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Ravioli4u | 1,546,300,792 | abcudv | 2 | 2 | SupersizeBusiness | t5_m75c1 | the power of challenges to help you supersize your business |
[deleted] | 1,546,300,792 | abcudw | 1 | 2 | youtube | t5_2qh44 | jack black is the fastest growing channel of 2019 1 million subscribers off one video |
Jotin00 | 1,546,300,792 | abcudx | 0 | 1 | interestingasfuck | t5_2qhsa | this gem |
CRM_Yeesus | 1,546,300,792 | abcudy | 11 | 120 | Brawlhalla | t5_31c1d | ember but as a waitress |
[deleted] | 1,546,300,792 | abcudz | 0 | 0 | hmmm | t5_2qq6z | hmmm |
OriginalPeace96 | 1,546,300,793 | abcue0 | 3 | 3 | hi everyone two months ago i was involved in a hitandrun by a drunk lyft driver in santa monica california i was driving at around 10 pm at night and there was a lyft driver that rammed into my car while i was driving by causing me to have a side mirror to be completely destroyed with a dent on the side of my car i pulled over on the next block to see what the hell happened and walked to the front of the restaurant where the incident occurred witnesses whose names and numbers i had saw what happened and pointed me to the intoxicated lyft driver who pulled up in front of my car took my side mirror that he destroyed and drove off it was dark and i couldnt run fast enough to get a view of his license plate number and he drove away one particular witness went up to me and told me that guy was supposed to be his lyft driver and texted me a screenshot of the cancelled ride along with his picture and his first name he described the car which matched the description of the car i saw with the driver who took my side mirror and drove off i called my insurance company and they said they need to find who this guy is unfortunately the witness was not obtain to obtain his license plate number and was in none of the records on his lyft app i called lyft multiple times explaining the incident and also filed a police report and they told me that because lyft is a contracting situation that theyre not able to track the driver despite receiving the picture of the screenshot and a description of the car they do not have any records on the information of their drivers so they could not provide me a last name or a license plate number im left with close to 2000 in damages with a 500 deductible any advice on how to track this person down insurance is being stubborn with the fact that they need to verify who this person is thank you | Advice | t5_2qjdm | i was involved in a hit and run accident by a drunk lyft driver 4 months ago any advice on tracking him with just a picture and first name |
stroke_bot | 1,546,300,793 | abcue2 | 0 | 2 | lt5 47442gt34gt1 9amp115lt4 452 6lt4 64 amp2 14 98amp90 0 9 1 9 316 35 6ampltamp80265 4 5amp182 2408 3amp206gt 7lt1701 9gt2328gt26359ampgt9 1 4 38807 lt15009 276 627 7 5 20 4 666lt91 5076 5 amp 9 lt29 6 09 540 gt4618 ampamp | nullthworldproblems | t5_hdrr1 | y1gjtln ny c3igtkhlbf0mqf |
JackRubyTuesdays | 1,546,300,793 | abcue3 | 15 | 3 | just ordered a titan womens atlas bar for my wife she never goes too heavy with barbell movements as she prefers and excels at bodyweight movements but the bar she has is crap i currently have an original rogue bar but she just has a cheap cap bar structurally that bar would be more than sufficient for her and weve had it for 14 years but ive always noticed that it is not balanced evenly now that shes doing more cleans and presses i thought it time for an upgrade after lots of shopping around i decided to give the atlas a try ive got some titan plyo boxes battle ropes and slam balls and im very happy with those so i figured id give one of their barbells a try anyone have any experience with one of these im oddly excited to test it out | homegym | t5_2ts8i | 15 kg atlas bar |
Karol123G | 1,546,300,793 | abcue4 | 1 | 154 | NileyHott | t5_fuw9f | all things i need |
kjbearanator | 1,546,300,793 | abcue5 | 0 | 55 | Rabbits | t5_2riv8 | gwen needs monty to love her at all times |
PallasTanit | 1,546,300,793 | abcue6 | 2 | 54 | GenderCritical | t5_2yk5v | drop the l lesbians and feminists on drag amp gay male misogyny |
