```config from cloud.resource where cloud.type = 'aws' AND api.name = 'aws-s3api-get-bucket-acl' AND json.rule = policy.Statement[?any(Effect equals Allow and (Principal.AWS does not equal * and Principal does not equal * and Principal.AWS contains arn and Principal.AWS does not contain $.accountId) and (Action contains "s3:Put*" or Action contains "s3:Delete*" or Action equals "*" or Action contains "s3:*" or Action is member of ('s3:DeleteBucketPolicy','s3:PutBucketAcl','s3:PutBucketPolicy','s3:PutEncryptionConfiguration','s3:PutObjectAcl') ))] exists```
AWS S3 bucket with cross-account access
```config from cloud.resource where cloud.type = 'aws' AND api.name = 'aws-s3api-get-bucket-acl' AND json.rule = policy.Statement[?any(Effect equals Allow and (Principal.AWS does not equal * and Principal does not equal * and Principal.AWS contains arn and Principal.AWS does not contain $.accountId) and (Action contains "s3:Put*" or Action contains "s3:Delete*" or Action equals "*" or Action contains "s3:*" or Action is member of ('s3:DeleteBucketPolicy','s3:PutBucketAcl','s3:PutBucketPolicy','s3:PutEncryptionConfiguration','s3:PutObjectAcl') ))] exists```
This policy identifies the AWS S3 bucket policy allows one or more of the actions (s3:DeleteBucketPolicy, s3:PutBucketAcl, s3:PutBucketPolicy, s3:PutEncryptionConfiguration, s3:PutObjectAcl) for a principal in another AWS account. An S3 bucket policy that defines permissions and conditions for accessing an Amazon S3 bucket and its objects. Granting permissions like s3:DeleteBucketPolicy, s3:PutBucketAcl, s3:PutBucketPolicy, s3:PutEncryptionConfiguration, and s3:PutObjectAcl to other AWS accounts can lead to unauthorized access and potential data breaches. It is recommended to review and remove permissions from the S3 bucket policy by deleting statements that grant access to restricted actions for other AWS accounts.
```config from cloud.resource where cloud.type = 'ibm' and api.name = 'ibm-iam-policy' AND json.rule = type equal ignore case "access" and roles[?any( role_id is member of ("crn:v1:bluemix:public:cloud-object-storage::::serviceRole:ObjectReader","crn:v1:bluemix:public:cloud-object-storage::::serviceRole:ContentReader") )] exists and resources[?any( attributes[?any( name equal ignore case "resourceType" and value equal ignore case "bucket" and operator is member of ("stringEquals", "stringMatch") )] exists )] exists and subjects[?any( attributes[?any( name contains "access_group_id" and value contains "AccessGroupId-PublicAccess")] exists )] exists as X; config from cloud.resource where api.name = 'ibm-object-storage-bucket' as Y; filter ' $.X.resources[*].attributes[*].value intersects $.Y.name and $.X.resources[*].attributes[*].value intersects $.Y.service_instance_id '; show Y;```
IBM Cloud Object Storage bucket is publicly readable through an access group
```config from cloud.resource where cloud.type = 'ibm' and api.name = 'ibm-iam-policy' AND json.rule = type equal ignore case "access" and roles[?any( role_id is member of ("crn:v1:bluemix:public:cloud-object-storage::::serviceRole:ObjectReader","crn:v1:bluemix:public:cloud-object-storage::::serviceRole:ContentReader") )] exists and resources[?any( attributes[?any( name equal ignore case "resourceType" and value equal ignore case "bucket" and operator is member of ("stringEquals", "stringMatch") )] exists )] exists and subjects[?any( attributes[?any( name contains "access_group_id" and value contains "AccessGroupId-PublicAccess")] exists )] exists as X; config from cloud.resource where api.name = 'ibm-object-storage-bucket' as Y; filter ' $.X.resources[*].attributes[*].value intersects $.Y.name and $.X.resources[*].attributes[*].value intersects $.Y.service_instance_id '; show Y;```
This policy identifies an IBM Cloud Object Storage bucket that is publicly readable by 'ObjectReader' or 'ContentReader' roles via the public access group. IBM Public Access Group is a predefined group that manages public permissions and access control for resources and services. Assigning an access policy to the public access group with a resource, provides access to the resource to anyone, whether they're a member of your account or not, because authentication is no longer required. With this configuration, you may risk compromising critical data by leaving the IBM Cloud Object Storage public. As a best security practice, avoid adding policies to the public access group to make sure buckets are not publicly accessible.
```config from cloud.resource where cloud.type = 'aws' AND api.name = 'aws-appsync-graphql-api' AND json.rule = authenticationType equals "API_KEY" or additionalAuthenticationProviders[?any( authenticationType equals "API_KEY" )] exists```
AWS AppSync GraphQL API is authenticated with API key
```config from cloud.resource where cloud.type = 'aws' AND api.name = 'aws-appsync-graphql-api' AND json.rule = authenticationType equals "API_KEY" or additionalAuthenticationProviders[?any( authenticationType equals "API_KEY" )] exists```
This policy identifies the AWS AppSync Graphql API using API key for primary or additional authentication methods. AWS AppSync GraphQL API is a fully managed service by Amazon Web Services for building scalable and secure GraphQL APIs. An API key is a hard-coded value in your application generated by the AWS AppSync service when you create an unauthenticated GraphQL endpoint. Using API keys for authentication can pose security risks such as exposure to unauthorized access and limited control over access privileges, potentially compromising sensitive data and system integrity. It is recommended to use authentication methods other than API Keys like IAM, Amazon Cognito User Pools, or OpenID Connect providers for securing AWS AppSync GraphQL APIs, to ensure enhanced security and access control.
```config from cloud.resource where cloud.type = 'aws' AND api.name = 'aws-eks-describe-cluster' AND json.rule = resourcesVpcConfig.endpointPublicAccess is true or resourcesVpcConfig.endpointPrivateAccess is false```
again test perf of AWS EKS cluster endpoint access publicly enabled
```config from cloud.resource where cloud.type = 'aws' AND api.name = 'aws-eks-describe-cluster' AND json.rule = resourcesVpcConfig.endpointPublicAccess is true or resourcesVpcConfig.endpointPrivateAccess is false```
When you create a new cluster, Amazon EKS creates an endpoint for the managed Kubernetes API server that you use to communicate with your cluster (using Kubernetes management tools such as kubectl). By default, this API server endpoint is public to the internet, and access to the API server is secured using a combination of AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) and native Kubernetes Role Based Access Control (RBAC). This policy checks your Kubernetes cluster endpoint access and triggers an alert if publicly enabled.
