Amir Khan vs. Zab Judah
Amir Khan vs. Zab Judah", billed as "Attack & Conquer"'", was a professional boxing match contested on July 23, 2011 for the WBA and IBF Light Welterweight Championship.
Amir Khan vs. Zab Judah
Amir Khan and Zab Judah started the build-up via a war of words on Twitter. The two fought in Las Vegas on 23 July, when the both put their titles on the line, Khan his WBA belt, Judah his IBF.
Amir Khan vs. Zab Judah
At the weigh-in Khan and Judah both made weight weighing in on the 140 lbs limit.
Amir Khan vs. Zab Judah
The fight was televised on the pay-per-view channel Primetime (UK) with commentary on BBC 5 Live and BBC Sport website and HBO. Amir Khan started the fight with a left jab. Round 1 saw a busy Amir Khan as he fought from the outside and kept Judah away with jabs and straights. All four rounds were taken by Khan. Ultimately on the 5th round Zab was taken down with a right uppercut to the body, in which at first commentators believed it was a low blow, since Judah was showing signs of agonizing pain, but when it was seen from a different camera angle, it was right on the belt, leading to a Knockout for Amir Khan. He held the IBF and WBA Light Welterweight titles until a controversial defeat at the hands of Lamont Peterson.
Les Enfants du naufrageur
Les Enfants du naufrageur is a French adventure film from 1992. It was directed by Jérôme Foulon written by François Celier, starring Jean Marais and Brigitte Fossey. The film is also known as "Shipwrecked Children".
AtmosFear (Liseberg)
AtmosFear is a drop tower located in Liseberg amusement park in Gothenburg, Sweden, and is the tallest drop tower in Europe. AtmosFear is designed by Intamin and drops riders from a height of .
AtmosFear (Liseberg)
In 1990, Liseberg built a observation tower named Lisebergstornet (The Liseberg Tower). After twenty years of operation. Liseberg closed the attraction and began to renovate the tower in May 2010. The tower became the main structure for AtmosFear which opened as the tallest drop tower in Europe in April 2011.
AtmosFear (Liseberg)
After boarding the gondola, riders await in suspense as the catch mechanism lowers and hooks onto the gondola. Red warning lights begin to flash in the station area and the gondola is slowly hoisted skywards, with riders being subjected to a light spray of mist upon leaving the station structure.
AtmosFear (Liseberg)
After a slow ascent to the summit of the tower, riders are presented with views over Liseberg and the surrounding Gothenburg. After several seconds, the catch mechanism releases the gondola. Riders plummet up to speeds of , pulling up to 4 G's before coming to a controlled halt at the bottom of the tower.
Acusta despecta
Acusta despecta is a species of air-breathing land snail, a terrestrial pulmonate gastropod mollusk in the family Bradybaenidae.
Acusta despecta
This species is sometimes a pest on citrus trees.The distribution of this species includes:
Arrivillaga are two blocks with about 25 houses located 800 metres west of Juan Lacaze of Colonia Department, Uruguay.
The village belongs to the sector 14, an administrative subdivision of the Colonia Department. The stream Arroyo Sauce lies near Arrivillaga.
According to the 2011 census, Arrivillaga had a population of 112. Source: "Instituto Nacional de Estadística de Uruguay"Source: "Instituto Nacional de Estadística de Uruguay"
Silk Way (disambiguation)
Silk Way may refer to the following:
Shigatoxigenic and verotoxigenic Escherichia coli
Shigatoxigenic "Escherichia coli (STEC) and verotoxigenic "E. coli (VTEC) are strains of the bacterium "Escherichia coli" that produce either Shiga toxin or Shiga-like toxin (verotoxin). Only a minority of the strains cause illness in humans. The ones that do are collectively known as enterohemorrhagic "E. coli" (EHEC) and are major causes of foodborne illness. When infecting humans, they often cause gastroenteritis, enterocolitis, and bloody diarrhea (hence the name "enterohemorrhagic") and sometimes cause a severe complication called hemolytic-uremic syndrome (HUS). The group and its subgroups are known by various names. They are distinguished from other pathotypes of intestinal pathogenic "E. coli" including enterotoxigenic "E. coli" (ETEC), enteropathogenic "E. coli" (EPEC), enteroinvasive "E. coli" (EIEC), enteroaggregative "E. coli" (EAEC), and diffusely adherent "E. coli" (DAEC).
