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Supergirl (TV series) | Medusa [2.8] | 5 | J'onn: [joins Kara on the balcony] I like this view much better than the stalactites of our last office. Here, the lives we are charged to protect are always in view.
Kara: Kind of reminds me of the view from my room on Krypton. I could see the whole city from that window. All the lights, pods zooming by. But then again, I guess I didn't truly see anything. All my life, I thought my parents were the good guys. And now the more I learn, the more I see things, how they really are. And more... that I'm ashamed to be their daughter.
J'onn: Kara, your parents tried to protect the planet, they tried to save lives.
Kara: I'm sure Lex and Lillian Luthor thought their intentions were good, too. Is this their legacy? Death and destruction across the universe? | J'onn | Your parents' legacy is not death and destruction, Kara Zor-El. It's you. |
Supergirl (TV series) | Medusa [2.8] | 12 | [Supergirl walks in through the door to the balcony]
Lena Luthor: [smiling] You know, that door's not really an entrance.... You know, actually, I just wanted to thank you for earlier on. Not only did you save the lives of countless numbers of my employees, but mine as well.
Supergirl: Now I need your help.
Lena: Anything.
Supergirl: I need help finding your mother.
Lena: My mother?
Supergirl: Your mother is behind Cadmus. She's their leader.
Lena: You're lying.
Supergirl: I'm not. She kidnapped me, and now she possesses a virus that she could wipe out the entire alien population in National City. I need you to help me find her, so that she doesn't hurt anymore innocent people.
Lena: You know, I thought you were different. You wear that symbol on your chest and everyone thinks you're good. How many times did your cousin put on that high-and-mighty costume and come after Lex? My mother is no saint, but you come in her and accuse her of being the Devil incarnate? How long before you come after me?
Supergirl: I know what it's like to be disillusioned by our parents. But I'm a pretty good judge of character. And you are not like your mother. She is cold and dangerous. And you are too good and too smart to follow in her path. Be your own hero. | Lena | You can leave the same way you came in. |
Supergirl (TV series) | Medusa [2.8] | 9 | Maggie: [arrives at Alex's apartment with a pizza] Hey. Hungry?
Alex: Yes. Come in, please. Ignore the pajamas.
Maggie: No, they're cute.
Alex: It's late. You got a case or something? Oh God, I could really use a good old-fashioned murder right now.
Maggie: I didn't come here for work. I just really needed to see you and talk to you.
Alex: Is everything okay?
Maggie: Umm... Well, here's the thing: I I almost died.
Alex: Uh... Yeah, no I would not have let that happen. | Maggie | I know that, but um... It got me thinking that I I was so stupid. I thought that, and I guess it was kinda right, that you came out for me, and that scared me. Umm.. but umm... Life is too short, and we should be who we are, and we should kiss the girls that we want to kiss. And I really just... I I want to kiss you. [kisses Alex] |
Supergirl (TV series) | Medusa [2.8] | 11 | [Barry and Cisco appear through a dimensional breach in Kara's apartment.]
Cisco Ramon: This better be the right place. 'Cause if this isn't the right place, someone's about to be real confused.
[Kara comes in the front door.]
Kara: Barry!
Barry: Hey.
Kara: I knew it. I knew that was you. I knew that it was you and that weird space portal thing! [hugs Barry] Hi.
Barry: Yeah. I'm sorry. It took a couple tries to get here. This is my friend Cisco.
Cisco: Well, "friend" is a loose term. We work together. Hi. I have to say it, this is a nice universe you got here.
Kara: Thank you.
Barry: Okay, do you remember last year, when I helped you out and you promised to do the same for me? | Kara | What are we up against?
Story continues in Invasion! (Arrowverse). |
Supergirl (TV series) | Supergirl Lives [2.9] | 8 | Mon-El: So we're stuck on the most dangerous planet in the galaxy, we don't have our powers, and you're optimistic how?
Kara: Because they (the kidnapped humans) need us to be.
Mon-El: See, this is what I've been telling you, Kara. You know, if you go looking for trouble, you will always find it. You do. You're, like,... you're, like, the winner at it.
Kara: 'Cause that's what heroes do. They fight. They don't sit and hide in a bar because it's easier than getting involved.
Mon-El: I am not hiding. I'm being smart. It's a dangerous universe. And why do you have to be the one who saves everyone every time?
Kara: Because our worlds may have been destroyed, but we were spared for a reason.
Mon-El: Uh, luck. | Kara | I refuse to believe that. I believe you keep fighting. Whether you're stuck on another world. whether or not you have your powers, you never give in. It's the difference between you and me. |
Supergirl (TV series) | Supergirl Lives [2.9] | 2 | Winn: I'm scared | Alex | You don't think I was afraid the first time I went out in the field? Dude, I was terrified. But nobody gets better by running away. |
Supergirl (TV series) | Supergirl Lives [2.9] | 5 | Kara: I know that you want me to follow my head. But I would rather be wrong about a dozen leads than not follow the ones I believe in. That's the kind of reporter I wanna be. I'm always going to follow my heart.
Snapper: Your therapy bills.
Kara: Have a great day, Chief.
[Kara leaves Snapper's office.] | Snapper | [smiling, sotto voce] Atta girl, Danvers. |
Supergirl (TV series) | Supergirl Lives [2.9] | 5 | Alex: My parents always relied on me to watch over my sister, so the few times that I ever did anything for myself, it ended badly. And then Supergirl went missing and I just blew a gasket...
Maggie: Because Supergirl's your sister.
Alex: What are you talking about?
Maggie: Come on. Look, I know you. The only person you get that torn up over is Kara. Plus the glasses don't help. | Alex | I always said that too. It's kind of ridiculous. |
Supergirl (TV series) | We Can Be Heroes [2.10] | 4 | Alex: If anyone can help her, J'onn, it's you. I know how you feel about White Martians --
Hank: Don't ask me to do this, Alex.
Alex: You have shown them mercy before -- | Hank | NOT THIS!! I will not give her my people's memories! I will not give her my daughter's smiles! Her kind has taken enough from me. From us. If she dies, she dies. She deserves it a thousand times over. Let her drown in her own sins. |
Supergirl (TV series) | We Can Be Heroes [2.10] | 3 | Kara: I... I am... I'm losing my mind right now. Livewire's just out there right now roaming the streets, and I don't know where she is or when she'll strike. I just know... she's out there somewhere and she's gonna hurt people.
James: The city's not defenseless, Kara. | Kara | I hate having a nemesis. Clark always makes it look so much fun, like... like you have a deadly pen pal you see once a year. But having a nemesis is stressful. |
Supergirl (TV series) | We Can Be Heroes [2.10] | 4 | Kara: You are never going to be strong enough for this (being Guardian).
James: You do not get to decide who is a hero. And who are you to tell me how to be? Or who to be? I am meant for this.
Kara: If you don't stop, I'll stop you. | James | You're welcome to try. |
Supergirl (TV series) | We Can Be Heroes [2.10] | 7 | Alex: When I needed her (M'gann) -- when you needed her -- she opened up a vein for you. I mean, she had to know that there was a chance saving you would reveal her a White Martian. She did it anyway. She said she tried to help your kind.
Hank: I suspect that's true.
Alex: Then what's the harm in the Bond? I mean, if you can see into her past, maybe you can find some good in there.
Hank: I don't want to forgive her.
Alex: Why?
Hank: Hate becomes your reason for living when you've lost everything that you love. If I find that there was some good in her kind... I don't hate her. | Alex | Forgiveness isn't something that you give to somebody who's hurt you. Forgiveness is something that you give to yourself. |
Supergirl (TV series) | We Can Be Heroes [2.10] | 7 | [Hank and M'gann are joined in the Martian Bond.]
M'gann M'orzz: I hid who I was. I said I was a Green (Martian). I wanted....
Hank: Tell me.
M'gann: To be your friend. I couldn't bring your people back to life, but I could make you feel less alone. I'm so sorry.
Hank: I'm here with you. I see you. You are my friend. M'gann M'orzz... you are forgiven.
M'gann: J'onn... | Hank | It's time to come home |
Supergirl (TV series) | The Martian Chronicles [2.11] | 4 | [Kara and a White Martian impersonating Alex are trading punches.]
White Martian: Well, to tell you the truth, I'm glad they found your sister. It is so exhausting pretending to care about your silly little feelings.
Kara: If you hurt her | White Martian | You'll what? Whine at me? |
Supergirl (TV series) | The Martian Chronicles [2.11] | 3 | Computer voice: Core stabilized.
