dict |
"aen": "So the Jewish leaders began to say, “Perhaps he is going to kill himself, because he says,‘Where I am going you cannot come.’”",
"bkm": "Ghelɨ ghɨ tisɨnɨ nɨ̀ ghelɨ Jûsɨ nà sɨ bɨf na, “Wù ti bè na ghesɨ̀nà kà' ghɨ bû ndù alè' ghè a wù n-ndû, yi dyêyn na gha? Wù n-kɨŋ sɨ zue ngêŋ ŋweyn ma?”"
} |
"aen": "Jesus replied, “You people are from below; I am from above. You people are from this world; I am not from this world.",
"bkm": "Mɨtì Jisòs ɨ fi be kɨ na, “Yi n-ghɨ ghelɨ nse afêyn, mɨtì ma ghɨ ma mà lù iyvɨ. Yi n-ghɨ ghelɨ mbzɨ, ma ghɨ wi wul ɨ̀ mbzɨ."
} |
"aen": "Thus I told you that you will die in your sins. For unless you believe that I am he, you will die in your sins.”",
"bkm": "Ma be meyn sɨ̂ zɨ̀ na yi n-kfɨtɨ̂ a yi a mbɨsɨ. Yì kæ faŋ tɨ̀ bɨ̀mi na mɨ n-ghɨ wul ɨ vzɨ̀ a mà bè na mɨ n-ghɨ ɨ̀ŋweyn, a yì kfɨtɨ kɨ̀ nô a yi a mbɨsɨ tî ta mà bè.”"
} |
"aen": "So they said to him, “Who are you?” Jesus replied, “What I have told you from the beginning.",
"bkm": "Àŋena bɨf sɨ̂ Jisòs na, “Wà n-ghɨ nô ndà?”Jisòs ɨ bèynsɨ̀ na, “Mɨ n-ghɨ kɨ wul ɨ vzɨ̀ a mɨ n-bê sɨ ifeli na mɨ n-ghɨ ŋweyn."
} |
"aen": "I have many things to say and to judge about you, but the Father who sent me is truthful, and the things I have heard from him I speak to the world.”",
"bkm": "Awo a nɨn dvɨ̂ kɨ tèyn a mà kà' a mà be kûm zɨ̀ fì fu nge' sɨ̂ zɨ̀ sɨ ateyn, mɨtì mɨ n-nî wì tî bòm ta ɨvzɨ̂ a wù tùm ma nɨn taŋî kɨ samo', ma bê kɨ ìwo zɨ̀ a wù bè na mà be sɨ̂ ghelɨ mbzɨ.”"
} |
"aen": " They did not understand that he was telling them about his Father.",
"bkm": "Wu nà n-taŋî tì, àŋena yvɨ kelî wì na wù n-taŋî kûm Bò ŋweyn."
} |
"aen": "Then Jesus said, “When you lift up the Son of Man, then you will know that I am he, and I do nothing on my own initiative, but I speak just what the Father taught me.",
"bkm": "Jisòs ɨ bè sɨ̂ àŋena na, “Yì læ̀ ko'sɨ̂ Wâyn Wùl a ànwâmnɨ̀, ɨ̀ bàyntɨ nô mɨ ɨlvɨ gha, ɨ̀ kèli na à n-ghɨ ma ‘Mɨ n-ghɨ,’ ɨ̀ fì kèli na mɨ nî wì iwo sɨ a ma ngeŋ, mɨtì bê kɨ ìwo zɨ̀ a Bæ̀ nɨn yè'i ma nɨ̀ ìnyeyni."
} |
"aen": "And the one who sent me is with me. He has not left me alone, because I always do those things that please him.”",
"bkm": "Ɨvzɨ̂ a wù tùm ma nɨn ghɨ ghesɨ̀ ŋweyn. Wù bû vìsi ma nìnyɨŋ bòm ta mà lum nî kɨ ìwo zɨ̀ a wù n-kôŋ.”"
} |
"aen": "While he was saying these things, many people believed in him.",
"bkm": "Ghelɨ ghɨ dvɨnɨ nɨ̀n yvɨ meyn ìtaŋi i Jisòs ɨ bɨmi sɨ̂ ŋweyn kɨ̀ ɨlvɨ nâ ghè."
} |
"aen": "Then Jesus said to those Judeans who had believed him, “If you continue to follow my teaching, you are really my disciples",
"bkm": "Jisòs nɨ̂n be meyn sɨ̂ ghelɨ Jûsɨ̀ ghî a ghɨ n-bɨ̀mi sɨ̂ ŋweyn na, “Yì kæ ghal iye'i ì yemi, a yì na ghɨ kɨ nô njùmtɨ̀sɨ ibam nɨ̀ mà samo'."
} |
"aen": "and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”",
"bkm": "Yi nì kelî ìwo zɨ̀ a yi n-ghɨ samo', a samo' nâ yèyn ni zɨ a yi na bu fì ghɨ wi ɨkôs.”"
} |
"aen": " “We are descendants of Abraham,” they replied, “and have never been anyone’s slaves! How can you say,‘You will become free’?”",
"bkm": "Wu n-bè tî, àŋena bɨf sɨ̂ ŋweyn na, “Wà bè na samo' kà' a yì fvɨsɨ ghes sɨ a nge' ì kà? Ghès nɨn ghɨ ghelɨ isas i ndo nɨ̀ Abɨ̀làhâm, bùla ghèsɨ timi nà ghɨ ɨ̀kôs sɨ̂ wùl.”"
