nee'ee3e'inowoo nuhu' toonhiisiini nih'iihineyooheti3i' nehe' Arapahos nehe' Cheyenne niiyou nenee3i' United States cavalry this INDEF-what-DETACH PAST.IMPERF-save-3PL this arapahos this cheyenne united states cavalry
That's what I know about this , how these Arapahos and Cheyennes saved/rescued themselves from this United States cavalry .
wootii nebesiibehe' hihP hih'oowuuni hih'oowoeneih
like 1S-grandfather 3S.PAST-pause 3.PAST.NEG-DETACH 3.PAST.NEG-tall
For example my [ Arapaho ] grandfather , he wasn't , he wasn't tall ,
Hi3oowunenteeniit niitohni'eeneetowoo heetohbehisnih'oniitowootiini'
true,.truly-the.people where-like-1S where-all-people.are.trying.their.hardest-0S
I lay my sympathies with truly good people , who all try their hardest to do their best .
Heebeh'enetiino' he'ii3ooni'i
3.POTENT-lose-pers.PL something
They might have lost something .
woow hee'inowoo nuhu' yeah
now.PERF IC.know-1S this yeah
I know this already .
heibeexuuP ne'nih'ii'cih'ini hiinko'eikoohu3i' nuhu' niihencebkoohuni
2S.IMPERF-should-IMPERF-pause wander-circle.back.around-3PL this cars
They should , they come here and drive all over in these cars .
Wootii nenee' tih'iixoyoo'
like when.PAST-useful-0S
I guess that is when it's useful . \{ I . e . gambling has provided jobs \}
'oh kootoyohou'u
but IC.cover.up-3PL
" Rather they had covered them up in the ground ."
wootii yonoo3iini hiiyoo3iini notikoni3i'
like,.hidden-DETACH clean-DETACH scout-3PL
They would scout while staying hidden , in the [ proper ] clean way .
Nih'eeneisinihiito' hiine'etiiwoohuut
how he spoke about survival .
He'ihniitonee hineniteen he'ihniitouuhun hihcebehe' wootii non3o'oo
NARRPAST-hear-3S person-OBV.S NARRPAST-holler-OBV.S nearby like get.lost
She heard a person hollering nearby , as if they were lost .
Wohei noh ne'P heetoono' huut nihkoh'eineentoono' huut
okay and then-pause where.located-12 here PAST-several, here
Well here where we lived , there were quite a number of us living here .
Hoonobee' hoonou3oo
IC.joyful Christmas
Merry Christmas !
nih'eeneiP hiibineeniihi'
PAST-around.and.about-pause secretly-ADV
He was being secretive .
Niico'oo'eiso'onoo3i' nuhu' woxhooxebii noh nuhu' wookecii
IMPERF-again-drive-3PL this horses and this cow-NA.PL.OBV
They round up the horses and cows again .
Wohei nuhu' nihii hineeceebinoo Too'ooxeihini3 ciinihe'
okay this well... 4S-chief-pers.PL Washakie leave.alone-2PL.IMPER
Their chief , Washakie , [ said ] " leave them alone !"
Woononoh'oho' he'ih'iicxooyeihino' he'ihyeineniino'
Some young men of some age or other , there were four of them .
Noh ne'wo'wuseet
and then-walk.further-3.S
And then he moved on [ over here to the Immersion School ].
Noh hunit hei'oohowun woowotox heetneyeice'ce3koheisenowuno' nuhu' heenetiit 'oh
and right.there's.all.done in.vain FUT-try-again-begin-stand.s.t..up-12 this language but
And right there [ at that point in the future ] once that's occurred , our efforts to revive this language will be of no use . And
Hey howoto'oo nih'iit
hey wake.up PAST-said-3.S
Hey , wake up , he said .
hiniin hiniin 'oh nih'iihooteni3
his.wife his.wife but PAST-died-4S
His wife , his wife died then .
'oo wooce' nuh'uuno tih'iihoonokohou'u
yes you.know.that... this when.PAST.HABIT-REDUP-close.up-3PL
Yes , [ and ] remember when they canned things .
wohei nehe' nonookoxoneet hihcebee he'ihneeneh'ee biixoxko'uu
okay this near NARRPAST-REDUP-kill-3S goat-NA.OBV.PL
Well the white-skinned one , he killed some goats nearby .
