Which of the following clinical laboratory observations is suggestive of Hanup disease?
[ "Burnt sugar smell in urine", "High plasma phenylalanine levels", "Extremely high levels of citrulline in urine", "High fecal levels of tryptophan and indole derivatives" ]
All are true about pathogenesis of Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome, EXCEPT?
[ "Due to ovarian enlargement and fragility", "Increase in intravascular volume", "Role of VEGF and inflammatory cytokines", "Secondary to infeility treatment" ]
Biological value of a protein is related to
[ "Nitrogen content", "amino acid content", "Sulphur content", "Energy content" ]
The study for correlation of genetic disease to consanguinity -
[ "Case Contral Study", "Cohort study", "Cross-sectional study", "Case report" ]
Von Gierke&;s occurs due to deficiency of
[ "Glucose-6-phosphatase", "Liver Phosphorylase", "Muscle phosphorylase", "Debranching enzyme" ]
A 38 year old male has paroxysmal hypeension. He is subsequently found to have medullary carcinoma of the thyroid, pheochromocytoma, and mucosal neuromas. Parathyroid involvement is not noted. What is the most likely diagnosis?
[ "MEN type I", "MEN type II", "MEN type III", "Sipple's syndrome" ]
Mrs Shikha, 50-years-old woman is diagnosed with cervical cancer. Which lymph node group would be the first involved in metastatic spread of this disease beyond the cervix and uterus? NOT RELATED -anatomy
[ "Common iliac nodes", "Parametrial nodes", "External iliac node", "Paracervical or ureteral nodes" ]
A viral infection causes damage to both hippocampi in a patient. This damage would cause the patient to exhibit functional deficits in
[ "Recalling an old declarative memory", "Recalling an old procedural memory", "Forming a new sho-term memory", "Forming a new long-term memory" ]
Type of collagen maximum in skin:-
[ "Type I", "Type II", "Type III", "Type IV" ]
[ "Depend on laminar low for their accuracy", "Will only function when upright", "Are constant pressure drop-constant orifice devices", "Are not accurate below 1L/min" ]
Which of the following is true of Wilson's disease all except -
[ "Autosomal recessive", "Serum ceruloplasmin level < 20 mg/d1", "Urinary coppor excretion < 100 microgram/c11", "Zinc acetate is used as maintence therapy" ]
A 25 year male presented with high grade fever, headache, neck stiffness, on examination found to have neck rigidity, kernig's sign positive, csf analysis showed neutrophilic predominance, low glucose and limulus amebocyte lysate assay was positive. Which of the following is the likely pathogen?
[ "Staphylococcus aureus", "Streptococcus pneumonia", "Neisseria meningitides", "Listeria monocytogenes" ]
Tuberculin test denotes:
[ "Previous or present sensitivity to tubercle proteins", "Patient is resistant to TB", "Person is susceptible to TB", "Protective immune status of individual against TB" ]
Tumor suppressor gene p53 prevents carcinoma by?
[ "DNA repair", "Cell cycle arrest", "Apoptosis induction", "All of the above" ]
Most specific enzyme for mi is:
[ "Cpk-MM", "Cpk-MB", "Cpk-BB", "LDH" ]
Which of the following is not a part of fatty acid synthase Complex?
[ "Ketoacyl reductase", "Enoyl reductase", "Acetyl-CoA carboxylase", "Ketoacyl synthase" ]
All of the followings are responsible for Right shifting of O2 saturation curve; except:
[ "Hypoxia", "Hypocapnia", "Increase temp", "Increased 2,3 DPG" ]
A nineteen year old female with short stature, wide spread nipples and primary amenorrhoea most likely has karyotype of –
[ "47, XX + 18", "46XXXY", "47, XXY", "45 XO" ]
True about rash of chickenpox
[ "Centripetal", "Deep Seated", "Affectspalm", "Slow to evolute" ]
All are true about Klumpke's paralysis except
[ "Claw hand is never seen", "Intrincsic muscles of hand are paralysed", "Horner's syndrome can be associated", "Involves lower trunk of brachial plexus" ]
Hyperglycemia is seen in all except?
[ "Cirrhosis", "Myotonic dystrophy", "Lipodystrophy", "Sarcoma" ]
LSD was introducd by
[ "albe hoffman", "delay and deniker", "John F Cade", "Egaz Moniz" ]
Decreased basal metabolic rate is seen in
[ "Obesity", "Hypehyroidism", "Feeding", "Exercise" ]
A 70 kg athlete is taken for surgery, due to unavailability of vecuronium, succinylcholine is given repeatedly (>640mg). He now is unable to take breath and his lower limbs are paralyzed. What will be cause?
