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[House Hearing, 109 Congress] |
[From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] |
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before the |
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APRIL 7, 2005 |
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Serial No. 109-13 |
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Printed for the use of the Committee on Government Reform |
Available via the World Wide Web: http://www.gpo.gov/congress/house |
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20-562 WASHINGTON : 2005 |
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TOM DAVIS, Virginia, Chairman |
CHRISTOPHER SHAYS, Connecticut HENRY A. WAXMAN, California |
DAN BURTON, Indiana TOM LANTOS, California |
JOHN L. MICA, Florida PAUL E. KANJORSKI, Pennsylvania |
TODD RUSSELL PLATTS, Pennsylvania DANNY K. DAVIS, Illinois |
JOHN J. DUNCAN, Jr., Tennessee DIANE E. WATSON, California |
CANDICE S. MILLER, Michigan STEPHEN F. LYNCH, Massachusetts |
DARRELL E. ISSA, California LINDA T. SANCHEZ, California |
LYNN A. WESTMORELAND, Georgia Columbia |
PATRICK T. McHENRY, North Carolina ------ |
CHARLES W. DENT, Pennsylvania BERNARD SANDERS, Vermont |
VIRGINIA FOXX, North Carolina (Independent) |
------ ------ |
Melissa Wojciak, Staff Director |
David Marin, Deputy Staff Director/Communications Director |
Rob Borden, Parliamentarian |
Teresa Austin, Chief Clerk |
Phil Barnett, Minority Chief of Staff/Chief Counsel |
C O N T E N T S |
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Page |
Hearing held on April 7, 2005.................................... 1 |
Statement of: |
Crandlemire, Bruce N., Assistant Inspector General for Audit, |
U.S. Agency for International Development; John Streufert, |
Acting Chief Information Officer, U.S. Agency for |
International Development, accompanied by Mark Norman, |
USAID OIG; Melinda Dempsey, USAID OIG; Philip M. Heneghan, |
USAID; Frank Deffer, Assistant Inspector General for |
Information Technology, U.S. Department of Homeland |
Security; Steve Cooper, Chief Information Officer, U.S. |
Department of Homeland Security, accompanied by Edward G. |
Coleman, DHS OIG; Ted Alves, Assistant Inspector General |
for IT and Financial Management, U.S. Department of |
Transportation; Daniel Matthews, Chief Information Officer, |
U.S. Department of Transportation, accompanied by Rebecca |
Leng, DOT OIG; Ed Densmore, DOT OIG; Nate Custer, DOT OIG; |
Vicki Lord, DOT OCIO; and Dr. Dan Mehan, CIO, FAA.......... 71 |
Alves, Ted............................................... 105 |
Cooper, Steve............................................ 99 |
Crandlemire, Bruce N..................................... 71 |
Deffer, Frank............................................ 89 |
Matthews, Daniel......................................... 124 |
Streufert, John.......................................... 79 |
Wilshusen, Greg, Director, Information Security Issues, U.S. |
Government Accountability Office; and Karen S. Evans, |
Administrator, Office of E-Government and Information |
Technology, U.S. Office of Management and Budget........... 22 |
Evans, Karen S........................................... 52 |
Wilshusen, Greg.......................................... 22 |
Letters, statements, etc., submitted for the record by: |
Alves, Ted, Assistant Inspector General for IT and Financial |
Management, U.S. Department of Transportation, prepared |
statement of............................................... 107 |
Cooper, Steve, Chief Information Officer, U.S. Department of |
Homeland Security, prepared statement of................... 102 |
Crandlemire, Bruce N., Assistant Inspector General for Audit, |
U.S. Agency for International Development, prepared |
statement of............................................... 74 |
Cummings, Hon. Elijah E., a Representative in Congress from |
the State of Maryland, prepared statement of............... 17 |
Davis, Chairman Tom, a Representative in Congress from the |
State of Virginia, prepared statement of................... 4 |
Deffer, Frank, Assistant Inspector General for Information |
Technology, U.S. Department of Homeland Security, prepared |
statement of............................................... 91 |
Evans, Karen S., Administrator, Office of E-Government and |
Information Technology, U.S. Office of Management and |
Budget, prepared statement of.............................. 54 |
Matthews, Daniel, Chief Information Officer, U.S. Department |
of Transportation, prepared statement of................... 126 |
Ruppersberger, Hon. C.A. Dutch, a Representative in Congress |
from the State of Maryland, prepared statement of.......... 12 |
Streufert, John, Acting Chief Information Officer, U.S. |
Agency for International Development, prepared statement of 81 |
Wilshusen, Greg, Director, Information Security Issues, U.S. |
Government Accountability Office, prepared statement of.... 24 |
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House of Representatives, |
Committee on Government Reform, |
Washington, DC. |
The committee met, pursuant to notice, at 10 a.m., in room |
2154, Rayburn House Office Building, Hon. Tom Davis (chairman |
of the committee) presiding. |
Present: Representatives Davis, Duncan, Cummings, |
Ruppersberger, and Norton. |
Staff present: Ellen Brown, legislative director and senior |
policy counsel; Robert Borden, counsel/parliamentarian; Rob |
White, press secretary; Victoria Proctor, senior professional |
staff member; Jamie Hjort, professional staff member; Chaz |
Phillips, policy counsel; Teresa Austin, chief clerk; Sarah |
D'Orsie, deputy clerk; Kristin Amerling, minority deputy chief |
counsel; Karen Lightfoot, minority communications director/ |
senior policy advisor; Nancy Scola, minority professional staff |
member; Earley Green, minority chief clerk; and Jean Gosa, |
minority assistant clerk. |
Chairman Tom Davis. Good morning. The committee will come |
to order. |
I would like to welcome everyone to today's hearing on |
implementation of FISMA, the Federal Information Security |
Management Act of 2002. |
We rely heavily on information technology and the Internet |
to support our economy, our national security and government |
operations. For instance, e-commerce is more popular than ever; |
Christmas 2004 saw record high consumer demapped on retail Web |
sites. IT systems are used to operate and protect our critical |
infrastructures. And in the Federal Government, electronic |
government initiatives create efficiencies, save taxpayers time |
and money, and help eliminate redundant processes. |
Given the interconnectivity of systems, all it takes is one |
weak link to break the chain. All users, whether they are at |
home or at school or at work, need to understand the impact of |
weak security and the measures that should be taken to prevent |
cyber attacks. |
Everyone must protect his or her cyberspace, and of course, |
that includes the government. Therefore, it is critical that |
the Federal Government adequately protect its systems to ensure |
the continuity of operations, and to maintain public trust. |
This is particularly true of agencies such as the Internal |
Revenue Service, the Social Security Administration and the |
Department of Veterans Affairs that maintain citizens' personal |
information in their systems. Recent failures by the Bank of |
America and Choice Point have focused the spotlight on identity |
theft. Successful FISMA implementation is important because a |
similar event could occur in the government. |
Like the private sector, agencies are not immune to the |
loss of personal information. Threats to government systems |
could result in identity theft and subsequent financial damage |
and frustration, as well as diminished trust in government IT |
capabilities and electronic government programs. |
Every day Federal information systems are subjected to |
probes or attacks from outside sources. Cyber attacks are |
evolving and becoming more sophisticated. Therefore, a |
government information security management program must be |
comprehensive, yet flexible enough to adapt to the changing |
cyber threat environment. It is a matter of good management and |
good business practice, but it is also a matter of national |
security. FISMA provides that structure by requiring that each |
agency create a comprehensive risk-based approach to agency- |
wide information security management. |
OMB performs an important role in the information security |
management process by encouraging agencies to adopt a new |
approach to security. In the past, information security was |
often seen as an afterthought, more of a crisis response than a |
management tool. OMB is helping to alter that perspective. It |
holds the agencies responsible for protecting Federal systems |
through business case evaluations so that agencies can better |
fulfill their missions. OMB requires agencies to address their |
security deficiencies before they are permitted to spend money |
on IT upgrades or new IT projects. |
I support this action because it forces agencies to |
concentrate on security before adding new layers of systems to |
their architecture and potentially complicating their security |
concerns. |
I'm also pleased that OMB has identified a sixth line of |
business, cyber security. Laws like FISMA and the Clinger-Cohen |
amendment require every agency to think about and invest in |
information security. However, each agency does it differently. |
The reason FISMA grades show the Federal Government still has a |
long way to go when it comes to information security. As with |
the other five lines of business, the goal of the cyber |
security line of businesses is to use business principles and |
best practices to identify common solutions for business |
processes and/or technology-based shared services for |
government agencies. The intended result is better, more |
efficient and consistent security across the Federal Government |
for the same amount of dollars, if not less. And at the end of |
the day, it's not how much money you spend, though, it's how |
well you spend it. |
To help us gauge the agencies information security |
progress, FISMA requires the CIOs and IGs to submit reports to |
Congress and OMB. The committee enlists GAO's technical |
assistance to prepare the annual scorecard. This year the |
government made a slight improvement, receiving a D+. The |
overall government score is two points above last year, but |
needless to say, this isn't impressive. Progress is slow. Our |
objective today is to find out how the government can improve, |
and why some agencies can show remarkable improvement while |
others appear to flounder. |
We will hear from the IGs and CIOs of two agencies that |
improved their scores this year, Department of Transportation |
and the U.S. Agency for International Development. We will also |
hear from the IG and the CIO of the Department of Homeland |
Security, a poor performer again this year. I think it is worth |
noting that DHS has cyber security responsibilities for the |
Nation, and must work with the private sector regularly on |
these issues. Given this role, DHS needs to have its house in |
order and should become a security leader among agencies. What |
is holding them up? Well, the DHS witnesses will discuss the |
unique challenges that they face in a large and relatively new |
agency, and what actions they are taking to improve their |
information security, giving us a better understanding of their |
difficulties. |
In addition, we're concerned about how well the CIO and IG |
offices communicate about issues such as their interpretations |
of the OMB reporting requirements. Disagreements on |
interpretation may impact their respective reports and make it |
difficult for us to get an accurate picture of the agency's |
information security progress. This also raises questions about |
the clarity of the guidance, and whether agencies respond to |
OMB about the guidance during the comment period so their |
comments and concerns are adequately addressed in the final |
version. |
We will examine whether the IGs need a standardized |
information security audit framework similar to that used for |
financial management systems. Also, we need to address whether |
agencies need additional guidance, procedures or resources to |
improve their information security and fully comply with FISMA. |
Panel one witnesses from GAO and OMB will focus on |
information security from the government-wide perspective. |
Panel two is comprised of agency representatives and will focus |
on the agency-level perspective on implementation of FISMA. |
We'll hear from the IGs and CIOs at USAID, DHS, and the |
Department of Transportation. GAO will join panel two for the |
question-and-answer period. |
[The prepared statement of Chairman Tom Davis follows:] |
Chairman Tom Davis. I now recognize our distinguished |
ranking member, Mr. Waxman, for his opening statement. |
Mr. Ruppersberger. I'm not Mr. Waxman, I'm a little bit |
larger than Mr. Waxman. |
Chairman Tom Davis. Well, when he comes, we will recognize |
him. In the meantime, we're very pleased to recognize from |
Baltimore City, Mr. Ruppersberger, who I will be happy to |
recognize. |
Mr. Ruppersberger. Well, first, thank you for calling this |
hearing today on OMB's report to Congress on the Federal |
Information Security Management Act. |
According to the report, the U.S. Agency for International |
Development and the Department of Transportation received the |
highest grades of all 24 agencies reviewed. I hope that during |
today's hearing, we will be able to pull out some best |
practicing and tangible suggestions from those agencies as to |
how the other 22 can improve their grades. It is disappointing |
and unacceptable that our government agencies' overall grade is |
a D+, however, I'm encouraged by the few successes that will be |
discussed here today. |
The F grade for the Department of Homeland Security is |
totally unacceptable because of the high stakes involved and |
their mission to protect our national security. Last week, the |
President's Commission on the Intelligence Capabilities of the |
United States issued their report regarding WMDs. In the |
report's postscript the Commission identified security, |
counterintelligence, and information assurance as crucial |
issues in the intelligence community and the Director of |
National Intelligence in the next few years to come. |
The Commission acknowledges that they only scratched the |
surface of the problem, and the Commission recommends early |
action to define new strategies for managing security in the |
21st century, security that includes information assurance, |
