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[deleted] | 1,546,300,775 | abcuav | 2 | 0 | gamingsuggestions | t5_2sxyv | i am looking for a online survival game on playstation 4 |
promoter88 | 1,546,300,775 | abcuaw | 0 | 1 | Dirtykikpals2 | t5_3igix | 25 banbury slut |
[deleted] | 1,546,300,776 | abcuay | 0 | 3 | aww | t5_2qh1o | there are 2 types of dogs those who take their time with treats and those who eat them in 2 seconds and then stare at you because they are starving |
beaverinesrighthand | 1,546,300,776 | abcuaz | 3 | 24 | only a few minutes left now guysjust wanna say welcome to 2019 the year of our gcsesin particular to year 11s sleep is important try your best to revise and im sure youll all be fine just remember to be your amazing selvesps i think im a little hyped lolhave a good one | GCSE | t5_2u3gk | happy new year |
Avacyn3301 | 1,546,300,776 | abcub0 | 2 | 1 | i just finished building my pc today and it is up and running fine i went into this pc and it shows i only have 98gb of space left i have a 2tb hard drive installed as well as a 128gb ssd i cant figure out why the hard drive isnt showing up any tips or help would be much appreciated | pchelp | t5_2r9gk | local disk not as big as it should be |
[deleted] | 1,546,300,776 | abcub1 | 2 | 1 | Showerthoughts | t5_2szyo | i wonder if santa celebrates hanukkah since he works on christmas |
[deleted] | 1,546,300,776 | abcub2 | 1 | 0 | AskReddit | t5_2qh1i | facebook activity log doesnt show deleted actions is there a way to see all of your activity on facebook even if it was deleted later |
PleaseOpenABook | 1,546,300,776 | abcub3 | 11 | 0 | todayilearned | t5_2qqjc | til a lecturer in archaeology and space studies at flinders university in australia said the primary purpose of the car spacex launched in space is symbolic communication that the red sports car symbolises masculinity power wealth and speed but also how fragile masculinity is |
transcribersofreddit | 1,546,300,777 | abcub4 | 3 | 1 | TranscribersOfReddit | t5_3jqmx | trollychromosome image happy new year to all my dear trolls its been a lot of fun posting with you fellows heres to a fucked 2018 and probably an even more fucked 2019 |
[deleted] | 1,546,300,777 | abcub5 | 2 | 10 | intj | t5_2qowo | intj romantic and arromantic |
mightymaze | 1,546,300,777 | abcub6 | 2 | 1 | hi matesi would love to watch your game against ajax on 27 january now as far as i understood from your website only legioen member are able to buy two tickets thus if there is a member out there on this sub that is not able to make it to the game and could thus help me to buy two tickets id truly appreciate your help | feyenoord | t5_2uuzc | any legioen member willing to help me buy two tickets for your game against ajax |
[deleted] | 1,546,300,777 | abcub8 | 0 | 0 | dirtypenpals | t5_2sbbv | m4a the shy college roommate |
[deleted] | 1,546,300,777 | abcub9 | 2 | 1 | discordservers | t5_39qmx | the inn a new space for everyone |
moltenlava16 | 1,546,300,777 | abcuba | 0 | 1 | trypophobia | t5_2sv6l | this concrete |
Mattmo831 | 1,546,300,777 | abcubb | 0 | 1 | me_irl | t5_2vegg | meirl |
the_dang_boi | 1,546,300,777 | abcubc | 3 | 73 | sansundertale | t5_i5bm2 | oh shit sans undertale for smash |
fellingsilly | 1,546,300,777 | abcubd | 1 | 10 | Ice_Poseidon | t5_3aelr | bjorn dead moose meat if his wife finds out |
[deleted] | 1,546,300,777 | abcube | 1 | 1 | Market76 | t5_n9nn1 | h groundedmarsupialchameleonunstable isotope serum recipes powered gates plan w all other serum recipes |
[deleted] | 1,546,300,778 | abcubf | 0 | 1 | teenagersnew | t5_hcxiu | who the fuck cares |
[deleted] | 1,546,300,779 | abcubg | 0 | 0 | Iamactuallyverybadass | t5_s0nyv | 1105 pound rack pull |
