about language that supports Paul’s key point? 26 Note, for instance, what the book Story of the World’s Worship says about man’s language. “Those who have studied the languages of the world and compared them with each other have something to say, and it is this: All languages can be grouped into families or classes of speech, and all these families are seen to have started from one common source.” In other words, the languages of the world did not originate separately and independently, as evolutionists would have us believe. They theorize that cave-dwelling men in Africa, Europe, and Asia started with their grunts and growls and eventually developed their own languages. That was not the case. Evidence is that they “started from one common source.” 27. Why is it logical to think that man’s ideas about God and religion started from one common source? 27 If that is true of something as personal and as uniquely human as language, then would it not be reasonable to think that man’s ideas about God and religion should also have started from one common source? After all, religion is related to thinking, and thinking is related to man’s ability to use language. It is not that all religions actually grew out of one religion, but the ideas and concepts should be traceable to some common origin or pool of religious ideas. Is there evidence to support this? And if, indeed, man’s religions did originate in one single source, what might it be? How can we find out? Different yet Similar 28. How can we find out if there is a common origin for the world’s religions? 28 We can get the answer in the same way that linguistic experts got their answers about the origin of language. By placing the languages side by side and noting their similarities, an etymologist can trace the various languages back to their source. Similarly, by placing the religions side by side, we can examine their doctrines, legends, rituals, ceremonies, institutions, and so on, and see if there is any underlying thread of common identity and, if so, to what that thread leads us. 29. To what can many of the differences among religions be attributed? 29 On the surface, the many religions in existence today seem quite different from one another. However, if we strip them of the things that are mere embellishments and later additions, or if we remove those distinctions that are the result of climate, language, peculiar conditions of their native land, and other factors, it is amazing how similar most of them turn out to be. 30. What similarities do you see between Roman Catholicism and Buddhism? 30 For example, most people would think that there could hardly be any two religions more different from each other than the Roman Catholic Church of the West and Buddhism of the East. However, what do we see when we put aside the differences that could be attributed to language and culture? If we are objective about it, we have to admit that there is a great deal that the two have in common. Both Catholicism and Buddhism are steeped in rituals and ceremonies. These include the use of candles, incense, holy water, the rosary, images of saints, chants and prayer books, even the sign of the cross. Both religions maintain institutions of monks and nuns and are noted for celibacy of priests, special garb, holy days, special foods. This list is by no means exhaustive, but it serves to illustrate the point. The question is, Why do two religions that appear to be so different have so many things in common? 31. What similarities do you see among other religions? 31 As enlightening as the comparison of these two religions turns out to be, the same can be done with other religions. When we do so, we find that certain teachings and beliefs are almost universal among them. Most of us are familiar with such doctrines as the immortality of the human soul, heavenly reward for all good people, eternal torment for the wicked in an underworld, purgatory, a triune god or a godhead of many gods, and a mother-of-god or queen-of-heaven goddess. Beyond these, however, there are many legends and myths that are equally commonplace. For example, there are legends about man’s fall from divine grace owing to his illicit attempt to achieve immortality, the need to offer sacrifices to atone for sin, the search for a tree of life or fountain of youth, gods and demigods who lived among humans and produced superhuman offspring, and a catastrophic flood that devastated nearly all of humanity.a 32, 33. (a) What can we conclude from the remarkable similarities among the world’s religions? (b) What question needs an answer? 32 What can we conclude from all of this? We note that those who believed in these myths and legends lived far from one another geographically. Their culture and traditions were different and distinct. Their social customs bore no relationship to one another. And yet, when it comes to their religions, they believed in such similar ideas. Although not every one of these peoples believed in all the things mentioned, all of them believed in some of them. The obvious question is, Why? It was as if there was a common pool from which each religion drew its basic beliefs, some more, some less. With the passage of time, these basic ideas were embellished and modified, and other teachings developed from them. But the basic outline is unmistakable. 33 Logically, the similarity in the basic concepts of the many religions of the world is strong evidence that they did not begin each in its own separate and independent way. Rather, going back far enough, their ideas must have come from a common origin. What was that origin? An Early Golden Age 34. What legend regarding man’s beginning is common to many religions? 34 Interestingly, among the legends common to many religions is one that says humankind began in a golden age in which man was guiltless, lived happily and peacefully in close communion with God, and was free from sickness and death. While details may differ, the same concept of a perfect paradise that once existed is found in the writings and legends of many religions. 35. Describe the ancient Zoroastrians’ belief about an early golden age. 35 The Avesta, the sacred book of the ancient Persian Zoroastrian religion, tells about “the fair Yima, the good shepherd,” who was the first mortal with whom Ahura Mazda (the creator) conversed. He was instructed by Ahura Mazda “to nourish, to rule, and to watch over my world.” To do so, he was to build “a Vara,” an underground abode, for all the living creatures. In it, there “was neither overbearing nor mean-spiritedness, neither stupidity nor violence, neither poverty nor deceit, neither puniness nor deformity, neither huge teeth nor bodies beyond the usual measure. The inhabitants suffered no defilement from the evil spirit. They dwelt among odoriferous trees and golden pillars; these were the largest, best and most beautiful on earth; they were themselves a tall and beautiful race.” 36. How did the Greek poet Hesiod describe a “Golden Age”? 36 Among the ancient Greeks, Hesiod’s poem Works and Days speaks of the Five Ages of Man, the first of which was the “Golden Age” when men enjoyed complete happiness. He wrote: “The immortal gods, that tread the courts of heaven,First made a golden race of men.Like gods they lived, with happy, careless souls,From toil and pain exempt; nor on them creptWretched old age, but all their life was passedIn feasting, and their limbs no changes knew.” That legendary golden age was lost, according to Greek mythology, when Epimetheus accepted as wife the beautiful Pandora, a gift from the Olympian god Zeus. One day Pandora opened the lid of her great vase, and suddenly there escaped from it troubles, miseries, and illness from which mankind was never to recover. 37. Describe the ancient Chinese legendary account of a “paradise” at the beginning of history. 37 Ancient Chinese legends also tell of a golden age in the days of Huang-Ti (Yellow Emperor), who is said to have ruled for a hundred years in the 26th century B.C.E. He was credited with inventing everything having to do with civilization​—clothing and shelter, vehicles of transportation, weapons and warfare, land management, manufacturing, silk culture, music, language, mathematics, the calendar, and so on. During his reign, it is said, “there were no thieves nor fights in China, and the people lived in humility and peace. Timely rain and weather resulted in abundant harvest year after year. Most amazing was that even the wild beasts did not kill, and birds of prey did no harm. In short, the history of China began with a paradise.” To this day, the Chinese still claim to be the descendants of the Yellow Emperor. 38. What conclusion can we draw from all the similar legendary accounts of man’s beginning? 38 Similar legendary accounts of a time of happiness and perfection at the beginning of man’s history can be found in the religions of many other peoples​—Egyptians, Tibetans, Peruvians, Mexicans, and others. Was it just by accident that all these peoples, who lived far from each other and who had totally different cultures, languages, and customs, entertained the same ideas about their origin? Was it just by chance or coincidence that all of them chose to explain their beginnings in the same way? Logic and experience tell us that this could hardly be so. On the contrary, interwoven in all these legends, there must be some common elements of truth about the beginning of man and his religion. 39. What composite picture can be assembled from the elements common to the many legends about man’s beginning? 39 Indeed, there are many common elements discernible among all the different legends about man’s beginning. When we put them together, a more complete picture begins to emerge. It tells how God created the first man and woman and placed them in a paradise. They were very output and very happy at first, but soon they became rebellious. That rebellion led to the loss of the perfect paradise, only to be replaced by labor and toil, pain and suffering. Eventually mankind became so bad that God punished them by sending a great deluge of waters that destroyed all but one family. As this family multiplied, some of the offspring banded together and started to build an immense tower in defiance of God. God thwarted their scheme by confusing their language and dispersing them to the far corners of the earth. 40. Explain the Bible’s relationship to the legends about the origin of man’s religions. 40 Is this composite picture purely the result of someone’s mental exercise? No. Basically, that is the picture presented in the Bible, in the first 11 chapters of the book of Genesis 1-11. While we will not go into a discussion of the authenticity of the Bible here, let it be noted that the Bible’s account of man’s early history is reflected in the key elements found in many legends.b The record reveals that as the human race began to disperse from Mesopotamia, they carried with them their memories, experiences, and ideas everywhere they went. In time these were elaborated and changed and became the warp and woof of religion in every part of the world. In other words, going back to the analogy used earlier, the account in Genesis constitutes the original, crystal-clear pool from which stemmed the basic ideas about the beginning of man and worship found in the various religions of the world. To these they added their particular doctrines and practices, but the instruction is unmistakable. 41. What should you bear in mind as you study subsequent chapters in this book? 41 In the following chapters of this book, we will discuss in greater detail how specific religions began and developed. You will find it enlightening to note not only how each religion is different from the others but also how it is similar to them. You will also be able to note how each religion fits into the time scheme of human history and the history of religion, how its sacred book or writings relate to the others, how its founder or leader was influenced by other religious ideas, and how it has influenced mankind’s conduct and history. Studying mankind’s long search for God with these points in mind will help you to see more clearly the truth about religion and religious teachings. [Footnotes] a For a detailed comparison of the various flood legends found among different peoples, please see the book Insight on the Scriptures, published by the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc., 1988, Volume 1, pages 328, 610, and 611. b For detailed information on this subject, please refer to the book The Bible​—God’s Word or Man’s?, published by the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc., 1989. [Blurb on page 23] The advent of scientific inquiry and the theory of evolution caused many to question religion [Blurb on page 34] It is as if there was a common pool from which each religion drew its basic beliefs [Box on page 28] Why Is Man Religious? ▪ John B. Noss points out in his book Man’s Religions: “All religions say in one way or another that man does not, and cannot, stand alone. He is vitally related with and even dependent on powers in Nature and Society external to himself. Dimly or clearly, he knows that he is not an independent center of force capable of standing apart from the world.” Similarly, the book World Religions​—From Ancient History to the Present says: “The study of religion reveals that an important feature of it is a longing for value in life, a belief that life is not accidental and meaningless. The search for meaning leads to faith in a power greater than the human, and finally to a universal or superhuman mind which has the intention and will to maintain the highest values for human life.” So religion satisfies a basic human need, much as food satisfies our hunger. We know that eating indiscriminately when we are hungry may stop the pangs of hunger; in the long run, however, it will damage our health. To lead a healthy life, we need food that is wholesome and nutritious. Likewise, we need wholesome spiritual food to maintain our spiritual health. That is why the Bible tells us: “Not by bread alone does man live but by every expression of Jehovah’s mouth.”​—Deuteronomy 8:3. [Map on page 39] (For fully formatted text, see publication) As the human race dispersed from Mesopotamia, their religious ideas and memories went with them BABYLON LYDIA SYRIA EGYPT ASSYRIA MEDIA ELAM PERSIA [Pictures on page 21] Men such as the Buddha, Confucius, and Luther changed existing religious systems; they did not originate religion [Picture on page 25] Austrian psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud attributed religion to fear of a father figure [Picture on page 27] The premise that the earth was the center of the universe led to erroneous conclusions about planetary movements [Pictures on page 33] Buddhism and Roman Catholicism​—why do they appear to have many things in common? Chinese Buddhist goddess of mercy with infant Catholic Madonna with infant Jesus Tibetan Buddhist using prayer wheel and rosary Catholic using rosary [Picture on page 36] Chinese legends speak of a golden age during the reign of Huang-Ti (Yellow Emperor) in mythical times
Learn From the Bible (lfb) 2017
Introduction to Section 11 This section introduces the Christian Greek Scriptures. Jesus was born into a humble family who lived in a small town. He worked with his father, a carpenter. Jesus was the one who would save mankind. Jehovah had selected him as King of the Kingdom of the heavens. If you are a parent, help your child to appreciate how carefully Jehovah selected the family and environment in which Jesus would grow up. Consider how Jehovah protected Jesus from being murdered by Herod and how nothing can stop Jehovah’s purpose. Learn how Jehovah assigned John to prepare the way for Jesus. Emphasize how Jesus demonstrated that even from a young age, he loved Jehovah’s wisdom. KEY LESSONS Always be loyal to Jehovah’s arrangement Jesus, the powerful Son of God, was willing to be born on earth as a human baby John the Baptist humbly helped people to be ready for the arrival of the Messiah
Paradise Restored (pm) 1972
Chapter 7 Blessings and Good Rulership as the World Rocks 1. In the month following his opening prophecy, what did Zechariah see take place, and what did this move Jehovah to do? THE OPENING prophecy of Zechariah in the eighth lunar month (Heshvan) in the second year of the reign of King Darius I of the Persian Empire was short, yet timely and pointed. (Zechariah 1:1-6) In the very next month the prophet Zechariah saw take place at Jerusalem significant action upon which the future welfare of the Jewish nation was hinged. On the twenty-fourth day of the ninth lunar month (Chislev) “the foundation of the temple of Jehovah was laid”! Zechariah’s companion prophet, Haggai, records that momentous fact. (Haggai 2:18) That action taken in the face of an imperial ban against the rebuilding of the temple at Jerusalem was of such religious importance that it moved Jehovah of armies to inspire Haggai to prophesy again. 2, 3. (a) To whom was Haggai’s first prophecy on Chislev 24, 520 B.C.E., addressed? (b) What start of a dialogue does Haggai 2:10-12 record? 2 The first one of Haggai’s prophecies on that historical day was addressed to the Levite priests who were hoping to serve in Jehovah’s temple when completed. Those priests of the family of Aaron the Levite included the high priest, Joshua the son of Jehozadak. It impressed upon all those priests a lesson that is important for us in this late day. So let us read Haggai’s record of it and follow the dialogue that took place: 3 “In the twenty-fourth day of the ninth month, in the second year of Darius, the word of Jehovah occurred to Haggai the prophet, saying: ‘This is what Jehovah of armies has said, “Ask, please, the priests as to the law, saying: ‘If a man carries holy flesh in the skirt of his garment, and he actually touches with his skirt bread or stew or wine or oil or any sort of food, will it become holy?’”’”​—Haggai 2:10-12. 4. According to Malachi 2:7, why should those priests have been able to answer that test question, and yet what may have affected them? 4 The “law” here spoken of is the divine law given through the prophet Moses and has reference to ceremonial matters and to the priests who would be the ones that carried “holy flesh.” Of course, the priests should have been familiar with the Mosaic law, for it is said by the later prophet Malachi: “The lips of a priest are the ones that should keep knowledge, and the law is what people should seek from his mouth; for he is the messenger of Jehovah of armies.” (Malachi 2:7) Reasonably, then, the priests should have been able to answer correctly the test question put to them by means of Haggai. Or had their familiarity with the law been affected by seventy years of desolation of the land of Judah during which the Jews had been exiles in the land of Babylon, and also by the troublous seventeen years that had elapsed since the return of the faithful remnant to their homeland? So how did the priests answer? 5. What law may those priests have had in mind in giving their right answer, and so what should an unclean person not think about gaining holiness? 5 “And the priests proceeded to answer and say: ‘No!’” (Haggai 2:12) That is to say, “Holy flesh” of an animal victim that had been offered to Jehovah in sacrifice did not impart its holiness to any other foodstuff with which it might accidentally be brought in contact. For a guiding rule as to this answer, the priests may have had in mind what the Mosaic law says in Leviticus 7:19, 20: “The flesh that may touch anything unclean is not to be eaten. It is to be burned with fire. As for the flesh, everybody clean may eat the flesh. And the soul who eats the flesh of the communion sacrifice, which is for Jehovah, while his uncleanness is upon him, that soul must be cut off from his people.” According to this, an Israelite who was unclean for any reason (Leviticus 7:21) should not think that because he comes in touch with “holy flesh” by eating it he is thereby cleansed, that what he has eaten has imparted holiness to him. Wrong reasoning according to the Law! 6. What question did Haggai next propose, and with what answer? 6 The prophet Haggai did not say that the priests had reasoned wrong. So now he proposed a question that called for an opposite answer. “And Haggai went on to say: ‘If someone unclean by a deceased soul touches any of these things, will it become unclean?’ In turn the priests answered and said: ‘It will become unclean.’”​—Haggai 2:13. 7. The right answer of the priests proved that they knew what law about cleansing someone defiled by a dead body? 7 This correct answer of the priests proved that they knew Jehovah’s law that was stated in connection with the “water for cleansing.” This was water with which the ashes of the sacrificed red cow had been mingled and which was sprinkled upon persons defiled by contact with dead bodies. This law said: “Anyone touching the corpse of any human soul must also be unclean seven days. . . . Everyone touching a corpse, the soul of whatever man may die, and who will not purify himself, has defiled Jehovah’s tabernacle, and that soul must be cut off from Israel. Because the water for cleansing has not been sprinkled upon him, he continues unclean. His uncleanness is still upon him. And it must serve as a statute to time indefinite for them, that the one spattering the water for cleansing should wash his garments, also the one touching the water for cleansing. He will be unclean until the evening. And anything the unclean one may touch will be unclean, and the soul who touches it will be unclean until the evening.”​—Numbers 19:2-5, 11-13, 21, 22; Hebrews 9:13. 8. What did this illustrate with regard to uncleanness, and how did this apply with regard to one’s attitude toward the erection of Jehovah’s temple? 8 This illustrates how infectious an uncleanness can be​—not only physically, but also spiritually. A person who is bearing something holy may not be able to pass on holiness to another person automatically or easily, without effort. But an unclean, contaminated person can easily infect another person by mere association and contact with him. As the Christian apostle Paul said: “Do you not know that a little leaven ferments the whole lump?” (1 Corinthians 5:6; Galatians 5:8, 9) That is the way it could be with a person’s unclean attitude of indifference toward how the temple of Jehovah is being neglected. Such indifference and carelessness toward the pure worship of Jehovah and its full expression through a temple could act like spiritual leaven and infect the whole nation of Israel. Even after the erecting of Jehovah’s temple it became necessary for a later governor of Judah and Jerusalem to say: “We should not neglect the house of our God.” Worship there should be fully supported.​—Nehemiah 10:39. 9. What evidently had happened to the Jewish attitude since the remnant’s return seventeen years previously? 9 Undeniably the rebuilding of the temple at Jerusalem had lagged during the seventeen years since the return of the Jewish remnant to their homeland. The evidence indicated that there were indifference and unconcern on the part of many, and the original enthusiasm for the rebuilding of the temple had cooled off. 10, 11. (a) What shows that the Jewish remnant had lost the love that they first had? (b) According to Haggai 2:14, how did the nation and its works appear to Jehovah? 10 As with the Christian congregation at the close of the first century C.E. it could be said to the Jewish remnant: “You have left the love you had at first. Therefore remember from what you have fallen, and repent and do the former deeds.” (Revelation 2:4, 5) Without a question there was a need on the part of the Jewish remnant to “return” to Jehovah that he might “return” to them. (Zechariah 1:3, 4; Jeremiah 2:2, 3) At the time for the celebration of the festival of the booths (tabernacles) at Jerusalem, immediately after their return from Babylon, the Jewish remnant had erected an altar temporarily at the proper location and began offering up the proper sacrifices thereon. (Ezra 3:1-6) But was that enough? With just that and a temple foundation, how did the nation appear to their God? Listen: 11 “Accordingly Haggai answered and said: ‘That is how this people is, and that is how this nation is before me,’ is the utterance of Jehovah, ‘and that is how all the work of their hands is, and whatever they present there. It is unclean.’”​—Haggai 2:14. 12. So, how were the sacrifices that they presented at Jehovah’s altar affected, and in view of that could he bless them? 12 It was as in the case of the Israelite who became unclean by touching a dead body: everything that he touched before he was cleansed by being sprinkled with the water containing ashes of the sacrificed red heifer was made unclean. Being unclean in Jehovah’s sight because of their neglect toward His house of worship, the restored nation of Israel contaminated the sacrifices that they presented to Jehovah on their temporary altar at Jerusalem. Under such circumstances, could Jehovah bless them, not just spiritually but also materially? Consistently, No. NEED FOR MODERN-DAY CLEANSING 13. Similar to the Jewish remnant in 520 B.C.E., how was the Christian remnant unclean? 13 Similar to that was the situation that beset the anointed remnant of Christ’s dedicated, baptized disciples after World War I. Christendom, with its hundreds of sectarian churches, had besmeared itself with the blood of the millions who were slain in that bloodiest war up till 1914 C.E. The anointed remnant of Christ’s disciples had tried to keep clean from such bloodguilt and other unchristian conduct, but did not wholly succeed and bore a measure of community responsibility. Members of the anointed remnant had also yielded to fear of men in high places, with spiritual injury to themselves. “Trembling at men is what lays a snare, but he that is trusting in Jehovah will be protected.” (Proverbs 29:25) Hence to a large extent the remnant had refrained from boldly, publicly declaring the established Kingdom of God and His day of vengeance against this war-racked, bloodguilty system of things. In the postwar year of 1919, as the anointed remnant of spiritual underpriests in the “Holy” of Jehovah’s spiritual temple, how did they feel? Like Isaiah, who said: 14. How did Isaiah voice his uncleanness at the temple? 14 “Woe to me! For I am as good as brought to silence, because a man unclean in lips I am, and in among a people unclean in lips I am dwelling; for my eyes have seen the King, Jehovah of armies, himself!”​—Isaiah 6:5. 15. When was this temple vision of Isaiah called to the attention of the anointed remnant, and in what words of the keynote speech? 15 This prophetic outcry of the prophet was made when he had a miraculous vision of Jehovah at his temple. This vision was brought to the attention of the anointed remnant in the year 1922 C.E. It was on what was termed “The Day,” namely, September 8, 1922, of the second international assembly held by the International Bible Students Association at Cedar Point, Ohio, for eight days. Toward the climax of his speech on “The Day,” the key Scripture text of which was Matthew 4:17, the then president of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society said: Why, then, deliver the message to those who do not understand? Will any one hear? The Prophet of the Lord answers: “ . . . Ye are my witnesses, saith the Lord, and my servant whom I have chosen; that ye may know and believe me, and understand that I am he: before me there was no God formed, neither shall there be after me. I, even I, am the Lord; and beside me there is no savior. I have declared, and have saved, and I have showed, when there was no strange god among you; therefore ye are my witnesses, saith the Lord, that I am God.”