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Don't believe it. Malays are always sidelined when it comes to winning. | racist |
Dan dulu aku pernah buat macam2 perkara untuk motivasikan diri aku, aku nak jadi seorang yang berguna. Aku ikut seminar, kursus, join persatuan dan macam2 program lain lagi untuk hilangkan rasa bosan aku. Hidup di kampus, kadangkala membosankan. Kadang terasa malas nak ke kelas, aku ponteng, then buat2 sakit. Aku tahu, ianya satu perbuatan yang tak bertanggungjawab. But, I still ignore it. Aku buat tak kisah. | psychiatric or mental illness |
pasni amerika x leh lagi sewenang-wenangnya masuk kawasan negara lain,nanti x pasal2 jet drg kena tembak lagi | violence |
Baju hijau tu ok je body dia..yg baju pink tu | safe for work |
I really despise women like this. If you really liked my man, why didn't you approach him when he was poor? It's only now that he's wealthy that you're trying to message, WhatsApp, or call him. It's so obvious that you're a gold digger. | sexist |
It's fun to watch this live stream at the mamak stall! Enjoying it! | safe for work |
Harap Allah tunjuk kebenaran.. Hmm xtau la uols. Kalau Allah dah xnk tgk she ni, mmg x dpt la kita tgk balasan dia main kan agama. | religion insult |
If you say it like that, we have already won. | safe for work |
And every time my mom questions all of this, a conflicting feeling arises within me, I will think if my boyfriend is not good enough for me? | psychiatric or mental illness |
Kami Koleksi Daripada Budak fuck budak di schoo Klip Dan ... | porn |
I still don't understand, so Aidil said to wait and he sent a picture. The picture he sent was of them both on a hotel bed decorated with swan towels and covered in rose petals with the words "Just Married" written on it. | safe for work |
i kopi with you la | safe for work |
tapi yela aku tak nafikan kadang2 aku annoyed juga dgn cara pengurusan jemaah ni yg kadang2 bagi aku (baca: pendapat peribadi) kdg2 mengongkong kita. sebagai cth aku bagitahu: | religion insult |
Renting means you don't get anything back, but of course you'll be happy! | safe for work |
"Ye mak tahu, tapi mak takut lipas tu masuk bilik adik nanti dia terbang kat adik time adik tidur, nanti menjerit2 adik" | violence |
The main thing I want to tell you is, do I have OCD? As we know, if we have doubts during worship, it is not valid...and sometimes when I have already intended to perform ablution, but when it comes to prayer, I become doubtful. Even though I know I have done it, and sometimes I slap my face and say "don't be too doubtful"...I am stressed...the same goes for prayer... | psychiatric or mental illness |
Strawberries can't take any hardship for the greater good even though back in my time, we had no such restrictions on our daily lives, got to enjoy uni restriction free and all but still, it's you strawberries who can't sacrifice a bit. | safe for work |
Cerita aku takde kena mengena dengan kopi. Opis mate aku sorang ni suka beli nasi lemak dekat satu gerai indon ni. Gerai tu pulak depan kedai makan cina. Pernah juga la sekali dia hadiahkan sebungkus untuk aku. Satu hari di bulan puasa, opis mate aku ni bercerita yang makcik nasi lemak indon tu husb dia cina. Terus aku krik krik. Indon bukan boleh percaya bab kawen lain agama ni. Memang la dia meniaga pakai tudung tapi aku dah was-was pulak. | religion insult |
Until now, I feel like approaching him again even though I have blocked him. I want to ask him to share his problems with me, to express why he became like this. I want him to reveal what has been bottled up in his heart throughout his life. | psychiatric or mental illness |
whoa the rain jin shiok but need to go work | safe for work |
Jika anda ada perasaan ingin bunuh diri, sila hubungi mana-mana Pusat Befrienders di seluruh Malaysia.