```config from cloud.resource where cloud.type = 'oci' AND api.name = 'oci-iam-user' AND json.rule = 'customerSecretKeys[?any(lifecycleState equals ACTIVE and (_DateTime.ageInDays(timeCreated) > 90))] exists'```
OCI users customer secret keys have aged more than 90 days without being rotated
```config from cloud.resource where cloud.type = 'oci' AND api.name = 'oci-iam-user' AND json.rule = 'customerSecretKeys[?any(lifecycleState equals ACTIVE and (_DateTime.ageInDays(timeCreated) > 90))] exists'```
This policy identifies all of your IAM User customer secret keys which have not been rotated in the past 90 days. It is recommended to verify that they are rotated on a regular basis in order to protect OCI customer secret keys access directly or via SDKs or OCI CLI.
```config from cloud.resource where cloud.type = 'azure' AND api.name = 'azure-security-center-settings' AND json.rule = settings[?any( name equals MCAS and properties.enabled is false )] exists ```
Azure Microsoft Defender for Cloud MCAS integration Disabled
```config from cloud.resource where cloud.type = 'azure' AND api.name = 'azure-security-center-settings' AND json.rule = settings[?any( name equals MCAS and properties.enabled is false )] exists ```
This policy identifies Azure Microsoft Defender for Cloud (previously known as Azure Security Center and Azure Defender) which has Microsoft Defender for Cloud Apps (MCAS) integration disabled. Enabling Microsoft Defender for Cloud provides the tools needed to harden your resources, track your security posture, protect against cyberattacks, and streamline security management. It is highly recommended to enable Microsoft Defender for MCAS.
```config from cloud.resource where cloud.type = 'aws' AND api.name = 'aws-fsx-file-system' AND json.rule = FileSystemType equals "WINDOWS" and ( WindowsConfiguration.AuditLogConfiguration.FileAccessAuditLogLevel equals "DISABLED" AND WindowsConfiguration.AuditLogConfiguration.FileShareAccessAuditLogLevel equals "DISABLED")```
AWS FSX Windows filesystem is not configured with file access auditing
```config from cloud.resource where cloud.type = 'aws' AND api.name = 'aws-fsx-file-system' AND json.rule = FileSystemType equals "WINDOWS" and ( WindowsConfiguration.AuditLogConfiguration.FileAccessAuditLogLevel equals "DISABLED" AND WindowsConfiguration.AuditLogConfiguration.FileShareAccessAuditLogLevel equals "DISABLED")```
This policy identifies the AWS FSX Windows filesystem that lacks configuration for FileAccessAuditLogLevel and FileShareAccessAuditLogLevel. Amazon FSx for Windows File Server offers the capability to audit user access to files, folders, and file shares. The settings for FileAccessAuditLogLevel and FileShareAccessAuditLogLevel can be adjusted to record successful access attempts, failed attempts, both, or none, based on your auditing needs. Failing to configure these audit logs may result in unrecognized unauthorized access and potential non-compliance with security standards. It is advisable to set up logging for both file and folder access as well as file share access in alignment with your business needs. This ensures thorough logging, enhances visibility and accountability, supports compliance, and facilitates effective monitoring and incident response.
```config from cloud.resource where cloud.type = 'aws' AND api.name = 'aws-mwaa-environment' AND json.rule = EnvironmentClass contains "foo" ```
bobby run build informational
```config from cloud.resource where cloud.type = 'aws' AND api.name = 'aws-mwaa-environment' AND json.rule = EnvironmentClass contains "foo" ```
```config from cloud.resource where api.name = 'aws-s3api-get-bucket-acl' as X; config from cloud.resource where api.name = 'aws-bedrock-custom-model' as Y; filter ' $.Y.outputDataConfig.bucketName equals $.X.bucketName'; show X;```
AWS S3 bucket used for storing AWS Bedrock Custom model training artifacts
```config from cloud.resource where api.name = 'aws-s3api-get-bucket-acl' as X; config from cloud.resource where api.name = 'aws-bedrock-custom-model' as Y; filter ' $.Y.outputDataConfig.bucketName equals $.X.bucketName'; show X;```
This policy identifies the AWS S3 bucket used for storing AWS Bedrock Custom model training job output. S3 buckets hold the results and artifacts generated from training models in AWS Bedrock. Ensuring proper configuration and access control is crucial to maintaining the security and integrity of the training output. Improperly secured S3 buckets used for storing AWS Bedrock training output can lead to unauthorized access and potential exposure of model information. It is recommended to implement strict access controls, enable encryption, and audit permissions to secure AWS S3 buckets for AWS Bedrock training job output and ensure compliance. NOTE: This policy is designed to identify the S3 buckets utilized for storing results and storing artifacts generated from training custom models in AWS Bedrock. It does not signify any detected misconfiguration or security risk.
```config from cloud.resource where cloud.type = 'azure' AND api.name = 'azure-policy-assignments' AND json.rule = '((name == SecurityCenterBuiltIn and properties.parameters.systemUpdatesMonitoringEffect.value equals Disabled) or (name == SecurityCenterBuiltIn and properties.parameters[*] is empty and properties.displayName does not start with "ASC Default"))'```
Azure Microsoft Defender for Cloud system updates monitoring is set to disabled
```config from cloud.resource where cloud.type = 'azure' AND api.name = 'azure-policy-assignments' AND json.rule = '((name == SecurityCenterBuiltIn and properties.parameters.systemUpdatesMonitoringEffect.value equals Disabled) or (name == SecurityCenterBuiltIn and properties.parameters[*] is empty and properties.displayName does not start with "ASC Default"))'```
This policy identifies the Azure Microsoft Defender for Cloud (previously known as Azure Security Center and Azure Defender) policies which have system updates monitoring set to disabled. It retrieves a daily list of available security and critical updates from Windows Update or Windows Server Update Services. The retrieved list depends on the service that's configured for that virtual machine and recommends that the missing updates be applied. For Linux systems, the policy uses the distro-provided package management system to determine packages that have available updates. It also checks for security and critical updates from Azure Cloud Services virtual machines.
```config from cloud.resource where api.name = 'aws-ec2-describe-security-groups' AND json.rule = _AWSCloudAccount.orgHierarchyNames() does not intersect ("all-accounts")```
```config from cloud.resource where api.name = 'aws-ec2-describe-security-groups' AND json.rule = _AWSCloudAccount.orgHierarchyNames() does not intersect ("all-accounts")```
```config from cloud.resource where cloud.type = 'oci' AND api.name = 'oci-iam-user' AND json.rule = lifecycleState equal ignore case ACTIVE and capabilities.canUseConsolePassword is true and isMfaActivated is false```
OCI MFA is disabled for IAM users
```config from cloud.resource where cloud.type = 'oci' AND api.name = 'oci-iam-user' AND json.rule = lifecycleState equal ignore case ACTIVE and capabilities.canUseConsolePassword is true and isMfaActivated is false```
This policy identifies Identify Access Management (IAM) users for whom Multi Factor Authentication (MFA) is disabled. As a best practice, enable MFA to add an extra layer of protection for increased security of your OCI user’s identity and complete the sign-in process.
