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Report: Trump Businesses Seeking Dozens Of Special Visas For Foreign Workers
During Made In America week, an initiative which is supposedly to promote U.S. jobs and products, the Trump Organization is asking the federal government to grant dozens of special visas to foreign nationals to work at two of Donald Trump s private clubs in Florida, including his Mar-a-Lago resort, which he also calls the Winter White House. it s like the former reality show star isn t even trying anymore.ABC reports:The company is seeking 35 waiters and waitresses at Mar-a-Lago along with 20 cooks and 15 maids. A listing is also posted for six cooks at the Trump National Golf Club in Jupiter. The jobs pay anywhere from $10.33 to $20.01 per hour. They run from Oct. 1 to May 31.On Thursday, requests for H-2B visas had been made public on the Department of Labor s website.The jobs would begin in October and end in May 2018 and pay a minimum of $10.33, $11.88 and $13.34 per hour but would be eligible for higher wages with overtime.The visa request filing came just days after the Trump administration announced it would offer an extra 15,000 temporary, seasonal work visas this budget year and we re sure that s not a coincidence at all.In mid-April, Trump signed an executive order which promotes the Buy American and Hire American idea.The EO states it is to create higher wages and employment rates for workers in the United States. While we wouldn t have any problem with the hiring of foreign workers, Trump s hypocrisy is staggering.CNN reports:A CNN analysis of visa records in April found businesses run and owned by Trump and his adult children have been certified to hire at least 1,371 foreign visa workers since 2001.Just this past March, a winery owned by Eric Trump in Virginia applied to hire more foreign workers to pick grapes after being unable to find U.S. citizens willing to do the job.Trump s actions against immigration has farmers concerned because, they also hire foreign workers. If it gets worse, as one farmer put it, you re going to be living in a world without peaches maybe at least California peaches. But Mar-a-Lago and the Trump National Golf Club in Jupiter, Florida, will be OK. Whew!Photo by Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images.
July 21, 2017
John McCain Just Savaged Trump On Twitter (TWEET)
Sen. John McCain (R-AZ), fresh off a brain cancer diagnosis that he is statistically unlikely to beat, is apparently all out of f*cks to give. Today, he tweeted an article in the opinion section of the Washington Post, calling it a must-read. The article in question? Trump s breathtaking surrender to Russia. And the op-ed holds absolutely nothing back. Here are a couple of my favorite excerpts from the piece:But once again, President Trump after extended personal contact with Vladimir Putin and the complete surrender to Russian interests in Syria acts precisely as though he has been bought and sold by a strategic rival. The ignoble cutoff of aid to American proxies means that Putin won in Syria, as an administration official was quoted by The Post. Concessions without reciprocation, made against the better judgment of foreign policy advisers, smack more of payoff than outreach. If this is what Trump s version of winning looks like, what might further victory entail? The re- creation of the Warsaw Pact? The reversion of Alaska to Russian control? There is nothing normal about an American president s subservience to Russia s interests and worldview. It is not the result of some bold, secret, Nixonian foreign policy stratagem the most laughable possible explanation. Does it come from Trump s bad case of authoritarianism envy? A fundamental sympathy with European right-wing, anti-democratic populism? An exposure to pressure from his checkered financial history? There are no benign explanations, and the worst ones seem the most plausible. The problem is the damage to U.S. interests done in the meantime. It now seems that the Russians by meddling in a presidential election and by playing down such aggression have achieved an intelligence coup beyond the dreams of the Soviet era. The result is an America strategically and morally disarmed.The fact that John McCain is posting such a strongly worded article about Trump s surrender to Russia is extremely telling, and begs the question: Behind closed doors, how many other Republicans feel this way? In public, it s obvious that Republicans feel they must present a united front against the Democratic Party and forces of the left. However, despite recent silence from #NeverTrump conservatives, it wasn t even a year ago that leadership figures such as Paul Ryan were dead set against him. Given the fact they are spineless, how much pressure will it take to get them to turn against him?If Donald Trump s numbers keep dropping, primarily among Republicans, I think you ll see it happen. And if that s the case, it might not take until 2018 to bring him down.Here s Senator McCain s tweet:Must-read @MJGerson @washingtonpost: Trump s breathtaking surrender to #Russia https://t.co/SkWocuF8dM John McCain (@SenJohnMcCain) July 21, 2017Featured image via Win McNamee/Getty Images
July 21, 2017
Russian Lawyer At Trump Jr.’s Meeting Has Worked For Russian Spy Agency
The whole world knows about the bombshell report of Donald Trump Jr., Jared Kushner, and the former campaign manager for Donald Trump s 2016 presidential run, Paul Manafort, holding a secret meeting with Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya. Of course, despite how shady this is on its face, Team Trump s party line has been, nothing to see here. Well, it seems that there just might be something to see here, considering that Veselnitskaya actually once represented a Russian spy agency.Reuters reports that Veselnitskaya was involved in a bitter fight over elite, exclusive pieces of property in Moscow. Who was her client? The FSB, of course. Meaning, essentially, she was working for the Kremlin and Vladimir Putin. Supposedly, that connection ended in 2013 when Veselnitskaya won the case for the FSB. However, with the way Russia operates, once a Russian spy operative, always a Russian spy operative. Here is how Reuters describes the chain of events:Reuters could not find a record of when and by whom the lawsuit which dates back to at least 2003 was first lodged. But appeal documents show that Rosimushchestvo, Russia s federal government property agency, was involved. It did not immediately respond to a request for comment.Veselnitskaya and her firm Kamerton Consulting represented military unit 55002 in the property dispute, the documents show.Now, to play devil s advocate, it is very possible that Trump Jr. and the rest didn t know Veselnitskaya s history. That is possible, but certainly not probable, considering the fact that Trump Jr. himself has admitted that his family has been getting money from Russia to fund their business ventures for years. That makes it highly unlikely that the Trumps and those in their orbit weren t well aware of who this woman was, what her background was, and who she worked for.At the end of the day, this is a woman that never should have been allowed into this nation at all, and she definitely shouldn t have been anywhere an American presidential campaign. All of this is shady as hell, and hopefully Robert Mueller can get to the bottom of it while we still have a republic to save.Featured image via Flickr
July 21, 2017
Hannity Goes BALLISTIC After Conservative Group Humiliates Him By Rescinding Media Award
It turns out that William F. Buckley s own son wasn t thrilled about Sean Hannity receiving an award named after his dad.And that may be the exact reason why the conservative group known as the Media Research Center rescinded the Media Excellence award he was set to receive, despite the fact that Hannity has done nothing but push conspiracies and kiss Donald Trump s ass.According to CNN, the naming of Hannity as the award s recipient caused distress among Buckley s family in particular his only child, best-selling author Christopher Buckley. A source familiar with the situation tells CNN that Christopher Buckley expressed great dismay at the announcement that the award would go to Hannity, who has spent a great deal of time insulting conservative intellectuals on Twitter, particularly since he became a strong supporter of Donald Trump.Indeed, Hannity is not an intellectual at all. He s a college dropout who peddles bullshit that should have gotten him kicked off the airwaves years ago. Meanwhile, William F. Buckley was a true conservative intellectual who loathed Trump.Buckley s son informed the Media Research Center of his disapproval and the group quietly removed Hannity s name from the gala on their website and decided not to give Hannity the award.They made the right decision. The only thing Hannity deserves for the crap he spews on television and radio is a pink slip.Of course, the news upset Hannity and he took to Twitter to throw a temper tantrum, attacking CNN and Christopher Buckley.Hey Fake News Jake, I was offered an award, I was unable to attend, and I respectfully turned it down. https://t.co/z69QXiW7AZ Sean Hannity (@seanhannity) July 21, 2017If @NRO Never Trumpers or WFB s son were upset about me receiving the award, they never told me. Now I m really glad I said No thanks https://t.co/33BFWgnlEj Sean Hannity (@seanhannity) July 21, 2017Fact; Awards are BS ways to raise $. The only Award I care about is serving my audience, the support of my audience, and saving the USA https://t.co/YcYJTeSUto Sean Hannity (@seanhannity) July 21, 2017Chris Buckley (NO WFB) needs to speak out about how @NRO has readers pay for free cruise vacations . Thank God for Conservative Review. Sean Hannity (@seanhannity) July 21, 2017No idea, I never spoke to Chris a single time. I was going to humbly accept it, but I ran into a conflict and declined. @NRO is NEVER TRUMP! https://t.co/xYaAuvr80O Sean Hannity (@seanhannity) July 21, 2017Hannity just demonstrated precisely why he should never have been picked to receive a media award. Attacking the son of the man it is named after isn t exactly an example of media professionalism.Hannity is just desperately trying to save face after being rejected. He knows it. The Media Research Council knows it. CNN knows it. We all know it.Featured image via Paul Zimmerman/Getty Images
July 21, 2017
WATCH: Kellyanne Conway SMEARS Investigators To Give Trump An Excuse To Fire Them
As Donald Trump s legal team tries to dig up leverage to use against investigators and researches his pardon power, Kellyanne Conway is busy smearing anyone who is involved in the investigation.The Russia investigation has been heating up in recent days as more information continues to be revealed about Trump Jr s secret meeting with Russians and special prosecutor Robert Mueller and his team start looking at Trump s family finances, which will likely reveal all of Trump shady connections and dealings with Russian oligarchs.Obviously, Trump is very nervous about Mueller s investigation. He even warned Mueller not to look at his business dealings, which basically gave Mueller a reason to look there.During an appearance on Fox & Friends on Friday, Conway began laying the groundwork for Trump to have an excuse to fire Mueller and derail the investigation against him.She began by whining about how taxpayers are funding the investigation, which is hypocritical considering Republicans wasted millions of taxpayer dollars investigation Benghazi, a real witch hunt that lasted longer than even the 9/11 investigation. Where is this going? Conway whined. Are Americans comfortable with that, with the taxpayers funding this with this going off of all types of chutes and ladders? Then she accused Mueller and his team of being Democrats and Hillary Clinton partisans. Not only did these Democrat, presumably, lawyers donate a lot of money to the left side of the political aisle, one of them actually was a lawyer for the Clinton Foundation, Conway said.Of course, Trump ass-kisser Steve Doocy jumped in to claim that there are all sorts of conflicts of interest and that members of Mueller s team should be forced to resign.Conway then launched a rant about how the swamp is out to get Trump and stop him from bringing transparency and accountability to Washington even though Trump has never been transparent and has never held himself accountable for anything he has ever said or done. Steve, here s the relevance of that people should at least know it. Donald Trump went to Washington to disrupt and expose the system, just to blow that secret door off of its hinges and have more accountability and transparency in a system that thrives on the opposite. So the same applies here. Let s at least, you know, you re saying put on pressure let s have a disinfectant, let s at least let the transparency and accountability speak for itself. It s relevant that people know what the motivations are, and that is not an attack on the team. That is what s fair is fair. Seriously.She then went on to accuse top Democratic members of the House and Senate investigations of spending more time on television than in hearings.Here s the video via Fox News.If Donald Trump fires Mueller he would be obstructing an investigation and telling the world that he has something to hide that he doesn t want investigators to find. He would basically be admitting that he s guilty. Of course, if Trump truly believed in accountability and transparency, he would admit that his campaign colluded with Russia and resign immediately.Featured Image: Screenshot
July 21, 2017
Florida Republican To Black Voters: ‘If You Don’t Like It Here, Go Back To Africa’
Paul Congemi, a Republican candidate running for mayor of St. Petersburg, Florida, sent a clear message to black voters at a forum on Tuesday when he told mayoral opponent Jesse Nevel and members of the Uhuru Solidarity Movement to Go back to Africa. Congemi claims to have been a life-long Democrat who switched to Republican after former President Barack Obama showed his support for gay marriage. Nevel, on the other hand, is white and has been running his campaign on the slogan Unity through reparations, and has also spoken out against gentrification and police brutality.Then there is the Uhuru Solidarity Movement, a socialist organization of white people who believe that the key to ending racial inequality is through reparations, but Congemi sees things from different angle. Mr. Nevel you and your people talk about reparations. The reparations that you talk about, Mr. Nevel, your people already got your reparations. Your reparations came in the form of a man named Barack Obama, Congemi said at Tuesday s forum. My advice to you, if you don t like it here in America, planes leave every hour from Tampa airport. Go back to Africa. Go back to Africa. Go back, he continued, repeatedly pointing at the crowd and later making motions to exit.His statement was met with a combination of shock and disgust, with one woman in the crowd shouting Get out of here! after Congemi s comment about Barack Obama.Rick Kriseman, the sitting mayor of St. Petersburg, was also critical of the candidate s words, claiming on Wednesday that Congemi s statement was hateful, bigoted, and unacceptable toward black and gay Floridians. Jesse Nevel also saw the move as tactless, saying that Congemi s comment reflects a segment of my community. I ve met plenty of other people who feel that way. That s why I feel that it s important for those of us in the white community to take a public stand with reparations. In typical Republican fashion, Congemi tried to weasel his way out of the firestorm he had created, telling the Washington Post that he has nothing against African Americans who are doing their best here in America, and that his remarks were only aimed at those who are pushing for reparations. He even referred to Nevel as a self-hating white man. The controversy doesn t seem to have slowed Congemi down, and he claims that anyone who believes he is racist simply misunderstood his comments. Even if he loses this time, he s not going to stop. I ll run again in 2019 and, God willing, if I m alive in 2021, I ll run then, too, Congemi said. I intend to keep running and running and running. Featured image via video screen capture from YouTube
July 21, 2017
Corruption: Here’s How Donald Trump Is Breaking The Law And Profiting From The Presidency
Presidents are supposed to serve the American people, but Trump has made it clear that everyone works for him and he is not to be questioned or investigated or placed under scrutiny. Ever. Even when it comes to Russia, even when it comes to his severe lack of ethics and his Constitutional violations. We know about many of his conflicts of interest, which very well may break the law, and one would expect them to improve as time goes by. However, they re getting worse, not better.Historically, presidents do not go into office with the number of business interests Trump has. Previous presidents have placed what interests they do have into blind trusts, which means the president separates himself from them entirely. He has no influence, he gets no information. Trump? Not so much. Sure, his businesses are in a trust, but his sons manage it and they give him updates regularly.Even if they didn t, they re helping their father corrupt the Office of the President with his business. Trump s sons have pitched an idea for budget hotels called American Idea, and have gone so far as to sign letters of intent to build said hotels in economically depressed areas in red states.That isn t an America first, initiative so much as it s a way for Trump to expand his brand and boost his popularity among the plebes he otherwise ignores.(We all have a million dollars that says those hotels will hire foreign workers for cheap, as Mar a Lago in Florida just did.)Trump s presence at his golf clubs serves as promotion, and some of them (like Mar a Lago) are raking in the dough from increased membership fees and people willing to pay them in order to say they ve rubbed shoulders with him and other world leaders. His decision to roll back an environmental policy ensuring clean drinking water directly benefits his golf courses, which means he brings in even more money.The Trump International Hotel in D.C., situated in the historic Old Post Office building, isn t supposed to belong to any government officials. The reason Trump can have such an interest in it is supposedly because his business is in a trust, so he technically doesn t have an interest. Or something. Regardless, the hotel is supposed to be donating profits from foreign officials who stay there to the U.S. Treasury, but Trump said that asking foreign officials to identify themselves as such would diminish the guest experience. So he s directly profiting from foreign officials who stay there, either to curry favor with him or because they think it d be rude to stay with a competitor. It s probably both.Trump was obviously corrupt before before he was even elected he s known this whole time how to milk campaigns and how to milk his office for all its worth, so that when he leaves he s richer than ever. During his campaign, he made heavy use of his own properties. That might make sense, but the law reveals just how he lined his pockets with campaign donations.Federal election law requires a campaign to pay fair market value for goods and services bought from a candidate s own businesses. Most candidates with their own business interests wind up spending one to three percent of their total spending on their businesses. Trump s spending was above 10 percent. There s no way that was an accident.Trump is corrupt. He knows it. We all know it. That s why he says that the president isn t subject to ethics laws he s trying to build the case that he can do what he wants because he s the president and we re not.Featured image via Alex Wong/Getty Images
July 20, 2017
BREAKING REPORT: Trump Is Terrified; Asking Lawyers If He Could Pardon Himself
While Donald Trump hasn t exactly made an admission of guilt in the Russian scandal, but in a shocking story that just broke in the Washington Post, he s at least privately entertaining the idea that he will be prosecuted and possibly found guilty. Now he s asking if he can pardon family members, staff and even himself.Trump has asked his advisers about his power to pardon aides, family members and even himself in connection with the probe, according to one of those people. A second person said Trump s lawyers have been discussing the president s pardoning powers among themselves.Trump s legal team declined to comment on the issue. But one adviser said the president has simply expressed a curiosity in understanding the reach of his pardoning authority, as well as the limits of Mueller s investigation. This is not in the context of, I can t wait to pardon myself, a close adviser said.Source: Washington PostThis report comes in the same day a New York Times interview was published with Trump. In the interview, he appeared to threaten Special Counselor Robert Mueller if Mueller dared look into Trump s personal finances:Asked if Mr. Mueller s investigation would cross a red line if it expanded to look at his family s finances beyond any relationship to Russia, Mr. Trump said, I would say yes. He would not say what he would do about it. I think that s a violation. Look, this is about Russia. Mueller didn t care, though. On the same day the interview was printed, it was revealed that Mueller s office is indeed investigating Trump s businesses, which may be why the sudden interest in Trump pardoning everyone around him, including himself.As for whether he can do that, well, the Constitution and history are unclear. No President has tried to pardon himself. Nixon thought about it before he resigned and his lawyer advised him that it was within his realm of authority. Note that a president doesn t have to wait till there are convictions to grant pardons.So what would happen if Trump attempted a self-pardon? First, some pardon fundamentals: Article II, Section 2, Clause 1 of the U.S. Constitution gives the president the power to grant Reprieves and Pardons for Offences against the United States, except in Cases of Impeachment. Pardons thus can only cover federal criminal offenses and cannot thwart an impeachment (which technically is not a criminal prosecution anyway). .The prosecutor s argument, while much more complicated, is a stronger one. First, a textual argument: The word pardon means something inherently bilateral, something that a sovereign bestows upon a subject. Consider more colloquially that you can beg someone else s pardon, but you never seek or receive one from yourself. While there is admittedly no explicit limitation on self-pardons, there is no need for one, because a self-pardon is by definition not a pardon. Other examples show that the pardon power is subject to inherent limitations like this. For instance, the law is clear that a pardon cannot be prospective it can only reach offenses committed before the pardon is issued but that limit is not spelled out in the Constitution either. It is implicit in the definition of a pardon as opposed to a suspension of the law.Source: Foreign PolicyWhether or not it can be done, it would set a very bad precedence and one that even the most partisan Republicans in Congress would find toxic. It could also be very bad for Trump s businesses.Featured image via Sean Gallup/Getty Images
July 20, 2017
GOP Billionaire Issues HARSH Message To Congress: Impeach Or I’m Done
A billionaire GOP donor is fed up with Donald Trump and he s fed up with Republicans in Congress who refuse to do anything about Trump. Now he has a very strongly worded message for Congress he wants them to do something about the monster in the White House or he ll stop writing them checks. In fact, it might be too late.Florida Cuban-American billionaire Mike Fernandez is disgusted by Trump and in an interview posted on Thursday by Politico, he expressed (shall we say) frustration at Republicans who balls to impeach Trump. All the Republicans who hide behind the flag and hide behind the church, they don t have the f balls to do what it takes, Fernandez told POLITICO Florida in a telephone interview on Thursday.Fernandez has long been a huge supporter of Republicans, especially at the state level in Florida. He supported Mitt Romney, Florida Governor Rick Scott, Jeb Bush and several others, but he s no longer a Republican because of Trump. In 2016, he spent $3.5 million in an effort to defeat Trump. I am out of the political process. Too disgusted, too expensive, too supportive of ego maniacs whose words have the value of quicksand, he wrote in an email to a Republican fundraiser seeking political contributions. It is demoralizing to me to see adults worshipping a false idol. I can t continue to write checks for anyone, he said. I know what it s like to lose a country. It gets worse. Fernandez called Trump one of the worst words in the English language for forced-birth Republicans. He called Trump an abortion of a human being. If I was the doctor and knew what that baby would do, I d have made sure it never would have seen the light of day, he said of the president.The most interesting thing about all of this is that this might be what it takes for Republicans to wake up. Face it, they aren t going to grow a set of balls (to paraphrase Fernandez) any time in the near future, but they will be terrified of losing their donor base.Billionaires, more than anyone, care about how our country is perceived on the world stage. Chaos means market uncertainty, which is never a good thing for the moneyed class. If Trump continues down his current path, he will soon start losing the confidence of the GOP donor base. If Congress doesn t do something about him, look for all of the Trump sycophant members of Congress to be primaried, by the people who have all the money.Featured image via Alex Wong/Getty Images
July 20, 2017
Trump In A Panic As Deutsche Bank Plans To Turn Over Financial Information To Investigators
One of the many reasons Americans were suspicious of Donald Trump to begin with was because of his various business conflicts and shady finances, which have obviously become a major problem in his presidency.While Trump s Russia scandal is erupting, he s also being kept busy defending his several conflicts of interest, struggling to continue hiding his tax returns because they ll reveal not only a long history of debt, but a trail of shady business deals. Trump doesn t want America to know how much money he owes, or who he owes the money to.Notably, Deutsche Bank was one of the only lenders who wanted to work with Trump despite his horrible reputation for suing lenders and going back on his contracts. This bank, which has ties to Russia, loaned Trump hundreds of millions of dollars and thanks to Trump s Russia investigation, investigators are going to find out why.According to the New York Times, banking regulators are reviewing hundreds of millions of dollars in loans made to Mr. Trump s businesses through Deutsche Bank s private wealth management unit . . . to [see] if the loans might expose the bank to heightened risk. Trump s relationship with Deutsche Bank has been problematic for decades, and it s now going to bite him in the a**. Deutsche has given Trump over $4 billion over the last 20 years, and in return Trump sued the bank in 2008 when he fell behind on his payments on a $640 million load. To avoid paying the bank, Trump blamed it for the global crisis and said the bank should be paying HIM instead, leveraging the extraordinary event clause in his contract. Trump said: Deutsche Bank is one of the banks primarily responsible for the economic dysfunction we are currently facing. In response, Deutsche countersued for this classic Trump move. Trump was only able to pay the bank back because he got ANOTHER loan from Deutsche s wealth-management unit.This won t come as any shock to Americans, but Trump s shady family is also involved in this. Not only is Ivanka Trump a Deutsche Bank client, but so is her husband Jared Kushner, who is also up to his neck in the Russian scandal. Kushner got himself into the Russian mess by hiding his meeting with Sergey Gorkov, who happens to be the chief executive of Russian state-owned development bank Vnesheconombank, a bank that Deutsche Bank has a cooperation agreement with.Deutsche Bank is far from innocent, and that s exactly why it s being investigated right along with Trump. Check this out:. . . in May, federal prosecutors settled a case with a Cyprus investment vehicle owned by a Russian businessman with close family connections to the Kremlin. The firm, Prevezon Holdings, was represented by Natalia Veselnitskaya, the Russian lawyer who was among the people who met during the presidential campaign with Donald Trump Jr. about Hillary Clinton. Federal prosecutors in the United States claimed Prevezon, which admitted no wrongdoing, laundered the proceeds of an alleged Russian tax fraud through real estate. Prevezon and its partner relied in part on $90 million in financing from a big European financial institution, court records show. It was Deutsche Bank.Trump does NOT want anyone investigating his financial ties, and he made this clear in his interview with the Times on Wednesday night. Trump clearly stated that he did not want anyone to examine his family s finances beyond any relationship to Russia. I think that s a violation. Thanks to his shady dealing with Deutsche Bank, Trump s nightmare is coming true.Featured image via Mark Wilson / Getty Images
July 20, 2017
Senate Gives Trump Jr. Ultimatum: Respond By Friday Or Face Subpoena
The Senate Judiciary Committee just gave former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort and Donald Trump Jr. a decision to make by Friday evening and the clock is ticking. The Committee has pre-approved subpoenas in order to force Manafort and Don Jr. to appear before the panel if they do not accept by Friday evening an invitation to appear next week, the Washington Post reports.Charles E. Grassley (R-Iowa), the Committee Chairman, said that Manafort, Trump Jr. and a third invited witness, Fusion GPS co-founder Glenn Simpson, have been given until Friday night to accept the invitation to testify in a public hearing which is scheduled for Wednesday.Now, if they do not accept this offer, the Iowa Republican said that subpoenas would be issued almost immediately. We ve already authorized the orders, Grassley said. He further noted that the committee s top Democrat, Dianne Feinstein (Calif.), had also signed off on the orders in advance. She and I don t have to take any action it s already been taken. According to a member of Manafort s legal team, they are considering the request. But it s really a request in name only since the subpoenas are ready to go.Things are so bad for Manafort that he s confused about which meeting to respond to first.Grassley scheduled the two senior Trump campaign surrogates to appear before the panel the same week as the Senate Intelligence Committee plans to interview the president s senior adviser and son-in-law, Jared Kushner. That interview is scheduled for Monday, according to Kushner s lawyer although on Thursday, the Senate Intelligence Committee s top Democrat, Mark R. Warner (Va.), indicated the committee was also planning on a second audience with Kushner.Jared Kushner, Trump s son-in-law, is being scrutinized as well, along with Manafort and Don Jr., over their interactions with Russians, most of which have been revealed recently. Kushner had to update the list of foreign contacts on his disclosure form which he needed to submit to get security clearance three times. He added more than 100 people to it. Apparently, Kushner has a very bad memory.Kushner, Manafort and Trump Jr. will also be asked about their meeting at Trump Tower in June of 2016 in which they met with a Kremlin-connected lawyer in order to obtain damaging information on Hillary Clinton to help his father win the election.The number of people present at the meeting keeps increasing, which totally doesn t seem suspicious at all. Don Jr. said it was a conversation about adoption, but according to the emails Trump s son released on Twitter, there was no mention of that. Instead, it mentioned getting dirt on Clinton.The 8th person in that secret Russian meeting with Trump Jr. has been identified as Irakly Kaveladeze. He s a bit of a shady character who was once the subject of a congressional inquiry into money laundering. Kaveladeze was accused of being involved in a massive effort, in a ten year period, to launder $1.4 billion of Russian and Eastern European money through U.S. banks.Like Trump has said about his Russian scandal, Kaveladeze called his money laundering scandal a witch hunt. Trump has repeatedly called the Russia scandal fake news and so has Don Jr. We re wondering if under questioning as he stands in front of the panel, Junior will yell out, Fake panel! Because this isn t Twitter anymore. This is real life. Tick tock.Featured image via John Moore/Getty Images
July 20, 2017
Trump Indicates WH Previously Lied, Second Secret Putin Meeting Was ‘More Than Small Talk’
Whenever the White House puts out a statement regarding Donald Trump, you can be sure of one thing: it s just a matter of time until Trump himself contradicts that statement. Over and over, Trump has thrown his spokespeople under the bus as he publicly says the opposite of what his surrogates have told the public. And he just did it again.According to the White House, Trump s second meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin was merely a brief conversation at the end of a dinner, nothing more than a perfectly innocent exchange of pleasantries and small talk. True to form, Trump blew this cover to smithereens shortly after the statement was made and revealed that the private meeting, which officials say lasted more than an hour, was actually a discussion about policy.Here is what Trump had to say to the New York Times about his second meeting with Putin:She [Melania Trump] was sitting next to Putin and somebody else, and that s the way it is. So the meal was going, and toward dessert I went down just to say hello to Melania, and while I was there I said hello to Putin. Really, pleasantries more than anything else. It was not a long conversation, but it was, you know, could be 15 minutes. Just talked about things. Actually, it was very interesting, we talked about adoption.We talked about Russian adoption. Yeah. I always found that interesting. Because, you know, he ended that years ago. And I actually talked about Russian adoption with him, which is interesting because it was a part of the conversation that Don [Jr., Mr. Trump s son] had in that meeting.And here s the problem with what he said. The whole topic of Russian adoption is far from just being casual small talk. Putin got mad when President Obama implemented the Magnitsky Act in 2012, which was meant to punish Russia for their blatant human rights violations. In retaliation, Putin banned the adoption of Russian children by U.S. citizens.So, by stating that he and Putin discussed Russian adoptions, Trump just inadvertently admitted that he discussed official policy in a private meeting with a foreign adversary. Whoops. This puts the U.S. government at a significant disadvantage because we have no record of what transpired conversationally between the president and Putin, former NATO commander James Stavridis explained.Yet again, Trump has chosen Russia and Putin over the American people. Sad.Featured image via Michael Reynolds Pool/Getty Images
July 20, 2017
Mueller Just Told Trump To F*ck Off With His Threats, Expands Probe To Trump Family Finances
On Wednesday, Donald Trump warned the special counsel investigating the Russia scandal not to look into his business or personal finances and that s exactly like saying, Hey, Special Counsel Robert Mueller, look into my finances! Well, that s just what happened. It s like after robbing a bank and the police stop you for running a red light, so you say, Don t look in the trunk! So, as part of the probe into possible ties between the Donald Trump campaign and Russia in the 2016 presidential election, the Special Counsel is now is examining a broad range of transactions involving Trump s businesses as well as those of his associates, according to what a person familiar with the probe told Bloomberg.FBI investigators and others are looking at Russian purchases of apartments in Trump buildings, Trump s involvement in a controversial SoHo development in New York with Russian associates, the 2013 Miss Universe pageant in Moscow and Trump s sale of a Florida mansion to a Russian oligarch in 2008, the person said.The Trump Crime Family and Associates look like they re in deep sh*t:The investigation also has absorbed a money-laundering probe begun by federal prosecutors in New York into Trump s former campaign chairman Paul Manafort.Trump s lawyer, John Dowd, said on Thursday that the inquiry into Trump s businesses is unrelated to last year s election. Those transactions are in my view well beyond the mandate of the Special counsel; are unrelated to the election of 2016 or any alleged collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia and most importantly, are well beyond any Statute of Limitation imposed by the United States Code, he stated in an email.We disagree! There s a saying which goes like this: Follow the money and apparently, Mueller has heard that wise quote before. There s a way that Trump could clear this all up. It would require the sitting president to release his tax returns, you know, like all of his predecessors have done.By the way, if Trump s resort in Florida mysteriously catches fire and he says, Don t look in the garage for propellant then I m pretty sure they will look into the garage. Nevertheless, Trump didn t see this coming. Somehow.Photo by Ann Heisenfelt/Getty Images
July 20, 2017
Wife Of The Japanese PM Epically Trolled Trump At G20
Amateur president Donald Trump left his chair at a post-G-20 summit dinner to walk over and meet with Russian President Vladimir Putin for a second time, but that s another story in itself which has raised eyebrows. The former reality show star was initially seated next to Japanese First Lady Akie Abe. Ms. Abe did not speak to Trump for two hours, according to the alleged president who gave an interview with the New York Times, a paper which he has repeatedly said was failing. So, I was seated next to the wife of Prime Minister Abe [Shinzo Abe of Japan], who I think is a terrific guy, and she s a terrific woman, but doesn t speak English, Trump told Maggie Haberman of the Times in the exclusive interview. Like, nothing, right? Haberman asked. Like zero? Trump explained that Japan s First Lady didn t even say hello to him. Like, not hello, Trump told the reporter. That must make for an awkward seating, Haberman said.Trump said, Well, it s hard, because you know, you re sitting there for Hours, the reporter said. So the dinner was probably an hour and 45 minutes, Trump added. I was sitting next to the president of Argentina his wife [Mauricio] Macri nice woman, who speaks English. And the prime minister of Japan s wife, Prime Minister Abe. Great relationships, Trump continued. So I m sitting there. There was one interpreter for Japanese, cause otherwise, it would have been even tougher. But I enjoyed the evening with her, and she s really a lovely woman, and I enjoyed the whole thing was good. But here s the thing: Japan s First Lady does speak English. In this clip from 2014, Abe reads a roughly 15-minute speech before finishing with a smile, and adding Thank you very much. The Times Tokyo bureau chief, Motoko Rich, tweeted that Trump s claim was a false note. A false note here: Trump says that he sat next to Akie Abe at dinner & she speaks zero English: "Like, not hello. https://t.co/1JHOiWBEAV Motoko Rich (@motokorich) July 20, 2017Looks like the First Lady of Japan pretended not to speak English for nearly 2 hrs to avoid talking to Trump https://t.co/ee9LGHVlDo Jessica Valenti (@JessicaValenti) July 20, 2017Mrs. Abe s English is better than Donald Trump s, a man who can t form a tweet without misspelling the simplest of words.Photo by Friedemann Vogel Pool/Getty Images.
