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[deleted] | r/airstrip_one | post | r/airstrip_one | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYeVY1Ukg4SmpjZ1QxYjVvdkF2MGlGX1BhcFMweVBBQWVWRm5jQkpVUGoybElpdzJmZm1LS3BpWmJfMVdyVTNiam83RWFCcU8zQmN4WmVBVTl1RE45SlE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhRlhtYWhwVGNqNU1reVRjOHpZcFNUcXUyOG9aRDlHZ3o2QjIwZ3hlbFFITmdFd0I5X2pJR2M1VkxtVlREQTcyV2xtZ0Qwb0ZSZWtTQy1tenZDNGRuSmRkWUdxQW9yelc1TnhOemxhUFh2SnNlX3JQLWxNVnp3S3IzRnAzY1MteEVWMmVDOXNfaXZFUzVOamM2ekpWbWlXb1BqLWRlalNUaDV2Z1czZU1GZTRNPQ== | 1,152 |
Has anyone brought on a car seat onto Air India? Flying with an under 18 mo toddler JFK -> BOM in separate seat. Hoping to keep the kid safe and comfy in a FAA-approved car seat hooked into the airplane seat.
I talked to their support team: they seemed to conflate a car seat with a foldable stroller and kept saying that a car seat has to be checked luggage.
[removed] | r/aisonggenerator | post | r/AISongGenerator | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYVm5GT1dfX2pQMFpFY01GQUNfaWp5Q2dleS1BVkVnQXZCLUNlcFNMaWcwdlRNcG1GOGtGQkFRYnEzU1F0eXF3bXc2WnpMbEUtMFprcUFqZ2s4bm9pNlE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhSnY1VmV5amFrSUtuZ0JnSUxNVTJmX09KdlZTeXpTOWF5TTR1QXVfY0pyTDBUOWhDR3lQcnhYTWMwMVp6cG5Db1IyUWVzbG1JSFFEbHFBM0dmQ0N1V2hNeWk0S2xJM1EtalFaTnl6c09CNEtBZDJfaUdTV2tqOVpJQmk5WU1oaGxWdVpuRWNpcUZZdTdOSTlvRWxLWGpiclJRQnY2TVFzWjgtZXU2VGQ4Y1o1anI2d3pSMUZLaXZnSHdIa2lDek50QjM0Ql9wblktUWhpajZ5QnROX201dz09 | 1,156 |
i (f22) met her (f24) on a dating app. we’ve been speaking for about 3 months and were really quickly moving towards a relationship.
i noticed some things were strange but i brushed it off. things like turning her phone over when we’re together. i have a really bad dating history. lots of being cheated on and dv. i thought i was just self sabotaging this time.
recently i have just found out that she’s been talking to her ex i think pretty much the whole time. i found this out by seeing her posted on social media out with her ex lol. it was like her shoulder in the picture but as a girl you just know lol. she swore to me it was nothing sexual and they genuinely only have normal conversations. i obviously got really mad. i feel betrayed. she was really genuinely so fixated on earning my trust and showing me better than my past. the ex messaged me and told me she had alot of horrible things to say about me. i’m not sure what to think. she admitted telling her ex that me and her aren’t as close as we are and that we even haven’t had sex yet!!! (she said she did this to avoid “ex drama” not because she wanted her) but she’s adamant they did nothing sexual. the ex told me a lot that she was saying she didn’t want me etc.
but then also heard a voice note the ex sent saying something along the lines of “i can’t believe you left me alone like that crying my eyes out, you didn’t even check i got home safe” then another saying similar to “so you don’t want to be with me. you want her? you want her?” i’m obviously conflicted because she made out to me that she had an awful time dating her and told me to steer clear. but she was clearly very upset she wasn’t “chosen”
since then she’s been begging for my forgiveness and saying she does really love me she just made bad choices. i’ve told her no and i’m not willing to try again or trust her and she effectively told me she’s not taking my no for an answer. took me hours to get her to leave.
i’m not the best story teller and it’s been a very emotional 2 days so sorry in advance.
also forgot to add, conversation was mostly normal to be fair. but they shared alot of personal things which i had no idea about. does it not mean something that she feels a need to have these conversations with her?
but have i overreacted? been an ahole? i shouted ALOT. said some nasty things. of course it came from a place of hurt and disappointment but yeah.. i did really genuinely love her and care for her. we spent a lot of time together.
is this worth saving or should i just cut my losses?
please help me navigate
| r/aita_relationships | post | r/AITA_Relationships | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYNzVHd2hRTWlIQnhqb0xRVkxycmExejMtM0ZJc0swVFBSTFlwb3FSRzJJYWZyU2dpNEh5Y1RiRDhUUUhwYWJLd1Rtd2JLWk9FUEpZRGNQLUozby1KOEFxMDF4RGwyLXhndlR6WGJzSXctN0k9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhNllxU3VLamJtZlVVbzNiRUEzY1BxbTBleEtmU1dsVjZXZEh5Ql9QdmJVamZBN0FBa0pBU1dlV0drVTVqbmdac001SXN6T0ZJaHR1N1Azc1J3RVRYLVR6SlgzYV9YVW1qRWprRmxkUzd4aVhCaUpoUWpQSWQ2RTNENk0zcVVHUlpYYUQxTG9YMllLNndrYm1Wcm9XWkJSQWMyUEEtRVVMN0JDR1lCVVFUd1g3bHVwcmFrUkpHXzV6ZUh2ZnItdjJ1aEVnODV1MHNjRDlXLVdVWjNOOGowQT09 | 1,157 |
So I been talking to this guy for awhile we knew each other as kids he is 48 I’m 50 but we both felt a very strong connection . Like really strong feelings and last night we finally got together it was a great night together and one thing I left out i been kinda seeing another guy and we got together to see if the connection was still there and I would make my decision of who I want to be with and I fell hard for this guy and I wanted I want to choose him and break up with the other but now he is kinda saying things like he is worried about being in a relationship cause his job he has to leave for months at a time and is concerned I would get tired of waiting for him and give up I said I would wait he says he still feels the connection and stuff to but it’s like he is taking one step forward 2 back I don’t know what to do he said be patient he just needs time to think about things and try to get work where he don’t have to leave so I been bummed out all day thinking he don’t want me but I’m confused cause he has text me and called me many many times all day so does this man want to be with me? Or should I just forget about him? | r/aita_wibta_public | post | r/AITA_WIBTA_PUBLIC | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYaWZDRV9LcE9nU0FJYTdkZnVWWVVURXNMc1NCRk9xcDlJODRyVTgyZkdsc3dSM09YR1VGblF2X1ROZEw0dnM4bjVrdTVlNVRGaW5hQ0JqMTEzTG02Mi1tSVhuSnRRTTQ1Sm1fYUxzQkU2ekU9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRha3RPU0lVX2FudjRESjVCVVVHWUhTdGo4b3dXLTB3N19XOW1veTVCYk9RdHNWNkhSVGlaTGNPcnY2SkN5QnJsYnRCYUZGT2NaNTdmLWRCODFvanJrM2Y1SEVTLUVOSVFZaGI1OFdJNnJpMGxYWmtIb095R1BBcS1hQmdwVzF6XzlmbzZrSC0yQUN2X1lCaWR3ZXpqeng0YkoyYUswQmFkUEV3NV9RSV83V2kwPQ== | 1,158 |
[deleted] | r/aitah | post | r/AITAH | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYNUJ1U3JZY0pGYnlrX3gtRGRPbWUxcE1fdEpnQmJhd3FFTkdLREFJRVh3Vjd1VktmWHQ4bXEwLUJEelZDNGlFTy05N3laMDBkU0s0dC1FX2IxRWY4d1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhN1pLdW1CUHlFTHBFUWNxelZWQVE4VzFWbURKMVk3N3gyZ3dRZDBNRFpkNWdRaDN2V3Z2Z2VRaXlsbkJ2b0ZqaFcxdGJqa2lRT0lfMWwzSnhQTFVhenBBbld6bkdGdmx3eVhZbDFody10ZFJhSHpQbWhqSHVBbzY0R1I3TzBEb0VzODJTM1BSNFhrSVpkZllnT2h1b2gtU0xGZGhmWHd3UjU1UnhMZ2lCWWVTV2tnM0p6ZFhaUG92VUk1NmhjeEtH | 1,160 |
[removed] | r/aitah | post | r/AITAH | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYNjlPUm5jNHdUUjQtbGNfazlTVXJBUkU5bk8zMzVBbk9BcXpFMGtMenVNMDZEZEZpX21PNHZNWUhJY2dkNHhMVHUyb3JncVRzcmdXWVJBNHI5aDUwNG5ydElxbGtfYU9weW9IbUJKQWFyWk09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhLWx5SkxORkZ5Vk5sYWFESEdmcXdaWkRCNWt0b1AxMVBFbjlMck5CTHM0LXNaV2xwUmpNQ3pvaWdqUFQ1RGlPRGhGcWdSZmI3NmlpVm5uZExvR25ncGsyallGckhIZXZPTzRwZnpSeTU4ZlJwTDUwSG91U1QzNnFMSEFDUTdVTThzckhFNndOTU1VeVdfZFR3MUYtTnJNMXRoRFcwbDJDN0ozNkhWUGxuZFJ0Nzh5b28wcDE3SExxV3JjRTkybWYw | 1,161 |
[deleted] | r/aitah | post | r/AITAH | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYTTdyTzJ3UURzbWRrMVJjWFVILU5adkdqQ0pMX1ItZ1d0aDdjcGJTVTJqRXJnVVNLRXZBQ0t5bktlZWxfNjE5eFlGMmtFdkk1Y3dyRGk0WHh4VTdUc3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhSGU0NU5kTGJMNVI4cTVfMzFOZjR0ZkE1V3dfMjR3MlFsQ3ZWNm1oeXFvNmJTWjJCY1p1azBReEhyT0gtWktlc3FfQUg4Y2l0UDA1ZDBNQ08xNHhOYlRyWkVSQWlsYXJQMFBTRDlBalRaMFVsdnBVcERWVWtaUXFFOGZoTlpoYmctTlNaRW1aMGIwd0VJWHB5Q05tVHB1NDFEYzlpbUZjVjB6Q1FROHdNRGFmemtTZ3pVb0lqdjJVODl3N29yQncw | 1,162 |
My boyfriend (29) and I (26) recently got a second dog. I had my dog before my boyfriend and I met. We’ve been together a while Ava decided it was time for a second dog. I can’t help but compare new pup to OG pup. And everything Seems harder with new pup. I sobbed about how i feel like im failing her because everything is harder with her. I’m doing everything for her i can. I am not abusing her or neglecting her in any way. OG pup is getting special extra long walks and got new toys so he wouldn’t feel abandoned. But AITAH for being overwhelmed and slightly resentful of getting a second dog or an i just in the weeds and deprived | r/aitah | post | r/AITAH | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYaFBIc0xSV1hDWDhJa0I3Q21xU1RMU3JUOTRtS00tanJNQnlQdExpdW5PTzhudGFHQW1SUVk3YnM1dlkzRmpmRkVYMjVDTW1zRGVxZ2FVaE1rSnhmWEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhemhkbDhEWlg4TG5MVFJ1S3VpQXB3RDlIaU9XUkhLYVJ3ZVg5TncwLUZFT2VvODd1a2dFN3ZUSmpONExvbzFkTmtlOG9maE54TTVXNmYtYmdmaDlwZ01XR3NJWDFGc2RCbEtOVnczVWpvcmpZMEpuOE5WSFJVRlVWUVhEdGtaSFJiTTBqYkJTZXA2M2FEbWlHZDR5RGcycWhoOFc4bG1FVE5rVFlna0dFRWNYYlBxMzR3TWhubWJJYjlReVJFVFhNSE5XQkhIZVJ4VWVsOUZIcmJqODFMQT09 | 1,163 |
Over the summer my girlfriend met with her ex boyfriend (who did some really bad stuff to her and is the reason she used to do self-harm) for a one-on-one conversation that she predicted would be an hour or so long. They proceeded to take 8 hours where she was unresponsive and distant. I had just returned from being out of country and had heard about this while on vacation with my family. I freaked out and tried calling her to no avail. From then to now shes been more distant but I don’t know if it’s my fault or not. I’ve had people say it’s not my fault and that I was right for freaking out but she seems to think otherwise. Any thoughts on this because it’s kinda hurt our relationship and it scares me to think she might dump me. | r/aitah | post | r/AITAH | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYdE13VmV3ZGFlc1pHeE1XV2ZFMXA2YW50ekN1QXNCNW9rbTdZRmt3U0NQcEItSkJJNUVsNGI2dk45YXZxNHFmamI5TU8zeF9idGIyV0FaUnRrZWtvMkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhSEtLeXB5WmptOEs4WjRLVkpVZmNLYUFFd0VwMXF6Q3JfN2hRODhIQnEzQWZRR0pHN0lTaEdaVk02UjVwMUdYME94dEUwcmJfLUs2cFpmMGF1WjFlckdtdUJzSnBIVEEwWkdDWW9tUGU4Wkkzal9heXUyS2NCeVQxUUlnX1U5ZUljSVctWXZVN29aWVlQYTA1V3ppS3l2RDFtWjNEMEJ1YWpENVg1MVNDaXBFPQ== | 1,164 |
So my bf and I are moving in together in December. We already have a place picked out and are signing a lease in the coming weeks. We have all our bills planned out and a budget created.
I casually brought it up to him today asking to pay less on rent than him. Nothing crazy, just $100 less. Not only does he make more than me, but I’d also be doing a majority of the household work. Ex: cooking, cleaning, doing both of our laundry. Even packing a lunch for him for work.
He said he doesn’t want to do that, and I told him that’s fine, but then he’s going to have to do his own share of cooking and his own laundry. If he wants me to do wifey shit then he’s gotta treat me like one.
He thinks I’m being irrational but I feel like this is very fair.
| r/aitah | post | r/AITAH | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYdXZaWlNtenEzTDFiYTBJeklQZkkyMHlZMmg2bFNNaWZlaHpsbURCUUpUOEhwNkZyLWFuQWtWS2szMzVKdnc0UjJhSG5UOXNVWmdnOEZ4bkYxa2l3RFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhTzJjTVoxSGJFYnNnenJ1TUlicktMNU9sZ0FldHpVRWtYelBhUm50MVozbnNMTXprM3hnTVJjTW9tZFV3eUJsTUI1Z00wRkNSeWIzc0lkUDYxbGt3VHlVUGJMY093Q1FjanBuVnFzRHJZdFNTN2tWMmxIYUs4MGhEYjZuRzk2RWZlUTJiVVY3N3plaG1kb1pRU3YtZkZKX1dMbEZPOXVITnRNeWJYS1piQzcybjZrTUd1Znp0N1pqQ3BnU2NtYi1W | 1,165 |
My wedding is in a few weeks and when I originally picked my dream venue I planned on bringing the alcohol in, I found out I could not and figured no problem I'll pay the tab. After all the other expenses that have come up and some very major unexpected vet bills I simply can't afford to offer this. Drinks at my venue are $7-$13. I am providing two bottles of wine per table (85 guests) and am covering the head tables drinks. I am covering the cost until it's about $5 per drink instead. I am covering designated driving for the end of the night... AITA for not having an open bar? I am simply tapped and I just keep seeing posts on bridal pages calling couples tacky if they don't and I'm already way over my head for the cost of everything, I never once implied on the invitations it was an open bar and am feeling very nervous about it 😞 things are just not as affordable as they used to be. | r/aitah | post | r/AITAH | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYWjJ4UjU5ZUNacXlqbGFLd1FzdFg0cjhIX1g0Q181YkVJODNZVW1sN2xwak5TMEtpTlJ6ZWdGQXhWRWEwaHdJUzRISWdudFZOYnp0X0liX3Z3aDhZd01fT2d3YkhEZmZHSHdndk9qdWhaYzg9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhSlF5TDN2ZGZsMjJlUk1yVGlQT1ROUTdlRnNuTzRIdlNzVWZrQVFlZU1ZbW8wZGM1dG1wU0wxUDlKd1ZJcHB2SWZ3a2M0cldkX095WGJKcll1cXVaNFNZUE9YOTJrSG5peGgwako0MGh0ekZ6VEJaQmlFczFScmN1UHRRaWZlZ3VFTkYtbnRINFdIQk5MV3o2QTVsRFpwbzhsb3U3djhPN2J6d3FHOGZiVUU4TVYxVkxBc2FjR1pMUHpydTNUbWZkVVl2bEdyV1ZtRmlWTXJ0azlWRU5CZz09 | 1,166 |
55F recently got confirmed that my “dad” isn’t my actual father (which is fine because I suspected it since I was in Jr High). But I did want to learn the name of my bio dad. Once I did, I discovered new “family”. And it’s actually not his family. But it’s the “family” of others in the same boat as me (those learning that some family member isn’t really biologically related). So many of those folks are seeking relationships with their bio people. I, on the other hand, have NO interest in befriending them/supporting them or even hearing their stories. I am not in the same emotional boat they are in. I am an empathetic and sympathetic person but it’s all just too much drama for me to get involved with. I just feel like some of them are needy beyond what I can offer and I feel like they assume we’re so similar because of our situations. But I’m just not emotionally invested in either my bio family or those people who also now know they have a different than expected relative. So am I the AH bc I don’t want to invest in them? | r/aitah | post | r/AITAH | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYSFNUVFBPUnhkc1ZRSkVkOFV5THpMUnJrVnJmaEtYS3E5LXFMS3R1ZkRrRUFYX0JObmFKTVlDNENnYUY4QW8wMk5FdEpZTnFCajhkQ2dUanRidk8wWVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhZWJyS1ZVM0Jaa29DX3hzRFU1YW40VmY4Yk9OdkJJN0ZobE0zdTdWVEtfSVZ5S1pjSWpOaF9UT0RKaWczN2RVY1otUUZjZnVmYmJOYUQwSmpLYjRRdjRiOW1mTUpkYV9memtNYlRMVDEyQ09aUVZob09faVRJMjZWR1JLc1d4QkNFaGlXUmV2YkkyLTEwM0JtNUZDX0ptOGx6LWQzNko3d2EwN2NOaGV6Q1FidHk0VVFETl96UXRacW5Pc2hJM1ht | 1,167 |
I 28F and husband 32M have been married for 7 years and together for 8 . We have been through a lot and have had to both do a lot of growing up to make our marriage work. He was born in Georgia and lived there till his grandparents up and moved him and his sister to alabama when he was in early middle school. I have always lived in alabama and I'm not a person who likes change especially a sudden drastic one . We have a 7 year old son together and both of our families live an hour (mine) and 2 hours (his) away from us . His family comes and visits every so often and my family doesn't really come around. The only reason I don't want to move is because I'm afraid something will happen to my grandmother . She is the only grandparent I have left . [His grandparents passed several years before we met]. She is the only thing tying me to this state or I would have no problem moving anywhere . He says for the betterment of our little family we need to move he said not necessarily Georgia but anywhere but here and that I am being selfish bc I don't want to move and my grandmother is not a good enough excuse bc she doesn't come around very often anyways . Tbh I think I'm more scared of starting over in a new state out of my comfort zone . I'm not very good at communication and it started a huge fight. AITH in this situation ? | r/aitah | post | r/AITAH | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYTm5kem1jamlZSVNzZ20yU25pMGh0aXNELVMwc1Q0SnRIT0xUT2U5aFc1Z3VySXFaTjltWVI5cERCanJadXVST25xeUx4RlZZSXZsdkt5OER5aG1LWGJybHlsLXVJMm1uWVZZZUVfeWpsZ289 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhTHhadHQ5aVdlc3JnbXg4ejhoSFJZSUZlemFfbFpWMUhKaEVGZ0NjN2V2MWF2S2hmZDF3d050S2RXQ1R0VkRXSjZhYUZwMklKS0l0UzAyVmZsWTFLeTJVU0pua3ZGOFpVSUY2bkpBT092QXYyYlZVVnIwSllpN2FOR0Fqb1BENnRMWWpNSHlBWFZ5bDdGcGlkczNyT0xCNGZ6ejZzbWVOSFJVaG9GNVR0YW9vPQ== | 1,168 |
my uncle has 5 children who are absolute nightmares. they're constantly sick when they come over and break sentimental items in my home. (i've been sick for 3 weeks and was bedridden for one because they got me sick. i don't go out and there was no one else that came to my house.)
my mom goes to see them everyday for pretty much the entire day during the week. most of my family have full time jobs so they can only come over during the weekend. despite explicitly being asked not to my mom invites these kids over for hours and ruins our plans. this happens nearly every weekend to the point that my family just don't visit us.
my sibling has a full time job and we hadn't seen her for months. she finally came over today and we all went to the store and bought snacks to have a small get together with us and our parents. my aunt asked if the kids could come over and my mom said yes. so we weren't able to go through with any of our plans and my sibling had to go home.
i'm absolutely devastated that the one time i get to see my sibling in months was ruined and i've been fighting with my mom all day. i've been trying to explain why we're upset and she just doesn't care. she's super angry with me because i was upset that the kids were here.
