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tih'e'inoo'oot nih'iiteco'oneenebit
when.PAST-discover-3.S PAST.IMPERF-always-laugh.hard-3.S
When she came to realize what had happened , she always laughed about it .
hiniisih'iit hiniisonoon noh hiih'o noh heneeteihit nohuusoho'
3S-name 3S-father and 3S-son and,.important-3.S like.that
In the name of the Father , the Son , and the Holy Spirit , Amen .
Matthew noh Thomas James hiih'o Alphaeus noh Simon Zealot heesih'eetehk
Matthew and Thomas jam-husband 3S-son Alphaeus and Simon Zealot how.named-3.SUBJ
and Matthew , and Thomas , and James son of Alphaeus , and Simon , who was called the Zealot ,
ceese' hinen he'ihce3ei'oo hihii3iihi' Jerusalem hiisiihi' Jericho noh he'ih'iisiitene' hebiitiihiiho
one man from Jerusalem Jericho and NARRPAST-seize-4 thief-OBV.PL
and fell into the hands of robbers ,
Honoh'oehihi' he'ihniihouuh hiteine'
young.boy NARRPAST-climb.along.s.t . branch-LOC
The boy climbed out along a limb .
Noh ne'nih'iisniisiisibiheit nehe' hinen
and that-PAST.what-two-put.down-4 this man
And that's how this man got two deer .
yeah woowotox
yeah in.vain
yeah , in vain .
niice3i3ohoekoohuutooni' Hii3oobeit yeah
IMPERF-people.start.moving.their.hands.rapidly.(fighting)-0S IC.corrrect-3.S yeah
People start swinging . He's right , yeah .
Noh he'ihyootiino'
and NARRPAST-hide-pers.PL
And they kept silent ,
ne'ii'P ne'neinoo'oonoo nih'iit nuhu'
that's.when-pause then-scared-1S he this
Then I get scared , he said .
Neihooweenebiit yeah
1.NEG-REDUP-steal yeah
I'm not a thief . yeah .
Wo'uuceh ni'iini!?
I guess it is a good thing , despite my feelings to the contrary sometimes .
kookon siihe'ihP hoowuuni
just.any INTENSE-NARRPAST-pause no
No matter what they did , they just couldn't do it .
heetP heetP
FUT-pause FUT-pause
Will , will
3ii'oku3i' co'oteni'
IC.sit-3PL on.hill
They are sitting on a hill .
Beexo'uuhu' hiniito'eibetiit bixoo3etiit heeteenebetiit honooneenebetiit nenee' heteenetiitoonin
only-ADV relatedness love respect honoring 2S-language-12POSS
Only [ through Arapaho will you fully express ] family , love , respect , honoring that's what our language is about .
Noh tootou
and where ?
And where ?
Nee3ebeeseeneetowoo tohbeetniiteheibei'ee3i' bisiihi'
IC.there-think.highly.of-1S all-ADV
I really respect the fact that everyone wants to help us .
heetniihi'no'o3iiseihino' heetniini'iiseihino'
FUT-IMPERF-INSTR-have.a.strong.voice-12 FUT-REDUP-have.a.good.voice-12
We we have strong voices , we will have good voices .
Boo'oowu' niihiihi' he'ihnoono'o'tokohuno'
Little.Popo.Agie.R,.WY along-ADV
They fled along the Little Popo Agie River , out into the hills .
Nono'o3ooni' heenee3e'eiseet tohuuwonniitoo'eit
It is tough , wherever he is going , since he's going to war .
Wox he'ihyih'oonee honoh'oehiho'
bear young.boy
The bear ran after the boy .
Nuhu' heeneesce'eseihi3i' nii'ehiiho' he'ihP
this what-different-3PL bird-NA.PL NARRPAST-pause
These various types of birds ...
wohei howoo niixoxonee'
okay also full-0S
\ 'ecWe \ 'edre full too .
Xonou he'ih'e'in tohnehtoniheet
immediately NARRPAST-know since-tricked-3.S
He knew immediately that a trick had been played on him .
