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AskReddit/e10m9qt | 8sm4fp | What is your first memory? | My first clear memory would have to be when I was around 7. My great uncle, who was the closest thing to a grandfather I ever had, was in the hospital. Mom had taken me up there to see him and say goodbye because she knew he wasn't going to make it. Seeing him laying there in that hospital bed with all the tubes attached keeping him going essentially terrified me. I refused to go up to him or speak. I still regret that, as it was the last time I saw him. | 2 |
AskReddit/elvro2c | bhstil | What is the WORST way to let someone know a loved one of theirs has died? | I was 13. My twin and I were at my grandmas house for a school vacation. Our aunt died and my grandma told me. She then told me it was my job to tell my twin. I told her at breakfast. I said "aunt Betty is dead here are your pancakes". Needless to say 9 years later my twin is still pretty traumatized by this. So my answer to this question is the worst way to tell someone a loved one is dead is make a 13 y. o. Do it. | 16 |
AskReddit/esogigb | c8p8vl | How dark does the dark web really get? | Imagine an idea (like drug selling or hitmen) being a western product. Then imagine all these Chinese knock offs (most dark web websites) trying to capitalize on the success of the idea. Sure some Chinese knock offs work but most are fake. | 3 |
AskReddit/cs64zem | 39sif6 | What is an 'odd' eating habit you have? | I hold my fork/spoon differently depending on what Im eating. If it's spaghetti it's with the whole fist, if it's soup it's properly between the index and middle finger with the thumb to balance, and with cereal it's holding onto the end of the handle with the most relaxed grip and no thumb to balance it. Im basically catapulting my Special K into my mouth. | 2 |
AskReddit/c99pczw | 1bss55 | What random social experiment do you catch yourself regularly conducting with no apparent reason why? | I am going to guess that "conduct social experiment" is code for "act like a jerk for no actual reason and pretend it's for science because that makes it seem more high minded even though I am not actually doing anything scientific and am just bothering or hurting people for my own amusement" | 3 |
AskReddit/eisr6z1 | b2hkcl | What’s something you’re so glad you did? | eh, might not be as relatable to everyone, but I am so glad I switched majors in college. I entered since I scored straight As in Chemistry in high school, and even did well in my first year. But I realised my heart was in the social services, and figured there's no point in spending three more years studying Chemistry, only to not use it. It may not be the most applicable thing for everyone, but the amount of times people told me not to bother switching was a lot. Even faculty staff kept telling me it was impossible to switch, and I could "never" graduate on time if I did. I proved that with proper module mapping I could easily do so, but they kept citing how it goes against their standard practice. I had to talk all the way up to the Vice Dean to get them to process my transfer application, and honestly, if not for the Head of Department of my new major (Social Work) being so passionate in helping, I'm not sure if my application would have gone through. Could imagine if I wasn't convicted by my experiences in working with two schools mentoring youths on the spectrum that I would have just stayed in a major I would not have wanted to work in after graduation. | 128 |
AskReddit/cb6flye | 1iod3b | What is an event that has happened to you that makes you question everything? | I left my house at the age if 16 and moved away to a different city in my province. The reason I did this was because I was failing every class in highschool and I needed a fresh start so i could graduate, move back home and help out my mother who was struggling to make it on her own with welfare. Well fast forward to my final exams in grade 12 and my mother passes away. I was deeply religious before that happened and after that I ditched all thought of god or heaven or anything. My only goal was to graduate so I can move back home and help support my mother. | 2 |
AskReddit/c17inqr | eejzm | What do you think other people believe about where you live? | I live in Munich. I imagine people believe the germans are giants that drink beer all day. They would be correct. I am from the town that The Waterboy is based in. I imagine that is exactly what most people think we are like. | 2 |
AskReddit/d0cj52o | 47fhhb | What's the best day trip you can do with 20 friends? | In my area, due to some good ones being only about an hour away, it is common for groups to go on day trips to the wineries. The vineyards are all set up for such tourists and have cellar door shops and wine tastings. | 2 |
AskReddit/c212r68 | i5gct | Are naps beneficial, or are they bad for me? | I usually hate taking naps because I feel sick after I wake up from them. Then again the only time I don't feel sick after I wake up is if I get like 9-12 hours of sleep, which: a) almost never happens except on weekends, and b) ruins my day because I miss so much half of it. Typically this is because said 9-12 hour sessions will start at 4:00 AM on weekends. | 2 |
AskReddit/eip3x6z | b1yz59 | As a 17 year old soon entering the real world, what is some advice you could give me that would really make it a lot easier? | Have fun and enjoy your youth, but remember to never make life altering decisions without putting serious thought and consideration into it. Buying a car, taking on a job, getting married, having kids, choosing a place to live. All of these things can potentially alter the outcome of your life well into your late twenties and onwards, so don’t make decisions the day that they’re presented to you if it can be helped(emergencies happen sometimes and you will have to make decisions quick sometimes). But don’t rush into things you don’t have to. If you meet the person you think is the love of your life, good for you, but live with them for a year. See what they’re like outside of dates and in their normal everyday life. Find the car or house of your dreams? Awesome, but even if you can afford it, ask for a copy of the paperwork and have a trusted friend look it over, and get a good night’s sleep to think on it. If you wake up in the morning and have second thoughts, it’s OK to back out. Hope this helps you�� | 114 |
askscience/c611jf5 | z2rfn | What happens to a molecule when one of its constituent atoms undergoes radioactive decay? | It depends on the type of decay, and the molecule in question. Alpha decay (the emission of a helium nucleus) is rather violent and will likely have enough reverberation to destroy the molecule. If the reverberation does not destroy the bonds then the molecule must still be able to share bonds between its atoms. Beta decay (the emission of an electron or positron) is less violent and so may not destroy bonds, however this does shift the atom to the next element and it is possible that the new compound is not a valid combination, which would cause the molecule to break up from lack of viable connection (this is because the positive force of the nucleus now has a different pull on the electrons being shared). Any type of radiation (alpha, beta, or gamma) could also destroy the molecule if the particle emitted collided with or caused ionization to either atom. There may be other outcomes or cases but this is a rather complicated question. Edit: I suppose to answer your example, yes some of the CH4 may decay into NH4. This would be under beta decay (an electron would be emitted in this process and that electron may be captured by one of the atoms and ionize it thus destabilizing the molecule, I cannot say how likely either case is). | 39 |
