stringlengths 16
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We know our country needs to change in the way it is governed and we know our country needs to change in who it is governed for.
| We know our country needs to change.
On a canoe, you are not just going from one destination to another using the stars, the moon, the sun and the birds.
| On a canoe, you are not just going from one place to another using the stars, the moon, the sun and the birds.
A further criticism is that the differences seen may result from different climates, soil types and crop varieties, and not from organic farming, though the researchers argue that combining many studies should average out these other differences.
| Another criticism of the research is that the differences it found may be the result of different climates, different types of soil and different types of crops; they may not be the result of organic farming.
It is possible that this approach could be used to decode information about what words a person is hearing, reading or possibly even thinking, said Alexander Huth, the rst author on the study.
| It is possible that we could use this technology to decode information about what words a person is hearing, reading or possibly even thinking, said Alexander Huth, the main author of the study.
JMW Turner, one of Britains greatest painters, is to be the face of the new 20 note, following a nationwide vote.
| JMW Turner, one of Britains greatest painters, will be on the new 20 note, after a national vote.
In 2015, SOHAY helped 1,540 children to leave hazardous work and 2,125 vulnerable children those in danger of entering work into school.
| In 2015, SOHAY helped 1,540 children to leave dangerous work and helped 2,125 more children those who would soon start work to go to school.
Early estimates suggested more than 100,000 square metres of glass had been broken and 3,000 buildings hit.
| More than 100,000 square metres of glass were broken and 3,000 buildings were hit.
Oxfam said the worlds poorest could be lifted out of poverty several times over if the richest 100 billionaires would give away the money they made in 2012.
| Oxfam said the world could end poverty several times over if the richest 100 billionaires would give away the money they made in 2012.
I saw this film about fish in a cement pool and I thought it was a good idea, said Chon, herself diagnosed with HIV in 1992.
| I saw this film about fish in a cement pool and I thought it was a good idea, said Chon, who is also HIV positive.
It has been dramatic in Latin America, for instance, where countries like Brazil and Paraguay had life expectancy of below 30 in 1970 and almost 64 in 2010.
| The change has been dramatic in Latin America, for example, where countries like Brazil and Paraguay had life expectancy of below 30 in 1970 and almost 64 in 2010.
For those aged 12 to 15, phone calls account for just 3% of time spent communicating through any device.
| But, now, for children aged 12 to 15, phone calls make up just 3% of time spent communicating through any device.
Apple, and the record industry, cannot afford to get rid of the download market just yet so streaming and downloading will have to coexist under the Apple brand, one representing the future as the other gets progressively slower and sicker.
| Apple, and the record industry, cannot afford to get rid of the download market yet so streaming and downloading will have to coexist under the Apple brand.
Chinas Peng Shuai also said the heat had caused her to cramp up and vomit, and she had to be helped from the court after her 75, 46, 63 defeat to Japans Kurumi Nara.
| Chinas Peng Shuai also said the heat had made her cramp up and vomit, and someone had to help her leave the court after her 75, 46, 63 defeat to Japans Kurumi Nara.
Without it, his blood would have boiled and his lungs might have exploded.
| Without the suit, a mans blood would boil and his lungs would explode.
I wont touch those jobs anymore.
| I wont do those jobs anymore.
The way in which navigational technology is used could also affect its impact on our own abilities, says Spiers.
| The way we use navigation technology also has an impact on our own abilities, says Spiers.
Lost Loves Douville, though, feels the ban to be a great business opportunity.
| But Douville feels the ban could be a great business opportunity.
The of cial title of the expedition is the Mua Voyage and it is a partnership between the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Oceania Regional Of ce and ve Paci c Island countries: Samoa, Tonga, New Zealand, the Cook Islands and Fiji.
| It is a partnership between the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Oceania Regional Of ce and ve Paci c Island countries: Samoa, Tonga, New Zealand, the Cook Islands and Fiji.
Weve only been tracking vaping for just over a year, so its a short time period, but we are not seeing growth in the number of long-term ex-smokers or never smokers using e-cigarettes.
| Weve only been studying vaping for just over a year, so its a short time period, but we are not seeing growth in the number of long-term ex-smokers or never smokers using e-cigarettes.
Have you ever used pink slime in your burgers?
| Someone asked Have you ever used pink slime in your burgers?
The rats were trained to press a lever when a light went on above it.
| They trained the rats to press a lever when they saw a light above it.
I want to work but theres no work to be done.
| Vallone says, I want to work but theres no work.
It was important to me to leave an organization in the strongest possible shape and I believe I have done so.
| It was important to me to leave an organization in the strongest possible condition and I believe I have done so.