Hohou niibiinoono' beeheeteihit IMPERF-give-12 IC.all.powerful-3.S
Let us give thanks to the Lord our God .
nisinec yeah
wine yeah
Wine , yeah .
niinihi'P hookoh nih'iisiine'etii3i' nono'eino' tih'iiceceeco'ohu3i' nuhu'
REDUP-PAST-INSTR-pause because PAST.what-live-3PL Arapaho-NA.PL when.PAST.HABIT-ceremonially.blessed-3PL this
Because that was how the Arapahos lived when they had been ceremonially blessed .
'oh neihoowP neinoo ne'ibei'it
but 1.NEG-pause 1S.mother then-give.s.t..away-3.S
But I don't [ have it anymore ] \ 'f1 my mother gave it away .
heeneesiixoohoo3iheit toonouno'
strange-show-4 IC.use-3S
What coyote taught him , he's using it .
honoot it was morning
until it was morning
Until it was morning .
huuhoowuhP huuhoowuhcebee'
too-pause too-passed.up-0S
[ The Arapaho way of life ] is too far past .
cihbenohu heetiitooni' FUT-people.say-0S
Give me a drink ! people will say .
Howoh nih'otbii'e'eet IRREAL-snag-3.S
And to think he had been planning to be her sweetheart !
Neneenini' nihi'iine'etiit PAST-INSTR-live-3.S
This was the means by which [ the Indian ] lived .
we had a big family teecxo'
we had a big family long.ago
We had a big family a long time ago .
noh huu3e' huu3e' 3i'oku
and over.there over.there sit
And " sit over there ," he said to me .
He'ne'ihcoo'ohoe3i' hoh'onookeeno
then-pick.up.with.long.tool-3PL rock,.stone-OBV.PL
Then they picked up the rocks with pronged sticks .
wonoo3ee3i' nih'oo3ou'u woow White.people now.PERF
There are lots of Whites now .
noo3toowoo3eihi3i' woowuuno
ignored-3PL now
They're left behind , forgotten about now .
Wohei woow heni'P heetce'ciinoheinoo
okay now.PERF IC.INSTR-pause FUT-again-put.s.t..down-1S
Well now I will get some more gas with this .
yein he'ihniitouu3ei'i
four.(times) NARRPAST-blow.a.whistle
Four times he blew it .
Wohei biiti' heticoo neyeih'e' hee3oohok hiniiteh'eiho
okay in.turn IMPER.FUT-come 1S-home-LOC 3S-friend
Well now it's your turn to come to my lodge , he said to his friend .
Hiinih'oniitowoohu nih'ii3eihit
Try your hardest , he is told .
toonnih'iiciixouwut ciinoowu3oowuuhu' wo'ei3 nih'iiciice'bixoukoohut
almost-PAST.IMPERF-swim.far-3.S not.take.breath-ADV or PAST.IMPERF-NEG-again-appear.suddenly.from.below-3.S
Whoever swam the farthest without breathing or didn't appear again above the water [ was the winner ].
Hesoohowu nih'ii3einoo
watch-1S.IMPER s
Watch me , he said .
Wootii hoowooh'entou wotP
like no.longer-be.located I.guess-pause
Like that [ old life ?] is no longer around , I guess .
ne'ni'iitou'u Battlefield
then-call.s.t..thus-3PL battle-field
That's what they call it , battlefield .
Kouutenowuunei'ee neeneisnontoono'
get.rid.of.s.t..for.s.o.-1PL.IMPER what-make.mistake-1P
Take away from us all our sins .
Heetneeninoo nih'iinoo PAST-said-1S
" I will be the one ( to be the cowboy )," I said .
tohuuceciniihi' tohuuwottonouhuutooni' tohuuciinii3ini'i koxuute' heeyouhuu hi'iiwottonouhuutooni'i
since.IMPERF-winter since.IMPERF-NEG-possessed-0.PL sometimes thing
when it's winter ... in the wintertime , when you make fires for yourselves , whenever at some moment the things aren't available that you make fires with for yourselves ,"
ciibeet ni'iinii3oe'ini' yeah
sweat.lodge yes,.yeah
The sweat lodge is braided from them , yeah .
niixookuunee3i' wo'ei3 niisookuunee3i' nenee3i' or wear.two.feathers-3PL
[ Those on journeys ] would wear one or two feathers .