AskReddit/eq01ap6 | bwstgm | What makes you feel less lonely? | Just being in public and around people will make you feel less lonely, even if you don't talk to them. Take up an outdoor hobby to give you a reason to be out in public. I fish fairly often and I've met tons of people, some that I still talk to because they ask if I've caught anything yet. | 2 |
AskReddit/drwonmr | 7jwvck | What's your story from a tabletop role-playing game session? | Ah, coming in a little late, but here's one of my favourite stories: We were infiltrating a garden party, mostly by pretending to be performers. Our brawler is arm-wrestling other partygoers as a strongman act, when one of the most powerful NPCs in the game saunters up and asks him for a wrestle. This guy is, like, a 10ft tall end-level-boss looking bloke. Earlier, when our berserker tried to think of 'the cruellest, most sadistic person alive', the DM said this guy came to mind. Our healer subtly 'heals' (read: buffs) the brawler's muscles, giving him a step up in strength, and the two lock arms. Our brawler rolls a total of. 21, or something? The other guy, Lord Bigshot, critically fails on all 3 dice. The table breaks (I'm surprised his arm didn't too). The guy's pride is forever wounded. He throws a drink in my blood mage's face (she cries) and we never see him again. Byeee. (Our healer actually had a thing for 'healing' things that didn't need healing to buff them. The DM just let him. He once tried to cure my character's emotional trauma, but failed, so instead he just paralysed her, so she was still having a panic attack, but couldn't physically show it, which the DM described as 'somehow worse'. Love that guy.) | 2 |
explainlikeimfive/ccmrtdk | 1nwurp | If both Nuclear Fission and Fusion generate energy, why don't we have infinite energy? | You don't use the same elements in fusion and fission. The whole reason the respective processes can generate energy is because the nuclear reaction results in a nucleus that is more stable than the starting nuclei. You use a heavy element - such as uranium - for fission, while you use a light element - such as hydrogen - for fusion. You cannot reverse those and still get energy out of the reaction. | 8 |
AskReddit/dwnznqu | 88xoxi | What is something you hated but now love? | Overwatch. Played the beta and hated it. Thought it was hot trash on a stick and I didn't understand the craze. Gave it a few days and my friends were into it so I said fine I'll give it another go amd try to actually learn the game for what it's supposed to be. I preordered it 6 hours later and had a painful week of waiting till release day. | 2 |
explainlikeimfive/cyskob5 | 409lkv | Why are some sounds only audible through headphones ? | That particular video has poorly mixed audio. The glaring error that you've found is that the vocals are mostly out-of-phase between left and right so that when summed to mono, the vocal drops drastically in level. Whatever you first listened with was mono, the headphones were stereo allowing each of the two vocal signals to sound at the intended level. | 13 |
AskReddit/ccl7bt1 | 1nr1jm | What was the event that made you believe in God? | Wow, I guess I will try to make up for these rude comments. I actually don't believe in God because all evidence that supposedly supports a god existing is either guesswork, assumptions, or just loosely translated ancient writings & random interpretations of those translations. And these things are presented as facts when, unfortunately, they are not. I know this isn't the kind of reply you were asking for, but I just wanted to make up for any and all rude comments denouncing the existence of a god. | 9 |
explainlikeimfive/c5ska0z | y5q32 | Why do things like metal and water feel cooler than the room temperature when all other things are at same temperature as well? | What you feel isn't temperature, but heat transfer. Metal and water transfer heat better than, say, wood, so they feel colder at the same temperature. (Below your body temperature, at least; above, metal and water feel hotter than wood at the same temperature.) | 103 |
askscience/c2w2770 | lw26i | Why do rainbows form in an arch? | Related question: how far into/past infrared and UV do rainbows go? It can't be primarily just in the visible spectrum, can it? Is the rainbow actually much, much wider than the visible light would suggest? | 8 |
AskReddit/eloq8kq | bgz0ud | What’s the craziest thing you’ve heard your neighbors yelling about? | Lived in a townhouse where we shared a wall with our neighbor, a wall that extended into a courtyard outside. I had my bedroom window open one day and heard a guy outside, loudly crying to his friend about how his wife had grabbed the kids and run off with some other guy to Puerto Rico. I told my roommate later and she pointed out that we hadn't seen the wife and kids in about a month. Felt bad for him, he sold the house about a month later. | 2 |
AskReddit/cb2dv51 | 1i9tl0 | What about your appearance makes you the most insecure, and why does it make you feel this way? | Yup weight. I'm a curvy girl, few pounds over curvy, but I can pretty easily hide my tummy and thighs and arms with certain clothes. Makes me feel bad for my boyfriend when the clothes come off, it's like haha just kidding, your girlfriend's body is not as nice as you may have thought. | 2 |
AskReddit/da62ng3 | 5dny9t | Which movie plot was genuinely so confusing that you still don't have it entirely figured out to this day? | the original Ghost in the Shell. It's been a while since I watched it, I was pretty young too, but I think if I watched it right now I still could not tell you what really went on in it if you asked me. .and while I am talking about confusing anime, the show Serial Experiments Lain. | 8 |
explainlikeimfive/c3s4yon | ptmkt | If it costs more in legal fees to fight a ticket than to actually pay it, why don't cops pull everyone over? | Firstly 5mph over the limit is still breaking the law, I don't think you can really argue that it isn't; and 5mph is actually a significant value. - You may have a case if you can prove that your speedometer and/or the cops was faulty (or any equipment they use) and you had adequate reason to believe they were reading correctly, (but the law allows for margin of error anyway that would cover this) But I guess that's not the real question you are asking is it, more why don't the cops just go around busting everyone for anything and hope no one fights back and make a lot of money? Well, that's simple. Because people do fight back. People are always criticizing police methods, to keep what they do, fair and just. People agree that speeding is harmful, and allow the cops to enforce a law to limit speed. If they use a method that we don't like, to enforce that law, we fight back. That's why speed cameras are such a hot topic. They have been fought against in court many times, and proven that errors do occur. Many counties and cities are now removing or minimizing speed cameras because of such. | 5 |
AskReddit/d7qyzb7 | 538ruj | How does one become more extroverted? | A single extroverted friend can make a huge difference especially if they care about you even a little. They can introduce you to people and groups of people but still be there for you to chat with. More often than not the people you meet are somewhat introverted themselves. Everyone is trying dude. | 2 |
