hoo3itoono yeah
stories yeah
Stories , yeah .
Niito' nihP niito' nih'iikokoh'u3ecootiini' teecxo'
first PAST-pause first PAST.IMPERF-people.think-0S long.ago
People thought about things first long ago [ before doing them ].
niine'eeno' nuhu' hi'eenetiit nuhu' heetesee'ei3i'
here.are.3PL this INSTR-thing.spoken.about this Pinheads
" the ones he talks about , these Bald persons ."
ne'nii'no'oehit nehe' niiwottoneehiinit
that-when.IMPERF-come-3.S this one.who.makes.fires-3.S
That's when he goes outside , the one is the fire maker/keeper .
noh he'ne'ii'iih'ehit
and that's.when-have.son-3.S
and she bore a son .
hee hetei'towuune3ebe neneeninee noh cebe'esniihi' he'iyeihiiho'
yes OBLIG-tell.s.o.-1S and beyond-ADV prophet-NA.PL
Yes , I tell you , and more than a prophet .
Kookon hoowuniibooheihiinoono nuhu' niibootno nih'ii3oohok
just.any NEG-sung-0PL this song-NI.PL
" These songs aren't just sung for no reason ," he said to them .
heenehiise3ouhu' ni'ii3oot nuhu' neiteh'ei niino'oehi3i''s.hands-2PL.IMPER call.s.o..thus-3S this 1S-friend IMPERF-come-3PL
Wash your hands , my friend here says to them . Then they go outside [ of the room , to the bathroom ].
niinoohowo' nehe' hinen
IMPERF-see-3S this man
I see him , this man .
ne'nii'bee3heihi3i' howoh
that-when.IMPERF-blessed-3PL right ?
That's when they receive blessings , right ?
kokounowP kokounowo' koh'owu'
trout-pause trout creek
Trout Creek .
niitei'P niitei'ih'ebi3i'
IMPERF-strong(ly)-pause IMPERF-strong(ly)-drink-3PL
They hold their liquor .
neisie cop hitouunen
1S-grandchild cop
My grandson is a cop , a Gros Ventre man .
he'ihyiisceno'oo toonkoxcei'it
NARRPAST-to.there-jump INDEF-fat-3.S
He jumped toward one buffalo which was fat .
Nuhu' touku3eihiiho' nihco'oniinkoohu3i'
this policeman-NA.PL PAST-always-ride.around-3PL
These policemen , they were always driving around .
kookon niicesisinihiitooni'
just.any IMPERF-begin-people.say.things-0S
People just start talking about something .
Noh woow beneexookeenoo woowuuno beneesineniteeninoo
and now.PERF now
And now I am old , now I am an elder .
Wonoo3ee3i' howookeciibin 2S-cow-12POSS
" We have a lot of cattle ."
He'ih'eeneixoneihino' nih'eeneisiini PAST-whatever-DETACH
They were useful [ to others ] in various ways .
ne'yihoot nehe' Simon
then-go-3.S this Simon
Then Simon went [ back ] there [ too ].
Nih'iteno' nuhu' ho3
PAST-get-3S this arrow
He took careful aim with his arrow .
heet3oo3ooP heet3oo3ookP heetniini 3oo3ookuuni 3oo3ooktoowootowuno' hini'iitiino
FUT-REDUP-follow.after-pause FUT-REDUP-follow.after-pause FUT-DETACH REDUP-follow(ing)-DETACH that.(aforementioned).there
We are going to try and follow , trace back how things used to be those [ old times ].
heihii ne'ii'3oo3oxoneteebit nuhu' Francis
soon that's.when-REDUP-talk.o.s..into.a.fury-3.S this Francis
Eventually Francis got himself all mad from talking [ drunkenly ].
Heeneise'enou'u toh'ook{oon}ootiini'
prepared-12 that-take.s.t.home-1PL
We got ready to take it back home .
yeah heetBlueP heetP uhh beetouu3ei'i3i'
yeah where-Blue-pause FUT-pause uhh
yeah , at Blue [ Sky Hall ] they will uhh graduate .
'oh he'ih'iiP he'ihtei'P"
but NARRPAST.IMPERF-pause NARRPAST-strong(ly)-pause
But [ the person ] was strong ".
Ce'no'oehinoo he'ihP he'ihcih3ookunouuhce
back-come-1S DUBIT.PAST-pause
I went back outside . Apparently He raced outside after me .
nihneyeih'eihi3i' toonhiitoxu3i'
PAST-counted-3PL INDEF-how.many.of.s.o..there.are-3PL
They were counted , all of them [ to make sure they were all there ].
