Search is not available for this dataset
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stringclasses 2
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Sou bacharel em farmácia desde 2019 e trabalhei por 5 anos em uma rede de farmácias grande | r/amabrasil | post | r/AMABRASIL | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYWXhiR0ZET0VaOG9veGhJUEFoRGdJeUZPaXhHNl8wS2FON2ZJbld1V19xVmJNNHB6ZTM1SmZYV0NMdG8xdG5XWFl2dVVBeHZrd2JEbEtsUGt4LThpUEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhMjZnb3AzU2RBR01JZU81QjJtV3NLV0xDaEVKMTZJRWZnYmFIMnBSMkRoczdWZUlsZVFLMW4ydWZLQTVtWnZOMmdUenc0T3JMVmlsMDdQVDBBWnk4ODNoSzZ4cWx0OXJocE1tcWpzN1puYlZ6cnlUc2JBNWMzVFFTSV9ReXpIU296RHEzVnJuOGx1d3VSSlJsT3QzS1RiaWlBV2tCSjZHbXM2bWZTM1VCM1pYLWdLYlNpSXN0R204UXI3UGp6OHY5MHhzR0Izd01SUURRaVh1WFd5eEJxdz09 | 1,483 |
Just wanted to say thanks for enjoying the sub and for joining it. Even if its barely active. Haha. As always, behave and follow the rules, and if you haven't seen them look [here]( I'll be sure to keep active and check in every now and then, and update on anything Buttslapper related. As always report any rule breakers to me via Modmail. Have a good day! | r/amarillosbuttslapper | post | r/AmarillosButtSlapper | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYV3c0Z2QxNTM5WmJvb1ZmdzMyMElNck9hNkJwdl9iRXFtTnNheDhPbDlQMmdFZElYeGE5WjF1NVpORDZfOEh2Y0xESEM2bGVfbEZldjhwSlQ0d3d5Smc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhaG95bE50R1o0OUtsX213eHpyam00dE5GNUF5VE5GRDNnRW02cDQ0U3BwdTBCclBUaHV1M1ljNUpyT1p4VmxDRW5CQTQySFhINF9VejhidzdkcnBVSFZ2UVhCRlNqaGFWR3ZBbUlTeUx0Y18xdU5fVDZ1ZmtBX0lJZmNCZTRQd0pWUlVIUUpnQ3cxVUZzZHBBS2E0WURobml2NHN1VENUUXBpNXBXMTRWYUIweGVxcVB6Vzg0MjJMWVhrMkEzdG05bXg4RHVkU0dCa01ldEFrWUhveEpaQT09 | 1,486 |
I’m a left hand dominant southpaw that wants to become better at switch hitting, for the past month or so I’ve been experimenting with it and am starting to get a better feel of it but I still feel I’m too slow when I actually switch and leave myself open. What can I practice/exercise to make the actual switching process easier | r/amateur_boxing | post | r/amateur_boxing | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYUEdyREtpZDZOTy1kRXV5WGI5Ti1CSWh5YUhyOUgzVTNpUHZnc2hlZW5vbkUyRVIwcXppTFBUMjFXQ0xIWDRGVEp5UkdLYUotS210UmMwT3EyTWRKdUE1YW8wMWctcVdFdXBxSHZZTWU3MWs9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhblJ1WTNJYXhmMEtGV0x0R1N5UUFMTENfYVlvZ2ZweW56ZjBfX0dQUmI5WUttUEl4MGo2SWVmUnctUWpmT2RkN2RtVDRqT181QlJxS1JHYTl6TTEtdjZYV0d3VUtVbUNCaEo5VlFOa2tITUtZUlFEU04tRXQyb0V5MXE5Unk5RVM4cV82cy1iejRJUUhmOXdJdFJuWGFlVVhlcjEwQThiTldfeE9yOUdkUEVCUVdxUW90Mml0UW8xemZYLWpEVVViV3F5VS1zaGRhZ2t6QlpIMWJQVjlHUT09 | 1,488 |
He looks so good taking it like a good boy 😍 | r/amateur_pegging | post | r/amateur_pegging | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYbHFMeGh5aUZXUkNjYlV1Wnl2S2pBMWVMU0c0V2xLOUxaSWZiYVhCV19wLUdoRTZ3Q2lWejFydWZpUndZYkIwTjhZZ0xaSkJpa2NYSGJtQ2Vaa0drelRNNFNZZ2NneDFGVWI3clRMbDR0SU09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhSm9KcTdPdmN6Q0g0MDhiVGhSVFhCWFBfQ0NLUlc1NUt4NVBEVkFVZHVmWlU4RXViRWt1dEhNV3d0emxEVkg4cHdiQUt4UXFiNFNrcUFEQi1ZR19Cemx5bjJ1QUwtbXBDbzhsbGJIUHh1eWhRVW9ZU0hfR2tpQXRTamEtR0UzU3BqbjRXZFNJZUh6MVhORDhJN2hVeFFhdU5WeklTSXB5dHVyVW5yNmRlUlFibGo2eHR2UzRuQ004RVhsTC1HYVZE | 1,491 |
[removed] | r/amateurartists | post | r/Amateurartists | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYVENnN0dQZnJnSUQxN0ZuSHNPNWp5a2dZMU9GWjFMRUxqU1BJOU8wQk8wcVg1dlBNaTJKNlJCLW1DM2JfeWJVeEx4WXJiZ0J3T2R2bHFtVmpHbklkcnozTVhTcEdMeUxBV1BsY2d6ZnZyYm89 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhc21GakxmSDBzUm40dG1mMjduMXZPTkFJT09qZUNyUGR0U1VPMktvS28tNnA1ZkZza2hENVYzRmtHdDRhQ1dEWksxb2hlbVRnVExxZ3BDalFOeEljZW9CUlI0TmxHZGs1YVcteWp6VnRzeW16M2drNjZjRUQtYkdFUmd1MnF5R3dYQ2ZEbnlBWjg3VFhIV1pMalpEbjJkNzlJY3hrWWt6N2FqazdKamhzQlFOQ3pyNnNVa0J1SlNiZFQ2eWFoSDdU | 1,493 |
[deleted] | r/amateurcuck | post | r/AmateurCuck | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYUTZ6bWx1enRMbnJQdm90WUNoRnB3RnlyYmRQS0NxUFZEWnZMOWVHUnBnajZua3Z4XzhmdFliWll0M2I3a0JZSDBuYkwwZU5LenJaZ0FUVzY5SnFyM2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhRno3X0MyX0ZpNlFHYUtaV2lDZF9pTHBLcF9sdDJETVMyWU1TZUx4MVdvQ1B5ZWVZa0pYX0FfRjRac1pDVnppQ3JOVW1DcWtUTDE1OG9QNkVtX3MwVUNWOG81OTdVS25Dd3Z4Q1NqTVZyTFN5TzJQM0I5MEdBU0ttaTVuWU5qbTJVaTdnU3FDTllVZ05acEs0b0FqWGNQSFRrVWgzT0tMRWt6SGw0SnBmd1FjPQ== | 1,500 |
[removed] | r/amateurcuck | post | r/AmateurCuck | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYdGJYbEN5U0dtRi0tS2plZ3ZlRzUtbzlkMjBRalFJSkVoN3d4OFVQZE54Rko3UVVob0RJR3VlV1NqQURDanFpcEtoZmVGR3FPajRjU3lZOEl5WGVzMGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhb2ljaGI5a3pwZG9WMm9IUm1TdnVLN3Fpa3FrUExmdVRqS252RUVHcWtISnZzNl9WT05Xdk5CVEg5STlzSjFGV2ljTjVyVnlia3BGWE1nckZaZTR2NzlzLUpabmFxVElTbVFqOG51dUlwc2JNaUdJLWdfaTlsUW44eHZYSlJDNkF2N1dEUlNXZ1ZYYVF1bHZjdXFNcmdaWGJ5MGRiczB0bUV5RVVVeWdVZXplRlBSdHloNjV3LUVqRXNtYzBRRlprNmdydVhzSVdxT2hvckxUblRxV2VwUT09 | 1,501 |
[deleted] | r/amateurgirlsbigcocks | post | r/amateurgirlsbigcocks | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYSkV4Vi14VENndC03S09UcDdPTnY5dWZpcWg0M1dwT2I3MGNMd3JCR203M1ItZ2I4a3drQ0hyR3ZtdG5ZaU1iOWxwZ2lKZVRDWFh2a3U1ZGFOMG1yd2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhMlA2dGtIQ08zMnc0Rm1wRzdaUng1elZROWZOVmgySlhucF9KSFAwREJILUUta2g5MnBPNXRjVE5zbjNWX25yTElEeVFCTGc0clo5ZndlTk56MU1rMmRhRXBmNVp5Y3NmVGlvdVhFM1gzRGRoaTRqa055LXlBbUxaTVhBS1BVbE5LRzVyWUExa0ItbnpTbEdvS0FtN1Y1cndPWW9DUldVNzVqYWN5ZDJyejdlV1htMGxUelhJemJtT0tJc3J6YkxFWkYwRENuVF93aTcwbjBweUtFQTVxdz09 | 1,506 |
[removed] | r/amateurnude | post | r/Amateurnude | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYTVAzc2kybHkzYng1NWp3VDk2YTVkS2M3YTZ2Nk9RRVh5Ql91SVNJblNBLXU1SC1WWW9hcDA3TUVLNDAxNVI5dzNZdUp5QWFzWXpRZmZXaGpsN1JTZGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhbG4xbjVPQXRIRHE4SXY1cTlDcGloOEVKMDVGQk1mb29jYXM4OU9TT0lKa21OVUZxcEo5dWZxQXpORTBObTItMHBDVkJnMzJEbDcxRzNOY05jaDcyY1pwSjM3ZmxvcUw5MTMtbnFqRzJFcFR2UUlYWGFpbGZFZThhX19mTk1haDRxdDlKMW5YbTVJLXM2Z1FiNGt3a2N3PT0= | 1,513 |
Recent pictures I took from my wife’s and I’s anniversary trip. Thoughts on the editing? I’ve been playing with a grey/B&W background with a colored subject | r/amateurphotography | post | r/AmateurPhotography | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYb0pkT3B1d181Tmk1V19HQ0YxQXIwT2FwbUFPNGdxNzVzdWtEVzZHaGg2UWFlSnRmSlZFQVBpNG1JQi0xMXhGbElPUHdTOE9jYTAyZVF2VWF4Zk9Sb2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhbkp0SXFpWjJHLWhma3huQUZqQTJTZzdYYnhGT0xMLTNiSmtKY1RSbFg0VGNsZlBmaC1RdDBBRlpqWFlqZWFVTlJiSkNwTFFlRnBOUEtNUExMRTFyOGNiRGZWQmdVbVcyRy1kOF9SY2lfSENYTkdWQWJFMENfdTFSS24tbG50X3NRRndhb0tFbjFDRklfWVFSTzR2OWI5anV2c1JKYWVWODZFOWtiWlhNY0pjPQ== | 1,522 |
All photos taken with my pixel 7 pro phone camera because I don't have money for gear. | r/amateurphotography | post | r/AmateurPhotography | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYTGNxUUJMQnJackM1Z0pOeFNuUU1NRTEwTVNOMHJqNzRfZk9YakVNTFNYSWZwREdIMDVBUUl0a0s2TFJOckJEYjZoVTZWYjkzVEFJMUc0SWphdkpYdnhycDFlNG1PQThmaW9uZkZvdmVkZzQ9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhWi1wSHM0aDlLOHcyMmtPa1VJN1lBSzAzRnp3d01jNUlBQnR4MXhPRUVwR2dfaGU5ajJsU2k3MWtwejdBdkxESHVDTmFDc2h3OTBYend3cWppNkZhc0lFTHlYYlpyd2pKRnoyOHJCR0FVOFBxOEJfeUNFQ0RTNFFNWm1OeElYTnhzcHdISUgxa1hZcWdNSzVFbU9NVVVXbGRZZE50Ymdhdl9oaTNwNHlJZXJVOFBhTWVYYWZhaEZGYjFtYnVpeHFfNnQ1RndSUW1PMnlHRm1uaXhyaXV2dz09 | 1,523 |
[removed] | r/amateursgirlsporn | post | r/AmateursGirlsPorn | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYbVQ1WmcyN1g1NWZWMG1qTDVFa1c4Sm81bDFwNVF1amlBTkVHSm45c2xPalQ5c1dMY0ExOGJxYXJWRXFkbTJ6bmVDcjhyRXZsY0U1Q3pIb0EtZVBpV2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhRTM2eGwxeGc0dTRvaVdvZ0tha0R4T1l6QVVLTGlGVElDRHJYX2U3emJMWHFGU3Rqa1VrYUI0d1p2OFlZRUpiMzJsQXJaeTh4QkpydVl1ZzdWcWt0UUE4TlpMc2RoVlVkYXE2d0xhMjE5S1YtMzZRZ2dYNHRNUXZYcGkxMGc4WERjdmN6Q1F5NGVmc1F0cnlkY19WTzJqanVKbWRueEdSR3dvQ1BLZHN6b21hUEVTbklLajBnUG1nOUVfTEdFMlhhcFlkMnRpSjJvZExZcGZHUDdScWtZUT09 | 1,534 |
[removed] | r/amaturewife | post | r/amaturewife | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYdmNURnFpVjhROUpfa05GUUtkQjlvTFRoT1E3SWZsX0hlUGJXVVZxUGRpSE9hTHgyZ09tOGszVWpFRkdYT0xiWmNCXy1OLURwdHBNdEZhb2JOQzZWdjU5QkRuSzlHU3FCZE1IazRDdXFKTFU9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhVS1EVWZsem9BR2FuSEZXQzd2RUYyeFRWa1g5VXYtdFpmcWhMQjVvZ0tXZGpQNWVjRjIwbF91NHRxdlppbHFUNTFBcmgzUjZ4MHVPbUYzd28zREY1dXZPTEVINEdzekV1ZUtLcFk0MGRtN1l6ZUJYeWpRNkpCWDdrZDR1RjduSUVTYVpUc2NMY2MzQVFHOWlIN082bnlHbUVTTHFtYXNQaUdVbDQtYmlZX3N4dkpDVFB5ZkJpd0xvSFVodjdQcG8zOFp6TDZaRFJnQ0pfNVVDa00xeUtXZz09 | 1,543 |
Is there any way to turn it off? It seems subjectively worse as you can only read the notification title until the animation finishes, and then you can see the content. | r/amazfit | post | r/amazfit | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYd05IYWtCVjRQanZPM25ZYy1IZTRTQUZ1WWpjTFNLWWZWbF93OGZRODVwNEZTMG9BMWRpYjFpWkNiLTZzMWZjVFZTYVo2dDZzeHJCaDFSOTJ5RDBfQmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhb2JwRHBOYUdZQkxLOUp6Sy05Q0tpWVA0azR6WEZybjNYREpSeXJ2SlZwMUxqLVdZVExiaVpackxXOXZScXotZnMycWVIOFNFMVNXWUhrZEI3MV9KZmFjaUhOa0h0S3hNOG5pSGowaVRIVmtEQUJpTUxkLXZiaEFOeUNZVzV1Qmk2alVIczdPT05hMzFZcGhYS21Pcm05SFQ1bmNKS25vMU1WOEVqLV9nUjlBPQ== | 1,544 |
[removed] | r/amazingtits | post | r/amazingtits | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYX1otMFBvOE54OWU3MGdxbmNIMnNaMzh3eURjX0htdFdtemRQZVRfWkpHdV9CSFhmczlNRTR1ZUxGX1oxSEZwYi1pY2ZvbXJ0M19Lc2hCR1JCNG5qQkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhbUp0UkMzU1Z6XzN6dTdIR3RHNWcyZXZkQ0pUal9PMFV2UWZPaHpWVkw4SjFGRXdfSWhXU0FhZENSSVlvVkd5VmJhLXpGRWU3UUo5RXZtMFhRRUdtaVBKUVl2UkhTRkYwSEl0X0g2TlZRaENOb1VsUTJRMXRXU2dZc0N0a1FwVXJ3eFBidDVoazI2Z0FyZlNxanNVektWNGYxTkdrem1JNFZMX3dBMWlZMklZPQ== | 1,555 |