AITAH for being mad at my mom? | r/aitah | post | r/AITAH | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYX3pOX3lyYzc4TWRfUlE5dmwwNUYwVkIyVEtKcEx3SmQ4WFd4NGZ2bHE3MEJjbzZiVlUzakJ6bFk1b0hISmxCb3JCTUVhdndhd3BwVy1XamExaU5Od1JSVkZacEZyRkFjTGJocENzeVZTWW89 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhWlVaUklxRTdjN2VWS1JpcnlxR25aX0ZLYjUxVmN5MG85bHlrdWQ2ZVA3VDFOV0E0YzJqV3VDbzgtYWZZeHNPRUpiZFB0d2ppaEw1aE5kcTRTMXFJbkpvTEN2Wm91eHJlcGJjb1RYcFFEXzkzcGxpNlBTT2RVcnZoR0w2cUFVdldxeUwxTFlzNDVITnlEVDV6RGFWU1Zqc1dNTnNQWDd5cWpUZFJyRDFlNy1FTTlvODE5ZGJ2VFp6MF9JZWNXbVEwRzVDejBBUlZhckYxRDJsNWxkbkFOQT09 | 1,169 |
Ok so this just happened today. To start, my brothers girlfriend just made Dinner (alfredo) and I got a bowl and went to my room. When it starter showing down, I noticed something a little off.
The noodles felt undercooked, I thought "hey, it might be some of the noodles" so i continued eating.
Minutes later, I realized that most of it was undercooked, felt to rough. So I went out there where my brother and her were hanging out, I was like "hey (so and so) I think my noodles are a little undercooked/rough" and she said that hers were too. She explained that she did something that was related to it.
My brother asked me if I was gonna eat it, and I said yeah. I said yeah to be nice and went back to my room. Minutes later, I realized that I just can't eat it. So go back out there and say "im gonna be honest, I cant eat it, thank you for making it though".
And my brother being overdramatic about it. He was yelling at me fot being rude and such. I was defending myself saying "no im not, i just said thank you". I then ask my brothers girlfriend if im being rude, and she says no. My brother, again; yells at me saying I am being rude.
Then cue my dad coming out of his room and yelling at me for being rude at her. I then yell at him for accusing me for such bull. I then go to my room and NOT slam the door.
Minutes later, my dad comes stomping into my room, saying "how dare you slam the door and curse at me" and yadayadayda. He then leaves. Few minutes later, he then enters my room again to say that she's crying.
I don't understand how im being rude. Maybe its because im autistic. | r/aitah | post | r/AITAH | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYWkh1c1pZMW54UW9nbWt1Ti1BWHB1RzhxaDRHWWlDczl0YklBSGw1UHk2VWNQZzdtVjVzOVJSMGVvNWN4R2xyRjA3UTAtODBaeUQwZTBwUmxDdXFWWUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhWkxZWWFYT0JIV0hDNWlsWVBkdWQzcFN3LUFidVFvS090REdsOWFsNVBaeGNyMldqZkJUS3RmS256dUY0WklJa3pBcUJkNW1pQWc5U1ZZd3A1N3dkNEdTRlVFYXoxR1ZKMzItckF4djg4dlktXzBydG5RdDk3cEsxYzZwbzhxT0lzYzU0M1dXaXU5WHVhbkl0U0VWTE1ENnoxSjVSb2NKUmo0ZDBJdWZZcWw1T2MwVGVDZjQ5Q1ZEMkdfWmRjSmJq | 1,170 |
Ok so this just happened today. To start, my brothers girlfriend just made Dinner (alfredo) and I got a bowl and went to my room. When it starter showing down, I noticed something a little off.
The noodles felt undercooked, I thought "hey, it might be some of the noodles" so i continued eating.
Minutes later, I realized that most of it was undercooked, felt to rough. So I went out there where my brother and her were hanging out, I was like "hey (so and so) I think my noodles are a little undercooked/rough" and she said that hers were too. She explained that she did something that was related to it.
My brother asked me if I was gonna eat it, and I said yeah. I said yeah to be nice and went back to my room. Minutes later, I realized that I just can't eat it. So go back out there and say "im gonna be honest, I cant eat it, thank you for making it though".
And my brother being overdramatic about it. He was yelling at me fot being rude and such. I was defending myself saying "no im not, i just said thank you". I then ask my brothers girlfriend if im being rude, and she says no. My brother, again; yells at me saying I am being rude.
Then cue my dad coming out of his room and yelling at me for being rude at her. I then yell at him for accusing me for such bull. I then go to my room and NOT slam the door.
Minutes later, my dad comes stomping into my room, saying "how dare you slam the door and curse at me" and yadayadayda. He then leaves. Few minutes later, he then enters my room again to say that she's crying.
I don't understand how im being rude. Maybe its because im autistic. | r/aitah | post | r/AITAH | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYZjhaWk1sNkhSdUp1ckcxYzFQOFhWUUtpa3VZaTFTaWY0S2UxZmlHdGtxbXlTc012MTFiSkRLOFNfeERoa3ExaFdEZlh1dkktaXpjNUU4Ykc0c3ZPbFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhQ1VIc0NCbUpQbW9rTHdEeTBTMVo5ajlyR204SXhOaU9kd01IR3FhRDl1TV9pbTI3MEQxXzZ3Y3BlZVMzM213X1R5WFNiekRMcWRwb2tTMlZ5VFBfeUtiUDZzbWJTdF95bjUzRDVVdy1xcEJFbjAyN2ttaVJ4M0o3eElONktxdWp5S3FUN0JLREZ3RUhHRGhpOTVtUFhKOG0wbGZmXzFDa3RKNnJHdDRrdU9vMnJrUXk4VEREWkx2SlVQOUJlZmJL | 1,171 |
I was sitting in class one day asking for people to help me because of my mental illnesss. All of my "friends" got really pissed at me and said it would be better if we went a friend group anymore. As someone who has autism it's hard for me to he's that so I silently break down and commit SH (self h@rm) one of these friends was in a relationship that I helped her get into. Her boyfriend is a major ass and doesn't like anyone. After the friendship ended i texted her and said that she was being a bitch ever since they got together. I didn't see her message because I had blocked her. A few days pass and in the last period i have on that day thwe're was major girl drama. There is this one girl we'll call Samantha is a clingy annoying girl that no one likes. Another girl who we'll call Diane had put me on a hit list with someone who I never got along with and got suspended for it. Then we have the girl who was being an ass. We'll call her Lindsey. And one other We'll call whinny. I got pissed and said that the reason no one likes whinny is because she complained about everyone. Band kids, Orchestra kids, theater kids, choir kids, overweight people, hoes, etc. Reminder I have autism and can't control what comes out of my Mouth sometimes. Then all the girls started yelling and complaining to the teacher about me and I tell them to shut up. They don't hear me so I cover my ears and scream it at the top of my lungs. They all stop and look at me like I'm a monster. The following Friday I hear from my friend that Samantha had told her that I shouldn't get special treatment or more teachers on my side because I'm $uisidal.
So AITAH for yelling at my friends? | r/aitah | post | r/AITAH | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYdUdCdDNHTFB4ZVBwcjU3RDN3VnZiNWs5cFhGRExoVnUyMU0yUDJseExNVTV4b04xSXlDRjJCQWdYNXd1bGdTY0xOTVRXRzBvZllGVmFZT1BWMTdwalE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhOG1BOEJHNHAxbUlnUUtkMVhsRWF2X2NBN1pTVHVMLUNXelZsUTYzZDdHX3BJR3hta3VHREtqZjQ4N0YteWIzazdIR0N2b291WGNSdC13MGo1ZXlqWUJtRnhIWEVvcy13YndmbHpZVXhELUtENy1JbmVoelhxVnlHLUFPU0lKWnBoZUNPZXVpdl91Zll3T04zQS1WSXJrRzZOTU5KX2tkVHNFVm5mTmo0YzUzbU15aDFBNWFqX0ZQM3Jwa0JkaUxs | 1,172 |
This happened a while ago but I still think about it often and I have had people telling me that I am in the wrong for this. I (20F) decided to have myself a little Valentine's day date with a guy I matched with on Bumble. He suggested that we go to a lake in our city for a swim and stuff. I have my own car and a full license (he didn't) so I picked him up from his house and we drove over to the lake which was out by the airport and not very close to anything else and about 10km (approx 6 miles) away from his house. We had a decent conversation on the drive and I was excited to get in the water as it was quite hot.
We got to the lake and found a nice spot that wasn't too busy with people. I got ready to go swim and he told me that he would get in soon but that I should go ahead and get in, so I did. I got in the lake and was having a good time by myself swimming around some ducks and just chilling. 30 minutes go by and he hasn't gotten in. I look up to the shore and he is on the phone. I go up and sit down next to him and he's just on the phone to a friend. I get back in the water but another 10 minutes go by and he's still on the phone. I was fed up and grabbed my stuff, telling him that I was going to the bathroom which was further along the lakefront and near the carpark. I get in my car and text him that I am leaving and that I hope he has money for an uber. Then I leave. I also texted him that next time he's on a date, actually talking to his date is a good idea.
The story has gotten mixed responses, some people say it was wrong of me to potentially leave him stranded there whilst others say I did the right thing but am I the asshole? Should I have taken him home anyway? | r/aitah | post | r/AITAH | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYc0FtVDltbW12UllFM3Boc09HdWRfWG1ObzNpUEItVElaMmJ3emZkNDdTS1RpYndxYXNERUFVOVVIZmh6aWd6SGQwUE9ZRkc3dmdXdy1UeHVxb3B2VGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhMmg4ZnpLT2k3V1ZLZVdoaHM3dVl4TEFIeS1SOGR4MTBiS1E5QWFyTlQ4MUgwSlhwanZDUVc3YUhhaWZGTWxZaklBN09lbjRyVXpZWGs3ZGFOZmxENVR5enpEX0dHUFVoempaMm5xS3hqWlFqamJMUHhhQUhEWFBORExfS3k1dXRvVy0tVmo4bnpPMlFMd3JNT2RSdnd0OHRVWkI2WDFzTEYycmVuMk1KT1NLdzE1ZmFlNTZSRU9Va1FDZ1RRWWRk | 1,173 |
For context, I have sole custody of our child (8), and the father has supervised visitation. He hasnt seen our child more than once a month for over a year, and lost his parental rights due to neglect and addiction issues.
The father is having a new baby with his gf of just a few months, and they are moving in together. Our child has only met her twice before. The baby is due in 3-4 months. I just found out about this a week ago.
My child's father is very excited, and can't seem to grasp this from our child's point of view - They feel abandoned by their dad, and now will get to watch him move in with a new woman and raise a baby as a family unit, while our child hardly sees him at all.
He and his gf want to be the ones to tell our child the news, and are in no rush to do so. I told him that it needs to be done soon, to give our child time to process. And that I want to be there, since our child doesn't have much of a relationship with their dad and I will be the one dealing with the emotional fallout.
I also said no to the gf being there, as this woman is a stranger to our child. I want them to feel safe to ask questions and express their feelings about such big life changing news.
I told him that either he and I can tell our child together, and soon, or I will tell them myself.
The Father feels that I am acting selfishly and trying to ruin the moment for him and his gf. He says I am threatening him, and because of it he wont tell me things in the future. I feel that I am trying to make this as easy on our child as possible. His and his gf's feelings are not my priority here.
But WIBTA for "stealing" such an important moment away from the expecting couple? | r/aitah | post | r/AITAH | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYb3Q3WG1zdXZ1SkJnWjcxcXFIQUhZeGNEeUVKUm9vYVZEaEZTWFZaWEFvdk1tb1JOYmtFU0tWLVEwSlBraDIxdldMbGtCY2U3bjBvR3dDeng0R2U2TW9adjNnQThkWUd1ZlREZkJMeWhWdzA9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhRnBuRUtkSi1MLXd4Z05rTUlfQ0xXTTF4SnZTQ2g0d3Z3NWcyU0VfbFpTRWUwZGh5WkxZUjNETV9zUm5oNUgzWUhqNXBSUGZ3WWFsNVYtQWxEc2xhYk9XMHA0Z2tyeW1mTVZkZmFKMjdrMkctVHVDaTN5X0pIU3VrVW9hMXhNNTctUnlXRVZuaWJzdWVWOVZaTnNJTHVNQ0tkR2pFNUZFbXdLYWN2bi1TVnFCMXRzSkNWN29WbDZLSldqcXdxTE1n | 1,174 |
I am incredibly torn. I was engaged, canceled the wedding, then later found out my birth control had failed due to medication and found out I was pregnant.
Fast forward, our relationship was very strained. To the point to where I asked my mother and brother to come move me home when I was 3 months pregnant.
After that my ex has a mental breakdown after being incredibly verbally abusive to me and ends up trying to get hit in traffic. He goes to a psych ward for a week, gets out on meds, I move back with him thinking medication and therapy would help him.
He was off his medication when my daughter was born, making him very volatile. He threw things at me while I was in the hospital bed and slammed the door in a rage. I had to lie to the nurses about why I was crying uncontrollably.
On the way home he got upset, sped on black ice, tried to wrestle me to the ground when we got home, causing me to lock me and our 3 day old baby in the bathroom and calling my mom. (I didn’t tell her what happened, just told her I needed her) he left in his vehicle and said he was again suicidal.
I tried everything I could to help him get stable but the abuse was too much. I stayed until our baby was 3 months old. He locked me out of the house with our baby inside and he only let me in after the police showed up.
I’ve been home with my parents ever since (she’s almost a year old) and it’s 1000 miles away. When he’s on his meds and not triggered he is a wonderful father.
I feel like I was obligated to leave but I also feel like the asshole keeping him away from his daughter. My daughter’s safety comes above all else. I DO NOT want to get back with him but I feel guilty that he’s missing out on his daughter’s life. He’s extremely upset with me over the whole situation and I’m really struggling. | r/aitah | post | r/AITAH | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYMFVWTFJQYlIzdDFOSndZYlNsMU9mUE51aDdLbDltWjg0R2E0SEc5ZDBpZ3hkbk5LM0FEV3RXM1JjNHJZNlhjRHkwNmF3LVhYeEVCbzFTSEdDWmhMNWJiMlFGVGhHY3VPMDhkcTRHRDZ2T009 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRha0hHS01TZHBpZU04SG5LZmpwZzV3Q1RsOFhuVkQ0MDEzNHVtaHo5N3ZGZEVZT0VvbTR2enBzalN2Qksxb3g4VWpSZ2lyaFBCZFRDY3AzU1YyVmRhNmlvclRldXM4UHBXNG92eUdRVjR1LUlvX1BOZHlfTW1oVUh6NVYzYjRXeFBJZzhWQlExNEZiQjYyNmNpeXF4RloydFdROEFJYU9kNnpFWWp3SXBldzZKSnNSeWZMUGI5TVZxeDRXMUNDVFhI | 1,175 |
i (19f) fairly recently moved out of my parents house, and into my own apartment. my mom frequently visits, like at least once a week.
everything, for the most part is set up (yes this is relevant) most if not all of the cookware, utensils, utilities, and things of the sort were bought with my own out of pocket money. i started to notice things like a few rolls of toilet paper, water, and utensils going missing directly after she’d come over. which is, weird but whatever.
everythings fine til i go to bake bread and my $400 dutch oven isn’t in it’s designated spot in my pantry. this isn’t normal, my la creuset was my prized possession. i loved it with every fiber of my being, so this wasnt okay. i would NEVER misplace her, and i always misplace stuff, so after looking all over my apartment. freaking out, and almost puking. i decided to ask my mom if shes seen it.
so wtv i text my mom asked her if she’s seen my dutch oven, which she then responded with “O yeah. I broke it sorry”. i immediately called her, thinking that was a sick joke. after confirming with her that she did indeed break my dutch oven. and when i asked her how she said she dropped it, i responded with okay because im honestly done like okay mother im DONEE. and a quick summary of what she said was “i dont like your attitude, and you shouldn’t be getting so upset over a quote-unquote expensive pot because when you went to the psychward a few years ago i paid the bill without getting upset.” which is 1. a fucking lie. she beat me til i had welts/bruises on my back, legs and arms. 2. doesnt correlate at all??? you broke a pot and now me trying to off myself at 12 suddenly becomes relevant ONCE AGAINN
i haven’t responded to any of her texts, and im really close to blocking her. my brother thinks im in the wrong because yeah it was just a pot, but she always does shit like this and i just wanted some other ppls opinion on this cz idk if i should just try to forgive her and move on or just stop trying with her alsooo sorry for the ranting in this post i talk a lot 🙁
edits: fixed A mistake there r probably moree sorry | r/aitah | post | r/AITAH | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYSEE1X0NYbFJzRG9xVHZndlhHWFl1akptRGNFcGEyMHN5dXNJVkx6RW5WWGdMSEc4SGlEazlkX0RDMDZUSEdzR25oMjl5bjB2bmdwVjBKMHE5ajBicXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhMGJyUVItLTgxb1pTYTB1Y3pweV95VVJxS2FKQWhsZDFRUjNHckhWUU55MnQwYUZtaUozZ1RqQkdYR0RPOXNscmYwQ1FLblpFUlpONnNLRndDS2RUNnFCZ1RqZG5mckNQM0M0RVJSODlTRXlWem0ycXJYNmJ2MFRIYVd5MFd2c2dwd1Z1aWRScV9rYXN1M241dDFna3JBcl9QMWhIS0ljbkNjb0JEUjNKVVN2MGlOQW9abFl3cHI0aDN4R1pNYVBr | 1,176 |
I'm the middle of three daughters (19F). I haven't had contact with my older sister for almost a year now, and in that time I've basically become best friends with my little sister (17F), though we've always been really close, we just hung out as 3 for our whole lives. We play a lot of games together, pretty much every day, but we get into the same fights over and over again when we hang out. Usually it starts because she says something hurtful over a game or over ditching plans with me to hang out with other people (I'm talking specified plans, not just me being jealous that she has friends, though I'll note she does get mad if I hang out with friends and don't bring her).
This last time, I messed up in a teamwork type game, resulting in us having to restart the whole level. She went on and on about how I ruin things, how could I possibly mess that up, etc. for about the hundredth time over the same game. I finally basically said that whenever she messes up in something we're doing together, I either joke or don't say anything, but when I mess up (and even sometimes when she does) she berates me endlessly. We went back and forth while still trying to play and eventually I say "It's not that fucking serious." She shuts it off and says she's not going to take swearing at her, then calls me idiotic, crazy, dramatic, etc. She also made comments about how me crying was manipulative, which is something she usually says when we fight since I just tend to be more emotional.
Anyway, she walked away when I asked her to actually talk to me, so I sent a text explaining my feelings which she ignored. Around noon the next day, I asked why she was ignoring me which she also ignored. So I finally quit trying. Usually, I ask if we can just drop it and we move on. This time, I've spent days not doing anything with her save time we spent with my mom since she was off work. It's making me feel very depressed, but I intend to not interact with her until she comes to me. I'm scared I'll lose a second sister over something so petty, but I'm tired of being treated that way over a literal video game. To be clear, I don't really think ITAH for having hurt feelings, but I feel like I might be being overdramatic. So, AITAH? Should I just drop it and stop wasting my own time being petty and waiting for her to feel bad?