} |
"aen": "Jesus answered them, “I tell you the solemn truth, everyone who practices sin is a slave of sin.",
"bkm": "Jisòs ɨ bè sɨ̂ àŋena na, “Mɨ n-bê sɨ̂ zɨ̀ kɨ̀ nô samo' na, nô mɨ ndà vzɨ̂ a wù nì mbɨ nɨn ghɨ àkôs sɨ̂ mbɨ."
} |
"aen": "The slave does not remain in the family forever, but the son remains forever.",
"bkm": "Akôs a bû tìmi kàsi sɨ a wul ɨ̀ ìsas i ndo, mɨtì wàyn ɨ lum fvɨ̂ wì isas i ndo."
} |
"aen": "So if the son sets you free, you will be really free.",
"bkm": "Yi ti n-dyêyn na, Wâyn Wùl kæ bè na wà bu fì ghɨ wi ɨkôs, wa nà kya na wà bu fì ghɨ wi akôs samo'."
} |
"aen": "I know that you are Abraham’s descendants. But you want to kill me, because my teaching makes no progress among you.",
"bkm": "Mɨ n-kya kɨ nô na yì fvɨ̀ isas i ndo nɨ̀ Abɨ̀làhâm, mɨtì nà kɨŋ sɨ zue ma bòm ta yi n-kôŋ wi sɨ yvɨ iye'i ì yemi."
} |
"aen": "I am telling you the things I have seen while with the Father; as for you, practice the things you have heard from the Father!”",
"bkm": "Mɨ n-fê'tɨ̀ kɨ ìwo zɨ̀ a Bò wom dyèyn meyn sɨ̂ mà, yi nî kɨ izɨ̂ a yì yvɨ̀ sɨ̂ bò vzɨ̀.”"
} |
"aen": "They answered him, “Abraham is our father!” Jesus replied, “If you are Abraham’s children, you would be doing the deeds of Abraham.",
"bkm": "Àŋena bèynsɨ̀ na, “Ghès nɨn ghɨ woyn Abɨ̀làhâm.” Jisòs ɨ bèynsɨ bè sɨ̂ àŋena na, “Yi nà n-ghɨ woyn Abɨ̀làhâm ma yi n-nî kɨ àwo kì a Abɨ̀làhâm nɨ̂n læ nà ni-à."
} |
"aen": "But now you are trying to kill me, a man who has told you the truth I heard from God. Abraham did not do this!",
"bkm": "Yi n-ghɨ tèyn ma yi lem meyn na yi n-zue mà, ma mà fè'tɨ̀ àwo sɨ̂ zɨ̀, kɨ ghɨ kɨ samo', ma mà yvɨ sɨ̂ Fɨ̀yìnì fɨ̀. Abɨ̀làhâm nɨ̂n bu læ nà nî tɨ̀nkì tɨ awo tèyn."
} |
"aen": "You people are doing the deeds of your father.”Then they said to Jesus, “We were not born as a result of immorality! We have only one Father, God himself.”",
"bkm": "Yi n-nî kɨ àwo kì a bò vzɨ̀ nɨn nî.”Àŋena bèynsɨ̀ na, “Fɨ̀yìnì fɨ̀ nɨn ghɨ kɨ Bæ̀ ɨ̂ mò' vzɨ̂ a ghès nɨn kelɨ, ghès nɨn ghɨ kɨ nô woyn nfeynfɨ, bal wi balɨ.”"
} |
"aen": "Jesus replied, “If God were your Father, you would love me, for I have come from God and am now here. I have not come on my own initiative, but he sent me.",
"bkm": "Jisòs ɨ bè sɨ̂ àŋena na, “Fɨ̀yìnì fɨ nà n-ghɨ kɨ nô Bò vzɨ, ma yi n-kôŋ mà bòm ta mà lù a ngùŋ nɨ̀ nfeynfɨ. Ma bu tî gvì sɨ a ma ngeŋ. À tum nfeynfɨ tùm ma."
} |
"aen": "Why don’t you understand what I am saying? It is because you cannot accept my teaching.",
"bkm": "Bòm ghà ta yi n-yvɨ keli wi iwo zɨ̀ a mɨ n-bê a? Ba à n-ghɨ bòm ta yi n-koŋ wi sɨ yvɨ."
} |
"aen": "You people are from your father the devil, and you want to do what your father desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not uphold the truth, because there is no truth in him. Whenever he lies, he speaks according to his own nature, because he is a liar and the father of lies.",
"bkm": "Yi n-ghɨ woyn bò vzɨ, ɨ dêblɨ̀, kɨŋ kɨ sɨ nà ni iwo zɨ̀ a bò vzɨ nɨn kôŋ na yì na ni-à. Wu n-læ nà sɨ zue ghelɨ kɨ̀ sɨ a nzɨ̀tɨ, taŋî wì iwo samo' bòm ta wù n-ghɨ kɨ wul ànkaŋ. Wù n-wam nô mɨ ɨlvɨ gha, a nà ghɨ wu chî kɨ nô nchînɨ̀ ŋweyn bòm ta wù n-ghɨ wul ɨ̀ ànkaŋ, ghɨ kɨ nô bò ànkaŋ."
} |
"aen": "But because I am telling you the truth, you do not believe me.",
"bkm": "Ma na sɨ taŋî kɨ nô samo' sɨ̂ zɨ̀, yi bɨmî wì iwo zɨ̀ a mɨ n-bê bòm iyeyn nâ yèynì."
} |
"aen": "Who among you can prove me guilty of any sin? If I am telling you the truth, why don’t you believe me?",
"bkm": "Wùl ɨ̀ kà' a wù dyeyn a yi antêynɨ̀ na ma ni meyn mbɨ a? Mà ti n-taŋî samo', yi sæ̂ bɨmî wì iwo zɨ̀ a mɨ n-bê bòm ghà?"
