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Beautiful..but not to the point of stirring the soul and body | safe for work |
Originally posted by periwinkle.. at 8-11-2006 09:49 cantiknya.. sejuk mata memandang.. :setuju::setuju: mmg cantik pics neh | safe for work |
Anda akan menjadi sangat glad kepada menonton banyak hebat seluar dalam porno klip brought di sini untuk anda. | porn |
Yeah right.. it's always the girls who are wrong.. all the guys are always right.. here you go. take it. you really want it.. | sexist |
Saya cuma pemalu, bukannya antisocial dan tak ada kawan. Bila dah kerja, saya try hard supaya tak nampak antisocial. Gelak tawa dan sebagainya, bukan diri saya yang sebenar. | psychiatric or mental illness |
pelajar; ... Hd Kandungan Lucah Tiub. | porn |
Aku menggeletar mendengar jawapan budak itu, yang menceritakan bahawa MokNit dibaling sebelum disepaka, ibarat seorang goalkeeper yang menyepak bola. Masa itu, aku dah hilang kawalan. Mana taknya, sepanjang aku memelihara MokNit, tak sekalipun aku memukulnya, mahupun memarahinya, inikan pula menyepaknya dengan begitu kuat pada bahagian kepala dengan sedemikian rupa. | violence |
Push lagi bagi dia depressed... Kalau dia kata depressed sampai Nak bunuh diri, ingatkan bahawa dah la mati berdosa, tak bayar hutang pulak tu lagi tambah dosa.. | psychiatric or mental illness |
Kalau kuil hindu, unik sikit. Kalau ada guru yg mimpi atau bayar hajat, dia tak kira undang2 lagi, kena buat & mesti buat kat situ2 jugak. Bila guna lagi ahli/parti politik, the rest is history jer lah. | religion insult |
Tak tau nak kena cakap berapa kali yang kalau salah simpang, tak mati la. Reroute je la. Banyak cara nak sampai ke destinasi. Jangan buat keputusan melulu semata-mata nak ikut satu jalan tu je. Nerd ke apa | self-harm |
Also many doctors that I have seen and talked to, they honestly don't like Telehealth as much too. | safe for work |
sengal lar dorg nih haha | safe for work |
This issue started last year. My partner seems to have given up and doesn't seem to care. They get upset when we talk about it and act like everything is fine when we don't. It makes me sad. | psychiatric or mental illness |
Parrot with silent 't' boleh bunyi mcm paradise. | safe for work |
kecil molek babe banged doggystyle / seks dari ... | porn |
A real example reported in the news was this young lady of mixed heritage born in Singapore and has been studying here since. Her application to be PR was rejected while on the daily, you see more and more workers and PRs getting approved from this one particular country which Singapore has a controversial trade agreement with. | racist |
Always the one who has flaws, constantly craving attention and showing off. | hate |
Keadaan wad jadi hiruk piruk, tangisan saudara mara pesakit memecah kesunyian malam taktala pesakit disahkan masa kematiannya. Saya terduduk di kaunter, keletihan. | violence |
sebaik-baik pilihan.. aku nak kawen..tp aku takut aku kawen ngan org yg silap.. hurmmm | psychiatric or mental illness |
Saya doakan yang baik-baik sahaja untuk semua ibu bapa di luar sana. dan kepada ibu bapa yang ada tips or pengalaman dalam situasi macam ni, kalau confession ni disiarkan, harap boleh kongsi pengalaman masing-masing. macam mana nak win both situation? serius keinginan nak masuk dapur tu lagi tinggi sebenarnya, tapi mengenangkan anak yang tengah aktif, kadang-kadang saya jadi agak stress sehingga menjejaskan kesihatan diri. mana tau ade yang upah bibik semasa musim perayaan ke kan? sharing is caring <3 | psychiatric or mental illness |
Originally posted by Adm_Cheng_Ho at 22-6-2004 10:01 PM: Truth8, what is the Chinese practice of Trinity? I have never heard of it before. The Taoism belief is in one God - Tao. After that, there are three statues in Chinese households. One holds a sword, the others I'm not sure, but I have seen three male gods. Anyway, I will post where this Trinity originated from. I will post it in C&C soon. | religion insult |
