dict |
"aen": "I tell you the solemn truth, the one who believes has eternal life.",
"bkm": "Mɨ n-bê sɨ̂ zɨ̀ kɨ̀ nô samo' na, à bɨ̀mi mɨ ndà, a wù chî faŋ."
} |
"aen": "I am the bread of life.",
"bkm": "Mɨ n-ghɨ ɨ̀fwo ɨ yɨnɨ vzɨ̀ a wu n-fu ichi sɨ̂ ghelɨ."
} |
"aen": "Your ancestors ate the manna in the wilderness, and they died.",
"bkm": "Ghɨ̀bo ghɨ̂bo ghi nɨn læ meyn yɨ ɨfwo ɨ yɨnɨ vzɨ̀ a ghɨ nà n-toŋtɨ na manà a nse iyum tì, mɨtì ɨ fi kfɨtɨ kɨ kfɨtɨ."
} |
"aen": "This is the bread that has come down from heaven, so that a person may eat from it and not die.",
"bkm": "Ɨfwo ɨ yɨnɨ wèyn a mɨ n-bê lvɨ̂yn tèyn nɨ̀n ghɨ ɨ̀fwo ɨ yɨnɨ ma wu sù'i gvì iyvɨ, ma wùl ɨ̀ yɨ, wu bû læ̀ fì kfɨ."
} |
"aen": "I am the living bread that came down from heaven. If anyone eats from this bread he will live forever. The bread that I will give for the life of the world is my flesh.”",
"bkm": "À n-ghɨ kɨ nô mà ɨfwo ɨ yɨnɨ nâ wèyn a wu n-fu ichi tèyn, ta wu sù'i gvì iyvɨ. À yɨ̀ mɨ ndà ɨfwo ɨ yɨnɨ nâ wèyn, a wù chî faŋ. Ɨfwo ɨ yɨnɨ nâ wèyn nɨn ghɨ ɨ̀wûyn wom vzɨ̀ a mɨ n-fu ta ka ghelɨ mbzɨ na chi-à.”"
} |
"aen": "Then the Jews who were hostile to Jesus began to argue with one another, “How can this man give us his flesh to eat?”",
"bkm": "Jisòs nɨ̂n tàŋi têyn, iwo ateyn i yafɨ ghelɨ Jûsɨ̀ nâ ghì, àŋena yòl nô sɨ a ŋaŋ ɨ bɨf na, “Wùl wèyn nɨ̀n bê na yì kà' a yì fu ti ɨwuyn ŋweyn na ghesɨ̀nà yɨ sɨ ɨfwo ɨ yɨnɨ a?”"
} |
"aen": "Jesus said to them, “I tell you the solemn truth, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in yourselves.",
"bkm": "Jisòs ɨ kæ be sɨ̂ àŋena na, “Mɨ n-bê sɨ̂ zɨ̀ kɨ̀ nô samo' na, yì kæ faŋ tɨ̀ yɨ ɨwuyn Wâyn Wùl sɨ ɨfwo ɨ yɨnɨ sɨ fì sɨ nyvɨ mɨluŋ mɨ̀ ŋweyn, a à na ghɨ ma yi n-chî wì chi."
} |
"aen": "The one who eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up on the last day.",
"bkm": "À yɨ̀ mɨ ndà ɨwûyn wom fì nyvɨ mɨlûŋ mêm, a à na ghɨ wu kelɨ ìchi i faŋnɨ-i, a mà læ̂ fì làysɨ̀ ŋweyn sɨ ikfɨ achi a go'sɨnɨ-a,"
} |
"aen": "For my flesh is true food, and my blood is true drink.",
"bkm": "bòm ta ɨwûyn wom nɨn ghɨ kɨ nô nkàyntɨ̀ àfo a yɨnɨ-a, mɨ̀lûŋ mêm ɨ ghɨ nô nkàyntɨ̀ àfo a nyvɨnɨ-a."
} |
"aen": "The one who eats my flesh and drinks my blood resides in me, and I in him.",
"bkm": "À yɨ̀ mɨ ndà ɨwûyn wom fì nyvɨ mɨlûŋ mêm, a ghesɨ̀ ŋweyn na yɨnɨ-à."
} |
"aen": "Just as the living Father sent me, and I live because of the Father, so the one who consumes me will live because of me.",
"bkm": "À yɨ̀ mɨ ndà ɨwûyn wom, a wù na chi-à bòm mà, kɨ̀mɨ ighel ta mɨ n-chi bòm ta Bæ̀ vzɨ̂ a wù tùm ma nɨn chi."
} |
"aen": "This is the bread that came down from heaven; it is not like the bread your ancestors ate, but then later died. The one who eats this bread will live forever.”",
"bkm": "Mà ti n-ghɨ àfo a yɨnɨ-a kì a kɨ sù'i gvì iyvɨ. Ghɨ̀bo ghɨ̂bo ghi nɨn læ meyn yɨ afo a yɨnɨ-a kì a ghɨ nà n-toŋtɨ na manà tì ɨ kfɨtɨ, mɨtì ma à yɨ̀ mɨ ndà ɨwûyn wom nâ wèyn, a wù chî faŋ.”"
} |
"aen": "Many Followers Depart Jesus said these things while he was teaching in the synagogue in Capernaum.",
"bkm": "Jisòs ɨ nà n-taŋî tèyn, ye'î ghelɨ a ndô nchɨ̀yntɨ nɨ̀ ghelɨ Jûsɨ̀ a Kàbanùm."