Kara: Oh, that was a close one. | Winn | Close? We had, like, you know, 12 seconds to spare. |
Supergirl (TV series) | The Martian Chronicles [2.11] | 6 | Hank: Thank you for saving me.
M'gann: I should be thanking you. I've been on my own for so long, and... [pause] I had a mother. She wasn't warm, that's not our way, but she cared for me, I know she did. I'd forgotten that feeling until now, what it feels like to have a family. Which is what makes this so hard. [Hank stares at her] I'm going back to Mars.
Hank: Why?
M'gann: There must be other voices like mine. White Martians that have the desire and the capacity to change, who don't want to be defined by the hatred of our kind, but just need a push. To do the right thing!
Hank: They could kill you as soon as you land. | M'gann | Maybe. But if I don't try they're never gonna stop hunting me. You know that's true. You have shown me what it is to stand up and fight, and that's exactly what I'm going to do. |
Supergirl (TV series) | The Martian Chronicles [2.11] | 2 | M'gann: I've just had one of the hardest nights of my life, and I'm heading into something I probably won't survive, but... standing here with you, I feel like everything's going to be okay. You have changed me forever. [takes J'onn's hand and puts her head against his] Goodbye J'onn. | Hank | Goodbye... Miss Martian. |
Supergirl (TV series) | Luthors [2.12] | 11 | Winn: I am very excited to meet Alex's new mystery man.
James: Hey, do we know what he does for a living? Alex's guy?
Kara: Cop.
Winn: Yeah, no way Alex Danvers dates someone who doesn't own a firearm.
[Alex and Maggie arrive]
Alex: Hey, you guys. Hey, um, you all remember Maggie, right?
James: [after comprehending that Alex and Maggie are dating] Hey, yeah, good to see you again.
Winn: Alex! I... I didn't know. [points at Hank] Did you know?
Hank: Of course I knew. I'm psychic.
Alex: How come you never said anything before? | Hank | It's not for me to say. Good for you, Alex. |
Supergirl (TV series) | Luthors [2.12] | 18 | Alex: [cleaning James' wounds] You're lucky you didn't take a direct hit.
Kara: Very lucky.
James: I had my shield. I love that shield. [Kara gives him a pointed look] And I know what I'm doing, Kara.
Kara: Even if Metallo is weakening though, he's still a fanatic follower of Lillian Luthor. We have to find out where he's taking Lena and how to help her.
James: What is it gonna take for you to realize that Lena is a criminal? She's not the victim. She got the kryptonite, he broke her out of prison.
Kara: Lena is not a member of Cadmus! She's not! She stopped the game with alien weapons, she saved Alex's life when Corben tried to kill her.
James: She shot Corben and then her crazy Mom turned Corben into Metallo, so that could've been the plan the entire time.
Hank: We have to start treating Lena Luthor like a hostile. The evidence is too overwhelming.
Kara: Winn? If you watch that video, I know you'll find something.
Winn: I did, it's... it's clean.
Kara: Then find something to prove her innocent.
Hank: Everything we've seen so far says the exact opposite.
Kara: Well, she's my friend, and I believe in her. [leaves room]
James: [follows Kara out the room] I'm your friend. Which is why I don't understand why it's so hard for you to believe me. People don't remember this, Kara, but Clark and Lex Luthor used to be best friends. For years. And Clark believed in Lex for the longest time. No matter what people said. No matter what kind of proof he saw with his own eyes. No. Lex was his friend. But Clark was wrong.
Kara: Lena is not Lex.
James: But they grew up in the same house, Kara. I don't understand why you keep defending her. And you have so much faith in her, but none in me as Guardian.
Kara: That's entirely different. I am trying to protect you. | James | I do not need your protection. I need your trust. You have mine. I don't understand why it's so hard for me to get yours. |
Supergirl (TV series) | Luthors [2.12] | 4 | [Winn is working on the computer]
Winn: You know, the backseat driving... not helping.
Kara: Sorry. Have you found anything yet? | Winn | I promise I will tell you. Haven't you ever heard the phrase "a watched pot never..." oh, woah wait a second, I might be simmering. |
Supergirl (TV series) | Luthors [2.12] | 2 | Kara: I'm not one to usually gloat or say "I told you so", but... doesn't seem like I was the one with confirmation bias. | Snapper | Yesterday, she was guilty. Today, she's not. It's not confirmation bias, Danvers. It's just the news game. Since you got enough time on your hands to stand around and look up at that TV, how 'bout you get out there, get an exclusive on Lena Luthor? This time... try to spell "exclusive" right. |
Supergirl (TV series) | Luthors [2.12] | 11 | Lena: [putting down Kara's article about her] It's a good article. You flatter me.
Kara: I only wrote the truth. I'm learning to keep digging, even when all the evidence points one way. There's always another side.
Lena: Even when it's hard to find.
Kara: Especially when it's hard to find. [pause] So my office is overflowing with flowers...
Lena: Really?
Kara: Yeah. [both smile] You didn't have to do that.
Lena: Yeah, I did. Supergirl told me that it was you who sent her. I don't know how to thank you.
Kara: Well, that's what friends are for.
Lena: Yeah, never had friends like you before. Come to think of it, I've never had a family like you. No one's ever stood up for me like that.
Kara: Now you have someone who will stand up for you, always. | Lena | Well, Supergirl may have saved me, but Kara Danvers, you are my hero. |
Supergirl (TV series) | Mr. & Mrs. Mxyzptlk [2.13] | 2 | Hank: Agent Schott, scan the archives for anything resembling fifth dimensional incursions here on Earth. | Winn | Close encounters of the Fifth kind. You got it. |
Supergirl (TV series) | Mr. & Mrs. Mxyzptlk [2.13] | 3 | Hank: On Earth, it's customary to send messages on Valentine's Day. We had a similar custom on Mars.
Kara: Well, it's too bad you can't call her (M'gann). | Hank | We Martians are a psychic people. All our communication was through thought. But when we had something really important to say, we would often write it down. On some planets, to write something down is to truly say it. |
Supergirl (TV series) | Mr. & Mrs. Mxyzptlk [2.13] | 8 | Mon-El: Hey, pal. How's it goin'?
Winn: Oooh, you know, believe it or not, I am having a girl issue.
Mon-El: [more to himself] Good... timing.
Winn: Hey. Hey. You're great with girls. They throw themselves at you left and right.
Mon-El: Yeah, not all of them.
Winn: C'mon, hit me. I need a... a relationship pearl. C'mon.
Mon-El: Yeah, uh... things were a lot easier on Daxam when I objectified women and didn't care about anyone. | Winn | Okay. I feel you. Caring is like... the kiss of death. |
Supergirl (TV series) | Mr. & Mrs. Mxyzptlk [2.13] | 5 | Kara: See, that's the thing, Mxy. I'm not going to marry you.
Mr. Mxyzptlk: What do you mean?
Kara: I brought you to the Fortress in case you got violent again, because I didn't want anyone to get hurt when I broke the news. It's not going to work between us, ever.
Mxyzptlk: But you said... [pause] You don't love me? | Kara | Love isn't making demands of someone or forcing them to marry you. Love is putting someone else's needs above your own. |
Supergirl (TV series) | Mr. & Mrs. Mxyzptlk [2.13] | 11 | Lyra: I didn't think you'd call.
Winn: Why? Last night was, like... beyond amazing on just, just so many levels.
Lyra: I figured it was a one-time thing, for you. An experience. I've never met a human that was actually up for dating an alien.
Winn: Weeell, now you have. Look, I'm not naive, okay? I know that there are lots of people who don't think that humans and aliens should mix. If we're being super-honest, I... potentially falling for an alien is not what scares me. It's falling for anyone. Just have kinda... had my heart trampled on a few times.
Lyra: Me, too.
Winn: Lyra, you aren't, like, some experience to me, okay? You are potentially a real, fulfilling, challenging relationship, [quickly] and that's just too much, okay? That's too fast. Woo hoo. Just gonna, um... what do you say we, um... we just take it slow?
Lyra: Sure.
Winn: [relieved] Okay.
[Lyra takes Winn's hand.]
Lyra: [whispers] Slow.... Take me to where you live. | Winn | [whispers] Yes. Ma'am. |
Supergirl (TV series) | Homecoming [2.14] | 6 | Jeremiah: So lucky you found me. I'm so lucky to be back with you two.
Mon-El: It's more than luck.
J'onn: What do you mean?
Mon-El: We got an alert that Cadmus was moving a weapon. We don't get alerts unless they're releasing a video or we catch them red-handed.