fallen75 | 1,546,300,793 | abcue7 | 6 | 3 | roughly 20 l and 5kg honey k1v1116og was 1090 and now at 1050only have access to dap and energizer staggered dap additions and aerated daily temp controlled at 1518c1 month in and was expected a nearly finish ferment but seems to of stalled | mead | t5_2rcsz | got my first stalled ferment how can i get it to continue |
BigBoone57 | 1,546,300,794 | abcue8 | 1 | 4 | who do you guys like more | MaddenUltimateTeam | t5_2v23y | 96 ovr powerup jerry rice or julio jones |
Fishy-T | 1,546,300,794 | abcue9 | 10 | 162 | quityourbullshit | t5_2y8xf | drawing |
[deleted] | 1,546,300,794 | abcueb | 1 | 1 | grandorder | t5_39d7x | gudako x romani solomon |
EatYourCheckers | 1,546,300,794 | abcuec | 5 | 4 | for example a fiscal year running from july 1st to june 30th is there a benefit t not having the fiscal year be jan 1st dec 31st | NoStupidQuestions | t5_2w844 | why do businesses have fiscal years that dont coincide with calendar years |
[deleted] | 1,546,300,794 | abcued | 0 | 2 | dirtyr4r | t5_2vqun | 20 frederick maryland twink needs cock |
happychipmunkcheeks | 1,546,300,794 | abcuee | 13 | 1 | why does it make my butt itch when i eat it the same thing happened when i drank some orange juice from the store does it mean im allergic to corn and citrus or what p the popcorn is pop secret microwave popcorn that my parents buy amp the orange juice was just some 100 orange juiceampx200b | FoodAllergies | t5_2uo1i | popcorn allergy |
justapotatochilling | 1,546,300,794 | abcuef | 0 | 1 | funny | t5_2qh33 | they are back |
iateacrayon | 1,546,300,794 | abcueg | 0 | 1 | iateacrayon | t5_2xjay | shield knight |
converged_maurer | 1,546,300,795 | abcueh | 0 | 1 | funny | t5_2qh33 | haha xd this is so funny lol |
[deleted] | 1,546,300,795 | abcuei | 6 | 11 | gasmasks | t5_2s1i9 | chromium whats chromium |
meteoritee | 1,546,300,795 | abcuej | 230 | 530 | happy new year 20192018 was a memorable year for our little subreddit together we delighted in reading the exploits of utoptrumpwanker watched some and but by far the biggest thing that happened this year was that our little corner of the internet became a lot bigger with the sub thank you all for continuing to make this sub a wonderful place to spend our timewe hope youve had a wonderful 2018 and even if not heres to a bigger and better 2019love the mods xx | CasualUK | t5_3j2jr | happy new year 2019 |
RexRex590 | 1,546,300,796 | abcuek | 25 | 11 | hello and welcome to the new year and a new session based on the wonderful world of the replay value au or the for those who havent read it firstly know its ok to go in blind as does everyone in sburb the replay value au essentially revolves around sburb being a generally buggy game designed to test your limits and mature your character and it accidentally creating an endless cycle that kicks you into a new game each time you win in the ten or so years since some first unlucky group of friends entered the medium a tight community has grown amongst the replayers through rampant death glitches and teen drama despite the temporal and physical wormhole the game introduces this is a humansonly sessionampx200bpersonally as a dm personality backstory and orginality count a lot how has your character dealt with their new reality are they a noob or a hardened veteran how have their previous sessions and sessionmates shaped them should i stop putting ideas in your head probablyampx200bthe session will be discordbased becquerel1248 using the 2e azure system so make sure to include your discord handle 4 characters will be selected provided theyre submitted before the deadline of the 19th of january 10pm feel free to submit multiple characters and to ask any questions about the session mechanics and lore ill most likely be respnding with critque and questions for all anywaythank you and have fun edit signups are closed thank you to everyone who submitted a character announcements will most likely be released tommorow i invite anyone who does not get picked to join us in the rv discord server for some incharacter hangouts see you tommorow and thanks once again | RPGStuck | t5_37dmy | replay value signups |
SPICCYBOII | 1,546,300,796 | abcuel | 7 | 19 | good luck all | GCSE | t5_2u3gk | 2019 gonna be shite |
Ducksisgreat | 1,546,300,796 | abcuem | 0 | 1 | funny | t5_2qh33 | happy new year |