AskReddit/c28v33j | j3nk1 | How can one not make a generalization/stereotype without making conversations incredibly long? | Our brain uses a lot of heuristics (shortcuts) to assess the world. One way it does that is by making assumptions based on experience. In terms of group stereotypes the most prevalent heuristic is called the availability heuristic, which basically means that we make assumptions on what a person is like or what a group is like based on how quickly examples come to mind. For example, try to think about whether there are more words starting with the letter 'R' or have it as the third letter. You want to say starting with but there are actually far less. They just come to mind far quicker. It's the same with stereotypes, extreme examples come to mind far quicker than people who are 'normal' and it creates the idea that a whole group is similar. Note: A really good example of the availability heuristic is that a lot of people think that we live in incredibly violent times, where crime is rampant. The truth is that we live in the safest time that has ever existed but because we constantly hear stories about crime on T.V we can easily think of examples and therefore over-estimate the prevalence. | 2 |
AskReddit/ec7hl57 | a82lrn | What's the unluckiest chain of things you've experienced or seen? | I had a week in which I had a chemistry final, a presentation, and then a math final tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday. The weekend before these exams, someone bumped into me while I was carrying boiling tea, leading to bad second-degree burns on my left breast. I got it taken care of, had to keep it bandaged and ointmented, etc. Then, the Monday night before my Chem exam, literally a few days later, I had an allergic reaction to something (still don't know what) and my throat and face swelled up and I spent more time in urgent care. Then, the day my presentation would have been ( I got an extension when I stumbled into class with a bandaged chest) I slammed my finger in a window and couldn't use my hand for a while. Had a blood blister under my nail for months. Felt safer after that last one -- all bad things come in threes, so I figured things couldn't get worse. | 3 |
AskReddit/ek7d7wo | b9wdve | What was the weirdest instance of deja vu you’ve experienced? | A few years ago, I was standing in line one morning in a local coffee shop. I’ve never frequented this particular shop, but I was short on time and it’s closer to work. Anyway! I was two or three people deep in the line, and could hear the conversation that the cashier was having with the customer at the head of the line. Nothing unusual, just a routine “hey how’s your week going” conversation, but I suddenly KNEW that the customer was going to tell her that he was going out of town the following weekend. He did. So there I was, suddenly paying attention, and KNEW how the rest of the conversation was going to go. Both sides of the conversation! I felt like I was somehow outside of the experience, watching them have this chat while his coffee was prepped, and it was as if I was re-watching a scene I’d seen before. It only lasted a few moments, basically until he got his order and left the line, but I’ve never forgotten it, and looking back, it was super cool �� | 2 |
AskReddit/dxj6fpf | 8czc4f | What are Americans good at doing? | Hypocrisy. I mean really: we founded a constitution based on "all men being created equal," as long as that wasn't Native American men, slaves, etc. For a 100 years we where that way, until it became too embarrassing and we had a civil war over it. Slaves where freed and for about 10 years we where true to our word (The Reformation) then we decided "separate but equal is equal", and slavery came back in everything but name. Another hundred years of oppression in the "The Land Of The Free", and we finally fight someone worse than us: the Nazis! Oppression goes on as usual, but at least we're not Nazis! Red Scare, Viet Nam, Korean War, Iran Contra, Cuban Missile Crises, all the while declaring ourselves "the good guys." (Edit: spelling) | 4 |
AskReddit/dl26taf | 6r4fbs | How do help someone that has a problem with alcohol? | People with alcohol problem usually have pain to kill. Kill the pain, kill the problem. Personally, I never had a drinking problem, but I still gave up alcohol after LSD. LSD made me see alcohol in a different way and I decided I didn't need it in my life. | 3 |
explainlikeimfive/e7hwp63 | 9mvrfx | How are background checks conducted? | At the basic level, any time you have any interaction with law enforcement this meaning arrest or criminal action. This is entered into a computerized database. Note this is all public record. So say a company is hiring you and wants to check your background. They take your information and give it to a company who uses it to check the database and see if anything pops up. For government jobs, depending on the clearance you’ll have more intensive where they do that, check credit, and conduct in person interviews. TLDR: They google a criminal database to see if you’re in it. | 5 |
AskReddit/dtgabcp | 7tyryl | If life was a video game, what level would you be? | The level where in an RPG you finally get through the linear parts to the open world and you’re just overwhelmed like Holy - side quests galore and yet you still have to kinda do the main quest since the game keeps prompting you to make progress? Usually like level 20 something. | 5 |
askscience/cg1qgvs | 20bqp0 | Does all lead come from decayed uranium? | All lead does not come from decayed uranium. Lead is also be formed with the other heavy metals in a supernova, through various different processes. There are different isotopes of lead that are naturally occurring, forming from both supernovae and uranium decay. | 9 |
AskReddit/c6sxyse | 1284hy | What do you consider the statute of limitations on re-posts? | I think that people who are concerned with the statue of limitations on re-posts are the kinds of people who are considerate enough to not re-post frivolously in the first place, and thus not the kind of people that I am concerned with stopping from re-posting. | 2 |
AskReddit/c13k4eg | dwz6b | What makes Ubuntu, RedHat, Unix, Solaris, and other similar operating systems so special? | Part of it is the technology, but a lot of it is the philosophy. They are open source, meaning anyone can read the code used to implement them. They are also developed openly and collectively rather than by a single company in the dark. The reason you don't know about them is that they are generally a wee bit behind, at least with respect to desktop (rather than server) features, relative to the shiniest new things in Windows and OS X. "Hackers" don't like to think about usability very much. They are also more difficult to debug should anything go wrong -- like another poster said, everything is a file. A very cryptic file that you can't even find in the first place much less edit because each one uses its own idiosyncratic syntax. Microsoft and Apple instead give you graphical configuration, and just overall pay far more attention to you, the new and unskilled users, than Unix and Linux. They are written and designed by programmers and network administrators for programmers and network administrators basically. Interesting note: these operating systems are basically equally despised by the academic operating systems research community; they are built on hacks upon hacks. | 2 |
AskReddit/d1na7ue | 4d1sqb | What movie would make an awesome video game? | Despicable Me. Not so much the characters or story but rather the theme of competing freelance supervillians building and managing their secret bases, recruiting minions, developing superweapons, pitching for venture capital from competing secret evil organizations and rogue despotic governments, running missions/crimes, defending against the good guys, and so on. It could make for a good card game too. | 3 |
explainlikeimfive/ctj6v0n | 3ex4ts | Why do we only remember the good parts of a relationship? | Chemicals / Hormone dependency no doubt. But it's not really true is it? After a while Jack starts to not miss Jill, because his addiction to her wears off. Then he starts to mostly remember how manipulative and abusive she was. Eventually that level of frustration dissipates as well, and Jack begins to realize that he himself wasn't perfect either. Eventually Jack will probably miss parts of Jill, and be reminded why they are no longer together just as often. Are you having a hard time, Jack? | 3 |