which is why we're all here today. |
This recommendation from the Commission will be a |
beneficial step in the process for the Department of Homeland |
Security and other security offices to improve their |
infrastructure security and their information and cyber |
security efforts. |
The good news is that the Justice Department improved the |
most, going from an F last year to a B- this year. Currently, |
as graded, the FBI is evaluated within the overall grade given |
to Justice. Based on the FBI's mission regarding national |
security interests, I believe they should be graded separately |
from the Department of Justice. |
Again, according to the President's Commission, further |
reforms are also necessary in the FBI's information technology |
infrastructure which remains a persistent obstacle for |
successful execution of the FBI's national security mission. |
If we look at the problem as a national security issue in |
addition to a general information security issue, I think we |
will be able to come together to find solutions that will work |
across all agencies. I know there is always a tradeoff between |
the cost of implementing a security measure and the potential |
risks if we do not. I feel that projecting our citizens and the |
government from information security breaches is worth the cost |
that will be incurred to set up appropriate security measures. |
I am concerned about all of these issues, but I think if we get |
past the grades and use this hearing and OMB's report as a |
guide, I think we will be able to quickly improve information |
security government-wide. |
We're here today to point out a problem and to see what we |
can do to fix it. These failing grades are unacceptable. We |
need to learn from those agencies who are doing well so that we |
can improve individual agency's scores and the government-wide |
score. |
Thank you, Mr. Chairman. |
[The prepared statement of Hon. C.A. Dutch Ruppersberger |
follows:] |
Chairman Tom Davis. Thank you very much. I do not see Mr. |
Waxman, even though he is in my script. |
The gentleman from Maryland, any opening statement? |
Mr. Cummings. Yes, thank you very much. |
Mr. Chairman, I, too, thank you for calling this important |
hearing on the effectiveness of the Federal Government's |
ongoing attempt to strengthen the security and reliability of |
its information and information systems. |
Decades ago, the necessity of such a hearing would have |
been questionable as information technology and the Internet |
were not as prevalent nor as indispensable in the Federal |
Government as they are today. In the 21st century, one need not |
look very far to see how ambiguous information technology and |
the Internet have become in the day-to-day operations of the |
Federal Government. Communications now travel as fast and as |
far as the Internet allows. The electronic processing of |
information allows delivery of services to function with |
unprecedented ease and accuracy. The sharing of information |
intergovernmentally and across sectors can permit the Federal |
Government to operate with renewed effectiveness. |
However, with all the advantages that accompany the Federal |
Government's information technology capabilities, there still |
exist critical areas of concern. The terms ``computer virus,'' |
``worm'' and ``hacker'' are now part of the modern day lexicon |
for good reason. Given the sensitivity of personal and |
confidential data found in Federal information systems in |
agencies such as the Internal Revenue Service and the |
Department of Defense, the potential exists for cyber criminal, |
terrorist or foreign nation to wreak havoc. |
The American people are acutely aware that such |
vulnerabilities could not only result in identity theft and a |
loss of privacy, but also endanger our economy and undermine |
our national security. |
Due to these concerns, information security has become a |
top governmental priority. To that end, Congress passed the |
Federal Information Security Management Act [FISMA], in 2002. |
This legislation established a comprehensive framework to |
safeguard the Federal Government's information and information |
systems. |
Agencies are mandated to implement an information security |
program, which includes performing risk assessments, accounting |
for utilized information systems, and developing procedures to |
ensure the accessibility and continuity of information. |
Agencies must also furnish the Office of Management and Budget |
with an annual report on the effectiveness of their program. |
These agency reports form the basis of the Government Reform |
Committee's Federal computer security report card. |
Specifically, the FISMA report for 2004 acknowledges some |
improvements and perennial challenges in this area. |
It states that agencies have made substantial progress in |
the certification and accreditation of systems, the |
incorporation of built-in security costs, the annual testing of |
system controls, the development of contingency plans to ensure |
operational continuity, and the implementation of security |
configuration requirements. This progress is commendable, |
however, given that the 2004 government-wide grade for |
information security is a D+, information technology is too |
early to celebrate. Critically important agencies such as the |
Department of Homeland Security, the Department of Health and |
Human Services and the Department of Veteran Affairs all |
received Fs. |
I would argue no one here would be satisfied if their child |
brought home these grades from school. How can we afford to |
have a lower standard for the Federal Government? The American |
people demand excellence, and Cs, Ds and Fs in securing the |
Federal Government's information just won't do. |
Today's hearing will serve as an avenue to identify what |
needs to occur to assist Federal agencies in realizing the |
goals of FISMA. I hope the witnesses will provide insight to |
help Congress determine whether agencies require additional |
guidance in order to meet FISMA requirements, the |
responsibilities of agency Inspectors General in this process, |
and the need to possibly provide increased flexibility in |
assessing agency compliance with FISMA mandates. |
With that, Mr. Chairman, I again thank you for calling the |
hearing, and I yield back. |
[The prepared statement of Hon. Elijah E. Cummings |
follows:] |
Chairman Tom Davis. Well, thank you very much. |
For our first panel we have Greg Wilshusen, who is the |
Director of Information Security Issues, at the Government |
Accountability Office, who is no stranger to this committee. |
And we have Karen Evans, who is the Administrator of the Office |
of E-Government and Information Technology at the Office of |
Management and Budget. I'm not sure if this is your first time |
in a full committee, you have done a lot in the subcommittee, |
but we welcome you, we're happy to hear from you, and we |
appreciate the job that you are doing. |
You know it is our policy to swear witnesses in, so would |
you rise and raise your right hands. |
[Witnesses sworn.] |
Chairman Tom Davis. Thank you very much. |
Mr. Wilshusen. Mr. Chairman, and members of the committee, |
I am pleased to be here today to discuss Federal efforts to |
implement requirements of the Federal Information Security |
Management Act of 2002 [FISMA]. This act requires each agency |
to develop, document, and implement an agency-wide information |
security program that provides security for the information and |
information systems that support the operations and assets of |
the agency, including those provided and/or managed by another |
agency or contractor. Agency programs are to include eight |
components, such as periodic assessment of risks and periodic |
testing and evaluation of controls. FISMA also requires OMB, |
Federal agencies and Inspectors General [IGs], to report each |
year on efforts to implement these programs. |
Mr. Chairman, my bottom-line message today is that |
continued efforts are needed to sustain progress made by the |
agencies in implementing the requirements of FISMA. |
In my testimony today, I will note areas where agencies |
have made significant progress and those areas where challenges |
remain. In addition, I will discuss opportunities for improving |
the annual FISMA reporting process. |
Our reviews of information security controls at Federal |
agencies have found that significant information security |
weaknesses continue to place a broad array of Federal |
operations and assets at risk of misuse and disruption. As a |
result, we continue to designate Federal information security |
as a government-wide high risk area in our recent update to |
GAO's high-risk series. |
In its fiscal year 2004 report to the Congress, OMB noted |
that the 24 major Federal agencies continued to make |
significant progress in implementing key information security |
requirements. For example, OMB reported that the percentage of |
Federal information systems that have been certified and |
accredited rose 15 points to 77 percent. Systems certification |
and accreditation is a process by which agency officials |
authorize systems to operate. It is to include a security of |
the management, operational and technical security controls in |
the system. |
However, OMB, the agencies, and IGs also reported several |
areas where implementing effective information security |
practices remains a challenge. For example, seven IGs assessed |
the quality of their agency's certification and accreditation |
processes as poor. As a result, agency reported performance |
data may not accurately reflect the status of the agency's |
efforts to implement this requirement. |
As another example, 43 percent of Federal systems did not |
have a tested contingency plan. These plans provide specific |
instructions for restoring critical systems, business |
processes, and information in the event of a disruption of |
service. The testing of contingency plans is essential to |
determine whether the plans will function as intended. Without |
testing, agencies can have only minimal assurance that they |
will be able to recover mission-critical systems and processes |
in the event of an interruption. |
Opportunities exist to improve the annual FISMA reporting |
process. For example, in the absence of an independent |
verification of agency-reported data, having a senior agency |
official attest to the accuracy of data could provide |
additional assurance. |
In addition, performance measurement data do not indicate |
the relevant importance or risk of the systems for which FISMA |
requirements have been met. Reporting performance data by |
system risk would provide better information about whether |
agencies are prioritizing their information security efforts |
according to risk. |
Finally, developing and adopting a commonly accepted |
framework for conducting the annual IG reviews mandated by |
FISMA could help to ensure consistency and usefulness of these |
reviews. |
Mr. Chairman, this concludes my opening statement. I will |
be happy to answer any questions you or the members of the |
committee may have. |
[The prepared statement of Mr. Wilshusen follows:] |
Chairman Tom Davis. Thank you. We do have a number of |
questions. |
Ms. Evans, thanks for being with us. |
Ms. Evans. Good morning, Mr. Chairman, and members of the |
committee. Thank you for inviting me to speak about the status |
of the Federal Government's efforts to safeguard our |
information and systems. |
In March 2005 OMB issued our second annual report on |
implementing the Federal Information Security Management Act |
[FISMA]. We continue to believe FISMA provides a sound |
foundation for improving and maintaining a strong Federal |
information technology security program. In short, FISMA is |
working. Results are apparent. Agencies and Inspectors General |
are becoming more acclimated to its requirements, and new |
technical guidelines from the National Institute of Standards |
and Technology are coming online to promote further progress. |
We see no need at this time to revise it in any significant |
way, in fact, substantial revision could delay additional |
progress. |
Across the Federal Government, most agencies have shown |
substantial progress in improving their information security |
programs. In addition, for the first time agencies reported the |
degree to which they've implemented security configurations for |
operating systems and software applications. We found that all |
agencies have begun developing and implementing security |
configuration policies for at least some of their operating |
systems. |
While progress has been made, deficiencies in agency |
security procedures and practices remain. Two common |
deficiencies noted by the agency's Inspector Generals include |
weaknesses in agency-wide plans of actions and milestones, and |
the lack of quality in some of the agencies' certification and |
accreditation processes. |
In addition, we have identified other areas of concern; |
they include overall inconsistency in agency and government- |
wide FISMA implementation, self and IG evaluations. Potentially |
unnecessary duplication of effort and resources across the |
government, ensuring adequate security of contractor-provided |
services, and a transition to Internet protocol version 6. |
While we believe FISMA itself, along with the implementing |
guidance from OMB, NIST, and the national security authorities |
are sufficiently comprehensive and detailed to address these |
concerns at a policy level. Consistent implementation is |
difficult and requires considerable expertise and resources at |
the agency. |
I would like to answer directly one of the questions asked |
in your invitation letter, whether there is a need for the |
Inspector General auditing framework similar to that used in |
financial audits. We have found the IG's analysis extremely |
valuable in gaining additional insight into the agency's IT |
security programs and operations. Much of the analysis in our |
annual report comes from the IG's findings, but at the same |
time, like agency CIOs and operational program officials, IGs |
have varying capacities in the areas of resource available and |
security expertise. |
And across the IG community, there are differing |
methodologies and perspectives on what comprises a sound |
security program, including the proper way to implement FISMA. |
Therefore, to the extent that an IG framework would promote |
greater consistency, we would support it; but we do note a few |
concerns; first and foremost, we strongly believe that the work |
of the IG should, to the maximum extent practical, be |
integrated with and not separate from agency IT security |
programs; and second, we're concerned with the adoption of a |