cryptoanalyticabot | 1,546,300,779 | abcubh | 1 | 1 | cryptoall | t5_o2erj | lnd is set up but my ip is dynamic what can i do rbitcoinbeginners |
Centagon985 | 1,546,300,779 | abcubi | 21 | 50 | i got gta for christmas and over the first few days ive played ive met some interesting characters today i met a player who will be named tim for the sake of the story i was going to get my car from the police after a string of store robberies that resulted in a ton of dead cops and my death i was looking around for a car to steal when i came across tim tim was in an armored truck of some sort idk the name because im a new player and he attempted to run me over yet failed he tried a few more times then eventually shot me with the mounted turret on top of the truck i didnt think much of it until he came after me again and killed me once more i had the option to go into passive mode but i didnt i wanted to see where this was heading the third time he came back but this time with a friend they proceeded to both slam into me very poorly i thought it was hilarious and thought hey it would probably be fun to 1v1 him after he and his friend flattened me i challenged him to a 1v1 deathmatch he almost instantly declined i messaged him if youre not gonna fight me then leave me alone plz he then said on a mic comparable to a wwii radio my gamertag youre so annoying i was cracking up this experience has solidified gta online as one of my favorite online games after a while tim started harassing another player the other player killed him and tim threw a fit on the mic and lefti love this game | gtaonline | t5_2xrd1 | ive fallen in love with this game |
TsundereHeavyCruiser | 1,546,300,779 | abcubj | 55 | 392 | WorldOfWarships | t5_2t8uj | what it takes to keep a shipfu |
A_Tricky_one | 1,546,300,779 | abcubk | 1 | 1 | AskReddit | t5_2qh1i | what is the best new song you heard in 2018 |
Gihelu | 1,546,300,779 | abcubl | 4 | 292 | hentai | t5_2qj7g | sexy badass bunny |
LNKPerv | 1,546,300,780 | abcubn | 0 | 3 | unawarewifes | t5_beas7 | dressing |
[deleted] | 1,546,300,780 | abcubo | 3 | 130 | Austin | t5_2qhn5 | fruity stripes in the sky |
daveybuster | 1,546,300,781 | abcubp | 6 | 9 | im finished with my harvard supplement i answered the question about honesty and integrity i was wondering if anyone here would be willing to read it and give feedbackthanks | ApplyingToCollege | t5_2y2r8 | havard supplement |
SpikeNLB | 1,546,300,781 | abcubq | 1 | 5 | such fortune i was a ymd in hollywood ca and i would be attending the nye gongyo with mr williams at the santa monica culture center such fortune gawd in hindsight how susceptible i was back in my 20s to fall for all that nonsense world peace through chanting running around every waking moment when not at my min wage job thinking that so many causes would lead to a good job and great fortune participating in ymd weekend activities practicing building human pyramids in preparation for upcoming culture festivals and placing my safety in the hands of a bunch of guys that were leaders many of whom got caught up in a investment ponzi scheme and went to jail funny how no one was questioning their immense financail fortune at the time given their commitment to mr williams and nsa yo just cant make it up though i guess in hindsight i should appreciate that while i bought the whole schbang hook line and sinker it wasnt scientology i mean a cult is a cult and nsa was really kinda cultlite and when it came time for me to get the hell out and long before so many others did the same my financial contributions were never excessive and while my departure led to never give up phone calls for a month