[removed] | r/amazon | post | r/amazon | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYc1lPS05EanpLLWR4ZEg2YXFuN3JReFUyOFZGT0lCOHBFQVBMUThhOU5ZQjBOYmFYZzdKUVZOQ0N6cFJBdlJOMnpBSmNCT0JiSXNvYVpJTVAyN1VYWlBIQWhFV2VJeUg5RUhaM2wzQVhyOWs9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhOWFackhfa1pEVTY2a0hJSzdsS3RLQWprZ2ZtZElxVmJBdzVjZ2t4YVJsUmtJS1NVN0xtU0g1MWt1b2VMdDNHN1BYekZiTzA0S2FVUnk3M3RqQS02WEpFNjlESUdhcjBRUHlHaGxBRGxnWUxkaTJWSTE0RWs5bU5YXy05cmRvZmt0Ykd1aDNWY2NfUjR1c0ZOWl9mNDZOS2tycnkzRmJhMUpGb3VUb3RJZUZEU2kyS3hsMFphYndrMnl5ZTRaRlNBNHAyelZ1M21teGtoemRJSl82R2NkUT09 | 1,557 |
[removed] | r/amazon | post | r/amazon | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYYTl2TVcwRi1LZFRmT0w2c1VwdXlobmZZUXlFVUtMSk9fOEVtc1kxcFNYZFRTRzEydVJtQWJ2Q0NpYjJna2xIN3QyaHNiSzZYemN0ZVFhcHJRWG8tUkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhbllWNm13bFpqQ29YRElzNkd5VHMyazY0eHZIQ2VLN0NzQ0tIdDNWS2c4NmxpbzR4dE55NkM2QlhTVl9GaTI1VVdHMDM0T3lFX2pQMmhjc2dQeDBiZ01QOGN3cV8xN18tU3hWVUpCWmxxR3dNWVJPLUV4TVJNNHUzUlFUc0drZHluUVlEOWVwVXFxSU5vbHg3WmFoeHZxOHpETGxqMGtfT25HMkg2NERWdkNQNFB2SFRkUm1OSGppXzVfanpaSlU3UVRsQkc5OWZlRHVUZVc2UzAzSWxJdz09 | 1,558 |
I am an Amazon influencer and recently participated in a promotion they were running. I can't share details. However, I posted 90 videos that I thought qualified, aiming to achieve the max of 70 videos for this promotion. Amazon said that I had only 9 qualifying videos. I wrote an email and got no real answers. Has anyone successfully disputed something like this? Should I get a lawyer? This is thousands of dollars I feel I was shorted. | r/amazon_influencer | post | r/Amazon_Influencer | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYbVF6andTcWJVUUhja29fa2tLX2NJS0pzaEVvLUVQNmdDWGRtT0E5WG92aHRIcU1vWkU4bjdDdVJlQ0JGZUkyUG14N3lZaDJMRWVTTklZV3pieE1GTTZMWk5LMzh5eEkxdlpRREVFWklFR3M9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhRFJJSE5VYUx5Q1JCbklzb0NJZ1JRTFdpSy15TmZLTnd5d282cEdUdTZ4WVJOVGNld04xODgyRlJYNjZ6Z3VreE1PMU42N2J4dk9WUzYyMWlWd0RicHYyZEtNV21xNGxUMnBPdjA1N2hkNHVLdXFiRm5ubkttdzJfUFl4ZnpPSG9VXzNfQ3pfRXI2ZXdFOW84YzZNekJWa084REx6cVd3RUI1QTMwWXRPTmZ4Um96TTlWWG13Zy03c1ZQMDVEbk5KUGdOaW5DQTVNLXZzNHE2S2xOUEpMUT09 | 1,559 |
test | r/amazondspdrivers | post | r/AmazonDSPDrivers | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYeFVDclRjRXBhUjFCYjhqR0JZOFFxWjlsY0l3aUFpWnNqVGhhUk4zMW5paWNRT0FuZkl3OTFwUzNlUlhnR0hVOVJ1RGh3aXlPR2ZZdjZldUFwVTJ3YkllU3RVUXd1bjRSZnpOMHh5Slp0V1E9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhVlpRbFN0R1RrTThYMU80STRGX3h2VlhicXBveUtmamozejBqM1BYYVpVYTN6WVFKOV8wRjVYeFFVMWZRUEFpbjR4YTdVeXAzdlRnLXpzbzZ5T0ZxX3h1UUsyczZ2OTdmcjEzMFVVdzBHNjFxOHhKSGp3WUNrQXIzMW45eWM2eW9CTzI5Qk5hU0xuNnRxRXhmUGpaY1RfMTZTMHVkSzQwVEFxZUZqaW1Bb1hHQ0FBTlBORHgyQ3dpMGpOQnQ4RldKMmdvRF9lZzh4elVfUEJqamJldURjdz09 | 1,562 |
M | r/amazondspdrivers | post | r/AmazonDSPDrivers | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYbXVJYWdwOGxvRU1QaEhNZG9iaVVKMDY3Zi0tRzhYM3pkMzhGVEllcEFnbUs1endqOVlRLWxvUVQ1LUFEeldvTmJhbHBqYzdjNHJkdlFFQVR6Zjdzd3lRdUx4UkplVHNJaDlTMkY3SEVwZWM9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhR1YwRkpkYnJiWWpUcEVQbGl5Rk10UE1KNVZ3RWZuN0VNSUtvcVVmalNJVFNkSW5VbVYxVXRRTUIxVmduSEdGTk9YNktQdDNxTkNTcFJYYmx4Z1J3SW5HUVd4NXhselpta0FWTmxLeW4xM0FmdmtLbXp2STJDaU5pVW5CdzNyZ255VnVkSzhlU25semg1NFRfUS1weVFZRlh4eWhmeUktUkhZWlQxTzB4YkVpdUZjcDVWNGNOaGxPblFkQ3poaTNy | 1,563 |
Glad they're finally adding cool looks to the vans | r/amazondspdrivers | post | r/AmazonDSPDrivers | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYdnlVN1V2RE9tVnZJdzZQYS1MaFk0T0NRYTN3WWNzakRsektBZGRaUi02cnVRazc2MFFNQUw4YXg1ZmQ2TFo0ZTJVRnhvZ19uNjAtVlhDaENkbUo0V3AxdUNJS09HczhYNkJYU0JoNlVlaDA9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhN2lzS1NQeWdwSHI4V3NQeURkWkpidW9PT0dWUEFJM1dRdnlKczJlRmd4N1pUNzFGa05hV1Qta04ydXJBZW9Jc1RfZko1UFRCQ085X3JWX21MdWhyMzlPeURBcEwwZGFBRTgybFcyNXUtZkkxQmk4QkhBWWR0QUFaTVJhYUF0c09GT2dUdjJXczU5TWh3OGZ4eHBBdF8zSkJueGJKMDVTV2I2WE41bDRQdlE1ZEszY05BalNNQXl2MHQ1VGF2N0VJ | 1,564 |
Driving on dirt roads all day wasn't fun, and driving 30 min to each house wasn't ideal... But it was pretty fun. | r/amazondspdrivers | post | r/AmazonDSPDrivers | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYeldvZ2c0M0hjOEtaTE5Md0VXbHNPOFRkWHNha180QzVJU3dRV01rXzBEZU9fbVBWaEt6aXBmXzd6SzU4a3RlVFktSV9vUzdlY0MzOGhWUXZmcUpjdlE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhOVNzRXhyTGFRTTVWWEthMVo3UGttX1JTNXNBYk1OZ3dJYnhSRDAzcHQ2WVVJWWVoYWZKZDJZQ2FHcl9xZ2RDZExNcndpSmNkdjRHZTNZSmhHOEZBZHl2Qi1RQ2xSR2lTeVJIYVNBWmE1b2FYRlVDdWExMkhTbUI3UDNfQWpQdzlad3V2bmlmeGZrMUx6Ql93amFHOEZlNVFvel9WdnRKb2ZqUjRKQ3kzbnJESy1LNm8tVlRseUZLVTNVUUJmWFE5 | 1,565 |
I’ve been driving at my dsp since July and this has just showed up on my dashboard, what exactly does this mean? | r/amazondspdrivers | post | r/AmazonDSPDrivers | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYZEhHLTFYZHZUZ2N0SlJDRGRJTHg3MlJlODdXZjBWN3B6Q3g4VmxxSFBrdmM5U1VQTnM5UlY0YnF1bndvUjJ1NUlyT05QcmVzNnZucl81UndRNDhMNXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhem5SZi1oTDQ0dTV5UmdOUFdUa3pBRWRfejRsc19JbnczV3hJckQ2NjhnOENyM1ZlQjBzWjZFVXl6ZzJWakR0TC1EVmFoUUhUcFJ3TWRyWEpMcEdHUFJCNFdmUEpLZVNORnh5RzQ4VGdwQnJSWDZrU1o2b1RHYnZmZk44QTNFYjd2c2hhLV85R051NExxMkFzbHNQZnMzNmEySDdmQVNjNnNfT0tBMmphajFtN3NJMmJ0MjVERVlhWDlNVHQxblMy | 1,566 |
I know I would deliver way faster if I just walk through the lawn but I be wondering if they care. What do you all do ? | r/amazondspdrivers | post | r/AmazonDSPDrivers | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYRGdfSjFvYjROWTR1NG5hcllXQjZ0T2NJWDNRNlhpbXBXMVVtNlAyclJ3T2U2TTN4WE9zc3ZYMTllc3NqWWZCX3owcVlEYnE3T1NvQnF6NnFzVUtKNVYwaDhmX1JlbXVtdkFnWnFmcmhrNjg9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhbklfODJDWEtkcFZTMk96dmh6dDJmY2l3UzJ3dXhwZUVfUGZsdm1HYmxXS1IzeV9ibkNfSktsLUZ2c3NUSEdHWUstUjlKS1hOQmdWUXQ3SFkyaEFEMEt6M1NtcXVYQlZLOC03N1NMcFB5LU00TXp0elJiNW5DbU5ndDZ4SUtfN1dveUxLNEZ2cjQxZzhjTlNDNFpSNWd5Rl92N3pwSGFQT3RYWEJDaFJHQ1BvLWI5SncxVTJsZ3Y5NkhPNGVvZTc2Z2xWNFI0X00xeWJoWjl4OS1TMy1LZz09 | 1,567 |
Usually I fucking hate delivering in the dark but thank the lord it was dark tonight. I delivered to a house out in the country and they have a really sweet but hyper malinois. Buddy jumped up to say hello and somehow caught my pants on the way down and dropped them to my knees 🤣🤣🤣 I couldn’t stop laughing by the time I got back to the van. I wear elastic waisted pants because they’re more comfy but never thought they would betray me like this lol so yeah tonight I got pantsed by a dog! | r/amazondspdrivers | post | r/AmazonDSPDrivers | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYNW93M2NnbUIybXBneE14b0dkVzIwODBvUDhhNGlhdjdQbFNyQkRNaDZOazgwNDVGT3hMZjA4Q1lwUFhZXy0zQmpHUHgzUGVLMmFLYXN3NWlMT2l5b0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhNkJZWVdVTUR1LVduMUtZSXNINXFiRTgyeUFPU24tMzdBR2FDX1gyM1FnV2xuMXVNTDdZaUhrM0RjNGF4TFVrbkxndnlQc0ZOMFVxNzZkRDZJMWstRUR2LTIyamhfU2tySG95ZHd0eFJwQ2RHVW80cWhiWm9SWXlPbW9IblljVlRwcHNwNnFmMjVwM3hVcHAtcXplNWRXeGdrSGcyZHpqZFZXS1V3Sm8ycDllV2tCc3hiejBsbWh5alNlWGd0NS1ZdGw0VDRLMWRNYk4tN1NRQXpJVUs4QT09 | 1,568 |
Are there any recommendations of setting for a Eero 6 Pro E for a Streamer/Gamer? To make sure I am getting the best stream possible. | r/amazoneero | post | r/amazoneero | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYRm10SzZGejNnNUVFZzlyWUxHMUVnZmdIbkk1ZVNHdnNTeERjYW5rbDBqOVY2VXpVMFdELUx2cWR1YU1zUGtLdFJjV2RpWHpHRjRTOTdWU0VEUTcweXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhRFVsSzF0bkljbWVNb2l6NExuYXdSVzhGNTdwUTJKNmFtSm03Yy1EVzdYM2hKSWc0QVlOZndiSU1paHpmQ0s1clRZSkl2cEpEb1V1NHpXb0tmNlFGY1IxRXdkQ1UzS2w2T0NjblFRTGhwdkhHdkRFM05zQWd4aVRPUjRoQkVRaHo4cUNScWNha2twdGpZS1lyQzNJM0x4Ukw1YnVvdDUzUXJpbmcxd09OTnlOaGZWekRPVEpVWjN4YXp1TmllcEs0 | 1,569 |
Hey, i was unable to complete my training now when can i apply again but i wanna apply for a non voice cx support. Give me some info about when can i apply also of any post opening? | r/amazonemployees | post | r/amazonemployees | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYeWdIMlk5OTZkX0RaVGM5Ry1XMGR4dWhvakZZUDdTdTV0Ny10c2dBbnRyTTV1Yk8yMk0tcUlNRFQyS0doemZDdXMxZG95WUxlUVpldzN6ajlNanNPaGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhb0Y0dGVDekZiTTE4a2o4LUo4eGN1NGtsTk9veTF5THJibGd2R1NrODFJalMtUDhkejZIc1BjTHFEc0pCUk9fXzBwM3J5VW13aE5hUF9YMkNOcTVTMTFia3VhNmx3MzM4RVpJYVBPX1puWkU3YVd1NE82eURmMU44ZEh5ODBJWnNTbDVjVUU0dlEtRHRSSnVNTUQ0anVXb29RazgzbHNqNzByY2FRenc0Q2lrPQ== | 1,570 |
Actually am a new hire in NA phones. Am in my graduation period and I failed both the attempts so now what will happen? Will HR give me another chance or something or they will just give me my fnf? | r/amazonemployees | post | r/amazonemployees | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYQnR5anl4RlN5V3J0cVA5Zlk3QkFERTNHUGYzaUdmRWczX09IMnpNcmpkQUdjbVpNcXFUZUppTU1oemNOYlo4YVR6aXFmbDRpdWFfMHZhclRQOTNWZ1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhSUM3U09NR1FFME0tcGpmZjg4Rm5jRWZnNF9BN29hMU9GeFJZQ05Pd2FmdFBSYXJpbnROY2E1ZlY3VThOeXl0aDJYUWVnOVZLS1FWNG9zVlVZVUdSTXFjZU5OUkNGUUdQU2ptanFLS3pnZFJxcjlYNm1VS0JvV2MwM0s3MHg2QWRYTVZEYUx0NG12aUtWNHY2bmdyNFRROWlGOXJhWjVUbjQ3ajlKd2w1enFrPQ== | 1,571 |
got a pre hire appointment tommorow, am i safe to drink some beer with my buddies tonight or will i fail the test? it’s at 9am. asking cuz i’ve never had to do a drug test for a job so don’t know if alcohol sets it off | r/amazonemployees | post | r/amazonemployees | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYaFZQX0NsY1hPUmo3ZGJXbThZdDBENVdVVFlSSE9hYXlPWTRNd0FteC1VanN2Y2QwalVETGZsNGxLYTdCSVFuN0R2dWN2MzhaVEpRREVkR2ZQek1pQ044ZFBURXNNRmJ2LXdwOWsyNmJ1eGs9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhQTNUaDB0NXl0ZWItckJrODZwczZBVlQ5UHp4VnAzQnFnaE5uNU5OYXIyYm5aeGI1eGN1X0I1VmtlcTZ3SURhSWsxd3NiX1RhT0JqWWJUcFk2dzg4OVNmQUI2SndDOW45akNCVjZGMkdMdjA4OU41VXd1TVVUZ2JwQThaUXRyaGdiZFNnb2pRYjBRU19OV1ZFQk5nUXIxZWk5TUdrak9GUGZoRWVkVkVWWnpFPQ== | 1,572 |
Trying to understand how unverified Amazon reviews work.
Google says these kind of reviews are not prohibited, but don’t get much weighted on rank as well.
But if you have tons of unverified reviews, they still get you boosted, right?
