Sighting ID
float64 111
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int64 0
159 | Woman witnessed very bright white light w/ strange "shadow" around it. Moved very slowly. | 0 |
160 | Man saw strange light move slowly across sky, stop, then streak off. 10 second sighting. | 0 |
161 | Bizarre "aircraft" w/ 8-12 flashing lights flies silently over man's vehicle, turns, flies north. Many other sightings. Bizarre "aircraft" w/ 8-12 flashing lights flies silently over man's vehicle, turns, flies north. Many other sightings. | 0 |
162 | Man sees two delta-shaped "aircraft," w/ lights blinking in sequence. Within 400 yards. Police cars nearby. | 0 |
163 | Woman sees bright flash, then witnesses large, iridescent, "sparkly" obj. streak north. Not meteorite. | 0 |
166 | Founder/director of U.S.UFO Info. & Res. Cntr. calls. Proposes collaboration w/ Nat. UFO Rept. Cntr. | 0 |
167 | CA Hwy Patrol Office of Res. & Planning calls to request info. about UFO Rept. Center. | 0 |
168 | Man calls to report large disc witnessed by occupants of 7 cars 40 mi. NW of Albuquerque. Streaks off fast. | 0 |
169 | Man & wife awakened by immensely loud roaring sound. See 5 bizarre craft hovering nearby in formation! Good rept.. Man & wife awakened by immensely loud roaring sound. See 5 bizarre craft hovering nearby in formation! Good rept.. | 0 |
170 | Former artillery officer witnesses 4-5 ships streaking E to W south of city. Flash w/atmospheric boom 5 hrs. earlier. Good rept. | 0 |
171 | FAA Regional Office calls to confirm multiple sighting reports received on previous evening. | 0 |
172 | Very responsible woman rept. seeing a white "ball of light" descend, hover, move south. 2/3 dia. of full moon. | 0 |
173 | Man report seeing multiple objects moving east (!). Watches them for five minutes. (See other sightings above.) | 0 |
174 | Woman w/ kids see 3 "space shuttle" type craft hover, streak. Eject smaller objects (!). Many witnesses. Good rept. | 0 |
175 | Nat. UFO Center Director makes 3 hour appearance on national radio program. Multiple calls follow for 2 days. | 0 |
176 | USAF officer calls to report receipt of UFO report from citizen in vicinity of base. ( Facts unclear.) | 0 |
177 | Retired NASA eng. sees large, white, bright obj. descend very fast to SSW. Emitted "vapors." Called Langley AFB. | 0 |
178 | Indep. UFO investigator calls to introduce self. Is tracking Holland, MI, 08MR94 sighting w/ radar contacts. | 0 |
180 | Man reports witnessing "neon light" hovering in southern sky. Obj. shoots off & disappears. | 0 |
181 | Rept. that local police had pursued a strange obj., and incident was "hushed up." (Facts unclear) Rept. that local police had pursued a strange obj., and incident was "hushed up." (Facts unclear) | 0 |
182 | Man repts. seeing 4 circular dots of light in a row, connected by "streak of light." Color of "static electricity." Telephoned report:
n repts. seeing 4 circular dots of light in a row, connected by "streak of light." Color of "static electricity." | 0 |
183 | Man repts. seeing bright lights over I-5 and east. ( Put in contact w/ other observers.) | 0 |
184 | Man repts. seeing 2x large ships hovering in night sky while using Russian-made night binoculars. | 0 |
185 | Young rock climber repts. town of Vantage closed by police. He and partner had seen hovering obj. N of town. | 0 |
186 | Retired Sandia Labs. engineer calls seeking plans for building UFO detector. | 0 |
187 | Man calls to rept. that he can calculate when sun will blow up, based on design of Barbary Castle Crop Circle. | 0 |
188 | Man repts. moving obj. w/ strange lights moving E to W. Hovered below overcast (?). | 0 |
189 | Man was going to bed and noticed "moving star." Object appeared large, and was dipping and weaving. Disappeared | 0 |
251 | Young woman from UFO organization in TN calls at 0045 hrs." to chat." " Unaware" of other UFO events in TN. Young woman calls from UFO organization located in NE Tennessee "to chat." Claims she is not aware of the events reported from McMinnville, TN, on previous night.
