Statistical forecasting in a hospital clinical laboratory.
Three forecasting methodologies were applied to monthly laboratory test count data in order to arrive at a best procedure for forecasting ahead to cover the next fiscal year. The purpose of the forecasting was, first, to aid in reimbursement and e decisions and, second, to assist in operations management decisions within the laboratory itself. The Box-Jenkins ARIMA models were found to be superior in all cases, and forecasts for individual test counts (as opposed to packages of tests billed as a unit) were improved if forecasts for inpatients and outpatients were done separately and then aggregated. With 2 years of experience to go on, the annual forecast error stands at around 4.5%.
Preparatively useful reactions involving nitrogenous sugars and some applications with carbohydrate-containing antibiotics.
This work describes the development of useful synthetic methodology with simple sugars, practical applications for conversion of abundant precursors into modified sugars (especially amino and deoxy sugars) of importance in various groups of natural products, and the conversion of such products pounds of biological or pharmacological interest, especially carbohydrate antibiotics and their analogs. Examples of synthetic methodology illustrate various routes to deoxygenated (saturated, alkenic, and acetylenic), and oxidized (carbonylic, aldehydic, and carboxylic) functionality from hydroxyl and amino precursors. Unusual modes of sugar protection by such procedures as kinetic acetonation are discussed, together with the use of diazo and hydrazino groups for access to novel structures, including extended carbon-chain sugars and sugar--heterocycle conjugates. The broad utility of 5-membered benzylidene acetals in regiospecific routes to alpha, beta-deoxycarbonyl sugars is the basis of general methodology for practical, large-scale synthesis of aminopolydeoxy sugars, with daunosamine as the prototype, of widely varied substitution-mode and stereochemistry. Implications of the foregoing are discussed in relation to several classes of antibiotics, especially the anthracyclines and analogs thereof. A range of 7-O-(amino sugar-substituted)daunomycinones have been synthesized, together with 3'-hydroxy-daunorubicin and adriamycin, and their antitumor and toxicological properties evaluated; prospects for useful total synthesis will be mentioned.
Sequence of the amino-terminal region of rat liver ribosomal proteins S4, S6, S8, L6, L7a, L18, L27, L30, L37, L37a, and L39.
The sequence of the amino-terminal region of eleven rat liver ribosomal proteins--S4, S6, S8, L6, L7a, L18, L27, L30, L37a, and L39--was determined. The analysis confirmed the homogeneity of the proteins and suggests that they are unique, since no mon sequences were found. The N-terminal regions of the rat liver proteins pared with amino acid sequences in Saccharomyces cerevisiae and in Escherichia coli ribosomal proteins. It seems likely that the proteins L37 from rat liver and Y55 from yeast ribosomes are homologous. It is possible that rat liver L7a or L37a or both are related to S cerevisiae Y44, although the similar sequences are at the amino-terminus of the rat liver proteins and in an internal region of Y44. A number of similarities in the sequences of rat liver and E coli ribosomal proteins have been found; however, it is not yet possible to say whether they connote mon ancestry.
[Effect of L-tetramisol associated with rifampicin in patients with lepromatous leprosy. L-tetramisol in patients with lepromatous leprosy].
In this work are presented results obtained in the treament of thirty patients suffering of lepromatous leprosy. In a group of fifteen patients L-tetramisol was administrated in association to antimocrobian drugs. The control group received only the last medication. Immunological modifications were not observed in any case. However, in six patients treated with L-tetramisol associated to rifampicin during three months it was possible to observe a notable improvement of the clinical state. In the patients that received L-tetramisol associated to other drugs or in those that received only antimicrobian drugs the clinical improvement was very low or null.
[Structural lesions of human hair caused by permanents].
A study is carried out on the alterations produced in the cuticle of women's hair treated regularly for a period of more than 12 years with hair - lighteners, hair - dyes and perms. Assays have also been carried out "in vitro" on the effect of the perms on locks of hair. The scanning electron microscope has been used for observation of the samples.
[Comparative study of 2 topical steroids preparations: desoximetasone and betamethasone dipropionate].
Effectiveness of two creams, one containing desoxymethasone 0.25%, the other betamethasone dipropionate 0.05% pared double blind, intraindividually. The preparations were used in symmetric areas of psoriasis. Final evaluation shows desoxymethasone cream to be significantly more active concerning reduction of erythema and overall improvement of lesions.
[In vivo stereomicroscopy of various cutaneous lesions].
"In vivo" morphological characteristics of some cutaneous lesions predominantly pigmented, examined under a stereoscopic microscope are described. An unusual analysis of the surface and the interior (when possible) of 590 lesions which are not able to be examined by the simple clinical observation was made. This method allowed to carry out a right and opportune treatment. A biopsy and histological study of 424 lesions of the total number examined was made. Stereomicroscopic and parative diagnoses allowed to abtain 87.2% accuracy with the former before the practice of biopsy. The clinical diagnosis was improved in 17.2% when utilizing the stereoscopic microscope instead of the one suggested by the naked-eye inspection.
[Pityriasis lichenoides associated with ischemia of distal location].
A case of acute pityriasis lichenoides associated with a distal ischemia and a similar evolution is reported. The vasculitic cause is demonstrated by angyologic exploration. The gross vascular afectation other than dermal vessels is suggested.
[Comedo-nevus of the palmoplantar and scalp regions].
A case of edonicus on the palms and soles and scalp is reported. A similar case was previously reported by Leppard. The rare localization of this folicular hamartoma mented.
[Juxta occipital epithelioid sarcoma].
A 24 years old female patient with a juxta-occipital epitheloid a is reported. The lesion, a slow growing assymptomatic nodule, started 5 years ago reaching 4 cm in diamter. It was deep seated in the cervical muscles but easy to surgically remove. No evidence of metastases or local recurrence was detected for the next six months in spite of the limited excision performed. Clinical and histological features of the tumor were reviewed and its differential diagnosis discussed, particularly with synovial a and clear cell a of tendons and aponeuroses. Histogenetic hypothesis were briefly considered and the relevant literature was reviewed.
[Epidermolysis bullosa letalis].
A case of epidermolysis bullosa letalis in a newborn is described by the authors. The girl had numerous lesions for all the tegument except on the face, palms and soles. Something of them were bullous. The histopathological examination revealed a bulla with detachement dermoepidermic. Without infiltrate in dermis. The roof of the bullae is conservate. In the PAS stain we show the detachement over of the basal membrane.
[Oral treatment of various dermatosis with the aromatic derivative of retinoic acid Ro 10-9359].
Twenty eight patients with various dermatological conditions were treated orally with the new aromatic derivate of retinoic acid, Ro 10-9359. The initial average dose was 48,3 mg/day and the maintenance dose was 26,6 mg/day. Duration of treatment ranged between 3 to 6 months. Evolution of erythema, infiltration and hyperkeratosis showed changes statistically significant (p < 0,05) and excellent to good results were obtained in 23 out of the 28 treated patients. On the basis of this study it is concluded that Ro 10-9359 is a promising drug for the treatment of several skin diseases, specially ichthyosis, Darier's disease, oral lichen planus, erythrokeratoderma variabilis and psoriasis. No serious side effects were reported; dryness of the lips, scaling of palms and soles, pruritus and thinning of the skin were the mon. In no case treatment was discontinued due to side effects. Laboratory controls did not show deviations from the normal values.
[Congenital syphilis (Statistics of the Hospital del Niño de Buenos Aires of the years 1975 and 1976)].
After their study carried out in 24 patients with congenital syphilis, assisted at the Buenos Aires Children's Hospital during 1975-1976, the authors pointed out some epidemiological patterns for the control of syphilis. These patterns, in short are: 1) To create a National law forthe control of the venereal diseases.
[Prurigo strophulus (concept, interpretation, therapeutic approach, prevention and clinical studies)].
The authors in this work analyse the Prurigo Strophulus in detail, starting with its clinical study up to its therapy and prophylaxis, emphasizing two main points. It is a hypersensitivity syndrome to insects appearing in genetically predisposed individuals, partly belonging to the hyperreactive group. As to etiology, they believe it to be a sensitization to insect bites, chiefly due to diptera such as blood-sucking mosquitoes, flies and sometimes ticks and bugs.
[Multiple minute digitate hyperkeratosis (a paraneoplastic system?)].
A case of "Multiple Minuta and Digitata Hyperkeratosis" related to a carcinoma of the larynx is reported. The improvement of the cutaneous lesions after surgical treatment of the carcinoma suggests the possibility of considering this peculiar skin disorder as a paraneoplasic symptom.
[Inflammatory linear verrucous epidermal nevus. Clinical and histopathological aspects of 7 cases].
The inflammatory linear verrucous nevus is a recently described variety of epidermal nevus clinically and histologically characterized by an ponent. The lesion stars at birth or at early age, pruritus is constant. Histologically the picture is psoriasiform. The therapeutic response is poor. Seven cases are presented. Associated extracutaneous alterations were presented in four of them.