Shigatoxigenic and verotoxigenic Escherichia coli
The best known of these strains is , but non-O157 strains cause an estimated 36,000 illnesses, 1,000 hospitalizations and 30 deaths in the United States yearly. Food safety specialists recognize "Big Six" strains: O26; O45; O103; O111; O121; and O145. A was caused by another STEC, . This strain has both enteroaggregative and enterohemorrhagic properties. Both the O145 and O104 strains can cause hemolytic-uremic syndrome (HUS); the former strain shown to account for 2% to 51% of known HUS cases; an estimated 56% of such cases are caused by O145 and 14% by other EHEC strains.
Shigatoxigenic and verotoxigenic Escherichia coli
EHECs that induce bloody diarrhea lead to HUS in 10% of cases. The clinical manifestations of postdiarrheal HUS include acute renal failure, microangiopathic hemolytic anemia, and thrombocytopenia. The verocytotoxin (shiga-like toxin) can directly damage renal and endothelial cells. Thrombocytopenia occurs as platelets are consumed by clotting. Hemolytic anemia results from intravascular fibrin deposition, increased fragility of red blood cells, and fragmentation.
Shigatoxigenic and verotoxigenic Escherichia coli
Antibiotics are of questionable value and have not shown to be of clear clinical benefit. Antibiotics that interfere with DNA synthesis, such as fluoroquinolones, have been shown to induce the Stx-bearing bacteriophage and cause increased production of toxins. Attempts to block toxin production with antibacterials which target the ribosomal protein synthesis are conceptually more attractive. Plasma exchange offers a controversial but possibly helpful treatment. The use of antimotility agents (medications that suppress diarrhea by slowing bowel transit) in children under 10 years of age or in elderly patients should be avoided, as they increase the risk of HUS with EHEC infections.
Shigatoxigenic and verotoxigenic Escherichia coli
The clinical presentation ranges from a mild and uncomplicated diarrhea to a hemorrhagic colitis with severe abdominal pain. Serotype O157:H7 may trigger an infectious dose with 100 bacterial cells or fewer; other strain such as 104:H4 has also caused an outbreak in Germany 2011. Infections are most common in warmer months and in children under five years of age and are usually acquired from uncooked beef and unpasteurized milk and juice. Initially a non-bloody diarrhea develops in patients after the bacterium attaches to the epithelium or the terminal ileum, cecum, and colon. The subsequent production of toxins mediates the bloody diarrhea. In children, a complication can be hemolytic uremic syndrome which then uses cytotoxins to attack the cells in the gut, so that bacteria can leak out into the blood and cause endothelial injury in locations such as the kidney by binding to globotriaosylceramide (Gb3).
Shigatoxigenic and verotoxigenic Escherichia coli
Names of the group and its subgroups include the following. There is some polysemy involved. Invariable synonymity is indicated by having the same color. Beyond that there is also some wider but variable synonymity. The first two (purple) in their narrowest sense are generally treated as hypernyms of the others (red and blue), although in less precise usage the red and blue have often been treated as synonyms of the purple. At least one reference holds "EHEC" to be mutually exclusive of "VTEC" and "STEC", but this does not match common usage, as many more publications lump all of the latter in with the former. If one defines Shiga toxin as the exact toxin of "Shigella dysenteriae", down to every last amino acid residue, then one can view all of the "Escherichia coli" strains that produce any similar toxin as VTEC, with "all" of their toxins being SLT, not ST; but the equally reasonable view of STEC as producing "the same" toxin as "Shigella dysenteriae" (because the difference is negligible for most purposes) contradistinguishes STEC from VTEC. Practically, the choice of words and categories is not as important as the understanding of clinical relevance. As microbiology advances, the historical variation in nomenclature (which arose because of gradually advancing science in multiple places) is increasingly giving way to recognizing all of these molecules as "versions of the same toxin" rather than "different toxins".