TLDR: Sister and I fought over a dumb video game again. Finally stopped being the one putting in effort and started ignoring her. AITAH? | r/aitah | post | r/AITAH | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYR3F0X2h0TVR1YXg1dy00X2tVdDE5a3M2TDRpRlotQ041S29wR3RCR2sybjdxeHZFTU5PTXRmT3VfQ0tLWHBHNWNlaU1ueEdGZFhNU1FLOXh4WGRIdUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhUUZTcmIzQ1czd3FMMzM1THZKWFNIdVI0VEZ0ZU5ZQ01uakwtVnVlWUxCc0RDcmlIbkpiMnVyQzRMVFJub2lLaXp0UG05YVZ6aGlQd0FiZzgzVE53RnNYdEJTcGpveXF4U2F0Umo0Y2RlSU84c1BNVm5JRnZUcHJJcXgwSElIYnBENmFhcDVMVlFqaldEdGhubUNNUmVlY3k0bkNJMkFhc1I0eXpkYUVoQWQ2UU9NVVloYjV4QVQ1NkwzbGlTR0EzQ3NIUlZoUnlOWEhWRWtPTGpreFRRUT09 | 1,177 |
I am a huge wuss, I admit it. So before I confront my sis, I want some outside perspective please! Over two years ago I bought a new car. My old car was paid off and I didn’t trade it in. Soon after, my Sis’s car broke. She borrowed mine. I told her to use it as a trade in on a car purchase. Two years later and she still drives it (it’s an piece of junk but reliable). In years past she has driven other cars of mine and gotten multiple speeding and red light running tickets. We even had a cop show up to our house once looking because she failed to pay the ticket. I wasn’t home, thank God!! and I guess she handled it. Back to now: Recently I found out she got a speeding ticket, a parking ticket, and a violation notice because she didn’t pay for the registration last month. I just can’t take it anymore! It feels like she is being so incredibly disrespectful of me, and we’ve had many discussions about how she treats me, but nothing has ever changed. She does look after my son when she wants to, and I’m always grateful for a break, and her reasoning for why she should be allowed to treat me so poorly in many different ways is always: “but I help you take care of of your son!” I swear I have no idea how to fight with her. She is always the victim and she will never change. As the youngest I was raised to think I was nothing, and yet expected to have ALL the responsibility. I’ve been the “adult of the family” in countless ways since I realized at the age of 18 I had to take over the family finances, home repairs, insurance issues, etc. I grew up fast, with no guidance, and have made many mistakes along the way as I’ve tried to keep my family’s head above water. All mental, emotional, physical and financial burdens of all of our lives have been solely on my shoulders for decades.
So anyway, WIBTAH if I confront my Sis and tell her she has one month to figure out how to get another car because she keeps racking up violations on the car she’s borrowed from me for years? (I’ll even offer to let her use my car as a trade in. I know I will have to be the one to do all the work to make this happen, but whatever.)
(And if I’m not the AH, how should I approach the subject with her? She’s fantastic at moving conversations off topic so I end up so befuddled I have to give up the argument.)
(btw we are both women in our 40s - I can’t get my cursor to go back to the top). THANK YOU!! | r/aitah | post | r/AITAH | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYcnlsdkNxZEhMcHBJTTAzTnpKcks4OEdQZzVYUEFEYnNoY0ZkWjBBd2NlV2daS1V2cXZmdEI5Y09EdVZEaEVCbDFlT0szYnpxYnY5X1p3ZjVObU9fa2pCMl8yb0laOTV6UWc0emVBVjlnMlE9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhMzB1cGhwWHVreXcxWHZCYUtfbXptREZ1UFJoWUtsVjE3c3p0RkxjcjgzZW1CSE1pUmtWRGRSWVFQcS1BVkw5VHdWUV9uSWlnT2pkZUpfb3c2RmFNRG11dXJLc2NlejhHNFBlbHlWcDFZdkM1dXh3S29BQWV0dEVra1VGdVpfb1ZEZllaM3psd0szcFNxbHJWMHZHTGN0VDhZamhHTU9UNjRQOXM0N0p5akIwX1RNakNNNVo1ZmtKd0xqY2lHRHFx | 1,178 |
A few weeks ago I found out my boyfriend’s mom told him I was a “rude and miserable person” which took me by surprise because she’s always been nice to me. My boyfriend and I are in a long distance relationship so I rarely am ever around her. I’m probably around her for about 2 weeks out of the year and when I am visiting I’m spending all my time with him. So for starters I have extreme social anxiety and I’m very awkward around people that I’m not that comfortable with so it’s hard for me to carry a conversation which I get can come of as rude but she’s aware of this. The miserable aspect all stems from one picture. During the summer I took a trip with them to New York to attend my boyfriend’s grandmothers funeral and when the plane landed they wanted to take a group picture. The night before that I had barely gotten any sleep and woke up super early with a terrible migraine and the 2 hour flight made it worse. During the picture I wasn’t really paying attention because of everything that was going on at the airport and I had tired eyes from lack of sleep so in the picture I’m not smiling and my eyes are droopy. My boyfriend said she always likes to bring up that picture to let him know that I’m miserable. She also said that I’m embarrassing over something that happened at the funeral. So after the ceremony ended everyone met up at a venue to eat. There were a lot of people there so I was incredibly overwhelmed. I tried to talk to the people that talked to me but I wasn’t going to talk to anyone unless they talked to me first. The get together lasted for probably 3 hours and I didn’t know anyone there so I just texted a friend and played a game for a bit (not the entire time) but she says that I stayed on my phone the whole time and didn’t talk to anyone which isn’t true. When I found out she had said all of these things I sent her a text telling her how hurt I was that she said all of these things. At first she denied it and said my message sounded “insincere” but then when I begged her to tell me what I did wrong she said that she’s not going to discuss it unless I have my therapist present and I told her that I’m not comfortable with doing that so she refused to tell me what I did wrong. I got a little more stern in my messages but I didn’t say anything rude or offensive but then she turned around and told me I was the one being hurtful. I’ve talked to some people and they said I probably shouldn’t have messaged her but I wanted some closure on the situation. So AITAH? | r/aitah | post | r/AITAH | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYOUVkV1JPaHhPVjMyZzR0Z2Z6OGVWcmZKbTFFS21YajIxSERKeEJfbXpwREZhbXpUV1B6YWxIYWswbnFJTXlLS0JDOWlEZGp6bXhIdlBRUUQ5YTZULXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhc3FaX2EyTlZUb0tUa2RmdDdKWDBCZHNlSnFXZ3ZlUG53dEpRbFc1ZXhNVGZyUVQ1OVF3dGx0Z3M2NmVEbW9CZnFzZGRMa1BfRUkycWFkUWE1elctdm41eVJLZV9hbk5BN2dsU3Y0a000QlROSW80UzNpMFRpdnhQMTdXS1hNMTM3RldMcTlnRnJmLTIxWEJfQng2OHc2WjF0bnI2bXRFNjNEOFVkZThZaUtjeUhIOVdWdkJ3aDA5ZllPTnpRN0xL | 1,179 |
Since this blowed up on r/am I the asshole I’d post it here with more details
I (34F) have a sister, Megan (31F), who is getting married soon. I’ve been genuinely excited for her big day, even though our relationship has had its ups and downs. Family is important to me, but recently things took a turn that left me feeling really hurt and confused.
A few weeks ago, Megan called me to tell me that she decided to disinvite my husband, Tom (36M), from her wedding. I was completely blindsided. She said she felt he wouldn’t fit the “vibe” she wanted, describing him as “too laid-back” and worrying that he might “bring the mood down.” This shocked me because Tom has always been friendly and supportive at family events. He’s not the loudest person, but he’s respectful and always tries to connect with everyone.
What’s even more frustrating is that Megan has been a bit dismissive toward Tom in the past. I’ve noticed her making comments like he should “try harder to be social” or joking that he’s “too quiet” for her crowd. It feels like she hasn’t fully accepted him, which hurts because he’s always treated her and our family with kindness.
I tried to talk to Megan about it, hoping we could understand each other better. I reminded her of all the family gatherings where Tom blended in just fine and even helped out. Instead of hearing me out, she got defensive, saying I was being “too attached” to him. I didn’t mean for that to sound harsh; I just wanted her to see how much he means to me.
When I finally said that if Tom wasn’t invited, I wouldn’t attend the wedding either, she became really upset and called me selfish for not wanting to support her on her special day. It broke my heart because I truly want to be there for her, but I also need to stand by my husband. I can’t imagine leaving him out like he doesn’t matter.
To complicate matters, our parents have sided with Megan, telling me I should just go to the wedding alone. This puts me in a really tough position. I feel caught between my sister and my husband, and it’s so painful. I love my sister, but I also can’t ignore how this situation makes Tom feel.
I’ve been thinking a lot about what this means for our family moving forward. Family gatherings have always been special to me, and now it feels like everything is shifting. I never expected that standing up for my husband would lead to such a rift.
So, am I the asshole for choosing not to attend my sister’s wedding because she disinvited Tom? I just want to support my husband while figuring out how to navigate this situation with my sister. | r/aitah | post | r/AITAH | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYNWJkSWtWVlpnVEpZNXpuRlUwcFZROEZ5THp1b1NfRmlKa1YzWW8xeGxCRFJFQm14cDJ1bERuR2gtTWRnYVprekkzRjJuelNvZTRoSU9mV1RqNnpxN0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhMnhvWmlXY0g3eWl5SmlCMkcxZFV3M0trTG9PY3p4TmZLX2Qxa1dHUFlobHFUNEFjdEs3SHc4VTdjZ2VSLXo0UDV4QnhUUzgxYXVhMEJvOUlQWGlycng1R3VPVUxkcEJBQ3BkdUs2YzExaW5Wa2tHV3ZMYnQxeVBMLWY1cFpfYnBSQUozdFVQcnY5YTV2SnJsOG9MWWc1R2lEcl9iQkZFenNRUUVKV1E5SzFtY3lXQnAxWXVKSGFoX1dyYjR6cU1KS3JBR2lXOUZVSmRQSklhSGo2N19Qdz09 | 1,180 |
I m35 have been with my wife f39 for over 10 years now. Married for 7 years just this past October. A couple years ago I got a vasectomy because she wanted to get off birth control, and from this very point, I feel like is when things started down hill.
After the vasectomy I started having mild ED issues, so I got prescribed Viagra. At the same time, my wife’s hormone ran rampant and her libido skyrocketed and we had some of the best sex of our marriage, numerous times. Fast forward a year, and the imbalance of hormones has adjusted, but I feel has overcorrected and now she doesn’t want to be touched certain ways, doesn’t want to cuddle, wants alone time continually.
I have voiced my concerns about her lack of intimacy and affection over the past year numerous times, and recently went on a few large vacations this summer/fall and found myself asking for affection and begging for sex while we’re in some of the most beautiful hotel rooms, in amazing locations.
Between these vacations at home, I run my own business and she works at a factory job. I can tell there is subtle resentment about how I have so much more free time than her now, and make ultimately more money annually. I do pay for everything except the mortgage, she pays now but I paid for 7 of the 10 years prior, but I brought up finances before and she said she would pay the mortgage if I took on the utilities. Fine, no worries.
Fast forward to today, and I have continually had to ask for affection or sex over the past 6 months time and time again. I cook, clean, do the house work she normally had to do prior to me opening my own business. My daughter drives herself to school and practice. So she just works and then comes home and sits on her phone until dinner, gets annoyed with any attempt at affection, and then by 730-8pm, lays down in bed to read of scroll IG until bed time.
She asked me to stop asking for sex and to allow cuddles to be a “safe space”. Well I have cuddled for days and days throughout the months, and she still never initiates sex, or anything unless I ask for it prior.
Recently we cut down to 1 day a week for sex, from 2-3 days a week. The reason being I ask too much for it..
I’m not saying she needs to be a submissive wife but I have stated my feelings and needs numerous times and I was always up front in the relationship that I am a very sexual person and like the connection, and it just feels like it’s her way or no way now.
Today she blew up because I was salty in the morning after having multiple days of being kid free, nothing on the calendar, and she doesn’t initiate and wants to stick to this hard date of 1 time per week for sex, so I went to walk out for an event.
She blew up and immediately went into anger and complete resentment of how I have been treating about sex, and if I don’t like it, I need to leave, even text me while I was later at the event that I need to get a hotel room for me and my daughter because she doesn’t want anyone home when she would get home later.
I haven’t brought up marriage counseling. I have brought up how imbalance this feels. I have explained my sexual needs.
I’m at a loss because it’s 10 years down the drain and my 17 year old daughter (not her daughter) lives with us, and she just seems to be imploding and forcing us out essentially making us homeless because… I want to sleep with my wife.
AITAH?? | r/aitah | post | r/AITAH | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYY1BudDFPb0JQYkU5bzF5dTY5OWg3d0dpcTZLTjdhV1picTlPaG5xN1prbXJFczNUS1l1YTluVVNKT2JUQ05nV0E4dm50cHd3ZnVZaUNDVTBEejRLOWR1X2Juc1ZsM0IyUTcxdXgxb2J6RTg9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhY29weVFweXFBZE5BRnRBMUZJbV9lMEc5SVEyOEwtMldxejFlX3gyci1zR0tOZG81SFNfd2tGX0RwTkd5YU5vVlctM1ViRmNMWURwT0Zqa1VYMVUxcnhqRUt2ZWtiZy1faDVsMXhoXzJxd1dJektldWpkbEVWa3hybnY1RGJXZ215aWZwdFhhTVJLS1lJX3lYcHZIbE4tOEdyUG10eDdoV1BjY2NkOFNST3NHZDZFaV85cDJQaG9SRl94VHJhdGpk | 1,181 |
Hi all, I (26F) and my husband (33M) like many are struggling this holiday season. This year my family decided to do a secret Santa instead of buying a bunch of Christmas gifts. My husband and I budgeted for Christmas back in July to spend about $200 for Christmas. We already decided to really penny pinch for the months of November and December. So that means lots of hamburger helper and Spam sandwiches, as well as picking up other jobs and freelancing. With all of this combined we are hoping that we will be able to afford Christmas for everyone and give our daughter (16Months) a great Christmas. Now since the beginning of this year I decided that i wanted to finally commit to getting a tattoo that I have been thinking of and planning for for about 2 years now. Back in 2019 I suffer with SH, I put some pretty deep scars on my shoulder. During that time a doctor overdosed me on some meds that caused a neurotoxic reaction. I could not bathe, feed, or even brush my teeth for a week. My mom took care of me, cleaned me, rocked me, and told me everything was going to be okay. I am now 2 years sober from SH! I decided that I want a Japanese cherry blossom tree branch on my arm to hide the ugly scars. My mom always wore the bath and body works scent Japanese cherry blossom and now everytime I smell it or see a cherry blossom tree I think of her. I want the branch on my arm because she took care of me during my darkest time. Now onto the problem. For my birthday I asked for money and only money because I want this tattoo and any money that I do make goes into bills, my family, or my daughters daycare expenses. I finally got 1/2 the money and went and scheduled my tattoo and put a down deposit. My sister texted me and my two other siblings and said that we should all pitch in $100 to get my mom a Christmas gift in the middle of October. I know I kinda suck for this; but I forgot to tell my husband about it because we have other huge stressors going on in our lives that I would rather not talk about here. Well I finally remembered to tell my husband about it last night. And he was pretty ticked off at my sister for just wanting us to throw down $100 for 1 gift. This isn’t the first time that my sister has done this to buy our mother an expensive gift. This Mother’s Day (my first Mother’s Day) she asked us to all pitch in $150 for a gift for her. I told them that I was sorry but to just take our names off the gift that we already have a set budget and we can’t just throw down $100 for every gift. My siblings then started asking me if we were going to be able to afford even participating in secret Santa since the gift minimum is $35 max being $100. Here’s where I may be an ass. I kinda got snarky and told them “We are able to participate y'all, we just didn't budget to spend $100 on one single family member. We have things budgeted already and things have been budgeted for months in
advanced. We are doing our best here; and I'm sorry that we don't just have $100 lying around somewhere but don't worry we will be able to spend at least $35 since you seem so worried.” That’s where they started calling me a bitch and that everyone was struggling during the holidays so we aren’t special and to stop throwing ourselves a pitty party. Right after this conversation my older sister walks in with her husband after spending the afternoon at a hardware shop and going out to a steakhouse for lunch. Not really much to do with the story but she is also the one that told me that everyone was struggling this holiday season. While her and her husband both have well paying jobs, my mom watches their baby for $100 a week, and they live with her till they can get a place of their own here in our current city where they decided to move too a few months ago. This tattoo that I have been saving for this year and wanting so badly and have budgeted for for months is going to cost me about $400. And now I’m starting to have MAJOR guilt. So out of fear of being the asshole AITAH?????? | r/aitah | post | r/AITAH | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYOUk5NXNvd0l4UU5KSmR6bEY2UXZuU3BYc1JRa2pxU1JRVWZ1S0hFSU5sMVJlLXFrMGZxVVBBWHBubDBPSHFMazVELXZZR3UzWDg1ejBQdkZIQlpCZWlpcjl0THZlYWxCekp4NW1QZXNMa2c9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhUUpNb09UUDgyLTU4YVVwNEluQkFYTnBmRHNsQ1dvU05SeG5rRTAzdV9EVUVvaFhaV1RhN1JYaENndnotaFQ0TzJOZEs5aFp2Ulpvc2tPekVVV01ySno3bkRraVl5SDlrTzQyVTdSa2g0ckkyWnpJM2RETmRZenV1MFJCWHdMQTVodWdjdGpaeUF1d3BXMlRCOWJnQ21qVENtUFZfOC1oTzdtREo1TVhMbVJtX3M2cWczcDNfNWRIV05xeGFyTnBWTTVrQjBpSF9yS2pzYWpEdFR3RTB1UT09 | 1,182 |
So I(16F) have a friend that I'm not really close with. Let's call her "Sally"(16F). In my country, high school is 4 years, and when you get to year 3 you get placed in different majors according to your interests. I'm in Language with my one of my close friends "Elena"(16F) even though she wants to change to the Literature-Math mix (idk how to translate them lmao) and my other friend "Eva"(16F) is in Maths. Anyways, Sally is also in Language and in the same class as us. She was in the same class with Elena and Eva last year and came to sit with us when we were on breaks every once in a while but we were never close.
School started about 2 months ago and she was acting strange. Like trying to get Elena away from Eva and I. After she did this for like a week Elena told her she wasn't comfortable with how she was trying to pry her away anytime we were together and Sally stopped for a while. But we quickly realized she was running to Eva's class the second the bell rang. I'm not saying " running" as an exaggeration she literally bolted out of the classroom. After a day of this, the last break Eva came to our class. She said that Sally told her we were doing stuff behind her back and going out to the school yard together(which is not a big deal bc who would care about that?) so Sally was there to console her. Like girl. Eva is one of my closest friends ever. We've been friends since year one and go home together in the same School Mini-bus also we live super close to each other and get off on the same stop. She, of course, didn't care and used the stairs that are on the other side of the school to come our classroom because she knew Sally was using the other one and would try to stop her from coming to us.
Sally has been spreading rumors about me for a few weeks now, talking about how I was so fat I couldn't fit the desk and that I am obese. Like girl I'm not that overweight and you aren't much smaller than me. It is true that I have a bit of extra weight but really not THAT much, like a few pounds at most. She's been making passive aggressive comments like "Woow you're really good at English, are you good at friendship too?" I have no idea what that was about to be honest, because what does that have to do with anything?? So anyways yesterday she full on started yelling at me for some reason. The 3 of us were talking and waiting in line to get food from the canteen and Sally came up to us. She started yelling at me about how I stole her friends. I've known Eva way longer than her. Eva introduced me to Elena and we've been inseparable ever since. Like I said last year she would come to sit with us every once in a while but we were never close.
