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Táskátlanul/ruhátlanul mentem az iskolába | bag-PRIV-ESS/clothes-PRIV-ESS go-PST.1SG DEF school-ILL | I went to school without a bag/without clothes | hung1274 | uratyp_371 | uratyp | stan1293 | Hungarian | English |
ház-ba | house-ILL | to the house | hung1274 | uratyp_372 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Hungarian | English |
ház-ban | ház-INE | in the house | hung1274 | uratyp_373 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Hungarian | English |
ház-ból | ház-ELA | from the house | hung1274 | uratyp_374 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Hungarian | English |
ablak-nál | window-ADE | at the window | hung1274 | uratyp_375 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Hungarian | English |
Orvos-ként dolgoz-ik | doctor-ESS work-PRS.3SG | S/he works as a doctor | hung1274 | uratyp_376 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Hungarian | English |
Mosd meg a kez-ed-et | wash PRV DEF hand-POSS.2SG-ACC | Wash your hands | hung1274 | uratyp_377 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Hungarian | English |
Az ember barát-ja | DEF human friend-POSS.3SG | friend of man | hung1274 | uratyp_378 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Hungarian | English |
Mit keres ez itt ? | what-ACC look.for.PRS.3SG this here | What does s/he look for here? | hung1274 | uratyp_379 | uratyp | stan1293 | Hungarian | English |
kutyá-i-m-mal | dog-PL-POSS.1SG-INS | with my dogs | hung1274 | uratyp_380 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Hungarian | English |
månnå ja Jåssjå lijmen ullgon sirijd tjåggemin | 1SG.NOM and Josh.NOM.SG be-1DU.PST outside blueberries-ACC.PL pick-PTCP | I and Josh were picking berries outside | pite1240 | uratyp_399 | uratyp | stan1293 | Pite Saami | English |
ja tsáhpat biergov káfa sis | and cut-INF meat-ACC.SG coffee-GEN.SG into | and to cut meat into your coffee | pite1240 | uratyp_400 | uratyp | stan1293 | Pite Saami | English |
Hiŋga äjjtiga lidjin nåv sagga hiejo ja idnin nåv binná buhtsujt | Hiŋŋa.GEN.SG parent-NOM.PL be-3SG.PST so incredibly poor-NOM.SG and have-3PL.PST so few reindeer-NOM.PL | Hinnga's parent were so incredibly poor and had so few reindeer | pite1240 | uratyp_401 | uratyp | stan1293 | Pite Saami | English |
da lä jábmám , ber muv äddne'l viessomin dále | 3PL.NOM be.3PL.PRS die-PTCP1 only 1SG.GEN mother.NOM.SG=be.3SG.PRS live-PTCP2 now | They have died, only my mother is living now | pite1240 | uratyp_402 | uratyp | stan1293 | Pite Saami | English |
ja dä maŋŋel dä vuolgá Västeråsaj | and then after then drive-2SG.PRS V.-ILL.SG | and then after that you'll drive to Västerås | pite1240 | uratyp_403 | uratyp | stan1293 | Pite Saami | English |
dä jähkkin ahte vurunjása lijjin suv bårråm | then believe-3PL.PST that raven-NOM.PL be-3PL.PST 3SG.ACC eat-PTCP | then they believed that ravens had eaten her | pite1240 | uratyp_404 | uratyp | stan1293 | Pite Saami | English |
Hiŋŋga gujt idtjij máhte tjuovvot ålmáv buhtsuj gugu | H.\NOM.SG really neg-3SG.PST can\CNG follow man-ACC.SG reindeer-GEN.PL towards | Hinnga was not able to accompany her husband to the reindeer | pite1240 | uratyp_405 | uratyp | stan1293 | Pite Saami | English |
Vissjum litj dun bånndáj | become.angry-PTCP be-POT.3SG DEM.DIST-ILL.SG rich-ILL.SG | (she) must have become angry at that rich (man) | pite1240 | uratyp_406 | uratyp | stan1293 | Pite Saami | English |