strict and specific review requirement for FISMA purposes if |
they would, in any way, limit the essential interaction needed |
between IGs and CIOs. |
In addition to ongoing discussions to promote consistency |
in oversight and reporting, we have asked the IGs to |
participate in the newly formed IT security line of business. |
We expect this line of business will not only lead to a de |
facto IG and CIO reporting framework, but more importantly, a |
stronger Federal Government-wide IT security program. |
While the task force performs its work, OMB will continue |
to use our existing oversight mechanisms to improve agency and |
government-wide IT security performance. Information technology |
security is one of the No. 1 critical components that agencies |
must implement in order to achieve green for the e-government |
initiative of the President's management agenda. If the |
security criteria are not successfully met, agencies cannot |
move forward regardless of their performance against the other |
criteria. |
In conclusion, over the past year agencies have made |
significant progress in closing the Federal Government |
information technology security performance gaps. |
I would like to acknowledge the significant work of the |
agencies and the IGs in conducting the annual reviews and |
evaluations. While notable progress in resolving IT security, |
weaknesses have been made, problems continue, and new threats |
and vulnerabilites continue to materialize. To address these |
challenges OMB will continue to work with the agencies, GAO and |
Congress to promote appropriate risk-based and cost-effective |
IT security programs, policies and procedures to adequately |
secure our operations and assets. But again, we believe FISMA |
is more than adequate in its current form to support all the |
needed improvement efforts. I would be glad to take any |
questions at this time. |
[The prepared statement of Ms. Evans follows:] |
Chairman Tom Davis. Well, thank you both. |
Ms. Evans, what changes or improvements is your office |
proposing for the 2005 FISMA guidance? And do you plan to issue |
new updated guidance regarding your circular A-130? |
Ms. Evans. We are working right now with the IG community |
and NIST, CNSS and GAO to revise the reporting requirements. |
It's going to be similar to last year. We are going to focus |
this year more on performance metrics, and we are we going to |
include a new reporting requirement this year dealing with |
privacy of the information that the agencies are collecting. |
Chairman Tom Davis. Well, some agencies have expressed |
concern that the term ``system'' is not well defined; for |
instance, how should an agency classify a state system that |
contains Federal data? Does OMB plan to address this in the new |
guidance? |
Ms. Evans. The definition of a system--and I want to answer |
this question both from my past experience as an agency CIO, |
and now as the policy official. |
The reason why I believe that we have allowed the |
definition to be the way that it is is that it provides maximum |
flexibility. So as agencies would potentially view this as |
ambiguous, we view it from a policy perspective as giving the |
agencies flexibility that they need to be able to determine and |
analyze what risk is appropriate for assets within their |
control that they have that they are responsible for. |
So there is an ambiguous nature to the definition of |
system, but we look at it as it allows the flexibility for the |
agency to define that so that they can then go forward and |
implement the management policies and procedures they need in |
order to deal with that. |
You could do something very small and say one piece--there |
could be an application on one piece that has enormous risk |
that it would impose if it was connected to a network; you may |
determine that should be called a system, and go through the |
full certification and accreditation for that. And a system |
could be as huge as a network, where the whole department's |
network, that can constitute a system because there are certain |
rules of engagement that you would want to have, rules of |
behavior on that system before you would go forward and allow |
other resources to be connected to it. So we don't necessarily |
want to go down and be so proscriptive in our definitions as to |
restrict the ability of the agency to be able to go forward and |
determine what is the best posture for them. |
Chairman Tom Davis. But you could have agencies defining it |
differently, basically. |
Ms. Evans. They may, and that is why the evaluation that is |
being done by the IG, the independent evaluation coming in, |
looks at how they apply that definition, how they have a |
methodology within their department to see if the thought |
process that they put behind it to determine it is sound to |
address the risk. |
Chairman Tom Davis. OK. Mr. Wilshusen, what do agencies |
have to do to get information security removed from the GAO |
high-risk list? This is, as you know, the list was expanded to |
include cyber security--well, cyber critical infrastructure |
protection. Information security has been on the list since |
1997. Can you briefly discuss what you think needs to be done |
to get this off the high-risk list? |
Mr. Wilshusen. Well, first of all, what they need to do-- |
and where we have consistently found on our review--is to |
implement at each agency an effective agency-wide information |
security program, such as those principles and requirements |
embodied in FISMA. And we have found that many of the agencies |
have not done that. This in turn has allowed and has resulted |
in many of their systems being insecure. |
Chairman Tom Davis. Now why don't they do that? Is it lack |
of money, they've got so many priorities at this point this is |
just one, without additional resources, that they're reluctant |
to do? |
Mr. Wilshusen. It is probably a couple of issues. Certainly |
the emphasis and level of attention since the passage of FISMA |
has helped and has improved both awareness and accountability |
of the highest levels of each of the agencies, and that has |
been a positive thing. But in many cases it's primarily |
management issues, even though security has technical aspects |
to it. Many of the findings and issues that we identify are the |
result of management issues where certain requirements are just |
not being implemented. |
Chairman Tom Davis. OK. Thank you very much. I'm going to |
have some more questions, but Mr. Ruppersberger is going to get |
a turn here. |
Mr. Ruppersberger. Well, after looking at the reports and |
the grades, I see that some agencies have improved. Is there |
any effort to have a departmental roundtable to share best |
practices? I mean, what we are really here for today is to try |
to get us to a level where we are going to be a lot more |
efficient, and we have to find a way to do this. And it seems |
to me, when you have agencies that are doing well and agencies |
that aren't doing well, let's look at it and share information. |
Could either one of you address that issue? |
Ms. Evans. Yes, sir, I would be glad to. |
There is actually two efforts underway. One the chairman |
already noted, which is the cyber security line of business. |
This is an interagency government-wide task force that OMB has |
brought together under the leadership of the Department of |
Homeland Security as well as it is being co-chaired by NSA. And |
what we are doing there is looking at all of the issues. There |
are four particular areas that we are looking at, like |
training, like management practices of framework, those types |
of activities which get to the heart of your question, what is |
working, and what can we take that is working within the |
agencies and move it out government-wide? |
The one thing that when we set up this task force is, |
because of the way FISMA is set up and the way that a cyber |
security program should work, a good IT program should work |
within a department is you still have to look at the risk. Each |
department may have a different level of risk, so you can't |
necessarily think that one size would fit all. But that is what |
the security line of business is looking at. |
Also, on the CIO council, the Department of Justice Vance |
Hitch, is our cyber security liaison; he works very closely |
with our Best Practices Committee on topics, and topics such as |
security have always been on the forefront to bring together |
the appropriate groups so that we can share best practices. And |
then also, there is a newly named forum that we are--the CIO |
council is co-chairing with Congressman Davis' staff, which is |
the Chief Information Security Officers Forum. |
So we are trying to bring it together at multiple levels |
within an organization, and across the government as a whole, |
so that practices can be identified---- |
Mr. Ruppersberger. Let me ask you this question: So much of |
whatever we do in management, managing large organizations, |
whatever, is accountability, and also giving the resources to |
the people that we want to perform the mission. How about the |
issue of maybe a government-wide audit standard? Do you think |
that would help in this situation? It seems that we need a |
standard for all of our agencies. Now we have different |
missions and different areas that we move into. What do you |
think of that issue? |
Ms. Evans. Well, I believe, through the President's |
management agenda, that we have added specific criteria into |
the score card under e-government, so we are holding the |
agencies accountable for their performance. |
Mr. Ruppersberger. But these failing grades are just not |
acceptable. |
Ms. Evans. I believe that the progress and the way that we |
are measuring progress--we have the same goals in mind, both |
the committee as well as the administration. How we are |
measuring progress may be a little bit different based on what |
the rating factors are based on what the committee has. You are |
specifically asking me about an auditing standard, and FISMA |
specifically makes a difference between audit and evaluation. |
And we really think that it's more of an evaluation because |
this really needs to be a collaborative effort within the |
entire department, because as you are talking about it, it is a |
management issue as well. If it turns into an audit situation, |
our concern is is that there won't be as much exchange, that it |
is more an evaluation---- |
Mr. Ruppersberger. That's a good point. I'm near the end of |
my 5 minutes, I want to keep moving down another area. |
I am very concerned about the issue of the failing grade |
with Homeland Security, and I guess it is your turn, Mr. |
Wilshusen. Why do you feel at this point that Department of |
Homeland Security has a failing grade? What can we do to move |
that to another level to get them a lot more proficient in this |
subject matter today? |
Mr. Wilshusen. Well, first of all, Homeland Security does-- |
and I guess you will talk to the CIO and IG on the next panel |
as well, but they have had a number of challenges that they |
need to overcome just in the creation of the department to---- |
Mr. Ruppersberger. No question. |
Mr. Wilshusen. And that has been pretty much a key factor |
in some of the challenges that they face. However, at the same |
time, only just recently have they established key positions |
within that department in terms of having a chief information |
security officer, and they have identified key individuals to |
be responsible for information security. But it will take quite |
a bit of an effort for them to kind of meld different systems |
to make sure there is appropriate accountability, and the |
alignment of the information security program at the department |
level with different operating entities. Right now there is |
apparently quite a bit of autonomy between the two. |
Mr. Ruppersberger. And we can develop that in the next |
panel also, I see my time is up. |
Chairman Tom Davis. Ms. Norton. |
Ms. Norton. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. |
I'm sorry I was detained and I did not hear the entire |
testimony, but what concerns me is the unevenness among the |
agencies. Mr. Ruppersberger asked about homeland security and |
there may be some reason why they haven't gotten most of their |
act together, but some of these agencies you would expect to do |
better, you would expect the Department of State to do better, |
you would expect the Nuclear Regulatory Agency not to go down. |
And I note that the agencies look like they are in charge |
of this entire process. They are required to take the steps to |
do the inventory of their systems. And apparently in the |
survey, 70 percent of them said they wanted greater guidance in |
meeting the requirements. The report cards signify nothing, if |
not the need for greater guidance. I'm wondering if too much of |
this is left to agencies who have no expertise here either in |
choosing consultants in security aspects of computer systems; |
in fact, no agency really does have that expertise. I'm |
wondering if simply saying to the agencies, do this, has been |
sufficient, particularly when they themselves say they want |
greater guidance in meeting the requirements. And I suppose the |
obvious question is, do you agree, and where would such |
guidance come from? Are any steps being taken to offer greater |
guidance, given the rather pathetic reports that are indicated |
in the Federal computer security report card? |
Ms. Evans. First off, what we are trying to do from an |
administration perspective is avoid being very, very |
proscriptive in the policy because what we want to avoid is |
people just going down and cranking through--mechanically |
cranking through and getting checkmarks because you really want |
the practice to be engrained, and we were talking about |
management practices. |
So in order to meet what we are hearing from the agencies |
about additional guidance, we did take that to heart, and that |
is why the cyber security line of business was announced. They |
are looking at very specific areas, and we are bringing in the |
expertise in order to complement the team that has been put |
together government-wide. There will be recommendations that |
come out of that task force, specifically about how to identify |
problems, how to move forward, how to make sure that we have |
consistent and measurable types of statistics, how to do good |
certification and accreditation, and how to achieve the things |
that they are being measured upon, because I do agree with you, |
you just can't say, here are the requirements, go out and do |
it, and not provide the help and assistance that they need, |
especially when they are asking for it. |
