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ɑʑ-ɑd | front-POSS.2SG.INE/ILL | in front of you | udmu1245 | uratyp_124 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Udmurt | English |
gurt-len-ez-len | village-GEN-POSS.3SG-GEN | of the one that belongs to the village | udmu1245 | uratyp_125 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Udmurt | English |
odig kɲigɑ : kuiɲ kɲigɑ | one book.NOM.SG : three book.NOM.SG | one book : three books | udmu1245 | uratyp_126 | uratyp | stan1293 | Udmurt | English |
so-len pi-jez | 3SG-GEN son-POSS.3SG | his/her son | udmu1245 | uratyp_127 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Udmurt | English |
ɕot mɨnɨm kɨl ! | give.IMP.2SG 1SG.DAT word[ACC] | Give me the word! | udmu1245 | uratyp_128 | uratyp | stan1293 | Udmurt | English |
ʃur-oʑ | river-TERM | to the river | udmu1245 | uratyp_129 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Udmurt | English |
pinɑl-jos-tek ulon tuʒ mɘzmɨt | child-PL-ABE life very sad | Life without children is very sad | udmu1245 | uratyp_130 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Udmurt | English |
mon ɘs-eti pot-iɕко | 1SG door-PROL exit-PRS.1SG | I’ll go out through the door | udmu1245 | uratyp_131 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Udmurt | English |
gurt-e | village-ILL | to a village | udmu1245 | uratyp_132 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Udmurt | English |
gurt-ɨn | village-INE | in a village | udmu1245 | uratyp_133 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Udmurt | English |
gurt-ɨɕ | village-ELA | from a village | udmu1245 | uratyp_134 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Udmurt | English |
gurt-ɑz | village-ILL/INE.POSS.3SG | in/into his/her village | udmu1245 | uratyp_135 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Udmurt | English |
ɕin | eye[NOM.SG] | eyes | udmu1245 | uratyp_136 | uratyp | stan1293 | Udmurt | English |
otɨn vu-ez tuʒ t͡ɕɨlkɨt | there water-POSS.3SG very clear | The water is very clear there | udmu1245 | uratyp_138 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Udmurt | English |
pi-os-lɨ | boy-PL-DAT | to the boys | udmu1245 | uratyp_139 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Udmurt | English |
sūr-sõ knašš-õs nīn-õs | big-INE beautiful-INE town-INE | in a beautiful big town | west1760 | uratyp_154 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Courland Livonian | English |
knaš neits-õn | beautiful.GEN girl-DAT | to a beautiful girl | west1760 | uratyp_155 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Courland Livonian | English |
Vanāǟma vȯst-īz kalāmī’e-d kä’dst lešti | grandmother buy-PST.3SG fisherman-PL.GEN from flatfish.PL.PRT | Grandmother bought some flatfish from the fishermen | west1760 | uratyp_156 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Courland Livonian | English |
Võtā eņtš kirrõ , li tubbõ | take.IMP.2SG own.GEN ax.GEN go.IMP.2SG room.ILL | Take your ax and go inside | west1760 | uratyp_157 | uratyp | stan1293 | Courland Livonian | English |
Siz ne võt-īz-t võrgõ-d ja rūoik-iz-t kuod pūol | then 3PL take-PST-3PL net-PL.GEN and run-PST-3PL home.GEN towards | Then they took the nets and [they] ran towards home | west1760 | uratyp_158 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Courland Livonian | English |
Ma mūpõ matk-õb je’ddõpē’ḑõn | 1SG tomorrow travel-3SG forward | Tomorrow I'll travel forward | west1760 | uratyp_159 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Courland Livonian | English |
ta ne-iz , ku se vȯļ õbdizõ-ks sō-nd | 3SG see-PST.3SG that it be.PST.3SG silvery-TRA get-ACT.PST.PTCP.SG | S/he saw that this had turn silvery | west1760 | uratyp_160 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Courland Livonian | English |