I asked her what she was talking about and she refused to elaborate and continued to yell at me. At this point Eva came to stand between us bc we were in a yelling match. She tried to yank my hair and I stepped back, I knew if I attacked her back I would get punished and I don't want something like that on my record for some delusional girl. She went on about her being left alone because I was stealing everyone from her and I yelled back saying that it's not my fault she's a lonely bitch who can't keep friends(and a bunch of curses and other stuff). By that point teachers came to see what happened and sent us to the principal. I told him I made no contact but she yanked my hair and told him he can check the cameras. Eva and Elena also told their part of the story. Sally was just spewing a bunch of bullshit. After he checked the cameras and saw I made no contact he let me go while telling me to not get wrapped in things like this again or he wouldn't let me off the hook this easily. So we went back to class while Sally was still with the principal. Idk what he told her but when she came back her eyes were red and she was burning holes into the back of my head. That's pretty much it some of my other friends told me I shouldn't have said that in the canteen in front of a big crowd but Elena and Eva think she got what she deserved. I decided to post here to get new opinions lol
Okay, so my family has a messed up story about having pets. In February 2023, a cat showed up at our door. We took her in, but my mom (46F) said she was an outside cat, so we treated her as such. I (15M) took care of the cat, and when my mom left for her home country for the summer, me, my sister (18F), and my dad (50M) ended up taking care of it. In September that year, she let the cat out and we haven't seen it since. A month later, my mom was moping about not having a cat, so we adopted a kitten.
A few months passed, and she had went into heat and started meowing all throughout the night. When she finally couldn't stand it anymore, she asked my sister and I to find places to get her spayed. We found one, and we needed to get shots and whatnot for it, so we did. My mother ended up being upset saying we wasted her money to get her shots instead of spaying her. My sister explained that we needed to get her shots to get her spayed. They ended up looking for an appointment, and my mom said it was too much money. She meowed for months until finally one night in April my mom just let her out.
Two weeks later she was at our door meowing and crying, I was upstairs brushing my teeth. I went downstairs and there she was, wounded, bleeding, and her tail missing. The whole thing was an argument which resulted in tears, my parents shouting saying this was our fault, and my sister taking her to the vet to get her put down. My mother blames me for this and says I could have saved her if I did something to get her spayed.
Fast forward to two days ago, pretty much every single desire to have a pet is gone from that happening, so I never want to have one again. I walk home from school, and I get to the door. I open it, and my mom is holding her phone recording me, and a little dog is sniffing and licking at my shoes.
Immediately I go into panic, because I came to the realization my mom adopted a dog without telling anyone, literally just went to the shelter, got a dog, and brought it into our house. My dad sees my face of worry and says "what, you don't want to be responsible for the dog"? I say something which I shouldn't have, which was "What if she fucking kills it again?" and she said "It's my right to kill it if I want to".
I just run to my room and start breaking down.
The next day, my mom says she has to go to church, and that I have to sit downstairs and watch the dog. I ask her how long she'll be, and she says 2-3 hours. I waited for 5 hours before she got home and after she changed what she said and said "I never said you have to watch it, you had to check up on it".
Today, the dog ended up pissing on the carpet. I'm upset obviously because it's night time and he's a very active dog. I go down the stairs to alert my mom about this situation, and she ignores me. She pretends to be asleep, (I know, because she was talking to the dog 5 seconds before I told her) so I just go upstairs to go look for something to clean it with. I find some cleaner, and start cleaning at the mess. I go downstairs to go put the rag away and get a snack, when my mom starts talking.
She asks me who cleans the bathtub, to which I say her, she asks me who cleans the yard, to which I say her, and she says who pays the bills, to which I say her and my dad do. Immediately after that, she starts yelling at me about how I do nothing for this house and I shouldn't be able to say anything about the dog. I tell her that she brought the dog in the house and it pissed on the carpet, and all I did was ask her about what we do for cleaning it, to where she says "The dog can piss wherever he wants, you and it are equals. You need to shut up and go away."
I go up the stairs, and I say things I shouldn't like "If you're gonna tell me to shut up then you might as well shut up yourself." I know it's bad, but I was upset, and I said it in a rage. She continues berating me from downstairs as I'm cleaning up the mess it made, and I sit down in the bathroom putting stuff away. She gets a call and starts calling someone and shit talking me to the person in a different language.
I don't want the dog in the house because I feel my mom is an irresponsible pet owner, and I can't take care of it because I have a lot on my hands from school and hobbies and extracurriculars.
AITA for wanting the dog gone?
Edit: I forgot to mention, I think I've developed a trauma around owning pets and my mother in general. And, my mom adopted this dog literally the day after my sister moved out. | r/aitah | post | r/AITAH | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYUk11SkVMa3MzZGRQUDMyV21LY2V4cGFzUW1hZURkaTZ6Zmtic3Rwd3hna19SOXk2NzZoRVZrWmVvVU1XaVh5UkZ2S3QzRVRrb3B1R3NJaV9FZktST3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhQmVHc3RIMGNtZG1VLXRTRWJlb0ZGMmxOVWtETzRuSThSR1JlRHVsdWhkSU16b1dzLWdhQklYMEctX1VmSDB6VDlzSlZmWlFGbjZfYmhlSThMaWhJRTlMa29icG9rdHJfRHcxbmxhelBFNjg1cGV0WkIwMm1yZV9vNWp4dzhlX1dJODIxRnVPajh1WVNWY2Zhc1FHd3FoMjVPYlhKLUZBLUU5eWdDd054QVZFYzdiU2xKMGk5LTZJdEY1WWdTb1Fj | 1,184 |
I a 19 year old male and my ex 18 year old female met each other playing a video game. The video game was Roblox and the game we played was Pet sim 99(ps99 for future reference) we were in the number one clan at the time so the discord was very active and were in voice calls a lot that’s how we ended up getting to know each other. While texting eachother on discord I would respond right immediately and text her as much as I could. However she didn’t do the exact same yes she’d respond to me but it would take a little bit even if it was something to could be rapidly typed out. Like a few word response could take up to a few minutes and eventually I knew why. She was talking flirtatiously to another guy(the owner of the clan) and just talking to others in the clan. I found this out when I was driving home from college and the clan owner and co-owner had me hop into a voice call with them and they told me about what was going on and I was very mad since I did spend a month of my life pretty much dedicated to prioritizing her even though we weren’t a “thing”. There was a ton of screenshots being sent of things she sent to people etc.. at that point my blood was boiling. All I could think about was to get revenge but after a while I calmed down and hopped in a voice call with my ex and told her everything that I found out, with this conversation I decided to leave the clan with her and we started our own. Following all this a few weeks later I drove to her house which is about an hour and 15 minutes away (this will play into affect later on in the story) and we went to see a movie. Up to this point I had no idea what she looked like except for what she told me about herself. The moment I laid my eyes on her I found her stunning and couldn’t stop looking at her even during the movie.
Now onto the more juicier and important part of this post. I will try to be as unbiased as possible with what I say
This was both mine and hers first ever relationship. We had set boundaries within our relationship and I would definitely say that her boundaries were a lot more than mine. She didn’t have a car so she couldn’t drive to see me so I drove 2-3 times a week sometimes more depending on if she needed me to be there for her or not. This was as I was still taking classes in college so I didn’t have to much time to study because I was also part of the volleyball club team and table tennis club team also including work 20 hours a week sometimes I had very little free time and I would use that free time to go and visit her which was mostly weekend but I would also go visit during the week as well. One thing she wanted me to do was send her screenshots of every text message I got and tell her stuff that I am about to text other people if I didn’t get her approval on things being sent then she’d get mad and angry at me, this even includes if anyone from my family texts me. Let’s just say she didn’t do the same back. Also if I ever said her actual name she’d get very angry at me and I would always use a cute nickname for her. I always opened the car door for her, I treated her like an actual princess. For college I was going to study abroad in Greece for close to a month over the summer and she kind of guilt tripped me into paying for her to come along with me, but the thing got canceled so it was now just going to be trip where I can spend all my time with her there. And this is where it our relationship starts to go down hill. Prior to this about a month into our relationship I was at her house and my friend tried to call me and I just ignored the call so he sends me a text message and she saw he sent me a message and I replied and eventually he sent a picture of him with dildo in his hand and another one of my friend sitting on a toilet. And when I saw the image I didnt want to show my ex what they sent but after her giving my an evil look and not talking to me for 5-10 minutes I showed her and then she wanted me to pretty much stop being friends with them but I calmed down the situation and just sent them a text about not sending my stuff like that. I was planning on heading back home and hanging out with my friends the next day since I haven’t seen them for a few months since we all go to different colleges but my girlfriend forbade it. But I ended up hanging out with them anyways. I didn’t tell her which was another thing I messed up on but she later on found out about 2 weeks before the trip to Greece and she said that we weren’t going on it anymore even though I paid for everything already. At least I was able to get a refund on everything and get airline credit for the tickets I bought(I’m using it for a trip to Italy with my family this summer). Then we came up with a road trip to Florida and we stayed there for about 2 weeks, I paid for everything but we did split some of the groceries.
After the vacation I worked up at my college and this is when it got even worse. So one big thing for her was for me to not talk to any girls which I am totally fine with I don’t talk to girls anyways, yes im attracted to females but I’m very nervous and stuff. I just don’t really care talking to females only if I had to for a project in highschool or something along those lines. I gave her free will to talk to who ever, except for this guy at her previous work that was trying to flirt with her and would steal her hat and stuff. Another big thing was that she wouldn’t let me drop her off at work or pick her up or even go to her work while she’s working. She said it’s because she doesn’t want me to see her in her work clothes which she thinks makes her look bad. But to me she would never look bad. All this stuff lead up to this one moment, most nights we would be on FaceTime and sleep on the phone if we were apart and the day prior I told her that I’m going to go to my bosses dissertation defense in the morning right before work started. So when I woke up we were still on FaceTime and I didn’t see her on the screen so I assumed she was just sleeping so I got on the elevator and started heading down to the bottom floor when the doors opened 2 guys and a girl with a cart full of painting things were blocking the exit so the girl said sorry and they made way for me to get off and all I said was “it’s fine” then I hear movement in my headphones coming from the FaceTime and it’s my ex getting into frame and she get furious with me for acknowledging the apology from a girl. She then abruptly ends the FaceTime and I then start texting her and things get out of proportion. When I say this I truly mean it I don’t like to curse so I don’t and I have never once cursed at my ex or called her a name but she swears at my like a sailor anytime there is any disagreement or problem, she will also call me names. I’ve told her many times before this occasion that I don’t want her cussing and calling me names and this time I was fed up with it and when she said that”we are over” after me responding to a girl saying that they were sorry. I just accepted it. I reached the place where my boss was defending his thesis and didn’t pay attention to my phone one bit, then I went on my way to work and looked at my phone but didn’t text her. Eventually a few hours into my shift i read everything she sent and she was saying stuff like she’d didn’t actually mean that she wanted to break up but she still wasn’t understanding how absurd and how out of proportion she made this thing when I simply acknowledged the apology from a girl. After that I just said we are over and started crying at work( usually im not emotional but this was my first relationship and I put a lot of effort and money into the relationship, I drove around 12k miles and spent 4-5k dollars within 4 months). By the end of the day she wanted me to give her another chance, this wasn’t the first time she has said she wanted to breakup but I kept fighting to be with her and yes one of the times was because of my not telling her about me hanging out my friends after she told me not to. But the other times are for things like her not think that she deserves someone like me and how I deserve someone better. There is a ton of stuff I left out just because I either couldn’t think of it or because something’s are a little to personal even if it’s anonymous. Most of this is all jumbled up stuff but hopefully you can see both sides of this not sure how well I was able to portray the whole thing but I gave it a try if there is anything clarifications needed or any questions I’ll be happy to answer them. | r/aitah | post | r/AITAH | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYTHYzZTM5YklhaF84YVZHNDlzWTJ3X1B1NHBLNG01MWhMZFIxT3g1V1M3NXIwZ2FYRHVhMGYzU3pjMllUa0VQVTRaQnhtNDk3YXdvN09vWHdUNzVzMXd4S1pHZm5HeGU2MTBGQm8yM3g3SVk9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRheS1jRElqSG1YMWN4UFpaUHBOMFJzbkZhcHFRSnM1RE80UVRFRFZ0eUp0ejBZWllDOHNPUTRqVFRCTEFPWndQblVud2VjR21pbGhMY0J4S1E0UWlrUGlpLW1ITThDM3c3SHBrazAyMkRCUURhWnV0QndFZEg4MVNKMjFRVURZTjJkcXJMRU5kek1HdUV3REloLVdqdEJRT2JQeWM2ak11eWN2Q2g3RmNiY19SaldYOXpLbUtuZS1VUXp1eG5JQTNI | 1,185 |
[deleted] | r/aiuncensored | post | r/AiUncensored | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYMjdJTDE2U1EzOS1qakU0ZG5FMEczOFJMUmtPYng1VF9fdjNlWU90c1JRYkRiNVMwY3FqbnVlV3NmNl83SWNDdVhoSXlhZl9ER3NQQUlMYnRoQ3ROOHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhT05McldLWWU0c0Rhdkc5QUZvNmhrWDNRYjhQdmJLYkZ2eXRHR25qNjU1c283SWhDSnN2T05vb3kzb2dvMnBpeWlKbFN3YXUxeXJrWEk0VVdWNW9rQ09xQ2VBVlNhVDA0Z1JldEFtSktuVjN3TmdobGNBN0VRT05xYVo4Mm9WNV9SeXQ3b3NFMkk4QldqVXk5VUE5VlNYcXNrLXNpVThrbHVZWlZYQ25MNTh3PQ== | 1,188 |
[deleted] | r/aiwars | post | r/aiwars | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYU3VFNVdHR0hTeVFkaDFZazlxZVhWYXZpVWMwWHBveGRaY2s1Y3RpbzRmT0F3dlRoVm1FZlJKNFEwb1dOYmpQNkVodUVVYXdJZUVoOEYyTEI3WFFkSUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhclhyclhDMzd6VlBtX0VnelNMWHpuZkRtaWJ5MGN6MVh6bl9hS0IydUZfWXA1V05SN1ZjSFJPTkswTnVZMElmelZCdnJHb2lveElEX041QnFscllZSzc3MkduSTh0X2VhMl9LWUt5eVRvalJjMDBiUjhjMVl6UTNKYVM4QVBNSlRoU3pLVzU0YkkzeGdndEdmTnlHa1dfSGNlM1JsUVpoQ2ZpRUEtUWhNODhTWTY5ZTBoYzE5VGxxNHdHd2N6c09t | 1,196 |
One month ago (October 2nd) I had my first bellafill procedure. I got 8 syringes (6.4 cc) and it took me from 5” girth to 5.75” girth which I’m suprised and very happy with. My goal has been to get to 6-6.5” girth. I am 7” BPEL for what it’s worth.
I have read that it’s common to wait 3 months to have round 2 but my doctor seems to think it’s unnecessary. I would probably just wait but in about 3 months my life will be crazy hectic and I won’t be able to get a procedure and have down time to be serious with the aftercare. What are some thoughts/experiences about doing a second round of bellafill so soon? | r/ajelqforyou | post | r/AJelqForYou | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYeVJIS0JCUHRUdEFHYjNUUEdYRVhMZGI1UklGNGpfMWMyQ2R0ejhJZ0czMng5eWJqX0JGSm1EUzR3YzdRRzFVMjFieXFwd1kwWE84ZVh3dUZDS3NFWEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhSm81S2Jocm5UdmhCSEJaR2FCSUdDcUZjMXcwMV9RN1BEOEJtME52S3NBOFU5N1M3anUyYWRrck9KMGJPa1puNC13TWxmbDUtZF9IcF9JVjQ1cWd6QmtCNS10Y19ESi1kR2FfdzM1RjlONlh1TTJQeFRweXZJM09VX1ZXMGVfS1VCazlXOXRTYnBjRTI1Zmd0eEZsMlcxRFdpdC1ZSTdSWlpKbm8yMDZzUkg0MC1UVEhhSlVxckxuT0NZSGxzTlFV | 1,200 |
Haven’t found any luck! I’m pretty much seeking an older woman. Whether ur a single mom, divorced etc I’d love to build a connection get to know each other and make ourselves comfortable before moving forward I’d eventually love to have an ongoing fwb relationship long term! We could meet a couple times a week and also hangout and chill!
I’m physically fit lean and athletic. I’d say I’m sweet open minded and fun to be with! I’m hygienic and clean and take good care of myself !
Anyways if this sounds like something you’d be down for and u stay in Ajman… feel free to shoot me a chat ! Look forward to get to know you! | r/ajman | post | r/Ajman | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYQnI5YmRFdUF0OEN0aFc4OFlocFlENFRrZWtBZUN3ODR5S1gyeDBfb0VmVC1NRTFhZnNld2tQX3BCckI0Qk1sNHJpb1V1ZzdubWZWU3JPN18xdEllWmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhNUs1UkRnZmktNWRpZVhReDhkOUFlX3FTX3o4ZFliN1BQM1NiUnhzZ3Jhd3c1eUJ5bHptbW5FaldXc3pJYm1OZ2xqd1lCWHJKSV9IamtFQ3E1WkhWWE5ieXdUYnQ5NEJPZHlTN1pPMEIwcldzMlhjQUQtTGZNRmFmZmFpdEpiQ0dqY2s2SndCTTFaQTN4RENiZTIxZHdmNkJNM0hZV0k4MmdmRDNiakM2ZTNsUUQ0alFOaGl2WkNGeUhISm1TTzJFUE45NFVvTXc2QmhETDYyeTNSaWZ4QT09 | 1,202 |
I like my wasr. I like bakelites,
Y'all have luck running them with this rifle? Mine runs all romanian mags like a champ but hates US made mags.
Alright see ya | r/ak47 | post | r/ak47 | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYa1o3YjF4d0lUQndGYk1jbk5taVk3RWpDOFRsT1JVWXZMQnF5TGZjTXlDNEUwbmxaSG41dGpxbTlJWWtUSmNKZi15b1dDN2toODU4bDF3cWgxbk1la3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhNnRoVC1rYVB4Zk1yT0I4ZFRKUjVzSDkwakhFRWVuWXFtWmhQWmFuU1BVb0o3MDNDR0lESkYwNVN4dVZSUGFGcmZLQUdBOGpBQUY4Ynhfa2FpXzZGeUVEVE9YYVN1YkdEazZPekozOTJaSEU1ZU1CeENvR2pjWTJ0VS1ZUnI4bExWVEdTYjU1SWRSaE1UaVFXTi1qUjFhM1pGTEhsN2ZhU3pPai1BVWR0MjAzRnJURXN5NXV2YTVkR1hQbF9ROUJ1 | 1,204 |
Brand spanking new to the AK world here. After shooting ARs for much of my adult life, I finally bought my first AK-47 last week and I was beyond impressed with it, and now I can’t stop watching AK vids for upgrades and what not.
Got a Zastava ZPAP M70.
