stringlengths 38
| instruction
stringclasses 1
value | input
stringclasses 1
value | output
stringclasses 2
values |
Transcription factor activities are sometimes, but not always, correlated with the gene expression of the factor. We compared the calculated transcription factor activities with the gene expression **data** for each factor ( Figure 2B). NFKB1, RELA, STAT1, STAT3 and MYC showed strong positive correlation between activities and expression (correlation coefficient c > 0.56), possibly due to auto-or cross-regulation. For example, NFKB1 activity and expression are tightly correlated (c = 0.6022), possibly because the NF-B p65:p50 complex can regulate NFKB1 [38,39]. STAT1 activity and expression are also strongly correlated (c = 0.8362), which might relate to the transcriptional effect of STAT3 on STAT1 expression [40], particularly given that STAT1 and STAT3 have highly correlated activities ( Figure 2C, c = 0.9329). On the other hand, the activities and expression show lower or no correlation for IRF3, JUN, FOS and CREB (-0.15 <c < 0.37). | Is data availability statement | no |
Six well-developed pale horizons interpreted as tundra gleys in units IV-VII and X, three reworked brownish yellow layers in units III and VI and two weak paleosols in unit IX were clearly visible in the field, whereas less developed units could be robustly defined based on color **data** (Fig. 4). It is important to note that the horizon designations from pedology used here are descriptive and not genetic. Interpreting the LPS evolution requires a differentiation of paleosols from reworked soil material based on field observation and GS data. The dark and brownish AB and BC horizons below AH 4 show increases in finer GS indicating pedogenesis, whereas all BC and Bw horizons above AH 4 contain higher proportions of sand and gravel, admixed during soil reworking (Fig. 8). | Is data availability statement | no |
4.76 ± 0.11
0.24 ± 0.02
3.12 ± 0.46
0.38 ± 0.02
8.10 ± 0.33
3.60 ± 0.15
56.1 ± 1.4
66.3 ± 5.3
>2 *
0.19 ± 0.02
0.05 *
19 *
experimental **data**
>100 *
6.08 ± 1.63
0.009 *
113 *
experimental **data** | Is data availability statement | no |
Context bias detection with grid saliency . In the last column of Fig . 4 ( b ) , we report the context bias detection results for our perturbation - based grid saliency method , described in Sec . 3.1 , using the CBD metric ( see Eq . 6 ) . The mCBD values are visualized with respect to networks trained on data biased to different digits DS s / w - bias ( y - axis ) and for the different digit classes ( x - axis ) in the biased test set . The only exception is the first row ( labeled as N ) , where for comparison we show the results with no bias , for the network trained on DS no - bias . We observe that our grid saliency shows substantial evidence of context bias for digits with induced bias ( diagonal elements ) , both strong and weak . Even for the weak bias in Fig . 4 ( b ) the grid saliency still clearly differentiates between biased and unbiased digits ( diagonal vs. non - diagonal elements ) . Note that the bias detection using the grid saliency does not require an unbiased test set . In the suppl . material , we also study the influence of the bias texture as well as the choice of hyperparameters . | Is data availability statement | no |
We used an IQ - demodulator with a 50 MHz bandwidth ( Model AD8333 , Analog Devices ) for fast , memory - efficient optoacoustic signal detection in the FD . The IQ demodulator enables homodyne detection of baseband signals that consist of an in - phase component I t ð Þ ¼ A cos φ t ð Þ ½ and a quadrature component Q t ð Þ ¼ A sin φ t ð Þ ½ . Signals with amplitude A and phase φ were extracted from acquired I and Q data using the following equations : | Is data availability statement | no |
Features. An option is to identify a set of discerning features of the interface and record the values of those features. This option is the one we used in this paper. A supervised learning algorithm can be used to build a prediction model essentially finding a pattern in the feature values that classifies an interface as either containing or not dark patterns and identifying which one. Advantage. Building on the work of Soe et al. (2020), a large selection of discerning features is used to describe the properties of online cookie banners from news outlets. The advantage of this approach over the other two is that interactive phenomena, such as invoking several interfaces, can be described and both visual and textual cues can be captured in the representation. In Section 3 we describe how the features from the Soe et al. (2020) dataset were processed before being used to train a prediction model. Limitation. The clear disadvantage is that some feature values will be difficult to be automatically "harvested" and virtually all feature values will require different AI post-processing techniques. Namely, after one algorithm (or a human) has identified and scraped the text, another is needed to analyse it. For example, text would require sentiment analysis, and the identification of widgets used would require a image processing. Instead, an ideal approach, and one open problem for future work consists in identifying the features whose values can be automatically scraped and post-processed and which are most relevant to distinguish a dark pattern. The more precise the definition of dark patterns, the easier it is to identify the relevant features. A separate limitation of the features approach is the challenge of humans being able to correctly label the **data** points with the right dark pattern. We discuss this issue next. | Is data availability statement | no |
Qualitative **data** was collected from both NPTs and NPLs. The NPLs initially completed an 11-item questionnaire prior to the NPLs sitting for their final exam. Open-ended questions were used to assess NPLs' opinions regarding strengths and weaknesses of the teaching program as well as the perceived value of the near-peer intervention in their exam preparation. After completion of their summative OSCEs, NPLs were then invited via emails and social media to participate in focus groups, to assess if their opinions of the teaching program differed post-exam and their perspectives on the value of near-peer education. NPTs were similarly invited to individual interviews, in which questions were directed to their experiences teaching in the program as well as perspectives on near-peer education. The different modalities of **data** collection were necessary to accommodate participant and researcher time and resource constraints, which was conducted in university holidays. | Is data availability statement | no |
ERRBS is a slightly modified version of RRBS 36,37 . Libraries were prepared by MspI restriction enzyme digestion of high molecular weight genomic DNA , followed by end repair , size selection , bisulfite conversion and library amplification as previously described 38,39 . Libraries were sequenced on a HiSeq 2000 Illumina machine using 75 bp single - end reads . Data alignment was performed to human genome hg19 as previously described ( see data analysis description ) 38,39 . Average reads per sample were 138,596,488 with a mean alignment rate of unique reads of 63.7 % , covering on average 4,399,235 CpGs per sample at a minimum threshold coverage of 10X. Average coverage depth per CpG was 72.3 and average bisulfite conversion was 99.86 % determined as previously described 38,39 . See Supplementary Table 3 for detailed sequencing statistics . A subset of patient samples were processed using SeqCap Epi 4 M CpGiant Enrichment kit ( NimbleGen - Roche ) and SureSelect XT Human Methyl - Seq ( Agilent Technologies ) per manufacturer 's recommendations . These were sequenced using a paired - end 100bp approach on a HiSeq 2000 ( Illumina , Inc. ) . | Is data availability statement | no |
Firstly, we generate 100 synthetic **data** points each for specific heat and enthalpy. The specific heats and enthalpies are equally spaced in the 1K − 75K and 300K − 1800K temperature ranges, respectively. | Is data availability statement | no |
We use the lasso as a regression method with subset selection (for both the 'average' and the 'smoothing' type); the predictors are selected by including an ℓ 1 penalty on the vector of regression weights during the loss minimization, which effectively sets many of the weights to zero 54 . For comparison, we evaluate unweighted averages over N days similar to the eclipse day ('N-averages' from now on), as well as standard smoothing procedures (local regression, in both linear 5 and quadratic variants). Similarity between predictor and target days for the N-average is assessed as the pairwise Euclidean distance in the space spanned by times t • . Uncertainties for all methods can be quantified empirically by estimating the values for all t ∈ t • on all days d ∈ d • and subtracting the corresponding actual observations. This gives an error distribution for each time t ∈ t • . For the smoothing regression-the only method where the quantity of interest to us is actually the target-care needs to be taken to separate training and test data. To this end, we use four-fold cross-validation, so that approximately 1 year of **data** is in the test set at any time, and we calculate the error for a day only if it is in a test set. Figures 1 and 2 show the regression-based estimates and those obtained from comparison methods, respectively, for air temperature on the day of the eclipse at a few selected stations in and around La Serena. The box plots show the temperature depression T of the observation relative to the reference estimate. The plot elements representing uncertainty (shaded bands, boxes, whiskers and fliers) are constructed by adding the error distributions computed as described above to the point estimate. The regression methods' uncertainty is much reduced relative to that of the comparison methods; some but not all estimates of T fall outside of 95% of the calculated error distributions. | Is data availability statement | no |
The following are available online at https://www.mdpi.com/article/10 .3390/ph14050402/s1, Figure S1: 1H-NMR **data** information for 7α-acetoxy-6β-hydroxyroyleanone, Figure S2: HPLC chromatograms (270 nm) of P. hadiensis leaves showing the major compound, 7α-acetoxy-6β-hydroxyroyleanone, Figure S3: UV spectrum of 7α-acetoxy-6β-hydroxyroyleanone, Figure S4: Concentration-response curves (IC 50 µM) for 7α-acetoxy-6β-hydroxyroyleanone; Table S1: NMR spectroscopy **data** characterization, 1 | Is data availability statement | yes |
The current inquiry adds to the body of knowledge in this area by exploring potential changes to both reactive and proactive officer activities brought on by the pandemic using CFS **data** from Houston, Texas collected from January 1, 2018 through December 31, 2020. This study is informed by routine activity theory and perspectives on proactive policing. Trends are examined for seven different call types: violent crime, property offenses, disorder incidents, suspicious incidents, traffic-related activities, service-related activities, and non-crime events. In doing so, observed trends can be compared to the other large jurisdictions to further our understanding of how the pandemic has impacted demands for police services (e.g., Ashby, 2020). We also examine trends in officer proactivity through officer-initiated activities identified in the CFS **data** performed by three units: patrol, specialized crime investigation units, and the department's specialized response unit. This provides a unique look into how COVID-19 may have influenced officer-initiated activities. | Is data availability statement | no |