Kara: But we did catch them red-handed. | Mon-El | No, they were waving their red hands around in the air literally like they just didn't care. |
Supergirl (TV series) | Homecoming [2.14] | 4 | Alex: Um, Dad, this is my girlfriend, Maggie.
Jeremiah: Things have changed. There's no man on Earth good enough for Alex Danvers, so it would have to be someone like you.
Maggie: Oh, flattery. And you're right, Alex does deserve the best. Here. [hands him a bottle in a brown paper bag] | Jeremiah | And you brought... [looks in the bag] tequila! Okay, she's family. |
Supergirl (TV series) | Homecoming [2.14] | 3 | Winn: What's so top-secret you can't talk to me at the D.E.O. about?
Mon-El: It's Jeremiah's return. What if Cadmus allowed us to rescue Jeremiah so he could sabotage us? Just when this doomsday bomb is about to be detonated. I mean, think about it. | Winn | Okay, you know what? I knew I shouldn't have given you my Netflix password. Because watching that much 24 at once is not healthy. |
Supergirl (TV series) | Homecoming [2.14] | 7 | Winn: Oh yeah, you're a terrible partner.
Mon-El: Terrible.
Winn: Yeah.
Mon-El: I'd like to not be terrible, for the record.
Winn: Look, just don't try so hard, right? Kara's a badass. She doesn't need a protector or someone to show her off, right? The girl does that all by herself.
Mon-El: So what's left for me? | Winn | Maybe ask her. Just listen to her. She's the one you're dating. |
Supergirl (TV series) | Homecoming [2.14] | 6 | Alex: How could you? How could you?
Jeremiah: Would you believe me if I said that I did it for you?
Alex: You betrayed everyone at the D.E.O., your friends, our family, everyone that I love. And you did that for me?
Jeremiah: Family's complicated, honey.
Alex: I'm bringing you in. | Jeremiah | Not alive, you're not. If you want to bring me in, you're gonna have to shoot me. If you do it... I'll understand. You were always the best part of me. |
Supergirl (TV series) | Exodus [2.15] | 4 | Hank: We any closer to finding out where Cadmus is taking them (the kidnapped aliens)?
Mon-El: Or what they want? Because that is the trillion-dollar-question.
Winn: It's "million-dollar-question", buddy. | Mon-El | Really? That low? |
Supergirl (TV series) | Exodus [2.15] | 3 | Lillian: "The Overman should be the meaning of the Earth. Remain faithful to the Earth, and do not believe that those who speak to you of other worldly hopes."
Jeremiah: Nietzsche. | Lillian | Who better? His superman was about we humans believing in ourselves instead of looking up to gods. This time... [puts a hand on Jeremiah's shoulder] you're the only superman we need. |
Supergirl (TV series) | Exodus [2.15] | 3 | Alex: Turn it off. Now.
Lillian: [hard] You don't threaten me. | Alex | Lillian, do you really think that I would walk into the lion's den... without a whip? |
Supergirl (TV series) | Exodus [2.15] | 4 | Kara: You're firing me.
Snapper: Of course I am... You deliberately published an article using CatCo resources on a competing social media platform, which is not only a conflict of interest, but also a direct and flagrant breach of contract.
Kara: But you refused to run the story. I thought what I was doing was right. | Snapper | What "right"? You were lucky. Next time, you might not be. One wrong statistic about the stock market, and suddenly we're in a Great Depression. One misattributed quote from a candidate, and you put a fascist in the White House. The rules are there for a reason: to make sure you get the story right. That's not luck. That's being a good reporter. Y'know, the worst part is... I was rootin' for you. |
Supergirl (TV series) | Exodus [2.15] | 5 | Kara: I don't want another job. Reporting is my calling, I help people.
Mon-El: Yeah, you know who else does?
Kara: Who?
Mon-El: Supergirl. | Kara | It's just that... when I write, I don't need a yellow sun, it's just me. Supergirl is what I can do, is who I am. |
Supergirl (TV series) | Star-Crossed [2.16] | 2 | Lyra: You should have run when you had the chance. | Winn | I was a theater geek, not a track star. |
Supergirl (TV series) | Star-Crossed [2.16] | 12 | Mon-El: Hey, hey, I've been doing some very serious research on human relationships, and by now in the movie, the girl usually forgives the guy for whatever dumb thing he's done.
Kara: I had a nice chat with your mother.
Mon-El: Yeah, okay. What'd she want?
Kara: You. She wants to talk to you.
Mon-El: I'm not going back there.
Kara: Well, I tried.
Mon-El: What, that's it?
Kara: What else am I supposed to say? Nothing's changed for me.
Mon-El: Just tell me what to do, okay? Tell me what it is and I will fix it.
Kara: You can't! Okay? You can't take back the fact that you lied to me, you can't unring that bell.
Mon-El: Well, I can try. | Kara | Just forget about you and me for one second. Do you even understand the second chance you've been given? You thought you were the last Daxamite and you're not. Your people are alive. Your parents are alive. They need you. They love you. Don't just throw that chance away, because many of us don't get one. Now, you're a prince, so start acting like it. |
Supergirl (TV series) | Star-Crossed [2.16] | 5 | Winn: You're a good egg, Sawyer. [puts his hand on Maggie's shoulder]
Maggie: Leave before I throw you into holding for fun.
Winn: I have better places to go. [leaves]
Maggie: Think I scared him? | Alex | Almost as good as I do. |
Supergirl (TV series) | Star-Crossed [2.16] | 5 | Kara: You just want things to be easy, Mon-El, but being a hero and falling in love, those are not easy things. They're hard, and they're messy, and they hurt sometimes.
Mon-El: I would never hurt you on purpose, Kara.
Kara: And you won't again.
Mon-El: Kara, don't. | Kara | I can't, I can't do this. No, it's over. |
Supergirl (TV series) | Star-Crossed [2.16] | 2 | Winn: I just gotta say that I'm pretty sure that this Cisco fellow and I would just be BFFs if, you know, we lived in the same dimension. | Kara | Yeah, don't tempt me. 'Cause I could use an... Inter-dimensional post-break-up vacay.
Story continues in The Flash episode "Duet". |
Supergirl (TV series) | Distant Sun [2.17] | 8 | Kara: What smells so... [gasps] Is that hash browns?
Mon-El: No no no no no no no. I'm trying to make you breakfast in bed. I'm going for full romance here, and you have ruined it.
Kara: Honey, listen, very sweet, but there's no way you're getting in the way of me and... BACON! And biscuits. And oh, is that a poached egg?
Mon-El: Yeah.
Kara: How'd you learn how to poach?
Mon-El: Oh, I found the instructions. [holds up a copy of "The Joy of Cooking"] Turns out books have a lot more useful information than YouTube.
Kara: Hey! | Mon-El | Who knew? |
Supergirl (TV series) | Distant Sun [2.17] | 13 | Mon-El: Hey, I've been thinking about a solution to our problem.
Kara: Yeah, me too.
Mon-El: Yeah?
Kara: There's only one thing we can do
Mon-El: [together with Kara] Run for our lives.
Kara: [together with Mon-El] Talk to your mother. Wait, what?
Mon-El: What? There's this... So there's this planet that a Durlan emissary took me to when I was a kid. It's got water, and a yellow sun. It's got everything we need to survive. My parents wouldn't find us there. We'd be together, we'd be safe. I think of this 'cause I'm reading this play right now, um... "Ro-mayo and Juliet".
Kara: Yep, I've heard of it.
Mon-El: Right. And... and there's this moment at the end where I am right now where they're about to run away together and live happily ever after, and I can't help but think that that could be us, you know.
Kara: Yeah, but Juliet and Romeo both die at the end.
Mon-El: I... did not see that coming.
Kara: And no, we are not going to your secret planet. I'm Supergirl. I don't run from anything. | Mon-El | Yeah, I know. That's one of the more annoying things about you. |
Supergirl (TV series) | Distant Sun [2.17] | 6 | Alex: I've thought a lot about this. You have a pattern of keeping things to yourself. You hid the truth about Emily, you made her seem like the bad guy. And then before that, you didn't tell me what really happened when you came out to your parents, how badly they reacted. You don't like to talk about you.
Maggie: I know.
Alex: So I think that when your parents didn't accept you, you stopped trusting people that are closest to you. I totally get that. But Maggie... you don't have to be guarded with me. Okay? I'm not here to judge you for things that happened in the past. I am here to help you heal.
Maggie: You don't think I'm a bad person?
