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As he observes, the donkey brays. It scares the tiger. | 4. 突然驢子大叫一聲,老虎嚇一大跳,以為驢要吃它。 |
Life was rugged for the people of Rennie's Mill from the 50's on. | 從五○年代至今,調景嶺居民經過了艱辛坎坷的歷程。今年八十歲,曾跟隨著經國先生在江西打過共產黨的黃文揚指出,剛逃到調景嶺時,此地居民的生活十分困苦。「你不會說廣東話,各方面都不能溝通,到外頭去找工作,人家不認識你,不雇用你,也不相信你」,他回憶。 |
It was tough going. " | 同學呢?「唉!」這回張洪臉上有些少見的尷尬了:「這邊同學常討論怎樣交女朋友,那邊不會。」 |
The last time was after the "Kaohsiung incident." | 一輩子為台灣人說話的吳三連,最後一次發聲,是在「高雄美麗島事件」的時候。 |
The heirs were exiled, and Wu proclaimed herself emperor. | 天授元年,高齡六十六的武曌即帝位,改國號為周,稱聖神皇帝。 |
A: I'm not worried. | 答:我們到東南亞投資設廠,就如同當年歐美日到我國投資一樣。有人說這會使國內產業空洞化,我並不擔心。 |
I'm not worried about that. | 答:還好啦,船到橋頭自然直,我不擔心這個。 |
2: The dangers of vaccinating or not | 疑問 2:打不打疫苗,風險在哪? |
It is a paradise for the dedicated, and for the ambitious. | 正是群雄並起,百家爭鳴… … |
Nanomaterials: sol-gels and UV-curable hybrids | 奈米材料╱ ? 溶膠、紫外光硬化混成材料 |
The glory of Taiwanese food-Shin Yeh 101 | 台菜發光── 101 食藝軒 |
9.Obese people (BMI exceeding 35) | 9. 過度肥胖者(BMI 值超過 35) |
by Karen S. Chung) | 而牠既是台灣特有種,責任當然就在我們身上了」,已做完碩士論文,仍準備繼續研究台北樹蛙的楊懿如說。 |
Hsuen Kuang, Ven. Ta Hsin, Ven. Hsiu Kuan and Ven. | 適時鼎力護持,多方奔走的正是玄光、達心、修觀、慈觀四位比丘尼。 |
"Coming to Taiwan from the Mainland" by Chen Ta. | ﹘ ﹘「唐山過台灣」陳達 |
"Sow a year, prune a year, pot a year" is Lin's motto. | 「播種一年、整枝一年、栽到盆中一年」,林國承說,所以它的生命力旺盛。 |
"The U.S. is a melting pot, where you bump into foreigners wherever you go. | 此外,在美國,儘管也難得出校區一趟,但去美三年還未購車代步者,總被人視為「異數」;而抵英五、六年,仍是一輛腳踏車、一張公車(或地鐵)季票,則非常「正常」。 |
So watermelons are more nutritious, more convenient and have fewer calories than tomatoes. | 和蕃茄相較,西瓜更營養、方便、熱量更低。 |
Catherine Cho--Artist of Many Talents | 天天天藍的卓以玉「天天天藍,教我不想他,也難,不知情的孩子, |
Where the Elite Meet--Oxford University | 庸才的煉獄,天才的樂園﹘ ﹘牛津大學 |
Wash thoroughly before using. 2. | 做法:1.豌豆去頭尾、莢筋,洗淨備用。 |
Just then she saw some birdtracks left on the shore. "That's it!" | 水鳥在沙灘上留下足跡… …,對! |
They've now settled back into their hardworking routine. | 如今他們早晨 7 點出門,傍晚收工,又恢復了以前充實忙碌的生活。 |
A hero for the times? | 「時勢造英雄,或英雄造時勢」? |
Besides being stronger, they are also more outgoing, agile and articulate. | 除了堅強、獨立以外,她們也比較大方開朗,和有好的口才。 |