[1st epidemiologic study of contact sensitivity in Spain. Year 1977].
This work shows the results of the first epidemiological study on Contact Dermatitis in Spain. 2,806 (9.08%) cases on contact dermatitis were studied from 30,873 ing to nine Spanish Dermatological Services, during 1977. ments are done on it.
[Actinic prurigo. Treatment with antifibribolytics].
Preceded by a mentary about the clinical characteristics of actinic prurigo, the qualities of anantifibrinolytic medication and its possible machanism of action in allergic conditions and atopias are analysed. An earlier experience with five familiar cases of actinic prurigo given 1 g of tranexamic acid or 3 g E. ACA, within a period of three months has been effective remarkally exceeding the results obtained with other therapeutic agents. The proposed therapeutic scheme may or may not be, modified, according to the response to the response of each individual case.
[Combination of 5-fluorocytosine and amphotericin B in the treatment of chromomycosis].
The authors discuss the problem of resistance of chromomycosis to 5-fluorocytosine (5-FC), observed in a previous study in 7 patients initially treated with the drug and subsequently treated with 5-FC associated with other medicaments. All the associations, including that with amphotericin B, failed to e resistance. Experiments in mice and "in vitro" show a synergism between 5-FC and amphotericin B against "C. albicans", "C. neoformans" and "Fonsecaeae pedrosoi" already confirmed in human subjects infected with the above mentioned fungi. Resistance to 5-FC seems to be irreversible, as shown in previous experiments. The mechanism of action of the drugs on the fungi is discussed, as well as the fact that amphothericin B prevents the development of resistance to 5-FC. Results obtained with the use of the above association in 5 cases of chromomycosis are presented; all the patients had old and well established lesions, and in three cases these lesions were large and disseminated, conditions probably associated with the development of resistance to 5-FC used alone. The drugs were given in small doses, inferior to those usually mended. The good therapeutic results seem to confirm the synergism observed in laboratory trials. Four cases were discharged as cured and one abandoned treatment for personal reasons. The association seems to act more rapidly than 5-FC alone. Tolerance was excellent in all cases.
[Vogt-Koyanagi syndrome. Therapeutic trial with corticosteroid].
A brazilian housewife, descendant of japanese (both parents), 37 years aged, affected with Vogt-Koyanagi's syndrome (uveitis, dysacousia, alopecia, madarosis, poliosis, vitiligo) was treated with prednisone. During the course and at the end of the treatment an plete regression of alopecia, poliosis, madarosis and a total involution of the dysacousia could be observed, meanwhile the vitiligo and the sequels of uveitis remained unchanged. Taking into account that Vogt-Koyanagi's syndrome is susceptible of expontaneous involution, no definitive conclusion about the efficiency of therapeutic agent may be drawn in this singular case. However, it must be considered as valid the possibility of a favourable action of a systemic treatment with corticosteroides in the initial stages of the disease chiefly for preventing its more harmful consequences, i.e. deafness and blindness.
[Halo nevi and vitiligoid phenomena in a case of melanoma].
This paper reports a case of malignant Melanoma in a 53 year old man with simultaneous development around the lesion of an acromic area with the characteristics of the so called Halo Navi phenomenon. Furthermore the patient presented lesions in other skin areas not related to apparent nevi. Microscopic tissue examination showed an inflammatory infiltrate in the depigmented zone which tended to surround and to include the melanoma periphery. This supports the conclusions of other publications linking these infiltrates with immunological phenomena tending to eliminate the tumor. A review is made of the new physiopathogenic criteria of the development of vitiligo.
[Bullosis diabeticorum].
Three cases of Bullosis Diabeticorum, entity described by Rocca and Pereyra, are reported by the authors. The review of the published literature after the original article shows the importance of recognizing these symptoms for the diagnosis of an occult diabetes. The most outstanding features of the studied cases were: a) the bullosis traumatica present in the 3 observations; b) the finding of an unknown diabetes in two of the three patients; c) the association with stellate pseudoscars. The histopathologic findings were similar in all three patients.
[Bullous pemphigoid and lymphoblastic lymphoma].
We present a 66 years old patient with bullous pemphigoid which appeared two years before a lymphoblastic lymphoma. According to the bibliography, there appear to be a causal relationship between lymphoma and pemphigoid.
[Destructive diaphysitis in early congenital syphilis].
X-ray observations of bone lesions produced by Syphilis Connata Praecox have been reviewed. 15 cases of this condition are presented of which six show mucous and cutaneous lesions. One planus condylomata; three cases of pemphigus, one with paronychia; one perionixis and one rhinitis. Bone lesions appeared in X-ray observations in all cases excepting one in which lesions had already reacted to therapy. Concerning these 15 cases of Syphilis Connata Praecox we consider important to inform about X-ray discoveries both frequent and infrequent concerning this condition. We point out one exceptional case of destructive diaphysitis associated with a typical metaphyseal osteolysis.
[Nerve grafts. Experimental study. Importance of number of suture points (author's transl)].
An experimental study about 36 nervous grafts on laboratory rats is reported. This study emphasizes the interest of microsurgical technique and, further more, the role of the number of stitches improving the results of each anastomosis and, thus, the quality of neural regeneration. In each animal, after sectioning tibial nerve, a graft (sciatic nerve same side) is interposed and sutured in three different ways; in a first lot of animals 6 stitches at the level of each anastomosis; in a 2nd lot: 2 stitches and in a 3d one a single stitch. The animals are tested at the end of the 20th week, with an electrophysiological control before being sacrified. The pathological controls take in account the number of regenerated nervous fibers below the graft. Our study confirm the superiority of results in the 6 stitches lot. The authors emphasize the role played by a watertight suture to prevent an anarchic growth of regenerating axones outside the graft.
[Malignant hyperthermia. Review of literature and case reports].
Malignant hyperthermia may appear during surgery. It has at least three features: 1) an anesthesiological trigger, usually the association of halothane and succinylcholine; 2) rapid increase in body temperature; 3) widespread muscle hypertonia. The literature is reviewed in an assessment of the physiopathological mechanism underlying the syndrome, with particular reference to the part played by calcium. Experimental data are cited and their similarity with the clinical, laboratory, anatomical, and histopathological picture in man is discussed. A detailed account is also given of two personal cases. Lastly, questions associated with the prevention and treatment of malignant hyperthermia are examined.
[Adenomatous polyposis of the stomach associated with familial adenomatous polyposis of the colon].
A case of adenomatous polyposis of the stomach associated with familial polyposis of the colon is presented. The relevant literature is reviewed and the data thus collected (with the exception of definitely non-adenomatous, extracolic cases) are presented in tables, depending on whether familial polyposis of the colon or Gardner's syndrome was the panying form. A systematic account is given of the association and reference is made to simple polyposis of the stomach, and that of the duodenum. Close attention is paid to the question of diagnosis, the risk of cancerous transformation, and treatment. Stress is laid on the importance of optic fibre endoscopy in diagnosis and therapy (by means of the surgical fibroscope). Examination of the literature, it is felt, substantiates the need for: 1) routine systematic investigation of the digestive apparatus in all subjects with FPC and GS, and the report of even isolated cases to establish the true frequency of the association; 2) histological assessment of radically resected formations in the correct determination of both diagnosis and prognosis; 3) preventive and systematic endoscopic control as a means of investigation and postoperative surveillance; 4) correct strategy based on the nature, extent, number and size of the polyps and the polypogenetic capacity of the gastric mucosa.
Influence of primary prostaglandins, prostacyclin and arachidonic acid on mesenteric hemodynamics in the pig.
In anesthetized young pigs the influence of intraarterial infusion of prostaglandin E2, prostacyclin, prostaglandin F2 alpha, and arachidonic acid on mesenteric vascular resistance was studied. Infusion of PGE2 and prostacyclin induced a dose-dependent direct decrease in resistance. Infusion of PGF2 alpha resulted in a dose-dependent difference in response. Infusion of lower doses provoked a decrease in mesenteric vascular resistance, whereas infusion of higher doses resulted in an increase. Lower doses of arachidonic acid induced a gradual decrease in resistance, while higher doses provoked biphasic or triphasic responses. After previous blockade of the PG synthetase and lipoxygenase pathways with indomethacin and ETA, arachidonic acid only provoked a decrease in vascular resistance. The resultssuggest a possible role of prostaglandins and their precursors in autoregulation of mesenteric blood flow in the pig.
Comparative study of mutagenic, inductive and transforming activities of ledakrin.
Mutagenic activity of Ledakrin in microbial testing as well as its inductive effect on the release of free phages in lysogenic bacteria pared with its transforming ability in human cell system. It has been found that Ledakrin is highy mutagenic both without metabolic activation and when activated in vivo. Ledakrin induces the release of free phages in E. coli K12(lambda +), but does not transform human fibroblasts in cell cuture in vitro.