Alex: No. Actually, I always thought that you were perfect [embraces Maggie], but it's really nice to see that you have problems, too. | Maggie | Thank you. |
Supergirl (TV series) | Distant Sun [2.17] | 8 | Lar Gand: I want you to know that Kara Zor-El will be safe. And in time, you will see that coming home was the right thing to do.
Mon-El: I already know it was right. If I didn't come back, Mother would have killed the woman I love.
Lar Gand: You know your life will always be Rhea's responsibility, but son, you belong with your people. It means so much to them to have you back.
Mon-El: If this is about the people, then some things have to change. One day, I will become king. And I want to be a different kind of king. And, why not start now? Why not rebuild our kingdom better than it was, and make justice available for everyone. Get rid of rank and make it so that everyone's voice is heard equally.
Lar Gand: [laughing slightly] This is absurd.
Mon-El: Why? Why is that so absurd? We have a chance to start again, Father. So why should we go and just recreate the same broken system as before?
Lar Gand: Because it's what the people need. You think we survived the destruction of our world by giving everyone a say? Our royal house stood for 8000 years because the people need our order. And our leadership. | Mon-El | Our house would've fallen. So rebuild with me, Father, please. |
Supergirl (TV series) | Distant Sun [2.17] | 7 | [Winn appears on the Daxamite ship through a portal]
Mon-El: Winn?
Winn: Ok, thank God I am not in space.
Mon-El: You are in space.
Winn: Oh, yeah, I know. I mean, like, floating around in space dying. Uh, I'm here to rescue you. Hi.
Mon-El: Aren't you a little short for a stormtrooper? | Winn | You finally saw Star Wars! |
Supergirl (TV series) | Ace Reporter [2.18] | 6 | Kara: Whoo! It is another beautiful day in National City, and the Girl of Steel is ready to take on the world. I am here to kick some ass, take some names, and do it all with an endearing smile on my face. So... bring it on. What have you got for me?
Hank: There's literally nothing for you to do.
Kara: Nothing?
Winn: I challenge you to find an eight-year-old stealing candy.
Alex: It's like somebody slipped "Law-abiding serum" into the reservoir. | Kara | Did somebody do that? Is that illegal? I could stop 'em. |
Supergirl (TV series) | Ace Reporter [2.18] | 10 | Kara: I heard Supergirl saved you.
Snapper: Yeah, she was there.
Kara: Did you say "Thank you"?
Snapper: Once, to a divorce lawyer. It was uncomfortable for everyone involved.
[Kara puts a file on Snapper's desk.]
Snapper: What's this? More alternative "facts"?
Kara: It's all my research on Spherical. I thought I'd help your story.
Snapper: [considers] What's in it for you, Ponytail?
Kara: I know we've had our differences... but I've learned a lot from you. And the biggest thing I've learned is that, it's not the reporter that matters, it's the truth that matters. And CATCO will get the truth to more people. Also, I wanted to get the truth out so badly that I disobeyed you. I broke the rules. You were right. I was lucky when I posted my first blog on Cadmus without your permission. I let you down. And I apologize. | Snapper | .... Finally. |
Supergirl (TV series) | Ace Reporter [2.18] | 6 | Beth Breen: You know it's true what they say. Behind every great man is a strong woman.
Lena: Oh, I wouldn't know. I've never stood behind a man.
Beth: You just clean up after your brother.
Beth: [kicks Lena] Did I mention that I'm a Black belt? | Lena | [punches Beth in the face] Did I mention I was a Luthor? |
Supergirl (TV series) | Ace Reporter [2.18] | 9 | Kara: How you holding up?
Lena: When Lex was arrested, my mother was there. My mother saw her son dragged, bleeding and raving, from her house, and when I got there, Lillian was tidying his room like he'd been away on a business trip. That's how I feel: cold and calm. Until I think about Beth dying in jail, and then I feel warm for a minute.
Kara: You're in shock, Lena.
Lena: I know. Loss does strange things to my family, and I've lost a lot of people.
Kara: Well, you're not gonna lose me.
Lena: I think when I feel things again, I'm... I'm gonna be very, very afraid. About the person I might be.
Kara: [putting an arm around Lena] You don't have to be afraid. I'm right here. And I'm not going anywhere.
Lena: Heh. Promise? | Kara | I will always be your friend. And I will always protect you. I promise. |
Supergirl (TV series) | Ace Reporter [2.18] | 6 | Kara: Yeah, I'll get out of here.
Snapper: Oh, so now that you share a byline with me, you're too good to work late?
Kara: But I thought...
Snapper: I just said that you did a good job, Danvers. You didn't give up, even when that whistle blower got killed. You weren't afraid to pursue the truth, no matter what the risk. And we need more reporters like that. More reporters like you, that care about the truth.
Kara: So I have my job back? | Snapper | Unless you're thinking of starting a food truck . [takes a bite of Kara's Danish] Don't start a food truck. |
Supergirl (TV series) | Alex [2.19] | 11 | Kara: You're not upset that I caught the bad guys and got everyone out safely, are you?
Maggie: I would have gotten them to free the hostages.
Kara: Maybe. But they're in jail now where they can't hurt anyone, and that's all that matters.
Maggie: As long as they don't use the "Supergirl defense".
Kara: The what?
Maggie: It's a thing some criminals use to get their charges dropped. It's a perfect storm for a defense attorney. Excessive force. Evidence contaminated by debris. Vigilante justice.
Kara: "Vigilante justice"? I stand for help, I help, and compassion. I did what I had to do to get those people out of there.
Alex: I think what Maggie's trying to say is that what you do is amazing when we're up against--
Maggie: A giant purple monster or a half-cyborg murderer, sure. But most of the time, police work requires a more... delicate touch.
Kara: "Delicate". | Maggie | Yeah. You broke a guy's arm and gave another a concussion. And that was after you knocked in the roof of a National City landmark. And now, it just has a big Supergirl-sized hole in it. |
Supergirl (TV series) | Alex [2.19] | 7 | Rick Malvern: It's simple. She's (Alex) told you she's okay. And now we trade my father for Alex.
Kara: Your father is a murderer.
Rick: Manslaughter-er.
Kara: [frustrated] Tell me where she is.
Rick: Tick tock. Tick tock.
[Kara's eyes glow, but she does not use her heat vision. Rick walks right up to her and looks into her eyes.] | Rick | Oh, wow. That's even cooler up close. You hurt me, you'll never find her. And she'll die. Slowly. [Kara powers down.] |
Supergirl (TV series) | City of Lost Children [2.20] | 4 | Kara: Okay, I... I love him. I do. I "love" him. But... c'mon. JT has got to be the only one holding up the reunion right now.
Lena: Oh, obviously. Here, but let me ask you this, right? Would you rather have an NSYNC reunion... or JT and Britney back together?
Kara: Oooohh! [stabs her chest metaphorically] My OTP. That's an impossible question to answer, and you're cruel for asking. | Lena | Yeah, well, you know, sometimes my Luthor genes just shine though. [Both of them laugh.] |
Supergirl (TV series) | City of Lost Children [2.20] | 6 | Lena: [getting emotional] You know, I... just thought if I could make this work, I would prove to the world and... to my mother that I was as good as the Golden Boy. I think most of all, I just wanted to prove it to myself.
Rhea: You don't have to prove anything. You're smarter than Lex. [Lena demurs] No, I'm not saying that to make you feel better. I'm saying it as a scientist. As someone who knows. But you need to stop trying to think like your brother. From what you've told me about Lex, he's a man who's concerned with power. And that's how you've been trying to fix this. Give it more power, you think it will work.
Lena: Yeah, and it just keeps blowing.
Rhea: But you're not a person who's consumed with power, are you? So if you weren't trying to do what Lex would do,... what would you do?
Lena: [considering] I'd... try to find a way to increase the anion input without overloading the energy output, all while maintaining the element's synthesis rate as a constant. | Rhea | Not power. Balance. |
Supergirl (TV series) | City of Lost Children [2.20] | 2 | Kara: Did you rip the seat off the toilet in my loft again, and now you're just bringing Chinese food so you don't get in trouble? | Mon-El | That was once. That was one time. Okay? And in my defense, you can be pretty scary when it comes to enforcing bathroom etiquette. |
Supergirl (TV series) | City of Lost Children [2.20] | 3 | Rhea: Everything I do, I do for my people. Everything that you do for yours is to bolster your broken ego. You need this planet to worship you, the last daughter of a failed world. Because otherwise, your survival means nothing.
