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int32 0
if the movie succeeds in instilling a wary sense of ` there but for the grace of god , ' it is far too self-conscious to draw you deeply into its world . | 0negative
| 33 |
instead of a hyperbolic beat-charged urban western , it 's an unpretentious , sociologically pointed slice of life . | 1positive
| 194 |
just as moving , uplifting and funny as ever . | 1positive
| 807 |
intriguing documentary which is emotionally diluted by focusing on the story 's least interesting subject . | 1positive
| 464 |
should have been someone else - | 0negative
| 431 |
there 's a wickedly subversive bent to the best parts of birthday girl . | 1positive
| 841 |
one from the heart . | 1positive
| 744 |
( a ) shapeless blob of desperate entertainment . | 0negative
| 681 |
manages to be both repulsively sadistic and mundane . | 0negative
| 58 |
very bad . | 0negative
| 652 |
based on a devilishly witty script by heather mcgowan and niels mueller , the film gets great laughs , but never at the expense of its characters | 1positive
| 788 |
this is n't even madonna 's swept away . | 0negative
| 734 |
the most compelling wiseman epic of recent years . | 1positive
| 541 |
holm ... embodies the character with an effortlessly regal charisma . | 1positive
| 43 |
the very definition of the ` small ' movie , but it is a good stepping stone for director sprecher . | 1positive
| 261 |
despite its title , punch-drunk love is never heavy-handed . | 1positive
| 398 |
the film 's few ideas are stretched to the point of evaporation ; the whole central section is one big chase that seems to have no goal and no urgency . | 0negative
| 649 |
nonsensical , dull `` cyber-horror '' flick is a grim , hollow exercise in flat scares and bad acting . | 0negative
| 598 |
blanchett 's performance confirms her power once again . | 1positive
| 252 |
very psychoanalytical -- provocatively so -- and also refreshingly literary . | 1positive
| 784 |
it 's another video movie photographed like a film , with the bad lighting that 's often written off as indie film naturalism . | 0negative
| 661 |
there 's no emotional pulse to solaris . | 0negative
| 542 |
but it 's too long and too convoluted and it ends in a muddle . | 0negative
| 556 |
this time mr. burns is trying something in the martin scorsese street-realist mode , but his self-regarding sentimentality trips him up again . | 0negative
| 213 |
the lion king was a roaring success when it was released eight years ago , but on imax it seems better , not just bigger . | 1positive
| 433 |
a movie that reminds us of just how exciting and satisfying the fantasy cinema can be when it 's approached with imagination and flair . | 1positive
| 125 |
while undisputed is n't exactly a high , it is a gripping , tidy little movie that takes mr. hill higher than he 's been in a while . | 1positive
| 480 |
whether you like rap music or loathe it , you ca n't deny either the tragic loss of two young men in the prime of their talent or the power of this movie . | 1positive
| 235 |
it 's so good that its relentless , polished wit can withstand not only inept school productions , but even oliver parker 's movie adaptation . | 1positive
| 280 |
the heavy-handed film is almost laughable as a consequence . | 0negative
| 153 |
but the power of these ( subjects ) is obscured by the majority of the film that shows a stationary camera on a subject that could be mistaken for giving a public oration , rather than contributing to a film 's narrative . | 0negative
| 804 |
plays like a volatile and overlong w magazine fashion spread . | 0negative
| 516 |
the characters are interesting and often very creatively constructed from figure to backstory . | 1positive
| 468 |
involves two mysteries -- one it gives away and the other featuring such badly drawn characters that its outcome hardly matters . | 0negative
| 476 |
the movie is what happens when you blow up small potatoes to 10 times their natural size , and it ai n't pretty . | 0negative
| 374 |
it 's made with deftly unsettling genre flair . | 1positive
| 831 |
the action switches between past and present , but the material link is too tenuous to anchor the emotional connections that purport to span a 125-year divide . | 0negative
| 26 |
no way i can believe this load of junk . | 0negative
| 343 |
it made me want to wrench my eyes out of my head and toss them at the screen . | 0negative
| 178 |
it 's as if you 're watching a movie that was made in 1978 but not released then because it was so weak , and it has been unearthed and released now , when it has become even weaker . | 0negative
| 789 |
minority report is exactly what the title indicates , a report . | 1positive
| 273 |
a hamfisted romantic comedy that makes our girl the hapless facilitator of an extended cheap shot across the mason-dixon line . | 0negative
| 584 |
in a way , the film feels like a breath of fresh air , but only to those that allow it in . | 1positive
| 856 |
here 's yet another studio horror franchise mucking up its storyline with glitches casual fans could correct in their sleep . | 0negative
| 552 |
this movie seems to have been written using mad-libs . | 0negative
| 229 |
for movie lovers as well as opera lovers , tosca is a real treat . | 1positive
| 353 |
zaidan 's script has barely enough plot to string the stunts together and not quite enough characterization to keep the faces straight . | 0negative
| 592 |
a better title , for all concerned , might be swept under the rug . | 0negative
| 842 |
if there 's one thing this world needs less of , it 's movies about college that are written and directed by people who could n't pass an entrance exam . | 0negative
| 759 |
the band 's courage in the face of official repression is inspiring , especially for aging hippies ( this one included ) . | 1positive
| 84 |
a broad , melodramatic estrogen opera that 's pretty toxic in its own right . | 0negative
| 574 |
this is a train wreck of an action film -- a stupefying attempt by the filmmakers to force-feed james bond into the mindless xxx mold and throw 40 years of cinematic history down the toilet in favor of bright flashes and loud bangs . | 0negative