The use of immobilized ligands and [125I]protein a for immunoassays of thromboxane B2, prostaglandin D2, 13,14-dihydro-prostaglandin E2, 5,6-dihydro-prostaglandin I2, 6-keto-prostaglandin F1 alpha, 15-hydroxy-9 alpha, 11 alpha(epoxymethano)prosta-5,13-dienoic acid and 15-hydroxy-11 alpha,9 alpha(epoxymethano)prosta-5,13-dienoic acid.
Immunoassays were developed for quantitative determination of thromboxane B2, prostaglandin D2, 13,14-dihydro-prostaglandin E2, 5,6-dihydro-prostaglandin I2, 6-keto-prostaglandin F1 alpha, 15-hydroxy-9 alpha, 11 alpha (epoxymethano) prosta-5, 13-dienoic acid and 15-hydroxy-11 alpha, 9 alpha (epoxymethano) prosta-5,13-dienoic acid. Ligands immobilized by covalent linkage to a solid support, bound homologous rabbit antibodies. [125I] Protein A was used to measure the bound IgG antibody. Increments of homologous and heterologous fluid-phase pleted with solid-phase ligand for antibody and resulted in decreasing amounts of bound [125I]-Protein A. The serologic specificity for each immune system was determined. Immunoassays for thromboxane B2, 6-keto-prostaglandin F1 alpha, and 5,6-dihydro-prostaglandin I2 were used to identify their respective homologous ligands that were separated by normal phase and reversed phase high pressure liquid chromatography.
Prostaglandin I2 partially inhibits human platelet aggregation stimulated by antithymocyte globulin.
Antithymocyte globulin (ATG), which is used as an immunosuppressive agent in organ transplantation, has the side effect of inducing platelet aggregation. The present in vitro studies show that ponent of ATG induced platelet aggregation can be inhibited by prostaglandin I2.
The relationship of urinary prostaglandins and plasma renin to sodium balance and diuresis in normal man.
The significance of changes in sodium balance and urinary sodium excretion for renal PG excretion was studied in normal man. In protocol B a strongly negative sodium balance was produced in 5 healthy young subjects by a low sodium diet given for 7 days (lo mmol Na/day) with 80 mg furosemide p.o. added on the last two days. 24 hour urinary PGE2 excretion remained constant, while plasma renin increased. In protocol A the effect of i.v. furosemide (1 mg/kg bwt) on urinary PGE2 and PGF2 alpha excretion rates was examined in 5 healthy young subjects. Rapid but short-lasting increases in PG excretion rates ran in parallel with the changes in urine flow rate. The study suggests that PGE2 is not of importance for the sodium homeostasis in normal man. Renal prostaglandins may play a modifying role for the renal response to loop diuretics but are hardly instrumental for the diuretic effect.
Tranylcypromine induced hypertension is not mediated by the inhibition of prostacyclin synthesis.
Tranylcypromine (TCP) is a monoamine oxidase inhibitor used extensively in the treatment of patients with reactive depression. Hypertensive crisis plicate drug therapy, but the mechanism through which TCP causes high blood pressure is unknown. The present study was undertaken because recent investigations have shown that TCP can inhibit production of a potent vasodilator hormone, prostacyclin (PGI2), by blood vessels, possibly explaining the mechanism of pressor effects by the drug. Heart rate, left atrial, pulmonary artery and aortic pressures were monitored in dogs under control conditions and continuously following the IV infusion of TCP at the rate of 1 mg/kg over a period of one minute. Right femoral and the left internal mammary arteries were obtained during the control period and the left femoral and right internal mammary arteries resected between 6 and 30 minutes following drug infusion for PGI2 studies. Concentrations of the drug that caused significant elevation of the mean systemic pressure to 203 +/- 8 mmHg had no inhibitory effect on PGI2 production. Therefore, the influence of TCP on the hemodynamic parameters does not appear to be mediated through the inhibition of vascular PGI2 synthesis.
Shortening of the bleeding time in thrombocytopenic rabbits after exposure of jugular vein to high aspirin concentration.
Aspirin, in doses which inhibit platelet thromboxane A2 production, prolongs the bleeding time but this effect on the bleeding time is lost when doses of aspirin which also inhibit vessel wall prostaglandin I2 (PGI2) production are used. PGI2 is both a potent inhibitor of platelet aggregation and a powerful vasodilator. We have investigated the contribution of the vascular effect of PGI2 on hemostasis by studying the effect of high concentrations of aspirin on the jugular vein bleeding time in severely thrombocytopenic rabbits and on the loss of non-platelet-containing fluid from standard puncture wounds in aspirin-treated veins perfused under constant pressure. After aspirin treatment, the bleeding time was significantly shortened in both normal and thrombocytopenic rabbits. This effect was associated with a decreased production of PGI2-like material by the vessel wall and a reduction in the volume of fluid lost from the standard puncture wound in the jugular vein. The effect of aspirin on the bleeding time and on PGI2 production was relatively short-lived and the bleeding time returned to normal within 2-3 hours. These observations indicate that PGI2 can influence hemostasis by mechanisms independent of platelet aggregation.
Libidinal cathexis and emotional growth in the analytical treatment of psychosomatic patients.
The paper deals with a form of analytical therapy in psychosomatics, which was developed and applied for many years in a model research ward. The therapeutic arrangement, or setting, was designed to make provision for all 3 elements of a person's make-up - his environment, his mind and his body. At the heart of the model is the therapeutic team, which offers the patient empathatic 'holding' and encourages his emotional growth. The members of the team have learned to offer themselves to the patient as a unit with mon inner attitude towards him. This means that they must first have worked out a unified approach, a hermeneutic structure, with which to understand him. Against the background of a special genetic conception of a mother's function for her child, the ward was turned into a setting that confronts the patient, in psychodramatized form, with a specific form of 'physical ambience'. ing to grips with the team's physical, sensual presence, the patient is stimulated into developing a transference relationship to the empathizing, maternal father-figure, the 'père maternel'. In this way he can break loose from his clinging dependency on an 'omnipotent object', his dyadic partner, and, through internalizing the therapist both in his female and his male aspects, create a libidinal object in his inner world.
Consultation--liaison psychiatry activities in a renal transplant unit.
We describe the consultation--liaison psychiatry activites in the renal transplant unit at Hannover Medical School. The activities with regard to patients' care include: the group session, with particular regard to dealing with the patients' denial; the indirect and direct psychotherapeutic interventions, the latter concerning psychotherapeutic consultation and counselling ('supportive psychotherapy'); and dealing with live donors and potential renal transplant patients. The second consultation--liaison psychiatry activity includes the teaching procedures: firstly, Balint-group-work with the nurses, secondly, the nurses' presence in the group sessions, and finally, Balint-group-work with students working as auxiliary therapists. In the authors' view, the field of surgery can represent a very promising one with regard to consultation--liaison psychiatry.
Psychogenesis of somatic disorders. An overview.
Psychogenesis, considered as a linear sequential process by which psychological influences lead to somatic disturbances, is only a link in a larger bio-psycho-social interactional field. Therefore, in practice, a multilateral approach of the whole person, in his psychological, social and somatic aspects, in health and disease, in his habitual and his therapeutical contacts, should be stressed. it seems unlikely that the somatic symptoms we are confronted with can be considered as pure psychogenetically determined phenomena. This does not exclude that in plex psychosomatic interaction, there exists at one or more stages a transition from the sphere of psychological functioning to the somatic area, ending up in somatic symptoms. This process, which we call psychogenesis, is not a single event but should be considered as an abstraction, grouping a number ponent processes possibly occurring at different moments in the total system. We have distinguished ponents: a ponent, a ponent, a ponent, a ponent and a 'somatic illness ponent. For each of ponents, a number of conceptions are proposed according to the different theoretical models of psychosomatic connections. Most of these formulations are largely hypothetical or based only on fragmentary observations. Still, they offer guidelines for further research.
Liaison psychiatry as a systems approach to behavior.
In this overview, the psychosomatic theory is discussed from an evolutionary perspective. From its initial concern with relationship between emotions and physiology through psychopathology and anatomo-physio-pathology to socio-psycho-pathophysiology, psychosomatic medicine and its theory is presently viewed as an empiric science utilizing a number of conceptual approaches derived from developmental psychology, classical psychiatry, physiology, sociology and anthropology. These are applied to the study and care of patients in ambulatory and inpatient settings, which are the arenas of the consultation-liaison activity and may be viewed as the clinical laboratories of psychosomatic medicine. In these laboratories, a new language has developed which is largely phenomenological and which attempts to utilize theoretical concepts from several disciplines in explaining the illness illness phenomenon in the present. As such, the practitioner of Liaison Psychiatry is a general systems analyst who analyzes the illness situation of the patient and his attendants in an attempt to decipher the identified problem, explaining it by utilizing selected theoretical concepts from the basic sciences of behavior. Psychosomatic theory is seen as an evolving and bridging science attempting to integrate bine particulate theory into a prehensive synthesis.
