In ICDAS — II, score 2 indicates?
[ "First enamel visual change", "Distinct enamel change", "Microcavitation", "Underlying dentin shadow" ]
What is the pattern of inheritance in the given pedigree chart
[ "Holandric inheritance", "Mitochondrial inheritance", "X linked dominant inheritance", "Autosomal donminant inheritance" ]
Pharyngeconjunctival fever is caused by -
[ "Adenovirus 3 and 7", "Adenovirus 11, 21", "Adenovirus 40, 41", "Adenovirus 8, 19" ]
IQ = 51 –
[ "Mild MR", "Moderate MR", "Severe MR", "Profound MR" ]
All of the following are example of nominal scale except:
[ "Race", "Sex", "Body weight", "Socio-economic status" ]
All of the following are essential criteria for defining perinatal asphyxia EXCEPT?
[ "Persistence of APGAR score of 5-7 for >5 minutes", "Prolonged umbilical aerial blood pH <7.0", "Presence of neurological manifestations in the immediate neonatal period", "Evidence of multiorgan dysfunction in the immediate neonatal period" ]
All of the following are drugs for ATT except ?
[ "Kanamycin", "Cycloserine", "5-flucytosine", "Ofloxacin" ]
Which of the following are acid fast positive with 20% sulphuric acid:
[ "M. avium", "M. leprae", "M. tuberculosis", "Nocardia" ]
True about measles –
[ "Koplik spot appears in prodromal stage", "Fever stops after onset of rash", "Vaccine given at 9 month", "All the above" ]
In acute knee injuries with swelling and hemahrosis with muscle spasm, which of the following tests in most sensitive to detect anterior cruciate ligament injury?
[ "Lachman's test", "Pivot shift test", "Apley's grinding test", "Anterior drawer test" ]
Which of the following antitubercular drugs do not need to be adjusted in presence of renal failure ?
[ "Rifampicin", "INH", "Ethambutol", "Pyrazinamide" ]
An acutely ill 18-year-old female is brought to the emergency depament. The patient is febrile and markedly hypotensive, and her mental status is obtunded. Numerous petechial and purpuric hemorrhages are scattered over the trunk, and aspiration of a lesion reveals neutrophils engulfing gram-negative diplococci. Serum sodium is markedly decreased, and serum potassium is increased. Coagulation testing reveals increased prothrombin time, activated paial thromboplastin time, and fibrin-fibrinogen split products. Which of the following is most likely?
[ "Conn syndrome", "Hyperprolactinoma", "Neuroblastoma", "Waterhouse-Friderichsen syndrome" ]
Which of the following is an example of a reverse transcriptase?
[ "Gyrase", "Helicase", "Telomerase", "RNA polymerase" ]
Amino acid used in the synthesis of purines ?
[ "Glycine", "Ornithine", "Alanine", "Threonine" ]
Which of the following is true about Non-specific interstitial pneumonia?
[ "Early appearance of honey combing on CT", "Males are affected more commonly than female", "Common in elderly age group", "Associated with good prognosis" ]
Deep branch of ulnar nerve supplies
[ "Adductor pollicis", "Flexor digitorum superficialis", "1st Lumbrical", "2nd Lumbrical" ]
Larvae of Ascaris lumbricoidis most commonly causes?
[ "Cardiac symptoms", "Respiratory symptoms", "Genitourinary symptoms", "Cerebral symptoms" ]
Acute adrenal insufficiency can present as
[ "Acute abdomen with abdominal tenderness, nausea, vomiting and fever", "Neurologic disease with decreased responsiveness progressing to stupor and coma", "Hypovolemic shock", "All of the above." ]
OATP 1B1/2 gene mutation is seen in
[ "Gilbert syndrome", "Rotor syndrome", "Crigler Najjar syndrome", "Dubin Johnson syndrome" ]
Definitive diagnosis of Hirschsprung's disease is done by?
[ "Rectal Manometry", "Barium enema", "Rectal Biopsy", "Enteroclysis" ]
Periaicular calcification is seen in -
[ "RA", "Pseudogout", "OA", "None of the above" ]
Kaposi's sarcoma is a tumour of:
[ "Blood vessels", "Reticuloendothetial system", "Striated muscles", "Smooth muscles" ]
A patint complains of intermittent claudication,dizziness and headache,likely cardiac lesion is-
[ "TOF", "ASD", "PDA", "Coarctation of aoa" ]
Which is true about Klebsiella infections?
