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With respect to their influence, USU can be either correlated or uncorrelated, depending on the circumstances. Fully correlated USU will determine the lowest possible accuracy to which it is possible to determine a certain physical quantity by a particular experimental technique due to unknown bias-inducing effects. Uncorrelated USU may contribute in a quasi-random way to unexplained scatter in measured **data** when it is assumed by the experimenter that the measurement procedures are well understood and under control. This may occur because of unrecognized instabilities in the experimental apparatus. Uncorrelated USU will certainly limit achievable precision, and possibly the attainable accuracy as well. | Is data availability statement | no |
Although WT and Lmo2 −/− ES cells have a similar capacity to produce Flk-1 + cells , our experiments showed that LMO2 exerts its function already at the HB stage by positioning the LMO2 complex to regulatory elements important for the establishment of the haematopoietic program . As the peaks identified by the three - way overlap of the LMO2 , TAL1 and LDB1 ChIPseq data were the sites with the highest number of reads in each of the independent samples , we conclude that these regulatory elements Table showing the number of genes associated with LMO2 ChIPseq peaks that have increased or decreased expression ( > 4 - fold ) in WT compared to Lmo2 −/− cells . ( D ) Heat map of hierarchically clustered genes that associate with common TAL1 , LMO2 and LDB1 ChIPseq peaks . These genes are either the nearest 5 or 3 gene , or contain the peak within the gene body . Scale bar represents colour index for the log 2 FPKM values . Self - organizing tree analysis identified three clusters , which are numbered 1 to 3 . exhibit the highest affinity for this complex . In the absence of LMO2 , binding of TAL1 only remained at the strongest of these binding sites , albeit at a lower level , whereas the majority of TAL1 binding was found at novel binding sites . It has previously been shown that the interaction of LMO2 with TAL1 directly increases the stability of TAL1 / E2A heterodimer ( 57 ) . Experiments with TAL1 DNA - binding deficient mutants showed that DNA - binding activity of TAL1 was dispensable for specification of haematopoietic development ( 53 ) , only when the interaction of the TAL1 HLH domain with LMO2 was retained ( 57 ) . In addition , in the presence of LMO2 , TAL1 could associate with chromatin in the absence of its DNA binding domain , albeit with a lower affinity ( 58 ) . Our motif analysis of the threeway overlap of LMO2 , TAL1 and LDB1 ChIP indicated a very strong enrichment of GATA binding motifs ( Figure 5 ) . Taken together , this indicates that the interaction through LMO2 plays an important role in directing TAL1 to the correct binding sites , whereas without LMO2 , TAL1 has lower DNA binding activity and specificity . Comparison of our data to previously published LDB-1 ChIPseq data in Flk-1 + cells ( 28 ) and in Lin − bone marrow ( 59 ) showed that the overlap is particularly enriched for those LDB1 peaks that are part of the three - way overlap ( 83 % and 51 % of LMO2 , TAL1 and LDB1 ChIP peaks respectively ) . In addition , our and previous studies identify the same list of target genes ( e.g. Tal1 , Gata2 , Runx1 , Lmo2 , Runx2t2 and Sox7 ) . Intersecting the lists of differentially expressed genes reported by Mylona et al . indicated that the Ldb1 −/− was more similar to the Tal1 −/− , in line with the developmental block occurring earlier than in the Lmo2 −/− . Meta - analysis of the LMO2 complex binding sites identified an overrepresentation of regulatory elements important for haematopoietic development . These included transcription factor genes known to be important at the HB stage ( e.g. Fli1 ( 52,59 ) , Gata2 ( 32 ) , Erg ( 55 ) ) , genes that are important for the HE and endothelial - haematopoietic transition ( e.g. Gfi1 ( 60 ) ) , those with known haematopoietic stem cell function ( e.g. Lyl1 ( 61 ) , Stat3 ( 62 ) ) , and transcription factors with more lineage restricted functions ( e.g. Ebf1 ( 63 ) , Gata1 ( 64 ) , Nfe2 ( 65 ) ) . Our findings indicate that already at the HB stage , LMO2 primes transcription factor genes which will be upregulated at later stages of haematopoiesis and thus regulates all steps of haematopoietic development . | Is data availability statement | no |
The average multiplicity is calculated with the formula
B(B → φX) = 1 2N BB B(φ → K + K − ) 16 i=1 N φ B,i ε i ,(1)
where N φ B,i is the number of φ mesons in momentum bin i found in the **data** and assumed to come from B mesons. This number is obtained by performing the background fit to the on-resonance **data** samples after subtracting the off-resonance **data** samples, scaled to the on-resonance luminosity. The efficiency ε = ε 2T ε K + ε K − is the product of the reconstruction efficiency and the kaon identification efficiencies for each track. The quantity N BB is the number of BB events in the **data** sample, which is measured to be N BB = (18.7 ± 0.2) × 10 6 using a technique described elsewhere [10]. | Is data availability statement | no |
Differences between inspectors and data analysts It was already assumed that inspectors and data analysts represent distinct knowledge sources , in this case about risks . During our workshops and interviews the differences showed in a surprising fashion . First , they had different views on what ' working risk - oriented ' means . The data analysts viewed working risk - oriented almost solely as working datadriven . It appeared that inspectors viewed working risk - oriented in a broader perspective , including soft coordination and individual mental models . Second , the data analysts mostly focused on the inner working of the risk model , while the inspectors focused more on the practical use of the model and its implications for the organisation . | Is data availability statement | no |
Leaf maturation, as an important event in leaf development, is closely related to photosynthesis efficiency and regulated by various proteins. Data from 2D gel analysis indicated that some proteins were up-regulated and others Fig. 4 The expression patterns of Ib-RCA genes in a photoperiod. a Expression patterns of the Ib-RCA genes by relative quantitative real-time PCR as shown in graphs. RNA samples were collected at 2 h interval from 0 to 22 h. b Expression patterns of the Ib-RCA genes by semi-quantitative PCR as shown in gels. The bactin was used as a control. Inside graph is the change of temperature in a photoperiod. Data (mean ± SE) are typical results from three independent experiments performed were down-regulated in young and mature leaves. Due to lack of the complete genomic information of sweet potato, it was difficult to identify differentially expressed proteins by MALDI-TOF-TOF-MS. In order to obtain this information, the NCBI GreenPlants database and the transcriptomic database of sweet potato were used for homology analysis. Meanwhile, the **data** from semi-quantitative RT-PCR demonstrated that at both transcript and protein levels, these proteins had the same tendency of upor down-regulation although the fold of increase or decrease was different (Figs. 1, 2). Because it is a complex process from mRNA to protein, both post-transcriptional and post-translational events could have caused the differences between mRNA and protein levels [32,33]. Among the identified proteins, nearly 50 % were associated with photosynthesis in the process of leaf maturation, and most were up-regulated. This result suggests that the improvement of photosynthetic system was a key event in the process of leaf maturation, and the leaf goes through a transition from heterotrophic nutrition to autotrophic nutrition. | Is data availability statement | no |
Coding interesting features of the data in a systematic fashion across the entire data set , collating data relevant to each code . | Is data availability statement | no |
The set-up for AE acquisition was such that the parametric **data** (load and strain) were acquired every second in addition to the AE waveforms. Thus, the variation in stress for a given fatigue cycle was not possible for the 1 Hz data. However, for the 0.1 Hz and 0.01 Hz tests, enough load **data** were available to discern at which point of the cycle the events were occurring. The AE analysis for the 0.1 Hz test (113-3) are presented here in detail, which showed the enhanced AE activity near failure ( Figure 2b). The features found for the 0.1 Hz test were also observed for the 1 Hz tests (147-3 and 113-9) for the most part. Although both specimens were tested at 1 Hz, the same acquisition rate for load in the software, the peak and valley events could be discerned by the timing of the event. In other words, the peak and valley events occurred approximately 0.5 s from one another. Where there were differences is discussed below. | Is data availability statement | no |
The Euler **data** Q
Theorem 7.1. (i) deg α A d ≤ −2.
(ii) If for each d the class b T (V d ) has homogeneous degree the same as the degree of M 0,0 (d, X), then in the nonequivariant limit we have
X e −H·t/α A d = α −3 (2 − d · t)K d X HG[A](t) − e −H·t/α Ω = α −3 (2Φ − t i ∂Φ ∂t i ).
Proof: Earlier we have proved that
A d = i * 0 Q v d = ev ! ρ * b T (V d ) α(α − c 1 (L)) ,
where L = L d is the line bundle on M 0,1 (d, X) whose fiber at a point (f, C; x) is the tangent line at x. | Is data availability statement | no |
We always used an internal control for genetic background, as the entire **data** set display differences in performances, depending on the time of the year, and other variables that we cannot control (see for example Figure 2A-F). | Is data availability statement | no |
Astrometric observations with the Gaia spacecraft might ultimately reveal the full three - dimensional geometry of the system . Ranalli et al . ( 2018 ) predicted that the astrometric signal of π Men b will be detectable with a signal - to - noise ratio higher than 10 by the end of the mission . Indeed , the fit to the existing Gaia data exhibits an excess scatter of 295 µ ( 37σ ) , perhaps a hint of planet - induced motion . Direct imaging might also be fruitful some day , although Zurlo et al . ( 2018 ) have already ruled out any companions with orbital separation 10 - 20 AU and an infrared contrast exceeding 10 −6 , corresponding roughly to 30 Jupiter masses . | Is data availability statement | no |
FIG. 7 .