Self-management training for children with chronic bronchial asthma.
We have described examples of behaviors that occur antecedent to, concurrent with, or as a consequence of childhood asthma. Ways these patterns can be altered have also been described. Three points should be emphasized: first, social learning techniques can contribute to a child acquiring self-monitoring and self-management skills over his or her affliction. Thus, youngsters with asthma can learn self-responsibility over their affliction. Second, while we do have follow-up data indicating that youngsters continue to perform similar behaviors once they leave the Center and return to their families, such generalization does not automatically occur. For this reason, we have initiated several programs for working with a child's family. Finally, what about the youngster who is never admitted to an asthma facility such as the national Asthma Center? It is here where we are beginning to focus most of our efforts. By teaching a child and his or her family ways that the youngster can learn to manage asthma means that the disease will e less of a disruptive influence within the home, that costs of the affliction can be contained, and that the youngster can remain within the mainstream of both his or her family munity. Future reports from the Center will describe efforts we are making in this direction.
The influence of the composition of the selective medium on convertogenic activity of ethyl methanesulfonate in Saccharomyces cerevisiae D4.
The frequency of prototrophic binants produced by mitotic gene conversion at the trp5 and ade2 loci were observed using the plate test. The yeast cells were exposed in the concentration gradient of ethyl methanesulphonate--EMS (10 microliter/plate). Selective media with addition of a small amount of tryptophan (for the selection of the convertants trp+) or adenine (for the selection of the convertants ade+) were used. The use of medium with addition of tryptophan or adenine considerably increased the sensitivity of the plate method pared with the use of the medium deficient in either tryptophan or adenine. The above results suggest possible usefulness of testing for mutagenic activity various chemical using growing cells of yeast.
Psychotherapeutic strategies in the treatment of psychophysiologic disorders.
The outlined treatment strategies are based on research findings. The techniques include repeated physical examinations to reassure patients with hypochondriacal concern and continuous empathy with the partient's distress; explanatory therapy which includes emphasis on the innocuousness of the phenomena, accurate information about the psychophysiologic processes involved, making the patient aware of his selective perception; deliberate suggestion when this is in keeping with accurate predictions and appropriate treatment of coexisting psychiatric disorders.
[A new psychopediatric syndrome of toxoplasmic origin].
A preliminary exposition on the existence of a new syndrome which is of interest to pediatrics and psychiatry and has been called "chronic dystrophying adenic syndrome" or "CDA syndrome" is made. The syndrome is the clinical expression of the lymphochronic variety of the toxoplasmic disease in the child and it is clinically expressed by the triad: dystrophies, psychiatric disorders and adenopathies with a chronic course. In these patients adenopathies have a toxoplasmic origin and they represent the pathogenic factor which determines the syndrome. Atypical forms of the syndrome are pointed out. Most frequent and important atypical forms are correlated.
[Bacteria studies on 32 patients with acute inflammatory pneumopathies].
Thirty two patients admitted to the "Gral. Calixto García" Hospital for infectious pneumonopathies acquired outside and within hospital were studied. Each patient underwent 8 blood cultures in order to determine most frequent causal agents in our environment thus enabling the institution of an adequate antibiotic therapy. Grampositive germs, specifically staphylococcus, prevailed in extra hospitalary bronchopneumonopathies and gramnegative germs, specially Klebiella, prevailed in the case of intra-hospitalary infections. The negative effect of the antimicrobial therapy prior to sample obtention on the results of bacterial examinations is stressed.
[Evaluation of antimicrobial activity of indol alkaloids].
In pursuing the study of the antimicrobial properties of alkaloids prepared from Cuban plants the activity of 10 indol alkaloids and 4 semisynthetic variables obtained from three plants--Catharanthus roseus G. Don., Vallesia antillana Wood and Ervatamia coronaria Staph, of the family Apocynaceae--growing in Cuba was assessed in vitro. The alkaloids and the variables used were catharantine, vindoline, vindolinine, perivine, reserpine, tabernaemontanine, tetrahydroalstonine, aparicine, vindolinic acid, reserpic acid and vindolininol. These were faced to 40 bacterial strains from the genera Salmonella, Shigella, Proteus, Escherichia, Pseudomonas, Staphylococcus and Corynebacterium as well as to fungi and yeasts from the genera Aspergillus, kCunnighamella, kCandida and Saccharomyces. The method involving cylindric sections in a double agar layer was applied and lectures were obtained at 24-48 hours of incubation at 25 degrees C for fungi and yeasts and 37 degrees C for bacteria. Inhibition zones are reported in millimeters.
The influence of different ventilatory patterns on oxygenation and gas exchange after near-drowning.
After positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) valves for manually operated resuscitators became available it was of interest to find out whether PEEP should be applied at the scene of accident in nearly drowned patients. In 27 young pigs 25 ml of fresh water/kg body weight was instilled into the lungs via an endotracheal tube. After a period of apnoea (4 min) the pigs were ventilated artificially with 100% oxygen with either 5 cm PEEP or zero end-expiratory pressure (ZEEP). Within the PEEP group the AaDO2 returned to normal within the first 10 min after resuscitation, whereas the AaDO2 did not reach normal values for 2 h in the ZEEP group. The same observations were true for the PO2 values. Although the cardiac output decreased by almost 30% in the PEEP group, mean arterial pressures and heart rates remained unchanged. Lung weights and blood lactate concentrations confirmed that the same degree of water absorption and hypoxia had taken place in both groups. The conclusions from these experiments are that the application of 5 cm PEEP is part of the immediate measures of emergency treatment in nearly drowned victims.
Cardiorespiratory and metabolic patterns in multiple trauma patients.
During the last 3 years we have performed a detailed study in 50 patients using the Swan-Ganz catheter to provide prognostic haemodynamic and metabolic values at an early stage. There was a total of 320 severe injuries in these 50 patients with a statistical mean of six to seven. The severity of injuries is documented by the volume replacement necessary within the first 24 hr. On average more than 8 litres of whole blood, albumin and dextran were given intravenously. Out of 50 patients, 28 survived. During the first 2h there was a significant difference between survivor and non-survivor in systolic blood pressure and shock index. From the very beginning the surviving patients demonstrated a higher cardiac index than non-survivors. Pulmonary artery pressure and total pulmonary resistance were also elevated from the very beginning. The right ventricular stroke work index was increased; the left ventricular stroke work index was decreased in the group of non-survivors. The arteriovenous oxygen content difference as well as oxygen extraction ratio was elevated, and the oxygen availability was decreased in the group of the non-surviving patients. Of the metabolic parameters, an increase in the lactate/pyruvate ratio as well as in serum glucose and a decrease in base excess values permit an early prediction of a favourable e. There were significant differences in the enzymes SGOT, SGPT, LDH, CHE, as well as bilirubin concentrations between survivors and non-survivors from sixth day on.
[Urinary schistosomiasis. Clinical study of 20 patients in Cuba].
Twenty patients involving three ing foreign countries with a diagnosis of urinary schistosomiasis are studied. The importance of laboratory diagnosis and radiographic study, mainly simple study and post-mictional cystography, is stressed. The lesions found during cystoscopies are described and it is attempted their classification. In all cases the diagnosis was corroborated from biopsy samples. The usefulness of the ambilhar therapy is pointed out.
[An additiinal systematic table of Cuban ground mollusca].
A list of Cuban ground mollusks is presented in a systematic order. The number of species and sub-specific types of each one is pointed out. An alphabetic index enabling the rapid determination of the taxonomic location of a given genus is also depicted.
[The use of the Knott technic in an endemic area of filariasis in Puerto Limon, Costa Rica].
One hundred and nineteen people living in the Roosevelt county of Puerto Limón were submitted to the Knott technique for diagnosing microfilaremia bancrofti. This was the first time the technique was applied in Costa Rica. A 17.6% positivity was obtained. Some considerations on filariasis spreading to other regions of the country with the possibility of outbreaks of tropical eosinophilia or filariasis without microfilaremia are made.
[Reactivity of the intradermal test with toxoplasmosis in schizophrenic patients].
A hundred schizophrenic patients admitted to the "10 de Octubre" Clinical-Surgical Teaching Hospital and 158 schizophrenic patients admitted to the Psychiatric Hospital, both in Havana, and 100 control healthy individuals who did not consume psychopharmacons were studied. They underwent intradermal tests with toxoplasmin. Differences in reactor percentages between patients and healthy individuals were statistically significative as it has been reported in the foreign medical literature. The highest percentage of reactors in the group admitted to the Psychiatric Hospital where most advanced schizophreniacs are found leads to the conclusion that the more severe the patient state the higher the frequency and intensity of test reactivity among patients. Other factors as the dwelling conditions, age and sex are analyzed.
Comparative blanching activities of locally manufactured proprietary fluocinolone acetonide topical preparations.
