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AskReddit/d42idjp | 4nbrxw | What some things we think are illegal in the U.S. but actually aren't? | Hate speech. It's not illegal, folks. You can say all the hateful things you want. It can be taken into consideration and affect your sentencing if you're being charged with an actual crime in connection to hate speech, but hate speech in itself is perfectly legal. | 4 |
AskReddit/doog2h0 | 77snqg | What's your best 'Yo Mama' joke? | Yo mama’s so fat she looks like a beach ball with fingers! Yo mama’s babies are so ugly, they passed her the placenta when you were born! | 3 |
AskReddit/c85l4y5 | 17hqse | If dogs never existed, what animal would take its place in history as Man's Best Friend? | Foxes? The recently domesticated ones seem to fill the role of a dog better than a cat does. Not to mention they adorably wag their tails! In addition, a fox is an animal not regularly consumed by people. edit: oops, didn't mean to make the last sentence a double negative, deleted a "not." I would also like to add for those of you who are saying foxes aren't sociable should check out some of foxes they've been breeding in Russia. It's an interesting experiment in domestication. And I suppose a fox is in the canine fmaily, but I figured they didn't count as dogs. Coyotes, dingoes, and wolves can breed with dogs, but foxes can't as far as I know. That makes them separate enough in my book! | 1,653 |
AskReddit/evgg6i0 | cjvjqf | How do you motivate yourself to get things done everyday? | I don't lol half the things gone wrong in the last twelve months were because I'm a dumbass procrastinator who spends his days in bed BUT Since this procrastination thing got me in an awful bunch of situations which left me exhausted and I've had quite enough of it I know I gotta change, and from now on I'll do whatever I can do to improve myself | 2 |
AskReddit/czhn2ab | 43ds2z | If a male is drugged and raped by a female and she gets pregnant, is the male legally responsible for the child? | I keep seeing people say the reason the government goes after men is because "its what's best for the child" when in reality that is secondary. The real reason the government will viciously track men down is because the government doesn't want to be stuck footing the bill for the child. A mother receiving child support is gonna qualify for a lot less welfare benefits versus a single mother providing for a child on her own. Sometimes what happens is the mother knows the father is broke so she doesn't go for child support and instead applies for welfare. Immediately after that happens the government will track down the father and force him to pay child support. I mean you can live with a single mother for long enough to the point where you become legally resonsponsible for the child. That's how desperate the government is in trying to get out of paying for someones kid. Let that sink in for a second. You could live with a single mother for a couple months or a year and try to help out with bills and food once and awhile, ya know do a nice thing. Well say you decide to move out and start a family and the mother starts struggling and signs up for welfare. Odds are you're gonna be taken to court even if the mother is against it and forced to pay child support. People keep saying in this thread it's because "it's what's best for the child", no. The child would do just as fine on welfare benefits as he or she would with child support from some stranger. The government is just desperate to drop that responsibility on any poor schlub they legally can. | 26 |
AskReddit/emr029l | blrl2z | What damage happens to your body as a result of your art or craft (like a ballerina’s feet)? | Ballerina feet. My ring finger on my dominant hand is bent and calloused from holding pens and paintbrushes. I am missing the print on one of my fingers and my hands get burned a lot on stoves and ovens. It hurts to sit up straight because of years of huddling over projects. My hip is messed up from the ballet. I can't even describe the effect the combo of ballet and art has had on my ribs. There's usually either graphite, paint, ink, flour, or glue all over my hands and thighs. | 3 |
AskReddit/c5vot5m | yhtos | What is the most stupidest thing that you have ever done and will never do again? | heh, most stupid. I once got a bag of M&Ms for a snack at summer camp. However, they gave me a GIANT bag. I only ate about a fifth of it and I got tired. We were having a bear problem at camp, so you couldn't store chocolate anywhere. You had to eat it. So when I got back to my cabin, I went to my bunk and asked if anyone wanted some M&Ms. A kid across the room hollered "I LOVE CHOCOLATE." I decided to throw the bag to him. However, I open this bag fairly widely. Imagine a M&Ms bag spiraling across the room with M&Ms flying out across the floor in a spiral-esque fashion. Probably the stupidest thing I've ever done. TL;DR: I threw an open bag full of M&Ms across a cabin in the woods whilst the camp I was staying at was having serious bear issues. | 3 |
AskReddit/dcrhc6d | 5pioe8 | What ridiculous conspiracy theories were later proven to be true? | Just because some previous conspiracy theories proved true, that doesn't mean we should suspend logic and reason on other conspiracy theories. We cannot leap to conclusions and assume all official stories are lies, or fill in the blanks with assumptions. For example, the Sandy Hook deniers and 9/11 Truthers have been thoroughly and repeatedly debunked. But plenty of conspiracy theories have proven true: That the US was secretly giving aid to the Allies before entering WWII. That the US deciphered Japanese codes before Pearl Harbor. We still don't know if we knew specifics of an attack, or if we may have sacrificed an aircraft carrier to enter the war, but we do know that we did definitely decipher some Japanese transmissions before the attack now. Nixon sabotaged the Viet Nam peace talks to win an election. The CIA sold crack cocaine in Black neighborhoods, targeting them out of racism. We did recover some WMD in Iraq and sold them in the black market to identify future potential terrorists. Heck, the existence of the Mafia was once a conspiracy theory, with the government adamant that they did not exist. MK-ULTRA mind experiments. Operation Northwoods. The US led a propaganda campaign to convince its citizens to support a potential invasion of Cuba. The US government actively worked against civil rights leaders and protesters with blackmail and extortion tactics in the 50s and 60s. Hitler's inner circle plotted to assassinate him. When Abraham Lincoln was assassinated, it was actually part of a larger plot to kill several of the US political leaders in one night to stage a complete coup of the US government. The Church of Scientology successfully infiltrated the CIA. Now the US federal government is terrified of going after Scientology, where as other foreign governments are quicker to condemn them. | 2 |
AskReddit/eny3kx6 | bpvkp8 | What is the worst female name? | My last name starts with the letter V, and my fiancee and I were recently talking about baby names. So I said if we have a girl we should name her, Helga Ingrid V. Those are two of the worst names I could come up with, and then there is the matter of the initials. The fiancee said no. Not sure why. | 3 |
AskReddit/d08u2ep | 46ypwm | If super heroes were real, what would the insurance situation be with all the injuries, property damage, deaths, etc? | Financial Planner (Risk Specialist) here so I feel I'm qualified to give you an idea. In a nutshell it would be a clusterfuck. Superheros would likely be covered by some government insurance scheme because no other insurer would pick up the cheque. They are too high risk and cause WAY too much damage. There would likely be a Superhero/ Supervillian exclusion added into existing policies, Such as Terrorism Clauses in todays policies. | 3 |
AskReddit/dg0qv9w | 64az8w | What's the story behind the last time you cried from happiness? | I never wanted kids. Besides thinking I'd be a bad father, I just couldn't see signing up for that responsibility. Then I met my wife. She changed my life in a profound way, and after a few years, I wanted to meet our kid. We tried for a while with no results. When we finally got pregnant, we had a miscarriage, and were devestated. After we emotionally healed, we finally got pregnant, and after 9 long months, I got to meet my son. I've never cried so much out of happiness. | 9 |