or two they eventually did give up do i believe in karma causeeffect today sure why not its pretty basic stuff but not something one needs to chant every morningevening to remind oneself that what you put out in life you get back oh yea and couldnt help laughing when i heard a few years back that the gohonzon scroll with the brown framing that i had kept for years out of superstition was in fact one of the heretical ones but selling on ebay for 100 such fortune | sgiwhistleblowers | t5_310of | refections on nye gongyo in santa monica so many years ago |
[deleted] | 1,546,300,781 | abcubr | 2 | 2 | hello i am writing to ask anyone reading this a questionam i a therian or more specifically a cat therian i found about this community on a tumblr a few months ago and thought about the subject after doing a quick search on youtube i began to think that this wasnt a real thing i started thinking about it again and i think im part cat in a mental way i have always had a connection with animals for example at school this dog was barking and i looked him in the eyes and he just stopped and stared at me i felt like i could feel his emotions but i wasnt a dog i have two cats named pumpkin and mickey i tend to hiss and meow around them without thinking a few weeks ago i was looking up oracle and tarot cards when i got a weird urge to meditate i did and a few minutes later after telling myself i am one with the cat i felt like a cat i felt i had sharp teeth claws ears and a tail this all lasted about 5 minutes could this mean i am a therian catthank you | Therian | t5_2s72d | what am i |
ChicLizardfish | 1,546,300,781 | abcubs | 1 | 1 | hi i am a 20 year old female i am 56 and weigh about 175 pounds im white i live in new england so about 10 minutes ago i was sitting at the dinner table when i had a very strong head rush that lasted about 5 seconds it was very sudden and i did not feel weird or lightheaded at all beforehand i guess the closest thing i can compare it to is when you get up very quickly and you feel dizzy for a couple of seconds except what i experienced was stronger than that it was like a rush throughout my whole body starting in my head kind of like a buzzy fuzzy feeling i might have fallen over if i wasnt already sitting it went away quickly and i started to feel normal again as i type this i am a little dizzy but nothing major i have no idea what happened but it was freaky to say the least i am healthy despite being a tad bit overweight which i honestly dont think matters i have no health issues whatsoever due to it and i am in shape its just the way my body is my only current medical condition is gad generalized anxiety disorder and i have experienced panic attacks before and thats not what this was i was experiencing no stress beforehand i was hydrated and had just eaten i take only one medication which is sertralinezoloft any ideas about what could have possibly caused this | AskDocs | t5_2xtuc | sudden head rush while sitting down |
Memeograph | 1,546,300,781 | abcubt | 0 | 39 | memes | t5_2qjpg | welcome to 2019 |
[deleted] | 1,546,300,781 | abcubu | 3 | 3 | whowouldwin | t5_2s599 | composite link legend of zelda series runs a gauntlet |
teacu | 1,546,300,781 | abcubv | 15 | 44 | Random_Acts_Of_Amazon | t5_2tx47 | nyx4pt6 for comfiest shoes |
GashBauer | 1,546,300,781 | abcubw | 3 | 21 | ampx200b | MiddleEarthMiniatures | t5_2z3qn | i have begun to work on my latest purchase a converted mumak |
-jtw- | 1,546,300,782 | abcubx | 5 | 66 | dankmemes | t5_2zmfe | part 12 |
[deleted] | 1,546,300,782 | abcuby | 0 | 1 | GaySnapchat | t5_2yzi6 | 18 m from texas add me to groups |