If you are feeling suicidal, please contact any of The Befrienders centres in Malaysia.#NyawaAmatBernilai #LifeIsPrecious | self-harm |
Kalau laki dah bersungguh pun,tengoklah nanti family mertua ko plak jadi parashit. Tengok bini gaji besar dia ingat nnt gaji anak laki bleh la kasi kat dia pulak so si bini la terkontang-kanting keluar duit utk besarkan anak-anak. Ngan ipar duai mengendeng lagi. Banyak dah spesies mertua camni. Anak laki ko pun tak berjaya mana tapi harap dpt menantu gaji tinggi | sexist |
Ali, ingat tak lagi janji awk? "kalau result awk dekan sem 6 nnt, saya bg hadiah paaaaling awk tunggu-tunggu. Kita one step ahead ya. insyaAllah by this year kita kawin". Sayalah orang paling happy bila dgr perkataan kawin. Iyalah, siapa tak suka kan bila apa yg kita tggu selama ni jd kenyataan. Bersungguh saya study, bersungguh saya focus dalam kelas, bersungguh saya buat assignment. Kengkadang subuh baru tidur, kengkadang sehari 2-3 jam je tidur. 24th May 2018, saya tidur pukul 5.30 pagi sbb buat assignment, saya dikejutkan dgn satu call dari number yg sy tak kenal pukul 6.20 pagi. Rupanya tu number Hana. Hana terangkan pd saya cerita dari awal awk kenal dia, sampai awk keluar berdua ke sana sini, sampai awak jumpa ibu ayahnya, dan akhir sekali dia minta saya move on and doakan saya jumpa lelaki yg lagi baik dari awk untuk saya. Remuk hati saya, mcm ditumbuk-tumbuk. Tp sy tak mampu buat apa-apa. Saya cuba kawal perasaan saya walaupun dalam hati rasa mcm nk meletup, mulut rasa nk marah, tapi yg terkeluar cuma, "Takpelah. Saya tak kisah." Apa yg jd pd saya lepas Hana call tu, biarlah Allah sj yg tahu.. | psychiatric or mental illness |
jialat nowadays ppl are so stressed that their minds and brains gone heywire | harassment |
Masalah company aku plak kerja dia sangat ok tapi orang dok kutuk riba la ahlong berlesen lah tapi ramai sangat yang amek loan dengan company ni cecah 1 bil wei.. So untuk survive dalam hidup ke kenalah kerja selagi kudrat masih ada. Masalah kerja aku pulak nanti aku buat kat confesion lainlah kalau ada yang nak bacalah kalau tak sampai sini lah. | religion insult |
tgh panas psl budak2 tiktok gatal telur buka cerita tragedi rusuhan kaum tu kan. bahana divide and r .. Tertanya gak berapa sebenarnya umo budak2 ni.budak sekolah rendah barangkali.siap masa 13 mei tu ada ph bagai | racist |
BP naik pun jumpa ustaz? jumpalah doctor..dr segi sains dia lebih arif..
beldandy Post at 3-10-2011 21:40 jumpa dua2 pun boleh.. | religion insult |
Ada hari kami okay, ada hari kami tak okay. Tak okay pun of course sebab aku yang mulakan. Ade je benda aku nak cari pasal dengan dia. Tapi Izhar sabar. Dia seorang yang sangat sabar. Aku rasa ni proses untuk kami suaikan diri sebagai suami isteri. Untuk kenal karakter dan raikan perbezaan. | psychiatric or mental illness |
Because I have difficulty doing my job and my emotions are disturbed, with my boss asking me to complete various tasks and I am unable to do them alone, I went to see this girl and asked her what was wrong. She said there was nothing wrong. | psychiatric or mental illness |
I understand the comment, which wants to emphasize the power of the mind.. but victims of rape, sexual assault, and pedophilia will often replay those events in their minds, consciously or subconsciously.. Feeling scared, sad, angry, disappointed. | psychiatric or mental illness |
Like that, it's not bad. One set of gifts can be divided into two. | safe for work |
Because I hate men. I mean it, I really do. I identify proudly as a misandrist, and will work to destroy masculinity everywhere I go in this world. | violence |
Reply 4# diyes, maybe we can think like this.. everything we do is for the sake of Allah.. whether it is sincere or not, only Allah knows.. because we ourselves will never know if we are sincere or not.. if we start thinking like that, the devil will feel pleased because he has started to make us doubt.. the easy way is to give charity, just intend to give charity for the sake of Allah. then forget about it.. whether we will be rewarded or not, that is all in Allah's hands.. insha Allah.. | religion insult |