AskReddit/ec9p9le | a8cjmx | What is your most memorable Christmas and why? | I’ve lived in Florida nearly my whole life so for the past couple Christmas’s I’ve asked to see snow. Well, last year my entire finally took a trip to Tennessee. Although we didn’t actually get to see any (real) snow it was one of the most memorable trips. I hate the feeling of being bounded to my hometown forever and that trip gave me hope that I won’t be stuck here forever. It also opened my eyes to things I needed to change in my life to become happier. | 2 |
AskReddit/dx8tvgk | 8bq0qq | What are some “signs” of an unmarked cop car that you can notice while driving? | As an observant car enthusiast,I noticed a few things: No matter what make and model,the car will be spotless.Super clean with no dings,dents and maybe scuffs. This year I saw the cleanest 00's Grand Prix ever that was an unmarked car. Newer released UC have LED lights under the sideskirts and on both sides of the license plate.Sometimes you can see lights through the back window if the lighting is right which could be difficult as they run a lower tint. This one is a hit or miss but there won't be anything for vanity on it like no license plate frames,dealer badges,antenna toppers and stickers.However If they use a confiscated car,they might leave some one there. Contrarily I've seen a 03ish trailblazer with a Punisher skull sticker on the window. | 3 |
AskReddit/c0llt5k | b9cyd | Do I buy a like-new economy car or an older luxury car? | Depends, do you want to tell people you have a BMW? Or do you want to put yourself on sound financial footing going forward? There's no such thing as "planning on having the car for 5-7 years". Either you do well, and you can trade in the econobox, or you don't do well, and you can keep driving the extra-reliable econoboxy for much longer than you planned to. In a BMW, you're going to be stuck with maintenance, and then more maintenance, only it's maintenance with parts designed for a $30-50k luxury car instead of parts designed for a $10k econobox. If you need status possessions, the BMW may be the only choice, but the econobox is definitely the smarter move financially. | 4 |
AskReddit/dee69wn | 5x027r | What is by far the worst pizza you had, where, and how was it made? | I had a cheese pizza from Pizza Hut about a year ago which looked and tasted like a puddle of molten yellow plastic. Lucky I've found a smaller but more genuine pizza shop which makes way nicer ones. Worth the extra money since I'm not losing my appetite after the first slice. | 3 |
explainlikeimfive/ch6dz29 | 24ekh5 | What is the supposed virtue of having religious faith? | There's a distinction to be made between faith and belief that I think applies here. Beliefs can be supported by fact, or they can be unsubstantiated, but within the context of religion it's understood that faith is a type of devotion that is often tested and by most definitions can never be fully substantiated. Among scholars and in most mythologies, including modern stories and movies, When faith is described as being a virtue it's in the sense that an adherent remains devoted to their religion even when it is not convenient or in the face of discrimination. Unfortunately, within the context of those who have told you that "any religion you have faith in is fine so long as you have faith", I suspect what they're really saying is that they're comfortable with the idea of you having a belief in a god -- any god -- but they are not comfortable with the idea of you being an atheist. And in a scholarly sense, and in the sense of most stories and movies, this is a misuse of the term that faith is a virtue. In fact, I think some religious scholars would argue that those who use the term in this sense have specifically failed to uphold it, or have 'failed the test' so to speak. | 2 |
AskReddit/c40eg4i | qtvs8 | Why do soap-operas have a distinctive look compared to movies? | I'm no expert, But here is my expert opinion The filming medium (that is, what the show is recorded on) and the way the show is shot make up the the other half of the equation. Soaps have often been shot on various types of videotape to keep costs down, and compared to prime time shows and big budget movies shot on film, they can look a little flat. Shooting with videotape also gives you a lower resolution, and to compensate, soaps have always made heavy use of closeups. Soaps and other lower-budget shows also look “off” because they’re often evenly lit across the entire set to facilitate simultaneously shooting with more than one camera. This lighting/shooting method means the actors can move around and the lights don’t have to be reset for every shot. This allows for fewer takes and costs less, but it also means more diffuse, less natural-looking lighting in the final product. | 49 |
AskReddit/c0r3ae8 | c9r1r | Does everyone shave their chest hair? | I used to be a swimmer. speedos and everything. And I used to shave my arms, legs, blah blah blah. Not because I thought it would shave seconds off my time but because hairy guys in speedos just looks weird. I don't swim competatively anymore and stopped shaving, but whenever I'm feeling blue I find shaving my body makes me feel clean and new. I don't go below the waist, but my arms, head, face, chest all get shaved. | 2 |
AskReddit/cnzgoj9 | 2tj0v9 | What is the most disturbing movie you've seen? | I could name a few - Cannibal Holocaust Itchi the killer ( or any number of live action manga) In fact many Manga films in general. Or on a different note but still disturbing - Batman & Robin | 2 |
explainlikeimfive/chvgaoq | 26xal0 | Why is it whenever I'm being scolded, yelled at, etc, I feel the intense urge to smile? | It's a nervous tendency, not smugness, yes? You are grinning, but you are not happy. I am the same way. I especially smile or grin when I am being confronted and accused of something I have not done. This turns out badly for me because the quickest way to convince a person they're right is to grin, as though you are admitting to whatever it is they are trying to provoke you into confessing. I never feel like I am smiling to "disarm" a person's aggression, rather it's involuntary and my thoughts are completely scattered when it is happening, like my mind can't grasp for any holds, can't defend my position on the matter. I think it IS "evolutionary" somehow, like a last resort when the mind needs to react to a potentially violent situation, but has lost all its wit. So then, it might also be psychological, and not as involuntary as we think, if we could learn to control ourselves while under duress. | 3 |
AskReddit/d0ud4iu | 49ry8d | How come some days my shoes will come untied 5 or 10 times just from walking but other days they don't come untied once? | They'll come untied less if you alternate which lace goes over and which goes under, like you do when you make a square knot. I make the first crossover with the right over left. Then I make a bunny ear in each hand and wrap the left over the right. I think my shoes have come untied once in the two years I've been doing it this way. | 2 |
explainlikeimfive/dek08mc | 5xpw6d | How do chemist do experiments with boiling water when there's no such thing as a "real" boiling point? | This is actually a really neat exploration of what we scientists call "confounding factors". These are details about the set-up of an experiment that can affect what our measurements say, but don't actually affect the underlying scientific principle. There is a "real" boiling point for water that depends only on the atmospheric pressure, but what a thermometer might say can depend on how well heat transfers into the water, where the thermometer is placed, or how well the water is stirred. A well-designed experiment has carefully considered these confounding factors, and controlled for them by either changing the apparatus (the actual device used in the experiment) or by the scientific model we use to interpret the results. On a more practical level, scientists account for these factors when discussing their experiments by specifying the conditions with great detail, so that if there are other scientists who must use other conditions, they can adjust their own experiments. | 7 |