7(Color online) Likelihood of the USU variance σ 2 δ derived from the **data** listed in | Is data availability statement | no |
To specifically address the role of Rgs1 in the accumulation or emigration of monocyte-derived cells in the aortic wall during aneurysm development, we used a pulse-chase approach to track bead-labelled monocytes in aortas following Ang II infusion. Inflammatory 7/4 hi monocytes were labelled in vivo with fluorescent latex microbeads and administered intravenously (i.v.) at the time of osmotic mini pump implantation 23,24 . Aortic cell numbers were quantified by flow cytometry at days 3 and 5 after bead injection (Fig. 6a). At 3 days post Ang II infusion, the time of peak monocyte recruitment from the bloodstream, bead-positive leukocyte content in aortas was similar between ApoE À / À and Rgs1 À / À ApoE À / À mice, implying that monocyte recruitment was similar between the groups (Fig. 6b). However, by day 5 after the initiation of Ang II infusion, beadpositive CD45 þ cells were significantly higher in ApoE À / À aortas compared with Rgs1 À / À ApoE À / À mice, suggesting that RGS1 promotes the accumulation of ApoE À / À monocytes in aortic tissue, rather than emigration. Importantly, these findings likely underestimate the magnitude of accumulation of bead-labelled monocytes, since we found several ApoE À / À mice with aneurysms at the time of harvest, which were excluded from the analysis because of the confounding effect of blood cells trapped in aneurysms, to the flow cytometric analysis of aortic cells. Bead-labelled monocytes localized to areas of the subintimal space of the vessel wall and were 7/4 and Ly6C positive (Fig. 6c). In contrast to the difference in bead-labelled cells in the aortic wall, there was no difference in the number of circulating bead-labelled inflammatory monocytes between ApoE À / À and Rgs1 À / À ApoE À / À mice at day 3 or 5 ( Supplementary Fig. 9). Together these **data** suggest that RGS1 is a mediator of inflammatory monocyte accumulation in aortic aneurysms. | Is data availability statement | no |
Contributions: Conceptualization, formal analysis, and funding acquisition, B.M.; methodology, C.S., M.M. (Mircea Murar), and M.F.; software, M.F. and R.C.; validation, formal analysis, C.S. and C.N.; investigation, M.M. (Mircea Murar), M.M. (Mihaela Mocan); resources, **data** curation, C.S. and B.M; writing-original draft preparation, B.M.; writing-review and editing, M.M. (Mihaela Mocan); visualization, validation, M.F.; supervision, B.M.; project administration, B.M. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript. Funding: This research was funded by a grant of the Romanian Ministry of Education and Research, CCCDI-UEFISCDI, project number PN III-P2-2.1-PED-2019-1057, within PNCDI III. Institutional Review Board Statement: The study will be conducted according to the guidelines of the Declaration of Helsinki and approved by the Institutional Review Board (or Ethics Committee) of University of Medicine and Pharmacy Iuliu Hatieganu Cluj-Napoca Romania (registration number 350/2.10.2019).
| Is data availability statement | no |
Since some CEOs were born prior to the period covered by the FEMA dataset , their exposure to natural disasters in their formative years ( 5 - 15 years ) may be missing in our dataset . To construct a more comprehensive countylevel natural disaster database that covered the period of all CEOs ' formative years , we searched additional data sources , which included the United States Census Bureau , | Is data availability statement | no |
Through these three translational mechanisms , participants described how they made soft data meaningful , and thus endowed them with function in relation to quality and safety , either diagnostically ( Aggregation and Triangulation ) or illustratively and persuasively ( Instrumentalization ) . The three approaches to generating soft intelligence were not mutually exclusive , and two or more were often present in participants ' accounts , with overlap evident between our categories of Aggregation and Triangulation . However , there were also important distinctions between the two : whereas Aggregation implied that soft data could become useful independently , through the accumulation of multiple soft data , Triangulation saw generating soft intelligence only as a complement to or means of validating data derived from conventional sources . | Is data availability statement | no |
We always use scRNA-Seq **data** normalized on a log-scale, in order to stabilize the variance of highly expressed genes. Because the stochastic matrix involves a ratio of gene-expression values, one needs to avoid zero values in the **data** matrix, so it is necessary to use a pseudocount of 1.1, so that the log(counts+1.1) transformation takes on a minimum value above zero. Details of the scRNA-Seq **dataset**s and the normalization procedure used in each one are available in Supplementary Information. | Is data availability statement | no |
During spermatogenesis, most of the sperm DNAbinding protein histones are replaced by transition proteins Oncotarget s209 www.impactjournals.com/oncotarget and then by protamines. Protamines cause the chromatin to condense tightly and thus generate mature sperm. Aniline blue (AB) preferentially binds to histone lysines; thus, AB staining can assess sperm nuclear maturity [27]. In our study, CYP dramatically increased the percentage of immature sperm. Immature sperm produce oxygen radicals, which can induce sperm death and reduce male fertility [28,29]. Conversely, the correctly condensed chromatin of mature sperm can protect against CYPinduced oxidative damage to sperm DNA. In our study, PAL increased the percentage of mature sperm. Thus, our **data** indicate that PAL may promote the fertility of CYPtreated mice through increase in sperm maturity. | Is data availability statement | no |
Theme 1 and Theme 2 relate to the usability and utility of the interlinking process and the provenance data. Codes for Theme 1 indicate that participants found NAISC-L to be useful, user-friendly and straightforward. Participants also found the provenance **data** to be useful and that it added authority to the interlinks. | Is data availability statement | no |
Fermi surface map for T = 120K >> TK = 20K of CeRu2Si2 compared to ARPES map of LaRu2Si2, showing same size of large hole surface contour for both compounds. Absence of reduced hole surface size due to Ce 4f electron inclusion, as predicted by LDA and observed at very low T in dHvA experiments, is evidence of Ce 4f electron exclusion from Fermi surface at T >> TK, as proposed in Refs.[77,78].[from Ref. 18]. 5. Summary of below (102 eV) and above (108 eV and 112 eV) resonance ARPES **data** in panels (a)-(c) for heavy Fermion material URu2Si2, showing confinement of 5f weight (panel (b)) to interior of Ru d-band hole pocket (panel (c)), as in simple 2-band ansatz for the Anderson lattice model where a Kondo-renormalized f-state at εf′ hybridizes to the d-band, as shown in panels (d) and (e). [from Ref. 18] 6. Bulk sensitive PES spectra taken at photon energy 500 eV, showing V 3d valence band in all three phases of MI transition material (V0.982Cr0.018)2O3. Paramagnetic metal (PM) phase weight near EF could be quasi-particle weight transferred from Hubbard peaks of the antiferromagnetic insulating (AFI) or paramagnetic insulating (PI) phases, as in the dynamic mean field theory [91, 106] of the MI transition. [unpublished **data** from collaboration of Ref. 102]. 7. (a) schematic band structure of quasi-1-d metal Li0.9Mo6O17; (b) ARPES spectra showing all four bands A -D; (c) overlaid plot of ARPES spectra for comparison of band C lineshape to spectral theory [Ref. 126] of Tomonaga-Luttinger model in panel (d), showing lack of Fermi liquid quasi-particle due to Luttinger-liquid-like electron fractionalization, presently the only such ARPES example. [from Refs. 135 and 150].
| Is data availability statement | no |
We have characterized the Underlying Event in pp collisions at √ s = 0.9 and 7 TeV by measuring the number density, the summed p T distribution and the azimuthal correlation of charged particles with respect to the leading particle. The analysis is based on about 6 · 10 6 minimum bias events at √ s = 0.9 TeV and 25 · 10 6 events at √ s = 7 TeV collected during the **data** taking periods from April to July 2010. Measured **data** have been corrected for detector related effects; in particular we applied a data-driven correction to account for the misidentification of the leading track. The fully corrected final distributions are compared with Pythia 6.4, Pythia 8 and Phojet, showing that pre-LHC tunes have difficulties describing the data. These results are an important ingredient in the required retuning of those generators. | Is data availability statement | no |
WCF vs Web API vs NET Remoting. The functionality of the centralized server is exposed as a web-service through Windows Communication Foundation (WCF). There are other ways by which the remote functionality can be exposed such as .Net Remoting of Web API from Microsoft, but neither of them can offer interoperability, security and performance, all in one. Interoperability of the WCF is ensured by the way it publishes it is service and **data** contracts. The WSDL ensures a cross-platform communication, thus adding a high degree of flexibility to this component. Due to its flexibility we can configure the security aspect of the web-service to fit our needs. If configured correctly, the WCF service can ensure confidentiality, integrity, and authorization. Confidentiality and integrity can be guaranteed at transport level or at message level, or at both, without a significant performance penalty. The authorizations in WCF provide flexibility in the way we define the authorizations. New authorizations levels can be defined and configure by the developer, or the WCF service can use the windows accounts that accesses the service. In this case, the developer doesn't have to define the authorization roles, but it needs to configure the levels of authorization. This allows us to write optimized queries the return an optimal amount of data. The main disadvantage of LLBLGen is that it cannot be integrated in the IDE, and comes with it is own configuration environment. Morover, LLBLGen Pro is not free. The advantages of Entity Framework is that it can be fully integrated in the development environment and plus, is free. The backend database was built using Microsoft SQL Server. | Is data availability statement | no |
Rb-Sr and Sm-Nd isotopic **data** of whole-rock samples are given in | Is data availability statement | no |
Frequently, **data** that can be measured in principle cannot be captured for design reasons. In contrast, relevant status **data** can be calculated or predicted from simple measurable parameters using valid simulation models or based on expert knowledge. The acquisition of such parameters can be referred to as a soft sensor supporting the AI algorithms, which can then be trained with a larger and technically more meaningful database and be calibrated for prediction [6,7]. | Is data availability statement | no |
Since PIKfyve inhibition did not reduce the neuronal internalization of K18 PFFs, we hypothesized that the reduction in seeded tau aggregation might be caused either by a change in the fate of the seeds with consequent reduced release into the cytoplasm or by increased degradation. We started by evaluating how YM-201636 could affect the subcellular distribution of K18 PFFs in neurons. We treated primary hippocampal neurons with either 1% DMSO or 1 μM YM-201636 followed by incubation with AF488-labeled K18 PFFs for 16 h to allow internalization and transport into EDITORS' PICK: PIKfyve mediates tau aggregates transport and its seeding lysosomes. As mentioned before, LAMP1-positive organelles in neurons treated with YM-201636 appeared enlarged and reduced in number when compared with DMSO control (Fig. S8B). While there were no changes in the amount of K18 PFFs being internalized by neurons, the percentage of both K18 and FL Tau PFFs colocalizing with LAMP1 vesicles was reduced by 50% after YM-201636 treatment (Fig. 6, A and B). XYZ projection imaging shows that the majority of K18 PFFs can be seen close to LAMP1-positive vesicles, but not inside (Fig. S8A). On the other hand, K18 PFFs are slightly increased in number in EEA1-positive vesicles as well, thus pointing to a partial trapping or delayed transit of labeled K18 PFFs in earlier endosomal compartments. Because an absence of K18 PFFs in lysosomes could potentially be explained by an increased degradative capacity, we investigated lysosomal proteolytic activity. We used DQ-BSA, a self-quenchable substrate for hydrolase activity that, following endocytic uptake and delivery to degradative compartments, produces fluorescence upon cleavage. The intensity of DQ-BSA positive vesicles was decreased by 27% when primary hippocampal cultures were treated with 1 μM YM-201636, thus indicating reduced transport of cargo into proteolytic vesicles and consequently lowered degradation of substrates and excluding increased hydrolytic activity (Fig. 6G). YM-201636 treatment also reduced the number of cathepsin B-and D-positive vesicles, corroborating the DQ-BSA **data** and the idea of impaired degradation capacity in neurons (Fig. 6, H and I). | Is data availability statement | no |