Apaa punca cerai? Wife dia ni muka stock2 pinoy/indon yg mat saleh suka. Muka kampung habis tp exotic pada mata dorg.. mcm lana nodin la.. | racist |
Panjang nyer reply? Kahkahkahkahkahkah Masalahnya hang tau ke semayang? Atau pon semayang hang ikut ikutan? Sapa yg hang imamkan? Anjing2 belaan atau jim ifrit bergentayangan..hihihih hiiiiii | religion insult |
So when I returned to the hostel, I just sat in the room for 2 days of holiday. Although I was just lazing around, I wasn't really happy in my heart. | psychiatric or mental illness |
mai talk c ck lah many man always said that alot with very chio wife also eat outside man are never satisfy with their current one there s a saying : other man s wives are always the best | sexist |
Dia ada kerja hakiki dan ada online business. Dia ada 2 sumber pendapatan. Mungkin dia mampu, sebab tu dia beli. Aku cakap dalam hati. | safe for work |
But even though we educate our children, sometimes they may get lost in this cruel world. This is from my own experience. I have a friend whose parents are very good, religious, and pious, but their children are social. Not all of them, but mostly. They socialize here and there, and that's what makes me wonder who is at fault. Is it the parents' fault in teaching their children, or do the children not like the good teachings that their parents give and start to rebel? I don't know. What I do know is that we must obey our parents, especially our mothers, as paradise lies beneath their feet. That's a test. Even the children of Prophet Nuh disobeyed their father, and the wife of Prophet Lut turned her back on her husband. If a child disobeys their pious parents, it's a test from Allah to His beloved servant. If a child disobeys their ignorant parents, it's a punishment from Allah to His servant who needs to be awakened. | religion insult |
Sometimes I wonder, if I'm not the right fit for his child, why did he propose to me? If his village thinks he's perfect and good, why did he accept me? | psychiatric or mental illness |
Assalamualaikum.. I have been keeping this feeling to myself for a long time. But because my heart can't take it anymore, I want to express my feelings in this space. My name is Hana. I am a person who is overweight, my body started to gain weight since second grade. | psychiatric or mental illness |
Paling teruk aku menyalahkan Allah yang meletakkan aku dalam keluarga ini. Astagfirullahalaziem. Banyak benda berlaku. Antaranya aku dibuang keluarga. Inilah fasa paling hina bagi aku sebenarnya. | psychiatric or mental illness |
wait mob give me warning leh | violence |
sesuai la..nmpk manis jer | safe for work |
Aku rasa terpanggil nak luahkan dekat sini. Tentang apa yang aku rasa sekarang nie. Aku masih seorang pelajar dan akan menghadapi exam tak lama lagi. | psychiatric or mental illness |
tak yah cakap apa la tt.. mak jenis yg lembik ni, walau macam mana jahanam pun anak dorang, walau d .. ada je part yg aku pun terlibat sama dalam babysit budak2 ni. tapi aku mcm fikir takpelah. walaupun sakit kepala nak menjaga, aku anggap mcm challenge jela. tapi risau gak aku nnt bila aku dah bekerja balik, nnt mak aku pulak teruk. | psychiatric or mental illness |
Sedang saya belum hilang lelah memasak, mengemas, mencuci pakaian, dan semua kerja teknikal lain sampaikan dah tak ada selera nak makan sebab penat sangat.... | psychiatric or mental illness |
Kalau anda cuba untuk masuk pada waktu selepas Asar dan sebelum maghrib maka ianya akan Hanya jadi angan-angan dan akan jadi sesi tolak menolak. Ingat ya, kita nak beribadah bukan nak tolak menolak. Dan ingat jika anda kecil orangnya kalau tersadung dan jatuh pada masa tolak menolak tersebut maka boleh dah siap sedia dengan syahadah kerana pasti boleh mati kerana dipijak oleh sekalian jemaah yang berebut-rebut untuk masuk ke Raudhah. | violence |
I massaged my chest. Seeking forgiveness. Maybe it was my fault. Maybe not. Because you don't know that phone number. I felt like this person was crazy when they first messaged me. Now I feel guilty to the point of death because I don't really understand how much he struggled to fight his own desires. My man shed tears after he cursed and said his life was meaningless in WhatsApp. Let him continue to live with these disgusting sins. That's what he said. I was stunned. | psychiatric or mental illness |