[ "Phase II block", "Succinylcholine causes muscle paralysis due to fasciculation", "Hidden muscle dystrophy", "Pseudo cholinesterase deficiency" ]
Inheritance of ABO blood group is:
[ "X-linked inheritance", "Recessive inheritance", "Mitochondria] inheritance", "Codominance" ]
Which is not ketogenic
[ "Leucine", "Lysine", "Methionine", "Tryptophan" ]
Glossodynia is
[ "Pain in the tongue", "Burning of the tongue", "Swelling of the tongue", "White patch on tongue" ]
All are the branches of internal iliac artery except:
[ "Obturator artery", "Middle rectal artery", "Femoral artery", "Internal pudendal artery" ]
SACD (Subacute combined degeneration of cord) is feature of which vitamin deficiency?
[ "Vitamin A", "Vitamin B6", "Vitamin B9", "Vitamin B12" ]
Main aim for treatment of TB ?
[ "Prevention of complication", "Prevention of disease transmission", "Complete clinical cure", "Complete bacteriological cure" ]
All of the following are functions of CD 4 helper cells, except-
[ "Immunogenic memory", "Produce immnoglobulins", "Activate macrophages", "Activate cytotoxic cells" ]
A 35-year-old man with duodenal stump leak after partial gastrectomy is receiving central parenteral nutrition containing the standard D25W, 4.25% amino acid solution. Which is TRUE of essential fatty acid deficiency seen after hyperalimentation?
[ "It occurs if soybean oil is given only once weekly.", "It is usually noted at the end of the first week.", "It causes dry scaly skin with loss of hair.", "It is accompanied by hypercholesterolemia." ]
Sacrum becomes a single bone at ___ years of age.:-
[ "15", "25", "30", "40" ]
Which is True about dobutamine?
[ "Dobutamine decreases peripheral resistance", "Acts on D1 and D2 receptors", "Decrease kidney circulation", "Has no effect on coronary circulation" ]
Which of the following statements about cutaneous shunt~vessels is true?
[ "Perform nutritive function", "Have role in thermoregulation", "Not under the control of autonomic nervous system", "These vessels are evenly distributed throughout the skin" ]
Volume of infarcted area in acute myocardial infarction (AMI) can be detected by -a) ECHOb) ECGc) Levels of CPKMBd) Thallium scan
[ "b", "c", "ac", "ad" ]
Blow out fracture of orbit commonly produces
[ "Deviation of septum", "Retinal haemorrhage", "Fracture of nasal bones", "Fracture of floor of orbit" ]
Drug used in cancer chemotherapy induced vomiting is?
[ "Aprepitant", "Dexamethasone", "Ondansetrin", "All of the above" ]
NOT a cause of granular contracted kidney ?
[ "Diabetes mellitus", "Chronic pyelonephritis", "Benign nephrosclerosis", "Chronic glomerulonephritis" ]
Anticoagulant of choice for prophylaxis of venous thromboembolism in patient with cancer surgery is:-
[ "Heparin sulfate", "Protamine sulfate", "Low molecular weight heparin", "Warfarin" ]
Which of the following does not belong to dystrophin-glycoprotein complex
[ "Perlecan", "Dystrophin", "Dystroglycan", "Sarcoglycan" ]
Patient came to the OPD with recent onset photphobia within 24 hours and sloughing corneal ulcer. There is greenish ulcer base. Which of the following can be the causative organism:
[ "Acanthamoeba", "Nocardia", "Pseudomonas", "Herpes" ]
Culture media used for leptospira
[ "MYPA agar", "BYCE agar", "EMJH Medium", "Skirrow's medium" ]
The advantage of using a tooth positioner as a retainer is :
[ "Final setting of occlusion", "Used in uncooperative patients", "Esthetics", "Gingival margin inflamed during orthodontic treatment" ]
Cryosurgery is used in treatment of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia. It is appropriate in all except
[ "Transformation zone lying entirely on ectocervix.", "Smooth cervical surface without deep crevices.", "Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia -3.", "CIN limited to two quadrants of the cervix." ]
In respiratory and GIT infections, which is the most affected immunoglobulin -
[ "IgA", "IgG", "IgM", "IgD" ]
All are risk factors of squamous cell carcinoma except
[ "Ultraviolet radiation", "Tar", "Tobacco", "HPV 18" ]
Judge can ask questions: Punjab 07
[ "During cross-examination", "Examination-in-Chief", "Any time during trial", "Re-examination" ]
Which is not an aryl phosphate -
[ "Parathion", "TIK-20", "Malathion", "Paraoxon" ]
A female, Lalita, aged 26 yrs accidentally takes 100 tablets of paracetamol. What is the treatment of choice -
[ "Lavage with charcoal", "Dialysis", "Alkaline diuresis", "Acetylcysteine" ]
True for Bochdalek hernia:
[ "Commonly occurs on the right side", "Congenital disorder", "Anterior position", "Breathing difficulty in newborns from day 2-3" ]
Hypercalcemia is most commonly associated in which of the following cancers?