This has made them collectors of such artwork. | 而中南美洲的工藝品極富特色,尤其當地的「十八生肖」和中國的「十二生肖」,在造型上頗多呼應之趣,所以將工藝展安排在中南美洲。 |
Tainung No. 1 Pixie: The Dawn of Small-Flowered Phalaenopsis | 「小花蝴蝶蘭」時代來臨──台農1號小精靈 |
"They came not for the booze but for the women," Chen recalls regretfully. | 每逢華燈初上,就是溫泉客、尋芳客出入聚集之時,「不過,大多數的客人都是醉翁之意不在酒,而是衝著脂粉味來的」,陳木泉不勝感慨地表示。 |
The study of Buddhism in the U.S. preceded its belief. | 美國人不只對具有宗教體驗的「佛教」有興趣,他們對佛學的研究也日漸專注。佛學進入美國的歷史,比佛教信仰早。 |
Tracing Taiwan The Life in Art of Chinese-American Curator Alice Yang | 早逝的藝術推手 -- 華裔策展人楊蕙如 |
23. That's odd! Now that you've come back, the herb has reappeared ... 24. | 23. 奇怪,你一回來藥草就出現了…。 |
They were so wrapped up in their work that they had no time to socialize. | 然而就因為這樣「成果斐然」,吸引了更多的青年男女前來,海德公園可為未婚男女搭起姻緣橋的形象,便益發突出了。 |
Veterans Hospital--Medical Marvel | 醫療、保健、研究﹘﹘榮民總醫院 |
Lu Hsun's essays are like a dagger. | 比如他評論康白石的「草兒」是非常不留情面的,認為他的詩像演講詞。 |
Her life was in the doldrums, and she even consulted a psychiatrist. | 黃慈惠表示,她畢業後曾經長期失業,嚴重失眠,生命處於低谷,甚至去看精神科醫生。 |
"I can't cry!" | 「最怕唱青衣苦旦了,哭不出來嘛!」 |
"Lion" Master--William H. J. Cheng | 「金獅」王﹘﹘鍾廷森 |
4. Then from thirst and exhaustion, one's nose suddenly started bleeding heavily. | 4. 此時,其中一個因為又累又渴,突然流鼻血。 |
a bald-pated "monk" mutters, tugging his sleeve back. | 一個光頭「和尚」揮揮衣袖,丟下這麼一句話。 |
"The Chinese are cliquish and unusually conscious of 'our crowd,'" Hwang says. | 「中國人的黨派心和『我群』意識特別強」,黃光國指出。 |
Hooked on Weeds--The Wetland Warrior of Ilan | 「你是我今生的新娘」──林春吉與水生植物 |
"It's a newborn. The umbilical cord is still attached!" | 「才剛生出來的,臍帶還沒掉呢!」 |
Clouds on the Water--Beautifying Kaohsiung | 河港雲影共徘徊──高雄「驚艷」 |
For him the knife is his brush, the brush his knife. | 現在,還有人請他篆刻「金剛經」摘句。 |
"His endurance and fortitude were incredible," says Lin. | 「邢老的耐力與毅力沒話說」,林亮夫道。 |
Brunei 0.57 38 35000 Constitutional Sultanate Islam | 汶萊 0.57 38 35000 君主立憲王國回教 |
Yang Lai-ju, the founder of Li-ism, was a scholar of the Ming dynasty. | 理教,原名「在理教」,簡稱「在理」,是教主楊來如採儒家的倫理,提倡忠孝;佛家的度濟,崇高慈悲;道家的自然,倡導無為;集儒、釋、道三教之精華而創立的宗教。 |
A Decade of Hakka Activism | 夢裡方知身是「客」?﹘﹘客家運動十年風雲 |