Ta iz līeda | 3SG NEG.PST.3SG find.CNG | west1760 | uratyp_161 | uratyp | Courland Livonian | ||||
ne’i ku ma vȯl-ks lǭtõ-l | so as 1SG be-COND church_service-ADE | as though I would be at a church service | west1760 | uratyp_162 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Courland Livonian | English |
ku sa ka vȯl-ks-t skūol-sõ kǟ’-nd ja opp-õn , si’z ka si’nn-õn vȯl-ks ne’i_ī’ž jõvā jelāmi | if 2SG also be-COND-2SG school-INE go-ACT.PST.PTCP.SG and study-ACT.PST.PTCP.SG then also 2SG-DAT be-COND so good living | If you would have also gone to school and studied then you would also have such good life | west1760 | uratyp_163 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Courland Livonian | English |
Sie-dā a’mmõ u’m tīe-mõst | this-PRT all.PRT be.3SG do-DEB | All this needs to be done | west1760 | uratyp_164 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Courland Livonian | English |
Laz võtā-g sīe ibīz ja pan-gõ rattõd je’ddõ | let take-JUSS.SG this.GEN horse.GEN and put-JUSS.SG carridge.PL.GEN in_front | Let him/her take the horse and put [it] in front of the carridge | west1760 | uratyp_165 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Courland Livonian | English |
sa kīt-ist , laz ma vaḱt́ə-g āita uks-tā | 2SG say-PST.2SG let 1SG guard-JUSS.SG granary.GEN door-PRT | You said that I should guard the door of the granary | west1760 | uratyp_166 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Courland Livonian | English |
sīepierāst ma tǭ’-b , la’z sa mī-gõ sīe vā’škiz jarā | because_of_this 1SG want-1SG let 2SG sell-JUSS.SG this.GEN calf.GEN away | This is why I want that you would sell this calf | west1760 | uratyp_167 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Courland Livonian | English |
Jel-īz-tõ | live-PST-2PL/3PL | you/they lived | west1760 | uratyp_168 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Courland Livonian | English |
Siz mūndakõrd vȯst-īz-tõ būomvilliz-t luoimõ | then sometimes buy-PST-3PL cottony-PRT thread.PRT | Then sometimes cottony thread was bought | west1760 | uratyp_169 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Courland Livonian | English |
Ni sadā-b ! | now rain-3SG, | Now it is raining! | west1760 | uratyp_170 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Courland Livonian | English |
Ta um opātiji | 3SG be.3SG teacher | S/he is a teacher | west1760 | uratyp_171 | uratyp | stan1293 | Courland Livonian | English |
Se vȯļ/līb tä’m tidār mīez | this be.PST.3SG/will_be.3SG 3SG.GEN daugther.GEN husband | This was/will be his/her daugther’s husband | west1760 | uratyp_172 | uratyp | stan1293 | Courland Livonian | English |
ma lugū-b : ma äb lu’g | 1SG read-1SG : 1SG NEG.PRS.1SG read.CNG | west1760 | uratyp_173 | uratyp | yes | Courland Livonian | |||
Tēg lǟ-t umbõ , äb tund-õs äb kēr-idi äb Jumal joud-õ | 2PL go.2PL dead_end.ILL NEG know-CVB NEG Scripture-PL.PRT NEG God.GEN power.PRT | You are mistaken, not understanding the Scriptures nor the power of God | west1760 | uratyp_174 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Courland Livonian | English |
tīe-mõt tīe | do-SUP.ABE work | undone work | west1760 | uratyp_175 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Courland Livonian | English |
sie reit si’nn-õn sǭ-b iera’l-tõt jalg-õt | his time 2SG-DAT get-3SG cut_off-PASS.PST.PTCP leg-PRT | This time your leg will be cut off | west1760 | uratyp_176 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Courland Livonian | English |
pan̄-dǝ̂p pàik̆ka | put-PASS.PRS.PTCP place | a place where one can put things | west1760 | uratyp_177 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Courland Livonian | English |
Alā tīedõ kartõ | IMP.NEG.2SG work-PRT afraid.IMP.CNG | Don't be afraid of work | west1760 | uratyp_178 | uratyp | stan1293 | Courland Livonian | English |