I read Chinese seller forums, so I read a lot of Chinese sellers are using this method to get their ranking better.
I’m not intended to do it, but is this going to be a trend to boost your own listing?
I seriously hope not….. | r/amazonfba | post | r/AmazonFBA | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYMXUwMWF2QUIxdVBXdmp4aEFoc2dobTB5VFZYRUlOTUVuZS1IaHV2NGJRMWc2bWtwaEpEMkF4NG9UVjhqeEpOd3c5YzRVTy1rNkE0OVU4ajl0QnJXTS1ONDhCUHhHNFRRNGVrMklUWHgxYW89 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhWUV3SndpUDF3NGNLbWgwOXhleVd0bFlHU1FrRzNQZ1RHSEZIamUtLTIxaVo2TUVYa3lWVG1XVTFBbm9YM2VJSlBPeFJzVG9FOWlQTVZUbnptb0VYNXpEcjFmUmY1M3JkSl84UDZPcGpqNUdQTllwYXFjankxYzRLZFFiT3N4TUcyWFYxWnNfbTdNenI2V0E2VzV5ZS12ckNqeVhFU3VyalI4cW5NTkV0XzA0PQ== | 1,573 |
are you guys in MET yet at your FC or nah? | r/amazonfc | post | r/AmazonFC | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYQ2Z4NzJpOTFRRHRUMk0wVXIzbEJxSlFCZWF2cTdwclhoVGpxblpnS3NwVkFwcG5XYjYtaEpsUkUwQ3JtVTdMNmZxV21scm8tTmZHbklFMURuSlFHUFBIV2s2RDN3QVg4d00xQjZjRUJocGc9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhU3FveHZuaGhvYUFqZU50Q0RsWkpuVTQ5TGNONzg5dU9RczNjc3doTm9XMVNQNEp5WDJvSFdneW5tQ294YTdtUVZDTjZyZlFQaGlTTmdxU0xVTkYwMXgwOWdHWmpGMjZ6emRSYjZNaDBmX19HbTQwU2hmQzJIUHN5Y1N1Zk8tMnZqendSQlk3RW5uRHFUZU5LMFJYNnBBPT0= | 1,575 |
Does this Amazon FC have a discount chat ? | r/amazonfc | post | r/AmazonFC | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYQjFsem02UEc5OXp4b1NBR19YWDltZGJZZjdrWDNiX2Y2Rjk0SzZqYkNpSjdoVzNDY3JVNDR2cDVGRFU1dUFCdU12eW8tY0J5QXYyS0hVa19UUkVteV9zQ3k5ek1LenhidmZpYklSR0NkaWM9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhcThrcmJSVW1qRXpLZi1Hb3ctOWVaTnlMYUJraTdlbHl3MV9YX2pNRnhYcjNtR0Qwd2g5bHhiVUNPTlZZX2dXYlE3TEFudTl2OWxyQ0hBS2ExSXdwMDVJSlhCUlFZbk95b0wxUTAtTF9rRU9iR0JqbFhWUDBRVmRkM1Jjb280MkdfamFVbTFjdU0tWmllOTJlc0FETmVtYVpTR1dOVzJheXZfRFp2ZEhlRXJxZHdDZmdENTJRYkpWb1lfVzZiQ1ps | 1,576 |
I'm not mad. I'm just disappointed. Forbidden oatmeal cream pie filling.
| r/amazonfc | post | r/AmazonFC | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYUHQ5dWxxdW45Si1scWVrbVZsMmQtaFBCTDdNUVlucDhUaFJxYmQyTDlVbU9DQmtjdjFybmdySTN1Mnp5ZnFkd0hZMEY5LXlOZEUzQjdLeHp1ZS0wUlE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhR185c09pS2FjblFlekpxdVkwOUJtR1B6VzVmQmptb01PTkk4WjFINXJHOXl2OFdGWXVBVWs0ZURZUklFTHlxc0hySFUwM3o3Z0ZwVmpaOGRZY2xCdUV2SUNwdXA5TGptRFhEcThxaGZpbVR0OFNhdTZ3U2lJa3lwVVJpMWMxd29vNWpmREJaQkpCVWl4MGh0aERxNjBBYmY4YkM3SFNaUnNLTnFYeEU5NlJvPQ== | 1,577 |
Can i get fired for negative pto? I was here earlier in the year and maxed out my pto. I just came back about 2 months ago as seasonal and was gaining pto. They just converted me to a blue badge a few days ago and now I’m negative 9 hours pto | r/amazonfc | post | r/AmazonFC | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYSEYtUFFvMlM5UDZoaWgzTlpTc2lIVno2ZTJyc1M4QmJhVVNFb1Z3U1U4b0k0bzEzbXBUbUhRVEFnaVozcWwtV0lPMTFlUGNtRWo5Ty02UFRHVmpVSVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhUUNyaXVDcXR3UVdNSmV3ampob3pLNTNONzVUN1pwZ2pXTnZ1MzRtc0VhZFpRUDFfTWtoTGlHZVplT2NwQktIQ2g4akJTaV9udnZzWkVLTi03ZXBaalE2MEpyaVFKLXZIamY2eFNWcW5LdU03ckZqNlN3RUdWdU03eG9PaS1CRUxDZW5xZmdJdEVtMWx6V0xCZXpXZ3hyMTBZMFE5MlZOV3cyRDJBZE10R0kwPQ== | 1,579 |
It honestly amazing me no one uses their brain before posting things on the voice board, now she is getting roasted by everyone in the FC. 😭😭 also turns out she was the one that change her language preference. You really can’t make this stuff up lmaoo | r/amazonfc | post | r/AmazonFC | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYZUFrNkg2cHdOZ001a2YzZVQyTEYtc1dUNFJXOU9fWjNNTE1pWnNJU2JnaTZJMzNkSHFwQ25HNlVrbHNQRnZkNllfUzE0N1RhZllwRXBiYll2TWhNOFJ1dHVRdldEbm5zdzFIdlhNblhSQ0k9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhTWFpWnp4VkNxSVBydmVsYWxDTmpMcHJXMzI2ZWZaRmRzNmxSaXU4MkRJOE1EalAybF94VWxUaEdQQWdHMDJEQTlCVVJQY2xQaWo5OUhTekk4WFJnWUtDcklEdTQtZi1rWHdLeWdYN0hRY1FfWkphZHF4M3U5Qk9WbTkySkkwRFlmQVB5c1ptWmxFQ0s0d1hibVhYQ0FRT3ZvMU1LSEp4SUlkQVk4amlZaHNBPQ== | 1,580 |
I have a resume that’s specifically made for a PA position with all the core values and all the words that Amazon wants to hear. Do you guys think I can send the same one for a tech position in RME? (Considering I have 1 year AFM experience so that goes in to conveyor experience,belts,motors and photo eyes)
Anyone in RME that could also give me some good advice? Ive already enrolled in mechs schooling but it doesn’t start until next year so currently no education only experience | r/amazonfc | post | r/AmazonFC | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYci1rWHhTczZqV2JDN21kVVptTkYyVjMzRV9aajViYUs3YjlMOFJxOVk0YTRSRjM1ZllNQm5tc2wtU1hsNUM2SnJUN1Q5bkVNUU5tVFdIaWMwbEVhWU9jdVU2NjJxdTZfSUQ1X0RrQmxnV009 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhd3llcDE5MHYxdFAtd0s2cU9Hc1FweWctc3c5UnNSTDZtSjhpX3NwUDVmajVGS3ltVGt1MWxQUTFtY01RdUpxRTVnUGdVZ0pCY1E0RVl5elFqanYzcjlZUWRpbmlEeDdJUzItcng2WmF0MWc5MHZvdGphaFkxNzd2NWlYR3NiZkVzbHFnQ0ZDWGl5VlhENXFiWWU0R01VWlZpRnN6RGkxQTZOcGlhbFg3clZRPQ== | 1,581 |
Hi all!
I have close to 2 years of experience in Supply Chain & Project Management. I also hold a Masters's degree in Industrial Engineering from a Canadian University and a bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering.
I'm very passionate about the SCM domain and Amazon is at the top of my list. I've been trying to get into an Operations Manager and relevant roles, but my applications have no response.
Can someone please guide me on this, I'm in Canada right now.
Thank You! | r/amazonfc | post | r/AmazonFC | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYb0xzcGlxQlFXY3hzcnRkRHpMcnNWT3Jub3MwY0VERmwycTBLSDREb0dhZFZTRlBscDJnRUNvTEtDdzF2SE9HLUdLTHlkWFViV0NOWlRSZTFBUzY0MWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhVkJvWk5zWjRnbVl5eC1HUUxKOEtxWGl3aEFBczJmTlEzV2FaTUNXQW9kc21HbThsQll2WDhUNzlVWEprUGxaRjdKVzJONDlmWmctcnRKSWRrN1gtLXotUG1KX1U5b3B4LWhWQ1ljUUd3MFg0RHBJT2l6U1VIR0hrVDBtMzcxYjVWX21keVhhYkVRVlg0ZUZrNGNfalZOeHRqZThKczlqZkU1d3VfenNyNDZUdG5IWHFjZ0FMeDJqd3Z1d0xjdU1H | 1,582 |
It feels like slavery. I absolutely love us, the regular employees. I’ve met the kindest people here but the environment is absolutely dreadful. If your rate is high then you are rewarded with more work. If you are slow then it’s continual work with no breaks until designated break times. It’s one or the other everyday until you leave. It’s insanity. I can’t think of any other job where you are never done. | r/amazonfc | post | r/AmazonFC | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYUzMxVDhtbWNWcXY5TWt0UDJaN0tXUUtaMG8wTTdUaXpOczRZWnpxWVgwMGpjM3lpZUk4UmFGTG51MjhhM2hJNWpWU1JBbDU0bzlwTDNKaVhlZGlOc3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhTko4ZVBkYWVSSFYybjVkVUdsaUE2M3hJY0R2SlE2dXdTMWY5R2V0WUItSjc2SjVJNzJwcDNfNHJBSjhRdFU0RFdvRkhha3lBSlh2WmljWkRCWnpiXy1FRlQ0VFlwWW4yRVRNeVFaZTkyNEw5cDJpcG9OVm4xcnZkYkVYRm5KcEVYOVZ2SkNxMWxtSnlKVDN5Um1haDFKZU90QzRSUENPSE53M2l5Y2hGcjUtR0FtRnpoSm9JcjNiam11RVBycGR1d3o3YjRnOTdNblI3cXZIUHVaMDJsdz09 | 1,583 |
do you think a lot of the issues with mental health working amazon is due to the redundancy of the job? i’m in pick and the work is so mind numbing i sometimes zone out and get deep in my thoughts. well, to be fair, i like the ability to disassociate and think through things, but sometimes i believe i think myself into depression. (i was diagnosed)
“why is this my job?”
“why is this my life?”
“what’s next?”
or i’m just thinking of every little embarrassing thing thats happened to me or something else negative in my life that fuels depression. sometimes, i want a job that keeps me on my toes all day just to escape my thoughts.
i DO think the work load, demands to meet rate, and poor management lead one to have mental health struggles but for me, id say it’s the repetitiveness and the mundanity of the job itself.
It's not just a conspiracy thing | r/amazonflexdrivers | post | r/AmazonFlexDrivers | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYUk9SSlg2LWNIc2FhUS1JcUZZUFlxeGpWcnh4LUNXRHFPUjlRVmxxX2NWMVE3WGFwMUEyNGpveF9YcHNzVWNaTmNTS0czQ2RBcDVQcFZOc1FhQk4ybHhZMXNkWERyU3NMd0JlZkxhNE9jRzQ9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhYy1QZ3Q5UU5ral9fYXRZYWdLZGxLTUs0aGtXUW80RHhUR2R4a1d0WEFpQTFCam9MR1dobmpKd0oyREhUcXVXXzg0b2tfWjNXLUxWNnlKdkpRMFBZa05RbjE2Ym5sWEZWalRVeEdQeFRFaXczZ19yd1dMb21YVFdCcmlhOHQtVEZiVFM2LXg2V2J1MmdQUkE2cVFrODQzUUcwZ3BSZ29NSGJWQVotVHdoZWtfVV94UlUwcDRLbGZReG5XYThFSlRx | 1,586 |
Definitely a quick toss and go on this one! 🚪📦🏃 | r/amazonflexdrivers | post | r/AmazonFlexDrivers | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYQlVVS3gtVm1yUnJRNVZseTAyZG00Q1ZMQmd3bU5RQ2RJRFRmczlQUmd1czBGenlmM1EzaUtvNVc4elQ3V25kYkZRSmxEUnk5cWdEbjU0RjREdmMzanc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhVnI1LW9sNlJILVJtcVJpbDJmOHNJblJFck5CNG5ONHpncFRQdl91al96VmJoZjVsbVp2ZFpFcWJvVGkzYjROUktqRkRhYU9qZkJMRHZ2WkRjNnZFZEJVV2wzTnU5S1BQUEhwaTJ6c0ZJWWpENFZJcTdDb3RST1BoSnZ2SjRXSVo5LUpXS2prRVpqTGNja0FyeENpSGdCMnpFVEhDZUlmN19tU3RBV2ZENFhCQ2lnQlkyd0RFNDhXVDVvRjF0Qm1WVWdWandmLUdrS1lSM09JUTlvLUpqUT09 | 1,587 |
This is just things I’ve noticed about surging in my area. There are three types of surges. Ones that result from no one picking up the shift and ones that result from someone dropping a (set time) shift. Supply and demand surges. All can be high. Dropping a set time shift and supply and demand shifts are highest. From what I’ve observed.
What’s a set time shift?
These are shifts that align with Amazon delivery windows. Usually they won’t push out a shift at a later time they will try to get it out right then. You can force a surge this way especially early mornings. If you have a 3:30 4 hour shift and you drop it a like 2:30. An 3:45 or 4:00 am shift will drop surged. (This doesn’t mean you’ll eat the bots to grab it). Similar things happen with 3hr to 3.5 hr shifts between 3:45 to 4:30. After that it doesn’t happen for other set times besides evenings.
There are other set times 11-12. 2-3. They won’t surge using that method.
I encourage you all to spend time learning your areas habits. Thanks for listening to my Ted talk.
| r/amazonflexdrivers | post | r/AmazonFlexDrivers | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYakZHMXdtT3NIRGZZTENJUGNVUXhaMGp6QVpEak9hLWJwc0E4aXJkX3F3Um9GZXR3dXJCTTRXYzVyWW9MM0l2eWJRRkp4QkZZSXd6NkZIb2o4dUQzQlE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhbEIwNmkzZ3NkMUVIVFlIdUV3cTJMa295eUdiVUZHZlFtYUNoNmM0TXAtYXNIOTVCV1hQTnRKNTI0WjlYMjFudllTWWFKazlya3JLa0JzQWYwR1l1LUVJQnFuM3dYa0NEQnd4UkhQcTJJdm9pc0hRdDk1Y3ZUN2hlbHh2NnpBTGtxcHY4LWtRTm1mMDdidTlwTEU2RHIweks1emdrWTBIb3hYckxNX0FGSDM4dVc5VnpYN3FFZlpFcE4zckQzT0Ez | 1,588 |
I don't want podcasts. I don't want podcasts taking up space on the screen. I don't want it suggesting podcasts.
