Nesidioblastoma is due to hyperplasia of?
[ "Alpha cell", "Beta cell", "Acinus", "D cells" ]
In the treatment of undiagnosed megaloblastic anemia, vitamin B12 and folic acid should be given together because :
[ "Vitamin B12 acts as a cofactor for dihydrofolate reductase", "Folic acid alone causes improvement of anemic symptoms but neurological dysfunction continues.", "Vitamin B12, deficiency may result in methylfolate trap", "Folic acid is required for conversion of methylmalonyl CoA to succinyl CoA." ]
Shape memory in NiTi is because of stress induced form
[ "Austenite to martensite", "Martensite to austenite", "Ferrite to austenite", "Austenite to ferrite" ]
Most common cause of neonatal meningitis –
[ "Staphylococcus", "E. coli", "H. influenze", "Pneumococcus" ]
Adduction of thumb occurs at:
[ "Inter carpal joint", "MCP joint", "Carpometacarpal joint", "Inter phalangeal joint" ]
Meniere's disease is characterised by:
[ "Conductive hearing loss and tinnitus", "Vertigo, ear discharge, tinnitus and headache", "Vertigo, tinnitus, hearing loss and headache", "Vertigo, tinnitus and hearing loss" ]
Influenza virus causes new epidemic by (3-5 yrs) -
[ "Antigenic drift", "Antigenic shift", "Cyclic trends", "Mosaicsm" ]
All of the following are causes of pneumoperitoneum except -
[ "Perforated peptic ulcer", "Laproscopic Procedure", "Perforated Appendix", "Hirschsprung's Disease" ]
Hypercalcemia related to malignancy is seen in which of the following cancers?
[ "Multiple myeloma", "Lung carcinoma", "Carcinoma breast", "All the above" ]
Which of the following is not used for procuring criminal aboion
[ "Ripe fruit of papaya", "Saffron", "Seeds of carrot", "Unripe fruit of pineapple" ]
Chromosome associated with ADPKD
[ "14 and 16", "14 and 13", "16 and 14", "16 and 14" ]
Best treatment of 3 weeks old, fracture shaft femur with nonunion is -
[ "Bone graft with internal fixation", "External fixation", "Internal fixation only", "Prosthesis" ]
Down’s cephalometric analysis of a patient reveals a high mandibular plane angle. Which of the following landmarks are used for the construction of the mandibular plane in this analysis?
[ "Go-Me", "Go-Gn", "Tangent to the lower most border of the mandible", "Me-antegonial notch" ]
Which is not true of malaria Eradication programmea) Started in 1953b) Modified plan started in 1970c) Incidence was 2 million cases in 1958d) Incidence decreased to 50,000 in 1961
[ "ab", "a", "ad", "bc" ]
Which is a immunological marker of type I diabetes?
[ "Anti-endothelial antibody", "GAD", "Anti-saccharomyces antibody", "None of the above" ]
Katayama fever is seen in
[ "Schistosoma Mansoni", "Schistosoma japonicum", "S. haematobium", "S. mekongi" ]
A year 6 old child with IQ of 50. Which of the following can the child do -
[ "Identify colours", "Read a sentence", "Ride a bicycle", "Copy a triangle" ]
Histogram is used to describe-
[ "Quantitative data of a group of patients", "Qualitative data of a group of patients", "Data collected on nominal scale", "Data collected on ordinal scale" ]
True about calcium in kidney is
[ "Most reabsorption occurs in DCT", "Major regulating factor is parathormone", "Parathormone decreases calcium absorption", "Increased plasma phosphate decreases calcium resorption" ]
All are causing hypothyroidism except:
[ "PAS", "Captopril", "Lithium", "Amiodarone" ]
All are cluster B personality disorders except?