Wo'teenboone' nih'iikou3i'ookuuni'
dark-road-loc PAST.IMPERF-long.(time)-stand-1PL
At the road , we were standing for a long time ( waiting for a ride ).
Noh ceese' he'ihcihno'usee beeheeteihin nonii hiiyouno hebei'ci3eiwo
and other IC.all.powerful-2S behold ! 2S-money
'Lord , here is your pound .
Teeteeteco'oot weeds tumbleweeds that gravel dirt
REDUP-REDUP-roll.along-3.S weeds tumbleweeds that gravel dirt
She went rolling along , through the ...
Noh nih'e3ebwo3onohowuunu'u nuhu'
and PAST-there-something.has.been.written.down.for.people-0.PL this
These things have been written down for people [ to read ].
hee'inowoo heestoonoo
I know what I have done .
teecxo' ceniixootee'
long.ago IC.lie.far.away-0S
[ This was ] long ago , a long time ago in the past .
Ceitoosoo nee'eesih'it thus-named-3.S
Rain is Coming , that is his name .
'iiheihoo nih'ii3o' beexuuni nihneyeihceeceh'e3ihoo heisonoonin nih'ii3o'
oh.gosh ! should-DETACH 2S-father-12POSS
Gee whiz , I said to her , you should have tried to listen to our father , I said to her .
nuhu' behiitowoot ni'iitou'u bisiihi'
this all.working.together call.s.t..thus-3PL all-ADV
This 'all pitching in' they all call it .
Nuhu' uhm tei'yoonoh'o' niiP niixoohoo3iheihi3i' nuhu' neeneistoon niisoonowoo'oono'
this uhm children IMPERF-pause shown-3PL this what-do-2S how.IMPERF-REDUP-conduct.ceremony-12
These uhm , children , they [ have to be ] taught/showed what you do , how we conduct the ceremonies .
Xonou nih'iini noonoxowuheihinoo
immediately PAST.IMPERF-DETACH REDUP-smacked.hard-1S
Right away I would be beaten up [ if I did s . t . bad ].
'oh beebeet nuhu' hinono'ei back here hoowee3P 3oo3eenebei'i kee'in
but just this Arapaho back here 0.NEG-what-pause remember-4 you.know ?
But this Arapaho in the back , they don't remember him , you know ?
Hoohookeeni3i' beh'eihoho'
Old men are crazy .
Noh ne'nii'3oo3o'ohou'u hi'iihi' nuhu' hoh'onookee
and that-when.IMPERF-REDUP-grind.up.with.tool-3PL INSTR this rock,.stone
Then they would pound them with a rock .
nii3eeP cihneyei3ee3e'einiihi3i' my uhh my uhh niitooni'
IMPERF-REDUP-pause my uhh my uhh where.located-1PL
They try to shove their heads between my uhh , my uhh ( fence ).
Just no no no no hinee beskooteeno .
just no no no no that corn-NI.PL
Just .... no , that corn .
Wo'ei3 nuh'uuno tih'iibeebetoootiini' nih'iiyihxohei'ee3i' neinoo noh neisonoo
or this when.PAST.HABIT-REDUP-people.are.dancing-0S 1S.mother and 1S-father
Or when there used to be dances , my mother and father would bring us .
Evelyn Felcher nihnii3oono'
Evelyn Felcher PAST-accompany-1S
I accompanied Evelyn Felcher one time .
Wohei nih'ii3i' heetnoo'eisee3i'
okay they.said FUT-gather-3PL
" Okay ," they said , " we will meet together ."
Nuhu' bei'ci3ei'i heetwo'wuwoo3ei'i
this money FUT-farther-be.many
This [ monthly payments ] money , there will be more of it .
You don't you saying it wrong nih'ii3ei'eet
you don't you saying it wrong
You don't , you're it wrong , he says to us .