July 20, 2017
Trump Just Attacked The DOJ, Gets His A** Handed To Him By Sally Yates (TWEET)
Donald Trump dropped several shocking statements in his outrageous interview with The New York Times yesterday, and his comments about the Department of Justice were some of the worst parts of it.In the interview, Trump clearly stated that if he d known Attorney General Jeff Sessions was going to recuse himself from overseeing the Russian investigation, he never would have nominated the former Alabama senator. Trump also warned Special Counsel Robert Mueller against investigating his family s financial matters.These statements are shocking and extremely unpresidential, but unfortunately we ve come to expect this from Trump and his highly flawed administration. But one person, former acting Attorney General Sally Yates, isn t going to let this slide. Having experienced Trump s wrath firsthand when she was fired by him several months ago for getting in the way of the infamous Muslim travel ban, Yates has been an outspoken opponent of Trump and has been giving him hell ever since.In a brutal message posted on Twitter, Yates trashed Trump for attacking a bedrock principle of our democracy with his disrespectful comments about the Department of Justice. She wrote: POTUS attack on Russia recusal reveals yet again his violation of the essential independence of DOJ, a bedrock principle of our democracy. While Trump still seems to think he can fire everyone who poses a threat to him, Yates is the perfect example that just because Trump strips people of their power and positions, he can t get them to shut up and stop exposing him. Yates has become a highly respected figure after she was responsible for shutting down Trump s Muslim ban, and the American people play attention to what she says. If Trump thought he could make her fade into the background by taking away her job, Yates has just proved him very, VERY wrong.Featured image via Chip Somodevilla and Joe Raedle / Getty Images
July 20, 2017
32 Million Uninsured, Premiums To Double If Obamacare Repealed But Not Replaced
A new report released by the Congressional Budget Office on Wednesday pointed out the problems with repealing the Affordable Care Act without replacing it, a move supported by President Trump, and the results are staggering. This is also the same President that has recently criticized the CBO s findings and argued that their reports are fallible, his general response when something doesn t show him in a good light.U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has called for a vote on a motion early next week that could lead to the idea of repealing Obamacare without a replacement system in place to be debated, a tactic he and Trump have sought after the revised Senate bill to replace the ACA was disapproved by at least four Republican SenatorsThe CBO examined the effect of repealing most of the health law without a replacement in their report and found that 17 million more people would be without insurance next year, reaching approximately 32 million people by 2026, 10 million more than what was projected under the Republican party s revised health care bill that didn t pass the House. At the same time, it s projected that the increases in premiums for those still with coverage would double and the average premiums for individuals purchased through exchanges or insurers would go up by about 25 percent next year compared to Obamacare, reaching approximately 50 percent in 2020. The repeal bill would also bring an immediate end to uninsured people paying a penalty for their lack of coverage, as well as ending funding for Medicaid further down the line.The report also came to the conclusion that insurers would leave the individual market due to the lack of penalties for the uninsured, mostly in anticipation of more high-cost customers and fewer enrolees. If this were to happen, roughly 50 percent of the nation would reside in areas with no insurers in the individual market by 2020, a number that would increase to around 75 percent by 2026, the result of less pressure on penalties and more on premiums.All we can hope for now is that the Senate will vote against a repeal of Obamacare without a replacement ready to go.Featured image via Mark Wilson/Getty Images
July 20, 2017
Trump Gets Brutally Reminded Of The Sh*tty Way He Treated McCain After Releasing Pathetic Statement
Donald Trump surely saw this response coming.After all, he hasn t exactly been very respectful of Senator John McCain in recent years.On Wednesday night, it was announced that McCain has a brain tumor. Almost instantly, a shocked nation delivered a wave of support for the Vietnam war hero.One particular message came from President Obama, who warned McCain s cancer that it picked a fight with the wrong man.McCain was captured by the Vietnamese after his plane was shot down in 1967. He would remain a prisoner of war until being released in 1973, but not before he suffered brutal torture at the hands of his captors, torture that would leave him unable to raise his hands above his head for the rest of his life.McCain s service to this country is irrefutable and he is undeniably a hero for what he went through.Not long after President Obama released a statement, Donald Trump released his own on Twitter, referring to McCain as a fighter and told him to get well soon. Melania and I send our thoughts and prayers to Senator McCain, Cindy, and their entire family. Get well soon. https://t.co/fONWVlmYyz Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 20, 2017Yeah, that didn t go down very well at all considering how Trump treated McCain during the 2016 campaign.Not long after declaring his candidacy, Trump attacked McCain and suggested that McCain is not a hero because he got captured. He s not a war hero, Trump said of McCain. He s a war hero because he was captured. I like people that weren t captured. This remark came from a man who repeatedly dodged the draft during the war and spent his time spending money and sleeping around while McCain was being put through absolute hell.And that remark came back to haunt Trump as Twitter users wrecked him for daring to even speak about McCain after what he previously said about him.Took you long enough. Will you apologize for saying he s not a war hero now? Thor Benson (@thor_benson) July 20, 2017John McCain is an American hero, yet Trump had the audacity to say I like people who weren t captured when he dodged the draft Trump = Lame Duck (@williamlegate) July 20, 2017Remember when he was a POW in Hanoi but you couldn t go because your feet hurt? Dan Wilbur (@DanWilbur) July 20, 2017John McCain is a man that you will never even come close to living up to Impeach Donald Trump (@Impeach_D_Trump) July 20, 2017pic.twitter.com/HfTaqnK4Ts Paula Evert (@pvert1990) July 20, 2017You didn t respect the guy when he was a captured war hero, now you do? You need his vote you re a sad man. My heart goes out 2 McCain Fam Dana Goldberg (@DGComedy) July 20, 2017He is so stupid he doesn t understand that getting captured and surviving is just one way to become a real war hero. guyp (@jackflash59) July 20, 2017Unlike Trump, John McCain is a leader we can all respect.Featured image via screenshot
July 20, 2017
Trump Fans Scream That John McCain Should Die Because They’re All Terrible People (TWEETS)
Reaching an almost all-time low even by their own standards, Trump supporters have taken to Twitter to bash John McCain in the wake of the Republican Arizona Senator s announcement that he has a brain tumor.The 80-year-old senator s office made the announcement on Wednesday after doctors at the Mayo Clinic diagnosed an aggressive tumor called a glioblastoma following surgery to remove a blood clot above McCain s left eye last week. McCain has been away from the Senate this week as he recovers from the surgery and it is still unclear if or when he will return as he and his family weigh up treatment options, including chemotherapy and radiation.Former President Barack Obama took to Twitter earlier to send a powerful and heartfelt message to his opponent in the 2008 presidential election, despite the fact that McCain was a relentless critic of Obama s. Even President Trump came across as humble and respectful in his tweet regarding the Senator s health:Melania and I send our thoughts and prayers to Senator McCain, Cindy, and their entire family. Get well soon. https://t.co/fONWVlmYyz Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 20, 2017Trump has been critical of McCain since his 2008 election defeat at the hands of Obama, stating I never liked him after that, because I don t like losers. He also brought into question McCain s status as a war hero. He s not a war hero, Trump said. He s a war hero because he was captured. I like people that weren t captured. Today, however, President Trump finally took the high road and put all of that behind him, but that doesn t mean that his very own supporters took the same approach to the unfortunate news of McCain s latest health setback. Instead, they flocked to Twitter to both celebrate and undermine anybody wishing the Senator well with some even referring to the story as fake news : destination hell pic.twitter.com/XaYtRqouZd West is under siege (@ZKondos) July 20, 2017Have a good day of work tomorrow, and mccain the TRAITOR, can go straight to hell! FACT!!! JT (@OSS1940) July 20, 2017But what if the person with brain cancer is a monster? WilliamShat (@WillaimShat) July 20, 2017I have NO pity on a man that MURDERED Our Soldiers during Vietnam War, I have NO pity on a man that supporting euthanizing the elderly,etc Hannah ChalkerMAGA (@chalkermaga) July 20, 2017Yo @Thomas1774Paine, fake brain tumor story and fake NYT Trump interview story both within an hour of each other. You better get cracking MakeUSA_Great (@MakeUSA_Great) July 20, 2017FUCK senjohnmccain!!! HE'S NO HERO. LET ME TELL YA A STORY. 1st look up the USS FORRESTAL. 2nd https://t.co/BLhpEMMb9m conservative???? (@Rng17582) July 20, 2017#NoPrayersFromMe I hope he finally resigns this is God's work I been praying for this exact punishment for many Rhinos don't fret over karma Sharon Chavez (@sharonDay5) July 20, 2017John McCain got cancer in an organ I didn't know he possessed. I think a lot of people are shocked today. Ethan Ralph (@TheRalphRetort) July 20, 2017The fact that so many Liberals are praising John McCain now that he's thankfully dying of cancer shows you how horrible of a person he was Chicago Joe (@adudeinaplace2) July 20, 2017Fox says McCain has brain cancer. Can only hope this is not fake news West is under siege (@ZKondos) July 20, 2017.@SenJohnMcCain is a detestable man. Better he were never born at all. We can take some pleasure in the thought of him dying painfully. Richard ?Spencer (@RichardBSpencer) July 20, 2017And that is just scratching the surface. Disliking and not agreeing with a person or their policies is one thing, but reveling in the news that that person faces an excruciatingly painful demise is just a special kind of awful.Featured imaged via Win McNamee/Getty Images
July 20, 2017
Obama Just Showed Trump How Real Presidents Treat Their Former Opponents
Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) was diagnosed with brain cancer following a surgery to remove a two-inch blood clot from above his left eye. Amateur president Donald Trump has failed to deliver a message on his always-busy Twitter timeline, but former President Barack Obama did to show solidarity with the 80-year-old Senator. It is, after all, not a partisan issue to show you have a person s back when they need it most. To show that politics doesn t have to be bitter when someone s life might be on the line. Obama and McCain go way back to his first election. When a woman in the audience at a rally called Obama an Arab, McCain shut her down. In contrast, Donald Trump launched the birther conspiracy theory in order to delegitimize our country s first black president.President Obama tweeted, John McCain is an American hero & one of the bravest fighters I ve ever known. Cancer doesn t know what it s up against. Give it hell, John. John McCain is an American hero & one of the bravest fighters I've ever known. Cancer doesn't know what it's up against. Give it hell, John. Barack Obama (@BarackObama) July 20, 2017Obama s tweet has gone viral with over 373,000 likes so far. In 2015, Trump crossed the line with McCain, going where no person should go. He s not a war hero, Trump said of McCain. He was a war hero because he was captured. I like people who weren t captured. McCain, a former Navy pilot, spent approximately five-and-half years in a notorious North Vietnamese prison known as the Hanoi Hilton, where he was repeatedly tortured. John McCain spent two of those years in solitary confinement.Unfortunately, Donald Trump hasn t mentioned McCain s health yet. The former reality show star failed to contact former President Jimmy Carter after he collapsed on Thursday while working on a Habitat for Humanity home in Winnipeg, Canada. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau did call Carter, though, to wish him well. That s what leaders do. They lead by example.Photo by Alex Wong/Getty Images.
July 19, 2017
Watch A GOP Member Of Science Committee Suffer Total Humiliation At Hand Of NASA Scientist
It s no secret that Republicans seem to think that the movie Idiocracy is a documentary. They refuse to believe the scientific consensus that climate change is manmade and a big f*cking deal. Republicans actually think that higher education is bad and well, the rise in flat earthers, can t be a coincidence.Is it any surprise, then, that the Republican-led House Committee on Science, Space and Technology doesn t have a single scientist? That s not even the worst of it. They have as a ranking member Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-California), whose greatest hits include blaming prehistorical climate change on dinosaur farts.During a panel with real scientists, as opposed to those who play scientist in Congress, Rohrabacher even topped the dinosaur theory. In a discussion about Mars, in which a NASA scientist said there might have been life on Mars many, many years ago, Rohrabacher just had to ask: You have indicated that Mars was totally different thousands of years ago. Is it possible that there was a civilization on Mars thousands of years ago? Source: SlateYeah, just a couple of things here. The NASA scientist was talking about microbial life, not anything resembling human life and we re talking billions of years, not thousands of years ago. Then again, it seems that most Christian Republicans think the earth is just 6,000 years old, so it s doubtful Rohrabacher can think in such vast terms.Kenneth Farley, who worked on the 2020 rover and Europa Clipper, and is a professor of geochemistry at the California Institute of Technology, somehow didn t lose his patience with Rohrabacher, and simply said: So, the evidence is that Mars was different billions of years ago not thousands of years ago, Farley said. There is no evidence that I am aware of. Rohrabacher, presumably refusing to take no for an answer, asked, would you rule that out? Harley said, that is extremely unlikely. Here s the video:Featured image via Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images.
July 19, 2017
Trump Rips Sessions Over Russia, Says He Never Should Have Made Him AG (AUDIO)
Donald Trump is obsessed with the Russia investigation. He has a right to be; after all, this is the modern day cancer on the presidency that Richard Nixon was warned about, and we all know what happened there. However, Nixon knew how to keep his mouth shut, and Trump definitely doesn t.In a new interview with the New York Times, Trump rails against Attorney General Jeff Sessions regarding Sessions decision to recuse himself from all things related to Russia. Of course, Sessions really had no choice after it was revealed that he lied to the Senate committee about his own meeting with the Russian Ambassador in order to get confirmed as Attorney General. That matters not to Trump, though. He says he would never have appointed Sessions had he known there would be a recusal. Trump told the Times: Jeff Sessions takes the job, gets into the job, recuses himself, which frankly I think is very unfair to the president. How do you take a job and then recuse yourself? If he would have recused himself before the job, I would have said, Thanks, Jeff, but I m not going to take you. It s extremely unfair and that s a mild word to the president. Here is audio of that clip:Newsflash, you 71-year-old toddler: It is not Jeff Sessions job to engage in an investigation in which he has a clear conflict of interest. Further, had he done that with the intention of providing cover for you and your criminal family, he would be in legal trouble himself. Jeff Sessions is a lawyer, and he knew this. It seems that you literally expect your officials to risk losing law licenses or even going to jail over loyalty to you.This administration is literally cannibalistic. The second anyone does anything that is even perceived as being harmful to Trump, or disloyal as he likes to call it, they fall out of favor and Trump starts threatening them.I d be willing to bet that right about now, Sessions is wishing he had never helped get Trump elected, much less taken a job in his administration. In Donald Trump s world, the only person who is safe is Donald Trump himself.Featured image via Shawn Thew-Pool/Getty Images
July 19, 2017
BREAKING NEWS: John McCain Diagnosed With Serious Illness, Americans Stunned
John McCain, the Panama-born senior United States Senator from Arizona and former POW, was diagnosed with brain cancer following a surgery to remove a two-inch blood clot from above his left eye. McCain, who is 80, has battled cancer before, and his diagnosis has shocked and saddened his family and constituency.Cancer kills more than half a million Americans every year, and millions more battle cancer and survive. The Senator s battle against this deadly illness is a reminder of the fragility of human life, and of the importance of science, medical research, and healthcare coverage for the American people.Here s the statement released by his daughter on Twitter: Statement regarding my father @SenJohnMcCain: pic.twitter.com/SMte9Hkwkq Meghan McCain (@MeghanMcCain) July 20, 2017Featured Photo by Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images
July 19, 2017
Trump Campaign Manager Was In Debt To Shady Russian Interests, Obviously Compromised
Recently, there have been an avalanche of revelations regarding just how close Donald Trump s 2016 presidential campaign was to Russia. In the past couple of weeks, that story has centered on Donald Trump, Jr. and his meeting with a bunch of Russians in Trump Tower in an effort to get dirt on Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton. Now, however, we turn our attentions more closely to another person who was in that meeting: Former Trump Campaign Manager Paul Manafort.According to the New York Times, Manafort could have been compromised by the Russians due to an amazing amount of money he owed them to the tune of $17 million. This information comes via financial documents from Cyprus, a place for rich people to hide lots of money to avoid paying American taxes. According to those records which have been verified Manafort came by this debt when he was working for pro-Putin entities in Ukraine. He was apparently using shell companies to conduct business over there. Said companies owe Russian oligarchs a bunch of money, and they also owed said money during the time when Manafort was running Trump s campaign. The New York Times explains:The records, which include details for numerous loans, were certified as accurate by an accounting firm as of December 2015, several months before Mr. Manafort joined the Trump campaign, and were filed with Cyprus government authorities in 2016. The notion of indebtedness on the part of Mr. Manafort also aligns with assertions made in a court complaint filed in Virginia in 2015 by the Russian oligarch, Oleg V. Deripaska, who claimed Mr. Manafort and his partners owed him $19 million related to a failed investment in a Ukrainian cable television business.In other words, Paul Manafort is in deep sh*t with a some really dangerous Russians, and he was in that same kind of trouble while he was running an American presidential campaign. This revelation is just another in a long and complex line of Trump associates who somehow have ties to very dangerous Russians some of which reach all the way up to the Kremlin and even Vladimir Putin himself.Make no mistake, folks we have Russian agents in the White House. The Russians helped hand Donald Trump the presidency so that they could compromise him and those around him. It s dangerous for the nation and for the world, and we must make sure to elect a Congress in 2018 that will be a check on this corrupt administration full of Russian stooges.Featured image via Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images
July 19, 2017
In White House Conference Call About Iran, Staffers Talked About Blowup Dolls
The contrast between the Obama White House and the Trump White House seems to grow more and more stark every single day. While you d struggle to find a real scandal during President Obama s entire two terms, it would be nearly impossible to count the number of scandals currently plaguing the Trump White House.More than that, though, it seems that the staff has given up trying to be professional. During a conference call on Monday, about one of the most pressing issues in international relations, Iran, staffers were heard in the background chatting about things like lesbian blowup dolls. I kid you not.Two reporters, Tara McKelvey of the BBC and Jackie Alemany of CBS both tweeted about the background chatter.During the briefing call on Iran, you could hear an ad in the background: a man seemed to be saying inflatable dolls and a lesbian. Tara McKelvey (@Tara_Mckelvey) July 18, 2017I may never know what was really said during that call or if I heard things wrong. But I ll certainly remember the sounds and those words Tara McKelvey (@Tara_Mckelvey) July 18, 2017Trump WH still struggles w conference calls. V weird OH comment from unmuted caller during Iran briefing: My inflatable doll is a lesbian. Jackie Alemany (@JaxAlemany) July 18, 2017This may be the first time Trump staffers were caught talking about sex dolls, but it s not the first time they were caught not taking advantage of the mute button. A conference call on the budget in May was described this way:As Mulvaney attempted to answer questions, open phone lines featuring a crying baby, an intermittent hacking cough, and patriotic hold-music quickly drowned him out. Some reporters eventually unmuted their phones, revolting with laughter and exclamations of disbelief over the line. There has to be a better system, a reporter on the call complained over the tune of Yankee Doodle Dandy.Source: CBS NewsTrump has been at this for six months now. He brands himself as a great leader and he is extremely critical of the appearances of others (if not his own). The out of control conference calls are an easy thing to fix, yet his staff refuses. That s not leadership. That s chaos, which, if you think about it, is the perfect metaphor for everything Trump.Featured image via Drew Angerer/Getty Images
July 19, 2017
Trump’s Department Of Justice Just Made A Move That’s Enraging Democrats AND Republicans
Republicans and Democrats are upset over Attorney General Jeff Sessions controversial plans to increase civil asset forfeiture. The Department of Justice is stepping up efforts to seize property and money suspected of being used in a crime or obtained through illegal activity. That whole innocent until guilty thing was just thrown out the window.Local officials would be able to pull the feds into an investigation in order to ease the process of seizing assets from criminal suspects, even if they are not charged with a crime. This would allow law enforcement to take property without proving a crime occurred.JUST IN: DOJ new asset forfeiture policy police can seize property from people not charged w/crime even in states where it's been banned. pic.twitter.com/P8K0g80m4E Paula Reid (@PaulaReidCBS) July 19, 2017Sessions issued an order that authorized, federal adoption of all types of assets seized lawfully by state or local law enforcement under their respective state laws . . . whenever the conduct giving rise to the seizures violates federal law. This move is so bad that even Darrell Issa is against it. This is a troubling decision for the due process protections afforded to us under the Fourth Amendment as well as the growing consensus we ve seen nationwide on this issue, Issa said, according to Politico. Ramping up adoptive forfeitures would circumvent much of the progress state legislatures have made to curb forfeiture abuse and expand a loophole that s become a central point of contention nationwide. Criminals shouldn t be able to keep the proceeds of their crime, but innocent Americans shouldn t lose their right to due process, or their private property rights, in order to make that happen. Rep. Justin Amash weighed in calling it a move backward. This policy takes us backward. Congress must step up to protect the property of Americans from a government that keeps stealing from them. https://t.co/62t4tKLZHz Justin Amash (@justinamash) July 17, 2017Mike Less isn t happy about this either.JUST IN: DOJ new asset forfeiture policy police can seize property from people not charged w/crime even in states where it's been banned. pic.twitter.com/P8K0g80m4E Paula Reid (@PaulaReidCBS) July 19, 2017Conservatives are upset.This is awful. https://t.co/YpYJ8BTWW7 Instapundit.com (@instapundit) July 19, 2017How conservative. https://t.co/JeGb1j9gla Stephen Miller (@redsteeze) July 19, 2017Small government and libertarian minded conservatives should be outraged by this. It's bad policy and bad principles. https://t.co/gyW8749ODJ Rory Cooper (@rorycooper) July 19, 2017Civil asset forfeiture for people not charged with a crime is a Constitutional outrage. This is raw statism. https://t.co/7m312luBLc Rick Wilson (@TheRickWilson) July 19, 2017Indefensible. Totally incompatible with a free society. License to turn law enforcement into Moscow traffic cops. https://t.co/WWlxXIKGDY Seth Mandel (@SethAMandel) July 19, 201784 percent of Americans oppose civil asset forfeiture. Among those is Justice Clarence Thomas who delivered harsh criticism in March of the civil forfeiture system, expressing doubt over the constitutionality of the process in which police seize cash, cars and other property that they suspect have ties to crime without going through a criminal procedure, Forbes reported.This isn t a Democrats vs. conservatives partisan issue. In fact, it s one thing both sides oppose. But it s good for local law enforcement officials, who see it as a lifeline for cash-strapped agencies who can profit from the seizures.But congrats, Mr. Sessions, for getting both sides to agree on an important issue against you.Photo by Win McNamee/Getty Images.