Generating the sequence using a preferential attachment based model . We apply a preferential attachment based model to generated topic tuple sequences with power - law distributed usage of each topic tuple [ 32,37,38 ] . In the model , an individual 's activity is randomly chosen from the two actions . One is to explore a new subject and publish a paper with a new topic tuple . The other is to return to a previously studied subject and publish a paper with a topic tuple already used . The probability to explore is defined as ρn −γ in which the term n −γ captures the decreasing trend to explore a new subject as the number of papers increases . Consequently the probability of return , i.e. to reuse an old topic tuple , is 1 − ρn −γ . If one returns , the choice of existing topic tuples is governed by preferential attachment : the probability p i to use a specific topic tuple i is proportional to the tuple i 's current usage , so p i = n i / j n j where n i is the number of times that the tuple i is used . The parameters applied are ρ = 0.4 and γ = 0.1 . Each individual 's time step is controlled by the number of papers published , following distribution P ( n ) ∼ n −1.5 with a cutoff n max = 150 . These variables make the sequence generated similar to those in real data . We generate totally 20,000 independent sequences , a comparable number to the size of real data . See Supplementary Discussion 4 for more about the preferential attachment based model . Data availability . The Physical Review dataset is available upon requested from the APS at http://journals.aps.org/datasets . The name disambiguation procedure and the associated data are described in Ref . [ 6,43 ] . | Is data availability statement | yes |
With rare events , organizations may not have relevant prior experiences to draw inferences and aid decision - making . The Covid-19 pandemic represents such a rare event . Responding to rare events requires organizations to mobilize and adjust existing resources quickly as well as develop new capabilities ( Henningsson et al . , 2021 ) . Further , rare events ( such as the Covid-19 pandemic ) are usually characterized by less available data ( Oehmen et al . , 2020 ) . For example , in the case of the Covid-19 pandemic , retailers may not have accurate epidemiological data on transmission and may have to use other heuristics , such as consumer mobility patterns , to optimize retail decisions . During the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic , due to potential and actual social distancing policies , including mandated lockdowns or potential lockdowns , consumer trends were disrupted , which also affected retail activities globally ( OECD , 2020 ) . As the epidemic growth showed geographic variation , some states , e.g. , New York ( NY ) , observed early surges in hospitalizations and early long - term state - wide lockdowns . Meanwhile , other states , e.g. , Nebraska ( NE ) and Texas ( TX ) , observed increased cases and deaths sometime later than NY . These geographic variations in cases and deaths also produced varying demands on certain items , such as hand sanitizer and masks , as well as varying mobility patterns , including retail activity patterns . | Is data availability statement | no |
In this context , the main objective of the present work was to develop parametric and nonparametric statistical models useful to determine the entire SARS - CoV-2 infected population , including symptomatic and asymptomatic people , by tracking the viral load present in the wastewater of the Bens wastewater treatment plant that serves the metropolitan area of A Coruña with near 370,000 residents , without the need of health system data or the number of positive people reported , and obtaining information from population - based seroepidemiological surveys developed in Spain ( this represents a contribution with respect to other models ) . The pursuit of this objective has a public service motivation . At this regard , it is important to note that this research , in the framework of the COVIDBENS project , had high social impact and it was one of the precursors of this type of monitoring in Spain , for the surveillance of SARSCoV-2 in wastewater . COVIDBENS currently provides a public service through weekly reports to municipalities , public health and regional administrations ( SERGAS , Xunta de Galicia ) for surveillance and early warning tasks . | Is data availability statement | no |
Clinical and demographic **data** were compared across cohort subdivisions using analysis of variance (ANOVA) for continuous outcomes and chi square tests for discrete outcomes (Table 1). | Is data availability statement | no |
Here , instead of sharing a low - dimensional structure , each data vector can now reside in a separate low - dimensional subspace . Therefore , together the data matrix admits a union - of - subspace model . As a result of this additional flexibility , DL finds applications in a wide range of signal processing and machine learning tasks , such as denoising , image inpainting ( Mairal et al . , 2009 ) , clustering and classification ( Ramirez et al . , 2010;Rambhatla and Haupt , 2013;Rambhatla et al . , 2016;2017;2019b;a ) , and analysis of deep learning primitives ( Ranzato et al . , 2008;Gregor and LeCun , 2010 ) ; see also Elad ( 2010 ) , and references therein . | Is data availability statement | no |
A few previous works also consider **data** combination for long-term causal inference, but they impose strong restrictions on the unmeasured confounders. Athey et al. [2019] rely on a surrogate criterion first proposed by Prentice [1989]. This surrogate criterion precludes any unobserved variable that can simultaneously affect the short-term and long-term outcomes (see Section 3.2). Athey et al. [2020] assume a latent confoundedness condition, requiring unobserved confounders to have no direct effects on the long-term outcome but only indirect effects through the short-term outcomes. Neither of these works can handle persistent confounders. By permitting the existence of persistent confounders, our setup is substantially more general than these existing literature. | Is data availability statement | no |
It was pointed out in all publications about AGCM for experimental **data** [8,6,20,24] that there is a huge misfit between measured **data** and computationally simulated data, in the case of waves propagation in a non-attenuating medium. This misfit is evident from a simple visual comparison of simulated and experimental curves, see, e.g. Figures 3 and 4. This discrepancy is the main difficulty for the numerical treatment of experimental **data** by any computational method. In other words, the experimental **data** are lying far away from the range of the operator, which needs to be inverted to solve the CIP. It is well known that this is a compact operator. Hence, its range is very narrow and the inversion problem is unstable. Therefore, regularization is necessary. Still, the regularization theory gives recipes only in the case when the right hand side of the operator equation is not far from the range of that operator. However, in the case of those experimental data, the right hand side is actually far away from that range. Therefore, the crucial step of all above cited publications about experimental data, was the **data** pre-processing procedure. This procedure has extracted such a piece of the **data** from the whole data, which looked somewhat similar with the computationally simulated data. Still, it was impossible to estimate the distance between the extracted **data** and the range of that compact operator. Furthermore, those **data** pre-processing procedures cannot be rigorously justified neither from the Physics nor from the Mathematics standpoint. They were based on the intuition only. The single criterion of their success was the accuracy of resulting solutions of corresponding CIPs. Since accurate results were obtained for the blind real **data** in [6,20,24], then those **data** pre-processing procedures were unbiased. We describe below the **data** pre-processing procedure. It consists of two steps: extracting a piece of **data** from the whole **data** and multiplying this piece by a calibration factor. This factor is unknown and needs to be determined numerically. | Is data availability statement | no |
In the current study, we engineered transgenic mice to overexpress SSPN protein in skeletal muscle as an alternate approach to investigate the function of SSPN. SSPN transgenic (SSPN-Tg) mice exhibit a severe phenotype that is much more similar to laminin-deficient muscle (Besse et al., 2003;Guo et al., 2003;Kuang et al., 1998;Miyagoe et al., 1997;Xu et al., 1994). Taken together, our **data** support a necessary role for SSPN in organizing proteins within the DGC and in assembly of the extracellular matrix. | Is data availability statement | no |
In addition to the discussion in Sect. II, expositions on nuclear **data** evaluation methodology during preceding decades can be found in a monograph by Smith [3], in review papers by Capote et al. [22] and by Smith and Otuka [23], and elsewhere, e.g., as mentioned in a comprehensive report of the NEA WPEC SG-24 [24]. | Is data availability statement | no |
At County Health System , providers and staff often struggled to recognize SOGI data 's relevance for care , further informed by anticipation of patient expectations when discussing gender and sexuality . Despite acknowledgement of " openness , " several health care workers still expressed discomfort around asking patients the SOGI items , suggesting the questions broached a previously unacknowledged boundary of topics appropriate for clinical discussion ( Cruz , 2020 ) . Patients typically did not expect to discuss such issues when seeking care in this clinical setting , as described by one staff member : | Is data availability statement | no |
By comparison of the 3D structures of Polb and TdT , a TdTspecific loop ( loop1 ; 383 - 400 amino acids ) , located in the palm subdomain ( see Figure 1A ) , was proposed to be important for the specific properties of TdT ( 2 ) . By inspection of the multiple amino acid sequence alignments of Polb , TdT and Polm ( 2,6,8 ) it is apparent that a homologous region to loop1 is present also in Polm ( 367 - 385 amino acids ; see Figure 1A and B ) . Moreover , tridimensional modelling of Polm on the TdT crystal structure , carried out as described in Materials and Methods , predicts a similar spatial location of the region homologous to loop1 , located in the palm subdomain ( data not shown ) . | Is data availability statement | no |
The findings of this study suggest that PC-QI implementation can leverage the high level of interest in their use, alignment with existing policy and initiatives in PCC measurement, and opportunities to integrate technology to support implementation. Despite this, organisational readiness to implement is variable across contexts; it will require resource investment, capacity development and sustained leadership engagement at all levels to support organisations to collect, use and report **data** on PCC. This study provides a foundational basis for identifying implementation strategies that will optimise PC-QI implementation and facilitate the incorporation of the patient perspective in improving their quality of care. Acknowledgements The authors are thankful for the contributions and support to this project by the Person-Centred Quality Indicators study team, especially Dr Paul Fairie, who provided advice on the development of the organisational readiness survey; Brian Steele, who supported the development of the survey on the Qualtrics platform; Farwa Naqvi, who provided support in confirming and identifying potential study participants through a web search of publicly available contact information; and Sandra Zelinsky, who we consulted on the development of our interview guide. We would also like to thank our collaborators who pretested the survey and interview guides for us (Canadian Institute for Health Information, Health Quality Council of Alberta and the Grey Nuns Family Medical Centre). The authors would also like to extend their gratitude to the quality improvement and person-centred care measurement staff and healthcare providers who participated in this study. | Is data availability statement | no |
Translation processes convert interaction history **data** to another form, such as a conversion from visual 2-D **data** to 3-D coordinates for the arm to target, or from continuous color information to a discrete color category. | Is data availability statement | no |
Terminology. All discussions below apply to timeseries of **data** from a single sensor, in particular screen level air temperature. We think of such a timeseries as a **data** matrix X dt indexed by a calendar date d (rows; 'date axis') and a time t (columns; 'time axis'). The time period affected by the eclipse will be given the symbol t • ; this includes the full duration of the eclipse (C1-C4), plus an additional time span beyond C4 to account for some dynamical lag in the system (see Table 1). Conversely, all times not affected by the eclipse are symbolised by t • . Analogously, the day of the eclipse will be denoted d • and all other days by d • . When we talk about an average over a number of days, we mean that the averaging is performed over the date dimension and the result is a onedimensional array indexed by times (a daily cycle). All **data** used in this study comes from the meteorological surface station network operated by the Centro de Estudios Avanzados en Zonas Áridas (CEAZA) in La Serena, Chile, from here on called the CEAZAMet station network. | Is data availability statement | no |