```config from cloud.resource where api.name = 'gcloud-storage-buckets-list' as X; config from cloud.resource where api.name = 'gcloud-vertex-ai-aiplatform-model' as Y; filter ' $.Y.artifactUri contains $.X.id '; show X;```
GCP Storage Bucket storing Vertex AI model
```config from cloud.resource where api.name = 'gcloud-storage-buckets-list' as X; config from cloud.resource where api.name = 'gcloud-vertex-ai-aiplatform-model' as Y; filter ' $.Y.artifactUri contains $.X.id '; show X;```
This policy identifies publicly exposed GCS buckets that are used to store the GCP Vertex AI model. GCP Vertex AI models (except AutoML Models) are stored in the Storage bucket. Vertex AI model is considered sensitive and confidential intellectual property and its storage location should be checked regularly. The storage location should be as per your organization's security and compliance requirements. It is recommended to monitor, identify, and evaluate storage location for GCP Vertex AI model regularly to prevent unauthorized access and AI model thefts.
```config from cloud.resource where cloud.type = 'aws' AND api.name = 'aws-cloudfront-list-distributions' AND json.rule = defaultRootObject is empty```
```config from cloud.resource where cloud.type = 'aws' AND api.name = 'aws-cloudfront-list-distributions' AND json.rule = defaultRootObject is empty```
```config from cloud.resource where cloud.type = 'gcp' AND api.name = 'gcloud-compute-firewall-rules-list' AND json.rule = disabled is false and direction equals INGRESS and (sourceRanges[*] equals ::0 or sourceRanges[*] equals or sourceRanges[*] equals or sourceRanges[*] equals ::/0 or sourceRanges[*] equals ::) and allowed[?any(ports contains _Port.inRange(27017,27017) or (ports does not exist and (IPProtocol contains tcp or IPProtocol contains udp)))] exists```
GCP Firewall rule allows all traffic on MongoDB port (27017)
```config from cloud.resource where cloud.type = 'gcp' AND api.name = 'gcloud-compute-firewall-rules-list' AND json.rule = disabled is false and direction equals INGRESS and (sourceRanges[*] equals ::0 or sourceRanges[*] equals or sourceRanges[*] equals or sourceRanges[*] equals ::/0 or sourceRanges[*] equals ::) and allowed[?any(ports contains _Port.inRange(27017,27017) or (ports does not exist and (IPProtocol contains tcp or IPProtocol contains udp)))] exists```
This policy identifies GCP Firewall rules which allow all inbound traffic on MongoDB port (27017). Allowing access from arbitrary IP addresses to this port increases the attack surface of your network. It is recommended that the MongoDB port (27017) should be allowed to specific IP addresses.
```config from cloud.resource where cloud.type = 'azure' AND api.name = 'azure-mysql-server' AND json.rule = properties.userVisibleState equal ignore case Ready and properties.privateEndpointConnections[*] is empty```
Azure Database for MySQL server not configured with private endpoint
```config from cloud.resource where cloud.type = 'azure' AND api.name = 'azure-mysql-server' AND json.rule = properties.userVisibleState equal ignore case Ready and properties.privateEndpointConnections[*] is empty```
This policy identifies Azure MySQL database servers that are not configured with private endpoint. Private endpoint connections enforce secure communication by enabling private connectivity to Azure Database for MySQL. Configuring a private endpoint enables access to traffic coming from only known networks and prevents access from malicious or unknown IP addresses which includes IP addresses within Azure. It is recommended to create private endpoint for secure communication for your Azure MySQL database.
```config from cloud.resource where cloud.type = 'azure' and api.name = 'azure-active-directory-group-settings' and json.rule = values[?any(name equals LockoutDurationInSeconds and (value less than 60 or value does not exist))] exists```
Azure Microsoft Entra ID account lockout duration less than 60 seconds
```config from cloud.resource where cloud.type = 'azure' and api.name = 'azure-active-directory-group-settings' and json.rule = values[?any(name equals LockoutDurationInSeconds and (value less than 60 or value does not exist))] exists```
This policy identifies if the account lockout duration for Microsoft Entra ID (formerly Azure AD) accounts is configured to be less than 60 seconds. The lockout duration determines how long the account remains locked after exceeding the lockout threshold. A lockout duration of less than 60 seconds increases the risk of brute-force or password spray attacks. Malicious actors can exploit a short lockout period to attempt multiple logins more frequently, increasing the likelihood of gaining unauthorized access. Configuring the lockout duration to be at least 60 seconds helps reduce the frequency of repeated login attempts during a brute-force attack, improving protection against such attacks while ensuring a reasonable delay for legitimate users after exceeding the threshold. As a security best practice, it is recommended to configure the account lockout duration to greater than or equal to 60 seconds.
```config from cloud.resource where api.name = 'aws-emr-describe-cluster' as X; config from cloud.resource where api.name = 'aws-emr-security-configuration' as Y; filter '($.X.status.state does not contain TERMINATING) and ($.X.securityConfiguration contains $.Y.name) and ($.Y.AuthenticationConfiguration.KerberosConfiguration does not exist)' ; show X;```
AWS EMR cluster is not configured with Kerberos Authentication
```config from cloud.resource where api.name = 'aws-emr-describe-cluster' as X; config from cloud.resource where api.name = 'aws-emr-security-configuration' as Y; filter '($.X.status.state does not contain TERMINATING) and ($.X.securityConfiguration contains $.Y.name) and ($.Y.AuthenticationConfiguration.KerberosConfiguration does not exist)' ; show X;```
This policy identifies EMR clusters which are not configured with Kerberos Authentication. Kerberos uses secret-key cryptography to provide strong authentication so that passwords or other credentials aren't sent over the network in an unencrypted format.
```config from cloud.resource where api.name = 'azure-container-registry' AND json.rule = (skuName contains Standard or skuName contains Premium) and properties.provisioningState equal ignore case Succeeded and properties.anonymousPullEnabled is false```
Azure Container Registry with anonymous authentication enabled
```config from cloud.resource where api.name = 'azure-container-registry' AND json.rule = (skuName contains Standard or skuName contains Premium) and properties.provisioningState equal ignore case Succeeded and properties.anonymousPullEnabled is false```
This policy identifies Azure Container Registries with anonymous authentication enabled, allowing unauthenticated access to the registry. Allowing anonymous pull or access to container registries poses a significant security risk, exposing them to unauthorized users who may retrieve or manipulate container images. To enhance security, disable anonymous access and require authentication through Azure Active Directory (Azure AD). Additionally, local authentication methods such as admin user, repository-scoped access tokens, and anonymous pull should be turned off to ensure authentication relies solely on Azure AD, providing improved control and accountability. As a security best practice, it is recommended to disable anonymous authentication for Azure Container Registries.