It has been well documented that ethylene accumulation is a key signal for flooding. Our transcriptome **data** show that several ethylene biosynthesis genes, such as S-adenosyl-L-methionine (SAM) and 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid oxidase (ACCO), were upregulated in the submerged roots. These results agree with previous studies showing that waterlogging stress promotes ethylene biosynthesis [52]. However, although ethylene biosynthesis genes were upregulated, waterlogging stress did not affect the downstream genes in the ethylene pathway, such as ETR, CTR1, and EIN3. Furthermore, although the increased EBF transcription could lead to EIN3 inhibition, this inhibition did not decrease the transcription of ERF TFs. Hence, we speculate that an EIN3-independent pathway might be involved in activating ERF TF transcription since there is growing evidence of the EIN3/EIL1-independent mediated pathway in the ethylene pathway. For example, the double knockout ein3ein1 Arabidopsis mutants were able to respond to ethylene under stress [53]. However, further studies are required to verify this. | Is data availability statement | no |
The **data** for nutrient uptake rates were estimated using the Michaelis-Menten equation at the different JSM fertilizer concentrations (Table 4). V max /K m for the BPVD drip-irrigated platform design showed better DIN uptake (NO 3 -1 + NH 4 + ) efficiency when compared to the other two drip-irrigated platform designs, while the submerged control platform (SUB) showed the lowest uptake rate for DIN, (which is peculiar and unexplainable considering the highest biomass productivity was observed for the submerged controls (e.g., 20-30 g m -2 d -1 ). Ulva grown on each of the different drip irrigation-platforms (SD, MLHD and BPVD) exhibited higher overall nutrient uptake than did Ulva biomass grown using the submerged platform controls (SUB). This was found to also be true for nitrate, ammonium, and phosphate nutrients. Ulva cultured on platforms MLHD and SD had higher preference for nitrate uptake, while BPVD tended to have more preference for uptake of ammonium and phosphate. As shown in the kinetic parameters (Table 4), Ulva's maximum uptake rate and half-saturation values for nitrate on the MLHD and SD platforms were similar and closely related to each other (Table 4). Employing linear regression analysis, BPVD showed significantly higher ammonium (p<0.001) uptake rates than the SUB controls (p = 0.034). Uptake rates for PO 4 were significantly higher (p = 0.008) for each of the three drip-irrigation platforms when compared to the submerged (SUB) controls (p = 0.045; Table 4). | Is data availability statement | no |
Source 179 Figure 4. X-ray spectra of the Galactic stars (data points) together with power law models (black stepped lines) and multitemperature optically-thin thermal models (grey stepped lines). All spectra are shown in the observer frame. Both models and **data** have been divided by the product of effective area and Galactic transmission as a function of energy. | Is data availability statement | no |
Currently, there is a lack of validation studies to bring source space connectivity into clinical practice. Even M/EEG source localization is still only performed in a modest number of centers worldwide, e.g., in the E-PILEPSY consortium electromagnetic source localization is only used at 12 out of 25 centers in the presurgical evaluation (85). Calculating source space connectivity is more complex than source localization alone. Given that the integration of source localization has already proven to be difficult in clinical practice, it can be anticipated that this will be an even larger challenge for source space connectivity. First, well designed prospective studies should show that source space connectivity has clear added value compared to the visual analysis of the electrophysiologist today on a patient specific level. Later, the methods should be available in standardized software with appropriate clearance for clinical use. Software for clinical use must come along with high usability, so that clinical-technical staff can do the necessary steps of processing (a) without risk of running into pitfalls that are common in source imaging and (b) within a workable time range, which is notoriously limited in clinical contexts. Next to this, standardized paradigms must be defined and tested, similarly to neuropsychological tests, in order to determine whether eloquent areas can be mapped by source connectivity analysis in pre-surgical evaluation. These paradigms must take into account the fact that network analyses require temporal information. Indeed, source-level connectivity needs different **data** properties than simple source-transformation of single events such as peaks of event related components. Only when all these limitations are overcome, can source connectivity be considered in clinical practice to assist in patient treatment and follow-up. | Is data availability statement | no |
Due to a need to quickly understand how individuals are coping with the pandemic and the **data** collection limitations related to the COVID-19 pandemic, current autonomic reactivity could only be collected via self-report. Although the BPQ-SF appears to be an appropriate measure of autonomic reactivity as it has high convergent validity with similar measures and consistency across samples (34), it is unclear whether the selfreports reflect autonomic state reactivity prior to the pandemic or is a sensitive index of the individual autonomic reaction to the pandemic. Future research should explore objective measurements of autonomic reactivity prior to, during, and following COVID-19 infection. | Is data availability statement | no |
We now demonstrate the viable models that can fit all the available **data** for charged cosmic rays including the new FERMI and HESS data. For our analysis we fit to the PAMELA e + /(e + +e − ) **data** and the e + +e − **data** from FERMI and HESS. We also include the preliminary un-normalized PAMELA e − spectrum available at [17], although it has a minor impact. We then describe the predictions and bounds for ICS as discussed in Section 3, and include bounds from several other observations previously studied in [11,38,37,12]. These include the bounds from the HESS photon measurements in the Galactic Center and Galactic Ridge and from up-going muons measured at SuperKamiokande. | Is data availability statement | no |
Desire to return to normalcy ( α = .93 , 1.1 % missing data ) was measured with seven items ( e.g. , " Even though we may lose some people in the process , it 's time for people in Brazil to return to business as usual " ) . | Is data availability statement | no |
BM-O and JO participated in the design of the study, patient evaluation, interpretation, and revision of data. DA-G and HC-M organized the data, also contributed to its interpretation as well as the writing of the first draft of the manuscript. GP-M contributed to **data** processing, statistical analysis, and **data** interpretation and wrote sections of the manuscript. All authors contributed to the article and approved the submitted version. | Is data availability statement | yes |
False color composite Landsat 8 images, including thermal bands (thermal bands: Band 7, wavelength: 2.11-2.29 µm; Band 10, wavelength: 10.6-11.19 µm) combined with texture enhancements, provide clear visibility of linear features, such as those seen in Figure 10. The spectral emissivity properties of larger fault zones in the thermal bands are often influenced by soil moisture. Surface water often finds easy passage through fault zones and, therefore, increases soil moisture. This, in turn, influences the emissivity pattern of thermal bands. The reservoir area is characterized by estimated V s 30 **data** ranging between 600 and 760 m/s. The dam site area is obviously not affected by higher susceptibility to soil amplification, as in the case of lower V s 30 velocities (<400 m/s) within broader valleys and depressions. | Is data availability statement | no |
In this study, we applied FTIR microspectroscopy to define plant tissue within cassava leaf sections and used this information to detect variations between control and those treated cassava stakes by B. subtilis. In particular, we demonstrate the use of FTIR microspectroscopy technique combined with multivariate **data** analysis to discriminate major tissue types in the cassava leaf, and demonstrate how this information enables us to track biochemical changes in cassava leaf tissue related to enhancement ofgrowth and development of cassava. | Is data availability statement | no |
In the space scene, IRST work process is that system scans the certain field according to the prior information, and transmits image **data** to the infrared image real-time processing system for processing. Firstly, IRST detects and select suspected tracking target. Then the system which is derived from the automatic detection and tracking method, determines the location and size of the target to be detected, and calculates the moving direction and speed information of the target to the spacecraft platform. Finally, the platform controls the detector to track the moving target and keeps target in the field of the detector. During the process, the platform performs target position correction at any time. The working process of IRST is shown in Figure 1. | Is data availability statement | no |
MDCK cell monolayers (1.5610 6 cells at a confluency of 100% in a 12-well chamber) were washed with PBS and infected with different dilutions of virus for 1 h at 37uC. The virus inoculums were removed by washing with PBS. Cell monolayers were then overlaid with agar overlay medium (DMEM supplemented with 1% low melting point agarose and 1 mg/ml TPCK-treated trypsin) and incubated at 37uC. Visible plaques were counted at 4 days post-infection, and the virus titers were determined. All **data** are expressed as the mean of three independent experiments. | Is data availability statement | no |
Autophagy is a cellular stress responseto exogenous or endogenous stimuli, mediated by lysosomal removal of damaged or functionally unnecessary organelles. This inhibits cellular apoptosis and enhances the cell survival rate (6,7). Beclin 1, a homolog of the yeast Atg6, is a protein encoded by an autophagy-associated gene. A complex of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) and Beclin 1 is formed that promotes the formation of autophagosomes, thereby inducing autophagy (8,9). Autophagy is thought to be cell-protective under certain pathological conditions (10,11). In recent years, studies demonstrated that, under low nutrient conditions, apoptosis of cartilage cells was inhibited due to autophagy stimulation (12). These **data** suggested that autophagy may be useful in protecting the loss of cartilage cells, and may provide a novel therapeutic approach for OA (13,14). However, previous studies have primarily been focused on Beclin 1 expression and its effect on chondrocyte autophagy, and the effects of Beclin 1 expression on the apoptosis of chondrocytes and the activity of matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) has yet to be elucidated (8,12,13). In the present study, the role of Beclin 1 in chondrocyte apoptosis was investigated, as were the effects on ECM metabolism, and their underlying molecular mechanisms. | Is data availability statement | no |
Regression methods fit a model to the historical **data** which is used to predict the baseline [13] [14]. They can potentially overcome biases incurred by averaging methods [12]. They often require considerable historical **data** for acceptable accuracy, and the models may be too simple to capture the complex behavior of individual agents. | Is data availability statement | no |
In speech recognition applications it is sometimes necessary to process data continuously as it arrives , so that there will be no latency in response . This makes it necessary that the algorithms used should not have any dependencies that are " backwards " in time . | Is data availability statement | no |
Rather than distributing the " sub - classes " evenly , we allocate more sub - classes to the more common classes . We allocate them proportional to the 1/3 power of the count of that class in the training data ; this is based on the rule we use to allocate Gaussians in our GMMs . | Is data availability statement | no |
Since not all a q are zero and the functions e H ζ (q) are linearly independent, it follows that
k is odd. Now the coefficient of α −k+1 becomes q e H ζ (q) (2b q − a q H ζ , d ) = 0.
Again by linear independence of the exponential functions, it follows that a q = 0 = b q for all q, which is a contradiction.