One of the governing mechanisms for the colloidal behaviour of clays is isomorphous substitution, i.e. the exchange of cations of similar size and valence whilst the crystal structure is preserved. This process is completed during the formation of minerals and is the factor that determines the permanent charge of the mineral and thus its cation exchange capacity. Combined with the pore water chemistry, this permanent charge of the clay mineral governs the behaviour of the colloid system. Isomorphous substitution is significant in expandable minerals. Smectite minerals have high cation exchange capacities (CEC), in the range of 80-150 meq/100g [24] and are vulnerable to charge changes. Therefore, the emerging scale length in the SAXS **data** could be attributed to replacement of cations, especially from the interlayer exchangeable cations due to the new charge equilibrium of the global clay stacked structure. Large pore water gradients, and hence flow rates, present in the monotonic loading stages would not allow a stable ionic composition around the particles, required for an equilibrium state. On the other hand, illite, which is a low cation exchange capacity mineral, does not show similar behaviour. Nonetheless, average increase in spacing of values around 1 Å is relatively small, close to the bond length of covalent bonds. | Is data availability statement | no |
Our sample consists of companies that are included in the 2004 SiRi ( Sustainable Investment Research International ) database , which holds sustainability profiles of companies included in the MSCI World Index . As this index includes the 1500 largest ( by market capitalisation ) equities in the world , our sample represents large corporations from developed markets . SiRi is an international network of socially responsible investment research organisations collecting a range of CSR information of companies for their customers , which are mainly institutional investors . 2 The network members use the collected information also for their local databases and other investment services . The SiRi data have been used in prior research ( van Nimwegen et al . 2008;Prior et al . 2008;Surroca et al . 2010 ) . In addition , the local databases of some of the SiRi members - among which Kinder Lydenberg Domini ( KLD ) , Michael Jantzi Research Associates , and Pensions and Investment Research Consultants - have been extensively used in previous studies . The SiRi database is broadly considered a reliable and high - quality information source on CSR data . The companies that are profiled in the database are all large public companies . | Is data availability statement | yes |
To complement MODIS-based cloud analyses, we used the Meteosat Second Generation (MSG) hourly cloud fraction **data** of 2004-2013 at a spatial resolution of 0.05°. The Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) of the raw MSG hourly cloud cover **data** was converted to local time before being used for analysis. | Is data availability statement | no |
The optical absorptivity spectra for samples of LaH x and NdH x were also measured by Peterman et al. [36] at 4.2K at near-normal incidence. From the absorption data, they deduced the real and imaginary part of the dielectric constant, and hence the optical conductivity by using Kramers-Kronig analysis. They found a relatively broad feature for LaH 2.87 . However, their samples were polycrystals and the use of Kramers-Kronig analysis might enlarge the **data** uncertainties. On the other hand, a more recent and accurate measurement reported by Griessen et al. [39] sheds new light on the optical conductivity curve. The optical transmission spectra of the insulating phase YH 3−δ were measured as functions of the photon frequencyhω and of hydrogen vacancy concentration δ. The effect of the vacancy appears to reduce the overall transmission spectra quite evenly between hω = 0.5 eV and 2 eV. In our theory, the δ-dependent conductivity σ(ω) athω < 2.8 eV mainly determined by the optical transition from the vacancy state to the conduction bounds. The transition energy from the valence bands to the vacancy state is larger because of the larger energy difference between the two states and because of the Coulomb repulsion of the doubly occupied electron states on the same vacancy site. Since the vacancy state is highly localized, the transition matrix largely depends on the density of states of the conduction bands, which is expected to lack pronounced feature. | Is data availability statement | no |
Scandinavian journal of Nordisk rettsmedisin and odontological age-estimation. The intra-and inter-observer errors are overall small (not shown). Other studies have found likewise low errors [63][64][65] did find a higher margin of intra-observer error among untrained observers versus a lower margin among trained radiologists (although not statistically significant). In our study we assessed the error between a radiologist and a non-radiologist (one of the authors) for 159 carpal X-rays in blind trials. We analysed the **data** following the procedure outlined by [52]. | Is data availability statement | no |
The present is a period of dramatic evolution of the study of stellar structure and evolution, in large part owing to the possibilities offered by the rapidly expanding **data** on stellar oscillations. The resulting frequencies are expected to provide stringent constraints on stellar properties, including the structure of stellar interiors, and hence challenge our understanding of stellar internal physics and stellar evolution. An obvious requirement for this is that observations are made of a sufficiently broad sample of stars, with sufficient sensitivity and of sufficient duration to secure the required frequency precision. Such observations are now resulting from the CoRoT and Kepler space missions (e.g., Baglin et al. 2006;Borucki et al. 2010), and further improvements are promised by dedicated ground-based facilities for radialvelocity observations (e.g., Grundahl et al. 2009). However, this is not all: we must also be able to analyse the basic observations to extract reliable frequencies, as well as to identify the observed modes. Also, stellar modelling must be sufficiently reliable and accurate that the assumptions about stellar internal physics are faithfully reflected in the frequencies computed from the resulting models. Although substantial progress is being made both in the **data** analysis and the modelling, it is probably fair to say that further efforts are required in these directions. | Is data availability statement | no |
If a collection of experimental **data** to be evaluated can be organized into two or more groups, based on distinct experimental techniques employed in the measurements, and if evaluation of these **data** groups separately, according to the various group characteristic experimental techniques, produces noticeable differences in both the evaluated mean values and uncertainties for the distinct groups, this is strong evidence for the existence of a method-related bias attributable to USU that must be taken into consideration by an increase in the evaluated uncertainties. | Is data availability statement | no |
The sociodemographic results for the HCS users revealed a prevalence of men (59.6%) and elderly individuals (62.3%), confirming the findings of other studies in the literature 4,19,20 . These studies show that married elderly white men with incomplete primary school education predominate 4,19,21 . However, another national study found that home care users tended to be women with chronic diseases and functional disabilities 21 . Therefore, the **data** found might be associated with the epidemiological profile typical of each region. Furthermore, the predominance of the elderly is by all other healthcare professionals because in this type of activity, the professional develops activities that facilitate health promotion, prevention, and rehabilitation in the home. | Is data availability statement | no |
After witnessing the eclipse in La Serena on July 2nd, 2019, we were interested in finding out how much the atmosphere's surface layer had cooled during the event. Observers reported that they felt colder during the eclipse than before, but that does not necessarily imply that the air temperature dropped considerably, since much of the sensation may be due to an experienced reduction in direct radiative heating of the body. CEAZAMet operates a monitoring network with many stations inside the belt of totality of this eclipse which provided us with near-surface air temperature data. However, no 'obvious' pattern of change, such as a pronounced dip in the temperature curve, is consistently discernible at all or a majority of the stations. The eclipse occurred so close to sunset that temperatures had started dropping before C1 and little radiative energy was available after C4 to raise temperatures again. Furthermore, any features of the **data** from the day of the eclipse which could potentially be www.nature.com/scientificreports/ interpreted as dips in temperature do not stand out against the general background of intra-diurnal variability in the Coquimbo Region. This is because the dominantly southerly wind alternates frequently between a slight on-and offshore flow, which brings with it strong advective temperature changes since a cold ocean borders a strongly heated land surface. | Is data availability statement | no |
Statistical analyses were performed using IBM SPSS Statistics version 22 ( IBM , Armonk , NY , USA ) . The significant differences in expression levels of SfVg and SfVgR in different developmental stages and tissues were analyzed with a one - way ANOVA analysis followed by Tukey 's test ( α = 0.05 ) . The significant differences in interference efficiency and reproductive parameters in the RNAi experiment were assessed by Student 's t - test ( * p < 0.05 , * * p < 0.01 , * * * p < 0.001 ) . All data were shown as means ± standard errors ( SE ) . | Is data availability statement | no |
Intensify efforts in maintaining adequate representation of all stakeholders and backgrounds in future conference planning, speakers and attendees Develop funding mechanisms that promote and facilitate team science approach Expand the use of crowdsourcing funding mechanisms and advertisement of project campaigns across survivors and caregivers groups Leverage the infrastructure provided by Strategies to Innovate Emergency Care Research Network (SIREN) with ancillary ("add-on") study proposals to major ongoing clinical trials Harmonization of multiple parametric **data** in future studies and creation of a centralized repository of curated **data** from clinical trials | Is data availability statement | no |
Data were scaling. In the case of the artificial neural network, additional scaling was performed to improve the training process using a min-max scaler from 0 to 1. This process is because scaled **data** tend to improve training, given the high number of matrix multiplications by the nature of the artificial neural network. This characteristic is the main difference between the input of both models. On the other hand, the KNN algorithm classifies information based on different types of distances: Euclidean distance, cosine squared distance, etc. Moreover, the scaling of **data** does not represent any difference. | Is data availability statement | no |
Circular dichroism (CD). Far-UV CD spectra were obtained using a Jasco J-810 spectropolarimeter (Jasco Inc., Easton, MD, USA) over the wavelength range from 195 to 250 nm, at 25˚C. Measurements were performed in a 1 cm quartz cuvette at a rate of 100 nm/min, bandwidth of 1 nm, response time of 2 s, **data** pitch of 1 nm, and accumulation of 10 as described [37]. CD **data** are shown as the mean residue ellipticity (deg cm 2 /dmol) obtained after subtracting the baseline, smoothing, and **data** normalization. CD spectra for OsttaDSP (0.1-0.5 mg/ml) were recorded in 20 mM K-phosphate buffer, pH 7.4. | Is data availability statement | no |
Before determining the influence of passive restoration on cover of vascular plants and biocrusts, we wanted to establish the degree to which community composition differed amongst locations and determine which locations had similar plant communities. Plant community identities were defined using cluster analysis with Ward's method as the group linkage method on each combination of exclosure and location, whether the survey location was inside or outside of the respective exclosure. This approach uses both cover **data** of vascular plants as well as biocrusts. Identified groups were tested for statistical differences with multi-response permutation procedure. Euclidean distance was used as the distance measure in both analyses. | Is data availability statement | no |
The virtual massless particle tracing assumes that the flow fields around the actuators are 2D, and the particle velocity equals the flow velocity at the particle position. The flow fields used for particle tracing are obtained from the PIV experiments. To get the flow velocity at any location within the observation region, cubic interpolation is used to interpolate the 2D velocity-gridded **data** obtained from the PIV experiment. The center of mass of the particles is
calculated by X COM = ∑ i=1 M X i _ M .