​—Isaiah 43:8-12. Thus we see that those of the temple class are clearly designated as the Lord’s witnesses at this time, to bring a message of consolation to the people, that the kingdom of heaven is here, . . . Thus it is seen that God purposes that his name shall be magnified, that the people shall know that he is Lord. Thus we see that God purposes to have a people in the earth in this time of stress, clearly marked as separate and distinct from all others, standing as his witnesses, fearlessly crying out the message: “The kingdom of heaven is at hand!” . . . Since 1914 the King of glory has taken his power and reigns. He has cleansed the lips of the temple class and sends them forth with the message. The importance of the message of the kingdom cannot be overstated. It is the message of all messages. It is the message of the hour. It is incumbent upon those who are the Lord’s to declare it. . . . . . . Be faithful and true witnesses for the Lord. Go forward in the fight until every vestige of Babylon lies desolate. Herald the message far and wide. The world must know that Jehovah is God and that Jesus Christ is King of kings and Lord of lords. This is the day of all days. Behold, the King reigns! You are his publicity agents. Therefore advertise, advertise, advertise, the King and his kingdom.​—The Watch Tower, as of November 1, 1922, pages 336, 337. 16. (a) What did those who accepted the cleansing of their lips desire now to do? (b) What back there shows whether all those associated with the anointed remnant were so disposed? 16 Many of the anointed remnant saw the need for their lips to be purged just as the prophet Isaiah had had his lips purged as by fire that he might declare the further message of Jehovah, who was at His temple. (Isaiah 6:6-10) They sincerely desired to have part in the further work of collecting those whom Jehovah God would make associate priests with Jesus Christ in the heavens, to bring the number of 144,000 underpriests to the full. But not all of the spiritual remnant were so disposed at that time. As an example of this, in that year 1922 and before the May 1 issue of The Watch Tower was published, one of the five men on the editorial staff of that magazine and his wife left the theocratic organization and sought other employment. There were others who took similar action at the time or later. Being a publicity agent of God’s kingdom and going from house to house as such in using one’s cleansed lips did not suit them. Other requirements of the spiritual underpriests in the Holy of Jehovah’s temple were too much for them. They became unclean because of their indifference, unconcern and return to worldly interests. 17. (a) How did such uncleanness affect the rest of Jehovah’s theocratic organization? (b) What attitude is it that He blesses? 17 Uncleanness of that kind, lack of devotion to the full worship of the true God at his spiritual temple, is a pollution to the rest of the theocratic organization. It results in Jehovah’s withholding his blessing. Wholehearted devotion to the furtherance of his pure worship brings a restoration of God’s favor and his promised blessings. This important fact was emphasized by God himself as he went on to say to the priests whom Haggai had questioned: 18. Before this day of Haggai’s prophecy, what had been the condition of the remnant economically, and why would Jehovah now bless them from this day forward? 18 “‘But now, please, set your heart on this from this day and forward, before there was the placing of a stone upon a stone in the temple of Jehovah, from when those things happened to be​—one came to a heap of twenty measures, and it proved to be ten; one came to the press vat to draw off fifty measures of the wine trough, and it proved to be twenty; I struck you people with scorching and with mildew and with hail, even all the work of your hands, and there was no one with you turning to me,’ is the utterance of Jehovah​—‘Set your heart, please, on this from this day and forward, from the twenty-fourth day of the ninth month, from the day that the foundation of the temple of Jehovah was laid; set your heart on this: Is there as yet the seed in the grain pit? And as yet, the vine and the fig tree and the pomegranate tree and the olive tree​—it has not borne, has it? From this day I shall bestow blessing.’”​—Haggai 2:15-19. THE DAY OF RETURN TO PROSPERITY 19. From that twenty-fourth day of Chislev the Jewish remnant could make a test of Jehovah in what regard, and what did His law covenant allow for them to expect? 19 It was now the twenty-fourth day of the ninth month (Chislev), and by that time there should have been increasing autumn rains, even some snow appearing on the mountaintops. That day the faithful Jewish remnant had begun work anew at the temple foundation, as if they were laying the foundation all over again. (Ezra 3:8-12) From that marked day the Jewish remnant could make a test of Jehovah as to whether he would fulfill his gladsome promise. Droughts would be a thing of the past, also the mildew, and the ruinous hail, and there would be no further shortages in the basic foodstuffs. And there is nothing in Bible history to indicate that things did not turn out that way. As they courageously stuck to the temple work to its completion, Jehovah faithfully stuck to his promise. Just as he had promised in His law covenant mediated by His prophet Moses, their whole-souled commitment of themselves to His worship would be rewarded with material prosperity on their God-given land.​—Deuteronomy 28:1-14. 20. What kind of prosperity was the anointed remnant eninputd to expect for resuming work in behalf of Jehovah’s true worship, and how did such prosperity manifest itself? 20 That must have been true of the temple-minded Jewish remnant back there, if what happened to them back there was a foreshadowing of what has happened to the anointed remnant of spiritual underpriests from 1919 C.E. onward. The resuming of the priestly responsibilities in the Holy of Jehovah’s true spiritual temple marked the turning point for the anointed remnant of Christ’s disciples who survived the trials and afflictions of World War I of 1914-1918 C.E. Being spiritual Israelites with a heavenly inheritance in view, they were not expecting material blessings for their faithfulness as the natural Israelites back in Haggai’s days were eninputd to do. What the anointed remnant of spiritual underpriests expected according to God’s promises was spiritual prosperity. They were not disappointed. Their testing of the promises of God was not in vain. In spite of mounting resistance from the world and the anguish of the worldly nations who do not know the way out of their continual distress, the work of the anointed remnant in promoting true worship at Jehovah’s spiritual temple prospered, expanded, brought increasing results. 21. Where can one find a record of such spiritual prosperity of the faithful remnant, and what does this prove about Jehovah’s promise? 21 The adversaries​—religious, political, judicial and social—​have taken note of this inescapable fact. For a detailed record of the spiritual prosperity of Jehovah’s Christian witnesses, one has but to read the annual reports published in the columns of the Watch Tower magazine since 1919 and in the Yearbooks since 1927, presenting reports on the worldwide growth of the work in preaching “this good news of the kingdom” in all the inhabited earth and in making disciples of people of all the nations, as commanded by the Lord Jesus Christ, Jehovah’s High Priest. (Matthew 24:14; 28:18-20; Acts 1:8; Hebrews 2:17 to 3:1) The inerasable record of modern history testifies mightily to the fact that Jehovah God, who cannot lie, has kept true to his promise of blessings. We never serve Him in vain.​—Joshua 23:14; Psalm 138:2; 1 Corinthians 15:58. REWARD OF A GOVERNING BODY’S BACKING CLEAN WORSHIP 22, 23. (a) Haggai’s final prophecy was addressed to whom, in expression of Jehovah’s appreciation of what? (b) In that prophecy, what did Jehovah promise to put out of action, and what would he do to Zerubbabel? 22 In the year 520 B.C.E., on the first day of the sixth lunar month (Elul), when the prophetic word of Jehovah first occurred to Haggai, it was directed to “Zerubbabel the son of Shealtiel, the governor of Judah,” as well as to “Joshua the son of Jehozadak, the high priest.” (Haggai 1:1) Almost four months later the final inspired prophecy of Haggai is addressed exclusively to the same governor of the Persian province of Judah, Zerubbabel. He had proved obedient to Jehovah’s encouragement through the prophets Haggai and Zechariah, and now, under his governorship, the work at the foundation of Jehovah’s temple in Jerusalem had been taken up again with fine courage in defiance of a misapplied ban by a misinformed king of Persia. (Ezra 4:17-24) Was Jehovah God appreciative of this? He was, and in expression of this he sent a personal message to Governor Zerubbabel. We read: 23 “And the word of Jehovah proceeded to occur a second time to Haggai on the twenty-fourth day of the month, saying: ‘Say to Zerubbabel the governor of Judah, “I am rocking the heavens and the earth. And I shall certainly overthrow the throne of kingdoms and annihilate the strength of the kingdoms of the nations; and I will overthrow the chariot and its riders, and the horses and their riders will certainly come down, each one by the sword of his brother.”’ ‘“In that day,” is the utterance of Jehovah of armies, “I shall take you, O Zerubbabel the son of Shealtiel, my servant,” is the utterance of Jehovah; “and I shall certainly set you as a seal ring, because you are the one whom I have chosen,” is the utterance of Jehovah of armies.’”​—Haggai 2:20-23. 24. Whose approval did Zerubbabel gain by taking his bold step on that twenty-fourth day of Chislev, and why was it this that mattered? 24 On that twenty-fourth day of the ninth lunar month (Chislev) in the second year of the reign of King Darius I of Persia, Governor Zerubbabel had taken a bold step, apparently in defiance of the mighty Persian Empire. But he had taken a good and right step in obedience to Jehovah of armies. Now through the prophet Haggai he had gained the expression of approval of Jehovah of armies. So what did the disapproval or objections of men matter? He had approval from the Highest Source of authority, the Theocratic Ruler of the nation of Israel. This God as divine Ruler is to be obeyed rather than man-made rulers. Why, Israel’s Theocratic Ruler could rock both the heavens and the earth and remove them. What, then, could spirit creatures and human creatures who make up those heavens and earth do to thwart, frustrate, successfully oppose his declared purposes? Nothing! Devils and men, all combined, cannot triumph against him. He can rock them all. 25. What goes along with such rocking of the heavens and the earth, and why are the details of this fitting for such a person as Jehovah of armies to set out? 25 What goes along with or results from this rocking of the heavens and the earth by the Universal Sovereign? Jehovah of armies explains, saying: “And I shall certainly overthrow the throne of kingdoms and annihilate the strength of the kingdoms of the nations; and I will overthrow the chariot and its riders, and the horses and their riders will certainly come down, each one by the sword of his brother.” (Haggai 2:22) How fitting it is here for the God who calls himself Jehovah of armies to speak of taking action against the military forces of the world of mankind! Such armed forces for offense and defense really constitute the “strength of the kingdoms of the nations.” The nations of this twentieth century C.E. proceed on that theory, and all the nations are arming themselves, some of them with the most fantastic weapons that modern science can devise. But such armaments and highly trained military forces are a vain hope for giving permanent stability to the throne or governmental seat of the kingdoms of the nations. Jehovah of armies can annihilate such “strength.” 26. What can be said as to whether Jehovah of armies has to put in personal appearance for his enemies to fight against him or for him to fight against them? 26 The Persian Empire, as the Fourth World Power of Bible history, proved to be stable for little more than two hundred years. Its horses and chariots and their riders, even militarized elephants, did not save it from overthrow by Alexander the Great of Greece. Horses and chariots and their riders cannot fight directly against the invisible Jehovah of armies. Neither does Jehovah of armies have to put in personal appearance to fight against military forces on earth. Out of the invisible he can exert his invincible power and make them fight among themselves, either by fright causing panic or by bitter quarrels among themselves. He can produce anarchy among all his foes. He did it in previous times, and he promises to do it again. Governor Zerubbabel knew of such previous occasions. (Judges 7:19-22; 2 Chronicles 20:22-24) He had reason to believe that Jehovah of armies could foil the enemies of His people once again by causing them to turn their weapons against themselves. 27. How would the rocking of the heavens and the earth and the nations affect Zerubbabel as a seal ring on Jehovah’s hand? 27 However, Jehovah of armies did not state it to be his purpose to rock his faithful, obedient people who devoted themselves to the rebuilding of His house of worship and to the carrying on of clean worship therein. Neither would Governor Zerubbabel be deposed by the Persian emperor for going ahead with temple building before he received official authorization from King Darius I. This could no more occur than for a seal ring to be taken off the right hand of Jehovah of armies. Let the heavens and the earth rock! Let the mightily armed nations rock! But the position of Governor Zerubbabel would be stable, unshaken. This was the force of the assurance that Jehovah now made to Zerubbabel: 28, 29. How opposite was Jehovah’s promise to Zerubbabel about the seal ring from His declaration about King Jehoiachin or Coniah? 28 “‘In that day,’ is the utterance of Jehovah of armies, ‘I shall take you, O Zerubbabel the son of Shealtiel, my servant,’ is the utterance of Jehovah; ‘and I shall certainly set you as a seal ring, because you are the one whom I have chosen,’ is the utterance of Jehovah of armies.”​—Haggai 2:23. 29 How opposite this divine prophecy was to what the prophet Jeremiah had been inspired to say respecting Jehoiachin (or, Jeconiah, Coniah), who had reigned three months and ten days in Jerusalem in 618-617 B.C.E. and who was the grandfather of Zerubbabel! (1 Chronicles 3:17-19; 2 Chronicles 36:9, 10) Speaking of Jehoiachin as Coniah, Jeremiah said: “‘As I am alive,’ is the utterance of Jehovah, ‘even if Coniah the son of Jehoiakim, the king of Judah, happened to be the seal ring on my right hand, from there I would pull you off! And I will give you into the hand of those who are seeking for your soul and into the hand of those of whom you are scared and into the hand of Nebuchadrezzar the king of Babylon and into the hand of the Chaldeans. . . . O earth, earth, earth, hear the word of Jehovah. This is what Jehovah has said, ‘Write down this man as childless, as an able-bodied man who will not have any success in his days; for from his offspring not a single one will have any success, sitting upon the throne of David and ruling anymore in Judah.’”​—Jeremiah 22:24-30. 30. (a) How precious was a seal ring to its owner? (b) Why was the official position of Jehoiachin to be respected, and why did Jehovah cast him away? 30 From this divine decree against the grandfather of Zerubbabel it can be discerned that a seal ring was very precious to someone of high rank. It bore the name of its owner, and was used in official business for stamping the signature of the owner on a document to authenticate it. (Genesis 38:18-26; 41:42; 1 Kings 21:8) So if Zerubbabel’s grandfather, King Jehoiachin, had been like a seal ring on Jehovah’s right hand, he would have been very precious to Jehovah. As it was, he had been anointed to be king in Jerusalem and thus became “Jehovah’s anointed” and sat upon “Jehovah’s throne” in Jerusalem, even though for just three months and ten days. (1 Samuel 24:6, 10; Lamentations 4:20; 1 Chronicles 29:23) For this reason the person of King Jehoiachin deserved and commanded special respect, from men. Yet, despite his having an official connection with Jehovah, he became repulsive to Jehovah because he continued in the wicked ways of his father, King Jehoiakim. In indignation, Jehovah pulled him off and cast him away, letting him go captive to Babylon and to prison there. 31. Why was Zerubbabel’s being made governor of Judah in 537 B.C.E. not a contradiction of what Jehovah said about Zerubbabel’s grandfather in Jeremiah 22:30? 31 What, though, is this? Eighty years later, in 537 B.C.E., Jehoiachin’s grandson, Zerubbabel, is released from exile in Babylon and is made governor of the Persian province of Judah, to govern from Jerusalem. (Ezra 1:1 to 4:3) Was that not a contradiction of what Jehovah had said to Zerubbabel’s grandfather in Jeremiah 22:30? No, the captive Jehoiachin continued “childless” as far as having any of his sons to sit upon David’s throne at Jerusalem. In fact, his uncle, Mattaniah, whose name was changed to Zedekiah, succeeded him upon David’s throne, only to lose the throne in 607 B.C.E., at Jerusalem’s destruction by the Babylonians. David’s throne was overturned, never to be set up again in literal earthly Jerusalem. (Ezekiel 21:25-27) The 2,520 years of the Gentile Times began there, in 607 B.C.E., for Jerusalem or the Messianic kingdom of God that it symbolized to be trampled upon by the Gentile nations. True to prophecy, none of Jehoiachin’s several sons sat on Jehovah’s throne in Jerusalem as David’s royal descendant. His grandson Zerubbabel sat, not on David’s royal throne, but in the seat of a governor appointed by King Cyrus. 32. How did Zerubbabel act as a living seal ring on Jehovah’s hand, and why was he precious to Jehovah whereas his kingly grandfather was not? 32 Although inferior to his grandfather in official rank from man’s standpoint, Zerubbabel became something very precious to Jehovah, like a seal ring on the right hand of Jehovah of armies. It was for a reason opposite to that for which King Jehoiachin was not too precious to be thrown away, namely, his keeping Jehovah’s commandments and displaying courageous devotion to Jehovah’s clean worship at his temple. Like a living seal ring, he served Jehovah of armies in an official way, for the glory and praise of Jehovah’s holy name. Whereas the heavenly Commander in Chief of armies had rejected King Jehoiachin, he had “chosen” his faithful grandson Zerubbabel. The theocratic Sovereign of the universe might rock the heavens and the earth and all the worldly militarized nations, but he would not rock Governor Zerubbabel and remove him from an honored position of service in the visible theocratic organization. What he said later about Zerubbabel through the prophet Zechariah (4:6-10) confirmed this. WIDER MEANING OF THE PROPHECY 33. (a) Why did the complete fulfillment of Haggai’s prophecy not end with Governor Zerubbabel in the sixth century B.C.E.? (b) Of whom is the antitypical Zerubbabel the Governor? 33 Does the complete fulfillment of this prophecy end with Governor Zerubbabel of the Persian province of Judah in the sixth century before our Common Era? Evidently not! He was a type of someone greater. Of whom? Of the one of whom he became an honored ancestor, the one with whom his genealogical line in the Bible record ends, namely, Jesus Christ. (Matthew 1:1-16; Luke 3:23-27) This antitypical Zerubbabel is now the heavenly Governor in Jehovah’s visible theocratic organization on earth, namely, the anointed remnant of spiritual Israel. (Galatians 6:16; Romans 2:28, 29; Revelation 7:4-8) These were restored from spiritual bondage to Babylon the Great, as facts show, in 1919 C.E. Like the ancient remnant of Jewish exiles, they were released from the Babylonish world empire of false religion that they might apply themselves primarily to the things having to do with the clean worship of Jehovah at his spiritual temple. 34. How is that one the leading Promoter of the work in connection with Jehovah’s temple? 34 The antitypical Zerubbabel, Jesus Christ, as heavenly Governor of spiritual Israel, is the leading Promoter of this work in connection with Jehovah’s temple. He arranges it that his anointed disciples have a place of service as spiritual underpriests in the Holy of that temple.​—John 17:17-19. 35. How can the name Zerubbabel, despite its meaning, be fittingly used respecting the heavenly Governor, Jesus Christ? 35 The name Zerubbabel, which means “Seed of Babylon,” need not disturb us in being applied to the heavenly Jesus Christ as Governor. True, he himself was never in Babylon the Great. Nevertheless, the remnant of anointed disciples who survived the trials and persecutions during World War I were, during that time, brought into religious bondage to Babylon the Great and her political paramours. According to the rule that what is done to them is as if it were done to him, the greater Governor Zerubbabel (as represented in the anointed remnant) was in Babylon the Great to resemble ancient Zerubbabel, who was literally born in Babylon of old and who could therefore be called “Seed of Babylon.” He led the faithful anointed remnant of spiritual Israelites out of a Babylon greater than the ancient city on the Euphrates River, setting them free by his truth. (John 8:32) By him as Governor the visible earthly theocratic organization has good rulership. 36. How does the heavenly Governor compare with ancient Zerubbabel as to preciousness and courage, and who today on earth imitate him? 36 This Governor like Zerubbabel is most precious to Jehovah God, like the seal ring on the right hand, that bears the divine name. He is most concerned about the sanctification of his heavenly Father’s name. (Matthew 6:9, 10; John 12:28; 17:6-12) He is fearless, like ancient Zerubbabel, Governor Zerubbabel was strengthened not to be afraid of defying the Persian Empire, the Fourth World Power of Bible history. Today the heavenly Governor of spiritual Israel is not afraid of the Seventh World Power of Bible history, namely, the British-American dual world power, nor of the Eighth World Power, namely, the international organization for world peace and security, now composed of the 132 members of the United Nations. (Revelation 17:7-17) Like their heavenly Governor, the anointed remnant of spiritual Israel do not fear those world powers either. Fearlessly they work on world wide in the interests of clean worship at Jehovah’s spiritual temple. 37. How is the antitypical Zerubbabel like a seal ring on Jehovah’s hand as to usage and preciousness? 37 Was not an ancient seal ring used to affix the name of its owner to a document, thus to prove that it genuinely originated with him and that it expressed his will, purpose or instructions? Yes. In a like manner the antitypical Zerubbabel, Jesus Christ, is used by Jehovah of armies to fulfill the prophecies and promises and thereby prove that those recorded pronouncements really originated from the divine, infallible Source and are the divine truth. In this way, too, Jehovah’s name and word are vindicated through Jesus Christ, who is as precious to Jehovah as an official seal ring. “For no matter how many the promises of God are, they have become Yes by means of him. Therefore also through him is the ‘Amen’ said to God for glory through us [Christian disciples].”​—2 Corinthians 1:20. 38. Why does the Greater Zerubbabel have nothing to fear from the rocking of heaven, earth and the nations today, and how will he maintain good rulership for Jehovah’s worshipers? 38 Since the close of the Gentile Times in 1914 C.E., the figurative heavens and earth have been made to rock. The nations of the world of mankind are rocking, unable to stabilize the worldly system of things. It is Jehovah of armies who is doing the rocking, just as he told Governor Zerubbabel of old time. The rocking, humanly uncontrollable, will reach its peak of agitation in the “great tribulation” that now appears to be very near, to be followed by the abyssing of Satan. (Matthew 24:21, 22) But the Greater Zerubbabel, Jesus Christ, has nothing to fear from the rocking. His position of heavenly governorship is unshakably fixed. His is “a kingdom that cannot be shaken.” (Hebrews 12:28) It will not be removed, but will be used by Jehovah of armies in removing Babylon the Great and the world powers of today, annihilating their military “strength” in the “war of the great day of God the Almighty” at Har–Magedon. (Revelation 16:13-16; 17:12-14; 19:11-21) Thereafter it will bless all the surviving worshipers of Jehovah God at his spiritual temple with good rulership forever. 39. Happy are we worshipers of Jehovah today​—for what? 39 Happy are we worshipers at the true temple to be already enjoying divine blessings and the good rulership of Jehovah’s heavenly Governor as the world of false worshipers rocks.
BIBLE VERSES EXPLAINED Revelation 21:1—“A New Heaven and a New Earth”
BIBLE VERSES EXPLAINED Revelation 21:1—“A New Heaven and a New Earth” “And I saw a new heaven and a new earth; for the former heaven and the former earth had passed away, and the sea is no more.”—Revelation 21:1, New World Translation. “Then I saw ‘a new heaven and a new earth,’ for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and there was no longer any sea.”—Revelation 21:1, New International Version. Meaning of Revelation 21:1 This verse uses figurative language to declare that God’s heavenly Kingdom will replace all human governments. The Kingdom will remove the wicked and rule over a new society of people who willingly submit to its authority. The book of Revelation is presented “in signs,” or symbols. (Revelation 1:1) So it is reasonable to conclude that the heaven and the earth that are mentioned in this verse are not literal but symbolic. Moreover, figurative “new heavens” and “new earth” are mentioned in other Bible verses as well. (Isaiah 65:17; 66:22; 2 Peter 3:13) Examining these and other Scriptural accounts provides clues as to their meaning. “A new heaven.” The Bible sometimes uses the word “heaven” to represent rulership or governments. (Isaiah 14:12-14; Daniel 4:25, 26) Thus, one reference work states that in prophetic visions, “heaven signifies symbolically the ruling power or government.”a In Revelation 21:1, “new heaven” evidently refers to God’s Kingdom. This heavenly government, sometimes called “the Kingdom of the heavens,” is mentioned throughout Revelation and in other books of the Bible. (Matthew 4:17; Acts 19:8; 2 Timothy 4:18; Revelation 1:9; 5:10; 11:15; 12:10) God’s Kingdom, with Jesus as King, will eventually replace “the former heaven,” that is, all imperfect governments set up by humans.—Daniel 2:44; Luke 1:31-33; Revelation 19:11-18. “A new earth.” The Bible states that the literal earth will never be destroyed or replaced. (Psalm 104:5; Ecclesiastes 1:4) What, then, is the symbolic earth? The Bible often uses the term “earth” to refer to humankind. (Genesis 11:1; 1 Chronicles 16:31; Psalm 66:4; 96:1) “A new earth,” therefore, must refer to a new society of people who willingly submit to God’s heavenly government. The “former earth,” or human society in opposition to God’s Kingdom, will pass away. “The sea is no more.” In harmony with the rest of Revelation 21:1, “the sea” is also symbolic. Easily agitated and often stormy, the sea represents the turbulent masses of mankind alienated from God. (Isaiah 17:12, 13; 57:20; Revelation 17:1, 15) They too will be gone. Says Psalm 37:10: “Just a little while longer, and the wicked will be no more; you will look at where they were, and they will not be there.” Context of Revelation 21:1 The book of Revelation foretells what happens during “the Lord’s day.” (Revelation 1:10) According to Bible prophecy, that day began in 1914 when Jesus started to rule as King of God’s Kingdom.b But he would not immediately take full control of the earth. In fact, other prophecies state that world conditions would deteriorate during the first part of “the Lord’s day.” That initial period of time is called “the last days.” (2 Timothy 3:1-5, 13; Matthew 24:3, 7; Revelation 6:1-8; 12:12) When those critical and trouble-filled days end, God’s Kingdom will remove the old symbolic heaven and earth and usher in a new era of peace and harmony. The subjects of the Kingdom—the “new earth”—will then enjoy ideal living conditions and perfect health.—Revelation 21:3, 4. Read Revelation chapter 21 in the study edition of the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures. This easy-to-read Bible contains audio recordings, explanatory notes, cross-references, pictures, videos, and maps. Watch this short video to see an overview of the book of Revelation. a McClintock and Strong’s Cyclopedia (1891), Volume IV, page 122. b See the article “What Does Bible Chronology Indicate About the Year 1914?”