But Stratford is where he bought land and property, where he kept his library, where he lived and read and thought.
| But Stratford is where he bought land and houses, where he kept his library, where he lived and read and thought.
If I fast Yellowknife or Edmonton times, my son might say, Papa, you are really insane.
| If I fast Edmonton times, my son might say, Papa, you are really insane.
So while it is used by most people to get fit or by fit people to get even fitter it also burns fat.
| Most people use it to get fit or to get even fitter, but the programme also burns fat.
To see what driverless cars might look like in action, go to the video at:
| To see what driverless cars might look like on the road, go to the video at:
Skip a few showers, put down the soap and let those lovely little bacteria ourish a little, would you?
| Shower less, put down the soap and let those lovely little bacteria ourish.
A spokesman for the Accord said negotiations over payments and even legal action would not hold up its work to improve safety in factories.
| A spokesman for the Accord said negotiations over payments and even legal action would not delay its work to improve safety in factories.
I told myself that, if I took charge of a club again, Id hire a woman as my number two.
| I told myself that, if I took control of a club again, Id hire a woman as my number two.
To avoid the same fate, hes spending money to build a patio.
| To avoid the same problems, hes spending money to build a patio.
You could put it on top of shopping malls.
| You could put the mirrors on top of shopping malls.
The wing is shaped to push air downwards.
| The shape of the wing pushes air down.
Quali cations: You dont necessarily need a degree in computer science.
| Quali cations: You dont need a degree in computer science.
Pullman, writer of the His Dark Materials trilogy, says authors and musicians work in poverty and obscurity for years to bring their work to the level that gives delight to their audiences and, as soon as they achieve that, the possibility of making a living from it is taken away from them.
| Pullman, writer of the His Dark Materials trilogy, says authors and musicians work in poverty for years to bring their work to the level that gives happiness to their audiences and, when they achieve that, the possibility of making money from it is taken away from them.
Fish farming is absolutely viable in Africa, said Paul White, owner of the HydroFish fish farm in Ivory Coast, which produces 3,000 tonnes of fish each year.
| Fish farming is absolutely possible in Africa, said Paul White, owner of a fish farm in Ivory Coast, which produces 3,000 tonnes of fish each year.
Species that cause diarrhoea and nausea, both benign and bad E.coli (mostly benign), and the bacteria that can cause skin infections and urinary-tract infections were common all over the city.
| Bacteria that cause diarrhoea and nausea, as well as E.coli, and the bacteria that can cause skin infections and urinary-tract infections were common all over the city.
People lacking qualifications who want to use MOOCs as a bridge to higher education?
| People without qualifications who want to use MOOCs as a bridge to higher education?
For the first time, we have compared data from all over the world on the magnitude of partner violence and sexual violence by non-partners and the impact of these sorts of violence on health, said Garcia-Moreno.
| For the first time we have compared data from all over the world on partner violence and sexual violence by non-partners and the effect of these sorts of violence on health, said Garcia-Moreno.
Even in successful countries such as Indonesia and Vietnam, the proportion has been 20%.
| Even in successful countries such as Indonesia and Vietnam, the proportion was 20%.
We as a society want to defend them.
| We want to defend them.
They are popular in much of Europe, too.
| They are popular in many parts of Europe, too.
The thought of children across the country running every day because of something weve done is phenomenal.
| The thought of children across the country running every day because of something weve done is amazing.
Housing is, by far, the biggest cost in the Hamptons.
| Housing is the biggest cost in the Hamptons.
But its a bit late for that and way too silly, said Cardew.
| But its a bit late for that and much too silly, said Cardew.
The atlas shows how words and related terms exercise the same regions of the brain.
| The atlas shows how words and related terms use the same regions of the brain.
The Reaper drone has one failure in 10,000 hours, Singh said.
| The Reaper drone, for example, has one failure in 10,000 hours, Singh said.
The worst transport problems were in Natal, where bus drivers have been on strike since 12 June.
| The worst transport problems were in Natal, where bus drivers were on strike.
Brazil said its views were endorsed last month by other members of the Amazon Cooperation Treaty (Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Suriname and Venezuela).
| Brazil said other members of the Amazon Cooperation Treaty support its views (Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Suriname and Venezuela).
I knew very little about my grandfather, but I found out that he was a writer who was very open-minded, and believed in freedom and that everyone should respect each other, she said.
| He was very openminded, and he believed in freedom and that everyone should respect each other, she said.
Lost Loves Douville, though, feels the ban to be a great business opportunity.
| But Douville feels the ban could be a great business opportunity.