Kara: You're delusional. | Rhea | Ha. No, on the contrary. I see everything clearly. I came here in peace, which you refused. And all of the ugliness that's transpired is because of your righteousness, Kara Zor-El. Everything that happens from now on is your doing. Every city that burns, every nation that falls. For every child of Earth that cries out "Why is this happening?", the answer... is "Supergirl". |
Supergirl (TV series) | Resist [2.21] | 11 | President Olivia Marsdin: Stand down!
Rhea: "Stand down"? I think you are confusing this situation with one in which you have any sort of negotiating leverage.
Marsdin: This is not a negotiation! This is a demand!
Rhea: [hard] You speak like that to me again, and you will feel the consequences.
Cat Grant: [entering Olivia's office] Oh my God! Enough. All right. Ladies, ladies. If I wanted to see this adolescent macho posturing, I would have stayed in D.C.
Kara: Miss Grant?!
Cat: [to Olivia] Is this really who you want to be? [to both] Testosterone-driven windbags boasting about your big guns? Surely, we don't need to measure anything. We're wo-men. We're tough, we're wise, and we're way above this pettiness, so let's just.. roll up our sleeves and talk peace.
Rhea: I'm sorry. Who are you?
Cat: I'm. . Grant. Known on Earth as "Queen of All Media".
Rhea: [amused] Oh. Well, Cat Grant, I'm . And Earth now has a new queen. | Cat | Oh. Oh, well, let me give you just a little bit of friendly advice, Rhea. That tiara that you have on the top of your head. It's overkill. Real royals, they don't need to try that hard. The thing is, that I have brokered peace between Kanye and Taylor Swift, so I think mediating peace between our two worlds should be a piece of cake. And... "The Future is Female", we've all read the T-shirts. So we are three strong, formidable women, and we can do anything we want. So let's just talk it out and come up with a harmonious solution, shall we? |
Supergirl (TV series) | Resist [2.21] | 3 | Cat: Do you want to know the real reason why I left National City? I wasn't... happy. So I asked Siri "Where is the happiest place on Earth, Siri?", and she answered "Bhutan", so I booked my passage to the Himalayas and moved into a yurt. Now, do you have any idea what is in a yurt? Nothing. Nothing. Not even central air conditioning. But these people, they are happy. A child learns how to walk, they sing. A group of people come down from a hike, from the mountains, and they dance. A couple, they go on their first date and they throw a damn festival. And all of a sudden, the secret to happiness just dawned on me. It's human connection. And I could conquer the world at Co or I could twiddle my thumbs in the yurt, and the loneliness would feel exactly the same, because I was missing... the point. It's not about what you do. It's about who you love. And there are two people that you love trapped in an evil spaceship. Wanting to rescue them is not selfish. It's everything.
Kara: Yeah. Yeah. [pause] I've really missed your advice, Miss Grant. | Cat | And I've really missed giving it. Now shoo. Up, up and away, no time to lose. |
Supergirl (TV series) | Resist [2.21] | 6 | Alex: Hey. What you said before, about Maggie, if I... if she was on that ship? You were right. I would do anything I could to save her. [getting more emotional] So, you better hurry.
Kara: I will.
Alex: If you are on board when I fire, you will not survive that.
Kara: I know.
Alex: [hugs Kara close] Okay, so please... just be faster than me, okay? I know... I know you're fast, but just be faster. | Kara | Faster than a speeding bullet. |
Supergirl (TV series) | Resist [2.21] | 4 | Cat: Good evening, National City. It's Grant. Yes, I've been away for a while, but I'm back. Now I can imagine that you are feeling afraid and feeling like your world is spinning out of control, but believe me: you have a power, and right now you have a job to do. Resist! Resist these invaders with everything you've got! They come with empty promises and closed fists. They promise to make our world great again. And yet they know nothing about the people that make this world great. They think they can con us, and if that doesn't work, what? They're gonna beat us into submission? They have no idea who they're up against. Aliens and humans, we need to band together, and we need to stand together and fight back. Everyone needs to be a superhero, everyone needs to get up and say "not in my house". Let's prove to these thugs that we are strong, and we're united, and we are not going to be conquered. And "tiara woman", if you and your little minions happen to be listening, you have come to the wrong town. Yeah, I'm Grant, not going anywhere.
Winn: Classic!
[Up on the Daxamite mothership] | Rhea | [to a guard] Send a squadron to the planet's surface and kill that woman! |
Supergirl (TV series) | Resist [2.21] | 4 | Kara: It's over, Rhea. Came back to give you one last chance to do the right thing.
Rhea: How generous of you.
Kara: When I was a child, I could look up into the skies and see Daxam in the stars. I was told so many times how terrible a place it was. But I couldn't understand that. Because they had families. Like us. People they loved. In a few minutes, this ship will be destroyed. And everyone on it. You don't want that. Save your people while you still have time. | Rhea | Touching speech, Supergirl. Sadly, wasted on the wrong audience. When my own husband opposed me, I killed him. You really think you can tug at my heartstrings? |
Supergirl (TV series) | Nevertheless, She Persisted [2.22] | 10 | [Kara and Superman arrive at the D.E.O. Mon-El sees Kara and hugs her tight.]
Mon-El: You okay?
Kara: I'm so much better now.
[Winn approaches Superman, bumping into Alex along the way, and shakes Superman's hand.]
Winn: [stammering, ] Hey, hi. I'm sure you probably don't remember me--
Superman: Winn Schott? Resident genius of the D.E.O.? Good to see you, buddy. [claps Winn's shoulder]
Winn: [awestruck] Good.
Superman: Good. [to Mon-El] And you're the guy who's dating my cousin.
Mon-El: Yes, sir. of Daxam. [quickly] Though not... not like the... you know, the others from Daxam. The killing ones. | Superman | You must be a good guy. Or she wouldn't be with you. [shakes Mon-El's hand] |
Supergirl (TV series) | Nevertheless, She Persisted [2.22] | 2 | Kara: I feel like I'm on the brink of having everything I've ever wanted. Family, friends, a job I love. A life as a hero I never could've imagined. And Mon-El. If I beat Rhea, I get to keep all of that. I don't know. I don't know if it's possible. I don't know if it's possible to have everything you want. | Superman | Well, it is. But only because you worked for it. Whenever I fight, no matter who it's against, where it is, I'm always fighting for Lois. I fight with her right here. [touches his chest] The people we love, they're, uh... they're another secret superpower. Keep 'em with you. |
Supergirl (TV series) | Nevertheless, She Persisted [2.22] | 4 | [Mon-el prepares to leave the lead-poisoned Earth.]
Mon-El: There's something I need to say. Wherever I go, I'm gonna be better because of you. You'll be in my heart. I promise I'm gonna be the man that you thought I could be. I promise.
Kara: You made me so happy. Here. Take this. [gives him her pendant] This will keep you safe. [They kiss.] I love you. [emotional] I should've said it before. | Mon-El | I love you. |
Supergirl (TV series) | Nevertheless, She Persisted [2.22] | 10 | Cat: See, the thing that makes women strong is that we have the guts to be vulnerable. We have the ability to feel the depths of our emotion, and we know that we will walk though it to the other side. And, by the way, you have accomplished great things this year. Your articles. Slaver's Moon. Alien Registry. Alien Fight Club. It's all very powerful. And your prose. Your prose is not bad. I mean, it's not great, but it's not bad.
Kara: You read them?
Cat: I did. I did "2017". They have Wi-Fi in the Himalayan mountains. But you, my dear, are on a Hero's journey. Like Joseph Campbell would say. And yes, you have hit a bit of an obstacle, but you will soar right over it, just like I would. Except, of course, you won't be wearing Louboutin's.
[Kara sees a news report on a fire in the city]
Kara: there's something I forgot I had to do. I have to go.
[Kara gets up to leave]
Cat: By all means.
Kara: Thank you.
[Kara walks out] | Cat | Go get 'em, Supergirl. |
Supergirl (TV series) | Girl of Steel [3.1] | 7 | Winn: I mean, I thought it was bad when she skipped Pizza Night, but skipping free apps? I mean, come on, these are, like, the beginning of the dark days.
Hank: Hey, come on, grief doesn't have a deadline.
Winn: Hey, look, I know, but she goes from being Little Miss Sunshine to... well, Alex, basically.
Alex: What? I'm not like that.
Hank: Come on, Alex, your unrelenting seriousness is one of your best qualities.
[Hank walks off, followed by Winn.] | Alex | [calling after them] I'm not like that. I'm NOT!! |
Supergirl (TV series) | Girl of Steel [3.1] | 3 | Morgan Edge: Lena? Twice in my office in as many days. People are gonna start talking.
