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Re: Holocaust denial innapropriate, but you can say what you like about the dead in Dresden!! | The fact alone that there are LAWS in Germany, Poland, France and other parts of Europe that FORBIDS to discuss the Holocaust(tm), facing even JAIL time, is PROOF enough that it's a LIE. You simply don't need laws against revisionism if something is truth, the phisical evidence will provide all the proof needed. People can discuss over and over about gas chambers, Nuremberg trials, fantastic survivor stories, and so on... just that the open discussion is forbiden in the countries where the phisical evidence lies, is enough for anyone with a thinking brain to figure out that something is wrong with the official story... Just curious... is there any other event throught history were the powers that be forbade open discussion like in the holocaust? Galileo's and the Inquisition comes to mind but I'll leave to someone more knowledgeable in history than me to tell those stories.... |
Re: Holocaust denial innapropriate, but you can say what you like about the dead in Dresden!! | Yes there is actually. Every single one of the countries you mentioned --Germany, Poland and france-- have laws against denying genocide in general - that includes communist crimes. So by your logic then, because denying stalin's crimes is too illegal, that's proof enough that they never happened? Has any historian been JAILED for revising Stalin or Mao history? Germany and many countries around the world have very specific laws FORBIDDING Nazi imagery, symbols, artifacts, etc... Have you ever heard about a country forbidding communist imagery? No, you're free to wave a Soviet flag or have the faces of Stalin and Mao (the world's biggest mass murderers) represented in any media you want. I've seen video games that let you play with Stalin and Mao and wave the appropriate flag but when it comes to Hitler and the Nazi flag is FORBIDDEN, they simply IGNORE history, because of those laws. You can go around freely claiming that you sympathize with communism, wearing a red t-shirt with Che Guevara's face on it but, if you somehow imply that you agree with something even vaguely related to Nazism, hell gets loose!! Aren't these scenarios in the PC list of double standards?? |
Re: Holocaust denial innapropriate, but you can say what you like about the dead in Dresden!! | You are right I don't care about multiculturalism, and I stand proud of that fact. Multiculturalism is a good thing for the west, and I actually devote my whole life (as an equality officer) making sure that society is more diverse, specifically here in Britain. By the way befor anybody says anything, I am Israeli born but I moved over to the UK when I was 11, and I bloody love it here! So multiculturalism is beautiful I stand guilty of believing that. What if I tell you there're countries in the world where multiculturalism is practically an utopia, no race issues, people don't care about your race or nationality, would you be willing to move there? |
Re: Country Thread: Portugal | Let's not forget The Pearl of the Atlantic Madeira Island :D http://www.dholmes.com/master-list/madeira/madeira.gif My home town Ponta do Sol http://www.madeiratourism.com/pls/ma...-do-Sol_gr.jpg :clink |
Re: Country Thread: Portugal | That´s not me :roflI´m a boy. That´s an anonymous girl :) LOL, I was asking if she was your girlfriend :p YOUR =/= YOU'RE :rofl |
Re: Country Thread: Portugal | But Portugal was a great country. The slaves came in the 1400's and that destroyed Portugal. It was a great country as was others but slaves and immigration have destroyed them. There are so many mixed in Portugal you'd be afraid to get a woman there. Portugal has far surpassed America. They are like Brazil. Another idiot that's been reading to much of Arthur Kemp book...:rolleyes: Genetic studies say you're wrong: http://racialreality.110mb.com/portuguese.html http://www.geocities.com/refuting_kemp/ |
Re: Country Thread: Portugal | Here more pictures of PORTUGAL one of the oldest countries in Europe. :clink Lisbon - Torre de Belém That looks like someplace out of Tolkien's universe :p |
Re: Negro war prisoners in WW2 | So... these were the french cannon fodder... I mean soldiers in WW2 :rolleyes: No wonder why France was so quickly overrun by the German forces... :D |
Re: 10 Animal Senses That Humans Don't Have | talking about animal senses, here's a blind negro that claims he can use echolocation... what do you think?? BS or truth? :rolleyes: YouTube - Blind Kid uses Echolocation to See |
Re: Assaltantes Brasileiros Abatidos em Portugal | Brazil Brazil was the anchor Jewish community from which other Western communities took root. Portuguese Jews arrived in Brazil in 1503 led by explorers Fernando de Norohha and Gaspar da Gama who had obtained a virtual monopoly on settlement in the region from the king of Portugal. They brought sugar cane, technical skills and slaves and soon transformed Brazil into the most important area of sugar production in the world. So important, that the scholars concede that Portugal could not have survived as an independent nation without the Brazilian sugar trade.56 Sugar was first produced in Asia but as late as the beginning of the fifteenth century, sugar was so expensive in Europe that it was sold only in pharmacies for medicinal purposes. Portuguese Jews developed their mastery in the trade by establishing plantations on the island of Sao Thorne off the west coast of Africa employing at times as many as 3,000 Negro slaves.57 The first colonists came annually on two ships with criminals, Jews and prostitutes, for the purpose of catching parrots. Those condemned as sinners sought refuge in Brazil's open range5817 and the Jews saw the commercial potential and established as many as 200 settlements along the Brazilian coast in the 16th century.5918 They quickly became the dominant class, writes Lee M. Friedman: A not inconsiderable number of the wealthiest Brazilian traders were [Jews].60 [21] The Jewish sugar Planters prospered living on large plantations and making extensive use of local Indian labor and imported Black slaves.61 By 1600, the plantations, the bulk of the slave trade and more than one hundred sugar mills with at least 10,000 Black Africans, and most of the exports of processed sugar were in the hands of the Jewish settlers,62 Stephen Fortune: As early as the [22] sixteenth century, Jews were interested in the large profits to be derived from the slave trade as a consequence of the sugar industry, and they appear to have had no compunction regarding their activity in human merchandising.63 In Voyage of Francis Pyrard, the author returns to Portugal from Bahia in 1611 and describes a fellow passenger: Though the Portuguese had staked a claim to the region they could not find enough colonists for its development, despite the fabulous profits of those who risked settlement. There was, say the historians, a desperate need for European manpower in the face of Indians who died rather than submit to regimented labor and blacks who died of too much regimented labor.65 The Portuguese difficulties presented an opportunity to the Dutch who heard of the immense wealth of the New World and sought to gain access. Dutch merchants had been carrying on a profitable commerce with the Portuguese Jewish colonists and this relationship was a major factor in the establishment of the Dutch West India Company, the all powerful but private European land development corporation formed to conquer the rich northeast coast of Brazil. |
Re: Assaltantes Brasileiros Abatidos em Portugal | There is a very large Jewish community in the Northeast of Brazil. You mention the Dutch in this article. Did the Sephardic Jews from Portugal not moved to Netherlands? Amsterdan has so many Sephardic Jews. I have met so many Dutch Jews in the USA. Usually they look white with light color hair and eyes but with a Jewish nose or a Jewish name. I believe they mixed with the Dutch. I m shocked to see so many Jews that call themselves Dutch. For what I've read the few Marranos (crypto-Jews who converted into catholicism) left in Portugal after the Reconquest were used during the age of exploration as colonist (much in the same way the English used the Pilgrims, perhaps?), after the SHTF in the colonies they either moved to other colonies, Amsterdan or New Amsterdan (Later Jew York City), this doesn't mean that NO Jews were left in(or maybe returned to) Portugal, since I suspect that much of the economic decline of Portugal, was their doing... That post is an excerpt from a book called The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews this is the table of contents: Table of Contents Introduction vii Jews and the African Slave Trade 9 Columbus, Jews and the Slave Trade 11 The Jews and Slavery in Colonial South America and the Caribbean 18 Brazil 20 The Spanish Inquisition 33 Surinam 35 Essequebo, Guiana 49 Barbados 56 Curaçao 64 Jamaica 73 Martinique 78 Nevis 79 Saint Dominique 80 Saint Eustatius 81 Saint Thomas 81 Jews and Slavery in Colonial North America 89 New York 92 Newport, Rhode Island 99 Pennsylvania 103 Jews and the Red Man 105 Jews in the South 120 Virginia 124 Carolinas 127 Georgia 131 Jews in the West 137 Jews, Slavery and the Civil War 139 Jewish Clergy and Black Slavery 143 Jews and Abolitionism 147 Jews and the Confederacy 157 Jews and the Economics of the Civil War 161 Reconstruction, Blacks and Jews 169 Holocaust 177 Census Data of Jews and Black Slaves 182 Slaves in Jewish Wills 186 Anti-Semitism? 186 Jews and the Rape of Black Women 196 Slavery in Jewish Law 202 Blue Laws 205 Jews, Blacks and the Law 207 Jews and the Great Nat Turner 211 Black Slave Owners and Jews 212 Jews of the Black Holocaust 213 Selected Bibliography 313 Index 319 Following on the excerpt about Brazil: The Dutch West India Company It is necessary to look more closely at the entity responsible for seizing and administering colonies in Brazil and throughout the [23] Caribbean. The Dutch West India Company was founded in 1621 for the sole purpose of making money. There was little concern as to how this was to be achieved. Its primary method was to establish colonies and trading posts in the New World and exploit the natural resources to then trade with Europe and the other colonies66 - an endeavor requiring many thousands of Black slaves. According to Company founder William Usselincx: Some people were so vile and slavish by nature that they were of no use either to themselves or to others and had to be kept in servitude with all hardness.67 They raised capital by selling shares and by pirating Spanish and Portuguese silver ships and plundering their cargoes.68 Wiznitzer's Jews in Colonial Brazil, is more explicit about the Company's origins and methods: Jews invested heavily and became willing partners in the company seeking dividends from silver, gold, furs, and [the] slave trade.70 At the time, Holland was the only country where Jews [24] were permitted some semblance of religious and economic liberty. The Dutch rulers, in promoting economic development, encouraged the immigration of Jews for their business expertise and international connections and Holland soon became a center of Jewish wealth and power. The Dutch had invented the doctrine of mercantilism, the notion that the state existed not to save souls but to increase wealth, and for this the Jews were reputed to be expert.71 Marcus Arkin writes: Since the main industries in which [Jews] participated (silken textiles, sugar refining, diamond cutting, and tobacco blending) were dependent on colonial sources of supply, it is not surprising to find the Jews of Amsterdam concerned with Dutch commerce to the Far East and the New World.... In the eighteenth century approximately one-quarter of the [Dutch East India] company's shareholders were Jews, and its ultimate decline brought ruin to many a wealthy [Jewish] family.72[25] 70 A Private Venture .... Dutch Conquest in Brazil .... Jewish Expulsion ..... .... By 1654, the Jews sought refuge in Amsterdam, the Caribbean Islands, and further north in New Amsterdam, later to be called New York.101 They continued in slave dealing, either as buyers or sellers wherever they found refuge. Jews who returned to Amsterdam were no less dependent on the Black slave. Nearly a century later in 1743, according to tax records, of 422 Jews, 2 had seven slaves, 5 had [32] six slaves, 14 had four slaves, 21 had three slaves, 54 had two slaves, 282 had one slave, and 39 reported none.102 Jewish Slave Legacy ..... |
Re: ACLU is suing school district cause blacks can't pass | Blacks will never be equal to Whites in the classroom, ever. It's not just the simple fact that they have lower IQ's overall, it's that the Black community doesn't give the schools anything to work with. Here's what the Black community gives to the schools: kids who have been exposed to crack (or other drugs) in the womb, kids who have been born out of incest, kids who have been born to children, kids who are routinely abused, kids who come from single parent homes (or don't even live with a parent but some other relative), kids who are not properly reared, and kids whose parents failed at school themselves and therefore cannot teach any coping strategies to them. Have I forgotten anything? Are these problems as prevalent in the White community? No sir. What a mess. And yet Black kids are supposed to achieve success at the same level as the White kids. What a crock. Or you could just have said: They give kids who are black :D Florida has received national attention for low graduation rates. U.S. Department of Education numbers show that Florida's national ranking for graduation rates fell from 45th in 1998 to dead last in 2005. I wonder what CHANGED during those years? :rolleyes: Could it be Florida demographics? Nah!! it must be an outbreak of racism in the institutions! :rolleyes: :rofl |
Re: Gonzales replacement speculation in full force: CHERTOFF | fist a mestizo now a jew, great... :rolleyes: |
Re: Anyone here play Terraria? | I'm playing it, it's great!! Minecraft is ok, I find the 3d controls more as a liability than an asset. And the graphics suck a bit... Terraria, although it lacks more depth, it's really fun, and the graphics are great!!! Have you played Dwarf Fortress? it's similar in some ways... if only the graphics and the interface were better. |
Re: Can Race Be Identified By a Single Red Corpuscle? | I think Ironman meant that one single RBC isn't enough protein to test for something, like to run a Western or whatever (though Westerns wouldn't give you anything relating to DNA), not that you need pure protein. There are other components in the blood which can be used for DNA verification though. That's what I interpreted from Ironman's post too, in the same way you need a certain amount of blood to be able to get a blood test, you may also need a certain amount of source material to run a DNA or any other sort of test, a single cell probably doesn't provide enough matter to do anything, I guess... |
Re: Germania-Aryan supercity? | awesome! :clink |