A ′ d − B ′ d = X ω(α)e H ζ + ω(−α)e H ζ + H ζ ,d α .
Since both A ′ d , B ′ d have coefficients which are polynomial in α, this shows that the class ω(α) has property (b) of the preceding lemma. Suppose A, B both come from Euler **data** Q, P respectively, ie.
A d = i * 0 Q v d and B d = i * 0 P v d . Suppose also that j * 0 (P d )| q = j * 0 (Q d )| q at α = λ/δ.T q X. (ii) deg α (A d − B d ) ≤ −2.
Then A = B. | Is data availability statement | no |
In this study , we rely on the figurational model developed by Baack ( 2018b ) which shows how data journalists and civic technologists form a community of practice through overlapping skills and complementary ambitions . Both civic technologists and data journalists rely on data and use similar tools and services for their work , and both aspire to empower citizens . This enables them to complement each other : civic technologist can develop tools for journalists or provide technical skills and expertise to them , while investigations by journalists can spark ideas for new civic tech applications . Their practices interlock in the sense that they interdependently respond to each other and expand one another ( cf . Couldry and Hepp 2017 ) . Theoretically , we can therefore describe them as existing along a shared continuum of practices , a shared repertory of " images , stories , and actions " ( Mansell 2012 , 33 ) . | Is data availability statement | no |
In addition, there are circumstances in which the intentionality of the translation process cannot be ignored completely. This happens mostly when the intention of the translation differs from that of the original text. A few such examples are mentioned in the literature. Stymne et al. (2013) describe an SMT system that combines translation with text simplification to cater to target groups with reading difficulties of various types. One of their main problems is the lack of training **data** having the desired properties on the TL side. However, even if such training **data** is available, SMT training is not necessarily successful. A case in point is the translation of film subtitles, where the target side is often shortened as well as translated (Pedersen, 2007;Fishel et al., 2012). Anecdotal evidence suggests that MT systems easily learn the length ratio, but truncate the texts in an erratic way that has a negative effect on translation quality. | Is data availability statement | no |
The statistical analysis of the in vitro and in vivo infectivity experiments was performed using the GraphPad Prism software (version 5.0 for Windows). The differences were evaluated by oneway ANOVA analysis, followed by the Bonferroni' test. Differences were considered significant when P,0.05. Statistical analyses evaluating the intensity and variation of the protein expression profile in the 2-DE gels and immunoblotting were also performed, as described above. The **data** are representative of three independent experiments, performed in triplicate, which presented similar results. | Is data availability statement | no |
First of all we note that if u is continuously differentiable, then D β t u(0) = 0 and consequently (1.1) implies Au 0 = f (0). Therefore if we take as initial **data** U 0 = u 0 , the correction function vanishesĜ ≡ 0. Next, for u to be smooth, in general f is not smooth but behaves as
f (t) ∼ f (0) + c 1 t 1−β
asymptotically as t → 0. To understand the origin of this singularity, simply substitute u = u(0) + u ′ (0)t in the fractional equation (1.1). | Is data availability statement | no |
One may make a number of comments regarding these plots . Firstly , the symmetry of the function under the interchange of u and v is apparent ( and is manifest in the actual data ) . Secondly , for the values of w considered , for small u , v the remainder function takes a large negative value for w large , and increases as w decreases . The order of these hyper - surfaces reverses as u or v increase , and for large values of these variables , the remainder function becomes increasingly negative ( as of course required by the symmetry property and the behaviour at large u ) . For all three variables large , the remainder function approaches a constant which is equal to the asymptotic value of F 6 ( u ) ( about −0.67 ) . In general , it is apparent from Figures 8 - 10 that the remainder function is rather smooth for all values of the cross - ratios . | Is data availability statement | no |
We determine the ephemeris by measuring the mideclipse time from the CHIMERA g lightcurve . We then use the best model from the Chimera g data and use it fit all ZTF data . In addition , we noticed that there is one non - detection on 2012 - 11 - 1 in Palomar Transient Factory data ( out of 94 observations ) . We add this epoch with half the eclipse duration as uncertainty as a prior ( BJD T DB = 2456232.8854 ± 0.0018 ) . This results in an ephemeris of : BJD(T DB ) = 2459045.985194(2 ) + 0.431 920 8 ( 14 ) ( 1 ) | Is data availability statement | no |
In this work , we develop a new data - driven deep spectral learning ( DSL ) method to enable highly robust and reliable sO 2 estimation , as shown in Fig . 1b . By training a neural network to directly relate the spectral measurements to the corresponding independent sO 2 labels , DSL bypasses the need for a rigid parametric model , similar to existing deep - learning methods for solving optical inverse problems [ 32][33][34][35][36 ] . We show that DSL can be trained to be highly robust to multiple sources of variabilities in the experiments , including different setups , imaging protocols , speeds , and other possible longitudinal variations . | Is data availability statement | no |
One putative dynorphin metabolic fragment corresponding to Leu-Enk-Arg-Arg (m/z 867) was upregulated by 54% in the HD group compared to the LD group but showed no significant correlation with LID severity (Fig. 7B; expressed as % of intact side, mean 6 SEM; HD 170618, LD 110615; p,0.01 HD vs. LD; p = 0.07 and correlation coefficient R = 0.59;). Additionally, a putative metabolic product of aNeo (aNeo (1-7); m/z 840) displayed a 45% elevation in peak intensity without a significant correlation with dyskinesia ( Fig. 7C; mean 6 SEM, HD 148612, LD 102615; p,0.05; p = 0.08 and correlation coefficient R = 0.54). Notably, we could not detect any changes in peak intensities for Dyn A(1-17, m/z 2145), Dyn A(1-8, m/z 981), and substance P (m/z 1347; Fig. 7 D, E). Leu-Enk (m/z 555) was not detected in this study most probably due to the limit of detection in the low molecular weight region. Another way to effectively reduce opioid receptor activation of dynorphins is by removing the first N-terminal tyrosine [35]. Metabolic fragments corresponding to the des-tyrosine forms of Dyn A(1-8), aNeo, and Dyn B were observed in SN but displayed no treatment-induced changes (Supplemental Fig. S2). Dyskinesia is associated with high levels of dynorphin Bimmunoreactivity in the lateral SN Confirming the MALDI IMS data, Dyn B-immunoreactive axons densely innervated the substantia nigra and the hippocampus adjacent to the ventral midbrain (cf. Fig. 8 and Fig. 4). In highdyskinetic animals, Dyn B immunoreactivity was elevated by 63% in the lateral SN ( Fig. 8B; p,0.001, HD vs. LD, and HD vs. LC group). A smaller increase by 39% was detected in the medial part of SN (p,0.05, HD vs. LD, mean % optical density 6 SEM, HD 130613, LD 93 6 8). Indeed, Dyn B immunoreactivity in the medial part showed a weak but still significant correlation with cumulative dyskinesia score (p,0.05 R = 0.61, **data** not shown), however, the strongest correlation was localized to the lateral part of SN (p,0.001, R = 0.83, **data** not shown). This is strikingly similar to that observed from the MALDI IMS experiment (R = 0.80, p,0.01). Indeed, a linear correlation between the MALDI Dyn B peak intensity and the corresponding optical density of Dyn B immunoreactivity was observed ( Fig. 8C; p,0.05, R = 0.73). | Is data availability statement | no |
Conducting the initial review returned 724 articles within the Scopus database . Details of these articles ( including title , abstract , author , journal , year of publication ) were downloaded into an Excel file . This initial number of articles was examined for duplication of entries . There were multiple instances where articles contained references to both sustainability and one or both of the other search references . Once duplicates were removed 567 articles remained to be considered for analysis . All 567 articles were downloaded and reviewed to verify that they actually contained the search terms in the appropriate context . Articles were excluded from the data set for several reasons including not actually relating to sustainability ( e.g. content about sustainable competitive advantage ) or containing a general reference to cognitive / cognition without any depth ( e.g. a mention of cognitive bias ) or where the concept was not a key aspect of the article . | Is data availability statement | no |
Our analysis has revealed that blanks is required for the generation of small RNAs at convergently transcribed regions . We analyzed the sequencing data obtained from flies with an extra NLS on otherwise wild - type Blanks and found that 666 loci met the cutoff - criterion of a rescue / mutant ratio ≥5 . Overall , there was a very good agreement between the two datasets . Nonetheless , it appears that increased nuclear retention lowers the siRNA yield from more active regions while it may slightly increase the yield from the regions with lower activity ( Supplementary Figure S6A ) . The regions displayed in Figure 7C - E are examples of rather active loci and the traces reflect the reduced yield seen in the rescue with NLS - blanks . It thus appears that in particular the more abundant dsRNA precursors become trapped in the nucleus . The less abundant ones might benefit from the presumably higher nuclear concentration of NLS - Blanks , which may outweigh the negative effect of a prolonged nuclear retention . Importantly , siRNA generation was entirely dependent on the RNA binding capacity of dsRBD2 . When the corresponding data was analyzed , we found that now only 73 loci met the ratio cutoff - criterion and overall the ratios no longer correlated between a rescue with wild - type blanks protein and the rescue with the blanks variant carrying inactivating point mutations in dsRBD2 ( Supplementary Figure S6B ) . | Is data availability statement | no |
We have published a method whereby the year of birth may be calculated to within +/-1.5 years by analysing the 14 C content of the eye lens, following a seminal study by Spalding et al. [82] using dental enamel. The method is based on the fact that all living tissues undergo a continuous turnover, substitution and remodelling [e.g. 83], both on Figure 11. Agreement between odontological and GPA age estimation. Horizontal lines indicate the age span given by the odontologist; X = age estimate by two of the authors; O = age estimate by radiologists. Figure 12. Age at death in relation to the degree of aspartic acid racemization in collagen from first permanent molar teeth from 32 subjects. D/L-Asp , ratio between D-aspartic acid and L-aspartic acid. The arrow indicates a second permanent molar from a 27 years old subject; the **data** point is plotted at 27-6 = 21 years to simulate the true age of the tooth, and shows that this corrected **data** point did not deviate from the results obtained using the first molars. Table 4. Determination of the age of 6 subjects from measurements of the degree of aspartic acid racemization in collagen from first permanent molar teeth. D/L-Asp, ratio between the D-and L-enantiomers of aspartic acid. Age is in years. | Is data availability statement | no |