AskReddit/dtomicu | 7v0v2g | What type of customers do you despise at your place of work? | I've been working professionally as an artist for years now. The customers that scoff at the prospect of being charged more because they asked for 10+ different revisions that look nothing like what they originally asked for. Fortunately they are rare. | 8 |
AskReddit/c11d8oa | dmruo | How do you snap out of depression? | You don't snap out of it. It's just that you try to improve from day to day (often you will fail) and then one day you look back and realize how much better life is now compared to 3 months ago. Here's what worked for me. (Note that I have no real experience with clinical depression. I will leave that to the professionals.) Know what you're depressed about - If you're in denial about the problem, you'll never get out of that hole. For some problems, it's obvious and easily admirable (e.g. getting dumped, death in the family, etc.) other problems may be harder to grasp (e.g. lack of direction, unhappy in a relationship, low self-esteem, never had a girlfriend, still a virgin at 35). Commit to getting better - Do not wallow. You're allowed to be sad but if an opportunity comes along (e.g. your friends go out to dinner) then join them and try your best to live in the present. When you are feeling depressed, try to stubbornly cling to the fact that it's temporary and you're going to break out of it a stronger person. Know your triggers - Photos, lack of sleep, stress at work, alcohol, certain loudmouth friends, places, activities, etc. If there's something that consistently sends you into a spiral of self-doubt, you need to do your best to reduce their impact. Either remove them from your life or manage them as best you can. Imagine what a not-depressed person would do and then go do it - Sign up for a night class in French or car maintenance. Talk to a stranger in the waiting room. Ask the barista how her day is going. Grab dinner with some co-workers. Organize a hike. Cook pancakes for your parents. Eat pie for breakfast (ok, this one is debatable). | 5 |
AskHistorians/diu4rsk | 6gymx8 | Why do we never call our parents by name? | This may be a better question for r/Etymology or r/AskAnthropology depending upon which piece of the question you are truly concerned with. For the origins of words and the social dynamics of families, respectively. But, as you asked: As to the origins of "Mother" and "Father", specifically, in English they come from Proto-Indo-European (PIE), the oldest ancestral language we can reconstruct from most european and some non-european languages. Mother comes from PIE Meħter^[1] , producing things such as Latin Māter, English Mother, and Sanskrit Mātr amongst other things. Father comes from PIE Pħter^[1] , producing things such as Latin Pater, English Father, and Sanskrit Pitr amongst other things. To my knowledge, there's not any deeper etymology to these words, even in Proto-Indo European, besides "Mother" and "Father". These are basic relationships of human beings and are necessary primitive vocabulary items. The PIE family is big, but even non-PIE languages usually have words for mother that sound like 'mama', at least in baby-talk. (But not always! Consider Japanese 'Haha', from Old Japanese 'Papa' for Mother). Such words arise because they're easy for children to make, and the first noises children make are often seen as terms for relatives or attempts to get the attention of relatives. After all, it would be far less likely for the first noise a child makes to be taken as an attempt to indicate "House" or "Astrology", would it not? Whether one never calls one's parents by name is entirely culturally dependant. A question on AskAnthropology about whether there are any exceptions to that rule and why the rule is so common might get you a better answer. At least in the culture I'm from, it's a sign of respect, in the same way that you call your Aunt "Aunt" or your Older Brother "Older Brother" rather than a mere name. Or, for that matter, why a Doctor is "Doctor" rather than his own name. [1] We don't have any direct evidence of PIE as it was spoken well before writing and is reconstructed via regular correspondences in related languages' words. As its pronunciation is hypothetical, which we indicate its uncertainty via a prefixed asterisk in Linguistics. Here I have also given the symbol "H₂" used for an unknown consonant as ħ (one of its potential pronunciations) and removed some vowel diacritics, to make the words look less alien. | 17 |
explainlikeimfive/cttjju6 | 3g04zz | Where are all of the foreign domain names? | Generally, they're used by people who speak that language, and you presumably are reading English content. If you're making English-language queries on, for instance, you'll be shown results that are in English, which are far more likely to be hosted on English-language domains. If you were to search for something in Japanese, you'd be a lot more likely to see domain names that are in Japanese. | 14 |
AskReddit/diwbb9e | 6h8jjc | What hobby did you start/buy a bunch of stuff for only to hate it, quit, and never look back? | I bought a bunch of stuff for needle felting, immediately overdid it on the first day and gave myself tendonitis so bad I had to go to urgent care the next morning because I thought I'd somehow broken my hand in my sleep. I haven't tried it since. | 3 |
AskReddit/c3h61zl | ogzrv | What's one thing that other people spend money on, and you'll never understand why? | The paid items on iPhone/Facebook games. Why? You're paying real money to get an overpriced, usually unnecessary item in an unimportant app. Why? edit:I think some people misinterpreted me. I don't mind the games themselves; some (plants vs zombies and fruit ninja in particular) can be worth it. But some games require you to pay if you, for example, want a new outfit for your character. Or Naternaut gives the example of fertilizer in farmeville. You can play the game without them. Yet people pay real money for it, or else they wouldn't have the option. That's what I'm talking about | 302 |
AskReddit/eaor6kz | a1d2au | What’s good value for the money at a grocery store? | Eggs, pasta, peanut butter, bread, tuna - all make filling and/or protein filled/adequate "meals" (sometimes ya just gotta do what you can with the money you have) for some of the best prices in the grocery store. My local walmart has 2-18 packs of eggs sold as a single unit for $2.50 or less at all times. Two eggs for breakfast every morning with or without a couple of pieces of toast is super cheap. Pasta is always super cheap, and having bread and butter as a side is cheap and filling as well. | 2 |
AskReddit/dtz83rj | 7wcbs8 | What movie is hilarious despite not being labeled a comedy, why? | in spite of what the Golden Globes will tell you, Get Out is not first and foremost a comedy, and it's still a hilarious movie. Blow this off as an "I'm not racist. I have black friends" thing to say, but I don't care. I'm still going to say it, because I see it as relevant. I'm a white guy who's always been an avid basketball player, and the community which I've been heavily involved with all my life, is disproportionately black, so I would consider myself more accustomed to black people than usual. Yet, the reason why I met one of my 2 best friends, is because I was in college, saw some guy who was a 6'3 mixed guy, and I just assumed he was a fellow baller. When getting to know him, he isn't quite a fellow baller. He's read a dozen star wars books, and he says things like "come hither". No one is immune from this sort of stuff, and Get Out reminded me of South Park, where it did a great job of giving you a ridiculous portrayal of yourself, that helps you to grow as well as laugh. | 4 |