[removed] | r/amazonprime | post | r/amazonprime | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYVnRsLVJ0ZjlORXl0MF9FNk1RbmZyeFNzMkFocWwyeldzZ2stQmFlVy1JLU8xWTA3NS1uV1ZqMVVMaUNobGlYbnF3alZ5R1pqZEZQZHBkb0JRYnpsVm12MjRBN0REX1ZHSXd5SkFhUXdYRWs9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhV0pJU3I4cU1fdk5fOEdiQ0FxdGE0ZGpLc19IU0hOV3owNmZHMjh4REwtbDlralB2ems0LTVfeXlOWGhZNkNGSmlzTmNwWFNUbGl6UXBYMVloQXo1Rzh1MHNENzEwSU95TGVCenFLMk14MFJqWnE4bVNXaUNjcXkzaVY2RU50ME9veUhSc3N1SWxHcDhGSjE1ZkRVbERuWncwWWNfVXFCM211RnR5Zzh1U3l5NWdKWFZ3Wk9lV1lNLTBNWl9pWmV6Zk9tTy12cVNoSE1jR1ZxVEY4aC1TQT09 | 1,590 |
I opened a new account and bought things. At first everything was fine. I also loaded up two 30 euro voucher cards, but since then I haven't been able to buy anything and it says that my things will be canceled straight away. what can I do about it and how long does it take? | r/amazonprime | post | r/amazonprime | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYZDFfMFpSSTJHNEpsd1Atem5MQlhNMUw0VGd4d2I2V0dmdUExdUtheTBVeUtBWlh3VGtVd21HU1NrV1hHbmgtZmpSR3VIWjZtc1VZS0JmQWJ2d21CTEctbTNpRXpnRkJJNGRzaVFYenBoNWs9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhLWhKR0MtTHF2RVBKUm9mamlKNXBtWEtWWGV1cUIxZ0RFTlVVR0kxeUVkQVRLc2NjUkZQZC1EZVdTSGlka0FXVFBiT3ZMYlB4cDdOVlM0VnlzcmhJSmRrTTVsOEs3cmYwZzlnZS1pMHNsWjJqNVBVNTBEWEJJazNydkVlMlRGOFJ3ZzVtLURtRmJOcFZXaFQ1TjhWZVJEMm5BMm9BdlZMUzFTaGJuSlhOY3JNPQ== | 1,591 |
1st pic is from my ipad (not logged in to my Amazon account)
2nd pic is from my phone (is logged in to my Amazon account)
The two posts are the exact same (I sent the link from ipad to phone)
Anybody know why $12 more expensive on my phone? | r/amazonprime | post | r/amazonprime | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYTVl3MmtTMndseGZsN0tSWWt2ejlNMFNmV0Nlai0xNXVaZllhZ1NDQTFEOVVaT0l3YUpweTVlc19QVEFuU2gyWlZTMHlHRVVUVnh3eHpVNFJBM0NuVEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhbXdsSWwzcjBTbHZQTTRvekZuaXdzRmhaSU1NOEMzTDNqVmsxeFNMeWNoZU1wR1RFUzhZbE1PMzYzdXY2b2lkdFJTZ0JqTVdxWkcyYmd2M001dDZCZHdndE9iSWdNQUZac1FlVEFrSU9hQUo1U1NyTWQ1M2daVFBXVlRJVnVhMzJXSmMyUkl4ZEljblFTVWs1dEE0TGpCd3lqSUlveDN1dG94Y1VzUGNaSkROaHdldkZPbWdiU0xpQmJ4cmNpUVlEZGx5d1NUd0ZnLTFDa3ZONm9KRlFudz09 | 1,592 |
I have been in RME three years almost and have heard around that there is this travel team which basically has techs go help out around the country in other buildings. I found out about this from a few techs I have worked with at both my building or when supporting on shutdowns No one I work with seems to know how to get on it or apply or even if it is still a thing does anyone know anything I'm blue badge by the way thanks | r/amazonrme | post | r/AmazonRME | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYX0JxY01ERTdlQjlzaV9qNklYYloyQ2s0b3lMT25MV0ZGaVAxWUl0dm9KM1lpRzJZY1pQNVR0eXhtdWtuSGNUYkZ4R0ZPQkdjR3hINUhsUWR5WDdiZnhhQ18xR1BNN1ZOdDJKTjZLLUh3TlE9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRheEVOZ3QwMTV1V3FWTU1xX0o3RmhUS0RoV2FTemdSNmJYVkRUbTBKWmJHanhfU3ZXYng0TTM4U1d6UDdBNHBJdlFTSVVRbjgtRDE2c0JPV2lveWxsNVVGdlNhaDZFWFUzek5qeU9YdmVYbVZZaUJBRk13WERjR29JOTJmWHlfSEFQVmM3Ni1KdGt5ZDh5QTVzc1owT2ptQ0JzVGhhVE5rV24wNlUzWjdCQUlJPQ== | 1,594 |
Amazon took money out of my account (£8.99) for prime when I know I’m entitled to student prime so I got that Aswell but it took at further 4.49 out also ? | r/amazonuk | post | r/AmazonUK | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYU2VwRUhCbXVLZmkzOVlZLTN2ODUwZ1lhYjNVVG9SWjRkVUJNQV8teHc0eEswTmhTZUhEWWtURnJjTzdIUDljREM2bmt6MkYzY0RXejZ0N2NBSHR0Y1NmaklNNHlqWW9FaGVMLThsR3FDUWc9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhYkVXRXg2NGw0UkE5N2hNNjNIU3QzUWtfVlI1MG1NbXk5UUlrYWtQVWNGZ255QWIxUGRhTVBmeWJCUlYtZnhtcWdQcXI5SHF4WndNNmt6MXBFSWdoT3k5Vzd6TXFnVjhsRE9DdFNuam9LcUhRcV9BZy1ndU9xVkk2a0tvY2ExQm8yVG5XalQtM1pxZk9hSFRSbnQ4VDdRPT0= | 1,595 |
[deleted] | r/amberheardfans | post | r/AmberHeardFans | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYOU96YXBNOVZzZnczNExiaTk5NEhReVdqQVNySmZ6TE9XVk4wMGdCOGEyZ012RW4wckZ3WkRnV3VGN3dyTFBaZmZ1RzVDdENpNzFHM3RhY3dLRURLcXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhUjJUZFpqMWZyQzQ4a0tjb0RBNWFaejlmWWJNZlB6UzZGUUhBY01rZUdrYkpNOEd6cnk2bUpUVzJ2Qk5RcHJKVWl4R1BYd01WTEREV3hVSjFzRG0wYzZXM090MVF3clNkWWVlVEVmeWJpZGYxVlExbkg1QWZkdWNJU3U0dWtCai1mM2JZMGZ0OTlwaFdyZTlzLW1uQWFhSjBLbFd2T0k4aE5kM2U1UDVNdVhhaHFPZGFVb1Y3WjZtOW1iM3BJSV9j | 1,596 |
Her kids have been up all night with the stomach bug but she has a done up, low ponytail with her bangs curled……Does she ever just put her hair in a NORMAL MESSY BUN? Nothing about this says “my kids were puking all night and I’m exhausted.”
| r/ambermasseymess | post | r/AmberMasseyMESS | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYOXJWdTFzS0JCZHJkUXZkMzUxaGp1T2gxaWpiakdqbXlzaGJzUlNrTEtaa1JKNW1BYU9pbHk0Sk5CVjRUc1FlbHNyQU1PN3RjWHFkQ21nLTc4dFVJTkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhcElIUkNfa2pGR2NKOTV0cUJObkdGRkh5cC1vQ01pTFE3eGhYWWFBcTMtekZJT2JwWDFfSmZ2MkI5bWtKR0hxdWdvWnBqZUk0T0V6Q1M0Y1NWSkVfamQ4dWExZk9OWEpyTE1NN2toRnM5Ujg5a0lRMFEtNzBDNGxOWHloQ2E0d0tEdTczbHhJUUtsLXBWbVp6bEJnMXJzYURJQmhVQzh5OUdSV0Z0TDQzdG40PQ== | 1,598 |
[removed] | r/amberverse__ | post | r/Amberverse__ | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYOG9rWDNCYzVpdEJtR21vNlhtZDBPS3pabmFDeTJoMlAyeXV6RW56bTUzcWtNNVp6WjlqTW1IQWhEajNTSkU4WHQtdG5Rc29YSmRiaGFRb01Ja3hfTnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhZElGM2ZrN01lbzExT3NmbjZZUjNBdjNmWVJhUjN1Z2ppSGYzU0dHNW04Y3dobGpOQ0pzbGplTWFRc0NHZHhMVWM2emZtQjVST0I0M2pzVndfYWpPQk1QWmtwRmRCRkRybFo0N2RfV185QXRGcWk5eGg5YWZOUm9QMTN6b2Q1am1vRi1KQ3FrQlBTNTg0bjNPZUEwWnUtU2ZoSUZpWFAxVDQ2N254dDRPWUV0bndqeUM2LVFrN0wwVF9JZk9CWnJF | 1,599 |
She used and pronounced the word cognizant correctly multiple times. Discuss. | r/amberverse__ | post | r/Amberverse__ | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYcXJTcVd5RmNTcnh0OHhzMHlKMkNDZ0JyU0huRGhZb0gzb3hiZEhsSzc0U2ljVExseHBvWkctYU02NzFDNXZ5VjBEc3ZwSGcxNl9UZnZtMzdKUGsyOXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhVGV1NHBMNXBncFBIcXRsbDA5Mk42WHpHcUlpb3JiYl93aGVEUW1taUxlcEwxWGJoNmIyOUs4bGY5QzJfX1lqamJ1cy1TbHpTeW02eHctXzNOaFJ3aHRNS2pwN1dSU3Rsb1AxLXc4QkZhWGJUUm42MDByYTVHcDZ5VmY0M2oyQkhCb2N0TVVydTZtZlRBUHlfamItWVl1S3lfU3RodUdUdXRMSlUzNkRwMmh3Q3I2OUlYU1BoemZ1c0lFMnlNOUh4OFNkdnR4dHBwckJxbFNQWUE5Vmx6dz09 | 1,601 |
Relatively new to gorlworld, I remember watching Tom Harlocks video about her years ago, and I ended up doing a bit of digging to see where she had ended up. Took me here. The more I learn about Amber, the worse.
Something that confuses me about Amber is the fact she doesn’t edit out embarrassing moments. Like when Becky said she wiped her ass. Isn’t Amber in control of the editing, why wouldn’t she take that out? Is she that dumb? Unless that was on a livestream.
Amber really could have it her way if she was more careful about what she put in her videos, so why isn’t she? Feeling a little lost | r/amberverse__ | post | r/Amberverse__ | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYQTVLTlVkOHNpdjBLM3Y5TUp2Z0RnSzd0cjFtcHplUEltUnVibVpTdS05S2luYkRfT3ZJXzN2aTdRSzFnSFZQMW9KWHRBU0xFcXNMc0pVckQ0Z01jVFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhTGFSUU92TkR4M2E1Y3R4cGdNSkxsT0VSU0xzTm1oNlBWM2w3UnpvVGNteDY0OVVWTFVZU3pxTkxqZnRYc0JDYURiRVdHZ0poRmdCZUtub21acXprNFhyb3ZDN2hYLVBydXNLMEdRY0daUll3NGdJeWtUT3l3WlJwM29BVjBLZjFITkNtNGd5bVNmbzZwNDdxZ3dWY2tGWDlxdjJ6TGxYdGFDQnJxTnM1MGY1OWJsSThva1hZeFFTOUs4Rk5EbmdHUDdIMHFueXZNZG1mQUVtcVY0NnRDZz09 | 1,602 |
Mmmmmmmm | r/ambien | post | r/ambien | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYTVYzZExyMnJHQWs0Q0IzNU1kc0MwUVNFbFRrbmxPUWJ4dlhkTWhqQjBBVjR6eUxIMWhqWEZxOXlGU3RrYWxWRXVuVWlNQnd0dElZNlNnalJWTTh3eVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhMWVERzRULTU2X3RGOTh3Q0xVOFZLUFFJVzdpMERLd1FsWWVDSkVYbjg1VWs5UEo1bGRvSFM4dnF1ZkRGQmtvWHlpcWg1UkQwNVJDeGlCaWh4cmMxWUVJWk00QXUxanhJZW1fVGM4TGZMeGNtVjBURHVLZ1h4c0JFWTdfNVBXa3ZmNlZpOTNTaG1rRk5KX2ZRanNtMXBDcUhpYk42aFJQeWNrVzBKal92UlhjQW1MaXZwX1FRcnNxUnVLMkwzb2hieGo5Yk5tOU9VZkFCa2JPYW43dDVVQT09 | 1,603 |
I've discovered Celer last year, and enjoying whilst deep diving into his discography, I've listened to like nearly 50 albums (included EPs and singles). I think I cannot ever finished his collosal works, cause it's too much, but i keep trying to listen to his works at least one album i never heard per day.
So I'm curious what's the saddest and most uplifting Celer's tunes you've been listened to?
I'm looking for some that sounds like:
The Carved God Is Gone; Waking Above the Pileus Clouds
Leaving a New Home
Circle Routes
Equal to Moments of Completion
Prelude to Obsession
| r/ambientmusic | post | r/ambientmusic | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYajB2dWVmSVc1RWItVDNmcmN4Q19OUmx1TXN2Z0swUUFiNE5ocDVJNGp6ZTN6c2tvUXUyemZEV0dwWVpCTzYxSXhaUzFVZEtyNHFOVEpkT0szVG84b3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhMGhUajg2dkRmUjVDbkt6ZEhzZVcyRXZ6WFltQlRvOHBPZGphWFl4MVJDN0doVWhWMmlyOXV5RmhBQzRxZUV2QXFjNldKekRfXzNCVzd4UW54eDVaWXVvdU5PTXhvVW1EaU5hUWFTQVY1SmFLOWRYU1VDbGR0eTRTRVFtYnAzckVpdWJvNG5YUVJYcE1NZnd2UTI2bjEycnNvbTJrbHV2U3JtemE5T0FoWGQ2YnJGTWUtSEZWRWlFc3NqbXZFZUhWaE1GbnU5THgzaEdWQS1fWG9KdEdSdz09 | 1,604 |
My movie of the year is The Substance and I guess I enjoyed Anora too but I think I might have missed the point of it e.g. I think the bickering could have been at least 20 minutes shorter (or do you think there was never a minute wasted?). Why do you love Anora? What message is it trying to tell? Does it humanize sex workers or is it parodying with its exaggerated raunchiness? | r/amcsalist | post | r/AMCsAList | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYelgzS09Ud1NJSFYtelQxa1M1dGxlYjlVajZiN2xuNGZwT1daMGs3V0psTFF6THdBZnBZR3V5bEFxOVYta2lFcWp4b0lkU1d0RTQybUc1VWFRaGxHVjFoVWxid25oaERjTHo1WDNXY3RCQUU9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhMnlzMWZVcVZtVTNlY0tQR2xHNTRzcUlLTmFBUVFWN0VLcUMxczM5LWptQ1R1d0R5Y3hVRURpUHVGTnN4WjQ2d3NZZExoNWREeW8wUmw2UWVDbmwyNEg5SEg3Z3dIMjRVQXllWF9hVXFvNm56RTgzMWVyUnE5ZU9QLVBZUFA5cEw2M0hvbjZhQVl6Q3hnQVp5LUNfSmQ5cFItXzUweWdCdk9lMlVWcldTbmkwZDV3d0JER2pfNGQtV3VidjY1RnhMMmVYSWlEbVFIWURxYnYxNEJ1VnEzQT09 | 1,607 |
I upgraded and cannot get this card to populate the HZ list over 60 | r/amdhelp | post | r/AMDHelp | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYNHpPbFJadEZsOE1uNjk0TE5JWmRnTllQSjIxbF9kZ0hCQ0JtYlJVeVM4X2R1Z1NPVTc2eWkyaHZEYTREWGRqTzNsOE1VQnNqQVYxMzdQaWlZMlFmRVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhbkV4TVJJc2ZfamRycmpiS056c3M5WEZvaXMydzBiSEljZHpHalZXeS15XzcxQlRLY0gyWExkZlpzYS1xa0d6T3h4RVpWSHJUYmtzMllERlZQOTJwSWVWVFUyZXVtVXVFM1lFVC1vcEp5M0dmLWNJdTQxUE9XbDFuQ2dhWjd0UTM3eWFScm83bmtlMUZBTi1zV3VmLXEycklMbERVSW9JSXJPOTlBZjk1SUtURnNILW4tQU1CQmJvalJFb2pla3BM | 1,608 |
I haven’t had a period in ten months. I got blood work and it all came back pretty low (FSH LH progesterone and estrodial) . My doctor made the comment that it’s odd because it looks the like the level of someone who just finished their cycle not someone who hasn’t had one for ten months. She wanted me to try the provera challenge to get it back. I am very nervous about hormones. Opinions? | r/amenorrhearecovery | post | r/Amenorrhearecovery | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYLTZtclhEc1dsMUhuQV9Gd1pweVhIYV95UGFOYXhGRFJSWmhPVXY1UUIyM0ZVY2ZBQ0ctRGRHenBYb0NQeDkxdjAtc2szSVQyX0EteXBERkdrWElEUlE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhOWlzYk81WUtkQkUtV09VUlpsdEYzczA3NHVKY2xEUlFQeU9pR2tjZ293c3U1VXppTnBiaWVfVFg2YjJoNV9LcFR5UXFWdGlpaFNrRDBxeE1uNVRGdXJRNnJlb0N0NU03ZzBDOUQtaVR1OFNsaEtxNm1nSHQ0RFc4dW1uSzVRajk0dWZXbnB0WkJOQmh1WTZubVM1R01oNENaYXVtYVE2Mjl3d0p0VXdOMXRsVnRSTEt6U1FUOTM2enhiQlBPckZN | 1,610 |
[removed] | r/amerexit | post | r/AmerExit | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYdl9kZGFXdDdPYU9SbHZtV1R0ZzM2VUNwUjU1R0lRdWtQSTZOc1g4QlhVeGl2NDJtTEpzMEdpeWx6SjhUajNfM215WXZJc3pFSXZ3bllZYU55VUhERy1aa25uLVFmQ2Zvc1BPdWJDNktuM009 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhSFItMjVoSFIybE9QNmEyQjhnUlZtU01LUExydUlHMkpMVEhBMmZSWUs5emNXazZrZGVOZ3ZWLV9tMFY4aFU0ZzhBUUtXVFpDR2pPYUk2cE8xRzZoQWdXVTY3LUxVYVdDR2h1UDdNVV9ZMmgzU3FtdnFCTjJzaGJVNThYWmIyM2RPd1hpN1VUSHV5OGJ3R0FhQzZYcEV4MTluSmkwWDBDUVZfWXRRLWk3eTY3bXdNcHl6UFg2ZHBvSmlCTWJuajJfdkpyRGRCTC1YUmkzM0t6VmNPbzRGUT09 | 1,611 |
I'm trying to book some holiday flights, I did some searches without being logged in. Logged in and noticed that the fares all went up for the same flight. There's a disclaimer that says "Fares include your AAdvantage® credit cardholder benefits," but does that mean they're just adding fees to include those benefits because I'm a card member? It's a bit surprising. I can still repro this using an incognito browser window.