AskHistorians/d24sdhm | 4ewbq5 | Did people sleep sitting up in the eighteenth century? | This is a difficult question, because the answer rests entirely on negative evidence. While some individuals may have felt that sleeping while sitting up in bed was preferable, there are no medical texts that advise all people to do it. Rather, people with respiratory issues were supposed to sleep with their head raised (as today). In texts on 18th century furniture, academic authors do not mention anything about beds being significantly shorter. But the fact is that the claim that people slept sitting up is the one that requires proof. It's kept in currency by millions of docents, but it's based on nothing but visually estimating the length of antique beds, which can have the illusion of being smaller than they are due to the size of a canopy and hangings or the pillows put on it. Without the standardization of mattress sizes, beds could be made to any dimensions, which means that, in theory, some beds may be shorter due to a reflection of the height of the owner. If Massie didn't provide a citation or explain that he'd measured beds to find that they were significantly shorter than a human body, then there's no reason for the previous answerers to need to take it into account. It's not uncommon for academic writers to not apply the same rigor to statements they make that are outside of their subject matter, especially if said statements reflect attitudes taken by most as a given. | 5 |
AskReddit/csi1xpu | 3b1tkv | How are you playing life on hard mode? | I will be leaving a hard mode very soon. I will be seeing a doctor about my anxiety and depression some time this week. I used to foolishly act like it was some sort of mark of pride- a battle scar from events that supposedly justify this condition. When it got to the point I would avoiding responsibilities just because I worried about an attack, it was time I did something about it. | 3 |
AskReddit/c4t7fjz | u8gl8 | If i send someone an Amazon gift card, how many details of mine would they have? | Get it emailed to you. They will give a a code that cant be linked. Send that code on any way you want. Most stores like a Walgreens carry amazon gift cards for sale. Forward it any way you want. | 2 |
AskReddit/c6bhp98 | 109b5r | What video game do you think should have a movie based off of it? | The Assassin's Creed series. ALL OF THEM. You could easily get 4 movies out of the series; it most likely take 6 or 7 to cover every single sub-plot in all of the games. If I had to pick only one in the series, I think I would pick AC 2. | 178 |
AskReddit/cp0r0qe | 2xjwup | What is totally normal to you but just can't explain to other people? | People who had overly strict parents. it was very hard for me to explain to others why I couldn't do things, couldn't tell my parents things, or why I had to hide everything I was doing. People love to say "Who cares what your parents think. You're an adult, you can do what you want." It's not that simple. | 30 |
explainlikeimfive/dfguwed | 61rnal | Why are German products higher quality? | Germany was one of the first countries to get mass amounts of high quality steel by way of Krupp steel. This led to the development of higher precision machine tools and higher quality metal goods. This reputation has survived largely because of this history but now Germany can't compete in the cheap markets where Asian business dominates. Instead they stick with premium goods at a high price. | 83 |
explainlikeimfive/calqr03 | 1gmqeg | How do all planets become to be near perfect spheres? | As Carl Sagan once explained in Cosmos: (paraphrasing) Take a ball of clay (not spherical, just a rough shape) of clay, then put your hand on top and push down, then turn it over and do it to that side, then keep turning it over in different angles and pushing down on top. Eventually, you will end up with a spherical ball. This is pretty much what gravity is doing to everything all the time, hence why many objects in the universe are spheres. The larger the object, the larger the mass, and hence the more effect gravity has on objects on the surface. Compare that to an asteroid that could be shaped like a potato, the mass is not nearly as large, and hence gravity does not push down as hard, which allows it to keep its shape of a potato. | 3 |
AskReddit/ecta3ji | aamqtc | What's the most addictive game you ever played, and what was so addicting about it? | Oh man, basically any of the Paradox games. They give you so much to play and explore, so many different ways to play through them, there's so much replay value. And the community is basically obsessed nerds finding the weirdest ways to play the game. It's amazing. My personal favourite is Crusader Kings, just because of how I'm amazed they managed to replicate the familial, dynastic dynamic instead of the classic State-based gameplay you usually get in strategy games. Steep learning curve, but incredibly high rewards | 3 |
AskReddit/cdnmz6i | 1ria3o | What is a movie you love but do NOT recommend to others, because you think it only appeals to your sensibilities and personal tastes? | Sucker Punch. It was fun, over the the top, entertaining, doesnt take itself too seriously, and its pretty symbolic. I wouldn't recommend it because I think people would take it too seriously and end up not enjoying the things that make the movie fun. | 21 |
AskReddit/cl28yc2 | 2i0bww | What do you do when you feel stuck? | i am in my mid 30's and do feel the same way from time to time. i do remember feeling helpless in college ready to be a fully functional adult making money, owning my own home, living the life.that never happens. i work to pay bills. i make good money, but i am stuck because i don't really have money to do anything. sadly, i have become an alcoholic who drinks at home by himself everynight. | 2 |
AskReddit/d43rcm5 | 4ngaj7 | What words feel the best to pronounce? | Pronounce. You've got the PRO, which just makes you feel positive and powerful, and you've got NOUNCE, which sounds kind of hoity-toity. Fun fact: my phone spellchecked "hoity-toity" correctly. Huh. | 2 |
AskReddit/dyv45yi | 8iwk2d | Which is the most delicious thing you've ever eaten in your whole life? | my mom made this peanut butter fudge pie once and I put some of my own toppings on it and it was the best thing I've ever tasted. however we were fasting so that probably had something to do why I thought it tasted so good. | 2 |
AskHistorians/cbvaqml | 1l2ruq | How do we know how dead/ancient languages were pronounced? | One of the easier, more accessible, but not fool proof methods is to cross reference words with languages we do know how to pronounce. IE if we take a famous person like Cicero, and we know that his name will not be changed into a greek pseudonym, we can then find out how the romans likely pronounced their "c"s. | 3 |
AskReddit/c0fcjc5 | a0ylk | If you could go back in time to be at any musical performance or concert, where would you go? | Grateful Dead - Winterland june 1977 It was a magical time my friends, very unlike anything you will experience today. Being at one of those Dead concerts was like being at a party with 5,000 of your best friends. I never had a bad experience at a Dead concert, and had so many great experiences with the other people there. Even had great experiences with the police at these concerts! These concerts were truly life-changing experiences for all! | 2 |
AskReddit/d4b1727 | 4oawtw | What food do most people like to eat that you absolutely hate? | I don't like cheese at all. Cheese on hamburgers, macaroni & cheese, melts/grilled cheese.nothing. Most I like is sometimes string cheese. I get a lot of strange looks when people mention recipes or food that involve cheese and I tell them I don't like cheese. | 3 |
AskReddit/dw9h4sk | 871lkw | What’s your stance on gun rights? | Let's be like Japan. To get a gun in Japan, you first have to attend an all-day class and pass a written test on how to properly use it and when it’s necessary, which are only held once per month. You must also take and pass a shooting range class. Then head over to a hospital for a mental and drug test, which you must file with the police. Finally, pass a rigorous background check for any criminal record or association with criminal or extremist groups, and you finally get your gun. You must also provide police with documentation on the specific location of the gun in your home, as well as the ammo, both of which must be locked and stored separately. The police must inspect the gun once per year and you have to re-take the class and exam every three years. Japan had 11 gun deaths in 2008, the U.S had 12,000. | 4 |