AskReddit/cwkcgdr | 3r2hce | What is the single most unhealthy food that people eat regularly? | Certain types of bread. Some white breads are practically loaded with sugar and contribute more to people's weight than more traditional culprits like cheese. People should cut down the amount of bread they eat or substitute it for better varieties. | 2 |
AskReddit/e8goz1c | 9rgdaw | How much does someone’s smell (good or bad) affect your opinion of them? | For me it greatly affects my opinion of someone, I get people work all day and sweat which becomes BO but seriously wear some deodorant I don’t wanna smell your day when I’m at the pub having a few beers after work | 3 |
explainlikeimfive/dj6vd22 | 6iiv3s | What physically happens to your body when you get a second wind? | Your body's ability to produce energy has a momentum-like effect. The process of going from a relatively energy-efficient, low power consumption mode into a mode that is able to quickly convert stored glycogen and other bodily compounds into quick energy takes time to ramp up to full speed. If you're relatively relaxed or just warmed up but still fresh, your body still isn't in full energy-burn mode. Once you leap into action, your body starts that transition. If you get winded and take a break, that process doesn't immediately slow down, so after a moment or two, your energy suddenly surges because your body is still supplying the energy level you were demanding of it a few moments ago. | 1,192 |
AskReddit/db44w7v | 5hzec0 | What is the best quote/phrase you've ever heard that has always stuck with you? | "The comfort zone is a beautiful place, but nothing ever grows there." I'm not entirely sure who to attribute the original quote to but I read it once, of all places, in a text post that accompanied something that Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson posted on Instagram. It stuck with me though - I'm a person that plays it safe and then looks back with regret. Lately when I'm faced with a choice, I usually remind myself of that quote - it's made a big difference. | 2 |
AskReddit/dep2h0h | 5yd2j6 | Why do so many Reddit users suffer from depression? | I think a lot of people suffer from depression, period. There seems to be a lot of stigma surrounding the disease, so people don't tend to announce the fact that they're depressed every chance they get. I know absolutely nothing about depression, just my two cents. | 3 |
explainlikeimfive/cvd6som | 3m9mhl | Why are the majority of America's roads fenced in? | Almost no roads near me have fences, unless there is a farm. Where did you get this "statistic"? I think most fences beside roads are to "fence in" the land adjacent to the busy road, not to fence in the road. | 9 |
AskReddit/dox9rhd | 78wqdd | What do you have absolutely no tolerance for when you are in a bad mood? | Nagging. It always boils down to this: Oh, I see he's in a bad mood today, better nag him Oh, that nagging upset him. Better let him know how unfair it is to get upset with me for purposefully nagging me when he's in a bad mood. Better make sure to hammer in the point that if he just read my mind, or did what I asked him to do the moment I asked him to do it, I wouldn't have to nag. Oh, he's still upset because of how patronizing and manipulative I'm being. Better play the victim and get indignant so he feels bad for getting upset at my obvious attempts to upset him. | 3 |
AskReddit/djj7f50 | 6k498u | What are some productive things to do over the summer for high school students that can help with college admissions? | Almost anything except just hanging around doing nothing-- job, internship, volunteering, summer classes in some random thing you're interested in, etc. One idea: look up your local elected officials-- like city council or alderman or whatever is in your area-- and ask if they need someone for the summer. You learn all kinds of interesting things | 2 |
AskReddit/ejzn0d3 | b8qbao | What’s your best “prank phone call” story? | A girl I went to college with liked to prank people. First, imagine a thick southern televangelist accent. Think Tammy Faye Bakker. Now imagine this call: >“Hello. This is Mary Beth McAllister of the Communion of Angels and Saints. I’m calling to inform you that we have selected your name from thousands to receive a free glass encased coffin that your friends and love ones may view you are rotting, bloated corpse for all eternity.” >“There is a catch, however. In order to receive this glass encased coffin, you do need to be deceased by midnight tomorrow evening. Now if you would like to handle things for yourself that’s certainly fine, but if you would prefer for us to arrange someone to come out to you and help you, we can certainly do that as well.“ Keep in mind that I only heard one side of the call. Also, this was 30 some years ago, so although I remember when I’ve just written pretty much verbatim, most of what follows is going to have to be put together to the best of my recollection. Obviously, the person on the other end of the call was not going to agree to these terms, so they went back-and-forth. >”Oh, it’s a beautiful coffin. And we are willing to put an etching of your favorite saint on the lid. We guarantee this will be in time for your funeral services, so your friends and loved ones will, as I said, be able to view your rotting bloated corpse for all eternity.” Eventually the victim, who at this point was laughing almost as hard as we were, finally convinced “Marybeth McAllister“ that he did not want this glass encased coffin. >“Oh, I’m so sorry to hear that. Of course we do have a consolation prize for you though. I will be able to send you a blue velvet Elvis pencil case.“ I’m sure it’s lost 90% of its humor value in the retelling here, but that girl really was a genius with prank calls. Edited to correct voice to text errors. | 2 |
AskHistorians/can3mte | 1grgpm | Is there a date generally accepted for the end of the Catholic Church’s political power in Europe? | I am not sure just what you mean by "political force" or "political power." The Vatican continues to be a nation, with diplomatic representation and a small bit of land. If you want to go back a bit further, one deliniating line would be the end of the Chirch as a territorial power, either in 1861 when Italy was unified or in 1870 when Pius IX lost the protection of Napoloean III. If you want something more recent, the Lateran Treaty (or Lateran Concordat) in 1929 limited the Vatican to neutrality in foreign affairs. Perhaps you could refine your question so myself and others could be of help, while still not violating the 20 year rule. | 16 |
AskReddit/dd6bjtc | 5rcijw | Which classic Twilight Zone episodes are "must-see"s? | There's "must see", to know the pop culture reference, and "must see" for personal enjoyment. must see to know the reference: "To Serve Man" and "Will the Real Martian Please Stand Up?" are classic Twilight Zone. It's the outline of what you expect from TZ. Not that they are the best episode, but they are the best to understand what TZ is. “It’s a Good Life”. 50+ years later, the famous line in the episode is still repeated today. "Nightmare at 20,000 Feet". Another that people talk about still to this day, but maybe mostly for a young Shatner. My personal favorites "Time Enough at Last" socked my emotions, and Burgess Meredith played the character great. "The Arrival" and "Where is Everybody" are episodes that stuck with me, and I enjoy watching again. | 5 |
AskReddit/c998hoy | 1br3uf | Why are game companies trying to push "Always Online"? | Because they think pirates will find it harder to crack and eventually give up, resulting in more profit to the company. What they dont know is that they are encouraging pirates by doing this, they are giving them a challenge. The hard thing about pirating an always online DRM is that you need to emulate a whole server, thats the difference. | 3 |