Re: Help with Computer | How to Bypass a Windows XP Password Without any Programs For example. the account I want to hack is called 'Jim' 1. Restart the pc 2. Repeatly hit F8 during startup so you get the startup menu 3. Start the pc in windows safe mode 4. Log into the default administrator account 5. Goto the control panel and go to user accounts and, create yourself a new admin account with no password 6. Restart the pc and log in normally 7. Log into your new account 8. Then in order select, start, run, and type cmd 9. Press enter and wait for command promt to open 10. Type net user 11. Select the account you want to change, 'Jim' in this case 12. Type net user Jim * 13. Type new password, and verify again 14. Log off 15. Log into Jim with the password you gave it Btw, your problem could have been caused by malware, a hacker or perhaps someone else is screwing with your PC. That only works IF the default Administrator account doesn't have a password/you know the password, or IF the default Administrator account wasn't changed to something else, and IF it's active ;) A good sysadmin wouldn't leave a machine with the Administrator account in it's default values... :D |
Re: CISCO gurus wanted Q&A | I don't consider myself a guru but I've played around with cisco routers in the past and know my way around networking, besides I'm an IT engineer, what do you want to know? :D |
Re: Giant list of media contact emails - email them about Ron Paul | WOW! :eek: That's a BIG list indeed! SPAM-fest them! :clink |
Amazing Trees and TNB | I found this site: http://www.neatorama.com/2007/03/21/...-in-the-world/ It has info about amazing trees around the globe, and as a TNB side note: Bonus 2: The Lonely Tree of Ténéré The Tree of Ténéré or LAbre du Ténéré was the worlds most isolated tree - the solitary acacia, which grew in the Sahara desert in Niger, Africa, was the only tree within more than 250 miles (400 km) around. The tree was the last surviving member of a group of acacias that grew when the desert wasnt as dry. When scientists dug a hole near the tree, they found its roots went down as deep as 120 feet (36 m) below to the water table! Apparently, being the only tree in that part of the wide-open desert (remember: there wasnt another tree for 250 miles around), wasnt enough to stop a drunk Libyan truck driver from driving his truck into it, knocking it down and killing it! Now, a metal sculpture was placed in its spot to commemorate the Lonely Tree of Ténéré :rolleyes: I wonder which ethnic group that drunk Libyan truck driver belongs to?? :rolleyes: |
Re: The Negritos of Thailand | Okay, what is the difference between these and typical negros? judging by the Spanish name they are smaller: Etymology The term Negrito is the Spanish diminutive of Negro, i.e. little black person, referring to their small stature, and was coined by early European explorers who assumed that the Negritos were recent arrivals from Africa. Occasionally, some Negrito are referred to as pygmies, bundling them with peoples of similar physical stature in Central Africa, and likewise, the term Negrito was previously occasionally used to refer to African Pygmies.[3] Sometimes the term Negroid will be used when referring to these groups, especially to their superficial physical features, such as their hair texture and skin color. According to James J.Y. Liu, a professor of comparative literature, the Chinese term Kun-lun (traditional Chinese: 崑崙) means Negrito.[4] Negrito is basically saying Nigglet in English!! :rofl |
Re: Peter Jackson and New Line to Produce The Hobbit | Like what, Black Hobbits? :rofl I must admit that to this day I'm annoyed with how he ended the Lord of the Rings trilogy. It would have been nice if he'd kept to the book for that as well. Still, he definitely did a much better job than I would have expected from anyone else, and I'm looking forward to seeing The Hobbit now as well. It could have been worse a LOT worse if some bleedheart liberal would have made it Politically Correct and non-Offensive... :rolleyes: Maybe they'll use this guy: http://nymag.com/images/2/daily/ente...oopdog_lgl.jpg and instead of Bilbo Baggins the character's name would be Bildogg Blinggins and he'll find the Bling Bling o' powa!!! :LOL: |
Re: Winner Of Portugal´s Elections And Future Prime Minister Is Married To A Black/Mixed Race Woman. They Have Daug | I'm surprised you didn't show the Portuguese National Team which is mostly congregated of Brazilian mulattos, but anyway: : Now that you mention it, let's see: Portugal's team: http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_mAwG8hBpKl...6892874915.jpg 1 Nagger 1 Mestizo Franc... sorry, Le Fédéración Turco-Africaine http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-JQ2k_Y5OQl...occer_team.jpg 2 Frenchemen (won't even bother counting the non-whites :rolleyes:) Engla... sorry, Ye olde Paki-Muhamad Theocracy http://www.livingintamarindo.com/wp-...occer-team.jpg 2 Naggers 1 Mestizo |
Re: Winner Of Portugal´s Elections And Future Prime Minister Is Married To A Black/Mixed Race Woman. They Have Daug | :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek: :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek: :eek::eek::eek::eek: Are you serious!!!! Comparing Brazil and Portugal two diferent and distant countries with Sicilly and Italy No wonder that then they make this kind of videos on the youtube We have our sicily too, island of Madeira!!!!We have some problems with them already!!! I'm seconding Resistente, Portugal has more ties with France, Spain, Italy and Romania than it has with Brazil... Brazil white population as in most american countries is a mixture of all the european ethnicities (at best) or delusional mestizos that think they are white (at worst) Most american countries have populations that are ethnically not even of the same ethnicity than the colonizer country, examples: Argentina, Spanish colonizer, italian and german ethnicities mainly Brazil, Portuguese colonizer, italian and german ethnicities mainly USA, English, Frenchand Spanish colonizer, actually MOST of USA territory was colonized by Spain not England, england only had the strip of land of the 13 colonies, basically the whole west half of USA was colonized by Spain, and the south east by France, german ethnicity mainly Brazilians, butcher the Portuguese language with their african admixture, they themselves make it very clear that they speak brazilian portuguese, they simply should say they speak brazilian, that's not even portuguese. And it's indeed really annoying that everywhere you see a Portuguese discussion, brazilians jump in uninvited to talk sh1t about Portugal.... There should be an Iberian subforum for Castillian, Aragones, Basque, Portuguese and Galician, and a South American forum for the argentinians, brazilians, whatever.... It's insulting that Iberian peoples are lumped with the south americans.... different regions, different ethnicities, different issues... And Brazil and Portugal compared to Italy and Scilly, is like comparing England with Pakistan instead of England and Scotland.... Nevertheless the 'problems' between mainland Portugal and the atlantic islands> madeira, porto santo, azores, it's just stupid jewish propaganda exploiting regionalism that doesn't even exist, to separate the Portuguese people, where did the madeirans and azoreans came from if it wans't from mainland Portugal itself.... :rolleyes: |
Re: Winner Of Portugal´s Elections And Future Prime Minister Is Married To A Black/Mixed Race Woman. They Have Daug | Probably because they are not native origin portuguese, probably because they are immigrant cape verdians, that went in Portugal in the past 25 years and our politician traitors give to them a identification card saying they are portuguese, but they are not... immigration is destroying western Europe.. :clink No Surrender! How they say in Portugal: Um Português de verdade não precissa passaporte pra saber que é Português :clink A true Portuguese doesn't need passport to know they are Portuguese And a Cape Verdian nagger will never be Portuguese no matter how many generations are born in Portuguese territory, period. |
James Watsons most inconvenient truth: Race realism and the moralistic fallacy | Great paper, defending James Watson statements and the reality we all know: races are an undeniable biological fact. Summary Recent editorials in this journal have defended the right of eminent biologist James Watson to raise the unpopular hypothesis that people of sub-Saharan African descent score lower, on average, than people of European or East Asian descent on tests of general intelligence. As those editorials imply, the scientific evidence is substantial in showing a genetic contribution to these differences. The unjustified ill treatment meted out to Watson therefore requires setting the record straight about the current state of the evidence on intelligence, race, and genetics. In this paper, we summarize our own previous reviews based on 10 categories of evidence: The worldwide distribution of test scores; the g factor of mental ability; heritability differences; brain size differences; trans-racial adoption studies; racial admixture studies; regression-to-the-mean effects; related life-history traits; human origins research; and the poverty of predictions from culture-only explanations. The preponderance of evidence demonstrates that in intelligence, brain size, and other life-history variables, East Asians average a higher IQ and larger brain than Europeans who average a higher IQ and larger brain than Africans. Further, these group differences are 50–80% heritable. These are facts, not opinions and science must be governed by data. There is no place for the ‘‘moralistic fallacy’’ that reality must conform to our social, political, or ethical desires. c 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. |
Re: What race would you say these people are? | These are friends of a white friend and am curious: Both are mestizos (in the sense that they are mixed race) the guy is negroid with some mongoloid (probably from amerindian admixture) the girl is Amerindian with some white and semitic admixture, wouldn't surprise me if she has black admixture also. I vote Native Amerindian mix for the female on the right. Here's a harder one for all you people. I'm completely stumped on the far left one, the far right one is an interesting mix which I doubt you'll get. all three are mestizos, left one is strong Amerindian with black with some white (or pakistani/Indian, some amerindian/black admixtures turn out just like pakis) middle, is jewish with european. right, white with some black. |
Re: Great Zimbabwe | Since the Egyptian thread is gone. I thought I might add a little something you don't know about africa and it's civilization. Don't know why but the word Africa and the word civilization just doesn't fit together in the same sentence.... :rolleyes: :rofl |
Re: Chavez is anti-semitic | Hugo is very anti-semtic. He is not anti-white though. (Sorry Hugh), what he is is Anti-Western because of the West's (read: America's) views and attacks on other countries, all at the behest of the jews. Is he a friend, no. Is he an ally against the jews? yes. We in America get the jew version of the news from the rest of the world and often judge people on what they are quoted as saying about Whites and Americans, when in fact it often turns out to be just the opposite is true. This happens often to people/political leaders like the Iranian President and Vladimir Putin, who are totally against the Zionists and the jew rule of our world. The question to be asked is Would this be an issue if the jews did not rule our country?. And the answer is a resounding NO! Sorry but Chavez IS indeed ANTI-WHITE... He's an afrocentrist and we all know nothing good comes from that kind... If you watch any of his speeches he basically whines all Venezuela's problems to the white nations oppressing the poor blacks and indians... He conveniently forgets that what Venezuela is today was built thanks to the hard labor of white-european immigrants, not blacks not indians... He's constantly persecuting white traders with ridiculous laws to either make them leave or go bankrupt... He's NOT our friend... He's only friends with blacks, indians and mixs... NOT whites or anyone he perceives as whites (like jews) He doesn't make a distinction between whites and jews, maybe he can't tell but my guess is that he does and throws us in the same package to pursue his anti-white agenda. |
Re: Chavez is anti-semitic | He makes a clear distinction between the whites and the jews, hence his fight against the Zionists. He's come out over and over again against the Zionist regime. And yes, he does support the blacks and non-whites in his country, but this is why we need our own countries... As for the laws he has applied, remember one thing, it is his country and it is a popular vote that gets him elected and the laws passed. We're not wanted there anymore than they are wanted here. This is why we need separate and individual countries. Not one huge multi-cult cluster ****! We often fail to understand that. If we didn't support the jews 110% we would not be hated and dis-trusted like we are. We would, in a White Only Country, pass the same preservation laws as he has. But we would never pass the same extinction laws that Bush and the jews have passed over the last 8 years...going back further, the jew laws for the last 60 years! I understand and agree with your point, Venezuela is a lost cause, the whites there should leave and continue the fight in their own lands. Chavez's laws are not popular vote... he's governing by decree... not to mention that his election is not very transparent... He's not promoting preservation laws... he's promoting prosecution laws and laws to make thing more difficult for the whites that are still there... * He has set fixed prices for several products... the catch is that the trader that buy these products buy them at higher prices than the protected prices, so they either buy and sell at loss to fulfill the law, they don't buy and lose competitiveness, they sell at profit risking prosecution, fines and jail.... it's a lose-lose-lose situation... * Fiscal laws are prosecuting white entrepreneurs, I'm talking about small and middle businesses here, heavily fining for technicisms and such... * Money Exchange control: this is a measure that has been on for more than 10 years... very atypical for such measures... basically you can't exchange Venezuelan Bolivares (worthless outside Venezuela) into another currency without the state permission... and the regulations for getting permission and the quotas are laughable... you're only allowed $6000 a year for travels (only roundtrips ;)) and $400 a year to expenses over the internet... so basically any hardworking white willing to get out of the country (besides government mafia) just can't... or has to leave with no money and start over, or do several travels over the years exploiting these and other quotas to get their hard earned money out... of course if they get caught doing something like that they could face prosecution, fines and jail... * After the incident where Spain's King told Chavez to shut up, he's been picking on Spanish enterprises and the Spanish diaspora in the country... Chavez is an Anti-White Afrocentrist don't even doubt it just because he happens to pick on the Jews too... With Chavez you have to be very careful he often sends mixed signals but his underlying agenda is very clear... |
Re: Chavez is anti-semitic | Sorry bu Chavez IS indeed ANTI-WHITE... He's an afrocentrist and we all know nothing good comes from that kind... I believe that Castro fits that description also No wonder they're such good friends... :rolleyes: |
Re: Chavez is anti-semitic | Those two pieces of garbage are like brothers. wife and husband would be more accurate :rofl So what if he is? Can anyone prove Chavez is anti white? Is he killing the white race like White traitors and Jews are doing? check some of my posts in this thread, I give plenty of reasons why Chavez is Anti-White |