Shigatoxigenic and verotoxigenic Escherichia coli
The infectivity or the virulence of an EHEC strain depends on several factors, including the presence of fucose in the medium, the sensing of this sugar and the activation of EHEC pathogenicity island.
Shigatoxigenic and verotoxigenic Escherichia coli
EHEC becomes pathogenic through the expression of the locus of enterocyte effacement (LEE) encoded on its pathogenicity island. However, when EHEC is not in a host this expression is a waste of energy and resources, so it is only activated if some molecules are sensed in the environment.
Shigatoxigenic and verotoxigenic Escherichia coli
When QseC or QseE bind with one of their interacting signalling molecule, they autophosphorylate and transfer its phosphate to the response regulator. QseC senses adrenaline, noradrenaline, and an Endonuclease I-SceIII, encoded by a mobile group I intron within the mitochondrial COX1 gene (AI3); whereas QseE senses adrenaline, noradrenaline, SO4 and PO4. These signals are a clear indication to the bacteria that they are no longer free in the environment, but in the gut.
Shigatoxigenic and verotoxigenic Escherichia coli
As a result, QseC phosphorylates QseB (which activates flagella), KpdE (which activates the LEE) and QseF. QseE phosphorylates QseF. The products QseBC and QseEF repress the expression of FusK and FusR. FusK and FusR are the two components of a system to repress the transcription of the LEE genes. FusK is a sensor kinase which is able to sense many sugars among which fucose. When fucose is present in the medium FusK phosphorylates FusR which represses LEE expression.
Shigatoxigenic and verotoxigenic Escherichia coli
Thus when EHEC enters the gut there is a competition between the signals coming from QseC and QseF, and the signal coming from FusK. The first two would like to activate virulence, but Fusk stops it because the mucous layer, which is a source of fucose, isolates enterocytes from bacteria making the synthesis of the virulence factors useless. However, when fucose concentration decreases because bacterial cells find an unprotected area of the epithelium, then the expression of LEE genes will not be repressed by FusR, and KpdE will strongly activate them. In summary, the combined effect of the QseC/QseF and FusKR provide a fine-tuning system of LEE expression which saves energy and allow the mechanisms of virulence to be expressed only when the chances of success are higher.
Shigatoxigenic and verotoxigenic Escherichia coli
This complex, formed by two components (FusK and FusR) has the function in EHEC to detect the presence of fucose in the environment and regulate the activation of LEE genes. -FusK: is encoded by the z0462 gene. This gene is an histidine kinase sensor. It detects fucose and then phosphorylates the Z0463 gene activating it. -FusR: is encoded by the z0463 gene. This gene is a repressor of LEE genes. When z0462 gene detects fucose, phosphorylates and activates the Z0463 gene, which will repress the expression of 'le r', the regulator of the LEE genes. If z0463 gene is not active, the expression of the gene ler would not be repressed. The expression of 'ler' activates the remaining genes in the pathogenicity island inducing virulence. -At the same time, the system FusKR inhibits the Z0461 gene, a fucose transporter. Fucose increases the activation of the FusKR system, which inhibits the z0461 gene, which controls the metabolism of fucose. This is a mechanisms that is useful to avoid the competition for fucose with other strains of "E. coli" which are usually more efficient at using fucose as a carbon source. High concentrations of fucose in the medium also increases the repression of the LEE genes.
Shigatoxigenic and verotoxigenic Escherichia coli
With low levels of fucose in the environment, the FusKR system is inactive, and this means that z0461 gene is transcribed, thus increasing the metabolism of fucose. Furthermore, a low concentration of fucose is an indication of unprotected epithelium, thus the repression of ler genes will disappear and the expression of the LEE genes will allow to attack the adjacent cells.
WBSQ-LP (105.9 FM) was a radio station licensed to St. Louis, Michigan, United States. The station was owned by Breckenridge Community Services.
WBSQ-LP's license expired effective October 1, 2012, as the licensee did not file a renewal application. The station's license was cancelled by the Federal Communications Commission on October 5, 2012.