} |
"aen": "The one who belongs to God listens and responds to God’s words. You don’t listen and respond, because you don’t belong to God.”",
"bkm": "À n-ghɨ mɨ ndà Wâyn Fɨ̀yìnì, a wù na yvɨ ìwo zɨ̀ a Fɨ̀yìnì fɨ̀ nɨn bê. Yi n-yvɨ wi têyn bòm ta yi n-ghɨ wi woyn Fɨ̂yìnì.”"
} |
"aen": "The Judeans replied, “Aren’t we correct in saying that you are a Samaritan and are possessed by a demon?”",
"bkm": "Ghelɨ Jûsɨ̀ ghɨ li ɨ kæ be sɨ̂ Jisòs na, “Ghèsɨ ti meyn bè kɨ̀mɨ tèyn na wà n-ghɨ wul ɨ̀ Sàmalìyà, kelɨ àyvɨs a bɨ-a.”"
} |
"aen": "Jesus answered, “I am not possessed by a demon, but I honor my Father– and yet you dishonor me.",
"bkm": "Jisòs ɨ bè sɨ̂ àŋena na, “Mɨ n-kelɨ wi Ayvɨs a bɨ-a. Mɨ n-ngvɨmlɨ̂ Bò wom, mɨtì yi chasɨ mà."
} |
"aen": "I am not trying to get praise for myself. There is one who demands it, and he also judges.",
"bkm": "Mɨ n-kɨŋ wi na ghɨ na ko'sɨ̂ mà, mɨtì wùl ɨ ghɨ ta wù n-kɨŋ na ghɨ na ko'sɨ̂ ma, a sa' fu ŋweyn nsa' ɨ̀ yem."
} |
"aen": "I tell you the solemn truth, if anyone obeys my teaching, he will never see death.”",
"bkm": "Mɨ n-bê sɨ̂ zɨ̀ kɨ̀ nô samo' na, à yvɨ̀ mɨ ndà iye'i ì yemi, a wù chî faŋ.”"
} |
"aen": "Then the Judeans responded, “Now we know you’re possessed by a demon! Both Abraham and the prophets died, and yet you say,‘If anyone obeys my teaching, he will never experience death.’",
"bkm": "Ghelɨ Jûsɨ̀ nâ ghì ɨ yvɨ tî ɨ bè na, “Ba ghèsɨ ti meyn bè kɨ̀mɨ tèyn na wà n-kelɨ àyvɨs a bɨ-a! Nô Abɨ̀làhâm nɨn læ meyn kfɨ, nfè'tɨ̀ sɨ gha'nɨsɨ boŋ kfɨtɨ, wà na bê na, à yvɨ̀ mɨ ndà iye'i ì zæ, a wù chî faŋ."
} |
"aen": "You aren’t greater than our father Abraham who died, are you? And the prophets died too! Who do you claim to be?”",
"bkm": "Ba wà ti n-bê sɨ fvɨ̀ na wà n-chwô Abɨ̀làhâm ɨ bò wes ma? Abɨ̀làhâm ŋêyn nfè'tɨ̀ sɨ gha'nɨsɨ ti kæ sɨ nà ghɨ ma ghɨ n-kfɨtɨ meyn, wa nà ghɨ nô ndà?”"
} |
"aen": "Jesus replied, “If I glorify myself, my glory is worthless. The one who glorifies me is my Father, about whom you people say,‘He is our God.’",
"bkm": "Jisòs ɨ bèynsɨ bè na, “Mɨ nà n-ko'sɨ ngêŋ yem, ma izɨ nâ zɨ̀-ì nɨn dyêyn wì iwo i li. Bò wom, ma à ti wul vzɨ̀ a yi n-lêm na à n-ghɨ Fɨ̀yìnì fifɨ nɨn ghɨ wul ɨ vzɨ̀ a wù n-ko'sɨ ma."
} |
"aen": "Yet you do not know him, but I know him. If I were to say that I do not know him, I would be a liar like you. But I do know him, and I obey his teaching.",
"bkm": "Yi n-kya wi ŋweyn, mɨtì ma kya. Mà kæ bè na mɨ n-kya wi ŋweyn, a yi na ghɨ na mɨ wam kɨmɨ ta zɨ. Mɨ n-kya ŋweyn, yvɨ ŋweyn."
} |
"aen": "Your father Abraham was overjoyed to see my day, and he saw it and was glad.”",
"bkm": "Bò vzɨ Abɨ̀làhâm nà n-kya na mà læ̀ gvi-à, iwo ateyn i nì, wu nà saŋlɨ-à nô sɨ a ŋaŋ.”"
} |
"aen": "Then the Judeans replied, “You are not yet fifty years old! Have you seen Abraham?”",
"bkm": "Ghelɨ ateyn ɨ bɨf na, “Wà bu du' mɨ tɨ̀ chem bèŋ mɨ̀vɨm ɨ̀n tâyn, nà kya Abɨ̀làhâm ma wà n-læ yeyn wo?”"
} |
"aen": "Jesus said to them, “I tell you the solemn truth, before Abraham came into existence, I am!”",
"bkm": "Jisòs ɨ bèynsɨ bè sɨ̂ àŋena na, “Mɨ n-bê sɨ̂ zɨ̀ kɨ̀ nô samo' na, ghɨ n-læ se sɨ bzɨ Abɨ̀làhâm, ma mà sɨ ghɨ ‘Mɨ n-Ghɨ!’”"
