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Secret Memo Shows That Every Single Congressman Could Be Hit In Russian Investigation
Yet another day and yet another leak. A secret Republican National Committee memo was released on Monday that shows that Republicans are preparing for what may be inevitable. They may all be implicated, or at least investigated, in the growing Russian scandal.According to a Buzzfeed report, the RNC has issued a memo to their employees telling them to preserve absolutely everything regarding the 2016 election. Given the important role that the RNC plays in national elections and the potentially expansive scope of the inquiries and investigations, it is possible that we will be contacted with requests for information, reads a July 28 memo to staff from the RNC Counsel s Office. Therefore, we must preserve all documents potentially relevant to these matters until they are resolved or until we are informed by all necessary parties that preservation is no longer necessary. BuzzFeed News obtained a copy of the memo, which orders employees not to delete, destroy, modify, or remove from your paper files, laptop computer, desktop computer, tablet, mobile device, e-mail, or any storage system or device, any documents, records, or other materials that relate to the 2016 presidential election or that may relate to any investigation concerning the election. An RNC source confirmed the memo s authenticity Monday morning.Source: BuzzfeedGotta give them credit. At least they aren t telling their minions to shred everything. Perhaps that s in the subtext.The RNC insists that they aren t currently being investigated and that they don t have a specific reason to believe that they will be, but they are taking the measures, just in case. If Russia did hack voting machines, you can be sure that the RNC, along with every GOP Congressman, should be investigated.This is all pretty ironic, given all the hubbub surrounding the Democratic National Committee, who should be laughing all the way to the White House. Instead, they re still drowning their sorrows in vodka tonics over an election that was stolen.Featured image via Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images
July 31, 2017
Rick Perry Is Mocked Over Nukes By Secretary Whose Job He Thought He Was Getting
Donald Trump s Secretary of Energy Rick Perry doesn t get a lot of respect. That s a good thing he s kind of a dumbass. And by kind of, I mean of course that he s the dumbest guy to come out of Texas since his gubernatorial predecessor, George W. Bush.But there s obviously something about Perry s aw-shucks style that got him elected three times as governor of Texas. The problem is, nobody but Texans know what it is. That s why his two runs at the Republican nomination for president have been so laughably short. But those efforts did earn him something in the end: An appointment to an office he said he wanted to abolish, by the guy that beat him by publicly commenting on how dumb he is..@GovernorPerry failed on the border. He should be forced to take an IQ test before being allowed to enter the GOP debate. Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 16, 2015Trump s magnanimous gesture in handing Perry the Department of Energy came with risks: What if Ricky used it all up trying to tie his cowboy boots one Sunday morning on his way to church? That fear, of course, is unfounded, because Rick Perry totally thought the DoE meant he was in charge of our oil. You can see why his brain might go there. He s from Texas, so he may have imagined himself the perfect selection as Oilman-in-Chief. Maybe he was confused by terrifying phrases like foreign energy or energy independence, which do indeed mean oil and gas.The guy in charge of those is actually Ryan Zinke, head of the Department of the Interior. Mr. Zinke was interviewed recently by the magazine GQ, and he had, um, nice things to say about ol Rick:Secretary Perry is a wonderful guy. I think he thought his department was more about energy than science. Mostly, it s science and, of course, they also have responsibility of our nuclear arsenal.Oops! Rick Perry is in charge of our nukes?!? Well, at least Zinke isn t too worried about it:Interior is the one that produces energy. We laugh a lot about it.It s a good thing somebody s laughing, right?Featured image via Alex Wong/Getty Images
July 31, 2017
White House In Chaos As Trump Fires Scaramucci After Only 10 Days On The Job
Just ten days into the job and White House communications director Anthony Scaramucci has been reportedly removed from his position by amateur president Donald Trump, according to three people familiar with the situation, the New York Times reports. It was just this morning that Trump assured the public on Twitter that there is no White House chaos! but the revolving door at the Trump administration tells another story.ABC reports that Scaramucci handed in his resignation. Perhaps it s a matter of unrequited love since Scaramucci has repeatedly professed his love for the former reality show star.According to Politico, the request to oust Scaramucci came from the new chief of staff, John Kelly, who started Monday.The Mooch s last tweet on the 30th reads, Had great call w/ @GOPChairwoman. @GOP doing fantastic work to support @POTUS #MAGA looking forward to building even stronger relationship. Had great call w/ @GOPChairwoman. @GOP doing fantastic work to support @POTUS #MAGA looking forward to building even stronger relationship. Anthony Scaramucci (@Scaramucci) July 30, 2017The potty-mouthed White House communications director has a problem with communicating.Just days ago, Scaramucci unleashed an expletive-laden tirade against Trump administration officials. He also said he would be sure that leakers are forced to resign, yet he s the one hitting the front door a week and a half after he was hired.Scaramucci will never be forgiven by the public for at least one thing: his tirade included suggesting that Steve Bannon tries to suck his own cock and that s a visual all of us could have lived without, thankyouverymuch.While Scaramucci appears to be out of a job, his marriage is over, too, and all because of his political ambition to get close to Trump.Scaramucci is a Wall Street financier and former Trump transition team official.The abrupt removal comes just 10 days after he was brought into the White House. It also follows just a few days after Trump fired White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus. Trump demands loyalty from his administration officials but that loyalty is never returned. Case in point: Attorney General Jeff Sessions.But there is no chaos in the White House. Just ask Trump.Photo by Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images.
July 31, 2017
Craziest Person In Congress Wants To Investigate Everyone BUT Trump; Maybe You’re On The List
Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) is the most insane if not the most offensive of all of the knuckle-dragging Republicans in Congress, so it makes sense that he s a fan of Donald Trump. He is scrambling so hard to cover Trump s alleged crimes that he s made a pledge to waste taxpayer money investigating pretty much everyone who s identified as a Democrat.In a press release, King called for investigating President Obama, Hillary (and probably Bill) Clinton, James Comey, George Soros, Loretta Lynch (my fingers are getting tired), Huma Abedin and Anthony Weiner.King, who is a proud white supremacist (as seen in this video:)argued that Obama should be investigated because he interfered with an election in Israel. That was a debunked conspiracy theory.He also wants liberal bogey-man who most liberals have never heard of, George Soros investigated for a Russian based conspiracy theory saying Soros funded election manipulation in the Balkans.He wants to investigate Huma Abedin and Anthony Weiner for improper use of classified emails. Even the right-wing blog The Blaze admits that that s (to quote Trumpsters) a nothing burger.Of course, he wants to open the gazillionth investigation into Hillary Clinton s emails, something she s been exonerated for multiple times.Then there s Loretta Lynch, who happened to talk to Bill Clinton on a tarmac. That has to mean something unseemly was happening, right? By the way, even if it was somehow an attempt to sway the election, it didn t work, but it did cause James Comey to go public with Hillary s emails, which surely helped her lose the election, despite it also being a nothing burger. And then there s Comey, who apparently didn t try hard enough to make Clinton lose the election that she won/lost.None of the people King wants to investigate currently hold a political office, yet he wants to continue beating a dead horse to keep eyes off the real, and possibly treasonous, scandals in Washington.Featured image via Scott Olson/Getty Images
July 31, 2017
WATCH: Trump Really Does Think He’s On A West Wing Edition Of ‘The Apprentice’
Was it just a slip of the tongue or a sign that Donald Trump is mentally unfit to be president?Because it certainly appears to be the latter after Trump referred to the Cabinet Room as his boardroom on Monday morning.Days after firing Reince Priebus and leaving him all by himself on the tarmac after landing at Andrews Air Force Base, Trump introduced General John Kelly to reporters as his new chief of staff.After the formal introduction, Trump had a Cabinet meeting to attend and told reporters We ll see you in the boardroom. Anyone who has seen The Apprentice, which Trump formerly hosted, knows that the boardroom is the main set of that reality show where Trump grades contestants and fires them.Seriously.So, it really does look like Trump actually thinks he is still on The Apprentice and that he thinks of the presidency as nothing more than reality television.Here s the video via Twitter. We ll see you in the boardroom, President Trump tells reporters ahead of Cabinet meeting https://t.co/GB6xsijuGK NBC Politics (@NBCPolitics) July 31, 2017And if this boardroom meeting is anything like a previous one, you can bet that Trump is going to go around the room calling on each and every one of his lackeys to publicly kiss his ass.Twitter users weren t impressed.Not surprised! He runs W.H like the fake show he was a part of! He still lives in his T.V. fantasy boardroom! Melissa Chandler (@kealohalanichun) July 31, 2017This just in: Trump has no idea who or where he is. wordlass (@wordlass1) July 31, 2017Um, are we watching The Apprentice WH Edition, @realDonaldTrump? Ann Laabs (@AnnLaabs) July 31, 2017Donald Trump disrespects the office of the presidency and the White House by calling the Cabinet Room the boardroom. America is not a business, it s a nation. The government is also not a business. Running the country and government like a business is not a good idea.It s also a bad idea to run the country and government like a reality show. But Trump clearly thinks he is on the set of The Apprentice, which demonstrates that he has mental problems that justify invoking the 25th Amendment to remove him from office. Because if he really wants to be on reality TV again, leaving office is the only way to do it.Featured image via screenshot
July 31, 2017
Trump Whines About Obamacare And Takes Credit For Obama’s Economy In Delusional Morning Rant
Donald Trump is absolutely obsessed with erasing President Obama s achievements and taking credit for them.In yet another Twitter tantrum on Monday morning, Trump began by whining about the Affordable Care Act.If ObamaCare is hurting people, & it is, why shouldn t it hurt the insurance companies & why should Congress not be paying what public pays? Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 31, 2017As usual, Trump is lying his ass off.The truth is that members of Congress must buy health insurance through the exchanges like the rest of us and they don t get a special subsidy either. They pay what the rest of us do.According to FactCheck.org, lawmakers and their staffs face additional requirements that other Americans don t, and the subsidy which Trump appears to be referring to is just a contribution from the federal government. Lawmakers are merely getting a contribution from their employer like ordinary Americans who get insurance through their employer. Except lawmakers are not getting insurance through their employer like they used to. Members of Congress used to get their healthcare paid for by the taxpayer. That ended under Obamacare as lawmakers were forced to buy a private plan through the exchanges like everyone else. In other words, Congress pays what we pay.And then Trump once again took credit for President Obama s economy.Highest Stock Market EVER, best economic numbers in years, unemployment lowest in 17 years, wages raising, border secure, S.C.: No WH chaos! Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 31, 2017By the end of President Obama s tenure, and long before Trump was elected, the stock market had already reached record highs. Unemployment fell to under 5 percent thanks to Obama s record 75 consecutive months of job growth. Wages also rose by 2.9 percent. Wages under Trump have actually remained flat no matter how much he wants to take credit for imaginary wage hikes. The border was also secure under Obama as illegal immigration dropped significantly under his watch. And if Trump really thinks his White House isn t chaotic he is truly delusional.The bottom line is that Trump is trying to take credit for things President Obama did while trying to erase his legacy. Trump won t have a legacy, so he is trying to steal Obama s for himself. It s just more desperation from a pathetic man who is unfit to be president, but a perfect fit for federal prison.Featured image via Alex Wong/Getty Images
July 31, 2017
Tomi Lahren Blasts ObamaCare, Admits She’s Still On Parents’ Health Insurance [VIDEO]
It seems that right-wing pundit Tomi Lahren has made quite a healthy career criticizing any and every move the Democratic party make, all the while struggling to successfully hold up her end of an argument and managing to come across as an over-priveleged brat at the same time. Well the 24-year-old has done it again.Lahren was being interviewed at Politicon by liberal comedian Chelsea Handler on Saturday, an event that was originally publicized as a debate, only to later be downplayed by Handler as an interview in an effort to get to understand the viewpoints of people that don t share her political ideology. People such as Tomi Lahren.The pair struggled to find any common ground during the first several minutes of the interview and then the topic turned to healthcare. When Handler asked Lahren if she had health insurance, she replied, Luckily, I am 24, so I am still on my parents plan a line that drew loud boos from the crowd, but Handler still defended her by telling the audience to stop, she is being honest. Despite Handler taking the high road, Lahren went on to say that Obamacare is in a death spiral. Being able to stay on your parents plan until the age of 26 is a major aspect of the current healthcare legislation and also one of the beneficial facets that critics of the Affordable Care Act tend to overlook, instead opting to chastise other factors such as the individual mandate to buy insurance.The outspoken Lahren has been a controversial figure in the realm of political commentary, having joined the pro-Donald Trump group Great American Alliance in May after she was suspended from hosting her own show, Tomi, on TheBlaze in March when she expressed her belief that women should have legal access to abortion, a view rarely shared by her fellow conservatives.Watch a portion of Handler s interview with Lahren here:Featured image via Joshua Blanchard/Getty Images for Politicon)
July 31, 2017
Joe Biden Proves He’s A MUCH Better Negotiator Than Trump; He Helped Save Obamacare
Donald Trump made became a household name in the 80s after pretending to write a book called The Art of the Deal. After that, his reputation was sealed as a great negotiator or so his followers thought.That illusion was shattered on Friday, though, after the Senate failed to pass its latest attempt at repealing Obamacare. Despite Trump s last minute appeal to John McCain, McCain became one of three Republicans who are credited with killing the bill.It turns out that the real deal-maker in this scenario was our former Vice President. Joe Biden called his friend and former colleague before the vote. Former Senator Joe Lieberman did the same.While we don t know what Trump said to McCain that apparently had no effect, one of the reasons it fell on deaf ears is Trump s blatant insincerity. On the campaign trial, Trump disparaged McCain, saying he preferred people who weren t captured referring to the fact that McCain was captured by North Vietnamese and held and tortured in a POW camp for 5 1/5 years.Before the vote, and after McCain had voted to let the vote go forward, Trump tweeted that McCain was a hero.Biden s call may or may not have been the deciding factor in McCain s vote, but you can be sure it was more meaningful than Trump s. Biden, unlike Trump, can be kind and diplomatic, even when there are political disagreements. Biden is capable of emotional appeals, simply because he experiences empathy, something Trump completely lacks. Biden also has first-hand experience with the kind of brain cancer for which McCain is currently undergoing treatment. He lost his son to it. You can be sure that Biden, in his heartfelt way, helped convince McCain that no one should be denied treatment for such a cruel disease.The Post reported that Biden had a more emotional discussion with McCain, reflecting on his son Beau Biden s death to the same brain cancer McCain was diagnosed with earlier this month. Biden s son died in 2015, two years after his initial diagnosis.Source: The HillWhatever or whoever convinced McCain to do the right thing, it s clear that Trump s deal-making abilities don t translate to D.C. That s one small consolation for having a narcissistic madman at the helm of our country.Featured image via Mark Makela/Getty Images
July 30, 2017
McCain F*cked Over Senate Republicans On Trumpcare In A Much Better Way Than We Already Knew
With a very dramatic flair, Senator John McCain joined his Republican colleagues, Sens. Lisa Murkowski and Susan Collins, in torpedoing the GOP s Trumpcare bill. But just days earlier, everyone with any sense was absolutely furious with McCain for voting yes to advance Trumpcare to the Senate floor for a full vote.We all felt betrayed, particularly since that yes had come from a man recently diagnosed with a very aggressive type of cancer. He has to return to his home state of Arizona for treatments most people can t afford without insurance, that many can t afford even with insurance, and that could bankrupt entire families later on if things like lifetime caps on coverage are ever reinstated.But it s possible that McCain actually had a grander plan, and his yes vote, moving the bill out of committee, was carefully calculated. The Senate was trying to pass Trumpcare under a process known as reconciliation, which only requires a simple majority to pass, instead of the usual 60-vote threshold. Check this out:Amazing. Also clear now that McCain s yes on motion to proceed is what killed the bill. https://t.co/4CRz8VABeE pic.twitter.com/jzqVqmiZmJ Steve Simitzis (@s5) July 28, 2017Essentially, what McCain did was make it so they can t advance another Trumpcare bill to the floor and try to pass it as a reconciliation measure, at least, not without some massive changes to what they re trying to do. The Senate can actually try to pass up to three reconciliation measures each year, but only one each for spending, revenues, and debt limit. They can also put any two or all three into a single bill.While Republicans are still trying to scramble to put something together, they ll have a very difficult time getting another reconciliation bill to the floor.So McCain seems to have made a point of advancing the bill specifically so he, along with Murkowski, Collins, and the entire Democratic wing of the Senate, could effectively kill it for the rest of the fiscal year. And it was a giant f*ck you to McConnell as well, who was sure he had the votes to pass it since McCain had voted yes on the procedural motion.Featured image via Mark Wilson/Getty Images
July 30, 2017
Maxine Waters Reveals The REAL Reason Pence Is Putting Up With Trump’s Madness
Donald Trump becomes more unhinged by the day. The week we just witnessed is his craziest yet. First, there was the hyper-partisan, free-wheeling speech he gave to a bunch of children at the Boy Scouts Jamboree. The speech outraged so many people that the Boy Scouts of America had to apologize. Then, while speaking in front of police officers in Long Island, New York, Trump openly endorsed and encouraged police brutality in a racist speech sure to fire up his mouthbreathing base. And of course, there was the ouster of White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus via Twitter, who he humiliated as he was pushed out the door. To top it all off, he called for banning transgender soldiers from the military without even telling the Pentagon and the Joint Chiefs of Staff first. This major, sweeping policy change was also made via Twitter.Through all of this madness, there were, of course, Trump s repeated and sustained attacks on his own Attorney General, Jeff Sessions. Even though this should have Republicans reeling with outrage, and some Capitol Hill Republicans have fired warning shots at Trump about Sessions, there is one person who has been suspiciously silent throughout the chaos: Mike Pence, Trump s second-in-command.Well, Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) thinks she knows the reason for that. Taking to Twitter on Saturday evening, Rep. Waters said what anyone watching is likely thinking: Pence is just riding out the Trump insanity until the Republicans on Capitol Hill finally decide they ve had enough, and they pull the trigger on Trump. This, of course, would make Pence President. Here is that tweet:Mike Pence is somewhere planning an inauguration. Priebus and Spicer will lead the transition. Maxine Waters (@MaxineWaters) July 30, 2017Rep. Waters is likely right. There s no way establishment Republicans like Mike Pence actually like living with Donald Trump as president. He is, and always has been, nothing more than a vehicle to put them in power. And honestly, because of the chaos, Trump has exactly zero legislative achievements. Sure, Jeff Sessions is doing awful things from the DOJ, but those horrific policies can be promptly reversed once a new administration arrives. Trump is ignorant, incompetent, and crazy. Pence, however, is much more dangerous. I can t believe I m saying this, but I truly hope Rep. Waters predictions never come to pass. America will be an Evangelical theocracy in no time under Pence.In short, either way, America, we re screwed.Featured image via Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images
July 30, 2017
Ted Nugent Breaks Civility Pledge With Unhinged Obama Rant For No Apparent Reason
After GOP Rep. Steve Scalise was shot during a congressional baseball practice, provocateur and has been rock star Ted Nugent made a promise to dial down his own violent hate-filled rhetoric.During an appearance on the WABC Radio Show Curtis & Eboni, Nugent said that my wife has convinced me that I just can t use those harsh terms. I cannot, and I will not, and I encourage even my friends-slash-enemies on the left in the Democrat and liberal world that we have got to be civil to each other. Source: SalonFor the man who threatened to kill both Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, that pledge lasted just over a month.During a concert in Bonner Springs, Kansas on Friday night, Nugent became unhinged over the President no, not Trump, the one who s no longer in office and has absolutely zero to do with Nugent s life. He also insulted country music. I was going to play a country song but I still have a (penis) so I can t do that. And before Dog Eat Dog, he praised the president and then told members of the military he was sorry they d had to serve eight years under his predecessor, a commander-in-chief who was an absolute piece of s***. And if that offends you, you re a piece of s***. Source: KansasCity.comInteresting to know that Nugent s obsession with Obama has long out-lived the presidency. Then again, in April, Nugent said of Obama, No! I will never apologize for calling out evil people, he said, arguing that Mr. Obama intentionally dismantled the American dream for eight years. One can only imagine what American dream Nugent is referring to, but there might be some clues in this Media Matters compilation of vile racist sputum that has escaped Nugent s mouth in recent years. Nugent might have tried to tone down the rhetoric, but his hate-filled freak flag apparently has to fly. His only hope is that Donald Trump can turn America back into a white man s paradise as it once used to be. Sorry Teddy, but it ain t gonna happen.Featured image of President Obama via Scott Olson/Getty Images | Featured image of Ted Nugent via Valerie Macon/Getty Images.