Re: RACIST CAMERAS - Face recognition | The problem is that the Asians didn't invent the facial recognition software they simply embedded, and mass produced the cameras using technology invented by Whites... The complex mathematical algorithms behind the software were created by Whites so it's natural that it sees an Asian eye as a half blink, and a Negro as big brown stain in the lens instead of a face.... :rofl Of course there isn't diversity in the development of the software, how many Negro Mathematicians, Physicists and Software Engineers do you know that are actually worth their salt?? |
Re: U.S. Federal Tax Return Questions and Answers Thread. | I'm not American, and I don't know anything about your tax system, but I read somewhere that there's not a single law that says you should pay Income Tax, then why should you pay it, then? Can someone explain this to me? |
Re: Portugal Approves New Immigration Law | Portugal Approves New Immigration Law Portugal's Council of Ministers on Thursday approved a new law designed to make it easier for immigrants to come to Portugal and stay there legally, as well as to fight illegal immigration. The new law creates a visa that will allow visa-holders from other countries to enter Portugal and begin working in their specified field. Workers, researchers and other qualified foreigners will find their path to Portuguese residence easier. A separate measure was made to legalize workers already in Portugal, and create a job agency that will establish who can enter Portugal, and the fines to be applied to those who hire workers illegally. The new law also criminalizes visa weddings. The new law's approval coincided with an official visit by Prime Minister Jose Socrates to Brazil. Around 90,000 Brazilians live in Portugal, making up the largest single group of immigrants to the nation. Between 50,000 and 60,000 Brazilians are living in Portugal without the right working papers, according to estimates by both governments. The law also stipulates that all children born in Portugal are entitled to free primary school education and will receive an automatic residence permit. Media Link - News Source: NAN Portuguese politicians are f$$$$g crazy, what they should do is kick out all the non-white brazilians, africans, etc :mad: I think there's still hope for Portugal, have you seen the recent anti-non-white demonstrations? The right-wing nationalist movement is gaining power in Portugal! |
Re: Portugal Approves New Immigration Law | A random thought: have you seen a TV series in sony or fox called Freddy it features an old non-white woman speaking in spanish, and they don't put english subtitles considering the series is produced for the u.s. viewers... what they spect? u.s. viewers to know english and spanish?? the same happens in a portuguese soup opera (that's why the random thought came from) it features an old non-white woman talknig in spanish with no portuguese subtitles!! now are the portuguese viewers supposed to understand spanish too?? by the way the spanish they talk is a bastardization of latin american origin.. =/ |
Re: Portugal Approves New Immigration Law | legal , ilegal - those are simple words that make no sense!! I believe in legitimity!! If a black Angolan is born in Portugal legaly he/she IS Portuguese and can end up being presidend of the country!! is it legal? YES :mad: is it legitim? HELL NO!! :rolleyes: In the other hand white Portuguese born outside Portugal doesn't have the same rights.. :rolleyes: What the hell? LEGALLY a Black Angolan born in Portugal is MORE Portuguese than a White Portuguese born somewhere else?? :rofl That is TOTALLY Ridiculous!!! But it's LEGAL :mad: :rolleyes: And this same Nationality concept applies for most of the countries... Politicians are destroying NATIONALITY, for the sake of getting VOTES!!:mad: There is a similar story about Queen Isabel of Spain... She wasn't supposed to be allowed to be queen because she was a woman, and the LAW said only a man could take the throne, but she argued that wasn't LEGIMIT, she was daughter of kings therefore she was legitimally the queen and no someone else. :clink It's like a if couple of cats move into a dog house and have offspring there, are they automatically puppies?? :rofl HELL NO!! they are KITTENS!!! The same goes for people, if a black couple have offspring in Europe are they European? NOOO!!! they're Negros like their parents!!!:mad: |
Re: Please help my! | Do you remember in which city, province, etc of France was it? Maybe a little more details could help in finding it... |
Re: Question for the whites | I find it stereotypical and ignoranty how when some people of a particular race do something, you blame it on the entire race. Like when some black people stare you down, all blacks are bad. When a Latino calls you a cracker, all Latinos are bad. When Osama (or maybe Bush) crashes planes into NYC, all Muslims are bad. How about when Timothy McVeigh bombs, does that mean that all whites are bad? How come white people never feel obligated to take responsibility for their entire race but minorities do? This is an issue of population percentage, you can say ALL people from a particular group are criminals for example, but when STADISTICS show that in a NORMAL black population 90% are criminals, that's a good indicator that I don't want ANY of them near my own people. Besides of that, there is a matter of comunity identity, by instinct people feel more confortable with its own kind, I as a white person feel more confortable among other withes, blacks feel well among blacks, muds feel well among muds, its just natural, the problem is that it's OK for all other races besides white to feel this.... talk about a double standard... :rolleyes: |
Re: Universities given 'how-to' guide for fighting violent Islam | How to, fighting violent Islam, get the islamic scum of our soil.:) White pride. White survival. White revival. :clink :clink :D exactly brother!! |
Re: Crisis! Bill Gates:WE Dont Have Enough Negro Engineers | Let me get this straight... Negroes working on Windows? :rofl isn't that what they already do when they try to break into your house? :rolleyes: Way to go Billy!! Show us the evolution of Information Technology in the form of Negrosoft!! :rofl Like Microsoft applications weren't crappy enough they're going to add more crap into them.. :rolleyes: |
Re: Game: Create a VERY short story using these 6 words | fire baker porcupine hamburger camouflage NASCAR There I was in the last lap of a NASCAR race about to win the coup when out of nowhere a porcupine ran just in front of me, I tried to miss it but my race car crashed out of the track into a nearby bakery. A fire broke out, luckily for me a guy in camouflage , from the weapons store next door, managed to get me out before my race car and the bakery burned down, the baker wasn't trilled but since he had insurance and was my fan he even made me a hamburger using the very fire from the crash. The porcupine didn't make it. I wonder where did the hamburger meat come from? ...come to think about it, it tasted like chicken. :D flag drawer palm-tree pyramid planet dingo |
Re: Negro Teens Feel the Chill of 'Bilingual Preferred' | Doesn't ¿No habla ingles? mean You don't speak English? It can mean either: ¿[Usted] No habla Inglés? - Don't YOU speak English - in this case the YOU is formal speech, the informal way to say YOU would be: ¿[Tu] No hablas Inglés? ¿[El] No habla Inglés? - Doesn't HE speak English? ¿[Ella] No habla Inglés? - Doesn't SHE speak English? ¿[Eso] No habla Inglés? - Doesn't IT speak English? If you want to say I don't speak Spanish it's: [Yo] no hablo Español Most English speakers say no habla Español it sounds very weird since it's refering to a different person but yourself. ;) |
Re: Negro Teens Feel the Chill of 'Bilingual Preferred' | They already have that, it's called the Mexican Dialect. Not only the Mexicans all mud-americans in general, colombians, cubans, venezuelans, peruvians, puerco :D ricans, etc... butcher the Spanish language, the brazilians butcher the Portuguese language, the caribeean negros butcher the French language, and so on... It's like the non-whites have an inability to properly speak ANY language whatsoever... quite ironic for a people SO obsessed with communication... have you noticed the craze they have with cell phones?? :rolleyes: |
Re: Negro Teens Feel the Chill of 'Bilingual Preferred' | About the misspellings and grammar mistakes: One I've found very common not only in this boards but everywhere is the use of a and an, if I recall correctly my English lessons :D you use a before words starting in a non-vowel SOUND, and you use an before words starting with a vowel SOUND, for example: an apple a pineapple Not only I've seen mistakes like these, but they have raised questions/confusion... are there exceptions? for example in sentence like these: an USA-grown apple - my guess a USA-grown apple a USA-grown pineapple an USA-grown pineapple - my guess Which ones are correct? In those sentences the rule is applied to the immediate next word (USA) or to the word (noun) that the article (a/an) it's actually referring to (apple/pineapple)?? other examples could be: a/an OPEC alliance a/an OPEC cease-fire - my guess: both with an a/an Irish gnome a/an Irish joke - my guess: both with an a/an NATO alliance - my guess: a a/an anti[-racist] - my guess: an :confused: |
Re: Negro Teens Feel the Chill of 'Bilingual Preferred' | About the misspellings and grammar mistakes: One I've found very common not only in this boards but everywhere is the use of a and an, if I recall correctly my English lessons :D you use a before words starting in a non-vowel SOUND, and you use an before words starting with a vowel SOUND, for example: an apple a pineapple Not only I've seen mistakes like these, but they have raised questions/confusion... are there exceptions? for example in sentence like these: an USA-grown apple - my guess a USA-grown apple a USA-grown pineapple an USA-grown pineapple - my guess Which ones are correct? In those sentences the rule is applied to the immediate next word (USA) or to the word (noun) that the article (a/an) it's actually referring to (apple/pineapple)?? other examples could be: a/an OPEC alliance a/an OPEC cease-fire - my guess: both with an a/an Irish gnome a/an Irish joke - my guess: both with an a/an NATO alliance - my guess: a a/an anti[-racist] - my guess: an :confused: an history lesson vs. a history lesson. Actually in this case I think it's a history lesson if the rule applies to lesson it's a and if it applies to history is still a because it must begin with a vowel SOUND, h is not a vowel SOUND in English. In many other languages the h would be mute, though. Anyway, no one has answered the question... does the a/an rule applies to the immediate word following said article or only to the noun which the article makes reference?? :confused: |
Re: Negro Teens Feel the Chill of 'Bilingual Preferred' | No one can tell me how to spell no one. :D My big complaint which no one seems to respect is the proper use of less and fewer. Even newscasters use less where fewer should be used. Disappointingly, there were fewer attendees this year at our White Gathering. Admittedly, there was less advertising but still...... Kind of like the folks who don't distinguish between much and many. But one of the things that's, alas, becoming common usage is using there's instead of the plural there are. Everyone does it including the talking heads on TV and I confess to sometimes being guilty of it myself in spoken English. *Raises hand* I know! I know! :D less and fewer much and many less and much are used with items you're not able to count. fewer and many are used with items you're able to count. less advertising, less wine, less food fewer attendees, fewer wine bottles, fewer food boxes much advertising, much wine, much food many attendees, many wine bottles, many food boxes Maybe we should start a thread about language learning, grammar, etc... on the culture and customs sub-forum... not only for English but for other languages, not only the non-native speakers but native speakers could benefit, and would add an educative value to stormfront... I can just imagine normal people searching for language learning material on the net and getting stormfront links :D |
Re: First Europeans shunned Neanderthal sex | to be fair, the neanderthals weren't a RACE but a separate SPECIES, a species which was a few hundred thousand years behind homo sapiens. I don't think there would have been much incentive among the cro-magnons to breed with a group that had only a basic command of language, that was technologically inferior, and was most likely unaesthetically appealing, given their significantly different build from modern man ...(waits for the inevitable black joke) You forgot the homo-jewiens at the time they said that species didn't exist, that it was only a social construct, cro-magnons and neanderthals are equal... And how you dare calling them the n(eanderthal)-word!!?? the PC term is derthalis-europeans ;) :rofl are you trying to prove the two species were essentially the same? i think the fact that neanderthals existed in europe for hundreds of thousands of years before cro magnons, content with their primitive tools and living in an essentially static existence should be proof enough of the staggering differences between the two groups ... this is the basic argument why I believe the only reason Negros aren't classified as a different SPECIES is PC BS... Just take a look at a genetic distance map: http://img184.imageshack.us/img184/668/peoplesvo0.gif I'd like to see a genetic distance map for the cro-magnon and neanderthal... One for the wolf and dog should be interesting too... |
Re: Fav Directors? | Steven Spielberg!! :rofl Sorry, couldn't resist! :D Disclaimer: yes, I was being sarcastic! ;) Seriously, The guy who directed TLotR trilogy, the guy who directed and Sparta, and Mel Gibson... All great directors that gave us recent multicultural-free movies... :clink |
Re: Christopher Lee may not reprise his role as Saruman in the Hobbit Films | Agreed! BTW, Christopher Lee came very close to skipping the premiere of The Return of the King. He was infuriated that he wasn't featured in the final film of the LOTR Trilogy! I didn't expect to see the Scouring of the Shire in ROTK. The Theatrical edition was already close to 3 and a half hours long and the addition of that scene would've been anti-climatic. However, I was also mad to see the Voice of Saruman dropped from the Theatrical Version! :mad: It was featured in the Extended Edition though. The power of Lee's voice is indeed amazing! [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7JjFr6z5jGk[/youtube] that scene is so cool!! I haven't seen it!!! I read it on the books but didn't know it was on the movies!! :clink |
Re: Christopher Lee may not reprise his role as Saruman in the Hobbit Films | christopher lee did sum fine actin' in star wars, but i liked that boy samuel jackson a lot better. he could swing that stick real well is what i thought. yeah, he's such a great actor :rolleyes: coughtokennegrocough!! http://www.netweed.com/prohiphop/graf/samjackson.jpg |
Re: File extension re-namer | There's an application called Irfanview, it has batch conversion and bath rename features, using the windows api, so no DOS commands, your choice. :D |