Alive8Excitement | 1,546,300,782 | abcubz | 2 | 1 | toronto | t5_2qi63 | vegan protesters target toronto restaurant for serving horse meat |
[deleted] | 1,546,300,783 | abcuc0 | 1 | 0 | PewdiepieSubmissions | t5_3m0tc | everyone call my friend and tell him to sub to pewdiepie he doesnt like him |
[deleted] | 1,546,300,783 | abcuc1 | 0 | 1 | funny | t5_2qh33 | accurate representation of yt rewind 2k18 |
Synthbent715 | 1,546,300,783 | abcuc2 | 234 | 14,616 | cats | t5_2qhta | our sweet budd did not make it to see 2019 had to lay him to rest earlier today 16 years old sweetest cat in the world |
vixeyloowho | 1,546,300,783 | abcuc3 | 2 | 24 | freefolk | t5_37tpy | happy new years fuckers thanks for making this long night bearable heres to you xoxo |
brittinea | 1,546,300,783 | abcuc4 | 3 | 241 | 2meirl4meirl | t5_3ee85 | 2meirl4meirl |
altaccounta12345 | 1,546,300,783 | abcuc5 | 8 | 2 | AmItheAsshole | t5_2xhvq | aita if i potentially got a guy in a forum banned |
n06shiau | 1,546,300,783 | abcuc6 | 6 | 6 | recently late 2017 early 2018 there was a supermarket built all imageries are too old on osm but on google maps digitalglobe is recent enough for it while osm is too old whats happening here | openstreetmap | t5_2rm1s | digitalglobe |
whitegirl86 | 1,546,300,783 | abcuc7 | 0 | 4 | milf | t5_2qoye | hotel shenanigans care to join |
FelixTheCET | 1,546,300,783 | abcuc8 | 11 | 3 | what are your resolutions for the new year | Braincels | t5_3pci5 | the year is nearly over friends |
perceptionactionprof | 1,546,300,784 | abcuc9 | 4 | 6 | spicy | t5_2s1qd | the heat of 1000 suns |
BORN_iN_1991 | 1,546,300,784 | abcuca | 2 | 4 | if this were to go down in opiates hed be shadow banned and then permanently | Ecstacy | t5_2qwvh | anybody else tired of seeing fake adds for mollypercszetc |
Button212 | 1,546,300,784 | abcucb | 18 | 6 | teenagers | t5_2rjli | happy new year from scotland |
Bread-on-toast | 1,546,300,784 | abcucc | 1 | 3 | all the best you lonely brits im with you | depression_help | t5_2zy2x | happy new year |
Itsheatherboyee | 1,546,300,784 | abcucd | 1 | 1 | Roleplaykik | t5_369bo | looking for rp parter |
roomysta03 | 1,546,300,784 | abcuce | 0 | 15 | EdgyMemes | t5_30avd | charggeeeeeeee |
DrOetam | 1,546,300,785 | abcucf | 3 | 12 | me_irl | t5_2vegg | meirl |
Moratapuni | 1,546,300,785 | abcucg | 7 | 58 | xxxcaptions | t5_2sinj | thats a difficult choice |
eivindalien | 1,546,300,785 | abcuch | 1 | 6 | gaming | t5_2qh03 | havent been gaming since last year |
brownie_jones | 1,546,300,785 | abcucj | 0 | 1 | funny | t5_2qh33 | i heard this is the best place to post funny pictures |
[deleted] | 1,546,300,785 | abcuck | 1 | 0 | Kikpals | t5_2vnle | 24 2019 is almost here |
GaizkaYT | 1,546,300,786 | abcucl | 6 | 15 | me_irl | t5_2vegg | meirl |
CuTThroaty | 1,546,300,786 | abcucm | 4 | 1 | okay there is this movie or tv episode i remember vividly that is based on ray bradburys short story dark they were and goldeneyed which i read as a kid the movie was about a group of humans that colonized mars to escape an inevitable nuclear war on earth the community starts to change and grass and cows start to change color the main character begins to recognize these changes but the others have more or less drank the koolaid realizing this he beginning constructing a rocket in his shop planning to leave mars and go back to earth but even he eventual changes a rocket comes from earth bringing news of the war on earth ending but he is greater by a group of martians living in the old ruins thats most of what i can remember but i think its more than enough to figure out ive tried google and looked everywhere but i cant find it any help would be greatly appreciated | tipofmytongue | t5_2r4oc | movie about human civilization on mars |