} |
"aen": "Then many of his disciples, when they heard these things, said, “This is a difficult saying! Who can understand it?”",
"bkm": "Njùmtɨ̀sɨ ibam nɨ̀ Jisòs-sɨ̀ ɨ yvɨ iye'i nâ yèynì ɨ nà sɨ bê na, “Iye'i nâ yèynì nɨn to nô a bɨ. À ti kà' a à bɨmi nda iwo tèyn a?”"
} |
"aen": "When Jesus was aware that his disciples were complaining about this, he said to them, “Does this cause you to be offended?",
"bkm": "Jisòs ɨ keli kɨ sɨ ŋweyn a ngeŋ na à ti iwo zɨ̀ a àŋena nɨn dɨ̂mlɨ̀ bòm ìnyeyni ɨ bɨf sɨ̂ àŋena na, “Iye'i nâ yèynì nɨn fu nge' sɨ̂ zɨ̀ nô a bɨ â?"
} |
"aen": "Then what if you see the Son of Man ascending where he was before?",
"bkm": "Yì ti kæ yeyn, Wâyn Wùl ɨ̀ kasi lù ndù iyvɨ, alè' ghè a wù tî nà ghɨ ateyn sɨ asɨ, yi nì ghà?"
} |
"aen": "The Spirit is the one who gives life; human nature is of no help! The words that I have spoken to you are spirit and are life.",
"bkm": "À n-fu kɨ Ayvɨs a Fɨ̂yìnì fu ìchi i faŋnɨ-i sɨ̂ ghelɨ. Wùl nɨ̀n kelɨ wi iwo i li sɨ nì sɨ a ŋweyn a ngeŋ sɨ chi sɨ faŋ. Mà sɨ ghɨ ma ma fe'tɨ meyn ìwo zɨ̀ a yi n-kelɨ sɨ nì, sɨ keli ichi i faŋnɨ-i nâ yèynì a Ayvɨs a Fɨ̂yìnì à nɨn fu têyn."
} |
"aen": "But there are some of you who do not believe.” For Jesus had already known from the beginning who those were who did not believe, and who it was who would betray him.",
"bkm": "Mɨ n-fê'tɨ̀ nô mɨ tèyn, zɨ̀ ghɨ li bɨmî wì.” Jisòs nɨ̂n tàŋi têyn bòm ta wu n-læ nà sɨ kya ɨghî a ghɨ læ̀ bɨmi wi ŋweyn kɨ̀ nô sɨ a nzɨ̀tɨ, fi kya ɨvzɨ̂ a wu nà n-ghɨ sɨ læ̀ sɨ bey'lɨ ŋweyn."
} |
"aen": "So Jesus added, “Because of this I told you that no one can come to me unless the Father has allowed him to come.”",
"bkm": "Jisòs nɨ̀n fi meyn bè sɨ̂ àŋena na, à ti iwo zɨ̀ a yi n-læ bè sɨ̂ àŋena na wùl ɨ̀ kà' wu bû gvì sɨ̂ zɨ̀, a bu kɨ na à fu Bæ̀ adya' sɨ̂ ŋweyn, na wù gvi."
} |
"aen": "Peter’s Confession After this many of his disciples quit following him and did not accompany him any longer.",
"bkm": "À ti kɨ̀ achi kì a njùmtɨ̀sɨ ibam nɨ̀ ŋweyn sɨ dvɨnɨsɨ nɨ̂n læ le' kasi ɨ nà bu jûmtɨ̀ wì ŋweyn ateyn."
} |
"aen": "So Jesus said to the twelve, “You don’t want to go away too, do you?”",
"bkm": "Ta sɨ kàsi tî, wu kæ bɨf sɨ̂ ɨsîsɨ̀ njvàsɨ̀ bò na, “Yì sɨ boŋ kɨŋ kɨmɨ sɨ kasi ma?”"
} |
"aen": "Simon Peter answered him, “Lord, to whom would we go? You have the words of eternal life.",
"bkm": "Saymun Bità ɨ bèynsɨ kɨ sɨ̂ ŋweyn na, “Sɨ fì sɨ ndu sɨ̂ ndà a Bô? À ti kà' a fî fè'tɨ̀ ndà iwo zɨ̀ a yi n-fu ichi i faŋnɨ-i, a bu và a?"
} |
"aen": "We have come to believe and to know that you are the Holy One of God!”",
"bkm": "Ghès nɨn bɨmi-à, fi kya na, à n-ghɨ và Wul ɨ̀ Ŋwa'nɨ nɨ̀ Fɨ̀yìnì fɨ̀ vzɨ̂ a wù lù gvì iyvɨ.”"
} |
"aen": "Jesus replied, “Didn’t I choose you, the twelve, and yet one of you is the devil?”",
"bkm": "Jisòs ɨ bè sɨ̂ àŋena na, “Ba yi n-kya na, à tî cho' kɨ̀ nô mà cho' zɨ têyn njvàsɨ̀ bò, mɨtì wùl ɨ̀ mò' ɨ ghɨ a yi antêynɨ̀, a ghɨ dêblɨ̀.”"