When asked by Center why she called, and why at so unusual a time, she stated that she worked days, and nights were the only time she had free to call.
| 0 |
253 | Young boy and friend witness red light in sky near home. Went to get parents, light extinguished. Young boy and friend witness strange red light in night sky. Went to get parents to view it, too, but when they returned, the light was gone. Later, boy saw light again. Facts are sketchy; report not tape recorded. | 0 |
255 | Three adults in car north of L.A. observed large, bright, orange ball of light move west. Left luminous tail. Three people were driving on highway north of Los Angeles near coast, when they observed a large, bright, orange light. No object was visible in the ball of light. It changed size and shape as it gained altitude and moved to the west. It left a long tail of illuminated substance in the sky. The tail extended out to the side of the object at 75 or 80 degrees, and it glowed. Swath of light was estimated to be 1/4 or 1/2 mile wide, based on an estimated distance from the observers. | 0 |
256 | Woman, husband, and son witnessed oval object w/ hundreds of lights on it. Est. 1/2 size of shopping mall!! Woman was lying on couch after dinner, and dog began to bark and jump on sofa. Woman looked out window and witnessed a huge object with hundreds of lights on it moving across sky. Lights on edge of it appeared to be rotating around it. She called husband and son, who witnessed it for 30 seconds. Object was 1/2 size of local shopping mall. Neighbors saw it, as well | 0 |
257 | Man sees seven very bright, golden lights descend from sky, hover, and move strangely. Quickly streaks to W. Man went outside at 0715 to pick up papers and noticed in western sky what appeared to be "fireworks" dropping out of the sky below clouds under conditions of excellent visibility. The objects stopped descending, forming a cluster of six to the right, and one solitary object to the left of the others, all above Riverside. They were distinctly golden in color. The objects started moving--"like bubbles move in the wind"--and accelerated rapidly to the west, quickly disappearing from sight. | 0 |
258 | Mother, daughter, and friend witness 4-5 objects over school yard. Objects hovered, then streaked off. Silent. A young girl and boy were returning from a fast-food restaurant, when they witnessed strange lights hovering in the vicinity of the local school. They rushed home and told the girl's mother, and the three of them returned to the school with a camcorder. The mother taped four or five objects in the night sky, which hovered, and occasionally streaked off. They were totally silent. The local airport reported no known aircraft in the area at the time of the sighting. | 0 |
259 | Four adults witness bright, multi-colored object moving above thin overcast. Suddenly flared, then disappeared. A young girl, her parents, and her boyfriend witness a bright, multi-colored object in sky that moves rapidly. Unclear whether it is above thin overcast, or occasionally in it. At end of conversation, her boyfriend reported that it suddenly shot out a burst of light, then disappeared. They called the telephone company operator, who reported to them that there had several other calls about the object. | 0 |
260 | Woman reports objects seen streaking overhead over preceding two weeks. Multiple sightings. Woman reports that objects have been seen streaking overhead during the preceding two weeks. No detailed description of objects given. | 0 |
261 | Woman reports seeing brilliantly bright, "Kelly green" orb near her home in night sky. Disappeared to west. Woman reports witnessing bizarre, brilliantly bright round object in night sky near her home. It was "Kelly green." It moved very deliberately to the west, disappearing over the horizon. Other neighbors witnessed the object. | 0 |
262 | Man and wife observe bizarre hump-backed, triangular object hover over sea. Had opaque windows. Humming. Woman reports that two friends, a man and his wife, were in their boat fishing off of Diamond Head, Oahu Island. At approximately 0500 hrs., both of them heard a very loud noise, "like two large trucks," and observed a bizarre hump-backed, triangular object hovering in the sky nearby. The object had "windows," but they were opaque. The object was seen to move, but only very slowly. When it moved, the red light on the ventral side of the object alternated red and green blinking. Then it moved toward the vicinity of Diamond Head, where it hovered for 5 minutes, after which it moved slowly westward along the coastline and finally disappeared from sight. | 0 |