Any recommendations for rail mounts and optics? How about slings?
| r/ak47 | post | r/ak47 | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYZkRYYlBld1ZGV2J1cHY0aURMSFFaOUpQRTY2WjRIZzk1WUhZZnQ5dU81WEhUT2pmX0ZRUFFGYUQxcVl6Uk1jd0ZuazA2a3R6eDRfM3BaRHEwdmV2ZU10WFE0Zk90TmdMSXY2QWJQaVhDcEk9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhcm1RWmRfZ1hRaUhRSFhyLVBJSS1MMVpxem5CaEc5cm5XMnhfd1UwaXpKeUZUNXVhTzhod3pnV3d2TDFQOWFjbG9FYTVhWXgyQUxLYWprbTR6T1VFZHpCZVI4bkVBOEdvaWwxUzloNTk5VkNLYWd5NW5zQWw5eW9lakktTk8ycnZDUmFjRVdBbnF1T25MNm5GZjFIYld3PT0= | 1,205 |
I’ll post whatever recordings of lives I get from her TikTok and such. | r/akbbyy | post | r/akbbyy | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYZ0ZtT1NwYk1qV3BTWEhpb05URFFybUFralFKSHZlSVlkeDNFeHhsTXFkT1hOVGI2RG52ZEhuamxtcWlxQnN6bjRQcnZrV1R6N2p4ZjNFSVlmZ25MVEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhMHRiNlhpeE5lMjYzUkNTcXUwbWlESTYtcW9MQmV6c1gxNGJjMW9LYVo1U2taVHpVVHdEM0JTOWstZDFBbWZ4WWZFWGx6c2wxa212dnJPbjJTc2pneEJMRTFoQzlyOWlwdy1jbkNEekFCcWd6Mk45NlF4ODJ6OUJ1VmJuLXVhajhfRTREQkNBX29Jb2x5aUVRY055ckE5cFRhN21TNFBMSDVBamFkSzhWWGw4PQ== | 1,210 |
[removed] | r/akobayunggago | post | r/AkoBaYungGago | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYNFNXaHJqNDhwanpmRmNsUFBrTGY0bExGQnF4cTE3Yjh6dUxhMnM0SW1DSXRYbDJfdmlvbFBkSGFxTl9ZSHcwLUFpOWE2TTVkckMza3ZsamxUSGl3S0VSQTJaMFlmTzJqV29jdmx1WUlXU0U9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhYXJiVEJOem1tVEx5ZFF2YXB6U2NPNGFxNnBoMmpwbEJDQk9GenplbThldWNpdWtFUDNWSXp1cld5ZkxsMDdGOW9FTHR6b1M5UThWZ0stSk1jUG1TZTB6bXhQTy1QT0xnR29wX1ZuR0ZiVkRhUzlYeFBJcFZpcVpldlJhQk1mdm0zZXVFbGhqbExLXzM4Z0kyMWd4MldtNFNpM3psaC1Lc281azhrYjNzSWRfOGNIcWJsUTJCdzVvdU1rQzRaMF9GVWRhMDNSUkc0RGU3VElkYmRnNi1Qdz09 | 1,212 |
[deleted] | r/akobayunggago | post | r/AkoBaYungGago | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYNGFCZU1obVQyOGpQbXV1S09GdmdzVTIyc3dqSnN4T19YUkoxeWY2ckZIbm4tME1VV1MyZnl6YWFLNll2UmxtUzYxdmRCeXgxb3ZFNVVGZm5LYW1MUGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhTUU2dGJseEpuWl9zQXNCbzRTRlNqTkdjdnRENEJYMTBFODJrdUx6ZmFGaENPYmxyX3BUdFh5d3Q3d25jLXFZLWFkRUc2TkI1aTl5R0wyV09fMWFRQXlnbkgtQkhyc0o0RTI1MkNoUmNZYk85VjVoam1tSzEwMndxY3FFamFsSmtobWxxcmk2MllJanR6MTR0RTZ0czFqb09TTVNfZUYxWG9UN1FfWDFXUHMwZ3ZmQkpwM3M0OERNdWl4ZXFUTmhaQnhwNWF3TkQtRFlnRzZiNUJGcTdVdz09 | 1,213 |
[removed] | r/akobayunggago | post | r/AkoBaYungGago | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYSXBDTndEdDIyNnhXaVNabkVaUVNlT19yM3RHMTBGRzBUWUR4c2s4dHE4dmk5YnQwT1A3Y2VtczZrb2hybkgySEppWlY2ZHN2X0lUVVZlUFVxRFdDS0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhdDZ1ckJlaFNJOGhWSjNDc2dBdGFiQXhDZXdmYldrYVFVZ0stNXR6OGpRaHZZQXB2dktzV1R6cFNxWjFSWmVTRTA3V2FHYUo1ZWxyMmZFb1ExemVfMFkzbjNwZlhnaXIxYlpSTE1fQmYzU21NR2plb1c4TEpMaE5kb2xnUjBOUUZ4SVJWR0R2N2ZmUUFZNmd2cTR3cUswS0l5SGNWRUR2LWtkTFk0b2VEUVFERjlULVYzYkg3bjR4MzAzY250SUlTbEZ6YVhqRW1wMF9mb0Y2dk52cE5pZz09 | 1,214 |
>**GGK:** Gago Ka, sagot sa post kung feeling mo kagaguhan yung ginawa ni OP
>**DKG:** Di Ka Gago, sagot sa post kung nasa tama si OP
>**WG:** Walang Gago, di lang talaga kayo nagkaintindihan, baka pwede pa pag-usapan
>**LKG:** Lahat Kayo Gago, walang tama sa inyo, puro kayo pabigat sa mga magulang niyo
>**INFO:** Nakakalito ba ang istorya ni OP? Comment your question!
>**Title:** ABYG kasi napagdesisyunan ko na tanggalan ng mana ang aking anak?
>**Content:** Should not be a rant post, hindi dapat sobrang ikli. Hindi kami facebook, twitter and instagram, ikwento ng maayos ang sitwasyon.
>***Sa dulo ng post, ilagay ang dahilan kung bakit mo naisipan na ikaw ang gago.*** | r/akobayunggago | post | r/AkoBaYungGago | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYM0RjMHREeVVxTW0wV0h0Vk5pX2lhejRURUJUajFyVWdQeWFLWWFGSlB0UDA1VTZDTWhpQlhGQndWWVU4SldFS0RFX2JGSXU5YlFUd1RzdVl2ZnZ6VkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhZGJyS092LWpzYmpiX2JFT2tWMU40YWdzVlc5N3dQMUNBRlVpR2c2czNHTWRYVUF5UElISWFscjhyUUUyXzczTDg3ZEc5bFlkVzg0QzdKTjg2N3d2NVBzOFpiLUk1c0JYSjRzTnlVSG9KMkh1STF5YjhqWGpPTUhZcEMwNGRuMmM4RjhRU3JkU1RvSWtCdkdGSG9uZEViSWdVN3dwZTRVR1JVdjdqTGFUYkFkbDRWUm9QVy1qMkRoZ0l4eFMydi1xcXV3amRZSnB6WldCSjM1MEUtYlBUZz09 | 1,215 |
So this is almost how the convo went:
Guy: hey👋
Me: hi
G: bakit?
M: ha?
G: asawa n’ya to
M: may bf din ako
G: Joke lang. May bf ka na?
M: oo.
After that, tawag na s’ya ng tawag(video call to be precise). Nagmessage ako kung bakit s’ya tawag ng tawag sabi n’ya gusto n’ya daw ako makita. Tiningnan ko yung FB n’ya at nakita na may GF or maybe asawa na s’ya, not in relationship pero nakapost kasi yung girl pero walang tag. Pero I got the girls name at tinanong ko kung kaano ano n’ya si *girls name*, dun na s’ya nagtanong “bakit?”, “kilala mo si *girls name* te?”… I said no at yun nagsimula na namang tumawag.
Dapat talaga ib-block ko na lang pero sabi nung BF ko mas maganda kung immesage ko daw si girl kasi kung s’ya yung nasa position ni girl he would like to know na yun yung pinagkaka abalahan ng SO n’ya, and if I were also in her position, I’d like to know too.
I feel bad kasi parang nakasira ako ng relasyon lalo na they have 4 kids all girls but at the same time kung di ako magsasalita he’ll just slid into the DM’s of other girls.
And yes, the girl replied. Base sa reply n’ya I guess life continued… “paki block na lang ate” kahit na nagsabi ako na willing ako isend yung convo nung BF or asawa n’ya.
So ABYG kung nagmessage ako kay girl about sa kalaguyo n’ya?? | r/akobayunggago | post | r/AkoBaYungGago | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYNnVybFBlOE03QUk0NmF3OV9LZUhoZ3ZibDhDM1l5OURabGhnRUEzZW5BLTRFRVhyc2ZRR29sbXBjaVpTbVBXVUh6MWtVS1k3VDVLa05RdFltWmJPazUwTV94WmZyRGZDV0h0VjREZkJydzA9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhaDFGcjlnN09ocENJU3VSbkk4Q3d3OG0zUm9uczNvMUVvOE92bXdBak1PRjZMUHdOWEwzY1RhYXdRWUprS0pWdVNtdzlzWU55clo0YUk0WkRFQUVua0dJWV96anItaHVSYlY3eE5XbXNNMFB2eVZjcHpRUEw2X3hEeUVYUjU1Nlo0NHdnbGlSZ2FER0ZhbTI0Yzg3SUxNR2xCUm12a2ctSVhPSmpIaHZZU2pYQVZ1bmxoWnFwSFlMUHhuTWVLLWdrM0hLQ1V3eUtxZE5CTzVsN2FOOUhGUT09 | 1,216 |
FYI, I am 23F, working, nagpapaaral ng kapatid ko. Last yr, nagpaalam ako sa parents ko na me and my Fiance (25M) wanted to get married na para makapag abroad kami ng sabay at doon na mamuhay, less hassle mag-ayos ng papers at makakatulong sa application dahil nga married na. Sa future in-laws ko, walang problema, go lang sila, very supportive.
We wanted to live abroad, ayaw na namin sana magsayang ng panahon dito sa pinas to get experience since student VISA naman kukunin namin at pwede kami mag part-time doon while studying to sustain our needs, willing din magpahiram parents ni fiance. Para makapagstart narin ng ipon at makapagadjust agad. Wala naman kaming plano mag-anak pa. Magaanak lang kami kapag yun nalang ang kulang sa buhay namin.
Ngayon, dahil nga ako nagpapaaral sa kapatid ko, nagbibigay ng konting financial help to them at sila beneficiaries ko sa HMO ko, ***I told them, nagsabi ako, nagpaalam ako at ayaw nila, hindi nila ako pinaygan***. Feeling ko ayaw nila ako magpakasal para tuloy-tuloy ang suporta ko sa kanila.
Ang bigat ng loob ko kasi feeling ko hinihinder nila growth ko para sa sariling ikakabenepisyo nila.
I promised na hindi ko naman, pababayaan ang tuition fee ng kapatid ko at magbibigay ako kapag may extra ako kahit na magpakasal ako. Sobrang laki ng galit ko kasi feeling ko tinatali nila ako sa puder nila para magatasan nila ako.
*I am worried, about me, about my future, it is always them na inaalala ko. College palang ako nagbabanat na ako ng buto para sakanila, ELEM to HS, thankful ako kasi sinalo ng lolo at lola ko pagaaral ko, thankfully naging scholar ako nung college. Nakakatakot lang na baka hindi ako makapagsimula ng sariling buhay ko kasi lagi sila ang priority ko.*
ABYG, kasi gusto ko na magpakasal, at ipupush through ko ito? | r/akobayunggago | post | r/AkoBaYungGago | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYNXk3bkpwMjUtRFk5UXlTRGZDeGxoaGNoZ3RFLXZjaG5ETUtNNkVpOV84bEt5QkFtcUNzUEhDbmFNVGdjcm1DY0xwOTJOYWh6NzJ5UmpVa0htUk0zS3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhbE5OZHhvN1dwVHdmVE82dnhDTjB6RnVvQVdoOWViTkpKWVlyMlpzdEpQSnFCZzlUMEswcnd4N1J1VFpZS2NHajRuVXpicDZkRzE3SXR3MW5RdGxRWkFwQ0xxU0pScGZsclFVcS1XbTliY0ZONi0xU3Z1aV9keFdfR0pxUEJZZnhGTWg3V1hWc0c1LVFmdWNlS0lsUzZrRzlGTi16dVVTRnVmRmd0akdBSnFJdXRfSVVsWm1ySE9Ma28zNWZPWkZJMlNBVTBDNVQyNm9yMkxDdjZ0dWxwUT09 | 1,217 |
Looking for a kinky fwb that loves their pussy ate out | r/akron_ohio_bdsm | post | r/Akron_Ohio_BDSM | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYeWpNWEVCYzM3VmZaSWdQUHNDWmhrcWEtZEFEMzQ0ZFh6UGJ0eE5nMDdiZEF6a3NaUzhpWTRIWklBX0NCaGM0NXhfdXgwYnMtWC1VNDJ6U2FpUGFyZjhsak4zM2I2RkNMOUFuRHFNdEdTYUU9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhUlJ2bUo5elk1ZXM5akkzeTRGaUxHckx6ZVVvWHlmazJaU0E4VzNiNDA5TE9rd29JTDhTZFNuLWE3TWtGY3Y3UWlQSzRKNHFlckpvemExR3BQOGNyNDlLRTlCUVB0aFI2UnBfSVFtYWJkSnloMnRsdFZEbzM2dTN0S1E4Q2ItYkFIeEFvd0toUml4THdJRDJidjZjZC1oRUpXazVqM2tZMklKMExqNEFNSmZnQk11Vk9ldFdwWjVIMm9KMGxuRWVY | 1,218 |
[removed] | r/alabamam4mhookups | post | r/Alabamam4mhookups | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYbnZXU2hwZHJWaktQd0s4ZER0RFV6R2JZZU8xczFZbTgzT3FKb3NXVnRaN0k5NHl0Z3ZBdTNIV0RLWmFqX0VOTy1lelJkQmdaeU8tWmV6NnRzUzRNNGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhRVZpM1p0RXlxR0pWbDlzMm50Tkc0OXl4UHZJcjMwdmNJRDFkdXpmcGU0RUVFcFVTOS0tVmxneFoySFhQQVZtM19iWEVacDlvT0NQWXc5X1hmWHl2emEyT0RqcWhoTTRUOUJnUWhDN241T2ZrcXNSbEx5dnk4R0oyVkRHaS1DZ0dHSzZxOTAtelc1U1dlcTg3UGU0cFI0NGI0SldyYzM5aldKLUpoc2ZPZVFYWGhaRkMzeWlpVnZHVVBkS0dKYXlCbjlrYzZ6UENqNXM5R2dkWHB3SXlidz09 | 1,223 |
Looking for something fun to do tomorrow after 4 PM (11/4) in BHAM. White chubby Virgin. Not into MF couples | r/alabamar4r | post | r/alabamar4r | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYeG01RWd6UkxuMDFXSk44YWdjRkF1eUdvSGMySGxBeXNOQXFDeHhFcGx3eWFxMmJsaGVsVVJFUXJiVm9XaDMxdXk2WEFIZ3lKaXpEa18zRkgtaUt1ZFBXUUUwVTZ4WElPWG04aTdfcG9pbEU9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhTUEtM1F5X29SMWt2VmRjSlJ0dVpvQjZyb05ZdkNHempaalhIazVVYVZGZ1pwODVOY0FCSi1Delh2QTJLd3V1cjdDRVk1OUJTVVVISUs0WmZ1RGFDSjZReVlsNnJaczRYYVR4RnJhX1ZnaXR4ajd5T0FNbE9BbVlBZXhYLUtBUzYzbkdCSmVYeWl4XzNQZUl6T2dhS3ZRX3ZoN2JXcFlrSmdnTnFNR20xU1lHVTJrZ29LM0JNR0pwb3J4OWhQai1M | 1,224 |
BART police arrested 34-year-old Jovany Portades, who has a history of criminal convictions, after a station agent at the Fruitvale BART Station spotted him around 2 p.m.
The victim, a 54-year-old woman, was taken to San Francisco General Hospital with serious injuries. She remained in serious condition Sunday, a hospital spokesperson said.
Portades has several felony convictions for crimes including drug sales, sale of ammunition to a minor, receipt of stolen property, evading an officer against traffic, and robbery, according to court records.
He was on probation after being convicted in a robbery case in September 2023 when he was arrested for a new robbery in January in Alameda County. That case was dismissed as part of a plea bargain that allowed him to admit a violation of probation.
He was arrested in Vallejo in 2010 on suspicion of cocaine possession, according to the Times-Herald. He was arrested in 2011 for suspicion of firing an unregistered, loaded firearm after shooting a gun at an empty Vallejo school; in 2014 on suspicion of vehicle theft, burglary, conspiracy and possession of stolen property; and in 2018 for possession of methamphetamine, evading police and parole violation, the Times-Herald reported. | r/alameda | post | r/alameda | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYei15WEM3UmNzejV0Y1Y3djJmT1d2RmlqanJJZjJjVV9WVUFLVFpoMkpUWm5rT2t5RU1sSTc4WXJFbUNrQlEycTJLeG1KUjJZSWZCdnVjeHpYV3FCWGxObGtIdTBGUFBUc1VmSWMtdG1aVzA9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhT0tZZlYyYjJ6NXNQZFlLa0JWdWpSM01aR0NxUC1SNWVlS2RXeXd6Qy0xN1RBYkNfdHhEaGhiSGh5bjV2NnZjZ1dxNV9ONEZpNlBPYnFObzVoMUlYWjZzQVV0ZGVJZ2xtc3QyeHJqd1pDeGg2MHR2TEhnU195b0Fobmo1X1lkRVpLekJzdmxVOGN1MWtXTE9uNDR0VDZqdVZ1eEVTWDI2Q1d5alo5M2txMU5WcGF2YzZnRDYyclZiMDJJem1wOHRaeW85d0VIVVdUQUI1VWtQbWJBX0Qydz09 | 1,225 |
I was just at the Godzilla Mystery Double feature at the Alamo in DC for the 70th anniversary and was curious if everyone had the same double feature? We got Mothra Vs. Godzilla and Godzilla Vs. Hedorah! I’ve seen all the Godzilla films before and those are two of my faves so I was happy | r/alamodrafthouse | post | r/AlamoDrafthouse | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYY3NTb1F6cEdvVGZfdnN4dmotTnViVHFxajdxa0NqcjFLeHJmTXNTUFk0dWI5b3k4M1NyZXk2NkhSMEh3OVVKZ2FvVVNZUHBUSHNZSnktajBJbHRVei10SWl6S3kzOUpiQWRQOEcxWVFkd2M9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhVy1fZXNlUi1NNFJVNDVmQ3l1SkhoOEhFTkRZZ25WUWNuWFZ2dEdYaUdPcHVxamRvZEVfc2Nib3B2RUdZcjZQQ1lFWTVJeFhob3ZOZm5tZmI5bXczUHZ0V0xNVTNxTTdKaEFSRzFiZTNJTkIyRWhSZlliNlplam42bENOMzBwZDZtemFWTmhLS2NFNkE2T05EVllzRlk0WGFBYjBiZkxXd1F5dUtWR1pFWk5pUXk0cEkzYUZVRy0zZndPM2I1NWpLelc0QTFjbVFNQTdManRtWEZVNUpzZz09 | 1,226 |
My car is completely screwed and I’m going to have to pay so much to get it fixed to sell it. Now he’s sad and depressed and I have to be the one to reassure him. Fuck him. | r/alanon | post | r/AlAnon | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYdkViOHk1NXBYLWFHbTRxSHJsNHRHbjNEdFh3RjQ0SW45emlVUzBHbTRlS0VqV2J3UWhKVXRhbGI4U182SU1XUzZ5MkZYdW95Z3ZmazcyTkV4ZzJ5UTBEdzBLeWtrVlBORGpQR3lUdTFSTFE9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhLXJDZURUVmhBdGFsRGctWENrbXEtRFE0TU5pVTAzd0VWX1VDWkg0WVhBbnVnQUZQRFFNbzYxWktpLWNidFVKWWlZOHZMWDdZSjJLZzVRUzNHV0FxQVdCQXV4R0x3aDJqS0huQThjQXFUcUlZU1hXRWJRSlFnTDFqWnVvWllRRkpKRTlvRUpVTHBDSnlOUlcwQTdfWTE5M2RodklOSkd2YTFjcjFoTkFvWWJqR3ZEQ3Y1WjF2THdueDRZSTZVSVhFZExDZVBadFZpSVFWTHpYeXotOWpCZz09 | 1,227 |
For those who have left their Q (or put distance between you and your Q, for those whose Q wasn’t their partner), I’m curious what your final moment of clarity that motivated you to sever ties was.
With my ex boyfriend whom I lived with, my moment of clarity was my dad being diagnosed with cancer. One of my first thoughts after my dad told me was “I can’t have my dad die and still be with Q. My dad would hate this relationship so much for me.”