AskReddit/cynwgcm | 3zp9z6 | What are the advantages of using the Imperial Measuring System? | Edit: Misread the question. OK, devil's advocate time: The imperial system keeps things down to simple numbers. You can't count higher than twelve before going back to one. Twelve inches become one foot, etc. It also has the advantage that a lot of measurements the system produces will arguably be easier to divide by 2, 3 and 4, at least in a fair few situations. The imperial system also roughly equates to a lot of anthropological measurements. If you stand with your arms locked an pointing out in front of you in a "the fish was this big" pose, the distance between your hands is likely to be pretty close to a foot if you don't overthink it. | 3 |
askscience/cjxy4sp | 2e8397 | How does the physiological response triggered by watching a horror movie compare with a 'true' horror response? | As a general theoretical rule, it's not the situation itself that elicits an emotional response, but our interpretation of the situation (e.g., Siemer, Mauss, & Gross, 2007). For example, if I think mice are disease-ridden, then I might react in fear to mice. On the other hand, if I think mice are cute, then I might have a positive emotional response to mice. So if my interpretation is the same for a monster chasing me in real life vs. a monster appearing in a horror movie, then I will generally have a similar physiological (experiential, behavioral, etc.) response in both situations. | 3 |
explainlikeimfive/el1lkms | bdxl4t | Why in modern architecture does it seem not possible to construct certain buildings? | We can but we use cheaper and faster methods in our regular building. After all, we restore these buildings so we have to be at least somewhat capable, yes? The methods used in those buildings are labor intensive with expensive material that just takes significantly more time. But that's why the building itself is like a piece of art. | 3 |
explainlikeimfive/dtd2k2w | 7ti5yr | Why does the body feel sharp pains differently (or less tolerant) in the distal parts of the body like hands and feet? | If what you're saying is that these areas are more sensitive to sensations then yes you're correct. The somatosensory cortex, or the part of the brain the processes tactile sensations have larger areas that are dedicated to the hands, lips etc. This is represented graphically by what is called the sensory homunculus. | 2 |
AskReddit/dzmur30 | 8me72m | What are your favorite movies based on real life events? | 13 hours based on 6 GRS operators who get attacked for 13 hours straight 2 die but mostly everyone one survives with minor injuries except 1 who's arm was hanging off | 4 |
AskReddit/estuscs | c97kza | Who do you regret rejecting when they asked you out? | My current gf. Yeah that was kinda awkward. She asked me out in the first couple months of knowing me, I told her I wasn't looking for anything serious and I asked her our 5 months after that. We've now been together for 2 years. | 2 |
AskHistorians/c83370u | 177r06 | When did doctor and lawyer become prestigious jobs? | On Downton Abbey, their problem with him being a lawyer is that it is still a job. They wanted their daughter to marry someone like themselves, who was born rich and whose only job was managing that wealth. Marrying a lawyer would be a large step down for her. Anyone who wasn't a noble would have been fine with their daughter marrying a lawyer. | 23 |
AskReddit/cx3oba3 | 3t718y | What album would you rate 10/10? | I'm not sure how many people will know about it, but Slint's Spiderland is my favorite album of all time. Some other one's I'd rate 10/10 would be Laughing Stock, Marquee Moon, Kid A and London Calling. | 2 |
explainlikeimfive/c4t40z2 | u81uh | Why are dimes smaller then nickels? | I entered your query into a google search and got this: The coins retain their size due to tradition. At one point in time the size was based on the value of the metals. A nickel was made out of 5 cents worth of nickel. A dime was made out of 10 cents worth of silver. 10 cents worth of silver is smaller than 5 cents worth of nickel (back in the day). | 21 |
AskReddit/c7lmkku | 15e24m | How do cemeteries not smell putrid despite the fact they are full of decomposed bodies? | Bodies are placed in caskets and most of the caskets are inside another concrete box called a burial vault. Between the casket and the vault, there isn't much room for the smell to get out and the 6 feet of dirt helps beyond that. | 4 |
AskReddit/c4021yz | qse1u | What's the funniest thing you or your friend(s) have said when under the influence? | hmmm. not sure I can remember the funniest but something I do remember is it was starting to rain and I walked up to this really heavy set girl wearing a blue dress and asked if we could borrow the tarp she is wearing so we don't get wet. | 2 |
AskReddit/dm3z9j3 | 6vyajk | What food is delicious but a pain to eat? | Any sandwich on a pretzel bun. So delicious, but you can't compress it down enough to bite easily and the filling always squishes out the back when you try and it cuts the top of your mouth so everything hurts to eat for the next few days. But I will always order anything on a pretzel bun anyways. | 11 |
explainlikeimfive/cdbsojc | 1qdswh | Why do dogs/cats like to be by themselves when they die? | Cats and Dogs are pack animals. They feel vulnerable and weak when they are getting old and are about to die. They hide in order to make sure they do not attract predators, who will sense their weakness, to the pack ensuring the safety of their family. | 4 |
AskReddit/eleifpw | bfl5tu | What will you choose: IQ of 200 or $20 million dollars, with proper explanation? | $20 million. Easy. An IQ of 200 comes with a lot of extra baggage. To begin with, you can’t relate to the general public. It’s like watching a bunch of 3 year olds as a high schooler, except it never stops. And it often comes along with anxiety and depression for life. It’s not fun to always be mindful of the worst case scenario at all times. The term “happy as a clam” comes into play because they are dumb and unaware or the horrible reality or horrific possibilities of everyday life. | 4 |
AskReddit/de04b0t | 5v8uie | What is your most glorious "I told you so" moment? | A couple of friends decided that it would be a good idea to cover the changing room's floor with soap and slide around naked. I told them that they would get infections. They got infections. | 3 |
AskReddit/cc4m1uj | 1m0k24 | Why are things so much funnier when you drink alcohol? | Alcohol affects brain chemistry by altering levels of neurotransmitters. Neurotransmitters are chemical messengers that transmit the signals throughout the body that control thought processes, behavior and emotion. Neurotransmitters are either excitatory, meaning that they stimulate brain electrical activity, or inhibitory, meaning that they decrease brain electrical activity. Alcohol increases the effects of the inhibitory neurotransmitter GABA in the brain. GABA causes the sluggish movements and slurred speech that often occur in alcoholics. At the same time, alcohol inhibits the excitatory neurotransmitter glutamate. Suppressing this stimulant results in a similar type of physiological slowdown. In addition to increasing the GABA and decreasing the glutamate in the brain, alcohol increases the amount of the chemical dopamine in the brain's reward center, which creates the feeling of pleasure that occurs when someone takes a drink. | 3 |
AskReddit/cetlift | 1vm3h1 | In your opinion, what is the most important invention in human history? | I know it's a fairly new invention, but mine would have to be computers/the internet (if I could combine those two). With the help of those, we're able to easily communicate with anyone in the world. We can also simulate insane things with computers. We've managed to simulate a whole new universe inside a computer! Sure, they required the inventions of usable electricity and many other things, but I believe them to have made the biggest impact on humans. | 2 |