[Fares not logged in](
[Fares when logged in](
| r/americanairlines | post | r/americanairlines | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYcTlldDVxc0hMWnZSMUxPRXl0OGtILWxLRWpndGhmb1J2ODZKV3ViMjhfM2NxWW1FMy03OGRhZ0gyMzk4ajdHZWpSV0FtM0RBOGU0UXpRdE8tT3AzbFhCNXpzN0F4OXVkWGRPcDViNHk2dTg9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhUUxkY1pvZ1B6Y05WYmV5UUl5dlBZMU9sRWh1Q19NMnhheXktZHFQQkR4aGRyVl9ZNUZQMEsteVBfeXlhdFRIa0RaSFhjSHlnRFotU0o4Um9UU1g5bEVaYjJ4Xy0td256NVhUZkx2VGp5eFNOM1ZIXzhJdzVGbU9GTExicGtoQzJKaURFVjdHTWVfWlFOd1dPTlk1MmxfMGJObzIzS191Rl9iQjc5MHhsZVJnVWM4MURQaDdKcFpPS1E0Y3NHWlly | 1,613 |
[removed] | r/americanbully | post | r/AmericanBully | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYMEh0R2k0ak5XczZTSmM2U20xMFZNV1ZwZTNWQWk4dlE2Qm04UUpSNnJnLWU4emRfUHYyOWx5clEyRjl0X05xRGRjbE9hQXRjczZoQmpaY2hiMWh1SXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhZjZzNk9UUXBsZHl0YklUd0N2TXl5Wk5ob1BuSDFuQ05zMjJjZG0zTUN1M2tRaVJnU2ViMFRXZ2ZQbVlZazlwOUhHNlFMd2FGS3pOa2x0eFRIakpEbVNPQzJpSFJGRGpucDVRdGd1b3dQVHUtaVJQVDhqZDhUcVNRRmc2cF9ZbXBVQmEyMTNWbUMyRWtxbFBpSDJCak4zRFBlaXlpTnk4LUV0NjBEblNXNjR3PQ== | 1,615 |
[removed] | r/americandad | post | r/americandad | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYSm84N1dvalZjTE02anJCUm5iRVB0QkZwbnVjYWNoVEFhYlc2RlVMN3RqcFdXRUpIeXN5RS1EX1pNNEJpdGMtVC1pZWs3TkFzdFk2dm9RREJlZlhEWHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhMktRa05zVXZUbVNVZnhkUE9CQURDaHk5MUhXQU5SdGpOcHhfNDBzNjFWRVIxSW5OYV9YYWFLSEUxa2QyTjVNVjRXSDg3Zl9wZmc5TTNDeEtpOWYzcEtmdTJIVjFfODNNUDRrODlIQVBZNmZubDhiNmlrSWp1bzB0XzVkS3NuTDlfVWlPaHNlOUpvTVhJOVhmeDhQOFl2UEZKUHNDSHpkUHowMURSTzAyRUxJPQ== | 1,617 |
S8:E9 | r/americandad | post | r/americandad | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYVUJ1SFJRTkhrVzBnbDhmcDBjR1E3c0c5NV9ZQkdCVXhieTF1VDFseEd0LTR6d1hyYnh2bUhDMDRFUmxDNGQ2RXRnY2t5M1BUZUVLQ2hydzVncDhMalE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhUEV4TWJJdXJNNGJ5eXgxUnF5NnZSejVua0lMWEVzME1QeXdLS1ZoZjZQVmV2cnh0bVZnVTZUTWstMXphX0NjZ0RoUmJMVHh5ZVRzNGpOVXRzUTBRX1lIOGpYY09zdDRSR0FGTDM4ZzZCRWdONDh6dE40WWJfelVRVGVUcVNLRGFTOF91cWpvQkM5VGFsNGRKWFN2TENpTm9jSGE1V2Z2SHhsV0tuQm5QcTNaVnlzVHVCTXZfSk01QkR3M0tVa0NsYWZvMXdQdG1oQlVXMTlfZnprR1hDdz09 | 1,619 |
We are moving to uk after the school year end in 2025 after. My daughter would have ended her high school junior year but will have one more school year left to complete in uk before going to college.
Does ananyone have knowledge to share on how to navigate this? | r/americanexpatsuk | post | r/AmericanExpatsUK | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYMnlXSE90UHdJNEUxMTAyOUJYX1Q0Y3BRdTV3UkNzNzU4NXFfdDUzV3RXY0NvQTduQ2NTbmVtR3FXX3Zhc2M2UHRjdkNudlJXRzdfa0NOQ1J0UVA3NlE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhb2Y3OVFpZFZ4S0dOcXFXY1dsOENfMTFPOTBST1hudTcxRy02VVM4Y3N0d09YZ19YSnFOWjVZTmVPV3NOTEFadW9GY0Q5Ny1BSXdJS2hmYjNJeUVIYmhrTkd4amNzaFNCckc5dmZITVdRcUJnblJ1MVBlTEVUaGFFMEUwazltc2llRzdBOWZRQUlhUmZBZUJBaG1pWWVZS1ZUTXJpUDh1Tl9aNnhkRUk5T0x2S1lvOVJ3TTlzdGR4UlVZb2ZrRDZybnRQYmJrYm8xSFdjN1FFSDNCMXM2QT09 | 1,620 |
Hi everyone, nice to have found this sub!
My question is what the title says. My Florida county only accepts absentee ballots to be received by fax or mail. Sending my ballot through the post now would be a bit late and like most people, I don't have a fax machine.
I have followed FVAP guidelines and sent my ballot and transmission cover sheet by email at [email protected], they should then fax my ballot to my county.
Has anyone ever done this before? Does FVAP come back to you once they have received and faxed your ballot to your county? Does your county confirm they have received your ballot?
Thank you to anyone who will take the time to respond! | r/americanexpatsuk | post | r/AmericanExpatsUK | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYTHM5WGp5WXRoWW8taktjeHNONTh6TW5kRVhBWW9LbEYyWTVYa3pGN2RpYzJWcFZiVkJWMjhBZVdGRnhaSE9MUGpQNVNNSUl3RUpJbUR3eEk3RFRMT2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhbzVFNlV4aDlOdExabG1ZQ0RybGZWNXVmNlZCbEZZSkdrNUs4WnpJRVIzSU41WXR1NFc2dHVpcy1obHlkam5rNHh6QTl1bTRCdTIzR080UE1rYXF2UVBkQ1dMazZRdFN5YXE1NFFnSE5YMU52Y3IzcXU1bzY5N3NCRlBReWVqaXdPQVRLUHI1SlRKdFJ1ZWVYd1ZFc1VkRFZvVFhXUTNEaV9PX2hxNjVqdm1kS0VYMzdQTmVtQ3lLYzJEM2g2enpBMi10eFY1RmtBeWhNLUMwLTlpeTFIZz09 | 1,621 |
[deleted] | r/americangirl | post | r/americangirl | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYbXJMMVBOekdhR1RLSXFBQkpQODdoRnA0SjF0YXdDZFI2d3B5Sk5FamtfdDdPLWg1bFFOQXZfVW9nR3pBSlpRNE03em15Y25fbW14M1hpc1FZQ1NXTmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhUTgwVHM4SG1UNUljei1IVHpsVXZsR0hzSmtyeEhETXVJcjhLSmRfNTY0RWJQNmg1dGxjanZOaDJpOXRSS2JLbjh6Y3BIWjU5WU9wZXhfcXZaVi1QRWVNWmQ1aTM3dzFMaE1iSDlHeEZ1a1pZd1YtMDFwSUhuUTJveEJFeGFQM2JnMWEwdHZuYXNDTU91VzREdVpRMWFNTklsUmZmLWNMMUc3U0FVcWNRRGRVZkhQQVRoQWRFdUMxaXJPQjYyM0Fn | 1,622 |
Hi! Does anyone know of any dresses for adults that look like Samantha's play dress and Kirsten's school dress? I love them both so much, but I can't find any that are similar. They don't have to be exact matches, just similar-ish. TYIA! :)
| r/americangirl | post | r/americangirl | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYTTd5alM0YVhmanJmNGY2Y3c3Q3AtQ2JCRUZ4aGtwS3JqNG9GNXp5YzJObktvS2c1V0VBWUJ3eWFzai16UHZfaEF1dlZIV3ZwQlhsTG9CbDdmcHJDckotUFdJUWFJSHFZNnc0TGQ3YnpTNGs9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhQjRHT2JDdjkyeGtaaURXSzRGbG1WaEdiNFZMNF91V25LSndiTWl5anhWNUxBVi0xSW9xTWJIdVFYV1c3ODNMemg1RXZBMHRZUlhad1ZTaDl6RkxIbTVqRUNVRTZ2cUdkNkVURTJUU0w1YXl0MXZ0ZWRTbG96aFlBd0NYcTE1Tmx5N3p0eUxhLW9RNUk4S3E0ZUgzY2Fud1FOM05wc3R4RDU0ODJJSE1pS1dWRkQ1dWxlbGxicDNGMzNjeGhOZmFV | 1,623 |
Not because of the horror, but the heart. Pepper's story was amazingly moving and Mac Quayle's score didn't hurt. Elsa finishing in heaven with her 'monsters' was beautiful. | r/americanhorrorstory | post | r/AmericanHorrorStory | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYQU1UaUdPLXIzLWZwQnhtWDBPTnF0M2loYldwejM4RE1YNDZLUkl4dFJZY1B1WGItZFJ0aXFZTmtfRGlPQnhEek5KTTFhbGhGa2RlZ3RSRUNRazVyMzZWZTRUUU1GTzcwdUUxNmJXT29ueTA9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhM0ZQQ2JBZEcwV1U0bUpPbFd3UlhSVXdwazhmTFMwaDBEYVBkRndGMVk5MXN2LVR5c2lWYlZ1RDE0UHZIOFlGRjNiejRYbjVsTU0xdGV0SG9YTGx0ODA4YU5rdUs2TTJ2VU94aURNSlZBWk9kR2pRM2hscm1XMVFKWURSSE1GT01jbjd1X3RnMzlmdjRXbWtab0puZXlfVlpRS1JpZWJJVnNrU3dNWVNqMFdRZkItN0hrYlFaM1ZhcE9pb1dtU0VJ | 1,624 |
This data was collected from july 21-August 17 2024 | r/americanpolitics | post | r/AmericanPolitics | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYSndOd3lNaFpQWENfeEhUeG1HNllRMEQ0UEhvbzV5aXNxakdUSkxhcjdVVW9UaTJxZnBQd2NTSkNDMEVwX2E1elI4MjVubWZteVVGNWhOUkZxVGtMWEF1WFYxZDhTdVFTRWZSNnZsNzVSSGs9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRha3VTQ2MwS2xOdFhDN0xIWmhlQ1BIX1dCUkVYQW1JNEZYU2poWjd0T1lHRkY4R1FqVkF4NlgwSlBlQ2UwcWFuM0dhNC13RkNxdlIzdnRiOW94VXVTRDJ3QWVuM0cxY3lIaUhMUklJN0JWSHNmVDN5Z0gyM1NyYTFuZGhLeEtVOFpyaXNDdXZKcUNQSWZLZk9RTUJsVGx0akdrQjMyVnY1cWY0Z3o2V3dKb3JrN2xoUlhYWkltSFZDZFpkVmxIeWJ2dUVudnFSZ2kzb3JjNExjZ3lnUV9RUT09 | 1,625 |
Use the nonpartisan platform []( to see where candidates on your ballot stand on the issues most important to you. | r/americanpolitics | post | r/AmericanPolitics | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYb2lCNmRkRlNxNjVHTU9Ob21FeUdlUGx5YnJhU1hzYXZKa0FXTGN6Q2xTejZGVGFvZU9OMmY0YTI4R1ktQjM2VHVnMHRZVjBKZTJKM0x3RUxaOEl2N0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhUkpNZ0s0MlNMMmFJRW5YX1F5SjZleTd5Q1p5MnkwaDd1eUM2UnlBZjROdjNXN2FQWlJhSHl4ZlBnc0lNdnFNVDdnQkpUOFNlTU10ZGRtOWRMNkVIMVhzMzlKWFNVSTEzUGNLN0RxdjFDZVcyRGhTYWpKeDdHM3FaTmdrbmI5ZXJvRjRDR2pCaGFIWEtPcHJGdGRJWjE0UjM5VVVEX015U2NIdnJ0WGU4T3ljZmxQSjltM3IwUS1HQVNEalZOLWY5UFdrVXZEU0NzQzIzMmtjdXlFR21ZUT09 | 1,626 |
Based on Media Research Center analysis of ABC, CBS and NBC evening news coverage of the 2024 presidential campaign, July 21-August 17, 2024 | r/americanpolitics | post | r/AmericanPolitics | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYNTcxdHFWeURXQlNXMTNsakZUTkktblQxaVY1cXd4b1pIWk8wZG80R3JVT3VXbDdqLUxyQXVKel9SQVBBWjRSRDg2cll5ZC1FZTl2VDVFQnZNMWNiamlhWl9lNTVyVjdxVS1EakZKWG0yUU09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhSkNpN3lKQ3NpYV84TVFCQUVscjhBbXl6TmdEdUtsUnh3Y3A5WFRBVHRhdllhWFN1bW5mTi1rc3hwek1HWlc5SHI2REJsYmNzQmhBWXA2UUVGNGxaemw5YUIyNmdKX2JHN285ZWFoSlBLZW1IbDBqeFhfZmdTNDVkRzNmSWRpdW9HSmZNWXhIM2YzaGtOQlRlSjFYUVlBRUxUVFZhV29NczNmZG9TRzdESzN2MTdHcE5UT1VKU1FFQ1FCMjlubzdlaXNpXzd6cWJMQWp1T2xTZGFzU2pwQT09 | 1,627 |
More specifically, I have a blue cash preferred card and am enjoying the rewards, but I’ve been thinking about getting a gold card as well because of restaurant 4x. Will the new gold card have all the same offers as the preferred and then gold specific, or will they be completely different and I will have to look at both cards offers individually | r/amex | post | r/amex | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYRkQ1a0llSHhhWlhiM0xkXzFRR05jc19lLTByTGRnMzVhcnpLU0tPR25icXllbDNzbW14b1BOLUcyWUU1OF9RdUEtRHVpRGdOMW9jcDdlMnlzay1JWnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhY2kxTEQwOEZQUndMM2tHZ1VCblpMQTVCM2wyLVk4M2VJck91NmlmUEl5NV96R2NkVDRJNEJ6THNBY25ZYm9KTnBxYUVwX2ZJa1dHRTBBbUcwUW1hOHdRRGRNd1VBbUxMU281cHdOQ0FtU3IzZUhySkhZVXVSc29XdGNiWE83UUNONkdNV2JfWGVwcmMtMlpVYmwwZ3lvWGdmUXVHQ2c3VnlBNW1OQk9ubDJZdGxWS0doWGJTWDJDOG5fdWJfa1Bx | 1,630 |
Have been trying to apply the US Bonvoy Brilliant card through the global transfer portal, but the after clicking "save and continue", the website just refreshes and nothing happens, like not going to the next page nor getting any error message. Is calling the only option now? Heard that calling will have a longer process.