I’d known for about a year that I needed to leave, however I’d been trying so hard to get my Q to change. But with that one thought, I knew I was done. I broke up with him that month and told him he had 2 months to move out. | r/alanon | post | r/AlAnon | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYN0gzcHNXc3Q5QXlaY29naERwSVMzVjdjZU40NmoyZkRldV90M3lvYVZTMnRXNExjVl92Z0dpMFFxeVB1by1nMEZmWi14VDhyTTdNLXFLbjQ3b05ZUlE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhaWNKODVMUk0yRGJPNVlJZzl2dldzTW5WMldDRDNVS2lNUm1YLUw5a19uY05EV0dsQU5Cb3BIaUZGblptcFExdnlpZlB1MV94WkUxdDJ2X0tXY0w0SGVlYTJrV2xCTmxRTTIxbGNEdHI4ODJVSmJ6SXBMcWFSdUltWU4yRjNlbmg1bWtXOEVpdFZHRjBZY0hzcy1zRDZPVTlHaXJvRTRVajZaNlBLZ3U3WXl0S2I0MVRtYkg4RUNFUUQ4QUFibVMz | 1,228 |
My bf(27) and I(26) have been together for over 4 years and have lived together for 2 years. We have a wonderful relationship and are likely getting engaged early next year, however, his drinking habits are making me nervous.
For context, only a few months into our relationship he got a DUI. He was leaving a family members house and heading home (So I thought: Found out years later he was going to a brewery to drink even more). After this incident he stopped drinking for a while but then eventually started again.
Over the years the only fights we have revolve around him drinking. He doesn’t drink during the week, has very healthy eating and fitness habits and a good job. When he drinks though, he almost always gets drunk. His speech is always the first thing I notice. He starts saying things that don’t really make sense and gets defensive if I say he should stop drinking or have some water. If we are out with friends and family he always seems to be the drunkest one there, even if others have drank much more. On a few occasions since his DUI, he has driven home tipsy which I have since stayed is a non-negotiable for me.
That leads me to today: On Sunday afternoons he typically watches football and I watch youtube in another room. Today we continued this routine except he got drunk. At first I came down a bit before dinner so we could play a video game for a few minutes and he spilled his beer on the carpet and didn’t even want to clean it up. (I did). Then after I finished my youtube shows, he was ready to come to bed to watch tv before we went to sleep. About 5 minutes into the show, he went in the bathroom and threw up for a half hour and fell asleep over the toilet. I am extremely upset. He wakes up at 4:45 in the morning to go to work. I don’t understand why he felt the need to get drunk alone on a night before going to work.
More and more incidents like this where he gets drunk and gets sick or is embarrassing keep happening and I am wondering if I should end the relationship. I have stated many times that these habits make me uncomfortable and make me unsure about the relationship. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
TLDR: My bf doesn’t drink during the week but when he does drink he always gets drunk and either embarrasses me or gets sick. Idk if I should end the relationship | r/alanon | post | r/AlAnon | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYbUFmT2dfTGw0SGZuU05XTUZfNkJnMVA2Mm9ickNab3RDVjM0c09tcEM1Q2t6TUdEaHpkZEdqdDItZjJId2dLN0lPSDV5Q250enQ1WGJmdzhyVGNWZ2l4d0s5OE5kRHFzNzNKSUlWaEx5ckU9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhSnA0TDZ3cUJPMXZCVFY4ck1hdTZlT0lnd3BweDkzeU9lR2FMbGJRYlJEaHIxY3p0dEdYZXZZdkl6V3VDUVdBMmNnbUxmbzlXeXdhVHpYWmxLVUxaZVFXaVN4MGh6SXVwbVprSUVsbVdjX1lnaGJBN3VHdkdDcHAzSnNlRTMtQWhaZVpPZzlwZFdXb1dMVHFyS3MxTWd3PT0= | 1,229 |
Possible spoiler alert‼️
I’m at the chapter with mulligan and Thornton. At the part with the well where Saga is in a “loop”.
I have zero ammo…to my knowledge, there isn’t a way to restart a chapter. No ammo to be found in the loop. Any ideas??? | r/alanwake | post | r/AlanWake | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYemJoTy1fODlFYnUwWjdERW5wU1pnaTdjNEhGT01SZE9LS0UyS2xkaG9wTlZqU2gxclloeUo0VlpISzl2bU5rcWVaT2VxV0ZkNm1ubVg1X29WNEEtbEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhWWxFT1RWV1RNVTltQTh6TUZmU29LMFJoMFNHbDVCZ2YtdmlqcUstTUMzQThlQ2JsaENsNTB5MnQ2WmtkblJOQS03bGo0UTA4eTZKZmhMNWY1QlVfX09uY0FEN0VqX012Q21tM1RPVGdRRzdaRHFndTMxOEZyNlY5N3VabHluTjBjbmFJQmFIZk9HaHA5aU1Tbkl4TU1rMzhVNkdFVmQ1dVFySXk0eGZ1ZTR3PQ== | 1,232 |
[removed] | r/alasjuicy | post | r/alasjuicy | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYbjNHWkk0eUZzZTR3Z282b0p6eUZDbGlnT081N3REcm9pZUM3TncyUjVFZ1UwVm1iTUc4RkIyQXBOWTdfaGFqdTBSOUtJQUZfVlYtemQ1TXhmeWtFSFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhZ01tMUtqNWNUbG8tanRXeWVUYVE0MjJXbTRESTdKTktaWlZHQzJITjZYTUttdGdQSHZZUUw4VlhpX1dCS21DR2JEb2VuS0c0WWVSNHVsbVN4UXVjWVpPQTFTZHM3b3pvc09uNXVEOUhmYTVNeFpZUjhjM1cwV0pSRHdsWlRNZnhMNFNwZHJiY2E5bWM4SVRyaklaVmNDRzVPZnVNbkcxZ3dFNW16UmgycF93PQ== | 1,234 |
[removed] | r/alasjuicy | post | r/alasjuicy | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYLU90WUJkay1PbF94eFREVGZ0bGZyU2dyOXJpLVJsdXRiSEJDSnJ3UF9kNEtvT25mWkRBb3Y4OVduZGp1cENfTW1QYzFoeDdSNzRLLU5YV1VBN1FRMkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhN2tBaU1QRFpSWnprOEdWdW1pQjhsY1ZudHNqRjkxbFBUOEVIXzh6eHo1X2gxanhWbldJZllSV1U1ZXRvLXZ3Vkptb2l1dHlyN2FWdXBHRkE5bzhiMlM1cEdzazdVTDltSmtnYWJacWFnYkRKR25LSC1PUWU4SnZuRXBWNlhZS3ZKdjBmQXFZanV0VHc3QmZuZWxHcEFGcnA0MzN4bDl6OGlad2RNSlhXZzZvPQ== | 1,235 |
[removed] | r/alasjuicy | post | r/alasjuicy | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYcFE3c1lRa0VFbzl1R3NrNVAwTnB3YnQ2WjhhYU1adHRoOVVLSnBuWm1ZUXg4N2NTSjBncDUxM1ZabWpTd1hDLUppZnBkNTd2M2VLUzJ5NFFSal94Z0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhbTQtMzR1WXNlVlRVazJ6ZnBvSTMyQjFJTmZHaUdZTEI0RldGcW9xa2x5dzZldE9XOVo4MDIxTDZlQ1haUFBnVDF5VjVrUmJHMkUtTHJuYnd5NHNKcHdZOVJTNTJIZEZxanBmWFAzb3ZueVZ3WWxJc09NWll2Z2VEdENxWmJHeUNzaEVtVDMzOXhldTdFSTJobjE4X2hVc0tLNGtOU3YxaXNGUmhhcEJhLWN3PQ== | 1,236 |
[removed] | r/alasjuicy | post | r/alasjuicy | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYT2I5Uzh1ZUljdnB6TjBEWWw4TkdoRlNfeXhodFNMX3A4VjR1UTVmTTN2dUVPbnFiUUFjdnZEWVd1WUxReFVKaTVVWUVaRkpwV19zU2hRLWQtZ3hWRmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhQlh1cEl3Z0JrbFotUXUzaHNBVC1BXzBhbzExbWpZeWs3RTUwUmJvQUx0WkctRTA2Ukdka2U2ZEVDbXdtWkRBVjdHenFGNk05dUt2cmE5aDJoTVVQY1ltWXF3alNLQ0VkOHo1dzdURlFaeGVueGhPS2ZpV29YRGwtZ1AydkczLWhWaUxfN3BFYm9CZmRsUkhETEgwbFBLZ0lSclFFS05kbHlLd2tYTmNQOHRjPQ== | 1,237 |
[removed] | r/alasjuicy | post | r/alasjuicy | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYX2dOQXR1V1haZEhoUFJUUUM5RzFqcEFUQVNiSnNoQmdkUVhoenlaMTRrbDYxWGZmUjFhcFN4MUpWMUc5c0tWT0RCV01WVzBwbWt0NkxxY1FQNXhBdEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhUUEzZGM2SWF2ZEtyLUl0UHVFYzFwUHBKYUpuS0xsMTZNX1ZCY2hYYjR5ZW0wRjRrZ05qLVBxR3IxcE5mS25CNGlPTTJHU2JyNVotY1M2aE1KejV0MDdvZEtsNmk5ZkJlX0FLUF9ocDdFV3dITEpUbUctTmx3VEh0SkltMHJHcThWMzN2eWlzVm5Ua01wMVE1WUg4LUh6LTd1eEw3LVdBNHlwRzlGN282cE4wPQ== | 1,238 |
[removed] | r/alasjuicy | post | r/alasjuicy | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYZEVVVHBERWpPN1VydG1yVVdiRmxHdnVBajYtTnpoNUNIdmtna3BFUTA5QjVzcHlvcXdrcVhpTjVLUFQzdF9ESjVVVDBJUlkzYWtUWGo5UklhSDFuSEhUQW5mZVpaSnhXOEtleVpxMzdueWs9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhSzhCb0JQWjZuVjk3QU12dGRyb0NxWS11RHB3Um04c0R0c25CRVJ0UzRjVVlkN3NzQmhubjBCaGpKRmNkaU9oV3VtT2hUbEoxQ1hZSXN1S25OUlZQX1czV2w5NGNHUFdQTHFpNWhiS3N5eEJIT2FZQy1VcTJseGlmblpFVFhnUVZTRHlqWVdxT0J5SEh6TDlLeDVCT3VaT01jM2RmMC10NWs1andRQ1ZQRmlvPQ== | 1,239 |
[removed] | r/alasjuicy | post | r/alasjuicy | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYTWc4VFlKYm1NQV9rU05RZDdqcTNLS0VKdnlla2Jya1VaNkstdmo3T0ZpaHFKcVV0S3BVVEpFX1BCZS1tdzhhOV80czZNNzJVUW1TUEVtcjh4dEwtT2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhZ3R3UUlnMUlWRG00Z1FIWC0yNFNGdzQ3SzVRX1pxb09SNVNGTHN3MUFjY1RpNkNXSV9LVGdmd01nZVVJVkhqcURta3Awd2tORVkwTURBbWRuM3pRTG9SVHktNDdITE05ZlNObU5XMmhpb1pLb2hNUUw0YW5hLTJ0MjRCbTUwZkRxYWQ5aGFPN18yLVVFY1djV09iZXA4Wjg3cDMzR2RxQ3dmY0FqNWl3TTlzPQ== | 1,240 |
[removed] | r/alasjuicy | post | r/alasjuicy | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYQklTSUMzYldERkFsZW10V3hEbnRqNEpSYnRmWUNmdHM5aXBuaHVSWDJmN19pOWM4X0pOYXctVXg0al83UmltQ25pbU05VWFhUEUzY2Q3TmQyeXFDNzBfaHIyNDF5Z1I5UFd3V2otUG10bkE9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhcU5NcmktbTBKNmdiM1JMUHB5S0Vfa3BUUjhQZVVLRU5OLWVVQW5BQkMwVXB0cWZvak02bG42a3NPendnRE5KWTZYUFRXYXl2bi0zZUpZb0l0YWNjYWJndG5Ta3ZmU2Y0SHg3Q2lrMThMTnVReGhLaEhXMk55V2NxN1dtYXFTdWdwU1NUaFp2Ny1YRHBldllQWVBwc3ktaGY2VHZFR1JiWWs4amk1YkZLdjcwPQ== | 1,241 |
[removed] | r/alasjuicy | post | r/alasjuicy | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYUUwzVlA5dnlNQzZ0WW15MF9nOU0wQnV2S2cxMlhPU21vaUV0Sm9ZRW5NUTROcVZ2ZkFjMlh0NmhKcmJwNW5xeEpYbS1vaHRHWjZSd01qOW8zYzhTRVZlNHRNZWJWOGRVaTNBYUFXR29TQjA9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhdEp6YlowUGhRMVRhVFRRcVN2UmJHOFRDQ1hIUk5LaUlueTRoQXN0OXlPT2VwSmE2X1Jad00xR0xlckJkY2FEbFI1UnNrYlB3YndVM1dsYjRiRlpvVUs0Z2R4dWpwWmlfUGNJYzB3VDI3VXg0UXZDX1NjOEN0dGFuUExtbW1TVzlsbFRkaThIZFhCR0RzdU15OG8tYjROR1FyUTZTZXMyREdreTlHeW9JeTN4TllUSS1XZ2Y1ck5KaUtSejV6TEJt | 1,243 |
[removed] | r/alasjuicy | post | r/alasjuicy | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYa202ZUNkemxNXy1VOGJ1QkFmeTR3RkFEdlpTZFlvSGtOUmNxbU1LejV6SV9mVXRsREVxRmVJWjgyRmh2WTBRYUE2TDBpeUVpNUZTMGZBOVFTVFdDQkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhQkEwUEwzaWNISzQyWFBpd3M4ZmJhZFRLa2k5V0FpNHppZC05REtqdzEzeW9BMjJVbTc5TnRHalFRMWJ2bk9LRU5aVTRLUGcyZFFWTUFpYXhqQ1FYbE1XeXVpTzZyUWpnb25XWDhMWHRVVmhhWVZYRHhSVnFYNkltUkRSRTY2M1hhdjdXcVhCNmlhQmVWV004cnM4NDY4QW5rUnU1NmJiSTlUcUVXaGhxa2RYZEQwS21YSWZNcGNwSEV6bnc1Q21u | 1,244 |
[removed] | r/alasjuicy | post | r/alasjuicy | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYejFSVDM0eHhzTnBlbGZ2X3p2VWZpdkZ0Rm5IMzFyWFo1RldmVG9jRWc1bWpqdkhGcGIzTDZrVmFaMGtpS18weldmYnF2SjlxWlppVjRYZmRQbXluOGJ6am1hSTkzUllKMUdCRlVxblhucDQ9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhbGJoVkM0VFpyc0RoZktSN3N0UVNaQmptSjJ4cDg1d0ZtbVlxMGJOSlJ5MkZFaXhfYXkyclVvYkpBTXBQbVZ2ZktTbnB4RmhTQW5sN2YteUhDTjd2ZVRuYUhKTUg3RUl4ZlZDMUp5OTZacE05ZldmdGdyY01Id0xiS05KcVozYlQwOTBrRWpSblE3cFJ1cnVreTRjRDF5RlJNc0lwVldPN3hqQWRFdjUtVWJGTDAwa2E1N2pkUVNkUVh6dk5oTk1Z | 1,245 |
[removed] | r/alasjuicy | post | r/alasjuicy | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYVmFVRl95aW9sTndtLVJwVlB6czBzNHFiazM0YlZJYThERUZabDlJZHctOWtxWl80QlM5ZndzeEM1LVk4ektoYWJkSkpmVVlUWjhfbmxTRHZNVkhzR3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhenVYMW5xNzJRRVJoblhEZU5ON09wMzN1MU8wdmhOd0hyaDNEb3dZTzllZE9mU09Yc0g1TXMwal9xODZKMGpHUnBJZEJPeXNsc0JLYmdaTTc4TXhsejJPaEpsazd0MWhzYjBMZlJXb05tUEQtcmFyRjI3cHA0a2dicU9EVzdpUkg3blk3Ym1STEdvSllka0JMdzJ6RVg3UmJaRF93S3BMSnFEaU01ZEpsRkVzeU84QjBHd2poU2V6aDUyWWNzZVlZRl9KT3owdVVrTEJLVkRKdGJOMnBjdz09 | 1,246 |
Naiinis at sobrang badtrip na ako dito sa community na to dahil sa sobrang daming nakakaaliw na kwento hindi ko mapigilan magbasa hindi ko tuloy namamalayan wala na akong nagagawa sa trabaho ko. Pero keep ‘em coming guys looking forward to your juicy stories. Solid kayo🫡
Avid reader here 👋😁 | r/alasjuicy | post | r/alasjuicy | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYdXZ0SWFLcFk5UE91Z3BwT3JwSlpUcVI0ZXFZbjQ3VEtmLUlpdXJtM1FBVVRNdmRBVVFqSHQ4cTlPVG92aDNERWszcEw4MUNqWEIya0k2OVVqQ3BtQVR5WWhnc3d5alFVNW9HQ0tPUXY2NzQ9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhQllsTVN0UWxBRjduRm5IOUJrcUk2RG1ZTGtJM2kzYk5xdHJrc1ZIdjM2eFhXWTZvS2wtUU5XX2YwbWUtRVlqU2NHZVBMY0xkVHNjYm0tRDlGS0M0V3hZdG91eGs1SG9Tb2lrcWZoQml2dng3Z0lQVFQzWU1qZnFlMWFtN2U5MXVvYjB5RzU5bUpxVVY3YUh2ZVoxRlFLT2RuNkJyT3VLTTN6TC1DQUdhT3VSSVhXOGxFT1dUNThKTW5Fbi1ZWTdx | 1,247 |
Lalo na yung mga single for years d'yan na may experience na sa sex. Nakakabaliw kasi talaga, hindi na kaya yung puro masturbate lang, iba yung feeling kapag iba yung gumagawa sayo. I wanna satisfy myself again, yung ako lang. Gusto kong bumalik on how I handled things alone without the help of anyone. Hindi ko na alam gagawin ko. Welp | r/alasjuicy | post | r/alasjuicy | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYZmdpX083LTYxUDJJLVZZVnNjV25EcmVsV1JUU0hNZ0hjVVBvUFpNUHl4OHhwVEhkangwcFBDVElibWtDTGgyUlRUc2hobE5wanFRLUlYUk83ekhvbl84dWpQOElObHhwdHZ5NGozYlphZ1U9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhX1U5RXFLdkoyTUpQX0ltaE9TOUhTLW1LZ2pmQzlMeUQ1TGVOc3lEN0tfYnB0RXd0NFRsSDl1U0p2VTJJX0FoSlhwLTF1aGRpWVdrNU92Rmt3dUJYNnRvRGxWTkk4SFk0dExpTmUyY0UxRmNKNzBPLWE4eWlXSVNTdy1VMVp5Y1l0ZkVyOV9oNlJqcE9zaXp0NTFKSEpENVV6aHBzZGQ2WGY5SHhXTlF6X2lXZEZFblUtZ3VReFFFaEdPSndNanpZd08xLTFOWWUtTkNGaElLZjIxM25DQT09 | 1,248 |
asking for help lang po. firsttimer heree, need lang ng available inns for groupstudy?? anyways, kahit ano naman po basa available kahit no food service or meron. both po kasi firsttime and medyo scared pumasok nang pumasok kung saan saan para magtanong. if pwede po ba magtanong here about sa mga inns if pwede lang po. need po kasi walang matambayan yung pwede tulugan sana. kaya inns yung choice. | r/alasjuicy | post | r/alasjuicy | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYZ0pHZUpfbHk2WWtCaVZyRUVHWFR3dmt0bjE3Y2c4YjRpYnR4RE9rb0JZd1ZiRkFWWXFxNUVNc0pEUFpZRlFXWmtwTGM1cVZ3dEtnU3hQb2Jna3VaRTRnN3VjVkNvVml1dFE4WEFxTklCRjg9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhRkZGRmFkc2lIOE5ZbkhGaGpMdlo3a1lUTUI5M2J6RDRpRkdqcWJpTzI0T1pCN3VXYnJxV21ON2VZU3FrS3FPZVJJcUs4YUtRWkJjVkZjZzdjWGNlZzRxc1dwdXA3VktkaXB1LUhFTHNYSVlfSUF4Y2xyRVFoVnBQZDhjVjFaUVNXUlNmSnRzRWNpbjRkaFcyV2tOVERMOUxoRVh2VXJ2U25sRmtfYXo1RzVRSWt1TXpaNnBYeW5fMjhVZU03Y3Nt | 1,249 |
Just wanna share my new audio. Still practing pa my moans and dirty talk so let me know your comments/suggestions for better audio session;)
Also sobrang horny ko that time and I wanna play and stroke my cock so bad. I’m moaning like crazy but I want to moan loud pa if someone’s sucking my cock while I blow my load deep inside. Ugh! Sarap! | r/alasjuicy | post | r/alasjuicy | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYcnVscm9iNDFKNDBwMVAtZXFjTG5PRUJicmtNZnpUWW1uZnhJWmhDVmZ2UXlQczZsUy1uNUQ1WVdJTzNlMG1aX0pwX3ZWSC1OOWRaOTNQVXltdW5OMVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRheGE4TWR6bkJVTXRLbVZKaHMySVVPLUlCSkNEVUFUT1Q0TmtZTGF1eGNSN0xILVlmdUx2b0loRXl4TWlxQzNHYjZkVkR0RmRvaFJHQUtlYWV4STRra1dObnRZOTg0NGlJYWxJME50Q1VBNzlhNXRBZklRRXFkTVpEcldCTG1wVF9tXzZMTnFyYUJKenlQUXlyZTExWVN3NzRXVVBES1J6bUhFY1lXdFpkREUyQ3NXNnY5ZTVfVnBkNEk1S1RWMHJf | 1,250 |
I realized na super nahohorny ako pag dinidirty talk ako. And nakakahelp din talaga para mahorny ako agad and mabilis akong magwet puke ko everytime na dinidirty talk ako.