July 19, 2017
Co-Chair Of Trump’s Voter Fraud Commission Says Trump May Not Have Been Legitimately Elected (VIDEO)
The co-chair of Trump s voter fraud commission, set up to prove that Hillary Clinton didn t win the popular vote because of the millions of illegal votes he says were cast for his opponent, just inserted both feet in his mouth, grew a new foot, then shoved that one in the other available orifice on Wednesday when he admitted that Trump may not be our legitimate president. You know, we may never know the answer to that, Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach told MSNBC s Katy Tur when asked whether he thought Clinton won the popular vote by 3 to 5 million votes. We will probably never know the answer to that question, he said. In reality, Clinton only won by 2.87 million votes but Kobach is a moron. How do you say we may never know the answer to that question? Tur asked. Then things got really stupid: What I m saying is, let s suppose that the commission determined that there were a certain number of votes cast by ineligible voters. You still won t know whether those people who were ineligible voted for Trump or for Clinton or for somebody else.And so, it s impossible to ever know exactly, if you took out all the ineligible votes, what the final tally would be in that election. You can obviously, based on the data, you can make some very educated guesses. So are the votes for Donald Trump that led him to win the election in doubt as well? Tur pressed. Absolutely, replied Kobach.Voter fraud especially in-person is extremely rare, though a couple of Trump supporters have been caught illegally voting multiple times after he told them people would illegally vote for Hillary Clinton.In other words, the system works and people who try to vote illegally do get caught. The integrity of the voting systems themselves, however, could be questioned as Russian agents provably hacked our electoral system in 39 states.Is Donald Trump the legitimate President? The answer is that he s an idiot until we know the full extent of Russian attacks on our election.Watch the interview below:
July 19, 2017
Here Are 12 Tweets Trump DEFINITELY Regrets Sending
As you are probably aware, Donald Trump loves to tweet. He loves it more than he loves Vladimir Putin which, according to him, is a lot.While Trump doesn t publicly express regret ever he probably has had second thoughts about at least some of his tweets like this one about leadership.Leadership: Whatever happens, you're responsible. If it doesn't happen, you're responsible. Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 8, 2013After Trumpcare once again failed to happen because Republicans couldn t come up with a workable plan if it saved their lives (like Obamacare has for so many), Trump said he was just going to let the Affordable Care Act fail. I m not going to own it, he pronounced.He also used to criticize Republicans for trying to gut Medicaid and Social Security.The Republicans who want to cut SS & Medicaid are wrong. A robust economy will Make America Great Again! https://t.co/u25yI5T7E8 Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 11, 2015These days, Trump is all about doing exactly those things.Trump probably also isn t too fond of the fact that he sent out this tweet criticizing President Obama for allegedly failing to accomplish things and stuff. After all, he had full control for two years. He can never take responsibility, Trump said at the time.Obama's complaints about Republicans stopping his agenda are BS since he had full control for two years. He can never take responsibility. Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 26, 2012Now, almost five years later, he is desperately avoiding taking responsibility for his own failures despite having complete control.Speaking of control, Trump criticized Obama s alleged weakness with regard to Russia of all places in 2014.Putin has shown the world what happens when America has weak leaders. Peace Through Strength! Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) April 28, 2014Now, he s rubbing Vladimir Putin s back in public and engaging in long intimate meetings his own wife can t break up. But he s tough on Russia. Totally tough. I mean, it s not like he s ever publicly fantasized about Vladimir Putin being his bestie or anything Do you think Putin will be going to The Miss Universe Pageant in November in Moscow if so, will he become my new best friend? Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 19, 2013Oh.Then, of course, there s this one. Trump is going out of his way to destroy our relationships with various world leaders and is currently pushing us into a war with North Korea, an ally of both Russia and China:Be prepared, there is a small chance that our horrendous leadership could unknowingly lead us into World War III. Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 31, 2013At one point, speaking of Obama s non-scandals often promoted by Fox News, Breitbart, and Trump s other trusted media sources, Trump posed the question: Can we handle another scandal in D.C.I wonder what the next scandal will be in D.C.? Can we handle yet another? Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 16, 2013Now, his administration is plagued by numerous actual scandals (usually involving Russia) often reported by the FAKE NEWS (sources he doesn t like) media like, um, CNN Great move by CNN if they sign Jeff Zucker. He was responsible for me and The Apprentice on NBC became #1 show! Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 29, 2012Boy, that one is probably embarrassing for him given his numerous attacks on the Fraud News Network or whatever he s calling CNN these days.One of those FAKE NEWS stories he complains about is that he spends a lot of time playing golf something he used to complain about the President doing.We pay for Obama's travel so he can fundraise millions so Democrats can run on lies. Then we pay for his golf. Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 14, 2014Now, we spend millions so he can go golfing at his own properties on a regular basis.Trump also used to complain that Obama wouldn t release his records to the public specifically, his birth certificate and college records to prove he wasn t born in Kenya (a lie The Donald used to push).Obama thinks he can just laugh off the fact that he refuses to release his records to the American public. He can't. Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 6, 2012We can t even get The Donald to release his taxes, something every other presidential candidate (and indeed President) in recent history has done.Trump is crazy and incompetent someone most of the world thinks should not be in charge of our nuclear arsenal. Embarrassingly, Trump agrees. Well, he agreed when the leader in question was not him.The global warming we should be worried about is the global warming caused by NUCLEAR WEAPONS in the hands of crazy or incompetent leaders! Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 8, 2014But at least Mr. 45 is with the rest of us when it comes to the need for a leader who isn t laughed at by the entire world, someone who is truly great and knows how to win.We need a President who isn't a laughing stock to the entire World. We need a truly great leader, a genius at strategy and winning. Respect! Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 9, 2014 Someone entirely unlike him.Featured image via Getty Images
July 19, 2017
Rupert Murdoch Told Roger Ailes To Help Elect ‘Anyone But Trump’ – ‘Even Hillary’ (DETAILS)
A new report has just revealed that Fox News patriarch Rupert Murdoch was so horrified by the idea of Donald Trump becoming president that he instructed former CEO Roger Ailes to do all he could to swing the election in favor of anyone but Trump even Hillary. The revelation came during an interview with Ailes that took place before his death, which was recently published in Hollywood Reporter to mark the one-year anniversary of Ailes firing from the network due to his long history sexual harassment.Michael Wolff reports the following in the Hollywood Reporter article, published on Wednesday:It was Ailes tacit support of Trump that, in part, made his removal from Fox all the more urgent for the Murdochs. And it was not just the liberal sons who were agitated by Ailes regard for Trump, but also the father, whose tabloid, the New York Post, helped create Trump, but who found him now, with great snobbery, not of our conservative class. ( When is Donald Trump going to stop embarrassing his friends, let alone the whole country? Murdoch senior tweeted the day after Trump officially declared himself a candidate.) Murdoch instructed Ailes to tilt to anyone but Trump, Ailes confided to me before he was fired, even Hillary. (Ailes, for his part, characterized Murdoch s periodic efforts at interference as similar to Nixon s instructions to bomb this or that country best ignored.)Wolff s report also reveals that after Trump s surprise win on election night, Murdoch had no choice but to fall in line and kiss Trump s a**.After the election, a confounded Murdoch had to call on his ex-wife Wendi s friends, Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner, to broker a rapprochement with the disreputable Donald. Now, to Trump s great satisfaction, a humbled Murdoch is a constant caller.Republicans have all done the same as Murdoch. Even those Never Trumpers who openly opposed him throughout his campaign have all silently accepted their fate since his win. And it seems that no matter what he does now, even cozying up to Putin as the Russia scandal continues to heat up, conservatives still can t seem to find the guts to kick his orange derriere out of the White House.Featured image via Justin Sullivan/Getty Images
July 19, 2017
Donald Trump Is Clearly Panicking; Avoiding The People Who Voted For Him
Donald Trump s presidency is spiraling out of control and Dear Leader appears to be holed up in the White House, avoiding even the people who still support him.Immediately following his return from the G20 summit in Europe this month, even his daily schedule went completely blank as he retreated behind the walls of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. Trump has at least added some daily events to his schedule in recent days, but he s not venturing outside.It was Vice President Mike Pence not Trump who left the White House Tuesday and spoke publicly and at length about the Republicans health care bill in the wake of its Senate collapse, not Trump. Unlike Trump, Pence has been maintaining a very public profile in recent days.Source: Share BlueIn the last month, when Trump wasn t leaving the country, pretty much the only reason he left the White House was to go play golf or to watch golf, which he did on June 24, 25, and 30, as well as July 1, 2, 3, 4, 9, 14, 15, and 16. Outside of playing golf or promoting his own business properties, however, Trump is clearly in hiding.To be fair, Trump isn t completely MIA. He did a photo op in a firetruck (just like a big boy) on Monday and he s spent a lot of time on his golf course. But when it comes to using his legendary (in his own mind) negotiating skills to help save the repeal and replacement of Obamacare (one of his top campaign promises), the Deal Artist offered little to nothing.While this is pretty much unprecedented, it signals something major is happening within the White House. Since taking office, he s soothed his fragile ego by holding campaign style rallies in front of fawning fans. The last one he held, which was his last state-side public appearance, was nearly a month ago. While the fans still exist, Trump is even avoiding them. Instead, he s presumably seeking comfort in Kentucky Fried Chicken and chocolate cake in front of an increasingly incredulous Fox News.This isn t particularly surprising. Trump has a difficult time in situations that don t offer him adulation. He refuses to make a state visit to the UK until Prime Minister Theresa May can guarantee the nearly universally despised America leader a warm reception.Featured image via Mark Wilson/Getty Images
July 19, 2017
Less Than Half Of Trump Voters Believe Donald Jr. Met Russian Lawyer, Despite Admitting It
According to the results from a recent survey by Public Policy Polling, only 45 percent of Donald Trump voters polled wholeheartedly believe that Donald Trump Jr. met with Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya, despite the fact that the U.S. President s eldest son has openly admitted doing so.President Trump s alleged collusion with Russia has been one of the main stories doing the rounds since before his inauguration, but more fuel was added to the fire when the New York Times broke the news at the beginning of the month of Donald Trump Jr. s meeting with Veselnitskaya, a Russian lawyer with ties to Russian leader Vladimir Putin, and six others in an effort to obtain damaging information about his father s campaign rival, Hillary Clinton, back in June 2016.Donald Trump Jr. has since admitted that the meeting took place and has even given details of the attendees, including former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort and Trump s son-in-law and now-senior adviser, Jared Kushner, however, many Trump voters aren t so sure.Despite these admissions from the man himself, 32 percent of the Trump voters surveyed believe that the meetings didn t happen at all and a further 24 percent weren t entirely sure. To make matters even worse, 72 percent believed the whole story about Russia meddling in last years presidential election to be fake news, while only 14 percent disagreed entirely with that notion.Some other points of interest that came from the results of the Trump voters surveyed:But it isn t all bad news. The very same survey showed that only 41 percent of his surveyed voters approve of the job he s doing, whereas 55 percent don t. To make matters worse, just 37 percent of his voters consider Trump to be honest, but 57 percent say he isn t, and 52 percent call him an outright liar, while only 40 percent disagree with that label being used to describe the President. So there is hope.Featured image via Jeff Vinnick/Getty Images
July 19, 2017
Trump Throws Colossal Tantrum After America Finds Out About Secret Meeting With Putin (TWEETS)
Donald Trump has been exposed once again, and he s having a full blown meltdown because of it.Apparently, meeting with Russian leader Vladimir Putin for several hours during the G-20 summit wasn t enough, because it s just been discovered that Trump and Putin had another secret meeting, which the Trump administration did not disclose to the public.Once the media reported the secret meeting (which was later confirmed by the White House), Trump went into one of his Twitter tantrums and cried fake news . Trump claimed that other world leaders had been invited and that the media had been well aware of the meeting.Trump apparently still doesn t understand that now that he s President of the United States, nothing in his life is private anymore. The president and his administration are expected to be transparent with the American people, and they ve truly incriminated themselves by failing to disclose this meeting. We can all assume that if this news hadn t come out, the Trump administration never would have disclosed it.Trump obviously doesn t think that having (and then hiding) a private meeting with the foreign leader who meddled in his country s election looks shady. It s hilarious that Trump referred to these reports as fake news , only to have his own administration confirm that the meeting took place. Even Trump himself confirmed it in his tweets by talking about the other people that joined him and Putin!As Trump s meltdown over his Russia meeting continues, his focus and attention on negotiating a health care bill with Senate Republicans will be greatly compromised. This is a great example of why Trump hasn t been able to get anything done after several months of being in the White House. It also proves that the more Trump denies something, the more it s likely to be true!Featured image is a screenshot
July 19, 2017
The Eighth Person In Trump Tower Meeting Is Linked To Money Laundering
The story of Donald Trump Jr. s 2016 meeting with a Russian lawyer capable of providing damning information against his father s then presidential campaign running mate, Hillary Clinton, appears to be an ever changing one. News broke last week that there was an eighth person involved, Irakly Kaveladze, whose presence was confirmed by a lawyer for Aras Agalarov.The meeting is a story that is a little hard to keep track of so let s do a role call of the other seven attendees first The meeting was arranged by Donald Trump Jr. as the main representative for his father with Natalia Veselnitskaya, the Russian lawyer with the dirt on Hillary. Also present was President Trump s son-in-law, Jared Kushner, and then-chair of the Trump campaign, Paul Manafort, both of whom were there at the request of Trump Jr, seemingly to make the meeting appear more serious. Then there was Rob Goldstone, a British publicist who contacted the Trumps on behalf of the Agalarovs, the Russian Oligarchs with ties to Vladimir Putin and a Trump family friend, who set up the session in the first place. Also present was Rinat Akhmetshin, a Russian-American lobbyist who, by his own admission, worked as a military counterintelligence officer for the former Soviet Union and had also bragged about how easily he could coordinate an email hacking campaign, and Anatoli Samochornov, a former State Department staffer who was there solely to translate.Which brings us to Irakly Kaveladze, a 52-year-old born in the Soviet Republic of Georgia who immigrated to the US in 1991. Also known as Ike, Kaveladze was the eighth person present during the meeting and this is where things get truly interesting, as Kaveladze was once the main focal point of a congressional money-laundering probe. On his personal website, Kaveladze refers to himself as the vice president of Agalarov s Moscow-based real estate company, Crocus Group. His LinkedIn profile has him living in the Russian Federation, however, public records show he is linked to New Jersey-based businesses.Kaveladze is listed in business filings as founder of the IBC Group, based at 333 Sylvan Ave. in Englewood Cliffs, in a completely empty suite with unopened mail by the door. That exact New Jersey address is also shared with several shell companies connected to Aras Agalarov, one of which is Saffron Property Management, which Agalarov reportedly used to purchase an $11 million condominium last year in Florida. The other companies that share the Sylvan Ave. address include CI Publishing, PB Consulting, Russian Art Mall and a company called RJI Properties, run by two childhood friends of Agalarov s son, Emin. For some strange reason, RJI s Instagram account links to Emin s sister s real estate profile.Another thing his own webpage and LinkedIn profile both fail to mention is Kaveladze s alleged role in laundering $1.4 billion during the mid-1990s. In November, 2000, Kaveladze was named in news stories after a report on Russian money laundering through U.S. financial institutions was issued by the General Accounting Office. According to the congressional inquiry, Kaveladze formed 2,000 corporations for Russian brokers through his company which was called International Business Creations at the time. These corporations were then used to help steer more than $1.4 billion in wire transactions through U.S. banks.The story of Donald Trump Jr. s meeting with Russian lawyers may have been compelling when the story first broke, but this is only the beginning.Featured image via Spencer Platt/Getty Images
July 19, 2017
Are Trump Supporters Too Dumb To Know They’re Dumb? Science Says “Probably”
How the hell can anybody call themselves intelligent when they re supporting Donald Trump? It s a question that baffles people who are able to think critically, able to read and comprehend both history and current events, and able to see through Trump s thin fa ade of know-it-all-ism and deep into what he is an ignorant, narcissistic, and dangerous conman.Trump supporters not only don t see this, they re happy that there s someone running for president that thinks exactly like them. Take Melanie Austin, of Brownsville, Pennsylvania. She thought her beliefs about Obama being a gay Muslim from Kenya and Michelle being transgender were just fringe beliefs right up until she started hearing similar stuff from Trump and other right-wing extremists.Now she knows she s right about all of this. You can t tell her that she s ignorant and dumb if she can t figure this out for herself. You can t tell her she s delusional. You can sit there with her, and countless others like her, and present facts, figures, charts, studies, and more, all from the most reputable sources there are, and prove that her lord and savior is wrong, and you ll still get shot down.There s more to this than the problem of confirmation bias. Austin gets much of her information from fringe right-wing blogs and conspiracy sites, but that s not all of it. Many of Trump s supporters are seriously too dumb to know they re dumb. It s called the Dunning-Kruger effect, and it s an unshakeable illusion that you re much smarter, and more skilled and/or knowledgeable, than you really are.People like Austin labor under the illusion that their knowledge about things is at least as good as, if not better than, the actual facts. For these people, though, their knowledge isn t just superior it s superior even to those who have intimate and detailed knowledge of the subject at hand. Trump himself has exemplified this countless times, such as when he claimed he knows more about ISIS than even our military generals do.His fans simply take his word for it, and believe that because he knows, they know. They are literally incapable of seeing that they don t know.To be sure, the Dunning-Kruger effect is present everyone all across the political spectrum, and indeed, in every walk of life. We all overestimate our abilities and knowledge somewhere. However, the effect is especially pronounced in people with limited intellectual and social skills: [P]eople who are unskilled in [intellectual and social domains] suffer a dual burden: Not only do these people reach erroneous conclusions and make unfortunate choices, but their incompetence robs them of the metacognitive ability to realize it. So basically, yes, it s possible to be too dumb to realize you re dumb.In four separate studies, people who scored in the bottom quarter on tests involving everything from humor to logic, and even to grammar, grossly overestimated where they thought they would score. They averaged scores in the 12th percentile, while their average estimate of their own scores was the 62nd percentile.The researchers attribute that huge discrepancy to a literal inability to distinguish accuracy from error. Or, to put it another way, those who are the most lacking in skills and knowledge are the least able to see it.Take the case of McArthur Wheeler, a man who robbed two banks in 1995 and was caught rather easily. He thought he would get away with it because he rubbed his face with lemon juice, which is used in invisible ink. To test the theory that lemon juice would turn him invisible, he rubbed it on his face, took a Polaroid, and his face wasn t in the picture! So he thought he was safe from security cameras because he could make his face invisible.He was shocked when police caught him because of that, saying, But I wore the juice. He literally couldn t see the ridiculousness of that line of thought. David Dunning, one of the first to catalog the Dunning-Kruger effect (hence its name), has studied human behavior including voter behavior for decades. He penned an op-ed in Politico that explains why this effect is so pronounced in Trump s supporters: It suggests that some voters, especially those facing significant distress in their life, might like some of what they hear from Trump, but they do not know enough to hold him accountable for the serious gaffes he makes. They fail to recognize those gaffes as missteps. Again, the key to the Dunning-Kruger Effect is not that unknowledgeable voters are uninformed; it is that they are often misinformed their heads filled with false data, facts and theories that can lead to misguided conclusions held with tenacious confidence and extreme partisanship, perhaps some that make them nod in agreement with Trump at his rallies. Trump is completely inept, and his supporters are way too poorly-informed to know that he s inept, and too dumb themselves to know how dumb they are. That s why Trump s supporters are so sure they re smart and their president is smart that they won t listen to reason. The effect is strong in these people.Featured image by Mark Wilson/Getty Images
July 19, 2017
Trump And Putin Had A Secret Meeting After Their ‘Official’ One
Donald Trump said after his official meeting with Vladimir Putin at the G- 19 Summit that the two get along very, very well. They got on so well, in fact, that Melania Trump was sent by staffers to break up the meeting (which ran almost two hours longer than normal) and failed miserably.After that meeting, Putin and Trump decided to make things a bit more intimate and met alone with only a translator a Russian one, which is a gigantic violation of national security protocol.The second meeting reportedly lasted about an hour and was previously not mentioned at all by the administration. Never in my life as a political scientist have I seen two countries major countries with a constellation of national interests that are as dissonant, while the two leaders seem to be doing everything possible to make nice and be close to each other, Ian Bremmer, president of the Eurasia Group, says of Trump and Putin s interactions, noting that the bromance is clearly his best personal relationship with a G-20 leader.What was discussed at the second, secret, meeting? We really have no way of knowing. Trump made sure that no Americans were present just himself, Putin, and someone else who is loyal to Putin.Featured image via Getty Images
July 18, 2017
Trump’s White House Decides War Crimes Don’t Matter, Shuts Accountability Office Down
Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, America s top diplomat, has wanted to do a bit of reorganizing in the State Department for quite some time now in order to focus on top priorities, such as finding new economic opportunities for American businesses and strengthening the US military prowess. Now it looks like he is going to achieve his goal, just at the expense of programs to promote human rights and fight world poverty.Tillerson is apparently closing the Office of Global Criminal Justice, reassigning Todd Buchwald, the office s special coordinator since December, 2015, and a career State Department lawyer, to a position in the State Department s office of legal affairs. Buchwald was also informed that the other staff members may possibly be shifted to the State Department s Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor.The State Department has neither confirmed nor denied the move. The State Department is currently undergoing an employee-led redesign initiative, and there are no predetermined outcomes, a spokesperson said, later emphasizing, We are not going to get ahead of any outcomes. One person who clearly doesn t approve of the possible shuttering of the office is David Scheffer, a professor at Northwestern University s Pritzker School of Law, who also served as the first U.S. Ambassador-at-Large for War Crimes Issues. This is a very harsh signal to the rest of the world that the United States is essentially downgrading the importance of accountability for the commission of atrocity crimes, Scheffer said. This sends a strong signal to perpetrators of mass atrocities that the United States is not watching you anymore. The Office Of Global Criminal Justice was first established by former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright in 1997 to raise the importance of confronting mass murder in U.S. foreign policy, largely in response to the genocides in Bosnia and Rwanda, creating the post of Ambassador-at-Large for War Crimes Issues along the way. Over the following two decades, the office joined forces with several international criminal courts in an attempt to bring justice, not only to Rwanda and the former Yugoslavia, but also to Cambodia and the Central African Republic. Furthermore, the office lobbied for greater U.S. support for the International Criminal Court (ICC).The office also tried to raise the level of awareness of the importance of supporting the prosecution of mass murderers all around the globe, from Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, even helping to run a special rewards fund for information leading to the apprehension of war criminals.But sadly, it seems like that s all in the past now.Featured image via Drew Angerer/Getty Images
July 18, 2017
WATCH: Mitch McConnell Gets His A** Handed To Him For Whining On The Senate Floor Because Democrats Don’t Support Trumpcare
Mitch McConnell pretended to care about the American people on Tuesday as he blamed Democrats for his own party s failure to pass Trumpcare.Seriously. He actually had the gall to accuse Democrats of not caring about people even though the repeal and replace bill his party tried to pass would have stripped healthcare away from millions of Americans and would have gutted Medicaid all while erasing the protections provided by the Affordable Care Act. He even made the outrageous claim that Republicans reached out to Democrats to work with them on the bill. I imagine many Democrats were celebrating last night, McConnell said during a speech on the Senate floor. I hope they consider what they re celebrating. The American people are hurting, they need relief, and it s regretful that our Democratic colleagues decided early on that they did not want to engage with us seriously in the process to deliver that relief. These are not just numbers on a page these are real people, he continued.Except that Republicans never asked Democrats to work with them. Republicans wrote the destructive bill all by themselves and they demanded that Democrats vote blindly in favor of it.As we all know, Democrats told Republicans to go f*ck themselves. And even some Republicans refused to support the bill because it was that bad. Many Republicans faced massive opposition from their own constituents at town halls over the bill.And if Republicans really cared about real people, they would have drafted a bill that doesn t kick over 20 million real people off of their health insurance. It s that simple.But McConnell wants to blame Democrats and pretend that his party cares about people. That doesn t jive considering that Republicans tried killing Obamacare mostly because they wanted to give a fat tax gift to the wealthy at the expense of real people who would not be able to afford healthcare without Obamacare. I regret that the effort to immediately repeal and replace Obamacare will not be successful, McConnell said. That doesn t mean we should give up. We will now try a different way to bring the American people relief from Obamacare. That plan is not exactly different either. It s a 2015 GOP plan that would make premiums skyrocket and strip healthcare from even MORE Americans.Here s the video via YouTube.Twitter users were quick to take McConnell to the woodshed.I just listened to you blaming #Democrats for this. #Liar. You drafted your bill behind closed doors & excluded Dems. This is on @SenateGOP. TheNextPhoenix (@TheNextPhoenix) July 18, 2017Retire, bitch. Matt Bush (@ItsMattBush) July 18, 2017What do you have against the average, normal, wage earning American? Why must you do everything in your power to weaken and hurt us? Jay Hova (@JHova_83) July 18, 2017pic.twitter.com/pd4FvU4ZY5 Crutnacker (@Crutnacker) July 18, 2017So repeal and do nothing?! What cowardice Walter Pepper (@WaldoPepper17) July 18, 2017Maybe you need to get your eyes checked because you re not seeing all the Americans at their senators offices protesting a repeal. AMERICAN WOMAN (@valentineomine) July 18, 2017The Healthcare Bill has failed @SenateMajLdr #TrumpRussia pic.twitter.com/grGnALJdgX Bhaktin (@BhaktinJai) July 18, 2017Featured Image: Screenshot
July 18, 2017
RNC Official Retweets Article Calling For Sen. John McCain to ‘F*cking Die Already’
Just imagine the deafening outrage from conservatives if a Democrat shared an article calling for the death of Sen. John McCain. The 80-year-old Republican Senator is recovering from brain surgery after a 2-inch blood clot was found over his left eye. A Nevada official tried to explain why she shared an article which literally calls for McCain s death in which she added Amen to the now-deleted tweet.Diana Orrock, the Republican national committeewoman for Nevada, shared the article on Monday which called for Sen. John McCain s death over his hawkish foreign policy views, CNN reports. Amen, Orrock wrote in the tweet from a post on Medium titled Please Just F***ing Die Already. The tweet was deleted but the Internet is forever.Orrock told CNN that she was not a big fan of McCain s approach to foreign policy, then she went on to deny that she wanted the Senator to die. To my knowledge, die still means die but she denied her intentions.Orrock said she was simply agreeing with the sentiments of the article, even though the author of the post explicitly called for McCain s death.At one point in the article, it states, If you re waiting for the part where I say I m just kidding and would never wish death on anybody, please allow me to make myself clear: I sincerely, genuinely hope that Arizona Senator John McCain s heart stops beating, and that he is subsequently declared dead by qualified medical professionals very soon. Nevertheless, Orrock claimed repeatedly claimed that she just did not want McCain to be in the Senate, and then said people were reading things into things. People are going to read things into things, Orrock said of her sharing the article calling for McCain s death.Diana, when you say Amen to a post literally calling for someone s death, that means you support that.Orrock has served as the Nevada committeewoman for the RNC since 2012 and she supported Donald Trump s campaign in 2016. As national committeewoman, I am supposed to keep my personal beliefs to myself, but I have never been a party-over-principles type of person, she said of then-Rep. Joe Heck, who was running for the Senate and did not back Trump after the Access Hollywood tape was released. I have always been a principles-over-party individual, she said at the time.While we disagree with McCain over some of his politics, we wish him a speedy recovery. He served this country in the military and in office. We can disagree without wanting people to die. It s a simple concept.Photo by Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images
July 18, 2017
Trump Whines Pathetically On Twitter Because His Crazy ‘Healthcare’ Bill Is Dead In The Water
Well, it seems that despite the efforts of notoriously crafty Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, the GOP s massive tax cut for the rich healthcare bill is dead for now. Senator John McCain (R-AZ) is out for emergency surgery we wish him well, of course and Senator Susan Collins (R-ME) and Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) were already hard NO! votes. Then, late Monday night, Senators Mike Lee (R-UT) and Jerry Moran (R-KS) came out against the bill as well. Each Senator had his or her own reasons for opposing McConnell, but those reasons matter not for now. The votes to pass this disastrous piece of legislation simply are not there.Of course, upon hearing that he was, once again about to be humiliated on one of his signature campaign promises, Donald Trump took to Twitter to fume about the bill s failure in the Senate. He tweeted that he wants to simply repeal the Affordable Care Act now and rip healthcare away from millions. He also said the unthinkable in this hyper-partisan environment: Work with Democrats. Here is his tweet:Republicans should just REPEAL failing ObamaCare now & work on a new Healthcare Plan that will start from a clean slate. Dems will join in! Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 18, 2017Now, we all know that McConnell knows that Trump is a fool, and he will likely not heed anything Trump has to say. But this just goes to show two things: 1) Republicans cannot govern their way out of a paper bag, even when they control the entire government, and 2) Trump, once again, shows poor impulse control on Twitter, as well as a woefully inept understanding of the workings on the legislative branch of the government he now supposedly runs.Either way, these tweets are whiny, pathetic, and like something you d see from a child. Oh well. Elect a child, expect tantrums.Featured image via Mark Wilson/Getty Images
July 17, 2017
The GOP’s Efforts To Kill Millions Through Trumpcare Might Finally Be Dead
For months now, the Republicans have been doing all they can to ram through a disastrous even deadly massive tax cut for rich people healthcare bill. Finally, the Senate had come up with a version that looked like it might pass but then moderate Senator Susan Collins (R-Maine) and Libertarian Rand Paul (R-KY) said they would vote for it under no circumstances. They had different reasons, of course Senator Collins knew it would be a potential death knell for the most vulnerable among us, while Senator Paul thought the bill wasn t conservative enough and didn t actually repeal the Affordable Care Act.After Collins and Paul came out against the bill, which the GOP is hilariously calling the Better Care Reconciliation Act, that only left one vote that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell could lose and still pass his bill and get it to Donald Trump s desk, with Mike Pence acting as the tie-breaking vote.Everything changed when Senator John McCain (R-AZ) had to have emergency surgery to remove a blood clot over his left eye. He is now at home in Arizona, and we wish him a speedy recovery. This, however, was a game changer. It meant that without McCain s vote, McConnell was one vote short. So, of course he shelved the vote until McCain s return.Well, as of Monday night, none of that matters, as Senators Mike Lee (R-UT) and Jerry Moran (R-KS) came out against the bill because they, like Rand Paul, don t think it is cruel enough to the poor, the elderly, children, and the disabled. However, despicable as their reasons may be, for the moment that matters not. McConnell does not have the votes he needs to pass this bill. For now that is a win for us.Now, all of that being said, a word of caution these people have been vowing to get rid of the Affordable Care Act for the last seven years. It is what they promised their Obama-hating, mouthbreathing base, so they won t give up. Public pressure works. Keep calling your Senators and telling them not to kill us.Featured image via Win McNamee/Getty Images
July 17, 2017
Trump Is Being Sued By A Watchdog For Mar-A-Lago Corruption: Will Visitor Logs Show Pay-To-Play?