So the products that will come out of the cyber security |
line of business we are very hopeful will address the issue of |
giving further guidance, without issuing new policies. |
Ms. Norton. I don't understand what you mean about policy-- |
being proscriptive as to policy. As I understand it, they want |
greater guidance in meeting the requirements and a |
clarification of FISMA's assessment guidelines. I don't see |
where there is policy proscription involved in that. |
Mr. Wilshusen. One of the sources that the agencies can |
look to is NIST. Since FISMA was enacted, it placed |
specifically a responsibility to NIST in preparing and |
providing guidance and requirements to agencies and |
implementing the various aspects of FISMA. Over the last |
several--2 years, NIST has come out with guidance, and indeed |
they are going to be coming out with some additional guidance |
in different areas going forward. |
Ms. Norton. Well, they can look to that, and they could |
have looked to that all along, I take it. |
Mr. Wilshusen. Over the last couple of years they have |
issued new guidance. |
Ms. Norton. Well, all I can say is if the agency--if this |
large percentage of the agencies that is, a super majority say |
we need greater guidance, it does seem to me that whatever is |
in place is insufficient, and that the responsibility of the |
administration centrally is to assure that they get that |
guidance so that these pathetic grades do not come before the |
committee again. |
Thank you very much, Mr. Chairman. |
Chairman Tom Davis. Thank you very much. |
The gentleman from Tennessee. |
Mr. Duncan. Well, thank you, Mr. Chairman. |
I remember when we passed the one agriculture bill, farm |
bill a few years ago, 2 or 3 years ago, the Wall Street Journal |
had an editorial--and the bill was called the Farm Security |
Act--and it said any time we have the word ``security'' in a |
bill, we ought to give it 4 times the scrutiny because they |
were putting the word ``security'' in every bill, and we were |
going to great, great expense, and not getting a lot of bang |
for the buck, so to speak. |
And then I have also read and heard that every computer |
system is obsolete the day it's taken out of the box now |
because the technology is moving so fast. So the concerns I |
have--and I know Governor Gilmore from Virginia, who chaired |
the President's Commission on Security and Terrorism, he said-- |
in his cover letter to the President, he said we must resist |
the urge to try to achieve total and complete computer because |
he said it's not attainable, and if we aren't careful, we will |
drain our resources from other things that are achievable. |
So I guess the two concerns I have is, No. 1, the cost of |
some of these things, because what I read repeatedly, I |
remember the FBI came up with a computer system that we spent |
hundreds of millions on, and then they said it was a disaster |
after we had paid for it. So what do we do on the cost of some |
of these things? Are we looking at those costs and what we are |
getting for our money so we don't just go ridiculously |
overboard? And second, are we settling for a Mercedes instead |
of constantly seeking to get Rolls Royces in regard to these |
systems? |
You've always got these companies that want to sell you |
more and better and newer, and I'm just wondering are we using |
a little common sense in regard to some of these things? |
Mr. Wilshusen. Well, certainly you are absolutely right, |
there is no way to provide absolute assurance that you are |
going to prevent any particular security infractions or |
violations and the like. You can never give 100 percent |
assurance that you are going to be able to thwart all security |
threats. |
What you have to do, and what FISMA requires, is that you |
have a risk-based program and process in which you assess the |
risk to your systems, and then come up with cost-effective |
measures to protect against those particular risks. And |
certainly, that is one of the key underpinnings of any |
information security program is having it based on risk. |
Mr. Duncan. All right. |
Yes, ma'am. |
Ms. Evans. As far as your question about evaluating the |
cost based on the cyber security program, every agency is |
required, as they bring forth their IT investments, to ensure |
that the cyber security aspect, the risk associated with |
implementing that system, is addressed, and the costs are |
included in the cost of that business case coming forward. |
So they have to look at how to secure the system against |
the benefits that they are going to achieve for implementing |
that system to ensure that there is an adequate return on |
investment as they go forward. |
So the business case process does get to your other concern |
about ensuring that cost is being adequately addressed as they |
go forward. |
Mr. Duncan. Well, I just don't want to see us go |
ridiculously overboard on the costs, or in any other direction, |
and have to buy new computer systems at hundreds of millions or |
even billions of dollars worth of cost just because somebody |
comes up with a little better system the next year than we had |
the year before. I mean, we just can't afford to keep doing |
that. And then have us read and hear at hearings and read in |
the paper that systems that some department or agency bought 1 |
year, as soon as it's taken--as soon as it's put on line, it's |
not what it was promised to be. So I just hope you will take |
those considerations--those concerns into consideration. |
Thank you very much, Mr. Chairman. |
Chairman Tom Davis. Thank you very much. Let me do a couple |
of followups. |
The annual scorecard reflects that many of the larger |
agencies have--consistently are poor performers, it may be |
because of the complexity of their system. Has OMB identified a |
trend here? |
Ms. Evans. We have gone through and looked at the issues |
associated with the larger agencies. I think it does get back |
to some of the other high level issues that have been raised by |
the committee themselves, which is proper attention from |
management and ensuring that the priorities are established |
within the Department to be able to move forward. And a lot of |
it has to do with the leadership aspect of giving the proper |
attention to the program. |
So the way that we are trying to address that, again, is |
back to the accountability issue, putting the proper tools in |
place, working with the agencies, but using the President's |
management agenda to hold the cabinet secretaries accountable |
for their performance in this area. |
Chairman Tom Davis. And CIOs could be great, but if the |
cabinet secretaries aren't paying attention, or the managers, |
it makes it a lot tougher, doesn't it? |
Ms. Evans. Right. So we are trying to make sure--the |
administration is trying to make sure--and is making sure |
through the President's management agenda--that the cyber |
security aspect of anything that they do is brought to the |
level of the attention of the Deputy Secretary and the |
Secretary, who are responsible for the overall programs of |
their department. |
Chairman Tom Davis. Let me just talk about the |
certification and accreditation, this C and A process, so to |
speak. I know that one of OMB's objectives in its plan of |
action is having all the systems C and A'd. But many IGs are |
reported on a very inconsistent quality of agencies C and A |
process. If the number of certified and accredited systems is |
increased, but there is a question about the quality of the |
processes, should we question the value of that information? |
And I will ask Mr. Wilshusen to also respond. |
Ms. Evans. Well, I was going to say the shorter answer is |
yes, you should question the quality of that based on the IG's |
finding; and that gets back to making sure that we provide |
better guidance where the agencies are asking for that, and |
working with the IG community and working with the CIOs as to |
having a good credible certification and accreditation program |
so that it does insert the discipline of always constantly |
looking at the risk. |
Mr. Wilshusen. And I would agree, you certainly do need to |
question those statistics. |
You know, just looking at what the agencies have reported |
in terms of 77 percent of all the systems have been certified |
and accredited, but one of the key aspects of that is to have a |
testing contingency plan that you need in order to be certified |
and accredited, and yet the agencies are also reporting that |
only 57 percent of their systems have testing contingency |
plans. So just that, in and of itself, shows that there is some |
question about the reliability of that data. |
Chairman Tom Davis. We are going to hear Daniel Matthews, |
who is the DOT's CIO, suggest in his testimony eliminating |
timing differences between the IG and the agency reports in |
order to create a common point in time for measuring the status |
of an agency's IT security program. I can see the merit of that |
change; I would appreciate any comments either of you might |
have on that. |
Mr. Wilshusen. OK. In terms of having an as-of date, what |
that would typically allow would allow the IGs to be able to |
perhaps verify the information that the agencies are reporting |
on their report cards in their performance measures, if that is |
the goal of having such an as-of date. Similar to like on the |
financial statement report where we have the end of the fiscal |
year, and then the IGs have another 45 days to make the report |
on it. But other than that, you know, I'm not sure what the |
benefit would be. |
Chairman Tom Davis. All right. |
Ms. Evans. I was going to say, I concur with that. And we |
are just--we would proceed with caution on an as-of date |
because we want to make sure that interaction between the IGs |
and the CIOs for their programs are ongoing, even while they |
are still doing this annual reporting as well. So there is |
nothing wrong with getting an as-of date in order to have |
consistency for reporting, as long as the other goals are met. |
Chairman Tom Davis. OK. Thank you very much. |
Mr. Ruppersberger. |
Mr. Ruppersberger. I just have one question of you, Ms. |
Evans. |
The Federal Information Security Management Act extends a |
requirement from the Paperwork Reduction Act that agencies |
develop detailed inventories of their systems, and this seems |
to be a requirement that agencies have a struggle with. One |
official from the Department of Energy recently remarked that |
unless that agency overhaul gets decentralized structure, poor |
assessment under FISMA were guaranteed for years to come. |
Do you think that there are ways that FISMA's inventory |
requirement could be changed to address such concerns, without |
compromising security? |
Ms. Evans. That is an issue that we are attempting to |
address with the change in the scorecard criteria as well. |
Chairman Davis brought up the fact that we are saying all |
systems need be to certified and accredited. At the heart of |
that requirement is getting to how agencies are identifying |
their inventory. |
What we intend, and the issue that we brought forward to |
the Interagency Task Force is to get a best practice or lessons |
learned from the agencies that are scoring really well on how |
they got a handle on their inventory process, and be able to |
apply that out to the agency. |
If at the end of that task force effort that is not |
possible, then we will look at other alternatives and make |
recommendations or changes to address the inventory issue. |
Mr. Ruppersberger. OK. And for 2004, three agencies did not |
submit independent IG reports to OMB for their annual report. |
Can you explain why agencies are not complying with the IG |
independent evaluation, and if they're not, what |
recommendations will you have so that we make sure they do? |
Mr. Wilshusen. Well, one I think was in the case where |
they--I think that was from the previous year, when DOD and VA |
did not submit their report. |
Mr. Ruppersberger. And that is not an issue now? |
Mr. Wilshusen. Not as much this year, I don't think. |
Mr. Ruppersberger. Well, you say not as much though; if |
it's not, let's talk about---- |
Mr. Wilshusen. OK. I'm sorry, right. No, I don't think that |
was a major issue. |
Mr. Ruppersberger. For any of the agencies. |
Mr. Wilshusen. That's correct. |
Mr. Ruppersberger. OK. That's good news then. |
Chairman Tom Davis. Anyone else with questions? Anything |
you would like to add to clarify anything? |
Ms. Evans. Well, the only thing, sir, I would like to add |
is that we appreciate the focus of the committee on this issue |
because, as you know, it is a continuing priority for the |
administration in that we want to continue to make sure that |
cyber security is at the forefront of everything that we do. |
You have to have this going forward and manage the risk as we |
continue to take more and more information and move more and |
more--and deploy more and more in technology. So thank you for |
your oversight. |
Chairman Tom Davis. And thanks for what you're doing. I'll |
just say, all you need is a bad adverse cyber event and |
everybody is going to be all over this thing and asking the |
questions that we're asking now, why wasn't this done. And I'm |
not sure who the fall guy will be, but it ain't gonna be me. |
And the difficulty in the private sector in many ways are |
ahead of us because they always are looking at the downside, |
they have to look at that. In government, many times the |
managers will take the risk that it won't happen on my watch, |
and they will go ahead with some of their other priorities; and |
yet we know we're talking so people out there--for their |
reasons are trying get in. So we appreciate your efforts on |
this, and the CIO's efforts. I think a lot of this depends on |
how close our CIOs are working with the agency heads at the end |
of the day. |
The other thing is, I think ultimately these FISMA report |
cards are going to have to be tied to funding because sometimes |
that's the only thing people understand, you can preach, you |
can give them boxes to check, but if you tie it to funding, |
that really gets their attention, and that may have to be the |
next step if we continue to see the occurrences we do with some |
of these report cards. |
We're going to hear from some very good CIOs in the next |
panel that have just very difficult jobs. These are difficult |
jobs in some of these agencies where you are putting a lot of |
their elements together, some of them that have been not |
working well for a long time, but we'll get to that. |
Anything you want to add? |
Mr. Wilshusen. Right. And I would just like to also express |
my appreciation for these oversight hearings because this |