[ "Most clinical isolates are obtained from the respiratory tract.", "Predisposing factors for Klebsiella pneumonia include alcoholism, diabetes mellitus", "Klebsiella is closely related to Pseudomonas.", "Detecting Klebsiella growth from a sputum culture obtained from an intubated patient mandates treat ment with an aminoglycoside or a third-generation cephalosporin." ]
In which leukemia, autoimmune hemolytic anemia is most common
[ "ALL", "AML", "CMIL", "CLL" ]
Chronic Burrowing ulcer is caused by:
[ "Microaerophilic streptococci", "Peptostreptococcus", "Streptococcus viridans", "Streptococcus pyogenes" ]
Drug of choice for neurocysticercosis is:
[ "Praziquantel", "Albendazole", "Levamisole", "Piperazine" ]
Which of the following about severe combined immunodeficiency is not true -
[ "Due to deficiency of adenylate kinase", "Toxicity to leucocytes due to accumulation of dAMP", "Both cellular and humoral immunity affected", "Bone marrow transplantation is the treatment" ]
Strain of V. cholerae in Bengal -
[ "0:37", "0.096527778", "0:17", "0:40" ]
The following radiograph shows:
[ "Fusion in 22", "Gemination in 22", "Concrescence in 22", "Dilaceration in 21" ]
Pancreatitis is a common complication of which one of the following :
[ "Zidovudine", "Didanosine", "Zalcitabine", "Stavudine" ]
In Ulnar nerve injury in arm, all of the following are seen except?
[ "Hypothenar atrophy", "Adduction of thumb", "Loss of sensation of medial 1/3 of the hand", "Claw hand" ]
True about sickle anemia is?
[ "Leucopenia", "Decreased ESR", "Microcardia", "Ringedsideroblast" ]
Drug of choice for acute severe asthma is:-
[ "Sho acting beta 2 agonists", "Long acting beta 2 agonist", "Oral theophylline", "Inhaled ipratropium bromide" ]
A factor that is likely to increase the duration of action of a drug D that is partially metabolized by CYP3A4 in the liver is:
[ "Chronic administration of phenobarbital with the drug", "Chronic administration of cimetidine with the drug", "Displacement from tissues binding sites by another drug", "Chronic administration of rifampicin" ]
The number of muscle fibers innervated by a motor axon is smallest in
[ "Gastrocnemius", "Orbicularis oculi", "Single unit smooth muscle", "Soleus" ]
This arrangement of myofibrils are found in
[ "Dilated cardiomyopathy", "Constrictive cardiomyopathy", "Fibroelastic cardiomyopathy", "Hyperophic cardiomyopathy" ]
Which of the following may cause biliary obstruction -
[ "Ancylostoma", "Entrobius", "Strongyloides", "Clonorchis" ]
False regarding Parasuicide?
[ "Also known as attempted suicide", "Mostly seen in psychological disturbances", "Conscious, impulse, manipulative act to get rid of an intolerable situation", "Hanging is the most common form" ]
Intra-tumoral calcification in the brain is seen in all except?
[ "Craniopharyngioma", "Meningioma", "Oligodendroglioma", "Hemangioblastoma" ]
Most common type of supracondylar fracture in children
[ "Posteromedial extension", "Posterolateral extension", "Anteromedial flexion", "Anterolateral flexion" ]
Soap bubble appearance at lower end of radius, the treatment of choice is:
[ "Local excision", "Excision and bone grafting", "Amputation", "Radiotherapy" ]
Oncocytes are found in all of the following, except:
[ "Thyroid", "Kidneys", "Pituitary", "Pineal body" ]
If a Mandibular canine has bifurcated roots, they are most commonly placed:
[ "Mesial and distal", "Facial and lingual", "Mesiobuccal and distobuccal", "Mesiolingual and distolingual" ]
True statement about esophageal varices is:
[ "90 % of cirrhotic patients have varices at the time of diagnosis", "Bleeding cirrhotic varices moality is 90%", "Variceal hemorrhage is the most common fatal complication of cirrhosis", "Varices is not possible in the absence of cirrhosis" ]
Which of the following drug is NOT effective against chemotherapy induced vomiting?
[ "Aprepitant", "Hyoscine", "Metoclopramide", "Ondansetron" ]
A patient presents with acute renal failure with normal ultrasound abdomen repo Next most useful investigation is-
[ "Intravenous pyelography", "DTPA scan", "Retrograde pyelography", "X-ray abdomen and CT scan." ]
A Patient presented with Hypokalemia, Severe Hypertension, and Metabolic Alkalosis. The diagnosis is
[ "Liddle syndrome", "Bartter syndrome", "Gitelman syndrome", "Renal tubular acidosis" ]
Scabies is caused by a small mite that burrows into the skin. The disease is best described by which one of the following statements?