Milk quota
A milk quota (or more accurately dairy produce quota) was one of the measures used by governments in the European Union to intervene in agriculture. Their purpose was to bring rising milk production under control. Milk quotas were attached to land holdings, and they represented a cap on the amount of milk that a farmer could sell every year without paying a levy. Milk quotas were assets; they could be bought and sold, or acquired or lost by other means, and there was a market for them.
Milk quota
Milk quotas were withdrawn on 31 March 2015.
Milk quota
Milk quotas were first introduced in the United Kingdom on 2 April 1984 under the Dairy Produce Quotas Regulations 1984, which reflected the then European Economic Community (now the European Union's) Common Agricultural Policy. Originally they were to run until 1989, but they were extended several times, and were not renewed for the period following 31 March 2015.
Milk quota
Each member of the European Economic Community was allowed to produce dairy products up to a cap, which was based on each state's 1981 production, plus 1%. The cap was designated the "reference quantity". A levy to the EEC was due on production in excess of the reference quantity. This levy was then to be recovered from the farmers or dairies involved. Until 2002, recovery of the levy was down to the Intervention Board for Agricultural Produce. It was then recovered by the Rural Payments Agency on behalf of the UK Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DERFA).
Milk quota
The Dairy Produce Quotas Regulations 1994, which came into effect from 1 April 1994, substantially revised the old structure. Until 31 March 1994, the MAFF ("Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food", a British government department that has since been replaced by DEFRA) was responsible for milk quotas, together with the Secretaries of State for Scotland and Wales and the Department of Agriculture for Northern Ireland. On the MAFF's behalf, Milk Marketing Boards kept a register of quotas that detailed which farmers or dairies held what quotas. The Milk Marketing Boards were dissolved on 31 October 1994 (in England, Wales and Scotland) and 28 February 1995 (in Northern Ireland).
Milk quota
The final regulations governing milk quotas were the Dairy Produce Quotas Regulations 2005, the Dairy Produce Quotas (Scotland) Regulations 2005 and the Dairy Produce (Quotas) (Wales) Regulations 2005, as amended.
Milk quota
There were five kinds of milk quota:
Milk quota
The EEC did not originally mean for milk quotas to attract a value. Contrary to their intent, milk quotas became a valuable asset, although prices fell towards the end of their life. Milk quotas could be purchased outright or leased.
Milk quota
Although the quotas were normally attached to land, and transferred with it provided the transfer is not a tenancy of less than ten months, they could be traded separately. The legality of such a transfer was questioned by the Courts, particularly in "Carson v Cornwall County Council" [1993] 1 EGLR 21, [1993] 03 EG 119, but since 1994 was accepted, at least in a limited way, in for example "Harris v Barclays Bank Plc [1997] 2 EGLR 15, [1997] 45 EG 145, CA.
Milk quota
Milk quotas could also be transferred without payment, where the tenant of a holding under the Agricultural Holdings Act 1986 ceased to use that land for dairy farming purposes for five years and transferred that quota to other land that he held for dairy farming purposes, provided there was no quota protection clause in the tenancy. In the absence of such a clause, a tenant under either the Agricultural Holdings Act 1986 or the Agricultural Tenancies Act 1995 also seemed, in principle, to be free to sell the quota attaching to the land he rented on the open market. This has been called quota "massage" or even quota "theft", though Williams (2011) calls this last term "inelegant and inappropriate", such a transfer being apparently lawful.
Milk quota
Disputes about milk quota were generally referred to arbitration.
Nadezhda Mikhalkova
Nadezhda Nikitichna Mikhalkova (; born September 27, 1986) is a Russian actress.
Nadezhda Mikhalkova
Nadezhda is the youngest daughter of actor and film director Nikita Mikhalkov and fashion designer Tatyana Shigaeva. Her brother Artyom and sister Anna are also actors. Nadezhda, aged 6, starred as Nadia Kotova in the film "Burnt by the Sun" directed by her father, who also played Nadia's father in the film. The film received the Grand Prize at Cannes and the Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film, among many other honours.