askscience/c7026t8 | 131ru0 | Does undefined/infinite temperature exist? | Hmm. that sounds right. I guess we can try going through a simple example. Let's say we have a collection of N spin 1/2 objects, and suppose that the up state has energy e, and the down state has energy 0. The entropy is maximized when the total energy is e N/2. So, for total energy E < e N/2, the temperature is positive, and for total energy E > e * N/2, the temperature is negative. So if I have 2 such systems, one with E > e N/2, and one with E < e N/2, and I put them in thermal contact with each other, then they can exchange energy. And when one of the systems passes over the critical value e * N/2, at that moment it has dS/dE=0, or infinite temperature. So, I think you are correct, if that simple example is representative. I'd be curious to see if there are counter-examples. | 2 |
AskReddit/c224ryh | i9z1y | What is the rudest thing someone has done to you recently? | My Granddad died recently so we decided to take my Dad out somewhere to take his mind off it a bit. My fiancé and I were meant to be going to a party that day, so I emailed the girl, explained the situation and wished her a good day anyway. She didn't reply to me at all, not even to say 'that's ok' or 'sorry for your loss' or anything. I found that rude. Edit: it was on Facebook which I know she is on a lot and has been on since. | 2 |
AskReddit/ehyh9w1 | axzo6c | What's your favorite movie without naming it, but give a not so popular quote as a hint? | I have several favorite movies and I can't pick, so have one quote each: Character A: "What should I do, run, don't run, what?" Character B: "Run, definitely run!" "You missed! How could you miss, he was 3 feet in front of you!" "Choose me, or the fire." "Open those gates so I may unlock your secrets and exploit your riches! .Did I just say that out loud?" "Spit-spot! And off we go!" "Does this mean I still have to sleep in the cupboard?" "I shouldn'ta told ya that." | 2 |
AskReddit/dmdesn3 | 6x69px | What small, insignificant thing makes you irrationally angry? | Someone recently indicated on Reddit that the new It movie is essentially a rip off of Stranger Things. That made me irrationally angry. If anything, it would be the other way around. Although I do believe Stranger Things is more an an homage to It (and several other older movies and stories) than a rip off. | 54 |
AskReddit/c2i321y | k7l4a | Why do couples in love still get tired of one another's company? | A relationship is about two people who care for each other, but its health relies on each person's mental wellbeing as well. Alone time is completely normal, healthy, an expected. Regardless of your situation, everyone needs to be alone with themselves to think independently and 'breathe' without the influence of the other. It doesn't matter how in love you are- I have a friend in your similar situation who practically moved in with her boyfriend while paying for an empty apartment, and kept it up for.I think it's been four years now. Their relationship is unhealthy because they were always in each others company, which over time is a breeding ground for high tempers. When we don't have access to solitude, we can't rationalize because we are always influenced emotionally by the presence of someone we love. Now they are tired of each other, not attracted to each other, and I know that their early and overtime cohabitation was to blame, especially since they both have quick tempers. It's normal to want time off, and I'm sure your SO feels the same! | 5 |
AskReddit/ca4gy5i | 1ewllc | If you live in a Tornado zone, why would you not build a more robust brick house? | Yes, brick is more sturdy. No, it won't stand up to a tornado. These aren't big round winds; they're the natural version of a Dyson, up to a mile wide, and 300mph. The fling automobiles, and they have been known to fire chicken feathers through the windshields of cars. There was a picture around a year ago or so of a tree inside an underground storm cellar. The tornado had sucked it down by the roots, through a small hole. In most parts of the world, you build with what is cheapest. A lot of the USA, that's wood (anything else has to be shipped around). You could build a more expensive brick house, but then you're simple replacing a more expensive brick house. Safety is underground. Mostly. Sort of. | 4 |
AskReddit/d3ijcwe | 4kwqz9 | What extremely weird thing do we view as normal? | Pooping in a bathroom with large cracks/openings in the wall of the stall. I think we all hate it and recognize an awesome bathroom when that isn't present but view the more private stalls as an anomaly and the ones with openings as normal! Edit: Looks to primarily be an American problem. | 31 |
AskReddit/dd21j0w | 5qtvom | What is a reliable way to transfer data from a phone to a pc, without the use of any cables? | I typically just use Google Drive. But that's mostly for the side benefit of being able to access it on other computers and keeping it synced. For little transfers from phone to computer, I've found Pushbullet to be effective, and it'll show your phone's notifications on your computer as well, which can be nice. If you spring for pro, it'll allow you to synch your copy pasting between your phone an computer, which I've used to avoid having to transfer data at time, just copying a download link I found on computer, and pasting into the browser on my phone. If you've got a large amount of data to transfer though, you'll be hard pressed to find a program that'll replace the speed of just hooking up a cable. | 2 |
AskReddit/d48tbxf | 4o1m36 | Why is Orlando considered the worst shooting in U.S. History, when the Wounded Knee Massacre killed 150-300 people? | Typically, actions of the military, however horrific, are not defined as mass shootings. If they were, then Wounded Knee would not even come close to being the worst in American history. To put it another way, why draw the line at Wounded Knee? Why not Bear Creek River? Why not any of the numerous atrocities of the Civil War, Revolutionary War or the French and Indian War? Do you distinguish between those and Wounded Knee? Do you distinguish between those and San Bernardino, Columbine, Sandy Hook, or Orlando? If yes, then how? If no, then the answer is quite simple: your particular definition of mass shooting is much broader than the commonly accepted (albeit rather nebulous) definition used by most people. | 7 |
explainlikeimfive/cvcxchc | 3m8ji7 | How come nobody talks about the dangers of acid rain anymore? | Between better pollution controls and loss of industrial jobs, acid rain is not the problem it used to be in the US. It is a problem in places like China, but people outside of China don't talk about it, because there really isn't anything to be done about it until China decides it wants to do something. | 10 |
AskReddit/ccoxcj0 | 1o5fl7 | What free game should everyone have? | War Thunder on Steam. It is currently a combat flight simulator, which the developers are later hoping to add playable ships and tanks. It is incredible how beautiful the game looks and how smooth everything plays for a free to play game. | 15 |
AskReddit/ef6ca7z | akng3b | What conspiracy theories actually make sense? | The Shadow Government conspiracy theory makes some sense. It claims that there are certain very wealthy individuals, from any kind of religion, who hold more political power than any elected politician. They are the ones truly in power. | 389 |
AskReddit/c0fry99 | a49xn | What to do in New York City at Christmas time? | Ice skating at Bryant Park, Rockefeller Christmas tree lighting, (the snow flakes show across the street every hour at saks 5th ave), there used to be ice sculptures down at the Brooklyn bridge but I guess the city deemed them too dangerous. | 2 |