The Trump administration likes to keep their backdoor deals tight-lipped, but a government transparency non-profit is about to lift the curtain and and shine some light on Trump s second White House the Mar-a-Lago resort.Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW), a government transparency watchdog, was able to obtain Mar-a-Lago resort s visitor logs, and will begin to release the logs to the public on September 8.CREW director Noah Bookbinder wants Trump s meetings to be public knowledge. The public deserves to know who is coming to meet with the president and his staff. We are glad that as a result of this case, this information will become public for meetings at his personal residences. The nonprofit is working hard to obtain visitor logs from the White House and from Trump Tower.Below is the full CREW press release.oh man CREW is getting (and releasing) Mar-a-Lago visitor logs, starting Sept 8 pic.twitter.com/tNqfDam5IK Betsy Woodruff (@woodruffbets) July 17, 2017Featured image via Gustavo Caballero/Getty Images
July 17, 2017
Republicans Go Back To Basics: ‘Stop Asking About Russia Or We’ll Investigate Hillary Again!’
House republicans have vowed to fight fire with fire, with Steve King, Republican Representative from Iowa, stating that they are willing to begin a new investigation into Hillary Clinton s emails unless Democrats stop fanning the flames of the scandal involving the President Trump s potential collusion with Russia during his election campaign. If this continues this immobilization of the presidency over these kind of things it s gonna force Congress to do an investigation, a complete and thorough investigation, and that means go back all the way to the 650,000 emails of Anthony Weiner and look at [former FBI Director James] Comey and his activities, King told CNN s Alisyn Camerota.When pressed by Camerota to elaborate farther, King went as far as to paint Comey and the special counsel burdened with the task of investigating Trump s possible Russia ties as the ones that are truly guilty of collusion. What I m saying is this, that the Comey investigation now him picking the special counsel on top of it on its face, appears to be collusion, King added, however, there s just one small problem with that statement Special Counsel Robert Mueller wasn t appointed by James Comey, rather by Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein.This has been a common pattern by the Republican party when dealing with any controversy or scandal involving the President during his six-month tenure in power; just try and distract the media as well as the public from the real issues at hand by trying to create new ones involving Hillary Clinton s campaign.This very technique was what they turned to in May during a Senate hearing that featured testimony from former acting Attorney General Sally Yates and former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper; rather than focussing on the task at hand, Texas Republican Senator Ted Cruise just spent his time asking Clapper about Clinton s emails. Another Texan Republican Senator, John Coryn, did the exact same thing last month during James Comey s Senate testimony. Even Republican Senator Lindsay Graham from South Carolina recently told Fox News that now that Robert Mueller is investigating President Trump, Congress should ditch their own investigations and resume looking into Clinton s emails.It is a simple fall back plan the GOP keep using and it has been reasonably effective. It seems far easier, not to mention extremely more effective, to draw the attention away from your wrongdoings than try to explain or justify them.Featured image via Scott Olson/Getty Images
July 17, 2017
Trump Gets Trashed For Justifying Don Jr’s Collusion With Russia: ‘That’s Politics!’
For someone that ran on the Drain the Swamp platform, the current occupant of the White House has a funny way of showing it. Donald Trump Jr. has found himself in the middle of an email scandal (the irony is palpable, isn t it?) in which he included Trump s son-in-law Jared Kushner and former campaign manager Paul Manafort in the messages. Junior wanted to gather damaging information in 2016 against his Dad s opponent, Hillary Clinton. The problem is that he sought to collude with a hostile foreign government to get that info in order to get his father elected. It s unethical and possibly illegal. But, to Donald Trump that s politics! Which brings us full circle back to that drain the swamp campaign vow the former reality show star made. Most politicians would have gone to a meeting like the one Don jr attended in order to get info on an opponent. That s politics! It tweeted.Most politicians would have gone to a meeting like the one Don jr attended in order to get info on an opponent. That's politics! Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 17, 2017No, Amateur, most people would not have met with Russians to obtain information. Most of them would call the FBI after a Russian made contact in order to arrange a meeting.One Twitter user wrote, Many people supported you because you weren t the stereotypical politician . And now, look! You ve become that stereotype. Many people supported you because you weren't the "stereotypical politician". And now, look! You've become that stereotype Luke Waltham (@lukewaltham) July 17, 2017We ve been lied to repeatedly about that meeting.If the meeting Don Jr. went to was normal, why did he lie about it over and over? Why did Kushner lie about it on his security application? Adam Best (@adamcbest) July 17, 2017Most politicians would NOT have gone to a meeting like the one Don jr attended in order to get info on an opponent. That's TREASON! Eugene Gu, MD (@eugenegu) July 17, 2017The FBI should have been called in. That s a no-brainer.No! Most people would have reported the proposition to the FBI.Only the Trumps would be fool enough to take the meeting. #NiceTryTrump val broeksmit (@BikiniRobotArmy) July 17, 2017lol no they wouldn't, this must be your team right about now. pic.twitter.com/XWA7unH0rL Brandon Keating (@BrandonTalks) July 17, 2017Meeting with Russian spies is not opposition research. Robert Caruso (@robertcaruso) July 17, 2017No, not really. True, most politicians are scumbags, but your kind is on a whole other level. You're swine, pal. pic.twitter.com/ipixj00r4Q Michael Roffman (@michaelroffman) July 17, 2017You really are off your rocker. The whole lot of you is guilty as hell and I hope you burn for it. You and your dumb son. cx (@cxcope) July 17, 2017So, is it still a witch hunt? pic.twitter.com/Uthscbr5Fm Vic Berger IV (@VicBergerIV) July 17, 20177 in 10 americans think the fbi should arrest his cel phone first because he's just making this worse the entire world is laughing at don anton newcombe (@antonnewcombe) July 17, 2017So much for draining the swamp Charles Capel (@CharlieCapel) July 17, 2017Team Trump can t even come up with a defense over Junior s scandal. When Trump was on the campaign trail, he called on Russia to hack Hillary Clinton s emails. Donald is so defensive and the signs are there that he possibly knew about the meeting before it even took place in his own building. Junior was well aware, according to the emails he released on Twitter, that the information was coming from the Russian government that the Kremlin-connected lawyer was offering him. Again, this is a no-brainer but we re dealing with the Trump administration here, and they do not understand that attempting to collude with Russia is as bad as colluding with Russia. Welcome to Amateur Hour at the White House.Photo by Andrew Harrer-Pool/Getty Images.
July 17, 2017
Jared Kushner’s Excuse For The Russian Meeting Would Get Most People Fired
Imagine your boss or a client sends you an email informing you of a meeting. What do you do? Do you read the entire email so you ll be prepared or do just guess and wing it? You d probably read the email so you re prepared. Jared Kushner, though, who is supposedly a very successful businessman, apparently just wings it at least according to his defense in regards to the Russian meetings.Kushner wasn t the original recipients of the emails that arranged the meeting at Trump tower with the very clear agenda of getting dirt on Hillary Clinton, but he was forwarded the emails. Now a source is saying he didn t read the part about the Russians, despite the fact that the subject line read: Re: Russia Clinton private and confidential. In the emails, the contact, a former tabloid reporter called Rob Goldstone, said the lawyer, Natalia Veselnitskaya, was a Russian government attorney who could provide very high level and sensitive information as part of Russia and its government s support for Mr Trump. But a source close to the situation told BuzzFeed that Mr Kushner did not read to the bottom of the email, missing out key words like Russian government and therefore did not realise what the meeting was about.Source: IndependentOh, and the defense gets worse. According to the source, Kushner only attended the meeting to talk about Russian adoptions. There was no mention of Russian adoptions at all in the email chain.Not coincidentally, Donald Trump s campaign manager at the time, Paul Manafort, also claimed that he was innocent because he didn t read the whole thing.What makes it even more difficult to believe Kushner is that he s already proven himself a consummate liar. He lied on his security clearance application, which is a federal crime.Featured image via Pool/Getty Images
July 16, 2017
Fox News Just Shared A Poll That Trump Is Going To HATE, Meltdown Inevitable (TWEET)
On Sunday, Fox News had a rare moment of clarity and actually decided to share the truth with their viewers, breaking the hearts of Donald Trump voters around the world.As Trump continues to brag and tweet about polls that are biased and inaccurate (while ignoring actual facts), Fox News blasted the failing POTUS disastrous health care plan and noted that Americans overwhelmingly prefer Obamacare.The poll was taken just a few days ago and states that 50% of Americans approve Obamacare, and only 24% are willing to support a Republican replacement. Some weren t fond of either (13%), but the evidence was clear the people in this country do not want the GOP to repeal the Affordable Care Act and replace it with one of their death sentences.This poll comes just days after Trump trashed the Republican Party on Twitter, calling out their failed health care plan and urging them to make a decision as soon as possible. Trump and the GOP are more desperate than ever for a legislative win, and this poll proves that it s only going to be another humiliating loss for them. Every time the Congressional Budget Office analyzes one of the Republicans proposals, each version looks worse than the last.Americans are already well aware that many of them (millions, actually) will lose their health care coverage under Trumpcare. For many, the GOP s replacement plan will be life-threatening. Even a good portion of Trump s most loyal supporters are terrified of losing their Obamacare, and have publicly spoken out in favor of keeping the health care bill because they ve benefited so greatly from it.One thing is for sure when Trump sees what his favorite news channel has just tweeted, he s going to have a colossal meltdown. He relies on Fox News to hide his failures, and this truth bomb isn t going to sit well.Featured image via Jeff J Mitchell / Getty Images
July 16, 2017
James Comey Is Doing Something That Will Have Trump Sh*tting His Pants
Trump s numerous attacks on former FBI Director James Comey are about to come back and bite him in the ass. While Trump has spent his time attempting (poorly) to portray Comey as someone who is unreliable and worse, the former director has spent his time writing a book.The FAILING NEW YORK TIMES (as The Donald says) reports that Comey s book will cover his work as a public servant including and perhaps most notably his brief tenure in the Trump administration. It s a book about leadership and his search for truth, informed by lessons and experiences he s had throughout his career, including his recent experiences in the Trump administration, Matt Latimer, whose agency also represents Comey, says. It will speak to a broader desire in our country for more ethical leadership.It really does sound interesting, and it s no surprise that publishers are willing to hand Comey ridiculous amounts of money for it:The book will not be a conventional tell-all memoir, but an exploration of the principles that have guided Mr. Comey through some of the most challenging moments of his legal career. Among those are his investigation into Hillary Clinton s private email server during a contentious election, and his recent entanglement with the president over the F.B.I. s inquiry into Russia s interference in the 2016 election.Comey initially was reluctant to write a tell-all, but ultimately decided that he had more to say than just a retelling of his career. The Times notes that he plans to use the book to write candidly about his experience serving in multiple administrations, and to use moments from his career to draw lessons about ethics, decision making and leadership. As with his personal memos he shared with the media through a friend, Comey s book will be vetted to ensure that no classified information is contained.While the book is simply going to be a study of Comey s principles through the years, it is sure to enrage Trump, who considers facts and truth to be an anathema.Featured image via screengrab
July 16, 2017
Trump Goes Into Full Denial Mode During Temper Tantrum Over Historically Low Approval Rating
Donald Trump just refuses to admit that most Americans disapprove of him and his pathetic presidency.On Sunday, a new poll was released showing that Trump s approval rating had dropped to another historic low in the 70 year history of the poll.According to the ABC/Washington Post poll, only 36 percent of Americans approve of Trump, while a whopping 58 percent disapprove.That s the highest disapproval rating and lowest approval rating ever recorded by the poll.But Trump tried to sugercoat his numbers by rounding off his approval rating to 40 percent and actually had the gall to claim that the number is not bad at this time. Trump also attacked ABC and the Washington Post.The ABC/Washington Post Poll, even though almost 40% is not bad at this time, was just about the most inaccurate poll around election time! Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 16, 2017Trump is in denial at this point. Just after his first 100 days, the same poll recorded a record low approval rating for a president just after the first 100 days. Now Trump has recorded the lowest approval rating for a president after just six months in office. Sad!These kinds of major polls are scientifically conducted and serve as a snapshot of American opinion during the given time-frame in which the poll was taken. This poll was taken in the days after Donald Trump Jr. released his damning email proving that the Trump campaign colluded with Russia and just after a trip abroad in which Trump embarrassed himself and the United States at the G-20 Summit.So Americans have a lot to disapprove of when it comes to Trump s performance in office.And Twitter users were quick remind Trump of the facts.Actually, Mr. President, people actually disapprove of you. The polls are not inaccurate. It is that you aren t competent or likeable. Dani Bostick (@danibostick) July 16, 2017It is the worst approval rating of any president after 6 months in office in the history of the poll. Morten verbye (@morten) July 16, 2017It really is bad. pic.twitter.com/HICkS6I3fD Morten verbye (@morten) July 16, 2017 40% is not bad at this time ? What do les he mean? No president wants 40% approval ratings at any time in their presidency. Robert Maguire (@RobertMaguire_) July 16, 2017For comparison, on nearly the exact same day in his presidency, the same poll had Obama w a 59% net approval https://t.co/4Ble0RFKrp pic.twitter.com/CeZlxG58c2 Robert Maguire (@RobertMaguire_) July 16, 2017 40% is not bad? Is that what Trump learned at Wharton? What parents should tell their kids about school? 40% is failing. Adam Best (@adamcbest) July 16, 2017Why are you so insecure? pic.twitter.com/uZahOVJ3YZ Laura Sesana (@lasesana) July 16, 2017Uh it s not almost 40%, and it s a record low for any President in history, AND you inherited a strong economy and no major war or disasters Calvin (@calvinstowell) July 16, 2017I used to tell my math teacher that 40% was not bad at this time. She disagreed. Jarrett Bellini (@JarrettBellini) July 16, 2017 Featured Image: Alex Wong/Getty Images
July 16, 2017
In One Chart, This Company Schooled Donald Trump On How To Treat Women
Donald Trump, at 71 years old, apparently just can t help but be a lecherous pervert who judges women solely on physical attractiveness and rarely does that include women over 50.French President Emmanuel Macron s wife Brigitte is 24 years his senior. I guess Trump was taken by surprise that a 64-year-old woman could possibly be fit and attractive, so he did what no one with any diplomatic skills would ever even consider he complimented her looks, but not just her general looks, he told her she has a good body. Perhaps the most disturbing part of that is that he thought he was being appropriate.Here s the video:Twitter had a field day with it: And what I hope #BrigitteMacron said to @POTUS And you look like a sack of s*** you lumpen plonker . Except in French, obviously Jane Garvey (@janegarvey1) July 13, 2017Exact Trump words to Brigitte Macron: You know, you re in such great shape beautiful. https://t.co/s4hLREulNR Adam Plowright (@ADAMPLOW) July 13, 2017Aging pervert @realDonaldTrump makes sexually inappropriate comments to Brigitte Macron pic.twitter.com/FYMGdwuhbX The Daily Edge (@TheDailyEdge) July 13, 2017A reader reacts to Donald Trump telling Brigitte Macron, You re in such good shape https://t.co/ZbOT4dJKY9 pic.twitter.com/3EU9Mh6kWc The New York Times (@nytimes) July 14, 2017The sad, troubling reality is that when @realDonaldTrump paid #BrigitteMacron that compliment, he genuinely thought he was being charming. pic.twitter.com/95vd87GiQG (((B. Paul Stuart))) (@BrianPaulStuart) July 14, 2017The best response, though, came from Reebok, who made a chart just for Donald Trump saying when it might be appropriate for a man to say, You re in such good shape beautiful. The answer was pretty much never, unless instead of a woman, you re talking about an action figure from your childhood.In case you were wondering when it IS appropriate to say, You re in such good shape beautiful, THIS: pic.twitter.com/Z1cnnRD8Ut Reebok (@Reebok) July 14, 2017I ll have to admit that I haven t bought a pair of Reeboks in a while. Maybe it s time.Featured image via Thierry Chesnot/Getty Images
July 15, 2017
Fox Host Goes After ‘Soulless’ Hillary Clinton, Chelsea’s Response Is PRICELESS (TWEET)
Now that Donald Trump s Russia scandal has been blown wide open and more incriminating evidence is surfacing by the day, Fox News is more desperate than ever to find ways to save Trump s reputation. Last night, the untrustworthy conservative network delivered a low blow to Trump s 2016 election opponent, Hillary Clinton, because they literally couldn t think of anything else.On The Five, co-host Lisa Boothe said something absolutely cruel and insane about Clinton, proving that the bar can always be lowered when it comes to the Republican Party. Boothe, who was filling in for Kimberly Guilfoyle, tried to say that Clinton was so obsessed with becoming president that she would actually sell her daughter Chelsea to achieve it. Seriously, it doesn t get much more heartless than that.Boothe took this dig at Clinton during a discussion about Donald Trump Jr s meeting with a Russian lawyer. To defend Trump and his corrupt inner circle, Boothe tried to turn the conversation to the Clinton campaign, specifically campaign manager Robby Mook. Boothe said: We ve also seen so much self-righteous indignation to people that have no business being self-righteous. I absolutely love the fact that Robby Mook is talking about this. Boothe then stated that Clinton and her allies had no business being the voices of authority on morality (which is ironic considering the amount of trouble Trump is in). She said: He literally worked for the most soulless person on this planet who would literally sell her daughter to be president. If she could sell her only child to be president. I mean, that s how much she wants it. This clip was shared on Twitter by Yashar Ali this morning, where many Americans saw it and were disgusted especially Chelsea Clinton. Chelsea fired back with a message of her own, tearing Fox News a new one in defense of her mother:It was the perfect response to a completely idiotic comment. Just like her mother, Chelsea can always find the perfect way to shut pro-Trump morons down.Featured image via Stephanie Keith / Getty Images
July 15, 2017
The Trump Campaign Paid Don Jr’s Lawyer A Vast Amount Of Money Just Before Scandal Broke (IMAGES)
Donald Trump s allies would very much like the RNC to cover the legal costs of retaining attorneys amid the inquiries into whether the campaign colluded with the Russian government during the 2016 election. It appears, though, that the alleged president s reelection campaign has already paid a legal firm $50,000 and that was just two weeks before Donald Trump Jr. s email scandal broke.Trump s reelection campaign (that s kind of funny considering that it s hard to determine if the former reality show star will last even a year in office at this point) paid $50,000 to the law offices of Alan Futerfas on June 26, according to a new filing with the Federal Election Commission.The Daily Beast reports:On July 11, the New York Times revealed the contents of a June 2016 email exchange in which Trump Jr., through an associate, solicited damaging information about 2016 election rival Hillary Clinton.Just a day earlier, he had enlisted the services of Futerfas, who is best known for representing four of New York s major Italian mob families. The announcement of the hire came not from the Trump campaign but from the president s company, where Trump Jr. remains a trustee.Perhaps this is why the amateur president holds so many rallies even though he just got into office. Donations pour in from his gullible supporters and now, his own fans are paying the legal fees presumably for his son s scandal.Drip, drip, drip:The Trump campaign s FEC filing shows significant expenditures on legal representation as it wades through scrutiny involving alleged Russian meddling in the 2016 election. As part of that investigation, the FBI is examining whether the Trump campaign guided Russian disinformation efforts aimed at key voting precincts.The consulting firm owned by Brad Parscale, the former Trump campaign digital director at the center of that controversy, received more than $2 million in payments from the campaign in the second quarter.The name of the committee: Donald J. Trump for President, Inc.The Trump campaign began paying Don Jr's lawyer about two weeks before the email story broke, per new FEC filing pic.twitter.com/F0ifZ3q2Xw Lachlan Markay (@lachlan) July 15, 2017The campaign is also paying the Trump Corp. for legal consulting, a new category of campaign-to-Trump company payments as best I can tell pic.twitter.com/J6Smlw6ItI Lachlan Markay (@lachlan) July 15, 2017The filing also shows that the campaign settled on a new vendor for legal consulting services: the Trump Corporation. So, it appears that Trump is profiting from his own scandal. According to the filing, the campaign paid the company nearly $90,000 three days after its payment to Futerfas.Trump claims to know nothing about the meeting his son took with a Kremlin-connected lawyer. That meeting was set up to get dirt on Hillary Clinton. Jared Kushner, Trump s son-in-law, and his former campaign manager, Paul Manafort, attended the meeting at Trump Tower. 5 others attended, including Russians. Junior keeps changing his story but it s all coming out in the wash. We re sure Mr. Mueller is taking notes.And none of this looks suspicious at all (wink wink).Photo by John Moore/Getty Images
July 15, 2017
Dem Senator Calls Out Mike Pence For Telling A HUGE Lie About Trumpcare
Donald Trump and his vice-president are eager to pass the GOP/Trumpcare bill even though it will harm millions of Americans. It s not even a health care bill; it s more of a death care bill. Democratic and Republican governors agree that it s a bad proposal. According to a report presented at the National Governors Association, the Senate s Obamacare repeal bill would result in reductions in federal Medicaid funding to states ranging from 27 percent to 39 percent by 2036. Politico reports that fifteen states would see their federal Medicaid funding decline by more than 35 percent by 2036.Vice President Mike Pence tweeted, Let me be clear: The Senate health-care bill strengthens and secures Medicaid for the neediest in our society. #BetterCare. Watch Mike Pence lie:Let me be clear: The Senate health-care bill strengthens and secures Medicaid for the neediest in our society. #BetterCare pic.twitter.com/rThIZtB9zi Vice President Pence (@VP) July 14, 2017Pence said that the GOP plan would ensure that every state in America has the resources you need to take care of your most vulnerable. The fifteen states that would be most affected by this travesty of a bill include California, Nevada, Kentucky, Washington, North Dakota, Oregon and New Mexico, Colorado, Arizona, Utah, Ohio, Arkansas, Pennsylvania, and Tennessee. We suppose those states don t count.Sen. Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) ripped Pence on Saturday in a tweet . I m going to say it there is real evil in the epidemic rate of lying that is going on right now, Murphy tweeted in response to Trump s tweet which included the video above. This is not normal, Murphy added.I'm going to say it there is real evil in the epidemic rate of lying that is going on right now. This is not normal. https://t.co/ifkV1GWAUH Chris Murphy (@ChrisMurphyCT) July 15, 2017Pence has nearly 4 million followers and his tweet was liked only 2,902 times. In contrast, Murphy has 281,000 followers and his tweet was liked nearly 14,000 times. Perhaps, just maybe, Trump supporters are waking up to the fact that they will be largely affected by Obamacare being repealed and replaced with a shit sandwich.Kasich isn t happy with Pence either:Ohio Gov. John Kasich s (R) office rejected Pence s claim that 60,000 disabled Ohioans are on waiting lists for Medicaid s home and community-based services.Kasich s spokesperson called Pence s claim not accurate and said that suggesting Medicaid expansion hurt the developmentally disabled system is false, as it is just the opposite of what actually happened. A Pence spokesman defended the vice president s comments.On top of that, insurers ripped into Ted Cruz s provision saying that it s unworkable and added that millions of more individuals will become uninsured and it will affect those with pre-existing conditions.Photo by Aaron P. Bernstein/Getty Images
July 15, 2017
‘Lie After Lie After Lie’: Fox’s Shep Smith Breaks Ranks, Goes Nuclear On Team Trump (VIDEO)
As the Russia stories surrounding the criminal enterprise known as the Trump Administration continue to pile up, journalists all over network television are demanding answers. However, those journalists are usually not employees of Fox News. For many years, that particular network has generally been nothing more than a propaganda arm for the Christian Right and the most extreme elements of the Republican Party. However, there is one Fox journalist who has gone rogue: Shepard Smith.Now, Smith has been known to buck against the more ridiculous or downright lying elements of his network before. That has included being openly critical of the Trump Administration when most folks there are walking the party line. He s really taken things much further in that direction now, though, since the recent revelations regarding Trump s mini me s attempts to get dirt on Hillary Clinton from the Russians during the 2016 election season. Speaking with fellow more-reasonable-than-most Fox host Chris Wallace on Friday, Shep Smith went nuclear. Here is the transcript of that exchange from the Washington Post, which has called the diatribe Smith s Cronkite moment : We re still not clean on this, Chris [Wallace]. If there s nothing there and that s what they tell us, they tell us there s nothing to this and nothing came of it, there s a nothingburger, it wasn t even memorable, didn t write it down, didn t tell you about it, because it wasn t anything so I didn t even remember it with a Russian interpreter in the room at Trump Tower? If all of that, why all these lies? Why is it lie after lie after lie? If you clean, come on clean, you know? My grandmother used to say when first we practice to Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive. The deception, Chris, is mind-boggling. And there are still people who are out there who believe we re making it up. And one day they re gonna realize we re not and look around and go, Where are we, and why are we getting told all these lies? This is amazing, considering the culture over at Fox. Don t fall in lockstep? You re probably risking your job. Further, since Fox and their constant lies, spin, bigotry, misogyny, and all manner of distastefulness is so toxic to the other, more credible networks, a person might have a difficult time finding journalistic employment elsewhere. Given all of that, this was an amazingly courageous thing to do.Thank you for bringing real news to America s most deceitful network, Mr. Smith. Hats off to you, and keep it up. Perhaps CNN or dare I say it MSNBC will give you a shot should Fox heed the calls from deluded Trumpkins to fire you. MSNBC is my favorite network, and I d definitely tune in.Watch this amazing moment below:Shep Smith: The deception, Chris, is mind-boggling why are we getting told all these lies? Chris Wallace: I don t know what to say pic.twitter.com/DQKOAC8a2o Leanne Naramore (@LeanneNaramore) July 14, 2017Featured image via video screen capture
July 15, 2017
George Takei Takes Trump Jr. To The Woodshed For Colluding With Russia
Star Trek legend George Takei gloriously shredded Donald Trump s dipshit son in a column which includes a poem for Trump Jr. to read to pass the time in his prison cell.As we all know by now, Trump Jr. released an email chain of himself agreeing to a meeting with a Russian lawyer who offered to give the Trump campaign dirt on Hillary Clinton to use in the 2016 Election. The information was received from the Russian government through Aras Agalarov, a Russian oligarch who is close to Vladimir Putin and one of Donald Trump s friends.It has since been revealed that a former Soviet intelligence officer also attended the meeting, which took place inside Trump Tower.In a scathing column published on Saturday, Takei recounts the news of the scandal and proceeds to inform Trump Jr. that he is going to jail. The latest I can t believe this actually happened bombshell concerns, of course, not Trump himself but his namesake, Donald, Jr., whose emails confirming Russian support for his father and meddling in the election present such low hanging evidentiary fruit that even Jeffrey Beauregard Sessions III could pick them, Takei wrote.The emails, released by Junior in advance of a damning story by the Times, no doubt in a vain attempt to blunt the story s impact or at least divert its media coverage, has had something of the opposite effect. Importantly, Junior also had copied then-campaign manager Paul Manafort and Jared Kushner on his response, indicating that the campaign s senior staff were willing to accept damaging information on the Democratic opponent from a foreign hostile state. Their subsequent attendance of the meeting confirmed this. In attendance at the meeting itself was not only a lawyer from the Russian government but also a known Russian counterintelligence officer. The story grows, and darkens. This email string thus comprises the first direct evidence of coordination between the campaign and the Russians, but unlikely the last.In light of these damning revelations, Takei wrote a poem to commemorate Trump Jr s crimes against the United States.Lest there be any confusionDon Jr. has dispelled the illusionHis emails revealedWhat they thought was concealedNow he s gonna do time for collusionTakei went on to point out that on the very same day of the meeting, Trump wrote a speech about how Russia has a blackmail file on Clinton, and delivered it later that same month along with a plea to Russian hackers to continue attacking her and the DNC in search of emails.Takei couldn t resist taking note of the irony of it all.The president, in tepid defense of his son, remarked that Junior is a good boy, a high-quality person, and that he applauds his transparency. I can t but help think the president probably wishes that level of transparency would render Junior invisible right about now. For with now another member of his immediate family caught up in the Russia investigation, and the curious timing of his speeches, it becomes increasingly implausible that all this was happening without the president s knowledge.And what poetic irony it would be if Trump s downfall resulted from emails.Indeed, it would not only be poetic irony, but poetic justice as well.Featured Image: Frederick M. Brown/Getty Images
July 15, 2017
Chuck Todd Goes Off On Trump, Says What Every American Is Thinking Right Now (VIDEO)
It s only been a few days since Donald Trump as been back from his second international tour, but America is already sick of him. Over the past week or so, Trump and his corrupt inner circle have been in the news nonstop for their unethical behavior revolving around Russia.If America is sick of reading about it, reporters must be sick of talking about it and this was evident when Chuck Todd went off on Trump on Friday during MTP Daily. Todd did not hold back as unleashed an attack for several minutes, brutally mocking the Trump administration for the never-ending avalanche of bad news surrounding Donald Trump Jr. s meeting with a Russian lawyer. Blasting the White House for trying to hide parts of the story, Todd said: Their responses this week have proven to be incomplete at best and untrue at worst. Todd was referring to a breaking report by NBC news, in which an additional unknown person former Soviet counterintelligence officer Ranit Akhmetshin, was found to also have been in attendance during the now infamous meeting with the Russian lawyer. To make his point even more powerful, Todd ran several clips from the past few days that blatantly showed White House officials lying and denying that they were hiding any information. It was a brilliant segment, and Todd perfectly showed America why Trump and his minions cannot be trusted. In conclusion, Todd said: Folks, this week has been a giant PR, political, and possibly legal disaster for this administration. You can watch Todd slam Trump and his administration below:Must-watch @ChuckTodd timeline of the WH story about the Trump Jr./Russia mtg and what we learned each day this week https://t.co/D8lf5pDsD1 Bradd Jaffy (@BraddJaffy) July 14, 2017We could not have said it any better ourselves.Featured image is a screenshot
July 14, 2017
Bombshell Report Shows The Russian Meeting Was No ‘Nothing Burger’
While the defense of three members of Trump s camp meeting with Russians last year has taken more turns than a roller coaster, one defense has been constant: It s a nothing burger. While Donald Trump Jr., Jared Kushner and Paul Manafort did meet with Russians to get dirt on Hillary Clinton, the argument is that it doesn t matter because they didn t actually receive any dirt.Of course that argument gave us a whole host of botched bank robber and To Catch a Predator analogies, basically saying that if you intend to commit a crime and you act upon it, you have committed a crime, whether or not you get the goods.No matter how flawed that defense is, though, it turns out it s not even true. Trump Jr., Kushner and Manafort were given some dirt on Hillary Clinton. From near the bottom of an AP article:Veselnitskaya brought with her a plastic folder with printed-out documents that detailed what she believed was the flow of illicit funds to the Democrats, Akhmetshin said. Veselnitskaya presented the contents of the documents to the Trump associates and suggested that making the information public could help the campaign, he said. This could be a good issue to expose how the DNC is accepting bad money, Akhmetshin recalled her saying.Trump Jr. asked the attorney if she had sufficient evidence to back up her claims, including whether she could demonstrate the flow of the money. But Veselnitskaya said the Trump campaign would need to research it more. After that, Trump Jr. lost interest, according to Akhmetshin. They couldn t wait for the meeting to end, he said.Akhmetshin said he does not know if Veselnitskaya s documents were provided by the Russian government. He said he thinks she left the materials with the Trump associates. It was unclear if she handed the documents to anyone in the room or simply left them behind, he said.So if the members of the Trump campaign didn t take the information, it was only because they would have had to do some of their own legwork. Not only is this administration the most crooked in American history, they are the most lazy. They didn t just want some opposition research from the Russians. They appeared to want the Russians to do all their work for them.Featured image via Win McNamee/Getty Images.
