stringlengths 1
⌀ | cantonese
stringlengths 1
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Ambitious | 有志氣 |
It took me a few nights to write a report. | 我捱足幾晚眼瞓先寫好個報告。 |
It's just a matter of talking. That's all there is to it. | 真係識講嘢𡃉啫。即係講下啫哩啲。 |
He got angry with his girlfriend and is now in a tight pot on the phone. | 佢激嬲咗女朋友,而家喺電話箍緊煲。 |
There is no room for price reductions | 冇減價嘅空間 |
Not long after his death | 佢過身冇幾耐 |
close | 關 |
There were 20 people seated | 整整坐咗 20 人 |
There was an Abel who lost his wallet on Admiralty Legislative Council Road | 有個亞伯喺金鐘立法會道唔見左個銀包 |
Is there a way I can make this dress a little thinner? | 有冇方法我可以令呢件衫縮細啲啊? |
The black dog has to eat the white dog as a disaster | 黑狗得食白狗當災 |
In short, green places will not desertify, while brown places will desertify, and brown is currently the largest part of the earth's surface | 總之呢 , 綠色嘅地方係唔會荒漠化嘅 而啡色嘅地方就會荒漠化 而啡色依啲係目前地球地表最大嘅部分 |
yes, so die, what's the matter with you? follow you and it's like it's okay, and then I'll say again... | 係啊,所以死喇,你有乜嘢事呢?跟住你講講下又好似冇嘢噉,跟住噉我又你話… |
Posture | 架勢 |
His foot was slashed. | 佢俾簕劖親隻腳。 |
That thing was quite chosen | 嗰件嘢幾擇使㗎 |
Hearts are on the line | 心掛掛 |
"Jiulongshan (Cantonese Opera)", a Cantonese opera repertoire Jiulongshan Co., Ltd. (SSE: 600555), a Shanghai-based enterprise. | 《九龍山 (粵劇)》,一粵劇劇目 九龍山股份有限公司(上交所:600555),一家上海市企業。 |
He goes in and out every day, just like he didn't start with millions. | 佢日日搭的士出入,好似幾百萬未開頭噉。 |
African | 非洲話 |
As soon as you walk out there is the pool, and then you walk out to the beach. | 一行出去就係泳池,再行出啲就係沙灘。 |
Wrap needles | 包針 |
He has such an argument. | 佢有噉嘅説法。 |
One of you has a few words | 你哋一人少句啦 |
carbohydrates | 碳水化合物 |
None of that matters | 呢啲都無咁重要喇 |
Bearded Lert | 鬍鬚勒特 |
I go out shopping and wear this Portugal sports dress to be more comfortable. | 我出去行街,着呢件士砵裇舒服啲啊。 |
Colorful | 七彩 |
Don't bite, swallow with a knife. | 唔好咬,一嘢吞落去。 |
This time, the President honored and visited the residents of the slums. | 總統今次紆尊降貴,去到貧民窟探訪居民。 |
He Jiankui is a Chinese biologist and an associate professor at Southern University of Science and Technology. His research team used gene editing technology to announce that a pair of twins who had changed their genes were born in November 2018, and the incident sparked criticism from academic circles and public opinion around the world on ethics and other aspects. | 賀建奎係中國生物學者,南方科技大學副教授。佢嘅研究團隊聲用基因編輯技術嘅一對噉改過基因嘅雙胞胎因此喺2018年11月出世,事件引發全世界學術界同輿論就倫理等方面嘅指責。 |
Don't be a full carving, there is a plaque like this. | 咪又係雕晒,有牌匾噉樣呢。 |
He doesn't deserve to be smarter than me. | 佢唔抵得我叻過佢。 |
Prestigious | 享負盛名 |
Hand and hand | 躓手躓腳 |
He dresses with great taste. | 佢着衫好有品味。 |
Tell me to know | 話畀我知 |
I went back to him six months later | 我六個月之後返去搵佢 |
Hurry up and go for a review | 快啲去溫書啦 |
There is no one to lose | 冇得輸 |
According to the World Health Organization, there are now more than 300 million people in the world who have depression, which is called "Kufungisisa" in my country. | 世界衛生組織統計 依家全世界有多過三億人有抑鬱症 即係我個國家叫嘅 「 Kufungisisa 」 |
In the early morning of November 3, 2018, friends found that Lan Jieying had passed away at the house of Liangma Lou in Makeng Village, Stanley, at the age of 55. After a preliminary investigation by the police, it is suspected that he fainted in the toilet and died of death, and the specific cause of death is pending an autopsy. | 2018年11月3號凌晨,友人發現藍潔瑛喺赤柱馬坑邨良馬樓屋企過咗身,終年55歲。警方初步調查後,懷疑佢喺廁所暈低失救而死,具體死因有待驗屍確定。 |
Land vehicles | 陸上交通工具 |
Kasa clothes | 笠衫 |
You could say I'm looking for real estate with an out-of-star rating | 你可以話我搵緊外星級數嘅房地產 |
Play | 蒲 |