```config from cloud.resource where cloud.type = 'azure' AND api.name = 'azure-activity-log-alerts' AND json.rule = "location equal ignore case Global and properties.enabled equals true and properties.scopes[*] does not contain resourceGroups and properties.condition.allOf[?(@.field=='operationName')].equals equals Microsoft.Network/networkSecurityGroups/securityRules/write" as X; count(X) less than 1```
Azure Activity log alert for Create or update network security group rule does not exist
```config from cloud.resource where cloud.type = 'azure' AND api.name = 'azure-activity-log-alerts' AND json.rule = "location equal ignore case Global and properties.enabled equals true and properties.scopes[*] does not contain resourceGroups and properties.condition.allOf[?(@.field=='operationName')].equals equals Microsoft.Network/networkSecurityGroups/securityRules/write" as X; count(X) less than 1```
This policy identifies the Azure accounts in which activity log alert for Create or update network security group rule does not exist. Creating an activity log alert for Create or update network security group rule gives insight into network rule access changes and may reduce the time it takes to detect suspicious activity.
```config from cloud.resource where api.name = 'aws-rds-db-cluster' as X; config from cloud.resource where api.name = 'aws-rds-db-cluster-parameter-group' AND json.rule = (((DBParameterGroupFamily starts with "postgres" or DBParameterGroupFamily starts with "aurora-postgresql") and (['parameters'].['rds.force_ssl'].['ParameterValue'] does not equal 1 or ['parameters'].['rds.force_ssl'].['ParameterValue'] does not exist)) or ((DBParameterGroupFamily starts with "aurora-mysql" or DBParameterGroupFamily starts with "mysql") and (parameters.require_secure_transport.ParameterValue is not member of ("ON", "1") or parameters.require_secure_transport.ParameterValue does not exist))) as Y; filter '$.X.dBclusterParameterGroupArn equals $.Y.DBClusterParameterGroupArn' ; show X;```
AWS RDS cluster encryption in transit is not configured
```config from cloud.resource where api.name = 'aws-rds-db-cluster' as X; config from cloud.resource where api.name = 'aws-rds-db-cluster-parameter-group' AND json.rule = (((DBParameterGroupFamily starts with "postgres" or DBParameterGroupFamily starts with "aurora-postgresql") and (['parameters'].['rds.force_ssl'].['ParameterValue'] does not equal 1 or ['parameters'].['rds.force_ssl'].['ParameterValue'] does not exist)) or ((DBParameterGroupFamily starts with "aurora-mysql" or DBParameterGroupFamily starts with "mysql") and (parameters.require_secure_transport.ParameterValue is not member of ("ON", "1") or parameters.require_secure_transport.ParameterValue does not exist))) as Y; filter '$.X.dBclusterParameterGroupArn equals $.Y.DBClusterParameterGroupArn' ; show X;```
This policy identifies AWS RDS database clusters that are not configured with encryption in transit. This covers MySQL, PostgreSQL, and Aurora clusters. Enabling encryption is crucial to protect data as it moves through the network and enhances the security between clients and storage servers. Without encryption, sensitive data transmitted between your application and the database is vulnerable to interception by malicious actors. This could lead to unauthorized access, data breaches, and potential compromises of confidential information. It is recommended that data be encrypted while in transit to ensure its security and reduce the risk of unauthorized access or data breaches.
```config from cloud.resource where cloud.type = 'gcp' AND api.name = 'gcloud-cloud-spanner-database' AND json.rule = state equal ignore case ready AND encryptionConfig.kmsKeyNames does not exist```
GCP Spanner Databases not encrypted with CMEK
```config from cloud.resource where cloud.type = 'gcp' AND api.name = 'gcloud-cloud-spanner-database' AND json.rule = state equal ignore case ready AND encryptionConfig.kmsKeyNames does not exist```
This policy identifies GCP Spanner databases that are not encrypted with a Customer-Managed Encryption Key (CMEK). Google Cloud Spanner is a scalable, globally distributed, and strongly consistent database service. By using CMEK with Spanner, you retain complete control over the encryption keys protecting your sensitive data, ensuring that only authorized users with access to these keys can decrypt and access the information. Without CMEK, data is encrypted with Google-managed keys, which may not provide the level of control required for handling sensitive data in certain industries. It is recommended to encrypt Spanner database data using a Customer-Managed Encryption Key (CMEK).
```config from cloud.resource where cloud.type = 'aws' AND api.name = 'aws-cloudformation-describe-stacks' AND json.rule = "(($.stackResources[?( @.resourceType == 'AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup' || @.resourceType == 'AWS::EC2::SecurityGroupIngress' || @.resourceType == 'AWS::EC2::NetworkAclEntry')].resourceStatus any equal CREATE_COMPLETE) or ($.stackResources[?( @.resourceType == 'AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup' || @.resourceType == 'AWS::EC2::SecurityGroupIngress' || @.resourceType == 'AWS::EC2::NetworkAclEntry')].resourceStatus any equal UPDATE_COMPLETE)) and (($.cloudFormationTemplate.Resources.{}.SecurityGroupIngress[*].CidrIp any equal or $.cloudFormationTemplate.Resources.{}.SecurityGroupIngress[*].CidrIpv6 any equal ::/0 or $.cloudFormationTemplate.Resources.{}.Properties.CidrIp any equal or $.cloudFormationTemplate.Resources.{}.Properties.CidrIpv6 any equal ::/0) or ($.cloudFormationTemplate.Resources.{}.Properties.CidrBlock any equal or $.cloudFormationTemplate.Resources.{}.Properties.Ipv6CidrBlock any equal ::/0 or $.cloudFormationTemplate.Resources.{}.Properties.Protocol any equal -1))"```
AWS CloudFormation template contains globally open resources
```config from cloud.resource where cloud.type = 'aws' AND api.name = 'aws-cloudformation-describe-stacks' AND json.rule = "(($.stackResources[?( @.resourceType == 'AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup' || @.resourceType == 'AWS::EC2::SecurityGroupIngress' || @.resourceType == 'AWS::EC2::NetworkAclEntry')].resourceStatus any equal CREATE_COMPLETE) or ($.stackResources[?( @.resourceType == 'AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup' || @.resourceType == 'AWS::EC2::SecurityGroupIngress' || @.resourceType == 'AWS::EC2::NetworkAclEntry')].resourceStatus any equal UPDATE_COMPLETE)) and (($.cloudFormationTemplate.Resources.{}.SecurityGroupIngress[*].CidrIp any equal or $.cloudFormationTemplate.Resources.{}.SecurityGroupIngress[*].CidrIpv6 any equal ::/0 or $.cloudFormationTemplate.Resources.{}.Properties.CidrIp any equal or $.cloudFormationTemplate.Resources.{}.Properties.CidrIpv6 any equal ::/0) or ($.cloudFormationTemplate.Resources.{}.Properties.CidrBlock any equal or $.cloudFormationTemplate.Resources.{}.Properties.Ipv6CidrBlock any equal ::/0 or $.cloudFormationTemplate.Resources.{}.Properties.Protocol any equal -1))"```
This alert triggers if a CloudFormation template that when launched will result in resources allowing global network access. Below are three common causes: - Security Group with a {, ::/0} rule - Network Access Control List with a {, ::/0} rule - Network Access Control List with -1 IpProtocol
```config from cloud.resource where cloud.type = 'azure' AND api.name = 'azure-activity-log-alerts' AND json.rule = "location equal ignore case Global and properties.enabled equals true and properties.scopes[*] does not contain resourceGroups and properties.condition.allOf[?(@.field=='operationName')].equals equals Microsoft.Authorization/policyAssignments/write" as X; count(X) less than 1```
Azure Activity log alert for Create policy assignment does not exist
```config from cloud.resource where cloud.type = 'azure' AND api.name = 'azure-activity-log-alerts' AND json.rule = "location equal ignore case Global and properties.enabled equals true and properties.scopes[*] does not contain resourceGroups and properties.condition.allOf[?(@.field=='operationName')].equals equals Microsoft.Authorization/policyAssignments/write" as X; count(X) less than 1```
This policy identifies the Azure accounts in which activity log alert for Create policy assignment does not exist. Creating an activity log alert for Create policy assignment gives insight into changes done in azure policy - assignments and may reduce the time it takes to detect unsolicited changes.