3eiisi' betebihehi'
lie.inside-3S little.old.woman
An old lady was inside one .
noh cih'oxowu hee3oohok nuhu' hisein
and EMPH.IMPER-feed.s.o.-1S.IMPER this woman-OBV.S
Feed me ," he said to the woman .
Ceese' koo'ohwuhu' he'ihno'koo
one little.coyote
Another little coyote ran up .
Noh nehe' nih'oo3ouho' hiih'o nihneh'eit
and this little.White.Man 3S-sons PAST-kill-4
And the white man's son had killed [ James Blandy ].
wohei hini'iit tihcebiihoot hini'iit uhh heso'oonotiibe' wooce'
okay that(aforementioned).there when.PAST-compete.against-3S that(aforementioned).there uhh train-loc you.know.that...
Well remember [ that one about ] that guy who raced that train .
tohneh'eet hii3einoonin hoono' tohciikoxkohoot he'ihtesee hibees3ooxuu
since-killed-3.S buffalo not.yet since-NEG-stab-3S 3S-big-intestine,.gut-NI.PL
When a buffalo had been killed , and before they stabbed it [ in order to bleed it out ], [ my father ] cut out its large intestine .
he'ihno'oe biibi3ehiino'oowuu'
NARRPAST-come synagogue
After leaving the synagogue ,
hiiwoonhehe' heetohP bisiini woP woxeciini'
now where-pause all-DETACH INDEF.POSS-pause
Now where [ it was ], it is all a wetland .
Nootinei noh hinono'ei nee'eeteihinoo
Sioux and Arapaho
My blood comes from the Lakota and Arapaho nations .
nihniiteheiwo' nih'ii3oot
I helped him , he said about him .
'oh kookon coo'u3eihii kookon nee'ee3e'inoneiht
but just.any botherer just.any thus-known-3.S
But he's just called botherer/molestor , that's how he's known .
Where are they ?
Ceensih'it tei'yoonehe'
IC.born-3.S child
Tjhe child is born .
yeah hiihoowoe'in hiistoot
yeah 3.IMPERF.NEG-know what-do-3.S
Yeah , he doesn't know what he's doing .
Neih'oowoe'in that part yeah
I.didn't.know that part yes,.yeah
I didn't know that part , yeah .
Noh he'ihi'kookokoh'outino' beteeno'oowu' heesini'ihini' nohkuuhu' hii3eihini3i hoh'onookeeno noh hoseiyoono
and NARRPAST-INSTR-REDUP-discuss-pers.PL temple what-made.nice,.adorned-0.OBV with-ADV IC.good-4PL rock,.stone-OBV.PL and sacrifice-NI.PL
When some were speaking about the temple , how it was adorned with beautiful stones and gifts dedicated to God ,
he'ihbiibixoxonetii ciitee
DUBIT.PAST-REDUP-fill.s.t..up.until.substance.appears foam
until he foams at the mouth ;
nehe' 3oo3oone' niiyou neh'eiht
this killed-3.S
he was [ shot and ] killed right here on top of his head .
hini'iitiino ceesey nihwoo3ee3i' woxhooxebii
that.(aforementioned).there one.time PAST-be.many-3PL horses
At that time there were a lot of horses [ too ].
he'ih'eentoo nenitee one white man person one white man
There was a man there , one white man .
heniisiiteno' ceese' .\'ee
IC.catch 3S one
I have caught one .\ 'ee
"Nihii Nih'oo3oo tootei'eihoo" hee3eihok
well... trickster ?
" Well , Nih'oo3oo , where are you going " they said to him .
'oh neneeninoo niibi'nehtiihou'u
but IMPERF-just-recognize-1S
Me , I just recognize them ,
wohei ne'P tih'iiniise'enou'ut wohei hee3oohok hibetebihow
okay then-pause when.PAST.HABIT-ready-3.S okay . 3S-wife
Wohei then when he was ready , \ 'ecWohei \ 'ee he told his wife .
hooxebine' he'ihnouuhce tohce'yihkoohut nih'iicih'iitiseet hooxebine'
spring-LOC NARRPAST-run spring-LOC
Spring-child ran outside , because he was running back over there to the spring where he had come here from .
Noh Hihcebe' Nih'oo3ousoo he'ih'ooxohoeneeneti3ee nenebe'eebiihiiho noh niisi3ecouhuuho
and above white.child NARRPAST-answer.s.o.-3S lawyer-OBV.PL and pharisee-OBV.PL
And Jesus asked the lawyers and Pharisees ,
Noh nihii howoo neisonoo he'ih'ini he'ihno'oteih nuhu' nihii cebiihinoot
and well... also 1S-father NARRPAST-DETACH NARRPAST-tough this well... gambling
And also my father , he was good at gambling , playing cards .