Please share your experience with global transfer. | r/amexcanada | post | r/amexcanada | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYdVVYNUNtamhocTVEQVh5TFFQU2lXQ1llbUZ6cVV4Q2h5aW9LcnpKMHZqX0t3dG1CWGR4NXVpa2o5T1BvVjZHYndUZFdlWmoxVDZfbWdiMVZOR0o3SVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhbWtzZWtBZTZGR3dPS1BacVF5NzBNUENMdXRKa0dDYzc4bjZnNWFFUVRmYWE3enYxVW10T2xYTzI3ZGV4Z3ZnaXlGQkNYNXcyNHNKdW9zcERSZ2JNZXk0bGNWTnFYTjRVZVhPVFZwOV9OcmhIbWJJbVl6cVpFVzVXblU2TGtuRlBYdkZkdG1IczNSVE1pZlQ0ZWxrdy1JeFZGcTlVZXgtSHgzUno2MlE5SU9waGNuMlFqUmNiblNsQVpVcWNRMXN5Zkl0bnFvdVlRY1VWX3pCdWF5NnVGZz09 | 1,631 |
Looking at getting facelift w204 c63 with fairly high kms was hoping for some advice on what kms things go wrong or what to look out for.
Currently looking at one with 160,000kms or 100,000 in freedom units. Missing history after 63,000kms from 2018 on it’s a 2011 facelift has receipts for last big service with bunch of things done. Any advice of if to many kms and how will go to and beyond 200,000kms will inspect myself not super mechanical have done afew small things to cars in past hoping to learn more on this car as will do most servicing and repairs myself when I can. Plan on getting PPI done after I’ve had a look to make sure everything is good but would like advice of things to look for and general knowledge for when looking for other cars as thinking will get over 120,000kms
Thanks in advanced | r/amg | post | r/AMG | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYWU1yYVJNNXRFQlNMLTY3dHcxdEZHc05GUHozdWxRVVRVSW5HLXNNemRVUVJfajhpdDQ2ejROS1NWUDVuTjN5RVRXUTFBS1BlLU9FdUd2V0xNRnFsb3U4VDhsZWpUTVNBeXh4WW9MUXJhRHM9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhTTJIRnBvY21DSjlyRmJLQTJDM3M4S3pCVDhvcWtHdjlYTFZVSjl2eXNyTkJjS3RDVGdtMEdDQm4wZHk4RkhSSjVYb3NvSUdHajEwQWlmemdJcU9Xa25PanAtSWFLdHhUclZOc29ld3pEVzVPRUdMWlVzTDFHT1N3cW43eFdwekFtZnVCSERxcVJycHBXbEcwelZpY2VkWmc0TXFyeG9lOWpkS0xoOEhRMzI4PQ== | 1,632 |
[removed] | r/amhara | post | r/Amhara | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYeDRtOTJ4eUhNd1VVb21tQUkwb1U4akVBZFh1RmtVYjRWUEcxY2FiWmkxcURhdzVaTE5heEdpMjBoNjBnOERBOG95UWk4ZUJXSEpNYV9xUmY5QnljSWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhVWp4WnljV2RWRFh0U0YzaUlaUTYzQ0FlV0syRGJfVXEzeG1Pa2xCemFaWGVhX3VNWEljeXpidDMxdW9ka0tfZ0F4cl9feldxeTJoMV9nUVZYU2loTC1NMVI4Q2hnUFdXTS1GNE40SXFjdG94dkhSdUtpc2RJQWtPQlF2MF93bm00bEFPRUFrdVhoMExrdThEZ3JIZTZ3cG9pczdYRWtLOXVabUJiOHVSeUtlbUc2OXFXRDlUekplcUgyQTgxMjBN | 1,633 |
[removed] | r/amifuckworthy | post | r/AmIFuckWorthy | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYOEhWYVU2VHFnSGpEVnJkak9Bb1R5OE1xR3Q2YUZtWGdlSXlyTmVQR096NEJELWVPQTZQd1JIM25sS1o5bnV2aGpKUUU0TFFGMjlreFhDcVZSQ2NReVc2RVdUM1N0Vk9VSGpLR2hxakxuNXM9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhc2hZdFlRNi1DT0FBLTJWTUxSRkQ4cksta2J6MW5jaVUyRXNiNXZIclY5SkpRek9ra3pRMm00TW9DLVZwaVBJMXg5Q3Bpai1zNnpHSUtDTkpXZ0E0V3o3WnZheFhZNHkxRUtWSW5ycF9ZYUNYLV9uWkk0aWo2UDRXUFlIWFBqWV9oU3FQTlpxdlliMm1iU0s2RUVxWnJYUklpb1Bua0FXb19HQ0JPZUJRRFNzPQ== | 1,638 |
Hola que tal, alguien gusta hablar? y me enseñe como es reddit, soy nuevo 😅 soy vato 💪😌 para que no se pregunten | r/amigos | post | r/Amigos | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYZFZlalpNSWZ0QWR4T1hSYk1Idm5EcF9GYUYwb2hCNEJ4RjNtZUhRSnZFbTk2VmNhQm1sRHFZWVM4NzhDZWJIWjMzRnNTSGdOYzNPTDF5WFl3aHI2Qzc4bUl4czY1SkVzWHVBTGphRkZtNjQ9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhRGY5MVVLSFJBS0dqRUZ3aHJtalcyZnlSREx3R0RaaVZnRTFTc3ZyeU4tNnVZR2gzQ0JTdXBsbHF3eXNJXzROM2NPRGZ4REx2YWxfZEVLYzY0LUdOZVJhQ1pmYVVEUWVCb0dqYWdBQ2RqRUVHT214ZWtTUVVOQmlOcmxlZWNMeEtRWG5TWUs4MU8xVHhNQk1Pa043NTB3PT0= | 1,646 |
Hahaha this was for my mums Kiki Halloween costume. I found a spare sphere from an old wip. | r/amigurumi | post | r/Amigurumi | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYUGJTUnVIWWZ5MnpEZ0tGS2p4NFJoZUp3bG9XckJTNG9KaFdQeGVVN2xKb0pOOFktNHNkenBWaUlPRU1lSXB4MHJWVW4xeE03TkQyYlBNWC1LVU5xWUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhM0h4emxLcnFoa3JFblNEd3FIclVzUWVsSFZSTUd4c0xfQ21JeGh6NEVQbThqZ2cyQ3ZyaDZ4MjltT0drZktuQVJzdGMtWFFBQ2ZfOWVxbWJDT1dSZUdTNkE0WEFTMVRjb1ZVLXFUUVpDVjJadXRPdWdJenM4aHhSVC0xN0xrSDh0Z3RpSnp3WW9JNWhXSkNucHZOWVpRWGxISF85ZzFlbVhJdS1lMXJNU3pKRmR0UHZNUFFtZDVlcU1aQklhT1Ex | 1,647 |
I'm working through a pattern and typically prefer to read them. I am a beginner, and I use a stitch counter to keep track of the total number of stitches per row. This helps me a lot especially as I get distracted easily.
This new pattern reads for one row:
(3sc, inc)*6 (30) which i understand. Then the next row shows:
2sc, inc (4sc, inc)*5, 2sc (36)
Am I starting the row with just the 2 single crochet and increase, then only repeating the (4sc, inc) 5x, then finishing the row with 2 sc? | r/amigurumi | post | r/Amigurumi | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYT0xaY2psSVhZQlVyWE9uZ0x1RXloS2tiQ09pLVZCWGdQVHR6cVJuMTBqdmtNekF3VkNtbHBHYWp6NWN1dkdHaHNkN0hQYkhnTDU5RDhTZHhlMmZuTXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhTzV3NDI0WmdLdFY4MU9yeVJjZG5fdTViMW82VDc0YUtzNVhpRjFoQ21WTVlNV2tPV25XRkhaZy1lRDB2bUl5cWw5YWNzQXVpa202OTg5a1BaWHRWWVNaUDdqSlVmc0VyV0xjZ0cxQ0NySDdrYW44dmhXTFdxS0g4ODVMaXhjUDZ6ZFJQSUZpVHZXUDVSbU9TMFdWeVRBRVBBeW9QNEE4bFMtbnZSZWwzX3IyT1BYZHgyYzd2M3c5d0hVdTBQNjJC | 1,648 |
[removed] | r/amihot | post | r/amihot | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYd283ZHdUWkFBUFdyMlpsUHVVNUpVX3JNNWJ1TW1OTFNZM3hqTFVlZU5ENFdIQ212ZmhfeEI5Wm9zZlRLME1IUmJ1N2syM20zWU1NZ01WQWJfWDlPRFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhM0FGck5WYTNQYWxnR3ZJT1pkSUpsLWRqYldzWUFtTzM2VlpnTDMtSFphXzJFYkQ1bmZGb2JGSVVnTGU2Zld0N05tUVNOM1pqcXBmb2ZsbFU0TmlfNFVXTjlYU2RtSU9oVHduaXpvckhhRTE0c1N4YlFyRER0X2JibWFOSkM0UEhuQVpyaldRRndKX092RnZlVUxUS013PT0= | 1,653 |
[removed] | r/amihot | post | r/amihot | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYOFNkVlRSS0g2U3JpSkJlVy1WUnVicnI3VWRNbHoxd1JGZ3pUQUl2SFUtMlg3ZTVhblh5Q001eWxwTmJVTVl5bnMwNVZjNXhTZHV5U0FhbWVjbnVTaEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhNm50RzRUSXU1X2ZYR1kwNlQ4STlvaWhtdnkwaWhtYkpPdGRDTEJmUG9ScUd3MWdfOFJxSUVOaWlxZEliYXgtLUJoT054UGctSzQxOHN6VVNRbUE4UVRHVXhQOTZUVmkxZnlPTWhFY3M5a051eVU0bVhDcTdBQ0VvMjhuQUtFMGtsekVaX1REZmliSzROVGZnODVLTVdnPT0= | 1,654 |
[removed] | r/amihot | post | r/amihot | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYSmhvcm9ObG9keVh1S0dfVmE1QTh5RFJYOFFLakllLVV3THBVdTJHV2hSNGJWVElMckpaZHI4WGdYYVhmRkx2bFdVSWdCNmNHZ1Jqb1Q1dHBvMlF1UGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhZVQyX1QzZnJCMjdaX3B4cWk4NGEyV0pxZkVYdVpzNjlzYzJRUTR4RXA2VmhrMEVTOTQwQUZITFliYzZKa1Z3LUFxOVgzVHhTeHZ5MC05VHRtdThSV0lwMWhGbWNBcWhpZG1GQmFQQlExaXBRalBpSEFvYVFnUVBiVHBPUzlmZFZuM3c4dGVyWmVnY2ZKVjNwVVpPUUVZZG1ydHJDTXYxMkFZUlZkcTltV1ZzPQ== | 1,659 |
[removed] | r/amihot | post | r/amihot | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYaG9UbWZNSVFTS0FvZ3NhTEJlWld1cXRfV05ZSHp4X1NxWHdVU2tjSXZDc2NmeTgzUTg0dF9xc0ZYbEFQdEdUWUxuRy13VTRISElGdEI4NGwyaWY5SkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhRWI4WHRxbFNuc3RlbTJIVnh2bDdOTl81NzBPWDk5Q1FYT0k4cmdrQWtEOGNKdHBNTDBIWFFEbmVBaTZXdkplRmtIZ0R0Z0RyQlNhbWwzSF9oeW9waW5EZ0VDd1l4ZkUwc1VQc2IzWTVHbWJsNFY5UmZ5anhMeHFnX0Z4Tm9kMnQ4VGpiVkVMeGhweDlOSFIybDJEWkExa2FocmhmNE82ZXYyQ1dDOWF6M2g2MHJ6Wnh5c2xsdG5pLUgybjZVWHhI | 1,663 |
[removed] | r/amihot | post | r/amihot | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYY3BlZ2QyTmJBN3JQaF9FWGtGeHZBbFVyOTlsa1E5VGYtSHRSbnlZQ2RELTA1eXRJS2ZKS3lxWkVmdDdqZmswSmZkR0FjelpaVzgwR2x2ZVoyRHVfZWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhcjIzU3FCdG1rY01Bc3lQZWxwcEJpSENCRVdHMGhjTkJ6TVJ4QUU2ekNtUlJLVEViVk1WczNyckFvSXBTR0dBLWYwWk9iZmdraDhFaGtkZEZUdDhpYVJwR25NQ21ZcUgtR1R5VlJmQzdQX3cwUlNXbkF4MXBwRWR5QXpkOXJSTFZCZFdtYU40MlI3a1Z5cC1HSjgtZk41cERweUR4OUNxd3dhOVE2V01SQmhiSnVvRWlsXzBlUldVV0FoSEhsenltaTVTYmZOX1JfRjZzWmVLanpGVm9HZz09 | 1,666 |
[deleted] | r/amioverreacting | post | r/AmIOverreacting | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYZmJ1U3V3YU01WTU4VGJaekstNkU5cXdnSkpmOU04YXlEWUhrSVluRkpDOVF6b2RjTXU3MXE1eXJ2aW9TMTRpaEdCcjFSVVA5VHZNVmFFSUE0SHctMEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhLVo0VUNZQWlvenVCajBETnFUYXNHRHhYa0UzM2hQbXhRYzYtVnUyZ1hPTFI5dTctMnVZZVZXS29aWEpfQ1JQc2Rjd0E1N3JYVW5Zcy13UXVhOXFuQ3JmR04temJuMHE4Njk4V2IySzh3Z0lFb3RmYzRmOHhnV2ZfYVNod3dYbnZOTWxDbVdOVElKNHg5YXJ3NEFLZnBKNDRFUFNIYWZaQlpDU3hUOUFndmw5WkdDZlZiVkMzU0xnWnZrdXRUbXNoLTBMSGlUcUQzcnZmMndWSnZUMDNTdz09 | 1,670 |
[deleted] | r/amioverreacting | post | r/AmIOverreacting | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYNTVhYnBPcXpsX3FqS0xNUGNvSkFocTFucTY4WlEzV2xiWnVBd0hNem4waHl4Nm9BT3VqVnlmWmlsM1NtY181UVBjaVo4NXRjR00wbElOSGNiV2NWVGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRheHVBdjR0UzVmdi04SHVRdnFvTGI0R2FNVkNzSTRLYjNtTWVhSzhJU0FDcHNTeXBPRFVzVVpjM3VCcWktZFhqVmhRTThRcHNHcUljZVJqdVhWQkViWnk1ZEUwNGhBMDJET2dJSUNoZVA4QWdQV0pWakVueU1KeEtCMWZtaVdIclk1SFdKN195YXduYlR5LWZ0SFVQaS1neENxYjZFUEdJWS1GZWdsRjZ1V1NWbkhVN3ZYMXc5Z3RlVkY5TFVTbl9Pa3ZKdXpGZHh4eW1SNldaVmJybkYyQT09 | 1,671 |
I don’t want to overreact but this creeped me out | r/amioverreacting | post | r/AmIOverreacting | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYWHFwMjZpeUZDYVJrOTFDTlJwMmdic3Q5MUc0YTRxN0x5UWpGcFJ3b213YXhFRWpTc0hKVmNlN0FSQ2F0T2ZRdVJaUzlaT1hrZjRxRGJ4c19TRzl5U3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhSkFhQmpmd0RmQkduVmhHdU1aQWNzbG1sZWEydExxcDFzekp4MzAzdG1RdnVjMHI0ZC14U3NrX2NmaTFvbUtRcFAyZXdUNFFlNWFWaU5RZldwblJyQ0JhNWhNcHp4aHlTeVVFVHJCQWVjd3ZmWDk2TDQ0UGM2ZW1oZjJCYWZiRXo0X0lydndLVEJkVnRoell0V2tqLUtlTkF5anYzT0ZfLVpMemg2LURZNzVNVHhyQUNFZjV4dlE5SEM0akIzdEJaQ2lQT0VpTDdZeEJGOEVySWdqdGQwUT09 | 1,672 |
I was dressed as a hippie. Everyone’s said I looked like one. That’s what the package said. A year later im being called a racist over it. | r/amioverreacting | post | r/AmIOverreacting | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYdjJLME5hZUh2Nkxqa3hvMlJ0RHBuREJXQXFNMjliYW9mT3hncVVxVjZhOE1acTYyMVY0UXV6M2dYbEo2QmYtZTJzSW1UZEZXX1BEZ2V3czJVcmlDdkhqaE1xWU1HbXNmY0ljaXU4aUtZbGc9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhNXd0ZkxjWG9sdE1uSGVTSUJBNlAwbHhZU0ZNLWtLWlEybVdKdnB3QldpUjBmazNHVWJMU1FBRHhFZnhWWlNWMnlRLXRmVjhSNUdZMnA5bUF3QlVORDNVVFhPV0xIU0dUTnZnS2tDQ1ppNXc2Zk5zMmpta0hYNjgteTFZbUpNaXA3c3JERVFoSlI4OVIwcTFrNFFMSUpUT3dqc1hUUG1YXzlmWTAxbmoxUGg2N1ZzY0NVYjNtUGJKN1J4T012WkRyZjBZVnQ3NGFtVWpvVkhBYXdqWElfUT09 | 1,674 |
Hi guys need advice here…Im recently married & regret getting married. He honestly just isn’t the guy for me he hasn’t changed. Long story short is I tried.. tried hard to the point where he pushed me to have no feelings anymore. We have a daughter and she’ll be 1 this month. I picture myself happier by myself in my own place with just my daughter and I.. and I desperately want that. I can just picture the two of us together and how happier I’d be really… he doesn’t help me with her. He’s only good financially which I’m grateful for.. he’s so disrespectful to me and yells a lot ,puts me down at this point call it wtv you want but that’s definitely emotional abuse & im over it. I want to get a job and get my own place for my daughter and I. Here’s the problem… I’m a SAHM and I’m trying to hold it all in until my daughter is older so that way she can go to a safe daycare etc and talk to me if something happens ( I’m so scared to put her in daycare with how this world is now..) I’m so terrified and I have that mom guilt. I’m putting her first and taking everything just holding it out until it’s time …while waiting hoping he’ll change my mind but no luck he just keeps confirming I’m making the right decision. Well… life is a b sometimes huh. Lol | r/amioverreacting | post | r/AmIOverreacting | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYNkkyX3Rmcy1URWNjUEpNUFZXTHk4S3dNcGkyZnk3cmtSeWJtMHhLZVdDZC1XaFJZOUtQbFVRYmtQSmhibXhZVnVYS3pRZkJqYmlENnltclhLMmxqQUhhckV3TG5YUUcxOE8wYlhTb2V2bEU9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhWWtiNkpZS0VKeU5ueXhUT1RGNVE2OUswLWgyT0czcnZURk9DcmVEV2xvVWo0U1dyaXNJZzY5bUw0QUhnMG5oSTVtSTZHMmJuZFZ1c1dkeGZnaW5Ba05VemhrTFp4a1ZPQnF2Z0JseUZ5M0N2YmV4bEdnYm8xdXAzVVV5YURJQ3lpbVowYjVKRURaRHJ2RFFxY0FNci0yejR0dDRGM3ZyV1lCcUJ0aFhhN2tjPQ== | 1,675 |