Here, M is the total number of the particles and X i is the coordinate of the ith particle. | Is data availability statement | no |
Overall , the SHAPE data support our original model ( Figure 1A ) ; this is particularly the case for SLs 1 - 4 . The loops of these four regions contain the most highly reactive , exposed nucleotides . The remainder of the most highly reactive nucleotides are situated in bulges , internal loops , single - stranded regions linking SLs and the closing pairs of helices , with the exception of G 90 , U101 and A320 . The tip of SL5 contains mainly unreactive nucleotides , possibly indicating kissing - loop interactions involved in dimer initiation . Nucleotides that were predicted to be base - paired in SL1 were unreactive to 1M7 , with the exception of A131 . As the A residue 3 0 of this was predicted to be bulged , and is unreactive , it is likely that the bulge forms consistently at A131 and not at A132 ( shown in Figure 2 ) . Predicted base - paired nucleotides in SL2 are relatively unreactive , except for closing pairs and G - U pairs . The exceptions are nucleotides U244 - G246 , which are highly reactive ; this may indicate that the internal loop 3 0 of this is larger and includes these nucleotides . Structural predictions using the RNA structure programme ( 44 ) and 1M7 reactivities as pseudo free - energy constraints suggest that this is the case in the alternative structure ( shown in Figure 2 ) . Minimal free energy predictions suggested that the SL2 structure is maintained independently of adjacent sequences . To validate this hypothesis and search for LRIs that the single - stranded regions of SL2 may form with other areas of the packaging signal , we transcribed SL2 RNA independently , examined its 1M7 reactivity , and compared the data with SL2 in the context of the 511 - nt RNA ( Figure 1B ) . Nucleotide reactivities are broadly similar across SL2 , whether analysed alone or in the context of the extended 5 0 and 3 0 structure , suggesting that SL2 forms independently of 5 0 and 3 0 sub - domains , i.e. independent of LRIs . Subtle differences in nucleotide reactivity were noted between the structures shown in Figure 1A and B , which may reflect minor experimental variation . | Is data availability statement | no |
Processing **data** with this type of architecture takes advantage of artificial intelligence. For example, autonomous vehicles platooning for time reduction using directional positioning algorithms in a platooning decision-making process with multiple communications technologies and sensors have been tested. Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) models to reduce interference and enhance **data** streaming and performance can also be carried out in this type of network [13]. | Is data availability statement | no |
Since civic engagement and exploitation of OSN are vital for SC shaping , particular attention should be paid to addressing privacy and security challenges related to OSN , with the aim of developing safe and ethical SC where people will feel protected , and cultivating smart people who will be actively involved in SC . Smart people KPIs and smart living KPIs , especially those related to education and training , openness and information security , are indicative of the level of privacy and security in a city . The achievement of high values of KPIs , which will lead to the enhancement of cities ' and people 's intelligence , requires : a ) identifying and understanding the factors that affect individuals ' behavior on OSN and SC ( Section 4 ) ; b ) the understanding of differences between privacy and security threats to identify vulnerabilities that facilitate the abuse of private data ; and c ) taking necessary measures ( e.g. , revision of privacy and security legislation , software tools , specialized training and education , etc . ) to prevent and deal with them . | Is data availability statement | no |
We now measure the ability for each of the ramp profiles in Sec. II to prepare our spin system into the ground state of Eqn. 1 at B = 0. For this measurement, we use N = 6 ions and create AFM spin-spin interactions of the form J i,j ≈ (0.77 kHz)/|i−j|. These long-range AFM interactions lead to a fully-connected, frustrated system as all couplings cannot be simultaneously satisfied. Nevertheless, the ground state of the system is easily calculable for 6 spins and is found to be a superposition of the two Néel-ordered AFM states, (|010101 + |101010 )/ √ 2. Fig. 3(a) shows the probability of creating the AFM ground state when the transverse field B(t) is ramped using linear, exponential, and local adiabatic profiles. The total ramp time t f is varied from 0 to 2.4 ms, with a new ramp profile calculated for each t f . Each **data** point is the result of 4000 repetitions of the same experiment, with error bars that account for statistical uncertainty as well as estimated drifts in the Ising coupling strengths. In agreement with the predictions in Sec. II, the **data** show that local adiabatic ramps prepare the ground state with higher fidelity than exponential or linear ramps. | Is data availability statement | no |
10-12 week old male FXR KO mice and their WT littermates, described elsewhere 49 and bred from founders acquired from the Jackson Labs (Bar Harbour, ME), were singly housed in an AAALAC-approved facility with a 12-12 light-dark cycle, and allowed ad libitum access to HFD (D12492, Research Diets, New Brunswick, NJ) and water unless otherwise noted. After 10 weeks of HF-feeding, male mice were randomly divided into body weight and fat-matched groups within genotype, and we performed VSG or sham surgery as above. Based on our power analyses, completed using previous **data** to determine the expected variance and effect sizes, and based on our historical **data** regarding post-operative mortality, we performed sham surgery on 13 WT and 9 KO mice and VSG surgery on 14 WT and 15 KO mice. 5 KO-VSG and 4 WT-VSG mice died from complications of surgery and were not included in any of the analyses. Food intake and body weight was monitored weekly. Body composition was measured 1 week prior to and 11 weeks following surgery by magnetic resonance imaging (Echo Medical Systems, Houston, TX). An additional 1 WT-sham, 2 KO-VSG and 2 WT-VSG mice died (or were found moribund) during the period of metabolic phenotyping that occurred between weeks 8 and 15. For any given analysis, only mice that are represented throughout the entire timecourse were included. In addition, for the macronutrient preference study, **data** from several individuals were excluded based on pre-established criteria-in this case, that the mice consistently spilled the powdered macronutrient diets on the cage floor making accurate measurement of what was ingested impossible. For the microbiota analyses, one WT-VSG individual was excluded due to a noted investigator error while collecting the cecal samples at sacrifice. | Is data availability statement | no |
The first step in **data** analysis is to describe the **data** using descriptive statistics by SPSS 22.0. Descriptive statistics are methods related to the collection and presentation of a **data** cluster so as to estimate the quality of **data** in terms of variables, statistical summary, distribution, without probabilistic formulas (Dodge, Y., 2006). | Is data availability statement | no |
Our direct comparisons of relative transcript and protein abundance levels uncover a dynamic and complex picture of stage-specific gene and protein expression in P. falciparum. Particularly revealing are the insights into differentially expressed isoforms of some proteins that offer a glimpse of an almost bewildering complexity that may lie beneath corresponding RNA profiles and a deceptively simple appearance of overall protein abundance. Many of these isoform changes are fundamentally undetectable in transcript-level analyses and are invisible even to common protein-level investigations such as Western blotting and conventional high-throughput proteomics based on mass spectrometry. Our **data** reveal significant and distinct isoform changes for several proteins (for example, eIF4A, eIF5A, and HSP70-2) as the malaria parasites progress through the late stage of their intra-erythrocytic life cycle. The high reproducibility and temporal specificity of our observations strongly suggest that these changes are more than inconsequential fluctuations and that they represent biologically significant modifications. It is likely that many of these isoforms lead to different biological functionality of the cognate protein. | Is data availability statement | no |
This Bayesian framework naturally accommodates ancillary methods to address issues commonly seen in real computational and experimental data, including the presence of outliers, systematic errors and inaccurate error bars. Our novel approach optimally leverages specific heat and enthalpy **data** (as well as entropies and Gibbs free energies if available) to construct self-consistent thermodynamic models. One major advantage of this approach versus previous attempts is that it does not incur the errors associated with the conversion of all **data** to the same property basis (e.g. fitting and then differentiating enthalpy **data** to convert to specific heat). Furthermore, the framework can naturally incorporate the relative weighting of various datasets and provides significant insight into the relative importance of each dataset to the model. We demonstrate the strengths of the framework through the construction of a thermodynamic property model for Hafnium metal from a diverse collection of experimental measurements of heat capacity and enthalpy for the alpha, beta and liquid phases. Hafnium metal is a good candidate for this study as the available measurements exhibit the previously mentioned issues due to the difficulty of obtaining Hafnium samples without Zirconium content, the potential for oxygen contamination, and the extreme temperatures at which the beta and liquid phases are stable (Hafnium melts at ∼2500K and vaporizes at 4900K) [17]. | Is data availability statement | no |
Step 3. Let Y = X be any other target listed in Table 1. When applying GLK to the **data** F Y (t), use the same calibration factor CF (X) . Here CF (wood stake) = 10 −5 , R GLK = 3.8; b) the function R GLK (plastic cylinder) for the case when the plastic cylinder was the calibration target. Here CF (plastic cylinder) = 1.8 · 10 −5 , R GLK (plastic cylinder) = 0.28; c) the function R GLK (bush) for the case when bush was the calibration target. Here CF (bush) = 0.6 · 10 −5 , R GLK (bush) = 6.4. | Is data availability statement | no |
( iv ) The goodness of fit is always satisfactory ( χ 2 /d.o.f . < 3 ) at weak and intermediate couplings ( u ∈ [ 0.8873 , 1.8811 ] ) . In a limited number of cases at stronger couplings the value tends to rise considerably , but this apparently does not depend systematically on the number of fitted points and choice of fitting Ansatz . In any case , given the small number of fitted data points , χ 2 /d.o.f . is a goodness - of - fit criterion of relatively limited value . Instead , the total χ 2 /d.o.f . varies between 1 and 2 , indicating satisfactory overall quality of the fits . | Is data availability statement | no |