July 29, 2017
It’s Not Over: Trump’s Tantrums Drive Senate GOP To Take Aim Yet Again At Healthcare
Trumpcare failed in the most hilarious and dramatic middle-of-the-night vote on the Senate floor they couldn t even pass a skinny repeal after seven years of promising to repeal the Affordable Care Act. And, of course, the Toddler-in-Chief, getting ever-more desperate to actually start winning, threw a livid fit on Twitter about it.And some Republicans look like they re starting to let his Twitter tantrums dictate their behavior. They can t even understand the words give up, it seems, despite the fact that McConnell and others in the GOP leadership have said it s time to move on to other things. Lindsey Graham already has a new proposal that would give block grants to states for things like Medicaid, and keep most of the existing tax structure from the ACA.Trump s White House also went crawling to Rep. Mark Meadows over in the House to see how they could get more conservatives on board with, well, pretty much anything. All of this happened not too long after Trump went after Republicans for being the utter failures they are. He wants them to switch to a 51-vote threshold so 8 Democrats can t control the country (in his words), and he threatened to end payments to insurance companies and yank Congress healthcare plans (which they get through the ACA s exchanges):If a new HealthCare Bill is not approved quickly, BAILOUTS for Insurance Companies and BAILOUTS for Members of Congress will end very soon! Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 29, 2017Trump has even repeatedly asked McConnell to change Senate rules to make it so that they only need 51 votes to pass anything. The thing that Trump isn t getting is that every Trumpcare bill that s failed in the Senate thus far has done so because it failed to even reach 50 votes. Plus McConnell won t change the rules anyway.Maybe if Republicans would actually work with Democrats, who have said they re open and willing to work on a bipartisan plan to fix problems in the ACA, we wouldn t be having this problem.Featured image via Drew Angerer/Getty Images
July 29, 2017
Trump HUMILIATED As His Approval Rating Is Now Even Lower Than Clinton’s During Sex Scandal
Donald Trump just beat Bill Clinton at something, and it s very embarrassing.The first six months of Trump s presidency has been a humiliating failure.The scandals, the investigations, the legislative stalls, the infighting, the firings, the whining, and the incompetence have all resulted in an approval rating that is the worst in American history.The ongoing and ever-growing Russia scandal has contributed most to Trump s woes as it has engulfed him and many members of his administration and family, including Jeff Sessions, Donald Trump Jr., and Jared Kushner.But when Newsweek took a look at how Trump s approval ratings compare to Bill Clinton s during his own scandals, the publication discovered that Trump s numbers are even more humiliating.In 1998, Republicans attempted to impeach President Clinton for having an affair with Monica Lewinsky and lying about it under oath. The scandal rocked Washington for months as conservatives salivated over the prospect of ousting Clinton and embarrassing Democrats. Needless to say, the story was national news for months.But Clinton s sex scandal was not nearly as scandalous as Trump s collusion with Russia during the 2016 Election is. That s because Trump s scandal violates our democratic process and is considered treason against the country.Never before had a foreign nation colluded with a candidate s campaign to help them win the presidency.But that s what happened as Trump Jr s own emails demonstrate. As Trump s Russia scandal deepens and the investigations get closer to the truth, Trump is panicking and is desperate to kill the investigation.The scandal has resulted in a record low approval rating of 37 percent, according to the latest Gallup poll.And that number is far lower than anything Clinton received at the height of his own scandal.Newsweek pointed out that Clinton s scandal hit national airwaves on January 21, 1998. Clinton s approval rating, however, climbed to 69 percent by the next month. And it would remain above 60 percent the rest of the year.Throughout the spring and summer months, the scandal dominated cable news and headlines but Clinton would not see his approval rating dip below 60 percent. And come August 1998, Gallup s three polls showed ratings of 64, 65 and 62 percent.Even after the impeachment trial, Clinton s approval rating never fell below 53 percent. Trump began his presidency with 45 percent, and it has only continued to dip.Clearly, Americans care more about the integrity of the democratic process than they do about an extramarital affair.This is not something that Trump is going to brag about. In all likelihood, Trump will seethe over this until he explodes in rage on Twitter, something else that has revolted Americans since he took office.But Trump only has himself to blame. His campaign colluded with the Russians and Trump has spent a lot of time lying about it and trying to obstruct the investigation.When and if Trump does get impeached, he won t have the support of the American people like Clinton did. They will be cheering for his end.Featured image via Win McNamee/Getty Images
July 29, 2017
WATCH: Internet Hilariously Mocks Trump For Not Killing His Own Flies Like President Obama
Once again, Donald Trump gets hilariously reminded of why people love President Obama.As we all know by now, Trump fired chief of staff Reince Priebus on Friday by leaving him all by himself on the tarmac after landing at Andrews Air Force Base. The firing comes only days after new communications director Anthony Scaramucci trashed him.Apparently, even Trump himself repeatedly demeaned Priebus, even going so far so as to call him weak and calling into the Oval Office to kill flies.Yeah, you heard that right.According to the Washington Post,For Trump, the imperative to remove Priebus heightened over the past 10 days or so, according to White House officials It reached a fever pitch of the president complaining about Reince to all of us, said one senior White House official, who requested anonymity to speak candidly. If we heard it once, we heard it 20 times in the last week this erosion of confidence. The word was weak weak, weak, weak. Can t get it done. Trump s demeaning of Priebus came through in other ways, too. At one point, during a meeting in the Oval Office, a fly began buzzing overhead, distracting the president. As the fly continued to circle, Trump summoned his chief of staff and tasked him with killing the insect, according to someone familiar with the incident.Indeed, being summoned to the Oval Office just to kill a fly is incredibly demeaning and shows exactly the kind of terrible boss Trump is.After all, President Obama never summoned any of his top staff members into the Oval Office to kill flies. In fact, Obama had the skills to kill his own flies, as he did during an interview early on in his presidency.Here s the video via YouTube.So while Donald Trump is apparently too lazy or too scared to kill flies on his own, President Obama took matters into his own hands and got the job done.Of course, the Internet had fun mocking Trump and Priebus for the incident.(Unconfirmed):Priebus was ordered to swallow the fly, then a spider, then a bird, then a cat, etc ? (((MK-Ultra))) ? (@MaryKateClark) July 29, 2017Even Montgomery Burns wouldn t ask Smithers to do this https://t.co/bCkuKelr83 Mark R. Yzaguirre (@markyzaguirre) July 29, 2017Twist: he couldn t use his hands, he had to dehumanize the fly until it lost its will to go on Ian Fortey (@IanFortey) July 29, 2017Priebus tongue promptly shot three feet from his mouth and snagged the fly mid-flight. eatbees (@eatbees) July 29, 2017This just proves that President Obama was a far better leader than Donald Trump could ever hope to be. And that must really infuriate him.Featured Image: Screenshot
July 29, 2017
White Man Murders Cop And Racist Media Stays Silent
Jason Brown, despite the colorful appellation, is about the whitest name I ve heard all day. Except I didn t hear it today. Not in the news anyway. Not on that little trending bar on the side of my Facebook feed, or with a hashtag in front of it on Twitter. Which is weird, because a dude named Jason Brown murdered a police officer in Indianapolis on Thursday.I can t help but think if his skin matched his name, you d already know who I was talking about. In fact, if Jason Brown looked a little more like Michael Brown, you might already know he had previous drug charges. You might even have seen this picture of him by now:Image via TwitterI know you haven t seen that picture until now, though. In fact, I know unless you clicked the link above, you still think I m just making some point about how white people can get away with all kinds of stuff people of color in America can t. I m not, of course. I m just here to provide some contrast for the very limited, very, very sanitized coverage available so far about Jason Brown, from the south side of Indianapolis, Indiana.All that is according to literally everyone the news has bothered to contact so far about this guy who murdered a cop. Perhaps if there was some footage of him selling loose cigarettes.You see, when Jason Brown got in a terrible car accident and officers responded to the scene, they expected to find someone in need of assistance. The slain policeman, Lieutenant Aaron Allan, certainly didn t expect to be met by a driver hanging upside-down in the demolished car, ready to fire multiple shots into his torso.Lt. Allan died later Thursday.So where is the wall-to-wall coverage of this cop murderer? It must be hiding behind this family-provided picture that the news is running with:All I can say is, I ve been working on this article for a while now, and I just came across the very first link that provided any insight as to why he might have completely broken character and started shooting at the officer. An Indy NBC affiliate says the police recovered 13 small bags of weed which of course is possession with intent to deliver. Prison time.I wonder if, when they finally do charge Brown with the officer s murder (since they still haven t), they ll tack on those drug charges too, like they would if he was actually, um Brown?Featured image via Joe Raedle/Getty Images
July 29, 2017
Federal Court Rules Against Trump’s Unpresidential Twitter Behavior (DETAILS)
One of the things that has plagued America besides Donald Trump himself is the POTUS Twitter usage. Every day, Trump s Twitter account serves as an endless amount of humiliation and chaos for a country that was once well-respected around the world. While Trump has proven to his staff (and the country) that he cannot be controlled on social media, a federal court may have just ruled that there are some things he just CANNOT do on Twitter.One of Trump s most disturbing behaviors lies in his tendency to block people on Twitter just because they disagree with him. Currently, Trump is being sued by the Knight First Amendment Institute at Columbia University for blocking people just because they expressed criticism. Thanks to a federal court ruling that happened this week, Trump may not be able to do that anymore.This week, a federal court ruled on a case very similar to Trump s, in which the chair of the Loudoun County Board of Supervisors, Phyllis J. Randall, had been blocking constituents on her public Facebook page. In the case Davison v. Loudoun County Board of Supervisors, Randall wrote on her county Facebook page, I really want to hear from ANY Loudoun citizen on ANY issues, request, criticism, compliment, or just your thoughts. When Brian C. Davidson took her up on her offer, bringing up the alleged corruption in the county s school board, Randall responded by deleting his comment and blocking him. The following morning, Randall unblocked Davidson but he was not able to comment on her page or send her messages. Davidson argued that this was a violation of his freedom of speech, and a federal court ruled in his favor.U.S. District Judge James C. Cacheris ruled that this was a violation of the First Amendment s Free Speech Clause because Randall was offended by his criticism of her colleagues in the County government , which he regarded as unconstitutional viewpoint discrimination pretty much what Trump does on Twitter. Cacheris explained:Defendant s offense at Plaintiff s views was therefore an illegitimate basis for her actions particularly given that Plaintiff earned Defendant s ire by criticizing the County government. Indeed, the suppression of critical commentary regarding elected officials is the quintessential form of viewpoint discrimination against which the First Amendment guards. By prohibiting Plaintiff from participating in her online forum because she took offense at his claim that her colleagues in the County government had acted unethically, Defendant committed a cardinal sin under the First Amendment.This certainly has implications to what might happen with Trump s own Twitter account. While Trump might try to argue that his personal Twitter page separate from the @POTUS presidential account is not intended to function as a public forum, it s obvious that Trump uses it to make presidential announcements. Members of his own team, such as former White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer, have even stated that Trump s tweets are official statements which means this account should be subjected to the same rules as Randall s public Facebook page was.Featured image via Steve Pope / Getty Images
July 28, 2017
New Report Says Trump Destroyed Scaramucci’s Marriage
Donald Trump s new pick for Communications Director, Anthony Scaramucci, is apparently so enamored with Trump that it s come between him and his wife, at least according to the New York Post s Page Six.Scaramucci s wife, Deidre Ball, was a Vice President in investor relations for Scaramucci s former company, SkyBridge Capital. According to Page Six, Ball is filing for divorce because of Scaramucci s ambition and his desire to get close to Trump, who she can t stand. They have been married for three years and have two children together.One source told Page Six, Deidre has left him and has filed for divorce. She liked the nice Wall Street life and their home on Long Island, not the insane world of D.C. She is tired of his naked ambition, which is so enormous that it left her at her wits end. She has left him even though they have two children together. A second source close to Scaramucci who has alternately not been wearing his wedding ring, or has been sporting it on his right hand said the former couple had fought over his loyalty to Trump. This was his second marriage and Ball was noticeably not present at his recent SALT conference in mid-May.The New York Post is traditionally one of the few media outlets that refuses to report on everything negative about the Trump administration and ,maybe the reason this story made the papers is that it s all about Scaramucci s swooning love affair with Trump. The Mooch, as Scaramucci refers to himself, admires Trump s alleged athletic abilities: I ve seen this guy throw a dead spiral through a tire. I ve seen him at Madison Square Garden with a topcoat on. He s standing in the key and he s hitting foul shots and swishing them, OK? He sinks 3-foot putts. Source: NewsweekIn fact, during his initial press briefing, the Mooch used the word love 21 times, and most of them were about Trump. I love the President, and I m very, very loyal to the President. And I love the mission that the President has, okay? Since the early days of the campaign when I went to these rallies and I saw the love that the people had for the President, and I grew up in the middle class, and so there s a struggle out there. The President saw that before I did. I wish I could tell you I saw it before him, but he taught it to me. And I feel that struggle and have empathy for that struggle, and I want to be here to help him make things better for the American people.What do you want to bet that his wife doesn t receive the same sort of adulation. Brava to Ball, though, for standing up for her principles and for her perfectly normal hatred of Donald Trump.Featured image via Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images.
July 28, 2017
BREAKING: Trump Kicks Reince Priebus Out Of White House (TWEET)
Donald Trump s White House has been going through a lot of insane changes lately, and it is certainly looking like a sign of an inevitable implosion.It was just a few days ago that White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer resigned over Trump s hiring of Anthony Scaramucci as his new Communications Director. Now, another key player in Trump s administration is out thanks to the Mooch White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus. Trump announced this shocking change in staff over Twitter, remarking that retired four-star general and Secretary of Homeland Security John F. Kennedy would be taking Priebus place:We might have seen this coming yesterday, Scaramucci told the New Yorker that Priebus was a f*cking paranoid schizophrenic and made several other vulgar comments about the former Republican National Committee president.While this story is still developing, these rapid changes in staff show an administration that is clearly in trouble and struggling to keep its head above water as it self-destructs. Trump s staff is being turned over at an unprecedented rate, and the amount of in-fighting between even the top staffers is like nothing we ve ever seen before. But what else can you expect when you appoint the most vile, corrupt individuals to help you run a country?If the leaks coming from the White House weren t concerning enough, the recent changes in staff serve as a telling sign that things are falling apart on a daily basis and Trump is desperate to save his failing presidency. Already, Trump s new Communication Director Anthony Scaramucci has become one of the most hated, abrasive characters in Trump s administration and is causing trouble with other staffers. We can only imagine what this administration will look like in the weeks to come and it s probably safe to say that recovery will be impossible.Featured image via Win McNamee / Getty Images
July 28, 2017
Scaramucci’s New Yorker Interview Is More Than Just Gross, It May Be A Felony
Donald Trump s pick for Communications Director took an already vulgar administration down another notch or 3,000 in an interview with the New Yorker. It sounded more like the ramblings of a low-level mob hitman than of a Harvard Law grad who s been tapped to manage the message of the supposed leader of the free world. Here are a few snippets (not suitable for most children, or for most adults):On Chief of Staff Reince Priebus: Reince Priebus if you want to leak something he ll be asked to resign very shortly. And Reince is a fucking paranoid schizophrenic, a paranoiac Let me leak the fucking thing and see if I can cock-block these people the way I cock-blocked Scaramucci for six months.' On leakers: What I want to do is I want to fucking kill all the leakers and I want to get the President s agenda on track so we can succeed for the American people. On Steve (whatever his job is) Bannon: I m not Steve Bannon, I m not trying to suck my own cock. The interview, which would have made Richard Nixon blush, was potentially more than just obscene. It may have been a felony. In talking about leaks (he wants to kill all the leakers), one quote got the attention of the FBI: This is going to get cleaned up very shortly, O.K.? Scaramucci said. Because I nailed these guys. I ve got digital fingerprints on everything they ve done through the F.B.I. and the fucking Department of Justice. Source: Daily BeastThere s just one problem. Scaramucci doesn t actually work for the White House yet. He has no security clearance. He isn t supposed to have any digital fingerprints or any information from the FBI or the fucking Department of Justice. If he does have that information, he s potentially in a lot of trouble. If an FBI agent turned over digital evidence demonstrating who did particular leaks, that would be wildly inappropriate, said Ken White, a former federal prosecutor who now practices criminal defense and first amendment litigation. It could be illegal. It could be a felony depending on the nature of the evidence and how it was acquired. It would certainly be a flagrant breach of FBI protocol. Of course, Scaramucci is a Trumpster, which means that as with any Trump marriage, he and truth likely sleep in separate bedrooms. Or, as White says, Scaramucci s claim is just dumbass popped-collar chest bumping, which describes pretty much the entire Trump fiasco of an administration.Featured image via Mark Wilson/Getty Images.
July 28, 2017
Trump Admin Deals STUNNING Threat To Alaska Over Their Senator’s ‘No’ Vote On ACA Repeal
The Trump administration, along with Congress members like Paul Ryan, really want to get some form of Obamacare repeal passed, and passed quickly. The repeal-only bill died when several Republican senators, including Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, voted no on a motion to advance the bill to the full Senate for debate.And the White House is not happy about that. They are very unhappy about it. Not only did Trump run over to Twitter to say that she let the Republicans, and our country, down Too bad! but both of Alaska s senators also received calls from Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke, who proceeded to threaten her entire state over her vote. In essence, he threatened to withhold all kinds of funding from her state as punishment for her vote. According to the Alaska Post-Dispatch:Alaska Sen. Dan Sullivan (who voted yes on the motion) said the call from Zinke heralded a troubling message. I m not going to go into the details, but I fear that the strong economic growth, pro-energy, pro-mining, pro-jobs and personnel from Alaska who are part of those policies are going to stop, Sullivan said.Efforts and issues on the line include nominations of Alaskans to Interior posts, an effort to build a road out of King Cove through the Izembek National Wildlife Refuge, and future opportunities to drill in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and expand drilling in the National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska, among other regulatory issues that are a priority for Murkowski and Sullivan.This is Trump trying to force members of Congress to bend to his will. It s a strong arm tactic that s beneath the Office of the President and patently disgusting to boot. It s reminiscent of a scene in Full Metal Jacket where Gunnery Sergeant Hartmann begins punishing his entire platoon for one private s ongoing problems during basic training.Raul Grijalva, a representative from Arizona, has called for an investigation into Zinke s threats against Alaska. He s the top Democrat on the House Committee on Natural Resources and plans to ask both the Government Accountability Office and the Department of the Interior s Inspector General s office to investigate.Good.Murkowski, for her part, isn t cowed. She says she promised to work with the new administration on things that matter to Alaskans, and she intends to continue on that path. She doesn t believe the administration will actually cut off Alaska, but the fact that anyone in the administration threatened her state over her vote remains.Featured image via Alex Wong/Getty Images
July 28, 2017
Insane Racist Fired For Death Threats Against Muslims ‘Parked Too Close’ At Walmart
You thought the people passing through Fargo, North Dakota were crazy. Now we have to worry about wood chippers in the Wal-Mart parking lot.On Tuesday, genuinely terrifying racist Amber E. Hensley confronted some Muslim women who she felt had parked too close for her to get in her car, although vehicle proximity may not have been the only factor, it appears. In mere moments, the disagreement turned into death threats against sisters Sarah and Laleyla Hassan and another passenger in their car, Rowda Soyan. All are Somali-American Muslims.The trio was on their way to see a movie, Raw Story reports, when they were approached by Hensley, who shouted at them through the window of their car. After exchanging taunts about who was or was not an American, the sister with the camera, Sarah, asked the woman what are you gonna do? Hensley leaned in and told the young women just what her intentions were: We re gonna kill all of ya. We re gonna kill every one of you fuckin Muslims.Later, she asked the would-be moviegoers why are you in our country, anyway? Hensley was fired nearly as soon as the video went public. From a statement issued by Horab & Wentz, the accounting firm where she previously worked:The women, of course, disagreed about what happened when the camera wasn t rolling. After her firing, Amber Hensley posted an apology on her now-deleted Facebook page:In an interview with the Twin Cities Pioneer Press, Sarah Hassan denied ever having insulted Jesus.We Muslims, we believe in Jesus, too. If I abuse Jesus it s like I m abusing my own god and I not going to be considered a Muslim.This is a common mistake among Christians who don t know anything about Islam. There are a great many parallels between the two Abrahamic religions, although names differ between them. In addition to lying about what Sarah said, Sarah claims that Hensley also mocked her sister Lalelya s crossed eyes and said it was the reason the women were parked so poorly.Amber Hensley was, of course, a big fan of Donald Trump:Trump may have said some things years ago But Hilary has BLOOD on her hands! What's worse?!?! #trumpforpres. Amber Hensley (@ambere162000) October 9, 2016You must bring up the 12yr old rape victim Hilary called promiscuous! She defended her rapest! And she calls us deplorable! #trumpforpres Amber Hensley (@ambere162000) October 9, 2016We wish Amber E. Hensley the worst, as she searches in vain for another place that will hire crazy-ass racists who threaten to kill people for parking too close.Watch the video here:Amber Hensley. She just lost her job for this racist rant: "We're gonna kill all of ya Do you think the police care?"Don't be like her pic.twitter.com/okNXRXxSkQ The Oklahuman (@TheOklahuman) July 26, 2017Featured image via Scott Olson/Getty Images
July 27, 2017
Trump Awards Woman The Medal Of Valor Then Kisses Her
On Thursday, Donald Trump awarded the Medal of Valor to five first responders for their heroic actions after a crazed Jill Stein supporter opened fire on congressional baseball practice, nearly killing raging homophobe and terrible human being Rep. Steve Scalise. These officers saved the lives of every innocent person on the field that day, Trump said in a ceremony in the East Room of the White House, calling the men and woman American heroes for their actions.Capitol Police Special Agent Crystal Griner, who was wounded in the attack, was among those Trump honored and he certainly treated her with all the respect she deserved NOT (is that still cool to do?).After presenting her with her medal, Trump whispered in her ear and leaned in for an incredibly uncomfortable kiss Griner went out of her way to ensure was only on the cheek.Imagine if Obama kissed a Medal of Valor recipient-Trump should be impeached for this-Where's outrage from GOP? SAD! https://t.co/Swzdu2KNN7 Scott Dworkin (@funder) July 27, 2017Naturally, the internet cringed in collective horror:I threw up in my mouth a little just watching this. ? Melanie Jane (@mjprestarri) July 27, 2017I think her expression says it all. Chief Sexual Assaulter in Charge violates yet another woman ?? InYrDreemz Art (@InYrDreemz) July 27, 2017You can tell from her expression she knows it s coming and it s grossing her out, BIGLY! politicaddict (@politicaddictio) July 27, 2017I saw this live. I was disgusted. Total lack of respect for this 1st responder. He would never kiss a man, nor did he! Ann Barbe (@boysx2_ann) July 27, 2017She was HATING IT TOO! The look on her face walking away said it all! People V. Trump (@Not45Th) July 27, 2017She really looks terrified. Denise Weatherwax (@weathergirl49) July 27, 2017If Griner looked like she couldn t stand being near him, it s worth noting that she is a member of the LGBT community and Trump just got done saying that transgender Americans aren t human enough to serve their country and followed that up by having his justice department dispute the fact that her basic civil rights exist.Then he forced a totally unwanted kiss on her.Featured image via screengrab
July 27, 2017
The GOP Senate Just Set A Huge Trap For Trump; He’ll Be Screwed No Matter What He Does
While the GOP Congress has mostly fallen right in line behind their Dear Orange Leader, there are some signs that the veneer of support is beginning to crack. On Thursday, Congress sent Donald Trump a near unanimous bill that will test Trump s patriotism and his allegiance to Russia.The bill would increase sanctions against Iran, North Korea and Russia. It would also prevent Trump from easing current sanctions against Russia. In the Senate, only Bernie Sanders and Rand Paul voted against the bill (Sanders said it could interfere with the Iran nuclear agreement). The House s bill passed by a vote of 419 to 3. In other words, even if Trump vetoes the bill, Congress will easily override it.Under the bill, the president is required to notify Congress before making any alterations to Russia sanctions policy, and lawmakers then have 30 days in which they can block the president from implementing those changes. The procedure, known as congressional review, is the most sweeping authority Congress has given itself to check the president on sanctions policy in decades.Such matters have traditionally been left to the executive branch once Congress authorizes the sanctions at the administration s disposal. Even in the case of mandatory sanctions, Congress usually steers clear of the president on matters of national security.If Trump does veto the bill, that s a tacit admission that yes, he is a Putin puppet. If he doesn t, it s a signal to Russia that Trump is no longer living up to the bargain. There is no winning on this one.While White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said she doesn t know whether Trump will sign the bill, Trump s new Communications Director, Anthony Scaramucci, hinted that Trump might veto the bill, but only to negotiate an even tougher deal against the Russians. If you believe that, I have some Trump University diplomas for sale.This is an interesting trap. It shows that Congress (at least most of them) doesn t trust Trump with national security. If that s not an admission of guilt on the part of the Republican Party, I don t know what is. Now if only they would publicly admit that they are worried about the future of this country.Featured image via Alex Wong/Getty Images.
July 27, 2017
Democratic Twitter Hero Ted Lieu Taunts Trump Over Just-Passed Russia Sanctions
Thursday afternoon, the US Senate passed new sanctions against Russia with a vote of 97-2. Just two Republicans Rand Paul of Kentucky and Mike Lee of Utah voted against the bill, which passed the House on Tuesday with a similar percentage of Yea votes. Both chambers served up a veto-proof majority in a show of bipartisan action rarely seen outside honorary legislation.The bill provides new sanctions for Russia, Iran, and North Korea, and includes a stunning rebuke to the president, whose power is stymied by the language of the legislation. Congressional approval would be required for the president to subsequently lift or even ease any sanctions. The measure came in response to Russian interference in the 2016 election, solidifying the consensus among literally everyone except Donald Trump, who still occasionally denies interference altogether, when he s not blaming Barack Obama for not doing anything about it.Democratic Representative Ted Lieu, who has been a frequent foil for Trump on his favorite social media platform, was on Twitter in a heartbeat after passage of the bill:As a Member of the House Foreign Affairs Cmte, I know this sanctions bill is a great deal for America. I dare @realDonaldTrump to veto it. https://t.co/jIfrYbFMoJ Ted Lieu (@tedlieu) July 27, 2017Daring Trump to try and test his power and authority, he also pointed out the consequences for the president, should he decide to veto the bill:If @realDonaldTrump vetoes the Russia, Iran, N. Korea sanctions bill, he would be throwing Israel & US under the bus to help Putin & Russia. https://t.co/iF4D3da5Vm Ted Lieu (@tedlieu) July 27, 2017Lieu, who represents California s 33rd District, seems to have made it his job to troll the president online, and Twitter is the perfect place for snarky one-liners and the art of the comeback. He actually referenced the Trump-Russia connection right in the bio section of his account:Husband of Betty, the love of my life. Father of two great kids. USAF veteran. Member of Congress. In that order. Also, I don t take orders from Vladimir Putin.Lieu got a quick start after Trump s inauguration with tweets poking fun at his fact-free style:Was charged $2.99 for coffee listed at $2.59. That's why I have trust issues. Oh, and the fact that @seanspicer at #WhiteHouse makes shit up Ted Lieu (@tedlieu) January 23, 2017Based on recs from folks on Twitter, I updated the sign outside my Congressional office. Added "Period" to #AlternativeFacts Free Zone. pic.twitter.com/rhILZWLmUW Ted Lieu (@tedlieu) January 25, 2017He took on more serious issues with the same comic sensibility:Tillerson's ignoring of question on chemical weapons in Syria & his poor performance as SoS is alarming. So I made this cheat sheet to help. pic.twitter.com/eu8k7XRBQn Ted Lieu (@tedlieu) April 4, 2017But generally he just uses his platform to crack a joke or two:BREAKING NEWS: More collusion, lying, cover-ups & foreign powers to be revealed Sunday evening. (I'm referring to @GameOfThrones). Ted Lieu (@tedlieu) July 14, 2017Will Donald Trump block Rep Lieu on Twitter like he has so many others who irritate him? Or will he just continue to ignore him, like he does with voters? Either way, we can count on Ted to keep us in stitches whenever the White House does something stupid or when we want to see Trump get trolled.Featured image via Kris Connor/Getty Images
July 27, 2017
Anthony Scaramucci Just Said Some Weird Stuff About Steve Bannon’s ‘C*ck’
On Wednesday, new White House communications director Anthony Scaramucci called the New Yorker s Ryan Lizza to complain about a tweet he sent out noting that Melania Trump attended a dinner with Scaramucci, Trump, Sean Hannity, and Fox News executive Bill Shine:Senior White House official tells me that Melania was also at the dinner tonight with Trump, Hannity, Shine, and Scaramucci. Ryan Lizza (@RyanLizza) July 27, 2017 Who leaked that to you? Scaramucci demanded, threatening to eliminate everyone in the comms team and we ll start over. I ask these guys not to leak anything and they can t help themselves, he complained. You re an American citizen, this is a major catastrophe for the American country. So I m asking you as an American patriot to give me a sense of who leaked it. They ll all be fired by me, he said. I fired one guy the other day. I have three to four people I ll fire tomorrow. I ll get to the person who leaked that to you. Reince Priebus if you want to leak something he ll be asked to resign very shortly. Lizza refused to reveal his source repeatedly, but Scaramucci seems to be a teensy bit paranoid. Reince is a fucking paranoid schizophrenic, a paranoiac, Scaramucci said, channeling his view of Priebus: Oh, Bill Shine is coming in. Let me leak the fucking thing and see if I can cock-block these people the way I cock-blocked Scaramucci for six months. Then things got nuts, if they weren t before. He started talking about Steve Bannon s penis:Scaramucci was particularly incensed by a Politico report about his financial-disclosure form, which he viewed as an illegal act of retaliation by Priebus. The reporter said Thursday morning that the document was publicly available and she had obtained it from the Export-Import Bank. Scaramucci didn t know this at the time, and he insisted to me that Priebus had leaked the document, and that the act was a felony. I ve called the F.B.I. and the Department of Justice, he told me. Are you serious? I asked. The swamp will not defeat him, he said, breaking into the third person. They re trying to resist me, but it s not going to work. I ve done nothing wrong on my financial disclosures, so they re going to have to go fuck themselves. Scaramucci also told me that, unlike other senior officials, he had no interest in media attention. I m not Steve Bannon, I m not trying to suck my own cock, he said, speaking of Trump s chief strategist. I m not trying to build my own brand off the fucking strength of the President. I m here to serve the country. (Bannon declined to comment.)Minutes later, The Mooch tweeted his infamous now-deleted leak tweet accusing Priebus of a felony.Trump hires the best people, right? Right?Featured image via screengrab
July 27, 2017
Trump-Touted Wisconsin Deal Forces Taxpayers To Shell Out $3 Billion
Donald Trump is so desperate to take credit for job creation that he ignored the fact that the deal he bragged about takes money away from every person in Wisconsin.On Wednesday, Trump made a big deal about a Chinese company known as Foxconn building a factory in Wisconsin that could create up to 3,000 jobs.Thank you Foxconn, for investing $10 BILLION DOLLARS with the potential for up to 13K new jobs in Wisconsin! MadeInTheUSA?? pic.twitter.com/jJghVeb63s Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 27, 2017In addition, Trump claimed that the deal would not have happened had he not been elected, and went on to suck up to Foxconn chairman Terry Gou. His great company has seen our you know, you see exactly what I m saying our administration s work to remove job-killing regulations he s been watching to institute Buy American and Hire American, and all of those policies, and to pursue the steps necessary to revitalize American industry, including repealing and replacing Obamacare we better get that done, fellas, please. It should be pointed out that Foxconn was already planning to build a factory in the United States long before Trump ever considered running for president.But if Trump really wants to take credit, that means he is also taking credit for Republicans screwing over the people of Wisconsin to get the factory to come to their state.You see, in exchange for Foxconn choosing Wisconsin, Republican lawmakers and Governor Scott Walker approved a $3 billion subsidy for the company. According to Bloomberg, that amounts to taking $519 from every man, woman, and child in Wisconsin to fund what the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel points out would total more than the combined yearly state funding used to operate the University of Wisconsin System and the state s prison system. And let s remember that we are talking about a private company that is already worth billions. Foxconn does not need billions of dollars of government subsidies to expand. They have the money to do it themselves. This amounts to nothing more than Foxconn holding the people of Wisconsin hostage and Republicans letting them and complying with their demands.And that is especially disastrous for Wisconsin since Foxconn is known for promising investments and not delivering.As Bloomberg reported,Three years ago, Gou signed a deal with the government of Jakarta, Indonesia s capital and its biggest city, to invest $1 billion and employ local workers to make electronics. That never happened. Neither did a $30 million high-tech factory in Pennyslvania that was announced a year earlier. Just this past year, Foxconn is reported to have pledged investments of $5 billion in India; $3.65 billion in Kunshan, China; and $8.8 billion in Guangzhou. It s too early to know if those sums will ever be spent, but including Wisconsin, the tally now stands at $27.5 billion of commitments. That s more than Hon Hai [Foxconn s flagship company] has spent in the last 23 years.So while Trump is busy touting the deal to make himself look good, he is doing so at the expense of Wisconsin taxpayers, many of whom now have to worry about how they will get by after paying Foxconn s ransom.Featured image via Olivier Douliery-Pool/Getty Images
July 27, 2017
GOP Senator Has Had ENOUGH: Firing Mueller Could End Trump Presidency (VIDEO)
Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) has never been a fan of Donald Trump. He regularly criticized Trump throughout his disastrous campaign and very publicly refused to support him or vote for him. Now that we are six months into this American nightmare of a presidency, it seems that Senator Graham is more than done with Trump. When asked about Trump s repeated attacks on Attorney General Jeff Sessions, as well as his flagrant attempts to impede and obstruct Special Counsel Robert Mueller s Russia investigation, Graham did not mince words. Speaking to reporters on Thursday, Graham said: If Jeff Sessions is fired, there will be holy hell to pay. He went on to say that Trump is clearly trying to humiliate and marginalize his own Attorney General. After that, he said that any attempts to fire Mueller could be the beginning of the end of the Trump presidency. That s about as blatant a threat of impeachment as any GOP lawmaker has lobbed at Trump. It seems that Graham is finally standing up and actually telling his GOP colleagues that protecting our democracy is much more important than protecting Trump. Throughout the campaign and now as he occupies the Oval Office, Trump has proven himself to be unfit. He has careened from outrage to outrage, and increasingly lessened America s standing on the world stage.Now, it seems even his own party is sick of him. Just Wednesday night, Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley warned Trump that he would not confirm an Attorney General this year if Trump fires Sessions. Now, we have Lindsey Graham insisting that Trump must stop trying to turn America into a banana republic.Trump would do well to listen to these men. There s a reason Congress is Article 1 of the Constitution, and the Presidency is Article 2. They can kneecap him in a minute if pushed, and it seems that Trump is very close to crossing that red line with Lindsey Graham.Watch the stunning video below:Featured image via Andrew Harrer-Pool/Getty Images
July 27, 2017
Boy Scouts Forced To Apologize On Trump’s Behalf
After a fierce backlash following Donald Trump s appalling speech in front of the Boy Scouts in West Virginia, an official with the organization was forced to apologize for the former reality show star s wildly inappropriate political rhetoric. Initially, the BSA issued a statement but Trump s speech was not addressed.On Thursday, since Trump could not find it in himself to apologize for being highly inappropriate, an official with the Boy Scouts of America apologized in a message posted online to the scouting community for the political content of his speech at the National Scout Jamboree. I want to extend my sincere apologies to those in our Scouting family who were offended by the political rhetoric that was inserted into the jamboree. That was never our intent, Michael Surbaugh, Chief Scout Executive, wrote.Trump s speech was so awful that a former CIA chief said it was like watching a dictator and said it gave him the creeps. The amateur president even prompted the crowd of children to boo former president Barack Obama. The event was supposed to be about the Boy Scouts but as usual, Trump s intense jealousy of his predecessor was on full display.Surbaugh said we know the past few days have been overshadowed by the remarks offered by the President of the United States and that s putting it mildly.Trump took to the podium, not to congratulate the children, but to slam the fake news media. He promoted the repeal of the Affordable Care Act and boasted about his electoral night victory and called out the Washington cesspool. Who the Hell wants to speak about politics when I m in front of the Boy Scouts, he said, then kept talking about politics, among other inappropriate things like a New York cocktail party. The hottest people in New York were at this party, he told the children.The organization s Facebook page is inundated with comments from upset parents ready to yank their sons out of the organization. It s not a Democrat vs. Republican sort of thing. It s about decency.Image via screen capture.