Interviews to explore barriers and facilitators to implementing and using PC-QIs Study design and setting For our second objective, we used a qualitative descriptive approach to describe the experiences and perceptions regarding PC-QI implementation and to contrast and compare differences between participant groups. Groups compared included those that provided a systemlevel perspective, a clinical primary care perspective, different types of organisations, including health service delivery organisations, regional coordinating organisations, provincial or territorial governments, as well as different types of primary care clinics and organisations, such as academic centres and those serving primarily rural populations. 24 We conducted both individual and group interviews with survey respondents to obtain a system-level perspective, as well as primary care providers and primary care network staff who provided a clinic-level perspective. Primary care providers who were interviewed included physicians, clinic administrators, QI managers and nursing staff. Primary care networks were interviewed as they offer QI support to primary care clinics, such as helping to facilitate discussions with physicians and clinic staff to make improvements in processes of care. Primary care networks also support **data** management, analysis and reporting back to the clinics. The clinical perspective was limited to primary care in the province of Alberta for feasibility, as the University of Calgary is situated within Alberta. Furthermore, future research is focused on piloting and studying the implementation of the PC-QIs in primary care in Alberta. | Is data availability statement | no |
Covariance shift [Shimodaira, 2000], is another relaxation of DA. Here, given an observation, the class distributions are same in the source and target domains, but the marginal **data** distributions are different. P t (Y |X) = P s (Y |X), but P t (X) = P s (X). This situation arise, for example, in active learning, where the P s (X) tend to be biased to lie near the margin of the classifier. At a first glance, this situation appears not to present a problem, since P t (Y |X) = P s (Y |X), which we can estimate from the data. Here is why it becomes a problem in practice. Assuming, first of all, that the model family we use is mismatched to the data, i.e. regardless of what parameter we choose the model won't fit the underlying distribution. Under this assumption, covariate shift becomes a problem for the following reason. The optimal fit of the source **data** will be such that it minimize model error in the dense area of P s (X) (because these areas will dominate the error). Now, since P t (X) is different from P s (X), the learned model will not be optimal for the target **data** (again, since the model family is mismatched). | Is data availability statement | no |
Every two years , participants are mailed a questionnaire assessing risk factors and the interval occurrence of disease . Records of diagnoses of pulmonary embolism have been collected prospectively on each biennial questionnaire since study inception . Data describing time sitting were collected in 1988 and 1990 , and data describing physical activity have been collected since 1980 . We therefore began prospective follow - up in 1990 among women who responded to both the 1988 and 1990 questionnaires ( n=99 290 ) . Outcome ascertainment occurred from 1990 to 2008 . | Is data availability statement | no |
A previous study showed that MKK8 and MKK10 have not expressed in shoot apices (including flower buds), mesophyll cells, mature leaves [26] and flowers (including developing young siliques) [42]. Based on the expression **data** of Arabidopsis from PLEXdb (AT40), we found that all Arabidopsis MKK genes are expressed (Fig. 6a). Except AtMKK8, most MKK genes have transcribed in the flowering stage. With the exception of MKK10, the Arabidopsis MKKs have a consensus S/ T-X 5 -S/T in their activation domain. Even MKK10 have an atypical S/T-X 5 -S/T motif show detectable expression, indicating that they possibly have a new function other than becoming silenced. It is interesting that the expression of AtMKK10 is much higher in pollen compared with other tissues. Arabidopsis MKKs genetically exhibit the crosstalk in a variety of signaling pathways, therefore, a single mkk mutant under normal growth conditions is very difficult to obtain a specific phenotype [43]. A previous study showed that the ap1-15, ap2-6, ap3-6, ag-12, clv3-7, lfy-12 and ufo-1 mutants involve with flower development, whereas AtMKK10 was down regulated in these mutants (Fig. 6b), consistent with their expression in the flower. CLV has a potential role in the regulation of meristem size and has little expressed in the center of the meristem [44,45]. The bam (CLV homologs) mutant exhibited rather weak phenotypes and regulated the male gametophyte development, leading to almost completely sterile plants [45]. Therefore, AtMKK10 which is regulated by CLV proteins may participate in the process of pollen development (Fig. 6c). | Is data availability statement | no |
The **data** will be entered into an e-CRF (electronic Case Report Form) specifically developed for this study using a Clinical Data Management System (CMDS-CleanWeb). All required information for the study will be entered as and when it is obtained. Thanks to automatic checks, in case of missing or inconsistent data, request for correction will be sent to participating centers via the CMDS. If corrections are necessary, they will be made directly using the CMDS. At the end of the study, a blind review of **data** will be performed and in case of additional queries, it should be resolved before the final database lock. | Is data availability statement | no |
The shares of vehicles before the lockdown were estimated based on the total number of registered vehicles in each category in the city extracted from Automobile Club d'Italia ( http://www.aci.it/ ) , and the hourly flow extracted from a report by 5 T S.r.l . on vehicular mobility in the Piedmont region ( 5 T and Regione_Piemonte , 2019 ) . For the lockdown period , the share of each category in the hourly traffic flow in both working and non - working days was considered in the simulation . Since no data on the share of each of the 44 specified categories in the hourly traffic flow of Turin was available , and this type of data could not be extracted from the recorded traffic flow , an estimation for the share of these vehicles in the traffic flow was made . The data regarding the circulating vehicles was estimated based on the average number of kilometers traveled , and the data regarding the registered vehicles were considered in order to verify the consistency of the disaggregation into categories . | Is data availability statement | no |
All emergency TAEs were performed by 5 interventional radiologists with at least 3 years of experience in performing TAEs, after a collegial discussion between the interventional radiologist, the intensive-care physician, and the surgeon. After local anesthesia with 5% lidocaine, the right common femoral artery was accessed. First, global aortography was performed with a Pigtail 5F probe and a hydrophilic guidewire (Terumo, Tokyo, Japan). Then, a catheterization of the artery feeding the bleeding was performed with a Cobra 5F probe, and a 2.7F supraselective microcatheteter (Progreat, Terumo ® , Tokyo, Japan) was used at the discretion of the interventional radiologist. TAEs were performed under fluoroscopic monitoring using micro coils (Interlock and IDC, Boston ® Scientifics), N-butyl-2-cyanoacrylate (Glubran ® GEM, Viareggio, Italy), gelatine sponge (Gelitaspon ® ), or microparticles (Embosphere ® , Microspheres, BioSphere Medical, Rockland, MA, USA), depending on the location of the active bleeding, the intensity of the active bleeding, the presence of collateral arteries, the clinical severity, and the habits of the interventional radiologist. In the absence of active bleeding, an empirical TAE could be performed in case of hemodynamic instability based on the **data** from the preoperative MDCT. Complete fluoroscopic angiography controls were performed in order to confirm that bleeding had been successfully controlled. After the treatment, the introducer was sutured to the skin and removed the following day if there was no recurrence of bleeding. After TAE, all patients were monitored closely in the ICU for clinical signs and symptoms that were potentially suggestive of ischemic complication or recurrent bleeding until discharge or death. | Is data availability statement | no |
Data sources . Almost all residents in Scotland are registered with a general practice and have a unique Community Health Index ( CHI ) number used by NHS Scotland . We used the CHI number to deterministically link all datasets with vaccination records in Public Health Scotland ( Extended Data Fig . 4 ) . Vaccination information was extracted from the general practice records and the Turas Vaccination Management Tool system ; together , these captured all vaccination records , including those vaccinated in general practices , community vaccination hubs and other settings , such as care homes and hospitals in Scotland 40 . Further details on the data sources used in this study are available in a published project protocol 24 . | Is data availability statement | yes |
Indeed, research suggests that vignette methodologies are a valid, reliable, inexpensive, and practical method for assessing clinical practice (Bachmann et al., 2008;Veloski et al., 2005). For example, vignette studies assessing quality of care among outpatient physicians found vignettes to provide higher criterion validity, consistency, and variation in comparison to other research methodologies, including the much more expensive use of standardized patients (Peabody et al., 2000(Peabody et al., , 2004. Similar results have been found in multi-national studies, providing some evidence for the cross-cultural applicability and utility of clinical vignettes (Peabody & Liu, 2007;Spreng et al., 2014). Further, by using vignettes, these studies bypass a number of ethical concerns that can arise in studies with actual patients or confidential health **data** (Shah et al., 2007;Taylor, 2006), not to mention cost and feasibility constraints (Peabody et al., 2000;Veloski et al., 2005). | Is data availability statement | no |