AskReddit/c2gjol2 | k0czj | Why does Reddit show so much intolerance towards conservatives? | Can I get my snarky, flip answer out of the way? BECAUSE YOU'RE RUINING THE COUNTRY. And I'm only half serious about that. The problem is that modern conservatism is anything but conservative. I doubt many people would have an issue with a fiscal conservative who believed in individual liberty. The problem is that there isn't a single conservative right now, at least one prominent enough to have their name known, who thinks that way. Ron Paul even has a crappy record on LGBT issues. The current leadership of the Republican party and conservatives in general ARE the Michelle Bachmanns, Palins, and Perrys. A new breed of anti-intellectual obfuscators whose main goal seems to be making everything someone else's fault. Economy is bad, Obama. Vote for us instead. Budget is unbalanced, Obama. Even if the budget is not at all in his control. Vote for us instead. They spout off fiscal responsibility and individual freedom rhetoric while fighting against rights for gays, minorities, and workers. At the same time they lower taxes under the guise of sparking the economy when taxes are as low as they've ever been and the economy is almost the worst. They have a fundamental ignorance of history and rely on ideology as opposed to reality. We could solve our crisis by ending wars, reducing defense spending that only defends against bogeymen. That's not what they want though. They want to gut the social net that's keeping the millions safe that 8 years of poor fiscal, responsibility by Bush and the Republican congress, have left stranded. Why end Bush tax cuts on the ultra rich when real data shows that they are getting richer and not creating jobs with that extra money. Reality literally refutes them at every turn. Reddit hates conservatives because conservatives want a plutocracy. You may not, but the people who represent your movement do. The people who represent Republicans, they all are exactly opposite of what is moral, logical, or even consistent with what they preach. Reddit hates conservatives because the Conservative movement is hypocrisy and hatred given mass appeal. | 6 |
explainlikeimfive/cgcea6b | 21f27d | Why is a second 9,192,631,770 oscillations of caesium 133? | Caesium 133 oscillates at a very precise frequency, and the second was already defined (less reliably) as 1/31,556,925.9747 of a year. (And it had been first defined as 1/86,400 of a day). They chose a number that precisely matched that original definition, so all earlier scientific data remains accurate (when you read a paper written in the 60's, a second then is still the same as a second now), but the new definition is based on something stable rather than the length of a year, which can be expected to vary over time. | 6 |
AskReddit/c9ytvh6 | 1ecbxr | What's the best/worst thing to happen to you at a professional sporting event? | Not professional, but probably the funniest thing I have seen at a sporting event. McFetteridge Ice Rink - Near Cicero and Oak Park in the Chicago "suburbs". Our Hockey coach was a guy named Manny. Think Joe Pesci's voice, on ice! Manny is showing us demonstrations for a drill, and every time he comes down to shoot on net, he tries shooting as hard as he can. We are squirts/pee-wees at the time (10-12 ish?) Manny has no accuracy at all. Anyways, one of the other players little sister and brother are in the crowd, literally the only 2 people watching practice. The little sister is doing her homework, and right when the brother leaves her alone, Manny comes flying down the ice, demonstrating his drill, fires a cannon of a slapper, it goes about 20 feet above the goalie, hits this kids little sister. Little bro comes back to his sister bleeding and crying. "SAAAAAAWY", exclaimed Manny. He then continued to skate like nothing happened. Terrible, but hilarious at the same time. | 2 |
AskHistorians/c77e2iv | 13upje | What was Italian food like before they were introduced to the tomato? | Most of the Italian food you are thinking of is the tomato based American versions of Italian food. It would be very simple to take real regional cuisine from Italy and see it without tomato. I don't have any citations, but it is said that Italian food was the basis of Classical French cuisine, so you could see some of the influences there as well. That being said, Italy has a long history. I am speaking of the late middle ages, but Roman cuisine would be much different and there are tons of Chefs that have many recreated ancient recipes. To me, a harder thing to picture would be Korean food without chilies. | 7 |
AskReddit/d5fcdxk | 4t7r87 | What hurts your feelings the most? | Being excluded. My roommates right now are my best friends since Highschool. A few weekends ago they threw some money together to buy a grill, invite a bunch of our buddies together and have a bbq party over at our house. I was not told. I found out the day before when I heard them talking about it. Mind you, they never intended to hurt my feelings, and they only avoided telling me because they found out I had work the day they were planning to have it, but it still hurt pretty bad to be left out like that. They later apologized and felt terrible, but it still sucked at the time. | 3 |
AskReddit/dhdpdq6 | 6adn62 | What movie did you see in theaters, you think you deserve a refund for, it was so bad? | None. I really disagree with people who ask for refunds at the cinema or at a show because of the quality. Really not the theater’s responsibility. You buy a ticket, sometimes it’s good, sometimes it’s not; that’s how life works. Nobody owes you anything if you didn’t enjoy yourself. | 18 |
AskReddit/eg06fes | aoe01f | What was THE incident at your school? | My senior year of high school there was a huge incident where a senior year wrestler was taken out of the school in handcuffs. He was arrested for molesting a couple of freshman wrestlers in the locker room. | 7 |
explainlikeimfive/c389gbk | nddi7 | Why do we feel the need to urinate when there is running water? | It's pretty simple, really. This is an example of Classical (Respondent) Conditioning at its finest. Every time you urinate, you hear the same distinct sound of water running. Pair these 2 things for long enough/consistently enough, and BAM! The sound itself is enough to elicit the behavior of urinating. I would be curious to know, however, if you lived somewhere remote enough that there were no toilets, (especially if somewhere like in zero-gravity, etc., where the sound of urinating was not nearly as prevalent/nonexistent) if this phenomenon would exist at all. EDIT: On that note, as with all conditioning, I would bet that if you were transferred to one of these environments and had sufficient exposure to urinating without hearing this sound, the evocative effect of the sound of running water would virtually disappear - a process known as respondent extinction. | 3 |
AskReddit/cwjmd6j | 3qzfz6 | If every country sealed it's borders and stopped trade with everyone else, which countries would survive and which would fall apart? | The US by far would be the most successful. Massive production per capita and resources to boot. We'd lose some luxuries but we won the cold war for a reason. Plus we could always freedomify our borders and incorporate "involuntary new states" to get the resources we want. | 26 |
AskReddit/eq6wek4 | bxhbsm | What 9-5 office life situations should be made into an episode if they ever re-made The Office? | How about a set up where 60-75% of the staff is 22-28 with multiple degrees, work experience, and can use technology but everyone in management graduated from high school and has only worked at this one company. The young majority can spend each season trying desperately to convince managment to abandon their ancient, broken, unformatted excel sheet and at least update to Google sheets. Then for sweeps week everyone can ask for a basic cost of living raise after posting record profits for the company despite having lost three people that were never replaced, only to be told that raises aren't in the budget this year. By season 5 its just one guy working 90 hour weeks, being berated by five managers who some how have 9 weeks vacation a year and he's making less than when he started and no longer has Healthcare. | 198 |