[ "It is caused by a species of Sarcoptes", "Secondary bacterial infection is rare", "It is synonymous with Kawasaki's syndrome", "It is best diagnosed by biopsy of the inflammatory region around the mite bite" ]
Where is bruit heard in thyroid gland
[ "Upper pole", "Lower pole", "Middle pole", "Lateral side" ]
Which of the following enzyme is constituent of HMP shunt
[ "Glucose 6 Phosphatase", "Hexokinase", "G6P dehydrogenase", "Phosphorylase" ]
A 45 year old man presents to a physician with back pain and facial pain. Physical examination demonstrates coarse facial features and kyphosis. Laboratory examination is remarkable for elevated alkaline phosphatase. .X-ray studies demonstrate skull thickening with narrowing of foramina, and bowing of the femur and tibia. Bone biopsy reveals a mosaic pattern of bone spicules with prominent osteoid seams. Which of the following neoplasms occurs at an increased frequency in patients with this disorder?
[ "Astrocytoma", "Hodgkin's lymphoma", "Meningioma", "Osteosarcoma" ]
Pubic symphysis is which type of joint
[ "Synol", "Fibrous", "Cailaginous", "Syndesmoses" ]
Most common cause of urinary tract infection in children is -
[ "EColi", "Klebsiella sp.", "Psedomonas Aerognosa", "Candida" ]
Deep perineal pouch in males does not include:
[ "Pudendal nerve", "Sphincter urethrae", "Long perineal nerve", "Dorsal nerve of penis" ]
A multipara developed postpaum haemorrhage (PPH) during her 3rd child bih. The most probable cause for her PPH is:
[ "Fibroid", "Retained placenta", "Uterine atony", "Uterine perforation" ]
A child with hypopigmented hair and mentally retarded with mousy odour urine. Enzyme deficient is?
[ "Cystathione synthase", "Tyrosine hydroxylase", "Phenylalanine hydroxylase", "Tyrosine transaminase" ]
Transcription is the synthesis of
[ "Single stranded complimentary copy of DNA", "Double stranded complimentary copy of DNA", "Complimentary copy of RNA", "Complimentary copy of rRNA" ]
Surgery used to treat posterior capsular Opacification is
[ "Laser Posterior Capsulotomy", "Extracapsular cataract Extraction", "Phacoemulsification", "Lensectomy" ]
A patient develops acute respiratory distress, stridor, hyperinflation on one side of chest with decreased breath sound on that side. Most likely cause is :
[ "Asthma", "Aspiration pneumonia", "Foreign body aspiration", "Pleural effusion" ]
Local vasoconstriction is seen with:
[ "Cocaine", "Lignocaine", "Bupivacaine", "Mepivacaine" ]
Which of the following drugs combination shows antimicrobial synergism?
[ "Penicillin + Streptomycin in SABE", "Ampicillin + Tetracycline in endocarditis", "Sulfamethoxazole + Trimethoprim in UTI", "Amphotericin B + Flucytosine in cryptococcal meningitis" ]
Penal code for death sentence is ?
[ "300", "302", "304", "306" ]
Sentinel lymph node is defined as
[ "Primary LN draining tumor", "LN which is first excised during MRM", "LN nearest to tumor", "None" ]
Ramesh singh, a 40 yrs old man, was admitted with fracture shaft femur following a road traffic accident. Three days after tauma he was tachypnoeic, and had conjunctival petechiae. Most likely diagnosis is ?
[ "Pulomary embolism", "Sepsis syndrome", "Fat embolism", "Hemothorax" ]
False about Angurugu syndrome is
[ "Associated with manganese toxicity", "Characterised by UMN lesions, cerebellar signs, oculomotor symptoms", "Seen in western Australia", "None of the above" ]
Basanti, 27 year female thinks that her nose is ugly. Her idea is fixed and is not shared by anyone else. Whenever she goes out of the home, She hides her face? She visits a surgeon for plastic surgery. The appropriate next step would be:-
[ "Investigate and then operate", "Reassure the patient", "Immediate operation", "Refer to psychiatrist" ]
Which of the following is responsible for green color on antibiotic disk sensitivity testing?
[ "Pyoverdin and pyocyanin", "Pneumolysin", "Optochin", "Alpha hemolysin" ]
Which of the following is not a neuroparasite?
[ "Acantamoeba", "Naegleria fowleri", "Taenia solium", "Trichinella spiralis" ]
How much ethinyl estriol does the new low dose oral contraceptive pill contain (in micrograms)
[ "20", "25", "30", "35" ]
False about the precipitate formed as a result of reaction of chlorhexidine and NaOCl
[ "Interferes with seal of obturation", "Causes cyanosis", "To prevent rinse canal with absolute alchohol", "NaOCl is always used as final rinse" ]
How is cooling curve of the body postmoem?