Lena: Morgan, you have all the charisma of a Michael Douglas movie from the '90s. | Edge | You didn't come all this way just to flatter me, did you? |
Supergirl (TV series) | Girl of Steel [3.1] | 21 | Alex: Who are you right now? Kara Danvers doesn't quit.
Kara: She quits the things that aren't important.
Alex: CATCO is important. You help people there.
Kara: Not like Supergirl does.
Alex: Kara Danvers --
Kara: Danvers SUCKS right now! Supergirl is great! Supergirl saved the world. So, if I could choose to be her, why would I ever choose to be the sad girl whose boyfriend is gone? I don't like that girl, Alex.
Alex: Look, I know it hurts.
Kara: No, no, you don't know anything. You've never had to make a decision like this.
Alex: Okay, so tell me what it feels like. Please. Just let me help, let me help you get over him.
Kara: "Get over him"?! He didn't dump me. I sent him away, and for all I know he's...
Alex: What?
Kara: Doesn't matter.
Alex: You're not letting yourself feel anything. You're just bottling it up inside and you're making bad decisions. And I'm worried...
Kara: If it was Maggie, what would you be doing? If the woman you are about to marry was gone forever, what would you be doing?
Alex: I...
Kara: You'd be the bar every night. You'd be a wreck at work. You'd be broken.
Alex: I would. I would be, and it's okay if you are.
Kara: I'm not. That's what humans do, and I'm better than that. Clark said it himself. The decision I made, he couldn't've made that sacrifice. But me? I couldn't've lived with myself if I hadn't. I will always make the decision I made. I am not a human. I tried to be, but I'm not. Danvers was a mistake. So, if you have an update about work I'd love to hear it. Otherwise...
Alex: Bloodsport has the capability to cloak a nuke. We're thinking that he's gonna hit the statue unveiling at the waterfront. J'onn wants everyone there.
Kara: I'll be there. | Alex | Yeah. [starts to leave but turns around at the door] Kara Danvers is my favorite person! She saved me more times than Supergirl ever could, so just think about that while you're trying to get rid of her! |
Supergirl (TV series) | Girl of Steel [3.1] | 7 | Hank: It's quiet up here. You know, I rarely flew on Mars. It was for battle, not pleasure. When I first came to Earth, I spent hours up in the sky. It was the only place I could feel.. empty.
Kara: Well, that's not what I'm doing up here.
Hank: Forgive me for saying, but you seem to be courting emptiness of late, and that's not you.
Kara: I tried to be Danvers for fifteen years, but I'm not supposed to be her. I'm not supposed to be human.
Hank: But you have a human heart now. It aches, it scars, but it keeps on beating. If you try and cut it out, you will lose something essential.
Kara: I can't help people if I'm broken. | Hank | You are not broken! You're the strongest person I know! You saved me, remember? You told me that my loss made me stronger. That was Kara Danvers, not Supergirl. |
Supergirl (TV series) | Girl of Steel [3.1] | 16 | Maggie: Danvers, you on comms? Got something that needs your attention.
Alex: I'm here, East side. You?
Maggie: West, all clear. About last night...
Alex: Uh, this is neither the time or the place to talk about what I think you want to talk about.
Maggie: Do you not want to marry me?
Alex: Of course I do! Look, I want to be your wife! I want to have a dog, I want to have a house, all of it. I just, I just don't want a big wedding.
Maggie: Why? [pause] Talk to me. Please, you have to tell me what's going on.
Alex: Because my dad won't be there. He can't come, he can't walk me down the aisle.
Maggie: You could've told me that.
Alex: I didn't want to make a big deal out of it. I... you're already dealing with family issues that I can't imagine. So, I just hoped that I... let it go.
Maggie: Look, I've had more practice at choosing my family because I had to. And I think you have to take a deep breath and find your way out of this. There's so many people that love you. Just think about how they can make our day good, and tell me how I can help.
Alex: Okay, I can do that.
Maggie: Okay. I love you.
Alex: You too. Forever.
Winn: You two are my favorite couple. | Alex and Maggie | Winn! Get off the comms! |
Supergirl (TV series) | Triggers [3.2] | 5 | [Hank is trying to settle a dispute between Alex and Maggie: Band or D.J. at their wedding.]
Hank: The human mind reacts to music very much like other stimuli. Tastes, smells. A song doesn't sound exactly the way you're used to hearing it, you enjoy it less. And are, therefore, less likely to get jiggy on the dance floor. I say D.J.
Alex: Oh, yes!
Maggie: Come on. | Winn | Did he just say "jiggy"? |
Supergirl (TV series) | Triggers [3.2] | 5 | Lena: I thought you'd be too busy to act as my chaperone.
James: I don't want to chaperone you. I don't consider myself a chaperone, I consider myself the person who's been running this company for a year.
Lena: All right, Mr. Olsen. I have a meeting with the advertising department in 20 minutes. I'll see you there.
James: See you in 19. | Lena | Twenty will be fine. |
Supergirl (TV series) | Triggers [3.2] | 8 | Kara: Got you cornered.
Psi: Do you?
Kara: What did you do to them up there?
Psi: Only wanted to play. But they didn't want to play with me.
Kara: Well, you're not getting away with it.
Psi: Oh. You think you're the cat, and I'm the bird. You got it backwards. You could join me. Maybe then you'd be happy. See, money equals happiness. More money, more happiness.
Kara: Your priorities are seriously outta whack. | Psi | I know. Right. [laughs] |
Supergirl (TV series) | Triggers [3.2] | 5 | [Kara has taken Winn aside.]
Winn: Ooo, this is very covert ops. What's up?
Kara: I... I know how she's doing it. I felt it this time. She's targeting people's fear.
Winn: How - how do you know that? | Kara | I saw my mother. I saw... Krypton explode. I relived my last moments there. And then being stuck floating through space for so long. Knowing I could never have my life back. [getting nervous] Psi put me back in that pod. Completely trapped and alone. It was... it was so quiet. [gets more nervous]] Silence was the worst part.... I felt completely cut off from everything and everyone I've ever known.... [composes herself] We... we have to stop her, Winn. |
Supergirl (TV series) | Far from the Tree [3.3] | 3 | Alex: I don't know why throwing a lesbian wedding shower would curb Mom's cheesy antics.
Kara: Nope. Gay, straight, whatever, Eliza will not be stopped until she digs up every bridal shower game since the beginning of time. [Alex picks up a napkin from a stack and shows . On it is printed "Alex & Maggie's Shower".] You know what, you're gonna love "Bridal Bingo". | Alex | Kill me now. Please. |
Supergirl (TV series) | Far from the Tree [3.3] | 3 | Maggie: I told a girl at school that I liked her, and my parents found out. I came home that day... it was winter... and my dad was there with a suitcase. And he told me to get into the car... and, um... we drove in silence. And I just stared out the window, looking at the icicles on the trees. And I was terrified to say anything, but... finally, I said, um... I said "Papi, what did I do?" And then he just looked at me with such contempt and said, um... "You shamed me." And then he pulled up to my aunt's house and left me with my suitcase. That was the last thing that my father said to me.
Eliza: The only thing shameful about that story is how your father treated you, Maggie. | Alex | [whispering] Yeah. [hugs Maggie] |
Supergirl (TV series) | Far from the Tree [3.3] | 15 | [Maggie's father, Oscar, walked out of the bridal shower when Maggie and Alex kiss]
Maggie: You're just gonna walk out? After all this time, that's it?
Oscar Rodas: I can't do this.
Maggie: Can't do what? Tell me, please. What exactly have I done that is so offensive to you?
Oscar: You spit in my face.
Maggie: I spit in your face? For loving somebody? I don't understand. I don't get it.
Oscar: I came to this country at nine years old. At eleven, I was working in a factory.
Maggie: Yes, I know.
Oscar: Do you?
Maggie: Yeah.
Oscar: Do you know I was the only Mexicano working alongside a bunch of white boys? Do you know that they would wait for me at night by the road and laugh and call me "wetback" and kick me until my ribs were broken?
Maggie: What does this have to do
Oscar: With you being a lesbian? I worked to win their respect. Those same boys, when they grew up, elected me their sheriff. I endured for my children. So that you would never have to face that kind of hatred! So that you would belong!