} |
"aen": " Now he said this about Judas son of Simon Iscariot, for Judas, one of the twelve, was going to betray him.",
"bkm": "Wu nà n-bê tì, bê Judàs ɨ wâyn Ìskalìyòt vzɨ̀ a wu nà n-ghɨ kɨmɨ antêynɨ̀ nɨ̀ njùmtɨ̀sɨ ibam nɨ̀ ŋweynsɨ njvàsɨ̀ bò, mɨtì ghɨ sɨ læ̀ sɨ bey'lɨ ŋweyn."
} |
"aen": "After this Jesus traveled throughout Galilee. He stayed out of Judea because the Jewish leaders wanted to kill him.",
"bkm": "A nà sɨ ghɨ sɨ ibàm awo nâ ghàyn, Jisòs ɨ nà sɨ jelɨ̀ kal a Galìlî, kôŋ wì sɨ ndù a Jùdiyà bòm ta ghelɨ Jûsɨ nà n-ghɨ afu, kɨŋ sɨ zue ŋweyn."
} |
"aen": "Now the Jewish Feast of Shelters was near.",
"bkm": "A nà n-ghɨ tì ma à faŋ kɨ̀ mɨchi ɨ̀n sè' têyn ta ka Ayɨ a Mɨtwo nɨ̀ ghelɨ Jûsɨ̀ gvi,"
} |
"aen": "So Jesus’ brothers advised him, “Leave here and go to Judea so your disciples may see your miracles that you are performing.",
"bkm": "woyn-nà Jisòs ɨ bè sɨ̂ ŋweyn na, “Wà n-kelɨ sɨ lu sɨ afêyn sɨ ndù a Jùdiyà ta ka njùmtɨ̀sɨ ibam nɨ̀ vàsɨ̀ yeyn awo a kaynɨ-a kì a wà n-nî."
} |
"aen": "For no one who seeks to make a reputation for himself does anything in secret. If you are doing these things, show yourself to the world.”",
"bkm": "Wùl ɨ̀ kæ sɨ nà kôŋ na ghɨ na kya ŋweyn, wù bu nà nya' nî ni awo. Ta wà sɨ ni awo kèynà têyn, yi n-jofɨ̀ na wà ni, mbzɨ ì jɨ̀m na kya và.”"
} |
"aen": " For not even his own brothers believed in him.",
"bkm": "Àŋena nà n-taŋî tèyn bòm ta nô mɨ àŋena nà n-bɨmî wì ŋweyn."
} |
"aen": "So Jesus replied, “My time has not yet arrived, but you are ready at any opportunity!",
"bkm": "Jisòs ɨ kæ be sɨ̂ àŋena na, “Ɨlvɨ̂ wom bu du' tɨ̀ kfeyn. À n-ghɨ sɨ̂ zɨ̀, ma yì kà' a yì ndu a Jèlusalèm nô mɨ ɨlvɨ gha."
} |
"aen": "The world cannot hate you, but it hates me, because I am testifying about it that its deeds are evil.",
"bkm": "Ghelɨ mbzɨ nɨn bâyn wì zɨ, mɨtì bâyn mà bòm ta mɨ n-dyêyn baynsɨ dzɨsɨ awo a bɨ-a nɨ̀ àŋena."
} |
"aen": "You go up to the feast yourselves. I am not going up to this feast because my time has not yet fully arrived.”",
"bkm": "Yì ndu alè' ayɨ nâ ghè. Mɨ n-ndû wì lvɨ̂yn bòm ta ɨlvɨ̂ wom bû kfeyn.”"
} |
"aen": "When he had said this, he remained in Galilee.",
"bkm": "Wu n-tàŋi têyn ɨ dù'i kɨ a Galìlî."
} |
"aen": "But when his brothers had gone up to the feast, then Jesus himself also went up, not openly but in secret.",
"bkm": "Wu n-taŋi nô mɨ tì, woyn-nà ŋweyn ɨ ni lu ndù sɨ alè' Ayɨ nâ ghè, wu boŋ ndù, mɨtì ɨ se sɨ ndù ɨ nya'tɨ ndù ndu."
} |
"aen": "So the Jewish leaders were looking for him at the feast, asking, “Where is he?”",
"bkm": "Ghelɨ ghɨ tisɨnɨ nɨ̀ ghelɨ Jûsɨ ndù ɨ nà sɨ kɨŋ ŋweyn afu bɨf na, “Wùl nâ vzɨ̀ bà?”"
} |
"aen": "There was a lot of grumbling about him among the crowds. Some were saying, “He is a good man,” but others, “He deceives the common people.”",
"bkm": "A nà n-ghɨ tì, ghelɨ ghɨ afu nô sɨ idvɨ̀, nya' nyâ' taŋi-à kûm ŋweyn. Ghɨli bê na, “Wù n-ghɨ kɨ nô wul ɨ̀ jùŋ.” Ghɨli bê na, “À n-gô' ànkaŋ. Wù n-jelɨ̀ lɨsɨ̂ kɨ ghelɨ salû.”"
} |
"aen": "However, no one spoke openly about him for fear of the Jewish leaders.",
"bkm": "Ghɨ nà n-taŋî mɨ tì, wùl ɨ ghɨ wi sɨ be iwo a ndayn bòm ta àŋena nà n-fâyn ghelɨ ghɨ tisɨnɨ nɨ̀ àŋena."
} |
"aen": "Teaching in the Temple When the feast was half over, Jesus went up to the temple courts and began to teach.",
"bkm": "Ghɨ n-yɨ meyn tèmnɨ̀ àyɨ ateyn, Jisòs ɨ ko' ndù abe a ndô Fɨ̀yìnì i gha'nɨ, ɨ nà sɨ ye'î ghelɨ afu."