ZeroDark35 | 1,546,300,786 | abcucn | 2 | 2 | FIFA | t5_2qxh7 | neymar or sif reus at cam |
[deleted] | 1,546,300,786 | abcuco | 1 | 49 | curledfeetsies | t5_3bdz3 | do these count |
thechar_way | 1,546,300,786 | abcucp | 0 | 1 | vlog | t5_2tpv2 | what is the revolution series january 2019 |
blu875 | 1,546,300,786 | abcucq | 5 | 0 | fill in the blanks with the pass composnous parler avec quelques autres touristesampx200b fill in the blanks with the pass composmon pre perdre son portefeuilleampx200b fill in the blanks with the pass composnous manger nos platsampx200b fill in the blanks with the pass composils maider trouver mon chat | French | t5_2rd5t | can someone answer these questions please |
tcdirks1 | 1,546,300,786 | abcucr | 0 | 4 | deepdream | t5_38wmv | dream of space |
someconfusion | 1,546,300,786 | abcucu | 0 | 2 | nsfwrabbitrooms | t5_357w0 | bbws |
OwenOnReddit | 1,546,300,786 | abcucv | 0 | 1 | FortniteCompetitive | t5_ac643 | tsmmyth im really really really considering starting some sort of fortnite pro union i dont think i wanna sit idle while letting shit progressively get worse when it comes to player treatment and competitive integrity i love this pro community |
[deleted] | 1,546,300,787 | abcucw | 2 | 2 | me_irl | t5_2vegg | me irl |
bigironside | 1,546,300,787 | abcucx | 6 | 2 | ive regripped my own clubs for years but im having a bitch of a time getting the new grips started on to the shaft ive tried heating them expanding them with air not much luck clubs are adams muzuno taylor made grips i bought on line whats going on any help appreciated | golf | t5_2qhcs | a little help please |
AycaramaBart | 1,546,300,787 | abcucy | 0 | 7 | EyeRollOrgasm | t5_38u51 | busty asian treated like a whore |
Molten17 | 1,546,300,787 | abcucz | 1 | 1 | memes | t5_2qjpg | test |
ducc777 | 1,546,300,787 | abcud1 | 0 | 1 | funny | t5_2qh33 | do you kno de wey of 2019 |
AThAreSh | 1,546,300,787 | abcud2 | 24 | 6 | ive tried to find this through search but i need an encryption software for my hard drive and i dont know if i can trust bitlocker veracrypt says that if the power is suddenly interrupted while im encrypting i will lose my data and im afraid to start encrypting 4 terabytes what is the best encryption software and if it is veracrypt then how do i backup 4 terabytes without having an additional drive sorry if this is not the right subreddit | privacy | t5_2qhlc | encryption software |
KPAudio | 1,546,300,787 | abcud3 | 33 | 247 | livesound | t5_2remi | maybe i should have asked more questions when the video guy asked to borrow a speaker |
aComplexComplex | 1,546,300,787 | abcud4 | 1 | 140 | nongolfers | t5_2u95f | found in the mountains of maui hawaii |
[deleted] | 1,546,300,787 | abcud5 | 1 | 1 | memes | t5_2qjpg | gotem |
[deleted] | 1,546,300,788 | abcud6 | 1 | 0 | ClashOfClans | t5_2usfk | one lonely boi |
Tombrand89 | 1,546,300,788 | abcud7 | 0 | 1 | u_Tombrand89 | t5_a2nqf | latina made me cum all over |
Rigmarole1 | 1,546,300,788 | abcud8 | 0 | 1 | PornTumblr | t5_szo9y | solkif |
pm_me_dodger_dongs | 1,546,300,788 | abcud9 | 3 | 15 | mildlyinfuriating | t5_2ubgg | olive garden incorrectly calculating tip amounts |
[deleted] | 1,546,300,788 | abcuda | 0 | 1 | hats | t5_2qm2k | can anyone help me figure out how to adjust this hat i cant seem to figure it out |
Aero_11 | 1,546,300,789 | abcudc | 4 | 1 | DokkanBattleCommunity | t5_3koeu | best way to get zeni in global right now low on |
[deleted] | 1,546,300,789 | abcudd | 2 | 7 | me_irl | t5_2vegg | meirl |
DamienFate | 1,546,300,789 | abcude | 6 | 20 | i think we need a hide tag like the favorite tag in fortnite so when were going through our emote wheels we dont have to scroll through endless items we never want to use | FortNiteBR | t5_3oeyf | suggestion add a hide tag to the locker |