July 14, 2017
WATCH: Rep. Steve King Stuns House Floor In Most Ignorant Anti-Trans Rant You’ve Ever Seen
By now, everyone is used to the rank ignorance and unabashed bigotry that is regularly displayed by Rep. Steve King (R-IA). After all, this is a man who has accused DREAMERS of being drug mules with no evidence, has tweeted overtly white nationalist sentiments, and has suggested that only white people have ever contributed to what he calls western civilization. Here is video of that stunning statement:Now, he is at it again, and this time his target is an especially vulnerable group: Transgender soldiers.Taking to the floor of the House of Representatives during their General Speeches forum a time in which people can apparently say whatever they like, no matter how outrageous King ranted about transgender people in the military, compared gender reassignment to the castration of slaves in the Ottoman Empire, and generally made an ignorant ass of himself like always. After this lengthy and deeply offensive speech, King wound the whole thing up by ranting about how the only reason people will become Navy SEALS now is to get free gender reassignment surgery. He said: And we are thinking that we are going to make the military better while people lining up at the recruitment center who have planned to do sexual assignment surgery and know if I can get into the Navy, army, air force and Marines and become a Navy SEAL and submit to sexual reassignment surgery and go from a man to a woman. By the way, it doesn t look like there will be any women becoming men after going through SEAL training. So let me get this straight. Someone would go through the hell that is SEAL training just to get gender reassignment for free? Why would they do that? Any military member can get treatment under their health insurance provided to them for their brave and selfless service to our great nation.Rep. King, please educate yourself. You are an embarrassment to the people of your state and to the United States of America. Hopefully, one day the folks in your district will wake up and stop re-electing you.Watch video of the latest outrage below:Rep. Steve King promotes conspiracy that trans ppl join military for "free surgery" to "cut 'em up and remake 'em into something different." pic.twitter.com/Ym6v7BUAeX Dominic Holden (@dominicholden) July 14, 2017GOP Rep. Steve King compares transgender troops to Ottoman empire eunuchs who wouldn't fight, says trans people will enlist just for surgery pic.twitter.com/kxoRsBdi7I Dominic Holden (@dominicholden) July 14, 2017Featured image via Darren McCollester/Getty Images
July 14, 2017
Homophobic Kansas Lawmaker Gleefully Harasses LGBTQ Students And Boasts About It
We all know that the GOP is the party of anti-LGBTQ theocrats. However, we usually don t expect lawmakers of either party to openly harass citizens and then go on to boast of what they have done without shame. That is, however, exactly what State Rep. Francis Awerkamp (R-KS) did when a group of LGBTQ students, escorted by educators, visited the state capitol.Awerkamp promptly posted what he had done to Facebook, burying his repugnant actions in a post disguised as a legislative update. This was quickly done after he encountered the group at the capitol, in which he detailed a shocking display of open and unabashed bigotry and harassment. In the newsletter, the bigoted lawmaker said: I explained my clear position that a man is a man, a woman is a woman, and marriage is between a man and a woman, and this is a reality that we can not change. The teachers, one of whom was a man wearing a skirt identifying as a woman, quickly led the students away. By the way the man in a skirt he mentioned was not transgender at all. She is a cisgender woman. Due to the horrific nature of what has happened, Tom Witt, Director of Equality Kansas, has gotten involved. He said that there was only one transgender teacher on the outing, and she was not dressed in a skirt. Either way, it should not matter. Witt went on to rightly blast Awerkamp s confrontational remarks as beyond offensive and demeaning. The crazy man who likes to call himself a lawmaker also said he was surprised by the visit, and lamented the false idea that public funds are somehow being used to push a homosexual agenda. Newsflash, dude people visit their state capitols all the time. It s the people s house. Not yours. You work for your constituents, not the other way around.The fact that this man is sitting in government is nothing short of appalling. The Kansas State Legislature should censure him immediately. Given that it is controlled by Republicans, though, I wouldn t hold my breath on that one.Featured image via screen capture from CJ Online
July 14, 2017
Trump Abuses Power, Punishes Qatar For Refusing To Give $500 Million Loan To Son-In-Law Kushner
It turns out that Donald Trump was abusing his power when he accused Qatar of supporting terrorism and allowed sanctions against them.Jared Kushner did not gain his position by getting confirmed by the Senate. He got his cushy White House job because he is married to Trump s daughter Ivanka.And he has been using his position in an effort to do business, and is using Trump s power as president to retaliate against those who refuse to do business with him.Just before Trump went on a tirade against Qatar, Kushner tried to get a loan from one of the richest men in the small country, Sheikh Hamad bin Jassim al-Thani.Kushner asked for a $500 million loan from al-Thani because he needs to come up with $1.3 billion in the next two years before the interest-only mortgage is due on his family s 666 Fifth Avenue building in Manhattan. The only stipulation to getting the loan was that Kushner had to come up with some co-funding for the project. Of course, Kushner failed to live up to his end of the deal, so al-Thani wisely walked away rather than risk that much money on someone who makes promises he can t keep.And because al-Thani rejected Kushner s request, Donald Trump retaliated against Qatar by accusing the Gulf nation of being too close to Iran and gave Saudi Arabia the green light to cut diplomatic ties with Qatar and block transports there. Saudi Arabia is home to some Trump businesses, and Trump has been sucking up to the Saudi government, so of course, Saudi Arabia would gladly help Trump punish Qatar for refusing to give his family money.During my recent trip to the Middle East I stated that there can no longer be funding of Radical Ideology. Leaders pointed to Qatar look! Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 6, 2017Trump would repeat his claims against Qatar at the White House Rose Garden.It turns out that Russian hackers were responsible for making up statements by Qatari officials to make it look like they support Iran. But Trump refuses to stop punishing Qatar just because they refused to give money to Jared Kushner.This is what abuse of power looks like. Trump and Kushner are using the White House to punish nations who refuse to do business with them. That is grounds for impeachment right there. This is exactly why Trump should have been forced to cut all ties with his businesses, and why anyone who works in the White House should do the same to avoid these kinds of conflicts of interest.Clearly, Trump and his family are using the presidency as a way to enrich themselves.Featured Image: Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images
July 14, 2017
Trump Jr. Also Met With Ex-Soviet Intelligence Officer To Get Dirt On Hillary Clinton
Ronald Reagan is rolling in his grave.Donald Trump s campaign is guilty of colluding with Russia and that became even clearer on Friday morning when NBC revealed that a fifth person attended Trump Jr s meeting with a Russian lawyer.In addition to Paul Manafort, Jared Kushner, Trump Jr., and Kremlin-liked attorney Natalia Veselnitskya, the meeting at Trump Tower also included Rinat Akhmetshin, a former Soviet Army counterintelligence officer who may still have connections with Russian intelligence.That s right. Trump s campaign worked with a Soviet spy in an effort to win the 2016 Election.Here s the report via TwitterNBC EXCLUSIVE: A Russian-American lobbyist a fmr Soviet counter-intel officer was also in Don Jr./Russian lawyer mtg pic.twitter.com/6EmikNzsh0 Steve Kopack (@SteveKopack) July 14, 2017If this isn t enough to oust Trump and his goons and put them all in prison, the Republican Party has truly lost all sense of patriotism and duty.This is proof that Trump s campaign colluded with Russia to win the 2016 Election, and Americans across the country should be outraged enough to demand immediate consequences.Trump Jr. didn t do himself any favors either by lying about how many Russians he met with during an interview with Sean Hannity. Trump Jr. claimed that the emails he released contained everything on his meetings with Russians. Trump s top propaganda dog took Trump Jr. at his word, only to be humiliated this morning by the breaking news.Trump and his team have repeatedly tried to sweep this scandal under the rug for days now, but more bombshells continue to drop, damaging any shred of credibility the White House has left.Let s keep in mind that the Soviet Union wanted nothing more than to destroy the United States and our democracy for several decades. Both Republicans and Democrats worked to prevent that from happening. But only the Republicans are just fine with Russian meddling in the present day. If this had happened thirty years ago, Republicans would have had Trump Jr. arrested by now. The only reason they continue to protect Trump and his crime family is because they don t want to hurt their own power. They have literally chosen power and party over country and the Constitution they swore to defend.And Russia and Vladimir Putin couldn t be happier about it.Featured Image: John Moore/Getty Images
July 14, 2017
Trump Throws Twitter Tantrum Bashing Republicans For Not Taking Healthcare Away From People Fast Enough
Donald Trump went on a tirade on Friday morning because Republicans in Congress are not stripping healthcare from millions of Americans fast enough.For months, Trump has failed to get an Obamacare repeal bill on his desk because Americans overwhelmingly oppose it because they now realize that the Affordable Care Act keeps them insured, and in many cases, alive.The Trumpcare bill that has been hitting roadblock after roadblock in Congress strips healthcare from millions of Americans, drops coverage for people with pre-existing conditions, makes healthcare premiums more expensive, and takes away vital care for women and children among a slew of other important provisions, all so that the wealthy can get a massive tax cut.While in France on Bastille Day, Trump whined on Twitter that Republicans are not moving fast enough to repeal healthcare.Republicans Senators are working hard to get their failed ObamaCare replacement approved. I will be at my desk, pen in hand! Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 14, 2017So impt Rep Senators, under leadership of @SenateMajLdr McConnell get healthcare plan approved. After 7yrs of O Care disaster, must happen! Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 14, 2017After all of these years of suffering thru ObamaCare, Republican Senators must come through as they have promised! Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 14, 2017.@VP Mike Pence is working hard on HealthCare and getting our wonderful Republican Senators to do what is right for the people. Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 14, 2017Again, Trump s healthcare policy would actually kill people, but he is demanding that Republicans jam it through Congress as quickly as possible.And Americans were not thrilled about it and told Trump as much on Twitter.How about crafting a GOOD healthcare plan first? Or maybe IMPROVING Obamacare? Don t just push through a bill for the sake of it! Jules Suzdaltsev (@jules_su) July 14, 2017So you want them to rush through an act that may kill millions just to get Obamacare erased? You re demented. Resign. Lesley Abravanel (@lesleyabravanel) July 14, 2017Why not improve what s already in place? Why not include Dems in the process? Why keep working to divide us all? Why won t you lead? CD Harrison ? (@cdharrison) July 14, 2017Yeah. Because 22 million losing their insurance is really going to make it better. Kelly Scaletta (@KellyScaletta) July 14, 2017Isn t it more important to take your time to develop something that actually works to keep Americans healthy? Sally Hawker (@SallyHawker12) July 14, 2017So cruel. . trying to take away healthcare from millions all for a tax break for billionaires. Warren Buffet doesn t want your tax break. Maureen O Brien (@boru2308) July 14, 2017From the man who said, Nobody knew that health care could be so complicated the word disaster is meaningless. Bill Adler (@billadler) July 14, 2017I wish that you were a better person. I wish that you worked as hard for every citizen of the U.S.A. as hard as you do at your golf game. Robin D. Ashe ??? (@VampWriterGRRL) July 14, 2017Featured Image: Win McNamee/Getty Images
July 14, 2017
Trump Now Says Wall May Not Need A Wall To Cover Entire US-Mexico Border
Keeping in line with his constant backtracking and just generally erratic ways, President Donald Trump has taken a softer stance on what was seen as essentially his core campaign promise by claiming that the 2,000 mile long wall he initially intended to build along the border with Mexico may not need to cover the full distance due to natural borders that already exist. You have mountains. You have some rivers that are violent and vicious. You have some areas that are so far away that you don t really have people crossing, the President told reporters aboard Air Force One on his recent flight to Paris. But you ll need anywhere from 700 to 900 miles. Trump made the construction of a big beautiful wall, with a big beautiful door, a solid structure 30 feet high in an effort to curb illegal immigration the cornerstone of his 2016 election campaign, insisting that Mexico would pay for it with the cost estimated to be in the vicinity of $20 billion, although he later stated that could be cut by covering the wall in solar panels. Naturally Mexico has refused to pay, most likely because they never requested the border wall in the first place, however, Trump still believes he will find a way to get them to cough up the cash after construction begins.But if you believe that the President s insistence that Mexico will reimburse the US for construction for the wall is the only flaw in his plan, you are sadly mistaken. First of all, almost all of that 700 to 900 miles that Trump mentioned, less than half of the length of the US-Mexico border, already has walls and fences. In fact, the current border wall is already 650 miles long. Also, as for the rivers that are violent and vicious, yes a large part of the border in Texas consists of the Rio Grande, but some parts of that river are barely more than a trickle of water.President Trump also now believes the border wall needs to be transparent. You have to be able to see through it, he said. As horrible as it sounds, when they throw the large sacks of drugs over, and if you have people on the other side of the wall, you don t see them. They hit you on the head with 60 pounds of stuff? It s over. We re now six months into his presidency and Trump has only requested $1.6 billion from Congress for the project, or roughly 8 percent of the total estimate. Maybe he has just learned that according to Pew Research Center, approximately 66 percent of the illegal immigrants in the US have been here for at least a decade, that the amount of illegal Mexican immigrants has been in decline for the last 10 years and is now one million less than it was in 2007, or that Mexicans only make up 52 percent of illegal immigrants in the United States.Featured image via Sandy Huffaker/Getty Images
July 14, 2017
Trump Stole An Idea From North Korean Propaganda Parody Account To Push His Stupid Wall (DETAILS)
Jesus f*cking Christ our President* is a moron. Not satisfied with simply wasting billions of taxpayer dollars on a border wall, The Donald wants it to be see-through too not to preserve the view of scenery but because he s afraid people might be killed by gigantic sacks of drugs that are totally going to be thrown over it on a regular basis (thus negating his argument that the wall will somehow curb drug trafficking). As horrible as it sounds, when they throw the large sacks of drugs over, and if you have people on the other side of the wall, you don t see them they hit you on the head with 60 pounds of the stuff? It s over, the President said aboard Air Force One Wednesday according to the official White House transcript. As cray as that sounds, you need transparency through that wall. Trump says border wall with Mexico should be transparent so that people aren't killed when drug couriers throw 60-lbs. bags over it. pic.twitter.com/0GXJuHjPxs Gregory Korte (@gregorykorte) July 13, 2017It s unclear if Trump actually said cray or if the White House stenographer made a typo, but the idea that we will be so beleaguered by so many flying 60-pound sacks of drugs that the border wall needs to be transparent is pretty cray. Now, Trump could have argued that there are a number of reasons for transparency to see those dirty brownish people he hates coming, for instance. But he chose the dumb one that involves throwing a 60-pound bag of heroin over a 20-foot fence.Naturally, Americans find this hilarious:The bad hombres are very strong. Juha (@juhasaarinen) July 14, 2017I imagined just this with Acme printed on the side. TJ Shannon (@tjshannon13) July 14, 2017pic.twitter.com/43I0DR0lw8 Paul Vahamaa (@pvahamaa) July 14, 2017 a steel wall with openings so that you can see through that wall he knows he s describing a fence, right? Tinz (@TinzRules) July 13, 2017Likelihood that Trump heard someone say We need transparency on the building of the Wall and didn t understand? Patrick (@PatrickCragg) July 13, 2017Crushed by Giant Bag of Dope is pretty high on most people s Preferred Ways To Die list, I ve heard. Just Dessert (@Love_CrimeDrama) July 13, 2017Crushed by Giant Bag of Dope was, in my opinion, Giant Bag of Dope s best album. David J Britton (@Tyburn_Cross) July 13, 2017I want to meet the dealer that can toss a 60 lb bag over the wall or, do they use catapults? nicefellow31 (@nicefellow31) July 13, 2017They prefer trebuchets, I m told. Carly (@whatstudentloan) July 13, 2017The beauty of this, though, is if the bag misses your head Hey! Free heroin! Christopher Keelty (@keeltyc) July 13, 2017 Some areas that are so far away from the border? Some parts of the border are far away from the border? #wtf #cray Matthew R. Kerns (@mattkerns) July 13, 2017So, these drug smugglers, they can toss 60 pound bags of coke over 20 foot walls, but can t climb a mountain? High Quality Nephew (@JohnNephew) July 13, 2017 This piece of fence would be supes far away. You d have to be totes cray to cross there. So you fo sho don t need that. def on fleek Henkepotamus (@Henke2020) July 13, 2017You laugh but this is a serious problem. pic.twitter.com/1jGkVDGmt6 Erase Rewind (@EraseRewind1) July 13, 2017If there are people throwing 60 lbs sacks of stuff over high walls we should get them on our team. Rich (@Argonzo) July 13, 2017So: you happen to stand next to a giant 900 mi. wall when BAM! You re hit with a 60 lb. bag of drugs tossed over this huge wall to no one?? Spooky Comet (@spookycomet) July 13, 2017one thing is right, this shit is cray Ella s Girl (@ellasgirl7) July 13, 2017This can t possibly be real because . . . never mind. I m sorry, I forgot who we were referring to. Kit Yona (@TheKitastrophe) July 13, 2017Wow. Vicious rivers and cray 60-lb falling bags of heroin. Why would people stand next to the wall? Will there be a Starbucks? Tom Brouns (@TAZMPictures) July 14, 2017Ask him to point out the violent and vicious rivers on a map. WTF is he talking about? John Daws (@grajillas) July 13, 2017Who the F*ck is throwing 60lb sacks of drugs over the wall? Cause pretty sure they make some $$$ in pro sports! R Goldman (@sttrzangel) July 14, 2017Where would Trump get the idea to tell Americans that criminals across the border are killing people with giant sacks of drugs? North Korean propaganda of course or what seems like North Korean propaganda until you realize it s a parody account:Six innocent children killed by south Korean criminals hurling huge sacks of illegal drugs over inter-Korean demilitarized zone wall. pic.twitter.com/bfnNlBIs4e DPRK News Service (@DPRK_News) July 13, 2017If you re thinking this is disgraceful even for Trump, you probably should be aware that we have not yet seen the depths to which he is willing to sink in his quest for power.We need to face the fact that our President is completely cray and let the GOP know they need to do their jobs and remove him from office now.featured image via Getty Images/screengrab
July 14, 2017
Racist Chicago Cop Who Beat A Handcuffed Black Woman Found With Trove Of Slur-Filled Websites
Chicago Police Sergeant George Granias abuse of a black woman he arrested and falsely accused of driving drunk has a very disturbing internet habit. During an investigation into his December 2013 arrest and subsequent beating of Patassa Johnson, URL s with names like n**gadown.com and n***gaguns.com were discovered owned by Granias. There were also violent URL s like murdertech.com. The websites were discovered with a simple internet search of Granias by Johnson s lawyer, Brenden Shiller.According to the Daily Beast, Johnson is expected to get $185,000 from the City of Chicago. The driving under the influence charge was dropped. The lawsuit says that Johnson suffered an unbelievably harrowing experience at the hands of this racist cop:The officer cuffed her in the back of a squad car and drove her to a police station, where Granias grabbed [Johnson] from the back of the car, and roughly escorted her into the station, according to a lawsuit Johnson filed against the city in 2015. Inside the station, Defendant Granias beat [Johnson] while [Johnson] was in hand-cuffs. Brenden Shiller says of discovering the racist websites that were registered to Grainias some as recently as 2013: We came across that URL and said what the hell is this? He made it live and accessible to the public. You can create a website, but Google wouldn t know about it unless you make it live and accessible. In addition to the racist websites, Granias has three other disciplinary remarks on his police record, all of them related to abuses of power. Nevertheless, he remains in this position of great power at the Chicago Police Department as we speak. Further, I d be willing to bet that for every mark on that record, there are ten incidents that he covered up.This is clearly a man who has issues with violence and is most definitely a racist. The Chicago Police Department should have fired him immediately and made it clear to any other departments that Granias might apply to that he is unfit for duty.This is the kind of negligence that gets people killed. Hopefully, this guy is brought up on charges for what he did to this poor woman, but I won t hold my breath on that one.Watch a local news report on this case below:Featured image via video screen capture
July 13, 2017
Latest House Vote Proves Republicans Are Ready To Go Down With The Russian Ship
With the release of the email chain that proves that Donald Trump Jr., Paul Manafort and Jared Kushner met with the Russians with the idea of getting dirt on Hillary Clinton; after Jared Kushner (Donald Trump s son-in-law) failed to disclose multiple meetings with Russians (which is a crime), he has managed to keep his security clearance. Democrats tried to do something about it, but Republicans, who are apparently with Trump till the very end, stopped them.House Democrats proposed an amendment that would strip Kushner of his security clearance. Republicans certainly have to be seeing the writing on the wall at this point Trump and his crew (especially Kushner) are going down but instead of using this opportunity to tell their constituents that they truly stand for law and order, Republicans are digging their heels and are prepared to go down with the ship (excuse the mixed metaphor). They blocked the amendment.Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-Fla.), who chaired the Democratic National Committee during much of last year s campaign cycle, proposed an amendment targeting Kushner during a House Appropriations Committee markup session Thursday. It was voted down, 22-30, along party lines.The measure would have barred the government from issuing or maintaining a security clearance for any White House individual under a criminal investigation by a Federal law enforcement agency for aiding a foreign government. This amendment is an important step in protecting the American people from the threat of hostile foreign interference. That is not a controversial or a political goal, Wasserman Schultz said during the hearing. Revoking Jared Kushner s security clearance would send a clear signal to anyone who would consider aiding and abetting a foreign enemy state to affect the outcome of a U.S. presidential election that they will not be entrusted with our nation s most sensitive information, she added.Source: Huffington PostThis proves that Republicans have lost all claims to patriotism. They have put party and even Russia before country. That s okay, though. The Trump ship is sinking and Republicans who refuse to jump off will pay dearly at the polls.Featured image via Win McNamee/Getty Images
July 13, 2017
Trump: ‘Most People’ Would Commit Treason Like My Son If Given The Opportunity (VIDEO)
If you ve been living under a rock for the past few days, you re probably unaware that Donald Trump Jr. committed treason. After lying about it and realizing that wouldn t work, he tweeted out evidence of his guilt something that for some reason doesn t have the Right up in arms like it would if anyone else did it.Trump Jr. received an email from a friend of his father s who helped the Trump family with the Miss Universe pageant in Moscow in 2013. Trump Jr. was told that a Kremlin-connected lawyer was offering him damaging information about Hillary Clinton on behalf of the Russian government.According to Donald Trump, this is perfectly normal. You or I, he says, would have made the decision to knowingly collude with a hostile foreign government for personal gain. I think from a practical standpoint, most people would have taken that meeting. It s called opposition research or even research into your opponent, Trump told reporters at a press conference in Paris Thursday.The New York Times reports that this is not standard, and that the only parallel in U.S. history involves Richard Nixon:There is only one known historical parallel to the Trump campaign s contacts with the Russians, and it involves Richard M. Nixon. Running for president in 1968, Nixon told H. R. Haldeman, his eventual White House chief of staff, to monkey wrench peace talks in Vietnam in order to scuttle any deal that would have handed Hubert Humphrey, the Democratic nominee, a political victory in the closing days of the election.Nixon, a former senator and vice president, had a relationship with the South Vietnamese government. Earlier in the year, he had met with the country s ambassador and brought along Anna Chennault, a prominent Chinese-American Republican. As the author John A. Farrell writes in his new book, Richard Nixon: The Life, which reports the monkey wrench instructions, the call between Nixon and Haldeman took place on Oct. 22, 1968, and Haldeman dutifully jotted down what he was told.A group of aides to Ronald Reagan did meet in the fall of 1980 with an individual claiming to be an emissary from the Iranian government, but that person s legitimacy was never determined.The Trump family says that the meeting was not important because no usable information came from it (though Trump himself tweeted about Hillary Clinton s emails for the first time about 20 minutes after the meeting ended) like if you rushed into a store with a gun to rob it and had to retreat after slipping on the freshly mopped floor. To Trump, your intentions nor the gun matter only that it didn t benefit you.This sort of thing doesn t happen with respectable politicians. When a Russian ambassador reached out to John F. Kennedy and his democratic primary opponent Adlai Stevenson in 1960, both candidates rebuked him.This is not normal. This is not acceptable. Trump must be impeached before the damage he does is irreversible.Watch Trump talk out of his ass below:Featured image via screengrab
July 13, 2017
David Letterman Is Sick And Tired Of Trump’s Constant Whining, Has PERFECT Solution To Stop It