Disputes over fengshui are hardly uncommon. | 更何況風水輪流轉,在某些派別的理論下,所謂福地吉宅,乃據天上行星轉換,與時推移,「善男信女」只好年年探問、疲於奔命,真是傷透腦筋。 |
According to Cheng Shuichih, labor-management disputes. | 依照鄭水枝的說法,「應該是勞資糾紛。」 |
Snacks: Rite of market passage | 逛夜市最重要的儀式 — — 吃小吃 |
Ingredients: 2 lbs. | 材料:牛肉或肋條一斤半、白蘿蔔一個、水二杯,及醬油、酒、蔥、薑、糖、太白粉等調味料。 |
What makes this group of "camel laborers" work on, happily and inexhaustibly? | 又是什麼動機讓這批「快樂的駱駝工」熱誠奉獻、樂此不疲? |
The Unspoiled Splendor of the Northeast Point | 飛「岩」絕「壁」的東北角 |
There were 476 such juvenile offenders in 2004, or 4 % of all juvenile offenders. | 民國 93 年觸犯刑法的青少年有 476 人,佔所有少年犯人數的 4 %。 |
"Going after people is no mistake," he says. | 他指出,從二月到十月,兩大報陸續進用了近二百人,「對媒體來說,這實在是個可怕的數字」,楊志弘說,這決不是因需要而為,明顯的是策略運用。 |
There was a change of fortune only in 1993. | 這種「殺頭生意」,直到民國八十二年才有了轉機。 |
People often joke that he has "made a fortune off Tiananmen." | 人們常開玩笑,說他是「發了一筆六四財」。 |
farmers threshing their grain. | 它們不同於一般單調、乏味的紀錄照片,而能兼顧到人的情感與藝術的美,因之,他的作品能普遍而實在地反映到生活的底層與藝術的質地。 |
Huangli--The Farmer's Almanac of China | 在世界出版史上,最有資格稱為「暢銷書」的,該是中國的「黃曆」。 |
Cambodia 18 1,400 750 Constitutional Monarchy Buddhism | 柬埔寨 18 1,400 750 君主立憲內閣制佛教 |
This is perfectly understandable. | 大陸天安門事件發生後,居然有老師「馬首是瞻」,向國立編譯館詢問「該怎麼教」。 |
These horizontal meridians are collectively known as the collaterals. | 《黃帝內經》的〈靈樞篇〉說:「經脈者,所以行氣血而營陰陽,濡筋骨,利關節者也。」 |
Pillows and Bedding 76 1200 8.5 | 寢具業 76 1200 8.5 |
Dr. Zucher's dedication to studies is equally impressive. | 在穿梭奔忙中,許院長的「用功」尤其令人印象深刻。 |
"Nowadays, the pursuit of complexity and 'coolness' is out," says Wei Baiqing. | 「現在追求複雜、酷炫的感覺已經過時了。」 |
So it can't afford "sacrifices." | 因此,我們「犧牲」不起。 |
19. From then on, people knew that pears are good for lung problems. | 19. 從此,人們知道梨對肺病有益。 |
They are an architectural treasure. | 走在今天的和平路上,拱圈廊道下,木器、雜貨、西藥、香鋪、銀樓、石碑、壽器、打鐵鋪、攝影禮服、體育用品……,店鋪種類可能比當年更多。 |
Tales from the Buxiban Trenches | 當繁華落盡……﹘﹘補習班名師列傳 |
The tale of "Scissorhands" | 「這就是總裁林行憲的『潛水艇政策』。」 |
Nails and other metallic fasteners are strictly forbidden. | 台南還有一種鑲嵌的木工藝術,俗稱「茄苳入石榴」,方法與鑲貝近似。 |
There was also a problem of "fake foreigners." | 其次,「假洋鬼子」的身分也很令他們困擾。 |
Brush only two or three teeth at a time. | 三、每次只刷二、三顆牙齒,前後裡外都須清潔。 |