[deleted] | 1,546,300,789 | abcudf | 0 | 1 | scuba | t5_2qhii | wrapping up my first year of diving in cozumel |
seventeenths | 1,546,300,789 | abcudg | 9 | 90 | mildlyinfuriating | t5_2ubgg | people on youtube are already commenting this |
[deleted] | 1,546,300,789 | abcudh | 0 | 1 | uberdrivers | t5_2yzxz | not seeing any streak or boost or any promotions tonight chicago is everybody seeing the same thing |
rachelselig | 1,546,300,790 | abcudi | 10 | 154 | ShittyVeganFoodPorn | t5_31y17 | grilled cheese and tomato soup a lil buffalo sauce and ranch mixture for dipping |
OneFluffyBoi | 1,546,300,790 | abcudj | 0 | 56 | aww | t5_2qh1o | wishful boye |
Hibiscuskiss21 | 1,546,300,790 | abcudk | 15 | 144 | gonewild | t5_2qq5c | the lotus was ready to bloom 21 |
thatoneschwiftyguy | 1,546,300,790 | abcudl | 5 | 60 | geen meemik wil jullie makkers alleen een fijn 2019 wensen | ik_ihe | t5_39bxv | ikihe |
handlantern | 1,546,300,790 | abcudm | 11 | 1 | currently dont have a subscription to play online on ps4 im wondering if it is worth spending the money i have friends i can play with and all that and i have more games that i like to play online i just didnt re up this last go around from a quality stand point is red dead online of good quality ive seen a lot about customization but what about gameplay missions story etc | RedDeadOnline | t5_3ewph | decision time |
CheetahSperm18 | 1,546,300,791 | abcudn | 1 | 327 | thighdeology | t5_3lgce | rainmaker |
GiroWhatGiro | 1,546,300,791 | abcudo | 5 | 7 | BikiniBottomTwitter | t5_3deqz | youtube comments be like |
BotoxTyrant | 1,546,300,791 | abcudp | 0 | 4 | Kratomm | t5_3osze | tea detritus |
Yea_Im_a_Throwaway | 1,546,300,791 | abcudq | 1 | 2 | hi everyone when i was little i had very light brown hair almost honey coloured and as ive gotten older my hair has gotten darker and darker to the point of almost being blackback in september i used caca marron i wanted to buy rouge but my local lush was out so the manager gave me some blocks of marron for free i left it in overnight and wrapped it in cling wrap to keep it warmthe colour change wasnt drastic hardly noticeable except for my greys but i have no complaints the henna was wonderful and i definitely enjoyed the experienceso my question is i want to lighten my hair colour but how long should i wait before trying other methods years ago i used the lemon juice in sunlight method that worked a bit but it was so drying on my hair would the montalbano shampoo bar do anything to lighten my hair with all the lemon juiceoili dont want to use chemical dyes due to fear of damaging my hair and am looking for as natural an alternative as possible any suggestions any helpalthough not lush the john frieda sheer blonde highlight activating enhancing shampoo is on sale near me and i considered using it would it work is the henna still too strong on my hair or would the shampoo even lighten anything despite the hennathank you so much for reading and to all a wonderful new years | LushCosmetics | t5_2tqbr | colouring hair after using henna |
swack_ | 1,546,300,791 | abcudr | 0 | 2 | Bjorn | t5_2w7ru | bjorn dead moose meat if his wife finds out |
supaflyrobby | 1,546,300,791 | abcuds | 1 | 1 | sanfrancisco | t5_2qh3u | question does san franciscos lack of prosecution of drug users also extend to the narcotics traffickers in the city |
covfefeobamanation | 1,546,300,791 | abcudt | 13 | 27 | insanepeoplefacebook | t5_3acf2 | good to know |
J_Tigris | 1,546,300,792 | abcudu | 4 | 27 | furry | t5_2qi2h | joining in the art rewind gang |
Subsets and Splits