Government School ni'iitou'u nei'eibehe' ne'nih'iitneyei3eit
government school call.s.t..thus-3PL 1S-grandmother
Government School , they call it , my grandmother , That \ 'a5s where she went to school .
Behiihi' heeyou hinee nihi'iinee'eestoo3i'
all-ADV what.( that PAST-INSTR-IMPERF-do.thus-3PL
Everything , they did it all by means of that [ buffalo ].
At the Arapaho language school .
Toonheestoononi neihoowuuse3 1.NEG-afraid.of-1S
[" If you are anry enough ] to start anything with me , [ let me tell you that ] I can take care of myself ."
howoo nehe'
also this
Also this one
nih'eenetit nuhu' hinono'eitiit
PAST-speak-3.S this Arapaho.language
he spoke this Arapaho language .
Nehe' tei'yoonehe' nih3i'okut 'oh ne'nih'ii'P
this child PAST-sit-3.S but that-PAST.when-pause
This child sat there , and then ....
Heisonoonin hitiine'etiit
2S-father-12POSS 3S-life
Our father's life .
noh heetiineniteeninee
and FUT-get.well-2PL
and [ not ] be saved .
Tou3ooku3 heetou3ooku3 nenee' hee3ebiini heni'iine'etiino' nih'oo3ou'u hitei'towoo
anyway,.besides FUT-anyway,.besides there-DETACH IC.INSTR-live-12 White.people 3S-thing.said,.taught
Anyway , anyway , from now on- we're going to be living with the White Man's teachings .
Wohei heetoustoon
" Well , what will we do ?" [ they asked each other ].
Noh he'ne'iisiini ciiteso'onoo3i' hini'it nono'ooniihi'
and that-what-DETACH chase-3PL right.there can't.get.away,.no.way.out-ADV
And then somehow with a lot of effort they chased him into an enclosure right there where they were stuck .
Cenoot Bonkers
IC.come-3.S Bonkers
Bonkers is coming .
Hitenin nih'ii3eit
" Take it ," he said about [ the bike ].
Ne'nih'iisi3ecoo3i' you know
that-PAST.PERF-think-3PL you know
That's what they thought , you know .
Huut heetnee'eeP
here FUT-that-pause
" Right here [ you ] will do it like this ,"
neneenit uhh niibeetniiteheibeinoo uhh
She wants to help me
'oh neneenin tebinou
but poor.thing !
And you , pitiful one .
wohei heetniiteheibeen .\'ee
okay FUT-help 1PL
Well we will help you .\ 'ee
Nehe' tei'yoonehe' heetne'he'inoneit
this child FUT-then-know-4
This child , then they will know him .
ne'ciiteinoo nih'iit
then-enter-1S he
Then I went in there , he said .
Henee3nee3oonouh'ut niine'eehek nehe' hotii
IC.very-cheap-3.S this car
This car is really cheap .
Noh yeneini3i'
and IC.carrots
And carrots .
Ne'nih'iisheeneinci3oono' wookecii cow-NA.PL
That's how we ran the cattle .
nooxeihi' nooxeihi' niiP nooxeihi' niiteco'ontoyoohowot
maybe maybe IMPERF-pause maybe IMPERF-always-wait.for-2S
" Maybe you are still/continually waiting for her ."
Ahh hiiko
ahh no
Ahh , no .
Woow nii3ee3i'okut nuh'uuno 3i'okuutooono
now.PERF IMPERF-REDUP-sit-3.S this chair-NI.PL
Now he is sitting up in those chairs [ after being very ill ].
nih'iiyeintoowooto' heeneestoo3i
Whatever [ an Indian ] did , he did it four times .
Noh hoo3oo'o' niisi3ecoohuuho' nohtou heeneistoonee wooce' neenebe'eenoo' niistoot beteeniisi'i' hee3oohohkoni'
and some pharisee-NA.PL why ? you.know.that... IC.forbidden-0S ceremony sunday-LOC .