} |
"aen": "Then they picked up stones to throw at him, but Jesus was hidden from them and went out from the temple area.",
"bkm": "Nô mɨ ɨlvɨ gha àŋena boŋtɨ ngò'sɨ̀ ɨ nà sɨ kɨŋ sɨ tɨmlɨ Jisòs nɨ̀ nseynsɨ, mɨtì Jisòs ɨ lèytɨ̀ ɨ nya'tɨ lù sɨ abe a ndô Fɨ̀yìnì."
} |
"aen": "Now as Jesus was passing by, he saw a man who had been blind from birth.",
"bkm": "Jisòs nɨ̂n lu meyn ɨ nà jêl ndu-à, ɨ se sɨ ndù ɨ yeyn wul ɨ̀ lvì ma wu n-læ fèfɨ kɨ̀ sɨ ibzɨ."
} |
"aen": "His disciples asked him, “Rabbi, who committed the sin that caused him to be born blind, this man or his parents?”",
"bkm": "Njùmtɨ̀sɨ ibam nɨ̀ ŋweynsɨ toŋtɨ ŋweyn ɨ bɨf sɨ̂ ŋweyn na, “Ndyèynsɨ̀, à nì mbɨ̂ ndà na ba wèyn fef kɨ̀ sɨ ibzɨ a, ɨyî bò ŋweyn ŋêyn nà ŋweyn ma nô ɨyî ŋweyn a?”"
} |
"aen": "Jesus answered, “Neither this man nor his parents sinned, but he was born blind so that the acts of God may be revealed through what happens to him.",
"bkm": "Jisòs ɨ bèynsɨ bè na, “À n-ghɨ wi bòm mbɨ̂ ŋweyn, a ghɨ wi bòm ɨyî bò ŋweyn ŋêyn nà ŋweyn. Iwo nâ yèynì nɨ̂n gàyn têyn ta ka ghelɨ yeyn mèsì àwu ifèl a kaynɨ-a nɨ̀ Fɨ̀yìnì fɨ̀ a ŋweyn ɨwùyn."
} |
"aen": "We must perform the deeds of the one who sent me as long as it is daytime. Night is coming when no one can work.",
"bkm": "Ghesɨ̀nà nɨn kelɨ kɨ sɨ nà ni ifêl i wul ɨ vzɨ̀ a wù tum ma, abe a bu bayna bòm ta abe nɨn fɨ̂m gvi-à, a ghɨ ɨ̀lvɨ ma wùl ɨ̀ kà' wu bû fì fèl ìwo ateyn."
} |
"aen": "As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world.”",
"bkm": "Mɨ n-kelɨ kɨ sɨ nà fu ibayn sɨ ghelɨ mbzɨ sɨ chem ta mà bu ghɨ a mbzɨ.”"
} |
"aen": "Having said this, he spat on the ground and made some mud with the saliva. He smeared the mud on the blind man’s eyes",
"bkm": "Jisòs ɨ taŋi tèyn, ɨ chfɨ mɨnchya a nse, ɨ taynɨ àbɨ̂l ɨ yo'lɨ asɨ nɨ̀ wùl ɨ̀ fèfɨnɨ na vzɨ̀,"
} |
"aen": "and said to him, “Go wash in the pool of Siloam” which is translated “sent”. So the blind man went away and washed, and came back seeing.",
"bkm": "ɨ bè sɨ̂ ŋweyn na, “Ndu sù ìkê' ì zæ achɨ̀m a Silwàm.” Silwàm nâ yèyn ɨ nà n-ghɨ itaŋi ila' na, “Wul ɨ̀ ntum.” Wùl àteyn ɨ ndu sù ɨ se sɨ kasi sɨ kfa kɨ̀ ma wù sɨ yeyn ɨ̀lwê'."
} |
"aen": "Then the neighbors and the people who had seen him previously as a beggar began saying, “Is this not the man who used to sit and beg?”",
"bkm": "Ghelɨ ghì a ghɨ n-chi ba'sɨ sɨ̂ ŋweyn nɨ ɨghî a ghɨ tî nà lum yeyn ŋweyn wu loyn loyn ɨ kæ sɨ nà bɨfɨ na, “Ba ɨwêyn nɨ̀n ghɨ wul ɨ loynɨ vzɨ̀ a?”"
} |
"aen": "Some people said, “This is the man!” while others said, “No, but he looks like him.” The man himself kept insisting, “I am the one!”",
"bkm": "Ghelɨ ghɨ li nà sɨ bɨmi-à bê na à n-ghɨ ŋweyn, ghɨli tuynsɨ-à bê na, “Ngaŋ, wù n-fɨsɨ̂ fɨ̀sɨ.” Nô wùl àteyn sɨ a ŋweyn ngeŋ ɨ bè na, “À n-ghɨ kɨ nô mà nâ vzɨ̀ a mà tî nà loyn tî.”"
} |
"aen": "So they asked him, “How then were you made to see?”",
"bkm": "Àŋena bɨf sɨ̂ ŋweyn na, “Wà jèl ti sɨ nà yeyn ɨlwê' lvɨ̂yn a?”"
} |
"aen": "He replied, “The man called Jesus made mud, smeared it on my eyes and told me,‘Go to Siloam and wash.’ So I went and washed, and was able to see.”",
"bkm": "Wùl àteyn ɨ bè na, “Wùl ɨ̀ wèyn a ghɨ n-toŋtɨ na Jisòs tèyn nì tàynɨ àbɨ̂l ɨ̀ yò' a ma asɨ, ɨ̀ bè na mà ndu sù ìkê' ì yemi achɨ̀m a Silwàm, ma ndû ɨ̀ sù nô mɨ ɨlvɨ gha, nà sɨ yeyn kɨ yeyn!”"