Re: Why 2 randomly selected individuals from different populations can be closer to each other than one of the same | This is something I've heard about too and would like to know for sure... My educated guess is that's a trick with semantics, what I think they really mean with such claim is that there is more DNA in total that is equal between two random individuals from different races than the DNA that codes for genetic variations inside a particular race. The catch here is the total DNA code for an organism contains absolutely every single detail, from things like being bipedal, having a heart, having two eyes, five fingers, etc... To give an example they say that the human and chimp DNA is only 2% different, that's because the 98% that is equal codes for all the things that we have in common, two kidneys, two eyes, one mouth, etc... in that 2% there's only the code that makes us different... So we can consider that between human races there is a smaller percentage of difference that still has dramatic differences like in the case human-chimp. So basically if you pick two random humans from different races they're going to have 99%+ of equal genetic material, the same if you pick a random monkey and a random human they're going to have 98% equal DNA, and that's much less than the variation in that 2% that codes for the differences between groups and individuals of the two species, in humans the individual variations must be much less significant percentage-wise (I'm guessing less than 1% between races and less than 0,5% between individuals within a race group) If this is what they mean by that claim, we can see that's an unfair comparison that only follows the agenda of minimizing the argument for genetic differences between races. We can see that minimal genetic variations result in dramatic functional changes in an organism, and that a small percentage of variation results in vast possibilities for individual differences. In the end we could make the same argument between a random human and an orange! :rolleyes: :rofl |
Re: Why 2 randomly selected individuals from different populations can be closer to each other than one of the same | From MajorityRights I found this: But no source. That is why I just ignored it. Can anyone source this? well there you go, they are saying what I proposed in my guess... and they do play a LOT with semantics... Two randomly selected individuals from different populations can be closer to each other than either individual is to a random co-ethnic can be doesn't mean the majority of random selected individual WILL BE For one or a few markers, in trials where an individual is compared to a randomly selected co-ethnic or a randomly selected individual from another population, in a minority of cases, the individual will be closer to the person selected from a different ethnic group, well, duh!! especially if those markers are the ethnic group specific onesbut the proportion of such cases will decrease with the use of more markers the more markers you add the more likely you'll be adding ethnic specific ones. However, if the entire genetic information is considered, then an individual will be closer to a random co-ethnic than a random individual from another ethnicity.they are saying the opposite of their initial argument, the However here is totally out of place they're basically saying the same as in the previous sentence, however makes you think that they'll conclude something different... So basically they say that the more traits you compare between two random individuals the more likely they're going to be closer to an individual from the same ethnic group.... duh!!! And that CAN BE a minority of cases where they are closer to individuals of other groups... :rolleyes: so what's the point?? it's only hot air, semantics designed to confuse, but in the end they are saying what we already know: you're closer to someone from your own race than to someone from another race. :clink So LeShanwe CAN BE closer to a random chimp in the zoo than to the rest of her sistas and bruthas (especially if they only measure the traits for her IQ and lip size) but this doesn't mean that the majority of sistas and bruthas are closer to chimps than to their own kind. |
Re: Why 2 randomly selected individuals from different populations can be closer to each other than one of the same | What I was kind of asking for was a scientific study - that block of text is only as reliable as its source - which is not cited I was pointing out that they are not making a claim based on anything really, they are more like pointing out the obvious. OMG,..I know what you're saying,..there is this photo of a girl on the cover of a book who's 15 and I looked almost the same when I was 15,..I was stunned! I bought the book just because of that,..I think I might email the author and inquire who that is,..although that might sound weird. The girl on the cover is less tanned than me with a different nose,..I'd say that's about it. This article has officially inspired me to just go ahead and email the author and just comment that I think it's interesting we look so much alike. For privacy reasons, I'm not going to post a comparison here but I would've liked to because the similarity is closer than my sister or any relative On that note, I don't understand,..does that mean this girl has closer genetic makeup to me than my family? I'm really puzzled by this because she seems to be from some Northern European country since she's fairer skinned and the author's last name is Scandinavian I believe, the story also takes place in the U.S., so I'm putting all this together,..but this has really baffled me because our looks are really similar,.our eyes are very similar, shape of eyebrows and the distance between our eyes and eyebrows,..we both have a similar face shape and she has light brown hair and so do I. Her expression looks a lot like mine,..my mom even said she looks more like me than my sister! If people could reply to me what they think is going on genetic wise that would be great because I don't get how we're not related. I'm guessing it could happen that she's genetically more similar to you than any other of your relatives. Let's say your DNA its 99% identical to every other human (here is coded the basic functions that make you human) another 0,5% is race specific, another 0,2% is ethnic group specific, another 0,1% is specific for your family (everything that runs in the family) and 0,1% are your own identity and personal mutations. (the percentages are educated guesses) Every of these proportions is not a hard coded trait, it's more like ranges in which a trait can manifest, for example: * in the 99% we could have the body hair distribution that ranges from someone with little body hair to a really shaggy person. * in the 0,5% race specific, we could have hair color, in whites you have all the range of hair colors while in the other races is limited to black and brown. * in the 0,2% ethnic specific, we could have let's say that for Russians a specific cranial feature goes between a specific range. * in the 0,1% family specific, you could have that the shape of your left ear is kind of pointy but varies between a range of pointiness. * in the 0,1% individual specific, you could have adjustments or mutations that affect the lower or upper limits of the ranges you have inherited so you develop little variations that make you unique. Every of these ranges are not necessarily exclusive, for example the range for the width of the cheek bones of an Asian could be from 20cm to 25cm while the range for a White could be from 17cm to 22cm, the ranges cross!! that's why you see Asians that don't look so Asian and you see whites that looks Orientalish, you're seeing individuals in the extremes of the ranges! In the same sense it is quite plausible to find among the billions of combinations a case like the one you comment between you and the girl in the picture. |
Re: Proper response to You are a racist? | Sir Archibald Mapsalot III has the best answer I've seen: Jon: that seems a bit racist! SAM: uh... ah... what!!??? to call me racist would be to imply I care enough to hate them... or I'm interested enough to learn things about them to dislike :rofl Sir Archibald Mapsalot III - The Daily Show with Jon Stewart - 09/04/13 - Video Clip | Comedy Central |
Re: Safe shows for my kids | Oh and you can also get Poke'mon, its a good show, once again a token black but really, it doesn't come into play often. He acually dissapears for most of one season, I think it was called the Orange Islands. Are you talking about Brock?? http://visopsys.org/andy/img/brock.gif he's not black he's a darker shade of japanese.... I find Pokemon quite clean and unPC. or maybe you saw this pic and got confused http://www.halolz.com/wp-content/upl...rock-obama.jpg :rofl:rofl These are good: tom & jerry (old version) http://tbn3.google.com/images?q=tbn:...lpaper1024.jpg Popolocrois http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/thum...yc/A1792-7.jpg Heidi,_Girl_of_the_Alps http://lh3.ggpht.com/afgalmeida/SB-I...umb%5B1%5D.jpg Candy Candy http://bp1.blogger.com/_Q5b5mvdAjlQ/...s400/candy.jpg Japanese cartoons (anime) are most of the time nonPC, and some are even pro-european and tell stories of the classic european literature, a good example is the World Masterpiece Theater Collection , Heidi is one of those, and most of them are based on european literature. you can say all you want about Japanese anime, but even the most Japanese-culture centric anime you can get it's WAY better than the crap that you find nowadays on disney channel... :rolleyes: |
Re: Safe shows for my kids | I cant think of any pro WN child shows but shows with things like animals or objects as main characters instead of people might be more WN friendly since it wont show a diversity like black white and yellow characters it will just have lions tigers and bears oh my!! Saddly even those movies are being multiculturalized: shark tale, features the main fish character with the looks, behavior and voice of a negro, and several other characters too, simply disgusting --> http://images.usatoday.com/life/_pho...yer-inside.jpg Ice age 3, features the female mammoth as a negress, and a plot that could be hinted as racial mixing, since the male mammoth is played by and behaves as a white. Madagascar, features the zebra as a negro, and maybe the hippo?? |
Re: Safe shows for my kids | We only have 2 dvds with six 15 minute episodes on it.. but my husband and I have found that Shaun the Sheep doesn't seem to have any hidden agenda. Just a sheep, who is always getting into adventures trying to stay one step ahead of a myopic farmer. I enjoy it myself. the animation is similar to Wallace & Gromit... they're probably by the same studio, that one is also quite clean. Has anyone seen The Farm?, it's an animation movie in a farm environment, barns, clueless farmers, animal characters that talk and all that, but with a really nasty quirk... it features MALE COWS??? I was like WTF?? really creepy, I must advise AGAINST that movie specially for young children it sends the wrong signals about gender identification... probably it was produced by Jewish homos... :rolleyes: |
Re: Chiggers | Chiggers: The offspring of Chinese and blacks. :rofl I initially thought this thread was about chinese n*****s :rofl |
Re: The Ultimate Paintball Gun | I want one of these for christmas :clink This Paintball BFG is capable of firing multiple rounds with up to 1200psi of CO2 pressure. Video in the . Hasta la vista painter! :cool: |
Re: T. Rex--tastes just like chicken | What are you going to grow it in? A HUUUUGE test tube? :D Seriusly, If you need another living creature to carry the embrio, I guess they'll first start with the smaller ones using ostriches, and then they go up with bigger species in a chain of substitute mothers... :confused: |
Re: What was Hitler opinion about Iberian Inquisition? | As far as I know both Spanish Franco and Portuguese Salazar were nazi sympathyzers, they had to stay neutral during WW2 because of early treaties with England and France if I recall correctly. I've been told that Salazar provided food for the nazi armies... |
Re: Earth is in the Midst of the Sixth Great Extinction | any hope n!ggers, mestizos and mongoloids go extinct? |
Re: Zelda Skyward Sword | I'm a fan of Zelda and Nintendo overall, it's funny how one of their best games are heavily influenced in European culture, at least the Japanese know where to look for great cultural influence. :clink By the way, did it came in sort of bundle or with some preorder item?? |
Re: Zelda Skyward Sword | is it just the golden wiimote? doesn't it come with the matching nunchuck? |
Re: NASA To Sell Off Spaces Shuttles In 2010 | No budget for Nasa... mean while throw in more tax dollars to Israel and Africa... :rolleyes: :mad: |
Re: Swedish Olympic Wrestler Throws Away Medal | The Olympic games perfectly demonstrates how multuculturalism and globalization are changing the world. We have people crossing borders and competing under the flags of non-native countries. Soon it will be so jumbled up that there will be no point in separating athletes by country. does one world ring a bell? Soon? Have you watched football (soccer) or any other sport recently? it's already happening! I'm not myself a sports fan, never seen the point in watching a bunch of adult retardos playing ball as a profession :rolleyes: And adding all the MC, non-representative of their country BS, it's just another turn-off... |
Re: Chavez wants to nationalize banks! | Chavez is a Negroid idiot!! he knows nothing about anything! don't get confused the only reason he's anti-america and anti-bush it's because he perceives them as the evil white colonialist that caused all the pain of the worthless Negro. he's anti-Israel and pro-Iran because he perceives Israel is a friend of USA and Iran is anti-usa, so you do the math.... his economic policies are based on hate to the white diaspora in Venezuela, most of the whites and people he perceives as whites are indeed in commerce and related businesses, no wonder that very white diaspora where the ones that made Venezuela the little different it is from Africa now... Guess what are his nationalist policies? * Pay the mestizo thrash to study: yes you read right he pays them monthly so they go to the misiones to get a patetic excuse for an education... Not to mention that education was already free in Venezuela, you can go through a whole engineering career paying semestral registration fees of $2, that makes like $20 for the whole career plus a graduation fee of about $100 we could round it up to $150 for the whole career!! if you don't get an University degree in Venezuela is not for lack of economic resources is because you're too dumb! * Pay the hood mothers: he pays the patetic mestizas conejas (rabbits) that the only thing they do in their life is f*ck and get pregnant, they get paid for that!! not only that he created a bigger burden on the private (guess what? mostly white diaspora owned) sectors by forcing them to keep such pregnant scumbags as employees and give them 9 months of pre + post natal vacations, paid by the unlucky private sectors that hired them! * He's nationalizing everything: clinics, schools, food chain, that means that he's going to put all the private services (that were the only ones that actually worked in the damn country) at the same level of the crappy public services... so everybody is Equal * Salaries: with all the social programs crap, he's making an unskilled blue collar idiotic mestizo earn a salary equal or even bigger to the one of a highly trained professional like engineers, doctors, etc... (guess what most of the people that are able to got through the education system and become a highly trained professional is part of or has a lot of the white diaspora in them, coincidence?...) Should I continue?? :rolleyes: |