263 | Mother & daughter witness strange shafts of green light that appear to move around clouds. Second sighting. Woman and daughter witnessed strange green lights that seem to descend from the clouds. They were intermittent and alternating, and they sometimes go in circles. They saw it aproximately one month prior, as well. | 0 |
264 | Man witnesses very bright, multi-colored object pass overhead very fast. Disappeared to the north in 20 sec.. Man witnessed an unusual, multi-colored light the size of a large star, that passed overhead. It disappeared to the north in about 20 seconds. | 0 |
265 | Man went outdoors, witnessed approx. 50 blue and green, pulsating objects moving in the storm clouds. Good rept. Man is awakened by barking dogs, and goes outside to smoke. As he looked at the storm clouds overhead, he noticed approximately 50 bright blue objects in the night sky. At first he thought they were stars, but then realized they were moving and occasionally forming into "starlike" clusters. Some moved west toward the ocean, and others appeared to rise up higher in the atmosphere, at which point they would be joined by smaller, green objects, that appeared to fly in from out in space. The larger objects appeared to be emitting a pulsing light. They also seemed to be flying into, and between, the tops of the storm clouds in the area. The observer tired of the events after approximately 45 minutes and went back to bed. | 0 |
266 | Police officer on patrol witnesses triangular pattern of three lights. They rotate twice, then depart west. A law enforcement officer witnesses three bright lights that appear to be sitting motionless in the night sky approximately 200 meters from his position. He turns off the engine of his patrol car, at which point he develops the sensation that the lights are pointed at him. Suddenly, the triangular pattern of lights rotates 180 degrees, so the "nose" is pointing down. It rotates 180 degrees again, and begins to move away to the west. The officer hears no sound. | 0 |
267 | Young man sees very brightly lighted object streak across the sky and disappear behind a stand of trees. Young man sees very bright object streak across the sky at a very high angular velocity. It appeared to have an exceptionally bright area of light on the upper portion of the trailing portion of the object. It appeared to change shapes, and then disappeared behind a stand of trees. | 0 |
268 | Woman observes three strange objects hovering in morning sky for 73 minutes. Very bright lights. Good rept. Woman awoke and went to kitchen for a drink of water. She looked out her kitchen window, and saw an exceptionally bright green light, which she thought was the landing light on a local logging helicopter. Then she noticed there was a "wavy, lavender-red thing" behind the light. It hovered in the night sky for an hour, moving perceptibly across the sky. One hour after she first observed the object, a smaller "dot" of light streaked up to the larger object. A third object then became visible, and then all three faded from sight. Very strange sighting. | 0 |
269 | Woman reports unusual blue lights. (Probably lights on neighbor's radio antenna, she later reported.) Woman reports several blue lights in the form of a "vee" to the west. Stationary. Sevral days later, she calls to say she thinks they are the lights on a neighbor's radio antenna. | 0 |
270 | Man, wife, and two police officers observe two red lights in night sky. Obj. followed a small aircraft. Young man went into his back yard to fill his dog's water dish, when he noticed the dog was looking into the sky. He looked up and saw two prominent red lights apparently hovering in the sky. A small, private aircraft flew by, and the red lights appeared to approach, and possibly follow, the plane. Then they returned to the location in the sky where he had first noticed them. He called his wife out to look at them, at which time a police cruiser with two officers was driving by and stopped. The officers looked at the lights and were unable to explain them. | 0 |
271 | Anonymous call regarding alleged multiple UFO sighting reports between Fairfield and Deer Lodge for 1 hour. An anonymous caller reports multiple UFO sightings reported between Fairfield and Deer Lodge, Montana. Background noise during call sounds like communications noise from some kind of operations center. | 0 |
272 | Woman reports dramatic "meteor shower" over northern Idaho. Woman calls to report a dramatic "meteor shower" over northern Idaho. | 0 |
561 | Man reports bright object "at 7 o'clock position" from moon. (Possible planet?) | 0 |
562 | Man reports bright object "at 7 o'clock position from moon." (Possible planet?) | 0 |
563 | Family of 3 driving home on Rte. 680 observe bright purple flash overhead, that "lit up half the sky." (Ed: Probable elect. arc.) | 0 |