The blanching activities and hence the bio-availabilities of the cream and ointment formulations of Synalar and Cortoderm (fluocinolone acetonide 0,025%) were evaluated using an occluded and unoccluded blanching assay. Statistical analysis showed significant differences between similar formulations of fluocinolone acetonide.
The multiload copper intra-uterine contraceptive device in a mixed urban and rural population: A 3-year clinical evaluation.
A series of 1 270 Multiload Cu-250 intra-uterine contraceptive devices inserted in clinics of the Cape Divisional Council is described, spanning 1 024,6 woman-years. The continuation rate was 85,4% and the unplanned pregnancy rate was 1,17 per 100 woman-years of use. The implications are discussed.
Comparison of captopril with propranolol in the treatment of mild and moderate essential hypertension.
Captopril (SQ 14,225), an angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor, was used bination with propranolol, a beta-adrenergic blocking agent, in the treatment of mild and moderate hypertension. A significant decrease in blood presure was obtained (P less than 0.05). The maximum oral dose of captopril was 450 mg daily and the maximum oral dosage of propranolol was 360 mg daily. Side-effects were negligible and transitory. They consisted of skin rashes and pain in the calves (1 patient) and palpitations (1 patient) on captopril and skin rashes (1 patient) on propranolol. Captopril is a promising new hypotensive agent and is efficacious bination with beta-adrenergic blocking agents.
Juvenile fibromatosis and other diseases of connective tissue.
There are a number of features which mon to such variable conditions as juvenile fibromatosis on the one hand and torticollis and congenital dislocation of the hip, and possibly scoliosis, on the other. Various pathological syndromes are presented, all of them characterized by disturbance and contracture of connective tissue. Surgery is carried out in severe cases when it is a practicable proposition. The administration of an enzyme inhibitor at cellular level has introduced a new dimension in the management of localized fibromatosis.
The efficacy of sotalol in suppressing ventricular ectopic beats.
Sotalol (Sotacor) is a beta-adrenergic receptor blocking agent, which in addition possesses class III anti-arrhythmic properties. In this study we report on the clinical effectiveness of sotalol in the suppression of ventricular ectopic beats in 20 patients suffering from ischaemic heart disease. Sotalol pared with placebo and efficacy was determined by Holter tape monitoring. Sotalol produced an 88,5% (P < 0,001) reduction in ectopic beat frequency at the optimal titrated dosage, with relatively few physical or biochemical side-effects. In situations where ventricular anti-arrhythmic therapy is deemed necessary, especially if long-term use is considered, sotalol seems to be the agent of choice.
[Intra-articular therapy with radionuclides].
The 12-year experiences of a working team with the intraarticular radiogold therapy in persisting synovialitides of chronic rheumatic diseases and resistant irritation phases of arthroses are supplementarily described and a critical valuation is performed. Finally practical conclusions for the local joint therapy are made, taking into consideration also the experiences of other investigators.
[Nature and significance of osteopenia].
New realisations on the regulation of bone and calcium metabolism by hormones and vitamins, modern methods of the radiologic and morphologico-morphometric diagnostics considerably increased our knowledge about the deminerlising diseases of the skeletal system. The possibilities for diagnostics and therapy resulting from this are restricted in practice by a non-adequate nomenclature. The introduction of the disease group notion "osteopenia" for all demineralising processes and its definition as well as the representation of the differential diagnostics of osteolamacia, fibrosteoclasia and syndrome of osteoporosis as clinical main representatives of osteopenia shall help to prevent diagnostic and therapeutic errors.
[Clinical aspects of myocarditis--symptomatology, diagnosis and pathogenesis].
On the basis of newer knowledge from literature in a survey aspects of symptomatology, diagnostics and course of the myocarditis important for practice are represented. According to the frequency of the virus myocarditis is referred to the importance of immunopathogenetic factors for prognosis and course. Own experiences confirm the transition from an acute myocarditis into a chronic cardiomyopathy which was observed by various investigators. In a 17-year-old female patient the development of a congestive cardiomyopathy after acute myocarditis could be pursued for several years. After-examination of 58 patients after acute myocarditis resulted after 3 years in 62% in cardiac residual symptoms, in which cases anamnestic data and objective findings of the examination well correlated. In 14 patients (24.1%) chronic recidivating courses were found. The importance of the biopsy of the endomyocardium for the diagnostics and differential diagnostics of cardiomyopathies is represented at the instance of a 20-year-old male with subacute rheumatic myocarditis who was hospitalised on account of symptoms of a left heart insufficiency, enlargement of the heart and a picture of a left hypertrophy in the ECG. Bioptically was found a hypertrophy with formation of a large nucleus. After 1 1/2 years clinical improvement and normalisation of size of the heart and ECG. The control biopsy now resulted in normal findings of the heart.
[Treatment of tumor diseases in older people].
By the increase of the average age of man among others also the problems of tumour diseases in old persons increasingly gain importance. In the therapy of malignant diseases, therefore, the various age-conditioned changes concerning the immunological system must be taken into consideration. Even though the tumour therapy on principle does not deviate in old patients from the tumour therapy in younger patients, it must yet be carried out with particular precaution and the restricted load capacity must be taken into consideration. Under these conditions also by means of polychemotherapy results may be achieved as they are possible in younger patients.
[Value and results of coloscopic polypectomy].
From August 1976 till the end of February 1979 158 polyp in 83 patients (48 male and 35 female) were removed by means of the rectocoloscopic polypectomy with the high frequency diathermy loop. 66% of the polypi had a diameter of less than 1 cm. Most the polypi were with about 70% in the sigma and in the rectum. With 60.7% the adenomas appeared most frequently, followed by the hyperplastic polypi in 20% and by the inflammatory ones in 13.3% of the cases. With the increase of size of the polypi the proportion of the adenomas clearly increased parison to the other kinds of polypi. Severe epithelial atypias (altogether 23.1%) were more frequently in adenomas larger than 2 cm than in smaller ones. An invasive carcinoma was found in no polypus. Thus the endoscopic polypectomy in every case meant a curative therapy with great economic use. In patients a haemorrhage appeared as plication of the coloscopic polypectomy. Only the removal of the polypi in toto allows an exact histological classification and the answer of the decisive question, whether in one adenoma only severe epithelial atypias are present and thus the polypectomy is therapeutically sufficient or whether there exists an adenocarcinoma, for the removal of which an operation according to the principles of the carcinoma surgery must be carried out. The endoscopic ablation of the adenomas thus means a genuine prophylaxis of cancer.
[The current problem of euthanasia -- a discussion].
New conditions and possibilities of medical treatment demand a more intensive discussion of the problems of the patient with heavy illness and of the dying patient. After a short representation of the notion of euthanasia the individual forms of dying help with their ethical consequences are discussed. Propositions are made for a further elaboration of these problems.
[Late complications in breast construction with silicone implants].
Of 187 patients with silicone breast implants 14% developed a capsular formation as plication needing surgical therapy. Apparently neither the volume and type of prosthesis nor the operative proceeding had any influence on the formation of a constrictive capsule. No significant difference between augmentation plasty by hypo- and aplasia respectively and breast reconstruction after subcutaneous or radical mastectomy could be noticed. There has been no explanation for unilateral hypertrophic capsule formation after simultaneously performed bilateral prosthesis implantation. Compared with other authors we had a smaller incidence of the IIIrd and IVth stage capsular formation. This is caused by: 1. The advantage of a two-stage proceeding over the simultaneous one after subcutaneous mastectomy or subsequently to reconstruction by a flap plasty after radical mastectomy. 2. Systematic drainage of the bed of the prosthesis to avoid any hematoma or big liquid accumulations. Diffusion of silicone in the tissues by spontaneous rupture of the prosthesis as further plication is discussed in 2 cases.
[Microsurgical plastic reconstruction of the explosion-damaged hand].
During the last two years, 16 severe explosion injuries of the hand have been treated with plastic microsurgery in our hospital. The injury had arisen in seven cases from the mixture sugar + sodium chlorate (C12H22O11 + NaClO3). This substance mixture may already be caused to explode by slight vibrations and the warmth of the hands. In explosion injuries, there is mechanical, chemical and thermal tissue damage. The postoperative course is plicated in almost all cases. However, by meticulous removal of the disseminated foreign particles, excision of necrotic tissue and extensive reconstruction of the interrupted vascular and nerve supply, it is possible in a few cases to preserve functionally important parts of the hand. Later plastic procedures are made more difficult by tissue fibrosis and foreign body granulomas.
A comparison of epithalamic, hypothalamic and spinal neurosecretory terminals.