mǭ’zõ tappõ | down kill.INF | to kill | west1760 | uratyp_179 | uratyp | stan1293 | Courland Livonian | English |
sa-kutsõnd | PFX-call.ACT.PST.PTCP | have called together | west1760 | uratyp_180 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Courland Livonian | English |
pū-d attõ sūr-d | tree-PL be.3PL big-PL | the trees are big | west1760 | uratyp_181 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Courland Livonian | English |
ikš kalā : kakš ka'llõ | one.NOM fish.NOM : two.NOM fish.PRT | west1760 | uratyp_183 | uratyp | Courland Livonian | ||||
Ānda sīe minn-õn ! | give.IMP.2SG this.GEN 1SG-DAT | Give it to me! | west1760 | uratyp_184 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Courland Livonian | English |
mõts-õ | forest-ILL | into the forest | west1760 | uratyp_185 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Courland Livonian | English |
mõtsā-s | forest-INE | in the forest | west1760 | uratyp_186 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Courland Livonian | English |
mõtsā-st | forest-ELA | from the forest | west1760 | uratyp_187 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Courland Livonian | English |
pȭrand-õl | floor-ALL/ADE | to the floor, on the floor | west1760 | uratyp_188 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Courland Livonian | English |
ne ūškad , kis ... | these snake-PL who | the snakes that… | west1760 | uratyp_189 | uratyp | stan1293 | Courland Livonian | English |
suodākuoigī-d kis… | war_ship-PL who | warships that… | west1760 | uratyp_190 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Courland Livonian | English |
se u’m pī’lõ-n ne’i vāgiž | it be.3SG stand-ACT.PST.PTCP.SG so still | S/he (lit. it) has been standing so still | west1760 | uratyp_191 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Courland Livonian | English |
vanāǟma-d-õn | grandmother-PL-DAT | to the grandmothers | west1760 | uratyp_192 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Courland Livonian | English |
wenʹako-x°h toŋa-x°h | dog-DU come-3DU | Two dogs came | nene1249 | uratyp_208 | uratyp | port1283 | yes | Tundra Nenets | Portuguese |
mənʹ tol°-h ŋil°na meə-d°m | I table-GEN under be-1SG | I am under the table | nene1249 | uratyp_209 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Tundra Nenets | English |
nʹabako-nʹi xǣ-qmʹa-xəd° xoneyə-w°q | elder.sister-GEN.1SG go-PERF.AN-ABL | When my sister left, I went to sleep | nene1249 | uratyp_210 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Tundra Nenets | English |
pisʹmo / pisʹmo-m tola-q | letter / letter-ACC read-IMP.2SG | Read the/a letter! | nene1249 | uratyp_211 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Tundra Nenets | English |
mənc°ra-s´əti-d°m | work-HAB-1SG | I usually work | nene1249 | uratyp_212 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Tundra Nenets | English |
xǣ-wa-nt° nʹer°cʹuna wərk°-m xada°-wa-cʹ° | go-IMPF.AN-GEN.2SG before bear-ACC kill-1PL-PAST | We had killed a bear shortly before you left | nene1249 | uratyp_213 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Tundra Nenets | English |
ŋaw°na wǣwa-h yilʹeə-cʹ° | in.the.past bad-GEN live-3PL.PAST | In the past they lived poorly | nene1249 | uratyp_214 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Tundra Nenets | English |
to-wewaq ŋǣ-b°q-naq | come-PERF.PART.1PL be-COND-1PL | we had come | nene1249 | uratyp_215 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Tundra Nenets | English |
xuna-rʹi ŋǣ°-ya , sʹax°rʹih xo-bcaki°-q | DP-LIM be-JUS then.LIM find-POT-REFL.3SG | Wherever he is, he will probably be found one day | nene1249 | uratyp_216 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Tundra Nenets | English |