certainly does help to hold the agencies accountable for |
implementing information security, and also with light comes |
heat, and heat usually brings action. And hopefully the |
increase of attention that this committee brings will help to |
improve that as well---- |
Chairman Tom Davis. And a lot of times we're just |
oversight; in this case we have jurisdiction as well. The FISMA |
came out of this committee. We do share oversight |
responsibilities with the Commerce Committee and with the |
Homeland Security Committee on which I serve. And that's good, |
I think we want everybody looking at this. I want to see more |
focus on this from more committees and more questions answered, |
that's what gets agency heads' attention. |
But Ms. Evans, we appreciate your efforts on this. |
Sometimes you're the voice out there in the wilderness crying, |
but I know you have--your bosses are behind what you're doing |
and everything as well, and we want to make sure you have the |
tools to get the job done. |
Thank you very much. We will take about a 2-minute recess |
and set up for the next panel. |
[Recess.] |
Chairman Tom Davis. We are now going to move to our second |
panel, and it is a distinguished panel indeed. We appreciate |
having everybody back. Mr. Wilshusen, who is here to stay on to |
answer questions but doesn't need to be sworn in again. We have |
Bruce Crandlemire, who is the Assistant Inspector General for |
Audit, U.S. Agency for International Development. John |
Streufert, the Acting Chief Information Officer of the U.S. |
Agency for International Development. Mr. Frank Deffer, who is |
the Assistant Inspector General for Information Technology, |
Department of Homeland Security. Steve Cooper, no stranger to |
this committee, the Chief Information Officer, Department of |
Homeland Security. Ted Alves, the Assistant Inspector General |
for IT and Financial Management, Department of Transportation. |
Daniel Matthews, the Chief Information Officer, Department of |
Transportation. |
It is our policy that we swear all the witnesses in, so if |
you could just rise and raise your right hands. Can we identify |
the folks in the back who will be answering questions, too? |
Mr. Wilshusen. Ms. Melinda Dempsey, USAID. Mark Norman, who |
is the Audit Manager who has all the detail knowledge. |
Chairman Tom Davis. Great. Thank you. |
Mr. Crandlemire. Phil Heneghan, the Information Systems |
Security Officer, USAID. |
Mr. Deffer. Edward Coleman, my Security Director. |
Chairman Tom Davis. Excellent. |
Mr. Alves. Rebecca Leng, Deputy Assistant Director. |
Mr. Matthews. This is Ed Densmore, Director of IT Security, |
Department of Transportation, and Dr. Dan Mehan who is the CIO |
of the Federal Aviation. |
Chairman Tom Davis. You have enough help there, don't you? |
And how about in the back? I just need to make sure the |
clerk gets everybody down for the record. |
OK. Thank you. |
[Witnesses sworn.] |
Chairman Tom Davis. Thank you all very much for being here. |
We've got a 5-minute rule we try to follow. The goal is to get |
out of here about noon, so it will be 5 minutes apiece. So that |
leaves us time for questions and we'll be fine. |
Your entire statement is in the record, so it will be based |
on that. |
Mr. Crandlemire, we will start with you, and thank you for |
being with us today. |
Mr. Crandlemire. Thank you, Mr. Chairman, and other |
committee members, for the opportunity to provide testimony for |
the U.S. Agency for International Development's compliance with |
FISMA. As you requested, my testimony will focus on the state |
of information security at USAID and the methodology with which |
we used to perform our audit in 2004. In addition, I will |
discuss the need for standardized FISMA auditing framework and |
possibly what guidance would be needed for agencies to fully |
comply with FISMA. |
USAID has made many positive strides over the last several |
years in addressing information security weaknesses. In |
particular, USAID has made several improvements in response to |
audits performed by my office and in turn substantially |
improved its computer security program. |
In 1997, the Office of Inspector General identified |
information security as a material weakness at USAID; USAID |
information technology officials agreed with our conclusion and |
included it in USAID's annual report as required by FMFIA. At |
that time, USAID did not have an organizational structure that |
clearly delegated information security responsibilities, |
policies that provided for an effective information security |
program, or key management processes to ensure that security |
requirements were met. These material weaknesses remained |
outstanding for several years until fiscal year 2004, when |
USAID concluded, and we agreed, that information security was |
no longer a material weakness at the agency. |
In the recent 2 years, the most significant changes are an |
appointment of an information security officer and the |
implementation of a centralized information security framework. |
Under this framework, USAID centrally manages its Windows 2000 |
domain servers, firewalls, and virus scan software for most of |
USAID's networks; instituted a process to assess information |
system security for the purchase of capital assets; and is |
continually updating its information security policies and |
procedures. |
The agency has also identified several technological |
changes to improve its computer security. For example, they |
deployed Windows 2000, which has allowed the agency to lock |
down and configure security settings and incorporate many |
security improvements in comparisons with Windows 98. They have |
installed operating network sensors to detect unauthorized |
attempts to access our network. They run daily scans of its |
worldwide network to proactively identify potential |
vulnerabilities. They have also implemented a tips of the day |
program, which is an automated security awareness program that |
provides reminders to all system network users each day as a |
prerequisite to sign into the network. |
Through these systemwide information technology and network |
changes, information security and information security |
awareness at USAID locations around the world have been |
significantly increased. |
Although USAID has made substantial progress in improving |
security, information security weaknesses still remain. As |
reported in our 2004 FISMA audit report, the agency had not |
developed a disaster recovery program for its three major |
systems and had not tested the disaster recovery programs in |
two other systems. |
The OIG methodology for assessing USAID information |
security into FISMA was to conduct an audit as opposed to an |
evaluation. For fiscal year 2004, our audit field work was |
conducted from August 19th to October 6th and involved over 600 |
hours. In addition, as part of our financial statement audit, |
we incorporated about 2,800 staff hours as part of our general |
control work. This work complemented our FISMA work. |
To perform the audit, we interviewed USAID officials to |
discuss their answers to the OMB questionnaire, and then we |
tested the support for the answers. For each of USAID's 49 |
answers to the questionnaire, we determined whether the |
agency's answer was supported by source documentation. |
I am going to move now to the need for an Inspector General |
auditing framework for information security. In our opinion, |
since the OIG input to the FISMA process is used to upgrade |
security among civilian agencies, there is an implicit |
assumption that there must be a defined common set of |
attributes to facilitate meaningful comparisons of independent |
evaluation or audits performed by each IG. |
Further, the establishment of these attributes or common |
security auditing framework should be developed on a |
collaborative basis among the IG community, OMB, and the |
Government Accountability Office. This framework also should |
address the resources needed to carry out the development and |
implementation of the framework along with congressional |
support for such an initiative. |
I have just a couple comments on the existing process. I |
think the agencies and the IGs need more time to prepare or |
more time to respond to the annual FISMA questionnaire. Since |
2002, the time between the issuance of the guidance until the |
time we actually start--we actually have to report in has |
gotten less. In 2002, it was 76 days, and this last year it was |
only 44 days. We need more time so we can more efficiently use |
our audit resources. |
That concludes my statement. |
[The prepared statement of Mr. Crandlemire follows:] |
Chairman Tom Davis. Thank you very much. |
Mr. Streufert, thanks for being with us. |
Mr. Streufert. Thank you, Mr. Chairman, and members of the |
committee. I want to thank you for the opportunity to testify |
on the status of our FISMA implementation and our security |
program. We submitted detailed information in response to your |
questions. What I would like to do in my oral remarks is |
address the 10 reasons that helped us improve our IT scores |
during the past period. |
No. 10, our industry partnerships. USAID has teamed with |
industry both in services and in our tools to increase |
performance. There has been a commitment to continuous |
improvement that has now spread over a 2-year period. |
No. 9, managing risk. Our agency information system |
security officer defined risk as critical. We want to be |
compliant with the rules but make sure that compliance does not |
overshadow our responsibility to attend to threats and impact |
on our business results. |
No. 8, central administration. USAID IT security sensitive |
settings have been drawn from 80 countries and 20 time zones to |
be administered centrally at AID headquarters. This would not |
have happened without executive support at all levels. We have |
one organization and one approach when it comes to security. |
Continuous awareness. As Bruce mentioned, we have a product |
called tips of the day implemented worldwide where 135,000 |
instances of training and awareness came into effect. Our |
awareness also includes the followup on every action item we |
have of a finding of a security improvement. |
Item 6, rules of behavior. The agency has defined that the |
use of the network and our systems is a privilege and not a |
right. Though our employees have overwhelmingly supported IT |
security for the imperative it is, a handful of employees who |
have violated IT rules of behavior have been submitted for |
disciplinary action and, where warranted, recommended for |
removal for the reasons of that improper conduct. |
Continuous measurement. USAID has 15,000 devices connected |
to it worldwide, 5,000 software tools and packages, 8 major |
applications and 3 what we call general support systems against |
which our disciplines are applied. These devices are centrally |
checked worldwide 10 times a month for among 33,000 possible IT |
security weaknesses using the same tool that protects worldwide |
international credit card transactions. We felt that the most |
sophisticated tool was in fact important for our purposes. |
Management accountability, to refer to an item one of the |
members drew attention to. We give the boss of our 90 technical |
managers worldwide a grade of A to F once a month, because it |
is their business at risk in addition to ours collectively. |
Regions and bureaus who represent these 90 technical managers |
and their bosses receive grades A through F for all their |
reporting units, which has created a competition for |
excellence. Our managers have performed this work in harm's |
way, Afghanistan, Iraq, and other hardship posts, and among |
operating environments where power and other circumstances such |
as interrupted telecommunication lines have made it difficult. |
Notwithstanding these difficulties and including setting up for |
tsunami relief, we have been able to implement a security |
program and found significant benefits for it. |
Item No. 3, correlation of threats. We have found it |
essential to install sensors throughout our networks to capture |
those critical events and submit them to a statistical |
correlation so that we may find whether systematic attacks in |
fact are occurring which otherwise would be hidden from visual |
inspection. |
Item No. 2, continuous audit review. We have forged over |
the past 7 years a partnership with our Inspector General who |
has in fact audited every significant IT initiative of our |
organization for the past 7 years. We have come to learn that |
the harshest criticism from our auditors and others, GAO and |
externally, is a source for building on strength, and we have |
chosen to respond to those items of improvement in just that |
way. |
Last and perhaps most importantly, our Administrator Andrew |
Natsios defined IT security as critical to success of the |
agency. He has defined the need to improve management systems |
across the board, and information technology was one of those |
areas of improvement. In each of the cases where a critical |
issue was facing the agency in the area of IT security, when we |
carried it forward to him we received his full support. We |
believe the correct decisions were made, which in fact has been |
critical to the success of our organization and our security |
effort. |
Thank you very much. |
[The prepared statement of Mr. Streufert follows:] |
Chairman Tom Davis. Thank you very much. |
Mr. Deffer. |
Mr. Deffer. Thank you, Mr. Chairman, and members of the |
committee, for the opportunity to be here today to discuss the |
status of FISMA implementation in the Department of Homeland |
Security. |
Mr. Chairman, I would note at the outset that we in the |
Inspector General's office have developed an effective working |
relationship with the DHS CIO and his staff in order to |
facilitate FISMA compliance at DHS. |
As we reported last year, DHS has made significant progress |
in developing and implementing its information security program |
at the headquarters level. For example, DHS developed the |
necessary plans such as the information security program |
management plan to provide the foundation for an agencywide |
program. Based on our review of those plans, DHS has |
established an adequate structure, blueprint, and process to |
implement and manage its program. Also, the Department has |
developed an adequate process to report security weaknesses in |
its plan of action and milestones, or POA&M, and has adopted an |
enterprise management tool, trusted agent FISMA, to collect and |
track data related to all POA&M activities. |
Even with these efforts, however, there are a number of |
factors that are hindering further progress. Specifically, one |