This section presents several specific examples where the possibility of identifying the need for and an estimate of USU contributions is explored. These examples are all based on situations that incorporate actual nuclear **data** rather than artificial data. However, they sometimes treat isolated and/or truncated **data** sets for reactions that normally would be linked to several other reactions through measured ratios in an actual comprehensive, simultaneous evaluation. By this means, the examples introduced here have been simplified and reduced in scope in such a way as to make discussions of USU more transparent than generally would be the case for actual evaluations. In no instance should the results generated in these examples be interpreted as substituting for the results provided in existing evaluations. | Is data availability statement | no |
In conclusion, our results partially confirm findings of both sides of the contesting research groups [19][20][21][22]24,34] but they also differ in a number of aspects. From the published controversy, it seems that no party contests that gut microbiota play a significant role in the impact, or rather the unfolding of the impact of B. thuringiensis bacteria, spores and toxins on lepidopteran larvae. The core of the controversy centers around the question whether or not B. thuringiensis and its by-products are the main act or only have a support role-or, as Raymond et al. [23] have put it, whether B. thuringiensis is an 'impotent pathogen' or a full (killing) pathogen on its own right? With our studies, we cannot-and did not intend to-answer the question regarding the bacterial organism B. thuringiensis. However, we can answer the question regarding GM maize plants expressing solely more activated forms of the Cry toxin Cry1Ab. In our experiments, Cry toxins were the main act but with gut microbiota having a significant support role in conjunction with plant compounds. While the antibiotic treatment may have had an immune stimulating effect rendering the insects more tolerant to toxicemia, the lack of an effect in the survival or weight gain **data** of antibiotic treated larvae on control plants does not point to this effect. More research is needed, however, to reveal such underlying mechanisms further. | Is data availability statement | no |
Fig . S1 The process of creating the browse interface . The first step is to divide the data by batch and cell - type and identify the differentially expressed genes for each condition . The next step is to compute similarity between signatures and store the results in an adjacency matrix . Then , a canvas layout is computed with the Network2Canvas tool . The gene - set libraries are first converted to an adjacency matrix using the Sets2Networks tool , and then the Network2Canvas tool is used to create a canvas from the adjacency matrix . The two types of canvases are finally integrated to form the web - site using JavaScript , PHP and HTML . | Is data availability statement | no |
Contributors KM, M-JS, BRH, CMS and MO'B contributed to the study concept, study design and interpretation of data, and provided critical review and revision of the manuscript for intellectual content. MO'B provided support in identifying and contacting potential interview participants in primary care. KM collected the survey and interview data. KM, CMS, MO'B and M-JS conducted **data** analysis. KM, M-JS, BRH, CMS and MO'B also provided their final approval of this publication and agree to be accountable for all aspects of the work to ensure both accuracy and integrity of this research. M-JS is the guarantor of this study, who accepts full responsibility for the work, had access to the **data** and controlled the decision to publish. Disclaimer CIHR played no role in the project. | Is data availability statement | yes |
whereas the 5′-CCA- , 5′-CCG- , and 5′-CTT - PAM - flanked protospacer was cleaved with just ~10 % . Taken together , these results clearly demonstrate that RbCas12a requires a PAM defined as 5′-YYN for cleavage , at least in a pure in vitro system . It should be noted that 5′-ССV and 5′-СTW ( where V represents C , A , or G ; and W represents A or T ) were not able to cleave DNA templates with efficiencies of more than 25 % under the conditions of the experiment . Recently , we demonstrated that the cleavage activity of at least three V - A nucleases ( AsCas12 , LbCas12a , and FnCas12a ) persists after a substantial reduction in the crRNA scaffold length , up to its complete removal , at high concentrations of crRNA . Furthermore , we showed that the trans - addition of a 20 - base scaffold RNA rescued the cleavage activity of these enzymes . Thus , we proposed the concept of split crRNA , which , in a complex with V - A nucleases , was comparable to cleavage activity observed with full - sized crRNA [ 17 ] . Here , we expand our observations and investigate the ability of RbCas12 to be programed with split crRNAs . As shown in Figure 6A , in reactions containing both full - sized and split crRNAs , the target DNA was cleaved by~90 % under the conditions of the experiment . We previously showed that increasing the spacer - only crRNA concentration could increase the cleavage efficacy of AsCas12a [ 17 ] . The data presented in Figure 6B demonstrate that increasing the concentration of spacer RNA from 0.5 to 5 µM causes dose - dependent DNA substrate cleavage by RbCas12a . It is possible to cleave the DNA template reasonably efficiently ( ~50 % after a 20 - min incubation ) at a protein : RNA ratio of more than 1:500 . Efficient cleavage of cognate targets was also observed when split crRNAs with unrelated spacer sequences were tested ( Figure S2 ) . | Is data availability statement | no |
The corporation did , in fact , intentionally seek to bankrupt me by forcing me to spend on legal fees . I saw that game really quick and knew I could n't play that game to win . I knew I had to learn to do it myself because I would never have enough money to fight them . I learned quickly and had some wins , but the bottom line is a per - se litigant does not have equal footing in our judicial system to obtain justice . ( Male , Manufacturing , US ) An effective legal strategy is an essential part of a successful whistleblowing campaign . As the above response indicates , it can be difficult where whistleblowing cases are complex ( see also Kenny , 2019 We tested for differences between countries in terms of legal costs reported and did not find significance . We note Fig . 1 Change in income as a result of disclosing , for those providing data . ( Note : 1.0 represents no change , while 0.5 represents a decrease by 50 percent in earnings ) that 48 people described having part of their legal fees waived by lawyers , paid by a union or receiving assistance from a whistleblower support group , but that costs were significant , nonetheless . | Is data availability statement | no |
Finally , we need to know for whom commitment contracts are most likely to be acceptable , efficacious , effective , and cost effective . In other words , what characteristics of people make them particularly likely to take up a contract and use it to achieve behaviour change , and how might consumer detailing be used to augment contracts ' effectiveness and cost effectiveness ? We might expect that people most willing to accept commitment contracts are those who recognise their difficulties with resisting temptations and who are motivated to change this . People for whom commitment contracts have the greatest incremental efficacy may be those with particularly high levels of impulsivity . 2 However , getting such people to accept the contracts may be a particular challenge . If we can identify people in whom commitment contracts are more effective , programmes could be targeted at these groups . Such data might also suggest ways to broaden the acceptability and efficacy of commitment contracts , perhaps through interventions that help people link present behaviours to future consequences . 11 | Is data availability statement | no |
In this section we study the simplest non-abelian case, corresponding to two M5-branes wrapped on S 2 , or equivalently we study the reduction of the 5d U (2) theory to 4d on an interval with Nahm pole boundary conditions. The flat 4d theory is given by a map into the 2-monopole moduli space M 2 , with the action given in (4.30). For the curved space theory we find a description in terms of a sigma-model into S 1 × R ≥0 supplemented by self-dual two-forms obeying some constraints. We provide a detailed analysis of the geometrical **data** 9 The factor i is due to our conventions in which A θ is purely imaginary. 10 These transformations correspond to gauge group elements g = e iα(θ) with α(0) = 0 and α(π) = 2πn. The quantization of n is required for g to be trivial at the endpoints of the θ interval. | Is data availability statement | no |
Here, W ptqpu0 , u1 q " cospt|∇|qu0`psinpt|∇|q{|∇|qu1 denotes the solution to the linear wave equation with initial **data** pu0 , u1 q. | Is data availability statement | no |
We begin by illustrating that the spatial variations of the line - center Q / I and U / I signals of the Ly - α line are very sensitive to the geometric complexity of the corrugated surface that delineates the TR . Secondly , we demonstrate that the significant CLV of the Q / I line - center signal of the Ly - α line calculated in Carlsson et al 's ( 2016 ) 3D radiation MHD model of the solar atmosphere can be reduced by increasing the magnetic field strength and/or the geometrical complexity of the model 's TR . We then show how this can be exploited to constrain , from the CLASP line - center data , the magnetic strength and geometric complexity of the solar TR by applying the statistical inference method discussed inŠtěpán et al . ( 2018 ) . To this end , we confront the statistical properties of the CLASP line - center data with those of the polarization signals calculated in a grid of 3D model atmospheres characterized by different degrees of geometrical complexity and magnetization . | Is data availability statement | no |
N-13 C - correlation experiment shown Figure S7 was performed using a 1 H-15 N CP step of 1 ms and a SPECIFIC - CP [ 10 ] 15 N-13 C step of 2.5 ms . The center frequencies were 50 ppm and 120 ppm for 15 N and 13 C dimensions , respectively . Acquisition times were 10 ms ( 800 data points used-497 ppm spectral width ) and 3.4 ms ( 25 data points-90 ppm spectral width ) for the direct and indirect dimensions , respectively . 384 scans were acquired . the 2D spectra were processed using a 0.33 π shifted sine squared window function in both dimensions . | Is data availability statement | no |