} |
"aen": "Then the Jewish leaders were astonished and said, “How does this man know so much when he has never had formal instruction?”",
"bkm": "Ghelɨ ghɨ tisɨnɨ nɨ̀ ghelɨ Jûsɨ yvɨ iye'i i ŋweyn ɨ nà ghɨ nɨ̀ ìkayn i ɨ nà sɨ bɨf na, “Wùl ɨ̀ wèyn jèl ti sɨ nà kya awo kèynà bùla wù timi ndù a ndô ŋwà'lɨ̀ a?”"
} |
"aen": "So Jesus replied, “My teaching is not from me, but from the one who sent me.",
"bkm": "Jisòs ɨ bè na, “Mɨ n-ye'î wì zɨ nɨ̀ àwo à kema. À n-ghɨ àwo a Fɨ̂yìnì fìfɨ̀ a fɨ tùm ma."
} |
"aen": "If anyone wants to do God’s will, he will know about my teaching, whether it is from God or whether I speak from my own authority.",
"bkm": "À kæ sɨ nà kɨŋ mɨ ndà sɨ nà ni ta Fɨ̀yìnì fɨ̀ nɨn kɨŋ, a wù nî yeyn kèli na iye'i ì yemi lù sɨ̂ Fɨ̀yìnì fɨ̀ ma, mɨ n-ye'î kɨ ìwo ì yemi a."
} |
"aen": "The person who speaks on his own authority desires to receive honor for himself; the one who desires the honor of the one who sent him is a man of integrity, and there is no unrighteousness in him.",
"bkm": "À n-nî a nà ye'î mɨ ndà iye'i i ŋweyn, wu nà kɨŋ kɨ sɨ nà ko'sɨ ngêŋ ŋweyn, mɨtì ɨvzɨ̂ a wù n-fêl sɨ gha'sɨ wul ɨ vzɨ̀ a wù tum ŋweyn nɨn nî wu nà taŋî kɨ samo', wam wi nô mɨ a dzɨ ì lì."
} |
"aen": "Hasn’t Moses given you the law? Yet not one of you keeps the law! Why do you want to kill me?”",
"bkm": "Ba Mosìs nɨ̀n fu meyn Isa' sɨ̂ zɨ̀ mɨtì nô wul ɨ̀ mò' a yi antêynɨ̀ ɨ nà lêm wì Isa' ateyn. Yi n-kɨŋ sɨ zue ma sɨ a gha?”"
} |
"aen": "The crowd answered, “You’re possessed by a demon! Who is trying to kill you?”",
"bkm": "Anôyn ateyn a bèynsɨ kɨ na, “Wà n-ghɨ tèyn kelɨ àyvɨs a bɨ-a! À n-kɨŋ ndà sɨ zue và a?”"
} |
"aen": "Jesus replied, “I performed one miracle and you are all amazed.",
"bkm": "Jisòs ɨ bè sɨ̂ àŋena na, “Mà tî nì ìwo i kaynɨ-i kɨ ìmò', yi na bem sɨ̂ zɨ̀ nô a bɨ."
} |
"aen": "However, because Moses gave you the practice of circumcision not that it came from Moses, but from the forefathers, you circumcise a male child on the Sabbath.",
"bkm": "Mɨtì ma Mosìs nɨ̀n læ meyn fu isa' na ghɨ na bzɨ̂ wayn lûmnɨ̀, ghɨ sɨ anam a ŋweyn, nô mɨ ta à n-bu læ nà ghɨ Isa' i Mosìs. A nà n-ghɨ ìsa' i ghɨ̂bo ghɨ̂bo ghesɨ̀nà. Yi na sɨ kolî mɨ àchi ɨtu' ila', sɨ kɨ sɨ."
} |
"aen": "But if a male child is circumcised on the Sabbath so that the law of Moses is not broken, why are you angry with me because I made a man completely well on the Sabbath?",
"bkm": "Ghɨ ti kæ sɨ nà ghɨ ma ghɨ kà' a ghɨ sɨ anam a wayn ɨtu' ila' sɨ luynsɨ Isa' i Mosìs, yi nà fî nyô'sɨ̀ ɨ̀toŋ ta mà chù' wul achi ɨtu' ila' wù tô mèsì kɨ̀ nô mesi, bòm ghà?"
} |
"aen": "Do not judge according to external appearance, but judge with proper judgment.”",
"bkm": "Ka yì na sa' ghelɨ kɨ bòm àwo kì a yi n-ki ndûsɨ̀ ndusɨ. Yì na sa' kɨ nô samo'.”"
} |
"aen": "Then some of the residents of Jerusalem began to say, “Isn’t this the man they are trying to kill?",
"bkm": "Ta wù bè tî nô mɨ ɨlvɨ gha, ghelɨ Jèlusalèm ghɨ li ɨ nà sɨ bɨf na, “Ba ɨwêyn nɨ̀n ghɨ kɨ nô wul vzɨ̀ a ghɨ n-kɨŋ sɨ zue a?"