Re: Chavez wants to nationalize banks! | Exactly: I'm a National Socialist. Venezuala's resources for the Venezuelans USA's resources for White Americans and don't interfere with each others' sovereignity. Venezuela's resources for the Venezuelans is a HUGE waste of precious resources ;) It's like breeding dogs using caviar... |
Re: What country would you like to live in? | They (greeks) are affraid of banished Macedonians who have documents for their land in Aegean Macedonia and want it back. Excuse my ignorance about the topic, but what's this about? if you're not Greek what are you? Selfdetermination? :confused::confused: So, a legal thing created for african colonies it can be aplicated to other regions? You really know ANYTHING about what is going out in Basque Region? Please, we don´t want chouvinists that think their state-model can be impossed to other regions of Europe. the self-determination was made for african colonies. It´s hard to understand aplicated to European regions. Yes, you look quite chouvinist, Mr knoweverythingofeacheuropeanregion :rolleyes: Last time I checked self-determination was the right of an ethnic group to govern itself on its own homeland... is NOT a colonial thing exclusively! About the Basques, they ARE a distinct ethnic group, with a distinct language and with a homeland (today split between Spain and France) they DO have a right to govern themselves and form their own country. If countries like Montecarlo, Andorra, Luxembourg, Switzerland, Netherlands, etc.. exist and have a right for self-determination, then the Basque Country qualifies even more. ;) |
Re: Men face jail for rape if women are 'too drunk' to consent in bed (UK) | If women don't want to consent anything stupid, they should try not getting drunk in the first place... :rolleyes: guess they can also sue because they were intrinsically forced to drink.... :rofl |
Video Game - Europa Universalis | Hope this is the right section to post this. Does anyone here know the series Europa Universalis? it's a great strategy game made by a swiss team (If I recall correctly) about Medieval Europe, it's very eurocentric and you learn a good deal of history and geography just by playing it. http://www.europauniversalis3.com/ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Europa_Universalis |
Re: Who wants to live for ever? | I'm in!! :D Usually old people have the most knowledge because they have had the most time to adquire it... the thing is that by then they are wore out... if you could stay infinitelly young, and live forever, just imagine the amount of knowledge and experience a single individual could be able to adquire!! Science would advance much faster. |
Re: Absence of Aborigines in Australian Cinema | Actually there have been many Australian Aborigines in movies and televisions. They even had a move trying to to play up race mixing between a white girl and an aboriginal boy. The frequently showed his loin cloth and how it covered very little. I cannot remember the name of the movie now. Wasn't it Australia (2008) |
Re: Race is an illusion! | I know, I was just going to say something. They classify a Palestinian as white among other absurd racial classifications. If not for the deceit I would have gotten a perfect score. I went in the sorting game, my first impression, are they kidding me?? you can hardly SEE the pictures less than that sort them :rolleyes: |
Re: Chavez endorses Obama | People we have to let this be known in Florida and other places. Make phone calls telling people those s.o.b's are in bed together, people are suspicious but now it's out in the open. The moron Chavez is so stupid he thinks this will actually give Obama votes. And to respond to another poster's question, no Castro has never endorsed a candidate since he knows he is loathed in the U.S., but no doubt he is wishing for an Obama victory Chavez endorsing Obama is reason enough to say with 100% certainty that Castro endorses Obama, Chavez is nothing more than a Castro's puppet. :rolleyes: |
Re: Spanish Muslims Want Cathedral Converted Into Ecumenical Temple | White Portuguese and Spanish ancestors must be rolling in their graves!!! It took them years to drive these moors out of the Iberian Peninsula, and now this!! :mad: |
Re: English accent when speaking Spanish | If you can't speak the language yet, you should concentrate in doing so. Pro-tip: learn to think in Spanish, judging by your post, I'm guessing that right now you're still thinking in English and then translate into Spanish. Doing so produces very weird sounding sentences that are a bigger give-away than any accent. Also forget about nasal sounds, Spanish sounds come mainly from your throat and air is expelled through your mouth. As an example, what you wrote: Hi, I'll be moving to a Spanish speaking country soon, and I was wondering if anyone could help me with my English accent. I can't speak Spanish at the moment, but I'd appreciate any advice on how to lose my accent when speaking so I can fit in a bit easier. What does an English accent sound like when they speak Spanish? Does it sound fairly flat, nasally, singing, guttural? If it helps, I'm from South-West England. Any help would be great. I would translate into Spanish like this: Hola, (Yo) pronto me voy a mudar a un país de habla hispana, y me preguntaba si alguien me podría ayudar con mi acento Inglés. (Yo) No puedo hablar español en este momento, pero agradecería cualquier consejo sobre cómo perder mi acento al hablar, para así poder encajar un poco más fácil. ¿Cómo suena un acento Inglés cuando hablan español? ¿Suena bastante plano, nasal, cantado, gutural? Si ayuda, yo soy del Suroeste de Inglaterra. Cualquier ayuda sería genial. What you wrote in Spanish for a Spanish speaker would sound like this: Hi, I'm soon going to pass to a Spaniard speaking country, and I was wondering if anyone could help me with my English accent. I can't speak Spanish at the moment, but I'd appreciate you any advice on how to lose my accent when speaking so that He/She/It can (physically) fit in a bit easier. What does it an English-accent-sound make how when they speak Spanish? Does it sound fairly flat, nasally, sing, guttural? If it helps you, I'm from the England South-West. Any help would be great. I'm not trying to be mean at all, sorry if it sounds like that, I'm just trying to illustrate how thinking in a language is the key to speak fluently. ;) In Spanish there are many sentence elements that get skipped because, only judging by verb conjugations or the particle used, they can be implied, this can be confusing for someone learning the language specially if it's a native speaker of a language as structured as English is. The English verb to fit in in Spanish can mean to metaphorically fit in a situation, in a country, in a group of people, in that case you can use the verb encajar or the reflexive verb adpatar(se) It also can mean to physically fit in, an object into another, someone into a space, in that case you use the verb caber If you have any questions feel free to ask. :) |
Re: English accent when speaking Spanish | I've known about some differences, like masculine and feminine words which have 'Los' or 'Las' in front. But I've hadn't thought about the structure to the sentences before. When I was learning French and German they had us learn every word along with the appropriate particle so we would associate them with their proper gender from the beginning. For instance in Spanish you wouldn't learn that car is carro instead you'd learn that the car is el carro (masculine). You can't cheat by learning one romance language so you would know the universal word gender for other languages, each language have their own feminine, masculine and neutral words and they don't necessarily coincide across languages, for example in French the car is la voiture (feminine) Word gender is one of the biggest pitfalls I've seen for English speakers when learning Spanish (or any other romance language for that matter). Actually it is a big pitfall even for Romance language speakers when learning another romance language. One advantage that Spanish has is it being phonetic, if you learn how to pronounce the phonemes you can virtually read anything aloud even if you don't know what are you saying. Actually that's the first thing they teach to small children in Spanish speaking countries, there are booklets, intended for kinder garden level, that have all the possible phonetic combinations in Spanish: a - e - i - o - u ba - be - bi - bo - bu ca - que - qui - co - cu (sounds the same as the k line) da - de - di - do -du fa - fe - fi -fo -fu ga - gue - gui - go - gu ja - je/ge - ji/gi - jo - ju ka - ke - ki - ko - ku (sounds the same as the c line) la - le - li -lo -lu lla - lle - lli - llo - llu (sounds the same as the y line) ma - me - mi - mo - mu na - ne - ni - no - nu ña - ñe - ñi - ño - ñu (virtually the only nasal sounds in Spanish) pa - pe - pi - po - pu ra - re - ri - ro - ru (soft r similar to the one in English) rra - rre - rri - rro - ruu (strong r typical of Spanish, rolling your tongue, this is one of the most common pitfalls for English speakers, you usually make no difference between r and rr) sa - se/ce - si/ci - so - su (Depending on the country and I think even regions of Spain, se,si and ce,ci can be pronounced differently or the same, if different se is like tha in thanks and ce is like se in sense) ta - te - ti - to - tu va - ve - vi - vo - vu (these also depend on the region/country, in some is indistinguishable from b in others is similar to the one in English) wa/gua - we/gue - wi/gui - wo/guo - wu/gu (gue and gui here should have an accent that looks like two points above the u this -> ¨ for some reason they don't show up with the vowel, without that accent those phonemes sound different, like the g line) xa - xe - xi - xo - xu ya - ye - yi - yo - yu (sounds the same as the ll line) za - ze - zi - zo - zu (these also depend on the region/country, in some is indistinguishable from s in others is similar to the one in English) |
Re: Retrieving photos from a CD | Make sure the CD is working fine: try it on another computer... can you access your files? if you can, it's a problem with the PC... else there's a problem with the CD... * if the problem is with the PC, it could be your cd drive not properly installed, missing drivers, etc... * Another simple thing that occurs to me is incompatiblility of media and drive... e.g. you're trying to open a DVD on a CD drive... or a CD-RW with an open session on a simple CD drive... |
Re: Supernovae explode in rare double-whammy | God's face maybe? :rolleyes: I don't know... but it kind of reminds me of a T.V. character... :confused: |
Re: Anti-whites only, do you think you're a Native American? | Made in Manhattan Spanglish The Office: The Janitors are Mexican Are you telling me that the constant portrayal of hispanics as maids and janitors is racist? This can't be! ;) If you guys are the butt of jokes, so are we. well, that's reality my dear ;) |
Re: Anti-whites only, do you think you're a Native American? | That is all cute, but the maid stereotype is getting old. Also movies staged in Latin America only show slums and backward scenes, or jungle... never the modern, clean, metropolitan areas. It's all about proportion, that's why stereotypes come to exist in the first place, if you lump latin america in a bag what percentage would you say is as you describe? modern, clean, metropolitan areas? what porcentage would be a slum backwardness or jungle?? be honest with yourself, you're not tricking anyone but yourself... there you have your answer... If you are hispanic you get your pick of being portrayed as a salsa-listening drug dealer or as a maid or janitor.again, proportions, if you lump mestizo-americans (you're neither hispanic nor latin by the way) in a bag which porcentage would be salsa-listening, drug-dealer, maids or janitors?? would you bet your life that if you randomly put your hand inside the bag blindfolded you'll pick out the rock-listening, hardworking, engineer or architect? Only Dwight and Michael are stupid, the rest of the whites are OK. But check for the janitors... guess their race. A Joke: Michael to Oscar, is there something I can call you besides Mexican? I do not want to be racist! What a reflection of reality, the word Mexican is considered a slur for Latin American.to be fair I have rarely watched the office, just enough to get the vibe of it, personally I find it silly, dull and tasteless, but hey! that's MY opinion... about the term Mexican being an umbrella for all mestizo-americans, again proportions... if you take ALL the mestizos in the U.S. put them in a bag, what proportion you thing are going to be Mexican? Don't you in your own country as well all across mestizo-america lump whites as either gringos or turcos or judíos or whatever is the majority of white looking minority in your country? is not as funny or cute when it's done to your people, isn't it? Well hey, if the shoe fits and you're good at being maids, then more power to you. If I remember on a show called Prisonbreak, Panama was portrayed as a beautiful tropical country with gorgeous beaches, fancy buildings and lush vegetation, so I don't know what you're complaining about. To be fair, I watched the series and they also showed the slums, the backwardness, the corruption, laziness and inefficiency and it was the set for the most brutal 3rd world prison hell hole you can imagine, not that's far from reality, actually taking into consideration the real mestizo-american prison system Sona was a walk in the park for Michael Scofield As someone who has lived in a predominately Mexican neighborhood, I can't really blame them. They earned that slur fair and square, and I feel sorry for any Latin American who gets lumped in with them.they have indeed I never saw Prison Break, so if Panama was portrayed as modern, cool, that makes me happy. It is quite modern indeed. Anyways, Latin Americans that cross the border, unfortunately are the bottom of the Latin American barrel. But you still have, in the US, your professionals (doctors, engineers, managers). We can agree on something the huge majority of non-white immigration to white countries are the lowest on the social chain, let's see it backwards now, do you think it was the same case for the majority of the white European immigration waves that mestizo-america received during the 60's 70's and 80's? was it for your country (Panama I assume)? can you honestly say that mestizo-america received the same quality of immigrants from Europe that you send out to Europe? again what proportion the people you mention (doctors, engineers, etc) represents of the border crossers? both legal and illegal? Since I am against illegal immigration I will not defend Mexican illegals. Even the most hardworking of them is doing something... well... illegal.again something we can agree on :D |