I'm a sahm to 3. One nonverbal/autistic 9 yr old son. One 9 yr old nuerotypical daughter and a 4 month old baby. I pretty much do everything around the house. I never wake up my husband for anything. He has a physically demanding job. I'll admit I fall behind in things from day to day. I'm trying to do all this by myself but I fall short alot of times. Still, I deal with it myself and I never really ask for his help. Lastnight I had finally got the baby to sleep after hrs of being awake. My son wakes up due to the storm so I ask my husband to tell him it's still bedtime and go back to sleep. He does that which only takes a second and my son wakes up the baby again. I put her back to sleep. We're both awake now (8am). Hrs go by and we're just making light conversation. He tells me if I wake him up like that again, we're going to have issues. I'm confused, hurt, angry. I tell him he's an asshole for saying that. He gets pissed which makes me even more pissed but eventually I'm just feeling hurt and resentful. He said he thought the baby was in the bassinet and he wouldn't of been mad about it had he known the baby was in my arms asleep and I'd wake her up to tend to our son. But I'm the one who would of put her in there in the first place. We can't function as a team at times? Even though it's early in the morning on his day off? It makes no sense to me. I've always tried to make parenting as easy as possible for him due to his job and I ask for one favor so now it's an issue? He acts as if I'm overreacting about the whole thing but I can't help but feel unappreciated because I needed a favor one time. | r/amioverreacting | post | r/AmIOverreacting | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYY013UnRVNnROeFRhOWlsLXM4dDdqME1rVkkyUWt4U2luLVVHa2FEbXRrOS1Eekg2MVZkdDdFV1daNG5PdXE0QlA3TlFoZTJVYk1HTW41YVRhZUhDaFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhM19uZXF5Wl9CYkNOUl9MZThKN29jUWZudlQ1R1N6NEFCRW1nbjBkZ09YZXBMWjNWVTZ6YzFmSlhDWnZOdllZbmpJaDJkZU9KSTlCRXM1LVcyVkhaZmk0Y3VvOWFINDBrdFNZdWZLSThMS0RLSVowNFZSWVFhRmlpNksxem1pQ0p3UHhhS0Nsd1o4Q0QzNWNXSXhQU1ZpbHJ0eWNmTXpmc1J6bUZOVWJhblAyR3E3TWh1cHBkdnJlemZUMXJpSTlWbC10dWFXRlhBLTZ6cE4tbUpwbFI1dz09 | 1,676 |
Back in August, my friends husband texted me saying he wanted to fly me and her sister out to surprise her for her bday and go to a rave. I told him I would consider it since I had a lot going on and me and her hadn’t spoke in like 2 months and got a little upset, which I found a bit annoying, but then some other stuff happened and the casino and everything else got cancelled. Then he texted me two weeks ago saying they were driving up to my state because they wanted to see his parents and that we could all hang out. I said “yea, that sounds great, but why isn’t she texting me asking me this?” And he responded saying that she doesn’t text anyone. They didn’t end up coming due to having to drive to Texas for a work thing which they didn’t tell me about for two days and I got upset at. Then two nights ago at 2 am, I was taking my dog out to pee when I get a FaceTime call from him and I assume it’s an accident so I declined but then he called again so I picked up thinking it was some sort of emergency but it wasn’t and he was drunk and just “wanted to talk” I immediately hung up and proceeded to block him because wtf. The next day, I get a call from her and she’s like “did you block (his name)” and I’m like “yea, did he need something?” And she’s like “no, we were just wondering” and I proceeded to tell her that if she wants to see me and she missed me, she can text me herself because she is supposed to be my friend and he is just supposed to be a side character, not the other way around. Was I wrong for this? | r/amioverreacting | post | r/AmIOverreacting | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYR0pvMmt5MTFfZjliQnBWdzR6TXpSODAzbnEwN0pWdnM2X3NrWHJER25zb1lEczJhcmJrdzF5dWppQ2d4eVhIMnRCUFdiWTZPeUR3TUk5bXg1NmxYZnVQb0hvSXd1S0pIRkdWVGF5cW1lODQ9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhMUZWQ2NnbllmVENGQU5kTEYxY1VKRElVMktIYUpiSnZ5VHdLZzVEWDZneVFEQXUza09DZ0lpR0FHMDB0eWxtVEpqcGhDNldxYU9HQ1FOd1pjbExZRWZWcVRaQXJYejVYcXpKTXF5TzBPN1JaWmdWOXdrbGJnUEY4d2wyZzlIbl9jUDBEaHlmdFJkaFhFYlNFZE02YU92bkU1bnpudTM3NHNmUERHSDhyWldjWWFhcnZRbmt4T1lrakVhanZQT2dGOXViUzJOcUZObEw1Tmh0dnVhNW5YUT09 | 1,677 |
Am I overreacting for addressing an issue with my brother during a family gathering?
Ok so I 27f lended my musically gifted stepbrother 31m my keyboard, (which was a present from my parents when I was 6 and took classes) on and off since we were teenagers. I asked for it back a couple of years ago and had it in my room and he ended up taking it from my room without asking me and taking it to his flat. I asked him to give it back to me multiple times and the last timebu did he actually agreed about three years ago. I ended up moving cities, about an hour away from my hometown and never pressed the subject again, since I share a flat with multiple roommates and one of them has a piano in our living room, which I barely use since it's loud and I'm not good at it(my lack of talent is part of the reason my brother refused to give it back to me, because I barely use it anyway).
He's going to move out and take the piano with him, but two of my roommates got really into playing it and I would actually love to do so too, so I texted my brother about him giving it back to me, but he ignored me.
We're going to have a family gathering soon, which only happens about once a year, so WIBO if I addressed that subject there or should I just cut my losses and avoid the drama?
I know I'm probably being petty, but it was the last Christmas parents, because it's the last present I got from my parents before their divorce and whole I was never upset about it, because they weren't exactly the best match, it is a reminder of happy childhood memories, like piano classes with my childhood best friend.I don't even care if it's not fully functional anymore, since it's over twenty years old, I just want it back and now I feel like I have a good enough reason. | r/amioverreacting | post | r/AmIOverreacting | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYN3NreEVoMGtxb0I0aEdzbHJmOHFmTF9EZmRvNU5lNFBVc2gzVlhnN3hrVkZkNGI0WWR3S1kyd2RXNHZpRlVQZ1hZM1ZNNHRkWnBHZ0ZDV1FMLWs2dGtLY1dQR0VNZVJfTkg3bzBJOXNFR3c9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhM0taSW9rWTBrdFVjdTNQWDNsYU52QXl3bFZLQkF0S29IOU9IaDliX3RQTVE0cDNYcl9KaEcwRVUxQ29HRlJHVktuUnYwUGhmcERaN3k1Sm9MVzRvX0RUWU5MaEdWMS1zeTFvVjVRRFVCdEQzZDhILWViM1c1U2hKZnJHUFVlWG82YXowcjNObXVYWU45cXlGbkM5dmYtVUVQN216Y0FxeFVQTTVKN1Rpa0MwUWEwM3RrMzVFRGZOY2xwNS1TdGo1bjFDVjJVM1d0blN6THNzRzRoN0oydz09 | 1,678 |
Okay so this is my first one of these and imma try to keep it brief for yall. Me(25M) and my ex(24F) live together but are not intimately or romantically involved. We do have a 4 year old son together. We are trying to work on co-parenting since we share an apartment(so I could see my son more often) but it just isn't working. So here's the situation. This morning we were going to see my Grandparents at my mother's house, they came in from Vegas and wanted to see everyone before they had to take off again. I work a night job so I don't usually get up as early as 8am, and when I do my eyes are super puffy, so I put a cold spoon under my eyes so I don't look so drained. Well, she sees the spoon in the freezer and immediately starts accusing me of using it to cover up hickeys(I've never done this before so idk where she got the idea), and when I told her what I use it for she basically blew me off and called me a liar. So we go about our day, seeing the grandparents is good, it's about 730 at night and we're playing super smash bros with our son. He started mimicking a tv show her and him watched and she had told me the line, and I looked over at her and then looked back at the TV and chuckled, but she stormed off into her room. She then comes back out about a half hour later and says, "If you're not going to try and co-parent then you can get out.". I'm confused, so I ask her why she would say that. She says "I gave you a chance at a conversation and you just blew it off.". I tell her it took me a second to get what she was talking about but I laughed. She says I didn't. I say i did. Now we're in an argument about how I'm always disrespecting her and I don't do enough and im not present and im just stumped on how it got to this just because I didn't say anything. I guess my question is, am I missing something? Did I do something wrong? | r/amioverreacting | post | r/AmIOverreacting | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYUEdSbXhaa0NEejBPd1FINEt0dmJPSHdhNEZ6QWcxOG1TYVhxZzhSN2Q2am82QXpxc0JmU1NMbmhQWHdhNzBTOXRQRHJOcmlBaFZkS1BtN1hRa3ZCZ0xsZDU0aGtlRXNLVmRhQXFBQk5iTzQ9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhVWFJcl96SHFKc19jOFJPRklSNkhGaDZ5VEZ0RGUtX1AyOUkyQzZmU2FVT3RYOWFnVTEzNnlWamxkcE5zNkViQ0lNMnRrRGN1Vk5zOGVYSElPX1dMZHF2bl9DVGRTbUdxUzVDZXhfM3NCMEZlcW9CSFFIUHM5eDk1NGhEbW9rLXU0UmJEb2UwUXpsOG1QcmNMcE9PVEl4cEpiRzlBUGJZVFZ5UFBPa0xoM0pGRWlnM1RMb3VudFNTTDBCQ1dSbWFM | 1,679 |
I (22F) moved out of my emotionally abusive house a little over a year ago when I was hospitalized over a stress related illness and almost lost my life. I moved in with my bf (26M), and together we have been focused on healing my trauma from this household. Most of the abuse came from my mom, and I hold no resentment towards my sister (20F); we have been close and on the same page about my mom for a long time. I still see my parents once a week, but I keep them at a distance for my own sake. I had been unemployed and healing from my illness for a year, which meant I had more time to spend with my sister. I recently started a job and graduate school, so I no longer have that time. I also moved apartments recently, and I was very sick/ hospitalized. I have been busy, but I still make attempts to see my sister and her boyfriend when I can. My sister doesn’t seem to understand any of this, and she has targeted my boyfriend as the reason I am busy. My sister texted some really harsh things that obviously hurt his feelings, and she unfollowed him on instagram. It is important to note that my extended family and all of my friends adore my boyfriend. They have all made comments that I seem so much happier with him. According to my mom, my sister is apologetic about what she said about my boyfriend, and she didn’t mean any of it. I still have not received an apology message. My mom is expecting me to reach out to my sister to have a discussion in person, but I do not think it is my job to do that. I have been very hurt by all of this, and after all this family has put me through, I don’t think I deserve this. Am I overreacting?
My sister also shared these personal texts with my mom, so my mom is upset with me for “not forgiving her.” Because in the texts I mention how badly my mom traumatized me.