But some of the Pharisees said , " Why are you doing what is not lawful on the sabbath ?"
Reorganization nih'ii3i'
reorganization PAST-said-3PL
\ 'ecReorganization ,\ 'ee they said .
boh'ooo ne'nii'niitouuhut
thunder that-when.IMPERF-holler-3.S
Thunder , that's when it sounds .
'oh noniikuutiinoo hini' numbers
but misplace-1S that(aforementioned) numbers
But I lost the number .
He3ebnouunei'ooku'oot neisonoo
there-outside-look-3.S my.father,.my.uncle
My father had looked outside over there ( as it drove off ).
noh hoowuu wottootiin hoowuuni
and no flint,.match no
And no flints , none .
Yeheihoo nih'ii3einoo
gee.whiz ! s
Gee , he would tell me .
heetnee'ino' tohciineihein
FUT-know-3S since-NEG-scare-3S
" It will know that it didn't scare you ."
wohei hetniihii3tonouneihiinoo' niiyou nuhu' hetniitetehei3itoneihiinoo'
okay FUT.OBL-IMPERF-good-used-0S this
Wohei it was necessary to use those powers which were received as divine blessings in the right way
Woow beebeet nooxeihi' neneeninoo heetbeh'eihehiininoo woow
now.PERF just maybe FUT-be.old-1S now.PERF
Now maybe I'm just getting old too , now .
'oh ne'nih'iitcih'iitisee3i'
That's where they walked here from .
'oh hoowunee'eesoo
but NEG-be.thus
But [ Arapaho life ] is not like that .
yeah hinee woxu'uu 'oh niibeetbisnee3i' woxu'uu
yeah that medicine-NI.PL but medicine-NI.PL
Yeah , those medicines . And they all want to be [ doctors and have ] medicines .
Siiyeih nih'iit
" It really is ," she said .
Nihii ketneeneistoono' nih'ii3i'
well... INTERR.FUT-do.things-pers.PL they.said
Uhh , \ 'ecare they allowed to do that ?\ 'ee they said .
Heetnee'eeneestoono' hini' heeneesheeneixoohoo3iheino'
FUT-do.that-12 that(aforementioned) what-teach.things-3
" We'll do how they showed us ."
noh he'ih3eiin hiciito3oone' hineiko noh hibeete'
and NARRPAST-put.inside.s.t . 3S-quiver-LOC 3S-arrows and 3S-bow
And he put his arrows and his bow into his quiver .
neneeninoo (name) (name)
I am ( name )
wo'ei3 heneenetino'
or IC.speak-12
Nehe' hinen he'ihcii3o'e'in tih'iih'ehit
this man NARRPAST-never-know when.PAST-have.son-3.S
This man never knew he had a son .
Nuhu' nuhu' nuhu' hees-iine'etiitooni' 'oh hoowuniihobeihiinoo nuhu' biibi3ehiit
this this this what-live-0S but this praying
The way people life [ today ], prayer is not a part of it/included .
Noh hoo3oo'o' heihnii3ooneiitoonin tihyihoono' heetohse'isi' noh he'ihbii'iitiino' beebeet hiseino nih'iisinihiini3i:
and others 2S.PAST-accompany-3 when.PAST-go-12 where-lie-3S and NARRPAST-find-pers.PL just woman-OBV.PL PAST.what-say-4PL
Some of those who were with us went to the tomb and found it just as the women had said ;
Ceesey nihnoohowou'u houunenno'
one.time PAST-see-1S Crow.Indian-NA.PL
Once I saw some Crows .
houunen benoheino'oowu'
Crow.Indian bar
Crow bar .
hini' heeneiseihkoxuni': wohei heeneiP heeneisoo' niiyou nuhu' ni'inon:
that(aforementioned) whatever-roled-0S okay whatever-pause how.things.are this tipi
The sides of that [ tipi ] are raised : well this is how the tipi is fixed up :
heenoo neneeninee hiiniinooxunee hinenino' nohkuuhu' hiniinooxuut hiiheyoti'i ceebixohuni'i
oblig IC.carrying.load.on.back-2PL man-NA.PL with.comit.-ADV burden,.heavy.load IC.heavy-0.PL IC.carried.along-0OBV.PL
For you load people with burdens hard to bear ,
benii'owoo3i' hu'un nih'oo3oo,.contest-3PL that(aforementioned) White.person
The white man has got them whipped .