As a girl na hirap magcum by myself, I realized I need someone na magdidirty talk sa akin or magnanarrate how he will do me (since I only want sop hehe) and in tagalog. Minsan kasi wala akong mafeel pag english HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Natry ko kasi once nung nakipag sop ako, the best cum so far. Puro siya "kung andyan lang ako, kinantot na kita" "didilaan ko yang pulang pulang puke mo" "potangina ang hard ng nipples mo, ansarap isuck" (currently wet agad now, wth right?)
| r/alasjuicy | post | r/alasjuicy | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYUWxoVlFuX2h4Y2FaNDNFNVc0a2RjeEtjVlhRMTBHS1hQOUxzOEhSb2huUjBES2dCMDVkekx6TVpzb3VETFdvSU5CdGVuRUwwNVZEaTIyTVFrdy1Fc1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhd0VGR1c0VG84NGJseThHcUJNd2o1SmNXNUtSWTZTUUdUejAyTE92d1gwV0s3eXFySnE2cTFhVWE3OXNoS1BOZ1VZbHZmMTJLdlhJTDhiMUVkTGJULVZ5STh5OEFaOWEzc3pzbG5zSFhtb2NLUnFnTTlwZ3NMb09udHE4dTVEcGZuZktxZ3dlT2hmTTI3WmlQRlZXSkFzbjViQWQxaTFscl9YNWszdmxUdGNrPQ== | 1,251 |
Niyaya ako ni office mate na mag chill sa house nila kasi wala daw syang kasamang mag inom. Wala namang pasok kasi undas kaya pumayag ako. Nag shave na rin ako kasi alam kong kakantutin nya lang naman ako.kinantot na nya kasi ako 4 months ago nung pinagpalit sya ng long time gf nya sa iba. Pero hindi yun ang kwento ko kundi yung pag punta ko sa bahay nila.
So ayun na nga pag punta ko naka prepare na yung mojitos saka smirnoff na binili pa yata sa 711. Kwentuhan habang umiinom, nung namumula na ko (4 bottles of smirnoff) nagsimula syang maghaplos haplos. Tapos hinahawakan nya na boobies ko.
Kaso biglang dumating mga pinsan nya, 3 babaeng minor saka lalake na kasing edad nya. Medjo nabitin ako kasi wet na yung kiffy ko sa pag momol namin. Kaya tinuloy muna namin yung inuman.
Sumali yung pinsan nyang lalake. Pansin ko rin na sumusulyap sulyap sya sakin. Nung medjo tipsy na sila, at ako naman namamanhid na yung mukha. Nakita ko na pangisi ngisi sya sa pinsan nya habang pinipisil pisil ang hita ko. Para silang nagsesenyasan kaya mas na Libugan ako.
2 lang yung kwarto sa bahay nila tapos naka lock pa yung isa. Yung kwarto naman nya tinambayan ng mga babaeng pinsan nya. Kaya hindi kami maka pwesto, nag momol na ulit kami habang nanonood yung pinsan nya. Binabantayan kung lalabas ba yung mga bata.
Hindi sya nakatiis, sinira nya yung lock nung isang kwarto, tapos dun na kami nag patuloy, hinubaran nya agad ako ng leggings at blouse at nilamas ng husto yung boobs ko. Pinwesto nya ko ng patuwad sa kama pero nilagay nya yung shirt nya sa ilalim ko para hindi mag stain. Kwarto yata ng parents nya kasi yun. Parang hayok na hayok sya kumantot medjo hindi ko na maalala yung mga ginawa namin kasi tumama na yung mga nainom ko, pagkatapos nya labasan, binulungan nya ko na wag akong lalabas.
Tapos nun pumasok naman yung pinsan nya at pumatong din sakin, fininger nya ako habang sinisipsip ang nipples ko. Iniangat nya yung 2 hita ko saka ako kinantot ng mabilis, sabay kami nag cum.
After few minutes na nakaidlip ako, Sumilip ako sa pinto. Nandun si officemate sa sala nag aayos ng kalat namin, sinabi nya na lumabas yung mga bata kasama yung pinsan nya. Lumabas ako ng kwarto, tapos sinenyasan nya ko na umupo sa couch. Pagkaupo ko lumapit sya at hinawakan ang boobs ko. Pinatuwad nya ko sa couch hinimas ang puke ko saka ipinasok yung tite nya. Nagpaputok sya sa loob. Pag bunot nya naramdaman ko rin na tumulo yung katas nya palabas ng puke ko. Pinunasan nya lang ulit ng tshirt nya tapos nagbihis na ulit kami.
Naka ilang rounds pa kami sa maghapon na yun bago nya ko inihatid sa bahay past 10pm. Habang nasa motor sinabi nya sakin na plano pala nilang magpinsan na sabay akong kantutin. Kaso hindi sumama yung mga bata sa bakasyon kaya naiwan sa kanila para bantayan.
Sayang yung plano nila ma dodouble team na sana ko. Kaya sabi ko i scheudule nalang ulit namin. | r/alasjuicy | post | r/alasjuicy | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYd1pERnBBZmRaVmVfQ0o5dmlOSVp2TXBXQkxrMFVtUThQSE1NV0RWS2d1QTJ6dWhXdEZkTTR0LWVyYWp4bUlfTzlHeHdFSVRGQTNrem1FazlUODkwTlE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhQUwyQk5ERC1xaHBNamhOMHQ5SENiMjNzNjZ5SllhOWlmZ3lZM2J0bmJOWktpYlp2bHh3TWc1SlV4WVRwcFFSZXB4Xzhlc21YYnFGT28ybUZaRGVGcjhpSDRjSER5TkkxalpxLTlvVzFKYWF4aHJVdUhBd0QzeFREVTktcVRvTEhfMFVCS2RTS200OWNCYW9ja3dBNmRIbU9XNXRpa19idG9ZdDRxTFUycEdaNFJPaEt3a2dwOFo3V2QtNEJfb3lM | 1,252 |
We are visiting Fairbanks in a few weeks from California. With no experience driving in snow/ice, what are your recommendations of going around the city? Are there cabs available in case we are not comfortable with rentals?
We are a bit worried. Planning to go to Chena and a snowmobile tour. Not sure how we would get around that far. | r/alaska | post | r/alaska | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYNGpBckV2eXJVYWJpY2xpQi0zTm9oLXRSX2RVZFJNMWFNRF9OcWJRblBFV2dFZ3E3U2IzSGRtV1QzOVBwOGJIdjVfdmpIWV9leENUWl9DZlkyaF9HMmZubWpROVpJR1l6NzE5TURyMDc1WlE9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhRC1jamFtNWJselBwUmctcWpDSlVycG4wY2JlSVJ4SnVHcWxTZ1hVQU1VLXloUGJoSnFTVHpIZV9zbTdBQl9PV2VJTGpRZW5vQTluV2JQVGRQTEJyTXdGZEZ2eXR3NXZucEZtQV9paW05SXZpbTRXSjhmMjNmZGFDTFpMMnNzY3Q5VTlGeWE2emRJQTZBbEU4UDRFSXNyc25fcGlUT1puNldLVXptZ2Ryam8wPQ== | 1,254 |
Has anyone flown to PV and checked a stroller/car seat at the gate? Curious if it will be at the gate when you land or if it gets put in baggage claim with it being international | r/alaskaairlines | post | r/AlaskaAirlines | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYWlJUSVBadVE3WGZtZUw4OFktSXZUYWVGWVNhcW1yY3ZCaThEcktYNjVhZ2l6LVV0R0NERnJBczgyR3FkS3FNeFVrZVN2VVZDdmljT3ozQ0ptS05ta2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhaTNMQmxRM0p5Tmw4TllZZXF3eFJNUTRrX3ZMNzlPRXNBU3hRMWtqZXpoOHZwNWZaaE9WVVdSWFc0M201ektJeXU5aERjVDRVYlpTY1NhUTNQZzJFd0o2bnprSFVXc0hYOXBIOEY1QUpuN0tpM3lwMm56RFctQkxlS193ZE1XM3MzZkFaSDdFakFOMml3LUR3ZWxiSUN1djhuUHg0RngtMGxvZG9BYVJIc0w4RzdkUV9PQWxEaVpFbEJCLXlkOFA5 | 1,255 |
Long story short, as a surprise I want to take my girlfriend back to where she grew up on Oahu. The only issue is she refuses to fly 737 MAXs, and it's a hard limit for her no matter the stats or overall safety record for Hawaii flights, etc. I respect her decision and want to take her in HA'S A330 instead. I have over 300k MP miles but zero HA miles.
Is it possible to book on Hawaiian with Alaska miles? Or to transfer miles TO Hawaiian? I can't find a way. | r/alaskaairlines | post | r/AlaskaAirlines | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYQUFjVU9IUGpNc3ptRm8tNUdlc0NKeFNqQXg1eTFLNnFBZ2J2azFhN2preVk2UWdfeGpJMUdGVWpzU0JYb3U3blhoMTlaTWltN0owV19uOWdVcTI2N3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhdU0wUExBSXk2UWdrMUFGLUxTeC1kdlJPNFZHRkdsSG0tZVJkbXRNRHJXUlNYbWFRM0FTVVRfTGlETVk2OTZlQUlEXzdSOEt1QTNMWnJJaEZlTm92WXRjZjNUSWxHeEhCeW4ybzNHMG1rN1FESll1ZTk5Z1gwUEotcHR6ZkpISHUyZE44NlVZMXBRbU1UQmJwTnEzVFFKOThmMXV3OC0zbG1ESm8zdG16cEN5blBicDN4clhJVWI1WmxMeUxjUjRzcG5oVEE2eG9BYjJySm9mZ29zVDlnQT09 | 1,256 |
Interested in trying head. Able to host tonight. If interested send a dm. And a pic | r/alaskam4m | post | r/AlaskaM4M | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYMkRHWENNQVZzdjdzTi03ZEFTVzJlZURrcFlrNDl0Q1BXdXFNMjFrTDdSN3F5dnFXYm8xMEhONFg4Nk4tdXE1djZQUDNPVk1Vdm1aSHFZZHJaTE9UeGJnY1FoZnNVUHJ3dVRTajJBbGNUVUE9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhOXRFUGV5bnpJdENLQ3IzWG9TZUxqcnZYQW1ISzVzUVZmNkpfN191WTJ6eEhxNHNfMWw5RFVoWXRSX080N08zcDhyRWtrQ0hxM1drMUdlYWpyWmNfc2k3NDhpRzZIdUQ3el9jZkV1OXRsMDF4TlpnUnRzakNnWmRORVJTWk96VEhmdmNzRHNYREhnb3hraUpzWHEtUlNaaEFYNExpMGNVZnNaNVRpNHpNb3AtelpZc01lTktxTmRjS2FwVWlSYl84SktHQ0k2T29LQ1REaXVPcGVNMVhKZz09 | 1,257 |
Greatly timed photo. 3 yo 100lbs. | r/alaskanmalamute | post | r/AlaskanMalamute | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYYTA5aFgzZjV6QXM4MGpzUUY0dkRQaWdtNS00X2w5TWpWc0ptelkySmkza0hlZVFoR1BLVUEtYzBpZ2xuZWxGVVllZDBGNElkNzRNQ19lV3plQXVxTUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhQWp6YWI3YU84WFBfQmEwMnNkM0xrMVljTVdPX2x3M3J5MjFOd25OUWY5SjhhcUlBWV9STTdyUWgzbW5kUWFHeXBYaWhMMVVwaDg4UUdKQmk4dmdOQU5iNEhJZ3dibXpWYkZSb3duYWl0SmhIVEZjVVo4SkhuSFFZb3ZqbkVLbWRpaFBZREctWUZZS2RUTG4tSEhfTml3PT0= | 1,258 |
Wanting to jerk off with someone. Maybe can host.
Uncut here. Would prefer to see a cut cock. | r/alaskar4r | post | r/Alaskar4r | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYMEE2azRLS3JMVnhJTDkzWXBPZjc4YXZFX1ZXdWZ1NkxYWHdlaWVvOEtwVG5qR1dRbmtQdllSU0JET0hYb2xGSTJIaG9uUTg4VkRyOGJUZGhHRjJ3aFM3OWRaWmgwQzQxODF6bVFzc2M5SzA9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhckpLNlR1V2tTX3RVWnlVX05tOVhYX1ZuYi1FUVB3dlI2WkVlSzBtU1JOd1h1YjBZWGc1NnU1alFuM2MxRXJMTFQyeGxucGVmZ1dhcGh1X0RNRXNyZXNabUZxV2c1dTM3R3lLN0RFYkluZEtEYWRpa0NXMDVQUDVibDJzWHNjT2JONVNVc3FzNDh6ckh0WGNpZzAzcmNsa0F5MmI0MkU5aUVRU0dMTnlaeXZtLWpCN3RYWFFOMTdlbDBxNTBCeTVsQjBNS0FNbEczdTdrR25DM3gtZkRuQT09 | 1,259 |
Hi friends
Due to some unfortunate life circumstances, I’m hoping to get away for the holidays (to forget about christmas, etc) and I’ve never been to Alaska and thought I might go there. Any thoughts on whether it’s a bad idea to travel there at this time ? Middle aged male, good shape, interested in nature and hiking and experiences, maybe even squeezing in some BJJ training once or twice if possible. Budget not a concern, within reason.
\- is winter very undesirable time to visit, especially alone?
\- would 4-5 days be worth it? Flying in from Chicago so about 10-12 hours flight looks like. Should I try to stay longer?
\- rent a car? Dont?
\- Any thoughts on a rough itinerary I can research?
Thanks my friends | r/alaskatravel | post | r/AlaskaTravel | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYMGkyN0ZjQ2RCVEtWaklNV09LeXc1MTUteTFNcXBxUl9LdWplSjg5VGNfYzIwMjRwN0dBYmtnRXYzWE9mWXROazJDQUlDYWdvVXZvOEtlaFRINGw3bEFRelBnMThTeDY5ck5kMk51VW1iOEE9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhU2JnMkgtZjRvb2JZemFRZG9pTjY3N0hNQlEyaEtBd2hNNV9HV2tGa3NoaGFSa1J1ZXROTDdiZUxRUEM1UnhCdF9UczFZUVpUdnJPNmJqRlBoenp0Y2RiOWJJM2pXT2lhTmc4SGRsRlk0Q2JqYmJ0Z0ZxYWRyb3VGZlJQRDhZX0wyZEREZ05hVVJja1Raa1FwV3hOSjBEeGdXcll5VkFNRElVcjlOSEFKS1ZGMDlkRTI4cG8tZkhKTURTTk14Um00ajBVQ21Yc0E5WkVMZ0kzUlFzZDFudz09 | 1,260 |
Does anyone have a recommendation who to call at this hour for no heat? Our boiler is clicking but not firing and our usual go-to places aren't working out. Ironically we had the annual servicing appointment scheduled for the 15th.
We have out own place near Clifton Park so no landlord to call but we're more recent in this neighborhood so haven't quite got the connections on who the go to is.