} |
"aen": "Yet here he is, speaking publicly, and they are saying nothing to him. Do the ruling authorities really know that this man is the Christ?",
"bkm": "Wùl wèyn sɨ taŋi kɨ nô asɨ nɨ̀ ghelɨ, wùl ɨ bê wì iwo sɨ ŋweyn! A ghelɨ ghɨ tisɨnɨ ti bû lèm ndù kɨ̀ na à n-ghɨ kɨ nô ŋweyn vzɨ̀ a ghɨ chò' meyn lèm a?"
} |
"aen": "But we know where this man comes from. Whenever the Christ comes, no one will know where he comes from.”",
"bkm": "Ghesɨ̀nà nɨn kya àlê' kì a wùl wèyn lù ateyn, mɨtì Christ ɨ ghɨ sɨ læ̀ sɨ gvì na wùl ɨ̀ na kya wi na wù lù wo dzɨ a.”"
} |
"aen": "Then Jesus, while teaching in the temple courts, cried out, “You both know me and know where I come from! And I have not come on my own initiative, but the one who sent me is true. You do not know him,",
"bkm": "Ghɨ nà n-taŋî tì, Jisòs ɨ bu ye'î kɨ ghelɨ abe a ndô Fɨ̀yìnì. Jisòs ɨ bɨm yol ndu kɨ sɨ a ŋaŋ ɨ bè na, “Yi n-kfâ' na yi n-kya mà, kya àlê' kì a mà lù ateyn â? Ma bû gvì afêyn sɨ a ma ngeŋ. À tùm wul tum ma, taŋî kɨ samo', yi kya wi ŋweyn,"
} |
"aen": "but I know him, because I have come from him and he sent me.”",
"bkm": "mɨtì ma kya bòm ta mà lù a ŋweyn a ngùŋ ma à tum kɨ̀ nô ŋweyn tùm ma.”"
} |
"aen": "So then they tried to seize Jesus, but no one laid a hand on him, because his time had not yet come.",
"bkm": "Wu n-tàŋi têyn, ghɨ nà sɨ kɨŋ kɨ sɨ ghal ŋweyn, mɨtì wùl ɨ faŋ tɨ̀ mòm bòm ta ɨlvɨ vzɨ̀ a Fɨ̀yìnì fɨ nɨ̂n lèm na ghɨ læ̀ ghal ŋweyn ateyn ɨ nà n-bu du' tɨ̀ kfeyn."
} |
"aen": "Yet many of the crowd believed in him and said, “Whenever the Christ comes, he won’t perform more miraculous signs than this man did, will he?”",
"bkm": "Nô mɨtì, ghelɨ nɨ̀n fi meyn bɨmi kɨ bɨmi ŋweyn, dvɨ̂ kɨ tèyn, bòm ta àŋena nà n-yeyn wi na wùl ɨ̀ lvì læ̀ fi gvi-à ta ghɨ chò' meyn lèm ɨ̀ nà nî nchwæsɨ àwo a kaynɨ-a sɨ lisɨ, sɨ chwô ɨsîsɨ̀ a wùl nâ wèyn ɨ nà n-nî."
} |
"aen": "The Pharisees heard the crowd murmuring these things about Jesus, so the chief priests and the Pharisees sent officers to arrest him.",
"bkm": "Ghelɨ Falàsî nɨ̂n yvɨ meyn ta ghelɨ nɨn nya'tɨ bê awo nâ kèyn kûm Jisòs. Ŋêyn ngàŋsɨ ndô Fɨ̀yìnì sɨ gha'nɨsɨ kæ tum sugèy'sɨ̀ na sɨ ndu ghàl ŋweyn."
} |
"aen": "Then Jesus said, “I will be with you for only a little while longer, and then I am going to the one who sent me.",
"bkm": "Sɨ ndù, Jisòs ɨ bè sɨ̂ àŋena na, “Mà na bu ghɨ ghesɨ̀nà kɨ̀ sɨ a fɨlêŋnɨ̀ fɨ ɨlvɨ têyn ɨ̀ kàsi ndù sɨ ɨvzɨ̂ a wù tùm ma."
} |
"aen": "You will look for me but will not find me, and where I am you cannot come.”",
"bkm": "Yi nì nà kɨŋ mà, bu fì yeyn wi bòm ta mɨ nì nà ghɨ alè', ma yì kà' yi bû nà ghɨ afu.”"
} |
"aen": "Then the Jewish leaders said to one another, “Where is he going to go that we cannot find him? He is not going to go to the Jewish people dispersed among the Greeks and teach the Greeks, is he?",
"bkm": "Ghelɨ Jûsɨ̀ ghɨ li ɨ nà sɨ kayntɨ̂ kɨ sɨ a àŋena ngeŋsɨ bɨf na, “Wùl wèyn ti n-kɨŋ sɨ ndu wo na ghesɨ̀nà faŋ tɨ̀ fì tɨ̀ yeyn ŋweyn a? Wù n-boŋ kɨŋ sɨ ndù a ntè'sɨ atum ghè a ghelɨ ghesɨ̀nà tî lè'nɨ ndù afu, sɨ nà ye'i ghelɨ atum nâ ghì ma?"
} |
"aen": "What did he mean by saying,‘You will look for me but will not find me, and where I am you cannot come’?”",
"bkm": "Ba wù bè na ghesɨ̀nà nɨn nì nà kɨŋ ŋweyn, yeyn wi bòm ta wù n-ndû alè' ma ghesɨ̀nà kà' ghɨ bû ndù afu. Wù ti tàŋi tèyn, yi dyêyn na gha?”"