Nadezhda Mikhalkova
Nadezhda made an episodic appearance in the 1999 film "The Barber of Siberia", also directed by Nikita Mikhalkov. In the 2000 film "President and his Granddaughter" directed by Tigran Keosayan Mikhalkova played twin sisters. In 2008 she graduated from the School of International Journalism in Moscow State Institute of International Relations. She reprised her role as Nadya Kotova, now a teenager, in the 2010 film "Burnt by the Sun 2".
Nadezhda Mikhalkova
Mikhalkova is married to director and producer Rezo Gigineishvili. She gave birth to a daughter in Moscow on May 21, 2011.
WDLP-LP (93.1 FM) is a radio station licensed to Belding, Michigan, United States. The station is currently owned by Montcalm Public Radio.
Fray Marcos
Fray Marcos is a town in the Florida Department of southern-central Uruguay.
Fray Marcos
It is located north of the Santa Lucía River (the border with Canelones Department) and on the junction of Route 7 with Route 94. It is north of Montevideo and on kilometre 107 of the railroad track Montevideo – Nico Pérez.
Fray Marcos
It was founded on December 1888, and on 23 May 1919, it was declared a "Pueblo" (village) by the Act of Ley Nº 6.906. Its status was elevated to "Villa" (town) on 5 July 1956 by the Act of Ley Nº 12.297.
Fray Marcos
In 2011 Fray Marcos had a population of 2,398. Source: "Instituto Nacional de Estadística de Uruguay"
Max Dumesny
Max Dumesny (born 12 July 1959 in Nullawarre, Victoria) is an Australian professional Sprintcar driver. Dumesny was born and raised in Victoria but has resided in Nelson, New South Wales since the mid-1990s, although his Sprintcar carries the number V5 (for Victoria #5) that he has used throughout his career, although he has changed that to Australia 1 when he has won both the Australian Formula 500 and Australian Sprintcar Championships.
Max Dumesny
Dumesny started his career on motorbikes and it was generally believed that he would go on to a national scrambles career, but fate intervened on a dark night not far from home when riding his motorcycle he struck a cow that had wandered onto the road.
Max Dumesny
After recovering from injuries sustained in the crash, Dumesny decided a career on four wheels was probably a safer bet than one on two wheels and he started racing speedway in a Formula 500 at his local track, the Premier Speedway in Warrnambool. He proved to be a sensation on the 1/4 mile speedway and ended up winning the 1980 Australian Formula 500 Championship at the Western International Speedway in Melbourne, and repeating the success in 1982 at the Bibra Lake Speedway in Perth.
Max Dumesny
Dumesny switched to Sprintcars in 1983/84 and had his first major win that season when he won the 1983 Wayne Fisher Memorial at the Parramatta City Raceway in Sydney. In 1984 Dumesny linked with Melbourne based motor and racing expert John Sidney, driving for Sidney's OTR (Oval Track Racing) and started driving an Australian made OTR Defender Sprintcar with instant success, winning both the Victorian and South Australian championships.
Max Dumesny
Dumesny's record in Sprintcars in Australia is almost second to none. He has won multiple state titles around the country including eight Victorian championships, as well as the South Australian, New South Wales and Queensland championships. In 1991 he became the only driver to win the Australian Sprintcar and Australian Formula 500 Championships when he won the Sprintcar title at the Carrick Speedway in Tasmania. He added a second and third national Sprintcar title in 1998 and 2002 respectively. Dumesny is also a seven time winner of the World Series Sprintcars held in Australia, winning his first championship in 1989/90 while at his former home track in Warrnambool he has won three Grand Annual Sprintcar Classics. Dumesny's win in the 1992 Classic was the first time in the race's then 20-year history that a Victorian driver had won the event. In the years prior to his 1992 win, he had finished 3rd in 1988 and 1991, and second in 1989 and 1990. Dumesny finished second behind American Tim Kaeding in the 2014 Classic.