July 27, 2017
GOP Rep Blames Media For Trump’s Attacks On Sessions
On Thursday, GOP Rep. Dave Brat took to CNN to blame, of all people, the media for Donald Trump s relentless attacks on Attorney General Jeff Sessions. Brat represents Virginia s 7th District, which may explain his love of both Sessions and Trump, and his desire to blame someone else for their falling out. The 7th District was created in 1993 by decree of the Department of Justice, who forced the state to create at least one majority minority district in order to comply with Section 5 of the Civil Rights Act. Much of the urban areas of Richmond were carved out into a new 3rd District, and what was left the mainly white voters were left in the 7th.Being as Trump and Sessions are now the two most powerful racists in America, it stands to reason that a guy representing an area that hasn t voted for a single Democrat in more than 45 years and never elected a person of color would want them to get along.In a statement released by Brat s office on Wednesday, he decried the full-throated obsession over Russia by the media, which he said could not have been foreseen at the time of Sessions recusal from the investigation. That recusal has been the source of the recent enmity between the AG and the president. From the statement:The media s attacks have only escalated since Trump s inauguration. Fake news dominates. Anchors now make the news by opinion, instead of reporting objective reality. The President is frustrated with those who have called for his impeachment since day one.But CNN s Kate Bolduan took Brat to task for seemingly blaming the press for Trump s social media outburts. In a testy exchange, she maintained a difficult smile as she said the media s not forcing the president to tweet his attacks. Brat s response? I think you did. Bolduan was incredulous:Are you kidding me? The media did not force the president to attack Jeff Sessions.Watch the exchange in this tweet from CNN s Katerina Erbiti: I will concede the President did touch his key pad @RepDaveBrat saying the media forced POTUS to attack Sessions https://t.co/mWkvpjZKjb Katerina Erbiti (@KaterinaErbiti) July 27, 2017Featured image via Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images
July 27, 2017
Trump’s White House IMPLODES As Kellyanne Conway Attacks Fellow Top Staffer (VIDEO)
The amount of in-fighting that we ve seen in Donald Trump s administration is like nothing we ve ever seen before. There have been an unprecedented amount of leaks coming from inside the White House, and Trump s top staffers routinely throw each other under the bus, proving that Trump s administration is actually more like The Apprentice than anything elseWhite House counselor Kellyanne Conway displayed this perfectly, when she recently argued that White House Communication Director Anthony Scaramucci was demoralized because he had to fill out financial disclosure forms before taking up his new position in Trump s administration. Those very disclosure forms were leaked this week, and Scaramucci pretty much blamed White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus for it. As expected, Conway couldn t wait to get on Fox & Friends to make it even worse. Trump s most abrasive mouthpiece said: The most important part of Anthony s tweet is when he talked about the FBI and the DOJ. He s making clear that even though these documents are eventually procurable publicly that somebody doesn t want him here. And somebody is trying to get in his way and scare him off from working here, which is a huge mistake. Conway complained that administration members like Scaramucci have been completely demoralized and I think completely disinclined to do so based on the paperwork that we have to put forward. Divesting assets, the different hoops you have to run through. Because this White House is transparent and accountable and we all comply with those rules. Conway continued to attack Priebus, stating: There are leaks, and then there are people using the press to shiv each other in the ribs. That s different than a leak. A leak is, Did you see the memo Kellyanne put out on this matter? Did you hear what Jared said in the senior staff meeting? That s a classic leak. Fox News host Steve Doocy stated that the elephant in the room was Priebus, and whether or not he was the big leaker. Conway was more than happy to issue this ominous warning: Leakers are easier to figure out than they may think. The West Wing is a very small place. You can watch Conway attack her fellow Trump staffer below:Featured image via Kevin Hagen / Getty Images
July 27, 2017
Trump Gets HUMILIATED By His Own Joint Chiefs, Contradict His Transgender Ban
It appears Donald Trump jumped the gun when he announced a ban on transgender people serving in the military.On Wednesday morning, Trump declared that he spoke with the general and military experts and decided to discriminate against transgender people.After consultation with my Generals and military experts, please be advised that the United States Government will not accept or allow Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 26, 2017 .Transgender individuals to serve in any capacity in the U.S. Military. Our military must be focused on decisive and overwhelming .. Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 26, 2017 .victory and cannot be burdened with the tremendous medical costs and disruption that transgender in the military would entail. Thank you Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 26, 2017Well, Trump s declaration appears to have confused the Joint Chiefs of Staff, because they are telling the military not to adopt Trump s policy until he issues a direct order on the subject.According to Reuters reporter Idrees Ali, US Joint Chiefs of Staff tells military there will be no modification to transgender policy until direction received from Pres. EXCLUSIVE: US Joint Chiefs of Staff tells military there will be no modification to transgender policy until direction received from Pres Idrees Ali (@idreesali114) July 27, 2017Chairman of the Joint Chiefs General Joseph Dunford even sent a letter to the military ordering them to continue to treat all of our personnel with respect. In the meantime, we will continue to treat all of our personnel with respect. Dunford says in letter seen by Reuters https://t.co/Y5Fckbpfdc Idrees Ali (@idreesali114) July 27, 2017Apparently, Trump s tweets do not determine official Pentagon policy.The Joint Chiefs just humiliated Trump by contradicting his Twitter declaration. Now we must wait and see how Trump responds.Dunford s letter makes it clear that the military values respect and non-discrimination, even if Trump does not. So when Trump claimed he made his decision based on consultations with his generals and military experts, was he lying? Did he just make something up to justify his decision? Did the Joint Chiefs actually approve of Trump s ban?I guess we ll learn more from Trump s impending temper tantrum.Featured Image: Alex Wong/Getty Images
July 27, 2017
WATCH: Scaramucci Flips Out Over White House Leaks, Sends Ominous Warning To Reince Priebus
Anthony Scaramucci is a terrible communications director, and he proved it again on Thursday morning.During an interview on CNN with Chris Cuomo, Donald Trump s new main squeeze, otherwise known as the mooch who put a smooch on Trump s ass, whined about leaks coming from the White House because news outlets reported on a dinner Scaramucci had with Sean Hannity . What I m upset about is the process and the junk pool, the dirty pool in terms of the way this stuff is being done, Scaramucci began. I can t have a couple of friends up from Fox & Friends, and Sean Hannity, who s one of my closest friends, to dinner with the president and his first lady without it being leaked in seven minutes. He then claimed that the fish stinks from the head down, only to quickly clarify that he means everyone in the White House except Trump and himself. I can tell you two fish that don t stink, Scaramucci said. And that s me and the president. In short, Scaramucci just threw Steve Bannon, Reince Priebus, Jared Kushner, Kellyanne Conway, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, and Ivanka Trump under the bus.When asked about his relationship with Trump s Chief of Staff Reince Priebus, whom he accused of leaking information even though the information is supposed to be public since it s a disclosure form, Scaramucci ominously referenced the Bible. Some brothers are like Cain and Abel. I don t know if this is reparable or not, that s up to the president. Priebus should probably be worried and the Secret Service should take notice. Because the story of Cain and Abel ends with Cain murdering his brother out of jealousy.That s right. Scaramucci just suggested that he could murder Priebus.Scaramucci then declared that the job of White House staffers is to inject this president into America. Yeah, against America s will.Here s the video via VidMe.Once again, Scaramucci delivers a failure of an interview all while tearing the White House apart in the process. Trump s team must be so thrilled to be accused of being leakers.Featured Image: Mark Wilson/Getty Images
July 27, 2017
Trump Is Trying To Make It Illegal For Groups Of People He’s Screwed To Sue Him
While it s sometimes difficult to keep up with all the legal hot water Donald Trump is in, one lawsuit predates even his Russian troubles and now Trump wants to put an end to lawsuits like it.For years, Trump peddled his supposed real estate expertise in a scheme called Trump University, which is not a university and it s really not Trump. In the end, 6,000 people sued Trump in a class action lawsuit. They claim that the promised Donald Trump investment techniques were mostly stuff that you could find on the Internet, some of which was illegal in some of the states where the seminars took place, she said. They say that the promised mentoring was worthless or nonexistent, that the instructors were unqualified and that they were definitely not handpicked by Donald Trump, as he claimed. And transcripts of Donald Trump s deposition confirm that he was relatively unengaged with what went on in Trump University. Source: NPRThey won $25 million and now, Trump wants to put an end to class action lawsuits altogether, which would free corporations to screw their customers with very little accountability.While the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau finalized a new rule that would ban mandatory arbitration clauses, and would instead allow consumers to sue banks when they are wronged, the White House came out with a statement saying that when consumers sue, it s frivolous. If allowed to take effect, the CFPB s harmful rule would benefit trial lawyers by increasing frivolous class-action lawsuits; harm consumers by denying them the full benefits and efficiencies of arbitration; and hurt financial institutions by increasing litigation expenses and compliance costs (particularly for community and mid-sized institutions), the White House said in a statement.Source: The WeekMandatory arbitration, while it might sound efficient, is rarely customer friendly. Most arbitrators are paid by the institution and in most cases, what they say is legally binding. Most of the time, the arbitrators rule in favor of the institution.In a sample of 19,300 cases, arbitrators ruled in favor of consumers 5 percent of the time. Meanwhile, arbitration firms used by companies such as MasterCard, Visa, Discover Financial Services and American Express Co. won 95 percent of the disputes, the study showed.Source: Seattle PIFrivolous, like when Donald Trump sued a man for daring to be born with the name Donald Trump, or when he sued a Miss USA contestant, or when he sued the Chicago Tribune for doubting Trump s Chicago building would eclipse the then Sears (and now Willis) Tower.Altogether, Trump has been involved in more than 3,500 lawsuits, but despite the fact that our taxpayers pay for courts, he wants to take the option to use them away from us, unless we can afford pricey attorneys.Class action lawsuits are democratic; they give the people a voice. In Trump s and in Republicans world, though, consumer rights are inconvenient for profits. We should just shut up and when a bank-salaried arbitrator tells us we need to take it up the you-know-what, we d better take it up the you-know-what.Featured image via Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images
July 26, 2017
Trump’s Salary Donation Is Just Bullsh*t PR, And Here’s Why
Amateur president Donald Trump is donating his second-quarter salary to the Department of Education, the White House announced Wednesday. During her daily press briefing, White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders, who was besieged with questions about Trump s Twitter announcement saying that he s banning transgender Americans from serving in the military, told everyone about the $100,000 donation. Huckabee Sanders then handed the check signed by the former reality show star to Education Secretary Betsy Devos, a billionaire.Now, while they may seem generous on the surface, Trump has proposed slashing the Education Department by $9.2 billion. That s a 14 percent reduction so $100,000 is a mere drop in the bucket.And while he s profiting from his businesses, typically every weekend when the 71-year-old needs a break, he threw his relatively meager salary at the very department he s stripping funding from.DeVos announced that the money would go toward hosting a science, technology, engineering, and mathematics camp for children at the department. We want to encourage as many students as possible to pursue STEM fields, DeVos said.Trump's donation to Dept of Education: $100,000.Spending cut to education in Trump's proposed 2018 budget: $9,200,000,000. Peter Alexander (@PeterAlexander) July 26, 2017Trump donated his first quarter salary of about $78,000 to the National Park Service. Just like Huckabee Sanders did today, Sean Spicer made a big show of handing over the Trump s salary to benefit the National Park Service, but his budget slashes the Department of the Interior by 12 percent.Trump s first paycheck of $78,333 went to a department he planned to slash by $1.6 billion in funding. We see a pattern here!Shortly before Trump s inauguration, Mar-a-Lago doubled its annual membership fee to $200,000. He s literally profiting from his presidency by using his Florida resort for official government business. Each weekend Trump spends at one of his businesses, the visit generates revenue for the alleged president. And we, the taxpayers, are footing the bill.But hey, he gave departments which he s slashed funding for his paycheck, so he s a really good guy, right? Here, have a penny while I take a billion dollars from you. It s all good.It does make a good photo-op, though.Featured image via Win McNamee/Getty Images
July 26, 2017
Trump Will ‘Torture’ Sessions Every Day Until He Resigns: Report
Trump apparently will continue the feud he started with Jeff Sessions when he said he thought Sessions had been very unfair in recusing himself from the Russia investigation. He wants someone who is going to be 100 percent blindly loyal (meaning someone who will stop any and all investigations into him and his family and open investigations into Hillary and the Democrats), and clearly, Sessions isn t it. So, according to one of Trump s close advisers, he will torture Sessions until he resigns:He wants to fire him but he doesn t want the confrontation. He doesn t mind the long negative storyline. He will torture him every single day. When Trump gets all butthurt like this, he focuses his ire on the perceived guilty party and doesn t let it go until they either cave or someone manages to convince him to let it go. Sessions, thus far, has maintained that he will not resign, and, well, Trump just can t have that.According to Politico, Trump has been whining up one side and down the other about Sessions decision to recuse himself from the Russia investigation to anyone who will listen. Not only did Trump say that was unfair to him, but he also said that, if he d known Sessions was going to take the job and then recuse himself, he would never have given him the job in the first place. To Trump, recusal in this situation is a grave abdication of responsibility and a betrayal of trust when the person doing so is supposed to be on Trump s side (if they re an opponent, of course, they must recuse over the slightest possible conflict).Sessions, for his part, doesn t seem to know what the problem is. One person close to him said that they ve spoken to people in the West Wing and nobody understands why Trump is doing this. But Trump, never one to let go of a grudge until his enemy is completely vanquished (and sometimes, not even then), reportedly wants to see how Sessions will respond to things like mockery and humiliation.If Sessions does resign, Trump will eventually turn his ire on someone else. He wants sycophants, not people who will do their jobs.Featured image via Michael Reynolds and Mark Wilson/Getty Images
July 26, 2017
Trump’s Approval Rating Takes Game-Changing Turn In 11 Pro-Trump States (DETAILS)
Donald Trump s approval rating continues to plummet in its downward spiral, and it seems to be getting lower by the week. The latest bad news for the man baby in the White House will be that more Americans disapprove of Trump s job performance than approve in 31 states across the country. Here s the real kicker this includes 11 states that he d actually won in November!It turns out, not even Trump s most supportive audiences are willing to stand by him after watching him try to burn our country to the ground on a weekly basis. The states that have changed their minds about Trump include Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan and Florida, Ohio, Iowa, North Carolina, Georgia, Arizona and two states that shocked everyone Indiana and Texas.You can check out how the states are rating Trump below:Trump has been setting records left and right during his presidency and almost 100% of it is negative. Over the last three months, Gallup noted that the disgraceful POTUS approval rating (39 percent) has set records lows for a president in his second quarter.When many of those states might have supported Trump last year, it seems they re running in the opposite direction now. In Texas and Indiana, there is now a major difference between the states approval of Trump in November, and how the American people feel about him now. For example, in Indiana (where Vice President Mike Pence hails from), Trump had won that state by 19 points in November. Less than a year later, he is now one point underwater. In Texas, Trump had won by nine points last year. Now, he s nine points under in that state.This is not looking good for Trump at all, as he is consistently failing in each of these once pro-Trump states:What this tells us is that even Trump s supporters are getting tired of his bullsh*t and are regretful that they didn t put their vote behind a real presidential candidate. Any Republican who wanted to give Trump the benefit of the doubt is certainly having second thoughts now.To a normal leader, this would be devastating. Any respectable president would be panicking and consumed with how they are going to turn this around. But not Trump! Last week, Trump said that his ridiculously low approval rating of almost 40 percent was not bad at this time even though he d set a record low.Featured image via Win McNamee/Getty Images
July 26, 2017
Transgender Navy SEAL Hero Dares Trump: Tell Me To My Face I’m Not Worthy Of Serving
Because today ends in a Y, Donald Trump took to his twitter account to bash a group of people; this time it was transgender Americans. In a series of early morning tweets on Wednesday, Trump announced that he plans to reinstate a ban on transgender individuals serving in any capacity in the U.S. armed forces, thus overturning the Obama-era rule. Trump s decision is in stark contrast to his vow during his campaign last year in which he said he would be a better friend to the LGBTQ community than Hillary Clinton. I will tell you who the better friend is and some day I believe that will be proven out big league, Trump said at the time.According to the RAND Corporation, in 2016 there were between 1,320 and 6,630 transgender people serving in the military.On Wednesday, a retired Navy SEAL team 6 hero who is transgendered, called out Trump over his decision to ban trans people from serving in the U.S. military, telling him to tell her to her face that she is not worthy of serving.Kristin Beck, a 20-year-veteran of the Navy SEALS, was interviewed by Business Insider about Trump s ban and she had a few choice words for the amateur president. Let s meet face to face and you tell me I m not worthy, Kristin Beck said, referring to President Bone Spurs. Transgender doesn t matter. Do your service. Being transgender doesn t affect anyone else, Beck continued. We are liberty s light. If you can t defend that for everyone that s an American citizen, that s not right. Beck was deployed 13 times over two decades and served in Bosnia, Iraq, and Afghanistan, according to Business Insider. She received the Bronze Star award for valor and the Purple Heart for wounds suffered in combat so she served our country well. I was defending individual liberty, she said. I defended for Republicans. I defended for Democrats. I defended for everyone. We re picturing Trump being fired upon as a soldier comes up to rescue him. Are you transgendered, because if you are, you are not supposed to be here. No one would be surprised if Trump started unleashing mean-girl tweets about the retired Navy SEAL. We can see it now: She s a LOSER! Go on Trump, tell that to her face. Tell this war hero that she s not worthy of serving.Featured image via Tom Pennington/Getty Images
July 26, 2017
Trump Attacks Sessions Again For Not Helping Him Obstruct Russia Investigation
Apparently, Donald Trump thinks the Attorney General serves as the president s personal legal protector.Despite criticism from many Republicans, Trump continued his attacks on Jeff Sessions on Wednesday morning, marking the third consecutive day in which Trump has targeted Sessions on Twitter.Trump demanded to know why Sessions didn t fire acting-FBI Director Andrew McCabe.Why didn t A.G. Sessions replace Acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe, a Comey friend who was in charge of Clinton investigation but got . Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 26, 2017 big dollars ($700,000) for his wife s political run from Hillary Clinton and her representatives. Drain the Swamp! Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 26, 2017The political affiliation of someone s spouse is not a legitimate reason to fire someone. Also, Sessions recused himself from the Russia investigation and does not want to be seen obstructing the investigation.Trump s attacks against Sessions began on Monday when he demanded that Sessions persecute Hillary Clinton, referring to him as beleaguered. So why aren t the Committees and investigators, and of course our beleaguered A.G., looking into Crooked Hillarys crimes & Russia relations? Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 24, 2017Trump struck again on Tuesday, calling Sessions weak for not going after Clinton over emails.Attorney General Jeff Sessions has taken a VERY weak position on Hillary Clinton crimes (where are E-mails & DNC server) & Intel leakers! Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 25, 2017Problem is that the acting head of the FBI & the person in charge of the Hillary investigation, Andrew McCabe, got $700,000 from H for wife! Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 25, 2017Keep in mind that Trump himself declined to prosecute Hillary Clinton after the election. It s just not something that I feel very strongly about, Trump said at the time.In other words, Trump knows that prosecuting Clinton would be pointless because she has been cleared by the FBI. Opening another investigation for something she was already cleared for would be a true definition of a witch hunt.This is the third time Trump has attacked Sessions on Twitter this week alone. And it s not making Republicans very happy. Senator Lindsey Graham slammed Trump for it in a statement he released on Twitter Tuesday morning.pic.twitter.com/7Dk2GTbR9O Lindsey Graham (@LindseyGrahamSC) July 25, 2017And Graham is just one of many Republicans who are sick and tired of him attacking Sessions.But Trump did it again anyway, and you have to wonder how long Republicans are going to put up with Trump s bullshit.Featured image via Shawn Thew-Pool/Getty Images
July 26, 2017
Trump Goes On Stunningly Bigoted Rant, Says He Will Not Allow Military Service Of Transgender Soldiers
We always knew that the Trump Administration was anti-LGBTQ. However, he just went full throttle on Twitter in an incredibly bigoted way. Despite his promises during the campaign, Trump is now insisting that transgender people should not be included in military service. Trump tweeted that transgender people would never serve in the military under his direction. Trump tweeted:Of course, this is a major reversal of Obama-era policies. President Obama ended the travesty that was Don t Ask, Don t Tell for lesbian, gay, and bisexual service members. Now, he is going after the policy that would provide healthcare for transgender soldier. Trump just effectively let the nation know that he has every intention of taking the nation back to a time when equality was simply not on the table for anyone not straight, white, Christian, and cisgender.Of course, this is red meat for Trump s bigoted base. Also, his rabidly anti-LGBTQ #2 Soldier in bigotry, Mike Pence, likely had a whole hell of a lot to do with this. Pence hates LGBTQ people, as was shown by the actions and statements he made first during his time in Congress, and then as Governor of Indiana.This is disgraceful. Trump made all kinds of promises he is refusing to keep. He promised he wouldn t go after LGBTQ people. He promised to be a president for all Americans. He has now officially proven that he never had any intention of doing any such thing.This is indeed a dark day for America.Featured image via Alex Wong/Getty Images
July 26, 2017
Apparently, Trump Is Sad He Has No Eric Holder
Over the last few days, President Trump has made it no secret that he is tired of having Jeff Sessions on board as Attorney General. As usual, the situation was confirmed by an early morning tweet from the President himself, this time coming on Tuesday.Attorney General Jeff Sessions has taken a VERY weak position on Hillary Clinton crimes (where are E-mails & DNC server) & Intel leakers! Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 25, 2017Now the new White House Communications Director, Anthony Scaramucci, has stepped up to replace former Press Secretary and acting White House Communications Director Sean Spicer and right into this mess. Spicer announced his intention to resign last week and will formally step down from the role in August, so now it s Scaramucci s duty to try and justify whatever move President Trump makes next and he is more than aware that it will most likely be the firing of Sessions.In fact, Scaramucci has already come straight out and said that Trump probably wants Sessions gone. The comment came during an interview with conservative MSNBC host Hugh Hewitt, who made the statement it s clear the President wants him gone, in reference to Sessions. I have an enormous amount of respect for the Attorney General, was Scaramucci s reply. But I do know the President pretty well. And if there s this level of tension in the relationship that s public, you re probably right. But I don t want to speak for the President on that because he s a Cabinet official. And I sort of think that has to be between the President of the United States and a Cabinet official. But Scaramucci didn t stop there. Far from it. Rather, he continued by going into detail of how a person like Barack Obama s Attorney General, Eric Holder, would be the perfect fit for Trump in order to build a great Cabinet relationship. You and I might be at odds with Eric Holder politically, Scaramucci told Hewitt. But one of the things I would give him a lot of credit for is that he was a pretty good hockey goalie for the president. He was also willing to help the president inside the bounds of the law. I m not saying these guys did anything illegal. But when you think about the relationship John Kennedy had with his brother as Attorney General, or you think about the relationship the president had with Eric Holder President Obama [Trump and Sessions] probably don t have that sort of relationship. And I think the president, when he thinks about the architecture of his Cabinet, I think he needs that sort of a relationship there. So Barack Obama might be the only person Trump dislikes almost as much as Hillary Clinton, but the President really needs someone like Obama s Attorney General right now in order to build some solidarity according to the White House Communications Director. Interesting.Featured image via Alex Wong/Getty Images
July 26, 2017
Former CIA Chief Blasts Trump’s Speech To Boy Scouts: ‘Like Watching A Dictator’
When Donald Trump addressed the Boy Scouts National Jamboree Monday night, nobody could possibly have expected the cluster bomb of impropriety he detonated in the middle of a crowd of kids. From regaling the youngsters with tales of interesting yacht outings and real estate moguls, to leading them in a chorus of boos at the expense of Barack Obama, Trump essentially used a gathering that usually represents the best of America as a campaign rally with a captive audience.That s just how former CIA Director John McLaughlin saw it, as well:Trump's Boy Scout speech had the feel of a third world authoritarian's youth rally. john mclaughlin (@jmclaughlinSAIS) July 25, 2017In an interview with Business Insider, McLaughlin said the speech gave [him] the creeps. It was like watching the late Venezuelan [President Hugo] Chavez. You want to signal to young people the concept in democracy of loyal opposition, of remaining loyal to government He was attacking his predecessor for no good reason, and his competitor in the last election. He was showing disloyalty to his subordinates ranting on about financial stories in New York.From the Insider:Trump basically told the Boy Scouts, don t respect your opponents, only believe me, and cheer for me, McLaughlin said. What message is this giving to young people? McLaughlin, a Republican, was not alone in his assessments. In addition to noted conservative commentator Bill Kristol, who McLaughlin was responding to on Twitter, parents of Scouts across the country were outraged. Many threatened to pull their kids from the organization, and some even vowed to returned their badges if the BSA didn t issue an apology for Trump s behavior at the Jamboree. The Boy Scouts Facebook page was inundated with comments after they posted a half-hearted perspective on the president s visit a tepid response that did nothing to address the content or tone of the speech. The power of the presidency is the power to inspire, McLaughlin said.There was nothing inspiring about Trump s completely inappropriate speech in front of 40,000 kids.Featured image via George Frey/Getty Images
July 26, 2017
Trump’s Lawyers Say Encouraging Reasonable Force Against Protestors Is 1st Amendment Right