AskReddit/d54zh2q | 4rxtvw | How can violent crime in the United States be trending at twenty-year lows WHILE mass violence seems so much more prevalent? | One shooting a day with a death toll of one person is more than 1 shooting with 300 deaths. Mass shooting with high numbers can still be part of a lower total if regular acts of violence are reduced. | 3 |
AskHistorians/cikia7f | 29f2t7 | When population growth became observable, how did faiths rooted in reincarnation initially address the "new souls"? | As a disclaimer, no answer to a theological question like this can hope to fully encompass all faiths and interpretations of scripture. I will confine myself to Buddhism; however, please bear in mind I am only giving one possible interpretation of one scripture of that faith. I take your question as assuming that all souls must, instantly, be converted into a new life. There is no reason that this need be the case. Indeed, the Buddha himself taught that there exist an “infinite, unfathomable number of souls” which hardly corresponds to the population at this or any other time. So the present human population cannot be assumed to have any correlation whatsoever to a “maximum” number of souls, after which more must be created. However, this all glosses over the main issue. The Buddha taught his followers: "All living beings, whether born from eggs, from the womb, from moisture, or spontaneously; whether they have form or do not have form; whether they are aware or unaware, whether they are not aware or not unaware, all living beings will eventually be led by me to the final Nirvana, the final ending of the cycle of birth and death. And when this unfathomable, infinite number of living beings have all been liberated, in truth not even a single being has actually been liberated." The concluding line seems a paradox; it is in fact one of Buddhism’s most profound doctrines. For, “if a disciple still clings to the arbitrary illusions of form or phenomena such as an ego, a personality, a self, a separate person, or a universal self existing eternally, then that person is not an authentic disciple." A true disciple of the Buddha cannot speak of any number of beings, since such beings would exist in and of themselves. Thus, the concept of numbering souls to keep up with population growth becomes absurd. The dilemma simply does not exist. This doctrine is known as anatman as opposed to atman. Both of my quotations come from the Buddhist scripture commonly referred to as the Diamond Sutra. If you are interested, the scripture is beautiful, fairly brief, and available for free online. If you want an hard copy, Thich Nhat Hahn’s The Diamond that Cuts through Illusion provides both the text and Hahn’s very readable commentary. Source: The Diamond Sutra Chapter 3 | 14 |
AskReddit/c4xvdqg | urhlm | Is it wrong for me to not want my girlfriend to hang out with other guys who have stated that they are attracted to her? | It's not wrong for you to want that. It would be wrong for you to try to enforce it. What you're basically saying is that you don't trust her. You're saying that if she's in proximity to men that find her attractive her panties will just fall off. If I were her and you asked me to cut out any male friends I had because you thought they were attracted to me i'd think long and hard about whether you were right for me. Sure, I'd understand if she flirts back, dances topless for them, or if a specific one said he was going to seduce her. But you can't just blankety tell her to ditch all men who aren't you. All you can do is let her be friends with who she likes then see if you can trust her or not. | 14 |
askscience/ds9fouk | 7obw1g | How do scientists teach Gorillas sign language, and how complex is their speech? | Koko it is said, has the IQ of a five year old human. They teach them just like you teach a human baby, by pairing signs with the most important things that a gorilla wants or needs first, like food and water, etc. IIRC chimpanzees actually tend to have a better time with learning it especially if they start when they are very young. So the human would start with three signs and be sure to use those every time they feed the chimp or give it something to drink. Also they use sign language a lot around the gorillas or chimps just like you would a human child. Eventually they pick up on the words or signs that are important or interesting to them or the ones that are repeated the most. The first psychologists who did this with a chimp raised him in their house like he was their child. They are able to express emotion and a good understanding of basic cause and effect but I don't think they are able to like get into complex subjects like "Why am I here, what is morality, why are you holding me here, I want my freedom" type of thinking. | 6 |
explainlikeimfive/dnfptak | 724u5z | Where does the energy for gravity come from? | gravity is like magnetism, its not creating energy, but it does have stored energy. Once 2 objects collide, you'd have to invest energy to separate them for them to collide again. The original energy that separated everything came from the big bang theory. Everything that comes back together since then is recapturing some of that. | 11 |
AskReddit/ccmcd2g | 1nv70v | What is something you were told as a kid, misunderstood, and believed for many years? | My patents got divorced and my mom told me she just 'married the wrong man'. For a long time (longer then I'm proud of) I believed she had literally turned up to the wrong wedding and married the wrong groom by mistake - I thought that nobody realised because she was wearing a veil, and that by the time they realised it was too late so everybody just kinda went along with it. | 3 |
AskReddit/cvvo3wf | 3obcfj | What's something you got addicted to that you never thought you would? | heroin. I never thought I'd get to that level. Went from prescription pain killers to heroin. fast. Was able to shake it off and have been clean for five years. Never looked back. | 19 |
AskReddit/c2kmpgy | kizs2 | What about the woman's handshake? | I really don't think most women were ever taught to shake hands properly. My (female) middle school orchestra teacher took a day of class right before we preformed solos and taught everyone how to properly shake hands. And then made us do it until she was satisfied. I suppose it worked. I'm a female and I've had multiple guys look surprised after I shake their hand and comment on the fact that I have a very firm handshake. | 3 |
explainlikeimfive/cpuafbx | 30oa54 | What incentive is there to make open source software? | Fun, pride, curiosity, benevolence, belonging, camaraderie are pretty big reasons. Also, if I add a feature of my own (which other people would be interested in) to an open source project and then contribute that feature back to the project, I get highly skilled peer review of the feature, help maintaining it and optimizing it, and encourage others to extend and improve it yet further which extension I then get to use myself. If I used the open-source software but kept my improvements to it private, I wouldn't get those benefits. Having a good reputation at contributing to open source software can also turn into job offers and consulting gigs. | 5 |
AskReddit/c1vf6k4 | hhg7v | What annoying thing does your body do? | I have dermographia. If anything scratches me, or slaps me pretty hard, it will welt for about 20 minutes. You can actually see hand prints. It's weird/annoying but it's a good drunken party trick | 61 |
AskReddit/d439lja | 4ndr4p | What crime would you commit if you knew you would get away with it? | I have a Learner License at the moment. Near my parents house, there is a newly built, two-lane highway with perfect visibility. And a speedlimit of 80. Not 80 mph, 80kph (or 50 mph for the metrically challenged). If I (and my dad) knew I could 100% get away with it, I would go 100 kph every time. Unless the conditions aren't good of course. Just being able to get away with it doesn't make me invincible. | 3 |
AskReddit/cdcke4x | 1qgdhb | What's the most notorious crime committed in your city or town? | Not really notorious, but one I've never forgotten. A guy decided to rob a beauty school in my town, while a class was in session. It was all going pretty well for him until he called one woman (the teacher, I think) Big Mama. Big Mama attacked him with her hot curling iron, and them all the women descended on him, beating him with their hot curling irons until the police came. | 178 |