Nookohunoo ce3ei'oo
I am sleeping , go away .
Niini'itoon tih'ini neenei'ooku'oon
IMPERF-do.good-2S when.PAST-DETACH REDUP-look-2S
You did good , when you looked around [ out there , she said ].
heebeh'ini cih'ini bisiitonein
2.POTENT-DETACH attack.s.o.-3
They might attack us here .
honoot heetnei'towuunein toonheetP toonheeteihit hiiteen heeneini
until FUT-tell.s.o.-3S INDEF-where-pause INDEF-where.from-3.S tribe whatever-DETACH
until he will tell you wherever he is from tribe .
Wo'ei3 niineeniibei'it
or IMPERF-REDUP-sing-3.S
Or he sings all over .
Koxuute' he'ih'iikohei'i nehe' wox
sometimes NARRPAST.IMPERF-stand.up this bear
Suddenly the bear was standing up .
bih'ihii wo'ei3 hiwoxuuhuu
mule.deer or elk
Deer or elk [ made this bed in the grass ].
Heetbehiitowoono' hee3neeniini real-DETACH
We all have to pull together , really .
Heetniiciteihini3 hitoono he'ih'ei'towuunee
FUT-how.long-4S 3S-daughter NARRPAST-tell.s.o.-3S
How long it's going to be , her daughter , she told her
Ne'nii'iini no'noo3einoo
that-when-DETACH VENTAT-fetch-3S
Then she comes to fetch me .
niibeexP niibeexwoowoseinoo kee'in
IMPERF-a.little-pause IMPERF-a.little-REDUP-talk.dirty-1S you.know ?
I talk a little bit dirty , you know ?
hinono'einiihi' Wohei
Arapaho-ADV okay
niiyou nuh'uuno ciiyoono woow hoo'eiP hoo'einou'u this gear-NI.PL now.PERF gathered.together-pause gather.up-3PL
Here are these articles , they have gathered them here now .
nuhu' teecxo' nono'eino' nihtonounou'u nuhu' woxu'uu
this long.ago Arapaho-NA.PL PAST-use-3PL this medicine-NI.PL
These old time Arapahos used these medicines .
nihP nih'iitootowohou'u wootii niiP uhh woteiho'yoono
PAST-pause PAST.IMPERF-REDUP-cut.down-3PL like IMPERF-pause uhh drumstick-NI.PL
they would chop them off , for uhh drumsticks ,
on the rock ( s ),
ceecii3ow yeah yeah
all.of.a.sudden yeah yeah
All of a sudden , yeah , yeah .
heeyowuuhu' bei'ci3ei'i
every.time-ADV money
Every time money .
Hei'nohkuseiciini' nehe' hinono'usei nih'e3ebeti3eet heetihtebesoot ne3ee3oo
when.PERF-morning-0S this Arapaho.woman PAST-there-called-3.S 1S-finger
The next morning an Arapaho woman was called to remove my finger ,
Ne'nih-'iisih'it nehe' neecee wox be'eih
that-PAST-how.named-3.S this chief bear red
Red Bear was this chief's name .
huut cihciitei hinit
here right.there
here come in right there !
Niino'otooneenoo teexokuut
IMPERF-VENTAT-borrow.things-1S riding
I am here to borrow a saddle horse .
Neniibei'inoo heeneetiseenoo
IC.sing-1S wherever.X.walks-1S
I am singing wherever I go .
Nihteco'onbeethonobeeniini nih'iisiine'etii3i' PAST.what-live-3PL
They always wanted their lives to be full of happiness .
yeah 'ehte nih'ii3i' yeah
yeah no.sirree ! PAST-said-3PL yeah
Yeah , no sir , they said , yeah .
Hiiwoon noosouP noosounii3inoono' hiiwoonhehe'
now IC.still-pause IC.still-possess-12 now
Today , we still have [ these doctors ] today .
Hetiicihwoneeneinono'eitisibe ni'ii3ou'u
You must come talk Arapaho with me , I say to them .
Kookon he'ihneenoh'oowohoekoo
just.any NARRPAST-REDUP-wave.arms.around
He was just waving his arms around all over the place .