Notiitiit bii3wo
search.for-3.S food
He was looking for food .
wohei nenee': bebiistoot hi'in hinenitee heetihciinontoot
okay properly-do-3.S that(aforementioned) person so.that-NEG-make.mistake-3.S
Wohei that's it : that person would act properly , so that he didn't make a mistake .
nee'eesnehtiiheihiinoo' nih'oo3ounih'eihit medicine wheel
thus-recognized-0S named-3.S medicine wheel
That's how it's know by the White , Medecine Wheel .
NoosouP howoo nehe' beneesiseit neisii noosounii neeneyei3eit
IC.still-pause also this IC.older.girl-3.S 1S-grandchild IC.still-DETACH
Even my older granddaughter is still studying .
koohuut tih'eenetiitooni'
INTERR-here when.PAST-people.are.talking-0S
Was it here that they met ?
Niine'eehek neh'eeno niine'eehek neh'eeno hinen wootii nih'eeneiseeneine'etiit nih'eeneistoot this this man like PAST-PERF-live-3.S PAST-what-do-3.S
Here is this one , here is this man , the ways he lived his life , the things he did .
Nehe' teecxo' nih'iine'etiit heebe3neecee beesneecee
this long.ago PAST-live-3.S big-chief big-chief
Long ago there was a big man who lived , big chief .
wohei cihneesee
Come on !
sooxe woteeniihi'
let's go back to the camp .
Woow nou'usee3i' nuhu' hinono'eino' hinee woow cee'iyeino'oowu' nih'entou'
now.PERF arrive-3PL this Arapahos that now.PERF Ft..Washakie,.WY PAST-be.located
When the Arapahos arrived , Fort Washaskie was already there ,
nee'eestiinoo hookohuusiini
do.s.t..specific.that.way-1S necessary-DETACH
That's what I do , out of necessity .
heesoo' hihcebe' hinee heetoon
what-0S above that where.located-2S
way that it is in heaven where you are .
Nuhu' noohuho' nihkoo'oebisceno'oo3i'
this rabbits PAST-slowly,-appear-jump-3PL
This one rabbits , they casually hopped into view .
Nuhu' tohP toh'ouuneenoo' niiyou hiteenetiitooninoo
this since-pause since-difficult 3S-language-pers.PL
This is because their language is a serious thing .
heenoo hiitene3en toh'owouunone3en toh'esoxu'unin
oblig IC.get-1S since-take.pity.on-1S since-work.hard-2S
" I'm taking you purposefully because I pity you because you work so hard ."
nuhu' heetebinouhuunino'
this IC.poor,.pathetic-12
This [ is why ] we are pitiful .
noosounee'inowoo hini'iit tohuuP tohuunokotiino' uhh
IC.still-know-1S that(aforementioned).there since.IMPERF-pause since-play-12 uhh
I still remember that/those time ( s ) when we played uhh ,
'oh nuhu' hee3e'eiseet 'oh he'iicxootei'i he'ihco'oo'oe
but this but DUBIT-how.far.s.t..extends-0.ITER NARRPAST-thick.brush
And the direction he was headed , there was brush all through there .
Wohei niiyou nuhu' heiteyoono he'ih'ii3e' hinee beehiiniisonoonibeihini3 beeheeteihini3
okay this 2S-thing.taken,.gotten-NI.PL that IC.all.powerful-4S
well here is what you have chosen , that Creator and Father of All said to him .
Hoowoe'in nehe' nih'iisinihiit
not.know this PAST.what-say-3.S
He didn't know what he was saying .
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