Heetne'inow heetniisinihiin
FUT-know-2S FUT-what-say-2S
You [ students ] will know what to say .
Wohei he'inoo'einou'see3i' hoo'eiyeihiiho' hetouse'eihi3i'
okay DUBIT-gathered.together-arrive-3PL tax.collector-NA.PL FUT.OBL-baptized-3PL
Even tax collectors came to be baptized ,
ceesey niis neeso yein yoo3on niitootox ne'nii3ei'ii3eco'ooni3
one two three four.(times) five six that-how.much.IMPERF-weigh-4S
one two three four five , six , that was how much she weighed [ when she was born ].
Tootonouni' heenee'iihi'
REDUP-used-0S occasionally
It was used whenever needed .
Howoo nei'eibehe' co'oniini hiiniseeni'
also 1S-grandmother always-DETACH wander-1PL
Andy my grandmother and I would walk around .
wohei nenee' nee'eetoxunihiini'
okay it enough-say-1PL
Okay , we've said enough .
tih'ini hiiyooteiht hei'iisibiitoonini'
when.PAST-DETACH clean-3.S
that he is clean at bedtime .
yeah nuhu' noh nih'iiP biseenentoo3i' huutiino
yeah this and PAST.IMPERF-pause
Yeah , this place here , and they were all located here .
Hi'in nihii niiwo'teeneihi3i' nuh'uuno nihii nii'eihiiho' niiwo'teeneihi3i'
that(aforementioned) well... IMPERF-black-3PL this well... eagle-NA.PL IMPERF-black-3PL
Those uhh black ones , these well , eagles , they are black .
Heetneenei3oohootowuno' tohuuneenei'inou'u
FUT-what-see-12 since.IMPERF-REDUP-know-3PL
We will be able to perceive things [ from many perspectives ], because they know about those things .
Nuhu' tohuubeebetoootiini' nihkoo'oeceeceitoonetiitooni'
this when,.because,.after-REDUP-people.are.dancing-0S PAST-slowly,-REDUP-people.visit.each.other-0S
When they had a dance , people would slowly make their way around visiting each other ( in the old days ).
3ebno'uuhu' hinee hii3e' nenee'
there-VENTAT-ADV that over.there
up to that place/time over there , that's it .
Nih'esoohootowoo hinee
PAST-watch-1S that
I watched that .
niihooyooni'i ni'iikoto'ohei'it INSTR-IMPERF-attach.beads-3.S
She is beading it with yellow [ beads ].
nuhu' uhh wo3onohoe heetP nehe'
this uhh book FUT-pause this
in this book , he will , this [ guy ]
"nonii neisiiho"
" How cute ! My grandson !"
yeah heetne'nii'P
yeah FUT-that-when.IMPERF-pause
Yeah , then she will ...
Cora kooxnih'iit hoowbene hoowuuni hi'in wine communion
Cora yet.again-PAST-said-3.S 3.NEG-drink no that(aforementioned) wine communion
Cora , one time she said , she doesn't drink that wine , communion
nih'iihi'P nihniiP beebeet noh'oeseinoo'ou'u
PAST.IMPERF-INSTR-pause PAST-IMPERF-pause just lighting.up-0.PL
They were just on/shining .
"wohei neeco'oo
okay go.on.(and.act)
" Well go on !"
hoowouuyeinoo Neihoowunoxooteih neenei3oot
IC.merciful-1S 1.NEG-cruel
I'm kind and sympathetic [ my father said ]. I'm not mean , he said to her .
Ne'beni'ini heeneixoohoo3iheet
then-IC.just-DETACH teach.things-1PL
Then we just showed him everything .
Hii3eti' (name) nii'itoon
IC.good name
Good , you are doing good .
noh noohowunee hinee nonookeihit hote'
and see-3.IMPER that IC.white-3.S sheep
and look at that white sheep .
Koohee'in bee3soh'oot
INTERR-2S-know sign.language
Do you know sign language ?
Wootii hoowuniisi3einoo wootii hoowP hoowuuni
like NEG-work,.function like 0.NEG-pause no
It seems like it doesn't work , it seems like it doesn't .
koxo'ootee' koxo'ootee'
(ice-0S (ice-0S
It has cracked open , it has cracked open .
Tell 'em go casino wonbii3ihi'
tell 'em go casino ALLAT-eat-2PL.IMPER
... Go and eat .