```config from cloud.resource where cloud.type = 'aws' AND api.name = 'aws-cloudfront-list-distributions' AND json.rule = enabled is true and origins.items[*] contains customOriginConfig and origins.items[?any(customOriginConfig.originProtocolPolicy does not contain https-only and ( domainName contains ".data.mediastore." or domainName contains ".mediapackage." or domainName contains ".elb." ))] exists```
AWS CloudFront origin protocol policy does not enforce HTTPS-only
```config from cloud.resource where cloud.type = 'aws' AND api.name = 'aws-cloudfront-list-distributions' AND json.rule = enabled is true and origins.items[*] contains customOriginConfig and origins.items[?any(customOriginConfig.originProtocolPolicy does not contain https-only and ( domainName contains ".data.mediastore." or domainName contains ".mediapackage." or domainName contains ".elb." ))] exists```
This policy identifies AWS CloudFront which has an origin protocol policy that does not enforce HTTPS-only. Enforcing HTTPS protocol policy between origin and CloudFront will encrypt all communication and will be more secure. As a security best practice, enforce HTTPS-only traffic between a CloudFront distribution and the origin.
```config from cloud.resource where api.name = 'oci-networking-loadbalancer' AND json.rule = listeners.*.protocol equals HTTP and lifecycleState equals ACTIVE and isPrivate is false as X; config from cloud.resource where api.name = 'oci-loadbalancer-waf' AND json.rule = lifecycleState equal ignore case ACTIVE and (webAppFirewallPolicyId exists and webAppFirewallPolicyId does not equal "null") as Y; filter 'not ($.X.id equals $.Y.loadBalancerId) '; show X;```
OCI Load balancer not configured with Web application firewall (WAF)
```config from cloud.resource where api.name = 'oci-networking-loadbalancer' AND json.rule = listeners.*.protocol equals HTTP and lifecycleState equals ACTIVE and isPrivate is false as X; config from cloud.resource where api.name = 'oci-loadbalancer-waf' AND json.rule = lifecycleState equal ignore case ACTIVE and (webAppFirewallPolicyId exists and webAppFirewallPolicyId does not equal "null") as Y; filter 'not ($.X.id equals $.Y.loadBalancerId) '; show X;```
This policy identifies OCI Load balancers that are not configured with a Web application firewall (WAF). A Web Application Firewall (WAF) helps protect web applications by filtering and monitoring HTTP traffic between a web application and the Internet. Without WAF, load balancers are vulnerable to various web-based attacks, including SQL injection, cross-site scripting (XSS), and other common exploits. This can lead to unauthorized access, data breaches, and other security incidents. As a best practice, it is recommended to configure Web Application Firewall (WAF) for OCI Load Balancers to enhance security.
```config from cloud.resource where cloud.type = 'aws' AND api.name = 'aws-emr-describe-cluster' AND json.rule = status.state does not contain TERMINATING and terminationProtected is false```
AWS EMR cluster is not enabled with termination protection
```config from cloud.resource where cloud.type = 'aws' AND api.name = 'aws-emr-describe-cluster' AND json.rule = status.state does not contain TERMINATING and terminationProtected is false```
This policy identifies the AWS EMR Cluster that is not enabled with termination protection. Termination protection serves as a safeguard against unintentional termination of your clusters. When this feature is enabled, any efforts to terminate the cluster via the AWS Management Console, CLI, or API will be prevented unless the protection is deliberately disabled beforehand. This feature is particularly beneficial for long-running or essential clusters, as accidental termination could lead to data loss or considerable downtime. It is advisable to activate termination protection on AWS EMR clusters to prevent accidental terminations.
```config from cloud.resource where cloud.type = 'azure' AND api.name = 'azure-mysql-flexible-server' AND json.rule = properties.state equal ignore case Ready and firewallRules[*] is empty and properties.network.publicNetworkAccess equal ignore case Enabled```
Azure Database for MySQL flexible server public network access setting is enabled
```config from cloud.resource where cloud.type = 'azure' AND api.name = 'azure-mysql-flexible-server' AND json.rule = properties.state equal ignore case Ready and firewallRules[*] is empty and properties.network.publicNetworkAccess equal ignore case Enabled```
This policy identifies Azure Database for MySQL flexible servers which have public network access setting enabled. Publicly accessible MySQL servers are vulnerable to external threats with risk of unauthorized access or may remotely exploit any vulnerabilities. As a best security practice, it is recommended to configure the MySQL servers with IP-based strict server-level firewall rules or virtual-network rules or private endpoints so that servers are accessible only to restricted entities.