The analysis of low-multipoles from SKA continuum surveys can benefit from the methods developed for the study of the CMB. Missing sky area is always a problem for low-mode measurements. For CMB studies, many methods were proposed to deal with a mask of missing **data** for both power spectrum estimation and phase recovery. For the power spectrum, one of the most used methods is MASTER (Hivon et al. 2002). It consists in first building a matrix which captures the coupling between the modes induced by the mask, and then inverting this matrix. In Figure 4 we plot the angular power spectrum of SKA galaxies for low-mulitpoles with error bars corresponding to a SKA1 continuum survey. For phase recovery, or more generally for large scale map reconstruction, many methods have been proposed based on Wiener filtering, l 2 or l 1 norm regularization, constraint realizations or diffusion [see Starck et al. (2013) and references therein]. Based on these new methodological idea, Planck **data** were analyzed with a mask removing 27% of the sky (Planck collaboration 2014c; Rassat et al. 2014). For a given observed sky area, the shape of the mask will also be important. The importance of random sampling is also described in Paykari et al. (2013), and many small missing parts, randomly distributed, will always be much better for large scale studies than a compact big missing part. | Is data availability statement | no |
In economics literature , the notion of output - oriented plant capacity has been informally defined as " the maximum amount that can be produced per unit of time with existing plant and equipment , provided that the availability of variable factors of production is not restricted " ( Johansen ( 1968 , p. 362 ) ) . Färe et al . ( 1989a ) and Färe et al . ( 1989b ) published relevant articles and provided a formal definition according to a nonparametric frontier framework . Their measure of plant capacity utilization leverages data about observed inputs and outputs , using two output - oriented efficiency measures . Their work also prompted a series of empirical applications in diverse sectors , such as of fisheries ( e.g. , Felthoven , 2002;Tingley and Pascoe , 2005 ) and health care ( e.g. , Karagiannis , 2015;Magnussen and Rivers Mobley , 1999 ) ) , as well as banking ( Sahoo and Tone , 2009 ) and a macroeconomic application to trade barriers ( Badau , 2015 ) . | Is data availability statement | no |
A group of students successfully proved weaknesses and imperfections of Global Positioning System (GPS). In 2013 they hacked the GPS signal on a private yacht and distributed false position **data** to navigational equipment. As the track-pilot was active, automatic correction of course had been initiated in order to put the yacht back on route (Vaas, 2013). | Is data availability statement | no |
The two studies were conducted in collaboration with Save the Children-Georgia to inform programming within their Rebuilding Lives Project, with funding from USAID Displaced Children's and Orphan Fund (DCOF) in and around Tbilisi and Gori, two urban centers. The first qualitative study was conducted in July of 2005 and focused on examining the causes of children living in the street as well as forms of healthy functioning. Children were interviewed at two centers for street children in Tbilisi and one center in Gori. These centers for street children primarily service children who return to their families at night, offering services such as daytime educational activities, meals, sports and recreation, and assistance with schoolwork. The second qualitative study was conducted in May-June of 2006 with the goal of gathering **data** on the problems experienced by street children and those living in orphanages. Locations for this second study included three orphanages (one in Tbilisi and two in nearby villages), and three centers for street children (two in Tbilisi and one in a small city south of Tbilisi). Orphanages in Georgia are for those children without parents, or whose parents have sent them there due to hardship (e.g., poverty, too many children). | Is data availability statement | no |
We then evaluated whether combined inhibition of vessel co - option and angiogenesis is more effective at limiting tumor growth when compared to angiogenesis inhibition alone . Mice with established control - or ARPC3 - knockdown tumors were treated with the VEGF - A inhibitory antibody B20 - 4.1.128 combined with capecitabine ( Fig . 6f - h ) . In control tumors , which have a predominantly replacement HGP ( Fig . 6f ) , no significant inhibition of tumor burden was observed in response to treatment when compared to vehicle control ( Fig . 6 g ) . However , in ARPC3 knockdown tumors , which have a predominantly desmoplastic HGP ( Fig . 6f ) , tumor burden was significantly suppressed by treatment ( Fig . 6 g ) . In addition , although treatment with B20 - 4.1.1 led to a reduced tumor vessel density in both control - and ARPC3 knockdown - tumors , this effect was more pronounced when vessel cooption was suppressed by knockdown of ARPC3 ( Fig . 6h , Supplementary Fig . 14 ) . The administration of capecitabine alone did not significantly suppress tumor burden or tumor vessel density in either control - or ARPC3 - knockdown tumors ( Supplementary Fig . 15 ) . These data suggest that simultaneous inhibition of angiogenesis and vessel co - option may be a more effective strategy for the treatment of advanced liver metastases than current strategies which target angiogenesis alone . | Is data availability statement | no |
There is an increasing need to identify novel biomarkers of DM complications particularly in view of potential applications in precision medicine . Available data suggest that circulating both HSP and anti - HSP levels may be exploited as biomarkers of diabetic vascular diseases ( Table 3 ) ; however , studies performed in this area have important limits . They are often conducted on small groups of patients and without adjustment for conventional risk factors and confounders . Sometimes patients with diabetic complications are compared with healthy subjects , not taking into account that DM itself can affect HSP circulating levels . Finally , there are insufficient prospective studies assessing the importance of HSPs / anti - HSPs in predicting outcomes and guiding intervention . Therefore , it would important in the future not only to identify independent associations between HSPs / anti - HSPs and DM complications in large cohorts of well - characterised patients with DM , but also to prospectively validate promising biomarkers for future applications in clinical practise . | Is data availability statement | no |
During Na + stress both parent and mutant cells contained higher levels of intracellular methionine sulfoxide, attributable to the treatment rather than a mutation. Methionine is modified to methionine sulfoxide by reactive oxygen species and to repair oxidative damage the sulfoxide is converted back to methionine by methionine sulfoxide reductases. Interestingly, in the response of B. fragilis to air exposure methionine sulphoxide reductase was induced more than ten-fold [33], however, there were no significant changes in the expression of this gene in P. gingivalis strains under Na + stress (data not shown). As an asaccharolytic organism, P. gingivalis preferentially uses dipeptides as carbon, nitrogen and energy sources. The metabolite **data** indicated that in addition to the preferred aspartate and glutamate containing peptides, Na + stressed cells showed an increased ability to use diverse peptides, notably alanyl peptides with leucine and glutamate. Whether this expansion of growth substrates is an adaptation that offsets growth limiting conditions is as yet unknown. | Is data availability statement | no |
Quantitative impacts of AM in human genetics have been investigated by focusing on the deviation from the Hardy - Weinberg equilibrium ( HWE ) in trait - associated variants . However , this approach requires large sample sizes , especially when the effect sizes of the associated variants are small . Furthermore , ancestral endogamy ( mating within the limits of a specific social group ) could confound these relationships [ 10][11][12 ] . An alternative approach is to study genetic similarities between partners . This approach revealed the existence of AM in Europeans on anthropometric traits ( height and body mass index ( BMI ) ) , and social and behavioural phenotypes ( educational attainment and alcohol consumption ) [ 13][14][15][16][17 ] . Although partner genotype - phenotype data have been analysed in these studies , it has been relatively challenging to achieve biobank - scale sample sizes in populations of diverse ancestries . | Is data availability statement | no |
One of the most famous ways to assess the sensitivity of the model is the global influence. Starting from case deletion (see, cook, 1977). The casedeletion is a common approach to study the effected of dropping the (i-th) observation from the data. First we obtain the estimates of parameters and get the log-like of these estimates. Then we estimate the parameters after cancelling one observation from the dataset. The aim is comparing between the log-likelihood in two cases. This measure can be written as: Cook measure = 2(Log-like before eliminating obs. -Log-like after eliminating obs.) To explain the effect of cancelling one observation on the estimation of parameters, we generate the same **data** with 99 n observations. The 696586 We have noted that the cook is positive negative value, this means that the log-likelihood in small values (negative) is less than it is large values. This is happened because the values of estimates become less. | Is data availability statement | no |
The most prominent issues raised concerned **data** and metadata: availability, accessibility, usability, interoperability, resolution, format and quality. Additionally, the importance of sharing **data** and knowledge (i.e. methodological guidance and research results) was repeatedly raised by respondents, emphasising the need to develop not only technologies and RIs, but also strong, collaborative and proactive networking at different levels. Adaptation more than mitigation was confirmed to be a priority for Africa. Beside the scientific and technical aspects, the solution to most of the constraints could be a comprehensive approach able to consider not only scientific and ecological issues but also socio-economic dynamics (land tenure, urbanisation, jobs opportunities, market, prices, investments, etc), which may influence the success and the long-term sustainability of a RI network. Science alone is not always enough, thus mediation among scientists, traditional leaders and agriculture extension officers could help in facing some of the crucial practical aspects towards implementation. A coherent and thorough analysis and prioritisation of all these issues can therefore help in developing a range of options suitable for specific 'on field' conditions (at national or regional levels). Among the possible options, the developed countries' approach for an RI network on GHG observations was recognised as not being directly applicable to Africa, for different reasons, of which the most important are: high costs for implementation and maintenance, lack of qualified personnel and specialised companies, problems with energy supply, accessibility and protection of field sites, and challenging eco-climatic conditions. | Is data availability statement | no |
Having a more widespread phenomenological analysis, case studies and relational researches will help us understand ideas of communication skills, self-esteem and attitude towards the teaching profession among music teaching students with a more detailed **data** acquisition and analysis. Also, with more specialized titles related to the topic, like for instance how Hughes [46] had had sub-topics like questioning abilities when analyzing communication skills, a more detailed contribution can be made to the field.