This needs to happen.David Letterman is no stranger to dealing with Donald Trump. The comedy legend humiliated Trump repeatedly as host of The Late Show. And since retiring, Letterman hasn t shied away from commenting on Trump s dumpster fire presidency when he is asked about it.During an interview with the Associated Press on Monday, Letterman made it clear that he is sick of Trump s constant whining and offered a brilliant solution. We know there s something wrong, but what I m tired of is people, daily, nightly, on all the cable news shows telling us there s something wrong, Letterman said before calling for action. I just think we ought to direct our resources and our energies to doing something about it, Letterman continued. And other people have made this point: If the guy was running Dairy Queen, he d be gone. This guy couldn t work at the Gap. So why do we have to be victimized by his fecklessness, his ignorance? Indeed, Trump would have been fired long before now and definitely would not have even been hired after many of the things he has said in public. Ordinary American workers would no longer have a job if they repeated some of things Trump has said.Letterman also had a message for Trump s supporters. Letterman said he feels bad for them because they got duped into thinking Trump would be best for America. Letterman said that he wishes Trump would be the one who fixes the problems our country faces. But Trump is not the right person to get the job done. In fact, Trump should be ousted from office and placed in a home where he can get the medication he needs whenever he feels the need to rant uncontrollably. But it s just the behavior is insulting to Americans, whether you voted for him or not and I feel bad for people who did vote for him because he promised them things that they really needed and one wonders if he s really going to come through. I know there s trouble in this country and we need a guy who can fix that trouble. I wish it was Trump, but it s not, so let s just stop whining about what a goon he is and figure out a way to take him aside and put him in a home. David Letterman s solution is a great idea but the only place Donald Trump should really be right now is prison. Either that or a mental health facility.Featured Image: Screenshot
July 13, 2017
#BringBackObama Hashtag Blows Up On Twitter As Americans Share Memories (TWEETS)
The six months since President Donald Trump was inaugurated have been somewhat of an adventure, albeit not a particularly enjoyable one for most of us, so in the wake of Trump s latest turmoils involving himself, his son, and Russia, many took to Twitter on Wednesday while feeling more than just a little nostalgic, as the hashtag #BringBackObama started trending.Barack Obama supporters flocked to Twitter yesterday to share memories of a relatively more stable time in American history, posting photos and generally just yearning for a time now past, when the 44th President of the United States of America was still in power. Forget 44.5, I ll keep 44 until we get a real 45, wrote @BerryMistyckle. My children came of age with a brilliant, courageous, soulful, decent president, was contributed by @RavMABAY among many other tweets fondly reminiscing the days of the former leader of the free world.Once upon a time we had a president that was willing to deliver a speech under the rain. #LEGENDARY #bringbackobama #BringObamaBack https://t.co/PM6M7Ii3fL Edgar Romero (@ed_romero93) July 12, 2017However, it wasn t all just praise and positive memories that were being shared, as there were plenty of Obama critics that wanted their voices heard, or at least their tweets read, too, slyly slipping the #BringBackObama hashtag into their tweets to attack the former President.Faux Progressive make excuses for Obama's Neoliberalism. Why? Obama punched down at black folks his entire Presidency. #BringObamaBack Nah. Tim Black (@RealTimBlack) July 12, 2017Sycophantic support of Obama despite his numerous failures caused you to be routed, democrats. #BringObamaBack pic.twitter.com/BOr0z7J6PS AmishDriveBy ?? (@Amish_Drive_By) July 12, 2017#BringObamaBack so he can be prosecuted for his crimes. Spying on the American people, Logan act, sedition. Nicole Andrews (@babycatcher16) July 12, 2017The Twitter debate erupted and raged on in the aftermath of Donald Trump Jr. releasing emails in which he accepted an offer to meet with a Russian lawyer who claimed to have damning information on Hillary Clinton, his father s opponent in the presidential race, as well as being told the Russian government backed Trump Sr s presidential candidacy.It is still unknown whether the President s son released all of the email contact he had with Russia, later published in the New York Times, but it definitely contradicts the months of denial of any dealings with the Russian government that has been coming out of the Trump camp a story they ve described as a witch hunt. Barack Obama recently criticized the absence of American leadership shown under the Trump administration in a speech he delivered in Berlin in June. While current Gallup polls show that the majority of Americans agree with him, there are still many that are critical of Obama s eight years in office.Featured image via Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images
July 13, 2017
WATCH: Anderson Cooper Throws MAJOR Shade At White House Aide Over ‘Fake News’
An interview with CNN anchor Anderson Cooper and Sebastian Gorka Wednesday night went off the rails when the White House deputy assistant started lecturing the host on fake news. It s remarkable really because Gorka is fake. Even his PhD is fake and yet, he used to insist that everyone call him Doctor. Still yet, the fake doctor couldn t help himself and launched into a rant against fake news. It s laughable. Your chryon talked about a crisis, Gorka told Cooper in response to a suggestion that the White House was in turmoil. I actually work in the West Wing, I work in the White House, it is absolutely nothing of the kind. The president is a steam locomotive that can t be stopped. It s just fake news. I m sad to see CNN fall to this, Gorka said. I know you want salacious and sensational coverage for your ratings so your corporate sponsors and owners will have more money, but that s not media, that s not reportage. It s just fake news. Okay, I m just going to ignore the insults because I don t think it really gets us anywhere, Cooper shot back.Cooper pressed Gorka over a tweet which Trump posted on Twitter saying the media often makes up its sources, despite the fact that Trump Jr. released the email chain which confirms The New York Times reporting.Remember, when you hear the words "sources say" from the Fake Media, often times those sources are made up and do not exist. Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 12, 2017 I m giving you an opportunity right now to correct what the president said this morning. Because what he s alleging is that the reporting is fake and in fact, his son s own email chain shows that it s accurate. Do you deny that? Cooper asked. No, I deny the fact that there is anything here that is untoward. Again this is an obsessive nine-month campaign, Gorka said.An exhausted Gorka eventually said, I thought we were going to talk about real issues, like what we re doing with our allies in France, defeating ISIS. I am going to ask you but you re not being honest, you re not being upfront, Cooper responded. How many minutes are we in? Gorka said. Are you a TV producer now? Cooper fired back. You re concerned about how many minutes we ve been talking? Do you have somewhere else to go? If you gotta go, you gotta go. You re falling into the fake news trap again, said Gorka. And it s sad, Anderson. You re shaking shiny objects to try to divert people, but I don t think viewers are really that easily diverted, Cooper said. Do you know why the president s description of a witch hunt is accurate, Gorka asked. Because there never were witches. And there never was any collusion. It s bogus Anderson, you re like a broken record. No, because I m not getting any answers from you, replied Cooper. I m answering it. Every time, said Gorka. No, you re responding, said Cooper. You re not actually answering because you re not actually being up front. Let s let the viewers judge, Gorka said, who then mocked CNN s ratings. You used that line on Monday, and you know, it was sort of mildly amusing, Cooper said. But I think it s funny that you have enough time in the White House, which is apparently you re so busy, you re able to sit around [and] read Nielsen numbers. No, I had really good prep from my team, because the White House press team is superb, Gorka said. I don t deal with this stuff because I do have a day job. Watch a clip from the interview:.@andersoncooper fires back at @SebGorka: I m just going to ignore the insults, I don t think it gets us anywhere https://t.co/CbyGcCWsLd Anderson Cooper 360 (@AC360) July 13, 2017Cooper brought up that CNN apologized for an inaccurate story but Trump has never corrected his errors. Later in his show, Cooper described Gorka as the Hungarian Don Rickles. While the Trump administration would love for everyone to think that everything is fine, the White House is in crisis.Image via screen capture.
July 13, 2017
Dem Senator On Trump World: ‘They Lie As Easily As They Breathe’ (VIDEO)
Donald Trump s White House is in more turmoil than ever, as it turns out that Donald Trump Jr. just provided the entire world with email evidence that he was more than willing to collude with a Russian national to try and fix an election by collecting dirt on 2016 Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton.Ever since the fact that Trump Jr. met with a shady Russian lawyer came out, everyone in Trump World has been spinning madly in order to try and make all of this potentially criminal activity seem like it means nothing. More than anything, they have lied through their teeth to do so. Well, there is one person who is willing to call them out for being lying liars: Democratic Senator Sheldon Whitehouse of Rhode Island.Senator Whitehouse appeared on MSNBC s All In with Chris Hayes on Wednesday evening, and ripped the folks in Trump World a new one on this issue. He also said that the Trump Jr. emails take on a new legal meaning and that it means people need to stop talking to the press and start talking under oath. Of course, for pathological liars, this is a huge deal, because lying under oath is a crime.Senator Whitehouse said to host Chris Hayes: If there s been a legal violation here and this very strong indications that there has then you re dealing with things like indictments, and the House potentially beginning impeachment proceedings, and people having to start talking under oath, instead of you know, talking out on the airwaves, where they lie as easily as they breathe. BOOM! That is exactly what we need to hear. These people are covering something up, and that becomes more evident by the hour. Donald Trump himself might be protected from criminal indictments the idea of indicting a sitting president is definitely an open question but whether or not the people around him can be indicted certainly is not.Thank you, Senator Whitehouse for speaking truth to power. Keep it up, and we might just get rid of this criminal excuse for an administration yet.Watch the video below:Whitehouse: ppl may have to start talking under oath instead of in media where they "lie as easily as they breathe" https://t.co/KEAk4jYJM3 All In w/Chris Hayes (@allinwithchris) July 13, 2017Featured image via Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images
July 13, 2017
California Rep Gets The Ball Rolling, Files First Article Of Impeachment Against Trump
California Democratic Representative Brad Sherman has decided that enough is enough and has taken matters into his own hands.Sherman believes Donald Trump committed obstruction of justice by firing former FBI Director James Comey during the agency s investigation into Russia s ties to the US election and has filed the first formal article of impeachment against the President of the United States.The United States Constitution states that impeachment of a President is a possibility if guilty of treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors and obstruction of justice just happens to be a felony under federal law.Sherman said in a statement issued on Wednesday that he doesn t expect impeachment to happen right away, rather that he is trying to promote the idea of an intervention in the White House. For Trump to actually be impeached, articles must pass the House with a majority vote something that will be borderline impossible in a Republican-controlled chamber.There is hope, however, as Texas Republican Representative Al Green has publicly expressed his support for the impeachment of President Trump, so hopefully, others might follow suit.Sherman s article lists other actions that President Trump has allegedly taken, besides the Comey firing, that could potentially be grounds for his impeachment. These include James Comey s allegation that Trump asked him to let this go in reference to an FBI investigation into Michael Flynn, the former National Security Advisor, and his ties to Russia.Comey s firing is still the cornerstone of the article. With Sherman claiming that Trump did so in relation to the handling of the Russia investigation, the California Representative might have a valid point namely the President telling NBC s Lester Holt, When I decided to just do it, I said to myself I said, you know, this Russia thing with Trump and Russia is a made-up story. I have introduced H.Res. 438 Articles of #Impeachment of Donald J. Trump for Obstruction of Justice. Statement here: https://t.co/0gKr8ZFg3c pic.twitter.com/yUTDAnPFuJ Rep. Brad Sherman (@BradSherman) July 12, 2017However, not all Democrats are on board with Sherman. When he first started circulating drafts of the article in June, fellow Democratic Representative Michael Capuano reportedly stood up at a party meeting and branded Sherman as selfish. Only time will tell how his efforts play out.Featured image via Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images
July 13, 2017
Apparently Donald Trump Has An Imaginary Xenophobic Friend Named Jim
Now that we ve known Donald Trump well for a while now, we should all know that the man who occupies the Oval Office (for now) likes to make sh*t up. His mind even manufactures people, like his former spokesman John Barron, who was actually Trump. Since the campaign trail, though, Trump has been talking about his friend Jim, and much like John Barron, Jim doesn t appear to exist.A few weeks ago, the New York Times published an incredibly long and comprehensive list of all the lies Donald Trump has told, just since taking office. That was a few weeks ago, though before the G20 and before he claimed his son had a meeting with Russians about his campaign and that Trump Sr. knew nothing about it.Between Trump s regular pattern of lying and the fact that he already has a pattern of making people up, it shouldn t be a surprise that the media hasn t been able to find his friend Jim. Oh, and by the way, Jim is kind of a xenophobic asshole.The way Trump tells it Jim is a friend who loves Paris and used to visit every year. Yet when Trump travels to the city Thursday for his first time as president, it s unlikely that Jim will tag along. Jim doesn t go to Paris anymore. Trump says that s because the city has been infiltrated by foreign extremists.Whether Jim exists is unclear. Trump has never given his last name. The White House has not responded to a request for comment about who Jim is or whether he will be on the trip.Source: Washington PostThis isn t the first time Jim has complained about all the brown people in Paris. In February, Trump told an audience that Jim loved Paris, but alas, he doesn t go there anymore because Paris is no longer Paris. While anecdotes, often exaggerated, have long been a tool for political orators, we can t think of anyone who has made up an imaginary friend. That s just weird.Featured image via Sean Gallup/Getty Images
July 12, 2017
Republican Stuns CNN Host, Wants To Starve Americans To Pay For Trump’s Border Wall (VIDEO)
As if the Republican Party couldn t possibly look any worse thanks to Donald Trump s exploding Russia scandal, some of the party s top members are hellbent on destroying conservatives reputation even further.On Wednesday morning, Rep. Steve King (R-IA) went on CNN to propose a heartless, revolting solution to getting Trump s border wall paid for. King is apparently accepting Mexico s refusal to pay for Trump s moronic border wall (even as Trump still insists that the country will pay) and has come up with another solution cutting food assistance to low-income Americans! And while he s at it, he d also like to slash Planned Parenthood funding.This disgusting suggestion came up when Alisyn Camerota asked King if he would be comfortable with providing $1.6 billion of taxpayer money not from Mexico to bill that wall? This question was prompted by the House Republicans threat to Democrats on Tuesday, where they suggested a government shutdown if $1.6 billion for the border wall wasn t included in the 2018 budget. King responded: Absolutely yes and more. And I d throw another $5 billion on the pile, and I would find half of a billion of dollars of that right out of Planned Parenthood s budget. And the rest of it could come out of food stamps and the entitlements that are being spread out for people who have not worked in three generations. Camerota, of course, was speechless. She did a double take and asked: You want to take food from people who are on the lowest rung in terms of the nation s safety net and their children, in terms of foot stamps you re happy to take money from them in order to give the $1.6 billion for the border wall? King tried to defend himself, stating that the border wall would create jobs. Then, he jumped to the school lunch program that Michelle Obama had created. He said: I would just say let s limit it to that anybody who wants to have food stamps, it s up to the school lunch program, that s fine. You can watch King turn into an absolute piece of sh*t below:These food stamps provided by the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) are responsible for assisting 45 million people. Trump has already proposed that this program be cut 25% over the next 10 years, and King wants to cut it even more to support an ineffective border wall that most Americans strongly oppose. By cutting SNAP and Planned Parenthood funding, King is solidifying himself as a conservative who doesn t care about low-income Americans. He s truly living up to the GOP s reputation.Featured image via Justin Sullivan / Getty Images
July 12, 2017
Americans Gloriously Mock Trump After He Brags About How Little TV He Watches (TWEETS)
Nothing is wrong. Pay no attention to the fire raging all around you. All is well.This is the message coming out of the Trump White House in the wake of his son s admission that he and multiple others members of the campaign and the administration knowingly met with a Kremlin-connected lawyer who would be presenting them with damaging information about Hillary Clinton. On behalf of the Russian government. In Trump Tower. Just before The Donald tweeted about Hillary Clinton s emails for the first time.In fact, things are going so well, says Trump, that for the first time in his life he has no time to watch the shows you know, those things he tweets clips of as he obsessively consumes right-wing news. The W.H. is functioning perfectly, focused on HealthCare, Tax Cuts/Reform & many other things, Trump tweeted. I have very little time for watching T.V. This appears to be a response to reports that The Donald has blown one or several gaskets over coverage of his son committing treason perhaps because he knows he s next.Trump s TV remark is strange given that he probably watches more TV than you and me combined, doubled and squared, then multiplied by eleventeen (NOTE FOR CONSERVATIVES: Eleventeen is not a real number; you don t have to learn anything new, don t worry).The White House, which is plagued by legitimate scandals (unlike the years of bullsh*t surrounding President Obama s mustard preferences and Hillary Clinton s nonexistent child prostitution ring), is absolutely not functioning properly and Americans were glad to stop by to tell Trump what they thought of his new ridiculous tweet:Trump retweets Fox & Friends almost daily. Little time for watching TV!? Stop lying. He s a couch potato. Adam Best (@adamcbest) July 12, 2017Says the guy who regularly rage tweets things he just saw on TV Robert Maguire (@RobertMaguire_) July 12, 2017And when something is functioning perfectly, you don t usually have to point it out. Perfect function is something that speaks for itself Robert Maguire (@RobertMaguire_) July 12, 2017pic.twitter.com/dgbGXMUNpi Mike Rundle (@flyosity) July 12, 2017You ve retweeted @FoxandFriends three days in a row. You clearly watch TV Edward Hardy (@EdwardTHardy) July 12, 2017LOL https://t.co/TWVhmn0EC5 Media Matters (@mmfa) July 12, 2017#collusionburger #treasonburger I m a Christian too. Trump = Judas. He sold America for 30 rubles. pic.twitter.com/ehGvPRSqot Susan (@susanmitch7) July 12, 2017 I have very little time for watching TV, he said, responding to reports on TV. Mike Le (@WriterLe) July 12, 2017No time for TV. Literally all the time in the world for tweets. Craig Stone (@craigstone_) July 12, 2017If my husband came home and randomly said I have very little time for an affair, I would be very suspicious. Dani Bostick (@danibostick) July 12, 2017Trump s TV viewing habits are well-known by now, so we know he s watching he is just terrified of what he sees.Featured image via screengrab/Getty Images
July 12, 2017
US Experiences Surge In Hate-Based Incidents Since Trump’s Election, Particularly On College Campuses
Since Donald Trump s November 8 election victory, there has been a significant rise in hate-based threats and attacks in the United States, with the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) documenting 1,863 such incidents between then and April, at least 330 of which took place on college campuses. In fact, in the 10 days following the election, there was an average of 87 incidents per day!At the peak of these occurrences immediately following the election, there was a 500 percent spike in bias-based incidents when compared to daily hate crimes reported by the FBI for all of 2015. To be completely honest, these types of incidents have decreased slightly in recent months, but the most troubling part of this whole situation is the increase in the severity of the attacks.What makes these incidents even more frightening is the sheer amount that occur on college campuses, thanks mostly to an upsurge in white supremacists campaigning and recruiting in American colleges. It is getting so bad that the SPLC has documented more than 135 incidents of white supremacist and nationalist recruitment efforts on US campuses since the commencement of the 2016 academic year. It s a definite uptick, and they ve been making a concerted effort to flyer and paper as many campuses as they possibly can, says Lecia Brooks, the SPLC s outreach director, adding that the campaigning has notably increased since Trump s Presidential victory. It shouldn t be hidden, Brooks said in reference to incidents documented at schools across the entire country. The [university] administrations should always issue a strong statement of condemnation clearly stating who they [white supremacist groups] are and what they represent, encouraging students to disregard their recruitment [drives] and disavow their message. The result of these recruitment efforts is a huge escalation in hate-based incidents on college campuses, including Tommy Curry, an African-American philosophy professor at Texas A&M University, constantly receiving death threats via email and voice messages, the stabbing death of Richard W Collins, an African-American Bowie State University student, while visiting the University of Maryland and the election of Taylor Dumpson, American University in Washington DC s first African-American, female student-government president, being met with nooses tied around the campus with bananas labeled Harambe Bait. And those are only the tip of the iceberg. I think the most threatening part is that we re beginning to see this rise up again because people feel comfortable and they feel empowered to have these kinds of beliefs, and that s terrifying, Dumpson said.Featured image via Scott Olson/Getty Images
July 12, 2017
Joe Scarborough Is A Republican No More (VIDEO)
Joe Scarborough, the former Florida GOP congressman and host of MSNBC s Morning Joe, announced during his appearance on Late Night with Stephen Colbert on Tuesday night that he is leaving the Republican party, stating I am a Republican, but I m not going to be a Republican anymore. He later said he was going to become an Independent.The announcement comes merely weeks after President Donald Trump launched a scathing Twitter attack against Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski, his Morning Joe co-host, in late June, where the President not only criticized the program s ratings, but referred to Scarborough as a psycho and Brzezinski as low I.Q. and crazy , then taking it a step too far, attacking her physical appearance from an encounter earlier in the year, claiming she was bleeding from a facelift. to Mar-a-Lago 3 nights in a row around New Year's Eve, and insisted on joining me. She was bleeding badly from a face-lift. I said no! Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 29, 2017The Twitter attack a fortnight ago wasn t the first time Trump s party had criticized the show, calling the program the worst case of Trump Derangement Syndrome in a press release in May. Once a respected forum for intelligent discourse, the program has turned into 3 hours of far-left hysteria, filled with more faux scandal and innuendo than a bad episode of Gossip Girl, RNC Deputy Communications Director Michael Reed continued in the release to reporters.Scarborough initially responded to the President s dishonorable late-June Twitter attack with dignity. Nothing that Mika and I did in setting up this meeting was any different than what all good reporters and news hosts try to do daily, he said of the Mar-a-Lago encounter. Brzezinski, on the other hand, decided to fight fire with fire, taking to Twitter to mock Trump in a rather subtle way by posting a picture of a Cheerios packet.pic.twitter.com/8YhzcCUwM1 Mika Brzezinski (@morningmika) June 29, 2017The feud continued to get worse, with the morning show duo claiming that White House staff told them that Trump would have a story run about them in the National Enquirer unless they begged for it to be killed, Scarborough adding that he had evidence to back these claims.Finally, enough is enough and Joe Scarborough wants to denounce any and affiliation with President Trump, even if that means no longer identifying as a Republican. Watch his announcement here:.@JoeNBC announced that he's leaving #GOP to become an Independent. @StephenAtHome's full interview with Joe and @morningmika airs tonight! pic.twitter.com/OhLgXvYakH The Late Show (@colbertlateshow) July 11, 2017 Featured image via Frederick M. Brown/Getty Images
July 12, 2017
Eric Trump Gives DUMBEST Defense For His Brother’s Russia Scandal
The White House is getting really nervous today after Donald Trump Jr. tweeted out damning copies of an email chain of a discussion about setting up a meeting with a Kremlin-connected Russian lawyer in order to obtain dirt on Hillary Clinton. Also at the meeting was Trump s son-in-law, Jared Kushner and the alleged president s former campaign manager, Paul Manafort. The meeting was held in Trump Tower in 2016, but the amateur president claims to know nothing about it even though he touts himself as a micromanager.Junior s brother, Eric Trump, stepped in to defend him on Twitter Tuesday. By the way, Junior s father has been strangely quiet on Twitter since the news broke but Eric put his juice box down and took to his Twitter account to defend his scandal-plagued brother. This is the EXACT reason they viciously attack our family! They can t stand that we are extremely close and will ALWAYS support each other, Eric Trump tweeted.This is the EXACT reason they viciously attack our family! They can't stand that we are extremely close and will ALWAYS support each other. https://t.co/1f7JqxScMr Eric Trump (@EricTrump) July 11, 2017Eric said that while retweeting a video clip posted by United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP) and Brexit leader Nigel Farage who was defending Donald Trump Jr., saying the amateur president s (OK, he didn t say amateur but still) eldest son is being attacked for supporting his father.Twitter users could see that Eric s whiny defense sucked.Eric Trump proclaims the 60% of Americans who dont support his father hate close families. Yah, that's it. (Eric shhhh! Ur not helping.) Kurt Eichenwald (@kurteichenwald) July 11, 2017Supermodel Chrissy Teigen weighed in.What happens when you see garlic christine teigen (@chrissyteigen) July 11, 2017Tweeting out a discredited racist to defend your family is admirably on-brand. Dave Zirin (@EdgeofSports) July 11, 2017No, Eric. The reason we attack your family is that you're a bunch of corrupt imbecilities, driving our country like drunk monkies. Kelly Scaletta (@KellyScaletta) July 11, 2017While playing victim Eric doesn t seem to realize that his brother tweeted out his own emails, which, by the way, threw Jared Kushner and Paul Manafort under the bus. In fact, he threw the entire White House under the bus.The subject line of the emails was titled, Russia Clinton private and confidential. This is obviously very high level and sensitive information but is part of Russia and its government s support for Mr. Trump, Rob Goldstone, who set up the meeting, wrote. If it s what you say I love it, Trump Jr. said in response to the potential information on Hillary Clinton.Well now! Maybe Junior, Jared and Paul Manafort were attacking Hillary because they can t stand that her family is extremely close. Trump responded to the email dump by his own son in a statement Tuesday, saying that Don Jr. is a high-quality person and I applaud his transparency. Except that the only reason Junior was transparent was because he was caught. Junior outed his emails before the New York Times could publish them.Photo by Jeff J Mitchell/Getty Images.