of the impediments to implementing DHS's program is that the |
CIO is not a member of the department's senior management team. |
Therefore, the CIO does not have the authority to strategically |
manage agencywide IT programs, systems, or investments. |
Furthermore, there is no formal reporting relationship between |
the DHS CIO and the component CIOs or between the DHS CISO and |
the department security managers. |
Also, DHS does not have an accurate and complete system |
inventory. An initial attempt at developing an inventory in |
2003 did not provide an accurate picture of DHS's information |
systems. In September 2004, DHS began a second effort using an |
outside contractor to establish a system inventory. |
Finally, while DHS has developed an adequate process to |
report security weaknesses in its POA&M, DHS components have |
not established verification processes to ensure that all IT |
security weaknesses are included. Overall, DHS is on the right |
track to create and maintain an effective program. However, the |
Department and its components still have much work to do to |
become fully FISMA compliant. |
Mr. Chairman, as you know, annual information security |
evaluations began 4 years ago with the Government Information |
Security Reform Act [GISRA]. And I would say that, after being |
involved in four of these efforts, two at the State Department |
OIG, and using a different approach each time, it is becoming |
clear that a more standard approach is needed, perhaps similar |
to that used in financial audits. This standard framework would |
ensure--help ensure that all IGs review and report on the same |
information across all agencies. Currently, each IG performs |
its FISMA evaluation based on its interpretation of FISMA and |
OMB guidance. A standard audit framework should allow OMB and |
Congress to more effectively and objectively determine the |
status of information security across the entire Federal |
Government. |
Finally, let me say a few words about what additional |
guidance or procedures are needed to help improve FISMA |
compliance. OMB issues annual guidance to agencies and IGs to |
promote consistent reporting across government and to ensure |
that agencies comply with FISMA. But this guidance needs to be |
clearer. For example, organizational components in DHS have |
struggled with the definition of a system for FISMA reporting. |
This has hindered DHS's ability to develop a reliable |
inventory. |
Another area of concern is how security of systems is |
measured by the FISMA metrics. OMB asks the agencies and IGs |
for the number of systems that have been reviewed, certified, |
and accredited, but treats all systems the same. That is, |
systems are not differentiated between routine or mission |
critical. For example, an agency may have certified and |
accredited 80 percent of its systems, but it could still be |
seriously at risk if its mission critical systems are those |
that have not been certified and accredited. |
Mr. Chairman, this concludes my prepared statement. I |
appreciate your time and attention, and welcome any questions |
from you or members of the committee. |
[The prepared statement of Mr. Deffer follows:] |
Chairman Tom Davis. Thank you very much. |
Mr. Cooper, I understand that you announced today, at least |
from reading the trade press, that you are leaving your post. |
Mr. Cooper. I did. |
Chairman Tom Davis. I just want to say--well, I hope this |
isn't your last time before the committee; we may bring you |
back as a consultant, but we appreciate the job that you have |
done. |
Mr. Cooper. Thank you. |
Chairman Tom Davis. You have been steadfast in coming |
before us and offering your ideas, and we consider you a |
valuable asset to the committee. Thanks for being with us. |
Mr. Cooper. Thank you, Mr. Chairman, and members of the |
committee. It is my pleasure to appear before the committee |
again, and I wish to thank the chairman and the members for |
providing me the opportunity to update you on our efforts and |
progress in integrating and securing information systems within |
the Department of Homeland Security. |
I would like to begin by acknowledging the important role |
that our Inspector General plays in the Department. We have |
established an extremely effective and collaborative |
partnership with our Inspector General, and especially with |
respect to the development and operations of information |
technologies and support of the critical missions of the |
Department. The IG has been an important and independent voice |
as the Department formulates a strategy for building a robust |
and effective information security program. |
Mr. Deffer has provided what I believe to be an accurate |
and detailed assessment of our progress to date and rather than |
repeat what has been already said I would like to focus my |
remarks on the future. |
The DHS Information Security Program is structured around |
compliance with FISMA as well as OMB and NIST guidance. I want |
to stress that we are not proud of our failing grade. We have |
done much, and much needs to be done. Specifically, we have |
implemented and continue to implement a number of security |
performance metrics to address the issues represented by the |
FISMA grade. |
I fully understand that the success of the Department is |
dependent upon our ability to protect sensitive information |
used to secure the homeland, and to this end, the Department's |
Information Security Program has been designed to provide a |
secure and trusted computing environment based upon sound risk |
management principles and program planning. The development of |
a formal trust model within this program will eliminate |
institutional barriers that regularly divide organizations and |
will enable disparate agencies to more effectively share |
information within this common trusted framework. We have |
implemented a digital dashboard that provides us for the first |
time with the status of security performance based upon |
computed FISMA metrics, and we have implemented a security |
performance scorecard. |
Three key Information Security Program initiatives under |
way for over a year now are beginning to provide tangible |
results. As these three efforts converge, together they will |
pave the way for real and measurable security improvements in |
the near future. These include, first, completing a |
comprehensive baseline inventory for defining accreditation |
boundaries and assigning responsibilities for security controls |
for appropriate program officials throughout the Department; |
second, fielding a robust set of automated enterprise security |
management tools to optimize our security processes; and, |
third, implementing a comprehensive and repeatable set of |
metrics for holding program officials accountable. |
The baseline systems inventory project now under way has |
already identified a significant number of legacy systems that |
were not previously identified in our initial systems inventory |
that we did during the standup of the Department. At one of the |
organizational elements, this most recent system inventory |
project has now identified 106 information systems programs |
compared to the 5 that were previously identified at standup. |
In response to this legacy issue, the Department is |
developing a comprehensive remediation plan for completing all |
the required certification and accreditations by the end of |
fiscal year 2006. Related to these actions, we have implemented |
a department plan of action and milestones process and an |
enterprised system to manage that plan of action. Evidence that |
DHS is successfully institutionalizing this process is |
demonstrated by the fact that our initial fiscal year 2003 |
program and milestones contained less than 100 line items, |
meaning task activities that we identified that we needed to |
do, while our current plan now contains several thousand line |
items and activities. |
Furthermore, we have implemented a certification and |
accreditation tool that will ensure C&A equality and map that |
certification and accreditation testing to our established |
policies. The C&A and remediation plan will include a |
prioritized list of systems to be certified based upon the |
system's security impact level, which means the systems with |
higher security impact levels will be the first systems that we |
will accredit if not already accredited. This remediation plan |
will identify a variety of funding alternatives for completing |
all certifications and accreditations, and our new automated |
security management tools are already designed to streamline |
this process. Use of this tool has now been mandated for all |
activity initiated after April 10th. |
This aggressive remediation effort will provide a sound |
baseline of secure systems with appropriate controls in place. |
However, we must continue to improve our security posture |
throughout the life cycle of each and every system or |
application in use in the Department. For this reason, we are |
continuing to refine the program so that we will remain |
relevant for the future. Program enhancements currently under |
way include developing a communications plan for our |
information security program, to include a Web-based |
information security portal that will improve the availability |
of information security data to all DHS employees, including |
those who do not have access to DHS Online; and, publishing an |
updated Information Security Program strategic plan outlining a |
revised vision for the future of the program based on lessons |
learned over the past 2 years. |
Finally, to sustain a viable and healthy information |
systems program and security program, I know that we must have |
strong support throughout the Department. Through the DHS Chief |
Information Officers' Council, I will work with each member to |
ensure that we not only continue to improve our security |
posture through periodic program reviews, but that we also |
implement new and improved measures wherever appropriate. |
Thank you, and I look forward to your questions. |
[The prepared statement of Mr. Cooper follows:] |
Chairman Tom Davis. Thank you very much. |
Mr. Alves. |
Mr. Alves. Thank you. Thank you, Mr. Chairman, and members |
of the committee for the opportunity to testify on the progress |
the Department of Transportation has made and the challenges it |
faces implementing FISMA. |
This committee has been a driving force behind improvements |
made over the last several years in protecting Federal |
information and information systems. I also want to take this |
opportunity to compliment OMB, NIST, and GAO for the leadership |
roles they have played in this effort. |
With an annual IT budget of about $2.7 billion, the |
Transportation Department maintains over 480 systems to carry |
out the Department's mission. For example, the Department |
operates financial systems that process over $35 billion in |
grants to States and local governments, and the Federal |
Aviation Administration relies on about 100 systems to provide |
safe and efficient air traffic control 24 hours a day. |
As you requested, I will discuss the progress |
Transportation has made and the challenges it faces to |
strengthen information security practices, the need for a |
framework to guide Inspector General FISMA audits, and the |
approach we take to audit computer security issues. |
The commitment to improve information security begins at |
the top, and we attribute much of the Department's progress |
over the last 2 years to the support provided by Secretary |
Mineta. In early 2003, the Secretary appointed a Chief |
Information Officer and significantly strengthened his roles |
and responsibilities. Since then, the CIO has played a much |
more prominent role in managing IT issues in all DOT component |
agencies. |
Key improvements the Department has made include the |
following four areas. First, the CIO invigorated the Investment |
Review Board, which now considers security issues when |
reviewing the major systems. |
Second, the Department enhanced its ability to protect |
systems from internal and external attacks by, among other |
things, establishing an incident response center to prevent, |
detect, and analyze intrusions from the Internet. |
Third, the Department increased the number of certified and |
accredited systems from 33 percent to over 90 percent by |
dedicating resources to do the reviews and by closely |
monitoring progress. |
And fourth, the Department significantly strengthened |
background checks on contractor personnel. |
Notwithstanding this progress, DOT still faces challenges |
to secure its systems. These include: The Department needs to |
enhance security over air traffic control systems. We have |
reported that security deficiencies affect en route computer |
systems which control high altitude traffic. Because the issues |
are sensitive, we can only cover two issues today. |
First, FAA certified that en route systems were secure, but |
the review was limited to a developmental system. FAA has |
agreed to review operational systems deployed at the 20 en |
route centers. |
Second, FAA agreed to identify a contingency plan to |
restore air service in the event of a prolonged en route center |
disruption. |
We recently expressed concern about FAA's progress |
correcting these deficiencies to the FAA Administrator, the |
Office of the Secretary, and the CIO, and we are working |
closely with those officials to ensure continued progress. |
The Department needs to improve the security certification |
process. We also found some deficiencies in the quality of |
certification reviews, including inadequate risk assessments, |
lack of evidence that tests had been performed, and in one case |
a test item failed when we retested it. The Department also |
needs to continue its focus on emerging threats. |
The fact that you raised the question of whether a |
framework is needed to help standardize IG FISMA reports |
suggests that the current framework does not fully meet |
oversight requirements. This issue is being addressed by the |
President's Council on Integrity and Efficiency, a group of |
Presidentially appointed IGs, but they have not yet reached a |
consensus. We think a broader discussion involving the key |
players, congressional staff, OMB, GAO, and the IG community |
could help forge a consensus among all interested parties. The |
IG community would benefit from better understanding how our |
FISMA reports are used by oversight organizations; oversight |
organizations would benefit from understanding the challenges |
the IG community faces addressing computer security issues at |
agencies with very different system risks and missions. |
