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int32 0
a quiet treasure -- a film to be savored . | 1positive
| 826 |
moretti 's compelling anatomy of grief and the difficult process of adapting to loss . | 0negative
| 519 |
a lackluster , unessential sequel to the classic disney adaptation of j.m. barrie 's peter pan . | 0negative
| 653 |
collateral damage finally delivers the goods for schwarzenegger fans . | 1positive
| 834 |
a simple , but gritty and well-acted ensemble drama that encompasses a potent metaphor for a country still dealing with its fascist past . | 1positive
| 537 |
vera 's technical prowess ends up selling his film short ; he smoothes over hard truths even as he uncovers them . | 0negative
| 604 |
( d ) oes n't bother being as cloying or preachy as equivalent evangelical christian movies -- maybe the filmmakers know that the likely audience will already be among the faithful . | 1positive
| 358 |
at once half-baked and overheated . | 0negative
| 781 |
it 's dumb , but more importantly , it 's just not scary . | 0negative
| 489 |
i 'd have to say the star and director are the big problems here . | 0negative
| 233 |
it 's great escapist fun that recreates a place and time that will never happen again . | 1positive
| 109 |
this is a good script , good dialogue , funny even for adults . | 1positive
| 810 |
the movie 's accumulated force still feels like an ugly knot tightening in your stomach . | 0negative
| 412 |
even with a green mohawk and a sheet of fire-red flame tattoos covering his shoulder , however , kilmer seems to be posing , rather than acting . | 0negative
| 291 |
it 's a bad thing when a movie has about as much substance as its end credits blooper reel . | 0negative
| 181 |
director uwe boll and the actors provide scant reason to care in this crude '70s throwback . | 0negative
| 587 |
velocity represents everything wrong with '' independent film '' as a commodified , sold-out concept on the american filmmaking scene . | 0negative
| 727 |
outer-space buffs might love this film , but others will find its pleasures intermittent . | 0negative
| 405 |
... plays like somebody spliced random moments of a chris rock routine into what is otherwise a cliche-riddled but self-serious spy thriller . | 0negative
| 391 |
may reawaken discussion of the kennedy assassination but this fictional film looks made for cable rather than for the big screen . | 0negative
| 165 |
oh come on . | 0negative
| 449 |
this film seems thirsty for reflection , itself taking on adolescent qualities . | 0negative
| 801 |
this is not the undisputed worst boxing movie ever , but it 's certainly not a champion - the big loser is the audience . | 0negative
| 209 |
the film may appear naked in its narrative form ... but it goes deeper than that , to fundamental choices that include the complexity of the catholic doctrine | 1positive
| 401 |
thanks to haynes ' absolute control of the film 's mood , and buoyed by three terrific performances , far from heaven actually pulls off this stylistic juggling act . | 1positive
| 473 |
the volatile dynamics of female friendship is the subject of this unhurried , low-key film that is so off-hollywood that it seems positively french in its rhythms and resonance . | 1positive
| 149 |
it 's too self-important and plodding to be funny , and too clipped and abbreviated to be an epic . | 0negative
| 836 |
for all its impressive craftsmanship , and despite an overbearing series of third-act crescendos , lily chou-chou never really builds up a head of emotional steam . | 0negative
| 70 |
no one but a convict guilty of some truly heinous crime should have to sit through the master of disguise . | 0negative
| 255 |
( w ) hile long on amiable monkeys and worthy environmentalism , jane goodall 's wild chimpanzees is short on the thrills the oversize medium demands . | 0negative
| 37 |
beautifully observed , miraculously unsentimental comedy-drama . | 1positive
| 428 |
does little more than play an innocuous game of fill-in - the-blanks with a tragic past . | 0negative
| 566 |
hit and miss as far as the comedy goes and a big ole ' miss in the way of story . | 0negative
| 318 |
it will grip even viewers who are n't interested in rap , as it cuts to the heart of american society in an unnerving way . | 1positive
| 663 |
that 's pure pr hype . | 0negative
| 322 |
exciting and direct , with ghost imagery that shows just enough to keep us on our toes . | 1positive
| 821 |
the movie , directed by mick jackson , leaves no cliche unturned , from the predictable plot to the characters straight out of central casting . | 0negative
| 827 |
by getting myself wrapped up in the visuals and eccentricities of many of the characters , i found myself confused when it came time to get to the heart of the movie . | 0negative
| 158 |
this riveting world war ii moral suspense story deals with the shadow side of american culture : racial prejudice in its ugly and diverse forms . | 0negative
| 95 |
just one bad idea after another . | 0negative
| 348 |
( e ) ventually , every idea in this film is flushed down the latrine of heroism . | 0negative
| 487 |
bleakly funny , its characters all the more touching for refusing to pity or memorialize themselves . | 1positive
| 175 |
it deserves to be seen by anyone with even a passing interest in the events shaping the world beyond their own horizons . | 1positive
| 341 |
sit through this one , and you wo n't need a magic watch to stop time ; your dvd player will do it for you . | 0negative
| 695 |
pacino is brilliant as the sleep-deprived dormer , his increasing weariness as much existential as it is physical . | 1positive
| 186 |
this nickleby thing might have more homosexual undertones than an eddie murphy film . | 0negative
| 802 |
chilling , well-acted , and finely directed : david jacobson 's dahmer . | 1positive
| 263 |
i do n't mind having my heartstrings pulled , but do n't treat me like a fool . | 0negative
| 411 |
taylor appears to have blown his entire budget on soundtrack rights and had nothing left over for jokes . | 0negative