Man’s Salvation (sl) 1975
Chapter 13 When Christendom and Judaism Are No More! 1. (a) In the first century C.E., were the adherents to Judaism and the Edomites in agreement on their attitude toward Christianity? (b) Why are the Bible prophecies concerning Edom of interest to us today? THE ancient nation of Edom (Idumea) was against the faithful worshipers of Jehovah God. Even in the days of the apostles of Jesus Christ, in the first century C.E., the staunch adherents to Judaism were one with the Edomites (Idumeans) in fighting against the newly begun Christianity. (Acts 4:25-28; 12:1-6) In the course of time the nation of Edom disappeared from the pages of history, but, for the major and complete fulfillment of Bible prophecy, that notorious nation has her modern counterpart. It is Christendom. So the Bible prophecies concerning Edom must today be understood from the standpoint of what befalls this modern-day counterpart. 2, 3. (a) Against whom is Jehovah’s “day of vengeance,” as foretold in Isaiah 34:8, now at hand? (b) In the following verses of Isaiah chapter 34, what “retributions” are foretold? 2 In the outstanding prophecy against Edom as contained in Isaiah, chapter thirty-four, we read this ominous statement: “For Jehovah has a day of vengeance, a year of retributions for the legal case over Zion.” (Isaiah 34:8) Jehovah’s “day of vengeance,” his “year of retributions,” is at hand with reference to the modern-day counterpart of ancient Edom. So, as we consider the further part of this prophecy of Isaiah, we can have Christendom of today in mind. Foretelling the “retributions” that were to come for the hateful misconduct of Edom against ancient Zion or Jerusalem, the prophet Isaiah proceeds to say: 3 “And her torrents must be changed into pitch, and her dust into sulphur; and her land must become as burning pitch. By night or by day it will not be extinguished; to time indefinite its smoke will keep ascending. From generation to generation she will be parched; forever and ever no one will be passing across her. And the pelican and the porcupine must take possession of her, and long-eared owls and ravens themselves will reside in her; and he must stretch out over her the measuring line of emptiness and the stones [the plumb stones] of wasteness. Her nobles​—there are none there whom they will call to the kingship itself, and her very princes will all become nothing. On her dwelling towers thorns must come up, nettles and thorny weeds in her fortified places; and she must become an abiding place of jackals, the courtyard for the ostriches. And haunters of waterless regions must meet up with howling animals, and even the goat-shaped demon will call to its companion. Yes, there the nightjar will certainly take its ease and find for itself a resting-place. There the arrow snake has made its nest and lays eggs, and it must hatch them and gather them together under its shadow. Yes, there the gledes must collect themselves together, each one with her mate.”​—Isaiah 34:9-15. 4. (a) In brief, what is the condition there described? (b) For how long was this condition to continue? 4 That is anything but a description of a “garden of Eden” or “paradise of pleasure.” Rather, it is nothing less than a picture of utter desolation and ruin, a region unfit for humans to live in, but a well-suited haunt for wild animals and birds. The land of Edom is thus portrayed as becoming so parched that it appears as if its torrent valleys were running with pitch, and its dust were sulphur and then these combustible substances were set afire. This parched state of the land of Edom was to continue “forever and ever,” and there was to be no restoration of its former residents or their descendants. The “smoke” ascending from the symbolic burning of the land of Edom will be like the “smoke” from the fiery destruction of Babylon the Great, concerning which it is written: “The smoke from her goes on ascending forever and ever.”​—Revelation 19:3; 18:18. 5. How does Obadiah 18 indicate what the spiritual Israelite remnant of today are to do with this fiery message against modern-day Edom? 5 In an application of this prophecy to Christendom’s coming destruction, the restored remnant of spiritual Israelites have the commission from God to declare this divine “vengeance” upon Christendom, as indicated in Obadiah’s corresponding prophecy, which reads: “And the house of Jacob [Israel] must become a fire, and the house of Joseph a flame, and the house of Esau as stubble; and they must set them ablaze and devour them. And there will prove to be no survivor to the house of Esau; for Jehovah himself has spoken it.” (Obadiah 18) For declaring such a fiery message against modern-day Edom, Christendom, the spiritual Israelite remnant of today incur her hatred all the more. 6. What assurance is embodied in the language of Isaiah 34:16, 17? 6 After painting a prophetic picture of how the “land of Edom” was to become a wild wasteland with only wild beasts and birds and snakes in it, the prophet Isaiah assures us that there will be no failure on Jehovah’s part in having this prophecy come true. He says to the students of Bible prophecies: “Search for yourselves in the book of Jehovah and read out loud: not one has been missing of them; they actually do not fail to have each one her mate, for it is the mouth of Jehovah that has given the command, and it is his spirit that has collected them together. And it is He that has cast for them the lot, and his own hand has apportioned the place to them by the measuring line. To time indefinite they will take possession of it; for generation after generation they will reside in it.”​—Isaiah 34:16, 17. 7. In detail, what is the meaning of the language of Isaiah 34:16, 17? 7 Thus, instead of male and female Edomites pairing up again in their former land and producing one generation of Edomites after another, the wild beasts and birds will pair up. The females will not fail to have their mates. Jehovah God is the One who makes the once-populous land of Edom now an ideal place for such wild creature life. His hand of active power is the one that appointed this place for them and brought them together there. It is as if He were an architect and had stretched out the measuring line and dropped down the plumb line to measure off and guide straight the construction of the situation in the “land of Edom.” According to his measuring and guiding of things, it was to be a land of “emptiness” as far as humans are concerned and an area of “wasteness” as far as new human structures of any height are concerned. There was to be no rebirth of that land as the homeland of the Edomites, “the people devoted by me to destruction in justice.”​—Isaiah 34:5, 11. 8. (a) What does that portend for Christendom? (b) How certain is it that this will happen to Christendom? 8 What an awe-striking end that prophecy portends for the modern-day “land of Edom,” namely, Christendom! It may strike the religionists with horror to think that Christendom, with her tremendous church population, her wealth and her religious buildings and institutions should come to such an end, with no hope of reconstruction. But just as certainly as the prophecy had its miniature fulfillment upon that now extinct people of Edom, just so surely will prophecy have a final and complete major fulfillment upon Edomitish Christendom. For, just as it is said with respect to the destruction of Babylon the Great, “Jehovah God, who judged her, is strong.”​—Revelation 18:8. 9, 10. At the close of the prophecy, what outlook for the restored remnant of spiritual Israel is foretold by Obadiah? 9 How different in outlook is the situation for the restored remnant of spiritual Israelites! The prophecy of Obadiah regarding the “mountainous region of Esau” follows the pattern of Isaiah’s prophecy in contrasting the outcome of things for the Edomites and for the Israelites whom the Edomites rejoiced to see deported to Babylon. Turning from his description of the divine punishment to come upon the unbrotherly, malicious Edomites, the prophet Obadiah proceeds on to the close of his prophecy, saying: 10 “And in Mount Zion is where those escaping will prove to be, and it must become something holy; and the house of Jacob [Israel] must take possession of the things for them to possess. . . . And saviors will certainly come up onto Mount Zion, in order to judge the mountainous region of Esau; and the kingship must become Jehovah’s.”​—Obadiah 17-21. 11. (a) What is the “Mount Zion” onto which “saviors will certainly come up”? (b) How does the contrast of spiritual conditions emphasize the beauty of the spiritual paradise? 11 It is upon the heavenly Mount Zion that Jehovah, in fulfillment of Psalm 2:5, 6, installs his Messianic King of the royal house of David, namely, Jesus Christ. It is upon the heavenly Mount Zion that the Savior, the Lamb of God, assembles to him the 144,000 spiritual Israelites, to reign with him for a thousand years. (Revelation 14:1-3; 7:4-8) It is the anointed remnant yet on earth of the 144,000 spiritual Israelites that now declares the judgment message of Jehovah against the modern-day “mountainous region of Esau,” the “land of Edom,” namely, Christendom. As these proclaimers of Jehovah’s judgments that foretell his vengeance and retributions to be executed upon the antitypical Edomites, they appreciate all the more fully the beauteous spiritual paradise into which He has ushered them since 1919 C.E.​—Isaiah 35:1-10. THE END OF CHRISTENDOM AND JUDAISM 12. Where does the Bible describe how the end of Christendom and Judaism will occur? 12 Understandably when Christendom, who is boasting today of nearly a thousand million church members, is reduced to the desolated estate once predicted for the land of Edom, it will cause great wonderment. How could such an almost unbelievable thing occur? Especially within this generation that experienced the end of the Gentile Times more than sixty years ago​—in 1914 C.E. Also, how will the end of Christendom and of its close religious associate, Judaism, occur? Jehovah God, who inspired the prophecies of Isaiah and of Obadiah against Edom, has inspired the prophecy that tells us how. That prophecy is specifically recorded for us in the last book of the Holy Bible, Revelation, chapter seventeen. 13. Why was Christendom not mentioned by name in Revelation, chapter 17, but, significantly, what is there named? 13 In objection to such an idea, a defender of Christendom might argue that Christendom is not mentioned at all in Revelation, chapter seventeen. That is true, for Christendom was not in existence at the time that the apostle John wrote the book called Revelation. Instead of trying to create a fusion religion by bringing about a compromise between Rome’s pagan religion, and Christianity, and thus providing a suitable State religion, the Roman Empire was in the apostle John’s time trying to stamp out Christianity by cruel persecution. That was why the apostle John was an exile on the penal island of Patmos. (Revelation 1:9) So Christendom was not established until more than two centuries later, by Emperor Constantine the Great. However, something already existing is made the chief figure in Revelation, chapter seventeen, and that is Babylon the Great. 14. In the book of Revelation, what two symbolic women are set in contrast with each other, and what do they represent? 14 In the book of Revelation two symbolic women are set in contrast with each other. The one is this Babylon the Great, and the other is the “wife” of the Lamb of God. (Revelation 19:1-8) The one, Babylon the Great, is branded as a “harlot.” The other, “the bride, the Lamb’s wife,” is a virgin. (Revelation 17:1-5; 21:9) Both are religious organizations, the one unclean, the other clean. The “bride, the Lamb’s wife,” is the congregation of the 144,000 virginlike faithful followers of the Lamb Jesus Christ, all of them being spiritual Israelites. (Revelation 7:4-8; 14:1-5) Babylon the Great is composed of those who practice religions in opposition to true Christianity as practiced by the 144,000 spiritual Israelites. That is why the apostle John “saw that the woman was drunk with the blood of the holy ones and with the blood of the witnesses of Jesus.” (Revelation 17:6) The religion of the members of Babylon the Great is, therefore, not Christian, but Babylonish, hence false.​—Isaiah 47:1, 12-15. 15. Who are the “kings of the earth” over whom Babylon the Great has exercised kingship? 15 Concerning Babylon the Great, it was explained to the apostle John: “The woman whom you saw means the great city that has a kingdom over the kings of the earth.” (Revelation 17:18) Because she thus sits as a “queen” over the kings of the earth, Babylon the Great stands for the world empire of false religion. (Revelation 18:7) She has exercised such imperial kingship, not merely over the earth’s kings during any given period or century, but also over a series of world powers (symbolic “kings”) down through millenniums of time. Down till the end of the Gentile Times in 1914 C.E., there was a succession of seven such world powers, namely, (1) the ancient Egyptian Empire, (2) the Assyrian Empire, (3) the neo-Babylonian Empire, (4) the Medo-Persian Empire, (5) the Grecian Empire, (6) the Roman Empire, and (7) the Anglo-American Dual World Power. This is portrayed by the fact that the beast ridden by the “harlot” has seven “heads.” 16. When saying, with regard to the heads of the “scarlet-colored wild beast” ridden by the “harlot,” that “one is,” what did the angel mean? 16 Telling the meaning of the various parts of this “scarlet-colored wild beast,” the angel said to John: “The seven heads mean seven mountains, where the woman sits on top. And there are seven kings: five have fallen, one is, the other has not yet arrived, but when he does arrive he must remain a short while.” (Revelation 17:9, 10) By the expression “one is,” the angel meant the sixth world power, the Roman Empire, that was holding the Christian apostle John a prisoner on the isle of Patmos. 17, 18. How was Christendom, right from her beginning, a part of Babylon the Great? 17 In the fourth century of our Common Era this sixth world power, by means of Emperor Constantine the Great as its Pontifex Maximus, brought about a fusion of the Roman pagan religion and the apostate Christian religion of some hundreds of “bishops” of religious congregations. By imperial decree, Constantine made the fusion religion the State religion. Thus nominal Christianity, which was Christian in name only, became the established religion of the Roman Empire. In this manner Christendom was brought to birth. By becoming the dominant religious organization of the Roman World Power, over which world power Babylon the Great had her kingdom, Christendom was made a part of Babylon the Great. Christendom was thus, in effect, a daughter organization of Babylon the Great, of whom it is said: 18 “Upon her forehead was written a name, a mystery: ‘Babylon the Great, the mother of the harlots and of the disgusting things of the earth.’”​—Revelation 17:5. 19. (a) From what source do the outstanding doctrines and practices of Christendom come? (b) How, in imitating her religious mother, has Christendom shown herself to be a “harlot”? 19 It is no wonder, therefore, that the outstanding doctrines of the religious sects of Christendom and also her practices are pagan, Babylonish, stemming from ancient Babylon on the river Euphrates of Mesopotamia. Neither is it any wonder that Christendom imitates her religious mother, of whom it is said: “With whom the kings of the earth committed fornication, whereas those who inhabit the earth were made drunk with the wine of her fornication.” (Revelation 17:1, 2) Spiritually speaking, Christendom is a “harlot,” for she has intimate friendship with this wicked world, concerning which unclean friendship James 4:4 says: “Adulteresses, do you not know that the friendship with the world is enmity with God? Whoever, therefore, wants to be a friend of the world is constituting himself an enemy of God.” The State churches of Christendom, her unions of Church and State, do not stand to her credit. They brand her as a spiritual fornicatrix, a meddler in world politics. 20. (a) So why is Christendom, though not named, to be understood as included in Revelation, chapter 17? (b) What does the future hold for her? 20 Can there be any question that Christendom is a part of Babylon the Great, with a church membership that makes her the dominant part of that world empire of false religion? None! Hence, even though Christendom is not mentioned by name in Revelation, chapter seventeen, she is included, and is to be understood, in that chapter. Consequently, what is there pictured as happening to the “great harlot,” Babylon the Great, must happen also to Christendom. Revelation, chapter seventeen, does show, then, how Christendom is to be destroyed. This must be so, because no part of Babylon the Great will escape destruction. The religious “harlots” that she has mothered must perish with her. So, then, as we now consider the divine “judgment upon the great harlot who sits on many waters,” we must keep Christendom in mind as being inseparably involved, included.​—Revelation 17:1, 5. THE ROLE OF THE EIGHTH WORLD POWER 21. What did God’s angel tell the apostle John about “an eighth king”? 21 To the wondering apostle John, God’s angel said: “I will tell you the mystery of the woman and of the wild beast that is carrying her and that has the seven heads and the ten horns: The wild beast that you saw was, but is not, and yet is about to ascend out of the abyss, and it is to go off into destruction. And when they see how the wild beast was, but is not, and yet will be present, those who dwell on the earth will wonder admiringly, but their names have not been written upon the scroll of life from the founding of the world. . . . And the wild beast that was but is not, it is also itself an eighth king, but springs from the seven, and it goes off into destruction.”​—Revelation 17:7-11. 22. What is that “eighth king,” and how did it ‘spring from the seven’? 22 The symbolic wild beast with seven heads and ten horns pictures “an eighth king,” that is to say, an eighth world power. This world power came into existence after the end of the Gentile Times in 1914 C.E. and after World War I. Modern history identifies this Eighth World Power as being the international organization for world peace and security. This was formed in 1919 and went into operation early in 1920. The Seventh World Power, namely, the Anglo-American World Power, was largely responsible for the formation of that organization for world peace and security. (Revelation 13:11-15) It began under the name “The League of Nations.” It sprang from the preceding seven world powers in that it combined in itself the Seventh World Power and all the relics of the preceding six world powers. 23. (a) When did that “wild beast . . . ascend out of the abyss,” and with what name? (b) What part do Christendom and Judaism have in the United Nations? 23 In 1939 C.E. the League of Nations went into the abyss of deathlike impotency because of the outbreak of World War II. After the close of World War II in the summer of 1945, this Eighth World Power that was assigned to safeguarding world peace and security ascended out of the wartime abyss, especially by the aid of the Seventh World Power, the dual world power of Britain and America. It took on a new name, United Nations. Beginning with fifty-one member nations, it today has one hundred and thirty-eight member nations. Christendom has a large representation in the United Nations by its many nations that are members of that world organization. Judaism, with its worldwide membership of 14,443,925 Orthodox and Reform Jews, has its representation in the United Nations by means of the Republic of Israel since the year 1949. So Babylon the Great dominates Judaism. 24. How did Babylon the Great get on the back of the “scarlet-colored wild beast,” and how does she view her position there? 24 When the scarlet-colored wild beast with seven heads and ten horns ascended out of the abyss in the form of the United Nations, Babylon the Great immediately got on its back again as a “queen” with a “kingdom over the kings of the earth.” She took this action by putting her faith in that man-made organization for world peace and security rather than in the Messianic kingdom of God that was being proclaimed world wide by Jehovah’s Christian witnesses. She put her dependence upon this antichrist organization for her preservation from annihilation in the postwar period. Confidently, riding that symbolic wild beast, Babylon the Great “keeps saying, ‘I sit a queen, and I am no widow, and I shall never see mourning.’” (Revelation 18:7) But she has miscalculated! 25. By what means, as God’s angel told the apostle John, would the harlotrous world empire of false religion come to its end? 25 The “ten horns” of that symbolic scarlet-colored wild beast are destined to turn upon the harlotrous world empire of false religion. Said God’s angel to the apostle John as he watched the prophetic vision: “And the ten horns that you saw mean ten kings, who have not yet [in John’s day] received a kingdom, but they do receive authority as kings one hour with the wild beast [by joining the modern world organization for peace and security]. These have one thought, and so they give their power and authority to the wild beast [now the United Nations]. . . . The waters that you saw, where the harlot is sitting, mean peoples and crowds and nations and tongues. And the ten horns that you saw, and the wild beast, these will hate the harlot and will make her devastated and naked, and will eat up her fleshy parts and will completely burn her with fire. . . . And the woman whom you saw means the great city [Babylon the Great] that has a kingdom over the kings of the earth.”​—Revelation 17:12-18. 26, 27. (a) What change in attitude on the part of the political rulers will evidently lead up to this violent action? (b) Why is their ‘burning her with fire’ appropriate? 26 The symbolic “ten horns’ (the member nations of the world organization for peace and security) will lose their passionate attraction to the harlotrous world empire of false religion and will gore her to death. In fact, the whole symbolic wild beast (now the United Nations) will cease to find satisfaction in their lustful relationship with the “great harlot,” Babylon the Great, and the mouths of the “seven heads” of the scarlet-colored “wild beast” will “eat up her fleshy parts.” To the whole “wild beast” organization, “ten horns” and all, she will become as a worn-out old harlot, no longer desirable for greedy, selfish use. Realistically, under stress of the global crisis, the political rulers, whose nations are members in the United Nations, will become hardheaded in the light of the worsening world conditions. Ignoring all sentimentality, they will be forced to take drastic, heartless action for the preservation of their political institutions and social, economic structure. They will see that the world empire of false religion is an international nuisance and a hindrance to their emergency operations because of the Babylonish religious beliefs, practices and customs. 27 The many gods and goddesses that Babylon the Great has worshiped will not come to the aid of the world empire of false religion, to save her from action by her former lustful paramours. Her former lovers, the political and military elements, will realize that those deities of Babylon the Great are helpless and have been of no saving powers to them when prayed to by the priests, chaplains, clergymen and religious potentates of the world empire of false religion. Those political and military elements will feel deceived, tricked, fooled and will lose respect for worldly religion. They will not have to turn Communist in order to “hate the harlot,” but will simply turn radical and thus be able to cooperate with “godless Communism” in doing away with the hypocritical religious organization. They will give her the treatment that was meted out to some harlots in ancient times, “completely burn her with fire.”​—Genesis 38:24. 28. When all of Babylon the Great is brought to desolation, why will Christendom not be exempt? 28 We can imagine what this will mean to the Vatican and its Basilica of Saint Peter, to the religious cathedrals, churches, mosques, temples, synagogues, shrines, and to other religious structures! We can imagine what is in store for those who officiate in impressive vestments in those religious buildings. Let not Christendom imagine that she will escape because she parades before the world in the name of Christ. She, too, has played the religious “harlot” like her mother, Babylon the Great. The friendship that she has cultivated and maintained with the political and military elements of this world will fail her. She will be shocked at finding that adulterous friendship with this world made her an “enemy of God” and of his Christ. (James 4:4) Even the celebrating of the Holy Year of 1975 does not alter her status before Jehovah God. She must be reduced to the state of emptiness and wasteness like that foretold for ancient Edom.​—Isaiah 34:11-13; compare Revelation 18:2, 8. 29. (a) In what way has Judaism identified itself with Babylon the Great? (b) Are there any who have come out of Judaism, so as to avoid its fate? 29 As respects Judaism, it has taken its stand with Babylon the Great. The Republic of Israel, as one of the 138 Jewish, Arab, Moslem, Hindu, Buddhist, so-called “Christian,” Communist members of the United Nations, has been under the rider of that Eighth World Power, namely, Babylon the Great. (Revelation 17:3-6) In the first century of our Common Era the Jewish Pharisee named Saul of Tarsus came out of Judaism and became the Christian apostle surnamed Paul. (Galatians 1:1, 13-17; Philippians 3:3-6) Dissimilar to this Saul of Tarsus, the vast majority of the natural, circumcised Jews have clung to the traditional Judaism. 30. What lies ahead for both Christendom and Judaism, and how do events of the first century indicate that? 30 In the year of 70 C.E., their stronghold of Judaism, Jerusalem, was destroyed by the pagan Romans, just as Jesus Christ foretold. (Matthew 24:1-3, 15-22; Luke 21:20-24) That destruction of Jerusalem and its temple and the desolation of the land of Judah by the Romans became a prophetic type of the destruction and desolation now due to come upon Christendom in the “great tribulation” ahead. Since Judaism holds to the stand that it took in the first century C.E., and that brought disaster on it in 70 C.E., it will suffer the same fate as its antitype, Christendom, will suffer. 31. Who are the people that stand out as separate and distinct from Christendom and Judaism, and what conditions do they enjoy even now? 31 So, the time is approaching when Babylon the Great is no more! This means that the time must come when Christendom and Judaism are no more! But what about the proclaimers of the established Messianic kingdom of God, namely, Jehovah’s Christian witnesses? What about the spiritual paradise in which they are now residing? The inspired prophetic Scriptures reveal to them what to expect.​—Amos 3:7; Revelation 1:1-3.
God Promises That Our Planet Will Survive
Oleh_Slobodeniuk/​E+ via Getty Images God Promises That Our Planet Will Survive “The Earth is more resilient than we thought.” That was the conclusion reached regarding climate change by an international team of researchers. If you believe in a Creator who cares for mankind, this scientific conclusion may remind you of the many self-healing natural processes that God built into our planet’s design. Still, given the degree of man-made damage to the earth, more than natural processes is needed for our planet to survive. Why can we be confident that God will do something about it? Note the scriptures listed in the box that assure us that the earth will survive and even thrive. Our planet was created by God. “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.”​—Genesis 1:1 God claims ownership of our planet. “To Jehovaha belong the earth and everything in it.”​—Psalm 24:1 God designed our planet to survive. “He has established the earth on its foundations; it will not be moved from its place forever and ever.”​—Psalm 104:5 God promises that life will thrive on our planet forever. “The true God, the One who formed the earth, . . . did not create it simply for nothing, but formed it to be inhabited.”​—Isaiah 45:18 God promises that humans will live on our planet forever. “The righteous will possess the earth, and they will live forever on it.”​—Psalm 37:29 God has designed the earth with built-in systems that can withstand the impact of sensible human activity. The Bible foretells that Jehovah God will, at his appointed time, put an end to the abuse and exploitation that has damaged our planet.​—Revelation 11:18 The Bible promises that then God will turn our planet into a healthy, beautiful paradise and open his hand to “satisfy the desire of every living thing.”​—Psalm 145:16 a Jehovah is God’s personal name.​—Psalm 83:18.
Did You Know?
Did You Know? How was fire transported in ancient times? THE Biblical account found at Genesis 22:6 states that, in order to prepare to offer a sacrifice at a distant location, Abraham “took the wood for the burnt offering and put it on his son Isaac. Then he took in his hands the fire and the knife, and the two of them walked on together.” No mention is made in the Scriptures of the method used to light fires in ancient times. Regarding the account in question, at least one commentator believes that a flame could “scarcely have been kept going throughout the long journey” that Abraham and Isaac made. Thus, it may be that what is referred to is the equipment needed for producing fire. Others point out, however, that it was not a simple thing to kindle a fire in ancient times. People would have found it easier, where possible, to get a hot ember from their neighbors rather than try to start a fire on their own. A number of scholars thus believe that what Abraham carried was a vessel​—perhaps a pot suspended from a chain—​that contained live coals or charcoal embers raked from the preceding night’s fire. (Isa. 30:14) Glowing embers transported in such a way could readily be used with tinder wood to rekindle a fire at any point along a journey.