AskReddit/cigczcd | 290t7w | Have there ever been any major charities that have had to close down because they successfully cured the disease/problem they were trying to? | I asked Kyle Petty this. For those who don't know Kyle has a charity called victory junction gang. I asked what he would do if this place if all childhood diseases were cured. He was like "I don't know, maybe just bring in poor kids." | 5 |
AskReddit/dy6ewy2 | 8ftrbg | What's the weirdest place you've made a friend? | I was in high school at a play rehearsal. it was 10 at night. I walked outside, and one of the actors walked up to me. " do you want to see my knives," he opened his jacket to reveal about 10 knives. I invited him over to my house, he picked me up by the ankles and spun me around till I couldn't see. we've been best friends for 15 years now. best men at each other's weddings, he's still a little strange though. | 2 |
AskReddit/cpmszwi | 2zw1wn | Why do otherwise legal activities become illegal only when money is involved? | I would imagine because the exchange of currency on any significant scale starts infringing on Big Brother's cut. If you're selling something, for instance, you can give it away for free no sweat, but selling it without paying taxes is a big no no. If you're providing a service, sure, you can volunteer, but unreported income or unlicensed work done for money can cause all sorts of legal headaches. | 2 |
AskReddit/dg9afxo | 65cszn | What was your biggest "Thank God" moment? | When my son was in the NICU fighting for his life and the doctors kept testing how well he would do off of the highest ventilator, then the CPAP headgear, then cannulas. Those were several "thank God" moments as he was successfully weaned off of all of it. The biggest "thank God" moment though, was exiting those NICU doors with our baby in tow | 2 |
AskReddit/ch532zv | 24a667 | Are there fewer women in technology related fields (like programming) because of sexism, or is it that women just don't WANT those type of jobs? | The whole tech/gaming/programming culture that hooks so many boys while they're still in public school also treats girls as outsiders and makes for a very uninviting gateway to IT careers for women. If they aren't interested in grade and high school, they won't become interested later on. | 6 |
AskReddit/etzpibj | ce7kbq | What’s something you found at a friend's house that made you change the way you felt about them? | Found a copy of mein kampf at a friends house and confronted him about it what ensued was two hours of antisemitism ranting and the most awkward sleepover of my life to date | 4 |
AskReddit/ds0uo1z | 7ncdlp | What are some things you should NOT buy used? | Any kind of helmet that you plan to use for it's intended purpose (motorcycle, bicycle etc) but using for a costume is fine. Baby car seats. They aren't meant to last more than a few years and won't be safe after a single accident. Baby strollers: you don't know the condition of the materials in those. Mattresses. Just, ew Any electronics that were stored or used around smokers. I bought a laptop used and I didn't notice the stench until after I took it home and couldn't figure out why my apartment smelled like an ash tray. Anything that is made for safety. You don't know what it was used for in the past and it could have been misshandled and thus making it not as safe as it was intended (this goes back to heltmets or safety straps) I frequent used shops and these are just some of the things you shouldn't buy. | 2 |
AskReddit/c250ndh | imuw1 | Can I get a recipe that I can impress my other early-mid 20's friends with? | Here's a side dish that will impress. It's stir friend brocolli. Takes 10 min to make, and it'll actually get people to eat their veggies. 1) Get some brocolli florets. 2) Steam them until bright green (but still crunchy). Takes just a few min. 3) Heat up some olive oil in a skillet. Add garlic, ginger, red pepper. 4) Add brocolli, stir fry on high for, oh, 1-2 min. 5) Salt to taste | 2 |
AskReddit/d0kgyu1 | 48l3mj | Why do prison sentences go beyond 100+ years? | Because various factors can reduce time in prison. For example, some states have a system where good behavior can count as multiple days. So a 100-year prison sentence can be served, in say, 50. | 6 |
AskReddit/eqib5pv | byjohy | How does someone get over rejection? | I think it comes down to knowing your self worth, because there are so many different types of rejection. If you can truly be content with who you are as a person, and know where you want to go in life you will probably overcome rejection faster. It usually just takes time and an understanding that you define how you react to situations and try to move forward. Just my opinion. | 2 |
AskReddit/ca3iteg | 1eta4b | How old we're you when you met your current best friend? | We were 13. I met my first best friend at age 4, we are 41 & she recently de-friended & blocked me on Facebook b/c I frequently don't call her back as soon as she would like. So I guess I can't count her anymore. But my current best friend & I met the summer before 7th grade. | 2 |
AskReddit/cdm9dq0 | 1rdxk5 | What is something that happened when you were a child that you always felt responsible for, whether or not it was actually your fault? | My parents getting divorced. I know now it wasn't my fault but, then it felt like it was. My mom had been cheating on my dad and taking us kids to the other guys house. For my birthday one year, her guy got me a game.took it home and dad was all like "cool, where'd you get that from?" I said "moms guy friend.she takes us there all the time" Divorce process began shortly after. | 2 |
AskReddit/ewvrw5l | cqeovt | Who were your best and worst teachers in high school? | I had a number of excellent teachers but my calculus teacher, Mr. Simons stands out. He taught us the foundations of calculus and statistics rather than just having us memorize formulas. Honorable mentions go to Ms. Oates and Ms. Deluzaine. My worst teacher was my science teacher, Mr. Kibbler. He had us making grain alcohol in class and then drank it in the back office. He was frequently to inebriated to teach anything useful. | 2 |
AskReddit/cv0sdau | 3kv4xx | What is something you admire about another countries culture/behaviour? | I love how Bosnians (especially in Sarajevo where I spent the most time) have chosen to look to the future and not dwell in the past. I was there last year and though you can still see the damage from the war they are so extremely forward looking. Their stories are fresh but their eyes are definitely on the future I have been traveling for over 25 years and Bosnia really is one of the most diverse countries I have visited and Sarajevo is now one of my top 5 cities. I LOVED it! | 3 |
askscience/c85vhta | 17ids5 | Would any of the pre-Wright brothers aircraft designs work with modern technology? | A disclaimer: I don't feel I have enough historical knowledge to give a definitive answer to this question, but I will do my best from a background of modern aerodynamics. Basically, I don't think it's a straightforward yes or no, and it's not just about materials. The fundamental physics that explains flight is fluid dynamics, which had been understood since the 1700s. It's actually very easy to design something that generates lift - say, a simple flat plate inclined at an angle. This can easily be seen by changing the frame of reference such that the plate is stationary. An oncoming stream of air will be deflected down by the plate, so in the original frame of reference the plate will be deflected up by the air. The difficulty then was the engineering problem of finding a design efficient enough to sustain the weight of the machine given the power input. So given sufficiently strong, light materials, I have no problem supposing that early designs could remain in the air. In fact, Lilienthal, Langley and others had made successful test flights with gliders and unmanned models before the Wrights. However, even if older designs could be made to fly, they may be dangerous. Indeed, Lilienthal died when his glider nosedived because it was unstable. Building a succesful aeroplane requires perfecting aerodynamics, stability and control. The "first flight" is usually attributed to the Wright brothers due to their advances in all three. Their most innovative advance was probably realising the true function of an aircraft rudder was a stability mechanism rather than a steering device. But a large part of their success was simply experimenting tirelessly, honing their designs until they found something that worked. In this respect, they made no truly fundamental advances, but played harder with the existing knowledge than anyone else and found a successful solution first. I would view aviation not so much as being first enabled by some fundamental advance, but more by a gradual process of experimentation (by aviators across the world). | 2 |