According to lawyers for Donald Trump, it was completely fine for the now President to have encouraged supporters to use reasonable force to remove disruptive protestors from his campaign rallies last year, as he was just exercising his right to freedom of speech by doing so.The claim came during an emergency motion asking the US appeals court to throw out a lawsuit filed by three people who believe they were manhandled at a Trump rally that took place during March last year in Louisville, KY. Fortunately for the two women and one man, U.S. District Judge David Hale refused to dismiss the case, stating that the plaintiffs lawsuit described a chaotic and violent scene in which a crowd of people turned on three individuals, with the plaintiffs being punched, kicked and verbally abused. According to Trumps lawyers, one of the plaintiffs, an African American woman, had held up a sign depicting Trump s face on the body of pig, Trump kept saying, Get them out, get them out, and people in the crowd began pushing and shoving the protesters, said Alvin Bamberger, one of the audience members at the rally who was cited in the lawsuit and the one whom the plaintiffs described as the most aggressive. The President s lawyers felt the need to add that, in Trump s defence, he did say at the time, Don t hurt em. If I say, Go get em, I get in trouble with the press, the most dishonest human beings in the world. The plaintiffs are attempting to sue Trump and his campaign, but the real question here is whether Trump should be deemed responsible for having incited, or at the very least, provoked the violence in the first place. The three people beaten and abused at the Louisville rally do, hence the reason why they re seeking damages from the President for what they believe was a reckless incitement of violence.President Trump s lawyers claim in their latest motion that protesters who initially purchased tickets and entered the rally in a peaceful manner can also be forcibly removed if they become disruptive. It also makes no difference whether the crowd reacted with unlawful violence beyond what Mr. Trump advocated, because the hostile reaction of the crowd does not not transform protected speech into incitement, the lawyers added in their statement.Judge Hale believes the plaintiffs complaint is more than enough to proceed toward a trial, writing in his March 31 order It is plausible that Trump s directive to get em out of here advocated the use of force. [It] is stated in the imperative; it was an order, an instruction, a command. Trump s lawyers, however, believe that, not only is that a reasonable order for Trump to give, it is also his right. Without this court s intervention, this litigation will inflict irreparable harm on the Trump defendants by subjecting them to punitive litigation as the price of exercising their core First Amendment rights, Washington attorney Michael Carvin said wrote. Mr. Trump had a First Amendment right to call for the removal of disruptive protesters from his campaign rally, and it is a bedrock principle of law that the right to exclude another includes the right to use reasonable force. Furthermore, Trump s lawyers filed a writ of mandamus with the U.S. 6th Circuit Court this week, asking the appeals court to remove the case from Hale. Their argument was that Trump cannot be held liable for negligently inspiring third parties to engage in violence. Featured image via Justin Merriman/Getty Images
July 26, 2017
Trump Says ‘Illegals’ Are Here To Chop Up Teen Girls With Knives Because Shooting Them Isn’t Painful Enough
Holy f*ckballs, Trump s rallies are lit these days. If you re one of the minority of Americans who hates brown folks and happens to live in a sparsely-populated state with a high number of uneducated bigots who will go along with anything as long as someone lets you say the n-word a lot and does something about all those brownish folks who don t speak no English, you have a home anywhere The Donald speaks these days.Lately, Trump has gone from zero to demanding personal loyalty from children and effectively resurrecting Jews drink baby blood and poison the well frighteningly quickly and Tuesday night in Youngstown, Ohio was no different than any other night in Trump s America.Trump told the crowd of vapid mouthbreathers who all look like their name is Shelly all about the dangers the animals from down south pose while some guy held up photos of what appears to be a mobile meth lab. Seriously, this rally was off the chains:Predators and criminal aliens who poison our communities with drugs and prey on innocent young people these beautiful, beautiful innocent young people will find no safe haven anywhere in our country.And you ve seen the stories about some of these animals. They don t want to use guns because it s too fast, it s not painful enough. So they take a young, beautiful girls 16, 15 and others they slice they slice them and dice them with a knife because they want them to go through excruciating pain before they die. And these are the animals that we ve been protecting for so long, Trump told the crowd apparently unaware that ICE arrests of people who have not committed a crime have actually doubled under Donald Trump.We can t even find any examples of illegals kidnapping 15 and 16 year-old girls for the express purpose of cutting them up with knives just to drink in their sweet, sweet pain. It s almost like he s just making up something absofuckinglutely horrifying just to pander to a base of racist fools who are too stupid to figure out the snake oil they bought from him is just snake oil even after he told them it s snake oil.Watch it below:Featured image via screengrab
July 25, 2017
She Might Be The Last Decent Republican In America, And This Audio From A Hot Mic Proves It
Tuesday morning, attendees of a Senate subcommittee hearing were treated to that wonder of wonders, a hot mic episode in which a speaker continues talking without realizing that their microphone is still live. In this case, it was Republican senator Susan Collins of Maine.Collins, noted recently for her opposition to the GOP health care bill currently before the Senate, is known for thinking outside her party. It s not really surprising that she does it s actually surprising that more Republican female members of Congress aren t at least a little concerned with their colleagues behavior. But if Collins bucking the party on Trumpcare made you smile, the exchange she had with the ranking Democrat on the subcommittee she chairs, Jack Reed of Rhode Island, will make you smile even bigger:Collins: I swear, [the Office of Management and Budget] just went through and whenever there was grant, they just X it out. With no measurement, no thinking about it, no metrics, no nothing. It s just incredibly irresponsible.Reed: Yes. I think I think he s crazy. I mean, I don t say that lightly and as a kind of a goofy guy.Collins: I m worried.Reed: Oof. You know, this thing if we don t get a budget deal, we re going to be paralyzed.Collins: I know.Reed: [Department of Defense] is going to be paralyzed, everybody is going to be paralyzed.Collins:I don t think he knows there is a [Budget Control Act] or anything.Reed: He was down at the Ford commissioning saying, I want them to pass my budget. Okay, so we give him $54 billion and then we take it away across the board which would cause chaos.Collins: Right.Reed: It s just and he hasn t not one word about the budget. Not one word about the debt ceiling.Collins: Good point.Reed: You ve got [Budget Director Mick] Mulvaney saying we re going to put in all sorts of stuff like a border wall. Then you ve got [Treasury Secretary Steve] Mnuchin saying it s got to be clean. We re going to be back in September, and, you know, you re going to have crazy people in the House.Then the conversation got funny. On Monday, a Texas congressman was clearly referring to Collins when he blamed female senators from the northeast for holding up Trumpcare. He said if she were a guy from south Texas, he might take her on, Aaron Burr-style :Collins: Did you see the one who challenged me to a duel?Reed: I know. Trust me. Do you know why he challenged you to a duel? Cause you could beat the shit out of him.Collins: Well, he s huge. And he I don t mean to be unkind, but he s so unattractive it s unbelievable.Collins: Did you see the picture of him in his pajamas next to this Playboy bunny?Unfortunately, I must now show you the picture she s talking about:This is the photo Sen. Susan Collins was referring to when she commented on Rep. Blake Farenthold wearing pajamas in 2010. pic.twitter.com/jZYCPC4FYW Beatrice-Elizabeth (@MissBeaE) July 25, 2017 Obviously that last bit caught someone s ear, because the mic was cut off.Seriously, though: It is adorable that, even in what she thought was a private conversation, and even though that slob had talked about literally shooting her, she still says I don t mean to be unkind. The only thing left to make Collins a Democrat at this point is to say this stuff into a mic she knows is live.Featured image via Alex Wong/Getty Images
July 25, 2017
American Psychoanalytic Association Gives Members Permission To Diagnose Trump’s Mental Health
Mental health professionals will now be allowed to openly diagnose Donald Trump.For the first time since 1973, a rule that prevents mental health professionals from publicly giving their expert opinion on the mental health of a public figure will no longer be enforced by the American Psychoanalytical Association.The rule was put in place after Barry Goldwater sued Fact Magazine for publishing a poll in which a majority of psychiatrists declared him mentally unfit to be president. Goldwater would go on to lose the presidential election of 1964.But ever since Trump declared his candidacy and began saying and doing insane things in public, many psychiatrists have openly defied the rule in order to inform Americans on his mental state.Fox News pundit Charles Krauthammer, who is also a board-certified psychiatrist, wrote a brutal diagnose of Trump s mental health last August. Trump s hypersensitivity and unedited, untempered Pavlovian responses are, shall we say, unusual in both ferocity and predictability. This is beyond narcissism. I used to think Trump was an 11-year-old, an undeveloped schoolyard bully. I was off by about 10 years. His needs are more primitive, an infantile hunger for approval and praise, a craving that can never be satisfied. He lives in a cocoon of solipsism where the world outside himself has value indeed exists only insofar as it sustains and inflates him. In addition, Dr. Drew Pinsky also expressed concerns about Trump s mental health. The question, though, is, are some of the reckless qualities that everyone is getting so disturbed about on the campaign going to be translated into office should he get elected? That s a pretty hard thing to predict. I don t know if this is just somebody playing politics, or is this somebody who really can t contain their impulses? When I hear people that are impulsive with their speech, I worry about hypomania and bipolar types of conditions. At the time, psychiatrists were warned to avoid diagnosing Trump without personally examining him first. But that has all changed.Six months into Trump s presidency, the American Psychoanalytical Association has given permission to their 3,500 members to do just that.And you can bet Trump s head is going to explode.Former APA president Dr. Prudence Gourguechon explained the decision to STAT News. We don t want to prohibit our members from using their knowledge responsibly since Trump s behavior is so different from anything we ve seen before, Dr. Gouguechon said.Indeed, Americans need this knowledge now more than ever before as Trump continues to lash out at anyone who criticizes him and is even starting to throw members of his own administration under the bus. His emotions and behavior are so unpredictable that it is understandable that people would worry, especially considering that Trump has access to nuclear weapons.It s time for Americans and Congress to demand Trump undergo a mental health exam by a board-certified psychiatrist. Furthermore, it s time to invoke the 25th Amendment and declare Trump unfit to serve. This insanity has gone on long enough. America cannot continue to be led by an unstable narcissist. It s time to make America sane again.Featured image via Ralph Freso/Getty Images
July 25, 2017
Top Republican Senator BLISTERS Trump For Demanding The DOJ Persecute Hillary Clinton
It s official. Donald Trump is losing Republican support in Congress.As much as they want to believe that continuing to support Trump is in their best interests, Republicans are beginning to realize that they can no longer tolerate his unpresidential behavior.The tipping point was reached on Tuesday when Trump attacked Attorney General Jeff Sessions again on Twitter and demanded that he open an investigation against Hillary Clinton.Ukrainian efforts to sabotage Trump campaign quietly working to boost Clinton. So where is the investigation A.G. @seanhannity Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 25, 2017Attorney General Jeff Sessions has taken a VERY weak position on Hillary Clinton crimes (where are E-mails & DNC server) & Intel leakers! Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 25, 2017Apparently, Trump thinks that Hillary should be persecuted just because he is being investigated for colluding with Russia during the 2016 Election.Well, Trump s hissy fit did not impress Senator Lindsey Graham, who took to his own Twitter account to rip Trump a new one for his inappropriate meddling and obstruction.President Trump s tweet today suggesting Attorney General Sessions pursue prosecution of a former political rival is highly inappropriate. 4 Lindsey Graham (@LindseyGrahamSC) July 25, 2017Prosecutorial decisions should be based on applying facts to the law without hint of political motivation. 5 Lindsey Graham (@LindseyGrahamSC) July 25, 2017To do otherwise is to run away from the long-standing American tradition of separating the law from politics regardless of party. 6 Lindsey Graham (@LindseyGrahamSC) July 25, 2017The past support Trump has received from Republicans is clearly starting to wane. And Trump only has himself to blame because he lacks the ability to keep his mouth shut and exercise self-control. He is literally attacking his own Attorney General, a man who is supported by many Republicans in the Senate.Pennsylvania GOP Rep. Charlie Dent also expressed frustration over Trump s obsessive effort to derail the Russia investigation, telling Morning Joe that Trump s whining is distracting and makes it a lot harder for lawmakers to do their jobs.If Trump doesn t stop interfering with the Department of Justice, he will lose more Republican support. At some point, they will wake up and realize that he is hurting their party and America, and once that happens, impeachment will soon follow.Featured image via Shawn Thew-Pool/Getty Images
July 25, 2017
WATCH: Republican Lawmaker Has Finally Had Enough Of Trump’s Bullsh*t
Donald Trump s continuing effort to derail the investigation of his Russia scandal is finally causing his support among Republicans in Congress to crack.For months, Trump has been interfering with the investigation by firing FBI Director James Comey, accusing investigators of conducting a witch hunt, threatening Attorney General Jeff Sessions, and whining about it Twitter.Meanwhile, Republicans in Congress have had to deal with all of this, and it has been one giant distraction that they are finally getting sick and tired of it.During an appearance on Morning Joe on Tuesday morning, GOP Rep. Charlie Dent informed the MSNBC hosts that he and many of his colleagues are exhausted by Trump s obsession with the investigation.I m very concerned about the continuing drama, chaos, instability, and dysfunction coming out of the White House, Dent said. I have come to expect a certain amount of dysfunction in government, but they ve taken the fun out of dysfunction. This is really tough, Dent continued. This is not easy for any of us. Talking about, the FBI director gets fired, now trying to push the attorney general out And there was discussion last week about pushing out or firing Mueller. I mean, you can t fire the FBI. The investigations are going to continue. I just don t I don t understand why all this interference. It s not helpful, and it s very distracting. We have a lot of work to do on Capitol Hill, but we deal with this daily drama, and it doesn t make your job easier. Here s the video via VidMe.If Donald Trump keeps it up, he s going to wake up one day and discover that he has no more support from Republicans in Congress. Clearly, Trump s antics are starting to take a toll on them. Usually, presidents do not try to interfere with the wheels of justice. But Trump has been doing that from day one and his obsession is only getting worse. At some point, Republicans are going to decide that ousting Trump would be better than continuing to defend his bullshit. Dent being fed up is just the beginning.Featured image via Alex Wong/Getty Images
July 25, 2017
Trump Has Total UNHINGED Scatter-Brained Mental Meltdown For The Entire World To See
Donald Trump is desperate to distract everyone from keeping up with his Russia scandal.In yet another early morning Twitter rant, Trump blew several fuses and made it clear that he must not be allowed to continue being president any longer.First, Trump attacked Jeff Sessions and demanded he persecute Hillary Clinton.Ukrainian efforts to sabotage Trump campaign quietly working to boost Clinton. So where is the investigation A.G. @seanhannity Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 25, 2017Attorney General Jeff Sessions has taken a VERY weak position on Hillary Clinton crimes (where are E-mails & DNC server) & Intel leakers! Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 25, 2017Then he attacked the acting head of the FBI.Problem is that the acting head of the FBI & the person in charge of the Hillary investigation, Andrew McCabe, got $700,000 from H for wife! Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 25, 2017Trump then attacked Republicans and demanded they pass his terrible Trumpcare bill, and went on to compare Obamacare to torture.Big day for HealthCare. After 7 years of talking, we will soon see whether or not Republicans are willing to step up to the plate! Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 25, 2017ObamaCare is torturing the American People.The Democrats have fooled the people long enough. Repeal or Repeal & Replace! I have pen in hand. Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 25, 2017Trump even delusionally claimed that Jared Kushner proved that there was no collusion with Russia.Jared Kushner did very well yesterday in proving he did not collude with the Russians. Witch Hunt. Next up, 11 year old Barron Trump! Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 25, 2017Except that he offered no proof whatsoever and his testimony, which was not under oath, has been torn apart.Trump also threatened the European Union for protecting their own workforce.Working on major Trade Deal with the United Kingdom. Could be very big & exciting. JOBS! The E.U. is very protectionist with the U.S. STOP! Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 25, 2017And then he returned to ranting about healthcare with one final tweet.This will be a very interesting day for HealthCare.The Dems are obstructionists but the Republicans can have a great victory for the people! Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 25, 2017Donald Trump is not fit to serve as president. The 25th Amendment needs to be invoked or Congress needs to impeach him. He should be in prison or a mental institution, not in the White House with access to nuclear weapons.Featured image via Steve Pope/Getty Images
July 25, 2017
Trump Gets Wrecked After Confirming Secret CIA Program On Twitter (TWEETS)
Trump continued his attacks on the FAKE NEWS media on Monday night, leveling yet another attack on the Amazon Washington Post over a story they published regarding one of the many things The Donald did to support Russia and in doing so, he appears to have confirmed the existence of a secret CIA program.The story in question claimed that Trump had ended a secret CIA program to train Syrian rebels to fight against dictator Bashar al-Assad. According to the Post, Vladimir Putin had long wanted to see the program shut down, and doing so reflects Trump s interest in finding ways to work with Russia, which saw the anti-Assad program as an assault on its interests. The Amazon Washington Post fabricated the facts on my ending massive, dangerous, and wasteful payments to Syrian rebels fighting Assad, Trump tweeted.The Amazon Washington Post fabricated the facts on my ending massive, dangerous, and wasteful payments to Syrian rebels fighting Assad .. Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 25, 2017Trump, of course, didn t dispute the existence of the program just some of the facts surrounding his decision to end it. Then it was right back to attacking the FAKE NEWS, apparently unaware that he had just revealed classified information:So many stories about me in the @washingtonpost are Fake News. They are as bad as ratings challenged @CNN. Lobbyist for Amazon and taxes? Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 25, 2017Is Fake News Washington Post being used as a lobbyist weapon against Congress to keep Politicians from looking into Amazon no-tax monopoly? Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 25, 2017So what got him on the topic? Politico reporter Hadas Gold notes that Fox News Sean Hannity was discussing the secret program on his show Monday night:.@TuckerCarlson was discussing this Post story (from july 19) tonight on his program https://t.co/Z4ZEOXmwI4 https://t.co/8b56qNk1E5 Hadas Gold (@Hadas_Gold) July 25, 2017Naturally, Americans are a little bit concerned that our alleged President is on Twitter blabbing our national secrets again:Isn t he tweeting about a classified program? Kelly Pranghofer (@kellypranghofer) July 25, 2017You misspelled directly supported Bashar al Assad because Russia supports him . Jules Suzdaltsev (@jules_su) July 25, 2017Screw bone spurs! Trump ignorantly declassified a covert operation via Twitter. He s unfit to serve! April (@speakout_april) July 25, 2017Seriously, fuck off. You managed to make the freakin Boy Scouts look like fascists today. Just shut up. Please. MichaelMarshallSmith (@ememess) July 25, 2017Trump s rant about WaPo story on US aid to Syria sounds like Putin s words. Key (@GoodMenDidZilch) July 25, 2017POTUS Trump just discussed a covert CIA operation and threatened major US corporation due to CEO owning a newspaper he dislikes. pic.twitter.com/3vF4pu2mgB David Rothschild (@DavMicRot) July 25, 2017It s Disclose Secret CIA Operations and endanger valuable hard to find Syrian assets Week Donovan Rozier (@Gaberino4) July 25, 2017God, are you really stupid enough to reveal a (formerly) covert operation on Twitter? My cat is literally smarter than you. Buffoon. Carter Gaddis (@DadScribe) July 25, 2017leaking classified info who s the leaker now? You re a traitor giving away state secrets. #impeachtrump #25thAmendmentNOW J F (@carpjen) July 25, 2017What putie wants, putie gets, right? HippieChick (@MKlave) July 25, 2017Just to be clear about what happened: Donald Trump doesn t like a media outlet so he confirmed the existence of a classified CIA program Vladimir Putin wanted gone.This is not normal.Featured image via Getty Images/screengrab
July 25, 2017
Obama Photographer BRILLIANTLY Trolls Trump’s Wildly Inappropriate Speech To The Boy Scouts (IMAGE)
On Monday night, Donald Trump traveled to West Virginia to give a speech to a bunch of Boy Scouts you know, children. In that speech, instead of inspiring them and being a role model, Trump chose to swear, re-litigate his Electoral College victory, talk about cocktail parties, and rant about political issues. Of course, this is a stunningly inappropriate speech for any adult to give to little kids, much less for someone in Trump s position to do it.There have been many responses to this insanity, but perhaps the best one came from Pete Souza, the enthusiastic photographer in the Obama White House. Souza s Instagram account has become a goldmine of images trolling Trump s most outrageous moments, and this one was no different. Souza posted the following photo during Trump s speech of President Obama greeting a young Boy Scout in the Oval Office:.@PeteSouza on Instagram responds to Trump's Boy Scouts speech pic.twitter.com/GtzQgsrSV4 Bradd Jaffy (@BraddJaffy) July 25, 2017Of course, it also bears pointing out that President Obama was in the Indonesian equivalent of the Boy Scouts, while obviously Trump was never any kind of scout. Plus, when it comes to character, Obama exudes what the Scouts strive to be, while Trump is everything they don t want anyone to be.The striking part of all of this, though, is to show just how low we have gone as a country to have this orange fascist and his goons running it. Trump is racist, misogynistic, xenophobic, vindictive, a bully, and a con man. On the other side of that, President Obama was easily one of the most extraordinary human beings to ever hold that office. He is, as a person, the very definition of class and dignity.Oh, America, what have we done? How did we elect a man who is the best role model we could ask for when it comes to having behavior in the Oval Office we want future generations to emulate, to having a fraudulent vulgarian in there who exhibits behavior even toddlers know better to engage in?We can only speculate, but thank goodness for Pete Souza s Instagram account to help us remember what it was like to have a real president.Featured image via Official White House Photo by Pete Souza
July 24, 2017
WAPO: Trump Planning To Go Around Senate To Replace Sessions With A Loyal Stooge
Donald Trump is very busy right now trying to get rid of his Attorney General, one Jeff Sessions. This is pretty extraordinary, since Sessions endorsed Trump while the rest of the elected Republican establishment was still treating Trump s candidacy with a mix of comedy and horror. Now, however, times have changed. Trump wants Sessions gone, due his firm (and possibly true) belief that Sessions decision to recuse himself from the Russia investigation led to the appointment of Special Counsel Robert Mueller.As Mueller digs further into Trump World including into Trump s finances, which Trump himself has said is some kind of red line Trump is looking for a way to rid himself of the threat of what Mueller might find. With Sessions recused, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein is the one who would have the authority to fire Robert Mueller. Rosenstein has gone on the record under oath as saying that he will do no such thing without just cause. The solution to all of this for Trump? Get rid of Sessions and Rosenstein, and appoint an Attorney General who will be a staunch and unwavering Trump loyalist.It has been speculated that Trump is considering that former New York Mayor and fervent Trump supporter Rudy Giuliani might be just the man to do this. However, there is just one problem with that: Giuliani likely wouldn t pass the Senate confirmation process in this climate. In order to appear non-partisan, even Senate Republicans would insist on a nominee who is not an obvious Trump stalwart. Plus, Rudy Giuliani already admitted on the air that he literally tried to help Trump find a way to ban Muslims from the nation without doing so explicitly so as to pass Constitutional muster. Then there was the time during the campaign when Giuliani seemed to know what would be in a batch of hacked anti-Hillary Clinton emails that were leaked shortly after his statements. So, yeah, big confirmation problems there.So, what s Trump to do? Well, that s easy. Go around the Senate completely and install any Attorney General he wants, by appointing someone during the recess that the Senate always takes in late summer. Problem solved. According to the Washington Post, Team Trump is considering doing just that, when it comes to weighing options to get a pro-Trump Attorney General. From WaPo:Another scenario is that Trump could make a recess appointment, said University of Texas School of Law professor Steve Vladeck. Under that plan, Trump could choose an attorney general during the August recess who would serve until the end of the next Senate session, which could be early January. That person would have the same authority as someone who is confirmed by the Senate, Vladeck said.Now obviously such a move would be nothing short of the height of corruption, and politically explosive for Congressional Republicans, especially if they don t warn him against doing this. We all know that Trump and the people in the White House don t care how something like that looks. They want Robert Mueller and his Russia investigation gone at all costs, and if it means looking guilty as hell to do it, so be it. Anyone who has paid attention knows that Rudy Giuliani would have absolutely no issue following a Trump order to fire Robert Mueller. He d relish the task, in fact, because that would put him in the highest regard in Trump World perhaps permanently.Republicans, if this shit goes down like this, it s on your heads. It would literally spin us into a full-fledged Constitutional crisis. If Trump moves to fire Mueller, you need to impeach him. Period.Featured image via Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images
July 24, 2017
BREAKING: Desperate GOP Senators Drag John McCain Back To Washington For Trumpcare Vote
By now, we all know that upon having emergency surgery to remove a blood clot from above his left eye last week, it was discovered that Senator John McCain (R-AZ) has been diagnosed with an aggressive form of brain cancer. Of course, Senator McCain is a giant in the Senate and around the world who wields massive amounts of influence and for very good reason. Few in Washington right now have served more valiantly than he has. This is true regardless of whether one agrees with the man s politics. Therefore, he deserves our well wishes, and he and his family should be left in peace to deal with his illness in peace and privacy. This is not true, though, when it comes to the vultures in the Senate GOP Conference.Instead of leaving Senator McCain and his family alone, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, with such a slim majority in the Senate, has decided to drag the ailing Arizona Senator back to Washington just days after his devastating diagnosis and surgery. McConnell needs John McCain s vote on his disastrous healthcare legislation. Without McCain, McConnell could only lose one vote before the whole thing goes down in flames again for the umpteenth time, dealing yet another blow to the Republican Party and to the Trump Administration.Of course, since John McCain is such a fighter and a great American public servant, he has released a cordial statement saying that he will be looking forward to returning to work, even though it is obvious that the Senate is the last place he should be at such a critical time for his health. McCain s office released the following statement regarding the matter after getting medical clearance to go help McConnell out: Senator McCain looks forward to returning to the United States Senate tomorrow to continue working on important legislation, including health care reform, the National Defense Authorization Act, and new sanctions on Russia, Iran and North Korea. The Senator himself tweeted:Look forward to returning to Senate tomorrow to continue work on health care reform, defense bill & #RussiaSanctions https://t.co/VQBtovnwF1 John McCain (@SenJohnMcCain) July 25, 2017Of course, this is being spun as John McCain s own choice, made without pressure by those in the ranks of elected Republicans. However, considering the fact that there is enormous pressure for them to pass something anything on healthcare after campaigning for seven years to get rid of the Affordable Care Act, it s hard to believe that all the media attention to McCain s precious vote and the political risk of failure to McConnell didn t play a role here. Further, you can bet your bottom dollar McConnell himself probably told McCain to get his ass back to Washington come hell or high water in time for this vote.This is a new low, even for that vulturous turtle Mitch McConnell. He needs to leave John McCain and his family be. It also says a hell of a lot about the level of desperation he and his GOP Senate colleagues are feeling that they would pull a stunt like this in order to take healthcare from millions while giving massive tax cuts to the wealthiest Americans.John McCain is a better human than I, because if it were me, I d have told Mitch McConnell to go f*ck himself, and announced my retirement all in the same breath.Featured image via Alex Wong/Getty Images