Revelation Climax (re) 1988
Chapter 27 God’s Kingdom Is Born! Vision 7​—Revelation 12:1-17 Subject: The heavenly woman gives birth, Michael battles with Satan and casts him to earth Time of fulfillment: From the enthronement of Christ Jesus in 1914 up to the great tribulation 1. How will an understanding of the signs described in Revelation chapters 12 to 14 help us? THE sacred secret of God has been unlocked. (Revelation 10:7) Jehovah’s Kingdom by his Messiah is now a dynamic reality. It rules! Its presence spells doom for Satan and his seed and glorious victory for the Seed of God’s heavenly organization. The seventh angel has not finished blowing on his trumpet, however, for he has much more to reveal to us about the third woe. (Revelation 11:14) The signs described in Revelation chapters 12 to 14 will help us to broaden our appreciation of all that is involved in that woe and in bringing God’s sacred secret to a finish. 2. (a) What great sign does John see? (b) When was the meaning of the great sign revealed? 2 John now sees a great sign​—one of outstanding interest for God’s people. It introduces a thrilling prophetic vision, the meaning of which was first published in the March 1, 1925, issue of The Watch Tower in an article eninputd “Birth of the Nation” and then again in 1926 in the book Deliverance. This brilliant flash of Bible understanding became a historic marker in the advancement of Jehovah’s work. So let John describe the drama as it starts to unfold: “And a great sign was seen in heaven, a woman arrayed with the sun, and the moon was beneath her feet, and on her head was a crown of twelve stars, and she was pregnant. And she cries out in her pains and in her agony to give birth.”​—Revelation 12:1, 2. 3. What is the identity of the woman seen in heaven? 3 For the first time, John beholds a woman in heaven. She is, of course, not a literal woman. Rather, she is a sign, or a symbol. (Revelation 1:1) What does she symbolize? In the inspired prophecies, women at times represent organizations “married” to outstanding personalities. In the Hebrew Scriptures, Israel was spoken of as a wife of Jehovah God. (Jeremiah 3:14) In the Greek Scriptures, the congregation of anointed Christians is spoken of as Christ’s bride. (Revelation 21:9-14) The woman John here sees is also married to someone, and she is about to give birth. Who is her husband? Well, later her child is “caught away to God and to his throne.” (Revelation 12:5) Jehovah thus claims the child as his own. Therefore, the woman that John sees must be Jehovah’s symbolic wife. 4. Who are the sons of God’s symbolic wife, and what does the apostle Paul call the woman seen by John? 4 About eight centuries earlier, Jehovah had addressed this symbolic wife, saying: “All your sons will be persons taught by Jehovah.” (Isaiah 54:5, 13) Jesus quoted this prophecy and showed that these sons were his faithful followers, who later formed the congregation of anointed Christians. (John 6:44, 45) So members of this congregation, spoken of as God’s sons, are also children of God’s symbolic wife. (Romans 8:14) The apostle Paul adds the final piece of information when he says: “The Jerusalem above is free, and she is our mother.” (Galatians 4:26) The “woman” seen by John, then, is “the Jerusalem above.” 5. Since Jehovah’s symbolic wife is crowned with 12 stars, what in reality is the Jerusalem above? 5 Exactly what, though, is Jerusalem above? Since Paul spoke of her as “above,” and John sees her in heaven, she is clearly not an earthly city; neither is she the same as “New Jerusalem,” since that organization is the bride of Christ, not Jehovah’s wife. (Revelation 21:2) Notice that she is crowned with 12 stars. The number 12 is associated with completeness in an organizational setting.a Hence, these 12 stars seem to indicate that she is an organizational arrangement in heaven, just as ancient Jerusalem was on earth. Jerusalem above is Jehovah’s universal organization of spirit creatures that acts as his wife, both in serving him and in producing offspring. 6. (a) What is indicated by the fact that the woman seen by John is robed with the sun, has the moon beneath her feet, and has a crown of stars? (b) What is symbolized by the labor pains of the pregnant woman? 6 John sees this woman as being robed with the sun and having the moon beneath her feet. When we add her crown of stars, she is completely surrounded by heavenly lights. God’s favor shines upon her day and night. What a fitting symbol of Jehovah’s magnificent heavenly organization! She is also pregnant, enduring labor pains. Her cries for divine help show that her time has come to give birth. In the Bible, labor pains often symbolize the hard work needed to produce an important result. (Compare Psalm 90:2; Proverbs 25:23; Isaiah 66:7, 8.) No doubt labor pains of this kind were experienced as Jehovah’s heavenly organization prepared for this historic birth. A Great Fiery-Colored Dragon 7. What is another sign that John sees in heaven? 7 What does John next observe? “And another sign was seen in heaven, and, look! a great fiery-colored dragon, with seven heads and ten horns and upon its heads seven diadems; and its tail drags a third of the stars of heaven, and it hurled them down to the earth. And the dragon kept standing before the woman who was about to give birth, that, when she did give birth, it might devour her child.”​—Revelation 12:3, 4. 8. (a) What is the identity of the great fiery-colored dragon? (b) What is indicated by the dragon’s having seven heads, ten horns, and a diadem on each head? 8 This dragon is Satan, “the original serpent.” (Revelation 12:9; Genesis 3:15) He is a ferocious destroyer​—a seven-headed dragon, or devourer, that can completely swallow his prey. How strange he looks! Those seven heads and ten horns indicate that he is the architect of the political wild beast soon to be described in Revelation chapter 13. This beast also has seven heads and ten horns. Since Satan has a diadem on each head​—seven in all—​we can be sure that the world powers represented in that wild beast have been under his rulership. (John 16:11) The ten horns are a fitting symbol of the completeness of the power that he has exercised in this world. 9. What is indicated by the fact that the dragon’s tail “drags a third of the stars of heaven” down to the earth? 9 The dragon has authority also in the spirit realm. With his tail, he “drags a third of the stars of heaven.” Stars can represent angels. (Job 38:7) Mention of “a third” would emphasize that a considerable number of angels have been misled by Satan. Once these came under his control, there was no escape for them. They could not return to God’s holy organization. They became demons, dragged along, as it were, by Satan their king, or ruler. (Matthew 12:24) Satan also cast them down to the earth. This no doubt refers to Noah’s day before the Flood, when Satan induced the disobedient sons of God to go down to earth and cohabit with the daughters of men. As a punishment, these “angels that sinned” have been thrown by God into the prisonlike condition called Tartarus.​—Genesis 6:4; 2 Peter 2:4; Jude 6. 10. What opposing organizations come into view, and why does the dragon seek to devour the child when the woman gives birth? 10 Thus, two opposing organizations have come clearly into view​—Jehovah’s heavenly organization as pictured by the woman and Satan’s demonic organization that challenges God’s sovereignty. The great issue of sovereignty must be settled. But how? Satan, still dragging the demons along with him, is like a vicious beast of prey eyeing a potential victim. He is waiting for the woman to give birth. He wants to devour this expected infant because he knows that it poses an ominous threat to his continued existence and that of the world over which he exercises rulership.​—John 14:30. A Son, a Male 11. How does John describe the birth of the woman’s child, and why is the child called “a son, a male”? 11 The appointed time for the nations to rule without interruption by God came to an end in 1914. (Luke 21:24) Then, right on time, the woman bears her child: “And she gave birth to a son, a male, who is to shepherd all the nations with an iron rod. And her child was caught away to God and to his throne. And the woman fled into the wilderness, where she has a place prepared by God, that they should feed her there a thousand two hundred and sixty days.” (Revelation 12:5, 6) The child is “a son, a male.” Why does John use this double expression? He does it to show the child’s suitableness, his competence for ruling the nations with adequate power. It also emphasizes how momentous, how joyous an occasion this birth is! It plays a key role in bringing the sacred secret of God to a finish. Why, this male child will even “shepherd all the nations with an iron rod”! 12. (a) In the Psalms, what did Jehovah prophetically promise regarding Jesus? (b) What is symbolized by the woman’s giving birth to a son “who is to shepherd all the nations with an iron rod”? 12 Now, does that expression sound familiar? Yes, Jehovah promised prophetically regarding Jesus: “You will break them with an iron scepter, as though a potter’s vessel you will dash them to pieces.” (Psalm 2:9) It was also prophesied regarding him: “The rod of your strength Jehovah will send out of Zion, saying: ‘Go subduing in the midst of your enemies.’” (Psalm 110:2) Therefore, the birth seen by John closely involves Jesus Christ. No, it is not Jesus’ being born of a virgin back before the first century of our Common Era; nor could it refer to Jesus’ being raised again to spirit life in 33 C.E. Furthermore, it is no transmigration. Rather, it is the birth of God’s Kingdom in 1914 as a reality, with Jesus​—now in heaven for close to 20 centuries—​enthroned as King.​—Revelation 12:10. 13. What is indicated by the male child’s being “caught away to God and to his throne”? 13 Never would Jehovah permit Satan to devour His wife or His newborn son! At birth, the male child is “caught away to God and to his throne.” He thus comes completely under the protection of Jehovah, who will take the fullest care of this newborn Kingdom, His instrument for sanctifying His holy name. At the same time, the woman flees to a place that God has prepared for her in the wilderness. More details on that later! As for Satan, the stage is now set for a momentous event that will make it utterly impossible for him ever again to threaten the Kingdom in heaven. What is that event? War in Heaven! 14. (a) As John tells it, what event makes it impossible for Satan ever again to threaten the Kingdom? (b) To what locality are Satan and his demons restricted? 14 John tells us: “And war broke out in heaven: Michael and his angels battled with the dragon, and the dragon and its angels battled but it did not prevail, neither was a place found for them any longer in heaven. So down the great dragon was hurled, the original serpent, the one called Devil and Satan, who is misleading the entire inhabited earth; he was hurled down to the earth, and his angels were hurled down with him.” (Revelation 12:7-9) So as a dramatic development in bringing the sacred secret of God to a finish, Satan is ejected, pitched out of heaven, and his demons are cast down to the earth with him. The one who has misled the entire inhabited earth to the extent of becoming its god is finally restricted to the vicinity of this planet, where his rebellion first began.​—2 Corinthians 4:3, 4. 15, 16. (a) Who is Michael, and how do we know? (b) Why is it fitting that Michael is the one who hurls Satan down from heaven? 15 Who accomplish this great victory in Jehovah’s name? The Bible says it is Michael and his angels. But who is Michael? The name “Michael” means “Who Is Like God?” So Michael must be interested in vindicating Jehovah’s sovereignty by proving that no one is to be compared to Him. In Jude verse 9, he is called “Michael the archangel.” Interestingly, the input “archangel” is used elsewhere in the Bible with reference to only one person: Jesus Christ.b Paul says of him: “The Lord himself will descend from heaven with a commanding call, with an archangel’s voice and with God’s trumpet.” (1 Thessalonians 4:16) The input “archangel” means “chief of the angels.” So it is not surprising that Revelation speaks of “Michael and his angels.” Other places where the Bible mentions angels subject to a righteous servant of God have reference to Jesus. Thus, Paul speaks of “the revelation of the Lord Jesus from heaven with his powerful angels.”​—2 Thessalonians 1:7; see also Matthew 24:30, 31; 25:31. 16 These and other scriptures lead us to the inescapable conclusion that Michael is no one else but the Lord Jesus Christ in his heavenly position. Now, in the Lord’s day, he no longer merely says to Satan: “May Jehovah rebuke you.” Since this is a time of judging, Jesus, as Michael, hurls the wicked Satan and his demonic angels down from heaven. (Jude 9; Revelation 1:10) It is most fitting that He should be the One to do this, as He is the newly installed King. Jesus is also the Seed, promised back in Eden, who will ultimately crush the head of the Serpent, thus putting him out of existence for all time. (Genesis 3:15) By ejecting Satan from heaven, Jesus has moved toward that final crushing. “Be Glad, You Heavens” 17, 18. (a) What heavenly reaction does John report as to the fall of Satan from heaven? (b) What is the likely source of the loud voice that John hears? 17 John reports a joyous heavenly reaction to this stupendous fall of Satan: “And I heard a loud voice in heaven say: ‘Now have come to pass the salvation and the power and the kingdom of our God and the authority of his Christ, because the accuser of our brothers has been hurled down, who accuses them day and night before our God! And they conquered him because of the blood of the Lamb and because of the word of their witnessing, and they did not love their souls even in the face of death. On this account be glad, you heavens and you who reside in them!’”​—Revelation 12:10-12a. 18 Whose loud voice is it that John hears? The Bible does not say. But a similar cry reported at Revelation 11:17 came from the resurrected 24 elders in their heavenly positions, where they can now represent the 144,000 holy ones. (Revelation 11:18) And since the persecuted anointed servants of God still on earth are here spoken of as “our brothers,” this statement could well come from the same source. No doubt these faithful ones can join their voice, since their resurrection would follow soon after Satan and his demon hordes had been thrown out of heaven. 19. (a) The finishing of the sacred secret of God opens the way for Jesus to do what? (b) What is indicated by Satan’s being called “the accuser of our brothers”? 19 The finishing of the sacred secret of God calls for Jesus to take authority in Jehovah’s Kingdom. The way is thus opened for God to carry out his great purpose to deliver faithful mankind. Jesus brings salvation not only to his God-fearing disciples now on earth but also to the countless millions of dead ones who are in God’s memory. (Luke 21:27, 28) Satan’s being called “the accuser of our brothers” shows that, even though his accusations against Job were proved false, he kept right on challenging the integrity of God’s earthly servants. Evidently, he repeated on many occasions the charge that a man will give all he has in exchange for his soul. How dismally Satan has failed!​—Job 1:9-11; 2:4, 5. 20. How have faithful Christians conquered Satan? 20 Anointed Christians, who are counted righteous “because of the blood of the Lamb,” are continuing to bear witness to God and to Jesus Christ despite persecutions. For more than 120 years, this John class has been pointing to the great issues involved with the ending of the Gentile Times in 1914. (Luke 21:24, King James Version) And the great crowd are now serving loyally by their side. None of these are “fearful of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul,” as real-life experiences of Jehovah’s Witnesses have demonstrated over and over again during our time. By word of mouth and by proper Christian conduct, they have conquered Satan, consistently proving him to be a liar. (Matthew 10:28; Proverbs 27:11; Revelation 7:9) On being resurrected to heaven, how happy anointed Christians must be, since Satan is no longer up there to accuse their brothers! It is the time, indeed, for all the angelic host to respond joyously to the call: “Be glad, you heavens and you who reside in them!” A Rival Woe! 21. How has Satan brought woe to the earth and to the sea? 21 Chafing because of the third woe, Satan is now intent on afflicting mankind with his own particular brand of woe. It is: “Woe for the earth and for the sea, because the Devil has come down to you, having great anger, knowing he has a short period of time.” (Revelation 12:12b) Satan’s ouster from heaven does indeed mean woe for the literal earth, which is being ruined by selfish humans under his control. (Deuteronomy 32:5) Even more so, Satan’s policy of ‘rule or ruin’ brings woe to the symbolic earth, the structure of human society, as well as to the symbolic sea, the turbulent mass of mankind itself. During the two world wars, Satan’s wrath was reflected in the wrath of the nations subject to him, and similar explosions of demonic rage continue to this day​—though not for much longer! (Mark 13:7, 8) But terrible as the Devil’s devices may be, they will never approach the woeful effect that the third woe​—action by God’s Kingdom—​will produce on Satan’s visible organization! 22, 23. (a) What does John say happens after the dragon has been hurled down to the earth? (b) How is it possible for the dragon to persecute “the woman that gave birth to the male child”? 22 Since Satan’s catastrophic ouster, Christ’s brothers still on the earth have borne the brunt of his wrath. John reports: “Now when the dragon saw that it was hurled down to the earth, it persecuted the woman that gave birth to the male child. But the two wings of the great eagle were given the woman, that she might fly into the wilderness to her place; there is where she is fed for a time and times and half a time away from the face of the serpent.”​—Revelation 12:13, 14. 23 Here the vision picks up the thought introduced in verse 6, which tells us that after the birth of her child, the woman flees into the wilderness, away from the dragon. We may wonder how the dragon can persecute the woman, since she is in heaven and the dragon has now been cast down to the earth. Well, remember that the woman has children here on earth, her seed. Later in this vision, we are informed that Satan expresses his rage toward the woman by persecuting her seed. (Revelation 12:17) What happens to the woman’s seed here on earth may be regarded as happening to the woman herself. (Compare Matthew 25:40.) And the growing number of companions of the seed here on earth would also experience these persecutions. A New Nation 24. What experience did the Bible Students have that was similar to the deliverance of the Israelites from Egypt? 24 While the first world war was being fought, Jesus’ brothers faithfully kept on with their witnessing to the extent possible. This was done in the face of intensified opposition from Satan and his vicious henchmen. Finally, the Bible Students’ public witnessing was virtually stopped. (Revelation 11:7-10) That was when they had an experience quite similar to that of the Israelites in Egypt who also endured under great oppression. It was then that Jehovah brought them swiftly, as if on wings of eagles, to safety in the desert of Sinai. (Exodus 19:1-4) Likewise, after the bitter persecution of 1918-19, Jehovah delivered his witnesses, as representing his woman, into a spiritual situation that was as safe for them as the desert was for the Israelites. This came as an answer to their prayers.​—Compare Psalm 55:6-9. 25. (a) What did Jehovah bring forth in 1919, much as he brought forth the Israelites as a nation in the wilderness? (b) Who make up this nation, and into what have they been brought? 25 In the wilderness, Jehovah brought forth the Israelites as a nation, providing for them spiritually and physically. Similarly, starting in 1919, Jehovah brought forth the seed of the woman as a spiritual nation. This is not to be confused with the Messianic Kingdom that has been ruling from the heavens since 1914. Rather, this new nation is made up of the remnant of anointed witnesses on earth, who were brought into a glorious spiritual estate in 1919. Being provided now with “their measure of food supplies at the proper time,” these were strengthened for the work that lay ahead.​—Luke 12:42; Isaiah 66:8. 26. (a) How long is the time period mentioned at Revelation 12:6, 14? (b) What was the purpose of the period of three and a half times, when did it start, and when did it finish? 26 How long did this respite for the seed of God’s woman last? Revelation 12:6 says 1,260 days. Revelation 12:14 calls the period a time, times, and half a time; in other words, three and a half times. In fact, both expressions stand for three and a half years, extending in the Northern Hemisphere from the spring of 1919 to the autumn of 1922. This was a period of refreshing recuperation and reorganization for the restored John class. 27. (a) According to John’s report, what did the dragon do after 1922? (b) What was Satan’s purpose in spewing forth a flood of persecution against the Witnesses? 27 The dragon did not give up! “And the serpent disgorged water like a river from its mouth after the woman, to cause her to be drowned by the river.” (Revelation 12:15) What is meant by “water like a river,” or “a flood of water”? (The New English Bible) Ancient King David spoke of the wicked men who opposed him as “flash floods of good-for-nothing men” [“streams of the worthless,” Young]. (Psalm 18:4, 5, 16, 17) What Satan now unleashes is likewise persecution by worthless or “good-for-nothing men.” After 1922 Satan spewed out a flood of persecution against the Witnesses. (Matthew 24:9-13) This came to include physical violence, “framing trouble by decree,” imprisonments, and even executions by hanging, shooting, and beheading. (Psalm 94:20) The debased Satan, having been denied direct access to God’s heavenly woman, set out wrathfully to attack her remaining seed on earth and to destroy them, either directly or by causing them to lose God’s favor through breaking their integrity. But their resolve proved to be like that of Job: “Until I expire I shall not take away my integrity from myself!”​—Job 27:5. 28. How did the flood of persecution reach a peak during World War II? 28 This vicious flood of persecution reached a high point during World War II. In Europe some 12,000 Witnesses were incarcerated in Nazi concentration camps and prisons, and about 2,000 died. Under the warlords that ruled Italy, Japan, Korea, and Taiwan, faithful Witnesses suffered similar cruel treatment. Even in so-called democratic lands, the Witnesses were assaulted by Catholic Action groups, tarred and feathered, and run out of town. Christian assemblies were broken up and Witness children were expelled from school. 29. (a) How does John describe relief arriving from an unexpected source? (b) How is it that “the earth came to the woman’s help”? (c) What has the dragon continued to do? 29 Relief arrived from an unexpected source: “But the earth came to the woman’s help, and the earth opened its mouth and swallowed up the river that the dragon disgorged from its mouth. And the dragon grew wrathful at the woman, and went off to wage war with the remaining ones of her seed, who observe the commandments of God and have the work of bearing witness to Jesus.” (Revelation 12:16, 17) “The earth”​—elements within Satan’s own system of things—​began to swallow up “the river,” or “flood.” During the 1940’s the Witnesses gained a series of favorable decisions in the United States Supreme Court, and from ruling powers in some other lands, that upheld freedom of worship. Finally, the Allied nations swallowed up the Nazi-Fascist juggernaut, to the relief of the Witnesses who had suffered under cruel dictatorships. Persecutions did not stop altogether, for the wrath of the dragon has continued until today, and he keeps up the war against those who “have the work of bearing witness to Jesus.” In many lands, loyal Witnesses are still in prison, and some still die because of their integrity. But in some of these lands, the authorities from time to time relax their pressure, and the Witnesses enjoy a greater measure of freedom.c Thus, in fulfillment of the prophecy, the earth continues to swallow up the river of persecution. 30. (a) The earth has provided sufficient relief for what to take place? (b) The integrity of God’s people results in what? 30 In this way, the earth has provided sufficient relief to allow God’s work to spread to some 235 lands and produce over six million faithful preachers of the good news. Along with the remaining ones of the woman’s seed, a great international crowd of new believers is observing the commandments of God as to separateness from the world, clean morals, and love of the brothers, and they are witnessing to the Messianic Kingdom. Their integrity answers Satan’s reproachful challenge, so that the death knell is sounded for Satan and his system of things.​—Proverbs 27:11. [Footnotes] a Compare the 12 tribes of fleshly Israel, the 12 apostles, the 12 tribes of spiritual Israel, and the 12 gates, 12 angels, and 12 foundation stones of the New Jerusalem.​—Revelation 21:12-14. b Notice, however, that Revelation 12:9 speaks of “the great dragon . . . and his angels.” So the Devil not only makes a counterfeit god of himself but also tries to become an archangel, though the Bible never gives him that input. c The highest courts in a number of lands have granted relief to Jehovah’s Witnesses; some of these decisions are cited in the box on page 92. [Box on page 185] “The Earth Opened Its Mouth” Satan’s flash flood of persecution has been unleashed in many lands against anointed Christians and their companions. Often, though, developments within Satan’s own system of things have resulted in that flood’s being swallowed up. The flood of mobbings and imprisonments in the United States was largely swallowed up by favorable Supreme Court decisions during the 1940’s. 1945: Vicious persecution in lands controlled by Germany and Japan was halted by Allied victories in World War II. When a ban was imposed on Jehovah’s Witnesses in the Dominican Republic, the Witnesses were imprisoned, lashed, and beaten with rifle butts. In 1960 a falling-out between dictator Rafael Trujillo and the Roman Catholic Church led to the lifting of the ban on Jehovah’s Witnesses. The shooting, burning, rape, beating, torture, and killing of Witnesses during a civil war in Nigeria came to a halt in 1970 when government forces conquered the breakaway province where these things were happening. In Spain homes were invaded and Christians fined and imprisoned for the “crime” of talking about God and holding Christian meetings. This persecution finally ended in 1970, when, as a result of the government’s change of policy toward non-Catholic religions, Jehovah’s Witnesses were allowed to become legally registered. In Portugal hundreds of homes were searched without warrant. Witnesses were physically injured and thrown into prison, and their Bibles were confiscated. This terrorism was ‘swallowed up’ when, in 1974, a military revolution resulted in a change in government and a law was passed granting freedom of assembly. In Argentina, under a military government, children of Jehovah’s Witnesses were expelled from school, and Witnesses around the country were arrested for preaching the good news. This persecution finally ended in 1984 when the then ruling government legally recognized the Association of Jehovah’s Witnesses. [Chart on page 183] (For fully formatted text, see publication) 1914 Birth of Kingdom 1919 Birth of new nation 1919-1922 Period of recuperation 1922- Flood of persecution [Pictures on page 182] Woe to the earth
Revelation Climax (re) 1988
