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These illustrations are in teresting for more than just being collages. | 這些畫,不只是一種「撕撕貼貼」的趣味。 |
My Home, My Inspiration | 阮的鄉里.阮的歌﹘﹘梁坤明.李曜忠.鄧相揚.廖嘉展 |
"People were curious. | 曾經是庚款留美「小留學生」之一的胡光麃指出,因為革命的關係,第二類小留學生共只招了十一人,這些人成了清朝到民國以後,空前絕後的小留學生。 |
"Rotterdam," advises Tsao. | 「荷蘭的鹿特丹港」,中歐貿易促進會秘書長曹岳維肯定地說。 |
To survive, the petrochemical industry must globalize. | 「認別人的父親當父親」台灣地小人稠、能源匱乏,為了延續生機,石化業一定要全球佈局。 |
It's just their way of getting by and surviving! | ﹘ ﹘混個溫飽罷了! |
According to Chinese astrology, 1985 is the year of the cow. | 歲次乙丑,牛年當令。中國以農立國,提起農事,自離不開牛。 |
Circulation of coinage was first ordained by the Emperor Chin Shih (246-214 B.C.). | 從外觀、形制來說,我們所熟悉的圓形貨幣,是到春秋戰國才有的。這之前的錢是形狀似剷的「布錢」和似刀的「刀錢」,由於有稜有角,攜帶不便,才改成圓形。 |
Technician Chen Wen-chien says: "boredom, and more boredom." | 陳文仟技佐說:「除了無聊,還是無聊。」 |
In 1949, Lin turned fifty. | 而元代以下的國畫,死在臨摹一途,實在是因為缺乏創造性,不再有技巧、顏料的新發明之故。 |
The first impression many have of Shen Chun-shan is as "nobility." | 一提到沈君山,很多人的第一印象是「沈公子」。 |
A Latter-Day Sage Speaks Out | 為往聖繼絕學﹘ ﹘著書立說、誨人不倦的錢穆 |
I am deeply impressed. " | 誠如蔣總統經國先生所說:「重視歷史,是中國的優良傳統。」 |
But their motives have one thing in common-to-sing karaoke well! | 他們的目的倒都是一樣的﹘﹘將卡啦 OK 唱好! |
The Liang Yueh troupe was officially disbanded in 1953. | 硬性組成職業劇團,也難以長期演出,招徠觀眾;其風貌便只有以影帶攝錄,進入博物館成文化標本。 |
"It doesn't scratch the itch," she quips. | 她說:「某些國劇演員往往基本功好,身上邊式美,可是臉上戲不夠,再好的做工唱工也感動不了觀眾啊!」注重舞台整體效果「就拿『三娘教子』來說吧」,王海玲舉例說,戲中薛倚哥在學校裡受了同學奚落,忿忿然棄學回家。 |
Kinmen's "Bodhisattva" --Reverend Bernard M. Druetto | 金門的「洋菩薩」﹘﹘羅寶田神父 |
Yu Wanzeng--Finding Pastures New | 于萬增﹘﹘發現「新大陸」 |
Yu's plaint evokes a sigh. | 在六十四卷第二期的「傳記」上,劉紹唐指出此詩緣由。 |
by Frederick T. Tsutsumi) | 俗話說得好:「忍一時風平浪靜,退一步海闊天空。」 |
What is his motivation? | 當時「三星」所需用到的攻牙機(一種鏤刻螺帽內側螺紋的機器),也開發速度超越西德產品九倍,螺牙品質水準也比其高的「放射性攻牙機」。 |
Hand-Made "Tientsin Rugs" | 巧手織繽紛﹘ ﹘以手工取勝的「天津地毯」 |
Or pitiable because of their fate? | 它錦衣玉食,以入太廟,到那時,想當個無名小豬,已經來不及啦!」 |
"If it is your destiny, then acknowledge your fate," Liao says laughing. | 「如果是註定的事就認命吧」,廖武治笑說。 |
Prospects for Re-Opening Cross-Straits Negotiations | 兩岸攜手「迎春」?﹘﹘談判僵局重現契機 |
This is a remarkable acheivement. | 在專利申請方面,遠東技術學院共申請一二七件發明作品,全國排名十九,在大學校院組排名第一。 |
who's got the guts to mess with me. | 鬧市廟會、茶樓酒肆,都能看到相聲表演者的身影,不論販伕走卒或鴻儒碩彥,都聽得津津有味。 |
The pillar of the chorus is undoubtedly Lu Chuan-sheng. | 使這些優良傳統得以維持下來的,是榮星的支柱﹘ ﹘團長呂泉生教授。 |
They were gentle and polite. | 這讓人想起,在大陸上受盡苦難的作家白樺所寫的劇本「苦戀」。 |
Shake it! Shake it! Shake it! " | 搖了,搖了,搖了,搖了… …。」 |
screamed Mrs. Wang. | 王婆道:「是你淫念在先。」 |