He is sparing, not boring. | 王國維「人間詞話」有言:「詞以境界為上,有境界則自成高格。」 |
Now is the Time to Invest | 投資.研究.發展﹘﹘迎接景氣復甦 |
By noon the climbers were weakened by a bout of intestinal problems. | 到了中午,全體隊員吃了早上在阿里山買的飯盒裹腹,沒有想到食物不潔,飯後不久竟集體瀉肚,就連身強力壯的義工在幾次拉肚子之後,體力也大受影響,至此攀登行動益形艱難。 |
For most students, supervisions are a nightmare. | 而導師所提的問題,往往主導著學生下一步的思維,因此,「提正確的、有意義的問題」是「導生會」成功的第一要件。 |
Says one beleaguered viewer, "We're all educated people. | 「有時候一天要接十幾通電話,我們成天聽訓啊!」新聞局廣電處科長張平無奈地攤攤手。 |
He says, laughing. | 林同棪笑著說。這畫面旁人看了不覺莞爾,他倆卻樂在其中,就像直至今日,這對白髮皤皤的恩愛夫妻,還喜歡一起婆娑起舞一樣。 |
This is how Wang Wei-chung gets his laughs. | 這是王偉忠製造笑點的手法。在「中國電視史﹘﹘微服出巡篇」就有很典型的一段: |
(Luke. Ⅵ, 46.) | (路加福音第六章四十六節)「你有信心,就當在上帝面前守著。 |
Footwear 1090 34100 63.0 | 製鞋業 1090 34100 63.0 |
A Taiwanese in Beijing - Wang Chuan-ya | 北京 15 年的「正港」台灣人──王全雅 |
Thaw in Cross-Strait Relations--Jan Jyh-horng Goes to Beijing | 兩岸迎春,乍暖還寒?﹘﹘詹志宏北京行 |
Taiwan: Afforestation's "Technological Fouls" | 台灣﹘﹘造林「技術犯規」 |
An Easygoing, Down-to-Earth Observer | 平易踏實的觀察者如果照相機的原初功能在於「記實錄像」,那麼單純、直接、樸實的寫實照像,無疑是最根本和自然的攝影取向罷。 |
"Child, be stronger than other people!" | 「孩子,我要你比別人強!」 |
He jokes that he was screaming "No more!" | 他開玩笑說自己在台上直呼:「別再炸了!」 |
Manufactured in the Mainland, Made by Taiwan | 從 MIT 到 MIC ﹘ ﹘台商師父與大陸徒弟 |
Mrs. Yu's deepest impressions were of the Bahamas, because of its cleanliness and the politeness of the people. | 整體說來,俞夫人對於巴哈馬的印象最為深刻。因為巴國環境整潔,人民彬彬有禮、和善親切。 |
"We can't relax. | 「不能鬆懈,會笑的人最後才笑啊!」 |
The New Year is a time for the family reunion. | 「過年的時候,一張套色的新版畫,在鄉下人心目中就像買了一件新衣裳一樣的高興。」 |
From Outlaws of the Marsh Yang Zhi Sells His Saber | 水滸傳--【楊志賣刀】 |
The ritual use of the vessel is known only to adherents of Lamaism. | 他說,密宗修行得道者,死後天靈蓋上會出現二個對稱小孔,且骨縫紋路與常人相反(一般人顱骨頂部紋路較寬,近沿口處較細),唯有這種顱骨所製祭器,法力才強。至於嘎布拉祭器究竟怎麼用法? |
"I wasn't the only one who suffered," he says. | 他說:「那不是我一個人倒楣,全國都一樣。」 |
He suffered from asthma and stuttered. | 吳樂天小時候罹患氣喘病,說話又口吃,怎樣也無法與講古需要的口若懸河、丹田有力等條件相吻合。 |
(3) () suffer from dysmenorrhea? | 3.()經期中,常發生經痛。 |
And what have these scientists got brewing in the silkworms 'bellies? | 「蠶寶寶肚子裡,究竟賣的是什麼『藥』?」 |
Treasures, or Just Junk? | 石化作「寶」,或寶變為「石」? |