| 257 |
even the finest chef ca n't make a hotdog into anything more than a hotdog , and robert de niro ca n't make this movie anything more than a trashy cop buddy comedy . | 0negative
| 701 |
awesome creatures , breathtaking scenery , and epic battle scenes add up to another ` spectacular spectacle . ' | 1positive
| 316 |
the film tries too hard to be funny and tries too hard to be hip . | 0negative
| 251 |
it has the charm of the original american road movies , feasting on the gorgeous , ramshackle landscape of the filmmaker 's motherland . | 1positive
| 820 |
professionally speaking , it 's tempting to jump ship in january to avoid ridiculous schlock like this shoddy suspense thriller . | 0negative
| 600 |
crackerjack entertainment -- nonstop romance , music , suspense and action . | 1positive
| 506 |
there is nothing outstanding about this film , but it is good enough and will likely be appreciated most by sailors and folks who know their way around a submarine . | 1positive
| 78 |
despite the 2-d animation , the wild thornberrys movie makes for a surprisingly cinematic experience . | 1positive
| 240 |
to call the other side of heaven `` appalling '' would be to underestimate just how dangerous entertainments like it can be . | 0negative
| 376 |
perceptive in its vision of nascent industrialized world politics as a new art form , but far too clunky , didactic and saddled with scenes that seem simply an ill fit for this movie . | 0negative
| 214 |
a coarse and stupid gross-out . | 0negative
| 549 |
the continued good chemistry between carmen and juni is what keeps this slightly disappointing sequel going , with enough amusing banter -- blessedly curse-free -- to keep both kids and parents entertained . | 1positive
| 418 |
a compelling spanish film about the withering effects of jealousy in the life of a young monarch whose sexual passion for her husband becomes an obsession . | 1positive
| 768 |
dense with characters and contains some thrilling moments . | 1positive
| 270 |
we root for ( clara and paul ) , even like them , though perhaps it 's an emotion closer to pity . | 1positive
| 13 |
an exquisitely crafted and acted tale . | 1positive
| 492 |
not exactly the bees knees | 0negative
| 161 |
an overemphatic , would-be wacky , ultimately tedious sex farce . | 0negative
| 392 |
the movie understands like few others how the depth and breadth of emotional intimacy give the physical act all of its meaning and most of its pleasure . | 1positive
| 216 |
smart , provocative and blisteringly funny . | 1positive
| 207 |
makes for a pretty unpleasant viewing experience . | 0negative
| 606 |
hilariously inept and ridiculous . | 1positive
| 112 |
the minor figures surrounding ( bobby ) ... form a gritty urban mosaic . | 1positive
| 507 |
... the movie is just a plain old monster . | 0negative
| 18 |
and if you 're not nearly moved to tears by a couple of scenes , you 've got ice water in your veins . | 1positive
| 665 |
a romantic comedy enriched by a sharp eye for manners and mores . | 1positive
| 523 |
it takes talent to make a lifeless movie about the most heinous man who ever lived . | 0negative
| 157 |
falls neatly into the category of good stupid fun . | 1positive
| 205 |
with the exception of some fleetingly amusing improvisations by cedric the entertainer as perry 's boss , there is n't a redeeming moment here . | 0negative
| 335 |
featuring a dangerously seductive performance from the great daniel auteuil , `` sade '' covers the same period as kaufmann 's `` quills '' with more unsettlingly realistic results . | 1positive
| 458 |
corny , schmaltzy and predictable , but still manages to be kind of heartwarming , nonetheless . | 1positive
| 223 |
enormously entertaining for moviegoers of any age . | 1positive
| 808 |
just not campy enough | 0negative
| 578 |
comes off like a rejected abc afterschool special , freshened up by the dunce of a screenwriting 101 class . | 0negative
| 521 |
as a first-time director , paxton has tapped something in himself as an actor that provides frailty with its dark soul . | 1positive
| 362 |
the movie is dawn of the dead crossed with john carpenter 's ghosts of mars , with zombies not as ghoulish as the first and trains not as big as the second . | 0negative
| 819 |
the vivid lead performances sustain interest and empathy , but the journey is far more interesting than the final destination . | 1positive
| 510 |
passable entertainment , but it 's the kind of motion picture that wo n't make much of a splash when it 's released , and will not be remembered long afterwards . | 0negative
| 571 |
more whiny downer than corruscating commentary . | 0negative
| 407 |
less dizzying than just dizzy , the jaunt is practically over before it begins . | 0negative
| 710 |
it 's slow -- very , very slow . | 0negative
| 4 |
byler reveals his characters in a way that intrigues and even fascinates us , and he never reduces the situation to simple melodrama . | 1positive
| 94 |
do n't be fooled by the impressive cast list - eye see you is pure junk . | 0negative
| 560 |
funny but perilously slight . | 1positive
| 481 |
unlike the speedy wham-bam effect of most hollywood offerings , character development -- and more importantly , character empathy -- is at the heart of italian for beginners . | 1positive
| 499 |
a painfully funny ode to bad behavior . | 1positive
| 323 |
if steven soderbergh 's ` solaris ' is a failure it is a glorious failure . | 1positive
| 93 |
people cinema at its finest . | 1positive
| 746 |
jose campanella delivers a loosely autobiographical story brushed with sentimentality but brimming with gentle humor , bittersweet pathos , and lyric moments that linger like snapshots of memory . | 1positive
| 740 |
thekids will probably stay amused at the kaleidoscope of big , colorful characters . | 1positive
| 389 |
it 's worth seeing just on the basis of the wisdom , and at times , the startling optimism , of the children . | 1positive
| 397 |
Subsets and Splits