Nerve endings of epithalamic, hypothalamic and spinal neurosecretory areas were studied by light and electron microscopy in various vertebrates (from fishes up to mammals) including the lancelet. Areas investigated were the pineal organ, the pulvinar corporis pinealis, the neurohypophysis, the median eminence, the urophysis, the terminal filum and the medullo-spinal neurosecretory zones. We found that in all these areas the neurosecretory endings mon structures, which we call synaptic hemidesmosomes or neurohormonal terminals. These are characterized by accumulation of vesicles, and dense projections in a terminal on the basal lamina of the surface of the nervous tissue. A critical review of the literature suggests that a considerble neuroendocrine activity is associated with synaptic hemidesmosomes as special neurohormonal effector structures of the nerve cells. The cell-to-cell synapses formed by neurosecretory cells are discussed in connection with the dual capacity of these cells to function as both endocrine and "ordinary# neuronal elements. The importance of the external cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) space for the transport of materials released in the so-called neurohemal areas, is stressed.
Reduction of mutagenic activity of aflatoxins after UV-irradiation.
Solutions of aflatoxins B1, B2, G1 and G2 and solid films of aflatoxin B1 were irradiated with UV light of wavelength corresponding to the absorption band of aflatoxins at approximately 365 nm (approximately 27 500 cm-1). The reaction was followed spectrophotometrically. Simultaneously the mutagenicity of samples of aflatoxins was determined using Salmonella typhimurium/mammalian microsome test. UV-irradiation caused a modification in all aflatoxins studied (in aqueous and nonaqueous solutions as well as in a solid film); the final photoproducts pletely the mutagenic activity.
Sensitivity and repair of bacteria and phages after exposure to far and near UV light.
Inactivation of bacterial strains derived from E. coli B, which differ in the DNA-repair capacity (exc-, pol- and rec-) was investigated after far and near UV irradiation. The same strains were also used as hosts for UV-irradiated phage T7. The injuries caused in bacteria and phages by radiation with longer wavelengths were reparable with greater difficulty and only to a lesser extent by the investigated repair mechanisms. We suppose that near UV affects cell proteins and that, as a result of this damage, the DNA-repair systems may be inhibited.
Lethal cellular changes induced by near ultraviolet radiation.
There is clear evidence that significant quantities of lesions are induced in DNA by near-UV radiation and that these lesions, although susceptible to repair, may lead to cell death because of the simultaneous disruption of DNA repair systems by the same wavelengths. No particular DNA lesion can be linked to cell death in wild type strains. However, there are good grounds for speculating that a type of near-UV lesion exists which is rapidly "fixed" as a lethal event in cells as a result of the oxygen-dependent disruption of repair. There is a strong indication that the relative ability of various near-UV wavelengths to sensitize cells to heat, chemicals or other radiations is directly related to their efficiency in disrupting DNA repair systems in general. Some important specific questions remain. For example, it is important to ask why breaks formed at 365 nm and 405 nm, although apparently requiring a pol dependent pathway for their repair, do not produce the predicted lethal biological action in the strains tested. In general terms it is hoped to provide prehensive physico-chemical data in support of, or contradicting, the proposed model.
Scanning electron microscopy of cerebral ventricles: optimum tissue preparation technique.
Different preparative techniques described in the literature pared for the study of the ventricular surfaces. To develop a standard method applicable also under experimental conditions the following procedure is mended for scanning electron microscopy. (1) Fixation. After perfusion with a heparin-containing mammalian Ringer-solution (37 degrees C) fixation by collidine-buffered OsO4 (2%). The rate of perfusion should vary between 60--90 drops per minute. Osmotic pressure of the fixative solutions is optimal between 800--1000 mOsm. (2) Drying, Distortion-free drying of the surfaces of the cerebral ventricles cannot be achieved in air. Use of critical point dryers only ensures preservation of the fine structure. (3) Evaporation. The method of metal evaporation is an important part in the development of the final quality of the picture. Distribution of the metal layer is ideal with an Au--Pd alloy. If a rotating metal evaporator is not available, evaporation from different directions also gives satisfactory results.
Neuronal pathways to the margin of the hypothalamic median eminence and to the pituitary stalk of the rat. I. A golgi and degeneration study.
The course and termination of nerve fibres approaching the median eminence from lateral direction were studied in Golgi specimens and by the axon-degeneration technique. Varicose nerve fibres could be traced from an area corresponding to the medial and superficial portion of the medial forebrain bundle. They run immediately underneath the free ventral surface of the hypothalamus. Parasagittal knife-cuts placed at various distances (0.5 to 1.4 mm) from the midline resulted in a large number of degenerated axon fragments along the margin of the median eminence, on both sides of the tuberoinfundibular sulcus. Scattered degenerated fragments were found in the lateral part of the palisade zone as well as in the pituitary stalk. No degeneration could be seen in the abo9ve mentioned areas if the cut was as far as 1.8 mm from the midline. Degenerated axon fragments appeared as soon as 5 hours following the lesion indicating that the time course of ultrastructural degenerative alterations is remarkably fast in this fibre system.
Identification of early glial elements as the precursors of Bergmann-glia: a Golgi-analysis of the developing rat cerebellar cortex.
The developing rat cerebellar cortex was studied by the rapid Golgi procedure in 200 mu thick slices and in 1--2 mu thick semithin sections poststained with toluidine-blue. Glial cells having radial fibres directed towards the pial surface were found to be present continuously in the internal granular layer during cerebellar maturation. This cell type was identified as the developing Bergmann-glia.
Effect of maturation and senescence on carbohydrate utilization and insulin responsiveness of rat adipose tissue.
The aim of the present investigation was to study the effect of aging upon the metabolism and the responsiveness to insulin of epididymal adipose tissue from rats (6 weeks, 6 and 24 months). Basal glucose metabolism by these tissues and adipocytes was positively related to cell size, for each age group. But age per se plays an important role: for the same diameter, the U-14C-glucose oxidation to CO2 and its incorporation into triglycerides described markedly between 6 weeks and 6 months, as reported peviously, and decreased still further between 6 months and 24 months, for any diameter. In contrast, insulin responsiveness of adipose tissue fragments and fat cells was negatively correlated to adipose cell size, when we analyzed the role of cell diameter for a group of given age. paring the sensitivity to hormone for a given cell volume but at different ages, it appeared that insulin resistance increased considerably between 6 weeks and 6 months and was still more marked in old age. The mechanisms underlying these facts have been discussed.
The role of growth hormone in the glucose intolerance of uremia.
The fasting plasma growth hormone (GH) concentration and the plasma growth hormone response to sustained hyperglycemia was examined in 8 chronically uremic subjects before and after hemodialysis employing the hyperglycemia clamp technique. The plasma glucose concentration was acutely raised and maintained at +125 mg/100 ml above basal levels. Since the glucose concentration was held constant, the glucose infusion rate is an index of glucose metabolism (M) and M divided by the plasma insulin response (I) is a measure of tissue sensitivity to insulin. Predialysis, the fasting GH concentration, 4.0 +/- 1.0 ng/ml, was significantly greater than controls, 0.3 +/- 0.1 ng/ml (p less than 0.01), and failed to suppress normally following sustained hyperglycemia. Both M, 4.23 +/- 0.36 mg/kg x min, and M/I, 5.05 +/- 0.79 mg/kg x min per microU/ml, were significantly pared to controls (p less than 0.001). There was no correlation between either the fasting GH concentration or the GH response to sustained hyperglycemia and either M or M/I. Following dialysis both M, 6.30 +/- 0.64 mg/kg x min, and M/I, 8.39 +/- 1.06 mg/kg x min per microU/ml, increased (p less than 0.01) without significant change in either the fasting GH level, 4.0 +/- 1.2 ng/ml, or the plasma GH response to hyperglycemia. It is concluded that while deranged GH physiology is mon paniment of the uremic state, it is not responsible for the glucose intolerance and tissue insensitivity to insulin observed in uremia.
Interneurons: an electron microscopic study of the cat's hippocampal formation, II.
The ultrastructure of interneurons was studied in the cat and it was found to differ from that of the pyramidal and granule cells. The size, shape and topographic situation of the cell body of interneurons were the criteria for approaching their identification with the cells found in Golgi material. Some interneuron dendrites are also described. The varicose and spindle-shaped dendritic profiles belonging to interneurons are different in size. In Golgi material the interneurons have beaded (varicose) or spindle-shaped dendrites. The arrangement of synaptic terminals on the interneuron dendritic surface seems to be their characteristic feature.
The production and characteristics of anti-insulin, anti-A-component and anti-proinsulin antibodies in patients treated with monocomponent or conventional insulin.
Highly purified pork ponent insulin produced less anti-insulin antibody than conventional insulins in diabetic patients. The smaller amount of anti-insulin antibody produced by MC insulin bound pork insulin more strongly than beef insulin in both displacement and direct binding studies of 125I-insulin. On the contrary, anti-insulin antibody which was produced by conventional insulins (beef insulin or mixture of pork and beef insulin) bound beef insulin more strongly. No significant ponent and anti-proinsulin antibodies were detected in diabetics treated with highly purified ponent pork insulin about two pared to significant production of these antibodies in diabetics treated with conventional insulins. These results suggest that the species difference of the insulin molecule itself plays a significant role for the production of anti-insulin antibody, as the impurities do, in insulin-treated diabetic patients. The production of anti-insulin and ponent antibodies decreased clearly after switching to highly purified ponent from conventional insulin. No effect of the switching on insulin requirement was found; however, better control of diabetes was plished in relation to the level of fasting blood sugar.