Aku mula perasan dia menjadi abusive dan akan tinggalkan kesan2 lebam pada badan aku. In a way supaya suami aku tahu aku ada hubungan luar. | violence |
"I will find you, and I will SMASH!" | violence |
Has Fattah Amin ever acted in the serial drama Sharulnezad? | safe for work |
Wtf bro????? Bodoh gila pukul budak OKU | harassment |
tax is coming lah | safe for work |
This text is sent in response to Pn Diana's article, "Stingy Husband, What to Do". You can read the confession here, (https://iiumc.com/suami-kedekut-apa-nak-buat/). | safe for work |
He wants his child to die early due to illness so that he can wait for him in heaven. The children of heaven, their anthem is on Facebook, Alyahud Alwall. | religion insult |
no leh my one offcial sph published one | violence |
xkan penah ade kot yg sentiasa indah.. dulu aku becinta.. xpenah langsung gaduh.. pastu jarang jumpa..tp sentiasa msg n kol.. aku da rasa sungguh indah la mcm tuh.. xdek ape2 pon.. ghupe2 nyer.. dier pasang lain.. hahaha..so sure ade part yg x indah tuh.. sekian.. | psychiatric or mental illness |
I, on the other hand, am not trying to be difficult but due to my numerous health issues such as suspected thyroid problems, dehydration, ectopic pregnancy, diarrhea, and diabetes, I need to go for regular checkups for my baby. I often take medical leave and apply for time off. | psychiatric or mental illness |
Wow, don't ruin it | safe for work |
Sakit dada ke itu | violence |
cik azah jgn lah tenung2 ai mcm tu..ai jadi serba xkenalah..bkn nk tamak2 cikazah..cuma ai xde rase ape dkt dia,apa boley buat | psychiatric or mental illness |
if innocent bystander kena langgar die then a minimum sentence of manslaughter must be done | violence |
Aku buat seperti yang diarahkan. Hari ketiga sebaik sahaja habis bacaan surah Al Baqarah (rakaman) plak yang aku sambung ke tape rokoder aku meletup. Satu rumah berbau hangit. | violence |
Post Last Edit by dewi at 8-10-2009 12:49 ala hai baru cerai dah macam gitu kalau bini mati tak tau la itu lah tak der jati diri.. idup macam delalu asik menumpang jer ngan org tanpa rasa malu .. org macam ni tak pernah rasa idup susah, balik naik bus pun susah??? sesuka hati nak berhenti kerja .. anak2 dia tu boleh berenti makan ker? dah dia tak kerja tu and makan pakai dia pun tuan umah laki bini tanggung, nafkah anak2 dia sapa yg tanggung tu. kalau dapat kat dewi mau 24 jam kena tarbiah non-stop. dewi ni pompuan tau .. masa kena cerai dulu tak der sikit pun mintak tolong org lain ker sedara ker . cuma tumpang dok balik ngan mak je , itu pun sewa dewi byr, makan minum satu rumah dewi tanggung. kerja naik bus gak .. idak ler kata tak der hubby hantar gi balik tak leh kerja dah. ni jantan kederat suppose to be kuat.. lagi nak manja2. sekian dari dewi yg terEMO jap.. | sexist |
Malah, keluarga sendiri kerap mengejek fizikal saya. Terutama dua orang kakak dan juga ibu saya. Mereka kerap mentertawakan fizikal saya sehingga saya rasa tertekan. Mereka mungkin ingat itu hanya senda gurau, tapi secara tak sedar telah 'memakan' diri saya dari dalam. | psychiatric or mental illness |
Our world is not as beautiful as other children's world. Since then, my mother likes to nag, my father is on and off at home (well, they take turns since they are married), my sister starts going out at night, hanging out here and there, and I try to be cool. | psychiatric or mental illness |
mekap lebih sikit dan jangan berat mulut .. mesti dapat kerja tu .. kebanyakan majikan nak tengok karekter dan attitude .. tak reti keje boleh bagi training, yg penting attitude .. | sexist |
Masuk hari ke 6 aku dan start sakit jiwa. Ayah masih membebel sorang-sorang, mak membebel kat aku balik sebab dia stress bebelan ayah, maka, berbekalkan saki baki iman yang ada aku pun bertindak mengikut perasaan. Aku pergi kedai hardware cari kanvas. Murah je semeter RM4 dan tali. Balik dari kedai, rezeki aku Nampak salah seorang anak Abg Lan tengah bagi makan kucing. Terus aku mintak panggilkan Abg Lan tapi tak ada sebab outstesen. Aku mintak panggilkan bini Abg Lan, Kak Lin. | psychiatric or mental illness |