Max Dumesny
He has also won 32 feature races in the Easter Sprintcar Trail, a three event series held annually on the Easter long weekend at the Borderline Speedway in Mount Gambier, South Australia, and various tracks in Victoria, usually the Premier Speedway in Warrnambool, and the Avalon Raceway in Lara near Geelong.
Max Dumesny
Early in his Sprintcar career, Dumesny also travelled to the United States to race in selected World of Outlaws events as well as the famed Knoxville Nationals. His biggest success overseas came in 1985 when he won the "Race of States" at the 1985 Knoxville Nationals, becoming the first Australian to win the race. Since then, along with a number of other Australian drivers including his son Mitchell, he has been a regular visitor to Knoxville.
Max Dumesny
On 16 May 1992 Dumesny continued to show his versatility when he swapped his Sprintcar for a Speedcar and won the 34th Australian Speedcar Grand Prix held at the famous Sydney Showground Speedway joining such drivers as A. J. Foyt, Steve Kinser, Sleepy Tripp, Garry Rush and George Tatnell as winners of the annual event.
Max Dumesny
Max Dumesny, his longtime backer John Sidney along with longtime (and current) major sponsor Valvoline (sponsorship secured in 1988) branched out in other forms of motorsport in the early 1990s when Max drove a JSR (John Sidney Racing) prepared Oldsmobile Cutlass in the Australian NASCAR Championship, winning the 1992/93 national championship. Max would remain competitive in NASCAR, later switching to drive a Chevrolet Monte Carlo. In 2002, he co-drove with Jamie Whincup at the 2002 Queensland 500.
Max Dumesny
Dumesny also raced a JSR prepared Ford Falcon in the 1996 Australian Touring Car Championship. Dumesny finished the championship in 16th place and also raced the Falcon to 12th place in the 1996 AMP Bathurst 1000 partnered with Kerry Baily from Tasmania.
Max Dumesny
Max Dumesny has been married to Melinda since 1986. Melinda Dumesny is the daughter of Australian Sprintcar Driver Sid Moore. Together they have four children (Mitchell, Michaela, Matt & Marcus). Both Melinda and Mitchell Dumesny, like Max, are Sprintcar drivers. Max Dumesny Motorsport also is the official agent of Continental AG's speedway tyre division in Australia. His daughter Michaela is also following the speedway tradition and has raced sprintcars, both with and without wings, before moving to Bloomington, Indiana (United States) to attend Indiana University.
Max Dumesny
In a 2014 video interview for the Sydney Speedway's YouTube channel, Dumesny confessed that after starting in Formula 500's he thought his career would last "about 5 years" before he got out, got married and had kids who would never know he had raced. By the time of the interview Dumesny had spent over 35 years in the sport and all four of his children now raced speedway.
Max Dumesny
In 2015, the Speedway Racing Association of Victoria (SRA) granted Life Membership to Max Dumesny and allocated his racing number "V5" to be only used by a "Dumesny".
WMBC-LP (100.9 FM) was a radio station licensed to Norton Shores, Michigan, United States. The station was owned by Maranatha Bible And Missionary Conference.
On the June 1, 2012, the station's license was cancelled and its call sign deleted by the Federal Communications Commission from its database, per the licensee's request.
Nico Pérez
Nico Pérez is a village in the Florida Department of central Uruguay. It is located on the border of the Lavalleja Department.
Nico Pérez
It is in close proximity to José Batlle y Ordoñez. They are separated partly by Ruta 7 and partly by the railroad tracks. The two parts are joined by a bridge passing over the tracks.
Nico Pérez
The initial common village here was named "Nico Pérez" and recognized as such by decree of 10 April 1896. On 19 March 1907 it was renamed to "José Batlle y Ordóñez" by the Act of Ley Nº 3.148, at the time head of the judicial section "Monzón". The part of the village that is in the Florida Department, however, kept its original name and its status was elevated to "Pueblo" by the Act of Ley Nº 12.232 on 14 October 1955.
Nico Pérez
In 2011 Nico Pérez had a population of 1,030. Source: "Instituto Nacional de Estadística de Uruguay"
Lábrea Airport
Lábrea Airport is the airport serving Lábrea, Brazil.