| Is data availability statement | yes |
Comparisons were drawn between pairs of oppositional adjectives-warm and cool, exciting and calm, spacious and intimate-to find out if perceptions of spatial aspects represented by oppositional adjectives elicit contrasting emotional responses. Data revealed that orange was found significantly more warm and exciting than blue, whereas blue was found significantly more cool and calming than orange, regardless of level of brightness. It can be deduced from this **data** that spatial qualities represented by oppositional adjectives evoked contrasting emotional responses. This **data** provides evidence that the VE can generate spatial aspects of warmth, coolness, and excitement and calmness that were perceivable to participants. Thus, the hypothesis posed at the beginning of this paper as a basis for this study can be confirmed. | Is data availability statement | no |
One approach to reduce computational cost is through the use sparse GPs that approximate (between the gradient and function sampling), the gradient inputs may be sampled from an image in a grid format, however the addition of the function observations disrupts the required format to take advantage of Kronecker products directly, without any masking of regions. Since this paper is purely focused on the methodology of obtaining quantitative **data** from schlieren images, only some of these approaches have been considered to make the method tractable. | Is data availability statement | no |
Replay experiment. To estimate reaction time to the perceptual change, a replay experiment was conducted, in which the stimuli were physically modulated to simulate the perceptual time course recorded in the CFS experiment. To mimic the invisible phase, the wedge was physically removed. To mimic the visible phase, the wedge was presented to the nondominant eye and the contrast of the corresponding region of the Mondrian was decreased by a two-dimensional Gaussian window of full width at half maximum 5.5°, making the wedge visible. To mimic the perceptual switch, the contrasts of the stimuli were increased or decreased with a linear ramp of 200 ms. Subjects were instructed to report the visibility of the wedge as described in Subjects' task. Reaction time, from the end of the contrast increment or decrement to the key press, was measured. The reaction time **data** were pooled across subjects; reaction times longer than 2,000 ms were excluded. Median reaction times for the physical appearance and disappearance of the wedges were calculated separately (692 ms and 456 ms, respectively) and their distributions were modeled with ex-Gaussian functions ( Fig. 2E; appearance: ϭ 446.5, ϭ 186.6, ϭ 297.4; disappearance: ϭ 199.8, ϭ 94.6, ϭ 356.0; for details on ex-Gaussian function see Lacouture and Cousineau 2008;Saiki et al. 2011). The median reaction times were subtracted from the raw key press time courses to compensate for the delay between the perceptual change and the key press in the following fMRI analysis. The distributions of the reaction times were used in a simulation described below (see Contamination control). | Is data availability statement | no |
Human data are scarce . For example , a positive correlation was observed between umbilical cord blood PBDEs levels and placental expression of insulin - like growth factorbinding protein 3 ( IGFBP-3 ) , the major IGF-1 transport protein in the blood [ 175 ] . In addition , a significant positive correlation was observed between BDE-154 , BDE-209 , and IGF-1 mRNA levels in the placenta . A cord blood log of IGF-1 levels was also positively correlated with the log of BDE-196 level in breast milk and negatively with the log of BDE-85 in breast milk [ 176 ] . | Is data availability statement | no |
The ESV was calculated by Formulas (9) and (10) and land use **data** as shown in Table 6, Figures 11 and 12. Table 6, it can be found that the total ESV of the study area is USD 38. The results indicate that although the Three Gorges Reservoir area has been affected by urban expansion to some extent, the overall value has maintained an increasing trend, mainly due to the increasing area of broadleaved forests, which provide a large amount of ESV. As shown in Figure 12, the four types of value in the study area showed an increasing trend from 2000 to 2018. We found that regulating services accounted for the highest proportion of overall ESV, about 79.88% (2000), 80.40% (2010) and 80.29% (2018), respectively. The proportion of each type of ecosystem service function had the following order of magnitude: regulating services > habitat services > provisioning services > cultural and amenity services. | Is data availability statement | no |
For each **data** set i and energy group m a systematic errorη i,m is estimated by:
η i,m = 1 n i ni j=1 (y ij,m − f (E j,m , θ)),(22)
where y ij,m are the **data** belonging to the **data** set i with energies E j belonging to the energy group m. These values are used to provide estimates of the systematic error η m for each energy group m:
η m = 1 K K i=1η i,m ,(23)
together with its covariance matrix C η . The diagonal and off-diagonal terms of this matrix, which are denoted by C η,mm and C η,m1m2 , respectively, are given by:
C η,mm = 1 K − 1 K i=1 (η i,m −η m ) 2(24)
C η,m1m2 = 1 K K i=1η i,m1ηi,m2 −η m1ηm2 ,(25)
with a constraint that:
C η,m1m2 ≤ min [C η,m1m1 , C η,m2m2 ].(26)
The variance of the distribution of the random error for a given **data** set i and energy group m is estimated from the formulâ
σ 2 i,m = 1 n i − 1 ni j=1 (y ij,m −f (E j,m , θ)−η i,m ) 2 . (27)
These values form a covariance matrix D with only diagonal terms reflecting the contribution of random effects due to, e.g., counting statistics. | Is data availability statement | no |
Current **data** on peer-education is mainly qualitative. While quantitative evaluation is limited in literature, existing studies suggest peer-education is at least equal to traditional teaching 5,10-12 . Given peer-teachers are trainees themselves however, concern has been raised regarding the quality of content taught by NPTs compared to experienced academics. Researchers Tolsgaard et al., 12 Burke et al. 11 and Blank et al. 10 conducted separate peer-led teaching programs to teach clinical skills with control groups for comparison. [10][11][12] Endof-program assessment revealed at least equal results when intervention groups were compared with control groups. Peer-educated students additionally felt more confident and had more positive reports regarding their teachers when compared with the control groups. [10][11][12] Moreover, Blank et al. 10 found students who participated in additional NPTbased teaching convincingly scored better than their peers (p<0.001) in their summative OSCEs. 10 Further quantitative comparison between peer-led and traditional teaching is warranted to support this and assess if other domains of medical teaching other than clinical skills show similar results. | Is data availability statement | no |
Using the equation for and the initial **data** (0) = 1 one sees that (0) > 0 so that has a local minimum atτ = 0. Thus, at least for positive values ofτ close to 0 one has that must be increasing. Furthermore, asχ > 0 for r > r , one finds that β 2 ≤ . This last differential inequality can be integrated to yield ≥ cosh(βτ ). One concludes that is increasing for all τ ≥ 0. A similar argument with the function η ≡ − ς satisfying the equation
η − (β 2 +χ)η = 1, η(0) = 0, η (0) = 0,
shows that ≥ ς for allτ ≥ 0. | Is data availability statement | no |
Each AIMD trajectory, both constrained and unconstrained, was equilibrated for approximately 5-10 ps and **data** was collected for analysis from at least 10 ps of well-equilibrated trajectory. The sum total of the overall compiled AIMD trajectories accounts for approximately 2.0 ns of total simulation time (system-specific simulation times are recorded in Supplementary Table 1). This **data** set represents over 10 6 DFT configurations for systems of total size of ~500 atoms. | Is data availability statement | no |
Consequently, we conclude that Rad17p-Rad17p interaction can occur independently of the Rad17p⅐Mec3p⅐Ddc1p complex and participation of Rad17p in two separate, possibly competing complexes can be assumed. One wonders if Rad17p might be able to form PCNA-like homotrimeric structures as originally suggested (40). However, MEC3 expressed from a multicopy plasmid does neither enhance nor reduce Rad17p-Rad17p interaction and thus no indication for a competition between different Rad17p-containing complexes was found (data not shown). Alternatively, the **data** are also consistent with a simultaneous complex formation of Rad17p with itself and Mec3p. One could envision multimeric aggregate formation of a PCNA-ring-like Rad17p⅐Mec3p⅐Ddc1p complex on DNA, mediated by Rad17p homomeric interactions. We currently favor this hypothesis because Rad17p but also Mec3p self-interactions have been indicated for the human homologues (hRad1, hHus1, Ref. 46), thus possibly hinting at an evolutionary conserved capability of the heterotrimer to form higher order complexes. On the other hand, protein elution profiles in S. pombe did not indicate any shift in Hus1 protein association following DNA damage by ionizing radiation (44). However, all of the complexes detected in this study were larger in size than the predicted single heterotrimeric complex. | Is data availability statement | no |
This research focused on sustainable manufacturing capabilities . The proposed OSR model and associated tool aims to help companies assess their organisational readiness relating to specific capabilities to achieve sustainable manufacturing . The sustainable manufacturing capabilities shared by the case companies as well as the associated themes emerging from the empirical data analysis were already well - addressed in the literature published a decade ago ( e.g. , DeSimone and Popoff , 2000;Liyanage , 2007;Epstein et al . , 2010;Hart and Dowell , 2011 ) . Although the findings of this study did not uncover new capabilities or new themes , they are wellaligned with the literature , thus demonstrating good construct validity of the OSR model . | Is data availability statement | no |
On the other hand, [19] studied the information needs and information dissemination seeking behavior of fishermen in Lagos State, Nigeria. Survey design was adopted and instrument for **data** collection were: observation, questionnaires supported with interviews and examination of relevant records. Population of study was 500 fishermen and simple percentage was used to analyze the data. The study reviewed the major sources of information dissemination as colleagues, friends, neighbors and relatives. It concluded that the means and sources of information seeking found in fishermen are no longer adequate to meet advanced technology in the field and this can be detrimental to the profession. Therefore, the use of radio, television, library and mobile phones within their rural fishing communities was recommended. | Is data availability statement | no |