[ "Antisocial", "Narcissistic", "Avoidant", "Borderline" ]
Chancre redux is a clinical feature of
[ "Early relapsing syphilis", "Late syphilis", "Chancroid", "Recurrent herpes simplex infection" ]
All of the following are features of prematurity in a neonate, except –
[ "No creases on sole", "Abundant lanugo", "Thick ear cartilage", "Empty scrotum" ]
Features of systemic sclerosis include all of the following, Except:
[ "Calcinosis", "Sclerodactyly", "Hyperpigmentation (Melanin deposition)", "More common in young patients" ]
The most recent direct filling gold which produces the hardest surface on condensation is
[ "Mat gold", "Encapsulated powered gold", "Mat gold alloyed with calcium and wrapped in gold foil", "Platinized gold" ]
A child presented in the casualty with fever, unconscious & papilloedema. What next to the done –
[ "Intubation", "Oxygenation", "CT scan", "All of these" ]
True about severe barbiturate poisoning except -
[ "Hypothermia", "Hypertension", "Coma", "Non-reactive pupil" ]
Most common neoplasm of appendix is
[ "Pseudomyxoma peritonei", "Adenocarcinoma", "Carcinoid", "Lymphoma" ]
Contraindication of Coitus interruptus is:
[ "Erectile dysfunction", "Perimenopausal age", "Premature ejaculation", "Illiterate male paner" ]
Inversion and eversion occurs at which joint
[ "Subtalar and midtarsal", "Calcaneo navicular", "Midtarsal", "Calcaneocuboid only" ]
Hypermability of joint and hyperelasticity is seen in -
[ "Marfan syndrome", "Ehlers danlos syndrome", "Fragile X-syndrome", "Angelman syndrome" ]
Burnt rope smell is due to poisoning of ?
[ "Cannabis", "Chloral hydrate", "Bhang", "Charas" ]
Which organ does not utilise ketone bodies:
[ "Liver", "Brain", "Skeletal muscles", "Cardiac muscles" ]
The following drug is effective in treatment of ptyriasis versicolor -
[ "Ketoconazole", "Metronidazole", "Griseofulvin", "Chloroquine" ]
Vision 2020 "The right to sight" includes all except
[ "Trachoma", "Epidemic conjunctivitis", "Cataract", "Onchocerciasis" ]
All of the following statements are true about congenital rubella except-
[ "It is diagnosed when the infant has IgM antibodies at bih", "It is diagnosed when Ig G antibodies persist for more than 6 months", "M.C. congenital defects are deafness, cardiac malformation and cataract", "Infection after 16 weeks of gestation result in major congenital defects" ]
Black malarial pigment is seen in: September 2009
[ "P.vivax", "P.falciparum", "P.nialariae", "P.ovlae" ]
The given karyotype is seen in which of the following syndrome?
[ "Angelman syndrome", "Fragile x syndrome", "Turner syndrome", "Cri du chat syndrome" ]
A 40-year-old male with h/o progressive dysphagia for liquid has dilated esophagus on barium meal. Most likely cause is
[ "Achalasia cardia", "Cancer at cardia", "Ca esophagus", "Carcinoma gastric fundus" ]
Secondary glaucoma in early stage of herpes zoster ophthalmlcus occurs due to
[ "Trabeculitis", "Hypersecretion of aqueous humour", "Haemorrhagic hypopyon", "lridocyclitis" ]
First class judicial magistrate can give punishment upto
[ "1 year", "3 years", "7 years", "10 years" ]
Which statement is false about allosteric regulation?
[ "It is usually the mode of regulation for the last step in reaction pathways", "Cellular response is faster with allosteric control than by controlling enzyme concentration in the cell", "The regulation usually is impoant to the conservation of energy and materials in cells", "Allosteric modulators bind non-covalently at sites other than the active site and induce conformational changes in the enzyme" ]
Most common part of spine affected by Rheumatoid arthritis is?
[ "Lumbar spine", "Thoracic spine", "Cervical spine", "Sacrum" ]
In treatment of osteosarcoma, all of the following are used EXCEPT:
[ "High dose methotrexate", "Cyclophosphamide", "Vincristine", "Doxorubicin" ]
Lowering of the following parameter indicates acute malnutrition:
[ "Weight for age", "Weight for height", "Height for age", "BMI" ]
Visible range of electromagnetic spectrum of human eye
[ "370 - 740 nm", "740- 1140 nm", "200 - 370 nm", "200 - 370 nm" ]
A 20-year-old man presents with dysuria, urgency, and urethral discharge. Physical examination shows suppurative urethritis, with redness and swelling at the urethral meatus. Which of the following is the most likely etiology of urethritis in this patient?
[ "Borrelia recurrentis", "Chlamydia trachomatis", "Haemophilus ducreyi", "Neisseria gonorrhoeae" ]
Cholesterol present in LDL
[ "Represents primarily cholesterol that is being removed from peripheral cells", "Binds to a receptor and diffuses across the cell membrane", "On accumulation in the cell inhibits replenishment of LDL receptors", "When enters a cell, suppresses activity of acyl-CoA; cholesterol acytransferase ACAT" ]
Which of the following drug does not act on neuromuscular junction?
[ "Succinylcholine", "Dantrolene", "Vecuronium", "Mivacurium" ]
Pernicious anemia associated with -
[ "Gastric pathology", "Renal pathology", "Esophageal pathology", "Oral pathology" ]
Feature of shock lung is?