The NOAK study (optimization of anti-inflammatory asthma treatment using exhaled nitric oxide to improve asthma-related quality of life within primary health care) was a randomized, controlled trial on F E NO-guided treatment with asthma-related quality of life and asthma symptom control as endpoints. Details on sampling procedure and **data** collection have been described elsewhere. 38 A brief description of methodological procedures is given here. Informed written consent was obtained prior to the start of the study from all participants. The study was registered in clinical trials, NCT00421018, and was approved by the regional ethics committee in Stockholm (Dnr: 2006/185-31). A sample of 181 patients with asthma (87 women, 94 men) aged 18-64 years were recruited at 17 primary health care centres in seven different county councils in central and southern Sweden from November 2006 to March 2010. All participants had a diagnosis of asthma and had confirmed IgE sensitization to at least one airborne perennial allergen. The participants were non-smokers since at least 1 year before inclusion. Included patients had a previous smoking history of maximum 10 pack-years. | Is data availability statement | no |
These figures might fairly be used as an argument in favour of the similarity of the two diseases, and such other **data** as exist show an essential similarity in the seasonal prevalence of the two diseases. | Is data availability statement | no |
When the degree of correlation exceeds a critical value, depending on the data, it may cause the well-known effect that the resulting mean lies outside the **data** interval and its uncertainty decreases, see for example [4]. In the field of nuclear **data** this phenomenon is also known as Peelle's Pertinent Puzzle (PPP) [5]. This effect is mainly related to an incorrectly constructed covariance matrix from measurement observables, which may suggest that the used statistical model is not adequate to describe the **data** [6][7][8][9]. As a practical matter, in nuclear **data** evaluation physically unreasonable evaluated results may be generated by the least-squares method in certain extreme cases (strong correlations and discrepant input data) if no compensation for PPP is applied. | Is data availability statement | no |
As noted previously , the likelihood of the data are unchanged by adding a constant to the selection coefficient s d in each frequency bin d. We enforce the condition D d=1 s d = 0 to achieve a unique maximum likelihood parameter set . We enforce the constraint by adding the appropriate constant at each iteration . ( Absent any enforcement of the constraint , the MM iterates settle on an arbitrary value ofŝ that indeed satisfies Eq . S13 , but the particular valueŝ depends on the initial condition s ( 0 ) . ) | Is data availability statement | no |
When considering equation (1.1) in a bounded subset Ω ⊂ R N , in view of H1, since ρ is allowed either to vanish or to diverge at S, it is natural to consider the following initial value problem associated with (1.1):
(1.5) ρ∂ t u = ∆[G(u)] in Ω × (0, T ], u = u 0 in Ω × {0},
where no boundary conditions are specified at S. We require ρ, G and f to satisfy hypotheses H1-2-3; furthermore, for the initial datum u 0 we assume that
H3. u 0 ∈ L ∞ (Ω) ∩ C(Ω).
Concerning the existence and uniqueness of the solutions to (1.5), the case G(u) = u has been largely investigated, using both analytical and stochastic methods (see, e.g., [23,28,29,32]). Also analogous elliptic or elliptic-parabolic equations have attracted much attention in the literature (see, e.g., [6,7,8,9,10,11,26,27]); in particular, the question of prescribing continuous **data** at S has been addressed (see, e.g., [23,27,28,29]). | Is data availability statement | no |
Markedly, NOV intrathecal treatment abolished CFAinduced MMP-9 expression in both DRG and DHSC, whereas it abrogated MMP-2 induction in DHSC, concomitant with decreased CFA-induced ipsilateral allodynia. The NOV effect was partial but similar to that reported for drugs targeting blockade of NF-B, JNK, IL-1β or TNF-α activities, which partially decrease pain hypersensitivity after CFA injection but fail to induce full recovery from pain symptoms [49,50]. Although the detailed molecular mechanisms involved in the NOV effect remain to be fully understood, these **data** reinforce the hypothesis that NOV exerts an anti-allodynic effect through modulation of MMP-2 and MMP-9. It is noteworthy that NOV treatment is able to reduce allodynia long after CFA administration, when pain symptoms remain robust. This is of clinical interest since studies have yielded debatable results revealing limited efficacies or even ineffectiveness of classical analgesics on mechanical hypersensitivity when administrated in post-CFA treatment [51][52][53][54]. More importantly, the cure of chronic inflammatory pain remains partial [55]. | Is data availability statement | no |
6. Examples 6.1. Generalized Boussinesq equation. We consider the equation (GB) * . We remember that hypothesis (H0) holds with c = min{m, α1 α2 }. Also, we assumed that the source terms f and the corresponding potential operator F do not have any particular form but they satisfy (H1). The solution in the sense of Definition 2.1 holds, see [29,25,33], then nonexistence of global solutions is due to blow-up. By Theorem 3.1, if the initial **data** are such that u 0 2 * + α 2 u 0 2 2 > 0, (u 0 , u 1 ) * + α 2 (u 0 , u 1 ) 2 > 0, and the initial energy
E 0 = 1 2 u 1 2 * + α 2 u 1 2 2 + α 3 ∇u 0 2 2 + m 2 u 0 2 * + α 1 u 0 2 2 − F (u 0 ),
is such that E 0 ∈ I δ = (α δ , β δ ), given in Theorem 3.1, then the corresponding solution is not global and blows up in finite time. Moreover, by Corollary 1, for every positive initial energy E 0 , there exists initial **data** such that imply the nonexistence of global solutions in the norm of H. | Is data availability statement | no |
Response: It is possible to measure the shell length of dead snails. However, comparing those measures to the size of snails that survived all the way to the end is problematic because the time period they were able to grow is different. Thus, the size of snails that died during the treatments could appear smaller even if their growth rate was the same when compared to individuals that survived to the end. This is the reason why we did not measure the size of snails that died. Further studies could follow snail growth over time with high resolution to get estimates of their growth trajectories. Such **data** could help to address the issue raised by the reviewer. | Is data availability statement | no |
a 0.5 M HCl is a moderately corrosive first step and therefore it is not possible to differentiate the release of divalent ions from loosely sorbed / exchangeable phase or as a result of dissolution of amorphous or soluble phases . Furthermore , the first step was originally used for analysis of Fe from within a different sediment environment . The implications regarding these points are included in the results / discussion section as the authors consider the results provide valuable supporting data . | Is data availability statement | no |
LD interlinks are also known as typed links and the linking property used to describe the relationship between two URIs is known as a link-type (Neubauer 2017). Identity Links are a specific kind of typed-link where the subject and object URI refer to the same entity (Papaleo et al. 2014). Identity links are typically expressed using the owl:sameAs property, from the Web Ontology Language 2 (OWL), and the process of creating these links is referred to as instance matching. The most common type of cross-dataset interlink on the SW are owl:sameAs links (Paris et al. 2019). This property has strict semantics and should only be used where two things are identical and share the same properties (McGuinness and van Harmelen 2004). However, these strict semantics are not always followed leading to the inference of inaccurate **data** and reducing **data** quality (De Melo 2013;Halpin et al. 2010;Jaffri et al. 2008;Paris 2018;Raad et al. 2018). These inaccuracies could be reduced by employing Relationship Links-another kind of typed link used to point to related entities in other datasets (Heath and Bizer 2011). Unlike identity links, relationship links do not have to point to exactly the same thing and can thus be used to provide background knowledge and context for an entity. | Is data availability statement | no |
Total RNA was extracted using the RNeasy kit (Qiagen, Valencia, CA). Specific primers and fluorogenic probes were used to amplify and quantitate gene expression [31]. The gene-specific signals were normalized to the RPL19 housekeeping gene. All TaqMan qRT-PCR reagents were purchased from Applied Biosystems (Foster City, CA). A minimum of a triplicate set of **data** was analyzed for each condition. Data are presented as the mean 6 SEM. | Is data availability statement | no |
The participants achieved an overall accuracy of 76.04% across the two studies. The accuracy was considerably higher for the video-based study (83.33%), as compared to the 'in situ' study (68.75%), with close to statistical significance using a McNemar's mid-p test on the overall binary categorical **data** (p = 0.057), and actual statistical significance only for expert 1 (p = 0.031). The same test showed no statistical significant difference in accuracy between all pairs of raters (p ≥ 0.125 for all pairs), regardless of the type of interaction (video/real). There also seems to be a relationship between the level of experience and the accuracy of the participants. The accuracy results are summarized in Table 2 and the left side of Table 3. | Is data availability statement | no |
There is nothing new about having to negotiate these limitations. However, to arrive at an 'interpretive GIS' and applying associate analytical tools, we must fully understand the extent of the opportunity for social interpretation. Many of the problems discussed so far tend to disappear into the background of 'archaeological evidencing'. It can be appreciated just how much influence the treatment of archaeological evidence has on exactly which kind of interpretive and analytical work is supported by it. At this stage we can ask, so why does it matter that our **data** best approximates a would-be inhabited built environment? What is its value, its contribution, its relevance? From the outset I placed the arguments in this chapter in the context of social interpretation, but until now virtually all effort has gone into preparing and seeing built environment **data** as material boundaries. What is the social interpretation of material boundaries? With social interpretation of material evidence, I seek to place the material as a fundamental part of social science. This is not an attempt to reformulate the many guises of social archaeology (see Preucel and Meskell 2007) under a new heading. It should be seen as part of recent calls for archaeology to act as a social science and to contribute to pertinent societal issues Kintigh et al. 2014;Smith 2015). In archaeology as a social science, it could be said that 'we are no longer concerned with how these materials can be interpreted; instead we are interested in how these materials intra-acted with past people' (Meirion Jones 2015: 336), specifying our interpretive process and purpose. From this vantage point, the difference between the purviews of archaeology and social science is all but gone. The synchronous mode of analysis of spatially determinant characteristics further emphasises these equal terms of operation. | Is data availability statement | no |