Don't bother me, it's none of my business. | 唔好厲我啦,唔關我事㗎。 |
He has an old concept and a narrow vision, and everything he does is a dead man looking for the old way. | 佢觀念舊、視野窄,做親嘢都係死人尋舊路。 |
I've given you so much. | 我畀噉好多你喇。 |
The story ended tragically. | 個故事嘅結局好慘。 |
Goji berries are great for the eyes. | 杞子對眼好有益。 |
Military jackets | 軍裝外套 |
The department store next door opened a warehouse and cleared the goods, and the minimum was cut to a discount. | 隔籬間百貨公司開倉清貨,最低劈到一折。 |
How to get to the south shore of the Hung Hom waterfront | 點樣去紅磡海濱南岸 |
I'm angry again! | 你再講我嬲㗎喇! |
If it's not good-looking, it's loose | 唔好睇就鬆人 |
The museum is also open on Saturdays and Sundays, except public holidays. | 博物館禮拜六日都開,公眾假期除外。 |
No way | 冇可能 |
His family was very strict and did not let him go out at night. | 佢屋企家教好嚴,唔畀佢出夜街。 |
It's a lot like | 似足 |
Rest area | 休憩處 |
The pants were so tight that I couldn't put them on. | 條褲好緊,我著唔落。 |
Originally, this was from the vegetable field. | 原本呢度係菜田嚟㗎。 |
What is a F 90 cross? | 乜嘢叫做F九零交叉啊? |
It's funny that the media can't get by. | ( 掌聲 ) 有趣嘅系媒體過唔到黎 。 |
I'm used to working. | 我勞動慣咗嘍。 |
Couch potato | 蛇王 |
Read the terms clearly to sign. | 睇清楚啲terms先好簽。 |
How can I compare to him in math? | 我啲數學點同佢比呀? |
Technical processing | 技術加工 |
Come to a sticky end | 不得好死 |
I don't think Apophis is a problem, in fact, Seon is a blessing | 我唔認為阿波菲斯係一個問題 事實上 , 塞翁失馬焉知非福 |
He was too nervous to speak on stage for the first time, and he finished eating screws. | 佢第一次上台講嘢太緊張,食晒螺絲。 |
Funny | 搞笑 |
Emperor Watch & Jewellery | 英皇鐘錶珠寶 |
Two temporary workers are pleased | 請兩個散工 |
Soul Awakening | 回魂覺 |
He answered the door in a hurry, not noticing that he was disheveled. | 佢急住應門,冇留意到自己衣衫不整。 |
It's really hot today | 今日天氣真係好熱 |
Don't ask for self-pickup | 不問自取 |
Pour the winter melon | 倒瓤冬瓜 |
This morning, when the child got up, he told me, Mom, I don't want to go to school, I don't like to read! | 今朝仔仔一起身就同我講數口,媽咪,我唔想返學,唔鍾意讀書! |
I can't bear to BB to grow so fast | 好唔捨得bb大得咁快呀 |
Wow, yes, yes, it's a good birthday present, we really don't need to buy more meat. | 嘩,正啊真係,一份好好嘅生日禮物喇,真係唔使我哋多買嚹已經。 |
Crab meat cream hash browns | 蟹肉忌廉薯餅 |
Today, there are 600 million people over the age of 665 in the world | 依家 , 全球有六億 六十五歲以上嘅人口 |
Single placket | 單襟 |
The worst | 最慘 |
Hong Kong people rarely take a nap. | 香港人都好少瞓晏覺嘅。 |
Good personnel | 好人事 |
Assistant Director | 助理主任 |
My mother-in-law is very old, and she needs someone to help her get to the road first. | 婆婆已經好老,要人攙扶先行到路。 |
There is a cash prize for opening an account in online banking this month. | 今個月喺網上銀行開户就有現金獎。 |
Accounts | 戶口 |
Swagger | 偷呃拐騙 |
Because we can do something personal | 因為我哋可以做一啲個人嘅嘢 |
cold | 凍 |
He only cares about the shaved horse scriptures all day long | 佢一日到黑淨係顧住刨馬經 |
After the lessons of SARS, the government has strengthened its anti-epidemic measures. | 經過沙士嘅教訓,政府加強咗防疫措施。 |
This dataset provides parallel text translations between Cantonese and English, suitable for research and development in natural language processing and machine translation. | 呢個資料庫提供廣東話同英文嘅對應翻譯,啱晒用嚟做語言處理同機器翻譯嘅研究同開發。
import pandas as pd
# Load the dataset | 落嗰啲資料入去
data = pd.read_csv('path/to/english_cantonese_translation.csv')
This dataset is licensed under CC0 1.0. | 呢個資料集係用 CC0 1.0 許可證授權嘅。
author = {Jia Chao},
title = {Cantonese_English_Translation},
year = {2023},
url = {},
This dataset is based on raptorkwok/cantonese-traditional-chinese-parallel-corpus. Special thanks to the contributors of the original dataset. | 呢個資料集係基於 raptorkwok/cantonese-traditional-chinese-parallel-corpus ,特别多謝原來資料庫嘅贡献者。