usjudin ahte sajev gávdnat | think.3PL.PST that(subordinator) place.ACC.SG find.INF | they thought that they would find the place | pite1240 | uratyp_407 | uratyp | stan1293 | Pite Saami | English |
muhtij ja lij bar guäkkte vaj gålbmå grader | snow-3SG.PST and be-3SG.PST only two or three degrees | it snowed and it was only two or three degrees | pite1240 | uratyp_408 | uratyp | stan1293 | Pite Saami | English |
dat lä iello | that.NOM.SG be-3SG.PRS herd\NOM.SG | that is the herd | pite1240 | uratyp_409 | uratyp | stan1293 | Pite Saami | English |
dat lij kujdna mij tjuojgaj bálldal | that.NOM.SG be-3SG.PST woman\NOM.SG who\NOM.SG ski-3SG.PST past | that was the woman who skied by | pite1240 | uratyp_410 | uratyp | stan1293 | Pite Saami | English |
Hiŋŋga gujt idtjij máhte tjuovvot ålmáv buhtsuj gugu | H.\NOM.SG really neg-3SG.PST can\CNG follow man-ACC.SG reindeer-GEN.PL towards | Hinnga was not able to accompany her husband to the reindeer | pite1240 | uratyp_411 | uratyp | stan1293 | Pite Saami | English |
idtjij akktak almatj dav naga gåddet | NEG-3SG.PST any person.NOM.SG dem.ACC.SG manage-CNG kill-INF | no one managed to kill him | pite1240 | uratyp_412 | uratyp | stan1293 | Pite Saami | English |
biednaga lä tjáhppada | dog.NOM.PL be.3PL.PRS black.NOM.PL | the dogs are black | pite1240 | uratyp_413 | uratyp | stan1293 | Pite Saami | English |
tjábbe : tjábbáp : tjábbájmus | beautiful : beautiful.COMP : beautiful.SPRL | beautiful : more beautiful : the most beautiful | pite1240 | uratyp_414 | uratyp | stan1293 | Pite Saami | English |
váre allelij/allelin/allelist | mountain.GEN west.ILL/west.INE/west.ELA | to(wards) the west/in the west/from the west of the mountain | pite1240 | uratyp_415 | uratyp | stan1293 | Pite Saami | English |
guli-j | fish-GEN.PL | pite1240 | uratyp_416 | uratyp | yes | Pite Saami | |||
gåhtáj | tent.ILL | towards the tent | pite1240 | uratyp_417 | uratyp | stan1293 | Pite Saami | English |
gåden | tent.INE | in the tent | pite1240 | uratyp_418 | uratyp | stan1293 | Pite Saami | English |
gådest | tent.ELA | from the tent | pite1240 | uratyp_419 | uratyp | stan1293 | Pite Saami | English |
dát båhtá | DEM.PROX.NOM.SG come.3SG.PRS | s/he/it is coming | pite1240 | uratyp_421 | uratyp | stan1293 | Pite Saami | English |
dellie manne datnine sijhtem saemiestidh | now 1SG.NOM 2SG.COM want.PRS.1SG talk.saami.INF | Now I want to talk Saami with you | sout2674 | uratyp_433 | uratyp | stan1293 | South Saami | English |
Manne lim vuajneme | 1SG be.PST.1SG see.PTCP | sout2674 | uratyp_434 | uratyp | South Saami | ||||
Daesnie maehtieh åeredh | here can.3PL sleep.INF | It is possible to sleep here | sout2674 | uratyp_435 | uratyp | stan1293 | South Saami | English |
obre/abra | rain.PRS.3SG | It rains | sout2674 | uratyp_436 | uratyp | stan1293 | South Saami | English |
Gosse manne lim onne baahtje ... | when I be.PST.1SG little boy | When I was a little boy… | sout2674 | uratyp_437 | uratyp | stan1293 | South Saami | English |
Manne alkene/gåatesne/daesnie | 1SG outside/home/there | I am outside/home/there | sout2674 | uratyp_438 | uratyp | stan1293 | South Saami | English |
Im manne guarkah | NEG.AUX.PRS.1SG 1SG understand.CNG | I don't understand | sout2674 | uratyp_439 | uratyp | stan1295 | South Saami | German |
Jovhkh tjaetjiem ! | drink.IMP.2SG water.ACC.SG | Drink water! | sout2674 | uratyp_440 | uratyp | stan1293 | South Saami | English |