“her bf” is her bfs name and “my bf” is my bfs name
Some theories my friends have thrown around is my sister has stress from school and took it out on me, or she misses me living at home with her. Her and her boyfriend are also very reserved while me and my boyfriend are chatty, so this might just be a difference in personality coming out now. | r/amioverreacting | post | r/AmIOverreacting | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYSGZidDhUUTBqdGp5SThwUThZZEhQcWFKNWtkczRwVGxtNXRPWmhJOVIwMnRkTDR2SUpkMDhpdm04R0JSMWlENFZFRzQ0ZElOMS1LVVAzUzRUNVg0SEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhaGVkNEx1SzAwNmpyTWRSTWQ3aWhMNnc0ai1fUW51VlAwX1lydFFCS2R5MVRadXpvdjI4dzltUXEzU1V2LUY1SWNuY2U4RUhjbXltc2kzX1E1NGVPQV9lZl9wWlk5X1p5UzkxYmU0eXdNclhjZHlJN1JPNGhpTENOZWk1V1djTWZnWjdQN3J6MWFyc0JZaGREVkVmbmg1UU1iaXpnSEoyZk02S3IzZ2ltSW1LazhZZ0RGNmFCMlhsaDN4YmpCNlh5WF9Lb0NFb2JHY2wzOUxUWTNRRVpVUT09 | 1,680 |
Hello, I am a 22(m) and my newly wed husband is 26(m). Him and I have been in a relationship on and off for 5 years now and just got married for 3 months now. We are in the process of mixing our finances and navigating through bills. Lately i’ve been very sad, I haven’t felt any sexual desire from him, even though i’ve been waxing and trying to be cleanly with my hygiene. He is always working while I try to work two part time jobs, clean, and cook around the house and will begin dental school next semester to become a hygienist. A lot of things are off for me, he doesn’t really go out of his way to do anything for me, we don’t try and new things together, but he does spend a lot of money on me with groceries and bills of a sort. He is extremely hesitant on his and my money becoming our money, but I feel it is conveniently our money when he wants to spend it on trips and other costly things. I can be mean to him sometimes and snippy, but I don’t feel heard in my relationship with him. He loves to talk about things but I feel nothing is done in action after that. I do feel bad and guilty for being this way towards him. I clean everything usually alone, and when he tries to clean he exclaims it’s not good enough for me because i’m “specific.” I have been diagnosed with OCD and I am trying to look past any issues I have with him cleaning, but I feel he lazy cleans; so that’s why I go over it sometimes. Am I overreacting? He works as a car salesman and works a lot, but I feel unimportant to his job and games on his phone when he is home. We have a lot of history from him cheating on me 3 times and breaking up with me and getting in another relationship. I don’t know what to do, where to go. My sister lives with me as she depends on me to provide a home for her right now until she finds a house. I feel very alone, my family is dysfunctional and by all means not perfect(no one is) but I feel I have no one to rely on but myself. I don’t have much, hardly anything. I don’t know what I should do. Please help! I feel crazy and lonely!!! I could post more about how I feel but there is so much. There are two sides of the story of course and I do love and care about him as my husband, but I am hurting very badly, feel misunderstood, and not listened to. | r/amioverreacting | post | r/AmIOverreacting | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYVXM2czI2SVp0a0ZUeVZJcXI2Q3dZNGk0X0F3ZVV3ZTBJd21SaEV0ZmhKRkd0XzVCVmExZW5DUmtDcDVpZjh5REdiZmZEb2RGeHZyRkpzS0gtUEN0c1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhVldxQTBPNERKcVBxNE5kUW03WW5lTjhsY3FwaGhweFFzcnNpSFBSeVZOZTdhS3NMbUQ5ZENNa0c4NXRFclR1eGNlMjE5aXRnelRiUVhkRm9NQWE1b1NRcGt1cE5VekhZLXM4OTUtbXU2NlMtQktOX2h5SkVNcHVBTHhESmlBcWdJb1VKYVdVWnpCR2ROc0JiSE9kVDc5OEhHU0J0ZVZoc1dRbGFvZTJydE5ZPQ== | 1,681 |
Hi Reddit- I’m attempting a ground control to major Tom moment of am I being overly sensitive/ dramatic about this and I need some grounding or am I just in my thinking. A little back story, my grandmother died in 2014- my mother’s mother. Her house is about a 2 hour drive from my childhood home. My sister and I were very close with her, she used to own an inn and when she died it was sold to this person who really let the place go unloved. It was recently purchased by a new family and they have been fixing it up. The new owners posted about their journey on facebook where some extended family members saw that they found a ton of my moms things and other stuff belonging to my grandma/the family. I told my mom this summer and she was able to get in touch with the owners, my mom was so excited and started talking about a plan to go up to the inn to meet the owners and collect the belongings. And she wanted to go up with my sister and I ( F25/F28), my sister lives far away so my mom said we would have to wait until the fall so we could go together. Fast forward to last weekend, the idea of going together the inn was brought up because my sister was in town for a wedding. I told my family if we want to go to the inn, that I want to go and let me know when so I can take a day from work, but the response was that it was unlikely because they hadn’t checked in with the new owners recently - we have this same conversation over and over again but same reply. On Sunday we go to the wedding and then my mom shares that she took Monday off, I asked what the plan was/ if she was thinking of going to the inn. She says maybe but probably not, and I say again well if you’re going let me know I really want to go I’ll call in sick. It’s Monday morning, we have the same conversation and she says no probably not/ that it’s too last minute and wouldn’t work out. So I go to work… and later that day I text my group chat asking what fun thing my mom and sister got up to, and I get a reply that says “ well after much indecision we decided to go visit the inn today. But the owners weren’t around so we just went to our favorite spots in town/ everything was packed up in boxes at the in so you’ll have to come another time!!” With a few photos of the places in town. I feel so upset, and really disrespected. I couldn’t even respond because I was so hurt by their choices. I really haven’t spoken to either of them since. Im thinking I need to take a lot of space for a while, and then address this with them when it’s not as fresh. But is that an overreaction? ( they do tend to gang up on me, so me saying to them hey it hurts my feelings when you make plans without me is a conversation we’ve had before, but this feels different.) should i just let it go? Or stick with the feelings that this was wrong? - okay cool thanks Reddit. | r/amioverreacting | post | r/AmIOverreacting | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYLXlOUC1DRC1OZFNuX2x1N3pjQUEyNldVZUNJYzJjTDA0aWQwVHBnMU8zZVZRejBaVlRwVlV0Rk1LVzEzSURUbUhDRFdaWEVjLTFuMzR6dS1kVENnRlNma2QzSHAyUU1kUDdHd3ZkUDBveTQ9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhVlY3OEhRbEZvNjFjRTNXX2E2UHE3OG5DR21jWHRIOTJ0Sm1kZHd0dmFDay1RdUFyT2pQNjBHeGI3UGZQY0NNaWltOWYwUElvMzRod1lQLTc3QzlmTnh5ZTJqd0JSYnZTR3NzcXVSeW8zbXQ0S3RUQVhSUktDQkZwSFVNTjVWQms2NE5Td2Ezemo1bmRDUXdNMm1yYmpSdkZUekJJMTg1XzZrRVRlNHhFRE9ZdmNHQzRyekM0SEhSaXZoVllSY1ExVnJoNlVjMjlDaXVQTEEtZURvRXRmdz09 | 1,682 |
I (36F) will preface this by saying I’m technically a single mom of 4. I have a “partner” but we do not live together and he has 2 demanding jobs, so we see each other on odd days. I had a baby this summer and also just had my gallbladder removed this past week. My mom (60F) volunteered both times to come out and help me… only for the “help” to last a few days & it turns into me taking care of her.
A few days after having my baby this summer (very traumatic labor and delivery), I ended up being the one cleaning and cooking and everything else in between while my mom would go into my bedroom to take naps (she would sleep 12 hours at night due to her sleep meds and would “require” more sleep during the day.) All while I was parenting 4 kids on my own, cooking full dinners for everyone, etc. After 2 weeks I finally said goodbye you can go back home now please for the love of all things holy just leave.
I have been in a lot of pain this week post-surgery. My mom volunteered to come out and help again. I gave her the benefit of the doubt, and regretted my decision ever since. She was extremely helpful the first 3 days following my surgery this week, but her lack of actual help became a lot.
She has been making comments like, “wow your apartment is really trashed right now” yet refuses to help me tidy up knowing I’m not supposed to bend down or lift anything heavy.
I was in pain and severely lacking in sleep, so yesterday I ended up taking my prescription pain meds so I could take a nap. She tried waking me up in the middle of my nap because she had cooked dinner (the first time all week). Then when I finally woke up, she immediately said “oh I need a nap now, I’ll be out in a few hours.” She literally slept until bedtime when I needed to wake her up so that I could get my baby to bed. She also left a huge mess in my kitchen from cooking dinner that I had to clean up.
I decided to take on baby night duties again last night (babe sleeps through the night, just once in a while might need a paci). Up for the day at 6am, we go out into my living room just for my mom to sneak into my bedroom to go back to sleep. I let her sleep for 3 more hours (6-9am) when I realized I was almost out of formula.
I gently woke my mom up at 9am asking if she could run out to grab a can of formula with cash I had or if she could watch the baby as I can’t carry her in her infant car seat for another week due to my weight restrictions post surgery. She FLIPPED out at me saying she is not leaving my bed and that she was sleeping. I walked out absolutely dumbfounded.
I ended up driving to the store with my baby to pick up formula. I came back home in quite a bit of pain at my incision sites. I was so upset when I came in, I found her eating in my bed. I flipped out and told her if she wasn’t going to be helpful then to GTFO of my house and go back home. She proceeded to ask me what my problem was and I said my problem was her. That I’m the one who had surgery less than a week ago, not her, and I had asked her to grab some formula and she couldn’t even do that basic of a task for me.
She ended up leaving behind her sweater and phone, and nobody has heard from her all day. She never went back home (she lives with my sister), and apparently AITA for this happening.
So reddit, AIO? | r/amioverreacting | post | r/AmIOverreacting | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYRXFsZnB6NlhpTEpvay1wVkx1TmJtUXpXWFFRaDVkbHFqY0lXLVhKWlk1X0hFQVVtMERNYVBjN0ZtcG9kM3VoWDN2UEd3VVNtVWFNTTNrc3RYazVLaUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhUlpCdnEzUFI4cWFFUEtYdTJyZ2kyVGRENlVJZXAzNnlLd2o4dUp6Y2ZxaHVBRFFBczRzYUhLMU5xNHczLVlfQkxGUEs0WWtYaW5kS2RnVG80RHpVQlp5cFBNaEFJbWRGdVduSFVtZnRXU2ZyNlJ3TERXQWpWU0NMTkItUUwwaWJ3ZnFYMWNmeENhMC1ubmw3RE53M3FWOUJyX2pRZU9TSjJYcExWc2Q2bnpoUnJuZHpNOWY1TzVnSy1PeGVLOUI1 | 1,683 |
Summarized: I (20M) found texts on my girlfriend’s (20F) phone to her ex after she told me she’d stop texting him. We’ve been together for 2 and a half years now. I’ve lost my trust in her
For context this ex is her first everything. First boyfriend, first kiss, first bedroom experience, first heartbreak. She even “revenge cheated” on her other sexually abusive ex with this guy.
She says that after they broke it off that they were better as friends and I can sort of understand that, except for the fact that I can tell he doesn’t want to be just that. They broke it off like 6 or 7 years ago and since then he periodically appears back in her life for like 3 months then goes back to hiding. I’m talking liking all of her stories on insta, commenting and liking on all her posts, sending random memes without any context. At first I didn’t think anything of it but these past few months it’s been getting more and more on my nerves now. She at one point put her Instagram account on my phone because she forgot it a lot, meaning that I would get her messages and notifications as well. While I’m at work, 50+ messages in the span of an hour. Apparently they had a full blown conversation over literally nothing. Which a shitty day at work + constantly seeing him interact with her all day and her interacting back with him = a very irritated me. So, like an idiot such as myself, I brought it up in an angry tone and caused an argument about it. Which ended in her saying “she won’t talk to him anymore and try to ignore his texts on insta” followed up with her being mad for about 2 weeks that I argued with her.
Flash forward a few months and things have been rocky. Some days are absolutely great, other days I feel like if I even breathe wrong she’d rip my head off. Which sometimes I don’t blame her, she’s in college and trying to achieve academic honors and me, a non college student, can assume it’s VERY stressful. After arguments here and there I take a trip with my family for a week and we text call every day missing each other. I come back and things are back to normal. Until our 2 and a half year mark hits.
Normally I would take her out each month and we’d have a whole day with just us being together. Well this month she had a Halloween party with her best friend on our specific day, which I wasn’t too upset about. I don’t normally get days off just to myself. We get lunch and then we depart. She rides with her friend while I drive and meet some family. 6 hours she was at this party and I didn’t get a single text nor call. Which I thought was weird but again, don’t think too much of it at the time. She finally calls me a 1 am saying that she was at home and about to go to sleep. I asked how it was and she fills me in with some stuff that was happened and other stuff that was cool blah blah blah, we exchange goodnights and I love yous and that’s that.
Exactly 3 days pass and I’m getting antsy. At one point throughout the week I found her phone and opened it to spam her photos with dumb faces of mine. When she finally saw that I was on her phone she snatched it out of my hands with the grip of god. I thought it was super suspicious because normally we didn’t care if we were on each others phones or not. Well 3 days after the party I finally got an alone moment with her phone and decided to figure out what it was she was trying to hide from me. A Christmas gift? Some surprise she was in the process of giving me and didn’t want me to find out? Well after finding nothing interesting I go on insta, and there it is. A mile long text thread of her and her ex spitballing about absolutely nothing and everything. Daily might I add. Like, probably a week after we had our first argument about him. I scroll through the messages and find messages of them while she was at the Halloween party. Not so “he’s just a friend messages” either. I’ll summarize the good bits because idk how to put in pictures…
*her talking about alcoholic drinks she’s having at this party*
Ex: That sounds good!
Gf: it’s so good!!!
Ex: That and some head. I’d sleep well at night😭. LMAO
Gf: I am down to give some head lmao
Ex: Please? Lmfao. But if you give a mouse a cookie…
Gf: I’m down
Ex: If you come up to *city he lives in* on your own sometime, you’re welcome to spend some time here.
They also hearted each others messages at the end.
*Fast forward to them talking about more drinks she’s having*
Ex: I’d be ass at making that one tho. If you come visit we can have some drinks if you’d like though
Gf: Ooh I wanna drink with you
Ex: it would be fun! Well don’t get too crazy out there *gf name*. But enjoy 😉.
Gf: I wanna fuck lmao
Ex: You’re telling me, I need to fuck-
Gf: *sends him a picture of her at the party*
Ex: You look great!
I kinda skimmed through the rest and not much more was said, but that’s all that was needed to be said. She noticed me on her phone and started to get upset, then I showed her the messages between them and was pissed. Her face sort of changed to match my anger as she asked if we could talk about it outside and away from earshot of her family. A very long conversation later I got the answer as to why she sent those messages and I can’t tell if she’s being genuine or just reaching for an excuse. She stated that she was drunk when she sent those and felt disgusting after she came to her senses and realized what she did, but didn’t know the right way to bring it up to me. She then went to explain that at the party her best friend got the bartenders number at the party and was, in a way, rubbing it in her face. They’ve had a long history of competing with each other over stuff like academics, relationships, achievements, but one that hurts my gf the most is how effortlessly her best friend can get people attracted to her. After her best friend rubbed getting the bartenders number in her face my gf felt “unwanted” and chose to message her ex. Which of course he gave her exactly what she wanted at the time, the desire to be wanted. I asked if I was doing something wrong and showing her less affection, which she said no. Non yelling back and forth occurred and towards the end of the conversation I genuinely just wanted to leave and be alone, but she didn’t want me to leave until we concluded things better. Long story short, we came to a conclusion that she fucked up, swore she would block her ex and never talk to him again, and also work on her affection showing towards our relationship more.
So far she has followed through with her words. That same week my childhood cat had to be euthanized and she sat through it with me. I’m grateful that she was there for me and showing more affection, but deep down I am an over thinker when it comes to relationships. My brain can’t help but think that she’s only showing more affection, and being more lovey dovey with me because she got caught sending these messages to a ex and doesn’t want our relationship to end.
I want to regain my trust in her but, should I? Can I?
Sorry for the novel <3 | r/amioverthinking | post | r/AmIOverthinking | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYVHMwZ0s3MWd2WVFvbGl6dTNSUy1WYmdPZGhoT2dzekFWOVBLNnROWTlYVGVFNDktcmFRUFZnUHRtSjNNUjlQUjBFV1J1RUlsZzVJNjM5ZXU1YzFVT0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhaGZYLXVSTFFmU2lFdlBoYWhhM2g4OVBqU2lObTZTOXZEMlZSazRoV3NfMWU2SW1tc0Y3ZjdjQ0k4N0dMUGJzMEgzWVRrNC1qMm94dC1zTTJFckVHOHZOTE9FSVJmdzZjSmktMHROOXZ1UzBmS2hzQVRCdUJoRUNxSkpUT0FydE9BNVVxRmlwVzZTVDluMGRFM1hXMjNoUWhOUklUSGJuOERjdlRLX3dmUzI0djR1OTJkTzdIekp3SGJDc0Vuc3JV | 1,684 |