} |
"aen": "On the last day of the feast, the greatest day, Jesus stood up and shouted out, “If anyone is thirsty, let him come to me, and",
"bkm": "A nà sɨ ghɨ achi ayɨ a go'sɨnɨ-a, ma à ti nô àchi ayɨ a gha'nɨ-a, Jisòs ɨ timi ɨ jaŋ bè na, “Ɨtoŋ ɨ mu na yumî nô mɨ ndà wu gvì sɨ̂ mà a ka mà fu mu, a wù nyvɨ."
} |
"aen": "let the one who believes in me drink. Just as the scripture says,‘From within him will flow rivers of living water.’”",
"bkm": "‘À bɨ̀mi mɨ ndà sɨ̂ mà a jvà na fvɨ̂ a ŋweyn ɨwùyn, kɨ̀ ighel ta Ŋwà'lɨ̀ Fɨ̀yìnì nɨ̀n bê.’”"
} |
"aen": " Now he said this about the Spirit, whom those who believed in him were going to receive, for the Spirit had not yet been given, because Jesus was not yet glorified.",
"bkm": "Jisòs ɨ nà n-taŋî kûm Àyvɨs kì a ghɨ nà n-ghɨ sɨ fu sɨ̂ ghelɨ ghì a ghɨ bɨ̀mi sɨ̂ ŋweyn. A nà n-ghɨ tì, Fɨ̀yìnì fɨ bu du' tɨ̀ fu Ayvɨs a ŋweyn nâ kì bòm ta wu nà n-bu du' tɨ̀ làysɨ ɨkœ ɨ Jisòs iyvɨ sɨ fu adya' sɨ̂ ŋweyn."
} |
"aen": "About Jesus When they heard these words, some of the crowd began to say, “This really is the Prophet!”",
"bkm": "Ghelɨ ghɨ li antêynɨ̀ ànòyn nâ ghè nɨ̂n yvɨ meyn ìwo zɨ̀ a Jisòs nɨ̂n bè, ɨ nà sɨ bê na, “Wùl wèyn nɨ̀n ghɨ kɨ nô Nfè'tɨ̀ Fɨ̀yìnì i gha'nɨ samo'.”"
} |
"aen": "Others said, “This is the Christ!” ",
"bkm": "Ghɨli bê na, “Wù n-ghɨ Christ.”"
} |
"aen": "But still others said, “No, for the Christ doesn’t come from Galilee, does he?",
"bkm": " Ghɨli fi bɨf kɨmɨ na, “Ma Christ jèl ti sɨ fvɨ̀ dzɨ a Galìlî a?"
} |
"aen": "Don’t the scriptures say that the Christ is a descendant of David and comes from Bethlehem, the village where David lived?”",
"bkm": "Ba Ŋwà'lɨ̀ Fɨ̀yìnì bè na Christ læ̀ fvɨ̂ dzɨ a isas i ndo nɨ̀ Fòyn Devìt, na ghɨ læ̀ bzɨ̂ ŋweyn a Betɨ̀làhêm a nte' nɨ̀ Devìt?”"
} |
"aen": "So there was a division in the crowd because of Jesus.",
"bkm": "Ta ghɨ tàŋi afu tì, àngwòsɨ̀ a làlì kûm Jisòs."
} |
"aen": "Some of them were wanting to seize him, but no one laid a hand on him.",
"bkm": "Àŋena ghɨ li nà sɨ kɨŋ sɨ ghal Jisòs mɨtì wùl ɨ faŋ tɨ̀ mòm."
} |
"aen": "Lack of Belief Then the officers returned to the chief priests and Pharisees, who said to them, “Why didn’t you bring him back with you?”",
"bkm": "Sugèy' sìsɨ ni kasi ndù, ngàŋsɨ ndô Fɨ̀yìnì sɨ gha'nɨsɨ nɨ̀ ghelɨ Falàsî ɨ bɨf sɨ̂ àŋena na, “Yì faŋ tɨ̀ ghal tɨ̀ gvi nɨ̀ ŋweyn bòm ghà?”"
} |
"aen": "The officers replied, “No one ever spoke like this man!”",
"bkm": "Sugèy'sɨ ateyn sɨ bè na, “Wùl bu tìmi nà taŋî a dzɨ nâ ghè a wùl nâ vzɨ̀ nɨ̀n taŋi ateyn!”"
} |
"aen": "Then the Pharisees answered, “You haven’t been deceived too, have you?",
"bkm": "Ghelɨ Falàsî ghì ɨ yol ndu kɨ ndu ɨ bɨf na, “Ba yi ti n-ghɨ na wù ndu meyn boŋ lɨ̀sɨ kɨ̀mɨ zɨ̀?"
} |
"aen": "None of the members of the ruling council or the Pharisees have believed in him, have they?",
"bkm": "Yi timi meyn yvɨ na wùl ɨ tisɨnɨ kèsa wul ɨ̀ Falàsî ɨ̀ lvi bɨmi meyn sɨ ŋweyn a?"
} |
"aen": "But this rabble who do not know the law are accursed!”",
"bkm": "Mɨtì, njvâ Fɨ̀yìnì nɨn ku ghelɨ ghèyn a ghɨ n-kya wi Isa' i Mosìs tèyn.”"