[ "Renal cell cancer", "Carcinoma stomach", "Squamous cell carcinoma of lung", "Hepatocellular carcinoma" ]
Ethanol is given in methyl alcohol poisoning because:
[ "It inhibit alcohol dehydrogenase", "It inhibit aldehyde synthetase", "It binds 100 times stronger than methanol", "None" ]
A term born 6-month-old, lethargic blonde infant, presented with multiple episodes of vomiting, poor feeding, convulsions and severe psychomotor retardation. O/E: - Microcephaly with prominent maxillae and widely spaced teeth Blue iris Seborrheic or eczematoid rash Spasticity, hyperreflexia, and tremor Musty odour of urine MRI brain All of the following statements are true about the disease except: -
[ "May be caused due to the deficiency of cofactor tetrahydrobiopterin BH4", "Tandem mass spectrometry is useful in the diagnosis.", "The complications can't be prevented by restricting the use of the involved amino acid in diet.", "Pegvaliase can be given in adults suffering from this." ]
PK reactio detects -
[ "IgG", "IgA", "IgE", "IgM" ]
Most common cause of facial nerve palsy:
[ "Idiopathic Bell's palsy", "Herpes zoster oticus", "Mastoid surgery", "Chronic suppurative Otitis media" ]
Sinus of Morgagni is between:
[ "Middle constrictor and inferior constrictor", "Middle constrictor and superior constrictor", "Superior constrictor and skull", "None of the above" ]
The typical bone marrow finding in ITP is:March 2004
[ "Absent megakaryocytes", "Foam cells", "Increased megakaryocytes", "Fragmented megakaryocytes" ]
The final sugars in intestinal chyme are
[ "Glucose and fructose", "Ribose and mannose", "Ribose and xylulose", "Xylulose and fructose" ]
Abdominal ultra-sonography in a 3 year old boy show a solid circumscribed hypoechnoic renal mass. Most likely diagnosis is -
[ "Wilm's tumor", "Renal cell carcinoma", "Mesoblastic nephroma", "Oncocytoma" ]
The term that best describes the nuclear dissolution is
[ "Pyknosis", "Karyorrhexis", "Karyolysis", "None of the above" ]
Which of the following test is used to estimate the amount of fetal maternal hemorrhage:
[ "Coomb's test", "Apt test", "Liley's spectrophotometer", "Kleihauer betke test" ]
Failure to initiate and maintain spontaneous respiration following birth is clinically k/a –
[ "Birth asphyxia", "RDS–Respiratory distress syndrome", "Respiratory failure", "Pulmonary oedema" ]
In volume cycled ventilation the inspiratory' flow rate is set at:
[ "140-160 L/min", "110-130L/min", "60-100 L/min", "30-50L/mm" ]
Which of the following statement is/are true about Obstructive lung disease ?
[ "mMRC dyspnea scale ,grade 2 includes shoness of breath when hurrying up inclines", "Decreased FEV1/FVC ,TLC is increased", "Normal PEFR and decreased in Lung volume", "Roflumilast is introduced in management of COPD in Group C" ]
Diplopia is not a presenting feature in:
[ "Manifest squint", "Paralytic squint", "Latent squint", "Anisometropia" ]
Not a branch of external carotid aery:-
[ "Superior thyroid", "Ophthalmic", "Lingual", "Ascending pharyngeal" ]
Not a marker for hyperparathyroidism is :
[ "Increase in serum calcium", "Increase in 24 hour urinary calcium excretion", "Decrease in serum calcitonin", "Subperiosteal resorption of phalanges" ]
Which of the following is TRUE about branchial cyst?
[ "Usually seen along the posterior border of the sternocleidomastoid muscle", "Mostly arises from 2nd branchial system", "Always present in preschool children", "Conservatory treatment is indicated" ]
In a UK study, it was found that there were more deaths from asthma than the sale of anti-asthma drugs. This is an example of:
[ "Cohort study.", "Case reference study.", "Ecological study.", "Experimental study." ]
Pawaer burr, appearance on laparoscopy is characteristic of :
[ "Endometriosis", "Endometroid tumour", "Epithelial ovarian tumour", "Endometrial cancer" ]
An adult female patient presents with asthma symptoms for at least 4 days a week and wakes up at night due to breathlessness approximately 2 -3 days in a month. she is classified to be having.