July 11, 2017
Donald Trump Finally Put ‘Make America Great Again’ To Song And It’s Gross
After last week s G-20 meeting, where Donald Trump was more pariah than world leader, he tweeted a video compilation from the meeting. The amateurish editing isn t even the story, though. It was all set to the most gawdawful, dictatorial sounding music you ve ever heard.The video shows several brief clips of a sour-faced Trump during the G-20 and the soundtrack was a group singing Make America Great Again in a way that would make most high school choir directors cringe. Hell, it should make most Americans cringe. Kim Jong-Un might be taking notes.MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! pic.twitter.com/NVDVRrWLs4 Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 9, 2017The music was performed by the First Baptist Church of Dallas, and among some other random patriotic sounding BS, the words Make America Great Again is repeated ad nauseam (and you will feel nauseated), no less than nine times. The creep factor didn t get by Twitter.Oh, and thanks First Baptist Dallas for this dreadful song. Nicola A. Menzie (@namenzie) July 9, 2017Triggered? Our 12 year old President needed a photo recap video to feel relevant while the rest of the world ridicules his presence at #G20. Eco (@TheSoundOfEco) July 9, 2017America was great before you. Tony Posnanski (@tonyposnanski) July 9, 2017But it is nice to know that in the modern era you can create a propaganda film in iPhoto Amanda Deibert? ? (@amandadeibert) July 9, 2017Just watched Trump s MAGA song, his 4th of July wish to us. Not sure I ll be able to eat for the rest of the day. He defined narcissistic!! Peter Norvid (@PNorvid) July 4, 2017 Truly music to start nuclear wars to. /Trump posts MAGA song on Twitter & it feels very N Korea https://t.co/DiJt9hNkwZ Kelly B (@KellyBrouse) July 5, 2017Of course, Trump needs all the media coverage he can get right now, whether it s positive or not as long as it s not about Russia.Featured image via Pool/Getty Images.
July 11, 2017
Trump Jr.’s Lies About To Be EXPOSED; Meeting With Russian Lawyer Allegedly Recorded
The entire weekend, and now the beginning of the week, has had the news cycle spinning madly with news of the meeting Donald Trump Jr., Jared Kushner, and Paul Manafort had with a shady Russian lawyer during the 2016 presidential campaign. The plot has thickened as Trump Jr. s stories regarding the reasons for the meeting and the nature of the conversations that took place there kept changing. Finally, things really exploded on Tuesday, when Lord Cheeto s mini me was forced to tweet out the actual emails that led to this meeting because if he hadn t the New York Times would have printed them for him. Said emails show that Trump Jr. knew he was meeting Russians for the explicit purpose of possibly gathering information that would damage the Clinton campaign.As if all of that isn t looking grim enough for Trump s eldest tyke, it seems that the meeting may have been recorded. Claude Taylor, who has worked on three Democratic presidential campaigns, tweeted out that potentially damning fact:A source with knowledge of the investigation tells me that IC had "ears on" Russian lawyer. The meeting was recorded. Donald, Jr is toast. Claude Taylor (@TrueFactsStated) July 10, 2017Now, we all know that the Trumps routinely lie. They prove that all the time. Trump Jr. s story has changed radically over the course of the last few days alone. That in and of itself really should warrant scrutiny from the House and Senate Intelligence Committees, as well as Special Counsel Robert Mueller. In the meantime, Jared Kushner s security clearance needs to be revoked immediately, as he is a national security threat.As for Donald Trump Jr. if this meeting really was recorded, Claude Taylor s tweet is correct. He s toast. He has put out false statement after false statement, and something tells me he s still not telling everything the way it really went down. It should only be a matter of time before the entire Trump criminal enterprise is in jail.Featured image via John Sommers II/Getty Images
July 11, 2017
Trump Jr.’s Accomplice That Set Up Russian Meeting Checked In For It On Facebook (TWEETS)
If you haven t heard, Donald Trump Jr. recently tweeted out emails between himself and Rob Goldstone, a right-wing opposition researcher who was acting as an intermediary between a Kremlin-connected Russian lawyer who promised harmful information about Hillary Clinton.Goldstone arranged a meeting between Russian government attorney Natalia Veselnitskaya and Trump Jr. at Trump Tower on June 9 of last year where he would receive the information as part of Russia and its government s support of the Trump campaign.Here is page 4 (which did not post due to space constraints). pic.twitter.com/z1Xi4nr2gq Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) July 11, 2017The meeting was attended by Veselnitskaya , Trump Jr., Ivanka Trump s husband Jared Kushner and former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort. Apparently, Goldstone was there too because he checked in on Facebook at Trump Tower for the meeting:"Preparing for meeting." I'm dying! pic.twitter.com/jC5UpPUyhQ Shari Nilsson (@sharicn) July 11, 2017He was also there in February, though the reason is yet unknown.Interestingly, Goldstone celebrated Trump s election by posting this picture to Instagram:Here's his instagram day after election pic.twitter.com/iXgjcDoaDO MaggyResistant (@Maggyw519) July 11, 2017Just for fun, here are a couple more photos of him that people have found showing him to be a truly stand-up individual:Well, you are talking about this guy pic.twitter.com/QPJSaB6wBE Princess Leah ? (@PrincessLeahSh) July 11, 2017 pic.twitter.com/Hz2vKNxnQY Don The Con (@LyinDonTheCon) July 11, 2017Just in case The Donald tries to weasel out of this by saying that he has never personally met Goldstone or Veselnitskaya, here s a photo of that happening:Also have to love the photographic evidence of Trump and Goldstone previously meeting. Here they are together. Goldstone is circled. pic.twitter.com/FzdSgU4yeG Trial Lawyer Richard (@TrialLawyerRich) July 11, 2017One thing to note that that, according to Goldstone s timeline, the meeting happened at around 4 PM. At 4:40 PM, Trump tweeted about Hillary s emails.How long did it take your staff of 823 people to think that up and where are your 33,000 emails that you deleted? https://t.co/gECLNtQizQ Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 9, 2016Let s be clear here: Trump Jr. knew the information he would receive was coming from a hostile dictatorship. He was told that it was part of the Russian government s backing of his father. He went anyway.Trump Jr. recently hired a criminal defense lawyer.Featured image via Instagram
July 11, 2017
The U.S. Constitution Just Ruined Trump’s Day: He’s Now Being Sued For His Twitter Activity (DETAILS)
For someone who is as vocal and outspoken as Donald Trump on social media, he has shockingly thin skin. Trump has been known to hide and run away from protesters both on and offline, unable to take the much-needed criticism that Americans are trying to offer. Because of Trump s fragile ego, it has been quite common for Trump to block other Twitter users for simply expressing their First Amendment rights. This habit, however, has landed Trump in deep sh*t. He s now being sued for it!On Tuesday, Trump and his top White House officials were sued by the Knight First Amendment Institute for blocking Twitter users simply because they were criticizing him. The case, which was filed in Manhattan federal court, states that this violates the Constitution and calls for Trump to stop blocking dissenting Americans immediately.Trump had been warned that this would happen. In June, the Knight First Amendment Institute sent a letter to Trump, his counsel, press secretary, and social media director, stating that they were representing two Twitter users that had been blocked after criticizing Trump. Trump failed to listen, and now the Institute is representing five more Twitter users who have been treated this way by the President.The complaint states that Trump s Twitter account is a public forum under the First Amendment because he and his staff are using it to make presidential announcements and constantly use it to communicate with the American people. Press secretary Sean Spicer has also called Trump s tweets official statements in the past.The complaint also states that Trump s blocking imposes an unconstitutional restriction on their right to access statements that defendants are otherwise making available to the public at large. It also imposes an unconstitutional restriction on their right to petition the government for redress of grievances. Jameel Jaffer, the Knight Institute s executive director, said: President Trump s Twitter account has become an important source of news and information about the government, and an important forum for speech by, to, or about the president. The First Amendment applies to this digital forum in the same way it applies to town halls and open school board meetings. The White House acts unlawfully when it excludes people from this forum simply because they ve disagreed with the president. The Knight Institute is calling on the court to declare Trump s viewpoint-based blocking unconstitutional, force Trump to unblock the plaintiffs and have Trump pay for their legal fees.It s about time something like this caught up with Trump. He s conducted himself as the least transparent, and less interested POTUS when it comes to listening to the American people. He tries to silence and drown out all of the dissenting voices around him, instead of actually considering that there might be a reason behind his historically low approval rating. Trump is not a dictator, and he cannot take away Americans First Amendment rights, not even when their free speech opposes him. It s about time he learned.Featured image via Alex Wong / Getty Images
July 11, 2017
Idiot Donald Trump Jr. Just Released Russian Email Chain — He’s Toast (IMAGES)
Donald Trump Jr. may have been born with a silver spoon in his mouth, but he seems to be lacking the superior genes his father claims as a birthright. On Tuesday morning, while in the middle of being a focus of the scandal that will rock his father s administration, he tweeted the email chain that very literally implicates him in colluding with the Russians. Yes, it s that bad.The chain was from June 6, 2016, and it was about setting up the meeting between Trump Jr, Paul Manafort (Trump s campaign manager at the time) and Jared Kushner.Here s my statement and the full email chain pic.twitter.com/x050r5n5LQ Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) July 11, 2017The smoking gun came in this one:Here is page 4 (which did not post due to space constraints). pic.twitter.com/z1Xi4nr2gq Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) July 11, 2017Twitter users were stunned, especially over this part, which explicitly states that Trump Jr. attended the meeting with the intention of getting dirt on Clinton, which he said he would love. The documents would incriminate Hillary and her dealings with Russia and would be very useful to your father, read the email, written by a trusted intermediary, who added, This is obviously very high level and sensitive information but is part of Russia and its government s support for Mr. Trump. If the future president s elder son was surprised or disturbed by the provenance of the promised material or the notion that it was part of an ongoing effort by the Russian government to aid his father s campaign he gave no indication.He replied within minutes: If it s what you say I love it especially later in the summer. Source: NY TimesSo I think this is the part people will focus on as showing knowledge he was getting something of value from foreign source pic.twitter.com/b566VDVgkP Rick Hasen (@rickhasen) July 11, 2017and this about the thing of value itself pic.twitter.com/Pm8kEMp24U Rick Hasen (@rickhasen) July 11, 2017And as to proving solicitation or coordination under campaign laws, Trump Jr. says If it s what you say I love it pic.twitter.com/HVMLsYzDLB Rick Hasen (@rickhasen) July 11, 2017You lied about the meeting twice. Why are we supposed to believe you now? Like every other Trump, you re a fraud. pic.twitter.com/QYyIHmnkWR Josh S nchez (@jnsanchez) July 11, 2017Donald Junior doesn t realize how incriminating this is? Merrill Lynch (@MerrillLynched) July 11, 2017 I love the poorly educated! pic.twitter.com/P0aiGIWHkn Cor10ee (@cor10ee) July 11, 2017A prison romper to match Daddy s! pic.twitter.com/EsoHCZUasS Mike Denison (@mikd33) July 11, 2017The only explanation for this apparent suicide tactic is to get out ahead of a New York Times story. They already had the emails.Trump Senior has been trying to distance himself from his son since the story broke on Monday, but as the New York Times notes, the meeting took place just three floors below his office. Even if Trump argues that Jr. and Kushner weren t officially part of his campaign, he can t make that claim about Manafort.This is serious stuff. Trump Jr. asked to see the information (solicitation), and such information would be considered to be a thing of value. It s both illegal to solicit and it s illegal for a campaign to accept a things of value from foreign entity, and it s hard to dispute that such dirt on an opponent wouldn t be a thing of value.A foreign national shall not, directly or indirectly, make a contribution or a donation of money or other thing of value, or expressly or impliedly promise to make a contribution or a donation, in connection with any Federal, State, or local election.This won t be the final shoe to drop, though. Rep. Adam Schiff (D-California) says that the Congressional intel committee has a lot more damaging information than the public knows. Thankfully, though, the Trump family keeps inching so much closer to hanging themselves.Featured image via Drew Angerer/Getty Images
July 11, 2017
These Charts Show Why We’re All Screwed Under The GOP Health Care Bill
During his presidential campaign, Donald Trump constantly made references to repealing and replacing the disaster that is Obamacare and Democrats collectively shuddered. We all knew that nothing good could come of this.Now after six months in office, despite discovering that nobody knew healthcare could be so difficult, President Trump is about to deliver on his campaign promise as the Senate returns from a one-week recess to get back to the task at hand; trying to come to an agreement on their new healthcare bill known as the Better Care Reconciliation Act (BCRA), one that they have predominately kept the public in the dark about.Things are looking bleak, however, as even the Republican party remains divided on a bill that is not only going to raise out-of-pocket costs and restrict access to services for many, but also cause tens of millions to lose their health insurance completely over the coming decade.These charts might be able to put the entire healthcare debacle into perspective:1. We All Know The Short-Term Medicaid Cuts Are Going To Suck: The new health care bill will save a ton of money, but roughly a quarter of those savings, or approximately $770 billion over the next decade, come from cuts to Medicaid. The result is that 15 million less people will be enrolled in Medicaid under the new GOP bill than compared to Obamacare:2. If You Thought That Was Bad, The Long-Term Effects Are Even Worse: The inflation rate for Medicaid spending beginning in 2025 is much slower, affecting those who rely on it the most, mainly children, the disabled, and the elderly. In fact, by 2036 federal Medicaid spending on children will be reduced by almost a third and by a quarter for the disabled and the elderly when compared to the current law according to an analysis by the health consulting firm Avalere Health:3. The Percentage Of Those Uninsured Will Rise In Every Single Age Bracket: That s right, under the BCRA 22 million people will lose their insurance (compared to 23 million under the version passed by the house) and every single age group will be affected, according to an assessment by the Congressional Budget Office:4. It Will Also Rise In Every State, Including Those Whose Overwhelming Majority Voted For Trump: Yes, the new bill will drive up the uninsured rate by at least 21% and even up to 300% in every state by 2022, a new study by the Urban Institute found:5. The Older and Poorer You Are, The More You Will Be Paying For Insurance Premiums If an analysis by the Center for Budget and Policy Priorities is to be believed, health insurance premiums are going to go through the roof, but those hit the worst will be older Americans:6. The Older Middle Class Will be Hit Pretty Hard Too, As Their Tax Credits Will Go Through The Floor: The Center for Budget and Policy Priorities analysis also found that the tax credits that are available to help older people in the individual market afford health insurance are going to do just the opposite and plummet:7. Even Employer Plans Aren t Immune: The GOP s new bill cuts to Medicaid and individual market subsidies have given the 150 million Americans that receive their health insurance through their employer a false sense of security, but they re not safe, either. Not only will the new legislation bring back annual and lifetime limits in employer plans, as well as end penalties for companies that don t provide health insurance to their workers, but it will also allow employers to shift much of the cost of copays, deductibles and coinsurance onto their workers. The Center for American Progress calculated how many will feel the crunch:8. Hospitals Are Going To Feel The Crunch As Well: Hospitals aren t happy with the new bill and it is easy to see why, when you consider it will cause a large spike in uncompensated care for hospitals across all states: 9. Finally, The New Bill Will Cause Massive Job Loss, Particularly In The Health Care Sector: By 2026, more than 1.45 million jobs will be lost as a direct result of the BCRA go by the results of a report by the Commonwealth Fund and George Washington University. In fact, the report goes as far as to say that Every state except Hawaii would have fewer jobs and a weaker economy, however, it s not just health care employment that will be affected, but also retail and construction as well:So if you thought this latest rewrite of the GOP s health care legislation didn t affect you, you more than likely thought wrongly. Even if it isn t your health care that is directly affected, chances are you will still feel the ripple effects of the bill on the economy, both on a state and national level.Featured image via Drew Angerer/Getty Images
July 11, 2017
World Leaders Decide They Don’t Need The U.S. To Move Forward On Climate Change
When it comes to the topic of climate change, other world leaders at the G20 summit in Hamburg have come to the conclusion that, since Donald Trump s controversial decision to pull the U.S. out of the Paris climate accord, they can get along just fine as a G19.At the summit s conclusion, the leaders of the other 19 countries took into account Trump s move to abandon the global climate agreement, and then signed off on a detailed blueprint for a new policy, the G20 Climate and Energy Action Plan for Growth, that outlines how their countries can meet their future goals on carbon emissions in the pact without the President of the United States. The move ended three days of tough negotiations of how to respond to Trump s dubious June 1 decision. This is a clear indication that the U.S. has isolated itself on climate change once again, and is falling back while all other major economies step up and compete in the clean energy marketplace created by the Paris Agreement estimated to be worth over 20 trillion dollars, said Andrew Light, a senior climate change adviser at the State Department under former President Barack Obama.Initially, the G20 leaders had great difficulty in coming to an agreement on a common text on climate change, with America demanding a reference to fossil fuels. The climate section that was eventually signed off on took note of the US withdrawing from the Paris agreement, with other countries describing it as irreversible, yet also optimistically hinting that the country may one day buy back into the pact with references to the US approach to fossil fuels, stating, The United States of America states it will endeavor to work closely with other countries to help them access and use fossil fuels more cleanly and efficiently. French President Emmanuel Macron said he would continue to put pressure on President Trump on the issue of climate change and may even hold a follow-up summit meeting in Paris in December to move the Paris deal forward.Featured image via Ukas Michael Pool/Getty Images
July 11, 2017
Trump’s Response When Told He Should Stop Tweeting Makes Him Sound Like A Whiny Toddler
Donald Trump s tweeting is a source of endless nightmares for Republicans and White House staff. They can try to sugarcoat anything Trump does, but it s hard to put a positive spin on the ramblings of a clearly troubled man. A typical Trump tweet shot off in the early morning may, say, contradict an official statement. Or prove a White House talking point is a lie. Or contain basic grammar and spelling mistakes. And some have even been used in court to rule against the White House s attempted Muslim ban.Adding to that, Trump s tweets are a visual, daily reminder that our president is, at his heart, a complete moron. Take this classic two-piece of idiocy, for example:First Trump proudly announces he plans on creating a cyber team with the country that hacked America s last presidential election.Putin & I discussed forming an impenetrable Cyber Security unit so that election hacking, & many other negative things, will be guarded.. Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 9, 2017Hours later, he screams that it isn t happening after Americans of all political stripes pointed out how stupid the idea was.The fact that President Putin and I discussed a Cyber Security unit doesn't mean I think it can happen. It can't-but a ceasefire can,& did! Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 10, 2017His staff has privately told reporters that they spend a great deal of their time at the White House trying to find ways to get Trump to stop binge-watching Fox News and tweeting about whatever comes up on his favorite show, Fox and Friends. The struggle has, at times, descended into sheer lunacy. During one of Trump s latest Twitter meltdowns, a despondent aide sent a reporter a simple message:Informed of the president s denial that he had recorded his conversations with Comey, a senior administration official replied, At least that s behind us. When alerted to his apparent suspicions of Oval Office surveillance, the official replied in a text message, fml. What does Trump think about these attempts to save him from himself? It makes him angry.New York Times reporter Mark Leibovich filed a lengthy piece with a simple premise: The White House is a total-and-unending shitshow and Trump is at the epicenter. Leibovich was, in fact, in the room, when the idea of Trump s Twitter self-sabotage was brought up to the president. Trump s reaction speaks volumes.It was 12:30, but the president was not eating lunch. He was watching a recording of Fox and Friends from about four hours earlier on a large TV mounted on the wall. This was one of those stretches when Trump was tweeting a lot, including attacks on the mayor of London following a terrorist attack on the city the previous weekend. The tweets were becoming a growing topic of concern among Republicans, many of whom were urging him to stop. But like most reporters, I found his tweets far more illuminating than anything the White House press office could ever disgorge. I urged him to keep it up.Trump assured me that he would keep tweeting. It s my voice, Trump said of Twitter, enumerating how many millions of followers he had. They want to take away my voice, Trump said. They re not going to take away my social media. In just two paragraphs, Leibovich documented Trump s insane Fox News viewing habits, the well-known patent dishonesty of the White House press office, and Trump s own spoiled brat way of looking at his Twitter habits. It takes Stephen King an entire novel to write anything half as scary as that snapshot of the man who currently controls America s nuclear arsenal.Featured image via Matt Cardy/Getty Images
July 11, 2017
Like Father, Like Son: Trump Jr. Wakes Up Tweeting Desperate Nonsense About The Press And Democrats
We re all used to seeing insane, nonsensical tweets from Donald Trump Sr, the so-called president. However, now that it is his son and namesake, Donald Trump Jr., who is in the hot seat at the moment.Over the weekend, the New York Times dropped several bombshells regarding a shady meeting with a Russian lawyer that Trump Jr., first son-in-law Jared Kushner, and former campaign manager and Kremlin toadie Paul Manafort engaged in during the height of the 2016 presidential campaign. The whole thing resulted in Trump Jr. eventually admitting that the whole purpose of the meeting was to get dirt from the Russians on Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton.After all of this, it seems that Trump Jr., is following in his father s footsteps and watching coverage of himself on cable news. As Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA), the Ranking Member on the Intelligence Committee in the House of Representatives was making an appearance on Morning Joe, Trump Jr. was tweeting about what he was talking about with hosts Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski and their guests. Obviously irritated, Trump Jr. said:Of course, this is just the sort of thing his father would tweet when the news cycle is focused on something unsavory regarding this travesty of a presidency. Therefore, it should come as no surprise that Jr. is doing the same thing. After all, the whole family seems like some kind of crazy, Children of the Corn carbon copy of their crazy father.The walls are closing in and they don t know what to do. The free press is still operating and speaking truth to power, despite the constant bullying of this autocratic, kleptocratic administration. They know it, too after all, if you want to see desperation in action, just check the Twitter feeds of Donnie #1 and Donnie #2. The more aggravated the tweets, the better things are for the nation.Featured image via David Becker/Getty Images
July 11, 2017
Trump Jr. Was Told Before Meeting That Putin Wanted To Help His Daddy Win
Things just keep getting worse for Donald Trump Jr. With the word treason floating around on both the Left and Right, the last thing he needs is more inconvenient facts coming out about his meeting with a Russian lawyer past what we already know. Fortunately for him, he had the foresight to hire a criminal defense lawyer before the other shoe dropped.Speaking of shoes dropping, new information has come out about that meeting. Not only did he go there with the intent of getting information about Hillary Clinton from the Russians, Trump Jr. was informed beforehand that the material was part of the Russian government s effort to help install his dad in the Oval Office.The New York Times reports:The email to the younger Mr. Trump was sent by Rob Goldstone, a publicist and former British tabloid reporter who helped broker the June 2016 meeting. In a statement on Sunday, Mr. Trump acknowledged that he was interested in receiving damaging information about Mrs. Clinton, but gave no indication that he thought the lawyer might have been a Kremlin proxy.Mr. Goldstone s message, as described to The New York Times by the three people, indicates that the Russian government was the source of the potentially damaging information. It does not elaborate on the wider effort by Moscow to help the Trump campaign. There is no evidence to suggest that the promised damaging information was related to Russian government computer hacking that led to the release of thousands of Democratic National Committee emails.According to Trump Jr., the meeting did not amount to much. For his light treason, he says, he received no information and they just chatted about an adoption program (yes, that s what he s going with).The adoption program in question was halted by Vladimir Putin in response to the Magnitsky Act, a U.S. law that blacklists Russian human rights abusers. Putin became so incensed that he decided American families may not adopt Russian children. The New York Times notes that Trump Jr. ended the meeting when the adoption program was brought up.The meeting was also attended by former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort and Ivanka Trump s husband, Jared Kushner a lot of people for an innocent meeting about a Russian adoption program, but just the right amount for a little bit of treason.No inconsistency in statements, meeting ended up being primarily about adoptions. In response to further Q's I simply provided more details. https://t.co/FdT1D4hfhz Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) July 10, 2017To be clear, the meeting was not about adoption (though it was discussed), nor was it supposed to be. The meeting was about the Russian government delivering damaging information about Trump s political opponents to his lackeys.Trump Jr. was told this beforehand. He. Went. Anyway. His intent was to work with the Russian government against the United States, against our election, and for Vladimir Putin. There is no other way to describe what happened.It. Is. Treason.Featured image via Getty Images
July 10, 2017
Trump Jr.’s Latest Move Proves That Russia Investigation Is Closing In On Trump (DETAILS)
Proving that the biggest obstacle to his presidency is always going to be himself and his equally incompetent team and family, Donald Trump s Russia investigation has been blown wide open thanks to his idiot son, Donald Trump Jr.Unlike his brother, Eric, Trump Jr. takes after his father in having an equally offensive Twitter habit. Recently, Trump Jr. admitted that he d met with a Russian lawyer during his father s presidential campaign, putting him at the center of Trump s latest Russia controversy.Following the backlash and political consequences, Trump Jr. has now gotten himself a criminal defense lawyer, despite the fact that the Trump administration desperately tried to shrug his confession off as nothing. Trump Jr. s latest move proves that it was anything but. According to Reuters: Donald Trump Jr., the president s son, has hired New York lawyer Alan Futerfas to represent him in connection with Russia-related investigations, the lawyer and Trump Jr. s office said on Monday. Futerfas, a sole practitioner who specializes in criminal defense, would not say when he was retained or whether he had any input into the statements Trump Jr. made over the weekend about a meeting with a Russian lawyer. Just like with his father, legal experts are weighing in on what might happen to Trump Jr., and there are several who believe that Trump s son might actually find himself behind bars for violating federal laws.Trump Jr. s moronic confession is just the tip of the iceberg as far as evidence of Trump s collusion with Russia. No one should ignore that Trump Jr. s hiring of a criminal defense attorney is big news because if Chelsea Clinton had done this, the GOP would scream and shout for Hillary s impeachment.Trump s administration is busy 24/7 trying to fix the ever-growing Russia scandal. They can t outrun it, as Trump and his inner circle continuously incriminate themselves. It is only a matter of time before this blows up in Trump s face.Featured image via John Sommers II / Getty Images
July 10, 2017
Sarah Huckabee Sanders Just Said The DUMBEST F*cking Thing About Trump Jr.’s Russia Collusion
If you have been vacationing under a rock over the weekend, you might not be aware that Donald Trump Jr. did a naughty. No, he didn t go out hunting for and killing more defenseless animals to pose with he went hunting for Russians. Specifically, he went hunting for a Russian lawyer who claimed to have damaging information about Hillary Clinton. This was an effort to get opposition research on an opponent in an American political campaign from the Russians, who were known to be engaged in spying inside the United States, former Bush ethics lawyer Richard Painter said Sunday of Trump Jr. s meeting. We do not get our opposition research from spies, we do not collaborate with Russian spies, unless we want to be accused of treason. If this story is true, we d have one of them if not both of them in custody by now, and we d be asking them a lot of questions, Painter said. This is unacceptable. This borders on treason, if it is not itself treason. Trump Jr. doesn t even bother disputing the truthfulness of the story, saying he did indeed collude with the Russians in hopes of gaining helpful information about his dad s political opponent. But he says that she had no meaningful information so his engaging in a little light treason is not an issue in the least. According to Trump Jr., Ivanka Trump s husband Jared Kushner and Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort also attended the meeting. Trump s son says he had to listen even if the meeting went nowhere :Obviously I'm the first person on a campaign to ever take a meeting to hear info about an opponent went nowhere but had to listen. https://t.co/ccUjL1KDEa Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) July 10, 2017Unsurprisingly White House spokesmoron Sarah Huckabee Sanders agrees with Trump Jr. that a little collusion with a Kremlin-connected lawyer isn t a hug deal. In fact, the only real problem is the people who exposed the details, she said during an off-camera press briefing: The only thing I see inappropriate about the meeting was the people that leaked the information on the meeting after it was voluntarily disclosed. Following the admission and the additional leaked details Trump Jr. left out, he hired a criminal defense attorney because he did absolutely nothing wrong and there s nothing to see here.Where there s smoke there s fire, and there s a lot of very, very Russian smoke enough to suffocate our country if nothing is done about it.Featured image via screengrab