It's not impossible, after this Malaysia will be flooded with Bangladeshi guys who come to try their luck in acting. If the Bangladeshi hero is handsome and good at acting, it's not impossible. | racist |
Hi aku Lily, perempuan berumur awal 30an. Hujan dan malam macam ni ntah kenapa aku teringat secebis kisah hidup aku yang sampai sekarang aku struggle nak lupakan. Tapi tak boleh. | psychiatric or mental illness |
I became what?? I know I was bewitched, but I don't know by whom. I told the Ustaz, why Adam of all people?? It doesn't make sense that Adam would do something like that to me. The Ustaz said not to believe dreams, as they are a trick of the jinn and Satan. So, I agreed. | religion insult |
Please use a little bit of sexiness, since you're already sexy, just continue. | safe for work |
Aku mula menyalahkan diri, kenapa tidak aku berubah menjadi seperti diri wanita itu. Kenapa aku menyerah semudah itu sahaja kepada wanita itu. Kenapa aku yang harus di lepaskan, bukan wanita itu. Kenapa bukan aku di sisi lelaki itu, menjadi isteri kepada si dia. Kenapa mesti wanita itu yang Allah takdirkan untuk si dia. Dan beribu kenapa aku persoalkan lagi ketika itu. | psychiatric or mental illness |
Masa ni jepun bagi kedah kat siam timbul balik sebab siam buka lalui utk serang dan takluk semenan .. Jadi Siam ada plan nak takluk semenanjung? | violence |
I have a problem that I don't understand why I feel this way and why there are people like that. I am the type of person who likes to be friends with everyone, to me, everyone I know is my friend. It doesn't matter if I knew them since kindergarten or met them after SPM, or just greeted them at a program, they are my friends. | psychiatric or mental illness |
aku lak slalu mimpi tengah solat. solat dgn khusyuk betul dlm mimpi tu. digambarkan dlm mimpi tu solat dgn lamanye, perlahan2 , dari satu rukun ke satu rukun tu. ataupun kalu x mimpi solat mimpi cari tempat nk solat. terlari2 terkejar2 cari tmpt yg sesuai nak solat . terlari2 sbb nak kejar waktu yg nak abis . pastu terbangun tgk jam realitinye mmg waktu dah nak abis n aku x solat lg. dlm mimpi rasa dah solat realitinye aku blum solat. aku rasa aku telah dipermainkan oleh makhluk Allah yg jahat itu. nak suruh aku sambung tdo , nak bg aku rasa aku dah solat padahalnya belum. astaghfirullah.. | psychiatric or mental illness |
Hamid Hamid sokong lah Penyamoon sapi abang Jamil mampus. hoi hoi hoi ya hoi. . | harassment |
Batu pun takut Bukan mampus terus pun Macam kau baling bomb kat those Palestine killing innocent lives bodo pussy | harassment |
فتاوى موقع يسألو .. manalah aku kenal si penulis tu jadi LEBIH BAIK aku tak GHIBAH atau MENIMBULKAN FITNAH semua tu berdosa je kan LAGI AFDHAL berbicara yang depan mata, yang mampu di TARBIAHKAN yg dekat dan yang dekat.. PERINTAH ALLAH: JANGAN BERPRASANGKA BURUK JANGAN HINA GOLONGAN2 YANG LAIN JANGAN IKUT HAWA NAFSU BERFIKIR SEBELUM BERBICARA SAMPAIKAN AYAT-AYATNYA - bukan ayat manusia DIA YANG BERI PETUNJUK, DIA JUGA YG MENYESATKAN kan senang nak difaham - semua yg tengok post aku ni akan faham kan cuma nak dilaksanakannye tu le, lambat sikit atau baru nak belajar jadi baik sikitttttt cam NABI KATA: MUDAHKAN OLEHMU, JANGAN SULITKAN | religion insult |
I feel like I need someone to listen to my problems. I don't think I can talk to my friends because it's the same circle. At the same time, I don't want to expose myself to a stranger. | psychiatric or mental illness |
Why are they like this? Then they started begging and suddenly remembered their parents. Suddenly, they felt troubled and suddenly felt like dying. | psychiatric or mental illness |
... wanita matang - milfs. | porn |
What is the name of a successful critic? Allah has given you the opportunity to prove all your talk, but you haven't even renewed your license yet. When there is power, it can be easily revoked because of the previous campaign. | religion insult |
ahli...boleh bacakan sya no ahli kad en?Mz: xxx... | porn |