Ira is the type who observes modesty, so she wears a headscarf even at home. What annoys me is that Mamat complains about Ira, saying that he finds it irritating to see her wearing a headscarf and loose clothing (to observe modesty) at home. | religion insult |
besar payu dara perempuan tak senonoh fucked keras - Cool ... | porn |
You guys still don't know how the company, Bangsa Cha Ya Nun Alif Tindas, exploits Muslim entrepreneurs. They don't openly oppress them, but they do it subtly. They have already monopolized the market. And there are people like Roman Apekebendntah and Pengaran Sinar Harian who defend them without realizing that they are trampling on the Malay race based on racial discrimination. The Malays are already beneath their feet, yet they still don't realize it. What a narrow-minded person you are. | racist |
Zaharani Anie...not one Malaysia kak...but the real one is Malaya... | racist |
Namun tiba2 kereta arah hadapan aku terus memasuki simpang ketika aku begitu hampir dengannya. Aku menekan brek mengejut dan terlanggar jua keretanya akibat tayar aku tidak begitu mencengkam. | violence |
O you who have believed, avoid much [negative] assumption. Indeed, some assumption is sin. And do not spy or backbite each other. Would one of you like to eat the flesh of his brother when dead? You would detest it. And fear Allah; indeed, Allah is Accepting of repentance and Merciful. | religion insult |
Sejak akhir-akhir ni memang ramai kawan baik aku nak kahwin dan dah kahwin. Sampaikan aku rasa nak menangis sebab lepas ni takde geng nak ajak lepak-lepak. Makin menjadi-jadilah perangai suka terperap dalam rumah lepas ni agaknya. | psychiatric or mental illness |
before he died he shouted kayu lah one meter also no discount | violence |
Menonton bdsm lucah di Hitam Faraj Seks Tiub - Terbang pergi! | porn |
mengucap panjang aku baca.. itupun tak mampu baca habis takut, sedih.. ape nak jadi ni.. nauzubillah min zalik | psychiatric or mental illness |
Don't let us be busy spreading campaigns, without realizing that one foot is in hell because of creating/spreading slander such as questioning the halal status given by JAKIM. | religion insult |
Originally posted by meredzone on 9-7-2006 at 23:27, you were standing beside me, I took a picture of you..hehehe :lol | safe for work |
Title. My parents used to be able to take care of me and my 5 siblings. At first, when my friend asked me, I was over excited. I even imagined taking this child out for a walk and throwing a birthday party for them. But my husband dampened my enthusiasm when he asked me if I was ready for such responsibility. Hehehe... I don't know, I've been keeping this thought for a long time. Sometimes, I feel emotional. Emotional because I'm not confident in myself. | psychiatric or mental illness |
Mat Ridhauddin ph klu xfitnah blh hidup tak ? Memang dari dulu kan kaki fitnah and perkauman tu mat superman mana? Dah suci? Ouh lupa dh gov kan skrang | racist |
I have never felt love from my husband. Sometimes I feel jealous when I see other couples where the husband takes care of his wife. I sulk but I am never comforted. Comfort yourself if you feel like sulking. | psychiatric or mental illness |
It started with meeting at work and exchanging phone numbers for work purposes, which continued with chatting about various things on the phone and eventually meeting up for meals together. | safe for work |
Untuk ibu2 dan bapa2 di luar sana jagalah anak2 anda. Jangan biar mereka bersendirian di tempat2 yang berisiko. Aku tak mahu mereka berakhir menjadi mangsa. Hey, jangan ingat pedophilia hanya buat perkara itu tak akan jadi apa2 pada anak tersebut. Aku dah buat pembacaan, memang benar pendedahan seks yang pertama terutama pada anak kecil memang akan memberi kesan kepada pertumbuhan seksual kanak2 tersebut. Dan yang menyedihkan, pernah sekali masa aku sedang bermain dengan kawan2 anak2 peniaga, lelaki yang sama lalu ditepi kami dan memegang muka kawan aku, bila dah dewasa ni aku fikir mungkin kawan aku itu pun mangsa juga tapi masing2 senyap kerana kami hanya budak yang tak faham apa2. | violence |