Re: Anti-whites only, do you think you're a Native American? | It isn't as if all the movies are created with the same worldview in mind, the directors are usually very independent of each other; nonetheless, stereotypes are stereotypes, quite simply, because more often than not that is exactly how the majority of the people being categorized act and behave in the real world. It is not a bad thing to generalize, it allows you to get a basic understandings of a peoples collective capabilities; it only becomes a bad thing when you leave no room for deviation, if one were to say that South Americans were capable only of cooking, cleaning and stealing with ZERO chance at learning any other crafts then it becomes a problem. If you specify the group you're talking about, generalizations can be a good thing if they ring true. Is it bad to say Ethiopia is starving, even though the rich are living in lavish excess? Not at all. It is again a generalization. Exactly generalization is a basic principle of statistics, and a basic and completely natural human instinct, we have to thank it for our survival... The sad thing is that most people don't understand a thing about this, and this ignorance is used by the powers that be, by the elites of the world (and no, they're not necessarily Jews, although we can't hide that they are overrepresented for that matter) to use people for they selfish economic agenda, they teach bad statistics and bad generalizations, breaking stereotypes using the masquerade of benevolence, tolerance, etc... If you have a bag with 100 apples, 3 are green, 3 are rotten, and 94 are red, you can safely generalize that you have a bag of red apples, you don't say you have a bag of rotten apples, or green apples... that's common sense! What the elites do is cherry pick the 3 green apples, showcase them and put them all over the place using religion/media/government/intimidation, so they can convince people that they have a bag with green apples, or that all the apples are equal...:rolleyes: Chaos: I remember when I visited Charleston SC for the first time, I kept asking where the city was, until the tour guide, annoyed, told me We are in the city. No tall buildings like I am used to. I have been in a total of 5 countries in Latin America, Panama, Dominican Republic, Colombia, Guatemala, Venezuela (I have been to Puerto Rico too but I am not counting that), and I have seen modern cities, with all the amenities that you could expect from a Western city. I don't deny that, I've seen what you say to some extent myself, but you'll probably are talking about the best side of the cities and the places of interest, but have you gone to Caracas, Medellin, Bogotá, or even better some of the towns or minor cities in Central/South America and got into a bus, the ones that the regular people, the locals, take for doing their everyday chores? try touring like that, and you'll see a totally different reality, you'll see what the average person sees every day, try going to the places outside the tourist route, outside the fancy malls, and not around the 5 star hotels and airports... It's still debatable the part of all the amenities from a western city, not in a particular specific case but I'm talking overall, as I explain in this post above with the apples example, overall Central-South America is a corrupt crime ridden jungle slum. Again I'm not saying that there are not places like you describe but they are not a representative portion of the whole picture. Panama, in particular has a lot of jungle, most of it is forest preserves to protect the Panama Canal watershed. But for a 3 million people country, it has 2 nice metropolis, several small cities, and several city-resorts that are certainly 5 star. Colombia is beautifully cultivated land, the DR, is very nice too, Venezuela was the least nice of all four. When I visit the US, I normally go to the midwest, with barns, corn fields, one movie theater per town, and very few things to do, but I will not judge the whole USA just because of those towns. Exactly, this is the point seeing the proportions of the stuff, I would like to point out that in some cases you can not even equate apparently similar scenarios, for example would you say that the quality of life, the level of education (not necessarily formal education or title holders, I'll develop into this later), etc... of a small town in the so called Western World (Europe, North America, Australia, and to some extent even Japan) is the same as in a town with the same apparent characteristics in Central/South America? Africa? the middle east? Asia? Oceania? First, both Latin and Hispanic have dictionary definitions meaning people from Latin America. Even the Royal Spanish Language Academy, in Spain says so. So sorry, you can go blue in the face and not change that. Certainly a product of the custom and simple convenience, from an educated point of view: Latin is said of European peoples that developed a language based on the vulgar Latin and their ancestral languages during and after the Roman Empire, or in specific terms: Portuguese, Spanish (Aragonese, Castillian, Leonese, Galician, etc..), French, Italians, Romanians, etc... Hispanic, are the peoples of Hispania, Hispania is how the Romans called the Iberian Peninsula, so Hispanic are Portuguese, Spanish and Basques. ;) Well, hopefully not rock listening, I do not like rock myself, there is way better music than rock. But, depending on the country, you will find a sizeable portion of professionals. In terms of education, you will find white countries, like Spain, below some Latin countries, and Portugal below some others. Panama is one of those above Spain. What do you like? Salsa? Merengue? Regaeton? Cha-Cha-Cha? Cumbia? Vallenato? :D seriously, I'm curious! I like rock myself! I dislike all the above, but that's my opinion, that's my taste, in the same way that disliking rock is your opinion and your taste and we're both entitled to it. And here's where I'm developing on the education topic I left hanging in a reply above... From first hand experience, I can tell that government statistics are biased, they try to make themselves look good, period. The reality is another though. I've seen countries in Central/South America brag about having literacy percentages above many countries in Europe, the reality is that they simply grant elementary/high school diplomas compulsorily to people that if measured by European education standards would not even deserve the literate qualification. I'm not only talking about the lowest education levels, even at professional levels you see people that don't deserve the titles they hold, and could have their asses handed by an average European high schooler... In Venezuela for example I would dare to say that 80%+ of the population with a high school diploma simply don't deserve it, are basically virtual illiterates that can read and write, they decode the script but can't really understand what they are reading, the can grab a pencil a draw words and sentences with the script but can't really express the ideas in their heads using the grammar, vocabulary, punctuation... that for me is a virtual illiterate... I would say that 80%+ of the people with an university diploma, barely know only the strictly necessary to do their daily work in their chosen career, again don't deserve the titles they hold. I would say that about 75% have failed a year or a subject during their school time. From what I've seen from other countries in the region the situation isn't that much different... Average years of schooling of adults (most recent) by country ironically Venezuela is above Portugal in this list, are those years counting the years that Venezuelans have to repeat because they failed? is this list considering that a Portuguese with incomplete elementary school is more proficient than the average Venezuelan professional? Does this count that the average Portuguese farmer knows more about general culture and the state of affairs of the world around them than the average Venezuelan university title holder? Does this count that the average cost for an Engineering career in Venezuela's school system is about 400? and in Portugal the same title involves an investment of 60.000? It depends on the region. In Florida, they would be Cuban, in NY, it would be Puerto Rican. why? because they represent the local majority, if we talk about the country majority of the central/south American minority? that would be? In my country gringo means a person from the United States, no matter the race, that is, there are black gringoes. let's see: blanco, europeo, griego, catire, rubio, etc... I'm sure there's at least one umbrella term for white people in Panamá. And yes, I do speak Spanish, ;) Again, never watched the show. Was the prison supposed to be in Sona? That is a peaceful little town here. And yes, you definitely do not want to go to prison here. It's a nice series, filled with suspense, surprises and plots, if you like Burn Notice, Dexter and the like, you'll probably like this one too, the 1st season is the best, in my opinion, the other seasons seem that they pushed the plot too much... but well... If I recall correctly it goes on in Panamá during the 2nd or 3rd season, and yes the Prison is called Sona, so I assume it was in the town with the same name, most certainly there isn't even a prison there in the real world :P And no one would want to go to prison anywhere in South/Central America for that matter... :eek: The Americans that came here as GI joes while you had bases here were pretty much what you guys call hicks. And they followed suit dating and marrying our own version of hicks, the cholitas. what Americans would call hicks, I'm not American, I'm Portuguese. ;) Spaniards, Italians and Greeks came in a wave in the early 1900s as uneducated manual workers, the Spaniards that came in the 50s, again, uneducated manual workers, or clerks. How would you say that these European uneducated manual workers or clerks did in Panama, overall? What we now receive are basically retirees that want to enjoy a stable, modern and pretty country. Most of our doctors and engineers have good jobs and businesses here. Very few seek to emigrate. Most of your doctors and engineers cannot work here because of green card restrictions. funny how things are... if Central/South American workers were forbidden work in the western world for green card restrictions, can you just imagine the rioting and the calls for racism, and whatever? But in real life, people do not deal with groups, they deal with individuals. Generalizations are good when they are the absolute ONLY thing that you are able to learn about an individual. I disagree, in real life we deal both with groups and individuals... if you were in a dark alley, came to a fork in the road and had to choose a path to get to the safety of your home... now both paths are the same distance and exactly the same in any other aspect, but this one: one path is filled with a bunch of blacks and the other with a bunch of whites, both groups are the same size, have the same cloths, smell, the same apparent attitude, etc.... which path would you choose and why?? :D if black and white don't work for you, feel free to change them for something with the same effect, for me being white black works as absolute oposite, and white work as a comfort zone of a group with which I identify, I'd like to see what works for you and what your answer is, and the same for the original statement, and why... if it's not much trouble... :P Generalizations can leave you in a state like a fort with only half the wall built. You have your protective generalizations, all blacks are rapists, all hispanics are thieves, and your defenseless generalizations, all whites are good people. When I was 18, I found myself in the blackest ghetto in Panama city with an empty gas tank (no warning light back then) in the middle of the night. Four blacks approached my car, pushed it to the nearest gas station, laughing at me all the way because I looked scared. Two years later my family lost one thousand dollars to a distinguished old-family white man on a hospital-share scam, which could have been avoided with a bit more research. My point is give everyone the benefit of the doubt, but never enough to risk anything of value, no matter the race. People normally react well to trust. are you sure the white scammer wasn't really a Jew? :rofl Now seriously, the point is what you say but never enough to risk anything of value if you know by statistics, by stereotypes (that is another form of based generalization), that blacks are more likely to rape you, in a situation where you can't make sure by individualization, would you honestly risk it? You probably have found exceptions to the rule, probably because they are exception is why you found them anyway. Do you think that these anecdotal cases are the rule or exception? if you had to bet a million dollars that you'll encounter 10 more cases like these during the remaining of your lifetime, what would you do? He means that when its said that its commonly associated with being a white word. As if whites are the only ones who say it. I have a black friend named Taylor (who is a civilized human being not a n*gger, but unfortunately a liberal) and sometimes when were hanging out during school he jokes saying things like ya dumb naggers!! at his other negro friends, and of course when they aren't paying attention I get the first look until they realize who is next to me. -.-....Just because im white doesnt mean im going to go around shouting that word like some uncivilized neanderthal. I only use it to describe ghetto ass, loud obnoxious people. Exactly, not all blacks are n!gg3rs, not all Jews are greedy scammers, not all Asians are good at maths, not all mestizos are thieves and not all whites are sheep... But a majority of them indeed are, that's why these stereotypes exist, and it's not wrong nor unhealthy to use them like we're constantly told. As a matter of fact if we embraced these stereotypes and differences and took the measures to create solutions we all could live more happily and the elite masters would be doomed... We do have a culture, we rape lands and peoples, we enslave non-whites and we be awwayz keepin' a brotha down..... Seriously though, the white race is now and allways have been the supirior race, only rivaled by the mongoloid race(asians). The white antis that are programed into guilt help those who would wipe us all out, to their own end. As long as one white is alive the white race and our very diverse culture will survive. Personally I have no desire to see my race, White, or any races culture dissapear from this planet, well there is one race we could do with out;) This kind of attitude although I understand and find completely natural, it's not helpful, at least while there are so many people with a chip in their shoulder and easily offended... it's normal that anyone think that their group/family/race is the best/superior to the others, the big problem is that we have come to a point where if you're white you're not allowed to feel pride, you're not entitled to self determination. For the civil antis that come here, you'll see that White Nationalists disagree in almost everything except that our ethnicity also has a right for self determination and for a living space of our own, it's about freedom of choice and freedom of association, not hate. I believe every race on earth is entitled to that, and that is the only real way of preserving the human biodiversity in this planet, and the real diversity. Multiculturalism, miscegenation and globalism are the path to the contrary: a homogeneous world with no association to land nor kind that only live for consumerism, that's what the elites want, that's the best scenario for their economic interests. Sorry for the long post... :D |