July 24, 2017
Breaking: Secretary Of State Debates Abandoning Trump, Fleeing Sinking Ship
Donald Trump s horrible decisions and disgusting behavior may soon cost him another key member in his administration. It has only been a few days since former White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer resigned from his role after a disagreement with Trump. Now, Trump might lose his Secretary of State, Rex Tillerson.According to two sources close to Tillerson, the Secretary of State is getting fed up with Trump and his incompetent administration. So much so, that he might actually leave Trump before the disgraceful POTUS can complete his first year in the White House.CNN reported that these sources said there soon could be a Rexit thanks to Trump s unprofessional comments about Attorney General Jeff Sessions. Last week, Trump had said he regretted hiring Sessions because the Attorney General recused himself from overseeing the Russia investigation. Then on Monday, Trump attacked Sessions AGAIN on Twitter, stating that he was beleaguered and asked why Sessions wasn t investigating Hillary Clinton.It seems as though Tillerson has had enough of Trump s vile behavior and that s not all. This is on top of the fact that Tillerson was just exposed for violating U.S. sanctions against Russia when he was the CEO of Exxon Mobil. The Secretary of State may have had all the drama he can handle and is ready to step out and abandon Trump during his time of need.Tillerson has had issues with Trump and his administration long before these details came to light, though. Over the last few months, Tillerson has butted heads with Trump s son-in-law and senior adviser, Jared Kushner, and there were even reports that Trump might get rid of Tillerson because of it. And last month, Tillerson apparently had a meltdown during a meeting in White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus s office.Like many others, Tillerson is finally realizing that a position in Trump s failing administration isn t what he thought it would be. People are leaving Trump left and right, and the lonely POTUS only has himself to blame for it. Tillerson may have just reached his wit s end with Trump, and if he jumps ship Trump will be in big trouble.Featured image via screenshot
July 24, 2017
Donald Trump Whines, Swears And Talks Cocktail Parties — In A Speech To Children
It s tough sometimes to imagine that Donald Trump has five children since it s clear from Monday s speech in front of 40,000 Boy Scouts and other attendees at the Boy Scouts Jamboree in West Virginia that he has absolutely no idea what kind of talk is appropriate for children.While most adults would take this opportunity to offer some pearls of adult wisdom or cheerlead the Boy Scouts toward their futures, Trump chose to deliver a tirade of Trumpisms.Like almost any time Trump has tried to string together more than a couple of words at a time, most of his speech was an inarticulate mess which consisted of his trademark whining, a wee bit of swearing and a pointless anecdote about a burned out rich guy at a cocktail party.In a string of what we might want to call Trump s greatest hits, toward the very beginning of his speech, he insulted President Obama and said he didn t want to talk about politics. Who the hell wants to talk about politics when I m in front of the Boy Scouts? Trump asked, but the answer, apparently, was Donald Trump. He talked about a lot of politics.Trump, to kids at Scout jamboree: Who the hell wants to speak about politics when I m in front of the Boy Scouts? https://t.co/Rz5Tko7WW8 Bradd Jaffy (@BraddJaffy) July 24, 2017 By the way, just a question: Did President Obama ever come to a jamboree? he asked as the crowd of scouts, scoutmasters, and various other adults gathered in West Virginia yelled the word no. The answer is no, Trump continued. But we ll be back. (Obama did address a 100th anniversary scouting event in 2010 by video.)Source: USA TodayPresident Obama did not attend in person out of protest for the Boy Scouts policy of not admitting gay scouts. That policy has since changed.Trump talked about killing Obamacare and said he was going to fire Secretary of Health and Human Services Tom Price if that didn t happen:At Boy Scouts Jamboree, Trump jokes about firing his HHS secretary if he doesn t get the votes for health care bill https://t.co/QUhf3TAZji Bradd Jaffy (@BraddJaffy) July 24, 2017He also regaled the audience of people who are mostly too young to drink with a story of a friend of his at a cocktail party.Trump tells kids at Boy Scout Jamboree about his friend who got tired of yachting, lost his $$ & a NY cocktail party https://t.co/VbNRcRVpgB Bradd Jaffy (@BraddJaffy) July 24, 2017He also whined about loyalty, or his perceived lack of it:Naturally, Trump complained about the fake media. He said me might re-name Washington, D.C. a cesspool, instead of a swamp. After hearing that speech, or the snippets, it was obvious that Trump had no idea he wasn t at one of his campaign rallies. If this is an example of how he speaks to children, it explains a lot about his children.Featured image via Drew Angerer/Getty Images
July 24, 2017
Buy American? Even Trump’s MAGA Gear Is Sold Via Canada, Not America
When Donald Trump kicked off Made in America Week a few days ago, a good majority of Americans pretty much rolled their eyes in disbelief. It s common knowledge that Trump and his daughter Ivanka manufacture a good portion of their products overseas and even use foreign workers but when has blatant hypocrisy ever stopped Trump from doing something?!During the week s patriotic theme, Trump decided to get in a fire truck and say, I want to make a pledge to each and every one of you: No longer are we going to allow other countries to break the rules, steal our jobs, and drain our wealth. It didn t take long for someone to ridicule Trump for not abiding by his own rules. Democratic National Committee spokesperson Daniel Wessel called Trump out: Trump is putting his own interests and profits ahead of those of American businesses and workers. Instead of lecturing us, Trump should try setting an example. Wessel was absolutely right. Most people are aware that Trump almost never sticks to his word or takes his own advice in the public eye. What goes on behind the scenes is far, far worse. Trump s clothing line alone is manufactured in China, Bangladesh, Honduras, Vietnam, and India. The Trump Home collection has furniture made in China, Turkey, and Germany. Ivanka s brand is made in several others. According to The Daily Dot, not even Trump s official products can claim that they re sold using only American resources!Trump s official online store states that his products are 100% proudly made in the U.S. However, what The Daily Dot discovered is that these products are actually sold using Canadian e-commerce company Shopify, which was founded by two Germans. Once again, Trump has been caught deceiving his gullible fan base. Unfortunately, none of Trump s fans will probably believe that their beloved Make America Great Again hat was made possible only because of a company in Canada.Featured image via Ralph Freso / Getty Images
July 24, 2017
Trump Just Made A Hugely Inappropriate Threat Over Trumpcare While Speaking To Boy Scouts (VIDEO)
With the Trumpcare vote coming up tomorrow, The Donald is out stumping for support for the bill, and being really inappropriate about it. He actually asked Navy personnel to call their Congresspeople about healthcare, and now he s threatening his own Health and Human Services secretary, Tom Price, in front of Boy Scouts.Yes, that s right, while speaking at the Boy Scout Jamboree in Virginia today, Trump decided it was not only appropriate to get political and do nonsense like demand more loyalty, but he also pointed directly to Price at one point and said, By the way, you re going to get the votes? He better get em. He better get em, in reference to getting the necessary votes to move the disastrous Trumpcare bill to the Senate floor for debate.He also said, He better get Senator Capito to vote for it. Senator Shelley Moore Capito is one of Virginia s two Senators, and one of the three who said they would not vote to move Trumpcare forward for a full debate.But that wasn t all Trump said. This is where things got really inappropriate. Trump thought he d play reality television star once again after telling Price that he d better be getting the necessary votes for tomorrow. He made it clear, in front of children, that there will be hell for Price to pay, if he doesn t.Watch below:Featured image via video screen capture
July 24, 2017
WTF: Pentagon Sold Over $1 MILLION Worth Of Military Weapons To Fake Cops
Surely, when the Department of Defense hands out military grade weapons, they do thorough checks to verify just who they are giving these things to, right? As it turns out, not so much. The Government Accountability Office, which oversees other government agencies to check for fraud and abuse, decided to see just how careful the DoD was when it came to handing out spare military gear to law enforcement agencies. The result of their sting operation was shocking.The GOA created a fake law enforcement agency with a nifty website and an address that was nothing but an empty parking lot. Then, they applied for the military grade weapons through the 1033 program, which allows law enforcement agencies to obtain military gear that isn t being used.The DoD fell for the ruse hook, line, and sinker. Within a week, the fake cops were given $1.2 million worth of military-grade gear, including night vision goggles, simulated M-16A2 rifles, and pipe bomb equipment. They never did any verification, like visit our location, and most of it was by email, said Zina Merritt, director of the GAO s defense capabilities and management team, which ran the operation. It was like getting stuff off of eBay. Following the shooting death of Michael Brown in 2014, protests broke out in the city of Ferguson. Americans were shocked to see police respond with gear that is normally only seen in the hands of the armed forces. Obama responded to the public outcry by rolling back the Clinton-era 1033 program through an executive order, putting strict oversight in place through a Defense Department and Justice Department working group. However, the group has not met since Trump took office, which is why the GAO decided to launch its sting operation.The DoD didn t have a comment and this colossal screw-up, but they did promise to beef up their verification process. They promised to at least try to visit the agencies who apply for these weapons to make sure they actually exist before shipping them a load of M-16s. The DoD also agreed to complete an internal fraud investigation by April 2018.Featured image via video screen capture
July 24, 2017
Trump’s Pick For Head Of DOJ Criminal Division Represented Russian Banks With Putin Ties
Tuesday, Trump s nominee to lead the DOJ s criminal division goes before the Senate Judiciary for confirmation. He will likely face questions about his time representing Alfa Bank, a major Russian financial institution headed up by owners with ties with Vladimir Putin and the Kremlin. Brian Benczkowski told Congress less than a week ago about his ties to the bank, in advance of his testimony, as reported by the New York Times.Apparently Benczkowski was previously unable to disclose his former employer because of a confidentiality agreement he d signed. He has since gotten a waiver to do so. Questions from the senators should likely include whether or not Benczkowski intended to tell them about his Russian contacts in the absence of such a waiver. Anticipating this line of questioning, the letter he sent Congress on July 19 indicated that he would now be able to discuss the fact and scope of the representation at the hearing. In part:Your staff has indicated that the committee may wish to question me at my hearing regarding the fact and scope of my work for Alfa Bank. As I am sure you understand, ethical considerations prohibit me from disclosing confidential legal advice or any other information protected by the attorney-client privilege under any circumstances.Owners representing about 75% interest in the bank, Mikhail Fridman, Petr Aven and German Khan, sued BuzzFeed News in May over a dossier they published tying the bank to Putin, Trump, and the 2016 election. Although that suit is ongoing, a spokesman for BuzzFeed called it a shameless attempt to bully and intimidate the news outlet. He cited the fact that the allegations contained in the dossier were presented to successive presidents and remain under active investigation by intelligence agencies and Congress, and the reports are still published.Hopefully, the committee takes into account the peripherals of Benczkowski s contacts, rather than the simple fact of his employment. The fact that Trump who undoubtedly already knows everything the committee may find in their hearing and more still tapped someone with extensive ties to Russia despite the ongoing investigation speaks volumes about his brazen attitude toward both Congress and the country itself.Featured image via Eduardo Munoz Alvarez/Getty Images
July 24, 2017
This Congressman Just Took A Stand Against Trump’s Corruption And Trump Will HATE It
Donald Trump s conflicts of interest are finally starting to create some major problems for the undeserving POTUS.When Trump was elected, most Americans were up in arms over the fact that Trump has so many messy, shady business ties and would clearly be trying to exploit his position in the White House for his own personal gain. Judging from what we ve seen from Trump and his corrupt family in these short six months of his presidency, we had every right to be worried Trump has been trying to profit off of his new role from the second he stepped into the White House.Fortunately, members of Congress are standing up to this unethical behavior. On Monday, a Democrat in the U.S. House of Representatives proposed legislation that would prevent the government from renting rooms at any of Trump s hotels for official business matters. In a statement that pretty much reflects exactly how most Americans feel about this, Representative Don Beyer of Virginia said: Donald Trump should not be allowed to line his or his family s pockets with taxpayer dollars. Exactly! Rep. Beyer also stated that these amendments to a spending bill were critical due to Trump s unprecedented failure to divest from his business, and the ongoing entanglement between the Trump Organization and the White House. This is following a similar motion that happened last month, when the attorneys general of Maryland and the District of Columbia filed a lawsuit that stated it was a constitutional violation to make government payments to Trump s businesses.The White House has yet to comment on this, but we can all be certain that Trump is going to have a colossal meltdown over it. Every time someone calls out his unethical actions even if they re 100 percent true Trump acts like a toddler and has a meltdown. Whether he likes it or not, Trump should NOT be profiting from his presidency when he is supposed to be serving the American people, and his personal interests must be blocked.Featured image via Alex Wong / Getty Images
July 24, 2017
Congressional Black Caucus: Jeff Sessions Has Got To GO
The Congressional Black Caucus is a very influential voice in the House of Representatives. Most Republicans are hesitant to criticize them as a group, since they already have enough problems with public perception regarding their attitudes on issues of race. Therefore, it s a pretty powerful thing when the Congressional Black Caucus comes out with a major position, which they did on Monday.This group of lawmakers has banded together to take a very controversial stand, which is to call for the resignation of the racist Keebler elf who likes to call himself America s Attorney General, Jeff Sessions. They said in a statement: Attorney General Sessions is unfit to serve as the top law enforcement official in the nation and should resign from the position immediately. As the old saying goes, fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me. Attorney General Sessions is treating Congress and the American people like fools. The Caucus voted on whether or not to publicly call for Sessions to step down even before the Washington Post revealed on Friday that, once again, Sessions had not been truthful under oath. The Post story alleges that United States intelligence listened in on phone calls held by Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak, in which he explicitly said that he had conversations about the 2016 presidential campaign with Sessions, whom he met with repeatedly. Sessions has forcefully denied this while under oath.The Congressional Black Caucus went on to say of those revelations: Every day the Department of Justice prosecutes people for lying under oath, yet the man who leads the department has lied under oath on more than one occasion. Exactly. Forget resignation Jeff Sessions needs to be prosecuted. If any of us did what he has done, we d be in prison for years. This man definitely should not be any kind of law enforcement officer, much less the top one. He is a disgrace to the Constitution and to the Department of Justice. Hopefully, the Congressional Black Caucus s influence moves others to respond to Sessions grave transgressions and lawbreaking in kind.Featured image via Win McNamee/Getty Images
July 24, 2017
Germany’s President Joins Chancellor Merkel In Sharp Criticism Of ‘Irritating’ Trump
Unlike the United States, Germany has both a President and a Chancellor. The President is nothing more than a figurehead, of course; it is Chancellor Angela Merkel actually runs the nation. At any rate, Germany s current President, Frank-Walter Steinmeier, has come out on television to tell everyone just how he feels about Donald Trump.Speaking to a German television host, President Steinmeier says that he is irritated by Trump. Of course, since Germany is a staunch ally of the United States, he was careful in his wording and quick to recognize the relationship between the two nations, especially during the crucial rebuilding of Europe in the post World War II era. Steinmerier says: Our economic development would not have happened without the Marshall Plan. In this respect, I advise us not to throw everything overboard, even though I admit that I am irritated about a lot of things. He went on to essentially say he knows that most Americans are just as horrified by Trump as he is: Not all of America has forgotten the transatlantic relationship, and therefore I believe that within American politics, there will be corrections made to what we are now seeing. Of course, this is how you rebuke someone without even mentioning their name. Further, these remarks should come as no surprise, since Trump and German Chanecellor Angela Merkel have long had a frosty relationship. Like decent people everywhere, she was appalled by Trump s campaign trail behavior, and things have only gotten worse since Trump took office. When Merkel visited the White House, Trump actually gave her a bill for NATO, apparently in an attempt to keep his promise that he d make our allies pay up before offering our protection. He also had the audacity to joke about Merkel being wiretapped. And then of course, there was the fact that Trump was way out of his league at the G 20, the G 7 and NATO Summits.All in all, the world cannot wait to be rid of Trump. It s okay neither can we.Featured image via Justin Sullivan/Getty Images
July 24, 2017
ICE Agent Spills: We’re Targeting Children For Detention ‘Because We Can’
Trumpers are rejoicing over the escalating activities of Immigration and Customs Enforcement because of their wholly misguided belief that undocumented immigrants do nothing but sit here, in the U.S., illegally soaking up every dollar that should go to actual Americans. That mentality has spawned five squillion allegations about the behavior of Immigration and Customs Enforcement, which has gotten increasingly brazen, and even abusive, since Trump s election.One ICE agent has apparently had enough, and he s speaking out. Jonathan Blitzer, a contributing writer to The New Yorker, got in touch with this agent (who would only allow these details to be published under condition of anonymity) who finds himself increasingly alarmed by the culture shift at the agency.He s particularly angry about ICE s specific targeting of children who entered the country as unaccompanied minors years ago. Those children were placed with families and allowed to attend school here, hopefully so they could make themselves into contributing members of society. He told Blitzer something shocking: That they re going after these children literally because they can, even though there s no real policy for what to do with them after they re rounded up. The plan is to take them back into custody, and then figure it out. I don t understand it. We re doing it because we can, and it bothers the hell out of me.The whole idea is targeting kids. I know that technically they meet the legal definition of being adults. Fine. But if they were my kids travelling in a foreign country, I wouldn t be O.K. with this. We re not doing what we tell people we do. If you look [at] next month, or at the end of this month, at the people in custody, it s people who ve been here for years. They re supposed to be in high school. This isn t some rookie who s only been with the agency for a few months or a year, and probably hasn t fully assimilated into the culture and become a cold-hearted, contemptuous, power-drunk officer. This is veteran officer who has been in federal immigration enforcement since the Clinton administration.He talks about what things were like before Trump: ICE used to look at the full circumstances of a deportation case before making decisions. He feels that the job of the agency is not to judge the people they re detaining, and yet, many ICE agents are doing just that now, and that s part of the problem. Their contempt is growing by leaps and bounds and it s affecting how the agency runs as a whole (which Trump fans no doubt love).While this particular agent was heavily critical of Obama and what he saw as micromanaging from Obama s administration, there s so much now that s gone that it s really no wonder individual agents seem hungry to arrest and remove as many people as possible even if those people are children. It sounds like they re becoming single-minded about it.And this agent is also upset about the use of resources. Our immigration system is already badly clogged, and has been for a long time. ICE is pretty much intentionally making that worse. We still have to make decisions based on a responsible use of the government s resources you can t lock everybody up, We re putting more people into that overburdened system just because we can. There s just this school of thought that, well, we can do what we want. This is Trump s America. This is what the Trumpers want they want the other gone and they don t care how it happens or who that other is, let alone what it s going to cost us. The fact that ICE is targeting children who were specifically placed with families here, and who should be attending high school now, is just flat-out vile. This is not America.Featured image via John Moore/Getty Images
July 24, 2017
WATCH: According To Trump, ‘Obama’care Is Somehow 17 Years Old (TWEETS)
According to Donald Trump, Obamacare has wreaked havoc for even longer than even the dumbest among conservatives thought.Speaking about healthcare a topic he often confuses with life insurance the Donald stood in front of a bunch of human props and complained:For the past 17 years, Obamacare has wreaked havoc on the lives on innocent, hard-working Americans No, seriously. He actually said that and Mike Pence looks like he just ate a fart after hearing it:Trump thinks Obamacare is 17 years old. In other words: Old enough to date. pic.twitter.com/qnRWfq04nz Mrs. Betty Bowers (@BettyBowers) July 24, 2017Not to worry, though. MSNBC was quick to fact check this claim that the Affordable Care Act, nicknamed Obamacare by detractors when it was passed under President Obama, became law under President Bill Clinton.Trump started his speech by saying Obamacare s been wreaking havoc for the past 17 years so that s cool. pic.twitter.com/TeYtZIqdbP shauna (@goldengateblond) July 24, 2017Why did this need to be fact checked? Because our so-called President really is the dumbest motherf*cker alive.Naturally, Trump blew up Twitter with this new information that President Clinton signed Obamcare into law before the first debate on the issue happened:President Trump, speaking loudly over crying kids, says Obamacare has hurt the country for 17 years. pic.twitter.com/zY3meBisvp Andrew Beatty (@AndrewBeatty) July 24, 2017"For the past 17 years " The Obamacare wars certainly seem like they've gone on that long. David M. Drucker (@DavidMDrucker) July 24, 2017The folks behind him look like hostages, says Obamacare has been in effect 17 years.He even SPEAKS in typo.pic.twitter.com/H7612ZqOc9 https://t.co/VWw5CRuOzs Steve Marmel (@Marmel) July 24, 201717 years? Man, Obama is more powerful than we even thought passing ACA before ever taking office ???? C. Conniff (@CConniff85) July 24, 2017Face Palm So HARD. 17 years?17 years. SEVENTEEN YEARS. You are Forrest MF in Gump. "I am not a smart man." #TrumpLies #TrumpRussia pic.twitter.com/5ui4UWSDM3 View from my Office (@viewfrommyoffic) July 24, 2017"For the past 17 years, Obamacare has wreaked havoc"ok, it all makes sense now: Trump thinks Obamacare was the Y2K bug pic.twitter.com/LRU6POtGV9 Adam Freelander (@adamplease) July 24, 201717 years? Is he still looking for his limo? Moosenlamb! (@t_pletch) July 24, 2017I think he may not actually know that 2010 wasn't 17 years ago. #Trumpcare #Obamacare https://t.co/RGkFeGg1Pc Ian West ?? (@Ian_West1) July 24, 2017Well in his defense I mean if Frederick Douglass cans still be alive then I guess #Obamacare can be causing havoc for 17 years lol. Josh (@Venti_Poet) July 24, 2017Trump:" for the last 17years Obamacare "The Whole Nation at Once: pic.twitter.com/R0c6ntC482 Nathan Harris (@NathanIHarris) July 24, 2017Lmao 17 years tho? My man Obama is time traveling and setting up healthcare in the past for us y'all he's the best! https://t.co/Z9gSZhPY0d Young Roy Mustang (@StrizzySF) July 24, 2017If Dear Leader says 17 years, then 17 years it is. https://t.co/JjDlEJEvSO Sim s eu ???? (@bogdwell) July 24, 2017Obama wasn't even a Senator 17 years ago. The spiral downward for DJT just keeps going on and on and on Mark Walters (@MhWalt3067) July 24, 2017OK Trumpsters here is your leader. He can't even add, 17 years ago today was 7/24/00 & Bill Clinton was office. Shit blame @HillaryClinton pic.twitter.com/RJzTirXaDV Steve McGarrett (@mcgarrett_5O) July 24, 201717 years!!! WTH is Agent Covfefe babbling about? Christina Marie (@Christina_6381) July 24, 2017Wait, did the moron really say we've had the ACA for 17 years? Come on 25th amendment, he's clearly lost it. #resist Alan Griffin (@Gryphonskull) July 24, 2017At this point, it s fair to ask: Is there anything he won t blame on the Clintons?To be fair, he later says that seven years ago, a small group of politicians engineered a government takeover of healthcare years after he says Obamacare became law.Can we please have some 25th Amendment action? Pretty please?Featured image via screengrab
July 24, 2017
Male Republican Blames ‘Female Senators’ For GOP Failure To Pass Health Law
A Texas Republican congressman blamed female Republicans for the GOP s cruel health care bill, which would be more aptly named death care. Rep. Blake Farenthold (R-TX) suggested that if they were men, he would challenge them to a gunfight.To make matters worse, he singled out the female Republicans saying that it s absolutely repugnant that the GOP-led Senate hasn t had the ability to repeal the health care law even though they ve had seven years to come up with a viable alternative.Farenthold called out the female senators from the Northeast in reference to Maine Sen. Susan Collins, Shelley Moore Capito of West Virginia, and Lisa Murkowski of Alaska (someone should point him to a map).On Friday, during a radio interview on a Corpus Christi station last Friday, Farenthold said he finds it absolutely repugnant that the Senate does not have the courage to do some of the things that every Republican in the Senate promised to do. Some of the people that are opposed to this [repealing Obamacare] there are some female senators from the northeast, Farenthold said. If it was a guy from south Texas I might ask them to step outside and settle this Aaron Burr-style. In 1804, Aaron Burr famously shot and killed his political adversary, Alexander Hamilton, in a New Jersey duel.Here s the audio:Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell tried to push through an Obamacare repeal bill without a replacement, thus making the markets chaotic while leaving millions uninsured. After a few months, the three Republican women announced that they could not support repealing Obamacare. Sen. Collins called the Obamacare repeal bill unacceptable because it would leave millions of Americans without insurance. I have deep concerns and am opposed to the Senate bill, she said, then added that the bill would make sweeping changes to the Medicaid program, and would take out of the Medicaid program more than $700 billion dollars. You don t take a safety net program that has been operating for more than 50 years and change it in fundamental ways without having a single hearing to evaluate its impact, she said.Rep. Blake Farenthold really shouldn t challenge her to any kind of a fight. We re pretty sure he would lose.Image via Twitter.