KevinBennettVA | 1,546,300,796 | abcuen | 1 | 1 | FORTnITE | t5_2t7hh | dumb fight |
Spicy_Memes97 | 1,546,300,796 | abcueo | 11 | 1 | currently i only have a 1tb mechanical hard drive thats getting pretty full im thinking about picking up a nvme m2 for the os and some other programs along with a 1tb sad this is expensive though so should i get the m2 and ssd or just a bigger ssd | buildapc | t5_2rnve | upgrading storage |
ShadowArtreal | 1,546,300,796 | abcuep | 1 | 1 | minecraftsuggestions | t5_2s3oo | the new mob foxes |
-X3- | 1,546,300,797 | abcueq | 41 | 34 | flashlight | t5_2qjmy | d4 aux leds |
nick64681 | 1,546,300,797 | abcuer | 35 | 60 | so i did the math and here is what i found note attack speed is attacks per second aps each level of haste increases attack speed by 10 and each level of strength increases damage by 15 so if you have a strength beacon or you carry strength potions the hoe will give you a greater dps | 2b2t | t5_2tse5 | sword vs hoe |
ErikLNH | 1,546,300,797 | abcues | 0 | 1 | funny | t5_2qh33 | we know de wae |
joezapy | 1,546,300,797 | abcuet | 25 | 273 | nice typo in the title btw lolhi there it has been nearly a full year since the last person who made these spreadsheets stopped so i spent the last few days making an updated versionmaps on this list have to have a ranked score on the bancho server without any breaks in combo or any score reducing mods ez nf ht or so and must have been ranked more than one month ago so december 1st im assuming that the last version of this list is complete although i did happen to find one map which was not on the last one and shouldve been 6 maps from that list have since been fcd and both by mathi after 1080 and 191 days respectively first by lain after 51 days first by azer after 57 days by nathan on osu after 789 days and most recently by yokespai after 487 daysbesides those 25 maps saw their highest combo play improve and 13 did not see any improvement these are all visible on the pre spreadsheetampx200bas for all those since the last post i used beatmap packs to view all sets ranked between january and december 1st and looked at all maps over 375 stars for most maps i just quickly looked at the leaderboard if i wasnt sure a play was or was not an fc i tried looking it up on youtubereddit to see if it was an fc or played the replay at a high speed in the background to listen for a miss noise its possible i missed one because this isnt a perfect system also the max combo is likely a bit off for some of the maps since i was using the max combo osuplus displays which is sometimes wrongampx200bfor collabs i listed the mapper as either the set creator if they were involved with that difficulty or the first mapper listed i also used the mapper name listed on the old website if i was aware of them having a name change i added that in a note on their nameampx200bhere are some statistics for these maps there are currently 125 maps without an fc this is nearly triple the number from this time last year the average map without an fc is 683 stars with 2331 combo and has not had a full combo in 401 days the oldest ranked map without an fc is still which was ranked 2303 days ago on september 11th 2012 this is followed by at 2109 days with also by mismagius in a distant third at 1352 days the lowest star map without an fc is at 511 stars it was also probably the hardest nonfc to notice since the play was an s rank only 6 combo less than the max combo they sliderbroke 4 combo from the end this is closely followed by at 514 stars is a distant third at 552 stars falling just below where the rest of the maps on the list start to show up there are maps by roughly 72 mappers included on this list those most represented are at 7 maps at 6 maps each and at 5 maps and at 4 maps each and similarly there are 58 players which hold the highest combo play on these maps the most with 13 plays is in second with 8 plays is in third with 6 plays is and with 5 plays each and a shoutout to who only has 2 plays on the list but probably would have a lot more had they not fcd a lot of marathons with only 1 fc as far as im aware the lowest ranked player with a play on the list is at rank 5629 their play happens to be on the map with the lowest star rating on the list the map with the highest best combo to max combo ratio is idke missed the last note the map with the lowest best combo to max combo ratio is at around 2121 finally the set with the most difficulties without an fc is with five difficulties fanzhens sings yfbmps neilperry and regous collab and ioexceptionsampx200bampx200bampx200b | osugame | t5_2s3lm | standard maps with no ranked full combos new years addition |