Regarding our approach to meet FISMA requirements, each |
year we do detailed tests on a subset of systems to answer |
OMB's specific questions such as the number of systems with |
contingency plans. We also perform computer security audits |
focused on specific systems of security issues. We use all of |
this work to reach conclusions about the status of DOT's |
Information Security Program when preparing our annual FISMA |
report. |
Mr. Chairman, this concludes my oral testimony. I would be |
happy to answer any questions. |
[The prepared statement of Mr. Alves follows:] |
Chairman Tom Davis. Thank you very much. |
Mr. Matthews, last but not least here. |
Mr. Matthews. Thank you, Mr. Chairman, and members of the |
committee. I thank you for the opportunity to appear here today |
to discuss the Department of Transportation's implementation of |
the Federal Information Security Management Act of 2002 |
[FISMA]. |
I serve as the Department's CIO, and I also currently serve |
as the vice chair of the CIO Council. The DOT Office of the |
Chief Information Officer has operational responsibility for |
the departmental network and communications infrastructure as |
well as providing shared services for the Office of the |
Secretary and the operating administrations currently engaged |
in the Department's information technology services |
consolidation. |
FISMA compliance at DOT is moving from the intensity of the |
past year's implementation activities to a more operational |
mode. Our system inventory is mature, our certification and |
accreditation methodology is defined, and we have begun |
oversight of the remediation of weaknesses identified over the |
course of the last 2 years. Additionally, we have been in the |
process of making assessments of the Department's ongoing |
security posture. Securing the IT assets of the Department of |
Transportation is a critical responsibility that falls to the |
CIO's office. |
In striving to secure those assets, many people from |
various areas must pull together. The strides the Department |
has made over the past year occurred in large measure because |
of the support of Secretary Norman Y. Mineta. His leadership |
and guidance combined with each and every modal administrator's |
commitment are critical to the Department's success. |
We are pleased to have achieved an A-minus rating on the |
FISMA scorecard, and we note that DOT relied on teamwork across |
the agency, the establishment, refinement, and validation of |
our system inventory, good communications, comprehensive |
training, and the support of the Inspector General throughout |
the year. This last point is critical. With our Inspector |
General, who is engaged, involved, and informed throughout the |
process, DOT makes sure that it approaches FISMA requirements |
appropriately and the end products and results are supportable. |
The teamwork for FISMA compliance was established through |
the acceptance of a single departmentwide methodology in lieu |
of individual approaches established by each operating |
administration. That methodology allowed us to focus and work |
collectively on a single plan in which all participants had |
confidence. This gave us the benefit of synergy, an end greater |
than the sum of its individual parts. |
If we endeavor to proceed using agency unique approaches, |
some agencies may have been successful and some may have |
faltered. With the support of an industry-recognized security |
subject matter expert from Titan Corp., along with agencywide |
buy-in and acceptance, DOT was able to reduce overall |
certification and accreditation schedules, manpower |
requirements and costs. More importantly, DOT was able to |
ensure accuracy, consistency, and completeness of each |
accreditation package. |
The strides made over the last year to comply with FISMA |
requirements were impressive. DOT has accredited over 90 |
percent of all operational IT systems, established a program to |
ensure security as part of every system's development life |
cycle, significantly reduced vulnerabilities of public facing |
systems, and improved training and communications at all levels |
of the organization. |
Moving forward, DOT is using metrics to gauge FISMA's |
implementation and compliance throughout the Department. This |
point is important. DOT recognizes that plans of actions and |
milestones, POA&Ms, are established from the certification and |
accreditation process required by FISMA and are reviewed by the |
Inspector General. DOT uses these POA&Ms as a mechanism to |
ensure we mitigate the risks and remediate vulnerabilities |
identified during the CNA process knowing full well that the |
actions taken prescribed in the POA&M will specifically improve |
DOT's overall security posture. |
To address the steps DOT is taking to further strengthen IT |
security, we are coordinating and cooperating with DHS on cyber |
exercises, we are addressing the critical need for enterprise- |
wide vulnerability management, we are implementing baseline |
security configuration standards for critical software, and we |
are consolidating IT services. |
More needs to be done. The FAA's National Air Space System |
is part of the national critical infrastructure program. I am |
working directly with the FAA senior leadership and the |
Inspector General to ensure FAA secures and protects the |
important NAS systems and telecommunications infrastructure. |
Ensuring the FAA constructs are measurable plans of actions in |
conjunction with its POA&Ms, audit reports, and IG findings, |
with follow through to complete its commitments is fundamental |
to DOT's ability to maintain current FISMA scorecard ratings. |
I have included in my statement some specific observations |
and suggestions for creation of an ``as of date'' and believe |
that existing FISMA guidance is adequate but have some |
additional comments. I look forward to answering your |
questions. And, again, I thank you for this opportunity. |
[The prepared statement of Mr. Matthews follows:] |
Chairman Tom Davis. Thank you very much. |
I think a recurrent theme both with DOT and USAID is that |
you are getting support at the top, that this comes--it is not |
just generated from the CO, it is top down, it is holding |
people accountable. Great stories. I hope we can learn from |
that. |
Mr. Cooper, let me start with you because your department |
is great but it is down. I don't hold you accountable. You are |
one of the best CIOs in the business, and we are sorry to see |
you going. But I wonder if we could talk about, you also, as |
you could see from some of the early comments from our members, |
the area everybody wants to focus on. Homeland security is a |
hot topic. It is an area where the systems need to be up. It is |
a very difficult job given the type of systems you inherited |
when we merged the departments. I think we can--that is a |
given; this was a very, very, very tough job. But we are a long |
way from where we need to be. We are seeing improvement, and I |
appreciate your opening statement. |
What are the major obstacles you would put together that |
Homeland Security faces uniquely versus some of the other |
agencies that make it so difficult? |
Mr. Cooper. OK. Let me try to answer that question |
directly, very specifically and very candidly. |
Chairman Tom Davis. This is the last bite I get at you. |
Mr. Cooper. No, that is all right. I am happy to come back. |
And let me also try to put it within the context of the FISMA |
scorecard, because I think this will be extremely helpful, I |
hope, to the committee as well as to members of the audience |
and interested parties and my colleagues. |
The first thing that we face as the Department of Homeland |
Security is the fact that we have inherited a huge amount from |
our legacy environments. Now, that translates to the inventory |
in the FISMA scorecard. This is not a defense. We are not where |
we need to be. But the scoring in the scorecard, we get minus |
10 points against our total score until we can actually certify |
that we have inventoried 95 percent of the systems and |
applications that are in the Department. And here's what we're |
learning and here's what we found. Meaning no disrespect to my |
colleagues on the panel, DOT has identified 480, I think Dan |
said 480 significant applications or the ones that they have |
identified and accredited. And, again, no offense to AID, but I |
think you guys have nine. We have over 3,600. |
So there's a simple fact, it's a numbers game. All right? |
We move from 34 percent of that initial 3,600 to 68 percent. |
Now, the scorecard doesn't reflect the progress. 68 percent I |
admit is still a failing grade. But we know what we need to do, |
we are working with our IG, we have demonstrated that our |
certification and accreditation process is sound. We need to |
stay the course and apply it. We have committed to completing |
100 percent certification and accreditation by fiscal year |
2006. |
Another major area. Configuration management addresses the |
different parts and pieces in the FISMA scorecard. Now, what |
that translates to is how many different operating systems or |
platforms or environments does the Department have? We have |
everything that's listed in the scorecard. But I--and I am the |
one that can be held accountable. I made a tactical and |
conscious decision that we were not going to put significant |
effort into the configuration management aspect of all of the |
listed platforms for the following reason: We are also |
undergoing a major IT infrastructure transformation program. We |
are consolidating those operating platforms and the operating |
systems and the associated applications, and we are eliminating |
some of those. Therefore, I made a decision that said don't put |
any energy into publishing guidelines within the Department in |
our Information Security Program around configuration |
management for those platforms and operating systems that we |
are going to retire. I am the person, I am accountable. But it |
reflects in our score because we then don't--we legitimately |
don't have anything in that area. |
Another thing, final thing we did very quickly. The |
training of all DHS employees in information assurance and |
information security management is an extremely high value |
activity. It scores very few points on the scorecard. But we |
consciously made a decision, again. We have trained almost 100 |
percent of all of our employees across the Department. That's |
180,000 people, and we accomplished that in the past 2 fiscal |
years. |
So those are very specific examples in the framework of the |
scorecard that I think help reveal some of the complexities |
that we're facing but also significant progress. |
Chairman Tom Davis. What are the most difficult parts of |
all the disparate systems that you have? You know, what are the |
most dysfunctional or most vulnerable areas that you have at |
DHS? |
Mr. Cooper. That's a tough question in that I'm not sure I |
want to put any parts of the Department on the spot. |
Chairman Tom Davis. Well, but you inherited legacy systems |
and some of these. Like we know, the old INS system just wasn't |
working. Now, we've got new--I mean, this is something that |
this committee has talked about and everything else. I am not |
trying to go out to tell terrorists where we are vulnerable or |
something. But within those confines you have some old legacy |
systems that you haven't been able to move forward on as |
quickly as others and stuff like that. Give me a priority list, |
in other words. |
Mr. Cooper. OK. I'm going to share at least the part that |
we've identified. |
Chairman Tom Davis. You're leaving now. I can't do |
anything. |
Mr. Cooper. That's true. |
Chairman Tom Davis. You are under oath, too. |
Mr. Cooper. They can fire me early, I guess. |
Chairman Tom Davis. But we will hire you. We will pick you |
up if you need it. |
Mr. Cooper. Here's what we found. And, again, please |
understand, I offer this in a very constructive way. It's not |
meant to be critical. |
Chairman Tom Davis. Absolutely. |
Mr. Cooper. One of the areas that we have found a little |
bit more challenged is in some of the legacy INS, Immigration |
and Naturalization Services, and Citizenship and Immigration |
Services, as those two entities exist now. But in fact those |
were more or less, I won't say truly combined, but they were |
all under the auspices of an organizational structure inside |
the Department of Justice that pretty much operated from the |
same or similar platforms. Now, we have broken them apart, so |
to speak. But in breaking them apart, we actually don't have |
all of the IT infrastructure and skills and personnel and |
everything fully in place yet. |
Now, again, plans are in place, we are making good |
progress, but it remains a challenge because we just don't have |
quite enough of the resources in the timeframe we would like to |
have to finish a lot of the certification and accreditation, |
some of the securing activities that we need to do. |
Our Customs and Border Protection environment has actually |
made very, very good progress in a lot of areas, and what we |
are doing is drawing upon the positive skills and the positive |
performance in CBP to now reach over and assist ICE and CIS. So |
we figured out ways that we can actually leverage where we have |
good stuff going on and address some of the challenge areas. |
Chairman Tom Davis. How many incidents--well, we don't |
really get the level of incident reporting. Am I right? We |
don't get the incident reporting that we'd like to get that we |
feel is accurate. Is that fair? |
Mr. Wilshusen. Well, OMB reported that in their 2004 report |
on FISMA that they felt that the reporting was sporadic from |
the different agencies, and they had questions and concerns |
about that. |
Chairman Tom Davis. Well, let me just go with each agency |
and ask the CIO or IG or which office; but start with AID. Are |
you getting a lot of incidents of penetrations every year, and |
do you test yourself? Do you hire people who come in and try to |
penetrate? That was inarticulate, but I think you understand. |
Mr. Streufert. We're initiating some internal testing, and |
we're constantly monitoring for intrusions, and I think that |
the most constructive part of that is that we are tracking |
precisely those patterns and trying to assess who's at us. So, |
from an internal purpose, we are doing well. |
Chairman Tom Davis. Is that reported up the food chain in |
terms of who we think is going after you? |
Mr. Streufert. We make every effort that we possibly can, |
and the comments that we collect internally on this topic are |
some of the descriptions that come out from elsewhere at |