July 24, 2017
Ivanka Trump Made Up Fake News About Albert Einstein And The Internet Will Never Let Her Live It Down (TWEETS)
This should have been a red flag.As we all know, Donald Trump is waging a war on facts and the truth. The lies from him and his administration just continue to pile up every day. Trump s war on science and good journalism are the most prominent example of Trump overall war against facts.Trump claims climate change does not exist and has done everything he can to turn government department such as the Environmental Protection Agency into anti-science institutions.And Ivanka Trump endorsed all of this back in 2013 by misquoting Albert Einstein. If the facts don t fit the theory, change the facts. Albert Einstein #quote #sunday Ivanka Trump (@IvankaTrump) June 23, 2013The problem is that Albert Einstein, who would be horrified by Trump s alternative facts agenda, did NOT say it.And Twitter users mocked Ivanka so bad that she may never show her face in public again.Ivanka! You should be ashamed! Is this shit what you teach your kids? Einstein did NOT say that!!! STOP LYING. All Trump s just lie!!!! Christine Shaffer (@Christi63821088) July 23, 2017#Ivanka misquoting #Einstein: she really is that ignorant or she s deliberately undermining empirical science in favor of profitable chaos. Jesper Weigner (@jespernweigner) July 23, 2017 If real Einstein quotes don t say what you want, use a fake one. Ivanka Trump #FakeQuotes DBraden (@MecCoffee) July 23, 2017Behold! It s the 2013 birthplace of #alternativefacts! LiberalFish (@akemor) July 23, 2017The fact that Einstein never said any such thing only makes this tweet that much more perfect. https://t.co/ZCjViO1CpS Colin Dickey (@colindickey) July 23, 2017Even Albert Einstein s estate took to Twitter to confirm that the quote is fake.We can confirm that Albert Einstein never said this quote. Here s a worthy purchase via @PrincetonUPress: https://t.co/FdGWkO1qpz https://t.co/eWTUhskgvR Albert Einstein (@AlbertEinstein) July 24, 2017Ivanka Trump is never going to live this down. Her tweet will be considered the beginning of the Trump family s war on facts and the beginning of the alternative facts era that we are witnessing right now.Featured Image: Sean Gallup/Getty Images
July 24, 2017
Kushner: I Lied About Four Russian Contacts, But No Worries, I Didn’t Collude
Donald Trump s son-in-law Jared Kushner has found himself at the focus of the Russia scandal which has gripped the administration. It s always the quiet ones you have to worry about, as they say. Kushner released an 11-page statement earlier in which he appeared to throw Donald Trump Jr. under the bus.Then Kush (I can call you Kush, right?) spoke for two hours in a closed-door session with Senate Intelligence Committee staff members investigating Russia s interference in the 2016 presidential election. After that, Kushner proceeded to talk to reporters, but didn t take any questions. I did not collude with Russia and I do not know of anyone else in the campaign who did so, Kushner said outside the White House.Kushner insisted that he has been fully transparent which is totally untrue, according to the written statement he issued just hours earlier.In that statement, Kushner said he had four contacts with Russians during the presidential campaign and transition and declared that none of them were improper, even though they were not disclosed previously.Even most Republicans agree that Donald Trump Jr. should not have held that controversial meeting with a Russian lawyer, which was attended by Kushner and former campaign manager Paul Manafort.According to Kushner, it s all cool because he said he did not read emails that showed that Junior enthusiastically accepted the meeting with the idea that he would receive damaging information about Hillary Clinton.Kushner went on to deny that Russians financed some of his business interests in the private sector. However, it s been revealed that Trump s son-in-law bought part of old New York Times building from a Soviet-born oligarch who is allegedly tied to money laundering. There are many other instances we could cite, too. Like, for example, Kush s meeting with Russian banker Sergey Gorkov. That bank is sanctioned so it s alarming that he would even take the 30 minute meeting.But since Kush feigns to be transparent, he can prove that right now.USA Today reports:Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore., called on Kushner to testify in public under oath, and said his written statement raised more questions about his relationships with Russians. He noted that the White House senior adviser has repeatedly concealed information about his personal finances and meetings with foreign officials. There should be no presumption that he is telling the whole truth in this statement. At the very least, said Sen. Joe Manchin, D-West Va., the transcript from Kushner s meeting with staff members should be made public. Make everything as transparent as possible, Manchin told reporters. All of my actions were proper, he said outside the White House. So, the four undisclosed meetings (that we know about so far) were proper ?When Kushner sought top-secret security clearance which would give him access to some of the nation s most closely guarded secrets, he was required to disclose all encounters with foreign government officials over the last seven years, but he failed to do so. You know, because he s so transparent. He or she who has not had undisclosed contacts with Russian officials, let them cast the first stone.Photo by Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images
July 24, 2017
Kushner Takes The Only Life Boat, Watches Junior And Manafort Drown From The Shore
I am not a person who has sought the spotlight. That s the first stand-out sentence from the statement Jared Kushner released Monday morning in advance of his testimony before the Senate Intelligence Committee. We re willing to bet that line makes it into his daily mantra as he navigates the nightmare he s realizing he married into. Oh, I don t excuse Trump s son-in-law for his part in any of the current investigation/fiasco/shenanigans. Don t get me wrong. But his demeanor clearly indicates a man who is in a different category of prevaricator than the Trumps he now unfortunately finds himself wed to in more ways than just his nuptials with Ivanka.His statement, first reported by CNN (in full here), is an absolute masterwork of distancing himself from the crimes that were obviously committed. With so much of The Meeting between Don Trump, Jr., Paul Manafort, and himself already out in public so much already confirmed there is little to do but work with what he s got. And so carefully, meticulously, Kushner has crafted a storyline that excises his participation in the shady dealings with the Kremlin lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya:
July 24, 2017
Republicans Demand Chelsea Clinton Be Questioned Over Benghazi, Hillary ‘Scandals’ (VIDEO)
If you thought leaving Congress would somehow make former Benghazi witch hunter Jason Chaffetz smarter, you were utterly, woefully wrong.In an appearance on his new home, Fox News, Chaffetz whined that Jared Kushner and Donald Trump Jr. have to testify before the Senate Intelligence Committee because of that teensy little meeting they had with a Russian government lawyer, a KGB spy, and a Russian money launderer where they expected to receive damaging information about Hillary Clinton from the Russian government.Instead, he says, Chelsea Clinton should be dragged in to testify about Benghazi. Republicans need to get a backbone, Chaffetz said. Every time the Democrats say they need to call up Jared Kushner or Don Jr. call up Chelsea Clinton, call up the Clintons. So every time a Democrat says I gotta talk to Donald Trump Jr., then go up and bring Chelsea Clinton in there, Chaffetz said, falsely claiming that Chelsea Clinton was involved in the Benghazi situation because of her association with the Clinton Foundation. They would never, ever do this to the Clintons, Chaffetz said of Kushner s testimony despite the fact that they literally did this to Hillary Clinton, forcing her to withstand 11 hours of ridiculous questions notably in public, unlike Kushner and his cohorts.Watch it below:Featured image via screengrab
July 24, 2017
Trump Considering Firing Sessions And Replacing Him With Corrupt Trump Crony
On Saturday, amateur president Donald Trump whined that Republicans aren t protecting him from his own scandals, thus forbidding him from having a safe place in which to avoid being triggered. Trump wondered Monday morning why Attorney General Jeff Sessions hasn t investigated Hillarys [SIC] crimes and Russia relations in a classic case of projection. Just after winning the election, Trump no longer showed an interest in pursuing Clinton, though. Earlier this month, Trump raged against Sessions in a bizarre interview with the New York Times.Trump was upset that Sessions recused himself from anything regarding the Russia probe. After all, he did lie to the Senate Committee about meeting with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak. Trump revealed that he would have never chosen Sessions as his AG if he knew he would recuse himself.So now, it s come down to Sessions facing the ax at the ever-revolving door at the White house.During his early morning tweetstorm Monday, Trump referred to Sessions as a beleaguered A.G. Trump has raised the possibility of bringing back Rudolph Giuliani to head the Justice Department, according to West Wing confidants, Mike Allen of Axios reports.Allen revealed that Trump has been considering Giuliani even before the interview with the Times. Sessions, for all his loyalty to Trump, might be replaced with another loyalist.Trump has repeatedly suggested there will be a shakeup of staff, mostly when there s a leak, and this White House s leaks are more like a massive rainfall.As Axios points out, the Giuliani balloon may go nowhere because it could just be an empty threat.And then there s Newt Gingrich, a man who has been devoted to Donald Trump.As Axios reported Saturday, Newt Gingrich who also went all-in with the Trump campaign may take a more visible, frequent role as a defender as Trump girds for battle with special counsel Bob Mueller.But, this tweet Gingrich sent out touting Mueller as Special Counsel may come back to bite him in the a**. Robert Mueller is superb choice to be special counsel, Gingrich said. His reputation is impeccable for honesty and integrity. Media should now calm down. Robert Mueller is superb choice to be special counsel. His reputation is impeccable for honesty and integrity. Media should now calm down Newt Gingrich (@newtgingrich) May 18, 2017Giuliani and disgraced former House Speaker Newt Gingrich would both have a difficult time getting 50 Republicans senators to vote in order to confirm him. On the other hand, Sessions, with all of his baggage, was confirmed.No matter how loyal someone is in the Trump administration, the former reality show star can turn on that person on a dime if he needs someone to blame for his own failings. That s not to say we feel sorry for Sessions. F*ck that guy!Flashback: This administration is running like a fine-tuned machine, Trump said in mid-February. Despite the fact that I can t get my Cabinet approved, and they are outstanding people. Photo by Zach Gibson/Getty Images.
July 24, 2017
Now Trump Wants to ‘Drain The Sewer’ So The Internet Let Him Know He’s A Piece Of Sh*t (TWEETS)
Donald Trump is losing it. On Monday, he kicked off his morning with perhaps his dumbest ravings yet about swamps and sewers and fake news (oh my?). Drain the Swamp should be changed to Drain the Sewer it s actually much worse than anyone ever thought, and it begins with the Fake News! our middle-schooler-in-chief tweeted.Drain the Swamp should be changed to Drain the Sewer it's actually much worse than anyone ever thought, and it begins with the Fake News! Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 24, 2017If you re thinking what the f*ck is he on about? then you re not the only one. For one, a sewer is a drainage system. That s the whole point.Just like Adolf Hitler, Trump continued his attacks on the L genpresse FAKE NEWS as Trump calls the media.He also once again demanded that everyone focus on Crooked Hillarys rather than himself. It is unclear if he meant that as a possessive or a plural.So why aren't the Committees and investigators, and of course our beleaguered A.G., looking into Crooked Hillarys crimes & Russia relations? Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 24, 2017Basically, this tantrum was a gigantic mountain of stupidity and Americans were glad to mock him mercilessly for it.You are right. If DC was a swamp before, you made it a sewer. Next stop: toxic waste dump Dani Bostick (@danibostick) July 24, 2017How do you think sewers work, exactly? Ryan Broderick (@broderick) July 24, 2017Brilliant!Although, to be fair, DC s sewer is clogged by a MASSIVE fatberg at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. Sean (@DailyChef7) July 24, 2017If by Fake News you mean My misleading tweets, statements & surrogates, agree! Screw the sewer; in 2018 & 2020 let s Flush the Toilet ! Pep Rosenfeld (@peprosenfeld) July 24, 2017Okay, have you tried calling the plumber? Let me know how it goes. nic shields (@nicshields) July 24, 2017You ARE the biggest, slimiest, diseased sewer rat so stop whining #DonnieTwoScoops! pic.twitter.com/Zx7GKfBUV4 alexandra halaby (@iskandrah) July 24, 2017You re SO right! You DID create a sewer in the @WhiteHouse! Thank you for correctly pointing that out. #drainthesewer Shaun O Banion (@shaun_obanion) July 24, 2017Ofcourse it s worse. You added half of Goldman Sachs, the foreclosure king, a racist elf, white nationalists, neo-nazis & Russian colluders Facts Do Matter (@WilDonnelly) July 24, 2017Where would sewers drain into? Surely you d have to use more sewers and that would compound the problem, no? Conor Mac (@thefella) July 24, 2017Yes, change the slogan. That should stop you from hiring a rogues gallery of the least qualified, most compromised federal officials ever. Mark Banker (@themarkbanker) July 24, 2017Is a sewer better or worse than a swamp? This is the most interesting debate topic you ve raised since becoming president. Paul Caiozzo (@PaulCaiozzo) July 24, 2017Yes, you managed to drain the swamp directly into the WH. And your constant refrain of fake news leads us to believe it isn t fake at all Susan Price (@PriceSjrw5614) July 24, 2017So you turned the swamp into a sewer ? And now it s overflowing. So much winning! Paul Cyr (@PaulCyr5) July 24, 2017We know you re much worse than we first thought. We d love to drain the sewer . How long before you can move out? Kristine Lynne (@thegoodmama) July 24, 2017It begins with you so when are you gonna resign so we can drain the sewer? Sheree Williams (@ShereeW1974) July 24, 2017Trump seems nervous about something. Could it be that his son-in-law, son, and former campaign manager are testifying before the Senate Intelligence Committee about their collusion with Russia? The fact that the noose is tightening?What s he worried about?Featured image via Getty Images/screengrab
July 24, 2017
Republicans Are Trying To Destroy The Senate As We Know It, Taking Away Your Vote — Here’s How
The American Legislative Exchange Council, otherwise known as ALEC, is a corporate-funded project whose agenda is to give Republicans even more of an advantage, starting at the very top and working their way down. Part of their right-wing agenda now is to go 104 years back in time and get rid of an elected Senate, instead reverting to Senators being decided by deals between wealthy campaign donors, corporate lobbyists, and legislators.Trying to bring an end to representative democracy in the US isn t a particularly new idea, it s one that has been getting proposed for decades, however, nobody has come as close to making it a reality as ALEC. In fact, last year they circulated a document entitled Draft Resolution Recommending Constitutional Amendment Restoring Election of US Senators to the Legislatures of the Sovereign States, something that will most likely be discussed at great length at ALEC s annual meeting this week. If the article is approved by ALEC members, becomes part of their official agenda and is eventually instated, it will take a step backward and return the US to the corrupt and undemocratic practice of state legislators bartering off Senate seats, which was ended in 1913.When you take a look at that document you can tell these guys aren t fooling around, as it goes almost immediately to their ultimate goal:Section 1. The seventeenth article of amendment to the Constitution of the United States is hereby repealed.Section 2. Senators shall be elected exclusively by the State legislature, upon a majority vote of legislators present and voting in a joint session. If a vacancy shall exist for more than one hundred-eighty days, then the Governor shall appoint the Senator to serve the remainder of the vacant term. This procedure may not be modified by state initiative or referendum.Section 3. State legislatures may issue instructions to, or recall, their Senators at any time.By doing this, Congress will become more representative of corporations than citizens of the United States and also the imbalance in the upper chamber would almost certainly grow. Fortunately, overturning the Seventeenth Amendment would be no easy task, but it is a terrifying prospect that there are organizations trying to stifle democracy in the United States of America.Featured image via Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images
July 24, 2017
Republican Official Caught Exposing Himself Attacks Police Officer
Republicans always like to claim they are the party of family values. As such, they oppose anything they deem to be sinful, such as abortion, homosexuality, or pre-marital sex. They often use their political positions as a weapon against anyone who doesn t adhere to their twisted version of morality. Along with this, though, almost always comes some kind of amazing example of hypocrisy in their ranks.These examples pop up pretty regularly, and here we have another one.Fifty-four-year-old David Narromore is a dentist in Kingsport, Tennessee. He is also the chairman of that state s Republican Party. Narromore has been up to some decidedly un-family values like behavior of late, though, and now he might be going to jail for it. In the men s restroom at a Belk s Department Store, a most disturbing incident involving Narromore happened, and a store employee contacted police. Apparently, Mr. Narromore was exposing himself to the employee, who just happened to be a loss prevention officer using the restroom in the stall next to Narromore.Narromore went well beyond the usual toe-tapping that happens in this case here, too. He decided it would be a good idea to stretch his foot into the unidentified employee s stall and start massaging the other man s foot with his own. As if that weren t bad enough, Narromore also whipped his d*ck out for the poor innocent employee as well. This is what prompted the call to the cops.The employee then kept Narromore in the store in his office until police arrived. Narromore was taken into custody but not without a fight. He decided to resist arrest, refusing to comply with orders from police when they attempted to handcuff him. He became physically combative, and they had to tase him. When that didn t work, officers were forced to take Narromore to the ground in order to cuff him and take him away. He spent the night in a cell, right where he belonged, despite his efforts to make sure that didn t happen. After posting bail in the amount of $2,250, he was let out of the joint the next day. He is charged with resisting arrest and indecent exposure.Of course, the Tennessee GOP has relieved Narromore of his duties after this embarrassing dust-up. Tennessee GOP Communications Director Trent Watson says of the incident: Dr. Narramore is clearly going through some personal issues. We wish him well as he attempts to deal with (his) personal struggles. Ah, yes. In Republican circles, being gay is wrong, so that means that when one has a lapse, it s just personal issues. Maybe if this guy wasn t such a repressed closet case, he wouldn t be committing sex crimes in public restrooms. If you people weren t so archaic and hateful when it comes to LGBTQ people, the people in your ranks who are repressed homosexuals wouldn t wind up doing this sort of thing and continuously embarrassing your party.Maybe the issues here have to do with the wrong-headed, hateful, and dangerous views of the GOP when it comes to homosexuality, not the people who are gay, repress it due to said views, and wind up in the slammer over it.Then again, this guy, as a professional Republican, deserves no sympathy, as his hypocrisy is off the charts with this one. He pushes politicians and laws that harm LGBTQ people, then gets caught trolling for gay sex in a public men s room. Family values, indeed.Featured image via AJC.com/Kingsport City Jail
July 24, 2017
WATCH: Scaramucci Cried About How Hard It Is For Wall St. Elites, So President Obama CRUSHED Him – To His Face
As I was scrolling through my Twitter feed this evening, I happened upon a gem of a tweet by Adam Khan. The text reads, From 2010: Scaramucci says Obama is beating up on him and Wall Street friends like a pi ata. Attached is a six minute video. And contained within that video are some pretty amazing moments.At 0:36, Scaramucci says,The question I have, sir, and this is something I really, you know, a lot of my friends are thinking about, listen I represent the Wall St. community. We ve felt like a pi ata. Maybe you don t feel like you ve been whacking us with a stick, but we certainly feel like we ve been whacked with a stick.To which, at 2:34, President Obama responds:Now, I have been amused over the last couple years, this sense that somehow me beating up on Wall St. I think most folks on Main Street feel like they got beat up on! The crowd immediately erupted in cheers for the previous Commander-in-Chief.This interaction, of course, comes after the 2008 financial crisis in which people like Mr. Scaramucci almost destroyed the world economy in the name of bigger risks and bigger payouts, at the expense of everyday people.You can see the tweet, and the amazing video contained within, in entirety below. The rest of the thread is also worth a read:From 2010: Scaramucci says Obama is beating up on him and Wall Street friends like a pi ata. Watch how Obama responds. pic.twitter.com/o8sjsSRSMW Adam Khan (@Khanoisseur) July 23, 2017Featured image by Bill Pugliano/Getty Images
July 23, 2017
Member Of Congress Educates Trump: ‘Our Job Is To Check You, Not Protect You’ (TWEETS)
Donald Trump has been on an absolute tear on Twitter regarding the Russia investigation. At one point during his unhinged Twitter rant, Trump whined that the GOP-controlled Congress should be doing more to protect him from the political and legal consequences of the investigation. Well, Congressman Ted Lieu of California had a bit of bad news for the clearly constitutionally-challenged Trump: It s not Congress s job to protect him. Quite the opposite, in fact. Rep. Lieu said to Trump: Dear @realDonaldTrump: Under our Constitution, the job of Congress is not to protect you. It is to be a check and balance on you. Dear @realDonaldTrump: Under our Constitution, the job of Congress is not to protect you. It is to be a check and balance on you. https://t.co/eE56pjA6Z0 Ted Lieu (@tedlieu) July 24, 2017Now, of course that matters not to Trump. He has operated outside the bounds of the law his entire life, and has continued to do so since the second he took his hand off that Bible after reciting the oath of office. One could even argue that the Republicans in Congress ARE protecting Trump, considering that they won t do anything about him.Many regularly go on television and refuse to criticize Trump regarding Russia or anything else. This is true even when the evidence that he obstructed justice, colluded with the Russians, is self-dealing from the Oval Office, or committing any number of other crimes is nothing short of damning. That s to say nothing of his clear and dangerous incompetence, and his daily disgracing of the office we all hold so dear as a nation.If for no other reason than what Rep. Lieu just told Trump, we should do all we can to flip Congress in 2018. Then we can have a REAL check on this freak that is currently occupying the White House.Featured image via Alex Wong/Getty Images
July 23, 2017
Carrier Employee Speaks Out On Trump: ‘He Blew Smoke Up Our A**es’
At a rally last year, Donald Trump said there was a 100 percent chance he would save the jobs at Carrier, the heating and air-conditioning manufacturer. The deal wasn t a very good one because Indiana taxpayers will shoulder some of the costs of Trump s unfortunate attempt to promote himself. At the same Carrier factory where Trump boasted of having crafted the deal to save jobs, it has begun laying off workers. 338 employees were just laid off. One female employee did an interview with The New Yorker and she didn t hold back.Brenda Darlene Battle, 55, worked at the Carrier Corporation for the past 25 years. Trump came in there to the factory last December and blew smoke up our asses, Battle told The New Yorker. He wasn t gonna save those jobs. And, if that s the case, he would have saved us and Rexnord, a company around the corner from us that makes parts. She said that Trump supporters at the factory have gone quiet since the layoffs began. We had a mix of Trump supporters and Clinton supporters at the factory, I d say. The ones that really supported him are quiet right now, she said. Some of them got let go yesterday, too. She said that some of them wore the hats. Not anymore, though, in reference to the red Make America Great Again hats. Personally, I think the President is a rubber room politician. He s crazy. He needs a straitjacket. He s in there for his self. He s not in there to help America keep jobs. Because if he was we wouldn t be in the predicament that we re in every day, she continued. He keeps howling, Make America great. But he can t make America great if all the jobs are leaving the States and going to Mexico. People can t support their families. As for Trump s visit last December to Carrier, she said she thought it was all for show. I think the C.E.O. of Carrier and Trump was in bed together the whole time, she said. That day Trump came to Carrier, those two were too chummy. The way they sniggled and giggled. That sneaky kind of sh*t-eating grin. As for Ms. Battle s plans now, she said she s going to be taking it very easy for a few months and do some of the things that my dad wants to do. She added that her 77-year-old father thinks Trump blew smoke up our asses, too.The layoffs must really sting for the Trump supporting Carrier employees during Made in America week.Photo by Alex Wong/Getty Images.