} |
"aen": "They said to him, “Where is that man?” He replied, “I don’t know.”",
"bkm": "Àŋena bɨf sɨ̂ ŋweyn na, “Wùl nâ vzɨ̀ bà?” Wu bè na yi n-kya wi.Ghɨ teyn sɨ bɨmi na Jisòs nɨ̀n ghɨ wul ɨ̀ Fɨ̀yìnì"
} |
"aen": "The Pharisees’ Reaction to the Healing They brought the man who used to be blind to the Pharisees.",
"bkm": "Ghɨ li ndù nɨ̀ wùl nâ vzɨ̀ a ghɨ n-chu' tî sɨ̂ ghelɨ Falàsî."
} |
"aen": " Now the day on which Jesus made the mud and caused him to see was a Sabbath.",
"bkm": "A nà n-ghɨ tì ma Jisòs tàynɨ àbɨ̂l kì, ɨ̀ chù' wul ɨ nâ vzɨ̀ achi ɨtu' ila'."
} |
"aen": "So the Pharisees asked him again how he had gained his sight. He replied, “He put mud on my eyes and I washed, and now I am able to see.”",
"bkm": "Ghelɨ Falàsî nâ ghì ɨ bɨf sɨ̂ wùl nâ vzɨ̀ na wù jelɨ̀ ti sɨ nà yeyn ɨlwê' a? Wu bè na, “Wù nì tàynɨ àbɨ̂l ɨ̀ yò'lɨ a ma asɨ, ma ndû sù ìkê' ì yemi nô mɨ ɨlvɨ gha, nà sɨ yeyn kɨ yeyn.”"
} |
"aen": "Then some of the Pharisees began to say, “This man is not from God, because he does not observe the Sabbath.” ",
"bkm": "Ghelɨ Falàsî ghɨ li bè na, “Wùl ɨ̀ nâ wèyn nɨ̀n ghɨ wi wul ɨ̀ Fɨ̀yìnì bòm ta wù n-bam wi achi ɨtu' ila'.”"
} |
"aen": "But others said, “How can a man who is a sinner perform such miraculous signs?” Thus there was a division among them.",
"bkm": " Mɨtì ghɨli nà bê na wùl àwo a bɨ-a kà' wu bû na nî àwo a kaynɨ-a têyn. Nô mɨ ɨlvɨ gha, àngwòsɨ̀ a fvɨ̀ antêynɨ̀ nɨ̀ àŋena."
} |
"aen": "So again they asked the man who used to be blind, “What do you say about him, since he caused you to see?”",
"bkm": "Ghɨ mùtɨ kɨ têyn, àŋena fi kasi bɨf sɨ̂ wùl vzɨ̀ a Jisòs nì chu' tî na, “Nô và nɨ̀n kfâ'tɨ̀ na gha kûm ŋweyn a? Ba wù nì chu' asɨ à kya.”"
} |
"aen": " “He is a prophet,” the man replied.",
"bkm": " Wùl àteyn ɨ bèynsɨ kɨ na, “Wù n-ghɨ nfè'tɨ i gha'nɨ.”"
} |
"aen": "Now the Jewish religious leaders refused to believe that he had really been blind and had gained his sight until at last they summoned the parents of the man who had become able to see.",
"bkm": "Ghelɨ ghɨ tisɨnɨ nɨ̀ ghelɨ Jûsɨ nà n-bɨmî wì na wùl nâ wèyn nà n-ghɨ ma wu n-læ meyn fèf jæ na wù kasi nà yeyna. Yi ni gha', àŋena jàŋ bò ŋweyn nɨ̀ nà ŋweyn,"
} |
"aen": "They asked the parents, “Is this your son, whom you say was born blind? Then how does he now see?”",
"bkm": "ɨ bɨf sɨ̂ àŋena na, “Ba ɨwêyn nɨ̀n ghɨ wâyn vzɨ, a ghɨ ɨvzɨ̂ a yì bè na ghɨ n-læ se sɨ bzɨ kɨ̀ ma wù fef meyn, wù ti jèl ti sɨ nà yeyn ɨlwê' lvɨ̂yn a?”"
} |
"aen": "So his parents replied, “We know that this is our son and that he was born blind.",
"bkm": "Àŋena bɨmi ɨ bè na, “Ghès nɨn kya na wù n-ghɨ wâyn wes, kya na ghɨ n-læ bzɨ ŋweyn ma wù fef meyn."
} |
"aen": "But we do not know how he is now able to see, nor do we know who caused him to see. Ask him, he is a mature adult. He will speak for himself.”",
"bkm": "Mɨtì kya wi nâ, wù jèl ti sɨ nà yeyn ɨlwê' lvɨ̂yn a, kya wi nâ, à chu' nda ŋweyn a. Yì bɨf sɨ̂ ŋweyn, wù bu fì ghɨ wi wâyn mbol. Nô ŋweyn kà' a wù fe'tɨ iwo zɨ̀ a yi gàyn.”"
} |
"aen": " His parents said these things because they were afraid of the Jewish religious leaders. For the Jewish leaders had already agreed that anyone who confessed Jesus to be the Christ would be put out of the synagogue.",
"bkm": "Bò ŋweyn ŋêyn nà ŋweyn nɨ̂n tàŋi têyn bòm ta àŋena nà n-fâyn ghelɨ ghɨ tisɨnɨ nɨ̀ ghelɨ Jûsɨ̀. Àŋena nà n-ghɨ ma ghɨ lem meyn na à tò' mɨ ndà na Jisòs nɨ̀n ghɨ wul ɨ vzɨ̀ a ghɨ chò' meyn lèm, a ghɨ jum ŋweyn, a wù na bu fì zɨ̂ wì a ndô nchɨ̀yntɨ."