[ "Diffuse alveolar damage", "Usual interstitial pneumonitis", "Organizing pneumonia", "Bronchilolitis" ]
Preferred imaging modality for choanal atresia is-
[ "X ray", "CT SCAN", "MRI", "PET SCAN" ]
Which has lowest incubation period
[ "Mumps", "Influenza", "Measles", "Chicken pox" ]
Dimorphic fungus:
[ "Candida", "Histoplasma", "Rhizopus", "Mucor" ]
Irreversible injury is due to
[ "Decrease in ATP", "Defective membrane function", "Myelin figures", "Cellular swelling" ]
Diffusion hypoxia is seen with which drug:
[ "Nitrous oxide", "Ketamine", "Theophylline", "Halothane" ]
Best management of open fracture is:
[ "Debridement", "External fixation", "Internal fixation", "Tourniquet" ]
Which of the following cells Contain organelles needed for the secretion of a proteinaceous product
[ "Pyramidal cells of the pancreatic acini", "Chief cells of the stomach", "Serous-Secreting cells of the parotid gland", "Fibroblast" ]
What is the narrowest pa of the respiratory tract in children?
[ "Glottis", "Subglottic area", "Trachea", "Carina" ]
Soil may act as a reservoir for all except-
[ "Tetanus", "Anthrax", "Brucellosis", "Coccidioidomycosis" ]
Which inhalational agent is best uterine relaxant?
[ "Halo thane", "Isoflurane", "Sevofiurane", "Desflurane" ]
High or low fistula in ano are divided by which of the following
[ "Anorectal ring", "Anal canal", "External anal spincter", "Dentate line" ]
The following statements concerning the abdominal part of the sympathetic trunk are not true except:
[ "It enters the abdomen behind the lateral arcuate ligament", "The trunk passes in 6 segmentally arranged ganglia", "All the ganglia receive white rami communicantes", "Gray rami communicantes are given off to the lumbar spinal nerves" ]
A 75-year-old man is found by his internist to have an asymptomatic carotid bruit. The best initial diagnostic examination would be
[ "Transcranial Doppler studies", "Doppler ultrasonography (duplex)", "Spiral CT angiography", "Arch aortogram with selective carotid artery injections" ]
A 46-year-old man presents with diffuse chest pain at rest and recent history of cough, fever and rhinor - rhea lasting for 3 days.
[ "Acute pericarditis", "Constrictive pericarditis", "Takotsubo-cardiomyopathy", "Cor pulmonale" ]
Minimum alveolar concentration (MAC) of an anesthetic agent means it produces lack of reflex response to skin incision in____ of subjects.
[ "25%", "50%", "75%", "100%" ]
Zinc dose in 8 months infants
[ "10 mg/kg x 10 days", "20 mg/kg x 10 days", "10 mg/kg x 14 days", "20 mg/kg x 14 days" ]
A patient with Ca endometrium has > 50% myometrial invasion and vaginal metastasis. Pelvic and retroperitoneal lymph nodes are not involved. Peritoneal seedings are +ve. The stage is:
[ "IIIa", "IIIb", "IIIc1", "IIIc2" ]
True statement about phase 2 clinical trials is:
[ "Large number of healthy volunteers are studied", "Used to determine maximum tolerated dose", "Used to determine efficacy", "Used to determine toxicity" ]
Underwater autopsy of the hea is done in cases of: DNB 09
[ "Myocardial infarction", "Pulmonary embolism", "Air embolism", "Pneumothorax" ]
What is the effect of doubling the diameter of a cantilever spring?
[ "Strength increases by 4 times, Springiness increases by 8 times", "Strength decreases by 4 times, Springiness decreases by 8 times", "Strength decreases by 8 times, Springiness increases by 16 times", "Strength increases by 8 times, Springiness decreases by 16 times" ]
Which of the following has highest potential to cause metabolic syndrome?
[ "Clozapine", "Risperidone", "Quetiapine", "Aripiprazole" ]
The maximum dosage of local anesthetic agent like lidocaine must be reduced when used in combination with a CNS and/respiratory depressant because, it may result in:
[ "Seizures", "Coma", "Death", "All of the above" ]
Duchnne's muscular dystrophy -
[ "X-linked dominant", "X - linked recessive", "Autosomal dominant", "Autosomal recessive" ]
Vector for Zika virus disease is:
[ "Anopheles stephensi", "Phelebotomus", "Aedes Aegypti", "Culex" ]
Commonest cause of non engagement at term, in primi is:
[ "CPD", "Hydramnios", "Brow presentation", "Breech" ]
Aberrant thyroid tissue may be found in all except:
[ "Lingual thyroid", "Thyroglossal ectopic thyroid", "Struma ovarii", "None" ]
Side effects of zidovudine-
[ "Headache", "Myalgia", "Granulocytopenia", "Rashes" ]
Hemiballismus is due to lesion in?