An infertile male with balanced Y;19 translocation. Review of Y;autosome translocations.
Cytogenetic studies on a phenotypically normal male, presenting with infertility, revealed a balanced Y;19 translocation - 46,XY,t (Y;19) (q11; p or q13). The patient had a normal hormone profile, but semen analysis showed immature cells in the fluid. The possible mechanisms causing the infertility are discussed. An extensive review of the literature of Y ; autosome translocations indicates that there are 2 types, those in which the broken segment of the Y is translocated to the short arm or centromeric region of an acrocentric chromosome, and those in which the Y material is translocated onto a long or short arm region of a non-acrocentric chromosome. The first type is less frequently associated with infertility and hypogonadism than the second type. There is presumptive evidence that the first type is non-random.
Partial trisomy 9 : clinical and cytogenetic correlations.
A study of three new cases with different trisomies involving chromosome 9 and a review of about 100 cases of partial trisomy 9 reported in the literature, suggested some cytogenetical and clinical correlations and lead us to propose the nomenclature of Rethore's syndrome type 1 and type 2.
Influence of pregnancy on glucagon levels in insulin-dependent diabetic women.
Eight insulin-dependent non pregnant (IDD-NP), 10 insulin-dependent pregnant (IDD-P) and 9 pregnant control women were studied. During intravenous arginine challenge (ATT) there were lower glucose and higher glucagon plasma levels in the IDD-P pared to the IDD-NP. IRG levels in response to ATT were also significantly higher in diabetic than in non diabetic control pregnant women. These results seem to indicate that pregnancy in diabetic women, in contrast to that observed in normal women, enhances glucagon secretion with impairment of the physiological mechanism of the facilitated anabolism present in normal pregnancy.
[Determination of plasmatic C-peptide and its clinical uses].
Physiopathological basis and methodological implications of the radioimmunological estimation of plasma C-peptide, as a test of beta cell secretory activity, are reviewed. Personal results are reported concerning C-peptide assay, both in basal and stimulative conditions, in insulindependent long-and short-term diabetes. In 1 case of organic, and 2 cases of functional hyperinsulinism, the test gave useful clinical information. The method of L. Heding-Novo Research Institute, Bagsvaerd, Denmark-, with previous elimination of proinsulin and insulinantibody in patients with high values of IgG insulin binding, proved to be suitable to endocrinological routine.
[Serratia marcescens bacteremia in a neonatal intensive therapy center: epidemiological study].
The Authors have isolated Serratia marcescens in nine coltures of blood, effected during the period Genuary 1 - February 28, 1979, in a newborn nursery. They have carried an epidemiologic study in immature ward, in newborn children and sanitary personnel. Extensive cultures of objects, equipment and air were negative for Serratia marcaescens. The exact mode by which Serratia was introduced into the immature ward could not be determined. The Authors point out on importance of contamination in newborn children by @opportunist" Gram-negative bacilli.
[Calcitonin inhibition of insulin-stimulated gastric secretion. A possibility of selective evaluation of gastric secretory function].
There is both clinical and experimental evidence for the antigastric effect of calcitonin. A study was therefore made of gastric secretion after maximum insulin stimulation, and during its inhibition by calcitonin. Evaluation of basal acid flow and the maximum acidity peak in these two tests showed that the difference between the two peaks was related to the increase in gastrin. This was not the case during inhibition. The results show that selective evaluation of gastric secretion enables selective surgical techniques to be employed in the treatment of duodenal ulcer.
[Benign monoclonal gammopathies. General clinical considerations on 30 cases].
With reference to a previously published series, an puter is used to analyse clinical data and some criteria for diagnosing benign monoclonal gammopathies are set out.
An Escherichia coli strain that causes diarrhea by invasion of the small intestinal mucosa and induces monosaccharide intolerance.
E. coli can induced diarrhea either by enterotoxin production or by invasion of the colonic mucosa. Here we report a 2/12 year old infant with caute diarrhea induced by E. coli strain, isolated from the jejunal fluid, that had no enterotoxigenic activity but invaded the small intestinal mucosa and induced severe morphological alterations. Total villous atrophy and monosaccharide intolerance occured. After 51 days of hospitalization there was a partial recovery of the small intestinal morphology and the patient could also tolerate disaccharides again.
[Frequency of Escherichia coli serotypes in urinary infections].
Among the large O-groups of E.coli isolated from urinary-tract infections, a few groups appear more frequent. The AA report about this frequency in the district of L'Aquilla. Of 147 stocks of E.coli, the most frequent O-groups are the O6 (28,5%), the O75 (20,4%), the O2 (10,2%), the O18 (6,1%), the O5 (4,1%), the O39 (2%).
[Behavior of C-peptide and immunoreactive insulin in essential obesity].
The levels of glucose, immunoreactive insulin and C-peptide were studied in 13 obese patients and 10 control subjects, in basal conditions and after an oral glucose load (OGTT). The IRI and C-peptide levels were higher in the obese patients than in the controls either during fasting or during the OGTT. The C-peptide/IRI ratio decreased after the oral glucose load in both groups studied. However in the obese subjects the values for the C-peptide/IRI ratio were lower than those found in the controls during the same observation period. These results suggest the hypothesis that in the obese patients the high IRI levels which reflect an increased insulin secretion, are, at least in part, due to an early saturation of the hepatic degradation of insulin and/or to a decrease in the specific receptor sites normally present in the cell membranes.
Insulin receptors in human mononuclear leucocytes. I. Binding and degradation of insulin in normal subjects.
The binding and degradation of 125I-Insulin were investigated in mononuclear leukocytes of normal subjects. The binding data analysis show that the insulin degradation is strictly correlated with the binding of the hormone to its receptors: these data suggest that the binding of insulin to specific receptor is the possible first step for its degradation.
Insulin receptors in human mononuclear leucocytes. II. Binding and degradation of insulin in obese subjects.
The binding of insulin to the receptors on circulating mononuclear cells of obese subjects is significantly decreased pared to the binding in normal subjects. This fenomenon is due to the reduction of the number of insulin receptors rather than reduction in affinity. The insulin degradation is also reduced, but a very strong correlation, similar to that demonstrated in normal subjects exist between insulin binding to its receptors and insulin degradation.
On the perception of speech sounds as biologically significant signals.
This paper reviews some of the major evidence and arguments currently available to support the view that human speech perception may require the use of specialized neural mechanisms for perceptual analysis. Experiments using synthetically produced speech signals with adults are briefly summarized and extensions of these results to infants and ther organisms are reviewed with an emphasis towards detailing those aspects of speech perception that may require some need for specialized species-specific processors. Finally, ments on the role of early experience in perceptual development are provided as an attempt to identify promising areas of new research in speech perception.
Models and mechanisms in speech perception. Species comparisons provide further contributions.
Results of recent experiments on the perception of speech-sound categories by nonhuman listeners are reviewed in light of current models of speech perception, and pared to data obtained in similar experiments on human infants. In general, the data on nonhuman animals parallel those obtained from human infants, suggesting the possibility that certain auditory perceptual predispositions shared by mammals played a role in the selection of sounds for a speech-sound repertoire. The findings are generally relevant to the origins and evolution of speech and language, to theories of speech perception, and to the notion of innate predispositions for the perception of auditory signals that are part of an municative repertoire.
An evaluation of the genetic danger of pesticides.
Literature and personal data are presented concerning the genetic effect of 160 pesticides. Methods and test objects used to detect genetically active pesticides are analyzed. A scheme is proposed for screening pesticides with mutagenic effect at all levels of the organization of life. In connection with the pervasive influence of pesticides on the biosphere, the necessity of detailed study of the genetic effects of pesticides on a series of test systems is stressed.
Monkey vocalizations and human speech: parallels in perception?
Primate vocal repertoires may be classified along a continuum of discrete vs. graded signals, with the placement of a particular repertoire a result of the interplay between the species' social organization and adaptive specializations of individual signals engendered by the physical environment and their use. Discussion of the different types of graded signals reveals that they may possess either transitional, ontogenetic, or internal variability. Upon examination, the speech of humans is found to contain primarily internally graded signals, and it is suggested that the major phenomena of human speech perception are related to this internally graded quality. Based on this analysis of human speech, it is proposed that other species possessing internal gradings (e.g., Japanese macaques) are also likely to demonstrate similar perceptual phenomena for their own graded vocalizations.
Study of the mutagenic action of cyclophosphane on bacteria in host-mediated assay.
The mutagenic actin of cyclophosphane (CP) on the bacterium S. typhimurium TA 1950 in host-mediated assay (mice) was investigated. The mutagenic effect of CP depended on the dose. Administration of carbon tetrachloride (CCl4) to the animals modified the level of the mutagenic effect of CP. The direction of the modification depended on the time elapsed between the introduction of CCl4 and CP. The use of adrenalectomized animals as the mediator led to an increase in the frequency of mutations induced by CP in indicator bacteria.