Maggie: I'm accepted for who I am. The world is different now. | Oscar | Huh! They're building a wall to keep us out! Because in their minds, we're nothing but rapists and murderers! The only thing they hate more than a Mexicano, is a homosexual. The world is not different, my dear. Look, you can live any way you please. But don't ask me to witness it. |
Supergirl (TV series) | Far from the Tree [3.3] | 2 | [Kara drives up to the White Martians' ceremony in J'onn's '50's convertible.] | Kara | Hi. Hi. I'm, uh... I'm sorry to bother you during, um... whatever it is you're doing, but I think I took a wrong turn at Albuquerque. Can any of you give me directions back to Earth? [gets out of the car nonchalantly while the White Martians roar] You know, I thought I took that tunnel, but my GPS is all screwed up down here, and it keeps trying to get me to make the suicidal left turn. |
Supergirl (TV series) | Far from the Tree [3.3] | 2 | [Maggie meets her father at the bus stop as he is about to leave.] | Maggie | I came to give you that back. [returns the picture of her as a little girl to him] That little girl... so desperate to win her father's love. You left her on the side of the road. And all these years, I've been that little girl. Yearning for my papa to come back for me. Praying that one day, he would see me and love me for who I am. Thank you for coming to the shower. You gave me an amazing gift. You showed me that I'm not that scared little girl in that picture anymore. I am an adult woman , and I am happy in my own skin, and I'm so fortunate that I'm surrounded by people who value and cherish me. I finally understand. I don't need you to see me or to get me or to even like me. I don't need anything from you. I'm already good.... Goodbye, Papa. [walks away] |
Supergirl (TV series) | The Faithful [3.4] | 3 | Olivia: [addressing the worshippers of Supergirl] Hello. Uh, it was, um... it was Spring break when I caught my boyfriend cheating on me with my best friend. And I took it hard. Snuck into a rooftop party, and I got totally wasted, and I stood on the ledge as a joke. And then the next thing I knew,... I was falling. And as I fell, I thought "I hope that if this is it, that it's quick." But it wasn't quick. And that fall lasted an eternity. And then she caught me. And she told me that everything is gonna be okay. Because of Supergirl, I realize I still deserve to be loved. Supergirl saved me. [The congregation applauds.]
James: [whispers to Kara] Do you remember saving her? | Kara | [looks at all the people, nearly overwhelmed] I... I remember all of them. |
Supergirl (TV series) | The Faithful [3.4] | 14 | Kara: I... I think it's admirable that you want to help people. I mean, logically, Supergirl can't save everyone. There's only one of her.
Thomas Coville: [looking right at Kara] Is this a test?
Kara: Excuse me?
Coville: [joyful] Did you come here to test my faith?... Supergirl?
Kara: I'm not... I'm not... [scoffs]
Coville: I looked into your eyes from my seat on that plane. When you look into the eyes of God, you do not forget.
[A shaken Kara turns and starts to leave.]
Coville: [calling her back] Wait, don't... Don't worry. Your secret is safe with me. As Rao says, "Let my god walk amongst you and shelter her."
Kara: I am not God. Rao is.
Coville: Rao says that even his gods can lose their way. If you're lost,... I can help you. [gets an artifact from behind the lectern]
Kara: Where did you get that?
Coville: I found every artifact of Krypton that there was to find. This contains Rao's words. This can remind you of what Rao says.
Kara: [snatches the artifact] I know what Rao says. You are perverting it. [takes off her glasses and looks straight into Coville's eyes] You're going to stop having these meetings. You are going to stop telling people to put themselves in danger. If I am a god, you need to do as I say. You need to trust me. | Coville | I trust you. |
Supergirl (TV series) | The Faithful [3.4] | 7 | Lena: What's the matter?
Samantha Arias: I'm just screwing up... not with work. With Ruby. All she wanted to do was to practice her song with me, and I kept saying "Oh, later" and "Later", and look at her. I just feel like the worst mother. [Lena smiles.].... Why are you smiling?
Lena: Because I actually had the worst mother. Objectively speaking. So I find your self-pity a little funny.
Samantha: I mean, my kid fell asleep on my couch in the office. It's not great.
Lena: She fell asleep watching her mom work hard. She may not understand the ins and outs, but she knows it's important and you're the only one who can fix it. That is how you raise a girl to be a badass.
Samantha: Yeah. She already is a badass. | Lena | Yeah, 'cause she's loved. She knows it. |
Supergirl (TV series) | The Faithful [3.4] | 5 | James: You know how I met Superman?
Kara: At the Daily Planet.
James: That was your cousin Clark. So one day, I climbed up this bridge spire to get this angle on this tanker fire, and it was beautiful. It was great. There was a lot of smoke in the air. I got light-headed, and I lost my footing. And I fell. And I knew for sure that I was gonna die. So I just prayed. I prayed to anything, to anyone who was listening... to save me. And then out of the smoke came this hand that grasped mine. And that was the first time Superman saved me. Same way you did Coville.
Kara: My biology absorbs solar radiation at a different rate than humans. What about that is miraculous? | James | In this life, prayer normally doesn't work. Nobody shows up. But Clark did. And you do. Kara, you're something that we can see, something that we can touch. How are you not a miracle? |
Supergirl (TV series) | The Faithful [3.4] | 7 | [Kara visits Coville at the prison.]
Kara: Are they treating you well?
Coville: Oh, yes. Thank you.
Kara: I have to ask.... Are you going to tell anyone who I am?
Coville: Mmm. I know you gave me a name at the rec center. But honestly, I can't even remember it. That's not who you are.
Kara: You don't know who I am at all. | Coville | Oh, I know that even gods can lose their way. When I looked into your eyes that night on the plane, you were clear and free. Now your eyes are clouded with doubt, loss. You're at a crossroads. And I finally understand Rao's will for me: to help you on your journey. To bring you back to clarity of purpose. Back to balance, back to... peace. This isn't my prison. This is my salvation. And so I will continue to pray to you. But, I will also pray for you. |
Supergirl (TV series) | Damage [3.5] | 10 | Maggie: I don't want to feel like this. [walks towards Alex] I love you.
Alex: [moving away from Maggie] Yeah, I love you back.
Maggie: This can't be it. This is stupid. This is...
Alex: We're talked this through. Right? I mean, for days. I mean, can you do that again? Can you go another couple rounds? Because I can't. Are you ever gonna want to have kids?
Maggie: .... I want you!
Alex: Yeah, I know, babe. But I want kids. [Maggie nods] I'm always gonna want kids.
Maggie: Then there's nothing else left. You have to say it.
Alex: Maggie,...
Maggie: You have to say it out loud. Please? | Alex | .... We can't be together. |
Supergirl (TV series) | Damage [3.5] | 4 | Lena: So this is what your revenge looks like.
Edge: Have you ever heard of the Cobra effect, Lena? Colonial India, the British government. They realized there were snakes all over Delhi, and they wanted them gone. So they offered a bounty for dead snakes. And then they realized that people were breeding snakes for income. They thought everything was going really well, they realized they got slithering snakes all over Delhi. The whole thing backfired. Turns out they made the problem worse. You understand?
Lena: You're a toxic predator. | Edge | Unintended consequences. You wanted to be a hero so bad, you didn't care who you hurt. And now people are gonna die. |
Supergirl (TV series) | Damage [3.5] | 2 | Maggie: Are you sure you want to give up on this? Sure you want to do this, give up on something tangible and real? Some... us, it's us. For some notion of being a mom? | Alex | It's not some notion. Ever since I was little, when I would see a mom and her kids, this thing would happen to me, this recognition that I would be a mom too. And it wasn't some you know... "I want that" or "I hope someday that I have that". It's just something that I've always known. Even when everything else, when it was boyfriend, girlfriend, whatever, when that was blurry... The part of me being a mom, that's always been crystal clear. And if I deny that, I'm gonna feel it forever. I wish I could change the way I feel, but I can't. |
Supergirl (TV series) | Damage [3.5] | 3 | Edge: You know, I was thinking. He must've really hated her. You ever wonder what that feels like? That kind of... hate? Because I don't think you're capable of it.
Supergirl: [moves in closer to Edge] You have no idea what I am capable of. | Edge | This about me, now? Because when you got mad at me, you dumped me on a cargo ship in the middle of the sea. [shrugs] But a hassle. Cost me a few hours. Thirty bucks in dry cleaning. I don't know what kinda hippy-dippy justice you practice on your planet, sweetheart, but this is the real world. It's dog-eat-dog out here. Now, if I had an enemy, I'd crush her. Without mercy. Let's say , for instance, I was your enemy. Hmm? The thing for you to do right now would be to kill me. [Supergirl does nothing as stares her down] But you capes. You don't have what it takes. Do you? [Supergirl stares down , but still does nothing] Yeah. I didn't think so. You can leave the way you came in. I think the cleaning crew enjoyed the show. |
Supergirl (TV series) | Damage [3.5] | 7 | Lena: Mr. Olsen. I didn't expect you to be here.