Lábrea Airport
The airport is located from downtown Lábrea.
WRDS-LP (104.3 FM) is a Southern Gospel radio station licensed to Roscommon, Michigan, United States. The station is currently owned by Soul's Harbor Assembly of God Church.
Greer Shephard
Greer Shephard is an American television producer and director. She was an executive producer on the FX series "Nip/Tuck". She is an executive producer on the TNT series, "The Closer". Along with Michael M. Robin, Shephard created the Shephard/Robin production company which produces the Ryan Murphy-created "Nip/Tuck" and "Popular". Shephard is an executive producer of TNT's "The Closer" spinoff series "Major Crimes".
Albert Ballard
Albert Ballard CBE (2 August 1888 – 7 January 1969) was a leading figure in the British Co-operative Party.
Albert Ballard
Ballard became the election agent for A. V. Alexander in the Sheffield Hillsborough constituency in 1922; Alexander gained the seat for the Co-operative Party, taking the Labour Party whip in Parliament. Ballard also became active in the local Labour Party, joining the Fabian Society, and later acting as its local Chairman.
Albert Ballard
Alexander stood down at the 1950 general election, and Ballard secured the election of his chosen replacement, George Darling. However, he retired as election agent in 1954, becoming Chair of the Co-operative Party from 1955 to 1957.
Albert Ballard
From 1948 to 1963, Ballard served as Chairman of the Sheffield United Hospital Board, and from 1959 to 1967 he was Chairman of the Sheffield Education Committee. He was also an alderman on Sheffield City Council, and served as Lord Mayor of Sheffield in 1957. He was appointed CBE in the 1955 Birthday Honours.
WRHC-LP (106.7 FM) is a radio station licensed to Three Oaks, Michigan, United States. The station is currently owned by Harbor Arts.
Sarandí Grande
Sarandí Grande is a city in the north of the Florida Department of central Uruguay.
Sarandí Grande
It is located on the intersection of Route 5 with Route 42, about from Montevideo, north-northwest of Florida, the capital city of the department, and south-southeast of Durazno, the capital city of the Durazno Department.
Sarandí Grande
First on 6 July 1853 and again on 22 July 1861 the creation of a village here was approved by the Acts of Ley N° 331 and Ley N° 695 respectively. The village was founded on October 1874 in the area of the railway station. On 13 June 1906, its status was established as "Pueblo" (village) by the Act of Ley N° 3.042, at the time serving as head of the judicial section of "Estación Sarandí". It was renamed "Sarandí" and its status was elevated to "Villa" (town) on 15 October 1923 by the Act of Ley N° 7.638. Finally, on 1 July 1956 it was renamed "Sarandí Grande" and its status was elevated to "Ciudad" (city) by the Act of Ley N° 11.960.
Sarandí Grande
In 2011, Sarandi Grande had a population of 6,130. It is the second largest city of the department. Source: "Instituto Nacional de Estadística de Uruguay"The economy relies on dairy farming and agriculture.
Pocket Billiards (band)
Pocket Billiards are a Belfast-based 9-Piece Ska / Punk / Rock band who originally formed in 2001. The band fuse ska, reggae and dub with punk rock and heavy riffs, creating an energetic and powerful sound.
Pocket Billiards (band)
The band was formed in early 2001 by Chris Savage and Chuck Neely. Initially they got together to explore the sounds of ska with the goal of merging it with more modern styles of music to create a new sound. Within months of forming they had recruited a brass section, keyboard, drums and bass. The band's first ever gig was with Californian Ska Punk band Mad Caddies in The Limelight (Belfast). By the end of 2002 the band had released their first 4 track demo "Skandalous".
Pocket Billiards (band)
The next few years saw several line-up changes and a steady climb in the band's popularity. They continued to get support slots performing with many of their idols including The Selecter, Bad Manners and Neville Staples (The Specials). In 2006 they made a DIY album using home recording equipment called "Outlook Not So Good", an homage to the Magic 8-Ball prediction.