[ "Ipsilateral Caudate nucleus", "Contralateral sub-thalamic lesion", "Contralateral Putamen", "Ipsilateral sub-thalamic lesion" ]
Which one of the following is used in Cardiovascular imaging?
[ "Second generation CT", "Third generation CT", "Spiral CT", "Multidetector CT" ]
Insulin is essential for entry of glucose in which of the following tissue:
[ "Most neurons in cerebral cortex", "Renal tubular cells", "Skeletal muscles", "Mucosa of small intestine" ]
Useful diagnostic studies in the evaluation of upper-extremity pain include all of the following, EXCEPT:
[ "Cervical spine x-rayChest X-ray", "Chest X-ray", "Neural conduction studies of the median nerve", "Adson's test" ]
Sperm acquires motility in ?
[ "Seminal vesicle", "Testes", "Epididymis", "Ejaculatory duct" ]
Management of Osteoradionecrosis would be:
[ "Hyperbaric oxygen", "Removal of sequestrum", "Fluoride application", "All of the above" ]
Which of the following maternal complication during pregnancy result in giving bih to a large baby?
[ "Anaemia", "Cardiac disease", "Gestational diabetes", "Gestational hypeension" ]
The part of nephron "least permeable to water" is
[ "Proximal tubule", "Descending Limb of loop of Henle", "Ascending limb of loop of Henle", "Collecting tubule" ]
Mallory's hyaline is seen in ?
[ "Hepatitis C infection", "Amoebic liver abscess", "Indian childhood cirrhosis", "Autoimmune hepatitis" ]
Farmers lung is caused by -
[ "Micromonospore faenia", "Aspergillosis", "Histoplasma capsulatam", "All of the above" ]
Mr. Ramesh a business man has taken multiple bank loans from a nationalized bank and unable to make payments. He has been brought for psychiatric evaluation as recently he has been denying any memory of taking loans from the bank. Interestingly, all other memory functioning is pretty intact. This is suggestive of:
[ "Dissociative amnesia", "Dissociative fugue", "Dissociative identity disorder", "Dissociative autonomic dysfunction" ]
A 55-year-old man is admitted to the hospital for an iliofemoral bypass. The operation is performed successfully and the blood flow between the iliac and femoral arteries is restored. During rehabilitation which of the following arteries should be palpated to monitor good circulation of the lower limb?
[ "Anterior tibial", "Deep fibular (peroneal)", "Deep plantar", "Dorsalis pedis" ]
The most common malignant neoplasm of infancy is:
[ "Malignant teratoma", "Neuroblastoma", "Wilms' tumor", "Hepatoblastoma" ]
Chorionic villous sampling done before 10 weeks may result in:
[ "Fetal loss", "Fetomaternal hemorrhage", "Oromandibular limb defects", "Sufficient material not obtained" ]
Which one of the following is not associated with a high reticulocyte count ?
[ "Acute bleed", "Haemolytic anaemia", "Megaloblastic anaemia", "Response to treatment in nutrition deficiency anaemia" ]
Most immunogenic Typhoid antigen
[ "O antigen", "H antigen", "Vi antigen", "Somatic antigen" ]
Erenumab was approved by FDA in 2018 for
[ "Phenylketonuria", "Migraine", "Hypeension", "Glycogen storage disorders" ]
Site of maximum bicarbonate absorption-
[ "Proximal convoluted tubule", "Distal convoluted tubule", "Cortical collecting duct", "Medullary collecting duct" ]
Mediastinal lymph node calcification is seen in which one of the following ?a) Metastatic neoplasmb) Lymphomac) Sarcoidosisd) Bronchiectasis
[ "a", "c", "ac", "bc" ]
True statement about PPV is:
[ "It increases with prevalence", "It decreases with prevalence", "No relation with prevalence", "Increases incidence" ]
Cephalic index is used for determination of?
[ "Sex", "Race", "Height", "Stature" ]
Severe painful sensorimotor and autonomic neuropathy along with alopecia may suggest poisoning with:
[ "Thallium", "Arsenic", "Lead", "Copper" ]