564 | Man reports "bright object with flashing color" in southern sky. (Possible planet?) | 0 |
565 | Young man & girlfriend, returning from hike, witness bright, white light in western sky. It flashed, then simply "winked out." | 0 |
566 | Man witnessed "tablet shaped obj., like stubby aspirin," with dull, metallic surface, descend, follow military jets. Good rept. | 0 |
567 | Man calls on behalf of person, who has had possible involvement w/ strange creatures. Directed to investigators. | 0 |
568 | 3 adults witness "white balloon" to south. Then witness 3 triangular-shaped objects nearby. They slowly drift into clouds. | 0 |
569 | Prof. photographer & nearby golfers witness bizarre, cigar-shaped obj., w/ metallic appearance, in sky. 5 min. of video. | 0 |
570 | Man observes bizarre, rectangular obj. "w/ barber poles w/ bulbs on the ends" sticking out of opposite ends. | 0 |
571 | Anonymous caller repts. sighting 4 ufo's in NNE sky, 45 deg. above horizon. (No other facts reptd. No return tel. #.) | 0 |
572 | Two young men witness a round, "cloudy white obj., 5 times diameter of brightest star," move from E to W overhead. | 0 |
573 | Two boys report witnessing 2 bizarre yellowish-white objects fly overhead. Reported to local sheriff's office. | 0 |
574 | 2 young men experience multiple sightings of bizarre, bright obj., which hover, streak, & land. Very bizarre; good report. Telephoned Report:
2 young men experience multiple sightings of bizarre, bright obj., which hover, streak, & land. Very bizarre; good report. | 0 |
575 | Emer. crew w/ police witness bright obj. streak overhead, descend. Pursue on foot. 3 youth exp. obj. very close. Exclnt rept. Emer. crew w/ police witness bright obj. streak overhead, descend. Pursue on foot. 3 youth exp. obj. very close. Exclnt rept. | 0 |
576 | Two family members witness "red ball" fly across sky. Felt vibrations. | 0 |
577 | Woman concerned by 4 indentations and burn mark on blacktop patio. (CUFOS investigates. Prob. due to deck chairs.) | 0 |
578 | Man reports multiple "twinkling objects in tight clusters" in clear sky. (Possible stars?) Man reports multiple "twinkling objects in tight clusters" in clear sky. (Possible stars?) | 0 |
579 | Man & son witness "round, green object, like circle inside circle" streak across sky, disappear. Very clear view. Good rept.. | 0 |
580 | Young man driving E on I-90 witnesses streamlined, delta-shaped obj. streak across clear, blue sky. Excellent rept. | 0 |
581 | Young boy repts. witnessing strange light overhead at his residence. (Facts unclear; no follow-up rept.) | 0 |
582 | Five young adults witness strange "point of light" in clear, blue sky. Moves slowly. Obj. responds to flashes w/ mirror. Good rept. | 0 |
583 | Young man witnesses "very shiny obj., like egg" in N sky. Very bright, silver light. (Former mil., very familiar w/ aircraft.) | 0 |
584 | Woman witnesses dark, round obj. overhead w/ "flailing appendages." Moved slowly across sky. Seemed to follow her. Woman witnesses dark, round obj. overhead w/ "flailing appendages." Moved slowly across sky. Seemed to follow her. | 0 |
585 | While stopped at traffic signal, woman sees "blimp" in W sky. Obj. started moving, then suddenly diminished in size. Bizarre. | 0 |
586 | Young man & wife see blue flash, then small disc hovering over their truck, but below overcast. Pursued it on foot. Good rept. | 0 |
587 | UFO investigator relays rept.: his son and other children rept. witnessing 4-5 red objs. 4 miles W of city. Two objs. seen to land. | 0 |
588 | Two men installing TV dish witness strange obj. in clear sky. No visible wings, exhaust; silent. Very good view. Obj. drifted off. | 0 |
589 | Man, driving down long driveway, sees bright light directed at his house. Witnesses bright light in sky. Obj. streaks off. | 0 |
590 | Young man looking out window sees very bright "star" drifting slowly across sky. Calls police. Two witnesses. | 0 |
591 | Man driving S to Oakville sees obj. w/ tiny lights on bottom, flashing light on top moving N, suddenly reverse course. Good rept. | 0 |
593 | 4 observers view 2 point of light above horizon moving erratically up and down. Darted off very rapidly. Miltary aircraft buzzed. 4 observers view 2 points of light above horizon moving erratically up and down. Darted off very rapidly. Within an hour and a half military aircraft buzzed the area flying very low - lasted all afternoon.
| 0 |
594 | Point of light dimmed and then brightened. Moved erratically up down and around. Zig-zagged across sky, descended fast. ((name deleted)) saw first. Point of light dimmed and then brightened. Moved erratically up down and around. Zig-zagged across sky. Then it dropped down fast. Not sattelite or metor shower. Then it dropped down fast.