Chapter 28 Contending With Two Ferocious Beasts Vision 8​—Revelation 13:1-18 Subject: The seven-headed wild beast, the two-horned wild beast, and the image of the wild beast Time of fulfillment: From Nimrod’s day to the great tribulation 1, 2. (a) What does John say about the dragon? (b) How does John, in symbolic language, describe a visible organization used by the dragon? THE great dragon has been cast down to the earth! Our study of Revelation makes it clear that never again will the Serpent or his demon followers be allowed back into heaven. But we are not yet finished with “the one called Devil and Satan, who is misleading the entire inhabited earth.” The account next identifies in greater detail the means used by Satan to fight against ‘the woman and her seed.’ (Revelation 12:9, 17) John says of that serpentine dragon: “And it stood still upon the sand of the sea.” (Revelation 13:1a) So let us pause to examine the dragon’s means of operation. 2 No longer are the holy heavens afflicted by the presence of Satan and his demons. Those wicked spirits have been ousted from heaven and confined to the vicinity of the earth. This no doubt accounts for the tremendous growth of spiritistic practices in modern times. The wily Serpent still maintains a corrupt spirit organization. But does he also use a visible organization in order to mislead mankind? John tells us: “And I saw a wild beast ascending out of the sea, with ten horns and seven heads, and upon its horns ten diadems, but upon its heads blasphemous names. Now the wild beast that I saw was like a leopard, but its feet were as those of a bear, and its mouth was as a lion’s mouth. And the dragon gave to the beast its power and its throne and great authority.”​—Revelation 13:1b, 2. 3. (a) What ferocious beasts did the prophet Daniel see in visions? (b) What did the huge beasts of Daniel 7 represent? 3 What is this freakish beast? The Bible itself gives the answer. Before the fall of Babylon in 539 B.C.E., the Jewish prophet Daniel saw visions involving ferocious beasts. At Daniel 7:2-8 he describes four beasts coming out of the sea, the first resembling a lion, the second a bear, the third a leopard, and “see there! a fourth beast, fearsome and terrible and unusually strong . . . and it had ten horns.” This is remarkably similar to the wild beast seen by John about the year 96 C.E. That beast also has the characteristics of a lion, a bear, and a leopard, and it has ten horns. What is the identity of the huge beasts seen by Daniel? He informs us: “These huge beasts . . . are four kings that will stand up from the earth.” (Daniel 7:17) Yes, those beasts represent “kings,” or political powers of the earth. 4. (a) In Daniel 8, what did the ram and the he-goat portray? (b) What was indicated when the great horn of the he-goat was broken and it was succeeded by four horns? 4 In another vision, Daniel sees a two-horned ram that is struck down by a goat with a great horn. The angel Gabriel explains to him what it means: “The ram . . . stands for the kings of Media and Persia. And the hairy he-goat stands for the king of Greece.” Gabriel goes on to prophesy that the great horn of the he-goat would be broken and be succeeded by four horns. This actually happened more than 200 years later when Alexander the Great died and his kingdom was split into four kingdoms ruled over by four of his generals.​—Daniel 8:3-8, 20-25.a 5. (a) What connotations does the Greek word for beast convey? (b) What does the wild beast of Revelation 13:1, 2, along with its seven heads, stand for? 5 It is clear, therefore, that the Author of the inspired Bible regards the political powers of the earth as beasts. What kind of beasts? One commentator calls the wild beast of Revelation 13:1, 2 a “brute,” and adds: “We accept all the connotations that θηρίον [the·riʹon, the Greek word for “beast”] conveys, such as that of a cruel, destructive, frightful, ravenous, etc., monster.”b How well that describes the bloodstained political system by which Satan has dominated mankind! The seven heads of this wild beast stand for six major world powers featured in Bible history up to John’s day​—Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, and Rome—​and a seventh world power prophesied to appear later.​—Compare Revelation 17:9, 10. 6. (a) In what have the seven heads of the wild beast taken the lead? (b) How was Rome used by Jehovah in executing his own judgment on the Jewish system of things, and how did the Christians in Jerusalem fare? 6 True, there have been other world powers in history besides the seven​—just as the wild beast John saw was made up of a body as well as of seven heads and ten horns. But the seven heads represent the seven major powers that have, each in its turn, taken the lead in oppressing God’s people. In 33 C.E., while Rome was ascendant, Satan used that head of the wild beast to kill the Son of God. At that time, God abandoned the faithless Jewish system of things and later, in 70 C.E., allowed Rome to execute his judgment on that nation. Happily, the true Israel of God, the congregation of anointed Christians, had been forewarned, and those in Jerusalem and Judaea had fled to safety beyond the Jordan River.​—Matthew 24:15, 16; Galatians 6:16. 7. (a) What was due to take place when the conclusion of the system of things arrived and the Lord’s day began? (b) What proved to be the seventh head of the wild beast of Revelation 13:1, 2? 7 By the end of the first century C.E., however, many in this early congregation had fallen away from the truth, and the true Christian wheat, “the sons of the kingdom,” had been largely choked out by weeds, “the sons of the wicked one.” But when the conclusion of the system of things arrived, anointed Christians again appeared as an organized group. During the Lord’s day, the righteous ones were due to “shine as brightly as the sun.” Hence, the Christian congregation was organized for work. (Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43) By then, the Roman Empire was no more. The huge British Empire, along with the powerful United States of America, held the center of the world stage. This dual world power proved to be the seventh head of the wild beast. 8. Why should it not be shocking that the Anglo-American dual world power is likened to a beast? 8 Is it not shocking to identify the ruling political powers with a wild beast? That is what some opposers claimed during World War II, when the status of Jehovah’s Witnesses, as an organization and as individuals, was being challenged in law courts around the earth. But stop and think! Do not the nations themselves adopt beasts or wild creatures as their national symbols? For example, there are the British lion, the American eagle, and the Chinese dragon. So why should anyone object if the divine Author of the Holy Bible also uses beasts to symbolize world powers? 9. (a) Why should one not object to the Bible’s saying that Satan gives the wild beast its great authority? (b) How is Satan described in the Bible, and how does he influence governments? 9 Moreover, why should anyone object to the Bible’s saying that it is Satan who gives the wild beast its great authority? God is the Source of that statement, and before him ‘the nations are as a drop from a bucket and as a film of dust.’ Those nations would do better to court God’s favor than to take offense at the way his prophetic Word describes them. (Isaiah 40:15, 17; Psalm 2:10-12) Satan is no mythical person assigned to tormenting departed souls in a fiery hell. No such place exists. Rather, Satan is described in Scripture as “an angel of light”​—a master of deception who exercises powerful influence in general political affairs.​—2 Corinthians 11:3, 14, 15; Ephesians 6:11-18. 10. (a) What is denoted by the fact that on each of the ten horns there was a diadem? (b) What do the ten horns and the ten diadems symbolize? 10 The wild beast has ten horns on its seven heads. Perhaps four heads had one horn each and three heads two horns each. Moreover, it had ten diadems on its horns. In the book of Daniel, fearsome beasts are described, and the numbering of their horns is to be interpreted literally. For example, the two horns on a ram represented a world empire made up of two partners, Media and Persia, while the four horns on a goat represented the four coexisting empires that grew out of Alexander the Great’s Greek empire. (Daniel 8:3, 8, 20-22) On the beast that John saw, however, the numbering of the ten horns appears to be symbolic. (Compare Daniel 7:24; Revelation 17:12.) They represent the completeness of sovereign states making up the entire political organization of Satan. All these horns are violent and aggressive, but as indicated by the seven heads, headship resides in only one world power at a time. Similarly, the ten diadems indicate that all sovereign states would exercise ruling power simultaneously with the dominant state, or world power, of that time. 11. What is indicated by the fact that the wild beast has “upon its heads blasphemous names”? 11 The wild beast has “upon its heads blasphemous names,” making claims for itself that show great disrespect for Jehovah God and Christ Jesus. It has used the names of God and Christ as a sham to achieve its political ends; and it has played along with false religion, even allowing the clergy to take part in its political processes. For example, the House of Lords in England includes the bishops. Catholic cardinals have played prominent political roles in France and Italy, and more recently, priests have taken political office in Latin America. Governments print religious slogans, such as “IN GOD WE TRUST,” on their bank notes, and on their coins they claim divine approval for their rulers, stating, for example, that these are appointed “by the grace of God.” All of this is actually blasphemous, for it attempts to involve God in the sullied nationalistic political arena. 12. (a) What is signified by the wild beast’s coming out of “the sea,” and when did it begin to emerge? (b) What is indicated by the fact that the dragon gives the symbolic beast its great authority? 12 The wild beast comes out of “the sea,” which is a fitting symbol of the turbulent masses from which human government springs. (Isaiah 17:12, 13) This wild beast began to emerge out of the sea of turbulent humanity away back in the days of Nimrod (about the 21st century B.C.E.), when a post-Flood system of things, opposed to Jehovah, first manifested itself. (Genesis 10:8-12; 11:1-9) But only during the Lord’s day has the last one of its seven heads fully manifested itself. Notice, too, it is the dragon that “gave to the beast its power and its throne and great authority.” (Compare Luke 4:6.) The beast is Satan’s political creation among the masses of mankind. Satan is truly “the ruler of this world.”​—John 12:31. The Death Stroke 13. (a) What calamity assails the wild beast early in the Lord’s day? (b) How is it that the entire wild beast suffered when one head received a death stroke? 13 Early in the Lord’s day, calamity strikes the wild beast. John reports: “And I saw one of its heads as though slaughtered to death, but its death-stroke got healed, and all the earth followed the wild beast with admiration.” (Revelation 13:3) This verse says that one head of the wild beast received a death stroke, but verse 12 speaks as though the entire beast suffered. Why is that? Well, the beast’s heads are not all in the ascendancy together. Each in its turn has lorded it over mankind, particularly over God’s people. (Revelation 17:10) Thus, as the Lord’s day begins, there is only one head, the seventh, acting as the dominant world power. A death stroke on that head brings great distress to the entire wild beast. 14. When was the death stroke administered, and how did a military officer describe its effect on Satan’s wild beast? 14 What was the death stroke? Later, it is called a sword stroke, and a sword is a symbol of warfare. This sword stroke, administered early in the Lord’s day, must relate to the first world war, which devastated and drained Satan’s political wild beast. (Revelation 6:4, 8; 13:14) Author Maurice Genevoix, who was a military officer during that war, said of it: “Everyone agrees in recognizing that in the whole history of mankind, few dates have had the importance of August 2, 1914. First Europe and soon after almost all humanity found themselves plunged into a dreadful event. Conventions, agreements, moral laws, all the foundations shook; from one day to the next, everything was called into question. The event was to exceed both instinctive forebodings and reasonable anticipations. Enormous, chaotic, monstrous, it still drags us in its wake.”​—Maurice Genevoix, member of the Académie Française, quoted in the book Promise of Greatness (1968). 15. How did the seventh head of the wild beast receive its death stroke? 15 For the dominant seventh head of the wild beast, that war was a major disaster. Along with other European nations, Britain lost its young men in traumatic numbers. In one battle alone, the Battle of the River Somme in 1916, there were 420,000 British casualties along with some 194,000 French and 440,000 German​—more than 1,000,000 casualties! Economically, too, Britain​—together with the rest of Europe—​was shattered. The huge British Empire staggered under the blow and never fully recovered. Indeed, that war, with 28 leading nations participating, sent the entire world reeling as if by a deathblow. On August 4, 1979, just 65 years after the outbreak of World War I, The Economist, of London, England, commented: “In 1914 the world lost a coherence which it has not managed to recapture since.” 16. During the first world war, how did the United States show that it was part of a dual world power? 16 At the same time, the Great War, as it was then called, opened the way for the United States to emerge distinctly as part of the Anglo-American World Power. For the first years of the war, public opinion kept the United States out of the conflict. But as historian Esmé Wingfield-Stratford wrote, “it was all a question of whether, at this hour of supreme crisis, Britain and the United States would sink their differences in the realization of [their] overmastering unity and common trusteeship.” As events turned out, they did. In 1917 the United States contributed her resources and manpower to bolster the war effort of the staggering Allies. Thus, the seventh head, combining Britain and the United States, came out on the winning side. 17. What happened to Satan’s earthly system after the war? 17 The world after the war was vastly different. Satan’s earthly system, although devastated by the death stroke, revived and became more powerful than ever and so won the admiration of humans because of its recuperative power. 18. How can it be said that mankind in general has “followed the wild beast with admiration”? 18 Historian Charles L. Mee, Jr., writes: “The collapse of the old order [caused by the first world war] was a necessary prelude to the spread of self-rule, the liberation of new nations and classes, the release of new freedom and independence.” Leading in the development of this postwar era was the seventh head of the wild beast, now healed, and with the United States of America moving into the dominant role. The dual world power took the lead in advocating both the League of Nations and the United Nations. By the year 2005, U.S. political power had led the more privileged nations in creating a higher standard of living, in fighting disease, and in advancing technology. It had even placed 12 men on the moon. It is no wonder, therefore, that mankind in general has “followed the wild beast with admiration.” 19. (a) How has mankind even gone beyond admiring the wild beast? (b) Who has undisputed authority over all the kingdoms of the earth, and how do we know? (c) How does Satan delegate authority to the wild beast, and with what effect on the majority of people? 19 Mankind has even gone beyond admiring the wild beast, as John next states: “And they worshiped the dragon because it gave the authority to the wild beast, and they worshiped the wild beast with the words: ‘Who is like the wild beast, and who can do battle with it?’” (Revelation 13:4) While Jesus was here on earth, Satan claimed to have authority over all the kingdoms of the earth. Jesus did not dispute this; in fact, he himself referred to Satan as the ruler of the world and refused to participate in the politics of that day. John later wrote of true Christians: “We know we originate with God, but the whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one.” (1 John 5:19; Luke 4:5-8; John 6:15; 14:30) Satan delegates authority to the wild beast, and he does this on a nationalistic basis. Thus, instead of being united in bonds of godly love, mankind has become divided by pride of tribe, race, and nation. The great majority of people worship, in effect, that part of the wild beast having authority in the land where they happen to live. Thus the whole beast gains admiration and worship. 20. (a) In what sense do people worship the wild beast? (b) Why do Christians who worship Jehovah God not take part in such worship of the wild beast, and whose example do they follow? 20 Worship in what sense? In the sense of putting love of country ahead of love of God. Most people love the land of their birth. As good citizens, true Christians also respect the rulers and the emblems of the country where they reside, obey the laws, and make a positive contribution to the welfare of their community and their neighbors. (Romans 13:1-7; 1 Peter 2:13-17) They cannot, however, give blind devotion to one country as against all others. “Our country, right or wrong” is not a Christian teaching. So Christians who worship Jehovah God cannot share in giving prideful patriotic worship to any part of the wild beast, for this would amount to worshipping the dragon​—the source of authority of the beast. They cannot ask admiringly: “Who is like the wild beast?” Rather, they follow the example of Michael​—his name meaning “Who Is Like God?”​—as they uphold Jehovah’s universal sovereignty. At God’s appointed time, this Michael, Christ Jesus, will do battle with the wild beast and conquer it, even as he triumphed in expelling Satan from heaven.​—Revelation 12:7-9; 19:11, 19-21. Waging War Against the Holy Ones 21. How does John describe Satan’s manipulation of the wild beast? 21 The wily Satan had plans for manipulating the wild beast to his own ends. John explains this: “And a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies was given it [the seven-headed beast], and authority to act forty-two months was given it. And it opened its mouth in blasphemies against God, to blaspheme his name and his residence, even those residing in heaven. And there was granted it to wage war with the holy ones and conquer them, and authority was given it over every tribe and people and tongue and nation. And all those who dwell on the earth will worship it; the name of not one of them stands written in the scroll of life of the Lamb who was slaughtered, from the founding of the world.”​—Revelation 13:5-8. 22. (a) To what time period do the 42 months refer? (b) During the 42 months, how were the anointed Christians ‘conquered’? 22 The 42 months mentioned here appear to be the same as the three and a half years during which the holy ones are harassed by a horn arising from one of the beasts in Daniel’s prophecy. (Daniel 7:23-25; see also Revelation 11:1-4.) Thus, from the end of 1914 on into 1918, while the warring nations were literally tearing at one another like wild beasts, citizens of those nations were pressured to worship the wild beast, to indulge in the religion of nationalism, even to be ready to die for their country. Such pressure led to intense suffering on the part of many of the anointed ones, who felt that their higher obedience belonged to Jehovah God and his Son, Christ Jesus. (Acts 5:29) Their trials came to a climax in June 1918, when they were ‘conquered.’ In the United States, prominent officers and other representatives of the Watch Tower Society were wrongly imprisoned, and the organized preaching by their Christian brothers was greatly hindered. Having authority “over every tribe and people and tongue and nation,” the wild beast clamped down on God’s work worldwide. 23. (a) What is “the scroll of life of the Lamb,” and what has been proceeding to completion since 1918? (b) Why was any apparent victory for Satan’s visible organization over “the holy ones” merely an empty one? 23 This seemed like a victory for Satan and his organization. But it could bring them no long-term benefits, since no one in Satan’s visible organization had his name written in “the scroll of life of the Lamb.” Figuratively, this scroll contains the names of those who will rule with Jesus in his heavenly Kingdom. The first names were written in it at Pentecost 33 C.E. And in the years since then, more and more names have been added. Since 1918, the sealing of the remaining ones of the 144,000 Kingdom heirs has been proceeding to completion. Soon, the names of all of them will be written indelibly in the Lamb’s scroll of life. As for the opposers who worship the wild beast, not one of these will have his name written in that scroll. So any apparent victory these may have over “the holy ones” is an empty one, merely temporary. 24. What does John call upon those with discernment to hear, and what do the words heard mean for God’s people? 24 John now calls upon those with discernment to listen very carefully: “If anyone has an ear, let him hear.” Then he goes on to say: “If anyone is meant for captivity, he goes away into captivity. If anyone will kill with the sword, he must be killed with the sword. Here is where it means the endurance and faith of the holy ones.” (Revelation 13:9, 10) Jeremiah wrote words quite similar to these in the years preceding 607 B.C.E., to show that there was no turning back of Jehovah’s judgments for the unfaithful city of Jerusalem. (Jeremiah 15:2; see also Jeremiah 43:11; Zechariah 11:9.) In his time of great trial, Jesus made it plain that his followers must not compromise when he said: “All those who take the sword will perish by the sword.” (Matthew 26:52) Similarly, now in the Lord’s day God’s people must hold fast to Bible principles. There will be no final escape for unrepentant ones who worship the wild beast. All of us will need endurance, along with unshakable faith, in order to survive the persecutions and trials that lie ahead.​—Hebrews 10:36-39; 11:6. The Two-Horned Wild Beast 25. (a) How does John describe another symbolic wild beast that comes onto the world scene? (b) What is indicated by the two horns of the new wild beast and by its coming out of the earth? 25 But now another wild beast comes onto the world scene. John reports: “And I saw another wild beast ascending out of the earth, and it had two horns like a lamb, but it began speaking as a dragon. And it exercises all the authority of the first wild beast in its sight. And it makes the earth and those who dwell in it worship the first wild beast, whose death-stroke got healed. And it performs great signs, so that it should even make fire come down out of heaven to the earth in the sight of mankind.” (Revelation 13:11-13) This wild beast has two horns, indicating a partnership of two political powers. And it is described as coming out of the earth, not out of the sea. Thus, it comes out of Satan’s already established earthly system of things. It must be a world power, already existing, that takes on a significant role during the Lord’s day. 26. (a) What is the two-horned wild beast, and how does it relate to the original wild beast? (b) In what sense are the horns of the two-horned beast lamblike, and how is it “as a dragon” when speaking? (c) What are nationalistic people really worshipping, and to what has nationalism been likened? (See footnote.) 26 What can it be? The Anglo-American World Power​—the same as the seventh head of the first wild beast but in a special role! Isolating it in the vision as a separate wild beast helps us to see more clearly how it acts independently on the world stage. This figurative two-horned wild beast is made up of two coexisting, independent, but cooperating political powers. Its two horns “like a lamb” suggest that it makes itself out to be mild and inoffensive, with an enlightened form of government to which all the world should turn. But it speaks “as a dragon” in that it uses pressure and threats and even outright violence wherever its version of rulership is not accepted. It has not encouraged submission to God’s Kingdom under the rule of the Lamb of God but, rather, to the interests of Satan, the great dragon. It has promoted nationalistic divisions and hatreds that add up to worshipping the first wild beast.c 27. (a) What attitude of the two-horned wild beast is indicated by the fact that it makes fire come down out of heaven? (b) How do many people view the modern counterpart of the two-horned wild beast? 27 This two-horned wild beast performs great signs, even making fire come down from heaven. (Compare Matthew 7:21-23.) This latter sign reminds us of Elijah, the ancient prophet of God who engaged in a contest with the prophets of Baal. When he successfully called down fire from heaven in the name of Jehovah, it proved beyond doubt that he was a true prophet and that the Baal prophets were false. (1 Kings 18:21-40) Like those Baal prophets, the two-horned wild beast feels that it has adequate credentials as a prophet. (Revelation 13:14, 15; 19:20) Why, it claims to have vanquished the forces of evil in two world wars and was victorious over so-called godless Communism! Many, indeed, view the modern counterpart of the two-horned wild beast as a guardian of liberty and a font of material good things. The Image of the Wild Beast 28. How does John show that the two-horned wild beast is not as innocent as its lamblike horns would indicate? 28 Is this two-horned wild beast as innocent as its lamblike horns would indicate? John goes on to say: “And it misleads those who dwell on the earth, because of the signs that were granted it to perform in the sight of the wild beast, while it tells those who dwell on the earth to make an image to the wild beast that had the sword-stroke and yet revived. And there was granted it to give breath to the image of the wild beast, so that the image of the wild beast should both speak and cause to be killed all those who would not in any way worship the image of the wild beast.”​—Revelation 13:14, 15. 29. (a) What is the purpose of the image of the wild beast, and when was this image constructed? (b) Why is the image of the wild beast no lifeless statue? 29 What is this “image of the wild beast,” and what is its purpose? The purpose is to promote the worship of the seven-headed wild beast of which it is an image and thus, in effect, to perpetuate the existence of the wild beast. This image is constructed after the seven-headed wild beast revives from its sword stroke, that is, after the end of the first world war. It is no lifeless statue, such as Nebuchadnezzar erected on the plains of Dura. (Daniel 3:1) The two-horned wild beast breathes life into this image so that the image can live and play a role in world history. 30, 31. (a) What do the facts of history identify this image to be? (b) Have any been killed for refusing to worship this image? Explain. 30 The outworking of history identifies this image as the organization proposed, promoted, and supported by Britain and the United States and known initially as the League of Nations. Later, in Revelation chapter 17, it will appear under a different symbol, that of a living, breathing scarlet-colored wild beast having an independent existence. This international body ‘speaks,’ in that it makes boastful claims to be the only one able to bring peace and security to mankind. But in reality it has become a forum for member nations to exchange verbal tirades and insults. It has threatened with ostracism, or a living death, any nation or people that does not bow to its authority. The League of Nations actually expelled nations that failed to abide by its ideologies. At the onset of the great tribulation, militaristic “horns” of this image of the wild beast will fulfill a devastating role.​—Revelation 7:14; 17:8, 16. 31 Since World War II, the image of the wild beast​—now manifested as the United Nations organization—​has already killed in a literal way. For example, in 1950 a UN force took the field in the war between North Korea and South Korea. The UN force, along with the South Koreans, killed an estimated 1,420,000 North Koreans and Chinese. Similarly, from 1960 to 1964, United Nations armies were active in the Congo (Kinshasa). Moreover, world leaders, including popes Paul VI and John Paul II, have continued to affirm that this image is man’s last and best hope for peace. If mankind fails to serve it, they insist, the human race will destroy itself. They thus figuratively cause to be killed all humans who refuse to go along with the image and worship it.​—Deuteronomy 5:8, 9. The Mark of the Wild Beast 32. How does John describe Satan’s maneuvering of the political parts of his visible organization to cause suffering for the remaining ones of the seed of God’s woman? 