} |
"aen": "Nicodemus, who had gone to Jesus before and who was one of the rulers, said,",
"bkm": "Mɨtì Nìkòdemùs, kɨ̀mɨ wûl Falàsî ɨ̀ lvì, ma wu n-læ meyn ndu yeyn Jisòs sɨ asɨ, ɨ bè sɨ̂ àŋena na,"
} |
"aen": " “Our law doesn’t condemn a man unless it first hears from him and learns what he is doing, does it?”",
"bkm": " “Isa' i ghesɨ̀nà-i nɨn bê na ghɨ kà' ghɨ bû bè na wùl fe meyn nsa' bùla ghɨ yvɨtɨ ìtaŋi i ŋweyn.”"
} |
"aen": "They replied, “You aren’t from Galilee too, are you? Investigate carefully and you will see that no prophet comes from Galilee!”",
"bkm": "Àŋena bè sɨ ŋweyn na, “Wà na ghɨ ma wà boŋ fvɨ̀ kɨ̀mɨ a Galìlî, wa tò' ɨ ki a Ŋwà'lɨ̀ Fɨ̀yìnì a ka wà yeyn na nfè'tɨ i gha'nɨ lum fvɨ̂ wì afu.”"
} |
"aen": "A Woman Caught in Adultery",
"bkm": "Ghelɨ nɨ̀n gwosɨ meyn ɨ kfa."
} |
"aen": "But Jesus went to the Mount of Olives.",
"bkm": "À nà n-ghɨ ta ghelɨ kfa tî, Jisòs ɨ lu ko' dzɨ a kfɨ̂yn Olìfsɨ̀."
} |
"aen": "Early in the morning he came to the temple courts again. All the people came to him, and he sat down and began to teach them.",
"bkm": "Ɨtu' ɨ nà bɨs ɨ layn gvî kɨ tèyn ma wù sɨ fî ghɨ abe a ndô Fɨ̀yìnì, ghelɨ gvi dù'ì ɨ kal a ŋweyn a ngùŋ, wu su'i dù'ì ɨ nà sɨ ye'î àŋena."
} |
"aen": "The experts in the law and the Pharisees brought a woman who had been caught committing adultery. They made her stand in front of them",
"bkm": "Ndyèynsɨ̀ sɨ isa'sɨ nɨ̀ ghelɨ Falàsî ɨ zɨ gvì nɨ̀ wùl ɨ wi ma ghɨ ku ŋweyn, wu nyɨŋ ŋêyn wul ɨ lûmnɨ̀. Àŋena gvi tom wul ɨ wi àteyn asɨ nɨ̀ ghelɨ,"
} |
"aen": "and said to Jesus, “Teacher, this woman was caught in the very act of adultery.",
"bkm": "ɨ kæ be sɨ̂ Jisòs na, “Ndyèynsɨ̀, ghɨ kù wul ɨ wi wèyn, wu nyɨŋ ŋêyn wul ɨ lûmnɨ̀, a ghɨ wi lûm ŋweyn."
} |
"aen": "In the law Moses commanded us to stone to death such women. What then do you say?”",
"bkm": "Mosìs nɨn læ nyà' Isa' nɨ̀ ghesɨ̀nà na ghɨ ku wul ɨ wi tèyn, ghɨ tɨmlɨ zue nɨ̀ ngò'sɨ̀. Wà bê na gha?”"
} |
"aen": " Now they were asking this in an attempt to trap him, so that they could bring charges against him. Jesus bent down and wrote on the ground with his finger.",
"bkm": "Àŋena nà n-bɨf tì, lyâtɨ̀ na Jisòs taŋi ɨ̀ sof, ghɨ keli iwo sɨ nà gham ŋweyn sɨ ateyn. Mɨtì, Jisòs ɨ ngvɨmtɨ ndu kɨ a nse ɨ nà sɨ nyâ'tɨ̀ ɨ̀fwo ɨ ŋweyn abɨ̀l nɨ̀ baŋ àwu."
} |
"aen": "When they persisted in asking him, he stood up straight and replied, “Whoever among you is guiltless may be the first to throw a stone at her.”",
"bkm": "Àŋena nà sɨ fî bɨf kɨ bɨfɨ iwo nâ zɨ̀-ì sɨ̂ ŋweyn, wu kasi làlì ɨ bè sɨ̂ àŋena na, “Wùl na ghɨ a yi antêynɨ̀ bùla wù timi nì mbɨ, wu chwò àsɨ, ɨ tɨm ŋweyn nɨ̀ ngò'.”"
} |
"aen": "Then he bent over again and wrote on the ground.",
"bkm": "Ta wù tàŋi tî, ɨ̀ kàsi ngvɨ̀mtɨ ndù kɨ a nse ɨ nà nyâ' ɨ̀fwo ɨ ŋweyn."
} |
"aen": "Now when they heard this, they began to drift away one at a time, starting with the older ones, until Jesus was left alone with the woman standing before him.",
"bkm": "Àŋena yvɨ tî ɨ nà sɨ lû kɨ fɨ̀mo' fɨ̀mò', sɨ zɨ̀tɨ kɨ a ghɨlèma, ɨ ni lu kɨ têyn, a faŋ kɨ Jisòs, wùl ɨ wi àteyn ɨ bu ti kɨ afu."
} |
"aen": "Jesus stood up straight and said to her, “Woman, where are they? Did no one condemn you?”",
"bkm": "Jisòs ɨ fi kasi làlì ɨ bɨf sɨ̂ wul ɨ wi àteyn na, “Ghelɨ ghì ndù wo? Nô wul ɨ̀ mò' ɨ bû fàŋ sɨ bè na wà fe meyn nsa' â?”"