| 0 |
595 | Man, while out feeding horses, sees red light streak E to W across S sky. Obj. simply "fizzles out" suddenly. Reptd. on radio. | 0 |
596 | Woman repts. multiple red bright lights hovering, maneuvering "over the mountains." Objects reptd. to ascend "pretty fast." | 0 |
597 | Group of 9 watch bright white light hover, maneuver rapidly, above Pacific Ocean. Obj. moved rapidly; descended to ocean. | 0 |
598 | Telephoned Report: Man repts. strange bright light hovering, maneuvering to E over Atlantic Ocean. Man repts. strange bright light hovering, maneuvering to E over Atlantic Ocean. | 0 |
599 | Man repts. multiple sightings of up to 10 bright objects streaking overhead during 26-30JN95. Very bright, solid lights "like stars." | 0 |
600 | Man repts. object streaks overhead to SE horizon. | 0 |
601 | Woman witnesses four very bright yellow lights appear, then disappear sequentially. (Note: Was military flares over local airport.) | 0 |
1,088 | Woman's attention drawn to very faint light over Puget Sound. Obj. grows brighter, then suddenly moves to W and disappears. Telephoned report:
Woman's attention drawn to very faint light over Puget Sound. Obj. grows brighter, then suddenly moves to W and disappears. | 0 |
1,089 | She left msg. on 02JA96. I returned call on 05JA96. | 0 |
1,091 | Man witnesses a large, orange-colored ball of light. Minutes later, he sees a bizarre cluster of sequentially blinking balls of light. The observer was 8 miles south of Ripon, WI, when he noticed an orange ball of light in the northwest sky. He drove on another 4 miles and witnessed a cluster of lights in the sky that looked like "the flashing lights on a pinball machine." The object looked like a cluster of lights, that were flashing sequentially. | 0 |
1,092 | Commuter airliner w/ passengers turns, descends 12,500' to avoid a bizarre, extremely bright obj. directly ahead. Obj. could "jump." A pilot and his 1st officer in a Beechcraft 1900 with passengers, while flying at 16,000 feet between layers of solid overcast 90 miles southeast of Saginaw, MI, suddenly see a large, bizarre ball of light appear in front of them. They both thought it was another aircraft and were concerned that it might collide with them, so they turned on their identification lights and initiated a turn. The object apparently was capable of "jumping" suddenly, perhaps as much as 20 or 30 miles within 1 second time.
The crew requested clearance to descend, which they did. they descended to 9500 feet, but the object appeared to descend with them, staying on their now, "12:00" position. They continued their descent to 3,500 feet, where they entered the clouds.
Another airliner, a Northwest commuter (Callsign: "Masaba") witnessed the interaction. Multiple conversations occured with Cleveland Center and Saginaw Approach about the incident.
The crew borrowed a still camera from one of the passengers, and attempted to photograph the object. The camera and film were returned to the passenger after the photograph had been taken.
Copy of radio communication requested 04MR96 under FOIA. | 0 |
1,093 | Man & wife witness three strange lights near their rural home. They exhibited red, green, and white light; formed a triangle. | 0 |
1,094 | Couple experience 2nd sighting of three lights over their rural home. Objects flashed red, green, white; distinct movement. | 0 |
1,095 | Businessman driving to W sees pulsating bluish-white light ahead of his car moving from N to S. Very bright, strobing light. | 0 |
1,096 | Man driving to west witnesses a very bright, white ball of light streak from S to N directly ahead of him 20 deg. above horizon. | 0 |
1,097 | Couple witness bizarre object circle overhead, fly to the W at slow speed. Red light in center, white flashing on nose, blue behind. | 0 |
1,098 | Mother, 2 young women witness an intensely bright, bluish-white, flashing light to the E. Obj. moved, became orange, pink. | 0 |
1,454 | Man at stopwitnesses black, delta-shaped obj. hovering motionless. Obj. shoots "confined beam" down to ground! Humming. | 0 |
1,455 | Tel. Rept.: Law enforcement officer reports co-worker witnessed a short-lived "line of light" suddenly appear in night sky, disappears. Law enforcement officer reports co-worker witnessed a short-lived "line of light" suddenly appear in night sky, then disappear. | 0 |
Subsets and Splits