James: Well, the news never sleeps.
Lena: How are you, really? I was worried about you.
James: Well, I'm kind of a hard man to keep down, Miss Luthor.
Lena: You know, I have a rule. Whenever anyone takes a bullet for me, they get to call me "".
James: [chuckles] Okay, well, "Lena" it is. And, uh, my friends call me "". Or... "Jimmy". | Lena | [smiling] Well, feel better, Jimmy Olsen. |
Supergirl (TV series) | Midvale [3.6] | 10 | [Kara and Alex are back in their old childhood bedroom.]
Alex: What's the point of all this?
Kara: [sighing] I dunno. We need to sleep. We always slept well here.
Alex: So I'll stay for, like, three days, and Mom will cook tons of food, and I'll gain, like, five pounds, and then walk back into an empty apartment.
Kara: Do you wanna talk about it? It might help.
Alex: You don't get to do that.
Kara: What?
Alex: You don't get to shut down, what, for six months after Mon-El goes, and now sit here and tell me to talk.
Kara: It will get better. | Alex | Yeah? [leans forward, looks Kara right in the eye] Are you better? |
Supergirl (TV series) | Midvale [3.6] | 12 | [Young Kara and her friend Kenny Lee are stargazing.]
Kenny Lee: [looking up at the stars] Somewhere, past all that darkness, there're whole other worlds. Can you imagine?
Young Kara: [knowing tone] Yeah.
Kenny: What do you think is up there?
Young Kara: I bet it's still just people. Families and... They're staring at the stars above them wondering the same thing about us. It's a beautiful view.
Kenny: [his gaze fixed on Kara] It is.
[Kara catches Kenny's eye and they look at one another. Kenny leans in to kiss Kara. She also leans forward to accept, but turns her head demurely at the last second.]
Young Kara: I... I really like your telescope.
Kenny: [laughs awkwardly] Yeah. You'd be surprised what this thing sees.
Young Kara: You know, you're the only person in Midvale who doesn't make me feel like I'm... like I shouldn't be here.
Kenny: I'm glad you're my friend. | Young Kara | [playfully shoulder-butts Kenny] You, too. |
Supergirl (TV series) | Midvale [3.6] | 8 | [Young Kara sneaks into her bedroom after her time with Kenny, only to find Alex awake in the other bed.]
Young Alex: Where were you?
Young Kara: None of your business.
Young Alex: It is if I'm the one who would get in trouble for whatever dumb thing you were doing.
Young Kara: I am so sick and tired of you blaming me for every bad thing that's happened to you.
Young Alex: Really? Because my mom wasn't constantly on my ass before you came along. I didn't have to act like some Earthly ambassador to the teenage underworld before you came along, and I'm pretty sure my dad wasn't gone before you came along.
Young Kara: How is that my fault? | Young Alex | Before you crashed in that pod, I had a great life. With two great parents. Now all I have is you. And you are not worth it. |
Supergirl (TV series) | Midvale [3.6] | 5 | [The young Danvers sisters are examining Kenny's laptop for clues to his murder.]
Young Kara: This thing looks water-damaged.
Young Alex: After being outside all night, I can't believe it's even on.
Young Kara: Um, Clark has a friend named Chloe who might be able to help. She really loves weird tech stuff like this. She even has this whole wall of weird. | Young Alex | Okay, I have no idea what any of that means, but send her a zip drive of everything we find. |
Supergirl (TV series) | Midvale [3.6] | 12 | Young Alex: Kenny saw you.
Sheriff Collins: Should've kept that telescope up in the sky. He was such a smart kid, good kid.
Young Alex: He was my friend.
Collins: Look, I didn't want to hurt him.
Young Alex: What did you want?
Collins: Little compensation, maybe. Get paid like a dog protecting spoiled rich folks. Drugs come over the border from Canada, hardly even hiding, must think I'm a joke. And the government wants me to burn it. Why not get a little something back for myself? That's all.
Young Alex: Yeah, real heartbreaking. You're a scumbag who kills kids to cover his own ass. You're pathetic!
Collins: You're real brave. Not even screaming. Not that anyone could hear you.
Young Alex: Someone's listening right now. Someone who can hear every single word you say. Every time you breathe. Can you feel it? She's coming. [shouts] Here! I'm down here!
[Kara breaks through the wall, knocking Collins unconscious and hugs Alex]
Young Kara: Are you okay? | Young Alex | Duh, I knew you would come. |
Supergirl (TV series) | Wake Up [3.7] | 11 | [M'yrnn J'onzz wanders the D.E.O. corridors as if he's searching for something. Winn happens upon him.]
Winn: Hey. Hi, Mister J. You, uh, looking for something?
M'yrnn J'onzz: I would like to find the baraak.
Winn: Ooo. Ooo, you know I've been brushing up on my Martian. Baraak... "library". [sees by M'yrnn's look he's wrong] No,... "bathroom".
M'yrnn: To relieve myself.
Winn: You-you don't know where it is? You... haven't you been here for, like.... three weeks?
M'yrnn: And four days. Precisely.
Winn: .... Yeah, it's down the hall, uh, around the corner, third door to your left. [looks around] We really... really should put up signs.
M'yrnn: May I go?
Winn: .... Yeah. | M'yrnn | Thank you !! [turns and hurries off] |
Supergirl (TV series) | Wake Up [3.7] | 7 | Samantha: I found out something. About myself. And it's a really good thing. It's gonna answer a lot of questions, but I gotta take this trip to get those questions answered.
Ruby Arias: Can't I come with you? I can come with you.
Samantha: I know you want to, and I wish that you could. But I gotta do this on my own, okay?
[Ruby looks sad and disappointed.]
Samantha: [holds up her hand] Hold my hand. [Ruby takes her hand] You feel that?
Ruby: Your pulse? | Samantha | That's you. You are my heart. Are you gonna trust me? [Ruby nods] Something wonderful is happening. |
Supergirl (TV series) | Wake Up [3.7] | 15 | M'yrnn: This, uh, brown water is a popular beverage on Earth?
J'onn: In the mornings, mostly.
M'yrnn: [takes a sip] Mmm. Yes. I understand the appeal of k'off eee.
J'onn: It's pronounced "coffee". It's only a short walk from the D.E.O. You can come down here any time. [checks his phone]
M'yrnn: [indicating two men playing chess] What is that? A duel of intellect?
J'onn: That is chess. Ancient game of strategy with infinite outcomes.
M'yrnn: Aah. Much like Ok ra'tok. We should play Ok ra'tok sometime.
J'onn: Don't really have a lot of time for games. You should come down here. Learn chess. [looks at his smart watch]
M'yrnn: If you wish to return to the D.E.O., let us go.
J'onn: Oh no, Father, no, it's okay. It's okay. We can stay out. You've been a prisoner for 300 years. You shouldn't feel like a prisoner here.
M'yrnn: I know I am not a prisoner of the D.E.O., my son. You are. You've glanced at your smart devices forty-three times since we arrived. Your body is here, but your mind is trapped in your work. You live there. Your only friends are there. You have nothing outside of it.
J'onn: You've been here three weeks, I've been here 300 years. I think I know a little more about how to engage with this world than you do.
M'yrnn: [nods] Thank you for showing me the way here. I will return if I require more brown water.
J'onn: Father- | M'yrnn | You have completed your mission, and now I would like to return to my room. [walks off, leaving J'onn standing in the park] |
Supergirl (TV series) | Wake Up [3.7] | 10 | [Mon-El wakes up in a containment cell, with Kara standing outside.]
Kara: I don't understand. I want to give you the benefit of the doubt, but... you attacked two agents. [emotional] Was... were you confused by the hypersleep? Is that why you snuck out of the med-bay, broke into a secure storage room, and almost killed two people?
Mon-El: I didn't almost kill anyone.
Kara: Is it not you?
Mon-El: It's me.
Kara: [on the verge of tears] Then make me believe it. Please? .... You know, I don't sleep anymore? I lay awake at night just staring at the ceiling, because if I close my eyes, I dream about you dying. I see you... disappearing into the... blackness of space forever.... This was all I wanted. This. And when I saw you on that ship, oh my God, I felt like I could hope again. I could touch you and see you and hear you and be with you, finally. But... you're... you're different. And I....
[Mon-El just sits silently.]
Kara: You have nothing to say?.... nothing?
Mon-El: I'm sorry. | Kara | [now more collected] Shame on me for having a human heart. [leaves] |
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