tʹuku° kniga-m temtaə-ya | this book-ACC buy-JUS | Let him buy this book | nene1249 | uratyp_217 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Tundra Nenets | English |
mənʹ° tʹuku°-cʹey°-m xana-xə-d°m | I this-EMPH-ACC take-HORT-1SG | Let me take this away | nene1249 | uratyp_218 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Tundra Nenets | English |
yer°mpoy° nʹū-mʹi ŋanʹih nʹi-r°wa-q xaŋkul°-q ! | INTRJ child-1SG again NEG-APPR-REFL.3SG get.ill-CONNEG | If only my child wouldn’t get ill! | nene1249 | uratyp_219 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Tundra Nenets | English |
meŋa-xəyu-d′ih | take-DU.OBJ-2DU/3DU | you two, they two take (sth) | nene1249 | uratyp_220 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Tundra Nenets | English |
tʹukoxəna yedey° mʹad°-m sʹerta-bʹiq | here new tent-ACC do-DUR.3PL | A new tent is being built here | nene1249 | uratyp_221 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Tundra Nenets | English |
nʹa-xənta xǣ-wəncʹ° ŋəno-də-nta sʹertaə-sʹ° | companion-DAT.3SG go-PURP boat-PRED-GEN.3SG do-PAST | He made a boat in order to visit his younger brother | nene1249 | uratyp_222 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Tundra Nenets | English |
wǣwa-d°m / wǣwa ŋǣ-ŋku-d°m | bad-1SG / bad be-FUT-1SG | I will be bad | nene1249 | uratyp_223 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Tundra Nenets | English |
wenʹako mʹa-k°na me° | dog tent-LOC be | The dog is in the tent | nene1249 | uratyp_224 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Tundra Nenets | English |
mʹa-k°wa-da tənʹa°, ŋəno-da yəŋku | tent-AFF-3SG exist boat-3SG no | He does have a tent, he doesn’t have a boat | nene1249 | uratyp_225 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Tundra Nenets | English |
tʹanʹo-xərt° tudako-m nʹī-dəm xo-q | little-FOC mushroom-ACC NEG-1SG find-CONNEG | I don’t even find a few mushrooms | nene1249 | uratyp_226 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Tundra Nenets | English |
wada-m nʹi-sʹ° mes°-q xǣ-wi° | word-ACC NEG-MOD use-CONNEG leave-INFR | He left without saying a word | nene1249 | uratyp_227 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Tundra Nenets | English |
lador-mədawey° | hit-NEG.PART | the one who did not hit | nene1249 | uratyp_228 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Tundra Nenets | English |
xada-wədawey° | kill-NEG.PART | the one who did not kill | nene1249 | uratyp_229 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Tundra Nenets | English |
nū-sʹ° meq-m°nta pʹa-mʹi | stand-MOD use-FUT.PART tree-1SG | the tree on which I will stand | nene1249 | uratyp_230 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Tundra Nenets | English |
[wol°tampə-wemt°] xoba-mt° | dislike-PERF.PART.ACC.2SG skin-ACC.2SG | the skin (ACC) that you disliked | nene1249 | uratyp_231 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Tundra Nenets | English |
[xūbta-xəna nʹabako-mʹi mənc°ra-qma-xəd°nta] yalʹa-h xoni | morning-LOC elder.sister-1SG work-PERF.AN-ABL.3SG day-GEN sleep.REFL.3SG | After my sister works in the morning, she sleeps in the day time | nene1249 | uratyp_232 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Tundra Nenets | English |
ti / ti-m xada-q | reindeer / reindeer-ACC kill-IMP.2SG | Kill a reindeer | nene1249 | uratyp_233 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Tundra Nenets | English |
tʹuku° wenʹako-x°h səwa-x°h | this dog-3DU good-3DU | These two dogs are/were good | nene1249 | uratyp_234 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Tundra Nenets | English |
ŋəno-h | boat-GEN | boat's | nene1249 | uratyp_236 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Tundra Nenets | English |
yəxa-w°na | river-PROL | along the river | nene1249 | uratyp_237 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Tundra Nenets | English |