Pocket Billiards (band)
In October 2009 Pocket Billiards released their first full-length Studio Album (self-titled) at a sell-out show in the Black Box (Cathedral Quarter, Belfast). They subsequently performed at several 2010 Festivals in Northern Ireland including Pigstock, Sunflower Festival and Glasgowbury. In summer 2011 Pocket Billiards were invited to support The Specials at Belfast's iconic Belsonic Festival, a performance they were ""pretty much born to play"". In Autumn 2011 Pocket Billiards were nominated for "Best Live Act" in the first-ever Northern Ireland Music Awards that took place at Ulster Hall, Belfast on 2 November.
Pocket Billiards (band)
Pocket Billiards released their second studio album "Last Chance to Dance" at Belfast's Mandela Hall on May 12, 2012. In July 2012 they toured Luxembourg, France, Basque Country and Catalonia. The summer of 2012 also saw the band return to some of Northern Ireland's biggest festivals, playing main stage slots at Pigstock, Sunflower Fest and Glasgowbury.
Veinticinco de Agosto
Veinticinco de Agosto, mostly written 25 de Agosto, is a small town in the Florida Department of central Uruguay.
Veinticinco de Agosto
It is located on Route 77, about northeast of its intersection with Route 11. The railroad track from Montevideo splits here in two tracks, one towards Salto and one towards Florida, the capital of the department.
Veinticinco de Agosto
The river Río Santa Lucía flows along the east limits of the village.
Veinticinco de Agosto
It was recognized as a recently created populated centre by a decree of 1 September 1875 and on 29 April 1912, it was declared a "Pueblo" (village) by the Act of Ley Nº 3.965. Its status was elevated to "Villa" (town) by the Act of Ley Nº 12.297 on 5 July 1956.
Veinticinco de Agosto
In 2011, Veinticinco de Agosto had a population of 1,849. Source: "Instituto Nacional de Estadística de Uruguay"
Veinticinco de Mayo, Uruguay
The town is located on Route 76, east of its intersection with Route 77. The railroad track Montevideo - Florida passes through the village. The stream Arroyo Isla Mala, tributary of Arroyo Santa Lucía Chico, flows along the west and north limits of the village, forming a lake or wetland to the east side of it.
Veinticinco de Mayo, Uruguay
Its original name was "Isla Mala" and it was recognized as a recently created populated centre by a decree of 1 September 1875. It was renamed to its present name and declared a "Pueblo" (village) on 17 July 1918 by the Act of Ley N° 6.196. Its status was elevated to "Villa" (town) on 28 January 1985 by the Act of Ley N° 15.706.
Veinticinco de Mayo, Uruguay
In 2011, Veinticinco de Mayo had a population of 1,852. Source: "Instituto Nacional de Estadística de Uruguay"
2011 European Cup (baseball)
The 2011 European Cup was an international baseball competition among the top teams of the professional baseball leagues in Europe, held in Italy and the Netherlands from June 1 to June 5, 2011.
Fingers in the Noise
Fingers in the Noise is the alias of French electronic musician Laurent Bisch.
Fingers in the Noise
Born in 1966, Bisch started producing music in the late 1980s, after taking several piano lessons. His musical genres include dub, ambient, and experimental music. Bisch is married, and has three children.
Fingers in the Noise
Laurent Bisch was born in France on January 28, 1966. During the late 1980s, Bisch took several piano lessons, which inspired him to start creating his own music.
Fingers in the Noise
Bisch developed a passion for deep dub and ambient music. He would also frequently spend his time at all-night parties. In 1990 he bought his first synthesizer, a Korg 01/WFD. It was a "workstation that introduced [him] to the creation of synthetic sounds". In 1995, Bisch bought his first personal computer. He discovered, and began to experiment with, software such as Cubase, FruityLoops, ACID Pro and ReBirth RB-338. Bisch stated in an interview: "The fact that I could work on a screen with all the tools and opportunities offered by this kind of software, I realized that I had found my happiness!". Bisch says that musical creation provides a form of therapy for him, and allows him to get over his problems. When he was 19, Bisch began discovering night life, and attended raves. He has also lived in the island of Ibiza and Tenerife (Canary island) for five years.