AskReddit/c4ah9lq | s26gy | Is working nights bad for your health? | I also work nights (ironically at a sleep clinic) and the real problems occur when you're doing different overnight shifts each fornight/roster etc. for a long time. I've met shift workers who have done it for 25 years, trapped because they then become reliant on the money that night work brings in, and their sleep is constantly disturbed. More often than not they also gain weight and have had/are in the middle of treatment for depression. Daylight is a good thing! | 3 |
AskReddit/crm8uxz | 37fgoi | What is the tiniest change in a choice you made in your life that would have created the most vastly alternate reality for you? | Had every reason not to go out to the bar one night with my bud. I just got back from an exhausting work trip, still had pulled a few 8am-2am work days once I returned, and on top of that my buddy and I had hardly any cash to spend that week. Yet we still went out. I spent the last $16 until the following week's paycheck on a round of shots for a group of girls, my buddy and I. One of those girls is now my fiancé, who brought me back down to reality to understand financial planning, and should even take some credit for boosting my own confidence to make significant strides at work. I now have a healthy salary, a padded bank account, and the rest of my life to spend with my best friend and soulmate. | 3 |
AskReddit/ccsg564 | 1oiydr | What's an album you love that has one bad song? | The Dillinger Escape Plan - Miss Machine Unretrofied is the typical alt rock song used to promote the album to people who've never listened to music outside of their comfort zone. The songs before and after it are brilliant and chaotic and force you to listen to them, and they've thrown this boring track in to please the masses, it's a shame. | 2 |
AskReddit/eebin51 | ah4qwi | What do people in other countries think of President Donald Trump? | He exemplifies the most trashy, meanest, most sociopathic parts of the American people. Every American that resents having to pay taxes so children can have school lunches or poor people can access health care or want to destroy the environment so they can buy their third house is encapsulated in one man: Trump. And honestly, the US is kind of a sad, scary place right now. Drowning in its own selfishness and anger at having to be a society. Lashing out at the thought of having to think of their own children. Mortgaging the future to pay for the worst of the past. Y'all are gross. Of course, there is light and it's getting stronger, but man that mean streak is a mile wide and so many of y'all are brainwashed money hungry junkies. Also incredibly glad of my classy, hot PM that bests Trump at his own game effortlessly and looks good doing it. As many of my circle say now when discussing our own political situations; at least it's not like we are the US. | 9 |
AskReddit/dekjgn8 | 5xshkj | What is your 'Go to' fun fact to kill awkward silence ? | Sea otters and baby seals are adorable, right? Did you know that sea otters rape baby seals to death, then return to rape the corpse for up to a week afterwards? Goodbye awkward silence, hello horrified silence! | 93 |
AskReddit/es0fi23 | c58f94 | What was the meaning of "It's not your fault" in Good Will Hunting ? | "It's not your fault," means, "Someone horrible forced you to believe that this dark road you've gone down in both behavior and self image was the only path available to you; don't feel ashamed for taking that road that now that you are glimpsing other possibilities for who you can be and where your life can go." | 3 |
AskReddit/dwhj70u | 883f2m | If you had to choose to be blind or deaf, which one would you pick? | I lost my hearing at 23. I've found a way to be just fine in life and even before I got an implant, I made it work. I couldn't imagine the challenges of being blind. I'd go deaf again in a heartbeat. | 2 |
explainlikeimfive/cna54aj | 2qwcgr | Why do people spend so much time creating/obtaining, maintaining, and uploading pirated content when they gain nothing from it? | What they gain is a reputation within the community. It's similar to Reddit. Karma has no monetary value but the majority of Reddit want it. Imagine you're the first guy to get a HD rip of a new film, you upload it. You get the attention and praise. It's like Reddit where if you're the first to submit a breaking news story you'll hit the front page and get loads of karma. | 10 |
askscience/c6m6xzz | 11g71p | Can a plants' growth really be affected by different types of music? | Well plants have no way to hear anything, so it is really in the vibrations caused by playing the music that may affect the growth rate. This is a common science experiment in 5th grade or so, which is ironic because we really still don't have any real answer. Some are leaning towards classical and slower or calmer music would be best for a plant because the vibrations would be less intense, but really that would be a volume issue, and that leads into different levels of bass and a whole bunch of other factors. So I guess the short answer would be we don't fully know right now. Sorry. Hope this helped a little. | 2 |
AskReddit/ds0rcbu | 7ncd3h | What's a good thing to do for a 30th birthday of someone who is sad about turning 30? | Take them out of town and tell everyone in the restaurant/bar that it's their birthday but pick a year that's off by 10. I had a great time at 30th birthdays publicized as a "Happy 20th birthday!" or a "Happy 40th birthday!" It helps the birthday person realize that age is no big deal, just keep living. | 2 |
AskReddit/crxd4bc | 38r2qw | How do we perceive time In a day? | I think a more balance day would help. If I have an eventful day planned I start it early to spend more time doing the things that make me feel time moves too fast. | 2 |
AskReddit/edikdpn | adn86f | What ridiculously unbelievable thing happened to you that sounds completely made up? | Im pretty tall, 2.13m, and i have a bad habit of not looking down when walking between lectures. So the one day i turn around a corner, and a girl took the corner from the other side. She was so short she didnt register in my peripheral vision, which is what normally happens, so i walk straight into her. So much so it knocks her off balance and she begins to fall. Instinctively i try to catch her, end up entirely picking her up like a log. There was a moment of awkward silence and we both tried to process what just happened. I put her down and walk off | 3 |
AskReddit/edpfzvb | aeip0v | How can a introverted guy ask a girl out ? | Introverted just means u like to be alone most of the time, doesn't mean you cant magically ask a girl out. If you're shy i would just do some things to build confidence like working out,meditating, cold showers, talking to more people, volunteering, finding a job, and then it will magically happen. Good luck. ​ If you get used to suffering in your daily routine then you will be ready for it in situations like this | 5 |
AskReddit/eb9apa8 | a3u6l1 | What is the most shameful and desperate thing you've done because you were hungry? | Not so much shameful but definitely desperate. I found freezer burnt burgers, chopped them up as I cooked them and put 2 cans of beans with them. The result was the worst chili of my life. I thought the beans would mask the horrible taste of freezer burnt burger but I was wrong. Should've just eaten ramen 3 days in a row, but NO! Just cause I'm broke AF doesnt mean I dont like a little variety. | 4 |