NAISC-L **data** is stored in a relational database (RDB) and is uplifted to RDF using R2RML, a W3C Recommendation used to express mappings from RDBs to RDF (Das et al. 2012). NAISC-L's Knowledge Organisation, detailed in Sect. 4.4.1, consists of three named graphs-an interlink graph, a provenance graph and a relationship graph. The **data** for each graph are uplifted to RDF using a separate R2RML mapping. These mappings were created using the JUMA mapping tool (Crotti et al. 2018). The graphs can be viewed and downloaded in different RDF serialisation formats. The graphs can also be explored via interactive visualisations generated using GoJS. 16 The interlinking framework should facilitate the creaƟon of idenƟty and relaƟonship links. | Is data availability statement | yes |
Cifar10 is a widely used dataset for image classification , which contains 60k RGB images of size 32 × 32 categorized into 10 classes . The dataset is partitioned into a training set with 50k images and a test set with 10k images . Furthermore , data augmentation is applied to every training image , with padding 4 pixels to each side and randomly sampling a 32 × 32 crop . ResNet ( He et al . , 2015 ) , a well - known effective CNN model for image recognition , is adopted to perform classification on CIFAR-10 . Concretely speaking , we use ResNet32 and ResNet110 models , respectively containing 32 and 110 layers . The code is based on a public Lasagne implementation 3 . The mini - batch size is set as M = 128 and Momentum - SGD Sutskever et al . ( 2013 ) is used as the optimization algorithm . Following the learning rate scheduling strategy in the original paper ( He et al . , 2015 ) , we set the initial learning rate as 0.1 and multiply it by a factor of 0.1 after the 32k - th and 48k - th model update . Training in this way the test accuracy reaches about 92.4 % and 93.2 % , respectively for ResNet32 and ResNet110 . | Is data availability statement | no |
To measure the ω(O − C) 2 values, given in Table 4, we have re-analyzed the **data** of Feast (1954) and Andersen (1975). This showed that the **data** of Andersen (1975) and those of our paper have similar quality while those of Feast (1954) have clearly lower quality, as already emphasised by Andersen (1975). For this reason, we omitted Feast's **data** in the remaining of this paper. We combined the newly obtained radial-velocity values ( Table 2) with those previously obtained by Anderson (1975). This gave a total of 62 radial-velocity values for each of the components to which we assigned equal weights. As can be seen in Table 4, we find an offset in average velocity V 0 between the two radial-velocity sets. This could be due to the difference in used spectral lines in the two studies, but it may also be that we find a downward trend in V 0 over time due to the presence of a third body. We have too few epochs to model any V 0 trend for the time being. For this reason, we shifted the **data** towards the CORALIE Table 2 and the sine curve corresponds to the elements given in Table 4. The center-of-mass velocity is indicated by the dashed-dotted line. | Is data availability statement | no |
Information collection related cases of NoMoPhobia in different places in the world have a lot determined, especially in Turkey [14], Spain [15], Mysore [16], Italy [17], dan Pakistan [17]. Unfortunately, the information of the case of NoMoPhobia in Indonesia have not been actually identified. It is caused by instrument to securing the valid **data** related NoMoPhobia is not yet available in Indonesia. Several instruments to measure NoMoPhobia or the like has been established, and is quite popular such as NoMoPhobia Questionnaire (NMPQ) [10], [14], Smartphone Application-Based Addiction Scale (SABAS) [18]. | Is data availability statement | no |
Hence, a rigorous definition of the "approximate global convergence" property was introduced in [6,9,24,25]. In simple terms, it means that first an approximate mathematical model is introduced. The approximation of AGCM is a mild one: it amounts to the truncation of an asymptotic series with respect to 1/s, s → ∞, where s > 0 is the parameter of the Laplace transform with respect to t of the above hyperbolic PDE. This truncation is done only on the first iteration. Next, a numerical method is developed within the framework of the resulting mathematical model. Next, a theorem is proved, which claims that this method delivers a good approximation for the exact solution of that CIP without any a priori knowledge of a small neighborhood of that solution. The common perception of global convergence is that one should obtain correct solution if iterations would start from almost any point. That theorem claims, however, that a small neighborhood of the exact solution is achieved if iterations would start not from any point but rather from a function which can be obtained without any knowledge of that small neighborhood. That theorem was confirmed in numerical studies of both computationally simulated and experimental data. 3-d experimental **data** were treated in [8,6,20]. In particular, the most difficult blind **data** case was considered in [6,20,24]. We refer to the paper [29] and references cited there for another non-local method for a coefficient inverse problem. | Is data availability statement | no |
Table 3 .
3Historical **data** analysis of rainfall and water level.Return
period | Is data availability statement | no |
In this study, we tested influences of a group's intra-knowledge transfer capability as a mediator and ties strength as a moderator of knowledge sharing through an inter-alliance network. Diffusion of innovation occurs more among Chinese authors who live in China than among Chinese authors living in the US. One of the limitations of this study is that the quantitative **data** used lacks information about the authors' demographic **data** such as age and gender. Future studies could focus more on the inter-organizational learning process and resources. In addition, further research could be focused on testing the moderation effect of diverse authors' perspectives in a group and see if the relationship between intra-network learning and intra-network knowledge transfer capability is moderated by the diversity between the authors' perspectives or research areas. Follow-up studies could consider cross-sectional data, more countries, more research areas (the macro level), and different network structures (see Figure 1).
| Is data availability statement | no |
ESM assessments. ESM **data** were collected on personal digital assistants (PDAs), which signaled participants randomly eight times daily (between 10 a.m. and 10 p.m.) for one week to complete brief questionnaires. When signaled by the PDA, participants had 5 minutes to start the questionnaire. After this time window or the completion of the questionnaire, the PDA became inactive until the next signal. The complete list of ESM items can be found in Barrantes-Vidal et al. [31]. Note that all the ESM items used in the current study were answered on 7-point scales from "not at all" to "very much", with the exception of the social contact item, which was answered dichotomously (alone/with others). | Is data availability statement | no |
PEDF is localized in human testicular biopsy tissue, particularly the extracellular matrix and the cells of the tubular wall [48]. PEDF has been reported to be responsible for the development and maintenance of the avascular nature of seminiferous tubules, which are important for orderly spermatogenesis [48]. Our **data** show that PAL increased CYP-induced downregulation of testicular PEDF, which indicates that PAL contributes to the avascular nature of seminiferous tubules and spermatogenesis. | Is data availability statement | no |
A summary of results on negative implication is below. We notice that the decidable cases are orthogonal to those for positive implications. Note also that unlike in the positive cases, we have tractable cases for **data** complexity. | Is data availability statement | no |
Statistical analysis. Between-group comparisons of normally distributed measurements were assessed by Student's t-test. One-way analysis of variance was used to compare more than two **data** groups and Dunnett's post-test was used to compare each group with a control (untreated) group. Two-way analysis of variance was used to compare multiple **data** groups affected by two independent variables, with a Bonferroni correction to compare groups with each other. Differences were considered statistically significant at Po0.05.
| Is data availability statement | no |
GrimoireLab components and procedure: For these kind of studies, GrimoireLab enriched indexes would be convenient, and could be complemented, if needed, with GrimoireLab raw indexes that will be produced anyway. Using GrimoireELK for the **data** collection and enrichment ensures that the indexes will be properly stored in Elasticsearch databases. SortingHat will be used when identity merging is important for the study (as in the second example above). Kibana can be used to visualize the indexes in the enriched database, which can be useful for the exploratory study. For example, Kibana can easily show the activity of a single person in all **data** sources over time. | Is data availability statement | no |
We used GPS location **data** to detect active den sites. Putative active dens were first identified by examinations of collared wolf locations that were geographically focused in a restricted area during the period of time previously identified as the parturition period (between the last week of April and the second week of May; Person and Russell 2009). We also visited den sites 3-6 weeks after suspected parturition to verify pup production by visual observation. We approached sites on foot in groups of 1-3 people and recorded observations of wolves when they were seen or heard. We searched the area around the den entrances for signs of fresh wolf scat, hair, scrapings or other sign. We observed the den for wolf pups but limited our time in the area to < 1 h to avoid excessive disturbance of breeding wolves. Despite these efforts, 3 wolf packs relocated their pups to a nearby den (<0.5 km) during the study period. In 2 of these cases, additional visits were made by agency employees to the den after our field visits to observe pups, and in one case low-level helicopter flights for logging activities began immediately before the relocation event (Roffler et al. unpubl.). Person and Russell (2009) also reported a low number of relocations in response to human visits to den sites. In addition, we annually visited 26 dens previously recorded by Person and Russell (2009) during 1995 the same timing and techniques to make observations of wolves at historic dens. | Is data availability statement | no |
Subsets and Splits