```config from cloud.resource where resource.status = Active AND api.name = 'oci-compute-instance' AND json.rule = lifecycleState exists```
OCI Hosts test - Ali
```config from cloud.resource where resource.status = Active AND api.name = 'oci-compute-instance' AND json.rule = lifecycleState exists```
```config from cloud.resource where cloud.type = 'gcp' AND api.name = 'gcloud-compute-firewall-rules-list' AND json.rule = disabled is false and direction equals INGRESS and (sourceRanges[*] equals ::0 or sourceRanges[*] equals or sourceRanges[*] equals or sourceRanges[*] equals ::/0 or sourceRanges[*] equals ::) and allowed[?any(ports contains _Port.inRange(25,25) or (ports does not exist and (IPProtocol contains tcp or IPProtocol contains udp)))] exists```
GCP Firewall rule allows all traffic on SMTP port (25)
```config from cloud.resource where cloud.type = 'gcp' AND api.name = 'gcloud-compute-firewall-rules-list' AND json.rule = disabled is false and direction equals INGRESS and (sourceRanges[*] equals ::0 or sourceRanges[*] equals or sourceRanges[*] equals or sourceRanges[*] equals ::/0 or sourceRanges[*] equals ::) and allowed[?any(ports contains _Port.inRange(25,25) or (ports does not exist and (IPProtocol contains tcp or IPProtocol contains udp)))] exists```
This policy identifies GCP Firewall rules which allow all inbound traffic on SMTP port (25). Allowing access from arbitrary IP addresses to this port increases the attack surface of your network. It is recommended that the SMTP port (25) should be allowed to specific IP addresses.
```config from cloud.resource where cloud.type = 'azure' AND api.name = 'azure-key-vault-list' and json.rule = secrets[?any(attributes.exp equals -1 and attributes.enabled contains true)] exists and properties.enableRbacAuthorization is true```
Azure Key Vault secret has no expiration date (RBAC Key vault)
```config from cloud.resource where cloud.type = 'azure' AND api.name = 'azure-key-vault-list' and json.rule = secrets[?any(attributes.exp equals -1 and attributes.enabled contains true)] exists and properties.enableRbacAuthorization is true```
This policy identifies Azure Key Vault secrets that do not have an expiry date for the RBAC Key vaults. As a best practice, set an expiration date for each secret and rotate the secret regularly. Before you activate this policy, ensure that you have added the Prisma Cloud Service Principal to each Key Vault: https://docs.paloaltonetworks.com/prisma/prisma-cloud/prisma-cloud-admin/connect-your-cloud-platform-to-prisma-cloud/onboard-your-azure-account/azure-onboarding-checklist Alternatively, run the following command on the Azure cloud shell: az keyvault list | jq '.[].id' | xargs -I {} az role assignment create --assignee "<Object ID of Prisma Cloud Principal>" --role "Key Vault Reader" --scope {}
```config from cloud.resource where api.name = 'aws-code-build-project' AND json.rule = environment.privilegedMode exists and environment.privilegedMode is true```
AWS CodeBuild project environment privileged mode is enabled
```config from cloud.resource where api.name = 'aws-code-build-project' AND json.rule = environment.privilegedMode exists and environment.privilegedMode is true```
This policy identifies the CodeBuild projects where the privileged mode is enabled. Privileged mode grants unrestricted access to all devices and runs the Docker daemon inside the container. It is recommended to enable this mode only for building Docker images. It recommended disabling the privileged mode to prevent unintended access to Docker APIs and container hardware, reducing the risk of potential tampering or critical resource deletion.
```config from cloud.resource where api.name='gcloud-sql-instances-list' AND json.rule='$.settings.backupConfiguration.binaryLogEnabled is false and $.databaseVersion contains MYSQL'```
GCP SQL MySQL DB instance point-in-time recovery backup (Binary logs) is not enabled
```config from cloud.resource where api.name='gcloud-sql-instances-list' AND json.rule='$.settings.backupConfiguration.binaryLogEnabled is false and $.databaseVersion contains MYSQL'```
This policy identifies Cloud SQL MySQL DB instances whose point-in-time recovery backup is not enabled. In case of an error, point-in-time recovery helps you recover an instance to a specific point in time. It is recommended to enable automated backups with point-in-time recovery to prevent any data loss in case of an unwanted scenario.
```config from cloud.resource where cloud.type = 'aws' AND api.name = 'aws-ec2-elastic-address' AND json.rule = associationId does not exist```
AWS Elastic IP not in use
```config from cloud.resource where cloud.type = 'aws' AND api.name = 'aws-ec2-elastic-address' AND json.rule = associationId does not exist```
This policy identifies unused Elastic IP (EIP) addresses in your AWS account. Any Elastic IP in your AWS account is adding charges to your monthly bill, although it is not associated with any resources. As a best practice, it is recommended to associate/remove Elastic IPs that are not associated with any resources, it will also help you avoid unexpected charges on your bill. For more details: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/elastic-ip-addresses-eip.html#using-instance-addressing-eips-associating
```config from cloud.resource where api.name = 'aws-ec2-autoscaling-launch-configuration' AND json.rule = metadataOptions.httpEndpoint exists and metadataOptions.httpEndpoint equals "enabled" and metadataOptions.httpPutResponseHopLimit greater than 1 as X; config from cloud.resource where api.name = 'aws-describe-auto-scaling-groups' as Y; filter ' $.X.launchConfigurationName equal ignore case $.Y.launchConfigurationName'; show X;```
AWS Auto Scaling group launch configuration configured with Instance Metadata Service hop count greater than 1
```config from cloud.resource where api.name = 'aws-ec2-autoscaling-launch-configuration' AND json.rule = metadataOptions.httpEndpoint exists and metadataOptions.httpEndpoint equals "enabled" and metadataOptions.httpPutResponseHopLimit greater than 1 as X; config from cloud.resource where api.name = 'aws-describe-auto-scaling-groups' as Y; filter ' $.X.launchConfigurationName equal ignore case $.Y.launchConfigurationName'; show X;```
This policy identifies the autoscaling group launch configuration where the Instance Metadata Service network hops count is set to greater than 1. A launch configuration is an instance configuration template that an Auto Scaling group uses to launch EC2 instances. With the metadata response hop limit count for the IMDS greater than 1, the PUT response that contains the secret token can travel outside the EC2 instance. Only metadata with a limited hop count for all your EC2 instances is recommended.