} |
"aen": "For this reason his parents said, “He is a mature adult, ask him.”",
"bkm": "À ti iwo zɨ̀ a bò ŋweyn ŋêyn nà ŋweyn nɨ̀n læ bèynsɨ tî na, “Wù bu fì ghɨ wi wâyn mbol. Yì bɨf sɨ̂ ŋweyn.”"
} |
"aen": "Then they summoned the man who used to be blind a second time and said to him, “Promise before God to tell the truth. We know that this man is a sinner.”",
"bkm": "Àŋena ni fi kùmtɨ jàŋ ŋweyn na à na sɨ ghɨ ìngal ì bò, ɨ bè sɨ̂ ŋweyn na, “Kàyn læ̂ ìzɨyn i Fɨ̂yìnì na wa n-taŋî kɨ samo'. Ghès nɨn kya na wùl wèyn nɨ̀n ghɨ wul àwo a bɨ-a.”"
} |
"aen": "He replied, “I do not know whether he is a sinner. I do know one thing– that although I was blind, now I can see.”",
"bkm": "Wu fi bèynsɨ kɨ na, “Kèsa wù n-ghɨ wul àwo a bɨ-a, kèsa wù n-ghɨ wi a; mɨ n-kya kɨ ìwo ì mò' na, ma bu ti nà yeyn ɨ̀lwê' ɨ̀ nà sɨ yeyn lvɨ̂yn!”"
} |
"aen": "Then they said to him, “What did he do to you? How did he cause you to see?”",
"bkm": "Àŋena fi bɨf na, “Wù nì nì nô ghà sɨ̂ và, wà na sɨ yeyn ɨ̀lwê' a?”"
} |
"aen": "He answered, “I told you already and you didn’t listen. Why do you want to hear it again? You people don’t want to become his disciples too, do you?”",
"bkm": "Wùl àteyn ɨ bè na, “Mà sɨ ghɨ ma ma fe'tɨ meyn sɨ̂ zɨ̀, yi na kôŋ wì sɨ yvɨ. Yi n-fî bɨf sɨ ni gha ateyn a? Yi sɨ kê' na yi n-boŋ kɨŋ kɨmɨ sɨ nà ghɨ njùmtɨ̀sɨ ibam nɨ̀ ŋweyn ma?”"
} |
"aen": "They heaped insults on him, saying, “You are his disciple! We are disciples of Moses!",
"bkm": "Àŋena nà sɨ telɨ̂ ŋweyn bê na, “À n-ghɨ kɨmɨ va njùmtɨ̀ ibam nɨ̀ wùl nâ wèyn! Ghès nɨn ghɨ njùmtɨ̀sɨ ibam nɨ̀ Mosìs."
} |
"aen": "We know that God has spoken to Moses! We do not know where this man comes from!”",
"bkm": "Ghèsɨ nɨn kya na Fɨ̀yìnì fɨ̀ nɨn læ meyn taŋi sɨ̂ Mosìs, mɨtì kya wi nô mɨ nâ wùl ɨ̀ wèyn lù wo a?”"
} |
"aen": "The man replied, “This is a remarkable thing, that you don’t know where he comes from, and yet he caused me to see!",
"bkm": "Wùl àteyn ɨ bèynsɨ̀ na, “À n-ghɨ ìwo i kaynɨ-i na yi n-kya wi na wù lù wo, mɨtì ma wù ni meyn, ma na sɨ yeyn ɨ̀lwê'!"
} |
"aen": "We know that God doesn’t listen to sinners, but if anyone is devout and does his will, God listens to him.",
"bkm": "Ghesɨ̀nà nɨn kya na Fɨ̀yìnì fɨ̀ nɨn fu wi ɨfwo vzɨ̀ a ghelɨ awo a bɨ-a nɨn bɨfɨ, mɨtì fu sɨ ghelɨ ghì a ghɨ n-ngvɨmlɨ ŋweyn, jelɨ̀ ta wù n-kɨŋ."
} |
"aen": "Never before has anyone heard of someone causing a man born blind to see.",
"bkm": "Ghɨ bû tìmi yvɨ nô sɨ ɨtu' ta ghɨ fàytɨ mbzɨ na ghɨ bzɨ wul, wu yeyn wi ɨlwê', wùl ɨ̀ nî wù na sɨ yeyna."
} |
"aen": "If this man were not from God, he could do nothing.”",
"bkm": "Wùl ɨ̀ nâ wèyn ɨ nà n-ghɨ wi wul ɨ̀ Fɨ̀yìnì, wù kâ' wu bû nì ìwo tèyn.”"
} |
"aen": "They replied, “You were born completely in sinfulness, and yet you presume to teach us?” So they threw him out.",
"bkm": "Ghelɨ ateyn ɨ bè na, “Wà n-ghɨ tèyn ma ghɨ n-læ bzɨ vâ antêynɨ̀ mbɨ, wà lema ko' kɨ̀ ateyn ɨ̀ nà kɨŋ sɨ nà ye'i ghes.” Ta àŋena tàŋi têyn nô mɨ ɨlvɨ gha ɨ saŋ fvɨ̀sɨ̀ ŋweyn sɨ a ndô nchɨ̀yntɨ."
} |
"aen": "Jesus heard that they had thrown him out, so he found the man and said to him, “Do you believe in the Son of Man?”",
"bkm": "Jisòs nɨ̂n yvɨ meyn na ghɨ saŋ meyn fvɨ̀sɨ̀ wul ɨ vzɨ̀ a wù tî chù' tî sɨ a ndô nchɨ̀yntɨ, ɨ kɨŋ ndù nɨ̀ ŋweyn, ɨ bɨf sɨ̂ ŋweyn na, “Wà bɨmi meyn sɨ̂ Wâyn Wùl a?”"