Supplementary Figure S1 . TALENs induce higher somatic indel rates than ZFNs in zebrafish embryos . ( a ) Data points represent somatic indel rates for each of the 84 ZFN and 34 TALEN pairs tested . Black bars indicate median somatic indel rate for each type of nuclease . Indel rates were significantly higher for TALENs compared to ZFNs ( p=5.1x10 -12 using Wilcoxon rank sum test ) . Black data points represent ZFNs and TALENs for which germline mutants were generated . Panel ( b ) shows data for nucleases that induced somatic indels at rates up to 1 % . Figure S2 . The distribution of somatic indel size is similar for nucleases with different somatic indel rates . Somatic indels that were induced by ZFNs ( a ) and TALENs ( b ) have similar size distributions regardless of the indel rate . Median indel size and number of sequence reads are as follows . | Is data availability statement | no |
There were 118 subjects with gene expression **data** passing quality control from CD4+ lymphocytes in Asthma BRIDGE who reported taking inhaled corticosteroids as a controller medication in the previous year. These subjects had mean Chronic Asthma Control Scores (CACS) of 10.8 (+/− 6.9), shown in Fig. 1 In Asthma BRIDGE, the SMARCD1 gene (SWI/SNFrelated matrix-associated actin-dependent regulator of chromatin subfamily D member 1) strongly interacted with age to indicate higher CACS on inhaled corticosteroids, with a doubling of expression associated with an (Fig. 2). In the replication population, GALA II, the age-by-SMARCD1 interaction was associated with poorlycontrolled asthma compared to subjects with controlled asthma, with a ratio of odds ratios relative to control of 1.72 (95% CI [1.42, 2.10], p = 3.8 × 10 − 8 ), indicating increasing probability of being in the poorly-controlled group with age. We observed that both the specific study within Asthma BRIDGE and self-identified race were strongly (Table 1): GRAAD and CAG are adult studies and CARE is a study of children. Similarly, CARE is predominantly non-Hispanic white with a minority population of Hispanic white; while GRAAD and CAG are mostly African American. Since we wanted to focus on the interaction between gene expression and age in asthma control, we did not include either of these demographic variables in our main analysis. However, there was no significant association of race or study with SMARCD1 expression after adjustment for age (ANOVA, p = 0.29 and p = 0.3, respectively). | Is data availability statement | no |
Local site conditions are detected by different methods. To provide a first approximation of these conditions, an approach was developed to characterize potential ground motions based on known correlations between variations in shear-wave velocity and topographically-distinctive landforms by applying geomorphometry, a quantitative description of landforms based on DEMs . Wald and Allen (2009) described a methodology for deriving maps of seismic site conditions using topographic slope as a proxy [46][47][48]. Vs 30 measurements (the average shear-velocity down to 30 m) were correlated against topographic slope. They also favorably compared topographic slope-based Vs 30 maps with existing site condition maps based on geology. We converted the Vs 30 **data** into point-shape files, which served as a base for IDW (Inverse Distance Weighted) interpolations ( Figure 9). The resulting interpolation maps were overlain then with geologic and morphometric maps. | Is data availability statement | no |
B(B − → Λpπ + π − ) 3.7 +1.2 −0.5 ± 0.1 ± 0.9 5.9 ± 1.110 6 B(B − → ΛpK + K − ) 3.0 +1.1 −0.5 ± 0.1 ± 0.7 --10 6 B(B 0 → ppπ + π − ) 3.0 +0.5 −0.3 ± 0.3 ± 0.7 3.0 ± 0.310 6 B(B 0 → ppπ ± K ∓ ) 6.6 ± 0.5 ± 0.0 ± 2.3 6.6 ± 0.5 included the **data** to constrain the non-factorizable effects, which results in δN ef | Is data availability statement | no |
Table 2
2Main stages of **data** collection and enrichment for the IoT repositories case.Elapsed time | Is data availability statement | no |
The breakdown of self-initiated activities across these three units were 64.2% for patrol, 17.5% for special crime units, and 18.3% for the differential response team. Unfortunately, the HPD CFS **data** do not provide detailed information about the nature of self-initiated activities, such as offense or incident type for patrol officers. Activities performed by specialized crime investigation and DRT officers might be deduced approximately using the division information. But to further breakdown the activity to specific units produces small frequencies of specific offenses, which would have been insufficient to conduct meaningful analysis. For example, there were only 338 self-initiated activities recorded under gang division, and 165 self-initiated activities recorded under robbery division during the study period. The **data** do include some information on dispositional outcomes of police self-initiated activities. The most frequent type of action for self-initiated activities is "collecting information" for each of the three types of police units. The disposition of "collecting information" is used in instances where the incident is resolved without needing to generate an offense report or referral for further investigation. Some examples are if the officer resolves the issue by mediation, the complaint is a civil issue rather than criminal, or if it is to provide further information about an offense report that already exists. Other self-initiated actions include making an offense or supplementary report, making an arrest, issuing tickets, etc. | Is data availability statement | no |
This paper is based on data collected from the Nutrient Platform . Primarily , it draws on 27 interviews with members of the platform . These data are triangulated with over 3000 internal documents created within the platform during the period 2008 - 2015 . These documents range from meeting agendas to strategic documents and marketing materials . Most of the documents are internally focused , though some - such as marketing materials and official communication materials - are aimed specifically at external audiences . The internal documents are especially insightful for examining conflicting views , while the externally aimed documents provide insights into some of the outcomes of these conflicts . We have reconstructed in detail the collaboration 's timeline from its inception in 2008 through to 2015 . This data is supplemented by publicly available information about specific platform - related developments as well as broader socioeconomic developments that have affected the collaboration during the period from 2015 to 2017 . | Is data availability statement | no |
Related Work. Two different communities have studied the problem of de-termining the information that can be inferred from complete access to **data** in a subset of the relations in a relational schema using constraints that relate the subset to the full vocabulary. | Is data availability statement | no |
An indication of the long-term variability in precipitation is concerned with the change in ocean patterns, with a smaller effect from anthropogenic activities. Still, the main effect is from atmospheric circulation [69]. The differential temporal behavior of rainfall trends is associated with its spatial distribution [70,71]. The non-parametric tests used in this study only need the **data** to be independent and include all outliers in the **data** series [38,72,73]. | Is data availability statement | no |
The **data** to produce initial conditions a 0 = 1/6, b 0 = 1, x 0 = 1/256 and limiting value lim n→∞ a n = 2 3π .
a 0 − 1 2π ≈ 9.08 × 10 −2 ,a
Another option is to use the series [8, Table 6, N = 7] . | Is data availability statement | no |
The Phytophthora infestans-tomato interaction is a good example where the transcriptome and metabolomes have been integrated, to derive a robust infection model [121]. Predictive genome-scale metabolic models (GEMs) were derived from P. infestans enzyme sequences, which were related to KEGG metabolic networks [122]. This GEM was then improved by incorporating further information, such as organellar location and, crucially, transcriptomic and metabolomic **data** [121]. These models showed how P. infestans growth was dependent on host thiamine biosynthesis. Moreover, separate consideration of the host and oomycete transcriptomic **data** showed how the pathogen increasingly shuts down some of its own biosynthetic pathways, becoming more dependent on host-sourced nutrients. Although undoubtedly challenging, such multi-omic approaches offer the possibility of major new insights. | Is data availability statement | no |
Fig . S1a represents the theoretical momentum - space polaritonic dispersion of the ring with a diameter of 3 m , in good agreement with the experimental data of Fig . 1c of the text . The polaritonic energy separates into multiple discrete coupled orbital modes ( COMs ) . This is obtained from a Fourier transform of the wavefunction ( , , ) into the energy domain in reciprocal space ( , , ) . Theoretically , the reciprocal - space dispersion is given by = | ( , , = 0)| 2 , which is a function of and E at = 0 . | Is data availability statement | no |
Data quality . For the users of an atlas it is important to find information on the quality of the data they retrieve . Atlases based on first party material , have protocols for data creation . The GENSAT website provides protocols for the generation of reporter mice and for the applied histological procedures . Similarly , all standard operating procedures are available on the GUDMAP website . The GEISHA website gives the protocols for their high throughput project . For XGEbase the information on how experiments were performed is described in a publication ( 23 ) . | Is data availability statement | no |
The highest strength according to (2) corresponds to the optimal winding angle α * (or the optimum ratio of applied stresses tgβ=σθ/σz) [4, 5, The use of piecewise linear approximation (2) -(3) in computer calculations is more difficult than using a single expression for the strength criterion. In the biaxial tension of the tubes under stresses σz and σθ, the experimental **data** in the σz-σθ coordinates are well described by the ellipse section (5 in Fig. 2). The ellipse passing through points on the axes (σz(α) and σθ(α)) corresponding to the strengths under uniaxial loading, and through a point on the optimal loading line (4) from the origin to the length associated with the strength (3) along the fibers σz * (0):
z z z z z t t t t (5)
where σz * (0), σz * (45) are the tensile strengths of tubes with windings (0) and (±45 O ); t=tgα. | Is data availability statement | no |
FIG. 1 :
1Top: Invariant mass distributions of candidates passing all selection requirements except that for the mass. The solid histogram shows candidates in the on-resonance **data** sample, while the dashed histogram shows the off-resonance sample, scaled to the luminosity of the on-resonance data.