Rodri, 37, London: Around 50% of a waiters income is tips Average tips: 60 per eight-hour shift I think they treat waiters best in ... the US Everything has got fairer since the tipping scandal was exposed in the summer of 2015.
| Rodri, 37, London: Around 50% of a waiters income is tips Average tips: 60 per eight-hour shift I think they treat waiters best in ... the US Everything has got fairer since the tipping scandal in the summer of 2015.
From 2006 to 2008, Duran took out 68 commercial and personal loans from 39 banks in Spain.
| From 2006 to 2008, Duran took out 68 loans from 39 banks in Spain.
For people aged between 24 and about 30 or 35, its about an hour and a half.
| For people aged between 24 and about 30 or 35, they lose about an hour and a half.
We need new models for how artists, writers and musicians earn a living from their work.
| We need new ideas for how artists, writers and musicians can earn a living from their work.
At a pool in Bristol, she taught me some simple exercises to help me hold my breath for longer while swimming underwater.
| At a swimming pool in Bristol, she taught me some simple ways to help me hold my breath for longer while swimming underwater.
From 2007, when just 13 rhinos were killed by poachers in South Africa, the killings have grown horri cally.
| In 2007, 13 rhinos were killed by poachers in South Africa.
Theyve been left out of all of this for the last 18 years.
| Theyve not been a part of this for the last 18 years.
When water evaporates from the oceans, the vapour can rise over nine miles to form rain clouds that reflect sunlight; or, it may rise just a few miles and drift back down without forming clouds.
| When water evaporates from the oceans, the vapour can rise over nine miles to form rain clouds that reflect sunlight; or, it may rise just a few miles and fall slowly back down without forming clouds.
4C would likely be catastrophic rather than simply dangerous, Sherwood said.
| 4C would be catastrophic, not simply dangerous, Sherwood said.
It was during a nal-year project for his product design degree at the University of Limerick that Redmond produced the Express Dive.
| It was during a nal-year project for his degree that Redmond produced the Express Dive.
When you breathe in, youre contracting the muscle of your diaphragm, pulling it at so that the volume of your chest increases and air is drawn into your lungs.
| When you breathe in, youre pulling the muscle of your diaphragm at so that the volume of your chest increases this pulls the air into your lungs.
Shoppers are usually repaid any money they spend in the stores and may also be allowed to keep the products they buy.
| Mystery shoppers are usually repaid any money they spend in the stores and may also be allowed to keep the products they buy.
The fall of the Berlin Wall helped de ne Vienna as the hub for companies wanting to do business in Central Europe.
| The fall of the Berlin Wall helped make Vienna a centre for companies who want to do business in Central Europe.
In contrast, a child born in Britain today has a better than one in four chance of reaching their 100th birthday.
| But a child born in Britain today has more than a 25% chance of reaching their 100th birthday.
A few weeks earlier, Riley, Dunn and another former referee, Peter Jones, made their way to another level-5 match to monitor another referee tipped to progress John Brooks.
| A few weeks earlier, Riley, Dunn and another former referee, Peter Jones, went to another level-5 match to check another young referee John Brooks.
4 Facebook has been the tool to organize revolutions Though the Arab Spring was dubbed the Twitter revolution, organizing demonstrations and direct action has been revolutionized by Facebook.
| 4 Facebook has been the tool to organize revolutions Organizing demonstrations has been revolutionized by Facebook.
Ice cream is important, she says between mouthfuls of a honey- avoured offering.
| Ice cream is important, she says between mouthfuls of honey- avoured ice cream.
Industries where employers were most likely to report at least one person on a zero-hours contract were hotels, catering and leisure (48%), education (35%) and healthcare (27%).
| Industries where employers were most likely to have at least one person on a zero-hours contract were hotels, catering and leisure (48%), education (35%) and healthcare (27%).
The album topped charts in Britain and around the world.
| The album went to the top of the charts in Britain and around the world.
Some Americans have taken to keeping their wealth secret.
| Some Americans keep their wealth secret.
Prices have indeed gone up but they havent gone up as quickly as the rest of the fast-service chains in the US.
| Prices have gone up but they havent gone up as quickly as the rest of the fast-food chains in the US.
According to the IEAs Medium-Term Coal Market Report the world will burn 1.2bn more tonnes of coal per year by 2017 compared with today the equivalent of the current coal consumption of Russia and the US combined.
| According to the IEAs Medium-Term Coal Market Report, the world will burn 1.2bn more tonnes of coal per year by 2017 compared with today.
There has been a drop in deaths among under-fives of nearly 60%, from 16.4 million in 1970 to 6.8 million in 2010.
| There has been a reduction in deaths of under-fives of nearly 60%, from 16.4 million in 1970 to 6.8 million in 2010.
I wont touch those jobs anymore.
| I wont do those jobs anymore.