} |
"aen": "The man replied, “And who is he, sir, that I may believe in him?”",
"bkm": "Wùl ɨ àteyn ɨ bèynsɨ̀ na, “Wâyn Wùl nâ vzɨ̀ nɨ̀n ghɨ ndà a bòbè? Fè'tɨ sɨ̂ mà ta ka mà bɨmi sɨ̂ ŋweyn.”"
} |
"aen": "Jesus told him, “You have seen him; he is the one speaking with you.”",
"bkm": "Jisòs ɨ bè sɨ̂ ŋweyn na, “Wà sɨ ghɨ ma wà yeyn meyn ŋweyn. À n-ghɨ kɨ nô ŋweyn a wù n-taŋi sɨ̂ và tèyn.”"
} |
"aen": "He said, “Lord, I believe,” and he worshiped him.",
"bkm": "Wùl àteyn ɨ kæ bè na, “Ma bɨmi meyn a Bô!” ɨ nà sɨ ko'sɨ̂ Jisòs."
} |
"aen": "Jesus said, “For judgment I have come into this world, so that those who do not see may gain their sight, and the ones who see may become blind.”",
"bkm": "Jisòs ɨ kæ bè sɨ̂ ŋweyn na, “Mà gvì a mbzɨ afêyn sɨ baynsɨ asas a ghêl, sɨ nì na ghelɨ ghɨ fefɨnɨ na yeyna, na ɨghî a ghɨ n-lêm na ghɨ n-yeyna, na bu yeyn wi.”"
} |
"aen": "Some of the Pharisees who were with him heard this and asked him, “We are not blind too, are we?”",
"bkm": "Ghelɨ Falàsî ghɨ li ta ghɨ nà n-ghɨ afu ɨ bɨf sɨ̂ ŋweyn na, “Wà n-taŋi-à, yi dyêyn na ghèsɨ boŋ meyn fèf ma?”"
} |
"aen": "Jesus replied, “If you were blind, you would not be guilty of sin, but now because you claim that you can see, your guilt remains.",
"bkm": "Jisòs ɨ bè sɨ̂ àŋena na, “Yi nà n-bɨmî na yi n-yeyn wi, ma mbɨ̂ sìsɨ̀ bu fì ghɨ wi a yi atu. Mɨtì, lvɨ̂yn ta yì sɨ lêm kɨ na yi n-yeyna, mbɨ̂ sisɨ faŋ meyn kɨ̀ faŋ.”"
} |
"aen": " “I tell you the solemn truth, the one who does not enter the sheepfold by the door, but climbs in some other way, is a thief and a robber.",
"bkm": "Jisòs nɨ̀n mo meyn ngàyn î lì ɨ bè na, “Mɨ n-bê sɨ̂ zɨ̀ kɨ̀ nô samo' na, wùl kæ̂ gvì ɨ̀ vìsi ɨ̀chfɨ mbàyn tɨ̀ zɨ ateyn ɨ̀ ndù ko' zɨ dzɨ alè' a kɨlû-à, a wù na ghɨ kɨ nô wul ɨ̀ choŋnɨ."
} |
"aen": "The one who enters by the door is the shepherd of the sheep.",
"bkm": "Wùl vzɨ̀ a wù n-ghɨ kɨ nô nkàyntɨ̀ nchì bzɨsɨ nî wù nà zɨ̂ kɨ dzɨ ɨchfɨ mbàyn."
} |
"aen": "The doorkeeper opens the door for him, and the sheep hear his voice. He calls his own sheep by name and leads them out.",
"bkm": "Wù n-se sɨ zɨ, wùl vzɨ̀ a wù n-chî ɨchfɨ mbàyn nâ vzɨ̀ ɨ dzɨ̀sì sɨ̂ ŋweyn. Bzɨsɨ nî sɨ nà yvɨ kelî gyâ nchì bzɨsɨ nâ yèyn. À n-gvî ɨlvɨ ta wù jàŋ, sɨ yvɨ kèli gyâ ŋweyn, wu li fvɨ̀ nɨ̀ nseynsɨ."
} |
"aen": "When he has brought all his own sheep out, he goes ahead of them, and the sheep follow him because they recognize his voice.",
"bkm": "Nchì nâ yèyn nɨ̀n lî fvɨ̂ nɨ̀ bzɨsɨ ŋweyn nâ sìsɨ̀ nô sɨ̀ jɨ̀m tì, wu nà jelɨ̀ tô'nɨ̀ nɨ̀ nseynsɨ, sɨ ndû kɨ a ŋweyn ibàm bòm ta sɨ n-yvɨ keli gyâ ŋweyn."
} |
"aen": "They will never follow a stranger, but will run away from him, because they do not recognize the stranger’s voice.”",
"bkm": "Bzɨ nâ sìsɨ̀ kà' sɨ bû læ̀ ndù ibam nɨ̀ wùl, kya wi ŋweyn. Sɨ n-yeyn wul ɨ wûlù, sɨ kwo le' kɨ le' bòm ta sɨ n-yvɨ kelî wì gyâ ŋweyn.”"
} |
"aen": "Jesus told them this parable, but they did not understand what he was saying to them.",
"bkm": "Jisòs ɨ mò ngàyn nâ yèyn, mɨtì ghelɨ ghì a ghɨ nì nà yvɨtɨ-à ɨ faŋ tɨ̀ kèli na wù n-bê na gha a."