| Is data availability statement | no |
The uptake by HeLa cells of fluorescein - labelled pDNA complexed with LPEI or HIS revealed that the cell fluorescence associated with p3NF - luc-3NF and pCMVluc were quite comparable after 5 h incubation whatever the polymer used ( Figure 1 insert ) . Compared to pCMVluc , the remarkable effect on the luciferase gene observed in Figure 1 with p3NF - luc-3NF may be likely due to a larger number of pDNA copies imported into the nucleus . This could imply that the weakness of the TATA - like promoter in p3NF - luc-3NF was counterbalanced by the higher number of pDNA copies in the nucleus . The cell fluorescence associated with pTAL - luc was a third ( with LPEI ) to a fifth ( with HIS ) less than that with p3NF - luc-3NF , suggesting that pTAL - luc polyplexes were slightly less taken up by the cells . Nevertheless , this uptake difference can not explain the 1300 - fold higher luciferase activity observed with p3NF - luc-3NF compared to pTALluc ( Figure 1 ) . This could be consecutive to an enhancement of the 3NF - plasmids penetration in the nucleus . Similar results were obtained with C2C12 cells except that the cell - associated fluorescence was 2 - to 3 - fold higher than with HeLa cells ( data not shown ) . | Is data availability statement | no |
The characterization data for 1 and 2 are consistent with their formulations . [ 17 ] The vivid orange color of 2 ( both in the solid - state and in solution ) is noteworthy for a 6d 0 5f 0 metal complex . The electronic absorption spectra of 2 exhibits a broad , intense electronic absorption band from the UV to visible wavelength range , and a strong absorption between 450 and 550 nm . Since 1 is pale yellow and the 6d 0 5f 0 electronic configuration of Th IV precludes metal - localized ff , d - f , and d - d transitions , and on the basis of definitive prior work , [ 12c ] we conclude this transition is due to a spin - allowed but orbital - forbidden p ? ( N)!p * ( N = C ) and ligand - to - metal charge transfer ( LMCT ) . | Is data availability statement | no |
Despite the formation of a structurally appropriate neoartery the TE50 graft dilation and pulsatility data gathered over 8 months indicated a potential mismatch between the mechanical properties of the native artery and the regenerating graft . Dilation is known to reduce blood flow velocity and generate turbulence , which may limit the durability of the TE50 graft and should be prevented in future studies . This dilation of TE50 could be limited either by chemically modifying PGS [ 7b ] to slow graft degradation or by reinforcing the graft through the addition of an outer sheath layer made from materials previously reported to facilitate collagen production . [ 7c ] The mouse AA and neoarteries regenerated from TE50 grafts comprised similar fractions of elastin and SMCs , as well as a typical endothelium layer , but significantly lower amounts of collagen . It is likely that limited generation of collagen in the graft adventitia was the main contributing factor to graft dilation over time , with the loss of mechanical strength due to the rapid degradation of the original graft not compensated for by adequate collagen deposition . The dilation that the TE50 grafts experienced differs from that seen in aortic aneurysm , which is associated with an increase in collagen content as a response to selective elastin degradation . [ 36 ] Here EL generation occurred at an early stage , but limited collagen regeneration compromised the graft and led to early dilation . This indicates that early and balanced production of both organized elastin and collagen is required for the formation of a mechanically viable neoartery . Various groups have reported the generation of appropriate collagen types and amounts within their vascular graft prototypes and similar strategies could be adopted to improve the TE50 graft . [ 7b , c,22,37 ] The de novo production of organized EL in the intima - media has been identified as the missing element in biodegradable vascular graft regeneration . [ 5,7a ] Most elastogenesis is classically restricted to late fetal and early neonatal periods , [ 38 ] with limited elastin synthesis in adulthood that is in response to the loss of elastin due to injury or disease . [ 39 ] In blood vessels , elastin is an extremely durable insoluble protein and mature elastic fibers generally persist for the lifespan . [ 40 ] Adv . Mater . 2022 , 34 , 2205614 Figure 8 . Proposed remodeling of TE50 . After implantation , the non - porous TE50 vascular graft allows migration of arterial smooth muscle cells ( SMCs ) from adjacent tissue to form intima - media with a circumferential aligned and layered structure . TE is gradually released from the graft . Amorphous elastin and elastin fibers are produced and assembled to form elastic lamellae , possibly with the help of M2 macrophages . The internal elastic lamellae are formed at a later stage through the joined effort of SMCs and endothelial cells . The outer surface encounters both phagocytosis activities from M1 macrophages as well as the deposition and remodeling of collagen fibrils by an interplay of arterial SMCs , fibroblasts , pericytes , and M2 macrophages to form adventitia . Upon complete degradation of TE50 , the adventitia meets intima - media to form the neoartery with spatial and microstructural features that resemble the native artery . | Is data availability statement | no |
Regarding internal validity, vignette studies afford researchers control and standardization of vignette presentation, alongside systematic manipulation of key aspects of the vignette, thus allowing for rigorous causal inferences to be drawn with respect to the unique and shared variance of multiple factors predicting clinician behavior (Alexander & Becker, 1978;Atzmüller & Steiner, 2010;Taylor, 2006;Veloski et al., 2005;Wallander, 2009). In addition, vignettes can be written in a way that overcomes the multicollinearity and nonorthogonality among variables as they occur in the real world, while still appearing just as realistic to participants (Ludwick et al., 2004;Taylor, 2006;Wallander, 2009). Vignette designs can facilitate increased analytic power and efficiency across a number of analytic methods, including regression, ANOVA, and multilevel modeling (Atzmüller & Steiner, 2010;Ludwick et al., 2004;Murphy et al., 1986;Wallander, 2009Wallander, , 2012. Finally, clinician participants may find enjoyment, challenge, and creativity in participating in vignette studies (Schoenberg & Ravdal, 2000;Wason et al., 2002). Taylor (2006) argues that, to the extent that the design can increase participants' engagement (e.g., reading stories and solving problems rather than answering a list of survey questions), the **data** will be more accurate as a result. | Is data availability statement | no |
Virtual jaw model was obtained from CT **data** of a live patient and VR simulator was utilized for root canal treatment. | Is data availability statement | no |
When it comes to the use of RBCs in carious lesion, current literature does not provide **data** about the type of RBCs that should be used in leukemia patients. Therefore, the aim of our research was to analyze, in vitro, the degradation process of resin-based composites by determining the sorption and solubility properties and evaluating the amount of residual monomer in saliva of leukemia patients before starting chemotherapy regiments. This approach reflects the properties of dental composite, as well as certain aspects of the potential side-effects caused by the patient's pathology. Additionally, the subject addressed has a practical connotation, since dental practitioners should be constantly informed and aware about the properties of dental materials and should personalize the selection of restoration materials in accordance with the complexity of each clinical case [9]. | Is data availability statement | no |
Preventive Medicine Reports j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : h t t p : / / e e s . e l s e v i e r . c o m / p m e d r program designed for this population. Only the baseline **data** from that trial were used for the current study, making it cross-sectional. Recruitment occurred in clinics that diagnose and treat STIs; most YBM attending the clinics were either referred through a partner notification system or self-referred based on dysuria or other issues they perceived as signs of a sexually transmissible infection. Only clinics located in the southern U.S. were considered for use in this study. Inclusion criteria were: | Is data availability statement | no |
Figure 3 :
3Pre-and posttest neurophysiologic measures. (a) Nonlesioned hemisphere amplitude with single-pulse TMS testing. (b) Lesioned hemisphere amplitude with single-pulse TMS testing. (c) Nonlesioned hemisphere CSP duration. (d) Lesioned hemisphere CSP duration. Nonlesioned **data** is denoted by a closed circle, and lesioned **data** is denoted by an open circle. Note: **data** points are labeled with a superscript participant identifier consistent with Table 1 (participant IDs 1-8). The y-axis representing change differs between the measures. CSP: cortical silent period; ms: milliseconds; SP: single-pulse; TMS: transcranial magnetic stimulation. Amplitudes are measured in μV (microvolts). | Is data availability statement | no |
The testing **data** including 5 dimension features of 30 grains (15 bread wheat grains and 15 durum wheat grains) and their testing results are tabulated in Table 2 to further inspect the **data** and results. While the number of "2" is assigned to specify bread grains, "1" is appointed to define the durum grains as targets of the ANN-ABC model. The ANN-ABC model proposed in this study accurately classifies 19 grains with 0 (zero) and 11 grains with very small absolute errors. Therefore, it classifies the total grains of 30 with a negligible MAE of 0.0034 and with 100% accuracy. It demonstrates that the proposed IPT based ANN-ABC model can be successfully utilized to classify the wheat grain varieties in an automatic manner. | Is data availability statement | no |
Inverse distance weighted interpolation method is a kind of spatial interpolation geometry method [12], which belongs to distance weight coefficient method series, the principle is to grant closer point greater weight than distant point.
υe indicates variable value of test point, there e = n j j j 1 Among them, j (= 1, 2 ... n) is the variable value of point j (x j , y j ), j is corresponding weight coefficient. Weight coefficient j is calculated: j = j 1 ej ej f d f d n ( ) ( ) Among them, n is known point, f(d ej )is weight coefficient of distance d ej between interpolation 1 d ,
Among them, b is appropriate constant, when b is 1 or 2, corresponding to distance reciprocal interpolation and distance reciprocal square interpolation. The method is simple and easy to operate, and it can provide rational interpolation results for **data** when its variable value varies widely, meaningless interpolation results won't appear as well. Shortages are: first of all, this method is very sensitive to the choice of weight function; Second, this method is greatly influenced by inhomogeneous distributed **data** points, when two or more sample points are adjacent, there is no processing to existing redundant information; Finally, inverse distance square has few forecast characteristics, global maximum and minimum variable values are scattered in the data. | Is data availability statement | no |
The spectral data match literature . 20 1.0 eq . ) in dry DCM ( 10 mL ) at 0 ° C . After complete addition , the cooling bath was removed and the mixture was allowed to stir at room temperature overnight . The volatiles were removed under reduced pressure , water ( 15 mL ) was added carefully ( cooling ) to the residue followed by NaOH pellets ( 1.97 g , 49.2 mmol , 8.0 eq . ) and the mixture was stirred at room temperature for 6 h , heated to reflux for 30 min and stirred overnight at room temperature . EtOAc ( 40 mL ) was added , the phases were separated and the aqueous layer was extracted with EtOAc ( 2 x 10 mL ) . The combined organic extracts were dried over Na2SO4 and evaporated . The crude was purified by automated flash chromatography ( EA : Hx , 0 à 10 % EA ) with 4 - ethyl-1H - pyrrole-2 - carbaldehyde ( S7 ) eluting at 8 % EA ( yellow - brownish oil ( 139 mg , 1.13 mmol , 18 % ) ) and 3 - ethyl-1H - pyrrole-2 - carbaldehyde ( S8 ) eluting at 10 % EA ( faintly yellow oil ( 295 mg , 2.40 mmol , 39 % ) ): | Is data availability statement | no |
Mt. Etna is one of the most fascinating natural laboratories for studying the deep structure of an active volcano with seismic tomography. Mt. Etna's eruptive dynamics are the result of a complex interaction between magma in its plumbing system, the regional (deep crust) tectonic regime, and local (shallow crust; volcanic edifice) structures, partially controlled by flank instability. Magma ascent driving conditions (e.g., structural setting, tectonic forces) are not yet completely understood. One of the main limitations in understanding the volcano's eruptive dynamics is the insufficient knowledge of its intermediate and deep crust. As indicated in Ibáñez et al. [2016, in this volume] in the last 25 years, several seismic and tomographic experiments have been focused on the study of Mt. Etna's structure using different techniques and **data** sets. The TOMO-ETNA experiment is an international and multi-institutional joint effort focused into providing answers to some of the open questions associated to the structure and dynamics of Mt. Etna. This experiment will take advantage of the use of both active and passive seismic sources and the combination of information of other seismic and geophysics measurements such as marine seismic reflection [Coltelli et al. 2016, in this volume;Firetto Carlino et al. 2016, in this volume] or magnetic profiles [Cavallaro et al. 2016, in this volume]. | Is data availability statement | no |
In every test final modal models have been determined out of several excitation runs according to meaningful quality measures. Obtained results from multiple free-free tests allow for conclusions concerning effects of the finishing and the repeatability of the manufacturing process in terms of the modal parameters. For this blade series the impact of the finish on mode shape correlation is stronger than differences resulting from the production. Regarding frequency and damping, changes caused by the finishing and deviations between the blades within the same manufacturing steps are of a similar magnitude. For blade #1 a non-linear damping behaviour in the 1 st flap mode has been identified. Though, a comprehensive flutter analysis demands in preparation the examination on non-linear behaviour in other modes of interest. Due to the high sensor density and the advantages of both test scenarios, the acquired modal **data** represents an optimal basis for updating finite element models towards structural dynamic properties. | Is data availability statement | no |
Subsets and Splits