4-ingt...hang duduk mana pun...tanggungjawab hang sebagai isteri jgn lupa...ni jgn sebab duk rumah mertua buat sambil lewa.. Mentang2 guna mesin basuh yg sama...dapur yang sama bilik air yg sama...semua nak lumsum ja..kena cerdik... Sedia bakul asing untuk baju hang dengan suami or anak2...xnak jd kuli basuh baju org len. Basuh baju laki n ank2 hang sudah lah...kalau kerja punnn kerja shift punnn bakul tu letak dlm bilik..bila2 free or tgk dh bertimbun..basuh la..sidai...n lipat.. Kalau hang duk lungguk dalam bakul tuan rumah aka mak mertua..jgn nk slhkan dia sebab rajin sgt tlg basuh baju hampa...dia dh tua..dia rimas tgk bersepah...(tu perangai mak aku..haha kalau mak mertua aku dia hati kering sikit..dia xlrt dia basuh baju dia ja..haha) | sexist |
When I was a kid, I used to be jealous of my friends who had pretty plastic pearl necklaces. They would show off in front of me and I would cry and ask my mom to buy me one. Eventually, I got one but within 10 minutes of wearing it, my neck broke out in a rash and it was very itchy. My mom scolded me and said I deserved it. | psychiatric or mental illness |
Nak dipendekkan cerita, mak aku kerje sampai skrg. Tak kawin lg. Skrg aku 22 tahun.Ayah aku dah kawin. 2 thn lepas kot. Umur isteri dia 5 tahun je tua ngn aku. Gaji 6k above. Dah ade sorg anak. Baby lagi tak smpai setahun. Ayah aku keje jual air setiap sabtu n ahad kat pasar. Start ramadhan ari tu, dia start sakit. Pengsan mase keje jual air tu. After tu kate pening klau buat keje. Aku pon iyekan je la. Sampai sekarang tak keje. Hmmmm. Duduk rumah lepak tidur. Anak anta nursery. Wife keje. Dah suruh check hospital. Dr kate okay, takde pape. Tapi bile buat keje, pening lagi. Belanja, bil air, elektrik, kereta import dr jepun beratus k++ pon wife dia byr. Aku expect something akan happened. Something that will be repeated again. Pandai2 lah korang assume. | psychiatric or mental illness |
He realizes this sometimes and cries. He says Allah loves him, but why does he always neglect the blessings Allah has given him. He sometimes prays late and only reads the Quran once a day. But Allah still makes it easy for him. I'm a bit bad at handling crying women, but I just say it's okay, let's try to improve ourselves together. Allah sees our efforts, Allah knows the struggles within us. Humans only see the results, but Allah sees our efforts. | psychiatric or mental illness |
If I go to Ikea, treat me to some meatballs, okay? That's when it truly feels like independence. Kekekkee. | safe for work |
Granny is using a bag like this..haha | safe for work |
I think you should ignore this white boy. I believe his IQ is in the single digits. | racist |
Asik lempar batu sembunyi tangan | violence |
Dlm kelepet baju pun diorang boleh jahit utk sorok. Dlm cikpet pun boleh. maid I dulu curi hp & digicam letak dlm bra. Dpt balik sbb dia menggila nk balik awal.. sanggup buat mcm2 cerita .. drama Tamil.. ok fine.. kita hntr balik tp otw ke jeti kena stop rumah agent (sedara) strip off dulu.. dlm ewport ke immig kena renti sbb risaukan keselamatan kekuarga. So klu nk dtg blk ke msia kena buat passport palsu lain lah.. kita dh report/ban kat immig. Rasain!! | violence |
Jauh disudut hati, saya juga mengalami keadaan 'kosong' yang Sya katakan itu. Pernah saya juga berfikir untuk bercerai, tetapi saya masih memikirkan anak yang masih kecil. | psychiatric or mental illness |
1.5k views | safe for work |
Hi korang. Tujuan aku tulis artikel ni ialah untuk meminta nasihat korang yang mungkin ada sama pengalaman dengan aku, atau faham apa yang aku lalui. Aku sebenarnya sangat tertekan sekarang sebab aku merasakan hidup aku terlalu LOSER jika dibandingkan dengan rakan sebaya yang lain. | psychiatric or mental illness |
But I'm that loving mother pada anak lelaki aku, because my whole life, my mom manjakan anak lelaki dia. See the pattern? I have this mindsets that say a son is better than a daughter. | sexist |
For two months, I took care of my wife. After it was over, she became quiet and didn't want to talk at all, not even with her parents or me. As her husband, I understand. Maybe she feels guilty. I always tell her, if you feel guilty, don't do it again. During those two months, I treated her like a child, asking her what she wanted to eat, what she wanted to do, what TV show she wanted to watch, and which mosque she wanted to pray at. | psychiatric or mental illness |
Subsets and Splits