mana ada tipu tuk kebaikan.. meh sy tipu kau, kata esok nak kiamat..boleh ke? nak suruh buat baik mestilah dgn kata2 yg benar..kalau tipu, siapa nak percaya anda..? tipu shunat weihhhhhhh..mihahahahaa.. | religion insult |
I always thought that those with Ah Beng or Ang Kong Siao tattoos were into fighting or going AWOL, but it's still okay. | racist |
bongkar kasus ini | harassment |
Bid masih berjalan sobat, isi peluru angin jah ni | violence |
owh Happy Birthday to MOD ati .. jangan sedey2 kuatkan semangat dun worry kami akan sokong ati .. | safe for work |
but ok la live and learn | safe for work |
Jarang2 jumpa lelaki merempan ngalahkan yg perempuan. Dey kalau macho sgt, kau kutuk sekali je lepas tu move on la aiyo. Butthurt paseipa tah | sexist |
woens.nl | Pantat seksi | Pantat dubur mabuk | porn |
hrs status lori rosak km arah selatan dari nilai ke bandar ainsdale insiden selesai sepenuhnya amp trafik | violence |
Please pray for me to maintain my faith because I am afraid. I am still struggling with sins even though I know the difference between right and wrong. It's not that I am ignorant about religion, but I am not sure how to categorize myself. So I hope that everyone who reads this will pray for me, 'Oh Allah, may this confessor maintain their faith and always strive towards goodness, and remain steadfast in making changes.' | psychiatric or mental illness |
Child, spouse, wealth are only temporary happiness. There is nothing wrong with having one, all, or none of them. The wrong thing is if these things become the cause of us being thrown into hell. | religion insult |
Mohd Faizy Said lama tak datang singkir Ke ? haha. . . | safe for work |
ishhh.. teringin benor rasa hati nk tgk gambor TT nih.. | safe for work |
Smbil dengar lagu purple rain. | safe for work |
Not a journalist from the media, but a community journalist who serves without pay. He tirelessly uncovers every story and even adds his own twist to make it more interesting. The deceased's flaws, cause of death, appearance of the body, and other details are broadcasted to the public. Through word of mouth, it spreads to the knowledge of the villagers. Even family members have to bear the shame. Remember, whoever does not guard someone's flaws, Allah will expose their flaws later. Be mindful, guard your tongue! | religion insult |
seriously nowadays too much jiak ba bo sai pang pattern individuals trying to act atas in sg simi sai also say racist here n there luckily the regardless of race langauage or religion culture still strong in most of us n that s why i love sg the most besides the food lah | racist |
For now, I am still in the phase of accepting the reality and being content. Maybe eventually this feeling will fade away. When my tears flow, my husband advised me not to be impatient. I quickly seek forgiveness from Allah. | psychiatric or mental illness |
Huhuhu..mmgla.. at least there's no one else, there's still one more, right.. one is busy and the other is free.. but feel guilty towards the first one.. the second one knows they're second.. huwaaa.. what should I do.. want to leave love.. | psychiatric or mental illness |
Regarding nailing the shots set to auto ISO and large aperture, just shoot first and think later. | safe for work |
Kesimpulannya, hak bersuara/memberi pandangan tu memang milik semua orang. tapi berpada2 lah dan ada hadnya. Kita kan ada agama? Eh jap, macam takda kena mengena dengan isu je? err. Layankan je lah. | religion insult |
Sebenernya ga semua bunuh diri tau Put. Mau dimanapun juga, tergantung nilai beritanya juga. Kalau punya nilai berita tinggi, kayak Robin Williams aja diberitain.