32 John now sees how Satan maneuvers the political parts of his visible organization to cause the maximum suffering for the remaining ones of the seed of God’s woman. (Genesis 3:15) He returns to describing “the wild beast” itself: “And it puts under compulsion all persons, the small and the great, and the rich and the poor, and the free and the slaves, that they should give these a mark in their right hand or upon their forehead, and that nobody might be able to buy or sell except a person having the mark, the name of the wild beast or the number of its name. Here is where wisdom comes in: Let the one that has intelligence calculate the number of the wild beast, for it is a man’s number; and its number is six hundred and sixty-six.”​—Revelation 13:16-18. 33. (a) What is the name of the wild beast? (b) With what is the number six associated? Explain. 33 The wild beast has a name, and this name is a number: 666. Six, as a number, is associated with Jehovah’s enemies. A Philistine man of the Rephaim was of “extraordinary size,” and his “fingers and toes were in sixes.” (1 Chronicles 20:6) King Nebuchadnezzar erected a golden image 6 cubits in breadth and 60 cubits high, to unify his political officials in one worship. When God’s servants refused to worship the image of gold, the king had them thrown into a fiery furnace. (Daniel 3:1-23) The number six falls short of seven, which stands for completeness from God’s standpoint. Therefore, a triple six represents gross imperfection. 34. (a) What is indicated by the fact that the number of the wild beast “is a man’s number”? (b) Why is 666 a fitting name for Satan’s world political system? 34 A name identifies a person. So how does this number identify the beast? John says that it “is a man’s number,” not that of a spirit person, so the name helps to confirm that the wild beast is earthly, symbolizing human government. Just as six fails to measure up to seven, so 666​—six to the third degree—​is a fitting name for the world’s gigantic political system that fails so miserably to measure up to God’s standard of perfection. The world’s political wild beast rules supreme under the name-number 666, while big politics, big religion, and big business keep that wild beast functioning as an oppressor of mankind and a persecutor of God’s people. 35. What does it mean to be marked on the forehead or in the right hand with the name of the wild beast? 35 What does it mean to be marked on the forehead or in the right hand with the name of the wild beast? When Jehovah gave Israel the Law, he told them: “You must apply these words of mine to your heart and your soul and bind them as a sign upon your hand, and they must serve as a frontlet band between your eyes.” (Deuteronomy 11:18) This meant that the Israelites had to keep that Law constantly before them, so that it influenced all their actions and thoughts. The 144,000 anointed ones are said to have the Father’s name and that of Jesus written on their foreheads. This identifies them as belonging to Jehovah God and Jesus Christ. (Revelation 14:1) In imitation, Satan uses the demonic mark of the wild beast. Anybody engaged in everyday activities such as buying and selling is pressured to do things the way the wild beast does, as, for example, in celebrating holidays. They are expected to worship the wild beast, letting it rule their lives, so as to receive its mark. 36. Those who refuse to accept the mark of the wild beast have had what problems? 36 Those who refuse to accept the mark of the wild beast have had constant problems. Starting in the 1930’s, for example, they had to fight many court battles and endure violent mobbings and other persecutions. In the totalitarian countries, they were thrown into concentration camps, where many died. Since the second world war, countless young men have suffered lengthy imprisonments, some even being tortured and killed, because of their refusal to compromise their Christian neutrality. In other lands Christians are literally unable to buy or sell; some are unable to own property; others are raped, murdered, or chased from their native land. Why? Because in good conscience they refuse to buy a political party card.d​—John 17:16. 37, 38. (a) Why is the world a difficult place for those who refuse to have the mark of the wild beast? (b) Who are keeping integrity, and what are they determined to do? 37 In some areas of the earth, religion is so ingrained in community life that anyone who stands for Bible truth is ostracized by family and former friends. It takes great faith to endure. (Matthew 10:36-38; 17:22) In a world where the majority worship material wealth and where dishonesty is rampant, the true Christian often has to trust implicitly in Jehovah that He will uphold him in pursuing an upright course. (Psalm 11:7; Hebrews 13:18) In a world awash with immorality, it takes great determination to remain clean and pure. Christians who fall sick are often pressured by doctors and nurses to break God’s law on the sanctity of blood; they even have to resist court orders that conflict with their faith. (Acts 15:28, 29; 1 Peter 4:3, 4) And in these days of rising unemployment, it is becoming increasingly difficult for a true Christian to avoid work that would mean compromising his integrity before God.​—Micah 4:3, 5. 38 Yes, the world is a difficult place for those who do not have the mark of the wild beast. It is an outstanding demonstration of Jehovah’s power and blessing that the remaining ones of the seed of the woman, as well as more than six million of the great crowd, are keeping integrity despite all the pressures to break God’s laws. (Revelation 7:9) Unitedly, throughout the earth, may all of us continue to magnify Jehovah and his righteous ways, as we refuse to receive the mark of the wild beast.​—Psalm 34:1-3. [Footnotes] a For further details, please see pages 165-79 of the book Pay Attention to Daniel’s Prophecy! published by Jehovah’s Witnesses. b The Interpretation of St. John’s Revelation, by R. C. H. Lenski, pages 390-1. c Commentators have noted that nationalism, in effect, is a religion. Hence, people who are nationalistic are really worshipping that portion of the wild beast represented by the country in which they live. Regarding nationalism in the United States, we read: “Nationalism, viewed as a religion, has much in common with other great religious systems of the past . . . On his own national god the modern religious nationalist is conscious of dependence. Of His powerful help he feels the need. In Him he recognises the source of his own perfection and happiness. To Him, in a strictly religious sense, he subjects himself. . . . The nation is conceived of as eternal, and the deaths of her loyal sons do but add to her undying fame and glory.”​—Carlton J. F. Hayes, as quoted on page 359 of the book What Americans Believe and How They Worship, by J. Paul Williams. d See, for example, the Watchtower issues of September 1, 1971, page 520; June 15, 1974, page 373; June 1, 1975, page 341; February 1, 1979, page 23; June 1, 1979, page 20; May 15, 1980, page 10. [Picture on page 195] There was granted it to give breath to the image of the wild beast
An Old Pattern of Intolerance Flares Up Again
An Old Pattern of Intolerance Flares Up Again OVER a period of three years, from 1972 to 1975, Mozambique was a haven of refuge for more than thirty thousand of Jehovah’s witnesses from neighboring Malawi. Forced by violent persecution to flee their homeland, these Malawian men, women and children found a measure of peace in ten refugee camps in Mozambique. Recent reports reveal that, at this writing, a considerable number still find refuge here. For all of this Jehovah’s witnesses earth wide are grateful to the people of Mozambique. The intensity of the attack now being made by some elements upon native Mozambican Jehovah’s witnesses, however, threatens to convert a haven of refuge into a crucible of brutal oppression. In Mozambique, radios and newspapers have poured out a flood of propaganda against Jehovah’s witnesses. They are depicted as “agents left behind by Portuguese Colonialism,” “former ‘Pides’ [Portuguese secret police],” whose aim is to “upset the Social Order.” (Noticias, October 9, 1975) They were said to “cling fiercely to a religious fanaticism . . . as a means not to pay taxes, not to show respect for the Social Order and to annihilate the mobilization and organization of the People,” to achieve “anarchy,” according to A Tribuna of October 22, 1975. Compare this with another account from a different source of information. It deals with a time when a mob had whipped up a city into an uproar and a crowd of people gathered before the city officials shouting, ‘The men who have made trouble all over the world have now come here and they all flout the law.’ This latter report is of an occasion that took place nineteen hundred years ago. And the accusations then were leveled against the Christian apostle Paul and his companion Silas. (Acts 17:6, 7, New English Bible) Those words then spoken were lies, totally false. Such words are totally false when spoken today about Jehovah’s witnesses, who are well known as law-abiding Christians in some 200 lands of the earth. The charges they face today in Mozambique are basically the same charges made against early Christians in the first century. And it is the same intolerance that brings suffering upon true Christians now. That pattern of intolerance in Mozambique did not begin with the changeover of government in 1975. And this exposes the falsity of the claims made that Jehovah’s witnesses there in some way serve the interests of Portuguese colonialism. The facts show that nothing could be farther from the truth. Over the past forty years Jehovah’s witnesses in Mozambique have felt the lash of dictatorial intolerance. They suffered much brutal treatment at the hands of the PIDE (Portuguese secret police). See now what the facts of history reveal: The Record of History Testifies It was back in 1925 that some Mozambican men working in South African gold mines received some publications of Jehovah’s witnesses that explained Bible teachings. Some of the men, on returning that year to their homes in Vila Luisa (north of Lourenço Marques, the capital of Mozambique), began to talk to their neighbors about the things they had learned. Thus, native Mozambicans, not foreign missionaries or Portuguese agents, introduced into the country the message about God’s kingdom that Jehovah’s witnesses bring earth wide. During the regime of Portuguese dictator Antonio Salazar, in 1935, two Witnesses from South Africa, Fred Ludick and David Norman, entered the country to cooperate with the Mozambican Witnesses in their activity. What happened? They were soon arrested by the Portuguese police and deported. Similar efforts in 1938 and 1939 brought the same results: immediate deportation. Now, however, the Portuguese authorities went farther. They began arresting Mozambicans who received the Watchtower magazine. Some spent as much as two years in jail before receiving a trial. Some were deported to the penal colony of São Tomé for twelve years! Others were given a ten-year sentence in work camps in the northern part of Mozambique. This severe opposition under the dictatorial Salazar regime tested the courage and endurance of Jehovah’s witnesses in Mozambique. When they met to study the Bible together, it was always in danger of arrest. Over the years, many were arrested, beaten, held in prison or sent to the penal islands. Efforts to get relief were rejected. In 1955 one of Jehovah’s witnesses from England, John Cooke, was sent to Mozambique to apply for official recognition of the work of Jehovah’s witnesses. In time he was brought before an inspector of the secret police (PIDE) and subjected to lengthy interrogation. He was accused of being a Communist and holding secret meetings. Though the interview convinced the official that Jehovah’s witnesses are not Communists, he told Cooke: “Nevertheless, you people are against the Catholic Church and the Catholic Church is our church. She helped us to build up the Portuguese Empire!” Cooke was given forty-eight hours to leave the country. Mozambique daily paper Noticias of October 9, 1975, quotes Frelimo leader and Mozambique President Samora Machel as asking the question (at Massingir, Mozambique): “When we were tied and beaten by Portuguese colonialists, where were these Witnesses of Jehovah?” Where were they? The answer of many of Jehovah’s witnesses is that they were then imprisoned by those same Portuguese authorities! Francisco Zunguza, for example. He was put in prison in Lourenço Marques in 1956 for six months; in 1964 for three months; in 1965 for one year; and in 1969 he was put in Machava prison for over two years. His wife and ten other Witnesses were also arrested at that time. All of this simply because they were Jehovah’s witnesses, but not for any overt or seditious act against the Portuguese government. From 1969 onward the Portuguese secret police (PIDE) intensified their activity against Jehovah’s witnesses. Time and time again these were brought in and questioned. And what was the main criticism that the Portuguese authorities and the secret police leveled against the Witnesses? That they refused to take part in fighting against Frelimo, the revolutionary party that by then had become active and which now forms the government of Mozambique! Jehovah’s witnesses made clear their neutrality as regards all politics and warfare of the nations. Their position was in full harmony with the words of Christ Jesus, spoken to the Roman governor, Pontius Pilate: “My kingdom is no part of this world. If my kingdom were part of this world, my attendants would have fought that I should not be delivered up.” John 18:36. During that same year, 1969, the elders of the congregations of Jehovah’s witnesses in southern Mozambique were called into the offices of the police. These elders were told that the activities and meetings of Jehovah’s witnesses were banned. Though severely hampered, they managed to keep going ahead, acting in harmony with the position that Christ Jesus’ apostles took when authorities in Jerusalem tried to force them to comply with a ban on their activity. The apostles were faced with a choice of obeying the Jewish authorities or obeying God’s command. Though law-abiding persons, they said with boldness that, in such case of conflicting commands, “We must obey God as ruler rather than men.”​—Acts 5:29. In 1969 the complaint was that Jehovah’s witnesses did not fight against Frelimo. But in 1973 the secret police (PIDE) arrested a number of Witnesses, and this time the accusation was that they were supporters of Frelimo! Under such charge, on March 5, 1974, a Witness, the father of three children, was put in a small cell in Machava prison. He was kept in solitary confinement for two months, with nothing but the floor to sleep on. His is but one of many similar cases of unjust treatment during the final years of the Portuguese regime in Mozambique. With Colonialism Out​—Greater Light of Freedom or Continued Darkness of Intolerance? Came April 25, 1974. Almost overnight the political situation in Portugal and its overseas possessions changed dramatically. A coup in Lisbon ended forty-eight years of dictatorial rule and shook the Portuguese empire. Prospects of greater freedom in Portugal and its overseas territories seemed great. People in Mozambique rejoiced. Jehovah’s witnesses themselves wondered if they might be coming out of a long, dark tunnel of some forty years of persecution. An interim government was established in Mozambique preparatory to a complete turnover of power to the Frelimo forces by June 1975. During this period of relative freedom Jehovah’s witnesses were able to hold their Bible studies openly. They even held large assemblies to which all the public were invited. In April 1975, for the first time, they were able to have a mixed assembly of Africans and whites in Lourenço Marques. That would have been impossible under the Portuguese dictatorship. The Witnesses were happy to be able to share Christian fellowship free from any racial separation. But now political forces began placing great emphasis upon outward displays of political support. Activist groups went around calling on all to attend political meetings where attenders were to shout “Viva Frelimo” (“Long Live Frelimo”) and raise their right fist (as in the Communist salute). What position did Jehovah’s witnesses take? They remained nonpolitical. They took the same position that Jehovah’s witnesses had taken in Italy during the Mussolini regime when people were expected to cry out “Viva il Duce” and give the Fascist salute. They did as had Jehovah’s witnesses in Germany when all were expected to shout “Heil Hitler” and give the Nazi salute. They did the same as had their brothers in Japanese-occupied lands during the second world war when people were ordered to bow down in worship of the Japanese emperor. Yes, and their position was the same as that taken in Britain, the United States, Portugal, Spain and in every other country on the face of the earth. They maintained Christian neutrality in political affairs no matter what hardship their refusal to shout political slogans or give political salutes might bring upon them. Thousands spent years in German concentration camps or in harsh Siberian work camps. But, as in all other countries around the world, Jehovah’s witnesses in Mozambique continued to show full respect for the State authorities, in harmony with the Bible’s command at Romans 13:1. And they showed this by continuing to pay their taxes faithfully without attempt at evasion, by continuing to be industrious and reliable workers, and by continuing to be law-abiding citizens. They took no exception to any laws unless these were in evident opposition to God’s own laws set forth in his Word, the Bible. What resulted? In the Constitution of the People’s Republic of Mozambique, which went into effect on June 25, 1975, article 33 reads: “The individual liberties are guaranteed by the State to all the citizens of the People’s Republic of Mozambique. These liberties include the inviolability of the home and privacy of correspondence and cannot be limited, unless in special cases provided by the law. “In the People’s Republic of Mozambique the State guarantees to its citizens the freedom of practicing or of not practicing their religion.” Article 25 of the Constitution states: “In the People’s Republic of Mozambique no one can be arrested and submitted to judgment except in the terms of the law. The State guarantees the accused the right of defense.” Do these words have real meaning? What happened to Jehovah’s witnesses in Mozambique makes that a serious question. About a month previous to the proclamation of full independence, in a place called Chonguene, a few miles from the town of João Belo, the local congregation of Jehovah’s witnesses met on Sunday for their regular Bible study. A group of people, Roman Catholics and Protestants, on their way to a political meeting, came into the Bible study meeting, interrupting it and questioning those present as to why they were not attending the political meeting. Threatening the Witnesses, they left. A few days later, on May 23, police vans carrying Frelimo soldiers arrived and rounded up six of those who had attended the Witnesses’ Bible meeting. The commander ordered his men to beat and kick these six men and then take them off to prison. In prison these men were beaten daily in an effort to force them to say “Viva Frelimo.” Three of them were only newly interested persons and not baptized Witnesses. These three broke under the beatings. The three who were baptized Witnesses steadfastly refused to violate their Christian consciences. They were then taken out and ordered to dig a hole deep enough to stand in. Forced to stand in the hole with just their heads showing, they were told that if they still refused to say the political slogan they would be shot and buried right there. But they remained firm in their determination not to violate their consciences. Finally they were taken back into the prison. Happily, when this treatment was reported to the Minister of Defense in Lourenço Marques, he expressed surprise and phoned the Frelimo commander in that area. Before long the Witnesses were set free. This, however, was but one bright spot in an otherwise dark picture. Then, on Independence Day, June 25, 1975, the new Constitution took on full force. Would brutal attacks on freedom of religion like the one just described now become a thing of the past? Would a progressive, enlightened attitude prevail over narrow intolerance? A Violent Campaign Launched The answer came quickly, almost within days. A campaign to vilify Jehovah’s witnesses was launched throughout the country. Many of the attacks were in the form of radio talks by district governors and other politicians. At the instigation of activist groups, Jehovah’s witnesses in various places were arrested and taken to Frelimo headquarters for questioning. They were often beaten. As one example, consider what happened with the congregation of Jehovah’s witnesses in Choupal in the district of Lourenço Marques on September 13, 1975: A visiting elder of Jehovah’s witnesses, Elias Mahenye, was giving a Bible talk to some 300 persons in the congregation’s Kingdom Hall. Toward the close of his talk, members of the local activist group came into the hall and tried to interrupt the meeting. Firmly but politely they were informed that the meeting had not yet ended, and they were asked to wait. Hardly had the congregation said “Amen” to the final prayer when these activists mounted the platform and demanded that the whole congregation shout “Viva Frelimo.” Three times the demand was made but without response. Then they ordered the congregation to stay in the hall while they sent for Frelimo soldiers. When the commander of the soldiers arrived, he asked who the padre (priest) in charge was. It was explained that the Witnesses have no padre; however, Mahenye identified himself as the one giving the talk. He and four others were then put on the platform, stripped from the waist up and ordered to shout “Viva Frelimo.” When they did not, they were severely beaten and then tied with electric wire. Mahenye’s arms still bear scars where the wires cut deeply into his arms. The five were taken to the nearby army barracks, and Mahenye was accused of telling the people to say “Down with Frelimo”​—a deliberate and malicious lie. The soldiers then beat him with fists and rifle butts. Then all five were beaten with the soldiers’ belts. They were locked into a filthy lavatory for the night. At 4 a.m. they were taken out and beaten again. Mahenye was lyingly accused of having trained soldiers to fight Frelimo and given yet another beating. Later it was admitted that this accusation was groundless. When day came, a Frelimo sergeant arrived and interrogated the group. He told them: “If you do not say ‘Viva Frelimo’ Frelimo will not keep you in the country. Because they fought for ten years, not for Jehovah, and they did not get help from Jehovah. Everybody should say ‘Viva Frelimo,’ because Frelimo is the god of Mozambique and the second god of Mozambique is the gun. We do not want to hear anything about Jehovah.” And what of the rest of the congregation, including women, aged persons and children, who had been at the Kingdom Hall? They had been forced to remain there all night and into the next day. Many were beaten and tied up with wire. Along with this the soldiers shouted: “Who is this Jehovah of yours? Why doesn’t he come and help you?” During the twenty-four-hour period no one, not even the women or children, were allowed to sleep, drink water, have food or use the toilet facilities. Bibles and Bible literature used at the meetings were burned. It was as if Mozambique had become medieval Europe, as if the Dark Ages and the Catholic Inquisition had returned. Finally the Witnesses were allowed to leave, under the threat that unless they learned to say “Viva Frelimo” they would be in for worse trouble. Among other barbarities, in Magude, north of Lourenço Marques, thirteen Witnesses were arrested, beaten and forced to dig up trees with their fingers. Then their legs and arms were tied and they were rolled around like drums. As in ancient Rome, the local residents were invited to come and see the spectacle of Christians being tortured. Near Manjacaze, a number of members of two small congregations of Jehovah’s witnesses were imprisoned. Then the governor of Gaza district came to the area and the remaining Witnesses were requested to be present for a public meeting. They complied with the request. After discoursing about local farming activities, the governor suddenly asked all Witnesses present to come forward. They did so. The governor then ordered that they be arrested, both men and women. They were severely beaten, some so badly that blood flowed from an ear or an eye. They were then taken to prison. In that same district of Gaza, a group of Witnesses were beaten day after day, every day, over a two-month period in an effort to break their integrity! But all these incidents were just the prelude to the major blow to come. Within a few weeks came an official order: All of Jehovah’s witnesses in the entire country should be arrested. This order was carried out systematically and heartlessly. Frelimo followers went from house to house demanding that residents say “Viva Frelimo.” Those who would not were assumed to be Jehovah’s witnesses and were taken to prison. Whole families, children included, were mercilessly dragged off. This means that the number of Jehovah’s witnesses now imprisoned in Mozambique runs into the thousands. Direct contact with them has become nearly impossible. Some Witnesses, however, managed to escape into neighboring countries. They report that jails in the area of the capital, Lourenço Marques, are now “filled to capacity.” With prisons filled, a special camp has been set up near St. Jose’s Cemetery for hundreds of Witnesses. Shelter being insufficient for so many persons, a large number have to sleep in the open without blankets. No food is supplied them. Officials allow relatives to bring food on Thursdays and Sundays only. Such compassionate visitors themselves run the risk of arrest if they refuse to say “Viva Frelimo.” Official plans evidently are to send many of the male Witnesses to northern towns like Nampula and Quelimane. There they are to be used, in effect, as slave labor in building projects. Children are to be sent to political schools for Frelimo indoctrination. Radio announcements state that those Witnesses having bank accounts will have their money confiscated. Homes and cars will be taken by the government. Yes, it is a dreary repetition of the old pattern of totalitarianism. The idolizing of the State through total regimentation, total thought control, with no allowance for free exercise of individual conscience, the repetition of the Nazi slave labor practices and the Siberian labor camps; the forced separation of children from their parents to indoctrinate them in party politics. Press and radio dispatches carry such statements as “Mozambique is not Jehovah’s country” and “these fanatical ‘Jehovahs’ must be reeducated.” One sample of the type of ‘reeducation’ some favor: After giving brutal treatment to the Witnesses, some party followers not only demanded that the Witnesses shout “Viva Frelimo” with an upward thrust of the fist, but even tried to force them to curse God! They demanded that the Witnesses also say “Down with Jehovah” while giving a downward thrust of the fist. Before the mass arrests began, some thirty members of the Xinavane congregation of Jehovah’s witnesses were called in and lectured to for several hours. When the Witnesses explained from the Bible their reason for refusing to become involved in politics and shout political slogans, the Frelimo commander mocked them, saying: “I give your Jehovah five minutes to break down this house.” Letting five minutes pass, he then said: “I am willing to meet your Jehovah with a gun. The Portuguese soldiers prayed for victory but were defeated. Frelimo fought without Jehovah and won. We will defeat Jehovah. We do not want his name in Mozambique.” How like the pharaoh of ancient Egypt who boastfully said: “Who is Jehovah, so that I should obey his voice to send Israel away? I do not know Jehovah at all and, what is more, I am not going to send Israel away.”