explainlikeimfive/cpka4ty | 2zlx8h | How did the US tax code become this complicated? | Because the US tax code is used as a policy administration route for all kinds of incentives and disincentives, from encouraging energy-efficient appliances to home ownership, subsidizing child care, encouraging rich people to not worry about capital gains, and discouraging going without health insurance. Doing all this social engineering makes things complex. | 7 |
AskReddit/cia0nmk | 28e1s3 | What is one trick you do to keep your apartment/room/house clean? | This isn't a huge trick, but I realize I do laundry more now that my apartment is all on one floor. When I was in a townhouse, my room was on the top floor and my washer and drier was on the bottom floor. I would only take it to the laundry area when I ran out of clothes. Now that I have it all on one floor, my laundry stays in one place. | 2 |
explainlikeimfive/cgupecx | 2390t5 | Why does my camera take rectangular photos (horizontal vs. vertical orientation) even though the lens is circular? | So many answers. Here are some: First off, there are cameras which take square pictures. But most don't. Movies are rectangular because they want to show multiple people side-by-side. Since movies are an important source of pictures, it makes sense to have rectangular photos too. Most analog cameras (your dad's camera) were 35 mm cameras. The film they used is the same film that was used for shooting most major movies. The film has a fixed width of 24 mm. Film (as in movie) cameras expose the picture sideways onto the film strip - each frame is 24 mm wide and about 16 mm high. That resolution was not sufficient for good still images (moving images require less resolution). So still cameras expose pictures lengthwise onto the film strip, making each frame 24 mm high and 36 mm wide. So this was done to gain some more resolution while using film which already existed. Using square images would have made the frames 24x24, which would have had less resolution. Monitors and TVs are rectangular for various reasons. It makes sense to have a format which matches that. Paper and thus tablets are rectangular. Again, it makes sense to have a format which matches that. | 8 |
explainlikeimfive/dp53eyp | 79vo6t | Why snow builds up on grass before hard surfaces like concrete? | Surfaces like concrete absorb and retain heat from the sun more than grass. Concrete is also warmed by the geothermal heat of the ground below. Grass doesn't hold on to heat as well and the grass itself provides shade that protects the snow from the sun. Grassy areas also hold on to moisture better, and water melts snow faster than dry air does. And concrete or asphalt surfaces are often salted to speed melting and prevent icing. | 2 |
AskReddit/cprtutl | 30f45p | Do you think not defending (Insert Fandom) makes you less of a fan, even to avoid an unnecessary confrontational situation? | Nah. Imo, just because you don't feel the need to be all aggressive about your fandom doesn't make you less of a fan. Avoiding unnecessary confrontation makes you a better fan, I think, because it doesn't give other fans a bad name. | 4 |
askscience/cmrw3f2 | 2oxxzg | How fast would a lightning surge travel in the power grid? | For all intents and purposes, the surge arrives at the plug when the flash from the lightning bolt does. Your friends' reflexes are going to dominate that time. The human brain has a well-documented 80 millisecond "lag" between sensory input and understanding it, and this dwarfs all the numbers involved. Assuming the bolt strikes 5 miles away (25 seconds for the thunderclap), the surge hits 134 microseconds after the flash arrives. Even if you started pulling the absolute INSTANT the flash arrives (using laboratory-grade detectors and explosive bolts), the plug still has to be pulled out at nearly 200 miles an hour to avoid the surge hitting while the prongs are still in contact with the socket. It's all moot though, because power grids have diverters to ground lightning strikes, and your laptop power brick is designed to handle the small surges that make it past the diverter. | 4 |
explainlikeimfive/cghjwrm | 21y5dc | Why are internet upload speeds always much slower than download speeds? | The average consumer doesn't need to upload a lot of data very quickly - thats the sort of thing that servers are for. Rather, the vast majority of what the average consumer is downloading content. In order to restrict consumers from using the cheaper consumer-grade internet accounts for trying to host things like webservers or fileservers, upload speed is usually much smaller than download speed. TL;DR - its primarily to ensure that consumers don't try to use the non-business tier internet packages for trying to host business/commercial servers or services. Edit: to add, as other users have noted, this isn't necessarily universal, but where you do see it, its likely because of the needs of the demographics being more download-focused rather than upload-focused. | 18 |
AskReddit/ecbr6yu | a8lf0e | What will be the next thing that "offends" people? | Stuff that doesn't really have anything to do with them, and isn't even offending the people they are offended on behalf of. I remember a story about a mom who had a Japanese style tea party with her daughter, and posted a picture. All these white Facebook warriors jumped on her for how offensive it was, cultural appropriation, and all that. Of course the post from an actual Japanese person was talking about how they got so many of the small details right, and how much they enjoyed seeing other people enjoying their culture. | 19 |
AskReddit/es05ypr | c57xav | What is the fattest lie ever told to your face? | My ex girlfriend lied about being abused by her mum. She’s blind. She told me that as a child her mum would deliberately put objects in front of her so she’d trip over so she could learn that falling down it okay as long as you get back up again. She later admitted that this, among other ridiculous stories she’d told, were total lies. | 2 |
askscience/c4jgvzg | t4261 | If oxytocin (the "love hormone") was synthesized as a drug and administered to people, would its affect be akin to artificial love? | Sorry to be late to the party, but there are numerous reports of people using oxytocin in psych studies. To bypass the blood-brain barrier, they give it intranasally. Why this works is complicated, but it has been shown repeatedly to allow larger proteins, nanoparticles and even stem cells to brain (it's actually the main pathway I focus on in my research). Search Pubmed for "intranasal + oxytocin" and you'll get an idea of the studies done. | 8 |
AskReddit/cc2c7ao | 1lsnpk | What (reasonably priced) product, service or activity makes you feel rich? | Instead of going out to restaurants (which are incredibly expensive in my country), I like to make restaurant-type foods at home. It usually takes a long time to make, but it ends up better than in a restaurant. Fresher ingredients, and long preparation time, make for a tastier dish. So, when it's successful, I feel really rich, because not only did I just eat a meal fit for a king, but I saved myself a bunch of money, too. | 2 |
AskReddit/ef66wiz | akncva | What is the weirdest thing you’ve saw or found on the subway? | Not subway but tram related found a drug addict overdosing at a shelter. I watched him for a good 10 mins before I realised his lips turned blue. I rang an ambulance and started heart compressions and waited for the medics to arrive. In fairness they were like 5 mins they gave him a shot he gets up and grumbles something incoherent and walks off. I was like wtf you give him. (Nexterone apparently) | 2 |