Sebenernya yang menarik adalah, kalo di US sono, di sana ada hotline buat suicidal preventionnya. | self-harm |
bangunan huduh2 / buruk2 ni selalunya belah eropah ngan amerikana sana ek.. kat mesia nihh mmg architecture hebat2.. sama cam kat middle east sana.. (UAE mmg canggih lagi..) :victory: | racist |
Ok takpe, malam itu aku pun tidur berselimutkan air mata dan esok pagi aku reply "ok la kita kawan saja". Tapi tak mengalah la, masih ada harapan aku untuk keluar dari friendzone ini. | psychiatric or mental illness |
Hidup HARAPAN Hidup DSAI | safe for work |
Wahai Mil, jagalah nama baik arwah FIL. Jagalah maruah mu sebagai wanita Muslim. Jagalah maruah anak-anak mu yang selama ini menjadi anak yang soleh dan taat. Hentikanlah kehidupan double life ini. | religion insult |
Selamat hari rayaa. Duit raya i jgn lupa | porn |
I'm amazed too!!! How can someone scream so loudly when they are possessed.. Did they come with ZABANIAH??? Or did NURR burn those tribes???? Or is there a father of jinn as well??? Your God is Most Merciful, Most Compassionate, Most Comforting. | religion insult |
Hmmmm.. always mention that you should embrace Islam, right? | religion insult |
I am the saddest because one day I mustered up the courage to ask for money because I didn't have enough. He asked my mother to give me the money instead, saying he didn't have the capital even though I know he's not responsible for anything. My mother pays all the bills at home. My mother got caught lying about the bills because she had fought with my father about the remaining money that my father was supposed to return to her. When the car broke down, my mother paid for it too. I can't bear to see my mother burdened with finances anymore. I see her face aging so much because of working hard from a young age until now. | psychiatric or mental illness |
Tanya member-member yang kerja fast food, semua confess benda sama. Susahnya nak jaga solat dalam line customer service dan f&b ni. Kalau customer tak ramai barulah kami boleh gilir-gilir solat. Paling susah nak jaga ialah solat zohor & maghrib. Kalau restoran full, memang kena say bye bye la kat solat. | religion insult |
So diharapkan Lelaki yang baik2 diluar sana, jangan fikir selalu artikel banyak pin point hal EGO kepada kaum lelaki sahaja, kaum Hawa juga kalau kita termiliki mereka ni, memang payah sangat nak setelkan, korang perlu ada ketabahan hati yang padu untuk berhadapan dengan perempuan spesies semacam ini. | sexist |
The next day, the whole family went to see the religious teacher and my father showed him the item. In front of my sister-in-law, my father handed over the item and asked, 'Ustaz, my child found this. Can you tell us what it is?' At this point, my sister-in-law was already feeling uneasy. Then the religious teacher said, 'This is the item used to subdue a genie.' He asked if we wanted to return it to its owner or to the place where it was found. My sister-in-law was now in shock. My father said to return it to its place of origin. | religion insult |
Aku ingat perempuan je complicated, lelaki pun ada juga. Contohnya aku la, haha. Aku ada je kerja nak buat, dah nama pun ni platform untuk hantar confession kan, tak salah kot untuk sekali sekala luahkan apa kita rasa? Lelaki pun ada perasaan tau. | safe for work |
i rasa nak bunuh diri. | self-harm |
Niat saya membuat confession tidak lain tidak bukan, hanya untuk membuka mata masyarakat. Buat petugas perubatan juga saya mohon, fahami lah kami, santuni lah kami, bantu lah kami...kami tidak minta diuji begini, kami tidak buat-buat bila kami kata kami kesakitan yang teramat, bila kami adu yang kami tidak mampu..kami perlukan rawatan, kami perlukan sokongan..kalau rawatan fizikal juga membantu selain bantuan psikatri, sarankan lah teknik terbaik buat kami..sesungguhnya kami ingin sekali menjadi normal seperti wanita lain.. | psychiatric or mental illness |
Used to be only pretty. Now, the proportion of my face and body is unbalanced. I don't know why my face has become wider. It's really disappointing. | psychiatric or mental illness |
4) Jangan bawa lelaki masuk rumah. Ini sangat sangat aku pantang. Eh awak ni, makpak hantar pergi uni untuk study tau. Tidakkah awak rasakan sesuatu saat mereka menghantarmu kesini? Ahh, cakap pasal ni aku rasa nak nangis. Pengorbanan ibubapa sangat besar, kasih sayang yang dibuktikan melebihi apa yang ditutur di mulut. Kenapa kena cari kasih sayang sang kekasih lagi? Cara yang salah pulak tu. Ada sekali tu, ok aku taknaklah cerita, tapi kita as Islam tahu laa kan semua tu maksiat? Yang buat hal tu pakai tudung elok pulak tu. Alahaiii. Kitorang yang jd housemate pon rasa tak selamat je duduk dengan orang camni. Hm. | religion insult |