lam°pa-n°h xərasʹin°-m xəmta-q | lamp-DAT kerosene-ACC pour-IMP.2SG | Pour some kerosene into the lamp | nene1249 | uratyp_238 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Tundra Nenets | English |
ya-x°na | place-LOC | in the place | nene1249 | uratyp_239 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Tundra Nenets | English |
mʹa-kəd° | tent-ABL | out of the tent | nene1249 | uratyp_240 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Tundra Nenets | English |
yid°-h warə-n°h ŋəno-də-mʹi to° | water-GEN edge-DAT boat-PRED-1SG come | A boat for me came to the shore | nene1249 | uratyp_241 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Tundra Nenets | English |
(pida) puxac'a-da | he wife-3SG | his wife | nene1249 | uratyp_242 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Tundra Nenets | English |
puxacʹa-ko yilʹe-wi°. puxacʹa-ko-nt° sʹidʹa səwa nʹu-da | old.woman-DIM live-INFR old.woman-DIM-GEN.2SG 2 good child-3SG | An old woman lived. This old woman had two nice sons | nene1249 | uratyp_243 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Tundra Nenets | English |
tʹukona sira(-da) wər-cawey° | here snow-3SG dirt-PROP | The snow is dirty here | nene1249 | uratyp_244 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Tundra Nenets | English |
təmuŋku büü-tü-ndə bəńďə-Ɂ ŋəmə-ki-Ɂə-Ɂ | mouse.[GEN] go-ACT-LAT all-PL eat-RES-AOR-3PL | When/While the mouse is going out, all of them started to eat | ngan1291 | uratyp_246 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Nganasan | English |
əmə bɨnɨ-mənɨ bakaðəə-rə huan-ə-Ɂ | this.[GEN] rope-PROL neck-2SGPOSS put.into-EP-IMP.2SG | Put your neck into this rope | ngan1291 | uratyp_247 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Nganasan | English |
küði͡atuďa hiri-tə-mɨŋhi͡a-ntɨ čai | in.themorning cook-IPFV-HAB-AOR.[3SG] tea.R.[ACC] | S/he usually makes tea in the morning | ngan1291 | uratyp_248 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Nganasan | English |
tǝu-Ɂki-Ɂi-nǝ / tǝu-Ɂki-Ɂǝ-m Dud'inka d'a | fly-RES-AOR.RFL-1SG.RFL / fly-RES-AOR-1SG Dudinka.R[GEN] ALL | I'm just flying to Dudinka | ngan1291 | uratyp_250 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Nganasan | English |
sɨtɨ bǝðürbüǝ ńemɨ-nǝ sǝd'ǝǝ-mǝnu kontu-d'üǝd'ǝǝ | s/he[ACC] mother-GEN.1SGPOSS way-PROL carry-PPF.[3SG] | He had carried a dead body across my morther's way | ngan1291 | uratyp_251 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Nganasan | English |
munu-gǝ-tu : ńi-gǝ-ti̮ munǝ-ˀ | say-ITER-PRS.3SG : NEG-ITER-PRS.3SG say-CNG | (S)he regularly says : (S)he doesn't (regularly) say | ngan1291 | uratyp_252 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Nganasan | English |
ńi-sɨðǝ-ŋ maa-gǝlʲičǝ kuniɁi͡ai-gǝlʲiči mɨǝ-Ɂ | NEG.AUX-FUT-2SG what-EMPH how-EMPH do-CNG | You will not do anything | ngan1291 | uratyp_253 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Nganasan | English |
mɨŋ ŋəmə-Ɂkə-suə i-hü-nüɁ ńaagəi-Ɂ kuntu-baaðəi-ńüɁ | we eat-RES-PST.[3SG] be-COND-OBL.1PLPOSS good-ADV sleep-IRR.RFL-1PL.RFL | If we had eaten, we would have slept well | ngan1291 | uratyp_254 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Nganasan | English |
bənti-mənu ďotü-r-üərəku | outside-PROL walk-FRQ-SPEC.[3SG] | It seems she walks on the street | ngan1291 | uratyp_255 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Nganasan | English |
tə mað-u-tu ďa büü-ŋəi-ðə | well tent-EP-GEN.SG.3SGPOSS ALL go.away-IMP.RFL-3SG.RFL | Let her go home (back) | ngan1291 | uratyp_256 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Nganasan | English |
tə ďej-ńə ďesɨ-gu-ðəm | well skin.on.the.tent-ACC.PL.1SGPOSS cover-IMP-IMP.1SG | Let me cover it with skins | ngan1291 | uratyp_257 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Nganasan | English |
Subsets and Splits