```config from cloud.resource where api.name = 'aws-logs-describe-metric-filters' as X; config from cloud.resource where api.name = 'aws-cloudwatch-describe-alarms' as Y; config from cloud.resource where api.name = 'aws-cloudtrail-describe-trails' as Z; filter '(($.Z.cloudWatchLogsLogGroupArn is not empty and $.Z.cloudWatchLogsLogGroupArn contains $.X.logGroupName and $.Z.isMultiRegionTrail is true and $.Z.includeGlobalServiceEvents is true) and (($.X.filterPattern contains "eventName=" or $.X.filterPattern contains "eventName =") and ($.X.filterPattern does not contain "eventName!=" and $.X.filterPattern does not contain "eventName !=") and $.X.filterPattern contains AuthorizeSecurityGroupIngress and $.X.filterPattern contains AuthorizeSecurityGroupEgress and $.X.filterPattern contains RevokeSecurityGroupIngress and $.X.filterPattern contains RevokeSecurityGroupEgress and $.X.filterPattern contains CreateSecurityGroup and $.X.filterPattern contains DeleteSecurityGroup) and ($.X.metricTransformations[*] contains $.Y.metricName))'; show X; count(X) less than 1```
AWS Security group changes are not monitored
```config from cloud.resource where api.name = 'aws-logs-describe-metric-filters' as X; config from cloud.resource where api.name = 'aws-cloudwatch-describe-alarms' as Y; config from cloud.resource where api.name = 'aws-cloudtrail-describe-trails' as Z; filter '(($.Z.cloudWatchLogsLogGroupArn is not empty and $.Z.cloudWatchLogsLogGroupArn contains $.X.logGroupName and $.Z.isMultiRegionTrail is true and $.Z.includeGlobalServiceEvents is true) and (($.X.filterPattern contains "eventName=" or $.X.filterPattern contains "eventName =") and ($.X.filterPattern does not contain "eventName!=" and $.X.filterPattern does not contain "eventName !=") and $.X.filterPattern contains AuthorizeSecurityGroupIngress and $.X.filterPattern contains AuthorizeSecurityGroupEgress and $.X.filterPattern contains RevokeSecurityGroupIngress and $.X.filterPattern contains RevokeSecurityGroupEgress and $.X.filterPattern contains CreateSecurityGroup and $.X.filterPattern contains DeleteSecurityGroup) and ($.X.metricTransformations[*] contains $.Y.metricName))'; show X; count(X) less than 1```
```config from cloud.resource where cloud.type = 'gcp' AND api.name = 'gcloud-sql-instances-list' AND json.rule = "state equals RUNNABLE and databaseVersion contains POSTGRES and (settings.databaseFlags[*].name does not contain log_parser_stats or settings.databaseFlags[?any(name contains log_parser_stats and value contains on)] exists)"```
GCP PostgreSQL instance database flag log_parser_stats is not set to off
```config from cloud.resource where cloud.type = 'gcp' AND api.name = 'gcloud-sql-instances-list' AND json.rule = "state equals RUNNABLE and databaseVersion contains POSTGRES and (settings.databaseFlags[*].name does not contain log_parser_stats or settings.databaseFlags[?any(name contains log_parser_stats and value contains on)] exists)"```
This policy identifies PostgreSQL database instances in which database flag log_parser_stats is not set to off. The PostgreSQL planner/optimizer is responsible to parse and verify the syntax of each query received by the server. The log_parser_stats flag enables a crude profiling method for logging parser performance statistics. Even though it can be useful for troubleshooting, it may increase the number of logs significantly and have performance overhead. It is recommended to set log_parser_stats as off.
```config from cloud.resource where cloud.type = 'azure' AND api.name = 'azure-app-service' AND json.rule = properties.state equal ignore case Running and kind contains workflowapp and config.http20Enabled is false```
Azure Logic App does not utilize HTTP 2.0 version
```config from cloud.resource where cloud.type = 'azure' AND api.name = 'azure-app-service' AND json.rule = properties.state equal ignore case Running and kind contains workflowapp and config.http20Enabled is false```
This policy identifies Azure Logic apps that are not utilizing HTTP 2.0 version. Azure Logic app using HTTP 1.0 for its connection is considered not secure as HTTP 2.0 version has additional performance improvements on the head-of-line blocking problem of old HTTP version, header compression, and prioritisation of requests. HTTP 2.0 no longer supports HTTP 1.1's chunked transfer encoding mechanism, as it provides its own, more efficient, mechanisms for data streaming. As a security best practice, it is recommended to configure HTTP 2.0 version for Logic apps connections.
```config from cloud.resource where cloud.type = 'aws' AND api.name = 'aws-cloudfront-list-distributions' AND json.rule = defaultRootObject is empty```
```config from cloud.resource where cloud.type = 'aws' AND api.name = 'aws-cloudfront-list-distributions' AND json.rule = defaultRootObject is empty```
```config from cloud.resource where cloud.type = 'aws' AND api.name = 'aws-rds-describe-db-instances' AND json.rule = dbinstanceStatus equals available and (copyTagsToSnapshot is false or copyTagsToSnapshot does not exist) and engine does not contain aurora and engine does not contain docdb and engine does not contain neptune```
AWS RDS instance with copy tags to snapshots disabled
```config from cloud.resource where cloud.type = 'aws' AND api.name = 'aws-rds-describe-db-instances' AND json.rule = dbinstanceStatus equals available and (copyTagsToSnapshot is false or copyTagsToSnapshot does not exist) and engine does not contain aurora and engine does not contain docdb and engine does not contain neptune```
This policy identifies RDS instances that have copy tags to snapshots disabled. Copy tags to snapshots copies all the user-defined tags from the DB instance to snapshots. Copying tags allow you to add metadata and apply access policies to your Amazon RDS resources. NOTE: Setting Copy tags to snapshots for an Aurora DB instance has no effect on the DB setting. So Aurora DB instances are excluded from policy check.
```config from cloud.resource where cloud.type = 'aws' AND api.name = 'aws-elbv2-describe-load-balancers' AND json.rule = state.code contains active and listeners[?any(protocol equals HTTP and defaultActions[?any(type equals redirect and redirectConfig.protocol equals HTTPS)] does not exist )] exists```
AWS Elastic Load Balancer v2 (ELBv2) listener that allow connection requests over HTTP
```config from cloud.resource where cloud.type = 'aws' AND api.name = 'aws-elbv2-describe-load-balancers' AND json.rule = state.code contains active and listeners[?any(protocol equals HTTP and defaultActions[?any(type equals redirect and redirectConfig.protocol equals HTTPS)] does not exist )] exists```
This policy identifies Elastic Load Balancers v2 (ELBv2) listener that are configured to accept connection requests over HTTP instead of HTTPS. As a best practice, use the HTTPS protocol to encrypt the communication between the application clients and the application load balancer.
```config from cloud.resource where cloud.type = 'azure' AND api.name = 'azure-mysql-flexible-server' AND json.rule = properties.state equal ignore case Ready and properties.network.publicNetworkAccess equal ignore case Enabled and firewallRules[?any(properties.startIpAddress equals and properties.endIpAddress equals] exists```
Azure Database for MySQL flexible server firewall rule allow access to all IPv4 address
```config from cloud.resource where cloud.type = 'azure' AND api.name = 'azure-mysql-flexible-server' AND json.rule = properties.state equal ignore case Ready and properties.network.publicNetworkAccess equal ignore case Enabled and firewallRules[?any(properties.startIpAddress equals and properties.endIpAddress equals] exists```
This policy identifies Azure Database for MySQL flexible servers which have firewall rule allowing access to all IPV4 address. MySQL server having a firewall rule with start IP being and end IP being (i.e. all IPv4 addresses) would allow access to server from any host on the internet. Allowing access to all IPv4 addresses expands the potential attack surface and exposes the MySQL server to increased threats. As a best security practice, it is recommended to configure the MySQL servers with restricted IP-based server-level firewall rules so that servers are accessible only to restricted entities.