Re: Anti-whites only, do you think you're a Native American? | I disagree. I cannot speak of all countries but in higher education we stand our ground. Fair enough, I can't talk about the specific case of Panamá. I'd like to point out that I have met plenty of Cubans who call themselves Doctors, yet what they really hold is a title on Integral Medicine or something like that, that at most can be equated to the set of knowledge a nurse has... :rolleyes: Ironically, some of these same Cubans say that Cuba is advanced and is exactly like Europe, you just need to take at peek with Google Earth at Cube to realize that they are either crazy, have never been to Europe and have a distorted idea of how it is, or are outright liars. In the case of Venezuela, you see Venezuelans claiming that their country is advanced and their educational system is amazing, they have more access to education than Europe and the U.S., and they have higher literacy rates and so and so, when in reality you find a bunch of people that are virtual iliterates as I explained before and hold one of those titles form Chavez' social programs: Misión Robinson (Robinson Mission) in Venezuela the locals call it Misión Bobinson (a pun with the word Bobo, Dumb... something like Dumbinson Mission). There are other mission that grant professional titles in 2-3 years when in the regular educative system take 5 years (7 for medicine) like everywhere in the world, and when you put into perspective that the regular system is already flawed, and graduates idiots that don't deserve the titles they hold, well you get the point.. :rolleyes: These new literates and professionals are only hired by the government institutions affirmative-action-like, populist policies, no private hirer that is worth their salt, won't even lose time interviewing someone with this background, because they already know that although they might find an exception to the rule (and I don't doubt there indeed are) it's simply more efficient and more safe to go with the résumés from credited institutions, especially if they're readily available. Is this discrimination? yes, it is. Is it wrong? No, it isn't. What does discriminate mean anyway? to have the skill to differentiate to tell apart something or someone from the other based on a feature or set of feature... And it again is a basic, natural, useful quality, which allowed us to survive up until the times we live. If you see two men and are able to tell apart one individual from the other you're discriminating, if you see a group of common wolves and another of German Sheppard domestic dogs, and you're able to tell them apart you're discriminating. If you can tell apart butterflies from African killer wisps, you're discriminating, if you use that ability to take a decision of staying away from the killer wisps and to get close to butterflies is that wrong? The same goes for humans, and all the particular feature we have and have created around us. I can only speak for my own country but we have internship and exchange programs with US and European colleges. That means that European kids come here and study and viceversa. I know people who have graduated from European universities and they did not have any problems to study there. My own son was never the most studious one in HS (smart but did not apply himself then) and is getting very good grades in a US University, he finally matured, thank goodness. No educational gap, good SAT scores, despite English being his second language. Here we need to apply some statistics to put the sentences in perspective: You know some people (Panamanians I assume?) who did well in Western Universities... alright, now... would you say that these group of people you know that did well in Western Universities are a representative sample of their source group? in the case that they're Panamanians do they represent the average Panamanian? if you put ALL Panamanians in a sac and randomly (no cherry picking) pull out an equal sized group do you think that group overall would have the same outcome? :D It depends. I have met Venezuelan professionals in my line of business and I do not detect any lack of knowledge of worlds affairs. The same exercise here as above, do you think that the group of Venezuelan professionals that you have met (In Panamá or the U.S., outside Venezuela? I assume...) in your line of business are representative of the average Venezuelan? In the US one year of college (depending on the school) costs the same as a whole career in Portugal. Does that mean that US education is four times better? Sorry, my bad here I meant the 60.000 figure yearly too, it's about the same in Portugal and the rest of Europe and the U.S.. But to answer you question, NO, it would only mean that is more expensive and less people has access to it, which was the point I tried to make when making the comparison between a 400 and 60.000 figure, I was simply pointing out that despite what the Venezuelan government says in their populist rhetoric, Venezuelans have indeed easier access to higher education than white countries. And this is a common rhetoric for countries of the 3rd world, they constantly complain that the rich countries do better just because they have more resources and better access to education when in reality is the other way around, at least for Venezuela it is, they have more riches than any European country, and easier access to higher education and yet they suck. The only two that would go under an umbrella (gringo) is Canadians and Americans... we cannot tell them apart. It is also hard to tell apart Indians from Pakistanis, we call them all Hindus and Pakistanis hate this. The same as Japanese, Koreans, etc... hate when they are called Chinese or Libyans, Jordanian, Lebanese, Palestinians, etc... hate when they are called Turks. But again why can't we at first sight tell apart a Panamanian from a Colombian or Venezuelan? a Portuguese from a Spanish or a French? a Chinese from a Japanese or a Korean? a Nigerian from a Congolese from a Cameroonian? a Palestinian from a Lebanese or a Jordanian? Race. Maybe one cell for drunks in the town's police station. It is really a tiny town. What Hollywood magic can do! In Prison Break, Sona got a maximum security complex where they put the worst of the worst up to a point they had to lock down the prison in a bunker-like manner and leave the inmates unchecked inside in a survival of the fittest scenario, only opening (with a platoon of heavily armed military personnel) to send basic supplies like water and food in, go figure! :rofl In our country we have the same inmate per capita rate as the US, but a muuuuuch smaller budget. Horrible. At least you have your prisons filled with your own criminals, scenarios like in the U.S. and Europe where non-nationals, or minorities make up for the bulk of the inmate population tells you that something terribly wrong is going on... I don't think is fair for the U.S. taxpayer to finance the prison stay of Mexican gang criminals, or Haitians rapers or Arabian terrorists... or that Portuguese taxpayer have to pay the prison stay of Angolan and Mozambican criminals, or that French taxpayers have to pay for Pakistanis criminals... and so on.... Criminals should be deported, blacklisted so they can't set foot in the offended country anymore and imprisoned in their own home lands, let each people deal with their own scum, in the way the see fit... If Colombian drug dealers knew that if they get caught in the U.S. instead of being sent to a facility that resembles a 5 star hotel in Colombia they would be deported and Colombian authorities would throw them in a 3rd world hell hole prison cell with 60 other inmates and only 1 (broken) toilet, they at least would think it twice, don't you think? :p Some did extremely well, most are middle class people, some remained involved in small time occupations. some , most , some that sounds like a normal curve to me, :D now what would you say of the Panamanians with the same background as them? how do they usually do? and do an overall comparison between the two groups. Our green card restrictions apply to all no matter their race. Still some people are willing to work illegally. By the way, I was talking about professionals. I do not think I can just waltz in the US and start practicing engineering can I? Even if I am a certified engineer here. Ok, but here we're dealing with a more complex problem: migration policy, if for example Europe were to put in place a strong immigration policy in order to preserve Europe European, can you imagine the outcries of racism and discrimination? Let's put it this way... it's a bit difficult since central/south American countries were conceived as melting pots of cultures and that's your identity, so it doesn't seem such a big deal to you as it is for Europeans.... but let's try... After all Panamá being a melting pot and everything has achieved a identity of it's own, or it wouldn't be Panamá nowadays but a province of Colombia or a piece of the Royal Spanish Empire! :p Panamanians according to wikipedia stats are: Code: 50.1% Mestizo 22.0% Blacks and Mulattos 6.7% Amerindian 8.6% White 5.5% Asian 7.1% Other (<--- Mystery Meat :rofl) The culture, customs, and language of the Panamanians are predominantly Caribbean and Spanish. Spanish is the official and dominant language. About 93% speak Spanish as their first language, though there are many citizens who speak both English and Spanish or native languages, such as ngabere. Most Central/South American countries have similar backgrounds, just the percentages vary a little here and a little there, that makes you open to receive other Central/South American or the components of your demographics and assimilate them into your own demographics with no real harm or variation... But now imagine that your government starts a policy of open doors massive Chinese immigration... Panamá with roughly 3,500,000 people that identify themselves as Panamanians, thanks to this identity that developed across a few centuries. If it gets wide open to receive a Han Chinese population that easily amounts to 1,250,000,000... what do you think is going to happen to Panamá and Panamanian identity? If you see that wave after wave of Han Chinese enter your country and you start seeing towns, cities, provinces, estates were it becomes harder and harder to spot Panamanians? If you start seeing signs in Chinese, publications in Chinese, that some Panamanians don't get hired because they can't speak Chinese, that Chinese start getting involved in Panamanian politics, start organizing, forming groups to pursue their interests as a minority in your country, that people start talking about passing laws to accommodate the Chinese, that courts that follow the Chinese law start to appear, and that statistics projections say that Panamanians will become a minority in their own country in the next 25-50 years, now can I ask you how would you as a Panamanian feel? what would you do? who you thing is there to blame in this situation? the Chinese? the Panamanians? the Mystery Meat :p? None of the above? other party? This is a cool exercise. To be honest, I am very afraid of dark alleys. Sometimes there are roaches in dark alleys. Back to your question, any group would scare me. I would chose the group most similar to me. Light skinned hispanics. But if I had to choose between English speaking whites vs Spanish speaking blacks I would choose the blacks. If they both speak Spanish, I would chose white. Exactly, roaches aside :rofl, this is my point, we feel more comfortable, more safe, more secure around people similar to us, the more similar the better. That's why you see so many WN saying that your race or you ethnic group is an extension of your family. That's why psychologists have found the so called society of strangers effect in multicultural, multi-ethnic societies like in the U.S., and Central/South America. I could bet that if you ask that same question in the Political Correct U.S. face to face to a multicultural group, the non-whites will give an answer similar to yours and if a white dares to say the same would be labeled a racist or a bigot, or something similar. My answer as a white person myself would be the same as yours, I'll risk it with the group that's more similar to myself.. It's the natural and logical thing to do, but apparently I have to say that I'll take either path because I see no color or if forced to choose I'll choose the blacks just not to be an evil racist... do you think this is healthy or fair? Again, it depends on where you come from. Here most rapes are perpetrated by people who know the victim, and who are the same race as the victim. Change rape for mugged, and I would agree with you. I would be more scared of being mugged among blacks. Now check this out. Well dressed white looking Colombians are using their looks to get into buildings and rob homes and offices. :rolleyes: Exactly, every group has it's own stereotypes according to its own idiosyncrasy, it's not wrong to use and embrace those stereotypes on the contrary. The case about the well dressed white guy being a disguised criminal, I have heard it before, it's not isolated to Panamá I can assure you, it's wide spread across Central/South America, and it's simply an example of how can the stereotypes, the subconscious patterns that our mind keep, can be exploited, why some criminals use that modus-operandi? because they are exploiting the sense of confidence, of security, that Central/South Americans have associated with the well dressed white guy. Does this means that overall most of the well dressed white guys in Central/South America are criminals? No, if it were like that it would be a stereotype and the surprise, exploitative element of the modus-operandi simply wouldn't work... In Central/South America if you see a well dressed white guy around your house you don't immediately pinpoint and suspect him in the same way you would if you saw a bad dressed black guy with a scar on his head and a gang tattoo... But in 10% of the cases the well dressed white guy is going to rob you and in 90% bad dressed black guy with a scar on his head and a gang tattoo is going to rob you... There's no denying that the other 90% and 10% respectively are the contrary cases... That's where the stereotype comes from, and that's why it's used in an exploitative manner, I can imagine that the old white guy who scammed your family falls into these scenario, as well as the bunch of blacks that helped you with your car. That's what I was saying about bad statistics, you wouldn't put the white-old scammer as the poster-boy for the old-whites, or the black-car-pushers as the poster-boys of the blacks in your country, now would you? I live in a country with tons of blacks and other darkies. I mean tons! It is not healthy to live in a constant state of fear. So I have always lived a normal life, I may avoid ghettoes, but I do not avoid blacks at all. Half a century later, I am still here. Yes you're right, we can't live in fear, nor we can't avoid every single risk, life is about taking risks whether you want it or not, you have to find your own balance, but when you do take risks, either by choice or being forced to, it's better to take a calculated risk, otherwise you wouldn't avoid the ghettos :D This may be totally unrelated to your comment but I wanted to add this. 50 years ago Panama did not yet reach the one million people mark. Since late 1800s we have been receiving wave after wave of