Browning said: This research backs up what people think about organic food.
| Browning said: This research supports what people think about organic food.
Its particularly true for those like Karim who have determinedly followed the local sunrise and sunset.
| Its particularly true for people like Karim who have followed the local sunrise and sunset carefully.
From 2006 to 2008, Duran took out 68 commercial and personal loans from 39 banks in Spain.
| From 2006 to 2008, Duran took out 68 loans from 39 banks in Spain.
The problem is that, in the US and UK, most people who want to sign up for Facebook have already done it, said new media specialist Ian Maude at Enders Analysis.
| The problem is that, in the US and UK, most people who want to join Facebook have already done it, said new media specialist Ian Maude at Enders Analysis.
Air India, the national carrier, has also said it will introduce yoga for trainee pilots.
| Air India, the national airline, has also said it will introduce yoga for trainee pilots.
Lovemore, 74, from Zimbabwe, has become one of the poorest people in his village.
| Lovemore, from Zimbabwe, is now one of the poorest people in his village.
Skip a few showers, put down the soap and let those lovely little bacteria ourish a little, would you?
| Shower less, put down the soap and let those lovely little bacteria ourish.
Ed Miliband, the Labour leader, said the referendum was a vote from the Scottish people for change.
| Ed Miliband, the leader of the Labour Party, said the referendum was a vote from the Scottish people for change.
It has just over 3,000 beds for visitors, compared with tens of thousands on an island such as Rhodes.
| It has just over 3,000 beds for visitors Rhodes, for example, has tens of thousands of beds.
Forcing people outside the bar to smoke is going to exacerbate the tension thats already there.
| If they force people outside the bar to smoke, it is going to increase the tension thats already there.
What he has done for this club and for the game in general will never be forgotten.
| We will never forget what he has done for this club and for the game in general.
I make around 20 a shift but would only be given 10-15 of that money.
| I make around 20 a shift in tips but often I only get 10-15 of that money.
At least, it doesnt if youre breath-holding on land.
| At least, it doesnt if youre doing it on land.
This is a sensitive topic in this largely mixed-raced nation.
| This is a sensitive topic in this mixed-raced country.
Almost 6,000 people have so far signed Unites online petition.
| Almost 6,000 people have signed Unites online petition.
German-speaking cities dominate the rankings in the 18th Mercer Quality of Life study, with Vienna joined by Zurich, Munich, Dusseldorf and Frankfurt in the top seven.
| German-speaking cities do well in the 18th Mercer Quality of Life study, with Vienna, Zurich, Munich, Dusseldorf and Frankfurt in the top seven.
German-speaking cities dominate the rankings in the 18th Mercer Quality of Life study, with Vienna joined by Zurich, Munich, Dusseldorf and Frankfurt in the top seven.
| German-speaking cities do well in the 18th Mercer Quality of Life study, with Vienna, Zurich, Munich, Dusseldorf and Frankfurt in the top seven.
In the Philippines, older people have benefited from the educational reforms introduced after independence in 1946, which made elementary and high school education compulsory.
| In the Philippines, the educational reforms introduced after independence in 1946 have helped older people elementary and high school education became compulsory.
What we did was to look at a set of current London taxi drivers and a set of London taxi drivers that had been retired for about four years, said neuroscientist Dr Hugo Spiers, head of the Spatial Cognition Group at University College London, who is an author of the study.
| We studied a group of current London taxi drivers and a group of retired London taxi drivers, said Dr Hugo Spiers of University College London, who is an author of the study.
La Premiere chose quon regarde (The First Thing We Look At) by Gregoire Delacourt tells the story of a French model who looks so similar to the American actor that the books lead male character thinks it is Johansson herself.
| La premiere chose quon regarde (The First Thing We Look At) by Gregoire Delacourt is the story of a French model who looks so similar to the American actor that the books main male character thinks she is Johansson.
The activity in Western Australia is compounding the human tragedy of shark attacks.
| The activity in Western Australia is adding to the human tragedy of shark attacks.
We have this lovely idea about dolphins and have faith in them who would think a dolphin would ever attack a person?
| We think dolphins are lovely and we have faith in them who would think a dolphin would ever attack a person?
Hair follicle testing is also pointless, the guide says.
| Testing hair is also pointless, the guide says.
We have heard the voice of Scotland and, now, the millions of voices of England must be heard, he said.
| We have heard the voice of Scotland and, now, we must hear the millions of voices of England, he said.
Nevertheless, there will be signifi cant geographical variations; many millions of people living in the developing worlds great cities, including Lagos and Calcutta, are threatened.
| But many millions of people living in the developing worlds great cities, including Lagos and Calcutta, are in danger.
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