| 79 |
not since freddy got fingered has a major release been so painful to sit through . | 0negative
| 373 |
one of the best films of the year with its exploration of the obstacles to happiness faced by five contemporary individuals ... a psychological masterpiece . | 1positive
| 557 |
a subtle and well-crafted ( for the most part ) chiller . | 1positive
| 47 |
slapstick buffoonery can tickle many a preschooler 's fancy , but when it costs a family of four about $ 40 to see a film in theaters , why spend money on a dog like this when you can rent a pedigree instead ? | 0negative
| 163 |
because of an unnecessary and clumsy last scene , ` swimfan ' left me with a very bad feeling . | 0negative
| 693 |
something like scrubbing the toilet . | 0negative
| 756 |
if your taste runs to ` difficult ' films you absolutely ca n't miss it . | 1positive
| 589 |
puts a human face on a land most westerners are unfamiliar with . | 1positive
| 605 |
while there 's something intrinsically funny about sir anthony hopkins saying ` get in the car , bitch , ' this jerry bruckheimer production has little else to offer | 1positive
| 282 |
it 's not original , and , robbed of the element of surprise , it does n't have any huge laughs in its story of irresponsible cops who love to play pranks . | 0negative
| 797 |
`` the time machine '' is a movie that has no interest in itself . | 0negative
| 258 |
the movie has an infectious exuberance that will engage anyone with a passing interest in the skate/surf culture , the l.a. beach scene and the imaginative ( and sometimes illegal ) ways kids can make a playground out of the refuse of adults . | 1positive
| 438 |
uncommonly stylish but equally silly ... the picture fails to generate much suspense , nor does it ask searching enough questions to justify its pretensions . | 0negative
| 160 |
a string of rehashed sight gags based in insipid vulgarity . | 0negative
| 74 |
a strangely compelling and brilliantly acted psychological drama . | 1positive
| 817 |
griffiths proves she 's that rare luminary who continually raises the standard of her profession . | 1positive
| 806 |
despite the evocative aesthetics evincing the hollow state of modern love life , the film never percolates beyond a monotonous whine . | 0negative
| 845 |
the format gets used best ... to capture the dizzying heights achieved by motocross and bmx riders , whose balletic hotdogging occasionally ends in bone-crushing screwups . | 1positive
| 200 |
reggio 's continual visual barrage is absorbing as well as thought-provoking . | 1positive
| 470 |
( serry ) wants to blend politics and drama , an admirable ambition . | 1positive
| 853 |
and when you 're talking about a slapstick comedy , that 's a pretty big problem . | 0negative
| 748 |
looking aristocratic , luminous yet careworn in jane hamilton 's exemplary costumes , rampling gives a performance that could not be improved upon . ' | 1positive
| 871 |
it provides the grand , intelligent entertainment of a superior cast playing smart people amid a compelling plot . | 1positive
| 129 |
for all the writhing and wailing , tears , rage and opium overdoses , there 's no sense of actual passion being washed away in love 's dissolution . | 0negative
| 854 |
at a time when half the so-called real movies are little more than live-action cartoons , it 's refreshing to see a cartoon that knows what it is , and knows the form 's history . | 1positive
| 293 |
jones ... does offer a brutal form of charisma . | 1positive
| 295 |
affleck and jackson are good sparring partners . | 1positive
| 234 |
bad . | 0negative
| 203 |
i am sorry that i was unable to get the full brunt of the comedy . | 0negative
| 423 |
every nanosecond of the the new guy reminds you that you could be doing something else far more pleasurable . | 0negative
| 118 |
... a boring parade of talking heads and technical gibberish that will do little to advance the linux cause . | 0negative
| 337 |
highbrow self-appointed guardians of culture need not apply , but those who loved cool as ice have at last found a worthy follow-up . | 1positive
| 608 |
the story and structure are well-honed . | 1positive
| 306 |
candid and comfortable ; a film that deftly balances action and reflection as it lets you grasp and feel the passion others have for their work . | 1positive
| 825 |
characters still need to function according to some set of believable and comprehensible impulses , no matter how many drugs they do or how much artistic license avary employs . | 0negative
| 166 |
the best revenge may just be living well because this film , unlike other dumas adaptations , is far more likened to a treasure than a lengthy jail sentence . | 1positive
| 215 |
with tightly organized efficiency , numerous flashbacks and a constant edge of tension , miller 's film is one of 2002 's involvingly adult surprises . | 1positive
| 381 |
for anyone unfamiliar with pentacostal practices in general and theatrical phenomenon of hell houses in particular , it 's an eye-opener . | 1positive
| 532 |
so devoid of any kind of intelligible story that it makes films like xxx and collateral damage seem like thoughtful treatises | 0negative
| 54 |
a grimly competent and stolid and earnest military courtroom drama . | 1positive
| 780 |
it has all the excitement of eating oatmeal . | 0negative
| 527 |
director of photography benoit delhomme shot the movie in delicious colors , and the costumes and sets are grand . | 1positive
| 708 |
it 's fun lite . | 1positive
| 792 |
it 's fascinating to see how bettany and mcdowell play off each other . | 1positive
| 855 |
a smart , witty follow-up . | 1positive
| 658 |
portentous and pretentious , the weight of water is appropriately titled , given the heavy-handedness of it drama . | 0negative
| 365 |
with its dogged hollywood naturalism and the inexorable passage of its characters toward sainthood , windtalkers is nothing but a sticky-sweet soap . | 0negative
| 446 |
nothing is sacred in this gut-buster . | 0negative
| 377 |
Subsets and Splits