bowl2win300 | 1,546,300,797 | abcueu | 2 | 30 | AhnaldT101 | t5_pyhfc | rip chrispchicken |
GoodStalker | 1,546,300,797 | abcuev | 0 | 5 | engrish | t5_2qmxz | claz royal is trush and expansive |
user42156 | 1,546,300,798 | abcuew | 0 | 1 | funny | t5_2qh33 | he knows de wae |
[deleted] | 1,546,300,798 | abcuex | 1 | 1 | ShittyLifeProTips | t5_2tgym | always keep a full flask in your glovebox when you get pulled over for drinking and driving chug it before they have a chance to give you a breathalyzer they cant give you a dui if they cant prove you were drunk before hand |
zishwon | 1,546,300,798 | abcuez | 0 | 1 | u_zishwon | t5_9820b | grippy |
Redowadoer | 1,546,300,798 | abcuf0 | 8 | 83 | 010000zheres to lots of awesome flying in 2019 | flying | t5_2qm1t | happy new years zulu time |
ronimal48 | 1,546,300,798 | abcuf1 | 3 | 3 | AskReddit | t5_2qh1i | whats your story when you thought you were going to die but actually made it out alive |
rtrhyme | 1,546,300,798 | abcuf2 | 2 | 1 | u_rtrhyme | t5_62mmn | hark back seq 12 31 2018 smokey mirrored diversions |
hornedviper9 | 1,546,300,798 | abcuf3 | 0 | 1 | news | t5_2qh3l | the antiamerican dream |
CharlieAndArtemis | 1,546,300,798 | abcuf4 | 17 | 89 | VeganForCircleJerkers | t5_kycqf | happy new year my vegan friends thank you to each and every one of you for your continued dedication compassion and respect wishing you all a wonderful 2019 ahead |
dragonborn194 | 1,546,300,798 | abcuf5 | 0 | 8 | cock | t5_2rga6 | happy new year from britain 24 |
DeimosPoe26 | 1,546,300,798 | abcuf6 | 0 | 4 | so i present as male but would to try and get as close to androgynous as possible any tipssuggestions cant really go through the transition process as i dont have the money or insurance | NonBinary | t5_2vcez | androgyny |
bigdaddyt208 | 1,546,300,798 | abcuf7 | 1 | 1 | u_bigdaddyt208 | t5_t1p9u | bout time |
BlueShibe | 1,546,300,799 | abcuf8 | 12 | 4 | AskOuija | t5_3eg3f | ea sucks ubisoft is meh the only good trustworthy videogame company is |
[deleted] | 1,546,300,799 | abcuf9 | 1 | 1 | memes | t5_2qjpg | knuckles is rising again |
EcoInternetNewsfeed | 1,546,300,799 | abcufa | 0 | 2 | EcoInternet | t5_3ib5n | years into liberals ambitious infrastructure program few signs of promised economic benefits |
joshml98 | 1,546,300,799 | abcufb | 6 | 52 | we have light rain light storms heavy storms and tornadoes it would be really interesting now that theyve added the daynight cycle if we got new weather effects such as light fog and heavy fog heatwaves strong winds with no rain overcast etc some of these would not really effect gameplay perhaps heatwaves cause animals to get agitated more easily maybe fog reduces dinosaur visibility with guests but it would improve the game visually by quite a lot in my opinioni think this would definitely improve the game i think if theyre fixing terrain tools and add g decorations maybe the updates following should change visitor ai a bit and add more weather effectswhat do you guys think | jurassicworldevo | t5_3nthb | something ive never seen discussed but would be interesting if it was added more weather effects |
Jezlin | 1,546,300,799 | abcufc | 3 | 2 | would anybody here be able to direct me to a tincture recipe using mct instead of alcohol im attempting to make some for a friend who cannot have alcoholbonus question can i then use said tincture in a gummies recipe | treedibles | t5_2t3z8 | mct tincture and another question |
[deleted] | 1,546,300,799 | abcufd | 1 | 1 | AskMen | t5_2s30g | happy new year |
haHAA-user | 1,546,300,799 | abcufe | 3 | 8 | PewdiepieSubmissions | t5_3m0tc | is that ninja on my mobile ad lol |
axsty_art | 1,546,300,799 | abcuff | 31 | 50 | runescape | t5_2qwxl | runescape 2019 bingo card |
[deleted] | 1,546,300,799 | abcufg | 0 | 1 | CasualUK | t5_3j2jr | is this sub dead |
Subsets and Splits