​—Ex. 5:2. What, then, is the real issue in Mozambique? Questions That Urgently Call for an Answer Can any possible good to the country come from such a denial of the new republic’s constitutional provisions? Can the people of Mozambique in any way be benefited by such a malicious assault upon freedom of worship? Does the refusal to engage in political activity on the part of Jehovah’s witnesses actually hinder the new government’s efforts to rule the country effectively? The facts are all to the contrary. The new government of Mozambique has declared itself as favoring many fine ideals. This includes better education for the people (Portuguese colonialism left 90 percent of the population illiterate), the abolition of prostitution and drunkenness, the bringing of relief from oppression to the people. In reality, Jehovah’s witnesses contribute greatly toward such ideals. Ask yourself: In a land that must overcome massive illiteracy, is it the shouting of a slogan or the giving of a salute that will accomplish improvement? Is it realistic or practical to claim so? What, on the other hand, of the example and activity of Jehovah’s witnesses? Their entire way of worship calls for a positive attitude toward education and gaining the ability to read. In their Bible educational work, in country after country, they have conducted literacy courses. In Mexico alone they have aided 48,000 persons to learn to read and write during the past twenty-eight years. In Nigeria more than 5,000 were helped in this way during the last four years. And within Mozambique itself 3,930 persons were taught to read and write by Jehovah’s witnesses just in the past two years! So in this regard, there are no people more education-minded than Jehovah’s witnesses. As to elevating the people’s moral standards, will the repeating of slogans and gestures accomplish this? Did it in Nazi Germany or Fascist Italy or in any other part of the earth in any period of human history? The facts show it has not, and reason tells us it could not. But, because of holding to Bible principles, Jehovah’s witnesses over a period of ninety or more years have established a reputation earth wide for high living standards, moral decency and clean living. They have helped hundreds of thousands of persons in all lands to overcome sexual immorality, alcoholism, drug addiction and similar degrading habits. Commenting on one of their assemblies, the Nigerian newspaper The Daily Times said: “It is a credit to them that over 5,000 people made up of men, women and children could come to pray, sing, eat and sleep together for four days and record no incidents of stealing or fighting. And yet there was no policeman to keep order.” Surely people like that are of benefit to any nation. They are not among those causing governments to be burdened with the heavy cost of fighting crime and corruption. Colonialism left the new government of Mozambique saddled with large external debts, totaling hundreds of millions of dollars. Will slogans and gestures make the difference in overcoming such economic problems? Or is it work, work done by people who are industrious, reliable and honest, that can contribute toward a higher standard of living? Can the paying of taxes be assured by slogans or gestures? Are those who shout the loudest sure to be those who are most honest in their tax paying? Cases of tax evasion in country after country show that outward displays of patriotism are no reliable index as to freedom from tax evasion. But, again, Jehovah’s witnesses have earned solid respect in all lands for their conscientious compliance with tax requirements, their honesty and reliability in business dealings. In newspaper propaganda, such as in A Tribuna of October 22, 1975, and in Tempo of October 26, 1975, writers have tried to accuse Jehovah’s witnesses of “obscurantism.” This is defined in dictionaries as “opposition to progress and the spread of knowledge, especially through great complexity of language, ritual, etc.” But what do facts reveal? People all over Africa know that Jehovah’s witnesses, more than any other religious group, have helped Africans of all tribes to become free from all kinds of superstitious beliefs. This includes the practice of witchcraft, enslaving rituals, traditional fears and tribal taboos. The Witnesses have helped the people to gain a progressive, practical approach to life and its problems, contributing to the forming of united families, responsible workers and considerate, peaceful neighbors. Surely this is the kind of progress and enlightenment that not only Mozambique but the whole world is in great need of today. By contrast, what of those who try to twist matters and make them appear other than they really are, beclouding issues with hate-stimulating propaganda against a small minority? They are surely themselves deserving of the input of “obscurantists.” Those who resort to brutal suppression of basic freedoms use methods that are as old as is the history of intolerance and inhumanity itself. Those who try to promote the idolizing of the State at the expense of human freedoms are following an ancient pattern that goes back thousands of years into the past, to the times of the ancient Assyrian and Babylonian empires. Surely such a course leads backward, not forward toward true progress and the spread of knowledge. Truth is strong enough that it has no need to resort to such tactics. Do you believe that the political State should have the right to exercise total thought-control of all its subjects? Or do you believe that people should have the right to worship according to the dictates of their conscience? If you decry totalitarian efforts to force people to conform to a political ideology, and if you feel compassion for those who suffer because of holding to their conscientious beliefs, you may wish to send a telegram or letter of appeal to one or more of the officials of the Frelimo government in the People’s Republic of Mozambique whose names are listed with this article. [Box on page 25] OFFICIALS TO WHOM TO WRITE Presidente de República Popular de Moçambique Samora Moises Machel Lourenço Marques, Moçambique Comissário Político Nacional Armando Emilio Guebuza Lourenço Marques, Moçambique Vice-Presidente da República Popular de Moçambique Marcelino dos Santos Lourenço Marques, Moçambique Primeiro Ministro da Republica Popular de Moçambique Joaquim Chissano Lourenço Marques, Moçambique Ministro do Interior P.O. Box 614 (Caixa Postal 614) Lourenço Marques, Moçambique Ministério dos Negócios Estrangeiros Ac. Antonio Enes No. 4 Lourenço Marques, Moçambique Ministro da Defesa Alberto Chipande Lourenço Marques, Moçambique Ministro da Informaçao Jorge Rebelo Lourenço Marques, Moçambique Ministro do Trabalho Mariano Matsinha Lourenço Marques, Moçambique Ministro da Agricultura Joaquim de Carvalho Lourenço Marques, Moçambique Ministro das Obras Públicas e Habitacão Julio Carrilho Lourenço Marques, Moçambique Vice-Director do Cabinete da Presidência Luis Bernardo Honwana Lourenço Marques, Moçambique Members of the “Comite Central da Frelimo” (Central Committee of Frelimo) Lourenço Marques, Moçambique Mariano Matsinha Deolinda Guesimane Jonas Namashlua Olimpio Vaz Armando Panguene Members of the “Comite Executivo da Frelimo” (Executive Committee of Frelimo) Lourenço Marques, Moçambique José Oscar Monteiro Daniel Mbanze Gideon Ndobe
Scriptures for Christian Living (scl) 2023
Old Age; Older Ones What happens as we grow older? Ps 71:9; 90:10 See also “Comfort​—Limitations imposed by illness or advancing age” Relevant Bible account(s): Ec 12:1-8​—In poetic terms, King Solomon describes some of the infirmities that come with age, such as diminished vision (“the ladies looking out the windows find it dark”) and diminished hearing (“the daughters of song grow faint”) Can older ones maintain their joy despite trials and limitations that come with advancing age? 2Co 4:16-18; Jas 1:2-4 Relevant Bible account(s): 1Sa 12:2, 23​—Elderly prophet Samuel knows how important it is that he continue to pray in behalf of Jehovah’s people 2Sa 19:31-39​—King David is grateful to elderly Barzillai for his loyal support, and Barzillai modestly acknowledges his limitations when asked to do more than he is able Ps 71:9, 18​—Fearful of not being useful in his old age, King David begs Jehovah not to cast him off but to give him strength so that he can teach the next generation about Him Lu 2:36-38​—The prophetess Anna, an elderly widow, is blessed for her devotion and faithful service How does Jehovah assure older ones that he values them? Ps 92:12-14; Pr 16:31; 20:29; Isa 46:4; Tit 2:2-5 Relevant Bible account(s): Ge 12:1-4​—At 75 years of age, Abraham receives a life-changing assignment from Jehovah Da 10:11, 19; 12:13​—An angel visits the prophet Daniel, who is in his 90’s, to assure him that he is precious to Jehovah and that he will be rewarded for his faithfulness Lu 1:5-13​—Jehovah blesses elderly Zechariah and Elizabeth with the miraculous birth of a son, John Lu 2:25-35​—Jehovah grants elderly Simeon the privilege of seeing the infant who will become the Messiah; Simeon utters an inspired prophecy about him Ac 7:23, 30-36​—The prophet Moses is 80 years old when Jehovah entrusts him with leadership over His people, Israel How should faithful older ones be treated? Le 19:32; 1Ti 5:1 Relevant Bible account(s): Ge 45:9-11; 47:12​—Joseph sends for his elderly father, Jacob, and provides for him until his death Ru 1:14-17; 2:2, 17, 18, 23​—Ruth supports an older woman, Naomi, with words and actions Joh 19:26, 27​—While dying on the torture stake, Jesus entrusts the care of his mother to his beloved apostle John What are a few practical ways in which Christians might help older ones in the congregation? 1Ti 5:3-5, 8-10, 16; Jas 2:14-17
Examining the Scriptures—2018 2017
February Thursday, February 1 Let endurance complete its work.​—Jas. 1:4. What “work” must endurance complete? It helps us to “be complete and sound in all respects, not lacking in anything.” (Jas. 1:4) Trials often reveal our weaknesses, aspects of our personality that we need to refine. If we endure those trials, however, our Christian personality becomes more complete, or sound. For example, we may become more patient, appreciative, and compassionate. Because endurance completes the vital work of molding us as Christians, do not compromise Scriptural principles to bring an end to tests that come your way. For instance, what if you struggle with unclean thoughts? Rather than give in to temptation, prayerfully reject such desires. You will thus fortify your self-control. Are you facing opposition from an unbelieving family member? Instead of yielding under pressure, be determined to maintain your pattern of wholehearted worship. Remember: To have God’s approval, we must endure.​—Rom. 5:3-5; Jas. 1:12. w16.04 2:15, 16 Friday, February 2 With humility consider others superior to you.​—Phil. 2:3. We know that taking undue pride in tribe, culture, or nation puts us at odds with Jehovah’s view of human rule and the human family. Of course, God does not expect us to renounce our culture. In fact, cultural differences illustrate the marvelous diversity of the human family. Still, we must remember that in God’s sight, all people are equal. (Rom. 10:12) Taking undue pride in our place of origin is at the heart of nationalism and could be the first step on a path to compromise. Christians are not immune to such pride, for even some in the first-century congregation discriminated against their brothers because of their nationality. (Acts 6:1) How can we tell if undue pride is taking root in us? Suppose a brother or sister from another land offered you a suggestion. Would you reject it, immediately thinking, ‘We do things better around here’? Instead, we should all apply the inspired counsel of today’s text. w16.04 4:12, 13 Saturday, February 3 I must . . . declare the good news of the Kingdom.​—Luke 4:43. Jesus preached “the good news of the Kingdom,” and he expects his disciples to do the same. What group of people are preaching that message in “all the nations”? (Matt. 28:19) The answer is obvious​—only Jehovah’s Witnesses. A missionary priest once told a Witness that he had lived in many different countries and that he had asked the Witnesses in each country what message they were preaching. What answer was he given? The priest said: “They were all so stupid that they gave the same answer: ‘The good news of the Kingdom.’” Far from being “stupid,” however, those Witnesses were speaking in unity, as true Christians should. (1 Cor. 1:10) And they were echoing the message contained in The Watchtower Announcing Jehovah’s Kingdom. This magazine is available in 254 languages, and an average of nearly 59 million copies of each issue are produced, making it the most widely circulated magazine in the world. w16.05 2:6 Sunday, February 4 Let each one do just as he has resolved in his heart.​—2 Cor. 9:7. As Kingdom publishers, we may desire to enter the full-time ministry as regular pioneers. In order to make this possible, we begin taking steps to simplify our life. At the same time, we may find ourselves worrying about whether we could be genuinely happy with less in a material way. Of course, there is no Bible command that we pioneer; we could continue serving Jehovah as faithful publishers. However, Jesus assures us that those who make sacrifices for the Kingdom will receive abundant blessings. (Luke 18:29, 30) Moreover, the Scriptures show that it pleases Jehovah when we make “voluntary offerings of praise” to him and cheerfully do what we can to advance true worship. (Ps. 119:108) From these Scriptural points, along with prayers for guidance, can we not perceive Jehovah’s thinking? Reflecting on these thoughts may help us come to a decision that will be practical for us and will have our heavenly Father’s blessing. w16.05 3:13 Monday, February 5 Remember . . . your Grand Creator in the days of your youth, before the days of distress come.​—Eccl. 12:1. Many of the problems addressed in our publications for young people are not unique to them. All of us need to defend our faith, control our emotions, reject harmful peer pressure, and avoid unwholesome associations and entertainment. These topics and many others have been addressed in material designed for teenagers. Should adult Christians feel that it is demeaning for them to read publications directed to young people? Not at all! Although the material is presented in a way that appeals to youths, the information is based on timeless Scriptural principles, and all of us can benefit from these spiritual provisions. Besides helping young people to deal with problems, our publications help them to grow spiritually and draw close to Jehovah. Here, too, adult Christians can benefit.​—Eccl. 12:13. w16.05 5:15, 16 Tuesday, February 6 Listen, O Israel: Jehovah our God is one Jehovah. You must love Jehovah your God with all your heart and all your soul and all your strength.​—Deut. 6:4, 5. “Jehovah our God is one Jehovah.” What a powerful statement! That reminder fortified the Israelites to confront the challenges facing them as they entered and took possession of the Promised Land. Our taking those words to heart will empower us to face the great tribulation just ahead and contribute to the Paradise to follow. Let us go on rendering exclusive devotion to Jehovah by loving and serving him whole-souled and putting forth earnest effort to maintain oneness in the Christian brotherhood. If we continue to do so, we can look forward with confidence to seeing fulfilled what Jesus said about those whom he will judge as sheep: “Come, you who have been blessed by my Father, inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the founding of the world.”​—Matt. 25:34. w16.06 3:2, 20 Wednesday, February 7 The heart is more treacherous than anything else.​—Jer. 17:9. Pride can cause us to justify our actions, making us quite the opposite of malleable. Have you ever been hurt by a fellow Christian or by the loss of certain privileges? If so, how did you respond? Did pride come into play? Or was your main concern that of making peace with your brother and remaining loyal to Jehovah? (Ps. 119:165; Col. 3:13) Making a practice of sin, perhaps even committing secret sins, can also make one unresponsive to divine counsel. Sinning can then become easier. (Eccl. 8:11) One brother, who got into the habit of viewing pornography, later admitted, “I found myself developing a critical attitude toward the elders.” His habit was hurting him spiritually. Eventually, his conduct came to light, and he received much-needed help. Of course, we are all imperfect. If, however, we begin to develop a critical attitude or to excuse a wrong course rather than seek God’s forgiveness and help, our heart may already be hardening. w16.06 2:5, 6 Thursday, February 8 Stop being anxious about your lives.​—Matt. 6:25. Jesus’ listeners were anxious about things they ought not be anxious about. Jesus said to stop that​—and for good reason. Needless anxiety or worry, even about legitimate concerns, can divide a person’s mind and distract him, shutting out the more important spiritual matters of life. Jesus was so concerned for his disciples that he warned them about this dangerous tendency four more times in his Sermon on the Mount. (Matt. 6:27, 28, 31, 34) Jesus was well-aware of people’s day-to-day needs. More than that, he knew of the difficult conditions facing his disciples who centuries later would live during “the last days,” characterized by “critical times hard to deal with.” (2 Tim. 3:1) Such conditions include unemployment, inflation, food shortages, and abject poverty that many experience. Yet, Jesus also realized that ‘life means more than food and the body than clothing.’ w16.07 1:8, 9 Friday, February 9 I became a minister of this according to the free gift of God’s undeserved kindness.​—Eph. 3:7. If we met all of Jehovah’s requirements perfectly, his kindness toward us would be deserved. As it is, we fail to do so. Thus, wise King Solomon wrote: “There is no righteous man on earth who always does good and never sins.” (Eccl. 7:20) The apostle Paul likewise stated: “All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,” and “the wages sin pays is death.” (Rom. 3:23; 6:23a) That is what we deserve. Jehovah, however, expressed his love toward fallen mankind in an incomparable act of undeserved kindness. He sent his greatest gift of all, “his only-begotten Son,” to earth to die in our behalf. (John 3:16) So Paul wrote concerning Jesus that he is “now crowned with glory and honor for having suffered death, so that by God’s undeserved kindness he might taste death for everyone.” (Heb. 2:9) Yes, “the gift God gives is everlasting life by Christ Jesus our Lord.”​—Rom. 6:23b. w16.07 3:3, 4 Saturday, February 10 I am going to make a helper for him.​—Gen. 2:18. Marriage is very much a part of life. A review of its origin and purpose can help us to have a proper view of this relationship and enjoy its intended blessings more fully. After God created the first man, Adam, the animals were brought to him so that he could name them. But “for man there was no helper as a complement of him.” God therefore caused Adam to fall into a deep sleep, took a rib from him, built it into a woman, and brought her to the man. (Gen. 2:20-24) Thus, marriage is of divine origin. Jesus confirmed that it was Jehovah who stated: “A man will leave his father and his mother and will stick to his wife, and the two will be one flesh.” (Matt. 19:4, 5) God’s use of a rib from Adam in creating the first woman could have impressed on the first human couple the closeness of their union. There was no arrangement for divorce or for having more than one mate at the same time. w16.08 1:1, 2 Sunday, February 11 [Jesus] set out from there to teach and preach in their cities.​—Matt. 11:1. Jesus often spoke to individuals about the Kingdom. For instance, he carried on a lively and fruitful conversation with a woman at Jacob’s well near the city of Sychar. (John 4:5-30) He also spoke with Matthew Levi, a tax collector. Matthew accepted Jesus’ invitation to be his follower. Matthew and others heard Jesus speak at some length during a feast held in Matthew’s home. (Matt. 9:9; Luke 5:27-39) On another occasion, Jesus spoke in a friendly way to Nathanael, who had a negative view of people from Nazareth. However, Nathanael was moved to change his thinking. He decided to learn more about what Jesus, a man from Nazareth, was teaching. (John 1:46-51) So we have good reason to train new publishers to converse with people in a friendly, relaxed manner. Those whom we help in this way will likely be delighted to see how honesthearted people respond favorably to personal interest and kind words. w16.08 4:7-9 Monday, February 12 A wife should not separate from her husband. . . . And a husband should not leave his wife.​—1 Cor. 7:10, 11. Serious problems that persist in marriage may lead one mate or both mates to consider separation or divorce. Separating from one’s marriage partner should not be viewed lightly. Though separation may seem to be the answer when serious difficulties arise, it often causes more problems. After repeating what God had stated about a man leaving his father and his mother and sticking to his wife, Jesus said: “What God has yoked together, let no man put apart.” (Matt. 19:3-6; Gen. 2:24) This also means that neither a husband nor a wife should ‘put apart what God has yoked together.’ Jehovah views marriage as a lifelong bond. (1 Cor. 7:39) Bearing in mind that all of us will render an account to God should move marriage mates to make earnest efforts to resolve problems quickly so that these do not become more serious. w16.08 2:10, 11 Tuesday, February 13 Do not let yourself be conquered by the evil.​—Rom. 12:21. Our enemies may attack us when we least expect it and kick us when we are at our lowest point, so we must ever remain alert. The encouragement not to let ourselves “be conquered by the evil” shows that we can defeat evil. We can do so if we keep on fighting against it. In contrast, we could be overcome by Satan, his evil world, and our imperfect flesh if we let our guard down and quit fighting. Never allow Satan to intimidate you into dropping your hands in defeat! (1 Pet. 5:9) To be successful, those who are contending must not lose sight of their reason for struggling. To gain God’s approval and blessing, they should keep focused on the assurance that we read at Hebrews 11:6: “Whoever approaches God must believe that he is and that he becomes the rewarder of those earnestly seeking him.” The Greek verb translated “earnestly seeking” is a form that implies intensity and concerted effort.​—Acts 15:17. w16.09 2:4, 5 Wednesday, February 14 Do all things for God’s glory.​—1 Cor. 10:31. God’s Word provides practical guidance that can help us to make wise choices that will bring glory to God. Still, what we wear involves some personal preference. Our individual tastes vary, as do our financial resources. But our clothes should always be neat, clean, modest, appropriate to the occasion, and acceptable locally. We must admit that it is not always easy to make a decision that shows good judgment, that is sensible, and that takes all factors into account. Many stores cater to popular fashions, so it may take more time and effort to find modest skirts, dresses, and blouses or suits and slacks that are not too tight. Yet, fellow believers will likely note and appreciate the results of our sincere efforts to find attractive and appropriate clothing. And the satisfaction we have of bringing glory to our loving heavenly Father more than makes up for any inconveniences that we may face to dress so as to glorify him. w16.09 3:15, 16 Thursday, February 15 He stretches out the northern sky over empty space, suspending the earth upon nothing.​—Job 26:7. Children tend to have a vivid imagination. So parents, try to use illustrations liberally in your teaching. Effective illustrations can strengthen a child’s faith in the accuracy of the Bible. For example, consider today’s text. How might you show that this scripture was inspired? You could just state facts. Instead, why not stimulate your child’s imagination? Bring up the fact that Job lived long before telescopes and spaceships. Your child’s job could be to show how difficult it might be for some to believe that a very large object, such as the earth, could sit on nothing. The child could use a ball or a stone to illustrate the point by showing that objects with mass have to rest on something. Such a lesson would impress on your child that Jehovah had facts recorded in the Bible long before humans could prove them.​—Neh. 9:6. w16.09 5:9, 12 Friday, February 16 Exercise faith in your heart.​—Rom. 10:9. Faith involves much more than a mental understanding of God’s purpose. It is a powerful motivating force that impels a person to act in harmony with God’s will. Faith in God’s means of salvation moves a believer to share the good news with others. Our prospect of enjoying eternal life in God’s new world depends on our having faith and keeping it strong. The need to keep our faith healthy can be likened to a plant’s need for water. Unlike an artificial plant, a living plant keeps changing. A live plant either withers because of a lack of water or continues to thrive with a regular supply of moisture. If deprived of sufficient water, a once healthy plant will eventually die. So, too, our faith. It will wither and die if neglected. (Luke 22:32; Heb. 3:12) But if we give it due attention, our faith will stay alive and keep “growing,” and we will be “healthy in faith.”​—2 Thess. 1:3; Titus 2:2. w16.10 4:4, 5 Saturday, February 17 The principal court official assigned names to them; he gave to Daniel the name Belteshazzar.​—Dan. 1:7. When Daniel and his companions were exiled, the Babylonians tried to assimilate them into their culture by teaching them “the language of the Chaldeans.” Moreover, the court official in charge of their training gave them Babylonian names. (Dan. 1:3-7) The name given to Daniel referred to Bel, the main divinity of Babylon. King Nebuchadnezzar likely wanted to impress Daniel with the idea that his God, Jehovah, had been subjected by Babylon’s god. (Dan. 4:8) Although Daniel was offered food to eat from the king’s delicacies, he “resolved in his heart” that he would not “defile himself.” (Dan. 1:8) Because he kept studying “the sacred books” in his mother tongue, he maintained his spiritual health while living in a foreign land. (Dan. 9:2, ftn.) Thus, some 70 years after his arrival in Babylon, he was still known by his Hebrew name.​—Dan. 5:13. w16.10 2:7, 8 Sunday, February 18 They would go where the spirit inclined them to go.​—Ezek. 1:20. Jesus has appointed the ‘faithful slave’ to be the only channel for dispensing spiritual food. (Matt. 24:45-47) Since 1919, the glorified Jesus Christ has been using that slave to help his followers understand God’s own Book and heed its directives. By obeying the instructions found in the Bible, we promote cleanness, peace, and unity in the congregation. Each one of us does well to ask himself, ‘Am I loyal to the channel that Jesus is using today?’ Jehovah’s written Word acquaints us with the heavenly part of his organization. For example, the prophet Ezekiel received a vision in which the heavenly part of God’s organization is represented by a celestial chariot. (Ezek. 1:4-28) With Christ and the holy angels about to destroy this wicked world, Jehovah’s chariot is rapidly moving toward the vindication of his sovereignty and the sanctification of his holy name! w16.11 3:9, 10 Monday, February 19 [Encourage] one another, and all the more so as you see the day drawing near.​—Heb. 10:25. Just like Jesus’ early followers, we meet together to learn and to be encouraged. (1 Cor. 14:31) Even experienced servants of God need encouragement. Consider Joshua. He had served God faithfully for many years. Yet, Jehovah told Moses to encourage him, saying: “Commission Joshua and encourage him and strengthen him, because he is the one who will cross over before this people and he is the one who will cause them to inherit the land that you will see.” (Deut. 3:27, 28) Joshua was about to take on the huge responsibility of leading the Israelites in the conquest of the Promised Land. He would face setbacks and at least one military defeat. (Josh. 7:1-9) No wonder Joshua needed to be encouraged and strengthened! So let us personally encourage elders, including circuit overseers, who work hard to care for the flock of God.​—1 Thess. 5:12, 13. w16.11 1:12, 13 Tuesday, February 20 I will show you the judgment on the great prostitute who sits on many waters.​—Rev. 17:1. The Bible Students understood that it was not enough for them to inform relatives, close friends, and church members of their stand on false religion. The whole world needed to see Babylon the Great for what it is​—a religious prostitute! Accordingly, between December 1917 and early 1918, the few thousand Bible Students zealously distributed 10,000,000 copies of a tract featuring the subject “The Fall of Babylon”​—a hard-hitting indictment of Christendom. As you can imagine, the clergy were furious; but undeterred, the Bible Students kept right on with this important work. They were determined to obey “God as ruler rather than men.” (Acts 5:29) What can we conclude? That far from becoming enslaved to Babylon the Great during the war, these Christian men and women were breaking free from its influence and were helping others to do so. w16.11 5:2, 4 Wednesday, February 21 Those who live according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who live according to the spirit, on the things of the spirit.