Wang Yu-yun, who got his start in Kaohsiung, has a penchant for getting things done. | 王玉雲自稱是個「老粗」。他崛起於高雄、無足以炫人的學歷、說話不假修飾,行事卻自有一套哲理。 |
(Elaine Chen / tr. by Brent Heinrich) 1. | (陳雅玲)1. 兩岸關係 |
from Cornell University in 1968. | 凡事先考慮到群體,再考慮自己;先問大家的看法,再看自己的意見。 |
Bon appetit! (Shih Ying) | (本文承美食家唐魯孫與烹飪名家傅培梅指導,專此致謝。) |
World Class Scenery on the Hengchun Peninsula 1. | 4 低吟「思想起」──恆春半島 1. 四重溪溫泉與海生館 |
5. "What a nerve!" | 5. 楊志說:「好大膽! |
What's in a Chinese Surname | 請問貴姓?﹘ ﹘ |
In fact, Koreans and Vietnamese also have one-syllable surnames. | 其實全世界中,除了華人之外,韓國、越南人的姓氏也是單音節的。 |
Allergy Warrior--Chang Tse-wen | 拯救過敏族──張子文與「索雷爾」 |
It's all for the sake of--education? | 一切都是為了﹘ ﹘教育? |
2. Blanch bak choy, carrot, and potato. | 2. 汆燙青江菜、胡蘿蔔、洋芋備用。 |
The aftereffects are even more widespread. | 尤其是現在都是小家庭,住在公寓中鄰居也不相往來,關起門打孩子,小孩連逃的機會都沒有。 |
It's time to nip the NEET phenomenon in the bud. | 防制「尼特」,此其時矣。 |
But from an anthropological viewpoint, the phenomenon should be studied objectively. | 他研究這些特異教派的領導人物、教徒,也研究他們的儀式過程,「從這些研究當中,我們發現他們未必全如一般人所想像的那樣詭異。 |
This is the "post-materialist phenomenon." | 他們認為人追求的是生活要有意義、有目的,求精神及心靈上的充實及滿足,就是所謂的「超物質現象」(Post Materialist Phenemenon)。 |
Sharks in the Soup--All for Their Fins? | 失翼的鯊魚﹘ ﹘都是魚翅惹的禍? |
Gradually, using I.Q. | 上到社會科第四冊「台灣的農村」,便全體到北市近郊農村實地採訪。老師們最看重的,在創造力誘導的課程設計。 |
According to Liu, there's a saying in Tungchu that goes: "The seaside is our refrigerator." | 他說,東莒流行一句話:「我家冰箱就在海邊。」 |
That emperor was a connoisseur. | 乾隆鑑賞的眼力極高,那志良曾經親眼在宮中看過一個奏摺,內容是一個外放的大臣,千辛萬苦弄來幾幅宋代米芾的字當作寶貝,繕摺進呈。 |
Regrettably, his "post-mortem" enlightenment elicits unnecessary self-mockery. | 但這「身後」的啟悟,也徒然引起自我嘲弄罷了。 |
Keeper of the Treasury--NPM Conservator Yang Yuan-chyuan | 「國寶」名醫──故宮修護科老園丁楊源泉 |
"Yang Tai-ho could think of what we couldn't," he says. | 「可是楊泰和偏想得到,我們就是想不到」,他說。 |
The Kupa Band--Taiwan's Havana Groove | 永遠的「拉丁情人」﹘﹘鼓霸大樂隊 |
Others of his countrymen were more persistent. | 黃子春萬萬沒有想到,蔗糖業後來竟成當地經濟的主力,並有許多同胞隨之而來,其中大多數人落地生根,協力建設夏威夷。 |
At the time, Hu was 24 and Wu was 59. | 當時胡玲 24 歲,吳健雄 59 歲。 |
"Dr. Wu was very Chinese," Hu recollects. | 「吳博士是非常『中國』的。」 |
says Wu with sincerity. | 10 大監獄人氣美食品名價格基隆監獄蛋黃酥 240 元(禮盒)台北監獄辣味豆干 55 元(300 克/包) |
Wu Kuan-hsiung became secretary-General. | 當時國內貿易商不多,亦多不知如何主動與買主接觸,對貿協適時提供的服務,由衷讚揚。 |
Wu Tun-hou, 87 years old, from Lukang, Taiwan. | 吳敦厚,87 歲,台灣鹿港人。 |
Heavyweight politicians like Wu Poh-hsiung and Hsu Hsin-liang? | 吳伯雄、許信良、山歌、粄條、客家小炒……? |
In the Taiwanese dialect, these wandering shades are known as lasap (" filthy "). In Mandarin it is said that they are" unclean. " | 台灣話稱這類孤魂野鬼為「骯髒」,國語則說碰見了「不乾淨的東西」。 |