July 23, 2017
Retired Colonel BLASTS Trump’s ‘Amateur’ Demand That Navy Sailors Support GOP Legislation (VIDEO)
Donald Trump made a plea to naval officers at a ceremony recently, practically begging them to support him politically and it s landed him in hot water. According to retired Army Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson, the move was completely amateur and grossly inexperienced. Trump had made this disgusting display while he dedicated the USS Gerald R. Ford. He completely went off message by demanding that the military audience support his extremely unpopular, unethical health care bill, which would strip health care from 22 million people and cut Medicaid drastically. In his speech, Trump subjected his audience to his truly embarrassing behavior when he said: Call those senators to make sure you get health care. This morning on MSNBC s AMJoy, Wilkerson blasted Trump for this blatantly inappropriate message at the military event. When host Joy-Ann Reid asked Wilkerson what he thought of Trump asking the troops to support his political agenda, Wilkerson issued this brutal takedown during the show: This is just another indication that this man is grossly inexperienced. He s an amateur, he doesn t know what he s doing, he doesn t know the law, he doesn t know custom, he doesn t know protocol. You don t tell your troops, as commander-in-chief, to do something political. You can watch this moment below:COL. WILKERSON on this #Trump clip: It s just another indication that this man is grossly inexperienced. #AMJoy https://t.co/1ncYcVGzVb AM Joy w/Joy Reid (@amjoyshow) July 23, 2017For a retired Army Colonel to note his own disgust with Trump s ridiculous authoritarian style of leadership is major. Trump sees nothing wrong with asking everyone to bend to his will and follow him without question or resistance, despite the fact that Trump s agenda and presidency is as unpopular as it s ever been. Colonel Wilkerson knows exactly how dangerous leaders like Trump can be, and America should listen to his words.Featured image via Getty Images
July 23, 2017
Trump Whines Incoherently About ‘Russian Witch Hunt’ And The Internet Laughs At Him (TWEETS)
Donald Trump got a late start on his incoherent Twitter whining Sunday but better late than never, we suppose. Once again, our so-called President is doing his best to convince the American people that the investigation into his administration s collusion with Russia is fake while simultaneously complaining that Republicans aren t doing enough to protect him from it. As the phony Russian Witch Hunt continues, two groups are laughing at this excuse for a lost election taking hold, Democrats and Russians! President Snowflake said, adding that It s very sad that Republicans, even some that were carried over the line on my back, do very little to protect their President. As the phony Russian Witch Hunt continues, two groups are laughing at this excuse for a lost election taking hold, Democrats and Russians! Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 23, 2017It's very sad that Republicans, even some that were carried over the line on my back, do very little to protect their President. Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 23, 2017The Donald has been doing his best lately to make his Twitter timeline a safe space, banning anyone who expresses a dissenting view (a gross violation of their constitutional rights) but no matter how much he tries, the disdain felt for him by Americans still manages to overcome his efforts to hide from how the country feels about him:Emperor Trump has no clothes. Eugene Gu, MD (@eugenegu) July 23, 2017It s actually hilarious that Trump is now whining on Twitter about losing the support of his very own party SAD! 35% SAD! (@williamlegate) July 23, 2017Did you seriously just write that? Vikki V (@MissVikkiV) July 23, 2017You feel better buddy? You get that out of your system? What a way to contribute. Good job. Quinn Brown (@JustinQBrown) July 23, 2017Please show me the line in the Constitution that says members of Congress must protect their President. And protect from what? Lawrence O Donnell (@Lawrence) July 23, 2017Maybe Republicans are growing a spine and realize that Trump s approval rating will be a liability for them in 2018. David Putnam (@davidmputnam) July 23, 2017These tweets sound like they are coming out of Pyongyang. You want Dear Leader loyalty. Dani Bostick (@danibostick) July 23, 2017grow the fuck up. you re 71. act like. just once. jesus fucking christ. cx (@cxcope) July 23, 2017Do you need a safe space you half-sentient ball of Cheeto-dusted phlegm? Alicia Lutes (@alicialutes) July 23, 2017Yeah, so hate to break it to you, but their job is not to protect their President. LT (@TassmanianD) July 23, 2017Obama is so classy and his beautiful wife loves him It must be really weird to have to purchase wives. pic.twitter.com/eRIE4LOPA6 SteveBannonsNose (@PrezBannonsNose) July 23, 2017You re right. They are disloyal. They don t deserve you. Teach them a lesson and resign. VITW (@JosephWelch3rd) July 23, 2017Always the victim. Poor Donnie. SAD ? ? ? Barbara (@MorBeeK) July 23, 2017HAHAHA. HAHAHA. Funniest damn tweet ever. Joann Kline (@JoannKline) July 23, 2017Ah you poor JC beyond the wall (@JC_in_Calgary) July 23, 2017Trump is really getting nervous lately amid reports that he is desperately seeking ways to pardon not only his family and other co-conspirators but himself something innocent people do not investigate.It s time for Republicans to stand up to The Donald and impeach him. As Trump said during his campaign, you either have a country or you don t. Most Americans would prefer to still have a country when this is all over.Featured image via Getty Images/screengrab
July 23, 2017
Kellyanne Conway’s Meltdown Over Russia Is So Stupid You Have To See It To Believe It (VIDEO)
One has to wonder how much longer Kellyanne Conway can keep lying for Donald Trump, because she is very clearly losing it.On Sunday, Kellyanne Conway clashed with CNN s Brian Stelter over a number of issues most notably the Russia nonsense as she called it during perhaps her most insane interview yet.About seven minutes in, Stelter attempted to explain to the unbelievably vapid Conway why the Russia Russia Russia story is news despite her and Donald Trump calling it a hoax. Because journalists love America and America was attacked last year and America s probably going to be attacked again next year around the midterms, and you call it a hoax, Stetler said. And that has what to do with our campaign that I managed? I managed that winning campaign, Conway demanded. It has what to do with that campaign? That may be because by the time you became campaign manager, the deal was already in, the conversations were already had. We don t know, Kellyanne, but shouldn t we find out? Stelter replied. Are you actually alleging there was active conversations with Russians trying to change the election results? Conway raved. Because very few people are saying that. Are you saying that or just trying to put it out there because you guys are so invested? What is there? What constitutional crisis are we facing right now? I ll leave that to [CNN s] Jeffrey Toobin and the law expert Stelter said, demanding to know why Trump doesn t want answers as much as the rest of Americans. Isn t Mr. Mueller and his band of democratic donors trying to do that? Conway shot back, adding that Americans would rather hear about Trump s propaganda than the unequal coverage on Russia. Watch the interview below:
July 23, 2017
Trump Administration Gets Ready To Come After Cannabis (DETAILS)
Because there s totally nothing else better for the Trump administration to do, it s about to crack down on marijuana users. Attorney General Jeff Sessions won t find much support from voters on this as support to legalize marijuana has risen to an all time high.Sessions leads the amateur president s Task Force on Crime Reduction and Public Safety which is expected to release a report next week. Critics are concerned that the report will try to link weed to violent crime and recommend tougher sentences. And there is no link to violent crime and smoking weed.The Hill reports:Sessions sent a memo in April updating the U.S. Attorney s Offices and Department of Justice Department (DOJ) component heads on the work of the task force, which he said would be accomplished through various subcommittees. In the memo, Sessions said he has asked for initial recommendations no later than July 27. Task Force subcommittees will also undertake a review of existing policies in the areas of charging, sentencing, and marijuana to ensure consistency with the Department s overall strategy on reducing violent crime and with Administration goals and priorities, he wrote.Clearly, critics aren t wrong to be concerned of Sessions implementing tougher sentences for smoking weed. The task force revolves around reducing violent crime and Sessions and other DOJ officials have been out there over the last month and explicitly the last couple of weeks talking about how immigration and marijuana increases violent crime, Inimai Chettiar, the director of the Brennan Center s Justice Program said.Sessions is going after weed, you know, because the war on drugs worked out so well last time.Back in May, he penned a letter to Congressional leaders. I believe it would be unwise for Congress to restrict the discretion of the Department to fund prosecutions, particularly in the midst of an historic drug epidemic and potentially long-term uptick in violent crime, Sessions wrote in the letter.We re not sure what weed has to do with the opioid epidemic sweeping across America, a problem which the Trump administration has failed to address.On Wednesday, Sessions managed to outrage both Democrats and Republicans with his controversial plans to increase civil asset forfeiture.Local law enforcement leaders don t feel that a crackdown is necessary. From a practitioner s point of view, marijuana is not a drug that doesn t have some danger to it, but it s not the drug that s driving violent crime in America, said Ronal Serpas, the former superintendent of the New Orleans Police Department who co-chairs Law Enforcement Leaders to Reduce Crime and Incarceration. That s not the drug with which we see so much death and destruction on the streets of America. Crack and powdered cocaine, heroin and opioids is where we re seeing people die on street corners fighting over territory or control, he added.The states rights issue that Republicans have vigorously touted seems to go against what Sessions is about to do.While on the campaign trail, Trump vowed to leave marijuana legalization up to the states but he appears to have flip-flopped on that issue, too.Photo by Olivier Douliery-Pool/Getty Images.
July 23, 2017
WATCH: Jake Tapper Rips Scaramucci A New One For Using Trump As Source To Deny Russian Hacking
Anthony Scaramucci got his ass handed to him on Sunday morning by CNN host Jake Tapper.Just a day has gone by since Scaramucci became the White House communications director, resulting in the resignation of Sean Spicer as press secretary a mere six months into Trump s presidency, and he is already insisting that the Russians did not interfere with the 2016 Election just because Trump said so.That s despite our nation s intelligence agencies and former and current intelligence officials confirming otherwise.During a discussion about whether Trump will sign the bipartisan legislation that slaps sanctions on Russia, Scaramucci used an anonymous source to claim that the American people have been misinformed about Russia. There s a lot of disinformation, Scaramucci said. Somebody said to me the other day I don t want to say who if the Russians actually hacked this situation and spilled out those emails, you would have never seen it. You would have never had any evidence of them. Meaning that they re super confident in their deception skills and hacking. But our intelligence agencies have confirmed that Russian did, in fact, meddle in our election by attacking our democratic institutions by hacking, which can be traced back to the perpetrators by our own professional cyber security experts. Basically, Scaramucci is claiming that the Russians are too good to get caught by us. That s simply not true.And Tapper was quick to call Scaramucci out for it, but not before he slammed Scaramucci for citing an anonymous source. Wait, wait, wait, Tapper chimed in. I don t know who this anonymous person is. And then Scaramucci demonstrated that, just like Trump, he can t keep his mouth shut and is a leaker. How about it s the president, Jake, Scaramucci replied. He called me from Air Force One and basically said to me, This is maybe they did it, maybe they didn t do it. Wow. That s truly pathetic.Tapper proceeded to tear Scaramucci apart for being Trump s yes-man instead of accepting the analysis of our own intelligence agencies and Trump s own Director of National Intelligence. This is exactly the issue! Tapper said. We have experts, the U.S. intelligence agencies [are] unanimous, both Obama appointees and Trump appointees the director of national intelligence, the head of the National Security Agency, the head of the FBI. I mean, all of these intelligence experts, saying, Russia hacked the election, they tried to interfere in the election. President Trump is contradicting it and you re siding with President Trump! Indeed, it certainly appears Scaramucci is just shilling for Trump and he even proceeded to whine about Tapper s observation, leading Tapper to ask, Don t you owe a duty to the truth? Scaramucci then claimed that he doesn t know what the truth is because: I don t have the information in front of me. But he didn t even bother to get the information. Instead, he got talking points from Trump and merely parroted them on television like a good little lapdog.Here s the video via YouTube.Scaramucci is already making it clear that he is untrustworthy. He just threw our intelligence community under the bus and demonstrated that he is the kind of leaker that Trump whines about. He couldn t even stop himself from bragging about how Trump himself was the anonymous source who told him Russia didn t hack us. The evidence clearly shows that Russia attacked us and our democratic institutions. Only self-serving fools would believe otherwise. Featured Image: Screenshot
July 23, 2017
Michelle Obama Went To A Birthday Party, So Conservatives Called Her ‘Ghetto Trash’ (SCREENSHOTS)
Michelle Obama really did it this time. The former First Lady managed to infuriate conservatives by doing some so terrible that they were forced to use words like ghetto and trash and ape to describe her (you know, their go-to language whenever a person with skin darker than a piece of classroom chalk is involved).What did she do that was so terrible? She went to Beyonce s birthday party last year.So, what set them off about this now? Video surfaced of her having fun, of course.Never Before Seen private footage of Beyonc , Solange & Michelle Obama! #ByeFelicia ?? pic.twitter.com/VrTz6sgsUc THE BEYHIV (@TheBeyHiveTeam) July 21, 2017The video with Michelle Obama is from Beyonc 's private birthday party last year. pic.twitter.com/drLp6fw4Vo THE BEYHIV (@TheBeyHiveTeam) July 21, 2017Naturally, this was so horrible that the Reich err, Right flocked to Facebook to share what could be loosely called their thoughts (they are, of course, incapable of actual thought) about this perfectly harmless video of the First Lady having a bit of fun. Racist attacks on the Obamas has become something of a sport with conservatives. Recently, Malia Obama celebrated her 19th birthday a joyous occasion for her, a reason to let the Confederate flags fly for them. Unfortunately, this is what we have come to expect of our frenemies on the Right horrible racism and an inability to engage in civil discussion about anything at all.Featured image via screengrab
July 23, 2017
Trump’s America: White Supremacist Blogger Given Job As Federal Judge
The most controversial judicial nominee on President Trump s list was just confirmed on Thursday in a U.S. Senate vote catastrophe.Meet John Bush, a lawyer from Kentucky and an outspoken political blogger who bashes on gay rights and who believes that the Roe v. Wade decision was equally as deplorable as the Supreme Court s 1857 pro-slavery decision.This right-wing nutjob is now the newest judge on the 6th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals.John Bush has published over 400 articles in his career as a right-wing blogger. Under a fake pen name, he regularly cites conspiracy theories and fake news stories from alt-right media reports including the ridiculous story that President Obama was born outside the U.S.During his confirmation hearing, Bush attempted to downplay his destructive alt-right views as political activity. He openly made a pledge to separate his personal politics from his work as a judge on the courtroom bench.The confirmation hearing final vote came in with 51-47, without Republican John McCain.This is the fourth judicial nominee of Trump s to win confirmation, with twenty-two pending nominations. There are far more judicial vacancies on the federal bench than usual, and Trump is actively seeking to fill the slots. The president is looking for judges who are conservative but also young and able to serve for a long time in an effort to permanently shift the judiciary over to conservative activists. At this rate, Trump will quickly erase the judicial nomination gains made by the Obama administration over his entire two terms.Feature Image Photo by Mark Wilson/Getty Image
July 23, 2017
Republican Viciously Attacks McCain: Give Me Your Job, You Clearly Can’t Do It
A Republican state senator from Arizona, Kelli Ward, has unleashed a veiled, but nonetheless vicious, attack against Senator John McCain in the wake of his brain tumor diagnosis, and her whole entire attitude positively reeks of someone trying to bury McCain before he s gone. In discussing who Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey could appoint to replace McCain, should he step down, she actually gave this as her reason for she should be the person to take his place: Because I have a proven track record of years in the state Senate of being extremely effective and of listening to the voice of the people that I represent. And you know, I made an extremely good showing against Senator McCain against all odds. Ward tried to primary McCain in 2016 and lost. She launched a campaign against Senator Jeff Flake for 2018 almost as soon as she lost to McCain. Furthermore, while she was running against McCain in last year s primaries, she said he was old and weak and could die while in office.All of this smacks of someone thinking, Oh look! McCain s going to die! I have another chance to take his seat! It s disgusting, really.If she were appointed to take McCain s place, she ll have some early enemies in the Senate because of her behavior. Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WF) shredded her on Twitter over this:In all the ways I measure good Senate colleagues (honor, class, integrity) Kelli Ward falls short. Ppl like her aren t welcome in the US Sen Senator Joe Manchin (@Sen_JoeManchin) July 22, 2017People like Kelli Ward are what s wrong with politics today. The people of AZ deserve representatives with dignity & decency. Senator Joe Manchin (@Sen_JoeManchin) July 22, 2017Ward insists that this is about McCain s health and what s best for Arizona and the country as a whole, but really, she s just an grubby-handed opportunist. She s just like Trump, and the last thing we need in our government is more Trumps.Featured image via Win McNamee/Getty Images
July 22, 2017
POLL: Trump Is The Least Popular President Of All Time — And It’s Getting Worse
Donald Trump may think he s the best, but it looks like most Americans disagree. In reality, he s the worst. Numerous polls show that Trump is the least popular president ever. And the more time passes, the lower his approval rating sinks.The most recent Gallup Poll shows Trump s approval rating at a mere 37 percent, with 58 percent of Americans disapproving of the job he s doing as president. That s down from a brief stint at 40 percent approval earlier this month. His lowest approval ratings came in March when only 35 percent thought he was doing a decent job in the White House, but he is darn close to that now.In fact, other polls show that he has already reached the magic number of 35 percent approval, his all-time low. The American Research Group has Trump s approval rating at 35 percent, which has dropped from 37 percent approval in June and 39 percent in both May and April. Rasmussen Reports, Trump s favorite poll, also showed that Trump s approval rating is currently tied with his all-time low.According to Newsweek, Trump is closing in on his record low approval ratings in just about every poll out there. Five Thirty Eight has Trump s approval rating at 38.4 percent, just 0.4 points above his all-time low.But these aren t just record lows for Trump, they are record lows for any U.S. president ever. That s right, Trump is officially the least popular president in the history of the United States and he s only been in office for six f*cking months.It s official: @realDonaldTrump is the least popular new president in history.That could mean big trouble for his presidency. (@Reuters) pic.twitter.com/lzuJY2ZZ3P Chris Riotta (@chrisriotta) July 21, 2017Despite the fact that the majority of Americans disapprove of the alleged president, Trump s core supporters still back him, even as the Russia scandal continues to heat up. A poll from earlier this week found that just like Trump said during his campaign, even if he shot someone on Fifth Avenue, there are a good many of his supporters (and a subset of Republicans in general) who would back him anyway.Featured image via Alex Wong/Getty Images
July 22, 2017
NSA Chief On Trump’s Russia/US Cybersecurity Unit Plan: That’s A Terrible Idea
It doesn t take a rocket scientist to know that having a Russia-U.S. cybersecurity unit is the most backwards, moronic idea an administration could come up with which is exactly why Donald Trump is encouraging it.When Trump introduced the idea earlier this month that Russia would be working with the United States on cybersecurity even though Russia interfered with the election and is our primary digital adversary Americans across the country were outraged in a collective mix of disbelief and disgust. It seemed as though Trump was purposely trying to throw his Russian scandal in everyone s face, ignoring the severity of the entire situation. Fortunately, director of the National Security Agency Adm. Mike Rogers shares the feelings of many Americans, and has publicly announced his disapproval of the cybersecurity project.In response to Trump s discussion with Russian leader Vladimir Putin on the creation of an impenetrable Cyber Security unit to prevent further election hacking and cyber threats, Rogers stated at the Aspen Security Forum in Colorado that now is probably not the best time for a project like that, diplomatically stating the obvious: Trump s plan is idiotic.This is just the latest criticism Trump is facing on the proposal right after he announced it, Trump was hit with backlash from several lawmakers, which forced him to flip-flop on his proposal. Trump later said: The fact that President Putin and I discussed a Cyber Security unit doesn t mean I think it can happen. It can t-but a ceasefire can, [and] did! As long as people like Roger continue speaking out and acknowledging that Trump has a massive Russian scandal that is currently unfolding before our very eyes, none of Trump s ridiculous schemes to keep befriending Russia will have any success.Trump has an extremely shady, problematic relationship with Putin one that has undermined our democracy as the Kremlin s interference in the election has been confirmed by the U.S. intelligence community (although Trump keeps denying it). The fact that Trump is having secretive meetings with Putin and thrusting Russia into join projects with the U.S. should not be taken lightly. Trump must be watched closely, and he needs to be called out accordingly.Featured image via Alex Wong / Getty Images
July 22, 2017
Republicans Want To Tax Democratic States More To Pay For Tax Cuts For The Rich
When Republicans talk about cutting taxes, they generally talk about cutting the taxes of the wealthy and the major corporations under the absolute lie that those tax cuts will lead to prosperity for everyone else. But that s not working, and they know it. They just can t admit it. To make up for the shortfalls caused by these tax cuts, they now want to effectively raise taxes on certain other people: Their opponents, the Democrats.Their current tax reform plan calls for eliminating the federal deduction for state and local taxes. But wait, you might ask, how is that only raising taxes on Democrats? Doesn t that raise taxes on everyone? Well, yes, but this would disproportionately affect blue states specifically, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, and California.These are the states where taxpayers get the biggest deductions. Therefore, these people would see their taxes go up considerably more than people living in red states. These four states have high taxes, but they also have high property values and high cost of living. No red state ranks in the top 10 for this particular deduction. One might say that the low taxes in red states are better anyway, but then why is it that blue states tend to be more wealthy and prosperous?It s a well-known fact that blue states generally subsidize red states at the federal level. They send more dollars to the federal government than they receive. Red states, on the other hand, take in a lot more and pay a lot less to the federal government. Essentially, red states live off the backs of blue states while whining up one side and down the other about socialism and having to pay to subsidize other people.The national average for this particular deduction is just over $11,000, but the four states listed above all deduct more than $17,000. What better way to ensure that the residents of these states pay even more for the poverty in red states than to eliminate thousands of dollars of deductions?Republican lawmakers from these blue states are pushing back very hard on this, because it is, in effect, selective tax increase on people who actually do need to see their taxes cut. However, other Republicans are claiming that eliminating this deduction will actually allow Congress to lower other taxes.Oh, please. It won t work that way, not because it can t (this would raise enough money to pay for lower income taxes, if done right), but because Republicans are incapable of coming up with a plan that s actually beneficial to low- and middle-income Americans.Here s a novel idea: Why don t they eliminate certain tax breaks and loopholes that only apply to the top 1 percent, instead of one that the shrinking middle class benefits from too? Oh wait, they can t do that. They ll lose their rich backers if they do.Featured image via Alex Wong/Getty Images
July 22, 2017
BAD NEWS For Trump: Memo Proves He Is Not Above The Law, Can Be Indicted
If Donald Trump thinks being president means he can t be prosecuted for his crimes, he should think again.As it turns out, Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller has the power to indict Trump if he has enough evidence proving that Trump committed a criminal act such as colluding with Russia in an effort to win the 2016 Election. Donald Trump s son Trump Jr. has already demonstrated that Trump s campaign met with a Kremlin-linked Russian lawyer and a former Soviet Intelligence officer in order to get dirt to use against Hillary Clinton, which is, indeed, the very definition of collusion.Mueller s power to indict is confirmed by a 56-page legal memo written by Ronald Rotunda, a conservative professor of constitutional law and ethics, who was hired as part of Special Prosecutor Kenneth Starr s team during the Bill Clinton presidency.According to the 1998 memo, which was obtained by the New York Times,It is proper, constitutional, and legal for a federal grand jury to indict a sitting president for serious criminal acts that are not part of, and are contrary to, the president s official duties. In this country, no one, even President Clinton, is above the law.That means no sitting president is above the law, including Trump.Watergate special counsel, Leon Jaworski, came to the same conclusion in 1974.The only reason why Jaworski and Starr declined to indict President Nixon and President Clinton is because they chose to let impeachment proceedings play out instead.Well, Republicans have thus far done everything they can to protect Trump from being impeached. So it appears Mueller may not have a choice but to indict Trump if Republicans continue to refuse to do their public duty.Even the Supreme Court has ruled that sitting presidents are not above the law by deciding in 1997 that a lawsuit against Clinton for misconduct prior to becoming president can move forward. And since Trump was not president when he and his campaign colluded with Russia, that makes his misconduct open to indictment, along with any other crimes he committed prior to taking office. That means if Mueller digs through Trump s finances and finds other crimes, Trump could face an indictment for those as well. If there is no recourse against the president, if he cannot be prosecuted for violating the criminal laws, he will be above the law, Rotunda further wrote. If public policy and the Constitution allow a private litigant to sue a sitting president for acts that are not part of the president s official duties (and are outside the outer perimeter of those duties), and that is what Clinton v. Jones squarely held, then one would think that an indictment is constitutional because the public interest in criminal cases is greater. In short, Trump is in deep shit and he can t blame Hillary Clinton to get out of it. Not even Republicans can dispute the Starr memo. Republicans not only supported Starr s investigation, it was a conservative legal mind who wrote the memo.So unless Republicans proceed with impeachment proceedings to get to the bottom of this once and for all, Robert Mueller must indict Trump. Because it is clear that Republicans won t punish Trump for breaking the law and violating the Constitution.Featured Image: Addicting Info Archive
July 22, 2017
Republicans Are Admitting They’re Fine With Treason As Long As They Win
This brings party before country to a whole new level. Republicans are admitting they are fine with treason, as long as they achieve their political goals.That was the message Ann Coulter delivered on her Twitter feed on Friday night.If @realDonaldTrump builds wall, ends O s executive amnesty, bans Muslims & deports illegals, he could make Putin VP. #BetterThanReagan Ann Coulter (@AnnCoulter) July 22, 2017In fact, Republicans have been demonstrating all year that they don t really care what Donald Trump does as long as they get what they want. So as Trump once said, he could literally murder someone right now in broad daylight and Republicans wouldn t lift a finger to do something about it.What s even scarier is that conservatives like Coulter are also perfectly fine with Russian dictator Vladimir Putin being put in a position of power in the United States government. Of course, we all already know that Putin has power over the government from the outside. Trump is his puppet and he s pulling the strings from Moscow.Coulter goes even further by claiming that Trump is better than Ronald Reagan. Keep in mind that Reagan would never have colluded with Russia to win an election. He certainly would not have allowed Russia to dictate what he does as president. Reagan is rolling in his grave right now because of what Trump has done and is doing.As the evidence continues to stack up against Trump, Republicans are just letting him get away with ignoring the Constitution and flouting the law. He has repeatedly lied to the American people, repeatedly obstructed justice, and is using the White House to enrich himself and his family. And they are willing to let him burn down our democracy and humiliate our nation as long as it means they get to enact their political agenda and remain in power.The fact that conservatives like Coulter actually want Putin to be vice-president should scare the hell out of every American, especially those who constantly claim to be patriots. Featured image via Steffen Kugler/BPA/Getty Images