} |
"aen": "She replied, “No one, Lord.” And Jesus said, “I do not condemn you either. Go, and from now on do not sin any more.”",
"bkm": "Wùl ɨ wi àteyn ɨ bèynsɨ̀ ɨ bè na, “Nô wul ɨ̀ mò' ɨ bû faŋ a Bòbè.” Jisòs ɨ bè sɨ̂ ŋweyn na, “Nô mâ mà nɨn boŋ bê wì na wà fe meyn nsa'. Kasi wa kfâ. Wà kfa, ka wa n-fì nì mbɨ.”"
} |
"aen": "Then Jesus spoke out again, “I am the light of the world! The one who follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”",
"bkm": "Jisòs ɨ ni nà sɨ fì taŋî sɨ̂ ghelɨ Falàsî bê na, “Mɨ n-ghɨ ìbayn i mbzɨ. A jùmtɨ̀ mɨ ndà ma, a wù keli ibayn a ŋweyn a nchînɨ̀, læ̀ faŋ tɨ̀ fì tɨ̀ jèl abe a fɨmnɨ-a.”"
} |
"aen": "So the Pharisees objected, “You testify about yourself; your testimony is not true!”",
"bkm": "Ghelɨ Falàsî nâ ghì ɨ bè sɨ̂ ŋweyn na, “Ba wà n-kya na wà n-ghɨ tèyn, fî kasî timî kɨmɨ nchwò nsa' sɨ̂ ngêŋ zyâ; itaŋi ì zæ nɨn kelɨ wi achɨ.”"
} |
"aen": "Jesus answered, “Even if I testify about myself, my testimony is true, because I know where I came from and where I am going. But you people do not know where I came from or where I am going.",
"bkm": "Jisòs ɨ bè sɨ̂ àŋena na, “Iwo zɨ̀ a mɨ n-bê nɨn ghɨ kɨ nô samo', nô mɨ ta mɨ n-ghɨ nchwò nsa' sɨ̂ ngêŋ yem, bòm ta mɨ n-kya àlê' kì a mà lù ateyn, kya àlê' kì a mɨ n-ndû ateyn. Mɨtì, wùl sɨ̂ zɨ̀ ɨ kya wi nâ, mà lù wo a, nà ndû wo a."
} |
"aen": "You people judge by outward appearances; I do not judge anyone.",
"bkm": "Yi n-sa' nɨ̀ ìtof i mbzɨ-i, ma sa' wi mêyn wul."
} |
"aen": "But if I judge, my evaluation is accurate, because I am not alone when I judge, but I and the Father who sent me do so together.",
"bkm": "Mɨtì, ma mɨ n-ghɨ sɨ sa' wul, a mà na sa' kɨ samo' bòm ta mɨ n-ghɨ wi nìnyɨŋ. Mɨ n-ghɨ ghês Bò wom, ɨvzɨ̂ a wù tùm ma."
} |
"aen": "It is written in your law that the testimony of two men is true.",
"bkm": "Isa' ì zɨ-i nɨn bê na, ghelɨ kæ timi nchwò nsa' kûm ìwo, ghɨ̀ bò, a ghɨ na kelɨ sɨ yvɨtɨ iwo zɨ̀ a àŋena nɨn bê."
} |
"aen": "I testify about myself and the Father who sent me testifies about me.”",
"bkm": "Mɨ n-ghɨ kɨ nô nchwò nsa' sɨ̂ ngêŋ yem, Bæ̀ vzɨ̂ a wù tùm ma ɨ fî ghɨ kɨmɨ nchwò nsa' sɨ̂ mà.”"
} |
"aen": "Then they began asking him, “Who is your father?” Jesus answered, “You do not know either me or my Father. If you knew me you would know my Father too.”",
"bkm": "Àŋena bɨf sɨ̂ ŋweyn na, “Bò vâ nâ vzɨ̀ nɨ̀n ghɨ wo?”Jisòs ɨ bèynsɨ̀ ɨ bè na, “Yi n-kya wi ma, kya wi Bò wom. Yi nà n-kya ma, ma yi n-kya Bò wom.”"
} |
"aen": " Jesus spoke these words near the offering box while he was teaching in the temple courts. No one seized him because his time had not yet come.",
"bkm": "Jisòs nà n-ye'î àwo nâ kèynà, ti abàs a ndô Fɨ̀yìnì afî a ghɨ nà n-lêm tɨfu ateyn. Mɨtì, wùl ɨ faŋ tɨ̀ ghal ŋweyn bòm ta ɨlvɨ vzɨ̀ a Fɨ̀yìnì fɨ̀ nɨ̂n lèm na ghɨ n-ghal ŋweyn ateyn nà n-bu du' tɨ̀ kfeyn."
} |
"aen": "Then Jesus said to them again, “I am going away, and you will look for me but will die in your sin. Where I am going you cannot come.”",
"bkm": "Jisòs nɨ̀n fi meyn be kfeynsɨ na, “Mɨ n-nì lu-à, a yì na kɨŋ mà, bu yeyn wi, ɨ̀ kfɨ̀tɨ a yi a mbɨsɨ. Mɨ n-ndû alè', ma yì kà' yi bû gvì afu.”"
} |
Subsets and Splits