```config from cloud.resource where cloud.type = 'ibm' AND api.name = 'ibm-kubernetes-cluster' AND json.rule = type equal ignore case kubernetes and state equal ignore case normal and features.pullSecretApplied is false```
IBM Cloud Kubernetes cluster has Image pull secrets disabled
```config from cloud.resource where cloud.type = 'ibm' AND api.name = 'ibm-kubernetes-cluster' AND json.rule = type equal ignore case kubernetes and state equal ignore case normal and features.pullSecretApplied is false```
This policy identifies IBM Cloud Kubernetes Clusters with Image pull secrets disabled. If Image pull secrets feature Is disabled, it stores registry credentials to connect to container registry. It is recommended to enable image pull secrets feature for proper protection of personal information
```config from cloud.resource where cloud.type = 'aws' AND api.name= 'aws-rds-db-cluster' AND json.rule = status contains available and (engine contains postgres or engine contains mysql) and iamdatabaseAuthenticationEnabled is false```
AWS RDS cluster not configured with IAM authentication
```config from cloud.resource where cloud.type = 'aws' AND api.name= 'aws-rds-db-cluster' AND json.rule = status contains available and (engine contains postgres or engine contains mysql) and iamdatabaseAuthenticationEnabled is false```
This policy identifies RDS clusters that are not configured with IAM authentication. If you enable IAM authentication you don't need to store user credentials in the database, because authentication is managed externally using IAM. IAM database authentication provides the network traffic to and from database clusters is encrypted using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), Centrally manage access to your database resources and Profile credentials instead of a password, for greater security. For details: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/AuroraUserGuide/UsingWithRDS.IAMDBAuth.html
```config from cloud.resource where cloud.type = 'azure' AND api.name = 'azure-cosmos-db' AND json.rule = properties.provisioningState equals Succeeded and properties.privateEndpointConnections[*] does not exist```
Azure Cosmos DB Private Endpoint Connection is not configured
```config from cloud.resource where cloud.type = 'azure' AND api.name = 'azure-cosmos-db' AND json.rule = properties.provisioningState equals Succeeded and properties.privateEndpointConnections[*] does not exist```
This policy identifies Cosmos DBs that are not configured with a private endpoint connection. Azure Cosmos DB private endpoints can be configured using Azure Private Link. Private Link allows users to access an Azure Cosmos account from within the virtual network or from any peered virtual network. When Private Link is combined with restricted NSG policies, it helps reduce the risk of data exfiltration. It is recommended to configure Private Endpoint Connection to Cosmos DB.
```config from cloud.resource where cloud.type = 'azure' AND api.name = 'azure-active-directory-user' AND json.rule = userType equals Guest```
Azure Active Directory Guest users found
```config from cloud.resource where cloud.type = 'azure' AND api.name = 'azure-active-directory-user' AND json.rule = userType equals Guest```
This policy identifies Azure Active Directory Guest users. Azure Active Directory allows B2B collaboration which lets you invite people from outside your organisation to be guest users in your cloud account. Avoid creating guest user in your cloud account unless you have business need. Guest users are usually added for users outside your employee on-boarding/off-boarding process and could potentially be overlooked leading to a potential vulnerability.
```config from cloud.resource where api.name = 'gcloud-compute-instances-list' AND json.rule = name does not start with "gke-" and status equals RUNNING as X; config from cloud.resource where api.name = 'gcloud-projects-get-iam-user' as Y; filter '($.X.serviceAccounts[*].email equals $.Y.user) and not($.Y.roles[*] contains projects or $.Y.roles[*] all equal roles/viewer)'; show X;```
GCP VM instances with excessive service account permissions
```config from cloud.resource where api.name = 'gcloud-compute-instances-list' AND json.rule = name does not start with "gke-" and status equals RUNNING as X; config from cloud.resource where api.name = 'gcloud-projects-get-iam-user' as Y; filter '($.X.serviceAccounts[*].email equals $.Y.user) and not($.Y.roles[*] contains projects or $.Y.roles[*] all equal roles/viewer)'; show X;```
This policy identifies VM instances with service account which have excessive permissions other than viewer/reader access. It is recommended that each instance that needs to call a Google API should run as a service account with the minimum permissions necessary for that instance to do its job. In practice, this means you should configure service accounts for your instances with the following process: - Create a new service account rather than using the Compute Engine default service account. - Grant IAM roles to that service account for only the resources that it needs. - Configure the instance to run as that service account. - Configure VM instance least permissive service account with only viewer/reader role until it is necessary to have more access. Avoid granting more access than necessary and regularly check your service account permissions to make sure they are up-to-date.
```config from cloud.resource where cloud.type = 'aws' AND api.name = 'aws-cloudfront-list-distributions' AND json.rule = defaultRootObject is empty```
```config from cloud.resource where cloud.type = 'aws' AND api.name = 'aws-cloudfront-list-distributions' AND json.rule = defaultRootObject is empty```
```config from cloud.resource where api.name = 'azure-storage-account-list' AND json.rule = properties.provisioningState equal ignore case Succeeded as X; config from cloud.resource where api.name = 'azure-storage-account-queue-diagnostic-settings' AND json.rule = properties.logs[*].enabled all true as Y; filter 'not($.X.name equal ignore case $.Y.StorageAccountName)'; show X;```
Azure Storage account diagnostic setting for queue is disabled
```config from cloud.resource where api.name = 'azure-storage-account-list' AND json.rule = properties.provisioningState equal ignore case Succeeded as X; config from cloud.resource where api.name = 'azure-storage-account-queue-diagnostic-settings' AND json.rule = properties.logs[*].enabled all true as Y; filter 'not($.X.name equal ignore case $.Y.StorageAccountName)'; show X;```
This policy identifies Azure Storage account queues that have diagnostic logging disabled. By enabling diagnostic settings, you can capture various types of activities and events occurring within these storage account queues. These logs provide valuable insights into the operations, performance, and security of the storage account queues. As a best practice, it is recommended to enable diagnostic logs on all storage account queues.
```config from cloud.resource where cloud.type = 'oci' AND api.name = 'oci-iam-authentication-policy' AND json.rule = 'passwordPolicy.isSpecialCharactersRequired isFalse'```
OCI IAM password policy for local (non-federated) users does not have a symbol
```config from cloud.resource where cloud.type = 'oci' AND api.name = 'oci-iam-authentication-policy' AND json.rule = 'passwordPolicy.isSpecialCharactersRequired isFalse'```
This policy identifies Oracle Cloud Infrastructure(OCI) accounts that do not have a symbol in the password policy for local (non-federated) users. As a security best practice, configure a strong password policy for secure access to the OCI console.