varying degrees of descriptions, some general, some specific. |
And so we think an area of potential improvement is having a |
matching of a good taxonomy externally against what we are |
actually seeing, and we think that this will improve over time. |
Chairman Tom Davis. Let me ask Homeland Security. What are |
you seeing in that area? I don't want you to give away the |
store, but---- |
Mr. Cooper. No. First of all, we see hundreds of thousands |
of attempts on an annual basis. We actually identified 214 |
incidents. We reported 100 percent of the 214 both to the IG |
and up through US-CERT that passes over to OMB. |
Chairman Tom Davis. Do you have a good idea of who the |
people are that are trying to get in? |
Mr. Cooper. Yes, we do, partly because of the link into the |
intel environment and everything. So, yes, we do. We believe |
this is an area and it actually is represented in our scorecard |
where we are in very good shape. |
Chairman Tom Davis. And it helps you also target your |
resources when you know who is coming after you. Doesn't it? |
Mr. Cooper. Absolutely. |
Chairman Tom Davis. And how about Transportation? |
Mr. Matthews. Mr. Chairman, last year we had over 3,000 |
incidents and reported them. We do track individuals, Web |
sites, IP addresses that are coming toward the Department as |
well as other information. We routinely---- |
Chairman Tom Davis. One of them gets through and really |
gets into the system, they could run you amuck. Couldn't they? |
They could really destroy you? |
Mr. Matthews. Absolutely, no doubt, if somebody penetrates |
the shield, indeed they can run amuck. You know, TOPOFF III is |
currently going on, and when I'm sitting watching what we're |
doing in TOPOFF III I'm constantly reminded that if someone did |
a concerted effort and went after the communications of the |
Federal Government, its ability to respond could be impacted. |
Chairman Tom Davis. And it helps. I mean, I think it's |
reassuring to us to know that at least you have a pretty good |
idea of who is after you. |
Mr. Matthews. Yes. |
Chairman Tom Davis. And that helps you, doesn't it, in |
terms of where you spend your resources? It may or may not help |
your report card, but it helps you in terms of where you spend |
your resources? |
Mr. Matthews. Absolutely 100 percent. We work hand in glove |
with the IG to do the forensics and pursue and prosecute those |
individuals as well. |
Chairman Tom Davis. Mr. Alves, do you agree with that? |
Mr. Alves. Yes, I do. The Department of Transportation has |
made really significant progress in this area over the last |
couple of years, and whenever there is an intrusion they let us |
know immediately. We do some of the penetration testing |
ourselves. |
Chairman Tom Davis. Some of them are yours. |
Mr. Alves. To test the system and make sure that it's |
secure. |
Chairman Tom Davis. And Mr. Cooper, let me just ask you. |
The fact that you have an idea in most of these cases, I |
gather, who is coming, allows you to expend resources in those |
areas, maybe to the detriment of other areas but at least it |
allows you to give appropriate prioritization, and that ought |
to give the committee some assurance that you're on top of it. |
Mr. Cooper. Yes, sir. In this case, we do. And in this |
case, because of the capability within the Department, we work |
very closely with our Homeland Security Operations Centers, we |
work very closely with our Intelligence Analysis and |
Infrastructure Protection Directorate, and actually share. All |
of the key members of my team are cleared to the highest |
levels, and so we actually use a lot of the classified |
information to help us address risks, threats, and |
vulnerabilities. |
Chairman Tom Davis. OK. You feel--well, we'll have another |
conversation later. But thank you again. My 10 minutes is up. |
Mr. Ruppersberger. |
Mr. Ruppersberger. OK. Mr. Deffer, in your testimony you |
mentioned that FISMA does not differentiate between routine or |
mission critical systems. |
Mr. Deffer. Correct. |
Mr. Ruppersberger. And you continue to say that the agency |
might still be at risk if its security, a vast majority of its |
systems yet is left vulnerable, the most mission critical ones. |
Can you explain how your department has balanced meeting its |
FISMA obligations with protecting its most critical systems? |
Mr. Deffer. Well, I think the Department has sort of-- |
they've made an effort to get their systems certified and |
accredited. I don't know if they've--Mr. Cooper talked about |
this, trying to get them on a risk based methodology to certify |
and accredit those systems that are high priority. But the |
numbers don't tell us which systems that have been certified |
and accredited are really that important. We don't know |
whether--has their network been certified and accredited? I |
don't know. But, you know, their training management system |
FLETC may have been certified and accredited, and that's a good |
thing, but it's probably not as important as the network or |
other critical applications. |
Mr. Cooper. If I may kind of clarify. We have made a very |
conscious and deliberate decision to go after our mission |
critical systems first. So we are taking a risk-based |
prioritization approach to what we accredit. |
The good news that I can share with the committee is that |
the 68 percent that are now accredited include almost every one |
of our major mission critical systems, and we are getting to |
some that doesn't mean they're not important but lesser impact |
or risk by not accrediting them right away. That is the |
approach we're taking. |
Mr. Ruppersberger. I would like more, a little bit more |
about the questions that the chairman asked you, and I was |
going to ask you more questions but you answered some of them. |
One of the questions was, when do you expect that the |
Department of Homeland Security will come up to where they need |
to be? And you mentioned that your goal was 2006. Do you feel |
that you are on time for that goal at this point? |
Mr. Cooper. Yes, we do. |
Mr. Ruppersberger. And what is it, the end of the year, |
beginning of the year? Where are we? |
Mr. Cooper. By the end of fiscal year 2006 we expect to |
complete almost 100 percent of those items represented by the |
scorecard. Now, here's what is going to happen though, and we |
will see whether or not I'm a good prognosticator. |
Unfortunately, the way that we are going at this and the way |
that the scoring works in the scorecard, I think what we are |
going to do is we are going to jump. We may indeed be--I'm |
hoping we will get to a D in fiscal year 2005. I am being very |
candid here. Because we lose 10 points off of our total score |
because of this 95 percent requirement for inventory. And we |
will not complete 95 percent of our full inventory by the end |
of fiscal year 2005. We are going to be very, very close, but I |
am not sure we'll trip it. We are going to basically lose 20 |
points of our score because of the configuration management |
approach that I explained to you. If you deduct those 30 points |
from the score and we do everything else, that's 70, which puts |
us at 70 percent, which may creep us into a D. |
What I think is going to happen is we are probably going to |
be, I hope, at a D; and then in 2006, as we complete all this |
stuff, we are going to jump significantly up. So you are going |
to kind of see, unfortunately, not much in the score, and then |
we will be there. |
Mr. Ruppersberger. There is no question the Department of |
Homeland Security has a lot of administrative issues that they |
have to deal with, you know, inheriting all these different |
agencies, you know, pulling them together, the funding issues. |
I mean, it's a very difficult job, as you know, and I |
understand that. Do you feel that the system that's being used |
now and the standards for grading are just more of a |
bureaucratic type of system of holding people accountable based |
on Homeland Security and all the issues you have, do you think |
it's fair? And what would you do to change that system based on |
where you are now and to get to the end game? Because it's |
not--the grade is a standard, but bottom line, we want to get |
to where you can provide the best national security for our |
country. |
Mr. Cooper. Exactly. Bob West, who is our Chief Information |
Security Officer, and I believe very strongly that the criteria |
are very sound. We have no issue with the criteria. Now, Bob |
and I both will grumble to you and complain about the negative |
points that kind of in this last go-round were assessed, but we |
understand them and we'll live with them. What becomes most |
important I think is how a department like the Department of |
Homeland Security kind of prioritizes and applies these |
criteria. And you've heard, I've explained the approach that we |
took, I've explained a little bit of why. I believe very |
strongly that if the committee will allow us to stay the |
course, and with support of our new Secretary and Deputy |
Secretary, the Department of Homeland Security will indeed |
arrive rather quickly, although it may be fiscal year 2006, at |
precisely where the intent of the committee and the scorecard |
and FISMA represent. |
Mr. Ruppersberger. Do you feel that you have the money or |
the resources to deal with the problem. |
Mr. Deffer. I think applied in a prioritized approach, yes. |
Now any time--again, you know, I may get beaten up, it's OK, |
the worst they can do is fire me. Any time we have additional |
funding and resource we can move faster. But we believe that |
within the funding and resource that we have, we absolutely are |
on track to succeed. |
Mr. Ruppersberger. I don't know if you can answer the |
question--I may go back to Mr. Wilshusen, who is still at the |
panel. I am concerned a little bit about what is happening with |
respect to Justice, and especially FBI within Justice. We know |
some of the issues, that FBI is having a hard time in their |
technology area. And it seems to me we have other groups--we |
talked about this in the first panel, I know CIA and NSA are |
doing very well. And we cannot afford to have our FBI that is |
so important to our national security, especially domestic |
security, not be where they need to be. |
Can you discuss some of these issues--well, I'm going to |
ask you the question basically. You said that Immigration was |
under Justice, and now they also have some issues that you are |
dealing with because they are now under Homeland Security. I'm |
concerned that we need to really refocus and prioritize in |
those arenas, especially FBI. You are doing Immigration. But |
how can, with the problems that the FBI is having, how can we |
now have a grading system where the Justice Department went |
from I think a D or an F to a B+ or B-? Could you explain that? |
Mr. Deffer. Well, I can offer a couple of thoughts. I'm not |
sure I can actually explain it. But one of the things that |
works to---- |
Mr. Ruppersberger. And I'm going to ask you to answer this, |
too, Mr. Wilshusen. |
Mr. Deffer. One of the things that works to any |
department's advantage is if you have less things to do and |
less things to accredit and certify, then within the same |
resource base you can accomplish a lot more. |
Justice lost, if you will, a significant portion of what |
represented the legacy systems that weren't accredited at one |
point in time. We inherited them all. So I think that they---- |
Mr. Ruppersberger. Good news for them, bad news for you, |
right? |
Mr. Deffer. Exactly. And that's one sense. |
Now the other thing that I would offer--and again, the |
right person to really talk to is Zal Azmi, who is the CIO at |
the FBI, an extremely competent professional. Zal and I have |
talked a couple different times about information assurance, |
some of the challenges that we are sharing in exchanging |
information and working together, our respective agencies. |
I believe that under Zal they do have the proper talent and |
approach, I can't really speak to the timing. |
Mr. Ruppersberger. Do you know if they are getting the |
resources to do the job, based on your conversations about it? |
Mr. Deffer. Zal and I have talked about a number of |
vacancies, key vacancies that Zal is working on to fill. I |
think that as he fills those he will be able to pick up speed. |
Mr. Ruppersberger. I think that is a very high priority, I |
would think. |
Do you want to address that issue, also, Mr. Wilshusen? |
Mr. Wilshusen. Sure. The key thing in terms of FBI and DOJ |
having an increased score this year was basically because of |
what they had reported on their FISMA report to OMB and to |
Congress. That score was based upon an analysis of what they |
had reported. |
Mr. Ruppersberger. Are you aware of the problems with |
respect to the FBI? |
Mr. Wilshusen. I am aware with regard to issues related to |
DCF a Trilogy---- |
Mr. Ruppersberger. Their technology issue. |
Mr. Wilshusen [continuing]. That they had developed that or |
were in the process of developing it, and it has since been |
terminated. At least the operational pilots have been |
terminated. |
Mr. Ruppersberger. Do you feel they have a plan to move |
forward in what needs to be done to be brought up to speed? |
Mr. Wilshusen. I don't know that because we haven't looked |
at that, but we have received a request to take a look at that. |
Mr. Ruppersberger. We sure don't want to criticize the FBI. |
What we want to do is give the FBI all the resources they need |
to fix this problem. And again it seems to me--and we alluded |
to this in the first panel--when you have systems that work-- |
and again, I can say this, I'm on the House Select Intelligence |
Committee, I know NSA's systems are doing well. We need to make |
sure we pull together, find out what is working and not |
working, and move forward. If it's a resource problem, we have |
to fix it. If it's a money problem, we have to fix it. |
My time is up. Thank you for being here today. |
Chairman Tom Davis. Well, we've kept you a long time. We |
appreciate everything. Anybody want to add anything, add in |
anything they said along the way? |
I think it has been very helpful to the committee as we |
move forward. I want to just thank every one of you for being |
here. I want to congratulate both AID and Transportation on |
your improvements this year. I think you've talked about this |
is really a team effort, it is not the CIO. |
Mr. Cooper, thank you. It has been a good explanation for |
us. We wish you the best of luck as you move forward and |
appreciate the job you have done. |
Thank you very much. The hearing is adjourned. |
[Whereupon, at 12:03 p.m., the committee was adjourned.] |
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