hd porn, ideal jepun seks ... Warga asia kekasih mendapat keriting bawah ya... 1 tahun lalu. | porn |
Perak, Perlis dalam tangan abang | safe for work |
kalau kawan ko tuh lelaki lembut, mmg ngada2 lah.. kalau kawan ko tuh lelaki keras, mgkin ade hati dgn ko.. kalau kawan ko tuh pompuan, bermakna buah dada dia kecik sebelah. | sexist |
Itulah dia antaranya. Bagai alunan lagu hiba tiap kali hari raya. We all have fun, yes. But knowing something is always missing and it deeply effect my ultimate love ones... hmm. Apa nak kata. | psychiatric or mental illness |
If you want quality, then that's the price. | safe for work |
That was mentally very challenging, I couldn't handle it when the child was crying and my husband ignored me. I admit that I was extremely fragile and losing control at that time. Husbands out there, please don't neglect the emotions of your pregnant wife and small child. So, is the baby okay now? Poor baby, huwaa. | psychiatric or mental illness |
lebih2 lagi di bulan ramadhon ini. ramai yg sy tgok bile pegi ke bazaar ramadhon pun berpakaian tidak menutup aurat mengikut syarat2 sebenar. lagi lama berada di bazaar ramadhon..lagi % pahala puasa akn menurun gara2 perkara mcm gini. | religion insult |
Bahagian Siasatan dan Penguatkuasaan Trafik Daerah BSPTD Padawan telah menjalankan Op Samseng Jalanan berlokasi di Jalan FAC Matang kelmarin. Dalam operasi tersebut seorang lelaki telah ditahan kerana dilihat menunggang motosikal sambil melakukan aksi "Superman" di lampu isyarat Telaga Air. Team risikan BSPTD Padawan terus mengekori suspek yang menunggang motosikal jenis Yamaha sehingga ke lampu isyarat Matang Jaya sebelum menahannya dan dibawa ke BSPT IPD Padawan untuk siasatan lanjut. | violence |
Then I met my second husband.. I started to forget about God.. I stopped praying.. even though my second husband prayed and even led me in prayer at the beginning of our marriage.. but he was just like me.. negligent.. very negligent.. it's true what they say, it's easy to change but it's very difficult to be consistent.. | religion insult |
ang mo don mind orh lang hor not ah neh | racist |
haha go for it mai tu liao | safe for work |
I feel... not just hot but also nauseous, throbbing headache, creepy feeling, and many more... Is it true? Can you give me any contact number of the ustaz you met because my cousin is affected too... I have heard about rukyah but not very sure. | psychiatric or mental illness |
Aku balik, pukul 12 aku dapat call dari doc, doc cakap "Maaf Encik Zaff, nanah tu dah pecah. Dan dah merebak ke organ lain, isteri En.Zaff tak ada harapan untuk kami selamatkan. Esok kami akan buka bantuan pernafasan isteri En. Zaff" | violence |
aritu kt rimbayu ada funfair..i lalu tepi jer..mmg xberani la nak naik..apa nama benda yg bulat pastu dia berputar tu? pnh naik masa kecik dulu selalu ikut abg2 sepupu masa kecik dulu..kena paksa naik benda alah tu..spjg berputar tu nngis jer sbb tkt jth..dh la berdua jer ngn abg sepupu dlm tu btw nth2 dh berkarat..seramm.. last yr kes kt bangi kan yg meninggal tu | violence |
Serve you right. Lucky you're a man. No need to bother talking about difficult things. | sexist |
utk melawaskan berak..saya bg betik n vitagen..fuh..lawas.. | safe for work |
wanita harus sentiasa bersedia bila suami ingin bersatu tut dengannya. tak kira penat , duka , atau apa apalah.. | sexist |
now i am not sure if i will get the thing because he said depends on bank wor | safe for work |
Zahura Wood agrees... The cleaners at my workplace are all foreign workers... Naya | racist |
His descendants are the ones who have migrated overseas.. job opportunities are scarce here. Yes, that's true. There are no jobs for Indonesians anymore. Many have become undocumented immigrants. Salaries in Europe are expensive. Not like Malaysians. | racist |
Setiap kali pulang ke kampung nya, penuh bonet kami dengan daun-daun ketum stok yang dikutip. Aku berdebar sepanjang jalan, jangan lah kami ditahan polis kerana akhirnya aku dan anak-anak akan ikut terlibat sama. | violence |
Jelutong...Law in the Jungle | safe for work |
Isteri Sojar - Kak Ton ~ KISAH SEX | porn |
pompuan kan skrng nk hak sme rata ngan llaki, jd ape slahnye kongsi bayar half2, xpun tgok wayng duet dier tp mkan pompuan plak blanje tp kalo pompuan yg xde sumber pndaptan haruslah llki yg tanggung semua kalo llaki tu xde sumber pndapatan, jgan ngade ngade sibuk nk ber awek | sexist |
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