[ "Parabola", "Hyperbola", "Sigmoid", "Linear" ]
Most common cause of splenic rupture is -
[ "Malaria", "ITP", "Thalassemia", "Cirrhosis" ]
All of the following are contraindications for root planning EXCEPT
[ "deficient or overhanging margins of amalgam restorations", "erosion and /or abrasion", "recession", "root caries" ]
Which of the following statements is true regarding hemangioma of the bone -a) Occurs common in skull bonesb) Requires observation as it is premalignantc) Hamartomous in origind) Forms 10-12% of the bone tumorse) Local gigantism occurs when it occurs in an extremity
[ "acd", "bde", "ace", "ade" ]
Increased serum calcium is seen in all except:
[ "Myxedema", "Multiple myeloma", "Sarcoidosis", "Primary hyperparathyroidism" ]
In a patient with AIDS, chorioretinitis is typically caused by
[ "Cytomegalovirus", "Toxoplasma gondii", "Cryptococcus neoformans", "Histoplasma capsulatum" ]
All are abductors of thigh, except:
[ "Gluteus medius", "Gluteus minimus", "Saorius", "Piriformis" ]
Corneal vascularisation is/are caused by:
[ "Graft rejection", "Chemical burn", "Contact lens use", "All" ]
Antibody coated bacteria (A.C.B.) is characteristic of which one of the following conditions?
[ "Glomerulonephritis", "Pyelonephritis", "Hypeension", "Perinephric abscess" ]
True about Latissimus dorsi
[ "Nerve supply from long thoracic nerve", "Inseed into bicipital groove of humerus", "Use to fill up back defects", "Blood supply from lateral thoracic aery" ]
Fallot physiology includes all except
[ "TA", "Eisenmenger complex", "TGA", "Tricuspid atresia" ]
Abduction of Hand is caused by
[ "FCR", "FCU", "FDP", "FDS" ]
Which of the following is true regarding lattice formation
[ "Associated with precipitation and not agglutination", "Associated with agglutination and not precipitation", "Associated with both precipitation and agglutination", "Associated with neither precipitation and nor agglutination" ]
First change to occur in the distal segment of cut nerve:
[ "Myelin degeneration", "Axonal degeneration", "Mitosis of Schwann cell", "Sprouting" ]
Most common causative organism of acute pyelonephritis in pregnancy is?
[ "E.coli", "Klebsiella pneumonia", "Enterobacter", "Staphylococcus group" ]
A patient undergoes a total gastrectomy because of a proximally located gastric cancer. After the surgery, which of the following digestive enzymes will be produced in inadequate amounts?
[ "Amylase", "Chymotrypsin", "Lipase", "Pepsin" ]
The type of study that determines the norms and limits of the distribution of variables, including the characteristics of the events and population under study, is reffered to as-
[ "Explanatory", "Cross-sectional", "Descriptive", "Analytical" ]
HRT therapy can increase the risk of -
[ "Osteoporosis", "Breast carcinoma", "Alzeihmer's disease", "Colorectal cancer" ]
Reverse cholesterol transpo is mediated by ?
[ "HDL", "VLDL", "LDL", "IDL" ]
Most common chromosomal syndrome in children is?
[ "Fragile X-syndrome", "Trisomy 17", "Trisomy 21", "Trisomy 13" ]
A child can make a tower of 6 cubes at the age of?
[ "36 months", "18 months", "12 months", "24 months" ]
All of the following are features of Goodpasture syndrome, except:
[ "Antibody to alpha-3 chain of type IV collagen (COL4A3)", "Glomerular basement membrane is involved", "Pulmonary haemorrhage", "Subendothelial IgG deposits in renal biopsy" ]
systematic sensitization is used in
[ "dissosiation", "phobia", "schioid personality", "psychosis" ]
Epiphyseal dysgenesis is a pathognomonic feature of:
[ "Hypoparathyroidism", "Hyperparathyroidism", "Hypothyroidism", "Hypehyroidism" ]
True about specificity-
[ "True positive", "False positive", "True negative", "False negative" ]
A 75 year old patient presents with deterioration of vision. On examination the pupillary reflex is observed to be sluggish and the intraocular pressure is normal. Optic disc evaluation shows a large and deep cup and paracentral scotomas. The most likely diagnosis is:
[ "Primary Narrow angle glaucoma", "Normal Tension Glaucoma", "Neovascular Glaucoma", "Absolute Glaucoma" ]
Lungs do not collapse during expiration because of the presence of?
[ "Hyaline membrane", "Dipalmitoyl phosphatidyl choline", "Macrophages", "Interstitial fluid" ]
Artery usually torn in temporal bone fracture is:
[ "Middle meningeal artery", "Posterior auricular artery", "Transverse facial artery", "Deep temporal artery" ]
Saroj, a 32 year old female, from rural background presented with a h/o chronic tobacco chewing since 14 year of age. Now she has difficulty in opening her mouth. On oral examination, no ulcers are seen - Most probable diagnosis is -
[ "Submucous oral fibrosis", "Carcinoma of buccal mucosa", "TM joint ahritis", "Trigeminal nerve paralysis" ]