foreigners with different races, languages and cultures. Heavy racial mixing has taken place, ethnic traditions are kept by different groups but the Panamanian culture prevails. The love for our little piece of land is strong. Our pride as a country is strong. And our hope for our soccer team to classify for the World Cup springs eternal. This goes with the Chinese immigration exercise, don't you agree? It's because Panamanian identity being conceived as a melting pot has a higher level of permeability, but if it were to absorb more than it can take it would become diluted, as I explained. My native ancestry is pretty obscure, but my great great grandmother, whom I have a picture of, was registered as half Cherokee in the latter 1800s. She was absolutely beautiful in her photo, very young, and was married to some old blond white man (my great great grandfather), surrounded by blond children, one of which is my great grandmother. I read the sticky Read this before asking who is white. I agree with you folks about not mixing. Seriously. But by definition I am not white. Would it not PISS you off to know that someone deliberately withheld the information about their race, then tried to marry one of you or your kids? I am not hypocritical enough to lie about that. I do not see you giving flak to other non-whites who agree with you. I agree with you and your ideologies, and I am happy that you are proud of being white and choose to stay with other whites. I am proud that I am Native American and can openly say it, therefore relegating me to the open forums. I have more INTEGRITY for being honest than the white nationalists who write me little messages about how they are more native than me but won't type it for all to see for fear of not being able to stay in your group. Yes, that was a run-on sentence, but I refuse to be patronized by jeering people who claim that I am not Native American when I clearly read YOUR definitions that states I cannot claim racial pride in my white ancestors, because I AM NOT WHITE. Well, this is what it says in that sticky: So in response to the question, Who's White? we answer: Non-Jewish people of wholly European descent. No exceptions. What comprises European? Those areas north of the Mediterranean and west of the Urals corresponding roughly to what was formerly known as European Christendom. Note the word wholly -- of wholly European descent. Sometimes a person might volunteer that he is some small part non-White, like 1/64th or 1/128th, and then ask if we still consider him White. The answer is that if a person identifies with his non-White part so much that he is concerned about it and feels compelled to tell us about it, then we consider him to be non-White. If someone were to say that they were 12.5% Amerindian then, as far as we're concerned, that's what they are, 1/8th non-White. This is something about which we can't compromise. You're either White or you aren't. After all, on an anonymous message board, we don't have the person-to person contact that we do in the real world. We don't have the visual clues, the body language, the vocal expressions, the facial expressions, the overall impressions that we can get in real person-to-person meetings. In personal encounters if someone looks White, sounds White, acts White, says they're White, then we can pretty much assume they're White. But on an anonymous message board we don't have those visual and auditory clues. A poster can post a picture of anybody at all and claim to be that person but unless we have met that poster in person, we don't know who they are. On an anonymous message board all we have is what a poster writes and if he writes that he is part non-White, then that's what he is, part non-White. So there you have it, really, the fact that you need to identify yourself as part non-white and embrace that part of your heritage makes you non-white... it's a state of mind really... that can be changed... if you look white, behave white and identify yourself as white then you'll be considered as white... while you still think that being a 1/64th Cherokee or whatever is worth mentioning in an Internet-based bulletin board where no one has any clue what you look like... well that tells a lot about how you identify yourself. :) |
Re: Oh No! I just found out im 48% black! | AHHHHH I'm 90% Black start by changing your screen name to black_dude :rofl |
Re: from the adl site | yeah right!! the only time the Portuguese explorers treated a non-white civilization as equals was when they arrived at Japan. |
A language that doesn't follow human universal grammar rules | The Piranhã are an Amazonian tribe in Brazil, that simple refuse anything foreign, and speak a weird birdsong-like language, experts are baffled, even questions like if they are retarded arise, of course that can't be it, after all they are human and therefore the basic elements that make human speech different from other animals have to be there, they just have to, they can't find them but they know they are there, or at least another reasonable explanation exists. :rolleyes: |
Re: A language that doesn't follow human universal grammar rules | Read the article in the New Yorker . The article is not just about Everette. Fitch and Sheldon and others have been looking into this. Read the experiment of the bouncing monkey's head. Also, these pirahans are not very cooperative. They are not like monkeys or dogs in allowing themselves to be examined, and even have taken an impish approach to trying to screw up the experiments. My hunch is that if some of these people were to be adopted into a USA setting, and brought up watching Sesame Street, etc --that they would develop recursive language, but when they start in at elementary school, they will not catch on nearly as fast as even Mexican or negro children do, Remember that Americanized children of mulattoes,negroes and hispanic mestizoes, themselves, lag far far behind Chinese and caucasians. I doubt though, that the Brazilian gubment would allow any such adoption & experimentation, since these Pirahans are sort of endangered. My thoughts exactly, I read through the whole article (long but interesting), it seemed to me that neither the field linguists nor the theoretical ones have deciphered the language yet. I found interesting what they explain about recursion, they even mentioned that some African tribes didn't have it in their native tongues but were able to learn a western language that does, which brings me to the point, sure you can teach some primitive peoples how to speak European tongues, but do they actually understand its deepness? do they really grasp things like recursion? If you take a look at how non-whites butcher and bastardize every European language they were thought, how, if left on their own, the language use declines into simple phrases and slang terms, let's take ebonics for example, doesn't it strike a resemblance on how they explained the Piranhã language used simple non-recursive phrases centered around what's immediately seen or known? doesn't that particular aspect of the culture also strike resemblances to the non-whites immediate gratification and living by the minute and no planning for the future racial traits? I'm just saying the whole Piranhã philosophy of life struck me as the core principles on the huge majority of non-whites I've met, and the Piranhã being anti-change and refusing anything foreign, I see them as a window into what the non-white peoples would really be without our influence or what they could degenerate to if deprived from our influence. |
Re: 'Uterus transplant could be tomorrow' | Yeah... I wouldn't call a pregnant fag a breaktrough of science, more likely a freakshow... :rolleyes: and a contribution to the decandency of actual society... |
Re: Microsoft sees end of Windows era | Fine, but I am not impressed by this virtual machine/OS stuff they talked about, either. I WILL admit that their remark about programs so poorly written that they won't run on (newer versions of) Windows makes some sense. I had not thought about it, but who's to say that some problems we have with Windows are in fact, NOT Windows problems, but application problems? I am guilty of always assuming that it's Windows fault - and it CAN'T ALWAYS BE Windows' fault. All in all, that link was worth the read. Although there's indeed poorly written software. Windows being poorly written itself doesn't help much... :rofl You're supossed to expect that an older program will work on a newer setup, it's called backwards compatibility, a concept that still today eludes Microsoft :rolleyes: My bet's on that the new Operative System Microsoft is developing is just a bad Unix ripoff :rolleyes: |
Chavez chews coca leaves; a gift from Evo Morales | Chavez asking Morales if he didn't bring him his stack refill of coca leaves, then says that coca isn't cocaine and chews some leaves, it was the evil Capitalism that turned it into cocaine, this on the Government owned TV Channel... :rolleyes: YouTube - EVO DA COCA A CHAVEZ EN VIVO POR TELEVISORA VTV Chavez decreeing Columbian FARC an LN not terrorist organizations, and then he says he chews coca... :rolleyes: YouTube - Chavez mastica Coca y las farc no son terroristas Chavez saying he chews cocaine every single morning, that he's healthy because of it, that Evo Morales sends him cocaine , and that he recommends it to everyone... He didn't say coca he actually said cocaine this time... :rolleyes: YouTube - Chavez Coca |
Re: Chavez chews coca leaves; a gift from Evo Morales | How would you react if Bush during a speech at the U.S. Congress on National T.V. said that he chews coca leaves every morning and that Tony Blair is his dealer? :rolleyes: This is totally unacceptable for a head of state... |
Re: The redundancy of the term Asian | Genatic studies have shown that the Ainu has less connection to Caucasian than the people of Southeast Asia. Is that so? :rolleyes: http://www.amren.com/ar/2000/08/peoples.gif http://bp1.blogger.com/_h5L0bq0pIhY/...s320/img-3.png These are genetic proximity charts, they are called like that because they show how genetically close ethnic groups are... We can clearly see that: 1) the negro race and all it's sub-varieties are the most far from everybody else. 2) the different whites are clustered together, and are close to peoples with heavy white influence like Berbers, north Africans, S.E. Indians, etc... 3) the lighter Asians (Japanese, Koreans, Tibetans, Ainu) are clustered together and closer to the white race (specially the Ainu) than the darker Asians 4) Interestingly Chinese are closer to the darker Asians (Thais, Indonesians, etc) than to the lighter Asians. ;) |
Re: The redundancy of the term Asian | Jerusalem was European? Even if that was the case, it still doesn't excuse the butchering that happened. At the time of the crusades, yes. It was European controlled territory, with Christian population and considered a holy city in Christian belief. ;) And it's not like the Jews and Arabs were just hanging around in Jerusalem praying :rolleyes: They killed and ethnic cleansed the region to accommodate their own people, since the city is also considered holy for their respective religions... :rolleyes: The Europeans obviously had to respond in the same manner... If the Europeans hadn't been as barbaric as they were during the time, most of the Iberian peninsula, southern France, Italy, Greece, and the northern Balkans would still be under Islamic influence, and if the Europeans hadn't been as barbaric as they were do you think the Arabs would have stopped there? Of course not! They would have engulfed all of Europe!! The only reason Europeans were barbaric was because we were dealing with truly barbaric peoples and our survival required putting a stop to them... Vlad the impaler better known as Count Dracula, sure knew how to send the message to the Turkish invaders by marking Europe's frontiers with the impaled heads of the Turks that dared to cross the border :clink If only the same was done in our current time borders :rolleyes: instead we have border guards with paint ball guns :rolleyes: :mad: |
Re: The redundancy of the term Asian | Interesting. Mind if you give the source? Just look at the image link... :D http://bp1.blogger.com/_h5L0bq0pIhY/...s320/img-3.png This is the link of that particular image, but it's common knowledge, I posted another bigger image that's basically the same image (don´t know why isn't showing now..) Here it is -> http://www.amren.com/ar/2000/08/peoples.gif http://images.google.com/imgres?imgu...3Doff%26sa%3DG Google genetic distance there are plenty of sites with the same chart: http://images.google.com/images?um=1...=Search+Images Here there is a broken down analysis just for the Japanese population: http://www.nature.com/hdy/journal/v9.../6800978f2.gif http://www.nature.com/hdy/journal/v9.../6800978f2.gif A similar chart plus an article explaining the whole thing: http://members.aol.com/darwinpage/intro1.htm http://members.aol.com/darwinpage/humantree3.gif http://members.aol.com/darwinpage/humantree3.gif Another article and a broken down chart for the turks... http://aryanpanturks.blogspot.com/ http://bp2.blogger.com/_mzu2AgJ7QcU/...angenchart.gif http://bp2.blogger.com/_mzu2AgJ7QcU/...angenchart.gif These distance charts are the result of studies by geneticist Cavalli-Sforza You still need an actual geneticist to back up your claim that Genatic studies have shown that the Ainu has less connection to Caucasian than the people of Southeast Asia. Cavalli-Sforza's studies prove the exact opposite ;) |
Re: The redundancy of the term Asian | Mexicans and Spaniards speak the same language, but they are not even close in being considered the same race. Well... the SAME language still is far fetched... I'd say that Spanish speak Spanish and Mexicans butcher the Spanish language :rofl |
How do Financial Markets really work? | Every time I try reading about stocks, bonds, and such, I end up with long explanations about the terms, the types of stock, this, that, etc... and it always end up with something in the lines of nobody really knows how the market works and why it moves the way it does... But I mean, a company can go public, they can register their stock and so on, but where the numbers (the prices) come from? how are they updated? I mean do they have a monkey in front of a computer hitting up or down for the stock prices? it has to come from somewhere doesn't it?? :confused: |
Re: Was Inglorious Basterds not a complete jewish sympathy movie! Holy crap! | My intent was to never watch this film, but a close family member wanted to watch it and brought it home. He likes company, invited me to watch with him. The Allied were portrayed as blood thirsty, two faced killers. The Axis were cultured, learned and sometimes very brave. Even portrayed in the most unflattering light, the National Socialist really didn't look that bad to to me. Many parts were so gruesome I covered my view with the chair-pillow. I got the same impression too... I was expecting a complete evil nazi jew apologist movie and instead overall the nazis are portrayed as educated and cultured while the allies and jews as savage cowards blood thirsty morons.... Did they actually intended it to be that way? or is it that the average person is so incredibly stupid or indoctrinated to see that movie and somehow think evil nazis, poor jews, good for them??? :confused: And the anti-German (not nazi) rhetoric is completely clear, outspoken and ballant... |
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