​—Rom. 8:5. Some might imagine that this is a contrast between those who are not in the truth and those who are, between those who are not Christians and those who are. However, Paul was writing to “those who are in Rome as God’s beloved ones, called to be holy ones.” (Rom. 1:7) Thus, Paul was contrasting Christians who walked according to the flesh with Christians who walked according to the spirit. He instructioned “living according to the flesh” with “the sinful passions” that were then “at work in [their] bodies.” (Rom. 7:5) So when speaking of those who “set their minds on the things of the flesh,” Paul was referring to people who are ruled by or focused on their desires and leanings as imperfect humans. In the main, these are ones who follow their cravings, impulses, and passions, whether sexual or otherwise. w16.12 2:5, 7 Thursday, February 22 Happy is the one whose transgression is pardoned.​—Ps. 32:1. Some anxiety may be caused by a person’s past actions or failings. At times, King David felt that his ‘errors loomed over his head.’ He admitted: “My anguished heart makes me groan aloud.” (Ps. 38:3, 4, 8, 18) In that situation, what was the wise thing for David to do? What did he do? He trusted in Jehovah’s mercy and forgiveness. (Ps. 32:2, 3, 5) At other times, you may become anxious about the present. For instance, when David wrote Psalm 55, he feared for his life. (Ps. 55:2-5) Nevertheless, he did not allow anxiety to destroy his confidence in Jehovah. David made his problems a subject of fervent prayer, but he also understood the value of taking practical steps to deal with the cause of the anxiety. (2 Sam. 15:30-34) Learn a lesson from David. Instead of allowing anxiety to overwhelm you, take what steps you can to deal with the situation and then confidently leave matters in Jehovah’s hands. w16.12 3:14, 15 Friday, February 23 I have sinned against Jehovah.​—2 Sam. 12:13. David accepted correction from Jehovah’s representative, the prophet Nathan. David also prayed to Jehovah, confessing his sins and expressing a sincere desire to be restored to Jehovah’s favor. (Ps. 51:1-17) Instead of being paralyzed by guilt, David learned from his mistakes. Indeed, he never repeated those serious sins. Years later, he died faithful, his record of integrity firmly sealed in Jehovah’s memory. (Heb. 11:32-34) What can we learn from David’s example? If we fall into serious sin, we need to repent sincerely and seek Jehovah’s forgiveness. We must confess our sins to him. (1 John 1:9) We also need to approach the elders, who can offer us spiritual help. (Jas. 5:14-16) By availing ourselves of Jehovah’s arrangements, we show that we trust in his promise to heal and forgive us. Thereafter, we do well to learn from our mistakes, move forward in our service to Jehovah, and look to the future with confidence.​—Heb. 12:12, 13. w17.01 1:13, 14 Saturday, February 24 Hold your servant back from presumptuous acts.​—Ps. 19:13. What are “presumptuous acts”? By definition, when someone rashly or impertinently does something that he is not authorized to do, he is acting presumptuously. Because of inherited sin, we all act presumptuously at times. But as King Saul’s example illustrates, if we develop a pattern of pushing ahead, sooner or later we will find ourselves in serious trouble with God. Psalm 119:21 says of Jehovah: “You rebuke the presumptuous.” Why is that? Presumptuous acts are more serious than innocent mistakes. First, when we act immodestly, we fail to honor Jehovah as our rightful Sovereign. Second, if we act beyond the scope of our authority, we are likely to get into conflict with others. (Prov. 13:10) And third, when it becomes clear that we have acted presumptuously, we may be embarrassed or even humiliated. (Luke 14:8, 9) Presumptuous acts do not turn out well. As the Scriptures show, modesty is always the right course. w17.01 3:4, 5 Sunday, February 25 They are the ones who have acted corruptly. They are not his children, the defect is their own.​—Deut. 32:5. No longer perfect, Adam could not reflect God’s qualities perfectly. He not only lost a marvelous future for himself but also handed down to his children imperfection, sin, and death. (Rom. 5:12) He deprived his offspring of the prospect of life without end. Furthermore, Adam and Eve could no longer have a perfect child; neither could any of their children have a perfect child. After turning Adam and Eve away from God, Satan the Devil has continued to mislead mankind until today. (John 8:44) God’s love for humans, however, endures. Despite Adam and Eve’s rebellion, Jehovah wants mankind to enjoy a good relationship with him. He does not desire any to die. (2 Pet. 3:9) So right after the rebellion, God made arrangements to enable humans to restore their friendship with him while he at the same time maintained his own righteous standards.​—John 3:16. w17.02 1:12-14 Monday, February 26 Wisdom belongs to those who seek advice.​—Prov. 13:10. Appreciation for our role in Jehovah’s service will grow as we, in imitation of our God, look for the good in others. Instead of seeking the spotlight or always stepping in to take over, we will more often find ourselves modestly seeking the advice of others and yielding to their suggestions. We will rejoice with them when they receive privileges. And we will praise Jehovah as we see how he blesses “the entire association of [our] brothers in the world.” (1 Pet. 5:9) Also, we will develop good judgment by modestly learning to see things from Jehovah’s viewpoint. Through regular study, prayer, and application of what we learn, we can gradually strengthen our conscience. (1 Tim. 1:5) We learn to put others first. If we do our part, Jehovah promises that he will ‘finish our training,’ helping us to develop modesty and other godly qualities.​—1 Pet. 5:10. w17.01 4:17, 18 Tuesday, February 27 Let the elders who preside in a fine way be considered worthy of double honor, especially those who work hard in speaking and teaching.​—1 Tim. 5:17. Those related to us in the faith certainly merit honor and respect. This is especially true of the elders who are taking the lead. We honor these brothers regardless of their nationality, education, social standing, or financial status. The Bible refers to them as “gifts in men,” and they are a key part of God’s arrangement to care for the needs of his people. (Eph. 4:8) Think of congregation elders, circuit overseers, Branch Committee members, and the members of the Governing Body. Our brothers and sisters in the first century had high regard for those appointed to take the lead, and we feel similarly today. We do not idolize well-known representatives of the Christian congregation or react in their presence as if angels were standing nearby. Still, we do respect and honor such brothers for their hard work and humility.​—2 Cor. 1:24; Rev. 19:10. w17.03 1:13 Wednesday, February 28 Why do you call me good? Nobody is good except one, God.​—Mark 10:18. What a contrast existed between Jesus and Herod Agrippa I, who became king of Judea! At a diplomatic function, Herod clothed himself “with royal raiment.” His adoring crowd shouted: “A god’s voice, and not a man’s!” Herod evidently basked in the praise. But “instantly the angel of Jehovah struck him, because he did not give the glory to God, and he was eaten up with worms and died.” (Acts 12:21-23) Surely, no objective observer could conclude that Herod was chosen by Jehovah to be leader. Jesus, on the other hand, gave convincing evidence of being appointed by God, and he constantly glorified Jehovah as the Supreme Leader of his people. Jesus’ leadership was not meant to last only a few years. “All authority has been given me in heaven and on the earth,” he declared after his resurrection. “And look! I am with you all the days until the conclusion of the system of things.”​—Matt. 28:18-20. w17.02 3:20, 21
“All Scripture” (si) 1990
Bible Book Number 55​—2 Timothy Writer: Paul Place Written: Rome Writing Completed: c. 65 C.E. 1. What persecution flared up in Rome about 64 C.E., and for what apparent reason? ONCE again Paul was a prisoner in Rome. However, the circumstances of this second imprisonment were much more severe than those of the first. It was approximately 65 C.E. A great fire had swept through Rome in July 64 C.E., causing extensive damage in 10 of the city’s 14 regions. According to the Roman historian Tacitus, Emperor Nero was unable to “banish the sinister belief that the conflagration was the result of an order. Consequently, to get rid of the report, Nero fastened the guilt and inflicted the most exquisite tortures on a class hated for their abominations, called Christians by the populace. . . . An immense multitude was convicted, not so much of the crime of firing the city, as of hatred against mankind. Mockery of every sort was added to their deaths. Covered with the skins of beasts, they were torn by dogs and perished, or were nailed to crosses, or were doomed to the flames and burnt, to serve as a nightly illumination, when daylight had expired. Nero offered his gardens for the spectacle . . . There arose a feeling of compassion; for it was not as it seemed, for the public good, but to glut one man’s cruelty, that they were being destroyed.”a 2. Under what circumstances did Paul write Second Timothy, and why does he speak appreciatively of Onesiphorus? 2 It was likely about the time of this wave of violent persecution that Paul again found himself a prisoner in Rome. This time he was in chains. He did not expect to be released but awaited only final judgment and execution. Visitors were few. Indeed, for anyone to identify himself openly as a Christian was to run the risk of arrest and death by torture. Hence Paul could write appreciatively concerning his visitor from Ephesus: “May the Lord grant mercy to the household of Onesiphorus, because he often brought me refreshment, and he did not become ashamed of my chains. On the contrary, when he happened to be in Rome, he diligently looked for me and found me.” (2 Tim. 1:16, 17) Writing under the shadow of death, Paul styles himself “an apostle of Christ Jesus through God’s will according to the promise of the life that is in union with Christ Jesus.” (1:1) Paul knew that life in union with Christ awaited him. He had preached in many of the chief cities of the known world, from Jerusalem to Rome, and perhaps even as far as Spain. (Rom. 15:24, 28) He had run the course faithfully to the finish.​—2 Tim. 4:6-8. 3. When was Second Timothy written, and how has it benefited Christians through the ages? 3 The letter was probably written about 65 C.E., immediately prior to Paul’s martyrdom. Timothy was probably still at Ephesus, for Paul had encouraged him to stay there. (1 Tim. 1:3) Now, twice Paul urges Timothy to come to him quickly, and he asks him to bring Mark with him, and also the cloak and scrolls that Paul left at Troas. (2 Tim. 4:9, 11, 13, 21) Written at so critical a time, this letter contained powerful encouragement for Timothy, and it has continued to provide beneficial encouragement for true Christians in all ages since. 4. What proves that Second Timothy is authentic and canonical? 4 The book of Second Timothy is authentic and canonical for the reasons already discussed under First Timothy. It was recognized and used by early writers and commentators, including Polycarp in the second century C.E. outputS OF SECOND TIMOTHY 5. What kind of faith dwells in Timothy, and yet what should he keep doing? 5 “Holding the pattern of healthful words” (1:1–3:17). Paul tells Timothy that he never forgets him in his prayers and that he is longing to see him. He recollects ‘the faith without hypocrisy’ that is in Timothy and that dwelt first in his grandmother Lois and his mother Eunice. Timothy should stir up like a fire the gift within him, ‘for God gave not a spirit of cowardice, but that of power and of love and of soundness of mind.’ Let him therefore be unashamed in witnessing and suffering evil for the good news because God’s undeserved kindness has been made clearly evident through the manifestation of the Savior, Christ Jesus. Timothy should “keep holding the pattern of healthful words” that he heard from Paul, guarding it as a fine trust.​—1:5, 7, 13. 6. What counsel does Paul give on teaching, and how can Timothy be an approved workman and an honorable vessel? 6 Timothy is to commit the things he learned from Paul to “faithful men, who, in turn, will be adequately qualified to teach others.” Timothy should prove himself a fine soldier of Christ Jesus. A soldier shuns business entanglements. Moreover, the one crowned at the games contends according to the rules. In order to gain discernment, Timothy should give constant thought to Paul’s words. The important things to remember and to remind others of are that “Jesus Christ was raised up from the dead and was of David’s seed” and that salvation and everlasting glory in union with Christ, reigning as kings with him, are the rewards for the chosen ones who endure. Timothy is to do his utmost to present himself as an approved workman to God, shunning empty speeches that violate what is holy, which spread like gangrene. Just as in a large house an honorable vessel is kept separate from one lacking honor, so Paul admonishes Timothy to “flee from the desires incidental to youth, but pursue righteousness, faith, love, peace, along with those who call upon the Lord out of a clean heart.” The slave of the Lord needs to be gentle toward all, qualified to teach, instructing with mildness.​—2:2, 8, 22. 7. Why are the inspired Scriptures to be especially beneficial “in the last days”? 7 “In the last days,” there will be critical times hard to deal with and persons who prove false to their show of godly devotion, “always learning and yet never able to come to an accurate knowledge of truth.” But Timothy has closely followed Paul’s teaching, his course of life, and his persecutions, out of which the Lord delivered him. “In fact,” he adds, “all those desiring to live with godly devotion in association with Christ Jesus will also be persecuted.” Timothy, however, should continue in the things he learned from infancy, which are able to make him wise for salvation, for “all Scripture is inspired of God and beneficial.”​—3:1, 7, 12, 16. 8. What does Paul urge Timothy to do, and in this connection how does Paul exult? 8 Fully accomplishing the ministry (4:1-22). Paul charges Timothy to “preach the word” with urgency. (4:2) The time will come when men will not put up with healthful teaching and will turn to false teachers, but let Timothy keep his senses, ‘do the work of an evangelizer, fully accomplish his ministry.’ Recognizing his death to be imminent, Paul exults that he has fought the fine fight, that he has run the course to the finish and observed the faith. Now he looks confidently forward to the reward, “the crown of righteousness.”​—4:5, 8. 9. What confidence in the Lord’s power does Paul express? 9 Paul urges Timothy to come to him quickly and gives instructions concerning the journey. When Paul made his first defense everyone forsook him, but the Lord infused power into him that the preaching might be fully accomplished among the nations. Yes, he is confident that the Lord will deliver him from every wicked work and save him for His heavenly Kingdom. WHY BENEFICIAL 10. (a) What particular benefit of “all Scripture” is emphasized in Second Timothy, and what should Christians strive to become? (b) What influence is to be avoided, and how may this be done? (c) For what does there continue to be an urgent need? 10 “All Scripture is inspired of God and beneficial.” Beneficial for what? Paul tells us in his second letter to Timothy: “For teaching, for reproving, for setting things straight, for disciplining in righteousness, that the man of God may be fully competent, completely equipped for every good work.” (3:16, 17) Thus the benefit of “teaching” is emphasized in this letter. All lovers of righteousness today will want to heed the letter’s wise counsel in striving to become teachers of the Word and in doing their utmost to become God’s approved workmen, “handling the word of the truth aright.” As in the Ephesus of Timothy’s day, so in this modern age, there are those who dabble in “foolish and ignorant questionings,” who are “always learning and yet never able to come to an accurate knowledge of truth,” and who reject “healthful teaching” in favor of teachers who tickle their ears the way they selfishly want it. (2:15, 23; 3:7; 4:3, 4) To avoid this contaminating worldly influence, it is necessary to “keep holding the pattern of healthful words” in faith and love. Moreover, there is the urgent need for more and more persons to become “adequately qualified to teach others” both inside and outside the congregation, like Timothy, “the man of God.” Happy are all those who shoulder this responsibility, becoming ‘qualified to teach with mildness,’ and who preach the word “with all long-suffering and art of teaching”!​—1:13; 2:2, 24, 25; 4:2. 11. What advice is given with regard to the young? 11 As Paul stated, Timothy had known the holy writings “from infancy” because of the loving instruction of Lois and Eunice. “From infancy” also indicates the time to start Bible instruction for children today. But what if, in later years, early fires of zeal start to die out? Paul’s advice is to stir up that fire again in the spirit of “power and of love and of soundness of mind,” keeping faith without hypocrisy. “In the last days,” he said, there will be critical times, with problems of delinquency and false teachings. That is why it is so necessary for young people especially, and all others, to ‘keep their senses in all things, and fully accomplish their ministry.’​—3:15; 1:5-7; 3:1-5; 4:5. 12. (a) How did Paul call attention to the Kingdom Seed, and what hope did he express? (b) How can God’s servants today have the same mental attitude as Paul? 12 The prize is worth contending for. (2:3-7) In this connection, Paul calls attention to the Kingdom Seed, saying: “Remember that Jesus Christ was raised up from the dead and was of David’s seed, according to the good news.” Paul’s hope was to remain in union with that Seed. Farther on he speaks of his approaching execution in words of triumph: “From this time on there is reserved for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, will give me as a reward in that day, yet not only to me, but also to all those who have loved his manifestation.” (2:8; 4:8) How happy are all those who can look back over many years of faithful service and say the same! However, this requires serving now in integrity, with love for the manifestation of Jesus Christ, and demonstrating the same confidence as Paul did when he wrote: “The Lord will deliver me from every wicked work and will save me for his heavenly kingdom. To him be the glory forever and ever. Amen.”​—4:18. [Footnotes] a The Complete Works of Tacitus, 1942, edited by Moses Hadas, pages 380-1.
Your Youth—Getting the Best out of It
Your Youth​—Getting the Best out of It Have you heard youngsters say: “IF GROWNUPS TAKE PILLS, USE TOBACCO AND GET DRUNK, WHY SHOULDN’T I SMOKE MARIJUANA OR TAKE DRUGS?” Get a satisfying answer to this, as well as to other questions people are asking. Send for the pocket-size book Your Youth​—Getting the Best out of It. It is a handbook written especially for teen-agers. YOUR YOUTH​—GETTING THE BEST OUT OF IT Please send, postpaid, the hard-cover book named above. I enclose 50c (U.S.).
Greatest Man (gt) 1991
Chapter 121 Before the Sanhedrin, Then to Pilate THE night is drawing to a close. Peter has denied Jesus for the third time, and the members of the Sanhedrin have finished with their mock trial and have dispersed. However, as soon as it becomes dawn Friday morning, they meet again, this time at their Sanhedrin hall. Their purpose likely is to give some appearance of legality to the night trial. When Jesus is brought before them, they say, as they did during the night: “If you are the Christ, tell us.” “Even if I told you, you would not believe it,” Jesus answers. “Moreover, if I questioned you, you would not answer.” However, Jesus courageously points to his identity, saying: “From now on the Son of man will be sitting at the powerful right hand of God.” “Are you, therefore, the Son of God?” all of them want to know. “You yourselves are saying that I am,” Jesus replies. For these men intent on murder, this answer is sufficient. They consider it blasphemy. “Why do we need further witness?” they ask. “For we ourselves have heard it out of his own mouth.” So they bind Jesus, lead him away, and hand him over to the Roman governor Pontius Pilate. Judas, Jesus’ betrayer, has been observing the proceedings. When he sees that Jesus has been condemned, he feels remorse. So he goes to the chief priests and older men to return the 30 pieces of silver, explaining: “I sinned when I betrayed righteous blood.” “What is that to us? You must see to that!” they heartlessly reply. So Judas throws the silver pieces into the temple and goes off and tries to hang himself. However, the branch to which Judas ties the rope apparently breaks, and his body plunges to the rocks below, where it bursts apart. The chief priests are not sure what to do with the silver pieces. “It is not lawful to drop them into the sacred treasury,” they conclude, “because they are the price of blood.” So, after consulting together, they purchase with the money the potter’s field to bury strangers. The field thus comes to be called “Field of Blood.” It is still early in the morning when Jesus is taken to the governor’s palace. But the Jews who have accompanied him refuse to enter because they believe that such intimacy with Gentiles will defile them. So to accommodate them, Pilate comes out. “What accusation do you bring against this man?” he asks. “If this man were not a wrongdoer, we would not have delivered him up to you,” they answer. Desiring to avoid involvement, Pilate responds: “Take him yourselves and judge him according to your law.” Revealing their murderous intent, the Jews claim: “It is not lawful for us to kill anyone.” Indeed, if they killed Jesus during the Passover Festival, it would likely cause a public uproar, since many hold Jesus in high regard. But if they can get the Romans to execute him on a political charge, this will tend to absolve them of responsibility before the people. So the religious leaders, not mentioning their earlier trial during which they condemned Jesus for blasphemy, now trump up different charges. They make the three-part accusation: “This man we found [1] subverting our nation and [2] forbidding the paying of taxes to Caesar and [3] saying he himself is Christ a king.” It is the charge that Jesus claims to be a king that concerns Pilate. He, therefore, enters the palace again, calls Jesus to him, and asks: “Are you the king of the Jews?” In other words, have you broken the law by declaring yourself to be a king in opposition to Caesar? Jesus wants to know how much Pilate already has heard about him, so he asks: “Is it of your own originality that you say this, or did others tell you about me?” Pilate professes ignorance about him and a desire to learn the facts. “I am not a Jew, am I?” he responds. “Your own nation and the chief priests delivered you up to me. What did you do?” Jesus in no way attempts to dodge the issue, which is that of kingship. The answer that Jesus now gives no doubt surprises Pilate. Luke 22:66–23:3; Matthew 27:1-11; Mark 15:1; John 18:28-35; Acts 1:16-20. ▪ For what purpose does the Sanhedrin meet again in the morning? ▪ How does Judas die, and what is done with the 30 pieces of silver? ▪ Rather than kill him themselves, why do the Jews want the Romans to kill Jesus? ▪ What charges do the Jews make against Jesus?
What Is Sin?
What Is Sin? The Bible’s answer Sin is any action, feeling, or thought that goes against God’s standards. It includes breaking God’s laws by doing what is wrong, or unrighteous, in God’s sight. (1 John 3:4; 5:​17) The Bible also describes sins of omission​—that is, failing to do what is right.​—James 4:​17. In the Bible’s original languages, the words for sin mean “to miss a mark,” or a target. For example, a group of soldiers in ancient Israel were so adept at slinging stones that they “would not miss.” That expression, if translated literally, could read “would not sin.” (Judges 20:16) Thus, to sin is to miss the mark of God’s perfect standards. As the Creator, God has the right to set standards for mankind. (Revelation 4:​11) We are accountable to him for our actions.​—Romans 14:12. Is it possible to avoid sinning completely? No. The Bible says that “all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” (Romans 3:​23; 1 Kings 8:​46; Ecclesiastes 7:​20; 1 John 1:8) Why is that so? The first humans, Adam and Eve, were sinless in the beginning. That is because they were created perfect, in God’s image. (Genesis 1:​27) However, they lost their perfection by disobeying God. (Genesis 3:​5, 6, 17-​19) When they had children, they passed on sin and imperfection as inherited defects. (Romans 5:​12) As King David of Israel said, “I was born guilty of error.”​—Psalm 51:5. Are some sins worse than others? Yes. For example, the Bible says that the men of ancient Sodom were “wicked, gross sinners” whose sin was “very heavy.” (Genesis 13:13; 18:20) Consider three factors that determine the gravity, or weight, of sin. Severity. The Bible warns us to avoid such serious sins as sexual immorality, idolatry, stealing, drunkenness, extortion, murder, and spiritism. (1 Corinthians 6:​9-​11; Revelation 21:8) The Bible contrasts these with thoughtless, unintentional sins, for example, words or actions that hurt others. (Proverbs 12:18; Ephesians 4:​31, 32) Nevertheless, the Bible encourages us not to minimize any sins, since they can lead to more serious violations of God’s laws.​—Matthew 5:​27, 28. Motive. Some sins are committed in ignorance of what God requires. (Acts 17:30; 1 Timothy 1:​13) While not excusing such sins, the Bible distinguishes them from sins that involve willfully breaking God’s laws. (Numbers 15:30, 31) Willful sins come from a “wicked heart.”​—Jeremiah 16:12. Frequency. The Bible also makes a distinction between a single sin and a practice of sin over an extended period. (1 John 3:​4-8) Those who “practice sin willfully,” even after learning how to do what is right, receive God’s adverse judgment.​—Hebrews 10:26, 27. Those guilty of serious sin can feel overwhelmed by the weight of their mistakes. For instance, King David wrote: “My errors loom over my head; like a heavy burden, they are too much for me to bear.” (Psalm 38:4) Yet the Bible offers this hope: “Let the wicked man leave his way and the evil man his thoughts; let him return to Jehovah, who will have mercy on him, to our God, for he will forgive in a large way.”​—Isaiah 55:7.
Table of outputs
Table of outputs January 2016 © 2016 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania 3 They Offered Themselves Willingly​—In Oceania WEEK OF FEBRUARY 29, 2016–MARCH 6, 2016 7 Be Determined to “Let Your Brotherly Love Continue”! What is our yeartext for 2016? What should we think of when we look at it throughout the year? This article will show us how to gain the most benefit from our yeartext. WEEK OF MARCH 7-13, 2016 12 Be Compelled by God’s “Indescribable Free Gift” Jehovah has given us what the apostle Paul called God’s “indescribable free gift.” (2 Cor. 9:15) What is that gift? How does it compel us to walk in the footsteps of Christ Jesus, to love our brothers, and to forgive others from the heart? We will answer these questions and consider practical things we can do during the Memorial season. WEEK OF MARCH 14-20, 2016 17 The Spirit Bears Witness With Our Spirit WEEK OF MARCH 21-27, 2016 22 “We Want to Go With You” These two articles will explain how someone knows that he or she has received the heavenly calling and what it means for that person to be one of the anointed. Additionally, we will consider how anointed ones should view themselves and how we should react to any increase in the number of partakers worldwide. WEEK OF MARCH 28, 2016–APRIL 3, 2016 28 Working Together With God​—A Cause for Rejoicing From earliest times, Jehovah has invited others to work with him to accomplish his purpose. It is his purpose that a global witness be given, and he has invited us to share in that work. This article considers the blessings we receive by being God’s fellow workers. COVER IMAGE: MADAGASCAR A pioneer shares a Bible passage with an oxcart driver on the Alley of the Baobabs in Morondava, Madagascar PUBLISHERS 29,963 BIBLE STUDIES 77,984 MEMORIAL ATTENDANCE 135,122