July 10, 2017
Fox News Gives The Most Cringeworthy Reason Why Ivanka Deserved To Sit In At G20 (VIDEO)
Donald Trump and his favorite daughter, Ivanka, are still getting a lot of heat for the stunt they pulled at the G20 summit in Germany last week. The entire world was shocked when Trump stepped out of the G20 meeting and Ivanka took his seat and sat in for him at the leader s table a move that earned Trump and his administration a massive amount of criticism and outrage.While most of the country was disgusted that Ivanka, who was not elected or qualified, was allowed to sit next to the attending world leaders, Trump and his daughter found refuge on Fox News Outnumbered, who passionately defended their favorite dictator and his daughter. Ignoring the fact that this was highly inappropriate, Fox News Jason Chaffetz and the rest of the Outnumbered panelists were more than happy to defend it. Chaffetz said: Ivanka Trump, she is part of the administration. She does have her father s ear. She can actually get things done. and they were talking about a topic in which she s personally engaged. I think it was wholly appropriate. If that wasn t ridiculous enough, the segment was made far worse by Harris Faulkner, who actually said that Ivanka was qualified to be at the G20 meeting because her products were hot online. Faulkner said: It must be so frustrating for Democrats not to have any low hanging fruit. They re grasping now. They re really grasping. She is there in a capacity of someone who has run a very successful corporation and her items are selling by the way, hot online. It really does not get any dumber than that especially considering that Ivanka s brand has seen a major decline since her father s presidential campaign and failing presidency ruined the family s name and reputation. Fox News has been known to shamelessly promote Trump and his family, but this is just embarrassing.You can watch Fox News defend Trump and Ivanka below:Featured image via Sean Gallup / Getty Images
July 10, 2017
Trump Supporter Pleads Guilty To Tampering With Election Results In Iowa
At the close of the election, upon finding out that he lost the popular vote, Donald Trump made the bold accusation that there were millions of illegal votes, most especially in California.Well, because irony is the favorite theme of the Trump administration, as truth would have it, it was actually a Trump voter who tried to cast illegal ballots for Trump in Iowa.According to CBS News: A woman from Des Moines, Iowa, pleaded guilty to election misconduct for attempting to cast two separate ballots in the 2016 presidential election for then-Republican nominee Donald Trump.According to the Associated Press, Terri Lynn Rote, 57, entered her plea for the felony charge on June 27. Court documents state that lawyers affiliated with the case are recommending Rote face up to two years of probation with community service on the side. Further: Rote told police why she tried to vote more than once. She was convinced her first vote for Mr. Trump would be manipulated and changed to a vote for then-Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton. According to her statement to the police, Rote believed Mr. Trump s claims about widespread election rigging. So, if you thought Trump lying to his supporters didn t actually have an effect on them, you would be wrong. His lies not only were inaccurate but got this gullible voter in a lot of trouble.The irony of all of this is beyond hilarious considering we were all told by Trump that it was the liberals who were up to no good. And by saying it was the liberals who were up to no good caused his own supporters to literally be up to no good and attempt to tamper with election results thus resulting in a guilty plea.Between this and the Russia scandal, it s more than obvious the actual criminal was put in office by the Electoral College.Featured Image by Getty Images
July 10, 2017
Witness Debunks Trump’s Comey Crime Allegation, Sets Trump Up For Another Potential Libel Lawsuit
Trump has yet again accused on of his critics of a serious crime and again the allegation evaporated within hours. The number of accusations made by the sitting president is shocking, but what s more, considering the weight they carry, they may set Trump up to face a series of libel lawsuits. The defendants are a who s who of people who have gotten in Trumps way. He accused Hillary of a series of unsubstantiated, often-vague crimes. He smeared Loretta Lynch. He falsely stated that Obama had illegally wiretapped him. He s slandered James Comey, the man he inappropriately fired for investigating him, on several occasions all from the platform of his White House-backed Twitter account.After watching a badly-botched Fox and Friends report on the memos Comey wrote, Trump went onto Twitter to accuse Comey of a crime rather than learn the facts.James Comey leaked CLASSIFIED INFORMATION to the media. That is so illegal! Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 10, 2017Had he done any research, he would have seen that Fox s story was riddled with errors and no serious news organization would have ever run it. Instead, this happened:The Hill report Fox News report incorrect Fox & Friends tweet Trump accuses Comey of breaking the lawhttps://t.co/DS7nhWZqcA via @pbump https://t.co/b4dR9hq0rg Bradd Jaffy (@BraddJaffy) July 10, 2017Within hours, Comey s friend and the source of the Comey memos proving Trump lied about his conversations with the FBI director, had publicly stated that what Trump was saying was a complete fantasy. Columbia University law professor Daniel Richman told NBC that nothing he received from Comey was classified, the things he passed along to the press were written accounts of what Comey chatted with Trump about, which is completely legal.No evidence has surfaced supporting that charge. Three of the memos were classified from the beginning, and were never shared with Richman, the professor tells NBC News.Of the remaining four, a small portion much less than half has been retroactively deemed classified, said a Congressional source familiar with the matter.What Trump did was take a misleading section of a story, blow it up into something it wasn t and then publicly accuse a former civil servant of committing a serious crime. All based on a botched news report on Fox s morning show.And his words have consequences.In a recent example, Trump sicced his loyalists on reporters for exposing his scandals, members of the media have noted a serious uptick in the number of death threats and slurs hurled at them. After CNN exposed the anti-Semite behind the meme Trump tweeted, Trump fans announced that they would be gathering in front of the reporter s home. Another reporter received even more disturbing threats.In the wake of that, I received numerous threats. I was told people wanted to shoot, strangle me, hang me, throw me out of a helicopter 3/ Jared Yates Sexton (@JYSexton) July 3, 2017All of this pushes Trump into dangerous legal territory. It s easy to prove that when Trump falsely smears a person, that person suffers tangible losses to safety, reputation, and finance. A single tweet from Trump can mean your family receives death threats. Others will call for you to be fired or demand you resign. And you will now be known as a person accused by the president of the United States of a crime. Even if Trump only wants to use it as a weapon against his enemies and doesn t take it seriously, it still has costs to the victims.Trump should face libel lawsuits. Lots of them.Featured image via Ukas Michael Pool/Getty Images
July 10, 2017
The Tweet Trump Sent THE DAY His Son Had Russian Collusion Meeting Is Disturbing As Hell
It s kind of poetic: Russian help and Trump s tweets are largely what propelled him to the White House, and those two things may also bring about his downfall.On news that Trump s son, Donald Jr., scheduled a meeting during the campaign with a Russian lawyer promising dirt on Hillary Clinton, the microscope on Trump s shady campaign only intensified. He s tried everything to get it to stop, including firing the FBI director investigating him, but it s all starting to come out.Making matters worse for the White House, Donald Jr. keeps digging himself a deeper hole. First, he tried to cover up the meeting. Then when he got caught, he lied about the contents of the meeting. Then when he got caught again, he admitted, with no apparent awareness, that, yes, he had tried to collude with the Russians, but since he failed it wasn t wrong. (Note: hiring a hitman to kill your wife is a crime whether the hitman goes through with it or not.)On Monday, following a weekend of collusion evidence against him, Donald Jr. again brought out his gold-plated shovel and started digging.Obviously I'm the first person on a campaign to ever take a meeting to hear info about an opponent went nowhere but had to listen. https://t.co/ccUjL1KDEa Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) July 10, 2017For what it s worth, staffers from other campaigns, both Republican and Democratic, have gone on record to say that there is a flat policy in election teams of handing over any information about an opponent seemingly obtained illegally or from a foreign adversary to law enforcement. Famously, Al Gore immediately summoned authorities when a shady person obtained Bush s debate prep notes.When Gore campaign was sent Bush debate brief book, they called FBI. If foreign interests offer you info on former SOS, you call the FBI. stuart stevens (@stuartpstevens) July 10, 2017Most politicians hold themselves to that higher standard Trump s team didn t.It gets worse.Liberal pundit and longtime thorn in Trump s side, Keith Olbermann, went ahead and checked out what Trump was up to the day his son was meeting with the Russians. It turns out, it was the very first day he decided to mention Hillary s emails.Guess what @realDonaldTrump did the same day Jr, Manafort, Kushner met that Russian? He sent his 1ST tweet about Hillary's "33,000 emails" pic.twitter.com/BAP9aEDcLE Keith Olbermann (@KeithOlbermann) July 10, 2017And three days later, Wikileaks dumped the Hillary campaign s emails, boosting Trump and ultimately helping him win the election.Coincidence?Featured image via Olivier Douliery Pool/Getty Images
July 10, 2017
Trump Has Complete Meltdown And Attacks Chelsea Clinton In Defense Of His Nepotism At G-20
Donald Trump threw an early morning temper tantrum on Twitter again.Last week, Trump let his daughter Ivanka take over for him at the G-20, giving her his seat at the conference table.National outrage ensued because Ivanka is not an elected official, nor does she have any political or diplomatic experience. The incident also served as a reminder of the nepotism practiced in Trump s White House.On Monday morning, Trump lashed out and actually attacked Hillary Clinton s daughter Chelsea in defense of his irresponsible decision to let Ivanka take his place.When I left Conference Room for short meetings with Japan and other countries, I asked Ivanka to hold seat. Very standard. Angela M agrees! Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 10, 2017If Chelsea Clinton were asked to hold the seat for her mother,as her mother gave our country away, the Fake News would say CHELSEA FOR PRES! Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 10, 2017Someone should ask German Chancellor Angela Merkel about this, because it s likely she ll contradict Trump s claim.Of course, Bill Clinton never let Chelsea take his seat at the G-20, and President Obama certainly never let his daughter Malia take his seat at the G-20 either.Both would have been criticized for it and Hillary would have been criticized for it as well, especially by conservatives, who would have thrown the mother of all hissy fits.In fact, I don t think a president has ever let their kids take over for them in such way, so despite what Trump claims, it is NOT very standard. Trump s effort to defend his bad decisions by bringing up what is very much now a hypothetical is pathetic. We ll never know if Hillary would have done such a thing because she isn t president. But Trump is, and that means his behavior is open for criticism.Besides, Chelsea Clinton herself responded to Trump and made it clear that her parents would never have considered doing what Trump did.Good morning Mr. President. It would never have occurred to my mother or my father to ask me. Were you giving our country away? Hoping not. https://t.co/4ODjWZUp0c Chelsea Clinton (@ChelseaClinton) July 10, 2017And Twitter users responded by blasting Trump to smithereens.HRC praised Trump s kids at a debate. Now Trump tries to use Chelsea as a political human shield. What a classless comment. Adam Best (@adamcbest) July 10, 2017Let s get real. If Chelsea sat in POTUS HRC s seat for five minutes everybody from Sean Hannity to Paul Ryan would be screaming impeachment. Adam Best (@adamcbest) July 10, 2017If Chelsea Clinton had been asked to hold the seat for her mother , Republicans would have been outraged Edward Hardy (@EdwardTHardy) July 10, 2017Nepotism and misogyny at the same time. Shameful. Eugene Gu, MD (@eugenegu) July 10, 2017Is that what you were busy doing? Giving the country away? Jemaine Clement (@AJemaineClement) July 10, 2017No, your side would be calling for @HillaryClinton s impeachment. https://t.co/DT9Zns7iew Evan O Connell (@evanoconnell) July 10, 2017Chelsea also has a PhD in international relations. So .. she s sort of more qualified, yo Andrea Kuszewski (@AndreaKuszewski) July 10, 2017Featured Image: Alex Wong/Getty Images
July 10, 2017
Marco Rubio Grows A Spine, Blasts Trump For Trying To Team Up With Putin
Alleged president Donald Trump announced on his Twitter timeline that he and Russian President Vladimir Putin discussed forming a cybersecurity unit and that s like joining forces with a pedophile to combat child abuse. Russia not only interfered with our 2016 presidential election but they also breached more than a dozen power plants, including a nuclear facility in Kansas.Even spineless Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) has had it with Trump s newest idea. On Sunday, Rubio took to his Twitter account to unleash a series of tweets to blast Trump s insane announcement.The Florida senator said Putin can never be a trusted ally or a reliable partner. While reality & pragmatism requires that we engage Vladimir Putin, he will never be a trusted ally or a reliable constructive partner, Rubio tweeted.While reality & pragmatism requires that we engage Vladimir Putin, he will never be a trusted ally or a reliable constructive partner. 1/3 Marco Rubio (@marcorubio) July 9, 2017 Partnering with Putin on a Cyber Security Unit is akin to partnering with Assad on a Chemical Weapons Unit. We have no quarrel with Russia or the Russian people. Problem is with Putin & his oppression, war crimes & interference in our elections, he continued.Partnering with Putin on a "Cyber Security Unit" is akin to partnering with Assad on a "Chemical Weapons Unit". 2/3 Marco Rubio (@marcorubio) July 9, 2017 We have no quarrel with Russia or the Russian people. Problem is with Putin & his oppression, war crimes & interference in our elections, he added.We have no quarrel with Russia or the Russian people. Problem is with Putin & his oppression, war crimes & interference in our elections 1/3 Marco Rubio (@marcorubio) July 9, 2017While it s nice that Rubio blasted Trump s notion of partnering with Putin on cybersecurity, we await the Florida Senator s response to the bombshell report that was published Sunday evening in which the former reality show star s son, Donald Trump Jr., admitted to trying to collude with a Kremlin-connected Russian lawyer in order to get dirt on Hillary Clinton. Paul Manafort, the campaign s chairman at the time, and Jared Kushner, Trump s son-in-law and adviser, also attended the meeting at Trump Tower which took place just two weeks after Trump won his party s nomination.A spokesman for Trump s legal team said the amateur president was not aware of and did not attend the meeting which was in his building and attended by his daughter s husband.Let s hear Marco Rubio s opinion on that, too, since the Florida Senator admitted to Russia s interference in our elections. Photo by Joe Raedle/Getty Images
July 9, 2017
Presidential Lawyer Comes Forward; Says Trump Jr. May Have Committed Treason (VIDEO)
For as smug as he always appears to be, Donald Trump Jr. might want to wipe that entitled grin off his face. Especially when he finds out he may be going to prison.According to the New York Times: President Trump s eldest son, Donald Trump Jr., was promised damaging information about Hillary Clinton before agreeing to meet with a Kremlin-connected Russian lawyer during the 2016 campaign, according to three advisers to the White House briefed on the meeting and two others with knowledge of it. And now, coming forward is Richard Painter, a former White House ethics lawyer who served under former President George W. Bush, and is telling us that what Trump Jr. has allegedly done borders on treason. Painter said: This was an effort to get opposition research on an opponent in an American political campaign from the Russians, who were known to be engaged in spying inside the United States We do not get our opposition research from spies, we do not collaborate with Russian spies, unless we want to be accused of treason. Adding: If this story is true, we d have one of them if not both of them in custody by now, and we d be asking them a lot of questions This is unacceptable. This borders on treason, if it is not itself treason. The punishment for treason is: Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States. It is absolutely one of the worst crimes, if not the worst crime, one can commit against one s nation. If true, it also shows that Trump s presidential campaign absolutely did collude with Russia in the months leading up to the 2016 election.Here s Painter on MSNBC: Bush 43 WH ethics lawyer on NYT story/Donald Trump Jr. and Kushner meeting with Russian lawyer: This borders on treason via @MSNBC pic.twitter.com/Ceu5xLYgnB Bradd Jaffy (@BraddJaffy) July 9, 2017Featured Photo by Getty Images
July 9, 2017
Stephen King Says What We’re All Thinking About Trump And It Instantly Goes Viral
It can easily be said that Donald Trump is not the most honest person in the world. In fact, he s made a career out of being a conman. From scamming businesses in real estate ventures to hosting a reality television show to his most recent and brutal scam getting people to think he s actually qualified to be *president (he s not).Even Trump trying to get folks to believe that the news is fake is more proof that he s a conman. You see, if the news reports on everything he is doing wrong, people will stop believing him, and he can t have that. So, what does he do? Make the phrase fake news! popular.Hitting back on Trump s attack on the free press was none other than legendary author Stephen King, and he says what we re all thinking when it comes to Trump.King kept it short, brutal and directly to the point. He wrote: The news is real. The president is fake. The news is real. The president is fake. Stephen King (@StephenKing) July 9, 2017And he s absolutely right. Trump wants you to think the news is fake and for you to believe him because then you won t notice how horrible of a *president he is. But not only that, you won t notice all the investigations that surround the fact that he may not even be the legitimate winner of the 2016 election.Trump is a conman. Conmen lie. So, to reiterate King s point, The news is real. The president is fake. (*pending investigations into Russian meddling in the 2016 election)Featured Photo by Getty Images
July 9, 2017
GOP Senator Boldly Defies McConnell, Vows To Be The One To Kill Trumpcare
The GOP healthcare bill that would literally kill bunches of Americans is thankfully circling the drain. We haven t won the war on the GOP s cruel massive tax cut for the rich healthcare bill yet, but we re well on our way. Now, with more than enough Republican senators defying Donald Trump and Mitch McConnell, we re almost there. Also, we ve found a strong and outspoken potential ally in this fight: Senator Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.VA.). Speaking with Politico on Sunday, Senator Capito said: I only see it through the lens of a vulnerable population who needs help, who I care about very deeply. So that gives me strength. If I have to be that one person, I will be it. In these partisan times, this is an especially bold statement to make. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is known for putting a massive amount of pressure on his members to do what he wants even if it violates their conscience or harms their constituents. This bill definitely does that, as it will kick about 22 million people off of their healthcare if it becomes law, according to the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office. This would be an especially devastating for Senator Capito s state, because West Virginia is one of the states that is suffering the most from the nation s sweeping and deadly opioid crisis.That s to say nothing of the fact that people with disabilities who get their much-needed care through Medicaid would be relegated to institutions and nursing homes. One severely disabled man and his mother went on MSNBC s The Last Word with Lawrence O Donnell and told guest host Ari Melber just how devastating Trumpcare would be to their lives.Grow a heart and a spine, GOP, and say no to Mitch McConnell and Donald Trump s deadly bill. Did you really go to the United States Senate to make sure the people you are supposed to represent die? If not, you ll follow Shelley Moore Capito and say no to Trumpcare.Featured image via Win McNamee/Getty Images
July 9, 2017
Americans Were Asked By A Poll To Pick One Word To Describe Trump, And The Result Will ENRAGE Him
Get ready for Donald Trump to throw the worst temper tantrum of his presidency.When you think of Trump, what s the first word that comes to your mind? That s the question that a new Quinnipiac poll asked Americans.Trump has often bragged that he has the best words, but this poll makes it clear that Americans had the best words to describe him. And they are words that even Trump can understand. Idiot is the top word Americans used to answer the poll, followed by incompetent and liar. Americans also used words such as, asshole, unqualified, ignorant, racist, embarrassment, narcissist, bully, arrogant, dishonest, bigot, buffoon, blowhard, clown, and greedy, just to list a few.Adding insult to injury, Trump s approval rating reached a new low in the poll. Only 36 percent approve while 58 percent disapprove.In addition, 61 percent say Trump is not honest and 56 percent say he does not have good leadership skills.The poll also shows that Americans overwhelmingly disapprove of the way Trump talks about the media 65 percent to 31 percent. Most, 57 percent, also trust the media more than him to tell the truth, a statistic that will likely send Trump off the deep end.Americans also want Democrats to take back control of the Senate.Overall, it s pretty damn clear that the American people loathe Trump. And even though Trump will try to spin the numbers or use Fox News propaganda to dispute them, assistant director of the Quinnipiac University Poll Tim Malloy says Trump really is out of excuses at this point. There is no way to spin or sugarcoat these sagging numbers, Malloy said.And this poll was taken long before Trump s embarrassing overseas trip to Poland and the G-20 Summit in Germany, where Trump kissed Putin s ass for two hours and offered to let Russia work on American cyber security despite the fact that Russia has been launching cyber attacks against our nation.So it s likely Americans would use even more negative words to describe Trump if they could pick again.Trump is going to blow a gasket when he learns of this poll and you can bet the hissy fit will be public for all to see because Trump is thin-skinned, which curiously was not a word Americans thought of for the poll. Maybe they will next time.Featured Image: Isaac Brekken/Getty Images
July 9, 2017
Donald Trump May Have Already Stolen The Next Election
A couple of weeks ago, Donald Trump s voter fraud commission requested that each state provide a list of data on registered voters all to combat phantom voter fraud.Fortunately, the vast majority of states have refused to cooperate at all, and even the handful that has agreed has refused to fully comply with the request, which included names, addresses, birthdays, party affiliation, last four numbers of Social Security numbers and voting history for the last 10 years.Democrats have seen states refusal as a victory, but it s possible that even without the information, Trump and Republicans have won. Voters, concerned about the integrity of their private information, are being scared off and we have proof:In Colorado, one of the states that is complying with part of the commission request, two clerks have seen a significant increase in voters withdrawing their voter registration, Denver s ABC affiliate reported.In Denver, one clerk has seen a 2,150 percent increase in people withdrawing as voters over the past since July 3 compared to the first non-holiday week before.Colorado allows voters to withdraw online or make their information confidential by paying a fee.While there s no indication of party affiliation, and you can be sure that many were, in fact, removing duplicate registrations (it s not illegal to forget to take yourself off a voter registration when you move, but it is illegal to vote twice, which almost never happens) it s not a big leap to assume that Democrats would be far more concerned about the Republican in office than would Republicans.It has gotten to the point where Republicans can only win on a national basis by cheating and they are getting better and better at it every year. In 2016, it s clear that Hillary Clinton would have won if not for voter suppression efforts that targeted the all-too-important swing states.Think Progress reports:Their systematic disenfranchisement was intentional and politically motivated. In the years leading up to 2016, Republican governors and state legislatures implemented new laws restricting when, where, and how people could vote laws that disproportionately harmed students, the poor, and people of color. In several instances, lawmakers pushing such policies said explicitly that their goal was suppression of voters who favor the Democratic Party.Three such states serve as case studies for the effectiveness of these voting restrictions: Wisconsin, North Carolina, and Florida.All three elected staunchly conservative governors during President Obama s terms. All three implemented voting restrictions that affect millions of people. President Obama won all three states in 2008, and won all but North Carolina in 2012, while Hillary Clinton lost all three of those states this year.Colorado is also a swing state. Hillary Clinton won in 2016, but by a fairly slim margin. State races are even tighter. It wouldn t take a lot of voters dropping out to sway the next election. It may have already been done.Featured image via Mark Wilson/Getty Images
July 9, 2017
Donald Trump Tweets He Is Ready To Hand Putin The Keys To Our Electoral System
Donald Trump tweeted Sunday morning about his visit with Russian President Vladimir Putin. While most were his standard complaining about the media and trying to bolster his controversial meeting with the Russian strongman, one, in particular, stood out. According to Trump, he s ready to partner, yes, partner, in cyber security. No, that s not a joke.I strongly pressed President Putin twice about Russian meddling in our election. He vehemently denied it. I ve already given my opinion .. Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 9, 2017Um, sure. We negotiated a ceasefire in parts of Syria which will save lives. Now it is time to move forward in working constructively with Russia! Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 9, 2017The most notable tweet, though, was this one, which essentially said he s giving the fox the key to the hen house:Putin & I discussed forming an impenetrable Cyber Security unit so that election hacking, & many other negative things, will be guarded.. Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 9, 2017And then more deflection: and safe. Questions were asked about why the CIA & FBI had to ask the DNC 13 times for their SERVER, and were rejected, still don t . Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 9, 2017 have it. Fake News said 17 intel agencies when actually 4 (had to apologize). Why did Obama do NOTHING when he had info before election? Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 9, 2017The irony of partnering with Putin on securing the electoral system he s accused of hacking hasn t even escaped some Republicans. Sen. Marco Rubio is raising alarms:While reality & pragmatism requires that we engage Vladimir Putin, he will never be a trusted ally or a reliable constructive partner. 1/3 Marco Rubio (@marcorubio) July 9, 2017Partnering with Putin on a Cyber Security Unit is akin to partnering with Assad on a Chemical Weapons Unit . 2/3 Marco Rubio (@marcorubio) July 9, 2017We have no quarrel with Russia or the Russian people. Problem is with Putin & his oppression, war crimes & interference in our elections 1/3 Marco Rubio (@marcorubio) July 9, 2017GOP Rep. Mike Gallagher agrees:Coordinating w/ Russia also risks glossing over serious US concerns re: Russian behavior, such as Ukraine invasion & cyber aggression. 6/10 Rep. Mike Gallagher (@RepGallagher) July 9, 2017John McCain handled with snark:During an interview on CBS s Face The Nation, McCain was asked about President Trump s earlier tweet in which the president said he talked with Putin during their meeting about creating an impenetrable Cyber Security unit to guard against election hacking. I m sure that Vladimir Putin could be of enormous assistance in that effort since he is doing the hacking, McCain said, laughing.It is somewhat comforting to know that elections are run by states, not the federal government and they are VERY reluctant to hand over that power. That doesn t mean, though, that Trump isn t going to do everything in his power to assist Putin in taking over our government and our internet.Featured image via Getty Images.
July 9, 2017
Top Intel Dem Rips Trump For Kissing Putin’s A**s: ‘No Art To This Deal’ (TWEETS)
Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) is the Ranking Member of the Intelligence Committee in the House of Representatives. He is also a rising star in the era of Donald Trump, due to his clever, sharp tweets, and open contempt for the man baby president. Every chance Rep. Schiff gets, he appears on cable news shows and even on political comedy shows in order to let the world know how dangerous he thinks Trump is in the White House. Therefore, it comes as absolutely not surprise that Rep. Schiff had much to say about Trump s weak showing when it came to the much-anticipated meeting with Russia s autocratic leader, Vladimir Putin at the G 20 Summit in Hamburg, Germany.Taking to Twitter Saturday night and Sunday morning, Rep. Schiff ripped Trump, who had just tweeted about how he pressed Putin on Russia s election hacking. Schiff s response was brilliant:Putin's claim that @POTUS agreed with him re: hack all but inevitable after Trump himself refused to acknowledge the obvious only day before https://t.co/bLKaKbUidz Adam Schiff (@RepAdamSchiff) July 8, 2017Rep. Schiff then went on to scold Trump for daring to air his hot war with the American intelligence community on foreign soil:No art to this deal: What kind of "tough negotiator" goes into talks undermining his country's own position, as you did attacking US intel? https://t.co/sHTa9mmy2J Adam Schiff (@RepAdamSchiff) July 9, 2017That s the thing Trump might want to bill himself as tough, but he is anything but. He s a Russian stooge, and it s obvious Putin has something big on him. There s that, and he wants to be just like Putin, but never will, because he ll never have the stones to be anything close to that. Further, luckily for the American people, Trump is too stupid to ever turn into an actual dictator. He just plays one on television and in Washington during his wannabe reality show presidency. I love these responses from Rep. Schiff. He really tells it like is. That likely gets under Trump s skin. Further, given his position on the Intelligence Committee, it could very well be Rep. Adam Schiff who ultimately, along with Special Counsel Robert Mueller, takes Trump and his whole administration down. Oh, wouldn t that victory be sweet?Featured image via Steffen Kugler /BPA via Getty Images
July 9, 2017