explainlikeimfive/e0xl0yx | 8s9l06 | What is the US Supreme Court's rule of four? | To appeal to the Supreme Court one applies to the Supreme Court for a writ of certiorari(which basically means you ask the supreme court to order a lower court to send up the case for review). The Supreme Court has its own set of rules. According to these rules, four of the nine Justices must vote to accept a case and when members believe that the case involves a sufficiently significant federal question in the public interest. This keeps a majority of 5 judges from deciding what the court will or won’t hear. It protects the minority. | 5 |
askscience/c4k0dkz | t6mjn | Why did humans evolve into bigger versions of their ancestors? | Actually, the trend is for evolution towards larger size, not towards smaller. Most of those examples that you give are not of a single lineage growing smaller; they are examples of a small lineage evolving large size and then going extinct. There were smaller versions of each animal in your left column when the larger one was alive. Basically, being big is good for a number of reasons, since it increases your 1 on 1 fighting ability, increases the amount of resources you can take, ability to move long distances, and so forth. There is a problem with being big, though; it makes it easier to go extinct. Large individual size = smaller population size, longer gestations times, and so on. So the apparent trend is for organisms to grow large, go extinct, while their smaller relatives continue on. Lastly, I would just add that your way of attacking this is very flawed (not sure if it is your graphic or just something you found?) Every single example has another ancestor further back that is much smaller than both of the subsequent ones. So concluding there is a trend towards being smaller can only be justified if you sample in a way that confirms what you wanted to find. Let me know if you have more questions. | 2 |
AskReddit/eer4zlr | aiwjxa | How do you stop being sad and also how do you do things for people without them thinking you have some motive? | Everyone has some type of motive for whatever they do. First step is deciding your motive, next step is communicating that motive clearly and simply. Whether they believe you or not is up to them , but honesty and clarity are usually appreciated and respected. I’m sorry you’re sad. Talking about it is a good way to start feeling better. Distracting yourself with a positive or neutral activity is good too. Eat some fruit and protein, drink water, take a shower. Get some rest even if you can’t sleep. | 2 |
askscience/dp86a99 | 7a7pbw | How does an electrical signal in the brain know where to go to cause a movement in the body? | Most of the peripheral nerves in the human body are actually 1000s of nerve fibres in a bundle. Each of these fibres would be a projected axon from a neuronal cell body in the spinal cord, which is connected to the axon of a neuron in the cortex of the brain that descends as a tract through the midbrain, brainstem and then into the spinal cord. There is no addressing or encoding, the signal literally goes to where it’s supposed to over a dedicated connection. I have no idea how you could measure this. | 2 |
explainlikeimfive/c9nxaez | 1d8jbc | How is housing an inmate cheaper than the death penalty? | The cost of years of appeals involved in the death penalty is often greater than the cost of long term imprisonment. Lawyers, judges, investigators, and clerical workers cost more than prison guards and cheap food. | 12 |
AskReddit/c0q9y5r | c5oix | In your opinion, what is the best credit card to get? | If you can, try and gain entry into a credit union. While big banks offer prompt customer service-they normally screw the consumer over. Credit unions won't offer you fancy incentives like iPods, plush dolls, t-shirts, or exorbitant rewards cards-and also their process of posting checks & card transactions are slower, and the hours are more limited. However, the big banks just love when you play into their trap game of overdrafting and the perpetual debt cycle. Do yourself a favor, and say goodbye to the crooked corporate bankers. | 2 |
AskReddit/cjznph6 | 2ehvn8 | Why did you not go to college? | I'm a high school senior, so I can't actually speak from my actions (since I haven't taken them yet), but I'm not planning on going to college immediately after high school because I know that I am not prepared to go to school and succeed academically. I want to take a couple/few years practicing responsibility as an adult and finding opportunities to find passions, change my community, and grow myself into someone who is serious about schooling. | 2 |
AskReddit/dsseldx | 7qwe91 | What’s one thing you miss about being a child? | How I could stay fascinated by one thing for not only hours on end, but days or weeks. I'd play the same video game for months at a time completing every last little thing. Now I skip most sidequests and as soon as I get near the ending and I have enough context of the story to put two and two together, I just kind of. stop. I do that with shows and stuff too. My attention span has died and I really miss it. | 3 |
AskReddit/duw6bnq | 80jwlk | What convinced you that we are not alone in the universe? | I'm not convinced that we're not the only life in this universe. If the multiverse is real, then it's possible that life forming is so mind bogglingly rare that it happens on average less than once per universe that has conditions that can support life. I don't know if it's the case or not, but I feel the multiverse makes a viable scenario where it is possible. But if there are multiple univereses then there is definitely life in other universes as well, but maybe not accessible to us. | 3 |
AskReddit/ecbr5s5 | a8lfo1 | What’s the most ridiculous thing you have bought? | At one point in my life, I quit my job and moved to Florida. In the following months, I ran out of money. I racked up $6,000 in debt to my friend (future wife), who was giving me part of her student loan money so I could support myself. Eventually I got a decent job and found a way to get the rent down to a manageable amount, and over the next year I paid her back all of that money. I took a leap of faith but it worked out, and after about a year of emotional and financial struggle, I landed on my feet debt-free. The first thing I bought with my next paycheck after that was a $400 custom made map of central Florida by Rand-McNally. It’s enormous. It takes up an entire wall of my bedroom. I have absolutely no idea why I bought this, I just like r/MapPorn | 28 |
AskReddit/crp6lrb | 37r9vi | Has any past love ever came back to your life? | I was a vegetarian for seven years, then I abandoned all my morals and went back to eating greasy pork on those sharp squeezers you get at barbeques. They were my first and only love, and I'm glad they returned to me. Or rather, I returned to them | 2 |
AskHistorians/c66nsnf | zpnba | What exactly was the role of the emperor of Japan prior the Japans defeat in the second world war? | "Prior to Japan's defeat in WW2" is a pretty broad period. Even if we just start from Meiji it's three emperors in very different periods of their nation's development, during an era of massive change overall. And most of my study of the Meiji to Showa period has been the evolution and continuity of Japanese industrial policy and lower political dynamics (Amakudari, class advancement, etc), so I won't try to answer the role of the emperor. As to why Showa was kept on by MacArthur, it was a part of the private assurances in spite of unconditional surrender, with the caveat that Showa would follow the directions of MacArthur, that are argued to have helped the case for surrender in the Japanese government. Furthermore, it aided in the narrative that the nation had been hijacked by rogue extremist military factions and was not communally culpable for the horrors of the Pacific War; this was a gross embellishment in many regards, but with enough grains of truth and enough traction to work well for maintaining a fairly orderly transition. | 4 |
Subsets and Splits