[ "Severe persistent Asthma", "Mild persistent Asthma", "Intermittent Asthma", "Moderate persistent Asthma" ]
Which structure(s) passes behind the inguinal ligament -a) Femoral branch of genitofemoral nerveb) Superficial epigastric arteryc) Psoas majord) Femoral veine) Saphenous vein
[ "abc", "ad", "bc", "acd" ]
I/V contrast is not used in –
[ "HRCT", "MRI", "IVP", "Myelography" ]
Patient with persistent diarrhea & hypotension. Diagnosis -
[ "VIPoma", "ACTHoma", "GRFoma", "Glucagnoma" ]
Lamina densa of the basal lamina beneath the epithelium is composed of
[ "Type I Collagen", "Type II Collagen", "Type III Collagen", "Type IV Collagen" ]
Haascheiben cells in epidermis are responsible for?
[ "Touch", "Temperature", "Pressure", "Proprioception" ]
Pancytopenia with cellular marrow is seen in all Except:
[ "Megaloblastic anemia", "Myelodysplasia", "Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria", "G6 PD deficiency" ]
The following are adverse effects of SSRIs except
[ "Weight changes", "Diarrhoea", "Delayed ejaculation", "Galactorrhea" ]
The germinal cell layer surrounding the oocyte before ovulation is known as :
[ "Zona pellucida", "Zona reticularis", "Cumulous oophorus", "Zona glomerulosa" ]
Folie a deux is
[ "OCD", "Shared delusion disorder", "Hysteria", "Neurasthenia" ]
After the death of the 78 years old male patient in a hospital , who was suffering from COPD. His relatives entered the hospital with heavy sharp weapons and damaged the hospital propey and stared abusing and beating the doctor as well as his staff, Violence against a medical practitioner is considered as:
[ "Non-cognizable and non-bailable offense", "Non-cognizable and bailable offense", "Cognizable and bailable offense", "Cognizable and non-bailable offense" ]
Which soft tissue sarcoma commonly gives to bone secondaries: (PGI June 2008)
[ "Fibrosarcoma", "Liposarcoma", "Osteosarcoma", "Neurofibroma" ]
The intermediate host for T. Saginata is:
[ "Man", "Cow", "Dog", "Pig" ]
Which of the following is associated with cough?
[ "Lisinopril", "Propranolol", "Verapamil", "Sodium nitroprusside" ]
Lowest most level of integration of stretch reflex is at
[ "Cerebral cortex", "Lower Medulla", "Spinal cord", "All of the above" ]
Wernicke&;s encephalopathy involves
[ "Mammillary body", "Thalamus", "Frontal lobe", "Arcuate fasciculus" ]
When VA/Q is infinity, it means
[ "Dead space", "The PO2 of alveolar air is 159 mmHg and PCO2 is 40 mmHg", "Paial pressure of O2 and CO are equal", "Atelectasis" ]
Which is true regarding Savage syndrome?
[ "Receptor defect to gonadotrophic hormones", "Sho stature", "Ovaries do not contain follicles", "FSH is normal" ]
What is the dosage of retinol palmitate for early stages of xerophthalmia: September 2011
[ "90 mg orally on two successive days", "100 mg orally on two successive days", "110 mg orally on two successive days", "120 mg orally on two successive days" ]
Which among the following organisms causes Buruli ulcer?
[ "M. Marinum", "M. Ulcerans", "M. kansasii", "M. Smegmatis" ]
A 41 year old patient presented with chronic diarrhoea for 3 months. A d-xylose absorption test was ordered to look for:
[ "Carbohydrate malabsorption due to mucosa] disease", "Carbohydrate malabsorption due to chronic pancreatitis", "Fat malabsorption due to mucosal disease", "Fat malabsorption due to chronic pancreatitis" ]
Which of the following extraocular muscles does not arise from annulus:
[ "Inferior rectus", "Medial rectus", "Lateral rectus", "Superior oblique" ]
Compared to follicular Ca, papillary Ca of thyroid have :a) More male preponderanceb) Bilateralityc) Local recurrence commond) Increased mortalitye) Increased lymph node metastasis.
[ "ab", "bce", "acd", "ace" ]
Ptosis is due to:
[ "3rd CN palsy", "4th CN palsy", "5th CN palsy", "6th CN palsy" ]
True about isoenzymes is/are
[ "Different km value", "Consist of multimeric complex", "Have different physical properties", "All of these" ]
Which of the following is not an action of epinephrine when administered intravenously in a high dose?
[ "Increases liver glycogenolysis", "Causes broachiolar constriction", "Evokes extrasystoles in the heart", "Produces restlessness and anxiety" ]
Osteoclast has specific receptor for:
[ "Parathyroid hormone", "Calcitonin", "Thyroxin", "Vit D3" ]
All are true about precocious puberty except -
[ "Secondary sexual characters before the age of 8 years", "Secondary sexual characters before the age of 6 years", "Menstruation before the age of 10 years", "Most common cause is constitutional" ]
Initiation of nerve impulse occurs at the axon hillock because :
[ "It has a lower threshold than the rest of axon", "It is unmyelinated", "Neurotransmitter release occurs here", "None of the above" ]