Perception of conspecific vocalizations by Japanese macaques. Evidence for selective attention and neural lateralization.
Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata) and control species (vervet, pigtailed macaque, bonnet macaque) were trained for food to respond to one class of recorded fuscata vocalizations and do not respond to a second class. A measure of neural lateralization was obtained by presenting the stimuli randomly to the right or the left ear, paring performance in the two ears (ear advantage method). Vocalizations were from Steven Green's field tapes. In experiment I, the two classes were Green's 'smooth early high coos' (SE) and 'smooth late high coos' (SL). Experiment II utilized the same vocalizations, but sorted into a high-pitched and a low-pitched class, i.e., orthogonally to munication-relevant dimension. We found that (a) Japanese macaques learned the SE-SL discrimination faster than the pitch discrimination; (b) the reverse was true for the controls; (c) Japanese macaques showed a right-ear advantage (presumed left hemisphere advantage) for the SE-SL distinction, but not for the pitch discrimination, and (d) controls (with one exception) showed no ear advantage for either discrimination. These demonstrations of selective attention munication-relevant parameters of conspecific vocalizations, and neural lateralization in the perception of these vocalizations, parallel similar findings in human speech perception.
Lepromatous leprosy as a model of Schwann cell pathology and lysosomal activity.
A brief illustrated account is presented of the light microscopic pathology, histochemistry of lysosomal enzymes, and fine structural changes in the nerves of patients with untreated or treated lepromatous leprosy. Predominant bacillation of the Schwann cells of unmyelinated fibres, degeneration of their axons, prominence of phagolysosomes, and disappearance of these cells with endoneurial collagenosis were observed on electronmicroscopic examination of the index branch of the radial cutaneous nerve. Although there were changes in the blood vessels and proliferation of perineurium, bacillation of endothelial or perineurial cells was much less conspicuous. Intact and degenerating forms of M. leprae were found in both treated and untreated patients, fragmenting or crumpled forms being more frequent in the treated. Both groups of patients also showed increased lysosomal enzyme activity, evidenced by single or paired paranodal spots of acid phosphatase and beta-glucuronidase in Schwann cells in histochemical preparations of the nerve. There was lesser activity, and activity in fewer cells, in the case of beta-glucuronidase than of acid phosphatase. Diffuse beta-glucuronidase activity was found in the wall of empty-looking oval chambers in the Schwann cells, and acid-fast bacilli were seen in these chambers. In teased fibre preparations, both axonal degeneration and segmental demyelination were found. In semi-thin araldite sections, the myelinated fibre density was either preserved or reduced; large diameter fibres were more frequently depleted, with tall peaks of smaller fibres seen on plotting diameter spectra.
Microscopic cytochemistry as matrix chemistry.
Microscopic cytochemical procedures, unlike reactions in test tubes, have to be undertaken while pounds to be localized and quantified are present in the structural matrix of cells or tissues. Cytochemical reactions therefore differ from analogous staining reactions in homogeneous media because the diffusion of reagents into and out of the matrix and the molecular state around pounds in the matrix to be stained, as well as the presence of many potentially interfering substances in the matrix, produce plications in terms of both specificity and quantitation. plications can be studied quantitatively and in detail in artificially prepared matrices of defined geometry into which pounds or mixtures (of position) with other pounds can be incorporated. Since position of the matrix models is known, and the amount or activity of pound to be stained can be analysed biochemically too, matrices are well suited to studies of the specificity of cytochemical reactions. They can also be used to study quantitative aspects of the influence of fixation procedures on the state of the pound. In addition, matrices can--by further biochemical analysis--be used to calibrate the intensity of cytophotometrically measured staining in terms of amounts of stained substance or in biochemical enzymic activity units. Finally, films and beads containing known amounts of pounds can be used for objective quality control mercially available cytochemical reagents.
Appropriate technology for the quantitative assessment of the final reaction product of histochemical techniques.
This paper describes instruments for microfluorometry and microspectrophotometry, an interactive graphic tablet linked to a microprocessor for semi-automated morphometry, and systems using rapid scanning stages or television scanning techniques for automated analysis of biological material. Some applications of these techniques in clinical work are described.
[Goethe's own testimony about his involvement with "organic Nature." III. Letters (1818-1832)].
This third and last extract from GOETHE's letters between 1818 and 1832 follows the Sophien-Ausgabe of Weimar with the exception of the last two remarks which were drawn from other sources. In 1818, GOETHE riched the 69th year of his life. In this late life-time, he corresponded with scientists, literati, musicians, his son, and his grand-duke CARL AUGUST. The subjects of his correspondence are problems of the scientific investigations' organization as well as of true science, predominantly of paleontology and general morphology including parative anatomy.
Independence of the central nervous and the peripheral renin-angiotensin systems in the dog.
What regulates the activity of the central nervous renin-angiotensin system is not known. To define whether control of this central system is linked to that in the periphery, simultaneous blood and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) samples for measurement of immunoreactive angiotensin II were drawn from anesthetized dogs during hemorrhage, furosemide-induced volume depletion, insulin-hypoglycemia, beta-adrenergic blockade and saline infusion. Despite vigorous increments or decrements in plasma innunoreactive angiotensin II, CSF levels remained stable. Since immunoreactive angiotensin II in dog CSF is claimed to be mainly the heptapeptide des-Asp1-angiotensin II (angiotensin III), the possibility that the level of this peptide within CSF simply reflects plasma concentrations was assessed by infusing angiotensin III (2.5 and 25 ng/kg/min intravenously, each for 60 minutes) and monitoring plasma and CSF peptide levels. Whereas plasma immunoreactive angiotensin II levels increased appropriately across the infusions, no change in CSF levels was observed. These studies indicate the angiotensin III does not cross the blood-CSF barrier, at least in the short term.
Raised cerebrospinal fluid norepinephrine in some patients with primary hypertension.
To test whether central neurogenic factors participate in blood pressure elevation in primary hypertension, we studied the concentrations of: norepinephrine, epinephrine and dopamine-beta-hydroxylase (DBH) in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF); and norepinephrine, epinephrine, DBH and plasma renin activity (PRA) in plasma of 22 subjects (seven with primary hypertension, 11 normotensive patients with non-systemic neurological disorders, and four with secondary hypertension). Plasma and CSF norepinephrine (NE) were increased in primary pared to normotensives. Cerebrospinal fluid norepinephrine was related to diastolic blood pressure, and systolic blood pressure when normotensive and primary hypertensives were taken together. The CSF norepinephrine of primary hypertensive patients was correlated with natural log PRA. The CSF norepinephrine was correlated inversely with age in primary hypertensive patients but not in the normotensive subjects. The low CSF norepinephrine and epinephrine, despite markedly increased plasma NE and epinephrine, in two patients with pheochromocytoma, indicate a blood-brain barrier for these neurohormones. The observations support the view that the central sympathetic nervous system is involved in the pathogenesis of primary hypertension, particularly in younger patients.
[Resistance of gram-negative bacteria against cefaclor and other antibiotics (author's transl)].
Five hundred and eighty-six strains of eight species of Enterobacteriaceae were tested for their resistance against cefaclor, cefamandole, cephalothin, ampicillin, mezocillin, tetracycline and co-trimoxazole. Cefaclor showed a low rate of resistance against Escherichia coli (1.2%), Klebsiella (2%) and Proteus mirabilis (3.1%), but a high rate of resistance against indole-positive Proteus species (60%) and Serratia (80%). Cefamandole was also effective against cefaclor and ampicillin resistant strains. Multiresistant strains were predominant especially amongst Enterobacter, Serratia and indole-positive Proteus species. Of 266 ampicillin resistant strains, 198 strains (74.4%) proved to be sensitive to cefaclor. Among the orally administered antibiotics cefaclor exhibited the best result with 12.1% resistant pared to 14.8% strains resistant to co-trimoxazole and 45.4% resistant to ampicillin.
[The antibacterial efficacy of cefaclor against bacteria resistant to ampicillin, tetracycline and co-trimoxazole (author's transl)].
The antibacterial activity of the new oral cephalosporin cefaclor was investigated using 623 freshly isolated bacterial strains. A high degree of efficacy of cefaclor was noticed against Escherichia coli, Proteus mirabilis and Klebsiella. Nearly all strains which were sensitive to ampicillin, tetracycline and co-trimoxazole were also inhibited by cefaclor. Some of the strains resistant to the three above-mentioned antibiotics were also sensitive to cefaclor as follows: all of ten P. mirabilis strains resistant to co-trimoxazole, 54% of the E. coli strains resistant to ampicillin, tetracycline and co-trimoxazole, and 18% of the Klebsiella strains resistant to tetracycline and co-trimoxazole.