gärja-m tjaele-minie luste | book-ACC.SG write-PROG fun | writing a book is fun | sout2674 | uratyp_441 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | South Saami | English |
orre-mes | new-SPRL | newest | sout2674 | uratyp_442 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | South Saami | English |
tjidtjie-n gåetie | mother-GEN.SG house | mother's house | sout2674 | uratyp_443 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | South Saami | English |
Mov tjidtjie lea skåajje-sne | 1SG.GEN mother.NOM be.PRS.3SG forest-LOC.SG | My mother is in the forest | sout2674 | uratyp_444 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | South Saami | English |
Manne laejpe-ste ohtje stuhtje-m dijp-i-m | I bread-ELA.SG Little piece-ACC.SG take-PST-1SG | I took a little bit from the bread | sout2674 | uratyp_445 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | South Saami | English |
táválâš tááluin ~ táválijn tááluin | regular.ATTR house.PL.LOC ~ regular.PL.LOC house.PL.LOC | in regular houses | inar1241 | uratyp_454 | uratyp | stan1293 | Inari Saami | English |
taan táálust | this.SG.GEN house.SG.LOC | in this house | inar1241 | uratyp_455 | uratyp | stan1293 | Inari Saami | English |
Sun kuárŋui káátu oolâ | 3SG climb-PST.3SG roof.GEN to | He climbed on the roof | inar1241 | uratyp_456 | uratyp | stan1293 | Inari Saami | English |
Máttáátteijee čooskij uáppee já kaačâi olgos | teacher hit-PST.3SG student.ACC and run-PST:3SG outside | The teacher hit the student and ran outside | inar1241 | uratyp_457 | uratyp | stan1293 | Inari Saami | English |
Mun lam luhâmin | 1SG be-1SG read-ACT.ESS | I am reading | inar1241 | uratyp_458 | uratyp | stan1295 | Inari Saami | German |
Mun vuálgám itten kuálástiđ | 1SG go-PRS.1SG tomorrow fish-INF | I am going to go fishing tomorrow | inar1241 | uratyp_459 | uratyp | stan1293 | Inari Saami | English |
Juná lii vyelgimin | train be.3SG leave.ACT.ESS | The train is about to leave | inar1241 | uratyp_460 | uratyp | stan1293 | Inari Saami | English |
Ko mun poottim , sun lâi jo vuálgám | when 1SG come-PST.1SG 3SG be-PST.3SG already leave.PRF.PTCP | When I came he had already left | inar1241 | uratyp_461 | uratyp | stan1293 | Inari Saami | English |
Jis tun liččih liäibum kááhu , mun purâččim tom | if 2SG be-COND.2SG bake-PRF-PCPL cake-ACC 1SG eat-COND.1SG it-ACC | If you would have baked a cake, I would eat it | inar1241 | uratyp_462 | uratyp | stan1293 | Inari Saami | English |
Äšši čielgiš itten | thing-NOM clear-POT.3SG tomorrow | The matter will probably be solved tomorrow | inar1241 | uratyp_463 | uratyp | stan1293 | Inari Saami | English |
Puáđus teehi | come-IMP.3SG here | Let him come here | inar1241 | uratyp_464 | uratyp | stan1293 | Inari Saami | English |
Tääbbin puáhtá uáđđiđ | here can.3PL sleep.INF | It is possible to sleep here | inar1241 | uratyp_465 | uratyp | stan1293 | Inari Saami | English |
Arva | rain.3SG | It is raining | inar1241 | uratyp_466 | uratyp | stan1293 | Inari Saami | English |
Sun lii máttáátteijee | 3SG be.3SG teacher | S/he is a teacher | inar1241 | uratyp_467 | uratyp | stan1293 | Inari Saami | English |
Sun lâi máttáátteijee | 3SG be-PST.3SG teacher | S/he is a teacher | inar1241 | uratyp_468 | uratyp | stan1293 | Inari Saami | English |
jäämmiđ : jämi-hánnáá | die-INF : die-ABE | to die : without dying | inar1241 | uratyp_469 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Inari Saami | English |