Any help is appreciated | r/albany | post | r/Albany | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYMjRZVFd3ajZHT0U5eGhycU1iMzBESHBXbDNSdlNzcHlma3BzY3NRNzE4YWV2LW1TQlkxV09ZdGoycUs5TEFMT2VSdXdoN0s4aURnNTZqYVlIOUxybVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhckpoNGFTRV9YX002bVUtdzdzbXBzT3I1cE5CX283NnRDUkRubWI5ek5zRVpsVkZadlhnMFlaS0RtNTlNSGloOTVRdUVFWExXdllRMHBMS0hvbzBOaGlfYW41NVN1RW5ZcVkweDYtd0hPbVZnOUdkcnp6ZUFWNllHeTk5S2NUQXN3U1ZHMDVhZzJnXzhPMUtXeER6d3ZnPT0= | 1,261 |
I hope the title doesn’t sound too ominous but I am in between jobs right now and really need to stop being a hermit and do something with this new found free time. That being said what are some fun things people like to do alone around the area? I don’t necessarily mean activities to make friends, more so just to fill my time. It can even be super niche stuff I’m into exploring new things and broadening my horizons! I’m also going to look into some volunteering so if anyone has any recommendations on that too i’m all ears! Thanks in advance :) | r/albany | post | r/Albany | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYUzdlVWdXbGo1LXhmcVhXTTVtTkFfeDdtakJsQ0p0eXhtUjFVRTZJN3dqVzVaY1haeTJ1bHIzTjloeVZxQ1hLNnJSdGFRZ09rVnF2aXZjc0ZrRllpSkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhZHRldDR6WF8tcFVFOFNvUklMcG9BZ0pGekVsU2tocHFfd04tWVRwSnhzTVNXd0JITDE3VzR3d1oxemlOZjA1Z0hadjBvR0lOYWJFd2pzb2FwV2FGU3dfbE5kVHo5VVdBQjVUN1BMVktQMG1LWUtmWHZmUkRPVThRd1NrVnlWd1dKMlQ4WjlvNnItNURqRUVIWWotRHo5bEZTdnctTk9NRWhScTluWC13Vjc2ZWJJeExxc3k4RjV1d2RZNU0zX3M4 | 1,262 |
Looking for a FWB/smoking buddy | r/albanynydiscreet | post | r/albanyNYdiscreet | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYa2FCWnhCTEp0Uy1fbU9KZl9OT2k1cU1VV0gtUzgtR2dBNGVMNEgwcmprS1pmeUdKampFaHByM1k2N0RMTzBpcVl3WFRQOHpaeG9fZ1dUbzlVOFBkYWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhNWxFUzlYMzZDNzJVWjM1clBHMXhrU05DeDhfQXdKSTN1aHFla0g4TldSbjU1Zno4TWVobm9Xc2Qta01CN2FBdWJIVVY0SmxvN1dCazhjc2lwSVNrbHlZcVFQYWs3MDR2aHJyQ0pBWThkVmE3TlVTWEdzYTlYNDhveTdHc1ZJSGFCQ0xyLUs0cjlrTjNEd1oyU2FGMV9nPT0= | 1,263 |
Hear me out- I was playing Kazuha and at an angle for some reason I saw Sid the sloth- do not ask me why, I have no idea, but I felt I must share this terrible “photoshop” (made in Ibis Paint X) I made after.. ignore my terrible signature, I’m not a great finger painter on phones -_- | r/albedoscreations | post | r/AlbedosCreations | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYRjZuLU1YNVdfUHZqbUcxS1pSU3gyeFUxd3ZQajN0UXA1OGEzNW1wVElLT0F3MTRvTFJwUm45aHBURTc5Q3RpdzhEX1MxblZBUXg2Ym56dXBMdnJuY0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhbGhrbUcwdmU4d280UEIzVXVNUlpOeVFTa3IweDN3Ym5TOV9ieGcxTDJWVzBleGY2MDdvTlg2aTBpem03QlFFVjhDa2NYdjA5bWtMelpfc0FrTGRoUG94ZU41Qm9nSWN3MFh2TWllUkhnNWlRdGQyRmh3TmdVMjQ0OTloN1JpUDdDT2VnWjRNcUhKR1U4OFpFQ2FsTlJUZko5MGpkMV9CazVObjV0VEd4SVE0PQ== | 1,265 |
[removed] | r/alberta | post | r/alberta | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYSnBna0R3ZC1Eek04YnZINjdzRkJtMzVMd0gxUHVCQl94S3MzdTdDOUxzQzJvelBZNnE0cmJXUFY0SFdScWtROVViUTZJNG1TRzNuV3FwXzlneEtCcFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhZ25xa3J6MHdGVUQxV2ZhOGVsWU9fU3dqalhtRV9tZVQwMnRRWnNmOEVIVDJCUFVjUTZxUEJVb3hUR1puOUZCQjRVTlE1dmVQUTd5RVZrVTBxNUp3dnVXMDROUzQ1ZjNkTkFzazZwWXYzS3JpVkJMZXZFc0dxX3d4Qkh6Nk1kaU1tbHY5OF9pRzhOTFU0ZTNTWFhkV2JSMVRCSVJKeGpqRUhFMlVJcFlqWHpVPQ== | 1,266 |
[removed] | r/alberta | post | r/alberta | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYbVp6d2MyWDFMSUUyRE51Y3Vqc3pDRmhWSkMtNXRhT3BESFQzQ3NZNDBxR3pBY1F5QzR4YUNjc2tLWWtwUmoxNjJNYTJIeWNzVDNzMExZV1NQYjNKaWtYUWNqR1pIeTdkeVJvX1VfTU5lSEk9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhRHdjVExIVTJ6NW9KTmZRVHBpaExRXzBvRWtwZThwSVVtUWhWd2ZRVlJDYkw1cC1WaGNYbkszZHVuamZEeHp3VGU5bmpkX3o1Y095aE5LNVMwNnV6ZjlkY1ZSNm56SEFScERWWkNLeXN5ZWk3LWJHY2MwZ3BqVXRfZ2NpcV90V0Vpa1UyNzhKY2ZBM0pCOHVoazZfUTUxZ1BWX2pEZnMzS2VONUtHYzhFaGpPTzR2dVRTM0xLRFhaa2FHLUZ2T2dO | 1,267 |
[removed] | r/alberta | post | r/alberta | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYYjBuMU1SWjlDNjlrSmJkbWtIdVo1bHI1WmdpQ090ZjlvM2UyT3k2UjVROENkMGRNYWxPR2hmWlZSU1pueF9PSkVxWEFjQm5RNV9faVdoVm9QU0F2aml0OGVhS2IzbmpjVC12eDZkVGtReWM9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhbmhnOGVfZnVFR25ESDdZWWZWN0RpcnRVTGxVSnVvcVFMam8zYy1FeDZzVXpzbXFHTnpmZmtEVV9zRTJjM1g0U0N2M25SMU05bkltRnk1ZHhUM3hnNUNfLXh3UmpFeTZfWUNRZmJ5TDRKcnRhaS1NT1BWdUJrbjAtaURHQzItN0RTZzJDTjhlaW1DUWtYS1lZLXlaQzhnOHFWd0hZci0tOXdOU3R1MFN5LXNGeEJGVU1SdEtILUZpLXN4Mk41SFJN | 1,269 |
I’m in Calgary and I have 2 years of automotive experience with an automotive service technology diploma. But I wanna move to HET more into off road and was wondering how the demand is for an apprenticeship and will my experience help with finding an apprenticeship for a HET off road shop or company??? | r/alberta | post | r/alberta | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYZ2x4RzBSZmlTUUFlRFBkYzlSU2lMRHFUSTFtMmdxT3hqUU5mS24zV2pCWVNTSlhybFZ6Zmp3WklJN1gzWFpBeHlJOVVkWEVQdk83MEhRWi1yZ3Q2dHRaOXpWODg1R0tpTlBfTjZZQjFpZFU9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhRy1pbmQycndwYU5Db0xzaHZFeXFDWmlpTjJRbDlWMDdKNDZhZ1BkZXdNUzZfU0dQQjRzQTIwUUMydXBBU1JXUGpDUVA2LXVZMUsxeEJ3dVIxLW5SclMtNHhiMkpja3BsYW0ycHZldFBqaUl5ZmdEaTNDeHdYMzZfNHVXZTZPb0NmUGFjZ0RhUjFQM1hrTEFPaTZBYzdOU1BiMzdZTktjREhDVExaRHFhZkVjPQ== | 1,270 |
Want to experiment, can someone show me how? So many flakes... | r/albertajobuds | post | r/AlbertaJObuds | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYVXRmYTd0RmM2S296Q041NDNXdzgwZUNUbkZUS2ZaVUFfVThHQVA5RFN4RHZObEppMVJmYVNmMWJBQVNucndQUGlYZ2dmTEEtSGJwd3l6T0kxRW5tYWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhOVlQVVFMQ0JpY2QxQVlVbE9YWXZFdktLZXhzRS1UcTNabnVSQWdIb0k4cm9OZkRuWWt3MzFtZGhZUkZOaVU1VWJ2WXRqV0JGbGdkWDRDREhobG01eEM0OUtkaGxVazdGR3ZDX2hZSWhHOU1XR3hWaGV3ZnFzSFZyWU43UG1qRGNZSS1qRWExTWt1bXFtZTJwTDhvT1U4Nkl3dGxSVldQTlFGTWhtR2VYaFVvPQ== | 1,272 |
Sexting, pics, getting dirty..cumming it’s all fun!! | r/albertajobuds | post | r/AlbertaJObuds | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYT0o3ejdPd09zb0xrSTdwVHJWZXQ1V0dBU19kQVhRQlVPWUhFTVhjbGtLQVA5RVI5Z1M5ZDhCbUxxQ1BRVHJ1LU9aTlNDalQ4OTk4Y0dIc2lyWmxFSzI1NzhHNF9Ebmo0cDA5NElfakd5Rnc9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhSmhIalBGMDN1Q3ZYWllvM0VQR09PczFQNjRWYnJ2OENvWWZfbEdKaE5oVXR2Y3VvU3Qxa1BkM3ZLazJaNE1DUlFYdF9iNTVDUXphbEhYUHhZR21ENlEtOWY3X1VvcUJwdzJaazVtVmpWNlhuOVNEaUlUc0FLVW9lYUh2dC1xYTJQX1FSN2FwckpfenlQeWMyTm5LVVZMTC1hTlhsZDhqWWtpZm44Y1Jic0ZQWkFZY0p6YzVDZG5MUFo1bXY2ZDdD | 1,273 |
🏴☠️ Join The Jolly Rogerz! 🏴☠️ Are ye ready to set sail on the high seas of gaming greatness? The Jolly Rogerz be seekin' hearty souls to join our crew and plunder the digital realms. We be a tight-knit band of pirates, united by the love of treasure, camaraderie, and a fair bit of mischief.
🔱Why Set Sail With Us?🔱
Tired of large groups running you over, playing solo, or being drained in ZVZ fights for someone else’s political war?
We are the group for you, we are a group of vets who take in new guys and train you up with real world black zone experience, to teach efficient fame farming and even money methods. We are a small scale pvp 1300+ IP guild, fighting both in Ava Roads and Open World. We are pushing for the season who are willing to put in the work and time to grow and have fun!
Money 💵💷💴💶
ALLIANCE TERRY AVA HO \~ T8 Crafting Stations
Black market runs weekly
T8 equiv Regears
Premium Giveaways & More
📯 Content 📯
PrimeTime: 20:00 to 04:00 utc
Small scale, Ganking, Fame Farming
Outposts & Chests
Black Zone GVG
Weekly fame farming
AVA Roads PVP & PVE Weekly
Terry Grab every restart day with alliance
Faction Warfare with Fort Sterling Official Server
Non-Lethal Crystal Arena
Featuring an FSO Shotcaller you may know and come to love: CrownMorningstar is at the helm of our swabby crew!
⚓️Requirements to Board:⚓️
Speak and Understand English!
Non mandatory content, but with a week of no joining, you're walking the plank! (Unless you give leadership a heads up)
Level-headed pirates with a sense for humor and willingness to learn.
Discord be our mandatory ship's communication hub. Have a mic handy, but not mandatory.
Open to all …. for now.
By The Leadership of The Jolly Rogerz
[]( []( | r/albionguilds | post | r/AlbionGuilds | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYNlNlRXlTY1Q2Q3RzVGxsUTdYVGVGbkpaZGRDM3VqaHQ0N0Y4SVZGYXI5X3N5YUNQUTVjQjhLSzg0V1lPWENaLXNucDJEb1g3TGxhLVF4R1VkdjNTUG1Sb2tLNDVNNG1yamdfUG90b0d4NGM9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRheVZWZVpldXpwZmNhcnd2YWt5VndWLWEzZ0oxaHhyMVJIRUx4MGl0REFFeDRLczJZSFlQelJ1ZmpXYWJidVVnMnJ3R2lHR2Nwd2haMUgxOGtSbHNxWjZPU3ozdzROT0VwbmRTQVFleFJlSC1lakoxcHpxWV9RelRNOWRBRFN0RFc3UmJYdVhmYnVsZ3pZSGpxSEpyYVRiOFF2LTFyd2RpY1A1VEtudnNzcUlIckEzZldfdnYxRmdDQ2R4eGE2cF9rRm93Z09QbTk5MnpKZDFKOEhpaFZoZz09 | 1,279 |
[removed] | r/albiononline | post | r/albiononline | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYTVFVRExWRThrdXAtaEpIcUFEM3pYOTVFZVdlRTRWbjduTlltelMtOW1uOXItWVU2YTZweW5mNmFaU2JFWUFJUjNMVThIZ3NVYkY1QllGRVFHU0ttbXFmczlzR1BVY0ZXQmhybWh3QkpOaDg9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhNTQ3Z0ROc0VuMmVtdEZhQjNqYmJ0N2FWbnc0dXRRNlBQRjdmVU55NkVTczdIamxXMjd5Q3VHZHZLVWE2UE9XNlcwd29BSWttS1FENjZ3X0stQVdtd1V6X29LRTg5UU42NFFjVUxYNlJydTVfQjFzeTdNTV9Jd1dUc21PNzJhNlE5WDFEV3lTaXRhUURRTHRUT3FtVmp1VERGNDJ2bjlidGtGbjl6WXJfZTRJPQ== | 1,280 |
Do everyone ever get that scenario where you’re gathering and you bug out and can’t mount up, stuck gathering while you’re getting ganked. | r/albiononline | post | r/albiononline | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYQ2d2M0xQc3k1RHlsVTYyTnRHdV9jRndldlB3OE42amp5LWNheEZGZHR3S0V6dXdoRDVOQUdyZUY0RVZrSWUwOEZKNWZuX1RuQWxvclQ0dUtfai14WkVmelVSLU9MN2tMQmM1VWtEOUt2UFU9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhYVp1QkhVWmJzQk5zdnpZeVc0VF9PdThVT3RNaUpqYjlfLXkzdGZIZk04a0plVm1pYWhaNjJjMU0tQjRQX2N4bjJJaE1LZGMxTWxOTXh6ZUNxenNTaGJWWnVlU1k4UDlucGY1QmxpV0VYTHZzbGhVckxkVnNibXVBVVdtVjEyaHYtekQtczFlSzJvYjFvM2FFRy05SWJEWC1KWWk3elgybkdfUC1aSm5YY0JVZjNpUnVzNHlJeXVHVU9VNFlFWGVr | 1,281 |
Is anyone else bothered that the camps just randomly despawn for no reason before the timer starts counting down? Me and my guildmates were doing a group camp in the Black zone and got a legendary group chest but the thing despawned right when we went up to grab it... Then a timer started counting down from like 20 after the chest and all the mobs despawned... Wtf like really? My team worked our asses off to not only clear the camp but fight other parties off too just to have that pulled out from under us... Talk about a really shit thing to happen. Why the hell do the camps despawn? It literally doesn't do anything besides giving people less content... We go in there looking for fights and if their bare we get nothing but wasted time. I'm already on a short gaming time so just seems 100% pointless to make them despawn. | r/albiononline | post | r/albiononline | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYdzJJQnM4UmtQSDh2aUt5emNKYmlJMzFzc1Vka1ZZTWtWMmdFNlFMZXNOWXNRNE1qOW16cnBHWnlXNHFoY0UzRzlGV1J0eTExM3ZuaEFsdXJ2YmRaeDdsbU9iV2lBOG5qNi11NUFtOVBCVHM9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhemJiX3dMZncwVU1JdHVtUHBfaEQ5U2x0ODdxRlZReVRzUmtra2gyTGxLYlhuZU5JbVFnb0F4WXRuajlCd042VllyZzhXbTFIMmJ4bmp6VG9fX182V0YtLUJmUlQwQUwwTUs3SDMwcEEybWZ2VzlNcHlMMGF6SVZudnlCMFVaY2RUeldERHlqMWsxLXNIekJlM2lEQ3B2R1ktTXdWWFZLZEZySlYzT1BtY2U5c1hFdDBkRXRvdTczakVoTmY0TlVu | 1,282 |
🏴☠️ Join The Jolly Rogerz! 🏴☠️
Are ye ready to set sail on the high seas of gaming greatness? The Jolly Rogerz be seekin' hearty souls to join our crew and plunder the digital realms. We be a tight-knit band of pirates, united by the love of treasure, camaraderie, and a fair bit of mischief.
🔱Why Set Sail With Us?🔱
Tired of large groups running you over, playing solo, or being drained in ZVZ fights for someone else’s political war?
We are the group for you, we are a group of vets who take in new guys and train you up with real world black zone experience, to teach efficient fame farming and even money methods. We are a small scale pvp 1300+ IP guild, fighting both in Ava Roads and Open World. We are pushing for the season who are willing to put in the work and time to grow and have fun!
Money 💵💷💴💶
AVA HO ~ T8 Crafting Stations
Black market runs weekly
T8 equiv Regears
Premium Giveaways & More
📯 Content 📯
PrimeTime: 20:00 to 04:00 utc
Small scale, Ganking, Fame Farming
Outposts & Chests
Black Zone GVG
Weekly fame farming
Terry Grab every restart day with alliance
Faction Warfare with Fort Sterling Official Server
Non-Lethal Crystal Arena
Featuring an FSO Shotcaller you may know and come to love: CrownMorningstar is at the helm of our swabby crew!
⚓️Requirements to Board:⚓️
Speak and Understand English!
Non mandatory content, but with a week of no joining, you're walking the plank! (Unless you give leadership a heads up)
Level-headed pirates with a sense for humor and willingness to learn.
Discord be our mandatory ship's communication hub.
Have a mic handy, but not mandatory.
Open to all …. for now.
By The Leadership of The Jolly Rogerz | r/albiononline | post | r/albiononline | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYUnlMeHRlcm1tTXBxT05ZbnJlMXhKenkyaUxWZWhVWjBRN3dMYzNSbm9OSzduWUdwMl9sdEc3WWZmVkNWT1RvTjExSVJncEpfU21BLUcxcEFtc0thZ1hfYkV1TTZuRzMzQVU2eXJCWVo3aDA9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhX1VVVHBBdlJoUEp5aldNQnRSZGhOM2JIdGhpSl9fekx5azFWbFRsMzd3dWtlZTF4aHZWYkc2bnN4MkZNTEZuOHcwOXRudmdkREVDUS1zUVhBTFVKMjYxekVGcldsN1ZKMWdfSHZ6SFhrWEFDOEVrVkE2M2ZZbnpsV0xia1hDcnM4RmNWMUVBQi1GVkE5N3hPOHVkMGdpdW5tcXBQd2pZTXJUakhjclhlcVM3a095NDRFNVhHd1ZXaTFoOEttQUV0VW53RlYtaHpCTFlYanBDb0lxdy00UT09 | 1,283 |
[deleted] | r/albumsofpetites | post | r/albumsofpetites | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYaUxyTkk2SXV0TGdBd0g3VW9wZGt1X1FGOC1Xb2I1b2lMSlp6OUxCX05LMFJVZ1JSNTcyLW5XemtCbVJJTE52WnhGdEw2eXJIQWp2TGZsaG1KREhiLWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhbF8wNzlhQW85akxZWnhaV2Q2LWx2TEpnRVhmS1NsblBkZVU4RkpOQ3lwQmREbVlDM0VTSjRkNDQyYWk1bkVZUTNFS1BBYzNrX1VmYW1QcTFzQmx4NE5na0ZXTVB0bTNYZ2VMZ3BtbEZjVF9sVi12M2N0bFF5MmpfVE80LXVWZGtnMHpPdkJJZExsb1c4N1drY3k4NjN0S2JjUmM4cmRYcE9NLVpxVWRjbG9NPQ== | 1,284 |
Please vote! | r/albuquerque | post | r/Albuquerque | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYR19PeGVEaDl3QVFLTFdtaTdjTlpMQkFsYVliSlFqX3VINzNCM3JnZXRSZ1N1S2lSbGN5ODJ0ZTJSVmF2MXk1Y05aSVF2SEc5VWFhVHBIR2F6dTBBT1d0SjRHTnc0RlBISFJsa19rVTNXam89 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhR3YxYlItbVB4ellnd1Z4WGo0SVJfVFUzWnpmYkpqQUcyYmgyUkFpdUozbm55bk9VRUd3eXZzd0h3d2RLNVpNTXAzeXJVaVozZkdGMDhYQ3Jad2FqR05DR1ZrbEpWVHZiWXR2Q2NMazBDSHltdzBxMThvLW5wWERMbEVWTFVYYUh5eHFkT1p0MURpajJULTlGLW54OGdBenB6ak5Gd3pOZmx4U3VOejMwUVczRGtQSFZmaGtYMXRUQVA5aFlHSlRa | 1,287 |
Who the hell decided it would be a great idea to practice lighting off big ass fireworks behind the UNM stadium random nights after dark? All these outskirts areas… | r/albuquerque | post | r/Albuquerque | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYUm1jMzNHOTduQkYzOGlqNkppeTJCS0NYTEw4Y3NqbjVqT0o3MXdPQ0I5akhfcHZkQ3ZkVjNWMExyUEstMlFCTElvUVo3SHhIUDVNcS1HdTFsSjZEcVFlRG9HdGtJTkVoSmVsQTROMTdlNm89 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhNENhVVJleWVrbzJ5a3BReFJmVS1XSHNOU0Y4d1hEd21VLVpGVVdzRGVqaG5TR3U5RDhId1hNNTZQcFh4enVhUFlMbFlxV09JdS1iQnJVcEx5ZV93UURCRFJ4QXQwMzhCRVBJcVVUSEh2cjVaZXJJRUNsYkx0SDBKZjRsMkZ0NGNYOFVZYk1xNHBOaE1KVlpTbnliVFdNS3ZlT0pYMS1FVTdOTDIzUVI2b1ljPQ== | 1,288 |
I think we as a community of Not going backwards to the 1980s Need a Harris Train of trucks to show Mamala our support ❤️ | r/albuquerque | post | r/Albuquerque | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYclNaa2Z3U1ZHU2RSVlB3eU9VaTZKbWF3S1Ywd1ZLejU0TWo1UzhfWHRwWExhM3o2dGR1a0hyYXFsSmFValY1Sk1iT3dvRFJ6aHpJamN5U3RKeXlLUVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhTDVCM0M1dmhvRWhOMDlrTkgzSG81XzdUeVZOaDVEbHA2REpZMnoyMmFCR1BydEYzS1VMbUg0Rm5qSFc2YzZoaXRVS3puNHBSS1RnQW1OVlFkZlhkMGdTNGpWanFqSmF5T3d0U09qSnVUSFpMS3l6WjJOQUtDbW5JRXpfSW51R2ZmVlJfMFhPVjdkMVgwdUQxZ1hKRUtuMU5neTBEeGVPX0VqbEphN3g1YktaMGFHM1VoRzlqQ0JabXhsTkZLUnJXUkRvdnJiY1J0eVFncmZHQjBFLWY3Zz09 | 1,289 |