} |
"aen": "So Jesus said again, “I tell you the solemn truth, I am the door for the sheep.",
"bkm": "Jisòs ɨ taŋi tì ɨ fi kæ bè sɨ kfeynsɨ na, “Mɨ n-bê sɨ̂ zɨ̀ kɨ̀ nô samo' na, mɨ n-ghɨ ɨchfɨ mbàyn vzɨ̀ a bzɨsɨ nɨn kelɨ sɨ nà toynɨ ateyn."
} |
"aen": "All who came before me were thieves and robbers, but the sheep did not listen to them.",
"bkm": "Ghelɨ ghì a ghɨ tî gvì sɨ a ma asɨ, nô ghɨ̀ jɨ̀m, tî nà ghɨ kɨ nô ghelɨ choŋnɨ, mɨtì bzɨsɨ faŋ tɨ̀ yvɨ àŋena."
} |
"aen": "I am the door. If anyone enters through me, he will be saved, and will come in and go out, and find pasture.",
"bkm": "Mɨ n-ghɨ ɨ̀chfɨ mbàyn, ma à tòynɨ mɨ ndà ateyn, a wù bœ, ɨ̀ nà chwô zɨ-à, fî chwô fvɨ̂ kɨ ta wù n-kôŋ, fî kelî ɨ̀fwo ɨ yɨnɨ sɨ nà yɨ-a."
} |
"aen": "The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come so that they may have life, and may have it abundantly.",
"bkm": "Wùl ɨ choŋnɨ lum gvî kɨ sɨ choŋ, gvî kɨ sɨ bebsɨ sɨ fì sɨ zue. Sɨ̂ mà, mà gvì a mbzɨ sɨ nì na ghelɨ na chi-à, wo wi afo."
} |
"aen": " “I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.",
"bkm": " “À n-ghɨ kɨ nô ma nchì bzɨsɨ ì jùŋ. Nchì bzɨsɨ ì jùŋ nɨ̀n ghɨ ɨzɨ̂ a yì n-gvɨ̂tɨ̀ sɨ kfɨ bòm bzɨ sìsɨ̀ a yì n-chî."
} |
"aen": "The hired hand, who is not a shepherd and does not own sheep, sees the wolf coming and abandons the sheep and runs away. So the wolf attacks the sheep and scatters them.",
"bkm": "À n-gvi ɨlvɨ ta ghɨ n-lâ' la' wul na wù na chî bzɨsɨ, a ghɨ wi nchì bzɨsɨ kèsa bò bzɨsɨ, wù nî yèyn ta nyàm àbo nɨn gvî, a wù le' vìsi bzɨsɨ, a yì gvi kùtɨ bzɨsɨ ateyn, a sɨ lisɨ gwosɨ."
} |
"aen": "Because he is a hired hand and is not concerned about the sheep, he runs away.",
"bkm": "Wù n-nî wu le' visi tì bòm ta ghɨ n-lâ' la' ŋweyn, ma à kòŋa à gayn nô mɨ ghà sɨ̂ bzɨsɨ ateyn sɨ."
} |
"aen": " “I am the good shepherd. I know my own and my own know me–",
"bkm": "Mɨ n-ghɨ kɨ nô nchì bzɨsɨ ì jùŋ nâ zɨ̀, kya bzɨ̂ semsɨ, sɨ kya mà,"
} |
"aen": "just as the Father knows me and I know the Father– and I lay down my life for the sheep.",
"bkm": "kɨ̀mɨ ighel ta Bò wom nɨn kya ma, ma kya ŋweyn. Mɨ n-gvɨ̂tɨ̀ sɨ kfɨ bòm bzɨ̂ semsɨ."
} |
"aen": "I have other sheep that do not come from this sheepfold. I must bring them too, and they will listen to my voice, so that there will be one flock and one shepherd.",
"bkm": "Mɨ n-kelɨ bzɨ̂ sem sɨ lisɨ, sɨ ghɨ wi a mbàyn afêyn, ma kelɨ kɨmɨ sɨ gvi nɨ̀ nseynsɨ na sɨ na ghɨ anôyn à mò', kelɨ kɨ nchì ì mò'. Bzɨsɨ mbàyn ɨ yîlù nâ sìsɨ̀ ɨ nì nà yvɨ kɨmɨ sɨ̂ mà."
} |
"aen": "This is why the Father loves me– because I lay down my life, so that I may take it back again.",
"bkm": " “Bò wom nɨn kôŋ ma bòm ta mɨ n-gvɨ̂tɨ̀ sɨ kfɨ jæ ta ka wù kasi làysɨ̀ mà na mà na chi-à."
} |
"aen": "No one takes it away from me, but I lay it down of my own free will. I have the authority to lay it down, and I have the authority to take it back again. This commandment I received from my Father.”",
"bkm": "Wùl nɨ̀n ghɨ wi a wù kà' a wù zue ma, à n-kôŋ kɨ nô mà sɨ fu ngêŋ yem sɨ kfɨ. Mɨ n-kelɨ àdya' sɨ fu ngêŋ yem sɨ kfɨ, kelɨ kɨmɨ àdya' sɨ kasi sɨ fsɨ sɨ nà chi-à. Adya' nâ kèynà nɨn ghɨ ma à fu Bò wom sɨ̂ mà.”"
} |
"aen": "Another sharp division took place among the Jewish people because of these words.",
"bkm": "Wu n-tàŋi têyn, ghelɨ Jûsɨ̀ ghì ɨ fi zɨ̀tɨ̀ àngùmnɨ̀ kɨ̀ sɨ a àŋena ngeŋsɨ."
} |
Subsets and Splits