Säämist kuálásteh ennuv | Lapland.LOC fish.3PL a_lot | People fish a lot in Lapland | inar1241 | uratyp_470 | uratyp | stan1293 | Inari Saami | English |
Luvâ-hánnáá kirje | read.ABE book | A book that is not read | inar1241 | uratyp_471 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Inari Saami | English |
Ele ustevijd vájáldit ! | NEG.IMP friend.PL.ACC forget.CNG | inar1241 | uratyp_472 | uratyp | Inari Saami | ||||
Kaandah láá kuheh | boy.PL.NOM be-3PL tall.PL.NOM | The boys are tall | inar1241 | uratyp_473 | uratyp | stan1293 | Inari Saami | English |
muččâd : muččâdub : muččâdumos | beautiful : beautiful-COMP : beautiful-SPRL | beautiful : more beautiful : the most beautiful | inar1241 | uratyp_474 | uratyp | stan1293 | Inari Saami | English |
tot : to-n | it : it-GEN | it : its | inar1241 | uratyp_475 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Inari Saami | English |
Mun vuolgim paargon pursâttáá | 1SG leave-PST-1SG work-ILL handbag-ABE | I left for work without a/the handbag | inar1241 | uratyp_476 | uratyp | stan1293 | Inari Saami | English |
Mun vuálgám paargon | 1SG go.1SG work.ILL | I go to work | inar1241 | uratyp_477 | uratyp | stan1293 | Inari Saami | English |
Sun porá pastemáin | 3SG eat.3SG spoon.COM | He eats with a spoon | inar1241 | uratyp_478 | uratyp | stan1293 | Inari Saami | English |
Tot puátá kolliđ muu onne | it come-3SG visit-INF 1SG-ACC today | S/he (lit. it) is coming to visit me today | inar1241 | uratyp_479 | uratyp | stan1293 | Inari Saami | English |
son puätt õõut da kueiʹt kõõskâst | 3SG.NOM come.PRS.3SG one.GEN and two.GEN between | he is coming between one and two o'clock | skol1241 | uratyp_493 | uratyp | stan1293 | Skolt Saami | English |
son-a pâi kuuskõõzzid ǩeäčč da njorgg | 3SG.NOM-EMP only aurora.PL.ACC watch.PRS.3SG and whistle.PRS.3SG | he just watches the northern lights and whistles | skol1241 | uratyp_494 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Skolt Saami | English |
bieʹss leäi lossânji vueʹđđmen | devil.SG.NOM be.PST.3SG heavy.ADV sleep.PROG.PTCP | the devil was sleeping deeply | skol1241 | uratyp_495 | uratyp | stan1293 | Skolt Saami | English |
jâđđa muäna vueʹlǧǧep meäcca | tomorrow 1DU.NOM leave.PRS.1PL forest.SG.ILL | tomorrow the two of us will go to the forest | skol1241 | uratyp_496 | uratyp | stan1293 | Skolt Saami | English |
juʹn eeunaž leäi siʹjjid mainstam | already spider be.PST.3SG 3PL.ILL tell.PST.PTCP | Spider had already told them | skol1241 | uratyp_497 | uratyp | stan1293 | Skolt Saami | English |
poorčem | eat.COND.1SG | I would eat | skol1241 | uratyp_498 | uratyp | stan1293 | Skolt Saami | English |
jiõm âʹtte mon ni kõõjjče što jos mon teâđčem leʹččem veär raajjâm ouddâl | NEG.1SG then 1SG.NOM even ask.NEG:COND COMP if 1SG.NOM know.COND.1SG be.COND.1SG food.SG.ACC prepare.PST.PTCP before | I wouldn't even ask, if I knew, if I had prepared food before | skol1241 | uratyp_499 | uratyp | stan1293 | Skolt Saami | English |
leʹžžem | be.POT.1SG | I may be. | skol1241 | uratyp_500 | uratyp | stan1293 | Skolt Saami | English |
Peâtt mainstââǥǥas tuʹnne , što mäʹhtt tõʹst ǩiâvi | Pekka tell.IMP.3SG 2SG.ILL COMP how DIST.SG.LOC happen.PST.3SG | let Pekka tell you how things went there | skol1241 | uratyp_501 | uratyp | stan1293 | Skolt Saami | English |
Pueʹrmõs puõccid kuõʹđđe ja hueʹnmõõzzid koʹdde | good.SPRL reindeer.PL.ACC leave.PST.3PL and bad.SPRL.PL.ACC kill.PST.3PL | The best reindeer were left alive, and the weakest were killed | skol1241 | uratyp_502 | uratyp | stan1293 | Skolt Saami | English |