July 22, 2017
WATCH: The New Man In Trump’s Life Is Kissing His A** Like Nobody Else Ever Has
In case everyone didn t know, Trump can throw a perfect spiral through a tire, swishes foul shot after foul shot, and, additionally, is clearly sleeping with Anthony Scaramucci.Donald Trump s newest hire wasted no time before immediately swooning over his new boss.On Friday, White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer resigned after Scaramucci was picked as the White House Communications Director.Scaramuccia took to the podium and spoke to the White House Press Corps for about an hour, during which, he professed his deep love of Donald Trump and acted as a glorified hype-man desperate to portray Trump as heroic, intelligent, and physically impressive. I think he s got some of the best political instincts in the world, and perhaps in history, Scaramucci said, immediately commencing with the ass-kissing.When asked if Trump will get his terrible healthcare bill passed, Scaramucci practically gushed over him. The president has really good karma, OK? he said. And the world turns back to him. He s genuinely a wonderful human being and I think as members of Congress get to know him better and get comfortable with him, they re going to let him lead them to the right things for the American people. Scaramucci didn t stop there. He went full groupie by openly admiring Trump s competitiveness and was in full awe of Trump s alleged athletic feats. I ve seen this guy throw a dead spiral through a tire. I ve seen him at Madison Square Garden with a topcoat on. He s standing in the key; he s hitting foul shots and swishing them, all right? He sinks 30-foot putts. Here s the video via Twitter.there s been a lot of lies from the White House but trump is a phenomenal athlete might take the cake pic.twitter.com/ru5YIfZvCi jordan ?? (@JordanUhl) July 21, 2017Now, Scaramuccia may have actually seen Trump do these things, and there is some footage of Trump throwing a football through a hole. But as the Washington Post pointed out, nothing Scaramucci bragged about proves that Trump is competitive because nothing he did was in the heat of competition.But the fact that Scaramucci went out of his way to suck up to Trump in this fashion absolutely proves that he is nothing more than an ass-kisser on a level that must be making Sean Hannity insanely jealous.With that being said, here s Trump and Scaramucci s song. Clearly, it should have been the background music playing during the press briefing.Featured Image: Screenshot
July 22, 2017
Trump Campaign’s Old Tweet Comes Back To Bite Donald In The A** And It Is PERFECT
Taking Donald Trump s erratic, unpredictable behavior into full consideration, it s safe to say that almost nothing is certain in his presidency besides his talent for humiliating the United States and incriminating himself with the help of his equally corrupt inner circle.While it s mildly entertaining (and depressing) to watch Trump melt down as his Russia scandal closes in on him, it s even more fun to see gems from the past come back to bite him in the a**.This morning, Trump had one of his Twitter tantrums, where he trashed former FBI Director James Comey. That should come as no surprise, because Trump has spent the last several months insulting the FBI and intelligence agencies because he s bitter about the Russian scandal. So it s pretty hilarious that this tweet, straight from the Trump campaign, has resurfaced:That s right then-Trump surrogate Sarah Huckabee Sanders who has just been promoted to White House Press Secretary due to Sean Spicer s resignation previously trashed the very losing behavior that Trump has been doing for months now. Sanders had posted this in November (right before the election) in response to speculation that a few FBI agents were playing politics.We would honestly love to see Trump defend his behavior now. He s spent so much time trashing federal investigators and firing everyone who might be a threat to him in the Russia investigation, it s pretty much impossible to believe he could be innocent after all this.Trump not only fired Comey, but he has attacked the ex-FBI Director, referring to him as a nut job who is not a smart guy. Now he s threatening to fire Special Counsel Robert Mueller if Mueller investigates his finances and businesses. And unfortunately, Sanders has taken a similar attitude now that she is closer to Trump. Completely forgetting about her tweet from November, she more recently stated that Comey is guilty of atrocities. Whether she stands by it today or not, Sanders tweet is telling in its exposure of an administration with no integrity. Trump s attacks on these prosecutors are merely a sign that he will keep losing.Featured image via Alex Wong / Getty Images
July 22, 2017
WATCH: Republican Strategist BLASTS ‘Lawless’ Trump
Democrats and Republicans don t agree on a lot, but they do agree that Donald Trump is lawless and that he leaked information in an effort to force out Jeff Sessions.During an appearance on MSNBC on Saturday morning, GOP strategist Rick Wilson told Joy Reid that Trump has ignored the law and doesn t care about real conservative principles. He also ripped Trump supporters a new one for supporting Trump no matter what he does or says. They ve completely abandoned the Rule of Law, they ve completely abandoned conservative principles, Wilson said. The only thing clickservatives enjoy is watching Donald Trump tear things up, break glass, knock over the furniture, scream about the liberal media bla bla bla. Wilson went on to state that he thinks Trump s White House leaked the documents detailing Jeff Sessions meetings with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak because he wants to oust the Attorney General as a prelude to firing Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller in an effort to obstruct the Russia investigation. I think they are pushing him to get out, Wilson opined. I think this leak came from the White House, I think they are absolutely trying to knock Jeff Sessions out of the box, so they can try to get rid of Bob Mueller. Wilson s analysis comes hours after Donald Trump whined about such leaks on Twitter.A new INTELLIGENCE LEAK from the Amazon Washington Post,this time against A.G. Jeff Sessions.These illegal leaks, like Comey s, must stop! Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 22, 2017While all agree the U. S. President has the complete power to pardon, why think of that when only crime so far is LEAKS against us.FAKE NEWS Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 22, 2017Democratic strategist Tara Dowdell agreed with Wilson. I agree, I think this is a leak from the White House, Dowdell, said. I think that they re trying to push him out, but I think he s holding on by his claws. Indeed, Sessions refuted rumors that he was set to resign after Trump criticized him for rightfully recusing himself from the Russia investigation.Here s the video via VidMe.Featured Image: Mark Wilson/Getty Images
July 22, 2017
Donald Trump Just Tweeted His Most INSANE, Convoluted Rant Ever (TWEETS)
On Saturday, Donald Trump lashed out at the Washington Post and pretty much everyone else imaginable after reports surfaced that Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak had told his superiors that he had discussed campaign-related matters with Attorney General Jeff Sessions a revelation that Sessions had lied.In what appears to be an effort to distract from growing suspicion that Donald Trump or even his alter-ego John Barron had leaked the information in an effort to hurt Sessions, Trump lashed out at the Post for the illegal leaks. A new INTELLIGENCE LEAK from the Amazon Washington Post,this time against A.G. Jeff Sessions.These illegal leaks, like Comey's, must stop! Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 22, 2017Comey s leaks were far from illegal, as they contained no classified information though Trump has also been perfectly willing to lie about that, too. Fox News was even forced to correct a story that claimed Comey had leaked classified information.Interestingly, this seems to confirm that Sessions did indeed lie about his contacts with Kislyak a little detail that probably has Trump s legal team freaking out right about now.Next, The Donald attacked the New York Times, accusing the newspaper of foiling an attempt to kill a terrorist leader because they reported accurate information they were given that allegedly caused a lead to go dead:The Failing New York Times foiled U.S. attempt to kill the single most wanted terrorist,Al-Baghdadi.Their sick agenda over National Security Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 22, 2017Since this was important, Trump immediately promoted the fact that he is attending a commissioning ceremony for the largest aircraft carrier in the world. This morning I will be going to the Commissioning Ceremony for the largest aircraft carrier in the world, The Gerald R. Ford. Norfolk, Va. Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 22, 2017Then, he jumped to recent reports that he has been desperately asking about his ability to pardon his aides, his family members, and even himself for crimes he says he totally didn t commit because innocent people regularly ask about their ability to pardon themselves. Accordinf to Trump, the only crime so far is LEAKS against us.FAKE NEWS. While all agree the U. S. President has the complete power to pardon, why think of that when only crime so far is LEAKS against us.FAKE NEWS Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 22, 2017As is tradition, he then jumped to an attack on Hillary Clinton, claiming that so many people are asking why Sessions isn t looking at the many Hillary Clinton or Comey crimes. So many people are asking why isn't the A.G. or Special Council looking at the many Hillary Clinton or Comey crimes. 33,000 e-mails deleted? Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 22, 2017Once again, neither of them have actually committed any crimes and he somehow managed to misspell counsel because Trump is a f*cking idiot.Next, he was back to accusing Clinton of colluding with Russia: What about all of the Clinton ties to Russia, including Podesta Company, Uranium deal, Russian Reset, big dollar speeches etc. Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 22, 2017Then it was on to Donald Trump Jr. meeting with a Russian government lawyer, a KGB spy, and a Russian money launderer which is totally cool because he handed over emails proving that he did it:My son Donald openly gave his e-mails to the media & authorities whereas Crooked Hillary Clinton deleted (& acid washed) her 33,000 e-mails! Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 22, 2017Immediately, Trump jumped to bragging about how much his new communications director loves him:In all fairness to Anthony Scaramucci, he wanted to endorse me 1st, before the Republican Primaries started, but didn't think I was running! Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 22, 2017Then OBAMACARE!The Republican Senators must step up to the plate and, after 7 years, vote to Repeal and Replace. Next, Tax Reform and Infrastructure. WIN! Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 22, 2017ObamaCare is dead and the Democrats are obstructionists, no ideas or votes, only obstruction. It is solely up to the 52 Republican Senators! Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 22, 2017Holy. Shit. Trump is insane. Our President* is insane. There s really no other way to say it.Featured image via Getty Images/screengrab
July 22, 2017
Russian Lawyer Willing To Testify In Front Of The Senate ONLY If ‘Given Safety’
Donald Trump Jr., Paul Manafort, Jared Kushner, and everyone else in Trump World who was in that meeting with a shady Russian lawyer who definitely worked for Kremlin-connected spy agencies might be in even deeper trouble than they were before. It seems that this same lawyer, Natalia Veselnitskaya, is willing to testify under oath for the United States Senate but only if her safety can be guaranteed. Veselniskaya says: Let s put it this way I m ready to clarify the situation in today s mass hysteria, only within the legal field or through lawyers, or by testifying in the Senate. When asked by a reporter if she was willing to go before the Senate, Veselnitskaya said: Yes, if I am guaranteed safety. Today I have to think about my safety first, the safety of my family, my four children. Well, something hot is brewing if this woman is worrying that something might happen to her if she breaks her silence. Granted, she never should have even been in the United States at all, given her history and shady connections to Vladimir Putin s Kremlin, but she was, and she was heavily connected to an American presidential campaign. The Senate definitely needs to hear from her. We need to know what happened in that meeting.To that end, Congress, Secret Service, or whomever, please do what you must to make sure this woman stays safe so that she will testify. Natalia Veselnitskaya could have a lot of keys to unlock this whole Russian puzzle even if she s a part of it and lying.Watch her remarks below:Featured image via Natalia Veselnitskaya Facebook
July 21, 2017
With Latest Hire, Trump Might’ve Just Gone To War With The NRA
Trump s brand-new communications director, Anthony Scaramucci, is raising some eyebrows, and not because he s another former Wall Streeter. He supported both Obama and Hillary, and has expressed some considerably liberal views on things like gun laws and the 2nd Amendment. That may well put Trump at war with the NRA, because the NRA is likely to see this as a betrayal of sorts.In 2012, Scaramucci was very clear in his position on gun laws, and they do not match what the NRA wants to see in the White House at all:Image via TwitterHe also told all of Twitter that he s always supported strong gun laws. The NRA hates any gun laws in fact, they like to push lawmakers to loosen them in response to mass shootings:Image via TwitterSo, of course, NRA spokeswoman Dana Loesch isn t exactly thrilled with Scaramucci s appointment. She s hoping that he s changed his position since then, because, after all, the only things that matter to the NRA-types are guns. Lives? Safety? Well, those are just collateral damage in the fight for freedom.Loesch and the NRA have been under fire recently for a patently disgusting ad calling liberal protesters messages the violence of lies, and that also said that liberals assassinate the truth. She says that it s up to real Americans to fight the violence of lies with the clenched fist of truth. It s not hard to interpret that as a call to eliminate liberals.Scaramucci is, crazily enough, someone that Trump believes will be loyal to him, first and foremost and above everything else. Will he actually do that, though? Maybe. He ll have to do a complete 180 on issues like gun control, which then throws his convictions and credibility into doubt. Who will come out on top when all is said and done? Only time will tell.Featured image via Scott Olson/Getty Images
July 21, 2017
GOP Senator Drops BOMBSHELL – House Intel Chair Spread Fake News About Surveillance To Help Trump
Former Obama national security adviser, Susan Rice, voluntarily testified to the Senate Intelligence Committee in a closed-door session as part of their ongoing investigation into how Russia interfered in the 2016 election. During these investigations, some news has come to light that Republicans have tried to use to discredit Obama, some of his officials, and thus, the entire Russia scandal. It seems, though, that some Republicans spread some fake news about all of this, probably to help Donald Trump.The chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, Devin Nunes, has maintained that Rice improperly unmasked the names of members of Trump s transition team caught up in incidental surveillance of Russian nationals. However, Senator Richard Burr, a Republican and the chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, has something to say about that, and it s pretty damning for Nunes: The unmasking thing was all created by Devin Nunes, and I ll wait to go through our full evaluation to see if there was anything improper that happened. [emphasis mine]So Devin Nunes lied? It certainly looks like that s what Burr is saying. While Burr acknowledged that American citizens on Trump s transition team were unmasked, and that information did become public when it shouldn t have, he seems to believe that Nunes was making things up when he accused Susan Rice of improper unmasking.That goes with earlier reports that Nunes got his information from the White House, which has had a bone to pick with the entire Obama administration since Jan. 20. Nunes was vague in discussing the unmasking, apparently because the information was classified (but maybe also because he knew he was lying).Most other lawmakers who have seen these records, and have seen the unmasking, said there was no evidence of wrongdoing on Rice s part, or anyone else s. But Nunes made it his mission to discredit Rice (and thus, Obama) to the point where he could at least accuse the Obama administration of breaking the law.The problem with Nunes involvement with this investigation is that he was always more interested in clearing Trump than he was in actually investigating the fact that a hostile foreign power successfully meddled in our election in 2016. He s also apparently said that he s been getting updates on the investigation despite recusing himself from it, and that he can do whatever I want. I m the chairman of the committee. Nunes needs to lose his job.Featured image via Mark Wilson/Getty Images
July 21, 2017
NEW: Kushner Lied About MILLIONS In Assets On Disclosure Forms, Over 70 Items Discovered Missing
Jared Kushner, Donald Trump s son-in-law, has already lawyered up, but maybe he should get more lawyers because he might be in a bit of trouble right now. It s not just Jared, but a senior White House adviser, too. You see, most of us don t simply forget about millions of dollars, or thousands, or hundreds. In fact, for a guy who owes a fuckton of money, we re pretty sure he didn t forget about it either.On Friday, Jared and a senior White House adviser released a revised version of his personal financial disclosure which now shows that his initial filing omitted dozens of assets, including commercial real estate, bonds issued by the New York water and sewer authority, a personal art collection and a New Jersey liquor license, the Wall Street Journal reports.Hey, we re not talking about one or two assets that Jared omitted from his earlier form; we re talking about 77 of them.Ivanka Trump s form hasn t yet been certified by the ethics office, as required by law. Details schmetails! Jared and Ivanka have followed each of the required steps in their transition from private citizens to federal officials, Jamie Gorelick, a lawyer for the couple, said in a statement.Drain the Swamp, Donald Trump said, then he filled it up with his swampy family members:The new disclosure shows Mr. Kushner and Ms. Trump collectively hold between $206 million and $760 million in assets. Mr. Kushner s initial disclosure put the value of their assets between $240 million and $740 million. The changes in values may reflect divestments since the last filing and the broad range of valuation for assets.Well now! That s not a lot of money. Oh wait, Don Fox, who served as the ethics office s general counsel from 2008 to 2013 and as acting director from 2011 until 2013, says otherwise.Fox said the number of omissions on Jared Kushner s initial form was unusually high. That strikes me as a lot, he said.You don t say.The Wall Street Journal reports:In his initial disclosure, Mr. Kushner didn t identify business relationships with Goldman Sachs Group and billionaires George Soros and Peter Thiel through a real-estate tech startup called Cadre that Mr. Kushner co-founded and currently partly owns, The Wall Street Journal reported earlier this year. An investment in Cadre valued at between $5 million and $25 million was included on the new disclosure, which showed Mr. Kushner intended to resign from his position with Cadre in January but didn t do so until May.According to Kushner s lawyer, it was simply an administrative error. We re sure his art collection valued at between $5 million and $25 million was merely an oversight, too. But, according to the lawyer, the art collection was just for personal enjoyment, and had nothing to do with investment purposes.And then there s the Kushner s $1 billion in loans that he failed to disclose previously. Those loans were from more than 20 lenders.It gets worse:Mr. Kushner has also filed revisions to a form required to obtain a security clearance that, in its initial form, didn t list contacts between him and foreign government officials. He subsequently submitted information about over 100 calls or meetings with representatives of more than 20 countries, Ms. Gorelick has said in a statement. Those contacts weren t made public.The Trump Crime Family s mounting conflicts of interest are being paraded out after more and more information is revealed. The Trumps seem to suffer from selective memory issues. As for Jared, it s always the quiet ones that you should watch. We re sure that Mr. Mueller is watching this spectacle, too.Photo by Olivier Douliery Pool/Getty Images
July 21, 2017
BREAKING: Sessions Lied, Discussed Trump Campaign With Russian Government
The dominoes continue to fall as new evidence comes out saying that Jeff Sessions really did lie through his teeth about his meetings with Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak. Sessions claimed he didn t discuss anything about the Trump campaign, but Kislyak reportedly told his own government that wasn t true. According to the Washington Post:Ambassador Sergey Kislyak s accounts of two conversations with Sessions were intercepted by U.S. spy agencies, which monitor the communications of senior Russian officials both in the United States and in Russia. Sessions initially failed to disclose his contacts with Kislyak and then said that the meetings were not about the Trump campaign A former official said that the intelligence indicates that Sessions and Kislyak had substantive discussions on matters including Trump s positions on Russia-related issues and prospects for U.S.-Russia relations in a Trump administration.Well, gee, we can t imagine why on earth Sessions neglected to mention his meetings with Kislyak on his SF-86. That was supposedly at the instruction of the FBI investigator conducting his background check, but it doesn t matter who did or did not tell him to do it. He still omitted a foreign contact who just happened to be Russian.But remember back in March, when he said this as he recused himself from the Russia investigation? I never had meetings with Russian operatives or Russian intermediaries about the Trump campaign. Ha! Nope.Then in January, he literally said he d never had any contact with the Russians at all. When called out for that, he said that he misunderstood the question about his foreign contacts during his Senate confirmation hearing. So his lies evolve as new information comes out.While U.S. officials cannot assert that what they learned about Kislyak s conversations with the Kremlin are 100 percent accurate, they now have something new to dig into when it comes to Jeff Sessions and his true ties to Russia.Recusal from the Russia probe is no longer enough (it really never was). Sessions now appears to have done everything he claimed he never did, including discuss Trump s position on Russia while the campaign was still going on. Not only is lying or deliberately omitting information on the SF-86 illegal, but he discussed matters of foreign policy as a member of a presidential candidate s campaign. That is also illegal, and it makes Trump look even worse as far as collusion goes.How will Sessions and Trump try and spin this? Sessions should resign immediately.Featured image via Alex Wong/Getty Images
July 21, 2017
2nd Major Trump Team Shakeup In A Single Day; Trump’s Top Lawyer Resigns
It s been a rough day in the Donald Trump White House. After a mostly incoherent interview published in the New York Times, and after a revelation that Trump is going around asking if he could pardon his family and even himself, rats have begun abandoning the sinking ship.It started early on Friday morning, when Trump s beleaguered Press Secretary, Sean Spicer, announced his resignation because he objected to his new boss, Anthony Scaramucci. The shakeup had only begun. By the afternoon, Trump s personal lawyer Marc Kasowitz, also resigned after being demoted from heading the Russia defense and after, in the New York Times interview, Trump threatened special counsel Robert Mueller against going after Trump family finances.In an interview with MSNBC, Times reporter Peter Baker said this about Trump s legal team: People around him definitely are. This is, in fact, connected to the other thing you were talking about, the sort of blowup of the legal team. some of the lawyers told him don t go after Robert Mueller. First of all, this guy is a good guy, he is a smart guy, a person of integrity. In fact, some of the lawyers have said to the president, in effect, if you didn t do anything wrong and we think you don t have anything to worry about in terms of the Russia investigation, then you should want Robert Mueller at your special counsel, because if he finds that, if that s his conclusion, it will have credibility on both sides of the aisle, so don t do that. Baker was proven right on Friday when Kasowitz left the team after it was announced that Ty Cobb would be heading the defense.This also points to a change in legal strategy, and that means that Mueller, if not outright fired, will be in the crosshairs. The goal will be to dig up any bit of dirt and any perceived conflict of interest to discredit him. All of that points to just one thing guilt. If Trump, his family and his associates were innocent, they would, as his legal team said, welcome the investigation and discrediting Mueller would only put a cloud over any sort of exoneration. Now there s no question. We can be sure now that there won t be an exoneration.Featured image via Pool/Getty Images
July 21, 2017
Trump’s Legal Team In Uproar After He Forces Them To Attack Robert Mueller
Donald Trump s inner circle is shattering as we speak. Not only has White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer resigned, but not even Trump s legal team is happy with him. And if there s one group of people Trump shouldn t want to p*ss off right now, it s his lawyers. Unfortunately, Trump isn t very smart.The New York Times has just confirmed that Trump s legal team is up in arms over the fact that Trump wants to go after special counsel Robert Mueller. In an interview with MSNBC, Times reporter Peter Baker stated that Trump s legal team was actually trying to convince Trump to leave Mueller the hell alone, as he s highly respected among Democrats and Republicans. MSNBC Nicole Wallace asked: I know nothing is sacred with this man, but do you sense anyone around him is trying to pump the brakes on the character assassination of Bob Mueller? Baker revealed that some of Trump s legal advisers have already walked out on him due to Trump s attack on Mueller. Baker said: People around him definitely are. This is, in fact, connected to the other thing you were talking about, the sort of blowup of the legal team. some of the lawyers told him don t go after Robert Mueller. First of all, this guy is a good guy, he is a smart guy, a person of integrity. In fact, some of the lawyers have said to the president, in effect, if you didn t do anything wrong and we think you don t have anything to worry about in terms of the Russia investigation, then you should want Robert Mueller at your special counsel, because if he finds that, if that s his conclusion, it will have credibility on both sides of the aisle, so don t do that. And this could cost Trump far more than his lawyers. Baker remarked that Mark Corallo had already resigned from his position as spokesman and communications strategist for Trump s legal team due to Trump. Baker said: He thought that Robert Mueller was a person of integrity and that they shouldn t be attacking him. So this is a point of stress within the Trump team. You can watch the interview below:Clearly, no one can destroy the Trump administration better than the POTUS himself.Featured image via Pool / Getty Images
July 21, 2017
BREAKING: GOP Chairman Grassley Has Had Enough, DEMANDS Trump Jr. Testimony
Donald Trump s White House is in chaos, and they are trying to cover it up. Their Russia problems are mounting by the hour, and they refuse to acknowledge that there are problems surrounding all of this. To them, it s fake news, or a hoax. However, the facts bear things out differently, and it seems that there are now cracks in the Congressional public leadership.Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), who heads the Senate Judiciary Committee, is fed up. He is now demanding that Donald Trump, Jr. and former 2016 Trump Campaign Manager Paul Manafort testify before his committee regarding the now infamous shady meeting between Donald Trump and the shady Russian lawyer who promised dirt on 2016 Democratic Presidential nominee Hillary Clinton. In fact, this information is due, well, NOW. This demand sends a few signals to team Trump most notably that they should not fire Special Counsel Robert Mueller under any circumstances, despite the fact that it seems that this seems to be what Trump s White House is laying the groundwork, so to speak, to do as we speak.Here is the tweet regarding Grassley s warning:Also, anyone who thinks that Senator Grassley and the rest of the Senate are not serious about this only needs to look at the warning that has already been given: Trump Jr. and Manafort will either follow orders, or be served with subpoenas that force them to comply. If they refuse, they will be held in contempt of Congress, which carries with it serious jail time.Even the cruel, craven creatures within the GOP are sick of Donald Trump s corruption and his scandal-ridden White House. They are angry that he staged a hostile takeover of their party, first with birtherism and giving them a permanently racist label all while decimating all efforts that were made to pretend the Republican Party isn t a hotbed of racism, and while turning their worlds upside down, and with it, the nation. It seems that old-timers like Grassley, who are clearly sick of Trump s bullshit, just might be the ones who could save the republic. All they need is a bit of courage.Featured image via Win McNamee/Getty Images
July 21, 2017