sij vueʹlǧǧe ǩiččâd tõn pueʹrr jânnam | 3PL.NOM see.INF DIST.SG.ACC good land.SG.ACC | they set off to see that good land | skol1241 | uratyp_503 | uratyp | stan1293 | Skolt Saami | English |
nijdd lij äʹrǧǧ | girl.SG.NOM PRS.3SG shy.SG.NOM | the girl is shy | skol1241 | uratyp_504 | uratyp | stan1293 | Skolt Saami | English |
taaurõš ij ni vuäittam cieʹlǩkani leeʹd | friend.SG.NOM NEG.3SG even say.ABE be.INF | (my) friend was not even able to stay silent (lit. be without saying) | skol1241 | uratyp_505 | uratyp | stan1293 | Skolt Saami | English |
Ǩeʹrjj lij looǥǥǩani | book be.PRS.3SG read.ABE.PTCP | a book that hasn't been read | skol1241 | uratyp_506 | uratyp | stan1293 | Skolt Saami | English |
mõõn ton viǯǯâd muännai ääuš | go.IMP.2SG 2SG.NOM fetch.INF 1DU.GEN axe.SG.AC] | go, you, and fetch our axe! | skol1241 | uratyp_507 | uratyp | stan1293 | Skolt Saami | English |
Jeäʹl leeiʹb poor ! | NEG.IMP.2SG bread.SG.ACC eat.CNG | Don't eat bread (but eat something else) | skol1241 | uratyp_508 | uratyp | stan1293 | Skolt Saami | English |
niõđ lie ääʹrj | girl.PL.NOM PRS.3PL shy.PL.NOM | the girls are shy | skol1241 | uratyp_509 | uratyp | stan1293 | Skolt Saami | English |
cueʹǩǩ : cueʹjjab : cueʹjjmõs | shallow : shallow-COMP : shallow-SUPL | shallow : shallower : shallowest | skol1241 | uratyp_510 | uratyp | stan1293 | Skolt Saami | English |
nellj oummu mõʹnne tuõddra | four.SG.NOM men.SG.GEN go.PST.3PL fell.SG.ILL | four men went to the fell | skol1241 | uratyp_512 | uratyp | stan1293 | Skolt Saami | English |
võõnâs ij jååʹđ ääirtää | boat.SG.NOM NEG.3SG travel.NEG oar.SG.ABE | the boat won't move without an oar | skol1241 | uratyp_513 | uratyp | stan1293 | Skolt Saami | English |
suäna mõʹnne meäcca | 3DU.NOM go.PST.3PL forest.SG.ILL | the two of them went to the forest | skol1241 | uratyp_514 | uratyp | stan1293 | Skolt Saami | English |
son skläddneeiʹbin ǩiõʹtte čuõʹǧǧii | 3SG.NOM penknife.SG.COM hand.SG.ILL prick.PST.3SG | he pricked the hand with a penknife | skol1241 | uratyp_515 | uratyp | stan1293 | Skolt Saami | English |
tuuʹl sääʹm leʹjje älggam ââʹnned tõn ǩieʹđj Vuâsppååʹden | formerly Skolt.Saami.PL.NOM be.PST.3PL start.PST.PTCP use.INF DIST.SG.ACC rock.SG.ACC god.ESS | formerly the Skolt Saami started to use that rock as a god | skol1241 | uratyp_516 | uratyp | stan1293 | Skolt Saami | English |
muõrram : muõrran | tree.SG.NOM.1SG : tree.PL.NOM.1SG | my tree : my trees | skol1241 | uratyp_517 | uratyp | stan1293 | Skolt Saami | English |
Tõt lij hääʹsǩes ooumaž | that be.PRS.3SG funny.ATTR person.SG.NOM | s/he is a funny person | skol1241 | uratyp_518 | uratyp | stan1293 | Skolt Saami | English |
siõʹzzid | aunt.PL.ACC | skol1241 | uratyp_519 | uratyp | Skolt Saami | ||||
ʃint͡ɕɑ-ʒe ələʒ-ət͡ɕ ~ ʃint͡ɕɑ-ʒe ələʒ-e | eye-PX3SG light_up-PST1.3PL ~ eye-PX3SG light_up-PST1.3SG | His/her eyes lit up | gras1239 | uratyp_540 | uratyp | stan1290 | yes | Grassland Mari | French |
izɑ-m det͡ɕ serəʃ-əm vut͡ɕ-em | elder_brother-PX1SG from letter-ACC wait-1SG | I’m waiting for a letter from my big brother | gras1239 | uratyp_541 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Grassland Mari | English |
unɑ-vlɑk-ən kɑjə-mekə-ʃt , me mɑl-ɑʃ voz-ən-nɑ | guest-PL-GEN go-CVB.PRI-PX3PL, 1PL sleep-INF lie_down-PST2-1PL | After the guests left, we went to sleep | gras1239 | uratyp_542 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Grassland Mari | English |
Subsets and Splits